Unpaid And Underrated

The podcast about a lifting podcast about nothing. Join the "Discord CRÜ" as they dive right in on their favorite podcast, "The Massenomics Podcast". This is where the CRÜ really runs the asylum and gives you their take on the most recent episodes, drops, and silly goose moments of the best DAMN podcast out there.

85 episodes transcribed
Health & Fitness

004 : Spoon

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

This week Joey and Keith sit down and talk with Garage Gym Comp's chief evangelist "Big Spoon". They dive right into some great topics this week such...

Health & Fitness

000 : The Pilot

Episode Date: May 11, 2023

On this episode of Unpaid and Underrated. We meet Big Joey, Big Keith and Big Nate and learn about what is to come in the future of this podcast. Big...