Up First from NPR - Israel-Gaza War, Rosalynn Carter, Argentina Election

Episode Date: November 20, 2023

Officials discuss a possible deal related to the release of some hostages in Gaza in exchange for a pause in fighting. Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter dies at 96 in Plains, Georgia. And Javier Milei... wins Argentina's presidential run-off. Up First is produced by Ana Perez, Chad Campbell and Claire Murashima. Our editors are Susanna Capelouto, Michael Sullivan and Tara Neill. We get engineering support from Carleigh Strange and Arthur Laurent. And our technical director is Stacey Abbott. Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoicesNPR Privacy Policy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Israel and Hamas have not quite made an agreement for a ceasefire in Gaza. Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. An agreement would trade a pause for the release of at least some hostages. What's holding it up? I'm Steve Inskeep with Michelle Martin, and this is Up First from NPR News. Former First Lady Rosalind Carter said she loved political intrigue. I don't think I'm smarter than Jimmy Carter, but I love the political life. I loved it. How did she use that life to help people?
Starting point is 00:00:33 Javier Millet has won Argentina's presidential runoff. The outspoken libertarian will take office amid triple-digit inflation, rising poverty, and deep polarization. He says they have the determination to get Argentina up and moving forward, but how is he going to do it? Stay with us. We'll give you the news you need to start your day. Now, Our Change will honor 100 years of the Royal Canadian Air Force and their dedicated service to communities at home and abroad. From the skies to Our Change, this $2 commemorative circulation coin marks their storied past and promising future. Find the limited edition Royal Canadian Air Force $2 coin today. Israel and Hamas appear to be inching toward a possible deal for the release of some of the 240 hostages kidnapped by Hamas last month. To do that, there will also have to be a pause in the fighting. In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, President Biden's Deputy National Security Advisor John Feiner issued words of caution.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. The news or the anticipation of news comes as Israel presented video that it says shows a Hamas tunnel under al-Shifa hospital, a focal point for the war in the past several weeks. NPR's Lauren Frayer in Tel Aviv has been reporting on all of this and she's with us now once again. Good morning, Lauren. Good morning, Michelle. Would you start by telling us the latest at al-Shifa, which is Gaza's biggest hospital? Michelle, you've probably seen the pictures that captivated the world. These 31 newborn babies struggling to survive after their incubators cut out for lack of electricity at al-Shifa. Doctors there had huddled them together on a bed to keep them warm as the war raged outside. Well, they now have been evacuated.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Palestinian ambulances drove them out last night, and they're expected to cross the border into Egypt today. Israel now controls that hospital. It's been evacuating people, and it allowed UN representatives in, and they described the interior as a death zone with signs of shelling, gunfire, and a mass grave. Israel, meanwhile, has released a bunch of videos. It says prove that Hamas not only operated out of tunnels under the hospital, but that it brought at least three hostages into the hospital and, in fact, killed one of them there. They showed us hospital security camera footage and video recorded apparently by a robot that went into those
Starting point is 00:03:05 tunnels. NPR hasn't been able to independently verify any of that footage, though. Let's turn to the hostages, which is a subject that deeply concerns people from a number of nations. The Gulf country of Qatar is acting as a mediator. Its prime minister told reporters yesterday that only minor obstacles remain on a deal to release hostages. Is that what you're hearing? Yeah, I spoke with a former Mossad intelligence agent. His name is David Maidan. He negotiated Israel's last big hostage transfer involving Gilad Shalit. He was an Israeli soldier held by Hamas in Gaza for five years.
Starting point is 00:03:39 He was released 12 years ago, and Maidan did the negotiations. He did it inside Egyptian intelligence headquarters in Cairo. And he described, you know, the Israelis in one room, Hamas down the hall, the Egyptians shuttling between them. He says this time is way harder. You have to send messages from Israel to Qatar, from the Qatar to the leaders of Hamas in Qatar, and the people of Qatar passing the message to Gaza. You know, it takes time. You know, the Hamas decision makers, he says, are not in Qatar.
Starting point is 00:04:10 They are literally underground in these Gaza tunnels. Another Israeli hostage negotiator told me his understanding is that they are literally passing notes on paper through these tunnels in Gaza up to intelligence officials at the Egyptian border, then out to Qatar, to the U.S., and then to Israel. Wow. So negotiations on the one hand. On the other hand, we see that Israel, we hear that Israel is widening its bombardment of Gaza. What's the latest on that?
Starting point is 00:04:35 Some of the fiercest fighting today seems to be around yet another hospital in the north of Gaza. Witnesses report airstrikes, shelling, Israeli tanks moving in. Israeli forces, meanwhile, have stepped up their attacks in the south of Gaza as well. And that is an area where Israel had encouraged civilians to flee toward. So Gaza's 2.3 million people are being squeezed into an ever smaller area that is suffering more Israeli strikes. That is NPR's Lauren Frayer in Tel Aviv. Lauren, thank you. Thanks, Michelle. Condolences are pouring in following the death of former First Lady Rosalyn Carter. She died
Starting point is 00:05:20 yesterday at her home in Plains, Georgia at 96. President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden said they remembered her for hope and warmth and optimism. Carter served her White House role from 1977 to 1981 and is remembered for spending even more years advocating for mental health and caregivers. Raul Balde covers politics for WABE in Atlanta, and he's with us ahead of the start of ceremonies next week, which will honor her life. Good morning, Raul. Good morning. So Rosalyn Carter was sometimes referred to as the Steel Magnolia. Would you remind us about why that is? As First Lady, she was sometimes called Steel Magnolia by the media because she had a very gentle persona about her, but she was tough in her support of her husband
Starting point is 00:06:04 and her causes. In a 1984 interview with NPR, she persona about her, but she was tough in her support of her husband and her causes. In a 1984 interview with NPR, she talked about her advocacy. I don't think I'm smarter than Jimmy Carter, but I love the political life. I loved it. I like the intrigue and having one election, people who really support you in the next election will be your opponents, and the ones who are your opponents will be your supporters. I just like the whole, I like all of it. I like getting out and meeting people and talking with them and learning the country. It was just fascinating to me. I miss it. And while she did miss it, she had another outlet for her advocacy when the
Starting point is 00:06:38 Carter Center was built in Atlanta in the 80s. She kept talking about mental health and caregiving. She wrote books about it, kept saying she wanted to fight the stigma around mental health, hoping people would have those important conversations. One of the things she did start was the Mental Health Journalism Fellowship program at the Carter Center. That's been going since 1996 with a goal of more accurate and in-depth reporting on mental health. She also had a deep passion for advocating for caregivers. That dates back to when her father had cancer, eventually passing away when she was 13. She took on the caregiving role as the oldest of four siblings. Would you tell us a bit more about her relationship with Jimmy Carter? They were married for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:07:21 77 years. And you often saw them together, Braves baseball games, building houses for Habitat for Humanity, traveling through Africa, fighting diseases. For many people, they were really just the Carters. You know, when I covered Jimmy Carter's 99th birthday celebration a few weeks ago, so many people had a story about seeing the Carters together. Their last appearance together was at the Plains Peanut Festival, public appearance, where they rode in a parade back in September. They grew up in Plains together. They started dating in 1945. Jimmy Carter said in 2015 the best thing he ever did was marrying Rosalynn. The Carters had four children, 12 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren. One of those grandchildren, Jason Carter, served
Starting point is 00:08:06 in the Georgia State Senate, now works as a trustee at the Carter Center. And how are people in her home state remembering her? Condolence notes are coming from all over the world and from across the country. You heard from President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp, who was among the first to pay his respects. He highlighted Carter's work championing mental health services and promoting the state she loved across the globe. Memorial services are scheduled to take place next week in Sumter County and in Atlanta starting Monday through Wednesday of next week. That is Raul Bali with WABE in Atlanta. Raul, thank you. Thank you. An ultra-conservative economist who has pledged to take a chainsaw to Argentina's troubled economy has won a polarizing presidential race.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Javier Millet won the runoff, defeating the ruling party's candidate, which was the country's economy minister, who's overseen one of the worst economic crises in decades. Now, Millet has a style that has drawn comparisons to Donald Trump. He captured voters' anger, he dealt a blow to the political establishment in his country, and handed a victory to the global far-right movement. We're joined now by NPR's Carrie Conn in Buenos Aires to tell us more. Carrie, good morning.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Good morning. I understand that this is a huge political upset. So how did Millay and his supporters pull this off? It is huge. But the economic situation here in Argentina has been so bad for so long. Inflation is heading toward 200 percent. The peso loses value every day. People just can't make ends meet.
Starting point is 00:09:42 And both the left and the right political establishment haven't been able to fix the situation. So this is not really a surprise that an outsider, even one as eccentric and ultra-conservative as Millay could win. I think the biggest surprise here is why it took so long. So what did Millay have to say about his victory? He went out onto the street last night to address thousands celebrating and told the crowd that the work before them would be difficult and not for the timid. He said the government has left us with a destroyed economy, with skyrocketing inflation and a huge debt. But he told the crowd, echoing his standard, loud, expletive, live lace stump speeches that he has the determination and the force of his libertarian principles to put Argentina back on its feet and move it forward
Starting point is 00:10:32 all to thunderous applause and his fans familiar chants of liberty liberty did the ruling party candidate speak last night Sergio Massa what did he say it was quite stunning Michelle how fast he came out and conceded. The official numbers weren't even out and he was congratulating Milley and pledging a smooth transition. In the end, it was an 11 point difference. Massa had a tough campaign to run. Look, he's the current economy minister who's been overseeing Argentina's bad to worse finances for the last year. He couldn't run on his record. So he ran this huge fear campaign warning voters of Millet's radical changes, and clearly it didn't work. And his Peronist Party, which has been one of the dominant forces in the country for decades, was dealt the
Starting point is 00:11:15 stunning blow yesterday. So, Carrie, say more about what the voters were telling you. Many I talked to were ardent Millet supporters, but there were a lot of voters who were desperate for change, but very worried about Malay's eccentricities. I'll just highlight a few here. He has five clone dogs that he calls his children. His sister is his closest advisor and maybe the first lady. He has this famous temper and no political experience. Voter Darian Tarengo told me he wasn't worried about any of that. He says, sure, he's impulsive and gets emotional, but his economic policies are sound,
Starting point is 00:11:52 and he'll have plenty of people around him to help him learn the ropes, he said, and Millet will have to do that fast. He takes power on December 10th. That is NPS Kerry Kahn from Buenos Aires. Kerry, thank you so much. You're welcome. And that's Up First for Monday, November 20th, 2023. I'm Michelle Martin. And I'm Steve Inskeep. Up First is produced by Ana Perez, Chad Campbell, and Claire Murashima. Our editors are Susanna Capilouto, Michael Sullivan, and Tara Neal. We get engineering support from Carly Strange and Arthur Laurent, and our technical director is Stacey Abbott.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Thanks for listening to Up First. You can find more in-depth coverage of the stories we talked about today and much more on NPR's Morning Edition, the radio show Steve Inskeep and I host. Find Morning Edition and your NPR station at stations.npr.org. Thank you.

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