Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - Mike Dowd TWO NIGHT Special Event: Night Two

Episode Date: February 24, 2016

Mike Dowd, former NYPD Officer and the subject of "The Seven Five" documentary came to LA from New York for a TWO NIGHT Special Event with Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt. This is the second night. The first... night can be found here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mike-dowd-two-night-special/id558364221?i=363470850&mt=2   This podcast is brought to you by:   Headspace: Go to headspace.com/joey to start your free trial today   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This show is brought to you by Headspace, go to headspace.com slash joey right now and download the free Headspace app and begin their take 10 program for 10 days of guided meditation that's headspace.com slash joey and download the free Headspace app show is also brought to you by onnet.com use go to onnet.com and use code word church to get 10% off all the great optimization products like alpha brain and new mood. So I was telling my uncle Mike Dowd that we used to open up the show with music I would drop some money in the middle to get your fucking heart pumping and then I would leave you with something just to leave you in the mood or the show or something that you thought about before the show
Starting point is 00:00:39 started but YouTube takes the fucking music down so for you people who keep breaking my balls what happened to the music joey you know I love fucking music you just don't stop playing music I never met a more dumb society than what we're living what did we do we stop putting them on YouTube something happened people started hit me back like you haven't done the podcast in three months right what are you are you that fucking retarded have you considered iTunes motherfucker or do you think YouTube is the only fucking viewing platform here in the world it's very funny that people think it's over like well I hadn't seen your podcast on YouTube no because they pull it down you go to iTunes and then get your yeah and and lips and and you know all you gotta do is google
Starting point is 00:01:21 all fucking day you sit there and you google porn actresses and vd's and travel points with your fucking retarded wife but you can't put wait what happened to the church or what's happening now oh shit it's on lips and it's on fucking iTunes oh my god what a fucking invention how I mean how often did you run into that as a cop Mike just people thinking you were stupid or I don't even know what the right term would be but you get lied to a thousand times a day I tell you a quick story I had a kid he had a broken leg he stole a bike from someone's house it was late at night he's he's he's I don't know he stole the bike he's only he's standing in front of me talking to me black kid in neighborhood woman sticks the hat out the window he says I said where do you live
Starting point is 00:02:04 he goes from front front front apartment right up there second floor I go really woman about 90 year old woman gray hair white woman says is this your now your grandson your nephew they try it any way they can but the kid was slick I loved him because he was slick he knew how he he had an answer he was quick he says I live upstairs well he had the the screwdriver in his pocket the flashlight the bike everything and he was selling the story to me I couldn't believe how quick he was 16 year old kid smart as a whip I actually admired him for that he had a good answer you took his weed and you said get the fuck nah he stole a bike I had to we hate to lock him up but I mean for price sakes for a bike but you know I have a lot of fucking retarded friends and they contact
Starting point is 00:02:46 me every day and they tell me to watch these documentaries and between you and I these documentaries last four minutes and I shut them down but sometimes it's about topics I really don't give a fuck about sometimes it's a new yorkie topic that I kind of like but I've already heard it and I look at these guys and I know they're bullshitting me right I watched the seven five and I'm telling you why you're sitting here the things I loved about you you know I loved at the end you know how you spoke about yeah this fucking guy hurting you it was painful and I'm just I'm sensitive as fuck I will shoot you but you know you do something dumb like and I tell Lee all the time I go Lee I take Lee off county go Lee how many times has that guy called
Starting point is 00:03:33 to do the podcast and done this the guy didn't invite us to his little party because there was going to be other people there and I tell Lee I go Lee I'm not mad I just want you to see how life works right ten years ago it used to hurt my feelings right now I look at people like oh what a fucking shame I pray for you right you pray well up but you said something that was beautiful that I know Lee has on his paper because I saw this as a young kid and I can't believe this still happens in society and I wasn't even a cop right okay and I saw this you said after about two years you see it for what the fuck it is right right I know that question is on your thing Lee you see it for what the fuck it is and now yeah you start you start to fade you start to fade you
Starting point is 00:04:16 know you fade it happens I think in every job but it's just with cops yeah you don't want it because they're supposed to be out there protecting you and but especially with cops who get paid so little it's understandable why you fall like let's say you were making $60,000 a year would you have done all that stuff I can't answer that question because the mcash is in your face you know I mean you know there's one side is the good guy the other side is the greedy guy if it's 51% the other way on that day you you may you may pop a little something for yourself out of something but you know let me just step back for a second Joey is that okay with you I want to I want to I want to say this I didn't I didn't start out to do this documentary they came to me I want to make that
Starting point is 00:04:59 clear I want to nothing to do with it the next thing that happens is the documentary comes out I get called in I lose my job I lose my job because some fucking cop calls up and says my wife's in danger because dad's working there okay fuck you I end up losing my job you're the one guy who got his money stolen from him what was fucking life they gave you a badge there's a thousand guys not like him it's that one prick right so I lose my job I lose my job and I go out and I create a cigar I could create an idea I don't even have a fucking I don't even know where I'm going to get it from so I know that through this documentary Diaz and I have had some decent little conversations we wished each other well I hope your life is better my life is coming
Starting point is 00:05:42 around I just lost my job though I'm on a lot of shows can we promote something he has a company called La Palma in Dominica come up with a cigar based on the movie I'm out trying to help promote it and the fucking the new post shows up at my house telling me the cops are gonna fucking shut you down you're no good you're hooked up with a drug dealer the only guy in the fucking world that'll talk to me right now is guys that did time I can't get a job I get a job they fire me because some prick there's 40 000 New York City cops okay if if 39 000 hated me I'd be in I'd be in the in the dumps I know this is two or three pricks that are doing this they had to fucking post at my house knocking on my door my the woman that lives there was scared to death
Starting point is 00:06:31 and she's calling me up sending me messages and they don't want to hear my side they don't want to hear that I'm I'm giving speaking engagements in colleges and universities that that I've involved in you know trying to trying to bridge the gap between police and the community right now that is my main goal because of all this shit and the shootings and the and the black lives and the blue lives and the white lives and the green lives and all lives I'm trying to bridge the gap to put this whole thing together so people can respect one another for human beings not because you got a uniform not because you're not the right color you're the wrong color listen I was a cop I never saw a fucking color I saw a crime of course if you were doing crime
Starting point is 00:07:10 that I liked I made some money in that whole documentary I never heard nothing about spec or it was never about that it never was like I know where you grew up you grew up around them there's nothing you could do you live with each other you deal with my best friend my first friend in the world was a black guy named robin I don't want to say his last name and I'm animus anonymity and my second best friend was a boricua okay so fuck me no I know when you grow up in that area it doesn't matter it can't be racist they can't you say the racist thing you do you know what you do from time to time because it's it's ignorance and in front of them it's ignorance no no there's people who are really stupid right and they ask you why are you hanging out with that fucking
Starting point is 00:07:49 reekin for yeah yeah and you sit there and go are you this fucking dumb you mingle you live right there they walk in front of you all day what about when I saw you talking to the girl the other day oh well she's hot well but what's the between she's hot yeah and the fucking guy in the court well he's a speck but she's hot but she's hot he's a speck but she's fucking hot listen check the speck was our best movie yeah that was his nickname he didn't give a he tell you his name was I didn't you know tonight I'm not happy to use those terms because today you get yelled at but you know we called it the Puerto Rican mystery I'd said it's loud and clear the guys that are Puerto Rican in the 80s they knew what it was hey we changed we all grow up but it hey that was 23 24 years old
Starting point is 00:08:31 we all grew up together we lived you think about it you got a gun you got a badge do you know that well I turned my gun and my fucking badge in in 1988 or 18 I can't remember a couple years I got a little lost there okay I was doing a little too much yeah yo anyway I turned my shit in and two years later I walk I never I told the story once or twice but I know your audience might appreciate this I walk into the psychological services I went to the farm they call it the farm in a pd I went to the farm up at matten marbritz and I came back and I went three times okay I got three times in nine months because I knew I had a lot of fucking heat around me I wanted to you know I was ducking and weaving to be honest clearly on it I was ducking and jiving and weaving skipping I was just trying
Starting point is 00:09:15 to find a way out of the situation I was in finally after two years the shrink she was she was this she was she was two foot one I'm not kidding you she had like some kind of disease she was two foot one jet I have to help her into the chair help open the door for her she couldn't use her hands there she's fucked up you know that she had some kind of a disease I don't know what it was I'm not making fun of her anyway so they tell me you're getting your guns back I'm like you got to be fucking kidding me I'm under every investigation by every letter in the country FBI DEA CIA NYPD you put the letter out there I go back I get to this building psychological services is a fucking folder on the desk on that desk is a folder and it's turned around this way so I can't see
Starting point is 00:10:02 it but it's open the guy's 90 he's got a hair more hair rolling out of his ears than he does on his head he turns around he walks to this locker and he's just walking to the locker I'm looking at it's my folder I see clear as day 15 allegations of corruption five in five consecutive weeks selling cocaine from a red corvette which by the way never fucking happened but someone was making these allegations and I think the prick when I parked in his spot because remember I told you I wanted to end this fucking deal I want I'm done I just want to be a drug dealer fucking because I didn't I didn't I knew I was gonna I was trying to fucking see what happened I didn't do nothing so anyway so here they take I'm looking at this thing I got fucking all these allegations on it
Starting point is 00:10:44 and he comes back and he is my fucking gun and badges go live a life you can't make Joey I'm looking at this they got 19 15 20 separate allegations of fucking corruption and they handed me my gun and badge back so I'm just trying to say the truth here you know and you know I went to the end ended up in a 94 precinct and then the fateful day comes and the movie goes on but listen I respect the police I wish that I was a retired policeman in Florida getting a fucking pension right now okay I fucked up a lot of us fucked up a thousand cops were arrested from 1980 something 84 85 to 1997 charged with narcotics related charges just in New York or or police everywhere I don't know about the rest of the fucking world the rest of the world
Starting point is 00:11:41 doesn't New York City New York fucking city yeah so I mean so hey I take responsibility the dirtiest greatest dirtiest whatever but you know now I'm trying to make a fucking living Joey and you got three cops with one cop who's who got his lunch money stolen is fucking trying to put me out of business with these cigars and the seven five cigar program I didn't want to do this they fucking made me they fired me from my job you know so now I try to make a living oh because the guy happens to be a fucking ex drug ex drug you know I'm an ex drug dealer too am I gonna say I gotta be honest I fucking shook people down and I sold drugs what do you want me to hang around with the fucking police department I love you all but I you won't hang with me we're done I love you smoke
Starting point is 00:12:25 a cigar think about it did you sell the drugs I was because halfway through the movie you talked about how you hired that one guy but how were you at the beginning getting rid of the drugs I broke off fucking half ounces or whatever eight bowls whatever they wanted so you I had like I had three clients four clients that's it done guys I followed them I knew yeah guys that you knew guys I knew and guys I grew up with and guys I could watch if I don't see you for two days I want to know where the fuck you are don't call me if I haven't seen you in two three days I need to see you every fucking day if I can I want to make sure you didn't get you didn't get to a three-day fucking stint now you're out you know working well someone else would have done that yeah but if
Starting point is 00:13:07 you like I'm like Jesus I turned into a fucking perp that's it I you know I can't be honest you know I was making so much money you know I knew the police department hated me I knew that they asked me to transfer they asked me to quit you know I had no balls to quit I said balls to rock I don't make money were you making were you actually doing police work during that time or no I was the best fucking cop on that beat and I and I improve my prove I wasn't they got they recommend me for promotions and all kinds of shit because I did my job well if you were if you were in the game just like in the mob if you were in the mob and you got whacked it was part of the fucking game well let me ask you this would you ever take a detective test or anything you didn't want to
Starting point is 00:13:50 get off the street what do they do I don't you had to go I wish I was a detective if I was the detective I would be a billionaire not a billionaire not a billionaire how do you become a detective in my pd well in all fairness you know besides having a hook you know you really you need to be an active aggressive cop and make good collars and and and show the aptitude to to progress your way up into being a good investigator there's no mistake when you're a detective normally normally if you're a detective in my pd you're very well respected and you are pretty seasoned look a two-year veteran of the new york city police department cop is seasoned like a 15-year veteran in and most police departments in the world that's a fact so that's how much experience
Starting point is 00:14:35 you have and knowledge and wisdom after two or three years is that good two years you see things people never could see in their life it's all about their hands and watching people and watching their hands watching their body watching the way they tip watching the way their coat hangs I could I could go I could pick guns out like like in my sleep ridiculous I mean Kenny got them all he gave him to them but they gave him back they put him on my fucking sentencing memorandum I took I told you that I tell you the idea what is the what's his name Diaz uh the from the fat boys um the Diaz kid from the fat boys I took a 32 I took a 32 from him out of his fucking little man man purse we had then I gave they that's the long story I want to
Starting point is 00:15:22 get into it here because you want to watch a movie but his the Diaz the fat boy from Diaz what the fuck's his name you guys don't know you know music the fat boys no I was gone by then I was into other things the fat boys the first one I don't know I just don't remember the fucking names right now you know the fat boy Diaz looks like your name like you he's like your cousin he's not your cousin I didn't give a fuck anyway I took a 32 fucking two shot 32 two shot derange added that little girl big that you know the Fanny any back and shit there was a stack of hundreds in there so I take the gun and with some kid who wants the collar kid goes I can't take the collar I say you told me you wanted a gun collar he goes I know his brother he brothers a cop in a 9-0
Starting point is 00:16:06 so this fucking rookie's telling me oh I'm gonna I'm the jam up guy I'm not I'm trying to do everything by the book you want a gun collar I got you when he's the gun oh my god he goes I know this guy his brother's a cop in a 9-0 I said he's a he's a fucking rap guy from the neighborhood I used to take their singles they had bags pillow pillowcases filled with singles in their fucking house they have block parties in their house you know they put the speakers on bang bang bang bang they go all night long and I guess the people would stuff to have money their bags with singles and just take the singles there's too much fucking work taking those singles that was great but this guy here he had a 32 shot two shot 32 two shot derange in the bag and then so I
Starting point is 00:16:43 take the gun the kid just I can't lock him up but he knows my brother this fucking boat equal his first week on the job he's telling me I can't lock the guy up but he's my he knows my brother I know his brother I go okay now what the fuck I got a rookie here he says he can't make the collar I don't make dollars right and the guy's got a fat knot in his fucking little fanny pouch so he goes to me Wolf is to take what you want so I look at him it's the wrong fucking time I got a rookie next to me here who won't take the gun but I'm scared if I take a little cash I don't know this guy don't just do you know I gotta think this thing out so I give so I go all right listen dude I take a walk he goes can I have my gun back I said you gotta be fucking kid get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:17:26 so I take the two 32 two shot deranger I give it to Baron Perez the fucking the guy in the in the sound in the auto sound city right and he ends up shooting I don't know whatever he didn't shoot anybody with it but it went off by accident he's fucking building someone shot himself in the leg I heard I don't even know by accident like well because it's a two shot derange you pull the you pull the uh the the hammer back and boom that's crazy anyway so this is life and if I can get a hold in though you know it's crazy I want to get back to that line that you said because when I like I said when I watched it for the first time I wasn't as much as shocked as Lee was Lee is a young man he believes you know like many other young men listen most cops are good people
Starting point is 00:18:11 they believe and uh yeah I was good people too Joey I saw behind the curtain as a young man you know different different aspects you saw it you work I don't know why and how I can't describe what I saw but one day I knew the war on drugs was bullshit I knew that police work in the 70s was real police work when cops would pull up and go what's what happened here right and you know decision-making decision-making and quick stuff listen we got other calls to make right next time I see him block you out you fuck you go to the hospital if I see you again you know and everybody knew everybody knew they knew the cops on on detail there was a relationship right you know I once saw something on television that uh I don't see anymore I don't see only if there's a terrorist
Starting point is 00:19:04 do you see people in uniform when I was a kid there was always a cop on a beat right okay oh and they deterred more crime that dude in the neighborhood just walking around walking around you knowing that guy walking around right we'll stop you from doing a thousand fucking things especially because they left him in these in these neighborhoods so he got to grow up with the kids right and he became something for the kids and he saw the and he would catch him before they went down telling you early this was a different fucking America that we have forgotten here but but for me you know when I was a kid I got in there was a fight one day I got involved the cop took me to his house Italians four boys I never left after that I went back to my house I would go there one day I went
Starting point is 00:19:56 to go over there and they had the house surrounded he had Patty Hurst machine gun Jesus then another time there's some dude on my block and Anthony got into a beef he went over there handcuffed the dude beat the fuck out of him took the handcuffs off him the guy dropped the whole neighborhood went inside the house the guy on the floor started yelling police brutality nobody did nothing you know he run a muck for years you know one time a teacher hit his son and me he came in and fucked this teacher up at the school you love this guy I loved him I still talk to I put him in my documentary and everything God bless him I love him with all my heart you know one day I remember he used to always tell me cocarini if you ever want to shoot somebody
Starting point is 00:20:40 invite him over dinner he just told me that shit for years I had two guys on the block that told me something and you could have been these two guys the cop you always tell me cocarini if you're gonna if you want to kill somebody invite him over dinner and the other guy he's a Tommy coax I'll do anything for you tell me the truth yeah and I'll do anything for you if you lie to me then we're gonna have a fucking prospin but if you tell me the truth all the way to the end I'll fucking take the guns with you and that made my dick hard he was my friend's dad and he's the one I lived with when my mom died Carmine ended up shooting somebody in the back three times in self-defense lost his police job but kept his pension because he had a relationship with the
Starting point is 00:21:28 New York Times and he just kept writing letters to the New York Times today Carmine which we met him we went through his house and taped him today Carmine is still a security guard probably making a hundred grand he's the highest paid security guard in the state of New Jersey because he writes letters uh-huh he's a letter yeah he's one of those letter was more powerful pen is more powerful than the sword baby you know and he had a guy at the paper all those years I'm never fucking did to me to pay for today they were never fucking article whatever allegations came up against him he had a guy at the paper that printed his shit oh my god I need a guy on that side oh please come on why didn't I make sure that Carmine working for my my agency please but it's uh I would love to see
Starting point is 00:22:11 those editorials that's crazy like to have somebody be able to like that's twitter before twitter was around that's insane right yeah yeah he was a letter writer and he tormented letters yeah because every letter's gotta be answered in red fucking crazy crazy and people always said that about Carmine was a fucking letter writer you know which I don't know what that means I don't know who he writes letters to you know but it's uh but the topic I really wanted to get behind again for somebody like Lee you're laying in bed one night do you just think that this is fucking bullshit this is bullshit every time I shoot a kid
Starting point is 00:22:54 oh I arrest a motherfucker I've never fucking fired my gun anyway I'm just saying anytime I arrest a kid another one comes out of the woodwork I worked 20 hours with chicky to clean up that block by the ladies house chicky god bless chick and next thing you know there's six new Puerto Ricans out there selling crack yeah and at what point do you go fuck it we can't beat them well we might as well join the point comes when your fucking bosses start breaking your balls for making arrests you're like now you're the problem it's not the fucking the to dealing at the problem it's you you want out of problem because you're costing the city thousands and thousands of dollars in incarceration fees lawyers fees overtime food you know transportation you know there's 120 or
Starting point is 00:23:41 150 thousand arrests a year in in brooklyn you know all for the same shit crack marijuana you know the fucking drug war is a complete disaster complete let people fuck themselves you know you can shove a pipe up your ass but you can't fucking smoke a joint or do I don't listen blast even the reef I don't mind you I don't listen I'm not give this guy a ticket I'm not pro drugs give this guy a ticket do what the fuck you want it's your body give it to you know for the way this guy acted the other night with the thing the other day but they went after him like they want to put him in prison hilarious those are the guys that and that's how you were the first of four weeks on the job that was him what you just passed to him yeah what you just
Starting point is 00:24:27 passed something you know I gotta do this I gotta do something about this and then when I was 21 years old and then one day you see that kid that you arrested on your second day and now he's the bank president and you're like you weren't that much of a bad kid for smoking pot really Jesus what was I thinking it's these motherfuckers at the crack you start laying you know you start making your own judgments of who right there's no red marijuana was not pursued at that crack hit no one even no one even heard of marijuana and what happens on the other side of it where like let's say you arrested this guy 10 times and he keeps getting out he keeps getting out on technicality is that Chris Chris Chris Moore he's the fucking most famous motherfucker for that he'd be out before
Starting point is 00:25:09 you got back to the precinct with him his lawyer'd be in the station house waiting for you what was I had to shake him now he was a drug dealer he was a professional drug dealer okay I didn't know it was very good at it what was his name Chris Moore Chris Moore white kid don't that guy from from Bermude Bermude Barbados Barbados loved him because but he was a loud bitch he would complain a lot and he would get away with it he had the biggest arrest record in the precinct that did zero time he was a famous famous the kid was famous do you have like a millionaire lawyer or something the lawyer beat he beat you to the station house his lawyer just sat around waiting for him to get arrested I guess I don't I don't know and the funny thing was he's the only guy I saw
Starting point is 00:25:50 in federal prison and he was four-pointed in his cell and he says to me Mike because everybody knows who I am it's the lowest I passed a few steps with him Mike can you call my girlfriend for me because they have the phone on wheels they wheel the phone from one you know I was in the hole so they wheel the hole from one the phone from one hole the cell to the next and it was my turn on the T and Chris Moore was four-pointed he couldn't move he couldn't do anything and so I made the call for him I had to hold the phone to his fucking ear for him he's a guy he wouldn't pay me I gave him a summons he's like the only summons sees summons I ever wrote because he started yelling at me in front of everybody he's trying to take my money I take $200 let him go he's trying to take my money
Starting point is 00:26:36 so for fuck that I took him to the precinct I gave him a summons probably cost him $200-300 I don't know what it cost him so he's the only guy I ran into in prison and I ended up having to do him a favor and of course I did him a favor we're all in the same joint now you know I was at MCC New York on the 9th South okay if you're out there 9th South Chris and Desmond you would have fucking co and you know who you are 9th South yeah that's the whole man that's the whole that's the whole baby but the mice in your fucking in your fucking cell the roaches were so thick you that you fucking you put the earplugs in and you try to keep them keep the roaches out of your ears while you're sleeping the mice were in your fucking locker eating your soups and your cookies and shit
Starting point is 00:27:16 you still go fishing for mice we put the we put the box on the floor it's a big soup box and we make a string from the sheets and you put a cookie in the bottom of the box and you hear the mouse in there because it's stuck he's trying to get the fucking thing out I'm being able to stand your fish and then the mouse couldn't jump high enough to get out of the box you put them in the toilet then the night you got four or five mice in the toilet fucking looking at you can we get out please the mice disgusting yeah that's it that was it and then the roaches you got to keep them off your bed because you keep them out of your ears you imagine that way two years two years they're my water bugs they were fucking real roaches they were they were fucking ghetto roaches
Starting point is 00:27:52 going from a condo no they weren't the big ones they were the little ones because you couldn't sit you know they beat me they were old but you turn the light out they come out at night and then you turn the light on they run oh Jesus and they're all over yeah I probably ate about a hundred pounds of roach so I see a roach right here what that's different that's a different that's a different roach what is it like going from condos in Myrtle Beach what was it Corvette or Ferrari I forget what Corvette two fucking catching mice and keeping the roaches out of your ears that's quite the fall yeah well you know you whole you know you change forever you forever change okay I'm a humorous guy and laugh at life's foils but it's very serious this is a whole
Starting point is 00:28:33 serious topic I'm serious but I try to put a light of humor into life because you might as well be fucking dead if you can't fucking laugh you might as well be dead put a segment on Lee okay let's put a segment on the one of Uncle Mike's not this shit the fucking movie I know yeah it's my notes um well yeah I mean we could play the what we just talked about the not stemming the flow of crime um how about we do okay let's do this come on don't make me strangle you are you chicky's my boy here he is I love chicky and I'm a cop things began to change when I started to find money and drugs at different locations I was in control now at that that gave me the real feeling of being in control I've been
Starting point is 00:29:23 throwing this shit out for years now it's now all of a sudden it's a moneymaker I'm like okay a kid had done a stick up on Fulton he ran home hid in his house we knocked the door down went inside I knew we were in a coke house tripled beam scales everywhere so I hacked through this briefcase open I stuck my hand and I ripped out this bag a plume of fucking white powder was flying I said painter bags I'm putting bags in my coat at the time it was $30,000 a kilo for coke so we know if we had a half or a one we're getting $20,000 at least and I took the money for a condo Myrtle Beach I love the golf and I know Myrtle Beach was a golfers haven and it's on a beach so Joey's told stories about like finding like a Chinese restaurant or just finding people
Starting point is 00:30:16 just finding drugs finding all this stuff and you're and you're finding like how does it just find you how do you find how do like I've never once stumbled across all this code that's crazy well it wasn't out in front of the guy's doorbell he had he was in his fucking basement and it was actually behind the curtain you know in in in sometime don't take this to in a Spanish house they'll hang beads or they'll put a curtain up because that's a now a new room right so behind the curtain was was a fucking another room and that room was the cocaine room and it was there was amazing amounts of I couldn't get it all I was fucking there was police everywhere I couldn't get the coke out it was ridiculous there was so much coke in the house but I knew I could you
Starting point is 00:30:57 know I stuffed my pockets my partners stuffed his pockets and we took off you know I look at you and I feel you because I just didn't have a uniform on yeah I just was there Comedy Central Tonight premieres this is not happening with Ari and I tell a story about this guy's house that I went to I knew he sold coke for years when I was a kid I knew he sold coke he was gay my thing of money go no big deal I go to his house with them looking at my santeria stuff and for some reason something just catches my eye it's a baggy but I know what a baggy looks like I know what a baggy looks like I look over and there's maybe three quarters of an ounce maybe you know 20 grams two grams of powder you're way in the fucking thing I could just tell my eyes that's how good
Starting point is 00:31:48 I was good that's how good I was I can tell two I break it I break it up a little bit I take three grams whatever did you check and make sure the Sun's dissolve nice this is 19 it was fucking bazooka it was bazooka this is beautiful oh my god I could leave that door we gotta go back and I rob them and and and this started something that you know it's like I tell Lee Lee I never met a heroin dealer in Hollywood the whole 18 years you know how many coke dealers I met when I was doing coke you meet coke dealers absolutely you attract people so Mike's going to people's houses for something completely from fucking weird he gets there and leaves got a bindle on the table with a triple beat scare I see I know he looks he goes here he goes there I would cause the ambulance
Starting point is 00:32:35 pay exactly what happened I go in a house and I look at the condition inside the house this house is too nice for this neighborhood these fucking racks of shoes boxes of shoes shoes are expensive women love shoes there's gotta be money in this fucking house there's a reason that here in the ghetto where you're supposed to be broke that chicky says the richest fucking place in the world racks of shoes you got now you gotta start looking for you want you know what I don't want the high heel pumps okay I'll tell you right now but there's gotta be something in there for me and I find it but not always and and then if you didn't find it many times you just missed it which is pissed you off you know what if I think back without lying to you guys don't lie I was eight for 10
Starting point is 00:33:22 if I thought there was 10 spots I had coke and cash in eight eight out of 10 and something or both right oh yeah something or both Lisa you knew the street you know what's going on you know and I'm not leaving till I find something whether it takes three minutes or eight minutes I know there's something in there you know many times I left walked around the neighborhood and went back into a place because I thought about right yeah you missed a spot finally my mind picks on the fucking ceiling I'm telling you Lisa I wouldn't lift a rug I know when there's something in your fucking house yeah yeah I know you know you can tell yeah when you're in the business you know I'm not leaving till I get something in this fucking house it's just the way it was I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:34:04 tell you a story all right this is how it was and this is and this this is this one of the guys is still around today on the job good guy I these stories that don't make the fucking cut I'm at the precinct nine four I got a half a kilo worth the nine four it's in Greenpoint okay it's still Vgentra fight over that's fucking fabulous I I got a fucking half a kilo in a bag I gotta bring it home and do my distributions and whatnot anyway so the sergeant I hook up the sergeant up with my boy just who does breaks for the cops whatever and I give him a nice spot and I take him to a place I save him $150 on a break job back then it was like $307 for a Toyota Celica break job I got him $5.50 I hooked the guy up I got him the job so at the end of the shift we're all waiting around
Starting point is 00:34:57 and he goes Mike can you sergeant shifts lens ends 20 minutes later than the cops so I said I don't wait 20 minutes for you he saw he signs out I'm standing around bullshit I put my bag down you know most cops carry a duffel bag to work with them I had you know my shit in the bag and I had a kilo in there so I left the bag in front of the and cops will know what I'm talking about and civilians may as well they call it the 124 room where they do all the reports you're walking up the street you say that my house would burglarize my car's missing my daddies you know beating me up they do all the typing or civilians do the typing I put this little bag in front of like the girl sitting over there and on a desk right here in front of us so about two feet away from her
Starting point is 00:35:35 I go home for a three-day weekend I'm looking for my fucking bag I can't find that I'm starting to sweat remember he was sweating before I'm sweating I'm losing my mind where's his bag I checked my car underneath over the top trunk I never put anything in the trunk can't find it I call the precinct I tell this young cop I said to me a favor he goes what Mike I go my locker is here this is my combination open my locker and do not look in that bag you hear me if there's a black bag with orange stripes on it do not look in that bag the guy knows what I'm talking about what I'm down there right now he goes I got you Mike I do not look okay five minutes later he comes back up the phone the bag's not there I said okay great I'm shitting my pants off I don't
Starting point is 00:36:26 know where the fuck this bag is someone broke in my car install it I'm saying all right I go to work two days later there's the bag the bag is at the fucking desk in front of the girls typing the fucking report it's still there there's a half a kilo in there and there's my pba fucking the letter they sent home to you once a month for like some like report whatever it is right it's got my my address everything stamped on it I'm fucked I'm going to jail today I'm getting ready I'm going to jail I'm circling the fucking thing like a like a shock circle somebody before he takes him down I'm looking I'm looking I gotta figure out if I'm in trouble right now I'm looking for strange cars I don't know what to do so I go over to the desk officer hey Lou how you doing oh good dad
Starting point is 00:37:15 what's up he looked at me a little strange but not too strange so I go I need a report from back there is that all right he goes yeah come on up so he invites me behind the desk I'm not in uniform yet I'm just coming in for the for the 4 to 12 shift he invites me behind the desk I'm looking around behind the desk is there a fucking monster's coming out it's nothing so rather than go into the 124 room from the front way I went from the lieutenants desk the back way right into the 124 room picked up the bag and walked straight out the fucking precinct door I get outside I run down the street jumping my car and drive over to fucking McCarran Park or someplace in Greenpoint there I'm sweating I'm looking around no one following me I'm not under arrest this is unbelievable
Starting point is 00:37:57 I gotta have a kilo in the fucking bag in the station house over the weekend it's sat there for three days three fucking days we're room full of cops you gotta wonder who's doing police work oh my god well I mean I'm so happy they weren't in Greenpoint now they have a fucking studio oh there's lots of studios a movie studio now a film tv studio issue blue bloods and god knows how many fucking things up there what's the name Gloria what's the one on American Idol I can't remember her name that oh Jennifer Lopez no the Spanish one not the first one oh Paul Abdul Paul Abdul she's not Spanish right anyway Paul Abdul did her video where she puts her head in the bucket of water and the water flies up 1991 she did her video in Greenpoint at some wise guys uh they had they had the studio
Starting point is 00:38:48 down there and she yes she gives my partner Tom I won't say his last name her phone number it's the call I said about three days later she ever called this girl you know at that she wasn't too you know she was the fucking you know she was a star but not not the star she eventually became he goes no I didn't I says you gotta be fucking kidding me he's like I got 35 numbers my god don't put her on the list I said she's a fucking safe for Christ's sakes you could have changed the world dude yeah you could leave that man and Robin ever got six whatever yeah crazy fucking life mate you're a lucky man and you live to be 90 oh I don't know you want those guys that live to be 90 what's the second scene you like Lee well there's this one let's see here um
Starting point is 00:39:38 let's see oh this is this is this last night no no no there's a there's a whole bunch of them we're set we didn't watch seven minutes last night all right go ahead well I swear that last night you can't at me yeah did we you can't at me okay you were fucking shocked you know so yeah so the what the line was then was if you want to be a successful cop don't listen to internal affairs right so that's that's crazy in basic when you're basic training they come in and they just say if you want to be a so what do they mean successful well you want to have a career as a police officer where you're engaged in the police world you know you don't want to be working with internal affairs they end up by themselves usually the culture is to be
Starting point is 00:40:25 involved with the community of the police and you know the internal affairs don't get invited to too many parties that's the truth you know I think the internal affairs their wives don't like them it's true I'm kidding when they when their husbands work for internal affairs they don't want to talk to them it's the truth I swear to god what a tough fucking job being a cop a cop for the cops just what happens to you when you become a cop Lee never mind becoming a cop for the fucking cops they got cops for the cops and cops for the cops more cops for more cops and more they got everything that's worse than fucking cops and six cops that would never even follow the fucking somebody it's it's what an interesting journey what let me tell you something and make this it's the best
Starting point is 00:41:17 fucking job in the world the pay socks but it's so fucking cool to be a cop and if you're a real person though you can't be a scumbag you have to be a real person that's what I'm saying you know you go up a real fucking pee yeah I grew up with cops and I'm not saying they're not a lot of most most listen show be out let's keep it real most of them are pretty good guys you know sometimes they overreact everybody does did you ever overreact in your life oh every fucking day in my life me too there's a prick joke yeah I'm trying to find it out it's when they were talking about how he Joachim Bully got tipped off that about the 7-7 13 New York City police officers have been suspended police were accused of accepting money from drug pushers and committing burglaries it's the worst
Starting point is 00:42:05 police scandal in the city in years fucking cops were raiding homes and raiding drug locations no same thing firemen in the 7-7 pussy and he calls me up and he says what's going on in the 7-7 cops are coming into the firehouse and they're borrowing ladders and hatchets the cops were using the ladders to go to these locations where they knew the drugs were and they wouldn't use in the access to break down the doors these guys had no finesse whatsoever these guys absolutely berserk 12 officers have been so like what are you thinking you see this and they got they didn't get caught because the police caught them they didn't get caught for making any the mistake they made was that they were doing it at the where the brother of the
Starting point is 00:43:00 whatever it's called internal affairs was a firefighter it's it's it's just crazy how like like you said like how you can have all these people doing all these things but it's just it's your brother it's it's look it's not police work it's not i mean it's crazy the biggest police scandal in new york was they were being stupid and just going and asking for ladders and hatchets it was wide open out there this is nothing fucking no this it was wide open this these guys weren't using ingenuity i mean for christ sakes i'm surprised i mean that's almost foolish that they did it because the fact is it was what do you need a ladder for i mean was it that was that one bill it was everywhere i mean god you know then one guy ends up fucking killing himself
Starting point is 00:43:43 in a hotel room with the asshole mackah leary sitting right next to his side right in the ruck and you know this was everywhere i mean okay so it's in the seven seven right you're watching this go down oh yeah you're sitting there in the seven five going you know what next this ain't gonna happen when next or when next i'm just gonna get ready i'm just gonna steal with two hands yeah until they come knocking on the fucking door you know what i'm saying right well what happened was at that point everybody got their ass tightened up okay we all fucking stopped and then they sent us to coney island but the fact was the word was out that we were robbing people i'm gonna say we i don't know how many if i say 10 or 50 i don't know the difference
Starting point is 00:44:27 but there was at least 10 i told you now you're gonna crew with three cops well we'll crew about 12 cops and three times four of you guys are hitting different drug dealers absolutely are you all 12 are you sharing the vague no no no you know what they're doing you know what lee's doing right right right you and your partner you're taking home whatever you want that we had a number like 200 a day was our number we'd like to get 200 cash each right so me and my partner that's like nothing that's nothing that's the first time well but listen we were new we were young we were doing this just let's get 200 we can get a score for 15 thousand that's different a score is different than a payday like you're in the corner you're giving we're getting 200 from you you're you're
Starting point is 00:45:10 the mark today because there's gonna be 400 different guys we can pass but we have to a job so we can't roll everybody so the one guy will roll and we're getting 200 for each of us whether it's this guy had only 200 and that guy had that was we're good so 200 our number was the day so at the end of the week you put a grand in your pocket no matter what that was the goal I see weren't killing people you were letting them make a living you were making a little extra and you didn't have to lock them up anymore and get fucking in trouble from the police department I was a fucking you kid listen you come to me you come you kick in the door right now with a warrant right and me and we got four ounces of blood here and you come in here right now and go amen
Starting point is 00:45:49 turn around blah blah blah blah this is what we're doing we're taking the powder but we're leaving the cash I think this really might cause a heart attack this is God I think this might get us in trouble for sure oh with the office with the office so be careful with that thing yeah yeah I will why don't you fucking say something all the smoke floating around here there we come in here we open up the door and we go so and throw that joint out tomorrow tell this fucking guy to not believe joints out of here okay well I let this fucking beautiful this beautiful 75s ago I just let look right so I'm going to smoke I'm going to smoke a week later I'm going to get some cocktails or something it's really weird that yeah there's four sets of years and you're out there and whatever and I
Starting point is 00:46:40 listen somebody comes in here right now and says I'm taking a coke you guys could keep the cash this never happened I would never hold the grudge against you you just saved me 10 fucking years yeah you know everything I fucking owned take the four as a matter of fact I'm back tomorrow I'm going to give you two more so that's what happened you understand me like that's what you understand on my perspective well I know what's cracker lacking I know that this motherfucker you just saved your life he just saved your life and my coke and take me in and tomorrow morning when my wife goes to pay you love this guy when my wife goes to get a latte there's no money in there's no latte the cops already seize your bank account it's over and there's no paper you love that cop no fucking idea
Starting point is 00:47:23 you have you know when this guy comes in here once a week and he goes Joey how you doing right you know what leave bust in my 500 yeah take make sure he's happy what's he want to give him five right give him five watch this watch this I wish I had Joey I'm watching the motherfucking I wish you were on my no because I would have been good I don't need 10 guys for that for no I need three guys that's it that's it because for 500 you I'll get you dancing I'm living dancing who else is selling coke on this corner oh 10 guys and they're all paying me 200 well tomorrow we're gonna all shake them down and you're gonna give them this shit back you're a hero I mean oh my god oh my fucking god we did this too oh my god you have no idea the scams are out there with some cops you just
Starting point is 00:48:03 take my coke and leave it at that and leave my cash come by every week yeah so but like what happens if they start abusing it though like they find it and then they're there every day well you can't you can't be abusive otherwise it's not gonna work because that's not gonna work that's why you gotta mark you gotta milk them what do I always say right why run down there and the fuck one of them we can walk down there and fuck them all right okay so you're gonna milk them slowly like a credit card right I don't mind this is it now guess what else for the five guess what else gonna happen he's gonna come in here one day because fucking Mike down to genius he's a street genius he's gonna come in here one day one day and do it on that documentary he's gonna come in one day and go
Starting point is 00:48:43 how you guys doing you gotta load the music yeah and all of a sudden you're gonna flush the blow we're gonna walk to the corner there's gonna be DEA helicopter's dog and there's nothing here right guess what you're gonna do tomorrow morning when you see me you're gonna call him and say take your dick out I'm gonna suck every sperm I'm not even gay I'm gonna suck your dick because again you saved me 30 years right 30 years and what does he want million it's a it saved half a million and what does he want he was 500 really but then there's people who are stupid yeah why am I giving him 500 you stupid miserable mother fuck you're eating with your kids every night you're getting your dicks up and you're on your scam you're getting your tickets taken care of because any ticket
Starting point is 00:49:30 I get Mike give me a wise guy complaining to me I find that you have no fucking idea Lee what these guys do I had to take care of this guy you have no idea as a 25 hundred dollar tickets these are 25 hundred dollar tickets I had to take care of what he do you know LD6 is they were called LD6 when I was in Boulder I became friends with a dude and he caught on to me with the credit cards this is after they were looking for me and he told me because they're watching at the mall don't go to that mall go to the one in west minstrel whatever and the wrong month and he goes and if you go he said get me one of those speakers and guess what I got him a speaker the next time I saw him was maybe two months later I had left and came back and I bumped into him and you still
Starting point is 00:50:19 have something for you still have it I had the speaker in my girlfriend's car at the time when I saw him I just put the speaker on the street I go that that might be yours and I got my car left and came back and I'll end the speaker was gone was he a dirty cop I don't fucking know he took care of me with like I said there's logic and this people's gonna listen to this podcast and they're not gonna agree with what was right here because they don't understand it's not their world well here's the thing though so you guys grew up where this is normal I didn't know I grew up where the only cop interaction I had was officer rocky a bigger middle-aged guy who was our dare officer right so so I didn't I didn't have the beat I didn't have so like I don't I don't I didn't
Starting point is 00:51:00 have any experience with them at all so to me I'm scared like my first reaction is scared even well like I'm getting better at it but I used to freak out like when they were driving behind me on the street even if I did nothing wrong well why would you even be scared I mean your first reaction is if you knew rocky the big did the dare cop you should you should have like an affinity to the police so that would be the reason you would know mr rocky well he was really nice but then but when they're behind you and they're gonna pull you over that's when you get scared well right there's no water okay there's no water hey you're fat spec fuck you motherfucker hey but whatever we get out of the car give that guy 300
Starting point is 00:51:39 he'll give you an eight boy you get back in the car we hit the corner we make a right the stop sign I stop at the stop sign like a gentleman I look both ways I make the right a gentleman boom right there cop pulls me over it's Mike that pulls me over he knows I just copped over there I know Mike that takes a look at me I'm not high my balls are clean I got no tattoos I got a married ring he knows the deal this guy's not dealing this guy came home from Jersey with the Jewish kid he came to cop what do I got now I open my thing like this and you know license and registration so when I get my license between I give him this fucking stupid pba card and I give him the fucking pba card he takes a look at this pba card family member oh yeah we don't fuck around him right away he
Starting point is 00:52:25 knows who's this my stepdad he on the job but what the fuck you doing up here you know what would you like to tell me let me what's your stepdad's number will you want me to call him right now in three in the morning and tell him you're on a fucking 48 and be happy what are you doing not really would you okay into what you're gonna do well how much cash is that sticking out of your fucking wallet I don't give a fuck right there with 300 all right drop it in the fucking door like empty your wallet just drop don't just drop don't yeah just you know and I don't give a fuck because he just saved me oh my god my license five maybe six she is getting towed doesn't know fucking idea five is a fucking truck and what and what rides bus rides you would have to am I going
Starting point is 00:53:07 to fuck kids in the ass am I gonna go go watch porn oh no I'm gonna go get some fucking chick put a coke rock in the pussy need a pussy he sees it for what it is what I told you the ability to read people you said after two years on the beat in New York you learn more you know look at it from a cost perspective every time they talk nobody nobody ever did anything right I went to prison you're surrounded with 400 people who never did nothing right nothing wrong nobody never did everybody you're the only one right yeah I'm like you're the only fucking one of the same Las Vegas nobody loses you ever come I said I'm here for a reason you ever you've had people Las Vegas now what'd you do I I want I had a good time I want 800 nobody ever says I lost 2000 I got
Starting point is 00:53:50 fucked in the ass I got herpes now I ate some hooker I'm falling from the mouth you know nobody says that I won't say that yeah I tell you I mean what why would I mean it's uh it's but it's crazy to for two years out and beyond and I said it last night but to be on the beat I'm surprised I didn't put you in a desk job and I also wondered that if you just if you weren't really like and I guess you weren't to being a cop but if I was gonna be a cop I would go and find a desk job to go out to where you're doing a hundred miles a day to fuck that why would you become a there's no money on the desk not even that I don't think the action the action I became a cop to help a woman give birth during a fire I became a cop to shoot on a sailor who's fucking raping
Starting point is 00:54:40 a girl in an alleyway right I became a cop to fucking save the world to save the fucking world for itself right okay that's the beginning I can see that man listen no when I came from cube I thought there's no plan to answer a fucking phone fuck no fuck no I want to fucking pick up perverts and people hang out in parks and show their dicks to old ladies I want to be out there I want to get beat up and beat motherfuckers I want to get in it I want to get in it if you're a cop who wants to be in a desk for 20 years tell your grandkids what what are you gonna tell your grandparent that damn phone hit me that's what I did I fucking drank coffee I didn't see no action you want the phone beat the shit out of me and I'm that guy though I would not there's no way
Starting point is 00:55:23 oh I'm that guy too you think I want to get shot at but why become a cop it's to serve and protect not to do fucking paperwork in a fucking cubicle right you don't you don't become a cop to protect you can become a cop because you you want to you don't become a cop to be rich let me tell you right now okay you become a cop as you like helping people you like being involved I mean that's really I mean I'm a people person you see you know I love people you know I mean that's why I had a problem being a cop I found out I cared too much like I didn't want to write tickets I got tears in my eyes writing people tickets because I know they had to pay to fucking things so what I used to do was try to well this is what I really did I would make up names and I go buy the fucking
Starting point is 00:56:07 tombstones in in in Cypress Hills and I take names down and their date of births they were dead already and I'd say they went through a red light on Atlantic Avenue and Vessex Street and and you know I'd say they had no license no registration and no insurance card on them so I can give four tickets to nobody and then at the end of the month they said did you write a book I go yeah this month I'll write you too how's that the book because they want the book a month club you know to keep your seat they want to make sure you you know and that was big to keep a seat because otherwise you're walking the beat really and cops you know who had a good beat but you know each new york getting a good beat wasn't that it you know it wasn't that many good ones you know I
Starting point is 00:56:49 mean you could find a good one anyway if you like the bodiqua here or the black girl over there you could have a good beat anywhere don't get me wrong you know I remember one time the fucking radio was going off to 1013 on Miller and Rivendell I'm banging some chick on the corner of you know in on Miller and Rivendell in your police uniform well I had a rough I couldn't bang around the ship yeah I was that was my corner I'm going 1013 I'm going somebody must have fucking saw me come in here I'm putting my fucking uniform back on and shit running outside I'm on the scene there's nothing going on here so one of my guys drives by and goes Mikey yeah right house Maria though and I said you motherfucker did you call that in I don't know if he did or not but someone called a 1013
Starting point is 00:57:40 on that corner Miller and Rivendell you know but this is the shit that happens you know how much of there is that how much is like how much fun do you have being a cop even without the criminal that's why I loved being a cop I mean and don't kick this rule I mean I loved the blood I loved being in it I don't mean I wasn't touching it and grabbing it I just loved taking control of these intense situations I learned it by watching some cop I was I was in East New York about two weeks and this cop is a big tall strapping Irish guy forget his fucking name if I said Ryan it could be foley I don't fucking know but if I saw him I'd know him anyway he took control he had his night stick out and he fucking took that stick out and he put it down like this and
Starting point is 00:58:29 everybody fucking knew he meant business and um and he had nothing but a night stick a gun and some bullets look you see these guys they have the the bandolier it's all filled with shit he had a night stick a gun some bullets and his handcuffs that's it and he just was just he could tell he had that fucking instinct that if you cross this guy and he and the guy had a fucking machete it was a guy with a machete that he had I didn't see the machete this was impressed me so much I didn't even see the machete the machete was down the guy's leg it all the way almost it was fucking you know they put they put it down the side of their leg so they could pull the machete out like this the machete is this fucking long this is just a two and a half foot machete and the cop fucking
Starting point is 00:59:14 takes the stick blasts him with the stick and pulls the machete out because I didn't know I didn't see the machete and I had no clue but this guy was so fucking and I'm in I'm now a cop about a year and a half I'm East New York about two three weeks and he fucking pulls this machete out of this guy's pants I'm like holy fuck this 15 of us standing around not knowing nothing and this guy fucking saw it and he was just um he handled the scene so good I'm like this guy is my fucking idol he became a detective and he did really well but it was such an intense moment and I mean there's a crowd you know because it's just something to get on when shit's going down rather than people leave the crowd builds and he just took control of but I'd say 50 to 70
Starting point is 00:59:55 people it was a hot summer night come on you fucking you you you're out in them neighborhoods a hot summer night the fucking the people are out you know the zoo's the zoo is alive you know something can happen from one I mean it was it was crazy you know it's a project right how many people live in a fucking building in a project in a white irish guy is controlling controlling them I was so fucking impressed with that that's that was so power I'm sweating thinking about it his experience on the job taught him how to it's like a comedian after they do comedy 20 years you run that stage you run that stage when you see those cops you fucking know it and the fucking people know it and they fucking
Starting point is 01:00:39 people know it the confidence know it the confidence I learned from that fucking guy the confidence that comes out of him front every front's people and that's the thing about comps yeah I tell you what they charge you with and you spoke about it last night that you said you went somewhere and the guy would give you a beer when I was a kid and I saw this in New York the Bronx and in New Jersey every neighborhood had a coply how big was the neighborhood how many blocks do you think let's say uh let's pretend you didn't see where I grew up my mom had the bar El Chino the Cuban Chinese got probably from 22nd to 30th street from New York Avenue to maybe Palisades and down and he had a cop car somewhere so if they got a call he could dump he could dump and gun on the cop
Starting point is 01:01:31 car so you never knew where he hit the cop car but you couldn't do nothing bad if you saw the cop car because you know he's out he's out right so it was such a deterrent as a young man to me now I would see Chino at Hernandez eating I would see Chino at the New Moon Chinese restaurant eating I would see Chino hanging out of speaker men's eating I would see Chino and when I say eating he would have conversation for the store he knew these guys his leg was up on the ice machine his hat was off his jacket was off they were talking there was no corruption there was no shakedown you better give me this and this and this they had a relationship so this happens now I hear over the years you cannot do this no more oh I cannot do this no more cannot offer a
Starting point is 01:02:17 cop a couple of calls no you can't hear you if a cop wasn't a 7-11 you cannot this is what needs to change now but it needs to change if I'm on a plane wrong if I'm on a plane right and I see a soldier and I want to give him my first class ticket it's kind of this you understand listen you treat people we meet every day every common currencies you can't do that you can't do that and they charged him with that now when I was a kid we had the Chino Chino would come in the bar he could have a drink he would get a club soda and my mom would go chill down there that means that you're hungry yeah you know we cheat you eat you know why you whether you want the other side of the fence and that doesn't matter doesn't matter no kid you're not hurting anybody no you're not hurting anybody
Starting point is 01:03:01 he's hungry when he goes there was family like when he goes to give you money you go no thank you and it's understood yeah we take care you we don't want nothing from you we just want you to eat so you know and that was cheating that was the cop I knew we know you he never shook down any didn't have to he was going to speak him and they give him a cookie and a cup of coffee and like they do that with their friends I was in Vegas I was driving home from Vegas and I saw like three or four different breakfast places that said free coffee for limos and taxi drivers yeah no purchase necessary did I get arrested for giving them a fucking free coffee so if a limo driver can get it which is a fine job why can't a cop get it speaking of limo driving jobs do you know did I tell you the story
Starting point is 01:03:43 yesterday about that yeah you were driving a limo and the guy called and they fucking they wouldn't give me the job man hey don't don't that that's a part of society that's people people see felon well he was giving me the job that's what pissed me off he was giving me the job as a felon hey sarah go today somebody came to me in the gas station I was bumping a car gas in my wife's rental car we gotta go pick up the fucking car Thursday Thursday the morning I gotta fill it up oh I'm filling it up you know you're thinking about something God knows what you're thinking about something stupid you're thinking about something whatever the fucking was I was thinking about I was looking at how like a moron into the fucking sky like
Starting point is 01:04:26 someone's gonna come on right right right right you weren't focusing on the on the job at hand and all of a sudden we got a call coming in oh oh shit oh shit it's the man of mother fucking steel is he in the church oh shit oh shit man it's walter man he's in the church walter what's up walter yeah man it's the first time I've been in church since east in 1982 wow that's a long fucking time my friend God bless you welcome to the church I was in high school thank you for calling in oh let's let's make sure we measure you know nephew yeah yeah joey yeah brother joey joey happy belated birthday to you thank you my brother walter it was very nice 53 god bless you 43 years 53 50 fucking three I'm 53 120 in cocaine I give you man I said 43 fuck that 53 slinging
Starting point is 01:05:21 dicks slinging cattle bells walking back and forth with the baby in the school it's a fucking night man hey listen you know I've been tweeting in now about the bad boys that we used to break down over there on on in eastern New York you know the guy's name was morale it's not deans does he really oh shit okay he was halfway there you know he speaks oh I didn't say speaks I said you latino stick together it's pretty well walter when they talk you into this movie when they talk you into this one it is one of the way they describe he was fucking big his hands his fucking hands look like the fucking you know you know Adam isn't much taller than late no hence Lee I love late yeah no Adam isn't much taller than late but that's everybody's hands
Starting point is 01:06:23 three times the size of that six fucking five two ninety coming at you yeah going through windows doors pure adrenaline having a great time and even steroid it up steroid it up snorting oh yeah that too we were talking about what the fucking neck if you're neck needed a fucking break and water two weeks ago you're not using so many steroids I had I had to use the steroids you know so so the cocaine show oh my god what are my friend called in here two weeks ago we were kids in 1988 I would go to his house his safe would be open he'd have coke on the top shelves and deck of the robin on the bottom shelves he'd be on the phone selling blow and he'd go ma get in here and she'd come in she'd get the deck ready for him he'd bend over he'd do a line of coke and she'd
Starting point is 01:07:09 shoot him in the ass with the steroid tremendous yeah you can't write that shit can you get a fucking huge hold on I mean how's that a dog he was he was he was fucking fill your fucking who the fuck would do a line of coke after a shot of steroids oh my god you know that's the 80s bitch you know you know was that's the fucking 80s bitch that's the 80s I wish I jealous try it we came up to guys you know you know me and chicky were doing some some wild shit and you know and just like in the movie like Mike said you know they would be the responding thing you know and we would let them know we were going and we were going in we were going to a place you know I climbed through the fucking window just like just like chicky said and you know
Starting point is 01:07:50 I'd walk into a fucking port where we can die that was you know six nine three hundred and seventy five fucking pounds and let me tell you the only reason why I got away with what I got away with was because when I was in uniform the biggest motherfuckers were the first ones to cry yeah you know and you know I would swing an axe handle or a baseball bat at his fucking leg and he would fall down like he just came out of his mama's womb there you go you know I dropped that fucking guy like you know like you wouldn't even he didn't want to be there anymore you know somebody asked me on twitter a couple of months ago about you know shooting people and putting shots over the heads you know that didn't work as well as swinging an axe handle
Starting point is 01:08:34 yeah people fucker I had a guy that's why that's the way it works and that was fine with me you know back then between the steroids and the cocaine and the adrenaline and that problem oh my god oh my fucking god you know it's crazy when you're in the movie in the beginning and you're yelling you know that shit freeze get on the floor I got goosebumps I got fucking goosebumps brought you back because when I got locked up I got locked up with this black dude named etchy and he would walk into the guy I was the head of the kitchen I was the stock clerk in the kitchen yeah you kept the records and he would walk in and he'd look at me and I tell him like don't do it because I meant the food like shit on shingles with it you know beef on shingles shit on shingles
Starting point is 01:09:17 and he would always yell from the back freeze and fucking oh my black people would really respond to it they drop and the kitchen manager would always go what the hell is wrong with you mr benable something he had a weird name whatever he would say whatever mr whatever don't fucking come in here with that shit no more and when you did it and then after I did it a couple times with the freezes and kick people and just oh my god it's you're playing cop and what I'm not no no no I was playing fucking walking that's what I mean and walking when you say freeze I know in my heart you love doing it you love doing it I don't give a fuck what anybody tells you man listen I don't give a fuck what yeah yeah also you know uh uh you know Mike was talking about that he never
Starting point is 01:10:09 had to take his gun out and and then there's cops that they're proud of it I didn't say I never say I didn't take my gun out well I never said that well I mean the shooting people I never shot anybody correct yes amen okay well I had to yes I had to right and and joey they're both white guys in this new york buying drugs at a cheap price to bring back to long island to south right right two white guys shot at me right so you know this uh black lives matter and cop lives matter and stuff you know it's really kind of wide open because I was having white people shoot at me yeah you know and everybody knows my nephew uh god bless him got shot to chest last week by 357 from some fucking mutt named Jamal uh god bless him he's alive he's doing well uh he's got a big
Starting point is 01:10:59 bruise on his chest and uh that that's what cops are like that's what that's what cops need to do yeah amen yes wow thank god he survived my fucking mutt let's just sweat and listen to that but anyway god bless him so how's Tennessee how's Tennessee uh how are you we're right in Tennessee you in i'm in Tennessee tonight yeah i'm in my log house in Tennessee uh and you know people are slowly surely figuring out around here that i am who i am and you're wondering how i got this log house on the mountain in the middle of a fucking forest uh joey my neighbor is uh seven little fucking guys with a hot brunette you know uh if you catch my drift seven i live in a little fucking nowhere i'm gonna go to nashville you're going i'll be in nashville august 23rd i will be
Starting point is 01:11:52 in paduca about about 80 miles south of nashville there you go i'll be in jackson the week before oh yeah i i hit tennessee all the time yeah and i'll be in paduca march 18th to the 20th which you could drive to paduca oh yeah paduca kentucky send me some love i'll go there yeah paduca kentucky it's only a couple hours from here but my wife is from not Prestonburg but the other fucking place i can't remember now so you know there's so many burbs and so many birds out here i can't keep up with them this is a bird they eat fucking uh they eat squirrels that's all i know they eat coon right let me tell you something man that's one of the other that's a nice that's a nice part of fucking country you know i was beautiful why have people mind their business
Starting point is 01:12:36 you're very lucky you got out of there i mean i'm sure you miss new york you know you guys like you stand out like a motherfucker you do know that right he's too well he found out after people think you're in the witness relocation plan yeah yeah yeah and and that's what a lot of people think they you know i moved away because you know i went to prison twice yeah and you know if i go back a third time i'm doing 25 years you know flat out because of bill clinton right you know on the three strike world right uh you know so that's right i had to get the fuck out of dodge and i did you know i raised the family you know i had a wonderful job for 20 years and i'm semi-retired now uh and you know i have a son and you know i have a lady friend who takes care of me who looks
Starting point is 01:13:19 after me you know because you know dude i'm pushing to fucking 60 you know i ain't that fucking wise guy back in 1987 or 1986 when michael dalton's getting me in trouble yeah you fuck you you wise guy you if you try to you tried to drag me to the crack house you fuck the first day i met you i saved you from that yeah he's trying to bring me to some crack house he goes they're selling drugs over there so no fucking kidding you don't know who i am i go what they're selling drugs that's what they do around here you know then i gotta take his clothes off hey i gotta take his clothes off i give him some of the hamburgers but i had the hot sauce on this guy's eating hot sauce he's taking his clothes off his sweat's coming off the top of his fucking head i can't eat that shit man it was
Starting point is 01:14:00 november it looked like i took a shower he's fucking sweating he's taking his coat off i got the fucking sweat with you i didn't know he was i was down in the reach of cocaine and everything else my jacket my shirt my bold proof vest to sit in michael dalton's car and and you know i was soaking fucking wet it's until he gets pulled in you know if anybody saw those pictures on twitter you know last month when we were in miami we were both wearing pink shirts you know we looked like two douchebags we looked like we just got fucking married yeah that was good that was a time so you know we had a ball uh you know michael is is is my my more than adopted brother maybe and always has been amen yeah you know my family besides my mom god rest the soul hey man turn their backs on me
Starting point is 01:14:40 in 1988 and 89 right yeah walter stayed the walter stayed walter stayed with me for a year when he was out on bail you know i mean what was i gonna do you know he called you know his wife called him after i was after a couple of weeks listen you know you got to pick something and he said to her you know okay where you're gonna go and uh he dropped her off over at kenny and doorie's house yeah and i said it might be me and walter until he where you're going until he drove me to prison in july 1989 thanks walter you know thanks for the shout out you know just true character that's what we are you know it's how we keep it real my my you know my my my my Michael Michael stood by me um you know there were so many people during that year in 1988 to 1989 when i was under indictment
Starting point is 01:15:22 that you know why does michael have walked over his house i got a lot of issues trying to make sure that walter don't rat on him and blah blah blah you know uh and try to keep you alive you know i never had to try to keep you alive i never had any intention i never had any intention on on rat and michael out well you know uh you know when i got there he told his father my name was steve because he wanted dad to know right people have no idea what happens when you get arrested yeah and your names are in the paper people really have no idea that everybody turns their back on you everybody everybody people that you took care of will turn their back on you name but there's always two maybe three guys that go listen don't come over the house in the daytime you know the neighbors
Starting point is 01:16:07 whatever but i'll see you here and i got paper for you right so i know where you're coming from walter and i know that you know the love that it takes for people to do that because when i my name came out in the paper after that people stopped talking to me people stopped talking to my girl the guy who you fucking shoveled his driveway don't want to talk to you anymore nobody wants to talk to you no more it's a it's a very weird sincerity and we do deserve that oh no the public program you deserve that fucking castigation however what we hear about today is a talk about the future you know when a cop fucking human beings fuck well this show is about second chances that's what i'm sure this show has always been about second chances whether it's addiction whether
Starting point is 01:16:52 it's getting busted whether it's fucking fear you know it's second chances right and listen man i've watched all of you guys on this documentary and like i said i watched documentary six seven eight minutes half of them are bullshit you guys you showed one thing you did it you did your time you learned a lesson you move forward you know what you had a good time doing it that's why you were fucking doing it i was doing it if i'm telling you that the the precinct next door just got hit and they're coming here next and you're still going to fucking changos house to pick up a small dog a kilo and a fucking you're crazy yeah but who could judge at that point you got powder going through your hair steroids moves you don't see everywhere you got this chick shacked up this guy's
Starting point is 01:17:41 waiting on you you got it's it's it's you give me up here bro what are you fucking trying to do to me it's overwhelming because i was there i know what it's been like to go you know what i got a job i don't give a fuck i want to sell coke and you know i got two and a half to seven and half and 89 i started july 4th in 1989 i come out uh january 92 and what about who the first motherfucker who i called was tell him michael i don't remember his michael fucking down i know you did mother fucking morning and what happened what happened the first day way after that after you banged cookie out then what happened he got me a job that's right down down in my precinct in my fucking 94 precinct
Starting point is 01:18:32 patent dom's auto body shop told job told job so i was responding i had it all set up i got walter the job i'm the responding cop i got every vehicle in the fucking city coming to my hands i'm making 10 percent on every fucking job i got walter walking him more than i fucking made when i was in the fucking police department he started out making more it's yeah he started out making more towing than he was making in the police department yeah and then i smacked up one of his fucking truck wrecked the fucking truck and then kenny got me a job in east new york and and you know the rest is you know uh well kenny is he the one who asked yourself cocaine for him i don't want to get into that yeah you know i tweeted last week or two weeks ago you know that we don't need
Starting point is 01:19:18 to get into a fucking room and start each asking but that's up to him no no leave him out of here he ain't here to protect himself fucking yeah let's move forward here and so you know i don't want to comment on that you know i like any yeah so uh you know you know i know what he did you know and and hey uh besides from that when i was filming my part of the the documentary you know they put me in some fucking loft up on ninth east ninth west ninth street lexington avenue uh in new york in december 2012 right after the fucking uh that storm sandra sandra sandra sandra anyway you know i'm up there you know and you know this guy you know set these bringing me into new york and i don't like new york much more you know uh a little little leery and so so we go up to
Starting point is 01:20:11 this loft and you know okay everything was cool you know the cameras were there everything was there but you know you never know anyway the guy asked me he says well how'd you feel about going to prison so well you know tell her dude you know i didn't fucking like going to prison you know and basically you know i didn't have to go to fucking prison right you know even time even time because you know it was twice i was indicted twice 88 and 92 and you know i didn't feel it in my heart that i had a you know snitch on anybody or you know well tell on anybody how how were you pressured a lot i'm sorry were you pressured a lot to to rat well you know the police department you know when the 77 went down the 77 went down because they grabbed two guys you know winter and rag new you know we
Starting point is 01:21:06 got shoot and then they you know started wearing wise and got the other 13 or 14 guys when i was pinched it was too public for them to approach me and i told tiller russell you know the director of the show you know on film and it's all on the cutting room floor that you know we all had planned we all had a plan probably to get out of whatever we were in uh in trouble with my plan if they approached me like winter and rag new to where wire i definitely would assign an agreement and i would have scrapped that fucking tape recorder to my muscular calf and i would have wrapped that fucking car around the tree the first night there you go done period out line of duty done now i can't work with them i'm working for the police department now they got to pay me three
Starting point is 01:21:58 quarters for the rest of your fucking life that was my plan but that never happened because when i was arrested in 1988 it was on a news two hours later there was nothing they could do about it so my plan fell through uh and you know i went to jail for two and a half years um i just came out you came out in great shape world you looked great when you came out by the way you fucking tight yeah i looked like a bad i looked better than i did when i went in that's for sure i looked better when i did when i went in uh that's what usually happens you know you're not doing bad habits a lot of shit uh you know i knew what was going on in the street you know michael was busy kenny was busy uh other people were busy and i stayed away from it all uh i think michael put you know joey find
Starting point is 01:22:44 a bible if you can uh if you don't turn on fire if you touch it and give it to michael he could swear on that bible i can do a fucking thing when i come out in 92 yeah i know uh but they were watching him he paged me you know i want to do one the one thing that we skipped over that was very important in my life was his mother who was dying of cancer by the way god bless her came to see me yeah my mom she came to see me to tell me that walter says they're coming up to see him about you and walter's car was in the the money they grabbed from him was in the uh in the was in the impound and they put it right in front of me because they thought i was going to try to steal the car to to get rid of the habits i already sent the fucking dominican to dominica
Starting point is 01:23:31 i already took the guy was out of the country his case was closed they were done they couldn't charge him he's gonna i don't know if he gets his job back but they couldn't fucking prosecute him because they had a dominican guy chased back to the dominican republic turn on fares went to dominica and brought him back kept him in protective custody until they kidnapped them it basically well they threatened to put us they threatened to put a sister they threatened to put a sister in prison and take the kids away from her sister his sister as well i mean we had her all wrapped this baby they were done the the shit that people know about jeff and cheeky we were all walking away from there yeah every three guys getting their lives back until internal affairs once the
Starting point is 01:24:07 dominican republic grabbed and brought him back cocks fucking tremendous walter i'm gonna have you call in we're gonna wrap it up here because we got about 15 minutes left so we're gonna wrap it up here but i'm gonna have you call in some other time we got two more questions for my man mike i love you man thank you for taking the time out i love you too we'll have you call you stay black brother oh god bless you too brother buddy go ahead what were you thinking about me well um i was i was wondering if any cops ever like any good cops were like hey stop it or like like we're gonna hurt you or we're gonna like did anyone because you you always told talked about
Starting point is 01:24:47 how all the cops were like go dirty did any cops ever like one time a young rookie cop when i was nine four precinct tried to turn me in for fucking drinking but he wouldn't say why what it was i went to the bar i picked up a a drink and he saw me come in and come out and he knew there was a fucking drink i said you want one he goes no is that it the next day he he told i was gonna call him again because my partner was out but he my partner went through the windshield of his car dropped me off at 4 30 in the morning i said do a couple of bumps you gotta you're gonna fucking drive back to fucking valley streaming goes yeah i go it's 4 30 in the morning we've been drinking all day you gotta do something he goes no no no stay at my house bang my wife stay please
Starting point is 01:25:28 don't drive home ends up going through the windshield of his car he's out for six eight months whatever it was i ended up with these couple different people in the car so there's rookie gets in the car with me one day and i want to test him a little bit so i go to the fucking he's gonna be a hard one to break but i want to see this is this is the one mistake i make i go in i come out with two he goes no i don't want any the next day he refuses to get in the car with me he doesn't say what i did but he refuses to get in the car with me they start a big fucking investigation now so that he dragged dragged the kid in and say why won't you get in the fucking car without he says i just don't want to work and he didn't want to say why but it was
Starting point is 01:26:04 pretty clear that something was wrong and but he they wouldn't fucking work with him again anybody in that precinct nobody and i didn't i mean what do i gotta go because everybody like to knock him back you know it was the it was the end of the a's the 90s we you know put the put the hole in the floor with the ice bucket and then the back of the patrol car it was knocking him back when they could you know it was a fucking free for all but no one would work at that kid that kid's crock i'd guarantee that kid's career was ruined for that so yeah i mean well i don't know he was a good cop he was a prick i wasn't fucking shaking anybody down i was having a cold one do all my regular stops i mean does that make him a good cop i guess in your book it might
Starting point is 01:26:43 i don't know if you don't fucking work with me you can't have a fucking cold fucking cocktail that's when you got a badge right so you can do shit like that back in the day not today the world is different come on listen if you're a ceo christian group you go to lunch you're gonna turn one of fucking back as long as you weren't drinking 19 of them that's the fuck let me tell you you were drinking one of fucking two fucking inspectors said that to us i know how the fucking go have one go have a beer for lunch with the same language exactly i'm not mad at you in new york people brown bag all the fucking time it's if you get six of them in a fucking bar you're irresponsible and that's the other fucking man you spooked this fucking kid this kid only
Starting point is 01:27:30 fucking well he must have he must have been he must have been he must have seen something well he knew they know who i am everybody did and his kid was on probation he was scared to death he didn't want to lose his job but he's smart not respect but instead of losing his job he now he lost his career but you know no one want to fucking work with this guy ever again guaranteed i mean you were talking at early on in the hearing about being good and and how it's at kick but kept you safe right so i am like if he wanted to switch partners couldn't he have just done it in a different way like just gone about it no because you're assigned to work with somebody in patrol car so when the road call comes out you're working without today most people would have
Starting point is 01:28:12 shot a load they're working with me they're fucking excited because they're gonna have a good day they have a lot of fun but couldn't he like go up to somebody and say switch with me fuck it listen i had a great day every every fucking day i used to go to people's homes they used to invite me in for my son sunday dinner i mean this is for real like like in the 90s i was going to people's home parking a patrol car in their driveway i don't know them walking in with uniforms sitting down eating a full you know the Italians they eat fucking six hours on the sunday i hate i i i leave the house to go to work i my wife at the time say say no no i'm good i'm gonna work i'll be fine when i get there i'd sit down and have a six course meal
Starting point is 01:28:52 people loved you they knew what you did they loved me they knew what you were doing and you were out of fucking control and you didn't give a fuck and you didn't give a fuck i love you tell me that with the red corvette you tell me that you tell me that you know but listen it was a fucking fun it was fun i got out of jail and i got a job at this car wash and believe it or not brothers you got a job you got a fucking job this fucking car wash was a fucking cash cow this guy was a booster of the college he had homes all over the fucking world and this beautiful white wife he was 70 she was 44 fake god there's geetus i used to say this guy's got a lot of geetus you know all the cops went in there all the detectives all this da's all the college people in there and then he
Starting point is 01:29:42 had all the rich students and he had all these people believe it or not it was 1995 for a car wash if you put on more it was 2495 you know i would sit there the guy was paying me 10 an hour three days a week 10 to 6 8 hours what can i make you know 8 10 an hour plus commission he used to tell me the most you could make is 16 an hour if you sell four of these now i was a good salesman i was hitting 16 an hour every day but then the chick came to me when they she goes you know we had a lot of people with cash what if you put a little circle on the tickets and we'll split the money at the end of the night this bitch was showing up you know every night and she was a thief mike mike she was banging me banging me twice a day i used to tell her just give me one envelope she was giving me
Starting point is 01:30:35 2000 an envelope a thousand envelope the day wasn't even over she was already behind me a thousand but her uncle was a sheriff and bolder so she she could always count on that if something went down this went on mike for a year well i had money at the house i had money at the house i couldn't even deposit you're banging the chick not at all i had a baby girl at the time i had a wife at the house she was an ugly little critter but i hugged her nobody ever talked to her i talked to her i used to oh that's how we we used to just talk you worked there and no i didn't even work she wanted she liked the money she just came through and there she goes you know a lot of money goes through here and i looked at her like this is weird coming from here at first i suspected maybe
Starting point is 01:31:17 an encroachment whatever the f**k we call that s**t and no no no no entrapment whatever and this bitch started popping off envelopes but you know what my i used to go to this expensive restaurant at the time ladizio my wife was pregnant i was in the halfway house for selling coke it went through my pores and i'm working at this car wash at the halfway house and i'm you're supposed to have 40 on you the most you could have in this halfway house is 40 bucks i got four thousand in the car i'm driving it's crazy yeah and i'm thinking about all this and i'm on one day i gotta quit this f**king job they're gonna catch me i'm in boulder which is a small community right they're gonna catch me my probation office is gonna find not everybody's
Starting point is 01:32:04 gonna find out why i got fired from here and do you know i went in there one day and i gave my two week notice and they never caught me because one of the one of the only crimes you f**king culturally got away because you quit not because i know it pained me when i found out i had to give that job up it pained me that job put me back on the map oh yeah that's a lot of cash that job i was putting four thousand in a f**king hole away once a week were you washing the cars no i was i was i was with a pad and a piece of paper how would you what would you like to not even know what are you doing welcome to the pot of car wash what can i get you i'm looking to get the special with the 995 when you listen give me 1495 let me tell some arm roll let me tell some rims i'll give you
Starting point is 01:32:56 really for 14 what would you charge me for the 21 give me 30 and i'll charge you the whole thing i'm throwing the undercoding for for you paying cash today yes i am wow yeah that's it and he would pay 4.99 let's say the ticket was 34.99 plus tax the kid would pay 4.99 she would bring up 4.99 and keep the 30 right and that she did that 10 times an hour but what happened to all your sales like what were you worried you were gonna lose your job because of the visa people oh and i always sell the accessories so she would get them for the basic car wash which is 4.95 plus something a rim cleaner she would always get them for something and they would pay me big commissions like if i did 10 uh arm rolls in a day they would give me 50 bucks but they gave me something
Starting point is 01:33:44 that sounds like a good job this was a phenomenal job they never caught on that the dude that's doing his job if he's a slick hustler can make some bank plus he controls the whole thing because i could send him to the car the the the detail shop but my point in the story was that i was i was 30 fucking years old like my wife thought i was an angel meanwhile she would go to bed with the baby and i'd know the fucking eight born two hours you know so i like jerk off for three hours and i'd go to bed before she'd wake up my heart would be tamed by the time she'd wake up oh my god how'd you sleep fantastic and i did this every night i was living a fucking lie and one day i woke up and i gotta quit that job yeah because they're gonna catch me stealing
Starting point is 01:34:34 it's gonna be all fucking over and i quit you know i've always been able to fucking sneak out before they got when i was in a halfway house i ended up moving in with the chick from the halfway house i'm sure you did i'm sure i was banging her on boyfriend's couch he's like here come on in because he's done with uh he he wanted i didn't know he wanted to get rid of it i'm walking around naked and this guy's living room banging this chick the fucking phone's ringing because they checked the house you know in two in the morning three in the morning right they take the floor she's all fucked out she's sleeping like a lamb right and the phone's ringing and you gotta you can't you can't punch her awake you can't beat her to death she only wakes up when
Starting point is 01:35:18 she wakes up it's like she can't wake up so i'll be answering the fucking phone they're going high down they fucking know it's me because they used to call me at my house i used to have the home confinement dig you know they call your house in the morning so i'm like who i don't know this is joe you know joe okay no it's me i'm banging the chick in the halfway house i'm not allowed to date a girl no you don't have to date for probation for probation you can't think you never stopped like you never stopped like you've never stopped like you you've never stopped trust me that's not true i don't fucking twelve and a half years i stopped you've never stopped you've never stopped you're a fucking savage and that's why i love you i'm a manager and you don't i wanted to get
Starting point is 01:36:04 laid you spent twelve and a half years i can't listen you're fucking you'll fuck the wall please stand still listen i didn't get i didn't go to prison i almost spent 12 years getting laid look at how was that you better open the joint it's a fucking nightmare i was trying to think of birthdays and i'm on my 25th bird whatever fuck it was i'm my 22nd birthday all i wanted was a piece of pussy that's it you ever just want a good piece of fucking malanga and sniff it and fucking finger bang a muffler i need a muffler get the fuck out of the way that's all i want i'm gonna chew on the mic here in a second i ended up eating chinese food and going to a movie there you go the best chinese food i ever had yeah it was like you had an orgasm eating a lot of fuckers but it's
Starting point is 01:36:49 a you know the point is you're a fucking savage yeah and i it's it's it's i hope that this cigar business gets your mind at ease you know what i'm saying this is you like cigars maybe you don't i don't give a fuck whether you do it it's a nice cigar it's a nice cigar it's got the medican leaves and the whole fucking thing yeah you know you donate some to the pb absolutely you know i don't want to be told what to do you know that's what i didn't like you know i mean i know what i'm doing i don't need people to tell me what to do i haven't made a dime yet i'm in the hole for a couple grand this isn't even my product this company palma in in dominica they produced it they asked me to help market it with them i'm doing what i can i don't want to make money i want
Starting point is 01:37:34 to see everybody i want to do something private though i don't want to make a big scene about something you know i mean so you know this fucking posting you know it screwed everything up today you know it put some people in a bad place you know i got cousins my phone was ringing i left here last night i didn't get to sleep till two o'clock after i jerked up i don't remember and and then uh it was five thirty in the morning my phone's ringing again you know it's because new york people it's eight thirty in the morning and i didn't stop for hours and hours i was on the phone today for about seven hours handling all this damage control bullshit you know they don't want to give you a chance you know what i mean they got to take your fucking knee or my god my god it never stops
Starting point is 01:38:16 it never stops you know what i can i'm not gonna stop that either okay it never stops you stop you know the deal it never stops till you stop let's keep going now let's keep rolling buddy that's the that's the thing keep it rolling i'm really fortunate that i always gotten this fucking stupid fucking comedy shit thank god and i you know and i played till 2005 i played till 2007 because every time i got in that fucking car and got a grandma blow and drove a thousand things could happen oh yeah a thousand things could happen and i'm gonna sit here and tell you i was a saint i was opening up the bag crushing the rock well and no i had to light i'd put the fucking thing in there and snort the whole gram and one
Starting point is 01:39:02 fucking nostril my god before then i throw the baggy out lick the dollar bill which had hepatitis or whatever the fuck it had on it and then i fucking put it in my pocket and go home like nothing happened so i can't tell you i was not a control but everything changed when i stopped you know like you just stop you gotta stop yeah you gotta stop everything you gotta stop everything even the little things that you think that you know yeah that's it you're a fucking fucking phenomenal guy you got loyalty thank you you you have feelings you're sensitive i seen it how you fucking got upset i'm the same way people do some they have no idea this guy has no idea i'm worried about my friends i don't know i mean this guy has no idea how upset i get when i
Starting point is 01:39:49 get reports he goes to subway sandwich explain to him i don't he's from boston i'm from jersey i got the highest respect from but he's a way breaks my heart he does kettle bells he goes to the gym he takes ballet with his wife he does the stuff with the bar the guy looks 90 fucking 20 fucking seven years old he goes to subway instead of instead of getting a nice fucking sliced turkey looking i'm 53 i'm an old fucking man but i know if i was 27 i'd be looking like rambo before the operation you understand i'd be jumping off of fucking buildings and shit i'm trying to get there but no i see that i saw you the subway is i don't know everyone goes to the fuck jarrod i told you jarrod was fucking 14 year olds that's why he lost weight and burnt carbs not because he was a nice
Starting point is 01:40:38 no from chasing them from chasing them down probably so the one thing i wanted to ask you about was ds what kind of balls do you have to have to request $25,000 just to meet a mob boss and then look what if he said no like what if he was pissed off he had to say yes he wasn't real he had to say yes if he was said no he wasn't real yeah he got the right guy and he had to say yes it's no getting around this and we're just gonna he's gonna show up with the money because if he knew the game was on he might have showed up with the money and said look it's not gonna work but he's your 25 grand for the discussion otherwise his door would have been closed down i would have been sitting in front of it all day long and i would
Starting point is 01:41:21 have fucking took him took him down then that was one of the most brilliant things i ever heard because in my background everybody always knows when you sell cars people always ask for a deposit people always you know one of the most brilliant things about marlon brando was when he moved to the island people go i love for you to read a script okay 50 000 they go what are you talking about you know how many fucking scripts i get sent right i want to know you're real before i read this fucking script these are the details i'm gonna change this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this but i want you to pay me and i don't know what the number one but just a thought right that you had to pay him to read the script gave him so much
Starting point is 01:42:03 fucking power and if you didn't pay him then he didn't give a fuck because you ain't real in his world you ain't real it's good what a quick way to be i have a dear friend who's a comedian and when he first started he signed with a manager and his manager and him came to an understanding i do not want to stick around if i'm not getting paid i don't want to do it don't waste my fucking time today that both gazillionaires and this guy lives by his own morals his own he does what he wants and people know when they phone him that they're gonna because the guy did the math right 30 years ago the guy did the math and how much a sitcom really makes and he breaks it down from and says this is what you want to give me and this is what you're making right and especially if i don't show
Starting point is 01:42:52 happening if i don't show up yeah he buries people yeah buries people people hate them as soon as you tell people he's your manager they know they're like oh i have to fuck no they go there goes the back i have to call them no because you know these fucking savages are they get pissed off but that's what i see in you man you're a sweetheart of a guy you know what you you made a mistake that's it and you know what you paid a fucking tremendous dude 12 years for some people is a fucking lifetime you paid for everything you did anybody knows the meaning of karma it's you you know what karma is thank you every day when you woke up you said today i'm paying for this every morning when you woke up you thought of a scenario that you had done somebody you pulled
Starting point is 01:43:33 over something every every morning that's what people don't understand it's a prison inside around you and and you think about it reminds you every fucking day as you're walking you watch those movies or people have flashbacks you have flashbacks of everything you did even if you forgot about that thing you have a flashback oh i have a million fucking stories they never they never they never escape and every night every day every day i went to prison my son was in kindergarten i came home he was going to fucking northeastern university now that's a fucking think about it kindergarten northeast and university i was in the halfway house i begged him can i go to his graduation anyway it's but no no no it's the cost it's the cost of no idea it's the cost you know
Starting point is 01:44:22 that that's why before you judge somebody who's a felon sometimes and there's people that you see that they just listen you're sitting there saying to me well joey what's different from a burglar and a chalmer listen you know i'm saying listen read into this there's people who deserve a second chance sometimes in life they just made a mistake man and there's people who take back a second chance i decided to take a second chance i took it i knew nobody was gonna give me a second chance and that's what you're trying to do you're trying to start a business i don't want to fucking help you do it on your own you're not looking right now you know you you collect you get a check from the government every month you're disabled you're a felon yeah right now you come out yeah go to a
Starting point is 01:45:01 psychiatrist and say i'm hearing voices i hear black people yelling that night right in myself and that's it guns are going off they cut your check for 800 a month i want to hang myself and you become a fucking burden on society you gain 400 pounds right you start going to school there you go to casino yeah you know you don't walk anymore you know you don't do shit that's what happens you're at least trying something you know trying something so i applaud you that's why i'm happy you came out that's why i did but i did for you to come on i love you i love you sincerely i love your eyes and i know you're gonna make a work in the future what are we doing you got mine and lee's support and who gives a fuck about a fat you know what i'm gonna try
Starting point is 01:45:40 but it's you forget about it you know i'm gonna i think we're gonna i'm gonna try to do something with uh like uh radio with with uh another cop like a good cop band cop show or something like that i think it would really work i think i can actually affect the community right here what you what we're doing right here with another cop instead of me and lee yeah and i love you guys and do this if you guys pay me i'll stay no no no no what i'm saying is you need somebody next to you keeping it real to call society's right now right society's got a lot of shit going on you know that thing in chicago with the kid just unfiring bullets and i'm in the black kid smoke coming out was that was horrible it's horrible what's going on right now it's horrible and how these
Starting point is 01:46:20 police departments are covering it up and those people that are getting shot they need a voice if you're willing to do this with the sincerity a white black cop i think i wish you all the luck in the world if i could do anything for you yeah if you're gonna be a voice for these people who unless there's a voice for the police and the community for everybody because this is the other side there's another side to being a cop also right humanity that people don't see that i see but right now it's a different time these cops never really had life training they believe what they were taught they never really had life training there was some people some listen listen show me some people just don't know how to do it okay you can train anybody
Starting point is 01:47:05 till they're fucking blue in the face most cops the reason is one dead person too many is too many right we agree but the reason there isn't more dead is because most of these guys are pretty restrained but it's the one guy that ends up on fucking youtube hitting a guy 11 12 times that's still on that's on the ground he's fucking bouncing what are you doing that doesn't make sense that's all i got to say i don't want to talk about that shit no i'm gonna let me give some shots yeah yeah go ahead deem juliano fish man my info oaky spooky you sexy savage us warrior joe ventros jimmy my man that came up to me in the casino i love you cocksucker from chicago we're just gonna call you jimmy vegas and my man jonathan
Starting point is 01:47:52 anand does what are you fucking nuts so what 20 to life no parole lisa yeah what's happening why are you sitting there all timid looking like somebody's taking your lunch money all i gave you was 400 digits tonight what's the problem he's doing better yeah he's doing good yeah he was fucking i was calling ambulances for the two years less no i was good i was just nodding over here for a second i know i did what happened brother what question what what do you want to wrap this up with i'm trying to look and see what it would be a good question to ask about what was what fucked you up the most about this and we're all family here we could all talk you're loud yeah well you meant about the the the kid not what
Starting point is 01:48:35 come on keep bring it out even the i i was scared of cops but like you said you're right officer rocky was a fucking cool guy if i saw for officer rocky right now i'd give him a hug and why couldn't you carry that through no no and i can't and obviously when people know you they let they they end up liking you right thank you but the thing that when people watch it and that's what for joey you and for people who didn't grow up on that it doesn't make sense at all and it i can see where some police officers get upset right because of of what you did and you don't so can i by the way so yeah what would you like you're here trying to make a living you're here trying to better yourself but what do you say to people who say well you don't deserve to be able
Starting point is 01:49:25 to do that well i say then what are you gonna do with somebody put put him put him in the fucking grave you know what what do you do you're gonna give people a second chance in life you got to give him a full second chance in life i'm not saying give him a gun and badge back but you gotta let him go live a life you know you can't get in their way don't get mad if the guy's hexed you know what it is it's the haters it's not the it's look if a guy doesn't like you because he was a cop and you disparage the badge that he wears you know what tell him to look around to his left and his right he might find someone doing the same fucking thing you know i mean it's over i did my time i paid my debt back to society so i understand if you don't like me you don't have to
Starting point is 01:50:05 i'm not asking you to like me i want everybody to love me never mind like me but if you don't it's okay you know just don't be don't be trying to prevent somebody from moving forward in their life because that's not what our society is about and that's what pisses off other people trying to know what it's like to be ostracized and and castigated because of what i did i accept my punishment in life but stop take the fucking knee off the neck and let the guy live any one of us felon non-felon you fucked up you know you gotta lock him up like a gig which one said he needed to kill him or let him out when they let him out um or uh tromboli said that when he you walked by him he he got the the sense that you were a part but criminal right do you think if you
Starting point is 01:50:51 walked to like do you think you're still giving off that that thing or do you think well maybe it's confidence that he lacked that's what i would say he probably lacked his own confidence he might have been you know a little soft in the it in in the pants or something i don't know i don't have to fucking tell you i was a cop people love me respect me i controlled my fucking beat i walked into a store the fucking bodega owners put their arm around me took out the remmy have a fucking shot have a beer i walked into a precinct every fucking officer looked at me what did it feel like when you put the uniform i looked like fucking wired up i had my i love fucking it was it it was like this is embarrassing it was i loved it it was like sex it was so fucking good i put that
Starting point is 01:51:33 uniform on i never buttoned my i was pretty good shape i never buttoned my top button up my fucking chest was hanging out no bulletproof vest the boss is like where's your vest it's in the car i'll get it on later you got it boss i just fucking i loved it just loved it oh it's like getting fucking sweaty i just love being out there in that fucking uniform and and even you know what the thing was this is what people don't realize even out of uniform you still controlled the fucking ghetto it was the way you walked it was the way you fucking didn't give a shit when you walked into i mean you know the fucking ghetto was dangerous dude but you walked into a bodega you you owned the place you walked down pickin haven't you we're on the fucking crack dealers one all the fucking shootings
Starting point is 01:52:19 and killings going on they knew they used to get officers how you're doing today it was like god you were walking in part part in the seas wherever the fuck you went it was amazing that feeling it was amazing i still feel like it too i don't you know i'm a little more cautious i'm old now you know they might catch me but back then when i was 20 something years old i was quick i was strong i had a god no the fuck's better than you money now i'm making money with my with with my skill why didn't you just save the money like the like how do you how do you explain a condo how do you explain all that stuff well i own four homes in the condo on the ocean so i had rental incomes you know i knew i knew how to manipulate money and funds you know in a proper way the only
Starting point is 01:53:12 thing is i would put you know 50 to 100 000 into a house after i bought it so i would fix it up with with my dirty cash you know but you know i mortgaged them all they were all mortgaged to the health so when the fucking government pulled the plug on me they went down the tank half of them we we just went to vegas me for not as long but joey said he loved he likes when i go because i get so happy and i when you were talking about taking the limos to the atlantic city and then changing your money by playing in the casino how much money were you going with and what do you play and how did that feel well i it's amazing you know you know i you got about 40 000 dollars oh cash in a bag and you got a limousine and you just we just just cut out of work early it's the holy lady i made a collar
Starting point is 01:53:58 i made a collar and i'll see you tomorrow okay good luck you know back then you didn't you couldn't get tracked with cell phones and all that shit you know you're getting a fucking limo you head off to atlantic city you take out tens and 20s and 50s and bundles and you just start unloading it and playing cards spending money like a fool nice time you know and then uh then this time we only have like me 25 000 what what happens just it's just money that's not yours it's money that's not yours but it is now and it's fucking joy you know it's like you know what it's like to count the money i can't believe you guys are going down and washing half of it just trading in small bills it was a great time and that's the reason why people made a lot of money you know sitting there
Starting point is 01:54:43 with a fucking bible saying this and that you're going out there you're putting it out there on your arm and your sleeve man you made a mistake like i said yesterday i love you to death thanks i love that you're honest a lot of people wouldn't have been honest i love walters honesty i love even kevin's honesty chickey's honesty i love that i love your emotion at the end when you describe you know your love for kevin and what had happened kenny i saw i saw the when you really got fucked up on the booze and stuff like this this is the height of your fucked upness the inside of you the irish catholic side you couldn't even deal with what was going on it's too fast so the only way to make it go by is to beat the drink when your dick sucked and keep stealing right that's the only thing
Starting point is 01:55:35 that covers that hole right that's what people understand when you see a hooker and she's beat up and she's 60 and she's still sucking dick and she's finally got an apartment she's sucking dick the fucking bang that hole it's not for the money it's not for the fame it's not for nothing at one point you're snorting coke for that hole you don't even like snorting coke no you don't even like staying the past 11 no you're just doing all this shit to fill the hole and i could see all these things i could see the same characteristics i i had and that's why i love this i would be listening to the fucking birds tweeting as i'm falling okay i can go to sleep now the birds are starting to fucking tweet it's five thirty in the morning like oh my son will be on my lap in 25 minutes
Starting point is 01:56:17 and your heart's beating and on your mind you're thinking about the guy you robbed and maybe there was a camera up the block mike how do people find you v mike dowd dot com right and v mike dowd on twitter what do you got on v mike dowd dot com well you go on and you see what we're up to i'm doing i'm doing speaking engagements i'm involved in some projects with some entertainment projects and the cigar project is on there i mean a lot of things we're into up to being unlisted on there but uh you know follow me on twitter i i've been doing a lot of traveling lately and a lot of people that i love i can't quite answer back all the time so i could just shout out when i want to my twitter say hello i'll try to answer everybody i do what i can yeah
Starting point is 01:57:00 thank you very much for coming out thanks for having you guys treated me like royalty i want to say so okay so let me give a shout out to the sponsor to the sponsor for this show as always is on it on it world-class lead in supplements one of my all-time favorites and people always send me their stuff and i still love the amp-force protein the chocolate still my f***ing favorite had one today before f***ing kettlebell class with a banana in it and water still my f***ing favorite you understand me still love the f***ing shroom tech sport still love the f***ing acai vanilla when i have it i don't even really ask them for a lot of it i just love what they have do me a favor go to hona.com right now you like something you like a supplement
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Starting point is 01:58:29 with shatak when they didn't walking meditation and also i got a call one day from a friend of mine he goes listen these guys heard you talk about and they want uh you to talk about their product which is headspace so let's be honest most of your problems start with your mind this thing i'm going through lately at night when i go to bed at night and i have some reason i can't breathe out of my nose and i get this anxiety and i wake up and i have to walk around for 10 minutes and then drink like will have some s*** to go back to sleep all these things they start in your mind fear anger stress anxiety depression sleepfulness they begin in your head but they can't they can wreck your life right now i'm not getting the sleep i should be getting the bags on my as you
Starting point is 01:59:10 could see it but it doesn't have to be that way you can make a major difference in just 10 minutes a day this change comes from guided meditation with the new headspace app headspace is a meditation made simple it's guided meditation you listen to whenever you want wherever you want right on your phone computer or tablet meditation is rooted in thousands of years of tradition with thousands thousands of scientific studies that show the positive effects like improving focus relationship harmony and decreasing anxiety and stress join over four million users already getting some headspace for free right now do me a favor download the free headspace app and begin their 10 take program for 10 days of guided meditation at headspace.com slash joey that's right download
Starting point is 01:59:59 the free headspace app and begin their take 10 program for the 10 days of guided meditation at headspace.com slash joey the headspace take 10 program is 100 free way to experience the benefits of meditation in your busy modern life train your mind for a healthier less stressed life start your free trial today at headspace.com slash joey that's headspace.com slash joey i want to thank mike dad for being on the show again i want to thank my main man lee i'll be at the san jose improv march i think i don't want to fucking this march 11 through the 13th just checking on i'll be up there with dean delray so i'll see you motherfuckers next monday we'll be back lee syat take this motherfucker this show is brought to you by headspace go to headspace.com slash joey and download the headspace
Starting point is 02:00:57 app and start the headspace take 10 program 100 free way to experience the benefits of meditation in your busy modern life also go to onant.com and use code word church to get 10 percent off all the great optimization products like alpha brain and new

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