Up First from NPR - U.S. Asylum Rule Change, Gaza Aid Pier, Haiti Update

Episode Date: May 10, 2024

The Biden administration has proposed a change to immigration laws meant to discourage people from crossing the border illegally. An American-built floating pier off the coast of Gaza is nearly ready ...— and U.S. officials say it will help increase the flow of aid into the war zone. And two months after armed gangs took control of the capital of Haiti the country may finally be starting to stabilize. Want more comprehensive analysis of the most important news of the day, plus a little fun? Subscribe to the Up First newsletter.Today's episode of Up First was edited by Kelley Dickens, Vincent Ni, Tara Neill, Ben Adler, Lisa Thomson and Alice Woelfle. It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Destinee Adams and Kaity Kline. We get engineering support from Arthur Laurent and our technical director is Stacey Abbott. Our executive producer is Erika Aguilar.Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoicesNPR Privacy Policy

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Starting point is 00:00:00 President Biden's administration makes a case for a strategy to cut down on illegal border crossings. I think it is working. What does a proposed new rule reveal? Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas makes his case. I'm Steve Inskeep with Leila Fadl, and this is Up First from NPR News. An American floating pier off the Gaza coast is almost ready to open, but some aid workers call it a bad joke in the face of a man-made humanitarian crisis. You don't need any silly piers or silly airdrops. You need the damn gates open.
Starting point is 00:00:36 A Kenyan-led security force is expected to arrive in Haiti soon, two months after gangs took over the country's capital. Is stability on the horizon. So stay with us. We'll give you the news you need to start your day. Now, Our Change will honor 100 years of the Royal Canadian Air Force and their dedicated service to communities at home and abroad. From the skies to our change, this $2 commemorative circulation coin marks their storied past and promising future. Find the limited edition Royal Canadian Air Force $2 coin today.
Starting point is 00:01:17 President Biden's administration proposed a change to immigration laws meant to discourage people from crossing the border illegally. The regulation announced yesterday is modest in scope. It would make it easier for the United States to deport some asylum seekers who are considered a security risk. But that small change illuminates the administration's larger strategy toward thousands of asylum seekers who have come to the southern border. Which you've heard about, Steve, because you spoke with the Secretary of Homeland Security this week. Yeah, we interviewed Alejandro Mayorkas for this NPR election series on immigration. Yeah, so what did you find out? What's the
Starting point is 00:01:52 wider strategy? Well, the administration wants people to enter the U.S. legally or not at all. They want people to apply for asylum from their home countries or at an American port of entry instead of slipping in through the desert. Here's how Mayorkas put it. Well, our goal is to eliminate to the fullest extent possible the phenomenon of what is commonly termed irregular migration, people placing their lives and their life savings in the hands of smugglers to arrive in between the ports of entry, which is dangerous and also feeds a criminal network, and instead use lawful pathways to make claims for relief under United States law. Yeah, the U.S. has made it easier to get here
Starting point is 00:02:42 from some troubled countries like Venezuela and a little harder for asylum seekers to stay if they don't choose one of those legal pathways. I should mention the administration also wanted to expand immigration courts so people who are not eligible for asylum would be deported more quickly, but that requires a change in law, which Republicans in Congress first supported and then rejected. Right. This bipartisan bill, Donald Trump blasted the bill and then told Republicans not to support it. Right. What's the basic difference between Democrats and Republicans on this issue? Well, we should emphasize some Republicans agree with Democrats on the legislation, but
Starting point is 00:03:18 broadly speaking, Democrats want people to enter the country legally, while the Donald Trump wing of the Republican Party wants people really not to be coming so much at all. And Trump talks of mass deportation. What does Biden's chief immigration law enforcement official see? How does he see his job? Well, Mayorkas is a former prosecutor who says he will enforce the law, and also a one-time Cuban refugee who says he understands what it means to be displaced. And you can hear the competing pressures in this exchange. Do you think most people who ask for asylum have a legitimate case? I would respectfully submit that the majority do not qualify.
Starting point is 00:03:53 So most of them, if it got right down to it, probably should not have come if you were able to give them advice. If I were able to give them advice, of course, but I don't mean to diminish the desperation that fuels their travel and their flight. When loving parents are fearful of sending their daughter to school because the walk is so precarious and they actually take the leap to send that daughter alone to traverse another country only to reach our southern border. I don't want to diminish what that means in the lives of people. But the fact of the matter is, if they don't qualify for relief, they won't stay. And Mayorkas says that on his watch, the Department of Homeland Security has returned 720,000 people to their home countries just in the past year. And Homeland Security officials offer that number because it is the opposite of the picture painted by Republicans who talk routinely of open borders.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Right. And more of that conversation can be heard on Morning Edition. A vessel carrying aid to a floating pier off the coast of Gaza set sail from Cyprus yesterday. Now, U.S. officials say the American-built pier will help to increase the flow of aid into the war zone where 2.3 million people live. Aid groups are questioning the value of this plan. The U.S. is setting up the floating pier because its ally Israel has closed the land crossings into Gaza through which food and supplies would normally flow. And to tell us more, we're joined by NPR's Jane Araf. Hi, Jane. Good morning, Laila. So we've been hearing about this pier for a while. The U.S. has said it will help address
Starting point is 00:05:44 what the U.N. and aid groups call increasing famine in Gaza. Tell us what's happening with it. Well, the U.S. military says the components of the pier are waiting at an Israeli port to be assembled. Bad weather has delayed it, but the Pentagon says it could be in operation as early as next week. U.S. officials say a ship loaded with food will offload onto a smaller vessel in Israel, and then it will head back to Cyprus for more aid. It's carrying about 170 tons, enough to feed 11,000 people for a month. And to put that number in perspective, Leila, as you noted, Gaza has more than 2 million people in it. After seven months of war, almost all of them are dependent on aid. So clearly not enough, so much need. And there's a lot of criticism from by sea. Israel says it needs to restrict the crossings to prevent Hamas from
Starting point is 00:06:50 bringing weapons in, but aid officials say malnutrition and disease are now rampant. Aid officials operating in Gaza this week gave an unvarnished view of the pier, wanted a press briefing, called the pier a joke. And here's another pediatrician, John Collar, co-founder of MedGlobal. This is like a lab of malnutrition. You can see the food all up and down the corner. And you don't need any silly piers or silly airdrops. You need the damn gates open.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Another medical aid official pointed out that the pier, according to the U.S., will cost $320 million. That would buy a lot of truckloads of aid. And she called a plan to use contractors to distribute the aid the privatization of aid efforts. And aid groups also point out Israel will use the same cumbersome inspection process for the pier. They say what's lacking isn't the resources or the aid, but the political will to get it in. And about that political will, I mean, publicly there is a widening gap between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. How much of that is affecting the humanitarian crisis we're seeing. Quite a lot. In April, after an Israeli airstrike killed seven members of the U.S.-based World Central Kitchen in Gaza, the U.S. received
Starting point is 00:08:11 commitments from Israel that it would reopen a border crossing and allow more aid in through two existing ones. And while the number of trucks going in increased briefly, Israel has now stopped all aid through the main Rafah crossing from Egypt to Gaza. So aid workers are seeing the effect of malnutrition and the lack of medical supplies increasingly compounded with traumatic injuries. We have to remember that both Biden and Netanyahu are balancing different factions of political support at home. For the first time, the U.S. has publicly held up some weapons shipments, but aid groups say that's not nearly as much leverage as the U.S. could exert to get in more aid. That's NPR's Jane Araf. Thank you, Jane. Thank you. Two months after gangs in Haiti orchestrated a coup that took control of the capital,
Starting point is 00:09:10 the country may finally be starting to stabilize. A council is supposed to choose a new leader, and then that council is supposed to help establish a new transitional government. A multinational force led by Kenya plans to deploy in the country as early as the next couple of weeks. NPR's Ader Peralta is in the capital, Port-au-Prince. Hi, Ader. Hey, good morning, Leila. So you're there in Port-au-Prince where you've been reporting on the air that criminal gangs still control much of the capital.
Starting point is 00:09:39 The airport is still closed after nearly two months of fighting. I mean, what's the city like? You know, I've been here before, but this time it feels a little eerie. I think surreal even. And I'll tell you why. You make your way across town and it feels pretty normal. Stores are open, street vendors are out in full force, there's traffic, and there are people going to work and kids going to school. But then you see signs that things are not normal. Burnt out cars are being used to barricade the streets. And on Wednesday, I saw two bodies just thrown in the middle of two different streets. One of them, we don't know how they died.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And the other was an older lady. A doctor told us that she came from outside Port-au-Prince, that she died of natural causes, and that her body ended up on the streets. The local morgue here was burnt down by gangs. So the doctors said that it's possible that people just didn't know what to do with her body. And this is daily life here in Port-au-Prince. It's a place where the government has collapsed, where the gangs control most of this city, and where everyone is scared that they could be the next one on the side of the road. Wow. I mean, and you're seeing these signs of collapse everywhere. What are people telling you? There's a lot of talk about politics, whether this new transitional government will be able to bring peace, whether it can bring elections.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And everyone is talking about this multinational force that is supposed to deploy in the next few weeks. I was at a big plaza just opposite the presidential palace. Jerome Nadell was arguing against foreign troops. International missions, he said, have brought nothing but trouble in the past. And he was saying that the independence hero, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, would be rolling over in his grave at this moment. Let's listen.
Starting point is 00:11:25 The spirit of the Dessalines, he said, the spirit from Jean-Jacques Dessalines, will not any foreign troops. And what you're hearing there is a verbal tussle between these men. Jean Adjean interrupts there and he says, just send us well-armed men. He told me that he had to leave his home because of the violence. His family is outside the city. And at this point, he wants to go back home.
Starting point is 00:11:54 He doesn't care about sovereignty. He said he just wants peace at any cost. So a lot riding on this transitional government. What's the latest with that? Well, you know, they had made some progress earlier this month. A bare majority of them, four out of seven, had named a president of the council and a transitional prime minister. And they got huge blowback. These four members were accused of not even trying to find a broad consensus.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And they were accused of just trying to take power. So they walked both of these decisions back. The council is now going to be ruled by a rotating presidency, but those details are still being worked out. And that pretty much puts us at square one. I spoke to one of the members of the council, Leslie Voltaire, and he told me that they are focused on making sure this multinational force gets here. And, you know, I reported from Kenya for years, and I've seen this police force in action, and they can be both ruthless and ineffective.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And Voltaire said they're aware of this checkered history of the Kenyan police force, but that it was, quote, unnecessary evil. Like 40% of the police is corrupt and associated with the gangs. We know that it's not the best thing that we have, but it's what we have. And what he's saying there is we can't trust our police. So the only thing left to do is to bring in foreign troops. NPR's Eder Peralta. Thank you, Eder. Thank you, Ader Peralta. Thank you, Ader. Thank you, Leila.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And that's Up First for Friday, May 10th. I'm Leila Faldin. And I'm Steve Inskeep. Today's Up First was edited by Kelly Dickens, Vincent Nee, Tara Neal, Ben Adler, Lisa Thompson, and Alice Wolfley. It was produced by Ziad Butch, Destiny Adams, and Katie Klein. We get engineering support from Arthur Laurent, who has been with NPR forever. Our technical director is Stacey Abbott, who has also been doing amazing work for NPR forever. And our executive producer is Erica Aguilar.
Starting point is 00:13:56 And don't forget, Up First airs on the weekend, too. Raisha Roscoe and Scott Simon have the news for you. It'll be here in this feed or wherever you get your podcasts. And we'll see you back here on Monday for the news you need to start your week.

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