Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - The CHURCH: BEST of RALPHIE MAY, Vol. 1 | with JOEY DIAZ & LEE SYATT

Episode Date: July 31, 2023

The CHURCH: BEST of RALPHIE MAY, Vol. 1 | with JOEY DIAZ & LEE SYATT   #309 - Recorded live on 08/17/2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsJSG4fX6IM&t=929s   #330 - Recorded live on 11/02/2015. ht...tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbrxm5eO7sc&t=2s   #422 - Recorded live on 10/17/2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AFQOVfWAaA   #449 - Recorded live on 01/23/2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dhOA9LFOxM   #454 - Recorded live on 02/08/2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNgneb51jTA   #487 - Recorded live on 06/05/2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3VSAbsQinw   This podcast is ALWAYS presented by ONNIT!   Go to https://www.onnit.com & Enter PROMO CODE: JOEY, JOINT or CHURCH The Mind Of Joey Diaz is on PATREON: http://bit.ly/TheMindOfJoeyDiaz  #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #TheChurch #LeeSyatt #RalphieMay

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music Oh So funny oh Man how about the time you were over at Gavin's and you had the Bolivian flu and his little cock suck and male fucking pug dog Yeah, Brad up the back of the fucking couch went to Coco who's got his eyes closed sleeping upright Trying to fucking I mean just wreaking a pussy and fucking yay and yeah shit on his fucking shirt And that fucking cock suck a dog pissed on your head That was the fucking funniest shit I've ever seen. A lot of fucking coke in that building.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Good times. A lot of fucking coke was done in that building. I always stayed out of that. I'm in the end. No, no, you never did none of that shit. It was just, it was around you. I'm basically a house drink bloody marries with you. Yeah. And be doing little tiny bumps in the bathroom. Fucking hey.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Fucked up in that little apartment till four in the morning. How much did you know, Ralphie? I love it. I love it. Come on, it's Coco. You know, it's fun though, ladies. When he comes in with the rare story. All right, I started doing blow with this chick. Turns out it wasn't blow, it was hair on. We fucked all night, it was crazy. I loved it. It was tremendous. All right, I think that was 2000. Okay, that was a great one, but that's the only time you ever do, Thanksgiving was fucking epic. That Thanksgiving. Oh, Marilyn, I'll be the house. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my god. My brother, you did it. He ate an ounce of mushrooms, Lee, and ounce. not a fucking eighth a goddamn ounce I was fucked up. Lee. I can't
Starting point is 00:02:06 He he ate like a pig. He fucking smoked the best reefer That's when you have a jar on the table. Yeah, big ass jar a pound jar on the table jar. Let's do this Oh, and and let me tell you what that I've never seen anybody been able to do that many trucks and stand that I've never seen anybody been able to do that many trucks and stand. Coco not only stood, he went down to the fucking OR. Got a big old fucking rock and a ball. All right, did that shit? And from what I heard, blew the fucking comedy store away.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I hadn't done the coke yet. I got the coke and took it home. I did the mushrooms and went to the store and was fucking lit. And nobody showed up. So like, you got to go up next. I was fucking lit on these mushrooms and I went up there and I just looked straight ahead and the lights were turning purple and you were in the room. Like that's all I kept seeing was purple, you know. Right? And I heard you got a standing ovation. Oh my god. People were calling me from the store That was like 19 people. It was like 19 people.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Yeah, and you stood them. That's way more impressive than 500 people. Oh my god. If you're a comic and you're hearing this, you understand to get a standing ovation from 19 fucking people is more amazing than getting it for 25,000 people. That's easy.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Anybody can fucking do that. All right. These people were there on Thanksgiving night and fucking Diaz blew him away Fucking tremendous Those you know you you think about what a night that was Maryland was all fucked up. We had a blast. We all a it was great time I was telling my wife today that it's You know we had our friend that call today and said that somebody died. I'm like, you know, I was eating with my wife at the time. I go, you know what?
Starting point is 00:03:49 I don't want to seem like, what's that word when people, you're not, whatever, empathetic. I'm grateful, okay. Empathetic, when you're not empathetic, but life moves on. If I drank what you had about 20 years ago and you die, I'm very sad, but what are you going to do stop my world and go, you know, and it's just,
Starting point is 00:04:05 I think about Marilyn a lot. And it pisses me off how people talk shit But I was talking my wife today. I go, you know, I see this girl all the time. That was Maryland's friend I see her all the time now at the store and all the time They're sitting yeah, she comes over and says hello, but she never pulls me inside and says do you still think about Maryland? I think about Maryland all the time man.'m out of candle for Maryland on Mondays. Fairly candle for Maryland. I say, a prayer for them. She's a peach, man.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I changed the water for it. And it's weird how for years she used to call me in bitch. And one day I told her, she said, do me a favor, man. Stop fucking bitching. Go out there and rock the world. You know, you're always bitching about what you're not getting. It's not about what you're not getting.
Starting point is 00:04:44 It's focused on what you're getting. The mitties giving you three spots, you're getting three more spots and a lot of other fucking people in this. Yeah, no shit. So she was so powerful. One of the most powerful women comics I've ever seen. She would go on stage late night and some nights fucking blow that with that Filipino dick. She used to like the suck Filipino. It was like a little sausage. She's rolling around a mouth That people she's what big guys would say I live 300 pounds. They will lift me motherfucker dumb shit that we just make you laugh late night So what's up with you Lisa? Yeah, you bad motherfucker. You gonna double tomorrow. That's it
Starting point is 00:05:21 They're making you do kettlebells and you just I can't did tell the little it's great You miss last week. He called me tonight. you just I can't did trouble do it yeah you missed last week he called me tonight he's like did he come last week I can yeah yeah so he goes yeah he's gonna do it double but you've lost a lot of waste since I saw you last you're almost a hundred miles you jitsu he's been stuck at 98 because him and the wife are fucking savage hey it's not though it's not me and the wife it's me and the fucking 200 300 out milligrams I have please please don't fucking but what'd you go and the wife it's me and the fucking 200 300 out milligrams. I have please Please don't fucking but what'd you go to the wife's need last night? Oh Mola yeah first time ever. I know. Oh wow. I know so many people who go on a mole died
Starting point is 00:05:54 I know so many motherfuckers that include Mola and their died. She didn't put chocolate in it. No, you don't need chocolate and fucking Mola Yes, you do that's the half of isn't that what? No, that's just one part of Mexico's Right, they don't her her mom and her don't like chocolate in it. So we just had that it's just chicken. What's in the sauce? I have no idea fucking amazing. It's a little bit of Jesus But yeah, there wasn't spies. I'm getting used to spicy though. It's not spicy at all Depending I didn't but now I do it's just Flavorful that's what know, all these white people
Starting point is 00:06:25 are afraid of Mexican spice. If you watch Mexican Spice or food, they just put a little bit of salsa, like a little bit of do-you-dum-white people are used to fucking catch up on their goddamn tacos. They're retarded. I was in Washington, and my fucking buddy goes, let's go to Taco Time.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Okay, it's a chain, a shit chain up there. And the fucking lady said, do you want mild salsa or ketchup on your tacos? And I fucking left. I go, bro, you eat that. I'm gonna fucking fire you because I can't stand to look at your face. And we just left it there.
Starting point is 00:06:58 We paid for it and left it. Fuck anybody wants it. Taco's time ain't no taco cabana. And he's fucked. Fuck no, man. The potato tacos for breakfast. Stop the kiddo. Stop the motherfucking Kalachi fucking factor.
Starting point is 00:07:08 When I was a kid, devil gum was cinnamon, but it was hot. Like if you ate three slices, yeah, asshole was gonna be on fire. And though, that's what Mexicans give their kids and they can. You know, we had atomic fireballs, that's all we had. Right, no, it's not fireballs. But you also swallowed gum, Joey. You know, it's supposed to swallow gum. That's a fuck. That's all we have No atomic fireballs, but you also swallow gum Joe You know the small one That's what you're assholes on fire my assholes not on fire because I'm telling you I've been swallowing gum since day one
Starting point is 00:07:33 So my body knows how the process and that See if you just swallow gum with your eight then you fucked up. I've been swallowing gum since day one If can some doctor please email Joe, we do. And do what? What's he gonna say to them? I've seen the learn how to listen. I haven't pulled the gum out of my ass. So I have pulled little pieces of gum sometimes. That don't get processed. Yeah, out of the house. Oh, God. Or sometimes you're gonna pull the shit out of you, and you can hear the gum going. It's like getting. You can hear gum. Let me tell you what have joy when he gets one of them good as it's above his asshole to come and pop it like a foot and a half away from you So you hear it, okay? He did that my fucking apartment after he drank all my goddamn orange juice
Starting point is 00:08:19 All right, he drank a whole fucking thing orange juice 10 minutes. And then proceed to pop a zip on the table? Yes, and no, not on his ass, so in the crack right above it. So to get any pressure behind it, he had to take those big ass pages. Let me explain something. Go one, no go deep. I know all the stories. Back to the day.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Back to the day. Back to the day. I had a shame to say I used to travel by bus to a lot of gigs. Great Han was my sponsor for a long time. It was a Joey Express. Joey Express, I would get on that fucking downtown bus to El Paso and I'd drop you off and pick you up. The longest bus ride I did was New York City of Dallas.
Starting point is 00:08:58 That was the longest because I had nothing going on and I'm gonna go to all the way to Canada and drop 200 when I get, I'm here right here and I could pay the express for $48. I looked at it just to all the way to Canada and drop 200 when I'm here right here and I could pay the express for $48. I looked at it just to see, just to get to Boston. It's like only like two and a half days for like a hundred bucks. So I'm just thinking if I had to. You'll never have to.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Man, I travel by bus because I own one. Get it king size bet. Don't do that. I could never set up. I could never set like that. But you guys ought to jump on the bus sometime and we do this church at other parts of the country. Yeah, where's the bus now? the bus it will be here to
Starting point is 00:09:34 Tonight it'll get in tonight from Tennessee and And then we're here. We're gonna be driving they're gonna be driving around Wednesday and And we're here, we're gonna be driving, they're gonna be driving around Wednesday, and Tuesday and Wednesday, and then we go north to do some gig, I don't know where it has to be, I don't look in my account. The side of travel, no fucking foolfighters. You guys would kill each other. I would, you guys would,
Starting point is 00:09:58 before you got to the first rest stop. You're retarded. We would hotbox that bus, it would be just look bro. Yeah, look Lee shut the fuck up Okay, man Coco have lived in an apartment smaller than this fucking studio Okay, and we were we laughed our asses off and when the doors were open and the windows were open because it was so fucking hot And we couldn't hardly go to sleep because it was noisy as shit We put our joy in Medina Five minutes sleepy time wake up though kicks for Jesus making biscuits and I had him on the floor of futon
Starting point is 00:10:36 Okay, and John Wesley on the floor and Jodie Ferdy on the bed. Yeah, it was crazy We were we were in it to win it. This was team us 1440 you don't even understand kill ourselves. We're brothers. Are you kidding me? Well, not literally I'm just saying like you'll put something on the TV that he doesn't want or he'll start I got five fucking TVs five fucking TVs on that goddamn bus pick what channel you won't play cool I got it how many bedrooms are there bus i've got i've got a king size back bedroom that's that's it pops out okay and then the living room pops out and then there's three
Starting point is 00:11:16 bunks it's got a two bathrooms and a shower on it and i've got i think there's like six air conditioners on it so if we go some place where it's hot like I went to Bonero this summer and everybody all these dirty white people out there when it's 100 fucking 20 degrees and dirt fuck you I took three showers a day I was the sweetest smell of motherfucker out there people were like they thought I was for railed or something I was smelling so good okay I was I was doing it, Jack. It was awesome. Everybody's boohoo and it's hot. Yeah, me too.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm going to make a fucking margarita in my bus. Take a shower and smoke a bomb. Fuck you. I hate that band. Okay, it was awesome. It was so great. But that's how we got to go, dude. We got to go in the fucking bus.
Starting point is 00:12:02 All right. Your babies would go bananas in that bus. Your baby would love that fucking bus. That's a fucking monster. It's your fault. I can't go for that nor I know. It just ain't an expired bike and what do you think will happen? Who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:12:15 You can suck in that gum. You know what happened? Don't you know what happened? Don't you know what happened? They're listening. Yeah, right. Don't you know what happened? What happened, Poppy?
Starting point is 00:12:23 A couple weeks ago, I went swimming in Toledo and I got in into fucking plane the next day. I got an ear infection, right? Oh my god, and I was sitting there And I tell you man I'm you know when you work out and you're heavy you have to take a leave sometimes or the other one The other one asperad no, no, no, no, no, the other one there's a readin' adville That's all that works right at this point for big guys when you go to Jitsu do it on past that Yeah, and you get slammed on your back when you go home and you eat your lunch first thing you do is take an ad bill Especially you have to train the next day really? Yeah, I'm gonna do all that shit leak because it lowers the inflammation You gotta eat fucking like smoke and weed eat weed actually takes away the inflammatory from your fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:13:05 You see the Google today and you basically the front page of Yahoo today. What did I say? More people turn to medical marijuana, prescriptions are down. Prescriptions are down. Prescriptions are going down, man. Yeah, the opiates are going down. The opiates are going down. Yeah, the binshows are going down.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Listen, I'm telling you as your brother, you fucking go and you work out with any problem No, savage is down there at night and you walk home. You can't move. Oh, yeah, I'm sure I'll do an experiment with the mother fucker I will experiment I will give you an aloevo one night and a week later we'll do it again And I'll give you a chunk of real hash and you eat that hash and you call me tomorrow and you tell me which day makes you feel like that's a Bruce Lee a for soreness nobody knew why he was eating marijuana 40 years ago Danny Nessanto said that or he can think that's why he was eating marijuana because he knew that a lever kill you yeah a lever and add the little brother who each a fucking liver you got a drink gallons of water you take it a leave you got a drink gallons of water you take it a leaf
Starting point is 00:14:05 You got a drink fucking water throughout the day time. That's why I don't take them at night I take them when I get home from you get to bands. I'm not or kettlebells. I'm not so or an hour later Whatever the fuck I do when you saw sometimes you get so far from flying dude I get wiped of all out First of all well you six hour flight leave your fucking sword. All out. Shit, man. First of all, well you- Six hour flight, leave your fucking sword. Okay, alright, yeah, okay. You fly in your connection. Dallas got bumps, so now you're in fucking Chicago
Starting point is 00:14:33 and you land at B32 and yours is at next flight is at H17, you got 15 fucking minutes and Chicago, the fucking terminals are so close together There's no room for a fucking for a fucking one of them chairs. You give $20 to a black guy with a golf cart No, you got a fucking hump it dude. You got a fucking rock And then you're hungry. You're fucking hungry. You got a rock Listen there's podcasts. I know this from a fact and you know this to Listen there's podcasts. I know this for a fact and you know this too
Starting point is 00:15:11 They're doing better numbers than most TV show fuck yeah, yeah, oh my god, and I I think what I always ask me what I've learned I think what I've seen and The any everyone on this like sports radio sports podcasts news podcasts, and not yet. They're getting a little bit but They're not they the thing they don't have is personality and entertainment and I think I think the big people like ESPN and Fox Sports Don't really want that they wanted to a degree, but not really because comedians. Oh my god comedians have taken over podcasts. It's not even close It's not even and some of them are bad there are a lot of bad ones But the good ones the good ones are could that's what that that's why Jay Moore is good because he's he's a comedian
Starting point is 00:15:51 He's entertaining and and there's people on those sports talk shows that you're talking about that are just Awful and they have but they have the ESPN voice Which is it knowing the listen to so it's like it's like almost like the athletes, when they have those athlete interviews, and they're like, oh, we're just onto the next team, whatever they're not really saying anything. Well, when it costs to put Lee with two, with Alonzo Bowden, okay?
Starting point is 00:16:16 Deadly. What would it cost the ESPN to put Lee Alonzo Bowden? Ah. Give me some about Jason Tibo. Tibo, you could have Ian Edwards for talker. Like there's a lot of comedians you have. It's just mind-boggling. I say it all the time.
Starting point is 00:16:38 It's just a waste of time. I'm not talking about Joey, I'm not talking about Ralph. I'm not talking about my friends. I'm talking about I'm watching something that's unfuckin' watchable. There was one day on that with Derek Rose and the white guy. Yeah, hold on. Oh my God, the white guy is terrible. Derek Rose, I thought he was crying out with Doc Gooden.
Starting point is 00:16:57 You know, he's fucked up. Yeah, yeah, it's something happened to him. I don't know why. And I love all that shit at night. I watched that shit and cheer for it. There's one show with three black guy. One of them had dreads, unwatchable, unwatchable. You know what?
Starting point is 00:17:13 They don't know for Tony Hingeclare. They don't have nothing for the smash brothers, but the smash brothers aren't. They do a show with wrestling. Well, the video show behind them, with a video camera, two in the morning. This is the shit I want to see. Yeah. And this is why these channels are starting open up
Starting point is 00:17:27 Why somebody's gonna go you know what what's it cost me to start a streaming fucking thing? Yeah, put three fucking shows on it. I can stream on YouTube Brody Stevens 24-7 you wake up with Brody and you go with it's from 78 with Brody in the morning, and then like 12 to one. The last two stops of the night for Brody. The comedy store main room or the original room and where he goes to eat, who he talks to. He's deadly.
Starting point is 00:17:53 He's deadly. He's deadly. Because he knows so many fucking people, man. I mean, I don't think people really understand. I was at Fox and Tom Brady walked up to Brody Stevens and was like hey Brody how are you and and that's fucking Tom Brady man Okay, and and he was like oh my god and and phrase on doing good man Feeling good doing good positive Posit a didn't say positive never in a larry city
Starting point is 00:18:24 It just kills you But they don't see it. I see it. I'm not even by I'm not even sitting there like I'm not even close to Brody But he's fucking funny man. I wouldn't be like one of those guys that go all look at this guy could do away But no, I'm there listen. I'm old. I'm talking about Brody Stevens and what he does on periscope What he does on periscope it just you know And this is what kills me sometimes that you don't want to be that guy Fucking the mornings he lives weights he goes to baseball games plays the drums for no reason He's in the middle of traffic just fucking just baiting the shit out of his stare
Starting point is 00:19:01 I got on there smoke dope. I'm just a fat fucking the morning talking shit behind the bush you know I don't have the boys I don't have a bullet I can't smoke in the house if I get smoke in the house I have the cats in there every day I don't have pure fucking entertainment every day but I can't I know you believe in Jesus you can't do that you know I can't I can't fuck with the cats and get high in front of me shit that shocked them that cocaine thing would finish he never came back You lost that fang and shit Once you lose a flag you're like shit. This shit's real check. Hey, I this is hilarious. I
Starting point is 00:19:37 remember I mean I was reading Doug Stanhope's new book, okay? And I remember in all the crazy shit we did around fucking Hollywood. Get here, when did you get here? Exactly. 98. Okay, so I got here, I got here January 29th of 1997.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Coco, okay. I'm here a year before you, that's your time. A year, a year. But bro, okay, you gotta understand, all right? We here a year before you. That's for you. A year, a year. But bro, okay, you gotta understand. All right. We were all disciples of Stan. We were all disciples.
Starting point is 00:20:10 All disciples of Stan. Everybody who's really been on the road, fucking knows Doug Stanhope is fucking the best rockin' today. So when I get here, he's a big shot. And he's got a guy from Vegas, Livin' with him that's a part-time bodyguard. That's a dunt. You think that's a part-time? Like he's just a retard. He wasn't even like bodyguard. That was a big fat Vegas, Liv one of them that's a part-time bodyguard. That's a dunce. You know he doesn't part-time? Like he's just a retar. He wasn't even like
Starting point is 00:20:28 bodyguard. That's a big fat guy right? Yeah. Yeah. He's a big guy. He got rest his soul. He was a dunce dumb. You know he was a fucking dumb dumb. He was like a dungsland making big and I'm gonna be his bodyguard. He had a big jackal. I'm like blue sheet. So I get here with the broad. I'm living with this girl in a trailer we get to an argument. She throws me out. I'm living with this girl in Australia. We get to an argument She throws me out. I'm living with Doug in the bunk bed. No, I'm living on the couch or somewhere. I don't know what a fuck Doug's dating the red head. Oh, yeah Fucking the TV show
Starting point is 00:20:56 Damn it. What was that show? Uh head of the class head of the class goddamn. She was hot with the girl with Tyson's wife. Yeah Yeah, she was fucking hot though. You got to give it to her that fucking red head was a hot piece of ass All right, and Dougie Dougie was in deep into that okay, he was like all in so he used to hang out at coaching horses I was never a big I Could count on my hands how many times I went to coaching horses? Coaching horses was one of those bars ladies and gentlemen, that was just real.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And you felt the pain in that. And I had been in bars like that, rolled up where there's bars, and then there's bars where if you go on that tour in the afternoon, there's people and there was no light in that. None. And there were some people who were in there that were vampires, but there were some people who were in there because they thought they thought they were cool. Oh, yeah. And that was not the place to be if you thought you were cool. They sucked you in and spit you to fuck out there because I did a ton of blow on that
Starting point is 00:22:02 bathroom. Every time I went in there it was because I was jowing of blow on that bathroom. Every time I went in here, it was because I was jowing out of my fucking nut. Dougie, Dougie was the fucking best. Yeah. And he went out. And he was like, hey man, I can talk to you. All right, you're a fucking comic.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Let's go over to Coach and Horses. All right. And we just go walk over to the Coach and Horses. And it was a Bud Light and a mental life for Douglas So yeah, I'm very sorry about the podcast last week guys, you know it was never my intention I had a city here and talked with myself with Lee and he kept sitting there He didn't know where he was he was tapping on the table
Starting point is 00:22:40 He was swapping his nose. He was fucking doing everything to irritate the shit out of me. But anyway, now that's off my chest. How are you, Cox? It's a beautiful fucking Tuesday. Ralfi, may, what up? Hey, baby. It's so great to be here in part of the church. I love it.
Starting point is 00:22:57 We got the new Pope, Coco, boom, boom, Diaz, where's the package? Look at Lee Lee's got to look on his face. Look at him. Yeah, it's Fox package? Look at Lee Lee's got to look at his face. Look at him. Yeah, this guy's working. Look at him. I know he's back. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Yeah, we're up. He's gonna shine eyes. When you start me off with, I don't know, whatever thousands of milligrams you gave me, like I just, like the, it got to the point where that, the nice lady at the store that we go to, told me I need to take a tolerance break. She told me, I've seen her so much that she's like the blonde the skinny one. She's very nice. I think
Starting point is 00:23:29 I'm even like sky or. Oh sky. With the black she is blonde over black hair. Real cute. Yeah. Yeah. I think. Oh yeah. Everyone over there is great. But she's like because I went in there and I even told you I was like I asked for something new and she's like well you've tried everything. I was like no, there has to be something new that it's more than 50 milligrams. And there's literally, I walked around the store three times. And there's nothing that you haven't given me. And there's nothing, there's nothing strong enough
Starting point is 00:23:57 in weed stores now. Like, I have to poison myself with 2,000 milligrams to get anywhere near stone anymore. Like it's isn't great. Yeah, no doubt. Fuckin' very fortunate. Now you're bulletproof, Lee. That's right, you're bulletproof.
Starting point is 00:24:10 That's not a fuck for you. Yeah, what if one of those dirty, rushing cock suckers tried to put something in you? You'd be like, go fuck yourself, you're interested. Yeah. I'm fucking Lee. I've been talkin' about for years. I've been talkin' about for years. I ain't.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That when ISIS comes, I gotta poison these people and you're gonna be the only one standing. Yeah. And you're also gonna be on the floor. Well All these other Jews are gonna be weak. You're gonna shit You'll be in training. We're strong. Is that why you go to multiple stores? Is that like is that yes? That's just they don't know where we're doomsday for preppers Well Ralphie you like I've heard I've only heard stories about you I think I've it's like from Ari and then from Joey about like, you had like before Mason jars were cool. You had like a pint of my scent, like a gallon of my scent Mason jar of it.
Starting point is 00:24:50 But we had a fucking on the table. On the table, I still got it. Where was that place at? It was close to that chap, Pico. Yeah. Off Pico, the place she moved and when Sean Rouse was living with you. Yeah. He had a fucking container in the fucking middle. It was a pound of weed
Starting point is 00:25:07 It was fucking awesome. It was huge. It was one of those big as a place on one day's and turn out their lights Turn out the lights three ounces of this four out they would sit there and go what the fuck are you doing with this? I don't and the truth is is the most of it. I gave it away I gave it away the clubs tell me like the way there's, I gave it away. The club is telling me, like the way this one, I get that, the way this is going to show up, but these fucking cheema shoes. Yeah, and I think it's just the coolest thing to do, you know? I mean, the first time my buddy Ari Schaffer, of course,
Starting point is 00:25:36 you know Ari, right? You know Ari, yeah. Okay, Ari, first time he ever saw an ounce of weed, I handed it to him. Here, here, you're a hilarious. I love you. Here, try this weed, you know? That's, we were the first, I mean, in my generation,
Starting point is 00:25:52 he couldn't believe it. It, in comics, I mean, in 2003 or 2004, I was the first one to start making some money and that was a stoner, you know? So it was like, fuck, we're all going. We're all partying Okay, we're all partying. Coco take this try this All right, and you know what Joey is a guy that will that will eat Either girls pussy while melting a coke rock on her clip and then reach into a pocketbook and get hundreds
Starting point is 00:26:23 Okay, all right and mad that he only pulls outbook and get hundreds, okay? All right, and mad that he only pulls out ones and five, okay? All right, he's mad till he gets that hundred. Then, oh, she came, I'm out of here, right? But when it came to taking weed from me, I had to force it to him. I had to force it to him. You did not, you're pride, you're like, I go buy my own, wait, I know you can't but here take this
Starting point is 00:26:46 you get me that's old this oh my god that's old yeah I missed that shit me too man 35% damn that was good really missed that fucking Reef I I saw him a few months ago man yeah he married that girl. Yeah, yeah long hair and he was doing this thing. Yeah, so he closed it down You know, it's amazing how those would he was when kushmart opened the Word on the street From a lot of people or kushmart at one time I'm making 25 grand a day that wouldn't yeah 25 fucking grand a day at one time. How much was like a gram at that point do you think 25? Yeah, Jesus 25 the Russians on fucking sunset by rouse were charging 30 for a rock and roll rouse right rock and roll rouse They had they were charging 30 for a gram of Obama and 90 for a fucking eight
Starting point is 00:27:42 They were straight up gangsters with that we yeah that place on For most what was that place that we used to go to the pharmacy? Yeah, but the No, it was the West Hollywood collective No, no, we used to go to pharmacy for a while. We built the pharmacy with the Newport when you bought the tickets for us to go see Clemens pitch and it was a thousand degrees in August Yeah Against the Dodgers and we bought Ralphie bought a bag of other books at the other place Because the pharmacy had like ice cream and they were going out on a limb Italian ice and yeah, but the other place next
Starting point is 00:28:22 The breakfast joint that we used to go to there the other place next to the breakfast joint that we used to go to there. The, by Whiskey and Go-Go. Yeah, down there. That place there with the black chick. Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, she was fine. They used to have cakes in there, and I would fuck you up like chocolate cake.
Starting point is 00:28:39 We're like 400 milligrams. Yeah, 400 milligrams. And I'm only talking to a fucking dodgy gay. And this is before you had the tolerance for it. And I'm holy shit. I'm cool fucking dodged. And this is before you had the tolerance for it. This was way before tolerance. Like this is when you wait shit and went home and cried yourself to sleep and shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Yeah, we went to a milking. 1000 degrees. You mean John Wesley. Yeah. And we sat right under the sun dog with those adibles Getting a fucking suntan and brewing that son was cooking those fucking waters. Did he buy from the guy the water guy when it came by All of them do fucking Before anything it was untalable it was too hot the ticket was so good
Starting point is 00:29:25 That they were bad because it was right in the sun right Right in the sun. Yeah, those are tough in the NLA, especially. There's something weird about heat on edibles for me. Yeah, no, they make you sweat a little. Yeah, it makes it like, I don't know, I don't feel good when I, if I'm too hot, I can't do it edible. I get hot like it. It's one of the weird, Joey always makes fun of me that I pass out in the studio after the, after, what it was really
Starting point is 00:29:45 What when it was the summer I would take my shirt off just I don't have no idea why I don't take my shirt off at the beach And I was taking my shirt off here with the door open because they turned the AC off and I was just hot Least I had to take a shirt off in the shower. I don't he's like Josh woops hat It's fucking crazy. I'm doing good. I'm tripping my balls off. What do you see? Just a lot of mixing.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It's a lot of like twerly mixing. Like swirling like this or like that. Another first one. Like this? Yeah, the wheels. We'll like starry night like starry night ones. Yeah, okay, yeah, but this one, that's bad acid. Is it? This one's the good acid.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Is it weak or you? It's both. It's both. I don't know. Like even in my pee, you know the last time time like I have a picture on my phone of one time I took acid and I shaved my my head and my beard and I thought the hair looks so magical I took a picture of it and I went to my father looks stupid It looks like it's like a fucking
Starting point is 00:30:57 It looks like a sink Whatever work for you that night You had a good dog don't shave any. Okay, I'm doing your salad. This is weird, that felt weird. Wait till four in the morning, the middle of the night when you have a good time. Shave and I brought, take a chance. No!
Starting point is 00:31:12 Just shave and I brought. Go out of the sit. No! Take a chance. You are a 12 year old. Oh man! Shave and I! No, no.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Shave and I brought this feeling like a Filipino, a'd rather fill in like a Filipino Big shot make it high make you look real surprised every weekend. It's a different color Red yeah, you got it high. Oh my god, right here. Lee Right here Lee. He used to do that shit to people all the time and I was growing up, putting there on here when you were sleeping. And then you'd take a shower in the head with all of that shit. Oh man. Oh my god. They used to have some wicked shit.
Starting point is 00:31:57 They don't do it no more. People lost them. Remember lemon up. Lemon up. Remember that shampoo that you put it in your hand. It was lemons in your head got lined up What was it like lighting up? Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna up. Yeah, I'm gonna light up or light enough I'm not looking that was a shampoo in the 70s. Yeah, it was fucking huge
Starting point is 00:32:15 Everybody once June came you got that shampoo and you put it in your hand You had got all light and shit and you got sexy for the summer. Yeah, but by some time you like a dirty haul That was the first invasion of the dirty hall was the lemon and yeah from there it all went down. Oh I gotta tell you what is the fucking deal all right when he do you got those stories about Alright, when he did you got those stories about Oh, oh, oh, oh, when you go to Gavin's The producers apartment and clock up a shower Hey, you gotta tell these people That's ya
Starting point is 00:33:00 He clocked up someone else's shower Oh, fuck it, no Yeah, he clocked it up He clogged up someone else's shower Yeah, he clogged it up What I take it a shit man. I don't fucking know Dog listen, he took a shit in there. That was so good and powerful in the shower But he could push that With his toe and it was such a good turn it wouldn't go down
Starting point is 00:33:42 Everything and so you want your feet in the clean You know like I'm careful I can't do this and you got out of And you're like yeah And then you came over to my surprise just in your fucking in your in a towel Gavin's towel I know they got it got that towel back. I think that became my towel. All right, then you finish your shower You got a tool that will make me I don't remember that shit. Oh I don't know I'm like my Tesla three weeks At least I'm fucking with the wiring and shit you the microphone she gonna electrocute yourself. I'm gonna have other problems You okay? kill I'm okay
Starting point is 00:34:27 All right, how about this one? Have you ever told him how you you fucked up Jay Moore with the fucking Myzans we told two weeks ago. Oh you did. Oh, okay, all right You did How about that tag watch from Gavin I know you didn't I know you didn't clip it. I know you didn't clip it but You and me with all the ones who knew you didn't clip it All right, I think I'm gonna be as honest, I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I didn't give a fuck. At that point in my life, right, do you remember he came up to the store? Yeah. He tried to get tough on me with Keith. Yeah, with a little, I looked at him like, are you fucking crazy? What, listen, I made some mistakes,
Starting point is 00:35:23 but what really happened was that a certain girl came up, he hooked up with her. And he fell in love with us. He told her he was going to move up here. You don't remember that story. But six months before that, they hooked up Skype. And they would whack off on the phone and talk dirty to each other and dildos and shit. You know, that was 1998, man.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah. Skype wasn't 10 cents a fucking minute then, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So he started getting these bills and going, all the bills are disappearing. You know, who's putting these high fucking bills on my thing? He was on that whacking off. He couldn't come to the conclusion. Then the watch disappeared.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Right. There was like three or four things. The watch disappeared. Like five. And he came to my house one morning. There was like three or four things the watch disappeared like five And he came to my house one morning. I was living with Terry I was sleeping in Terry's and he knocked on my door morning that morning. I looked on and I go dogs Don't have a night on my fucking door again You want to see me you call and room me you later goodbye? And I that was it
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah, and that one time was about to watch. Yeah. The watch was stolen, he left it on top of that, but then he found it. Right. And couldn't make face. Right, he's telling me, buddy, this is fun. Then somebody saw it on his wrist.
Starting point is 00:36:35 And said, isn't that the watch he stole? Yeah. And he goes, no, no, no. I bought a fake one. Oh, oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. So wait a second, you had a real watch. We got stolen and you went and bought a fake one.
Starting point is 00:36:50 The exact kind. The exact kind. You know what, I was there. And we're not talking about again. Listen man, I was no saint. No, but you weren't there. But I wasn't the devil in there. And you know what, at that point in my life,
Starting point is 00:37:03 I was playing that role for 20 fucking years not a point so I already grew up in North Bergen where those guys would go you know fucking Ralphie he stayed here to wait in the morning snorting cuck really he didn't help him he didn't help him oh yeah I did a few lines you know mean, what the fuck I drank a few beans So it was all Ralphie. Yeah, right when I was growing up that was every morning when they walked into hashways And for the biggest speakers in the city they go fucking cocoa kept the South those six in the morning really right you weren't it was your car Yeah, you could threw me out of the fucking car three hours earlier, but you didn't. Exactly. It's just uh...
Starting point is 00:37:49 I want to, I want to lie to another candle for Mama Hatch, where he's uh, rice pudding. God, down that was delicious. She's still alive, what a shame. You know, Billy horrend the move to town. We talk from time to time. That's why nobody goes home normal. Yeah, right? Because there's nowhere to go
Starting point is 00:38:07 But no, I mean you can go to chance dragon and it still gives strong egg rope Okay, oh no, those places still but our base. Yeah, right? That the one down the corner where everybody went and got a roast beef sandwich and you knew Mrs. Hashling You could put it on the arm for credit right and you went behind the counter and put your own salt mayonnaise. Yeah, make it, make it nice. You could take those, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That was, that, and that's what happened. I spoke to another friend of mine that called,
Starting point is 00:38:35 in regard to some mouse about a month ago, and I go, you've come home a lot and he goes, he goes after Hashway's closed, I moved down here and I never came back again. Yeah Think I'm important Hashways was so fucking good dude. You get you get you a fucking Was it chocolate sodas you used to get me was it egg cream or something? No, you who's you who's okay? I get a you
Starting point is 00:39:03 Chocolate water a rose beef on on the roll I'll ride a roll Why do you think it's not chocolate milk? What? Chocolate milk is better than you who I think Well, I had to get the full you want to talk to me. No, you want to talk to milk When you want a mother fucking you who you want a mother fucking you I was going straight I've got you this night. I stop here and I go in and get you when I'm good for the night. Yeah. Think of you who you're good. It's
Starting point is 00:39:30 amazing. What are you who would do? Do you have a 16 out of you? That's fucking no. I did I did everything. That was before one of the hashways had the lump. Okay. But mom is still came in and great rice pudding. And then that was my first time in hatchways This how cool this place was six months later eight months later. I Am going through and going fuck it. I don't know any place. I'm going to go into the city I don't know any place. I want to park over there. I'm gonna fuck JFK Boulevard fuck it, man
Starting point is 00:40:00 I've get off right right before I go into the tunnel I go if JFK and then boom pull right into hashways They I'm there. I got to say hello. I got to tell them to tell Coco. I they said hello and then Mama hashway not only did I get my rose beef sandwich you made me an extra one and then I she goes I heard you love my rice pudding So here take a bigger thing and she gave love my rice pudding. So here, take a bigger thing. And she gave me an extra rice pudding. And what was up? What was the cinnamon?
Starting point is 00:40:27 What's the chips that they had there that put the... Yeah, wise chips. I say the chips. With the owl, right? Yeah. That's the ones. That's the fucking ones. It's funny, Lee.
Starting point is 00:40:38 One day we were having a conversation years ago, and you were talking about that pizza parlor in your neighborhood. Right, yeah. That is the best pizza in the world to you. Like to you. Like when you go home, no matter what anybody says, no, you gotta go to Johnny's on Fibstreet. You still go there.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And it still tastes as good as it did when you were a fucking kid. Absolutely. That was hash worries. Only with yelling and screaming and people giving gossip. And you know, man, how about that heart attack on a roll in the morning, that morning sandwich that she'd make us. Oh my God. You picked up two of those.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I started eating that. I mean, I started eating that. You got to figure it in 1975. Doc. Ruffie. I went up there. I was a downtown kid and I went up there The world on the street was if you want to get better in basketball you had to go up there and play the rough games in the daytime And when did his kid Fuvio Pagliario? Nominal name he was the catcher on the baseball team by mistake slamming and he goes man. I'm sorry, you know So he got me a roast beef on rye. With Swiss cheese, thin shaved lettuce.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Let me tell you something. When I been into that, it was all over. I'd never taste anything like that in my life. I went there every day after that too. It fucking cool. Yeah. Till the end. We did the documentary. Yeah, absolutely. That's, I didn't go in that time. We went in there at two o'clock. And the roast beef wasn't really, I knew did the documentary. Yeah, absolutely. That's I didn't we didn't go in that time We went in there at two o'clock and the Rose Beef wasn't ready. I knew them was near. Yeah, right? You thought what?
Starting point is 00:42:11 What are you talking about? What are you talking about the Rose Beef? It used to be done at 10 in the morning. Look earlier earlier. Really? I can't eat the Rose Beef. So it's like when they first got to say first bounce check You know the first time they hit you with a bounce check and they're like, oh my my wife didn't deposit the funds. The losing. That first bound check means to boogie with nouggie. It's only going to get worse after here. Don't make me give you references. That was it. That first basketball means run. Even if they give you even they know cash it right away. They make themselves look solid. What's going on? I don't know don't wander don't wander don't wander don't want to watch you like oh Let him wonder fucking he's got a code on it will be fine. He just goes down
Starting point is 00:42:54 Who has you know who has it? It's a very interesting that a podcast and I have no idea what happened what it was said. I mean, I think we have fun, man. I know I left my balls off. And, and fuck, at least I gotta get to scare the snake. That was tremendous. You gotta save that for the fucking hat I real. All right, dude. The only way I'll forgive you, Ralphie, is if I get a $10,000 stake at the bad harrow
Starting point is 00:43:20 with the blackjack table. No, $10,000, I'll get you. I'll come on. I'll sit there. I'll give you. I don't know. You Jewish. Really? I don't work the fuck. I'm not gonna let you not sit there with the table. And not fucking play with me. I'll give you money. I'll keep you there. No, I'm asking for you. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Snake. The snake. Oh, focus on the yellow. Yeah. Find the yellow. Did the big edge. I'm looking for it. I know. It's a rim here. There's a fucking bee in there. It was it was it was so crazy when you think about. And am I ashamed of this Ralphie man? You know I can't lie to you. No.
Starting point is 00:44:08 But there was a time I was under the credit, fucking credit card, dude. And I still, to this day, out of all this shit, I did this, two things that I sit back and giggle, and go, how the fuck? Who, not who, the hands, the ground ground round and Sundays. I look at you as a man around and if you don't believe me, you call George Cowardesky right now. And that's my witness. All right. I took joyously. The ground round the way I would walk in the hungry.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yeah. Come on. Let's take a ride. I'd walk into the ground. What you want? It's on me. You get the soup, the chili, give me a mix. How many wings do you want? Six, give me 12. Look at Joey, the tab will come, I go thank you, and I go start walking, and you go, why are we paying for this? And then you're fucking accomplished.
Starting point is 00:44:59 You know how many times I did that. I think I did it three or four times. With George, you're getting away drivers. Without him knowing it. I Think I did three or four times with George There was always a by the way I would give you what you're looking for But it ain't gonna come easy to you. You're either gonna give me a ride a shirt. I gotta take a shower at your house I gotta do something Boy with the turd Fuck you you gotta give me something
Starting point is 00:45:26 Nothing ain't cheap in those days I'll give you 20 quailoots, but listen we're gonna go to the Bronx You gotta wait outside this black neighborhood and keep the guy on the other side keep the car on go lock the windows Keep it on go open the window for anybody Oh, I was you don't need no air right? You don't need no air You have no fucking idea how easy it was to make a living but I would go in 90 no in 85 I was the worst I ever was The worst I ever was was cocaine worst I ever was. Okay. No, no, no, no, an 85. I was clean. I was spotless.
Starting point is 00:46:11 I was just smoke a weed like a mother. And I went on a six-month tear in the New York City, New Northern New Jersey area, that till this day, they're scratching their heads. I would dress up in a suit and going to office building and take purses and ask registers to shoot. It was like I enveloped, so nothing in it. I throw it away. God damn it. I would bring, I would go the safe way and steal vitamins and stuff and tampons and what's the itch when you're vaginal? What's that stuff you get? Cardinal? Yeah, a back to cell. You steal it in Jersey for Fort Lee and I'd walk it over the bridge The Spanish Harlem where they pay your top dollar for that shit. I was a walking Scan it was like it didn't stop
Starting point is 00:46:54 One thing I did was I got three credit cards in my walk That were expired Expired and expired one was hot and expired. One was hot and expired. Like, and not a way with this for six months. Well, that's when they just did the paper. Three times a week, Lee, I would eat at a fine restaurant, a tremendous lunch,
Starting point is 00:47:15 on the arm for free. I always left a cash deposit. I think they've, like, there was never a piece of shit there. They invented cameras because of you, I think. I think like because of people are like, Lee, you gave them the card, and it was on on the $50 and it was a lunchtime crowd. Oh, your restaurant had to be packed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:32 And had to be packed. If you want to know when you can't look at it too long. They could look at it too long. They would have to take when they had three of them for lunch, you ever go to a restaurant, they had in those days that in call Lee if it was out under 50 That was 28 32 Getting called they just went this chink chink you sign and they gave you the card back Did you like and look at the names and only get like a male who like not like not like a black dude I became whatever name you gave me okay, whether it was Mohammed Ching-Sawho I was a Chinese guy for about two months
Starting point is 00:48:10 Well, I lived in San Francisco dog. I was a Chinese guy for at least two or three months Because I used to go to that fucking Japan Japan town up in San Francisco and there were the only people that would take travelers checks without a credit card without a license They were in on the movement. Yeah, I'm gonna even sign for that credit card. No, you can't you have no idea That's how it was you got to talk to the people like you own the joint. Let me get that watch Let me try it on all right. Let me get this from what else you got let me get that one to boom what's your name? Sam what's happening Sam everything all right? I made your day three. You know, we make a nice commission. You take a visa credit card. American Express Dynast club
Starting point is 00:48:51 What do you take? Yeah, here I'm holding a visa. Yeah, but you know what I'm saying? I'm holding a visa But I'm throwing different options at you. I got discover. I got that make what do you want? I got a silver car. I've seen you do that. No dog. You got to walk in there like you own the fucking place, Lee. Oh my god. And the guy would be smiling and have a great time. You give him the car. He's thank you for coming. Thank you for coming, Mr. Kim. Thank you, yes. They're not going to argue with you. Everyone wants some of that. Ask your friend license. Yeah. One out of ten times you got to ask for a license and you had to run out of anything you lost a credit card The credit card was hot and hot Remember in those days it wasn't what it is now if I stole a credit card now And I sent it to you over late malin jersey. You had two days to go bananas because it would only break down in zones
Starting point is 00:49:37 So it would break down in the west co-zone to mountain Whatever you did it on Friday you had told you had told Tuesday. All lead, there was a thousand scams. Remember, in those days I would say you leave me a nickel. I'm gonna give you back 550. I had to do that. Watch me. I go buy five miles with the travelers checks and we get your fucking 30 cents on the dollar. Whatever. And then we bang your t-shirts. You have no idea. Let me tell you something. I love you to death because the last 20 years you've made it Cool for me to be alive like you've made it and you've made it this acceptable
Starting point is 00:50:15 Like when you used to go on the road and come back two weeks later Yeah, I loved you because you got me weed and shit like that But I really love seeing it because I really missed you. I figure without you I'm at the store by myself. I'm fighting these motherfuckers. Dude, we were. It was me, you. And that little fucking apartment and it was just a crazy situation. That's where this began. And I would tell you shit and we would giggle and it's just weird that every time, you know, the hospital, the PTSD, the fucking, you know.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, I was gonna ask you, Alfie. How do you like survive 20 years? First of all build up a tolerance to that weed okay, all right? You got to be ever mind now. have you been a good away driver yet? No. No, I'm not a whaire. I'm really mad. You haven't been a good away driver yet? I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:51:12 And Coco's not the same Coco, he was. No, no, no. So, and, and, and, I mean, while you were, well, you get the Bolivian flu every once in a while, you never fucking brought it around me. No, I do a little bump to the bathroom Right, but but nothing disrespectful You know like like like if like whatever's got here in Houston if you put out coke right there. Oh, I Had a diet. All right, but you always a gentleman
Starting point is 00:51:41 I was even talking about that. I was just talking about like him torturing you like mental. Oh my god the tortures I broke my fucking hand. I hit a guy at the fucking air I mean at the at the Post office because he pushed an old lady down because she couldn't hear the Asian lady She was old Russian lady, all right, and he couldn't hear the Asian lady, she was old Russian lady, alright? And he couldn't hear the Nesco net please. Okay, and so the Russian lady was standing there and this douchebag L.A. guy pushed her and she fucking snapped her fucking arm. Oh my God. Yeah, right in front of me.
Starting point is 00:52:18 So I turned around and hit the guy and it fucking broke my hand. Okay. And so I go home.'m fucking talk calling Joey and I'm shook up man I'm like Coco is like a shark if he smells blood in the water if you're upset about something that's what he's going for all right so so he called me up and go get out of there get out of there right now The the police are coming right now because you Knocked the guy out for Go out the back door. I'm outside and Elkhun Padre all right go out the back door right now
Starting point is 00:52:57 All right, and I ran out the back door Thinking like that and I didn't have my keys So I can lock myself out of the back of gardener So I had to walk all and I was you know your fat your mad. Okay, you're mad like now I got to walk around God damn front Get in there, but I'm hiding thinking about doing couple down the judge will south okay, you know what do I do? It's crazy how many getaway drivers I Used that I had a cut a piece in
Starting point is 00:53:29 And there's crazy how many getaway drivers I did something with Until today they have no idea when that yeah, I think I'm in that group maybe I don't like it get away, but like a fast leaving you have no idea And you know what's crazy like I remember like four of them now The good ones when you come back bleeding and the people like what happened? You come back like oh Jay Yeah, I'm just cut yeah, I browse out of the high You're sure to rip yeah, and what the fuck we oh
Starting point is 00:54:04 I had to go take my shirt on a laundry you fucking retarded Are you fucking crazy? You're bleeding from your hand. It's gash with that, man You don't leave one of those guys in Vegas that you get in my Yeah, it's really it's really you know Lee thinks like when Lee was allowed at the South Point Lee was very interesting to me. Mm-hmm. Because at Lee's age, I didn't like Las Vegas at all. Yeah. I took a hit in for Las Vegas when I was 22.
Starting point is 00:54:34 And I sat on the neatest place. I'm from New York City where I could do this. Well, I got to walk around with cameras. I got to walk around with cameras and they're watching the bathrooms. They watch everything, Jack. For me to get down, for me to come to your same 84, I had to know I could snort in peace. I could go to a bar and jack out like I used to doing Houston, but you can't even talk anymore. I go that. I'm parking. No, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 00:55:01 I'm parking. I got our house. No, the fucking yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, was a lot of the South Point. Yeah, Lee was a lot of the South Point. It was interesting because we would finish up a show. We would eat something. We'd get high. And Lee would look like, you know, OK, I get it. Lee's tired. I'm tired. And the next day I hear it's a random story.
Starting point is 00:55:41 How he got up at two, brushed his hair and came down. He went to five. And at five 30 bumped into a friend who put bad luck on him and he went back to the table. Husband ration. And he ended up losing. We ended up losing what he won plus a hundred hours pocket. And he's salivating from the mouth. Because he's Jewish. He goes back up to the road. He washes himself. He bangs when he calls his the mouth because he's Jewish he goes back up to the road He washes himself he bangs without he closes girlfriend and he refusals for the last temptation of Christ He's got this weird way of gambling. Then I he's telling me how good he is. He's Johnny bananas. I Stalk him. I think I'm a yard or two. He blows it in two minutes. He got beat up So this day he blames me I will never hurt a couple hands and he lives I walk the
Starting point is 00:56:35 way so it's my fault I never been nobody's lucky fuck it I never had been nobody's lucky rabbit foot this guy wins a mish He's a mish Oh, he's mish Put him in the bathroom. I believe we see where he started in nuclear. He got books He took a fucking course on the nonex how to hypnotize the black Jack Bracelet bro maybe have it. Oh man, the I know It's actually in my luggage. I go everywhere with the he took a course. You know, by the way I've had okay, thank you church for
Starting point is 00:57:16 Take me in loving on me you guys come to my shows and after the showroom I'm you know downstairs maybe having a delicious but wise product. Okay, you know, maybe enjoying myself a little bit before I go home and you guys come up to me and you're like, look at the yellow Ralphie, where's that goddamn bracelet? We fucking love that and it's because of of this I've gotten tons of fans and and they've come in and they've they've loved me and I just say thank you I am very humble by y'all the fucking church is for real dude they do not fuck around in in Denver I had I had like five guys go do it I'm from the church and they brought me raffer okay I had the lead dude I love
Starting point is 00:58:13 fuck man don't give you a dollar oh my god Buffalo come run Houston Houston's all the Nashville oh my god every time I'm in Zane's that's my home club Okay, every time I'm there every time 20 or 30 people guys are like man, we love you on the church and It's just like it's so cool. It's cool man. It's like it's like the thing that we had is like is that is like just going out you know what I mean and I'm just trying to distract now because Coco's really getting into his fucking left nut all right I think you might be
Starting point is 00:58:59 ready to pop it's it it's stuck it's fucking I've seen it at. I was saying that look. He could pop the lid on his nut. There's nothing like moving. Oh, the little blood. There's nothing like moving. And fucking getting stuck. You're not getting stuck on your underwear. You know, me and these is banging.
Starting point is 00:59:19 So from that half short zone. So it fucked it up. All right, let me read this out. we'll get the fuck out of here. I can't believe you're just leaving that there. Don't forget. ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi ʻi you you

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