Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #755 - Big John McCarthy

Episode Date: January 27, 2020

Big John McCarthy, Bellator MMA color commentator, a former combat sports referee, and a veteran of the LAPD, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is brought to you by: MyBookie....ag -  Use code promo Church to get a 50% match on your first deposit up to $1,000.  Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Kick it, Lee. Here we go. Frank Gimbal. Here we go. Frank Gimbal. I'm gonna beat the jam right there before Michael Chang. Get it. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:00:45 I forgot about this one. greetings from podcastville it's Monday the 27th the month is over is all almost over and you're still looking at your resolutions go fuck yourself go back to snorting coke you were a lot happier anyway we'll give it the fuck the church is brought to you by folks this is the week this is bit no more fucking around my bookie if you enjoy football and you have a heartbeat then you know what's coming up right the biggest fucking game of the year yeah McGregor was last week and whatever but this week is this week you got Kansas City at San
Starting point is 00:01:33 Francisco who's gonna bring home the Lombardi trophy get your wages locked in now you know that thinking that you have in your balls all year this is the time to cash in it's like when you see that transvestite with a bikini on you know I'm saying anyway like I said this is the last chance for you to take advantage of my bookie dot a g pressing code church when you make your deposit that's called church chur ch to give you a fucking bankroll and start playing you understand me so basically what we're gonna do is this if you place a $20 banger bet or more on the Superbowl you get a free entry into the
Starting point is 00:02:12 March Madness bracket contest if you deposit right now they'll match your deposit halfway so go to my bookie dot a g pressing code church and let's get this fucking party started right my bookie you play you win you get paid the church is also brought to you by on it dot com the best in the industry when it comes to fucking supplements I'm getting old I take two of those half alpha brains and an espresso you ain't stopping me mother fuckers as a matter of fact alpha brain is holding a sweepstake still you order any alpha brain any size the powder the pills you get it entered into a raffle if you
Starting point is 00:02:51 when you get the two-day on an experience all right who's better than fucking you nobody so go to on it dot com right now and press in church there he is letting you know what fucking time it is all right let's start this podcast what's happening big John McCarthy not much brother it's just good to see you good to see you too a fucking Nashville one day I'm on a fucking boat in Ventura right I'm on a boat on Ventura I'm hanging out with white people drinking mint juleps then all of a sudden you lose you move to Vegas which is good because you saved on taxes yep for six months and then you fucking
Starting point is 00:03:26 disappeared to Nashville I disappeared Tennessee is the same as Nevada for taxes so it's a very good place for taxes and my wife was tired of the desert she did not like because you know when you know you came out to my little tiny place I had at the beach we had them I had the ocean in my backyard as far as the channels there and she wanted that so I kind of live on a lake area out there and it's really nice you like Tennessee I love it people are so nice how far are you from Nashville about two hours okay two hours so you got out of that you don't want to be in the city no I'm old man you know it's it's time to I don't
Starting point is 00:04:07 need the party life anymore I don't need to have you know the excitement I like just I do my woodworking I do projects kind of showed Lee a little bit of stuff that I did and just enjoying life and you're Bellator in it I'm Bellator in it all all over the place you know they're they're they just been a great company for me they they treat me great I love what they're doing for the fighters are given fighters a definite option and guys for the most part they're making really good money there so you know fighters need options they need the ability to you know can't have just one it's you know it's it's nice to think
Starting point is 00:04:48 that in the perfect world that if there was just one organization that that one organization would always treat all those fighters well well they can't do that and then I don't expect it so they can you know they pick their ones that make them the money and then the other ones they kind of well this is what you get so there has to be options for fighters and that's one of the things that Bellator it does it gives fighters options it gives them the ability to say you know what I think I'm worth more than what you want to give me and I'm going to go see and then this person gives it to him and they say I told you I was worth
Starting point is 00:05:21 more because this is about two things if you're a fighter it's about searching for titles if you're if you're really good and it's about making money there's a reason why you do this and some people are in that just searching for the title and they'll take the less money to search for that title and there's people who say you know what I'm in this as a businessman and I'm good at fighting and I can make money at it and I know I have a limited amount of time and I'm gonna make as much money as I can to set myself up for the future and set my family up for the future those are your two ways of doing it and there's nothing wrong
Starting point is 00:05:56 with either way I'm all for it but if you don't have options of other promotions for people you only have the one if you only had the UFC those fighters are gonna make less money the big the top guy he's gonna make money no matter what but the guys underneath them no they're gonna have problems making more because there's nowhere for him to go so Bellator is a great option you know it's we never see you know for years we always heard the expression if I can do it over oh yeah if you can do it over if you can do it over if you give somebody advice you know and I'm 56 I'd be 57 I looked at football you know
Starting point is 00:06:33 you look at football now yeah you look at the UFC you look at MMA let's not say UFC let's say the word MMA because you got the fight league now the pro fight league yeah Bellator one championship got yeah you got one you've got so many different things going you're an amateur fighter you're a college football player you're a comedian you're a plumber anything nowadays you have to look at things with a plan yeah if you my manager today and I come to you and say I think I'm 16 and 2 as an amateur fighter I've been to Mexico I fought Buffalo I fought and fucking you know Hong Kong Bodunk Indiana I think you
Starting point is 00:07:22 know I don't know Scott Shelby yeah Scott Shelby Sean and the guy Scott Coker reached out and I think it's time I think as a manager I sit you down as a man I go this is the plan it's a three-year plan it's a three-year plan you're getting in and out in three years wow three years that's short but that's good but if you think about what we've seen yeah in the last 15 years as an MMA fan as a NFL fan what's this lifespan what's the career span of an NFL running back around three four years yeah okay you got three or four years to prove yourself before a 22 year old grew up in the ghetto eight fucking twigs
Starting point is 00:08:15 all his life his father beat him his mother raped him he's coming behind you you know I'm saying no it's true okay so it's the same with I don't I I I'm not following the sport as much as I used to anymore I got a family I got you know most of the exciting fights fight on some reason land on nights that you're you're out doing your job I don't like the whole I want to turn on spike I want to turn on spike that's Bellator because that's what we're on once I got a spin the road and it's getting more difficult isn't it I gotta search right it's easier to find a buried treasure oh yeah that defined the fight so it's not like
Starting point is 00:08:57 it used to be that I could just sit there and turn on UFC Bulgaria you know Korean zombie against Edgar I gotta get up at 615 in the morning to watch them fight in fucking Korea my point being that I don't have the time no more I watched one fight from this this weekend's fight McGregor against whatever damn now caught cowboys or whatever and cowboy cowboy look like he aged well five years from you know like this is how long I haven't been like I just watch the KO results online when I get home or something and I watch it I see these guys he stung around for too long well look when I saw that I go you gotta break
Starting point is 00:09:43 it down though because there's a way of breaking it down and you got to look at it you know and you know I have a podcast with Josh Thompson and it's called weighing in and we talk about hey hit this is Cowboys way of winning this is McGregor I've got to go with you know both guys going into the fight I you know someone texted me before and they say hey this is the first pay-per-view I'm buying a long time you know you know what do you think's gonna happen I said Connor's gonna walk through all you know that that was my true feeling I knew Connor was gonna win that fight because it's just the what cowboy does and his
Starting point is 00:10:14 ability to deal with South Paws I knew he doesn't deal with South Paws well he doesn't see that left kick well it lands to frequently up high or down to the body where he doesn't get that elbow in he doesn't get that hand up and he takes more than he should but the whole thing cowboy is a guy that has fought 50 sometimes and you can see the progression of he started to take more damage like you're talking in the last 10 fights he's taken more damage in those fights than he did in the first 40 that's your difference when you're watching a guy like a Demetrius Johnson is now fighting over in 1FC and Demetrius was
Starting point is 00:10:57 the UFC flyweight champion to you know 10 title defenses in a row and if you watch his fights he I used to talk and tell people all time you've got to watch Demetrius Johnson he had the lowest pay-per-view numbers of any champion they had and it was I would tell people you have got to watch this guy because it wasn't so much you know that he was you know knocking guys it was his defeat people couldn't touch him he was never being damaged against the very best people that they could put against him he never took a hard shot and so that's the guy when you're looking you're saying yes he can move on and he can move on
Starting point is 00:11:38 and he can move on to the next fight the next fight because he's not being damaged it's like having you know a car you go out you buy a car and it's brand new and you're trying to take care of it and you're parking it away from other cars because you don't want people adoring it and if you take care of it and you don't allow things to happen to it you change the oil and you do all these things right that car can last you a while but as soon as you start to neglect it or as soon as someone even though you're not neglecting it neglects it by they run into the side of it they run into the front of it now it's got
Starting point is 00:12:10 damage you take it in to get fixed but it never comes back the way it was and this is when I talk about guys in fights many times they'll walk into the cage and they're gonna walk out and Demetrius had has done this so many times they will walk out as good as they were when they walked in no damage at all and then there's times that they'll walk out you know what they got damaged a little and they're leaving just a little bit of themselves in that cage that they're never gonna get back and then they're gonna have the fights like cowboy has had where he's leaving large chunks of who he is in there he is accepting heavy
Starting point is 00:12:50 blows he's accepting damage that is altering his ability for his brain to control his body and those are the fights when you have those and you take the fans love them the Robbie Lawlers versus the McDonald's they think that's the greatest fight ever it was for you as the fan it was for me as a referee in there with them but for both of those guys neither guy has been the same since that fight why is that why why is that because you can only crash that vehicle so many times before it doesn't run or it doesn't run the same fighting is about timing and speed everyone talks about being the bigger stronger guy that isn't
Starting point is 00:13:33 crap being the faster guy is usually what is gonna get you a win being the guy that has good timing the ability to understand distance what makes Connor what he is is when he's training and doing things right I've never seen a guy who is better at understanding timing and distance he's not as fast as people say and he's not he doesn't have the power that Joe Rogan will say that he has it's that his timing and his accuracy with the shot is outstanding he understands that distance where he allows you to throw your shot and it just misses by one quarter of an inch and he steps in and he launches and he targets
Starting point is 00:14:19 one area he hits that area and he hits it with power based upon you not being able to move back away from it now and he hurts you and then he continues to hurt you in the fight to the point he diminishes you and he gets rid of you but that damage that you accept in a fight sometimes you can come back from it and sometimes you are never the same and when your timing starts to leave your ability to move and I will tell you back when I was sparring and my wife was the first one to say you know you're getting hit too much I used to spar with all the guys in my gym stuff and I would see their setup I knew exactly what they were
Starting point is 00:14:53 gonna try to do and I would think I'm gonna move my head this way this side and I'm gonna come with my my counter and instead of I'd see it and I would start to move and boom it would hit me and it would hit me and I was like I saw it I knew what was happening and I couldn't get myself out because father time starts to take away speed and speed it's just that fraction of a second that makes something either land solid or just slide by and miss and when it's starting to land solid now you're starting to be affected in the fight in areas where you were never affected before and it just adds up I'm a like
Starting point is 00:15:29 just I've been hanging out with Joe for a few years just a couple at this point at this point I've been friends with Joe a few years I don't know what the date is and I didn't follow a fuck I followed comedy and I followed cocaine nothing nothing turns me on to a fight when night against he shows me a fight in this house Bernard Hopkins against Felix Trinidad oh yeah and Joe remember that fight well broke that fight down you know and then a week later I end up meeting Bernard Hopkins on the best damn sport show he's a gentleman I take the picture I still got the picture in my house that he signed and what he signed
Starting point is 00:16:12 on it and I watched all his fights and and then I saw father time start to take over but that's not the conversation the conversation was I remember Felix Trinidad dad fought a while after that and Joe said that that Felix never fought the same the same again never why what happens to you he in that moment against one of the things that made Bernard Hopkins so good was Bernard started fighting late you know he Bernard was in prison for robbery and started fighting basically in prison and when he came out of prison he started training and picking fights and he was he was very frugal with his money he was cheap we would say
Starting point is 00:17:00 but as soon as he would have a fight he was so good defensively and not taking damage that he would fight on a Friday night he would fight on a Saturday night and he was back in the gym on Sunday or Monday and training again and he would never do this roller coaster that a lot of fighters do this is what like Connor got into doing something made him this good and then you start to expect that it's just going to be there forever it's not it's going to change and if you're not training hard someone else is and they're passing you by and Bernard realized that and he just stayed on this plateau he didn't eat bad food he ate
Starting point is 00:17:42 good and he just stayed even though he's an older guy he stayed at that plateau because he never stopped training and he did not take serious damage in fights he didn't start taking damage in fights until he was in his 40s that was amazing as far as what allowed him to continue on with a career into he was 50 years old Felix Trinidad was a young guy and if you're going to look at boxing wise the guy I would always look at as Andre Ward from here in California okay Andre is just a phenomenal fighter phenomenal guy his dad took him to the gym and Virgil was the guy that he took him to and he said I want you to teach my son how to box I mean I want
Starting point is 00:18:30 you to teach my son the art of hitting without getting hit he didn't take his son into the gym and tell Virgil I want you to make my son tough because you can walk into the gym and anyone I can't say anyone but many people can be taught how to be tough you know there's a there's a system of thinking to it and you can say hey I can I can put up with this and you're going to see a lot of boxers today a lot of MMA guys you know Tim Elliott just fought on the last UFC card 246 and he fought you know a guy named Asker and in the end Tim Elliott is being tough he's putting his hands down and walking forward and just eating shot after shot after shot now it looks great and you think wow he's tough and it's the dumbest thing you can do because each of those shots is
Starting point is 00:19:23 taking a part of Tim Elliott away that he's not going to get back and so when he comes back into the cage we'll say three months four months five months six months later he's going to be just a little bit slower he's going to be able to absorb just a little bit less and those little chinks that are coming off of him you don't get back you cannot get them back and guys like Andre Ward learned early I want to be the guy that hits and doesn't get hit a lot of people don't like the way Floyd Mayweather fights all right but god damn he's good because you can't hit him and when you say you can't hit him people have no idea what it's like to try to hit somebody like a Floyd Mayweather you can't you think you know you're throwing and he's just little tiny
Starting point is 00:20:11 movements and that's why he has been as good as he has been throughout a career undefeated at 50 you know how much damage have you seen Floyd Mayweather take you haven't you've seen him take a couple of good shots but overall in a fight he never takes that quantity of damage that starts to alter him as a fighter and in in that fight you were talking about with Bernard Hopkins and Felix Trinidad Felix got beat down by a guy that he didn't understand how to be offensive against because Bernard is great defensively he'll throw his shots and he'll he'll break the rules of boxing to make it to where I have the referee now separate me to the distance I want to get back to I did my damage you didn't damage me at all let me do that again and he just keeps repeating that
Starting point is 00:21:01 process and when you're Trinidad you're trying to land that big shot and you're taking all of these shots trying to land that one big shot and it just never happens and eventually you can't make it happen and eventually you take so much damage in that fight this is the fight that alters you as a fighter for the rest of your career and that's what happened to him how much of it now do you think is like the the marketing game where you can sell the fight and make it seem like it's going to be more exciting and then you have a plan so you don't so you don't get hit but you you make it seem like it's going to be a brawl and like that that was the whole selling point of McGregor cowboy yeah that's good I didn't I didn't see a brawl there that's a that's what I'm asking
Starting point is 00:21:42 I didn't see a brawl they didn't sell me no brawl I had two picks on that on that fight yeah either it was going to go five rounds yeah no they were going to kill each other or he was going to beat him up in the first round yeah that was my prediction either or yeah either they went five rounds and uh you know cowboy used the 20 years experience he had and said this is my last fight I'm gonna go in and fight like a man on a prison you know a cowboy hat all this shit and um you know I was like I said I was working I think I called Lee and Lee goes you didn't miss nothing 40 seconds 40 seconds and then I went home and put it on YouTube and it was like kind of on the embarrassing side well and you but and this is the whole thing is we talk about you know one fight can alter your
Starting point is 00:22:34 career one shot one punch one kick one elbow one knee one shoulder strike in that one altered that fight from that moment on it was over and it can happen in the very first round in the very first 10 seconds of the fight it can happen in the fifth round at 459 it's the shot that puts you down but it only takes one to alter who you are yeah I I took a lot of offense from a reporter named Stephen A Smith who was part of that telecast who said cowboy quit all right that is one of the uh most ridiculous statements anybody can say when especially if you've never fought understanding what it takes to go out there and I will tell you and I've talked about cowboy for years about being his referee going in the back and he's a mess in the back but every time he stepped
Starting point is 00:23:30 out into that cage he turns it on and it's a mentality and he just got hit with so he didn't even know it was a shoulder he thought it was an elbow strike he never saw it he had a broken nose and a broken orbital from that fight in 40 seconds okay now I am telling you get hit and have your nose broken okay now you can't breathe out of it and your eyes are watering and now break your orbital and I can guarantee you when you break your orbital you don't see either you see nothing out of the eye or you see blur and now you're completely affected and and it's the storm isn't stopping because you got hurt that storm is intensifying to put you away and it just happens you know and cowboys put people away fast and he got put away fast by McGregor because he got hit with a shot
Starting point is 00:24:21 that one shot altered him and from that point it was you know downhill for him and it can happen but when we have reporters out there talking about oh he quit well Stephen A Smith comes from the basketball school shame on whoever even having him on absolutely it's like when they have embarrassing it's like when they have the other guy from NFL sports show up the big black guy I love him on the NFL don't put him on the UFC there's 20 guys you get up there I don't give a fuck get one of the trainers that speaks half Brazilian at least he knows the game yeah I didn't I didn't hear I know that Steven A Smith got a bunch of stuff I follow his basketball stuff and his other stuff knows basketball I think he knows dick of dick don't put him in there exactly why would you do that
Starting point is 00:25:03 what was Dominic Cruz was he busy in San Diego what the fuck he's in the desert and on his razor man you mentioned another fight that we've all seen as fans and I knew when I watched him at Bellatorra he wasn't the same guy anymore that's Rory McDonald yeah and now he's in the PFL looking for answers that aren't there anymore there's sometimes where you have that fight that it's it takes everything out of you he's had multiples of those multiple and that's that's the real thing you know Rory if you look at some of the fights that he's had in that fight he the second fight he had with Lawler people have no idea what was going on in that fight and they have no idea what Rory McDonald was dealing with during that fight now now Robbie had you know he had a sliced lip he had
Starting point is 00:25:58 about a three and a half inch gash from an elbow on top of his head he had things going on too but Rory in the very first round had his nose broken and it was broken the point he could not breathe out of you could see and he was aspirating blood for the entire fight and so you would see him come out in the beginning of the round and he was he was lighting he was lighting Robbie up and he was winning that fight and then near the end of the rounds he would tail off and then he had a really good third round and he tried to get rid of Robbie in that third round and it took everything he had because his body was not able to take all the oxygen that he's breathing in and distribute it through you know his body into his muscles to make you know that lactic acid stay away
Starting point is 00:26:44 because his lungs were absorbing blood it wasn't that he's drinking blood it's not that he's swallowing blood he's aspirating these little tiny blood droplets that are going into his lungs which are taking his lungs and making them now ineffective in distributing that oxygen through his body and he went through that for four rounds and kept trying and took an incredible beating and then you look at the beating that he took against Douglas Lima in his first fight against Douglas take a look at his leg his leg the muscle actually separated from the bone okay and is never going back okay the fascia split there's a there's a sheathing that covers the muscle that's called the fascia it got so swollen that it's split and there was so much hemorrhaging on that shin and
Starting point is 00:27:37 that muscle to the front of his shin area that the bone actually the muscle split off of the bone and now he's got you can see as he fights when he fights for the pfl you're going to see that he has this lump already there and it's actually separated from the bone he's a different fighter and that's because of the battles that he's had and he's going to have those problems coming up the kitchen had the battles with Frank yeah Gray Maynard he never came back exactly take a look he never came back never from the moment that he's fighting for the lightweight title against Frank he puts on that first round a lot of people say that's a 10-7 round it's at least 10-8 and Frankie you know stays in the fight that fight Gray Maynard was never the same fighter after that fight
Starting point is 00:28:25 and he that was a draw it was a draw and he lost so much in that fight well is it I'm sorry I'm sorry because with Rory when but with any fighter because Rory came out a year or two ago and said he didn't know if he had it mentally in him yeah like how about that like mental game where like you train for two three months but everything you have into it and then you get beat up in front of millions of people like even if you win that has to take a mental toll on you you know the part that really takes a mental toll on this so hard especially today with you know social media and and the people out there and I try to tell every fighter that if there's one thing you know you kind of talk about it you know how stupid were you
Starting point is 00:29:10 when you were young compared to what you are now you know and I talk about all that man if I if I could go back to being 25 dude I do it in a heartbeat as long as I didn't have to have the brain I had when I was 25 because I was an idiot I you know I made terrible decisions all the time I was stupid as hell if I could have my brain now and be 25 oh hello yeah God doesn't do that though you know there's a balance in life and you take a look at what is occurring for these guys and how much damage they're taking at times and just their ability to fight through it and then come back and do it again it's not it takes a special person Rory is a person you know he's he's he's a completely different man he was a young kid fighting started when he's basically 16 years of age fighting
Starting point is 00:29:59 professionally gets into the UFC at a young age puts on a great performance against Carlos Condit but loses it right at the end of the fight and it gets stopped with 11 seconds I think left after he had won the first two rounds most people say and came out and started starching people think of the people that he put he threw Nate Diaz around up in Toronto you know he suplexed him three times in a row he just put an ass whip it on put an ass whip it on BJ Penn walk through Tyrone Woodley you know all these people but then he found that one guy in Robbie that it just didn't work for him didn't work for him in the first or in the second fight then he had you know his battles with Lima here in Bellator when he was there man he took huge damage and then he becomes a father and he gets
Starting point is 00:30:46 married and he's a different person he just doesn't have that same thing and I was the one that did the interview he says I don't know if I if I can do this anymore and trust me I'm sitting there going hey I understand but I've got to do this interview with him and you know are you thinking about maybe this is you know and as soon as someone's telling you you know what I'm not sure it's over it's over you know you you're either a hundred percent in when it comes to fighting fighting is not a game we play football we play basketball we play baseball fighting's the hurt business and you've got to be 100 percent in and if you're not walk away from it because the damage that it can do to you and permanent damage it can do to you for the rest of your life you know you're never going
Starting point is 00:31:31 to get those years back it's so weird you know I used to when I first moved to the valley I went to what we tie school and it was filled with who I thought were fighters not that it made a difference for me because I'm not a fighter I'm just going there for general exercise and I would ask these guys what is your next fight and they're like fine I am a fireman and they'd have the UFC shorts and the shirt and the grease tear and you know and I train UFC bro but this is why I said to you as a manager even with comedy you know about a month and a half ago I was at a show and they were comparing the movie the Joker took it to a parallels to stand-up comedy what you go through as a comic you know how long do you snap how long do you move how long do you once you see behind
Starting point is 00:32:27 the curtain how do you react to it because I tell people all the time yeah you want to get to this level but once you get to that level where you think it stops there's even more drama you know it's like we kind of wouldn't come over for interviews I'm fighting the championship bitch you want to interview me yeah I gotta go sit with a guy that is doing an interview for the school paper really to do a fucking so I get all that oh yeah I get all that that's part of the that's part of the game but it's like you have a window when I came to like I gave myself a window yeah and I was like if this doesn't happen in this time there's no reason for me to be here and something would happen and then something kept happening every six months but why did it happen it happened because
Starting point is 00:33:12 I kept working at bingo see I don't understand the peaks and valleys I don't like uh this comics that'll go on a six-month tour and then they disappear for whatever that kind of throws me off I like to always be in the game I try to at least do five spots a week even though if I'm not working I'm not working on the road I still go out try out two new jokes yeah you know go out one night pissed one night I go out and smoke a joint try out you know you're always in the game I don't like the ups and the downs of the game I did not like what went on with Connor because life went by Dustin got tougher Tony got tougher Cabeev got tougher I know you got 100 million but these guys are getting you know I came from the old basketball adage when I was 12
Starting point is 00:34:04 this is how I looked at life you got to do what he ain't doing it's midnight I know that motherfucker ain't practicing I'm gonna go out there and shoot some hoops you know so it's a mental aspect we're fighting if right now you came to me today and you're 22 and like again I tell you this is a three to three and a half to I'll extend it to four window okay by the time you're 28 I want you out of here with a martial arts school you can do that consulting service but you can always readjust if you're having those four years go exactly like you want them to you don't get damaged do another four-year plan you know how can we up that in this next four years or three years and that's fine you can do it or you can have it to where you know I've taken a lot of
Starting point is 00:34:52 damage in these these four years and maybe it is time to get out and that's what I was you know I was trying to say with you know Rory it's a matter of when you when you're looking at guys that come out and they fight one of the hardest things about fighting is you've got 15 minutes or 25 minutes to perform and sometimes when you come out it is your night man you're feeling good you go out there and everything's working and you feel fast and some nights you'll go out there and your legs feel like lead you feel slow you feel sluggish you feel like I don't see things as well and if you don't perform well in those 15 minutes 25 minutes you have to hear about it for months before you'll get another chance to undo and come back and prove hey I still got it
Starting point is 00:35:44 because everyone's talking about that last fight and so you got to live with that last fight for a long time it's not like you can just step back on the horse you know you talked about your view of comedy and what you're saying is your view is you need repetitions the more repetitions you get the more consistent and the better you'll be that's the way I always looked at it with refereeing and I tell guys you need repetitions you can't be the part-time guy that oh I only do the big fights because you're gonna fuck it up because if you're only doing those fights and you have this giant space in between them where you have a month or two months that you don't referee you're not in there and you're not able to keep that timing and that level of concentration and
Starting point is 00:36:29 that ability to see things it starts to like any perishable skill it starts to wane away and I talked about you know all the time I used to do 115 to 120 shows as a referee a year that shows that's not fights you know and so I would do anywhere between 10 you know maybe down to three fights depending upon the size of the show that many for each one of those shows but that meant I was working every week multiple times a week and it kept me where I never had to worry about the little things it kept me on top you know and that's what you're talking about with the comedy but as a fighter you can't do that you know only thing I have an advantage of a fighter is an A I don't get punched in the face and I have B tomorrow to redeem myself yep
Starting point is 00:37:21 if I go to the comedy store I need a bag of dicks on a Monday yeah you better bet 10 for 10 I'm gonna go back the other Tuesday smack it and try to get it and if I don't get it on Tuesday Wednesday's the day I'm just saying the wording wrong there's a joke wrong I didn't fake for me I compare arts yeah and sometimes you compare arts you do a you do a set and then sometimes the audience just that's not the audience that's not the one that gets you and the next night you'll get one damn and they're just tuned into you everything you say but here's the thing that I don't like I never I use those excuses early on and once I moved to LA I took that excuse away every audience is the same it's how you come out there it's how you face them uh you know
Starting point is 00:38:15 fucko the guy who sent the pictures of his dick to his trainer the football guy red farb red farb red farb wasn't his trainer whatever his girlfriend his massage therapist whatever he did whatever he ever did I always have utmost respect from him because he did something that I don't think I could do well I did it I did it I'm lying to you his father died he got a call he went on through five touchdowns and had the game of his fucking life you know most people in between whatever you know I was on a plane to Vegas excited to play Treasure Island and before the plane takes off I got a call that my friend hung him so and I got a fly on the plane and get there and you know was he my best friend I knew him for a
Starting point is 00:39:02 long time was I like a fat chick at a church take me lord take me no I wasn't that even I had to do a show for 800 fucking people and I went out then I gave him the best show I could and I felt great because I kept thinking somewhere along the line I'm gonna fall apart somewhere along the line I'm gonna cry up on this stage in front of these people it's not gonna be a problem they're gonna love it they're gonna sympathize but I can't and you know the mental aspect and all this that we do whether it's fighting or stand up your mental has to be so strong you have to have such good people around you people that trust you know I heard did you ever watch the Elvis documentary on HBO I was a two-parter
Starting point is 00:39:49 oh yeah fucking father the guy he called the colonel the guy he called the colonel his father the guy you know fucking took him out there's a there's a fucking audio tape that he said listen just Elvis he's he's he's all fucked up on drugs we don't know how much time we got left with him let's just put him on the road and milk him till he fucking dies you know you know when you hear that brutal you you you see the realities of fighting you see the realities of comedy you remember when Muhammad Ali fought at 40 something and he shouldn't have been fighting and he took a beating he did it for money absolutely you know you do it for money you do it so this is why you have a fighter you have to sit him down and go
Starting point is 00:40:36 you know first off I don't agree with the five thousand dollar about fight you know that shit they pay over at the UFC five thousand that's a loser that you lost money just between your trainer oh yeah taxes and the boxing coach you lost money there's no way you make more money ubering for yeah you gotta some of them are ubering how I equate the fucking seven real estate online you know whatever the fuck I'm not mad I love I love that about how you're gonna have a month with us I love that about you know I'll say you know what I'm not gonna rely on you I'm gonna rely on myself I'm gonna go I'm gonna go sell sell real estate you must sell a lot of houses after like after that fight with Kabebe like using it as a platform like you have to be smart
Starting point is 00:41:20 but that's it's interesting what you're talking about and it's I'm sure you have to deal with it in comedy and I don't know if you have to deal with it in your thing but how do you choose how to have who to have around you because what what what what if you get the Elvis guy what if you get Aaron Hernandez his mom when he's in jail saying if only you'd given me a million dollars that would be fine she said that I was like man I'm like well like you can't trust anybody he's like it's pretty it's it's wild you know when I uh spoke to you I've been you blew my mind the last time you came on the show because you said something that nobody had ever even mentioned in this whole 20 years since this happened it was the OJ thing yeah and you said that I really
Starting point is 00:42:06 wonder about the CFTE the impulsiveness you know people follow him on Twitter they say he's fucking hilarious like that he has no remorse at all like he's just yeah you know happy mother's day morning shit like that that's you know we're looking at the behavior of Antonio Brown yeah we're looking at that not sad we're looking at all these behaviors and you know for me I thought cte came after you retired I thought that cte came when you were 35 if you took a lot of blows that had you I'm looking at without hurting anybody's feelings of starting a war I'm looking at six guys that used to be UFC fighters now that oh my god you could hear it they're talking their patterns already oh easy and I was like wow whatever maybe it's me maybe I smoked too much vodka and watched the iron
Starting point is 00:43:08 Hernandez day and yes I was blown away on his murders and his stupidity and his immaturity I was the same person when I was 23 what shocked me the most about that whole documentary was episode three spoiler alert go fuck your mother if you haven't watched it's been out for 10 days all right if you haven't watched it if you haven't watched it you should be shot and fucking hung so I'm sorry but when they said the amount of cte he had he played his last game when he was 23 years old wow he died when he was 27 correct close to around 26 and they did the brain in the autopsy so now I know I'm not stupid that cte probably grows it grows even after you stop taking bumps to the head it's going to continue on what you continue the terror the terror it's
Starting point is 00:44:02 called a tarot protein starts to attack your brain and that tarot proteins just starts to eat the actual brain itself and that's where you're starting to get these bigger and bigger crevices that it just starts to deteriorate the brain it's it's insidious when you look at what that disease does and a disease that until Michael Webster who played for the Pittsburgh Steelers he was the center you know center for Terry Bradshaw who we watch every you know sunday when the nfl's on you're seeing you know Terry is you know he's still lucid you know can you know crack jokes you know sometimes he'll say things you go oh he's gonna get in trouble for that but you know he's you know the guy that was the guy protecting him in front was the first guy that was diagnosed by
Starting point is 00:44:54 you know the Dr. Ramallo in hey this guy has a disease that we don't know about and cte repetitive blows to the head you know and and if you go back and Michael Webster they tried to portray it in the movie concussion you know this guy was he was you know he was torturing himself trying to think right you know his entire family left him because they couldn't be around him because he just was this guy you know they didn't understand and he had these rages and he tried to you know use things he was pulling his teeth out of his head you know and you look and you go my god and back then we didn't know about you know things we didn't know that obviously we kind of knew hey you know boxers when boxers get older they get what
Starting point is 00:45:44 we call you know punch drunk or then it turned into pugilistia dementia and you know football players it really wasn't that much and then all of a sudden oh no football players are prevalent with this problem and all of these in fact the Pittsburgh Steelers where Webster Terry Long you know Strzezinski all these guys that played with the Steelers you know a tough team all had this and they're all killing themselves you know and then jr. Say I'll kills himself shoots himself Dave Doerson who played for the Chicago Bears for the 86 you know for you know the 46 defense he shoots himself in the chest to take his life while leaving a note saying I want you to check my brain and he's got huge cte issues this is a guy that had a had a degree from the University
Starting point is 00:46:33 of Notre Dame and all of a sudden couldn't you know add up numbers couldn't do anything that made sense then jr. Say I'll does the same thing jr. Say I'll shot himself in the heart in the chest saying I want you to look at my brain and you know obviously he had a major problem with cte and and that's why he was having the depression but you get to Aaron Hernandez who you're talking about you're talking about a guy who played football as a pee wee as a high school football player as a collegiate football player for three years and then a couple years in the pro and at the age of 27 they say that his brain was that of people that have died that are over 45 years of age 45 to 55 was the only people that were close to the amount of damage that Aaron Hernandez had at the age of 27 when he
Starting point is 00:47:28 died that's crazy it fucking fucked me up all last weekend because I started thinking how many times that guy hit the head but my p my ptsd don't come from fucking it's the head that comes from you know losing parents and that type of stuff but at least I I know who I am and I I really focus on my notebook and writing and you know but I think at 23 and I look at these kids getting into the UFC now yeah like that just opened my eyes to so many things 23 23 and he already fucking had it and it was on his way do you think it was responsible for his behavior I think I had a huge amount of uh yeah there's no doubt that it led to now that doesn't take away from the responsibility that doesn't take away from the act itself I'm not giving him an excuse but the inability to rationally
Starting point is 00:48:30 think you know look at they say that you know especially men you know the human brain is not fully developed until it's 25 you're 25 years of age and sometimes they say even a little bit longer for men because we're idiots okay and I'll kind of go along and agree with that he was 23 when he stopped playing football he had his brain hadn't even fully developed and had this amount of CTE and it's I don't my dad is you know is older and you know he's always yelling at me about what they're doing to football and you know they're you know candy and making them you know put vacation and football is ridiculous and I go dad you know you need to understand this has to be done it's the only way for football to survive and they have all you it's not gonna survive well it might
Starting point is 00:49:14 not but you know it's like back in his day you know he was the leather helmet days he actually had a leather helmet when he first started playing football I read an article I was very interested in that and I started one night you know on the road I do this shit on the road this is what I do on the road now when I'm around my fucking family is I go down foxholes and I guess somebody did a study and they said that when they were wearing the leather helmets there was less head injuries because they weren't yeah their heads as a weapon you know that's exactly what I'm talking about I didn't know I had to put that all together through reading and whatever my dad talks about you go that the first time I was knocked out well it was the first time they actually had hard helmets he goes
Starting point is 00:49:58 he says that I was receiving a kick he says that I caught the ball and the first thing I saw was this white with a green stripe and it hit me in the face you know and he goes I went to the wrong huddle and you know back then it was hey you know suck it up right back in the game yeah because they didn't know you know and we didn't know the things back then and I'm not saying when it comes to guys you know like the dickbuckers of the world and all the old football players that played in that era of the 60s and 70s 80s hey we didn't know we obviously we knew all right football is not real healthy for you as far as later on you're going to have all these joint issues and all the but no one knew it was going to change you as a human being because your brain is who you are
Starting point is 00:50:44 now you know at least with fighting football any of them hockey you have and you know this is an activity if I'm going to do this it ain't healthy it's not healthy for me and this can absolutely affect who I'm going to be later on now the problem is it's that decision is usually made by a young person and as young people we're not that bright we don't think about the future because you know I never thought I was going to live past 35 I thought it was 37 okay there you go and I was like you know there's no way I take too many chances I do too many dumb things you know you know but here I am at you know you're at 57 years old I'm still here and I want more but you're not going to make the the the best decisions and that's why what you're talking
Starting point is 00:51:32 about with have a plan hey have a plan is absolutely right have I always tell people you know look dreams are great but they don't become a reality until you write them down and then it becomes a goal well right now it's a goal I work for a guy that used to say what do you want real I mean I still talk to this guy today that's how much it makes sense and when I write it he's called the godfather who says this guy's what do you want and it's like what do you want I want uh you know most people tell you I want a corvette okay okay that's great you want a corvette are you gonna get that call but well I'm gonna fucking get a job you're fucking the fourth place I'm gonna save up for eight months and that's a great plan but you might as
Starting point is 00:52:20 well shoot yourself in the fucking head yep you know I want you to break it down for me completely for three months you're gonna get two part-time jobs you're gonna put your second check away whatever the fuck your dream is and that's what he would make you do yeah I want to sell how many cars you want to sell this month 14 how you're gonna do that I gotta talk to 220 people to sell 14 cars I gotta make 20 phone calls a day I gotta send 20 letters a day he would make you do that yeah and then I started using it towards comedy what do I want from comedy I want to be an mc what's an mc 15 minutes what do I need to do I need to write three because I know if I write three only one of the three is good so that you know what I'm saying yeah you have to break it down that
Starting point is 00:53:07 much with fighting it's the same thing absolutely with fighting it's like listen you're gonna win the first two I don't care whether you do decision or knock out a submission the third one we're gonna get you a top 10 you know you go to the top 10 we'll get you this and by your sixth fight you're fighting for the championship money I should be able to get you two million and three point two million in endorsements now you're gonna protect yourself you're gonna you're gonna go for the title twice in those two years I'm gonna get you this this and this and this we're gonna take this money I'm gonna put in a money market we're gonna buy your house to save on taxes we're gonna get you the LLC out of out of Nashville, Oklahoma, you know when Balvano won the championship that year what
Starting point is 00:53:56 did he make them do first I don't know what he made him do first I just know because he's told me before cut the nuts though first day of practice he got ladders and he made them cut the nuts down we won the championship they're like what are you talking about coach we won the practice man all get on ladders and each other's shoulders and raise a blade to net down why they give him a taste of that to give him a taste of what it's gonna be this is what we're doing this is what we're doing it's on you right now we're cutting the nuts down march whether it was the main madness whatever the fuck March Madness March Madness the 31st we're cutting these nuts down and he had a plan you know when a man without a plan is not a man need to play plain and fucking simple and I see
Starting point is 00:54:45 that we've watched tremendous great fighters come and go and now you gotta sit there and go what the fuck are they doing because at one time this is before the UFC ran the Nike deal they were getting 250,000 and 300,000 150s those deals are done what are those guys doing today are they teaching jiu-jitsu for 100 a class I know that what's his name with the one eye is working with the army you know the one that uh Michael Bisping no the one that got jabbed to death by by the canadian college you're talking josh kosh check yeah he's working he's helping like troops and stuff like that but what about the rest of the guys what the fuck are they doing well yeah that's that's the whole thing this is what i'm saying that's why you're talking about what you
Starting point is 00:55:37 you set those goals and you've got to you you've got to put things down on paper in my opinion the same as what you're doing because you that way it's no longer just a dream it's a goal and okay now that i've set this goal now what's the next step to get to this how many times did Anderson silver defend this title i want to say that anderson went on a run of let's say 16 fights or so after the with the title you know close yeah you gotta remember i'm an econ major so 10 defenses would have been enough oh would have been enough him and his family would have had enough money oh he had plenty of money that's a plenty of money but then you get into the aspect of the drug 10 it's the fences and 16 sweet which great wins then he broke my man knocked him out
Starting point is 00:56:27 long island yep chris why then he came back and he broke his how many how many wins did he have since since that lost i don't know one one win and it was against derrick brunson and many people thought he lost that one it was a decision he never really had a good fight after that why he wasn't the same fighter you know and this is not that's not taking in and saying you advise your fighter at that point looking oh you try what you want to do you try i want you to have a future and i want you to think straight and i want you to know what two plus two is at the age of 65 you try you know i want you to do a half a rubik's cube you know i'm saying i want you to do but part of the the other part of the exactly the other part of the equation is not just the money it's
Starting point is 00:57:16 it's it is your ego and it's there there's a drug you know and fighting is it's it's addictive it really is it's no different than any other addiction and it's not so much you know the the actual fight itself that's addicting or the training that's so addicting it is the camaraderie that you get from all the people that you are working with and being with that's addicting and then the addiction of walking out you know and this is what i talk about like with cowboy you know cowboy did they just did a beautiful thing the UFC put out with cowboy talking about getting to the arena and getting ready for the fight and he talks about i throw up every time and he did i i was back there with him and it was like every time i worked with i was like
Starting point is 00:58:11 you know he would march around going why am i doing this i hate this you know and and everyone thinks of him as the guy anytime anywhere let's go you know i just fought this week let's fight next week but he went through this process in the back of god damn because there's fear and it's not fear of the guy across from you it's fear of what happened to him against connor it's the fear of not looking good it's the fear of having my family and friends there and not performing to the level that i can and then i have to live with that and that's what you know the fear you have but it's when they walk out and that music is playing and those fans are going crazy and they're getting introduced that's a drug you cannot inject smoke get anywhere else there's
Starting point is 00:59:00 only one way to get it and that's to be that guy in that big fight and once you've had it you kind of want to have it again so it's tough to walk away it is tough to walk away you know you keep on thinking just one more what do you think what the fuck do you think i go through yeah you know when i have to go to the commune starting tuesday and i look at that line up and i go i gotta go down there follow rogan who's following delia who's following jezzlyn that was following ron white who's following but one thing that you're talking about and this is this is all of us joey cocodillas you are one of the funniest motherfuckers i have ever seen hold on but you don't look at yourself that way you look at joe rogan that way and he is he's
Starting point is 00:59:51 phenomenal and you look at ron white that way and man look at what he's done oh yeah you look at all of them you go god arish fear dude he's freaking funny you don't put yourself in that same category and that's the way we kind of look at ourselves you know but yeah you are of that caliber yes you are fear is mine i have to take a little anxiety fear is good though see that's what people don't understand i take a little anxiety pill with me i put it in my top pocket i don't take it before i leave the house because i'm gonna need it right before i go on stage you know for a while there when i was first started headlining i would wear long shirts i would buy it two x long people go why because i would pee a little bit i went on just a little squirt
Starting point is 01:00:38 little dot as you're announcing my name but what people don't understand is that that fear is the heart on it's good that fear is the heart on the day you don't have that fear anymore it's time for you to quit yeah you know i'm so fearful when i drive to the commie store i don't put the radio on like that's how much fear i have on the drive to the commie store i love when people call me and go hey you're going to the store tonight can i hop in with you this very southern people i wanted that car with me yeah because they're gonna drive me crazy i have to go to the commie store like i'm fucking gladiator when i walk in there i gotta like get my water keep the chitter chatter down if i get into an argument with somebody it would be great
Starting point is 01:01:26 but you can't argue with people every day at 57 when i was young i would get i would pick arguments to joe and harry and red band and tell them that their phones were all fags you all have matching phones you should be ashamed of yourselves and joe knew exactly what i was doing oh yeah joe knew joe used to say let him go yeah let him do if he slams you setting yourself up because i'm just getting myself i would pick on the smallest thing really fucking water you know you're like i'm trying to do my best water what are you a fucking faggot get get a fucking beer and i would just pick on you and you go where'd that come from he's about to go on stage let watch when he gets off he's gonna apologize to you and i wasn't even i'll never forget and they started doing it to
Starting point is 01:02:13 me on purpose take eddie at one time they all had the same faggy fucking phone just had to be like i didn't know a phone is faggy you know you know i'm sad somebody's not it wasn't an iphone this was before you get the old like the phone my dad has these guys i call it the burner phone it's it's the sons of anarchy burner phone the flip phones yeah that's because it's the only thing he can figure out how to use i had a burner phone like and i was still with sprint i was with sprint but i always had like a regular phone i didn't know and they'd show up with these sucky faggy phones james brown and one day i'll never forget they all put them like i yelled at them like the thursday night i go really matching phones what a man coming you fucking guy and then they figured
Starting point is 01:03:00 out they're like oh joey these gets pissed at the phones so they would all put their phones down at the same time and they were all matching and it would take me about six minutes to burn it up and right before i get up i go you know what when you guys just gonna start sucking dick once you have matching phones what's next the next step and it would just be me getting fired up sometimes when i go to commie store i go to the green room if i have a show i normally get fired up i go back there to get angry and then without saying a word i go out behind the stage as scared as i am because you know that commie store is haunted last time i was outside somebody tapped me on the shoulder it is haunted so i'm standing behind the main room a lot of times i go in the
Starting point is 01:03:49 green room i say hello somebody's smoking a joint i take the wits of it then something starts to aggravate me it could be as simple as a t-shirt unbuttoned a t-shirt unbuttoned it could be a shirt unbuttoned it could be as simple as a pair of orange sneakers or just a tattoo something just sets me off and that's when i excuse myself before i insult you you know like if you got hummus and chips i'll flip that piano over like if you really want me to have a good set put hummus and chips in my green room whatever table it's on is gonna go flying and i'm probably gonna go on that stage and just level the fucking because it's i like to mix the she's set up man i like i used to mix the fear with the anger once i got older i couldn't be angry at people no more
Starting point is 01:04:41 because it's not cool joey then i had to deal with my own fear so when i go to the commie store now i sit in the back and as they're talking shit about me uh next guy who's coming up next joey i mean i pop up you've never seen 300 pounds do a burpee that i go i go up in the air i pull my pants up and as they're bringing me up i walk down and on that i've asked fighters when i've had them on here before because i only have a 20 foot walk and i feel like i'm gonna die yep like it's like i just ran 26 miles this is the last dreddling man it's fucking what a drug what a drug oh yeah and i asked i've asked a lot of fighters what is that walk in the tunnel like because i swear to god i would walk up with you you're like ready and once i saw that camera
Starting point is 01:05:33 i would look at you and go i forgot something to dress i don't know dog you would see me driving on the five with my full gear and hand wraps hand wraps still i don't know how they do it i don't when i see a fighter do walk down that tunnel i go oh i'm getting anxiety just for him because he's fucking i would run out i just tell you john i left something i left my you got my cup no it's not no it's not let me go get it you wouldn't see joey dears again we don't know what happened to joey let's see the whole part of that all that i don't care if it's in the comedy or in the fighting realm fear is a good thing god puts it in you for reasons it's to let you know hey we have a problem or this is important and i can't screw this up but it's it's how you handle the fear that determines
Starting point is 01:06:25 what you are if you allow fear to stop you from doing the things that you need to do to take that next step to better yourself to better your family then you're allowing something to occur that should never happen courage is the person that when filled with fear makes that 20 foot walk to the stage gets on that mic he says what's up mother fuckers oh i'm okay oh yeah exactly but it's courage that gets you to that point where now you start and as soon as you start all the fear starts to go away like it's so funny when i watch a fight i'll watch a fight completely different of how people watch a fight yeah i'll watch a fight unfortunately that's my life i pick a guy and i make believe i'm that guy and i know for me to get started i'm not to get punched in the face four
Starting point is 01:07:21 times i can't just start swinging i have to get aggravated i gotta see a little blood i gotta go all right mother fuckers this you don't know when she shot him in the pinky toe in hollam murphy shot her in the pinky toe and then she came back with a switch blazer that's me you gotta get me warmed up but how many punches can you take you know what if you take four and you get knocked the fuck out can't like i couldn't come out just throwing heat like that but because of fear i think i would just jump on the mother fuck i would pull a georgia mouth to mouth on that reflect just run at the mother had to pick the cuban what's up with that no i'm saying because that's the way i would have to do it my fear just like he did against ben yeah just run out there
Starting point is 01:08:03 and that was a great thing yeah yeah and see a lot of people look at that and they think oh man he just did that and it's like yeah he just did that but he didn't just do that he planned that he worked at that he practiced that he went and he watched what ben does he watched how you know he dips his head when all of a sudden something's coming you see he'll start to dip his head like a lot of wrestlers do if they're in that shot and he planned it and and it's the fact that he did all of those things and then made it work man that's what you're looking at dude my hat is off to you that was stupendous in fact we uh like i said i have a podcast with josh thompson we're doing top five knockouts top 10 knockouts top 10 fights of the year and my number one knockout is george
Starting point is 01:08:51 masvidal against ben askin because 2019 man look at he that was against a guy and i'm not telling you that ben was not a lesser fighter comparatively too younger in his career you know he's he had hit problems he was getting older still undefeated at that time and masvidal just starched him in it's less than five seconds i don't care you know what the time says that was enough time for jason hers are to go fight and masvidal kind of gear war comes running boom and as soon as that knee touched that fight was over you know there was nothing more i don't care when the timer stopped i don't care what jason you know waved his hands off as soon as that knee touched and you saw ben going over he was stiff that fight was over and it was really like three four seconds it's just
Starting point is 01:09:39 incredible are you rapping at all anymore no zero i i have not nothing on the last mma fight you ain't holding no more on the side i'm not holding on the side or anything you know i stopped for a reason and it was you know a lot of people ask you know why you know why don't you still do it's like there's reasons why i stopped and you gotta you gotta be honest with yourself about everything and if people ask me do you miss it of course i do i loved it i loved being the guy that you know sometimes fights you'd go in there and you're lucky just to be in that fight but you don't do anything and it's all easy and all good and then you'll have the fights like the you know the mcdonnell luller fight or a fight like that where you have all these problems that the fans don't even see
Starting point is 01:10:23 but it's your ability to make it work it's the fights where you talk that ringside physician out of stopping the fight and allowing that fight to go on and it's a classic or you know just all those things i will never ever not want to be that guy in in the cage but there came a point you know i had three i got i had three neck surgeries and uh you know from jujitsu i let people do things to me and it was always the stupid thing and this is where you know we talk about being stupid it was the guy that said oh i've got this hold you know no one can get out of this you know or i you know i do it like this and you gotta say all right come on show me and you can't tap because it hurts you know you've got to sit there and you got to take it and say yep no it
Starting point is 01:11:08 doesn't work sorry yeah and so over time i got injured i ended up having a couple of disc replaced in my neck and they put a cage around that and then i had a real problem and i went paralyzed on one side i couldn't lift a fighter's hand with my left hand it got that bad and then it switched over to the right and i was just deteriorating and i you know had two surgeries within two weeks and i took some time off and i came back and i came back it was november fourth i won't forget it november fourth of 2017 it was the george st pier versus michael bisping fight in new york city and i did the uh the first championship fight that was on the card was joanna genjicic against rosnaum and unis and you watch that fight and it gets to a point and
Starting point is 01:11:57 i was healing but i mean i wasn't i didn't have any strength or anything and i used to like you know if a fighter was you know doing something and ending the fight and i was gonna stop you see me pick them up with one arm and i i just pick them up and pull them off to the side there was nothing they could do to stop it and it made it very clean and very easy for me to do and i realized as all of a sudden joanna is down on the ground and rose is going after it i'm thinking i don't know if i can pick her up and you know she was a small female fighter and i thought to myself i don't want to run into her because i don't want to hurt her you know by putting my body weight into her so i just touched her and i went you know stop and i
Starting point is 01:12:39 smacked her and she she stopped and it looks really clean but in my head i said i'm done i can't do that that's not going to work all the time that's i'm i'm putting the fighter in danger if he now that fighter doesn't stop now i'm doing something and i've taken extra time it's not good and i came home and i talked to my wife and i said man i gotta figure something out and just you know how fate is i got a call from scott koker like two weeks later you know well no probably sorry a month and a half later saying hey i don't i want to know do you want to uh audition for a commentator with bellator and i was like i hadn't asked for that i hadn't thought about that and i was like are you kidding i said you you have you know jimmy smith was the guy at the time he goes yep
Starting point is 01:13:24 no jimmy's going to be moving on we have a spot and we're going to be auditioning some guys i want to know if you want to do it jimmy is working on serious radio you know he went to the ufc was working with fox but that year that he was there he only had a one-year contract and they switched over to espn and they decided they wanted all fighters that were known to fight in the ufc and so jimmy was uh you know not picked back up and so he had some opportunities but he's been doing uh serious radio he's got a show and uh it does like in victor and and stuff now but he's doing okay one question for you because it happens to fighters that happens to all of us do you feel i mean you look great you look better than you've ever looked well thank you sir do you
Starting point is 01:14:11 think at some point age your eyesight movement affect you from being a good referee absolutely okay yeah and that's part of i don't want the guy to come in and go i got referee in handy oh man you fucking can't yeah and i tell guys all the time you can see it and part of when i went home i said i didn't want to be the person i'd been doing it now for 25 years okay longer than just about anybody and i said i don't want to be the person where someone's saying you need to retire did you start with boxing or mma no i started with mma you know i started day one i was not a referee i had no idea how to referee and it was you know my entire progression through refereeing was i was the bad guy joey you know no boxing official wanted to talk to me if i if i went to one say can i can i
Starting point is 01:15:00 talk to you about hey how you do this why do you do that i was persona non grata you know i was the guy that did that crazy fighting that you know we let people die that's the way they they looked and so i had to learn on my own and i learned by always going back and watching say okay how can i do that better what what's going to work in this situation and there's so many things that you're seeing guys do now that i came up with as something would happen in the fight it wasn't good you know t-door tease was fighting chuck ladell the first time it was at ufc 47 and first round is going it's kind of close but right near the end of the first round chuck throws a high kick and he goes after tito and he's starting to you know land some shots and tito's kind of covering up and just
Starting point is 01:15:50 before it happened i had heard we have the 10 second clacker just like in boxing you know and so i heard it at the time i never did anything with it you know i just but i would count back in my head 10 9 8 so i knew when to get close to get in between the fighter so there wasn't something thrown after the sound of the horn and chuck goes after him and all of a sudden the crowd just and it just cuts it's building in the decibel levels just blowing through the roof on it and i get to 1 0 and i don't hear anything but the roar there's no horn well the horn that was being hit but no one could hear it and i go 1 0 1 0 1 and i stop and i came in between them and because tito didn't hear the horn and chuck didn't hear the horn
Starting point is 01:16:43 and i'm saying stop tito thought i actually stopped the fight on him you know saying the fight's over you know which was it was just the end of the round and tito you'll see kind of you know i didn't even know at the time he he kind of shoves my shoves me in the back a little bit my wife said why did he shove you and i go what do you mean he shoved me i didn't even know but you know i lead him off to the stool and i realized hey there has to be something done in that 10 seconds i'm gonna tell the timekeeper from now on every time that you know you do that clap you're gonna see me point in your direction and so i just do a little point and that's telling that timekeeper through sideline which basically hey i heard it i know that there's 10 seconds left
Starting point is 01:17:26 now i don't say it to the fighters or anything and some referees will tell the fighters you know 10 seconds you know stop at the bell or whatever they're gonna say i never did that because it was like i'm not here to tell the fighters go after it in the 10 seconds but that little point then i would tell them if i don't point i want you to hit that clacker again and hit it until i do point because that would tell them okay now he knows that this is coming to an end because i want to be in position to end the round so those are just what we call mechanics of refereeing and i came up with so many little things on how to do something how to stop something how to break a hold all the little things you know teetor you know again you look and you go to teetor tease it when he fought
Starting point is 01:18:07 shale sun and he fights him here in LA and it was a bellator 170 or something like that and you know chael makes a mistake he gets caught in a choke and he taps and i go to break the hold and you know teetor's strong and he is not wanting to let go he wants to put him unconscious and i had you know worked and thought about hey if someone's not gonna let go what am i going to do and if you go back and you watch you can pull it up you'll see me taking that thumb and stuffing it into his frickin trachea with 280 pounds behind it and he all of a sudden you know and he lets go and he's like damn john right he's like i told you to stop you don't want to stop i'll make you stop and these are the things you have to have in place before it ever happens so when it happens you're not trying
Starting point is 01:18:56 to think of something you know exactly where you're going to go and what you're going to do and that's part of refereeing and that's 25 years of doing it but there comes to a point where just like you said you do slow down you don't move as much you're not as quick with your decision making and when those things start to happen it's time to say goodbye you know fuck up a fight yeah it's gonna be worse is your ego so big that you're willing to put a fighter's safety behind it it's crazy i'm happy you're a fucking animal i'm happy you're a natural what's the name of the podcast name of the podcast with josh is uh weighing in it's um it's on spotifies on you know youtube all those things and stuff but we go and normally it's no more than an hour hopefully but we talk
Starting point is 01:19:42 about relevant fights be it ufc bellator people were honest about stuff sometimes people get pissed off at what i say and i kind of love that i'm kind of feeling like you now you know i don't give a fuck for you no matter what you're gonna say oh there's someone that's gonna hate it online we have a thing called the internet where everybody has an opinion today yep and uh i had the weirdest one last night a guy said to me i went to new allings and then i had to go to atlanta and we got to the airport on time no problem and atlanta is cloud so they shut the fucking airport down so finally at 6 20 they said we could leave we would make it to atlanta at 9 and the show was supposed to start at 7 30 oh so i made an executive decision i go listen i know
Starting point is 01:20:38 i've been doing this for 20 fucking years and i know that you just don't get off a plane at 9 20 there's still walking there's still luggage there's still a bunch of stuff i go and i mean everybody was like let them wait you know and i'm like no cancel the show we'll come back i don't want them plus it was raining that's why the clouds were low i cancel the show some people get their refunds back i redo the date some people say fuck it just we'll wait for the reschedule and it got so popular i had to have a second show cool so i had a second show last night going my thing and i got goes hey man i just want to let you know i waited out there on the rain that day and you left us flat uh and i got the refund and now i come to find out you had a second
Starting point is 01:21:29 show shouldn't you just hook up the fans for free and i said number one how did you find out about me i give you two podcasts a week every week for free number two the promoter or whatever the fuck it was i can't blame the promoter the club the theater they were like fuck them let them wait out there you show up when you show up that i can never do you know and i keep my tickets the cheapest out of all the comics working i keep them at like 35 bucks so i'm for the fan yeah and then he wrote back whatever he felt but people are never gonna be happy oh man no matter what you're gonna do so you have to get used to it i had one i wrote you know i i wrote a book and the book went out there and i had to do you know book tour stuff right and so i did a book tour actually here in
Starting point is 01:22:19 la and i was living in la so it was an easy one but you know i'm there and you know i don't know you know 50 people are there and you're signing books and i just you know answered all the questions and you know eventually you know it's all done okay and i leave and it was like 15 minutes before the written time to leave of 9 p.m i took off at like 8 45 and some guy i guess came there at nine o'clock or right before nine o'clock and said you know he wrote out this thing saying you know i can't believe you know i came and you know he wasn't there it's unprofessional and stuff like that and so you know i actually wrote it back i said hey you know i apologize that if i wasn't but then we were done you know and i actually drove to his apartment to give him a signed book
Starting point is 01:23:06 you know and say hey you know i want you know i do listen and i understand why you were upset so here you go right he's he's standing there at the door like i can't believe you know you're here at my apartment it's like you know hey i'm just a person and you can only do what you think is right and you try to do your best and if you if you don't understand it then you don't understand it but you know it's so funny people now with you know everyone's they're all tough guys that's the best part you know and you know the ones that cracks you know my wife is she's the funniest one because i'll get all kinds of people all the time you know they don't know what i've done they have no idea who i am you know and they've seen me referee we'll say in the ufc or embellator and and so you
Starting point is 01:23:50 know something will come up and i'll say something and it'll be about we'll say the rules or something and they'll say you're just a referee stay in your lane and my wife she gets like she can she wants right i just let it go who cares you know it doesn't matter but people have you know their thing and that's their chance to say something to you and it cracks me up you know most of the time i tell fighters the time let it go don't worry about those people does that person matter in your life you know is that the person that you really care about care about the people that you know what i listen to joey deas you know because you know he's a guy that he's walked that walk he knows and i'll listen to his opinion because there's value to me does the guy on twitter have value
Starting point is 01:24:33 and you're gonna listen to that go on and he's got a hundred and thirty three friends not even that twelve twelve and you know like you got some fucking pair of balls got a personality how would a boy's adjusting to national you know what i my kids are all uh two of them are still living out here okay so you know it's just you a month yeah we're the way i got a dog that's about it man i got jitsu yeah that's that's my living problem it's my dog but the dog is uh he's awesome take take him out in the cold weather go on walks just enjoying life thank you man for taking the time thank you for having me brother it's a great scene yeah i'm happy you watch the airing and and this thing because as soon as i saw that episode yeah i thought about what you said about
Starting point is 01:25:17 ojina mike impulsiveness the fucking yeah it was just tremendous having you on what's the name of the podcast again weighing in weighing in that's it baby you gotta come on once a week uh yeah at least once a week once a week once a week you call me and you know me i'll do what that's what i love about you brother don't forget you bad mother fuck was this weekend i got nothing but it's valentine's day in tempe i get that thursday night the 13th and the only other day that i got in february is treasure island i think it's february 29th 28th who the fuck knows go on treasure island dot com and see where the fuck i am the podcast is brought to you by all right i want to thank big john i want to thank the christ killer but most importantly
Starting point is 01:26:02 i want to thank you guys let me read the ads real quick for you like i said in the beginning of the fucking show all right when it comes to supplements it's a new year you're trying to make resolutions listen if i was going to start brand new i'd start with some shroom tech sport just to get the body going a little bit get those uh mushrooms in there get your lungs expanded a little uh a protein powder that they have the chocolate mexican the mexican chocolate is phenomenal alpha brain is sensational you know me dog that shit keeps you fucking on fire but it all starts by going on it dot com right now take a look at the great supplements that they have and you take it from there i'm putting up a video today so go to my instagram it's me fucking around if you're over
Starting point is 01:26:47 50 you know three sets of swings three sets of fucking uh squats and either a french fucking turkish get up three of those or three fucking cleans and that's all you need you're over 50 man that's all you need you don't need too much but it all starts today go to honet.com also unless you're fucking retarded and you're in a fucking coma you don't know that there's a fucking soup bowl this week it's kansas city against san francisco it's the biggest fucking game of the year more money is bet on the soup bowl than any other day of the year and more women get slapped after the soup bowl than the other day of the year but that's a complete different situation all right right now we're talking about my motherfuckingbookie.com you know that tingling
Starting point is 01:27:31 you've had in your balls all year this is the time to cash in whether you're choosing there's a straight up winner or you're making a side bet or you're doing the total my bookie office at all with the most up-to-date odds my book even has the biggest lineup of profits of any sports book in the business motherfucking period listen go to my bookie.ag and get a printable prop sheet for the big game so you can play along at home and if you place a wager or $20 or more on the soup bowl you get a free entry into march madness bracket contest plus if you deposit right now they'll match your deposit halfway that's basically free cash to throw down on your best bet i've been sitting here on my hands all you've been sitting there sitting all fucking you on your hands listen to
Starting point is 01:28:19 uncle joey that's the wait is over this is the week where it starts right now go on to my bookie.ag log in i don't care if you're starting with a nickel don't match it don't give you 250 you get the fucking party started you got the soup bowl and you got everything else that comes all right next week what do you want to be the hostess with the mostess or you want to be a fucking mortadelle you want to be the hostess with the mostess you're putting in bets you invite people you get some money and dip no hummus well i wish the house collapses on you anyway right right now go to my bookie.ag pressing code church c-h-u-r-c-h and let's get this motherfucker started all right you play you win you get paid real quick i did not want to speak about this on the podcast because i
Starting point is 01:29:02 didn't want this to be a downer but i uh my heart and the church's family's heart go out to call b brian and this family but most importantly the city of los angeles because i've been here for 22 years and i know what made that he's the fabric of this fucking city he was the woolly maize of san francisco he was the tony soprano in new jersey he was a phenomenal player and uh my heart goes out to call b brian's family and most importantly the city of motherfucking los angeles it's going to be a sad week a lot of people are going to be hurting but hey this is a part of growing up you could be 41 and worth a half a billion dollars and you still can't cut a deal with god so what we learned from this is that every time you see
Starting point is 01:29:49 your friends on the way out tell them you love them so you have no guilt later on i love you guys thank you for listening on a one-day morning have a great day don't forget get your tickets early for tempi valentine's day laughing and sucking that's the name of the weekend and then in the 20 29th i'm at treasure island all right you bad motherfuckers see you wednesday morning tip top magoo ready to go i love you kick this fucking muley

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