Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - THE FUTURE IS AUDIO | #242 | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT with JOEY DIAZ

Episode Date: May 8, 2023

Welcome to UNCLE JOEY’S JOINT...   It’s Monday, May 8, 2023…   This podcast is ALWAYS presented by ONNIT! Go to https://www.onnit.com & Enter PROMO CODE: JOEY, JOINT or CHURCH   This episode ...is also brought to you by Better Help & Manscaped…    MANSCAPED Visit http://www.manscaped.com and use code JOEY for 20% off + free shipping on your first order.   BETTER HELP   This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at https://www.betterhelp.com/DIAZ & get on your way to being your best self.   Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media:   https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world   And don’t forget...   The Mind of Joey Diaz on PATREON:   https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz   #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #displate #manscaped #bluechew #CBDLion #HeartAndSoil #DraftKings #BetterHelp #stamps #RocketMoney   The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media:   https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast   Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....   https://spoti.fi/unclejoeysjoint

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's happening you bad motherfuckers it's Monday May the 8th the joint is brought to you by on it listen it's time we're having the semi-annual sale till May 14th and on it kettlebells gut health they got it all so do me a favor go to honor.com right now look at all the great things they have the supplements kettlebells club bats I mean it maces they got it all I'm gonna save you some money with this sale so go to the semi-annual sale right now at honor.com if you see something you like you want to save some extra money throw in Diaz Joey a church in there and see what it gets you hope they'll get
Starting point is 00:00:42 you 10% but listen this sale is gonna be great so if you're looking for some new supplements if you're looking to try here's your chance honor.com slash Joey the joint is also brought to you by Manscape you bad motherfuckers summer is coming up and your body will soon be glistening in the sunlight make sure you're grooming that nutsack on point with Manscape that dedicated to upping your confidence by giving you all the tools they need let me tell you some that performance package is on fire the new lawnmower 4.0 will knock you into a your nutsack and the Pogo stick will look its best it's looked in years the
Starting point is 00:01:27 performance packet 2.0 was a lifesaver it includes the essential lawnmower 4.0 waterproof cordless body hair trimmer and you ready for this the weed wacker to get all those fucking disgusting hairs out of your nose and some extra goodies for the crown jewels while you're at it deal with the toenails like mine which she is 2.0 nail kid they don't work on my toes so don't worry about it get 20% off from free shipping with cojoey at manscape.com again that's 20% off in free shipping with cojoey at manscape.com trim your chesticles with your besticles cock suckers and now it's time to get this party started
Starting point is 00:02:17 come on in check one two welcome to uncle joey's joint music greetings you bad motherfuckers it's Monday the 8th of May holy shit what a fucking week guys it's a beautiful day to be alive Monday the 8th ready to tackle some shit here first off I want to thank everybody who purchased the book the audible the audio I don't give a fuck it uh listen man I Eric and I wrote a book we did the best we could did I think anything that I
Starting point is 00:03:39 think I was Mario Puzo or fucking no not at all I just wanted to tell my story was one of my goals and I gotta tell you I am more overwhelmed than ever so thank you for all the fucking support and people putting up the pictures and me retweeting your pictures with your fucking teeth out and shit it was it just was really great it's a real great feeling I can't tell you guys that you know I've been walking on like a dream all week like this was I can't tell you like Monday was kind of weird Monday night in sleep which I I just could not fall asleep and then Tuesday I woke up to phone calls and congratulations and
Starting point is 00:04:26 shit since Tuesday I've been feeling like I'm fucking naked like I'm walking around naked like I bear everything to you motherfuckers over the years on the podcast yeah we spoke about different things and shit but you know when you tell a story about robbing somebody you could look at it objectively but when you read the backstory it's still a piece of shit thing that I did but when you read the backstory you go wow okay now I could be a little bit more lenient on them I didn't know what was going on in his life at that time yeah you don't you don't know you just don't know so when you tell these things in isolated
Starting point is 00:05:08 ways you know you string them together and you explain that's what I wanted to do I always there was two things I always wanted to do tell my story number one and number two explain myself explain myself not that I needed to explain myself to fucking anybody I wanted to explain myself for me that was it that just to let you know what happened I told you all the bad points in my life I told you all the good points in my life and I'm very proud I stand behind both of them I don't listen things fucking happened okay but the most important thing is that we're still here you know and I learned I just learned
Starting point is 00:05:50 a lot from writing this fucking book I thought I had it figured out and you really don't man it makes you look at your life and everybody else lives a little bit more objectively like you look at it like it made me get out of my body and look to see what the fuck was going on so this has been an education so I appreciate you guys letting me do this even though it took 18 fucking years and that's what I tell you guys man listen man whether you're quitting drugs whether you want to come everybody tells you you need to get a college degree in four years that's what they tell you I know some people have gotten in three two and
Starting point is 00:06:27 a half but I've also known some people that took six didn't take six years for recreation to fucking graduate yeah I mean yeah listen guys it's it's a struggle it's your journey it's your fucking journey you know we always rush ourselves to oh my god I gotta be a millionaire and buttertum them 25 bro you got 10 cents in the bank and yet 19 how you gonna fucking be a millionaire unless you hit the lottery unless you bet the selfie I don't fucking know I don't know so you know I'm not better than you guys I'm not smarter than you guys I wasn't born with a golden spoon in my fucking mouth you know everything I
Starting point is 00:07:06 got had a fucking work for it it's funny there's a dear friend of ours in the neighborhood I mean dear friend the kids are like my kids you know they have a little boy who was born with a fucking football a baseball and a basketball on his hand he's just a tremendous little natural athlete he's got a sister and she started playing softball a little after mercy started and she struggled the first year she didn't know the rules you know and the second year she went back and she had some of the thing guys this is what I watch I love when people get it I love when the switch goes off okay and she struggled but ever the
Starting point is 00:07:50 coaches recommended that she go to a batting instructor she struggled again without the batting instructor but this time a little bit more and now I want to watch it this morning I want to watch a Saturday morning and I gotta tell you some guys she scored twice she struck out three fucking people you know and I and she was so fucking happy she was so happy and it meant the world to me but it meant the world to me I pulled her aside I go remember when we had a talk that you would just get better was I lying to you I go and how much better does it taste that you had to work for it you know guys some people don't have
Starting point is 00:08:31 to work for it but then it all falls apart the people that work for it they fucking fight to keep that shit like I did you got a fight regardless of what the consequences are you got to keep fucking fighting every day and pushing and you know I'm gonna see her later I'm gonna see her like this week oh my daughter's got a game with her and I sent the text to the mom I go I wish you were at the game the mom had a work on Saturday I wish you were at the game to see the improvement it took three years it took three years for her to become a player she's not Willie Mays yet but do you know I'm saying like it takes fucking
Starting point is 00:09:09 time you could keep banging your head off the fucking wall a thousand times so take your time enjoy it enjoy the ride don't worry about Peter's doing don't worry about what Jake is doing cuz you know what it's all about you motherfuckers always keep that in mind and that's your fucking little Monday kicking the fucking ass I was blessed this last week to be able to do are you garbage if you guys notice I've been getting out more I needed to I needed to go into the city more and do some fucking podcasts last week we had a cancel bar stool till this week so I'll be doing bar stool this week I'm doing Andrew Schultz in a few
Starting point is 00:09:51 weeks so things are starting to move a little bit more I have not heard anything on the book signing so don't ask me you know as soon as I find out I'll be just as happy as you motherfuckers so don't ask and we'll fucking leave it there but the are you garbage guys I tell you what really I think Wednesday night I was watching something on TV with the family and I was thinking about the office the old podcast office you know and it came over me how much I missed that place like I ate that was just not an office that was a place on earth for a little while that I don't know I don't know when I think about that office sometimes I go
Starting point is 00:10:37 what the fuck was that in there there was never you know everybody assumed whatever was going on in there guys you saw what the fuck was going on there two fat fucks getting high until they couldn't talk anymore you know that's all the basic of what it was guys could we pull it off again now today not in a million fucking years but it was for that the excitement I get when I walk into that office sometimes I throw my bag sit down smoke a few fucking bomb heads bullshit with Lee you know and when you had like a guest that you really fucking knew it made such a great difference it really was I missed the
Starting point is 00:11:19 office so much that actually called Lee that night it's like midnight I go can ask you a question do you miss the fucking office he's like it's funny you said that I was to handle man that office just had you guys see guys and ripped up carpet up I wish you guys had seen that I really wish you guys would have seen how beautifully disgusting it was when we ripped the carpet up especially in the area we used to sit because we picked it up and rolled it out so everything could roll down guys there was fucking there was more THC dust buds fucking acid that had disintegrated like in the fucking the
Starting point is 00:12:05 liquid acid that just fucking ate through the bottle like eventually that thing ate through the fucking bottle I mean it was just when you pick that shit up and it rolled down and you saw it you were like I don't know what I should be happy or fucking sad or I should call an NA meeting to come here and bless the room or I should bust out the fucking exorcist fucking the power of Christ compels you it was really a fucking different situation when I walked into are you garbage I felt that same energy it was it's a certain energy it's a certain energy you tap into when podcasters are hot like when their
Starting point is 00:12:47 podcast is beaming and there's a certain energy you fall into and it was just great to see I hope the podcast went well I hope you guys are fucking happy with it you know what it is what it is I'm gonna get out there and do some more podcast the next week and as you see today we're doing audio only you know we want to try something fucking new here we're a little burnt out with the YouTube thing I'm sick of looking at me you're sick of looking at me you know so we're gonna do different things here I listen I always appreciate it when I started the podcast I didn't know anything about YouTube we didn't do
Starting point is 00:13:24 anything with YouTube I really appreciated podcasting for one fucking reason I'll tell you what the truth is I appreciate it that it made us listen again I always looked at those pictures from the 50s and the 40s when you see a family sitting around a radio listening to the Green Horned or War of the Worlds with whatever or whatever fucking you know show they were watching Sergeant Boko there was all these radio pictures when I was a kid and I would watch that and go wow that seems so cool it seems kind of faggy but at the same time it seems kind of cool like when you look at it that you that you just
Starting point is 00:14:03 listened no visual you just sat there with one ear towards the thing you know when I was growing up and you got AF or you got a AM radio you didn't get speakers with it you got a cord with just one plug and you had to sit there with that one fucking I still remember being in the fourth grade with one of those radios that had the waves that you get China and shit like that at like 18 levels that's the only fucking thing I ever wanted a raffle in the fourth grade I run a fucking radio like a CB and everything what's those things you a truck of one nine a CB radio everything and I could talk to truck
Starting point is 00:14:40 drivers at night and get molested when the fourth grade it was fucking crazy and I would listen to I would wait all night to listen to to see if Elton John's Benny and the Jets would come up this how old I am guys all right I was there when Benny got real that was the hot song like 73 72 I was maybe eight nine maybe seven now a little older than seven and I would sit there all night under the fucking covers with this radio on with a plug connected to one fucking thing I still remember walking around the city I still being a kid and walking around New York City when you had a ABC W ABC ran a contest and it was about
Starting point is 00:15:23 fucking if they caught you with a sticker on you won $25,000 let me tell you something I had 15 of those buttons on me at all times when I was seven and eight years old I would walk back and forth on Times Square back and forth by fucking Broadway and eight I'd be walking all over I never bumped into one of those fucking ABC people but the bump into him you had to listen to the radio they tell you there's a guy standing by 34th and 7th get down and out when you got that there's no ABC guy but I still remember that it was just the cord connected to your fucking ear so when podcasting was introduced like
Starting point is 00:15:58 you know and Rogan all those guys are doing at Mark Marin I really I used to listen to Mark a lot in the beginning because it was audio you know I don't know when he incorporated the video part of it but I think a couple months he just had audio everybody was just audio for a few months and it was fucking tremendous like I liked listen the reason why I like these fucking for years I did fucking album of the week and all that stupid shit because I want to bring all that shit back there was something to sitting down opening an album and reading the insides of it and just rolling a joint on the inside and sitting
Starting point is 00:16:39 in your room and there was just something to me I always felt that was special and I think over the years that got taken away from us people just don't fucking listen and that goes for me too you know I mean listening is the biggest gift that we have and we live our lives not fucking listening not really focusing on little things and little words so it was like okay I really enjoyed the podcasting again because I thought we would bring it back that old world you know everything was pointed that shit coming back look at the success of albums the last few years I think three years ago that yeah
Starting point is 00:17:19 three years ago vinyl sales so I thought people would get back to listening again and I got back to listening heavy during the pandemic I mean we all did we ought to listen to shit and music and all this bullshit but you know now I've been doing this podcast on tape for what 10 fucking years now I think Felicia and I did no video yeah we didn't have video we didn't have video I think I'm a lot more freer I think I don't have people's eyeballs looking at me and shit like that so I just wanted to try it this way for a few weeks just to see what the fuck happens to spice up things and you know who the fuck knows so just work
Starting point is 00:18:01 with me I don't know if it's gonna work for you but I want to go audio only now that said I do enough fucking my face is in a lot of fucking places now for me to keep doing this stupidity I want to go something different the best thing about going into the city though Friday you know guys we take so many fucking things for granted in our lives that's why I tell people when you're not in the right headspace come home come home come home take a ride to the same stood take a ride to where you went to school park the car walk to school and walk back to your car or better yet park the car go to school from your house and
Starting point is 00:18:43 walk back to your house just try it one time see how empowering you fucking feel like you just feel empowered you know when I was in a bad situation 1993 I came home and for the first two months my situation here wasn't much better but I forced myself to walk from Cliffside to North Bergen every day to work at hashways I did that for a reason because it would make me walk past 85th Street and all these places that I knew I would sometimes this is 30 years ago when I could walk and have knee problems I would dip down into North Bergen where the rocket ship was and just see the old name but I wouldn't even have to see
Starting point is 00:19:23 anybody was 10 30 in the morning people were at work or whatever the fuck they were doing it wasn't about seeing people it was about walking those streets and seeing where you got your momentum from you know so yesterday whenever I take the ferry I usually hook a right on River Road and fucking go up to Rudy's that's that's my that's my quicker fixing up I go to Rudy's I get the road island nice the Rhode Island fucking clam channel it's the red and the white put together and then I get like a salad or something more half water fried calamar with the fucking crispy shrimp well done and I ride home it's about a
Starting point is 00:20:04 55 minute home ride home but yesterday I put the fucking thing on in the car to see how long it would take me to Rudy's it was like a half hour it was already 230 that means by the time I got the Rudy's it would be 3 o'clock and then by the time I order and get out of there for I would get I wouldn't get down into 515 520 and I had the quarantine crime family through a little bash for myself and Erica just like a little dinner at their restaurant in Neptune so I wanted to make that I thought about going to fucking Rudy's gig last night my apologies I know a lot of you guys went to see Quiet Riot up there in NJ
Starting point is 00:20:41 pack imagine what Englewood I was stuck down here till fucking 9 o'clock but tomorrow the story is on the way back I was like fuck it because when you get off the ferry on the Jersey side you're fucking you know maybe a half a mile from Route 3 495 which turns into 3 which rolls you into the turnpike so I was like you know what I think I'm gonna go that route but I'm still fucking hungry I'm fucking hungry you know I hadn't eaten anything since fucking 8 in the morning I had the knee doctor for the PRP to check out the knee and the progress and then I was gonna and then I shot to the fucking city so I didn't
Starting point is 00:21:23 really eat anything the city was fucking beautiful you know and I saw all those sabrette hotdog stands and I'm like man we were talking about all you got we were talking about the sabrette hotdogs are you garbage and they're like they don't even happen in the city they buy those umbrellas they're fakes I thought so because the last time I got a fucking hotdog in the city it wasn't that good well anyway if you pull into the 495 and if you wait to go into the 495 guys you will sit there for two fucking years it is one night I tried to do it I was there for like seven fucking lights and what happens is the
Starting point is 00:22:01 people don't stop at the light so the cars can't go through the people keep not the people keep walking the people keep driving they run the light and then they because they want to catch that light so now you're stuck there it is brutal so last week I said fuck this I'm not doing this again and I took the outside lane which takes you right into Union City all right now if you've ever been to this part of the country when you get off the Lincoln tunnel where the sopranos woke up this morning when it goes around you're in Jersey when you turn you got two fucking options you can either go into Hoboken or you're going
Starting point is 00:22:41 to Weehawken all right or you go to Union City those are the first fucking things you see when you land in Jersey if you go up the hill and you look at Union City it looks like an old rustic town I mean the post office is still there from before when I was a kid and they have like these viaducts where people from Route 3 come into the city so you're driving over them basically they're under you when I was a kid I would go to those things and throw pennies off there to fucking please forgive me because my mother's bar was right down oh my god every day me and my buddies nungeal bunch of us would throw pennies
Starting point is 00:23:21 at the car we fucking run like little idiots that we were so the idea was like I'm fucking starving and I could really go for a hot dog but I don't think that hot dog guy is there anymore dog my mother closed that bar in 1978 and her bar was on 29th and Bergen line and I'm 30th in Bergen line around the corner was a fucking hot dog man that had been there for a long time he took numbers as a matter of fact he was like an illegal bookie there I think he was Spanish I don't fucking know you know I don't remember then years later they moved them to New York Avenue and 30th Street which is right down the corner headed
Starting point is 00:24:01 towards the city and there's a U-turn you can hit that land you right there and I'm at that light and I look and I saw the hot dog man was there now he's been there at that fucking spot since I got to be maybe 20 and he sells steak on a stick he's not an Arab guy he's a Spanish guy he sells steak on a stick fucking thick pieces of beef and he puts Frank's hot sauce on that motherfucker with two pieces of Italian bread and he has the best hot dog sad brat all the way I'm bug I'm tempted to getting back in the fucking car today and going up there later on that's how good the fucking steak on a stick was and the
Starting point is 00:24:42 story with all my points and wait watch a bullshit I inhaled two fucking onion two fucking what do you call those red onions this sabrette sweet spicy onions with mustard oh my god I had two of those motherfuckers and while I was waiting he just kept handing me those those fucking sticks with bread on them I ate three of those fucking sticks a schnapple iced tea and then I made a you a schnapple iced tea like a motherfucker and then I made a fucking U-turn I got back on headed toward the three and I saw that you know it's a Spanish fucking town like Union City is like 80% Spanish now you know and I made a U-turn I hit
Starting point is 00:25:25 it down I see I saw some women selling fruit and shit I pulled up I bought some pears some fucking mangoes but I got one of those coconuts with destroying it that you drink the fresh coconut juice stop it stop it I was in the fucking heaven I was oh yeah I had the schnapple the fucking the coconut water for dehydration of purposes and then the beauty of it was I'm standing there from his hot dog guy and all of a sudden I remember I'm looking at this bar across the street I'm like holy fuck I used to bartend there it was a guy from Union City's name was Teddy Martiniak he played for the Chicago Bulls in the
Starting point is 00:26:08 70s big fucking drunk dude six foot six and sweet heart of a guy but this guy was a fucking walking drunk I had never seen anything like that I think I thrown out of the NBA because he was just an Irish fucking dude you know from Union City and this guy he bought a bar for his own personal playground like when you buy a bar for you and your friends you know you're a fucking Alki okay you know you're a fucking Alki and I got nothing against that I got my own fucking promise you know I'm saying so I got nothing against that if it was up to me I would have been a Colombian cocaine place when I was 22 but you know
Starting point is 00:26:46 who had the money for something like that so I'm looking at this place now it's like Maria and sons you know it's definitely everything in that part of town now with Spanish I got none against I'm just trying to make a how much the town changed I didn't even look at the bar while I was eating those hot dogs I'm I didn't look into the bar because I was across the street maybe 15 feet I was not far at all and when I'm sitting there I'm thinking about how I walked in there when I was a senior in high school and talked that dude into letting me bar that I quit school already I got fired from Masbeks many hard century
Starting point is 00:27:25 hardware and I had fucking I was collecting I sued them my union there was a wrongful firing and then they kept me laid off until they picked up again so I'm collecting big money you know I'm collecting like 450 a week when you're 18 and 1982 get the fuck out of my face 1981 and I'm under the table working at this bar and he's like you know do you know how to make drinks and I'm like come on nobody in here is only drinking martini you know it's gonna be a long nice tea a whiskey shot or beer the bar had like a little pool table a couple TVs in the daytime some Cuban bookies hang out in there that were left off from
Starting point is 00:28:06 my mother's bar so I knew those so when I went in there for apply for the job I'm guys 18 not even out of high school yet and when I applied for the job all those guys when they like yeah hire me fucking grew up in his mother's bar he knows what the fuck he's doing don't worry but okay I fuck he hired me this guy's like I only got two ships he goes I got Monday nights and I got Thursday mornings at 7 a.m. to 3 and I'm like can I ask you a question who comes in here at 7 a.m. and he goes all I got to tell you is one thing if I give you that 7 a.m. shift you better be at 6 30 he goes I'm telling you he didn't tell me why he
Starting point is 00:28:53 never told me why he just gives him just telling you what do you think I did the first day I was late as a motherfucker I thought they'd be nobody that Mike when I pulled up there was 30 people there because down the corner is that post office I spoke about and there's a bus station that's the last bus to New York City that's the last place you catch a bus in Jersey now remember every bus passes through there if you get picked up in South Jersey and you're going to Lincoln Tunnel you pass through that so if there's a bus every two seconds you can see him stacked up like people going to different buses these motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:29:34 would be in that 7 o'clock and all of them would take two shots with a beer back 7 a.m. Mike and the way to work and their hands would be shaking while I gave them the drink their hands would be dog that was an education guys that's an education when you see a motherfucker coming in fresh from breakfast throw a cigarette on the sidewalk come in get a shot of whiskey with a beer back and do another fucking shot of whiskey and run to the bus with a cigarette in your mouth that's fucking seven in the morning there was 30 people they're waiting on those and out of 30 24 them would be shaken it was insane it was
Starting point is 00:30:18 insane and then I would nothing after 8 o'clock and make a quick 60 bucks but nothing after 8 o'clock nothing I would just sit there getting hot dogs not dog man across the street and shit all day until my buddies would come down my buddies would come down sometime in the afternoon before they went into the city to get their fucking menu items for the evening this episode is brought to you by better help stop taking care of others all the time take care yourself for a change better help let you take time that's just for you talk through life for the licensed therapists all from the comfort of your home with your feet up
Starting point is 00:30:56 relaxing better help is entirely online no sterile doctor's office no commute you do therapy when and where it works for you listen I'm not with better help anymore I was with Dana for about nine months and it changed me if you listen to the earlier podcast I was lost at least I'm still lost but not as lost so take some time for yourself and just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with your therapist listen if you don't like your therapist they easily switch your therapist at any time for no additional charge I'm gonna save you a bunch of money with better help and get you better if you could tell mental
Starting point is 00:31:36 health is killing us right now I was one of those people but I found relief with better help dot com so do me a favor go to better help dot com slash Diaz diaz get 10% off your first month that's better help dot com slash Diaz now back to the show alright we're back now so Monday nights he gave me and I'm like what am I doing on a Monday night it wasn't even Monday night football anymore I took the job like maybe I'm not sure maybe I did have the job Monday night football dog the first Monday I was there I invited all my buddies every one of those drunks so I told them all listen you got to pay for a beer before
Starting point is 00:32:25 every beer you pay for I'll give you a beer and give you a shot so if you paid me for eight beers you got 16 beers and fucking eight shots you're getting fucked up all right so I had about a hundred motherfuckers down there maybe 80 motherfuckers down there the first night he called me Tuesday he's like that's the biggest cash register I've ever had in a Monday night I broke like a thousand bucks on Monday night with high school kids with fucking high school kids with fucking high school kids I broke like $1,200 in the register from four to fucking three in the morning so the next Monday he was there and all my
Starting point is 00:33:04 friends came up and they got like somebody to sponsor the fucking night like Bud Light not even oh no not the tranny beer I don't want to say that here I'm fucking they got somebody to fucking sponsor and we did like three of them that way and then he's like those Monday nights are too wild for me your friends are a little too wild guys we weren't fucking high school and then one Monday one of my dear friends Darren Rago God rest his soul got into a tremendous fist fight with another friend of mine named Larry the Hat Larry the Hat I love that fucking name I knew Larry the Hat I knew both of these
Starting point is 00:33:44 motherfuckers since I was you know a kid and here they are my bar fighting each I mean it was a fucking tremendous fight they ended the fight in a fucking van somebody had a van they oh my god every every Monday it was something but the beauty about this bar was and this one it gets interesting guys fucking there was a there was a girl that worked there with me and I grew up with her my name was Darlene she came from a big Italian family me and her were always dying to my friends growing up with bullshit at the basketball court now we're older she was a couple years older than me and she started working there but let me
Starting point is 00:34:26 tell you how the system worked there at the end of the night you zed out you counted everything and you left a bank for the morning in the register you know whatever it was 50 bucks 60 bucks and then you took the rest you put an envelope and you put in the refrigerator like he had a regular refrigerator in the back with beers and like hot dogs and whatever shit he would make them and you would put it up in the top thing and I'm like fuck that's crazy I leave a thousand dollars in that envelope overnight I gotta get to that somehow another so he gave me a key so what I figured out was the nights that I
Starting point is 00:35:01 didn't work at that time you didn't have the high-tech alarms like you have now to tell you what time somebody came in on a notify it was just an alarm with a key you know so let's say I was in the city at a club with my friends and we're driving back on Wednesday at four in the morning I go stop in the club and I go in the back I'd walk in get like a soda the place would be closed I'd hear the mice scattering I'd open a third refrigerator I'd take an envelope rip it open take all the bill out and then put in a new envelope with the same amount so the old envelope said 88878 I would take that money out eight hundred seventy
Starting point is 00:35:43 eight dollars take a hundred out put the receipt there with everything and put 870 778 let's say that's it I did this for about three weeks it was driving them crazy they couldn't figure out I mean and I never thought about that girl getting in trouble but for some reason I was always taking the 100 when she worked the shift so she could not figure it out and one day she kind of figured it out and she called me and she's like are you going in there at night and taking the money I'm like no why would I drive 80 fucking blocks you know what's a matter with you know and she's like there's something weird the
Starting point is 00:36:22 teddy guy called me a few times what the fuck is going on down there I'm like I don't know I don't it's not me you got like 20 bartenders you know he had two ships a day yeah it's seven days a week that's 14 different bars I only had two ships the chick had like three some guy with a there was a chick that had a glass eye with big tits that worked there you know I mean it was just a fucking it was just a fucking you know so this went on for a few weeks and this girl had a boyfriend who I grew up with and at the time this guy was a scary dude he was fucking working with some dudes that were not doing good things and he called
Starting point is 00:37:02 me one day he's like can we meet for coffee now I grew up with this dude I grew up going to his house I knew his family I mean I knew his dad I knew his mom and when we met he was laughing about it he's like you know that's great that you're getting a little big out of there blah blah blah but my girlfriend's getting in trouble and I go whatever starts stealing I go what the fuck is wrong with you what am I the only one they're stealing all these bars are filled with thiefy fucking bartenders you know they can't barely make the rent because these bartenders are stealing with three hands well that's not the
Starting point is 00:37:38 school she came from I said listen man whatever you know we left on a good no I mean this guy was my brother we used to come down here we were kids together we come to English town to the fucking mall to the English town yard whatever the fuck the floor swap meet and we buy hot sneakers and listen to BTO fucking taking care of business we were kids and he was a little older than me he drove you know but he drove when he was 16 he didn't give a fuck this guy that's how bad he was the motherfucker so this you know he called me again like a month later hey man it's over you can't keep stealing I'm like brother come on
Starting point is 00:38:18 you got in fact his younger brother got me a job when my mother died at a lumberyard and told me right out listen do me a favor if I quit you got to keep stealing because I can't let them know that I was robbing because if I didn't steal then they'll go what the fuck is going on we would be you know all this shit was missing so he goes you got to keep this from a family that told me to keep stealing now the older brothers are yet a stop till I'm like dog I'm not doing it I'm sorry I'm not fucking doing he's like do it again we're gonna have a problem so what I do a week later I fucking did it again because he was my
Starting point is 00:38:54 brother like he ain't gonna fucking hurt me we're gonna talk about this shit but the last time he came to me he was gonna hurt me that's how crazy he was at the time you know and I don't know if I stopped stealing I don't know how it ended I think they changed the door locks well I don't fucking know I just know I never got a call back one day but it was so weird to walk in there when you're such a young kid like I can't fucking high school Mike when I was sitting there and I'm sitting there you ever see like a flag like a movie there's like a flashback scene like that's what I have like how who the fuck would hire me
Starting point is 00:39:31 at 18 years old to make I think it was 18 when I first started drinking in Jersey was 18 because I remember my friends would steal their brother's licenses and then sell the replacement license didn't have paper they didn't have your picture on them so it was a lot easier to fucking drink back then then there's not you know I guess I don't fucking know but just a whole thought of that me standing there for 20 minutes eating hot dogs going and I remember one time like I was just looking at the thing and also some guy beat them he goes Joey's back in Union City because that was my old you know Union City like
Starting point is 00:40:13 I know one of the guys up there that's a commissioner with dear friends he's a guy that got me my first Johnson and Johnson COVID shot I mean with really tight and I've been to Union City at night it looks great like it looks beautiful but you gotta see this this place has so much history that nobody talks about it's an old Irish town first and the Cubans started coming in because of embroidery and like the late 40s and the 50s and they all lived together there's a bus station there it was so blue collar if you watch the Irishman that's where the guy's bar was from the Irishman that that made
Starting point is 00:41:00 whatever disappear you know it was it had so much rich history Fidel Castro got arrested there in Union City that's where he started his revolution Union City New Jersey Tampa Florida and fucking you know Miami I mean it's such a fucking historic town I could tell you that like I went to a Christmas party if you years ago and some kids he was from Union City at the party him and I got into a 40-minute conversation about what Union City used to be it was like a fucking haven man of a fun just a fucking at Bergen line Avenue if you don't know anything about Bergen line Avenue you better ask somebody motherfucking
Starting point is 00:41:46 it runs from 7th Street all the way up to fucking 88th Street to Nunges's and I mean Union City has Bergen line up to 48th Street then it becomes West New York then West New York becomes North Bergen but that Bergen line I got so much history in Bergen line like I would love to park the car and just walk down like the best Cuban sandwich in the country is 52nd in Palisade Avenue everybody knows that that's hands down as organic old-school and old-fashioned in fact he makes Cuban sandwiches two ways pre-revolution with pepperoni for the Italians and fucking without pepperoni for the non-Italians that's
Starting point is 00:42:28 when you know a guy knows his fucking Cuban history that's the time of shit you'll see the problem is now I'm so out of touch with that because I'm not up on those streets no more walking the fuck around but I'll tell you one thing when I was standing there even the fucking steak on a stick I've had steak on a stick from in New York City from you know nice little Mohammed guys that they're just nice guys and the steak on a stick it's kind of weird this fucking steak on a stick Mike it was like eating your mom's fucking beef stew that's those steak chunks those beef chunks oh my god and he put any soaks him in
Starting point is 00:43:03 barbecue and Frank's hot sauce whenever you want there was brothers coming up there that was everybody was stopping getting two three four fucking one of those sticks I'm like I gotta stop back up there again but fucking Union City just has so I got it when I started reading like the the TJ English book about battle I didn't know that they had car bombs in Union City but I remember being a kid and there was a rushing guy that thought judo in Union City on 7th Street you know there's a fucking kung fu school in Union City that's been there for over 40 years fujapai kung fu it used to be on top of the Carvel bottom of
Starting point is 00:43:47 the fucking barrel for anybody who knows bottom of the barrel is in Goodfellas the book wise guy they used to hang out at bottom of the barrel in Union City I'm telling you this is a fucking historic little town that nobody talks about and while I was sitting at the other damn I'm looking at the old buildings on the corner of 29th and 30th and whatever that fucking street is burglar line you can still see in the bricks there was a florist there from the time I was a kid he was the nicest guy in the world his name was Chappy and that was the name of his flower shop Chappy's floral shop I could name that
Starting point is 00:44:30 whole block when I was a kid 29th Street from the time from my mother's bar on the corner to speak of his bakery which is one of the best bakeries I fucking ever ate at next to that was a sneaker store we were kids they used to sell coach cons which were the cheaper converse the 799 converse or 999 if your mom got your coach cons all you got beat the fuck up coach cons and then and then next to it was fucking Chappy's flowers so it was just great to go up there and just stand out there and just look and I remember across the street from there from across the street from my fucking that bar I worked at right
Starting point is 00:45:10 there crossing the hot dog man there's an old cab place I'm an Atlantic city open that place was a depot for people want to go to Atlantic City like the fucking mouches so it's $10 to go Atlantic City but when you get that they give you $10 and quarters to gamble with and they also gave you books with deals you know go to the library get a free book you know because after you lose you got to the problem with those buses were when you got on the bus at 8 and if you went to Atlantic City you got there at 10 if you lose by 11 you got to sit there till 5 that's in the contract that's in the read the fine
Starting point is 00:45:52 print you can't get on a one o'clock bus so they give you these coupon books to go like a free comedy show I never performed on one of those comedy shows but I have tons of friends that tell you it's just people killing time that lost money they look like they're gonna kill themselves that they're over there writing like a fucking they're doing like a diagram of a noose and shit just in case that was there but the most famous story from that fucking place was there was a cab place there it's still there I think not none and I don't think it's there I looked over and it used to have because the office I mean that side of
Starting point is 00:46:31 the street was really sunny and they had those shields on the glass that you could see out but you couldn't see it a lot of times I would you would just walk in there and go I need a cab and they go wait outside he's gonna pull up in three minutes and you go outside they pick you know you know I don't know what the fuck I was talking about but the cab company it was wild there was issues in that and I guess new years 83 we're at uh Tom and Corky's this bar in North Bergen and we're fucking you know was just starting to get a groove on we're doing a couple bumps I think there
Starting point is 00:47:11 was a couple fucking quailudes in the air and all of a sudden we're in North Bergen and a friend of ours a dear friend of ours who I still talk to walks in he goes hey man you guys got to help me out my dad got hammered and he went to take a cab and he got beat up at the cab place and we're like what now we're already fucked up you know it's 11 30 at night 11 o'clock at night and my my one buddy who's nuts he goes let's go down there you know let's see what the fuck is going on worst case scenario we're going to the city and
Starting point is 00:47:45 get some coke or whatever you know because it's right there close to the city so we get down there we follow the other in the car and he's got like a guy with him and then there's four guys in my car it's not my car I'm in the backseat I'm a brokester and we all get out of the car and my friend goes you know he's like listen this has to do with me it has to I have to go in there and avenge my father they hit my father didn't they you're guys fathers so give me the bat I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:48:14 go in there first if something happens if something happens I'll come out and get you guys you know so we're like that's perfect because we're fucked up man you know the quailudes get kicking in the coke and now we got to go arm wrestle with these guys I'm I'm not a tough guy I don't even know what the fuck's going on every time I drink and throw a punch I get beat up I don't want to get beat up again down there so we get down there and my friend gets out of the
Starting point is 00:48:45 he's like let me go in there and avenge my father's death now we're sitting outside and you could see not my father's death my father getting hit you could see what goes on inside like very you know I'm saying like there's a light and if you walk in I could tell a silhouette of you it's a silhouette of you right so I fucking I'm standing there with my buddies we're probably drinking a bean like let's let him walk in we see him walk in slam the door and take the bat and hit his hand and then was a commotion
Starting point is 00:49:18 and you actually saw somebody take the bat and hit him on the head with the bat his own fucking bat now we're sitting outside we're like what the fuck what do we do we don't have a bat the fucking guys took the only bat we had and all of a sudden that dude walks out holding on to his head he got hit in the head with a with a bat now we're all fucked up you know my friend's got his dick out he's pissing you know we're on fucking a block from burglar avenue and the guy comes out and to my friend
Starting point is 00:49:50 shocked my friend looks at him and he goes who hit you mickey mental I mean because the guy was bleeding everywhere and then I don't know what happened I don't remember if we went in there I don't think we did we just put a bandage on his head and took him to the hospital something that was the end of the fucking night that's why I hate fucking New Year's Eve now you get it and I think the year later was when my other buddy got his ear bit off so New Year's wasn't fair to us anyway that's my story
Starting point is 00:50:19 about fucking Union City today and that's my uh that's the Monday Motivation Podcast motherfuckers we did it it's gonna be a great week and that's it I don't know what else to tell you motherfuckers I'm happy thank you for supporting the book thank you for always supporting me was that thank you brother and thank you for accepting this new audio podcast and see where this goes have a great week stay black and now for a word my motherfucking sponsors all right I want to thank you guys for
Starting point is 00:50:52 having my back on these solo podcasts I'm trying everything I can but to join us brought to you by honor today listen I've been went on it for 12 years just tremendous from the from them everything they got the club bats the fucking listen I'm out of words for how great their service is so do me a favor go to honor with the supplements the kettlebells you're gonna be fucking in shock this is your time the semi annual sale it runs till May 14th the joint is also brought to you by
Starting point is 00:51:27 manscape listen summer's coming up your body will be out there in the open for people to see make sure you don't go out there looking like the fucking wolf man manscape is dedicate themselves to upping your confidence so you can go out there and sling dick like the fucking savage that you are I love manscape the 4.0 has saved me many times I use it for everything he is balls asshole I don't give a fuck and now they got the performance back at 2.0 which is tip top magoo magoo it includes the essential on mower
Starting point is 00:52:00 4.0 waterproof cordless body head trimmer and the weed wacker 2.0 perfect for grooming those nose hairs and the ear hairs and while you're at it deal with the toenails too which is 2.0 nail kit get 20% off and free shipping with code Joey at manscape.com again I'm gonna get you 20% off and free shipping with code Joey J-O-E-Y at manscape.com trim your fucking nutsack the summer's coming and you want people to lick those nuts so I want to thank
Starting point is 00:52:35 better help I want to thank manscape and I want to thank honnit but most importantly I want to thank you motherfuckers remember the power of Christ compels you stay black have a great week and I'll see you dirty bastards next week

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