Upgrade - 240: Dance on the Grave of iTunes
Episode Date: April 9, 2019John Siracusa joins Jason to discuss how 2019 is potentially an enormous year for the Mac in both hardware and software. Also, we make time to swap TiVo stories and generate John's Hierarchy of Mac Pr...o Needs.
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from relay fm this is upgrade episode 240 this episode of upgrade is brought to you by fresh
books express vpn and moo i am jason snell mike hurley is on assignment and so in order to replace mike hurley i have gone to the uh one of my go-to guest hosts
it is you know him from the accidental tech podcast and hypercritical and reconcilable
differences and many other places and os 10 reviews it's john syracuse so hello you always
forget robot or not and you know me from robot or not you know him from robot or not which is
an excellent podcast which is totally not like this podcast at all because it's uh but it is different it's you
and me you know i forget about robot or not because we record that in like a batch and then release
them um i have to remind you we just like netflix you gotta do some bacon research before our next
session you gotta do some we make all the shows and release them in a batch yeah actually we don't
we don't see one at a time no we could we could release them in a patch yeah actually we don't we don't see one at a time
no we could we could release them in a binge and then like every every year you get 20 episodes
that seems like a bad i don't i don't love the binge thing on netflix but that would certainly
be bad for podcasts i think well i don't approve it anyway nobody wants to hear about this they
want to hear about the snell talk question which i warned people that you were going to be on the
show and i asked that they could send questions to them you mean you you told them so they would be excited um yes
that's what i meant by warning it was a positive it was the most positive kind of warning the
positive warning of uh greetings congratulations and felicitations john syracuse will be on upgrade
uh and listener fuzan wrote in to say is there a particular shape of pasta
that is most pleasing to me and i wanted to ask before we turn the spotlight on me for
for hashtag snell talk i wanted to do some hashtag syracusa talk do you have a particular
shape of pasta that you find most pleasing i could swear we did this question on the
just mentioned robot or not podcast but i'll trust you if you tell me if we haven't oh i remember nothing of that podcast yeah me neither as i'm saying how
many answered this people i mean we've done pasta questions but i'm not sure if i've asked you
specifically for like a favorite shape yeah pasta shaped deja vu or something
my answer is as it always is when i get asked this question it's like it's like trying to
choose your favorite child there's no favorite there are lots of ones that i like and i'm in the mood for a
particular it's like music like you might have a favorite band but it's very hard to come up with
a favorite song like it depends on what you're in the mood for at the time so i have strong opinions
about what pasta shape i want at what particular time and i have opinions on which pasta shapes go
best with which kinds of dishes for sure but none of them are my favorite they're all situational all right all right do you have
like can you give me an example of a situational sure um so you've got a really kind of heavy
sauce maybe it's like a sauce with like ground up meat in there something you want something
that's going to stand up to that like a rigatoni big beefy tube that can stand up to a very heavy sauce you wouldn't put that on like angel hair because
it would just overwhelm it similarly if you have a kind of light sauce maybe just olive oil and
garlic or something like that you want a lighter pasta i wouldn't do like a a really thick spaghetti
or any kind of big two pasta i'd go with regular spaghetti on that or even thin spaghetti on that
so it's kind of like it's like wine pairing but really you want the want the pasta the robustness of the pasta shape to match the sauce or whatever
other thing you're putting on it the right tool for the right job yeah and i have favorites like
my my staples are uh probably uh ziti rigatoni regular spaghetti thin spaghetti uh i mean gemelli
penne uh those are usually at all times right now i have every
single one of those in my cabinet there are probably some other esoterics uh ones that
are in there for special dishes but those are the staples so there we haven't done a pasta
episode of robot or not but we did a gnocchi episode so you know maybe that maybe we covered
that as part of the greater pasta existentialism of the Nokia episode of Robot or Not.
I don't know.
And the pasta shapes, like, I have lots of recipes for pasta, as you might imagine.
And the recipes are shape-specific.
So, in any particular recipe, you can't substitute one shape for another.
It would be like substituting a different meat for another meat.
It becomes an entirely different dish.
You know, I hate it when people say that they've got macaroni and cheese, and then you get it, and it's not macaroni. substituting a different meat for another meat it becomes an entirely different dish you know i hate
it when people um say that they've got macaroni and cheese and then you get it and it's not
macaroni like just say that just say that it's not macaroni but don't tell me it's macaroni
macaroni is a kind of pasta if you give me macaroni and cheese and then it's some other
pasta and cheese it's not macaroni and cheese it's not having spaghetti meatballs and it's
not spaghetti it's like well yeah you know that's not so so i
was thinking about this because just the other day my uh my for reasons that i'm about to explain my
my uh family had a a dish that was with oh i forget what it was is it was is it orzo the
little greek pasta or so the ones that look like fragments yeah rice rice pasta exactly right and i had mine with a special pasta and it was um
it was penne and um this is not what fuzan asked but um i hate penne and i said to lauren i was
like oh that's not my favorite she's really it's like not not something she knew about me because
apparently i've swallowed my dislike for penne over the years but i it all came out john it all
i was under stress it all came out like about it i don't know i don't i don't like the shit i don't like like how it goes on the fork and i
don't like the tube part because i just feel like that's do you like any tube pasta i don't think i
do like any tube pasta honestly i don't like not even zd and a big zd yeah well i okay yes all
right like zd or cannelloni or something like that. It's an enormous tube. Ziti is not enormous.
Okay. Well, then maybe I don't like it. I'll take a big tube pasta. Anyway, what I'm saying is that gemelli, the little twisty pasta, is my favorite.
I don't love the super fine spaghetti or angel hair. I always like the thicker, more robust spaghetti.
And gemelli is nice because it's the twisty guy, so it's a little bit thicker but it's still like um it's all on the outside i don't really want i don't
really like the pasta so much where there's also like a little cave that sauce can get into i just
it doesn't work for me you have a very limited pasta palette i do i do are you surprised really
nice i suppose not as long as you're not eating honey wheat pasta i'm sure yeah that's true i'm not i i saved that for other things so speaking of pasta i i will i'll mention here it's
a uh some personal news that i'm going through now the reason that i got served a special sort
of pasta is that um i have been uh delightfully diagnosed as being gluten sensitive and i have to go on a gluten-free diet which means i am now rethinking
um all aspects of my life up to this point i i put a link in our show notes to the kubler-ross
model of the stages of grief because last week i went through all of them i have reached acceptance
now where i've bought a few gluten-free cookbooks and I'm trying to figure out how to make gluten-free pizza dough and things like that.
Oh, my goodness.
Because, yeah, it's really bad, John.
It's really bad.
Because I subsist.
As a part of this process, they're like, now, before we stick an instrument down,
we sedate you and stick an instrument down your throat, into your stomach, and then through into your small intestine
to see if you have the signs of celiac of gluten insensitivity
um we need you to be sure and eat a wheat product like a piece of toast wheat toast whole wheat
toast every day and i just laughed i was like guys it's not going to be a problem i eat i eat so much
wheat it is not even going to be i there is no effort required here i had a piece of toast in
the car right over yeah i mean seriously like i got a piece of bread in my pocket right now i could just eat right now
it's not going to be a problem but anyway so spread so and i realize we're touching the third
rail by even mentioning people's diets because you guys you guys have gone on that third rail
the last couple of weeks on atp with all of uh all of marco's stories 100% plant-based diets and keto diets and things like that.
So, yes, I'm not looking for any advice.
I'm not looking for any favorite recipes.
I might put, later on in this process, I might put out a request for that.
But right now, I'm just kind of processing and trying to figure out what products are available in my local store so that I can continue to eat things that are
a, in some cases, sad simulacrum of the actual thing that I want to eat.
Rice pasta, in my opinion, is not worth having. Just don't even try it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, if I can get some pasta that is decent, then so be it. But
I'm willing to forego. There's some stuff that I'm willing to forego, other stuff not.
I think right now the goal is like, can we come up with ways for me to eat dinner with my family without me having like a completely different dinner than everybody else in the family? And
that would be like, can I make some, yeah, an alternate pizza dough, an alternate pasta that
I could mix in there. But I'm generally with you speaking of the ATP stuff in that I appreciate you
being the voice of moderation there saying perhaps instead of going on the all plant diet or the all meat and butter fat diet that you kind of up going like whole on into something where it's like nope it's just going to be this
one thing and i'm not going to eat and everything else and i don't know that never seems to be a
good idea and it never seems to work out well i agree yeah he says as he cuts all gluten from
his diet yeah well that's doctor's orders i'm not i'm not doing that because uh doctors know
stupid doctors star trek they're just gonna give not doing that because uh doctors know that's for stupid doctors
star trek they're just gonna give you a salad what do doctors know yeah salad and some little
foam cubes are also those are future croutons the foam cubes so let's move on thank you to
for uh for the snell talk question let's move on to upstream where we talk about media things
that's a little little area that Mike and I have carved out
over the last couple of years. And when I think about John Syracuse, I think about
having somebody else to talk about my TiVo with, because you and I are both TiVo customers.
And I wanted to get a TiVo update from you, and I wanted to give you my TiVo update.
and I wanted to give you my TiVo update.
So my TiVo update is still using it.
Very glad I have my TiVo.
I feel like it has become the secondary input now because there's so much that we watch that is on streaming.
And I don't use the TiVo interface for streaming
because those apps are not very good and they're super slow.
And they did a sale uh not too long ago
where they were selling their 4k model which doesn't actually do 4k like cable but it does 4k
video streaming and i thought about switching to it but then i thought about how they've got um
you know those awful kind of cheap web interfaces for their streaming apps.
And I just decided I would really rather just save TiVo as my TV channels device
and everything else I'm just going to watch on Apple TV.
But I'm starting to get the feeling like I can actually see it coming now
where I'm going to eventually abandon the TiVo
and go to an over-the-top service with a cloud DVR instead
and just have it be on one box.
But I'm not there yet because my tivo works great and i think in the end i wouldn't be saving any money by switching to a
an over-the-top service i'm going to be spending probably more money if i do something like that
we've got three tivos running right now i've got my good tivo which was the last best flat one
you know the tivo that was rectal in here romeo right that's what i that's what
i've got before they bent the tivo mold and they can only make bent tivos now yep the fanciest
romeo with the most disk space me too that's what i have and i love it and it continues to do what
it does but i have been using it less just because so much of my stuff comes from the umpteen
streaming services um and it manifests mostly in like how much free space
is there on my tivo it used to be perpetually full and now it's like this the free space is
going up over time so i think it's like it's 70 now and when i watch something there are so many
streaming services that i watch stuff on it's like it's time to watch something and like in general i
don't keep track of where i'm watching them like i have i have one thing that keeps track of all the shows that I'm watching.
But once I figure out the show that I'm watching, I have to remember where it is.
Is that one on Hulu?
Is that one on Netflix?
Is that one on Amazon Prime?
And, you know, the fourth or fifth choice is that one on TiVo, which means that it's not on any of the services.
It's on some premium channel like HBO or Showtime or it's on network television or whatever.
And also it's a currently running show like hbo or showtime or it's on network television or whatever um and also it's a currently running show like or an amc or something uh like walking dead or whatever there are shows that were on television that i could have caught on my tivo but i didn't
and now they're on hulu for example or some other service right so it's very confusing where they
are but the bottom line is my watching is fairly evenly spread around all my services which
means that tivo which used to be the vast majority of my shows is now one-fifth just like every other
service is one-fifth or whatever um and i'm i'm fine with that uh the interesting thing is i spend
a lot of time these days like i'm gonna watch a show like right before i go to bed or finish a
show before i go to bed that i started earlier uh a lot of
the shows that don't care that much about like the magicians or something like i'm into it but
you know i'll watch it but it's not yeah it's not like appointment viewing right so very often i'll
have the end of a magician's episode to watch and i will watch it on my ipad in my bed from my tivo
from the tivo the tivo recorded it because it's a show that's running right now and i'm caught up
so when the episodes go it will be on my tivo and i'll watch it in the tivo app which
is strange because it's like i'm using my tivo but even when i'm using my tivo i'm not using my
tivo like i'm not using the tivo remote in front of the television um even though i'm in the same
house and i'm just in a different room um anyway so that's that's the state of my tivo i have three
of them so i've got that good one i've got a bent one the fanciest bent one that they had and the bent ones are terrible and they
have fans that make noise and they use laptop hard drives and i don't like them and they're
stupid that they're bent and then underneath that i have the whatever the fanciest tivo you could
get before the romeos was i think it's like the tivo premiere hd pro whatever also a flat box it was better looking than the romeo too but slow as balls
it's just very slow the romeos were a huge improvement uh in speed that's in the in the
bedroom that used to be it was like the bedroom tivo the bedroom always got like the hand-me-down
tivo right when i got the bent one i got it because the the hand-me-down bedroom tivo was
just so slow and like we knew what the faster ones felt like.
But by the time I decided to get a replacement for the slow one,
the only ones that you could get were the bent ones.
So I got one of the bent ones and put it upstairs.
And because of my TiVo remote situation, I didn't have enough spare remotes.
And they took away the 1-2 switch on the remotes.
Do you remember that?
The little switch on the remotes that toggle between 1 and 2? right so you could have two tivos and switch like there's some
confluence events i ended up without the right combination of remotes in my house to be able to
have one remote for the bent tivo and one remote for the flat one and instead i had one remote that
both tivos responded to so i had to put a big piece of tinfoil in front in front of the ir receiver
on the non-bent tivo which is receiver on the non-bent TiVo,
which is fine because the non-bent TiVo wasn't even hooked up to the television anymore.
The bent one was hooked up to it.
The idea was that we would copy all the shows off of the non-bent TiVo into the bent one.
And then we would just retire the non-bent one.
And if you've ever done that, transferred shows from one TiVo to another,
you know it takes an eternity for some unknown reason so we were trying to do that and then eventually we had
roadblocks where certain shows you weren't allowed to copy them off the tivo because copyright
yeah garbage whatever and so both of them just stayed there permanently and so if you wanted
to watch something off the non-bent one you would go to the bent tivo and there you can see the
non-bent one on the network and you'd watch the shows like remotely from that and then it was
stupid so that's to explain why there were two tivos one of which had tinfoil in front of it
hooked up to the bedroom television for the past two years or whatever but recently my bent one
the hard drive died in it you know basically confirming my suspicions that laptop hard drives
are garbage and it was much better when they had 3.5 inch drives this is my first you know i've
had tivo since before the series 2 just before the series 2 i
don't remember uh i bought i bought the original i bought the series 1 the original one that was
my first tivo i don't know if i had the i think i did have the original one because it was super
ugly in the series 2 which must not much nicer looking so yeah i've had tivos for years and years
um and this is my first hard drive to die and it was one of the stupid bent ones and the bent box laptop thing luckily i wisely got the extended warranty because i didn't trust the
stupid thing so i got it replaced under warranty and they couldn't even replace it with the with
the model because they don't make this anymore mine was like a tivo bolt plus but since then
the top line bent one has been rebranded tivo voxox. So that's what I have now. I have a TiVo Vox,
but it doesn't matter because I didn't get the Vox remote.
So I can't,
I can't talk to it.
It's just,
it's anyway,
I've got that now.
and it came with the new UI,
which I thus far avoided.
The new UI is garbage.
Oh yeah.
It's yeah.
They did a whole new,
interface update that you could opt into if you've got an older box and i actually
asked on the occasion of its one year anniversary i asked um dave zatz who does that's not funny and
he's a you know dvr guy and a tivo guy um if it was any better than a year before when it was
released and he said oh no it's terrible i regret it every day. Don't update to it. So I have just remained on
the old TiVo interface, which quite frankly is like why I have a TiVo is because I like that
interface. And they've got this new interface that seems to prioritize all sorts of ways of
watching television that I do not participate in. So I have no interest in doing it. Can you roll
yours back? Can you like wipe the drive? I't i don't think so i don't think i
would do that i mean i i warned my wife when i sent it away i said you know there's a chance
that when they send this no it's going to have the new ui and the new ui i heard is terrible and
so we were all ready for it and sure enough it came and we're just gonna deal with it but she
had questions she's like why would after trying to use it for a couple days she's like why would
they do this why would they why would they make it like this because she wants to know and it made
me think about it more than just thinking about how garbage it is
and the best explanation i can come up with is the new ui has more places to show pictures of
things and that there's many reasons that why that could be uh a decision they would make one
is it's more places to sell promotional thing i don't know if tivo does this but potentially
hey do you want your show advertised on TiVo?
Pay us a little bit extra money.
We'll make sure your show shows up in the banner or whatever.
Two, it's for people who can't read.
I don't know.
People do like pictures.
They like pictures to be in the background.
They like pictures to be in the front.
They like to work sort of graphically, but it's a huge miscalculation to think that TiVo
customers want this because what
we want to see is some way of organizing our shows and going through them and be able to tell things
about them like setting aside the ui for a second the main thing you want to do is like the magicians
is a show i record how many episodes of the magicians are on my tivo which ones have i watched
or not watched which one's the newest one which one's the oldest one like you give me information about them show me the titles maybe show me the season
and episode number maybe show me the first words of a description like i kind of think of the gmail
interface the ever see the gmail web interface i don't know if you use that oh i do that's what i
use where it shows you that you can organize your messages and it shows you the subject line and the
first few words of the message it's very information dense for a single line item very compact right especially if you go to the actual compact mode tivo's interface
used to be like that you could organize things and sort them in different ways but it was basically
a list view and they'd put as much information as they could on each list view item and because of
the way they were sorted and because of various graphical uh you know elements like the little
colored dots or a little tiny progress bar you could see like which ones are old which ones are new which one you had you watched already which ones you were
you halfway through uh maybe what the titles were maybe the date they were recorded lots of
information and however many could fit on the screen and you could scroll to see more the new
interface is like how much information can be removed so you go to the magicians now and it
shows the same stupid thumbnail,
which gives you no information because it's a generic thing of just like
Elliot had been a weird pose,
And it's the same thumbnail for every episode.
It shows four episodes,
no text associated with any of them.
So you're like,
what episode is this?
What order are they in?
And it,
and it scrolls horizontally instead of vertically.
And I just,
I was like,
do I have to like go into the episode for it to tell me the title or the date or the season or the episode number?
It's almost useless.
It makes no sense to me at all.
Like, show me all the episodes of The Magicians that I have so I can pick the one that I want to watch.
And they try to highlight something where you can just like start playing immediately.
But I'm like, is that the one that I want to play?
Or is that the newest? Or is that the oldest and it whenever i try to guess
it seems it is sorted at the opposite way and this is setting aside the whole change to the ui the
old model as rudimentary as it was made sense with a four-way well a five-way thing you know
four directions and a select it was go to the right to go into it go to the left to go to the
left to go out of it and press the select select button to select the item you have selected,
and up and down arrows to go up and down.
It was north, south, east, west.
It made perfect sense.
You could do the entire UI.
It was like the old iOS where it's like you hit an item and you go to the right,
and you hit the back button and you go to the left,
only it was even simpler than that because there was no back button.
Then they got rid of that model.
Now you enter a menu, and the only way to get out of it is to hit the actual dedicated back button the left button usually
does nothing it's i'm very angry about the new ui so i can tell i don't know what i'm going to do
when i have no choice but to get that ui i just hope they get a clue and and restore like list
view everywhere at least well i i i just feel like there's that that moment is coming where
i'm going to finally give up on tivo but it hasn't happened yet yeah i'm getting close i don't even
have any 4k tvs in the house so i'm like my the 4k revolution is going to come to my house and
there's going to be a reckoning and we'll see what survives yeah um i want to ask you about
some news because i think you might have an opinion about this uh this is a some right prime uh upstream news apple and stephen king it was reported today as we record
this that they are going to series with eight episodes of an adaptation of lisi's story which
is a stephen king novel um jj abrams is producing it, Julianne Moore is starring, and Stephen King is not only producing, but writing all eight episodes of this TV series.
Now, you are a huge Stephen King fan.
What do you think about this deal?
I'm a very big Stephen King fan.
I read everything he wrote up until several years ago when I just fell off the reading bandwagon almost entirely.
So, I looked at this and I'm like, is this one of the ones that came out after I stopped reading?
And then I went to the Wikipedia page
and realized I have McNulty's disease.
Nope, I totally read this.
I read this when it came out.
And I remember it pretty well.
And of all the things for Apple to adapt,
I would not have picked this because it's very weird
and not particularly family-friendly at all.
But I have good feelings about the book that said i stephen king adaptations for movies and televisions just seem to be a problem that
we as a species cannot yet crack like yeah there are good ones in there here and there
but the batting average is really low.
And having Stephen King be a writer for it, I don't think helps.
I'm not sure he knows how to write television.
I don't think he knows what good television is.
I don't agree with his taste in television.
Like, I love his books and I love his writing and it's all great.
But when it comes to movies and television i mean look no further than than his general
hatred for the stanley kubrick movie which is barely an adaptation of his book but unquestionably
a good and effective movie but stephen king hates it and doesn't make any freaking sense
um so uh that said because i i like this book and now remember it um and because i like stephen king
i will undoubtedly watch this but my hopes
are very low i mean did you like uh castle rock i did surprisingly like i mean it's it's uneven
and it's like barely based on anything having to do with steven king lots of references and
the setting picture whatever but it's kind of like well it's not the same as black mirror but like
black mirror a show i generally dislike i still feel good about just because that one good episode how can one good episode make up
for like five seasons of shows that i mostly didn't like it just does that's just like i feel
like the one good episode like it's worth all the time i invested to get that one good episode and
we've talked about that before uh similarly castle rock which i watched all of i think i feel like
was worth my time because of that one good episode.
I think it was like episode seven or something, which I thought was batting way above, like it
was punching way above its weight. The rest of the show was like, nah, okay, Stephen King,
it's kind of weird. Yeah, I get it. Where are you going? Whatever. Kind of silly, blah, blah, blah.
And then this is amazing episode. And then back to it, its old self. Yeah. I'm not sure I've seen
any evidence that Stephen King is actually good at writing screenplays
yeah or television shows or again if i follow him on twitter and he says which shows he likes
i'm not sure he has his taste in shows matches mine like his shows he'd like i don't like yeah
so interesting idea but uh i i just it i kind of found it hard to believe that you and i were
going to be talking about upstreamstream, and this was announced.
Even with his novels, I think he benefits greatly from the editors he works with.
Which is not to say that he's a bad writer or anything, but I remember that from On Writing.
That's one of the things that stuck with me about that book is when he shows his drafts and the editing process.
Whether it's him editing it or his actual editor at his publisher helping edit,
it really elevates the raw material that he puts out. So if he has good editorial help and good directorial help, I think he can do an okay job. But my main fear is like that he's
the things he thinks are most important about the novel are not the things that I liked best about the novel.
And so he will be sure to put in the things that he thinks are important from
the novel and I'll do,
and there'll be in there and he'll be super satisfied that I gave this to
anyone else.
They would never put this stuff in,
but it's the most important thing in the novel.
And I will disagree with that opinion and it'll end up being weird.
I'll definitely watch it.
So that's a,
that's an Apple deal.
JJ Abrams apparently is finishing out his deal with Warner, which is going to produce this show,
and is apparently being sort of wooed for another big producer deal,
because those are all the rage, a big-name producer.
And J.J. Abrams, I have to say, has been incredibly productive as a producer.
I guess that's their job is to be productive.
But if you think about not just the stuff that he's written,
but the stuff that he's produced and that his production company has made,
there are all sorts of them,
including things that you would never even identify as being a product of JJ Abrams at all.
I think Westworld is technically a JJ Abrams production.
And so he,
he's got a deal that's lapsing with Warner. And there's
a question about, you know, Warner and JJ Abrams, are they going to make another deal to have him
stay at Warner now that they've got their new owners? And, you know, I see it intimated every
here and there about Apple potentially making a move for him. And that kind of fascinates me only because not only do I think that J.J. Abrams actually
might be a good fit for Apple.
I'm not sure Apple wants to pay him what he's going to ask, but maybe they've got cash laying
They could do it.
But also, I know that J.J. Abrams has a basically lifelong love of Apple.
Like, he's a Mac user from back in the olden days um the opening
credit sequence of his tv show alias was made by jj abrams on his mac like jj abrams goes back a
long way with apple and i wonder sometimes if we are if we are a few months out from some big
super deal for tv between jj abrams and apple it wouldn't shock me if that happened as long as it
wasn't exclusive i think he would go for it because i i think that he uh always uh wants to be able to
make movies that will be released in cinemas as they say yeah well i think the tv deal in the
movies and the movies are different potentially right where he's making movies over here and then
he's doing his tv where apple's got a first look or something like that but i don't know i just jj abrams is is the the one name if you would ask me
like who's the one player in hollywood who's like the most likely to be a good fit with apple he
would be who i would say just because i know his history uh with apple and i it's uh yeah it'll be
interesting to see what it does but
anyway this is here's another this is the third jj abrams produced show to be bought by apple
yeah i'm sure you've talked about this on your other podcast focus on this topic but i hate the
idea of jj abrams anyone else being a good fit with apple for making shows because i really
i i really don't like the idea of apple involving itself in the creative process so many
of these things i know obviously they're putting up the money of course they're going to be involved
i understand the realities of it but like i just don't have faith in their taste when it comes to
this and the idea of apple giving notes to jj abrams puts my teeth on edge i just don't want
to think about it because i like almost everything that he does and i feel like apple has no notes to
give him presumably it would be zach van amberg and jamie erlich who would give him notes if anybody and presumably
if they back up half a billion dollars into jj abrams you know front yard yeah maybe he he's he'll
he'll be okay with the occasional note or they will show so much confidence in him that they
won't be so worried about i just think he's just got such a um he spoke at wwdc right like i feel like he's
got an existing um relationship with apple that serves you know they have a connection there that
maybe uh leads somewhere else i don't know yeah and he's slightly more young and hip than steven
spielberg slightly he's basically the younger hipper version of steven spielberg sure sorry
steve there was a literally in that sizzle reel they did for Apple TV+,
there was that shot of somebody in a World War II fighter plane,
and I thought, well, that's amazing stories.
And it totally was, because that is amazing stories.
It draws the landing gear.
All right.
We have more, but first I will take a break
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for supporting upgrade and all of relay fm all right john um 2019 when we last spoke uh on this podcast
it was late 2018 it is now 2019 and i have uh i want to talk about the mac this year because it
feels to me like 2019 is going to be one of those years that we point to and say this was a momentous
year for the mac both on the hardware and the software
And I want to talk to you about that.
But I want to start with Mac OS because I think that's probably, I had to pick one and
that's the one I chose.
Like I'm thinking about WWDC and how, you know, how potentially the announcements there
for the Mac are going to be much bigger
and have much greater ramifications than maybe a lot of people understand.
Like this idea that they've already laid out there, that they laid out last summer,
that a whole bunch of iOS apps presumably are going to be coming over and running on the Mac
this fall. Like, I'm not sure people understand just how different that's going to be and how potentially
weird that's going to be it's certainly not going to be um what we're used to on the mac how do you
think this is going to go both in june and in september do you think it's going to be a huge
change or do you think it's going to be um maybe less big than than it has the potential because i keep thinking it's going to be maybe less big than it has the potential?
Because I keep thinking it's going to be an enormous thing,
and people are going to not quite realize just how it's going to change
the whole texture of the Mac to have these iOS apps running on the Mac.
Yeah, it's one of those changes that I think people who are either developers
or are plugged in at a more technical level feel and see see more strongly than users so it's hard for me
to say how it's going to impact just your average apple consumer in 2019 but like was it back in
june of 2018 just around wwdc uh our episode of atp that we recorded about it was titled uh
extinction level event which was yes my uh estimation of what it means to introduce iOS applications
that are written with iOS APIs onto the Mac.
Because it is not a strong ecosystem,
and UIKit is an incredibly powerful invasive species.
And even though 2018 came and went,
if you're a consumer, you're like,
I got this weird news app that I never launched,
like a stocks app, but I just ignore it.
It doesn't seem like a big deal.
But June of 2018, we're like, this is it it if they are serious about this and they follow through on it
and and they don't do something fairly you know fairly radical to ensure the continued survivor
survival and primacy of app kit on the mac say goodbye you my kid is gonna going to arrive and eventually wipe out everything on the mac
and for lots of reasons that we discussed last summer so this summer we're getting closer to
the general public realizing this is to your point they're going to give us whatever the
real marzipan story is last year was just like this is a tech experiment we're doing and we're
going to ship it and we'll have more for you on this you know in the future blah blah but for now here's some apps right this year wwc they're going to presumably say
remember that experiment here's the apis that you developers can write to and here's how you can
port your ios apps and whatever like they're going to have a name they're going to have a story
there's going to be a whole big thing to it they could still choose to say and we've merged into
app kit or app kit is still the primary api and this is
just reporting like there's lots of things that apple could still do to steer this ship in a
different direction but all signs point to them saying here's this great new way to make mac
applications we still support and love app kit yada yada but there are so many oh ios developers
who are suddenly going to be able to take their existing apps and bring them to the mac or write new apps with ui kit that are multi-platform and have the whole multi-platform
story of how you can write a single application have it run on all the platforms and maybe
emerge the stores and it is is a big change and you there's lots of times the big changes oh the
big change from carbon to coco but if you were a mac user maybe you didn't notice that that much
maybe you noticed a little bit maybe the app seemed a little different maybe you heard tech nerds talking
about it but in general it was just like okay well a new way to write mac apps who cares but
the difference here is that marzipan apps and ios apps look and feel different in a way that users
will notice right and they will also notice the app that they had on their phone suddenly they
have it on the mac and it looks and runs kind of the same.
And I think it will generally be seen as a positive change to almost everybody,
except perhaps old school Mac users who will eventually get used to it
because we get used to everything eventually.
I loved it when you pointed out to Casey and Marco
that people who are upset that Apple seems to be changing
have not been around long enough because the old timers like you and me,
it's like I have seen so many different Apples
in the time since I bought my first Apple computer.
Like this is how it goes.
And generally you get over it.
But I do agree.
I was thinking,
and Mike and I talked about this a little bit,
when we do the upgrades every year,
like struggling to come
up with like best new mac app some years and honestly i would say there it's very rare that
there's a new mac app that is not either a mac equivalent of an ios app because you're not going
to write a new mac app and not write an ios app in cases, or it's an app that takes advantage of very
specific aspects of the Mac, things you can do on the Mac that you can't do on iOS. And when I think
of my favorite Mac apps over the last few years, they're one of those or they're the other. And
the first case, I think it's actually great for those developers, right? Because maybe not the
ones who put all the work in to make it work on the Mac, but for the next generation of those developers, because they can come to the Mac
without all that extra work. And for the other set, I don't think anything's going to happen to
them because as long as they have access to the things that you can't do on iOS, then they'll
have a, they'll have a role, but that's kind of, I mean, there's not a lot, like most of the apps
that I use on my Mac every day have been around for a very long time. And the few that have that I that aren't like that are either electron apps like Slack, or they're, you know, these unique kind of apps like audio hijack, or, you know, some of the other rogue Amoeba stuff, which does things with audio that iOS just doesn't let you do.
does things with audio that iOS just doesn't let you do. So on that front, I think it's kind of okay. I do get a little concerned that we're going to either end up with, well, I'm not concerned if
they redefine what Mac apps are supposed to look like to make it seem to fit more with iOS. That'll
be frustrating as a user to have a kind of like a redesign that makes everything
look more iOS-y. But I think I would rather have that than what we sort of have with those four
Marzipan apps today in Mojave, which is apps behave a certain way unless they don't, which is
not, that's inconsistent and super weird. But it's kind of hard. can't imagine i mean marzipan may be
um it's going to be better than what we have in mojave for no doubt but i kind of have a hard
time envisioning it coming all the way across to saying oh these apps are just indistinguishable
like carbon and coco apps indistinguishable from one another they're almost it's impossible to tell
where it came from i think it's impossible to tell where it came from
i think it's far more likely that it'll be very clear that these apps originated on ios and
therefore the only solution for consistency in the interface if apple seeks that is to redefine
a bunch of things about how traditional mac apps are supposed to look and make them you know push those apps toward being more
ios like i mean back in the carbon coco uh transition it was fairly obvious for people
skilled in the art as they say which one was carbon coco and especially in the beginning
because just the basic behaviors of like text fields and controls were different enough that
you could just tell but they eventually the way they fixed that was not saying and the coco
way will be the new way in general they made sure that as carbon faded and coco became dominant
that all of the quote-unquote mac-like behaviors that we had come to expect from the carbon
controls were ported to the coco controls right and there it was a little bit of a hybrid and a
but they didn't just say well forget about that old behavior that you used to like coco controls don't work like that they they worked so hard for many years on trying to ensure
parity basically to bring coco up to the the carbon standards in terms of mac likeness and to bring
carbon up to the standards of coco in terms of functionality and integration with all unix world
and all that other stuff and i have some faith that they're going to do something similar with
the marzipan apps and that in the beginning it will be easy to tell because even just the most basic
controls and navigation won't look or work right. But eventually, like all the different places in
the UI, they don't have selectable text or don't support copy and paste or don't support context
menus that they will eventually provide a way to implement those and implement them themselves in
their own applications. That's my hope anyway, not that I'm saying they're going to make them all just feel like Cocoa Apps.
Surely it will be a hybrid, and I can imagine them saying,
this is our opportunity to bring touch to the Mac,
so don't do any changes to the controls that make them less friendly to touch,
so everything's going to be bigger and waste more of our screen space,
which won't matter because we'll have giant 31.6-inch displays on our Mac Pros,
so everything will be awesome.
But anyway, I have some faith that they will work towards the goal of
letting the mac continue to be the mac in the sense that it is a you know that it is a truck
and steve jobs is parlance like because otherwise what the hell is the point of having the mac if
it's just a larger screen with a mouse and keyboard to run ios app there's no point in the beginning
it's going to look and feel a lot like that just due to time constraints and the development of the api and honestly i think a lot of us will be happy
just to get like the uh the ios port of messages and finally have feature parity like that will
feel like a huge upgrade even though the new messages app will not quote unquote be mac like
the existing messages app isn't particularly mac like all right same thing with like photos and and
all you know when they did like it was like a lion or something when they started iosifying all of the mac apps either by using uh what is that
the ux kit or whatever by using like their sort of look-alike work-alike framework for the mac that
uh that apis were a lot like ui kit but it wasn't really ui kit and changing the uis of the
application so they look more like their iOS counterparts, removing functionality and making them frustrating and everything, the actual legit straight
ahead Marzipan versions of those will be upgrades both aesthetically and also probably
And they'll probably also be even more Mac-like than the existing ones.
So there'll be that little honeymoon period where finally Apple gets to bring us all of
its old applications and can disband the Mac teams and combine them with the ui kit teams and do all that stuff then
there'll be the uncomfortable period where we'll be able to tell the difference and we'll have these
you know quote unquote real mac apps sitting alongside the marzipan ones but then i hope
eventually as the extinction level event progresses and app get fades into the dustbin of history
that the marzipan apps that we're left with will have adopted all
the utility of the applications they replace not necessarily all the individual features and ways
of doing things but all the utility that that's my hope anyway so our friend uh steve tron smith
tweeted um last week that he is very confident based on evidence he doesn't wish to make public
at this point that apple is planning new likely UI kit music podcast, perhaps even books apps for Mac OS to join the new TV app.
I expect the four to be the next wave of marzipan apps, grain of salt, etc.
And yes, this means the much discussed and long awaited breakup of iTunes.
Finally, he says, and I, you know, I'll be there to to dance a jig on the grave of iTunes, finally, he says. And I, you know, I'll be there to dance a jig on the grave of iTunes,
too. And I use it every day to play music. But I do think about that moment when these apps will
come over to the Mac. And I think, yeah, but they're not super functional. Like, if I had
to switch from iTunes to music to play all my music every day
on my mac the music app as it's currently iterated on iphone and ipad i don't love it like browsing
music in it is not great partially i think because it's designed for a smaller screen and i would
actually argue i don't know if you've spent much time in the music app on the ipad but that that
feels very much like an app that
the iPad layout itself is an afterthought right down to the fact that it's got that now playing
screen that just kind of comes up on the side. Cause you know, whatever, I guess we could do
that. It makes it look like the iPhone. Um, so I, I, I have those concerns, right? Which is like,
be careful what you wish for getting rid of iTunes, trying to do everything and be everything
and replacing with a TV app and a podcast app and a music app and all of that sounds good.
But at the same time, then I start to think, but what if it's just the iOS app? And I get a little
concerned that those iOS apps, maybe not right, maybe they're going to get pushed forward. And
this is going to be the impetus to make those iOS apps have more features and more feature parody
with the Mac because they don't want them to be as much of a regression.
But I'm a little concerned that what it'll really be is just those kind of limited functionality
iOS apps dropped on the Mac.
You realize what's going to happen, don't you?
This is something you might not want to think about, but I think it's in all our futures.
iTunes will be the new QuickTime Player 7.
Oh, for sure.
For sure.
It'll be in the utilities folder
and if you need to like sync over a wire or get access to the uh the application storage space or
any of those like things that or or maybe even like sideload mp3s onto your hard drive you'll
just have to go to uh you'll just have to go to the utilities folder because my my guess is that
the music app if it comes on on the mac is going to be literally an apple music app but i think
it'll be quicktime player 7 in another sense in that it will be the application that we all
wax nostalgic about and say boy they replaced quicktime player 7 with this crappy new quicktime
player and all and i every day when i want to get anything done i have to go back to the real
quicktime player quicktime player 7 this will be the best thing to happen to itunes's reputation And every day when I want to get anything done, I have to go back to the real QuickTime Player, QuickTime Player 7.
This will be the best thing to happen
to iTunes' reputation in years.
It'll suddenly be our favorite application.
I can't believe they replaced it
with that crappy music application.
You can't do anything.
And it's like one screen.
You have no options.
I can't sort stuff.
I can't edit my metadata.
I can't do anything with it.
And so if I ever were going to get anything done
with my music,
I have to launch iTunes Player 7.
Oh, sorry.
iTunes Classic, or whatever they ended up calling it.
I mean, yeah.
We spent all this time hating iTunes, and then it suddenly becomes our most favorite application in the entire world,
simply because the new ones have limited functionality.
And now, on the flip side of that, this thing gives me some optimism,
is part of the reason that quicktime player 10 or x or
whatever you want to pronounce it never got all the functionality of quicktime player 7 setting
aside all the framework stuff of the actual deprecation of quicktime and the advent of av
foundation and all that other stuff is that like that application and several other ones also
arrived just as apple basically stopped uh doing any serious development of mac applications
basically like yeah it's not that they couldn't have continued to improve insert name of bundled
apple mac os application here they just didn't like in general the applications stayed mostly
the same there weren't big teams advancing them even flagship things like photos once they had
iosified it spent a long time not getting a lot of new features and when it did they didn't really
rethink much of anything i think about the the horrendous interface to uh shared photo streams
and photos that tiny little popover with that horrible autocomplete field you know that whole
thing and an inability to tell when any action has taken place
and trying to edit things
that turn into those little blue cells
in a very limited space on a giant 27-inch iMac screen.
And how many years that has been like,
yep, that's good enough, it's fine.
Like one tiny little toolbar button
hidden way up in the corner,
huge expanses of wasted space.
And compare that to the development lifetime of
iPhoto which started very simple and got and was worked on year after year and got more and more
features and more and more advanced and better and better over the years it's just night and day
so you could say QuickTime Player 10 was terrible because you know just the QuickTime Player 7 was
better or you can just say that that was the time that apple put their foot off the gas and now with the advent of marzipan when they replace itunes with
the music app or whatever yeah initially it'll be crappy and not have a lot of features but maybe
the second year the music app on the mac will get a bunch of new features because now they have all
the wood behind one arrow and that team is able to execute and make one code base that runs on all
their platforms and it's more than one person or half a person working on it for a year right it's instead
it's like five people working on it for a year and maybe they can make progress like that that's
my hope that they will come back to developing applications for the mac because now they no
longer have the excuse that there's like five people in the company left to know app kid and
they put a half person in this app and a half person on that app and all that other stuff so initially yeah
it's going to be bad and the music app is going to be extremely limited but year two and year three
are the real where we'll see what the real deal is um because they do need to add functionality
like can you imagine like you mentioned how bad the music app is on the ipad and how it feels
like the expansions and afterthought can you imagine that on a 5k imac the music application and you and you zoom it to full screen it's just i i do
that that's that is the exactly the nightmare that i am having is what you just described i mean you
don't need all the functionality of itunes but like you need a different paradigm that screen
is way bigger the input devices are way different and it's just it's the wrong fit right and and
unlike unlike the tv
application where there's no mac equivalent now and we just can't do anything like we got to watch
it all on itunes but like oh at least there's a tv app we do have a music player application
and for all its warts you can listen to music in different ways with it and the new application
will be like yeah it's like a big phone that fills your mac screen and i'm just going to give that
app the middle finger one of the reasons the quicktime player 10 is what it is is because like yeah it's like a big phone that fills your mac screen and i'm just going to give that app
the middle finger one of the reasons the quicktime player 10 is what it is is because apple decided
that it was philosophically like not going to invest a lot of effort into little utility apps
when functionality existed elsewhere which is i felt like that was kind of an older school
version of apple where it was um you know, Preview is a
good example of an app like that.
And QuickTime Player 7 was like that.
And there are other examples too.
But like with QuickTime Player 10, they were really saying, you know, look, if you want
to trim little videos out of bigger videos and then save them out, you should just use
Like it's right there, but we're not going to, you know, we're not going to make that
a particularly easy thing to do in this app this app is is much less functional and it's the
it's the same apple that you know again they have preview and text edit and things like that but
I think modern apple with a whole other platform to build on ios looked at it and was like now we
really just need to be a media player some basic functionality that's all it needs to be they just use iMovie otherwise it was uh mentioned the the framework
difference that really does make a difference because the old QuickTime player before it was
seven but whatever the QuickTime player pre-10 uh was there to show off QuickTime everything
the QuickTime everything the QuickTime could do it was just a gateway to the functionality
inherent in the QuickTime framework so that's a front end for the quick time framework whereas
quick time player 10 was an app that they built because they knew that eventually in fact this
fall is the eventually the whole quick time uh framework was going to be deprecated because it's
32-bit and they didn't want to work on it anymore so that's why quick times player 10 is bad yeah
and av foundation is mostly about you know encoding decoding and playback and not a general purpose editing thing in container
format like quick time was much more extensive right so not only do they they want an app they
could show it all off but the making an app that shows it off like in the app itself not that it
was trivial but you were basically just exposing existing framework functionality the quick time
player didn't contain that functionality the framework contained it uh but we were long since left that
world so to put that similar functionality in quicktime player it would basically be like
writing iMovie like it's not sitting there waiting for you in the framework because it's not a front
end for quicktime because quicktime you know was no longer going to be a thing so i i kind of feel
for for quicktime players and that's that's also one of the reasons that no one really replaced it with something because it's like okay well do you just
are you just going to write quicktime player 7 again because we've already got that and if you're
not you're going to write your own video editor because that's pretty hard like quicktime i'm
kind of sad about quicktime because it was and is a great technology that desperately needed to be
modernized but the world modernized itself around it and it got left
behind and so now it's like it's not just the 32-bit 64-bit but it's everything the container
formats the codex the quicktime was a pioneer that just didn't keep up and so all the existing
video editing applications and the various frameworks are written for a different world and
there's no equivalent to quicktime it's you know it's sad
but for the other applications like preview and text edit i'm always impressed by their
functionality especially preview like preview doesn't seem like it can do a lot but like
you know if you if you copy an image to the clipboard and you're like can i put this image
into preview and crop it but it's in the clipboard how do i get an image in
the clipboard into preview so you make you're like maybe i just make a new document because
you're a mac user you hit command n and there's your clipboard in the document exactly size to
whatever was in your clipboard and you're like oh it just did it for me there and then you just
crop it and you save it and you can convert it like quick time uh preview does expose all the
functionality inherent in the ability to read and write images which unlike quick time preview does expose all the functionality inherent in the
ability to read and write images which unlike quick time is still in mac os in 64-bit variants
and so it does a surprising amount and same thing with text edit with all the different text editing
features and the ability to attempt to open word documents i'm generally impressed with most of the
built-in applications right up to the point where the apple stopped developing them which was at
this point like several years ago.
Well, let's take a break and then I have some more Mac stuff to talk to you about.
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supporting upgrade and all of relay fm so john last week um bb edit came back in the mac app
store which is great it was foretold last june another one of these things last june they apple
said that panic and bare bones were going to come back to the mac app store transmit came back last
fall and bb edit came back last week interesting combination of factors right
some policy decisions with a mac app store some new functionality in mojave that lets apps ask
for permission to do things that in the past they couldn't ask permission to do which were
were restrictions that led apps to say well if we can't do this we're just not going to be
in the store like read the entire disc is a good example of that um but also i think it's
interesting that when these apps came back they came back in basically a special edition it's the
subscription model edition which is if you want to just buy an app and get that app and you can
use it forever but you're going to have to pay an upgrade fee for the next major version you do that
on the transmit or bare bones websites. If you want to
get them in the Mac app store, you sign up for a subscription, which is annual and gives you access
to whatever the latest version is whenever they release it. Um, and, and that's how they've
managed to figure out how do we deal with not having upgrade pricing in the Mac app store.
So, um, I think that's interesting on its own. It also has gotten me
to start thinking of what the Mac App Store is going to look like in the aftermath of
Marzipan as this new OS comes out this fall, whether we're going to see a flood or not of
iOS apps. Do you have any thoughts about the BBEdit thing, though, first? Like, I'm not going
to buy a Mac App Store subscription to bb edit because i i'm happy
to just have it and the one that i get from barebones.com um but it it is a sign of apple
as we said last june directly addressing some of the issues with mac app store through this
combination of adding an app store editorial and fixing some of their policies and changing some of
the things in the operating system and it's it's better than it was i feel
like there's still inherently uh a mismatch it's like a bad fit between the mac app store and
popular powerful mac applications that existed before the mac app store and it's to apple's
credit that they've been trying to bridge that gap trying to woo these developers back but mostly they've done so in a non-systematic way like i
still think the mismatch is there even though these things are back they're back because of
the herculean efforts of apple to woo these developers and the efforts of these developers to
do what's required like it's a cooperation between these developers and apples to figure out a way
to get this to work but in the end when they've all figured it out and they're back on the store
we are now not in a situation where if you make a powerful mac application that it's a no-brainer
to go on the mac app store it's not only is it not a no-brainer like it's it doesn't seem like
a benefit and it seems like you're questioning whether you might want to do it at all like which which is not where the mac app store wants to be you want it to be a place
where developers say i want my app on there because that's where i'm going to make all my
money because that's best for my application i can make the best application there and i can make the
most money there and that is just not true of the mac app store for powerful applications traditional
mac applications right even though they've done all this work to bridge this gap and to get these high-profile
applications, I don't feel like they have fundamentally changed the nature of the Mac
App Store.
It is not attractive to that type of application developer.
And the users have learned that if you're a user who wants that kind of application,
buy it direct.
That has been what we've learned.
And I feel like that
is still the case like steve troughton smith to mention him again or i think it was him maybe it
was uh gee rambo dumped the uh the entitlements of like one of the mac app store versions was
like bb or whatever and half of them are still called temporary exception dot something dot
whatever right like it's not there's a mismatch there and no amount of schmoozing or like getting flagship
applications onto there are working hard with individual developers is going to change that.
And that's not a scalable system anyway.
Is Apple going to work like that over the course of a year with every single developer
who wants to make an application that just wants to do things that Mac applications used
to do?
No, like direct Mac applications with, with notarizing, which will be mandatory shortly,
you know, uh, and all the other things they can impose is still the way to go. like direct Mac applications with notarizing, which will be mandatory shortly,
and all the other things they can impose is still the way to go.
If you make that type of application,
you spend a lot of time thinking,
do I have to go in the Mac App Store?
Will I actually make enough sales for it to be worth
what I know will be the huge hassle?
Is it worth potentially having the Mac App Store version
behave differently
and have a different set of support concerns than the other ones are there some features i can only
do in the direct sale version these questions still exist and highlight the fact that there
is a mismatch between what those mac apps want to do and what the mac app store allows i think some
of those temporary exceptions are apple wanting i mean
obviously there was a pr move that's why they announced it at the keynote to say we're making
changes to the mac app store when i talked to the people involved in this announcement in june what
they basically said is yeah a lot of the stuff's not there and it's not going to be there in the
fall um and clearly apple solution was well we're going to give you temporary permission now. Those temporary exceptions have been there.
Like temporary exception has existed since the dawn of the Mac app store.
That has always been their tool to get apps in there, but they didn't rename them.
They have added some, but I think you're right.
I think this is the challenges.
How, how far down the path do they go?
Is there a whole other set of, uh, different permissions that Mac apps can get maybe this fall or not?
They did enough to get bare bones and panic and Office 365 and Creative Cloud.
And even them barely.
Like, I think there are still potential, if not functional, then sort of semantic differences between like the Mac App Store version of BBA and the direct one because there have to be like different transmit for sure transmit there are some differences where there's
some features that are are um i think panic has said that they will do them at some point which
is very strongly like they can't do them until apple opens that up for them to do this feature
that's in the regular version that's just not in the mac and if you think about it from their perspective the panic or bb like if they're making their
application they those features that were in there that they can't do in the mac app store
they made them because they think they're good features that people want to use and the fact
that they can't put them in the mac app store means that they are like they're working so hard
to get as much of the functionality of the app they made into the mac app store it's like why
am i working so hard to wedge this into this this this funnel when i i have the perfectly good
working applications that i could sell to people right now and i have my own store and i'm a big
enough company and i have existing customer base and like the upside is like maybe potentially you
can get a big boost in sales but maybe not because most people like these applications have abandoned
the mac app store so part of it is just a relationship with Apple or like the goodwill and the PR and being featured by Apple.
And again, not a scalable system and doesn't change the fundamental nature of the Mac App Store.
So is the future of the Mac App Store repository for iOS apps that are coming to the Mac?
Is that its future?
So, yeah.
So that's the flip side of this is if you're coming from iOS, you're coming from an environment that's even more constrained than the Mac.
And so no big deal, right?
And especially if they combine the app stores
or have a way to have an application that works across all the platforms.
Like if, as we were discussing, the introduction of UIKit
and the iOS APIs on macOS is an extinction-level event
for all quote-unquote native Mac APIs to eventually be replaced by iOS ones
and Mac developers to eventually be replaced by ios ones and mac
developers to eventually face by ios developers this all works itself out long term because yeah
the old funny guys will be there with their weird applications they need all these special permissions
but that's probably not where the growth is it's not like there's hundreds of those
clamoring to make new applications every year like you said like what is the best new mac app
this year sometimes it's hard to tell there are tons of ios apps there are tons of ios developers
and they fit right into the app store because they're used to this level of abuse
slash whatever like they're they've got stockholm syndrome or whatever and they and they have
accepted that this is the channel where all the sales come from because it is literally the channel
where all the sales come from on the phone uh and they don't know about the the direct model or
whatever so long term i think this problem will mostly work itself out it may come
up again because eventually you'll be in a situation unless apple's the only one who's
going to make applications like pro level applications like the the apple attitude
often seems to be that uh the only application that needs any kind of special permissions is
xcode and everything else can fit into the app store model but even you just look at something like logic or you know
photoshop or lightroom or any of these pro level applications that still would have to jump through
some hoops to work in the mac app store and apple would still have to help them jump through those
hoops that's not a healthy ecosystem of new pro applications and thus far very few ios applications have reached the heights of
functionality that the best mac apps have there are a few of them out there we can name some
graphic design applications on ios or some other apps that are super impressive and some ones that
are up and coming like what ferrite or whatever is that the only writing application to use
right but the highs on the mac are very high trying to get those developers to add that kind of functionality
to a mac app written with ios apis will be uh a big uh a big uh rung in the ladder and the climb
to slowly replace the old mac ways with all these new mac ways and i think it could happen i think
like the the path ahead for apple and the back is fairly clear but it's going to be a difficult road
and success is not guaranteed because we have proof that people make tons and tons of ios
applications of sort of like middling complexity that are appropriate for phones and ipads but we
don't yet have proof that there will be mac applications with the complexity of a logic or
pro tools or a photoshop or all those other things like we can't just keep relying on these same old developers like panic and bb edit in adobe and microsoft like eventually we
need more new blood like with the uh i'm trying to think of all the the great new uh ios applications
but you've got affinity as as a new name um uh pixel mater what are some other ones there are
some there are some very powerful ios
applications that i can imagine them either or they already make a kick butt mac application
or they certainly could make one so have some faith in the future but i want to see an existence
proof that amazing new complex feature-filled applications written in ui kit can appear on
the mac and fill those gaps my gut feeling too is that the priority with Marzipan is to get, is not to allow people to
use Marzipan to then break out of the box of iOS and add more functionality on the Mac, right? So
I would put money that for a very long time, if ever, if you want to have access to the system at a level that is way beyond what iOS apps can do, your answer is to write Mac apps, like to write them the old way, because it would seem to be that would be one of the last boxes that Apple would feel like they needed to check in terms of letting people build apps using that framework, using that code base,
and then being able to write a whole disk backup app with it, right?
So it feels like the iOS apps that come over with Marzipan
or are conceived as being iOS and Mac from the get-go using Marzipan
are not going to be pushing into areas that some mac apps live
in because you know apple won't let you like i would imagine it'll be much more locked down the
security model will be the ios security model and you'll be very limited to what you'll be able to
have access to on the mac and that'll just be a function of marzipan maybe forever it'll be a
tricky part we'll getting beginning them to play nice with the
the mac system environment so you mentioned rogami about all those applications that manipulate the
various sound things that sort of a system level that in no way would fit in any kind of app store
right that's one side of that but think about the applications that are running and how how
rogami was apps see those applications and how they see the changes that the rogami apps are
making to the system if rogami tries to change the inputs of a marzipan app will they will it correctly will
the will the pipes connect in the right way right will they see those changes will you know like
just behaving in a way on a mac system behaving in a mac-like way understanding when they when
all these settings that don't exist on the iOS devices are changed out from underneath those apps,
that they respond to those changes in the expected ways.
That's a great example of one of those details
that if they don't nail it on the first try
and it seems like there's a big disconnect,
second and third and fourth visions of Marzipan,
if this is indeed the path forward,
will include connecting those dots.
And eventually, I think the rogami
apps will work them right before apple totally crushes the rogami apps ability to run it all
on the mac which would be a shame right yeah now steve trott and smith did try and succeed to get
apple script sort of working in a marzipan app automation that's a whole other thing and and uh
get services to show up in an apple script or in a marzipan app and uh so it's it's i bring
those up just to say i think you make a great point which is it's not just how these apps work
and look and feel on the mac it's also going to be are they apps like do they interact or are they
like dark matter right like are they there in their own little they interact or are they like dark matter, right? Like, are they there
in their own little world
where it's like,
well, they exist,
but Mac apps look
and they're like,
doesn't look like anything to me.
It's just Marzipan.
And that's not great.
You know, just like how in Mojave,
if certain frameworks die,
all of the Marzipan apps quit.
Like not just one of them,
they all quit
because they're really one process at one level. They just have a common, frameworks die all of the marzipan apps quit like not just one of them they all quit because
they're really one process at one level they just have a common they just have a common parent
process i mean it's the same thing if you kill login if you kill login window on your mac today
everything disappears because it's the parent process of your entire login it feels very
classic to me in a way though right which is like oh no that it looks like an app but it's not really
an app quite it's not quite and that that goes over lots of stuff, including, yes, can I grab audio from that?
Can I, you know, what if I adjust the inputs?
It also does mean, like, things like automation.
Is it scriptable?
A base Mac app, I can tell it to launch using Apple Script.
And I can use UI scripting, you know, to do things in Keyboard Maestro or something like that.
scripting you know to do things in in a keyboard maestro or something like that that may all be completely broken but you know that that will make those apps less good citizens on the mac
and you know in the long run i suspect that something more like shortcuts will be the
approved user automation system on the mac too but we do have a lot of things that sort of define
what a mac app does now and if if it's like
oh yeah well you just can't use audio hijack with this app this class of apps that's less good for
the platform so that's that's part of that's why that's why they announced it and gave themselves
a year before they actually had to ship anything for developers because it's really hard some of
that stuff that's broken like they'll never fix because it's that's not the way forward right you know i think apple script is a great example i
could imagine them saying like yeah it's not really supported apple events apple it's not
or even stuff like the services menu which is from next step right they that could probably
be made to work as but if that's not going to be in their future plan they won't ever bother
enabling that function like this is no point and on the other hand apple has been laying the
groundwork for this for years with things like share extensions which were
conceived and implemented as a cross-platform thing long before marzipan existed they're
different like share extensions on the mac are different than they are on ios but they're similar
enough that you could see how by making both mac applications and ios applications have this share extension model despite the code and
api differences it is a it is one of the rare cases of a new system level thing that apple
actually made across platforms that is just waiting for all those tubes to be hooked up
behind the scenes like oh there you go remember all the share extensions you've been writing now
there's a unified way to write them and they work across all platforms and it's a paradigm that
works but there's so many places where where that doesn been writing? Now there's a unified way to write them, and they work across all platforms, and it's a paradigm that works.
But there's so many places where that doesn't exist,
mostly because there's system-level functionality on the Mac
that has absolutely no equivalent in iOS.
And it should.
The answer to this is not, well, don't worry about that because it's not on iOS.
The answer to that is add stuff like that to iOS.
Give file system access to iOS.
Let it see external storage.
Let you control the system sound routing.
We all know the iOS complaints complaints that's the solution and if the solution on the
mac is we're going to do all those things but what we're going to do is we're going to implement
them on ios and then bring those implementations to the mac all the existing mac implementations
will just fade away that's one path to the future and arguably is a reasonable one because
a lot of these systems as implemented on the mac are very old and very creaky and you know things like services got people who use them
and love them they're great but they are not they are not a well-loved piece of uh uh software from
the perspective of how often new features get added or even how how well they're surfaced in
the ui if you don't know if services
exist you can use mac for years and just never see them yeah apple actually did some things to
services in mojave which is super weird but it would not be a big leap for them to find a way
to bridge the gap in in terms of saying well we've got a new solution that is basically like services
but it's using the share functionality that would be addressed in the same way um it wouldn wouldn't surprise me if that's the direction they go. But as an iPad user,
I have to say the flip side of all of this really is that I hope that part of the process means the
iPad apps get better and more powerful. Because if you're going to do some extra work to add
functionality to them, especially so that they work on larger screens and they work on the Mac,
maybe that means that the iPad can pick that stuff up too and that the ipad apps will be more functional i'd take that i'd love that that's kind of a side
effect of the the app centric nacer of what was originally iphone os like that the the entire
phone was the app even when it was in springboard was the app that conception of ios that it's all
about the apps we need more powerful apps for the ipad i can't wait
to see what the new apps can do right what we need on the ipad and have needed for years is a more
powerful ios that that's all we usually talk about on the mac what new features does this os have oh
yeah and by the way there are apps that run on it and it's so inverted on on the ios right we so
rarely think about what the os can do what features
have they added to the os because the os like whatever it's just a way to run apps right and
yeah we all know under the covers there are apis that are important so and so forth but the apps
are so such take such a prime place that there is no thing of like oh the os added system-wide text
to speech everywhere the os added the ability a new you know the ability
to mount network shares using this new protocol the os added a way to control sound inputs and
outputs and create new like the os added a new context menu and a new like we don't think about
what the os can do for us in ios because it hasn't been doing enough whereas on the mac all those
things we just talked about are things you can do at the os level that influence all the apps that
are running in that stew in that environment a new way to manage windows the dock itself like all these things that
we consider part of the os on ios we get we get crumbs we get table scraps and we don't we tend
not to think except for maybe ipad users asking for better multitasking but like we need to ask
for and should expect so much more out of the os itself in ios instead of
just being like a status bar and a springboard for us and like a maybe maybe a way to split the
screen up a couple different ways that's we need more yeah now that's my that whenever i come back
to the uh you know storage stuff it's that's one of my things or the sound stuff those are two of
the things that really get me peripherals yeah usbc on these ipads
now i know right so we'll see what happens there what you want to talk hardware a little bit because
i do think it'll be a big year for the mac in terms of hardware lots of possibilities you're
gonna get well i say your mac pro but we'll see you you're gonna get a mac pro you can judge if
it's your master theory yeah a mac pro yeah it's modular i don't i don't
know if i believe that i you know they just mean the monitors and built and that's all they mean
it's fine that's it could could just be that that's literally all that they mean or they could
mean some aspect of the production which is that they have stuff that they can drop in but it's
not a user thing like just obsessing over like they give us so little they give us like one adjective and we spend
two years talking about that one adjective what could it mean that is the the the worst kind of
criminology that that is the kind of stuff that happened um without giving any spoilers that
happened on star trek discovery a couple weeks ago where a character said something
phrased in a certain way that they created this entire like conspiracy theory about how that phrasing was similar to phrasing
of another a character in another star trek series and so it was all connected man i was like i'm
caught up on discovery i think but i don't even know what you're talking about probably because
i haven't seen the other star trek series also because it's really dumb i just re-watched that
episode yesterday and i'm like that whole thing came from this one line reading of one character. Come on. But that's, you know, yes, we are reduced
to that, which is what does it mean? It might be modular. And it's like from a third source who
saw it one time or heard people talking about it briefly and heard the word modular and doesn't
know what it means. And it's hard to tell. tell i mean there will be one this year they said you know i imagine we'll see it at wwdc at least as a promo maybe they'll have one like
they did with the imac pro where it's like don't touch it don't you know it must be looked at
don't even play it but uh but you can see it and then it'll ship on december 29th and
that'll be that'll be fine but um there are also rumors about that new macbook
pro um like the 15 inch that's actually a 16 inch that i know marco's excited about which maybe they
would finally have a new design where they would not use the old keyboard that has gotten uh such
bad publicity for apple over the last few years yeah the latest tweet rumor i saw was actually
that's going to be a 2020 model and people were getting excited about it i don't think we can wait that long but
yeah there's a mac laptop with a new keyboard and a hardware escape key i feel like is in our future
is it in our future in 2019 i god i hope so it well i mean it wouldn't it wouldn't surprise me
if it is more like 2020 it would be much better if it was in 2019 the iMac is the same way like we got that new iMac thing I flew to New York I talked to the
product manager I'm getting briefed about it uh you know in the car on the way to meet with the
product manager um and I get there and I'm like so it's just a you know it's just a speed bump
right and and when you think about it now it's like okay well in the spring of 2019 they redesigned they did new imacs it's like there's no way they're gonna there's gonna be
a new imac design this year because why would they have just turned over the new imac in the spring
if they were going to do a brand new imac in the fall it seems like that is now a 2020 product if
it happens yeah and that and that's a product that really needs a redesign right like that is we are still
using the iMac is the 2012 car model and just update it every so often but it is a 2012
iMac that we're still that Apple is still selling with updated processors yeah we talked about this
on ATP like they're despite the fact that it's that it looks just like a screen with a little
stand you're like well what the hell else can you do it I don't care about the chin make the chin smaller who cares like there are things you can do like
there are many design challenges inherent in that computer that they can take another run at and
whatever it's been seven years now seven years is a good run for a case design like and if you
people have these these very aggressive uh uh images that they uh make out there of like showing the iMac with the year underneath
each design and how radically they changed you had like the little gumdrops and then the the
lifesavers and then you got the the the cool uh looking ones you get dalmatian flower power then
you got the little one with the arm on it and then you got the flat white ones then you got the flat
silver ones and the flat silver ones get skinny and then it's skinny skinny skinny skinny skinny
skinny skinny skinny skinny skinny skinny and present
day like there's this huge run at the end where evolution stops um and in some respects it's
because the design was refined and made it made more essential or whatever johnny ivy word you
want to use and you know it didn't need to change in any radical way but every every seven years or so it's a good
time to rethink it and so i i feel like it's part of the reason the speed bumps are just speed bumps
is because the new design isn't ready but you don't want to wait for the new design to be ready
to speed bump them so you speed bump them in the existing case with the existing cooling
and do the best you can but i really hope there is a redesign in the future i hope i hope the
redesign in the future of the plain old iMac is part of the rededication to the mac because i feel like the imac pro
is the last the last mac design that predates apple's rededication of the mac which sounds
weird but it's like isn't that isn't that the bellwether of their rededication the amazing
imac pro i don't think so i think that project and that design that idea started before apple
had decided to
rededicate itself to the mac in full oh yeah it's literally the replacement for the mac pro because
they were killing the mac pro and then they then they changed their mind and the imac pro became
this yeah transitional product and changing your mind about the mac pro isn't just deciding to make
one computer that you weren't going to make before it's rethinking the entire idea that it's possible
to cover the problem space of mac users
with a very limited feature set and they realize that's actually not it's not really possible and
furthermore it's a mistake like we're it's a misreading of our audience for these products
to think that by simplifying the products we can simplify their lives and everything will work out
fine and these people like my life is complex i have problems. I need a tool that helps me solve them.
No amount of simplifying your hardware
is going to change that.
Give me powerful, versatile computers.
So the Mac mini is a reflection of that.
The Mac Pro is coming a reflection of that.
The iMac Pro is not a reflection of that
because the iMac Pro is the last of the,
it was going to be the previous top end
before they realized that it couldn't be the top end
because it wasn't top endy enough.
I feel like the definition of what a modern Mac is, what a Mac is now,
the iMac Pro is that because it was the first Mac to have the T2.
Yeah, it fits in.
It just doesn't fit where they thought it was going to fit.
They thought it was going to be the very end of the line, and it's not.
Yeah, and I don't think they changed their definition of like,
here's what the Mac in the future is going to have it's going to have the
t2 it's going to do all these different things that are you know that we're going to take off
of the the shoulders of other controllers or of the intel processor all of that i think they still
believe but it it yeah it was not it was meant to be uh the the pro mac in an era where there was
no mac pro it was meant to be the apex and it's just not it's not the apex it's not the the pro mac in an era where there was no mac pro it was meant to be the apex and it's
just not it's not the apex it's not the the ways in which is not the apex is revealing of like
apple's customers saying that's an amazing computer but i can't fit this inside it it can't
do this for me it doesn't give me this amount of versatility that's that's the the the change in
the thinking i hope that thinking will eventually be reflected in the
laptop line i see no evidence of that yet but i really hope it will i mean a hardware escape key
is actually a good step in that direction of saying we gave you an escape key and but what
we've heard from you is you don't like that escape key so here's a hardware version of it which that
seems like such a subtle thing but it's a reflection it's like well we gave you what we
wanted you have an escape key right and we're just saying
no you don't understand just having some place where i can press my finger to make escape
is not an adequate solution there is enough of a difference between pressing my finger on the
screen and pressing a key that it's worth your trouble to make that a physical key so please
do that even though it seems like a subtle thing and a simplification and it's nice and uniform
and the touch bar goes end to end and it's all awesome and everything please think
really hard about that and the next time you make a keyboard oh and by the way yada yada all the
other keyboard problems that we've been discussed forever but i feel like the hardware escape key
of all the things is the most important sign kind of like the usba ports that we assume might be on
a pro mac or whatever like do they recognize a certain amount of ugliness that apple is willing
to put a complexity and ugliness that apple is willing to put into its products non-uniformity
non-uniformity asymmetry uh not backwards looking but at least not like relentlessly forward looking
because they realize a certain set of customers have a problem or a situation or a preference that they want served in the best way possible, even if it makes the computers that Apple makes slightly less pure or less of the vision of the future that Apple thinks should happen.
So that's what I'm looking for in all the new Mac stuff.
I think it's reflected in the Mac mac mini which did not reduce its number of
ports to some ridiculously small level and it is amazingly powerful and all that other stuff like
they made a versatile little computer for people who like versatile little computers they could
have made that same computer made it much smaller and just put like four uh thunderbolt forts in the
back of it and said done and done and no one would like it one thunderbolt port in the back of it no
i can't just figure it figured out two maybe two maybe two
the the um the thing that i think bugs me the most about the new imax is the fact that it's the it's
the first apple product since december of 16 to be released that is a new apple product or no
december 17 when the imac pro came out to be released without t2 all of the
oh the only other remaining t2 products out there are products that haven't been updated in too long
and we there are lots of reasons why the biggest reason why is that that would require a complete
redesign of the iMac and they would need to get rid of the spinning discs and all of those things but it does make it feel like a holdout of a of a bygone era not 2012 where the design of the hardware comes from on the
outside but just of the you know of 2017 and before when what a mac was was different and it's been
redefined and then here come these things that are i mean the good news is in like five years we're going to be talking about how um max made from in 2019 can't
run old versions of the operating system and can't do all these things except for those imax because
they didn't have the t2 and they therefore they have this capability um but it just that that
really bugs me at the same time i don't think the right way people have talked about like the iMac
Pro being the basis of a new iMac design.
It's like the iMac Pro is designed like the iMac.
It's got the new cooling system in it and it's a very different system on the inside.
But like, I feel like if they're going to do a new iMac, it should not look like the
iMac Pro because they really should make an effort to clean those bezels up. Because if you think about where all monitors and laptops and
screens of all kinds are going, TVs, the bezels on the iMac and the iMac Pro are enormous.
And that would be the first thing that I would rather it be a little thicker,
quite frankly, because I don't see the thickness of my imac and have the bezels go away and i know you know so i i keep thinking there is a new imac
design out there but that's what it is is a a really new imac design and it'll have a t2 at
least in the larger of the two imacs it'll be that new design but um i don't know when that is. Is that 2020? Is that 2021? It may be a while.
My optimistic take is that if we had seen new T2 iMacs that adopted some of the cooling structures of the iMac Pro, it would mean that any redesign of the iMac case is much farther in the future than we think it is, right?
Right. imac case is much farther in the future than we think it is right right the fact that they did this stopgap thing uh makes me think that the imac design is imminent and it wasn't worth their
while to basically make a non-pro imac pro in the old case like better pooling and stuff not so
imminent that they could wait and not update the processors yes exactly and so and so it's
heartening on multiple levels.
The idea that they did ship the speed bump, that they didn't just say, eh, we'll wait it out, right?
That they said, we can do a speed bump while we wait, and we should do a speed bump while we wait, because it's better than having nothing.
And so I agree with all that.
Despite these computers having some disappointing aspects, all signs point to their reasoning process making sense, assuming our speculation is correct.
And I would say the opportunities to do a new iMac case are more than just shrinking bezels or changing thicknesses.
There are many opportunities.
There are problems with the iMac design inherent in its nature that can be tackled.
You could pick just one of them and spend the entire redesign figuring out
one of them is the relationship
between your face and the screen.
Unless you have a VESA mount like you,
which most people don't,
that relationship with a fixed bent L-shaped stand
is not optimal in many different situations.
You could do something about that.
Apple has experience making iMac screens
that move into different positions
and different heights.
They could decide to tackle that. Say they don't want to tackle that. Second problem with making iMac screens that move into different positions and different heights. They could decide to tackle that.
Say they don't want to tackle that.
Second problem with the iMac design is all the ports are on the back, which looks really good, but it's a pain in the butt when you've got to plug things in.
How can they fix that without making it look ugly?
What is the solution to ports and cable routing for a computer like the iMac?
like the iMac they could tackle just that problem and say can we figure out a better way than the current solution that is not horrendously ugly that people can plug and unplug can we put some
facing the people some not facing where should the ports be like if you try to tackle both of
those at once you could have a radically different iMac that is still nevertheless basically a big
screen that's in front of you with very little visible stuff anywhere on it but an overall better computer i don't expect them to tackle those hard problems i expect them to
be fairly conservative if the past decade or so of the ever skinnying imac is true but the
opportunity is there if if someone had a really good idea basically like and and i love some of
the old imac designs like the one with the little the arm whatever we want to call that design the big silver arm i love that design i thought it was
ingenious i thought it was a great fit for the technology limitations at the time
it was just brilliant like and maybe you know it didn't last very long because technology
changes so fast and it became like pointless once you could flatten the whole thing out right um but i i am
i'm ready to be wowed by an imac design i just i'm not sure that's in the cards because i feel like
not that the a teams are all designing iphones and ipads but just that that's that's where
most of the action is happening so it makes some sense to be more conservative with the imac and
maybe just take another crack at it and maybe just make skinnier bezels or whatever but well
apple knows who's buying an imac and that thing is the iMac is
doubling as its entry-level desktop computer and that's the reason why we you know that's the reason
why there's a base model that didn't change at all that's the reason why there are spinning disks
in the 4k iMac at the low end even though it's really unconscionable, and you and I agree on this point, it's because I think on that low end, they are really concerned about people's price sensitivity,
and they're trying to get the lowest price possible. I believe that we have reached the
point where everything should be a Fusion Drive in the 4K iMac. If you're going to buy a Retina
screen, maybe that cheap one that's not even retina they should probably not even be selling it but I they're just like the 999 MacBook Air
they're using it to hit a price point but the rest of them at the very least put some SSD in there so
that you could do the fusion drive thing it can be a little bit faster but like that's the truth of
it is this is this is a weird computer that goes from being entry level to being as powerful as an iMac pro and you know
so I I think that distorts some of the decisions they make about the iMac now sometimes the iMac
has always been their entry level desktop from its introduction right and and that has never
stopped them back when the Mac was so much more important to the company obviously from doing you
know having lots of innovative ideas there if you look at all those different
uh imac designs lots of complicated expensive interesting choices uh you know and it's only
because the mac is so much less important to the company that you see less of that these days but
i think you know as part of the beauty of it that you could if you come up with a good design
it doesn't have to be expensive to manufacture or overly complicated. Like the beauty of a good
iMac design is that it solves problems for the users in an elegant way that, you know,
just seems obvious. Like that it doesn't look like it's trying too hard to figure something out,
but in general, it's just pleasant to use. And things like how difficult it is to plug and
unplug a little something into any one of the ports that's
tackling that problem it's a very difficult problem like you if you were just a pc maker
you just put a bunch of ports on it and be done with it right but but apple like doesn't want it
to be in your face and ugly but it is a pain to reach around behind and get things what can we do
to solve that if you come up with a solution for that it doesn't have to be expensive it doesn't
have to be pro it is perfectly if you do it well it is perfectly suitable for the lowest of low
and entry level things and kind of in the same way that i was always amazed at like the uh what the
hell's the name of this one the the one with the silver arm chip transitions happened at the same
time as the industrial design transition so that was the imac g4 because there was never a g4 in
the old plastic bubble and then the g5 came out and that was the beginningMac G4 because there was never a G4 in the old plastic bubble and then the G5
came out and that was the beginning of our kind of like single screen with a with a foot then it
got complicated because then they did an Intel version of that same design um and then they did
the aluminum so there's there's that like the white plastic uh iMac that could be either Intel or a G5 this is an awkward phase I think
they went they think they went everything behind the monitor a little bit early yeah yeah yeah I
don't know what the issues were with the G5 fitting in the the sawed-off volleyball oh yeah
yeah the iMac G4 the the one with the arm uh like i remember one of the one of the interesting statistics about that was that the base the semicircular base had less volume than the g4
cube so you can understand maybe why it would be hard to fit a g5 in there with cooling and
optical drive you might need the whole volleyball yeah if they wanted to do that well son
reference acknowledged i was always amazed that that computer was available at that price because it looked so much more expensive than it was kind of like those cars like this is i've said a lot
about uh volkswagen some volkswagens feel like audis which is a much more expensive car like
their interiors feel much nicer than the price tag would allow you to admit for like whatever
it was it was like it wasn't cheap but it was there you could buy the entry
level iMac and it was that iMac and for that amount of money you got a computer that looked
so much more expensive than it was and I don't know if they were just eating the margins there
or like found a way to manufacture that inexpensively or whatever but that's always
been the beauty of a Mac even today's iMacs you get the cheapest iMac you could possibly get
and that case
is still beautiful like it is seamless it doesn't it seems like it's all one magic piece you can't
figure out how to even manufacture such a such a thing it is just as beautiful as the highest end
imac it's in fact it's the exact same damn case right uh other than the screen that's in it right
so i i have faith in the ability especially with such an elemental design to come up with a design
that works for the cheapest possible computer that makes people feel like they're getting
something special and that improves upon the existing design in all possible ways all right
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and some of these questions may be specifically because you're here.
Listener SM wrote in to ask,
tons of movie slash TV streaming services will launch over the next 12 months.
In five years' time, so not an infinite time scale, a five-year time scale,
which of them is still around,
and what will be the top
two in terms of subscribers in five years i think all the major players will still be around you'll
still have netflix uh amazon apple's thing will still be around because they're definitely going
to give it at least five years disney streaming service isn't even here yet but it will be here
in five years uh the only major player i can think might things that might drop out is maybe hulu might get
absorbed like i can imagine consolidation might eat up one of the minor players i mean amazon's
certainly not going to sell its service because it's just too big that's a company even though
its service may not be big so like i don't think the landscape will change that much except that
disney will be here and unless there's some other service that i'm not thinking of like there could
probably consolidation in the the fringes like maybe somebody buys crunchy roll or some crap like yeah i feel i feel like a lot of those small niche
services are going to get swept up by somebody yeah um you know either either in whole or in
part where the the the channels thing the amazon and apple channels approach might allow some of
them to survive on their own but i feel like more likely somebody is going to be kind of voracious
and the trend right now,
the trend in media companies is just keep buying stuff,
And get bigger and bigger and bigger.
So I'd imagine those other services will just kind of keep getting swallowed
up until there are only the large players.
Do you,
I have a hard time seeing any scenario where Netflix and Amazon aren't the
two biggest still in five years.
I mean,
that's safe.
But the only thing that's weird to me is I'm thinking about is all the networks and their streaming services like they're
not equipped to compete but they're also not inclined to sell unless someone just buys the
networks outright which may be the way this resolves itself like i'm watching discovery on
the cbs app that's not a sustainable anything like that's i understand what they're doing and
why they're doing it i also understand that cbs is not going to sell itself to netflix unless you
buy all of cbs like they're not just going to sell the streaming thing because cbs is not a
streaming concern it is a network with a streaming app that whole situation where abc nbc cbs you
know and fox to a lesser degree want to have their own streaming thing and things
like amc and amc app like that all just feels untenable i'm just not sure how it resolves
because they're all attached to various behemoths and maybe the resolution is disney buys them all
and like i don't see what happened with fox which is fox sold everything off except the broadcast
and they kept they kept that but i'm not sure if the people who own CBS and Viacom,
which they're trying to stick together.
But yeah, I think there's a real question for like,
what happens if you're a network?
Like NBC is universal and it's Comcast.
And so they can have a strategy that involves streaming
and also involves cable and involves broadcasting.
Aren't they also part owners of Hulu?
Is that NBC? Yeah, they own a owners of hulu is that nbc uh
yeah they own a piece of it disney now owns a majority of it but they they own i think disney
owns 30 and they own or disney on 60 they own 30 and then there's an outstanding 10 that's owned by
somebody else is it me do i own it i should check it could be you should yeah look under the uh
let's see if there's a hulu under your pillow. It's the ads in the radio, unclaimed portions of Hulu that you may own.
It could be. It could be. There's a class action lawsuit, I'm sure.
Um, okay. Uh, Trevor wrote in to say, one aspect of the cancellation of air power I haven't heard discussed much.
Is that possible? I feel like air power is the most discussed, least interesting product ever.
I haven't heard discussed much is the leaks that preceded it over the last few months. Many
pundits and bloggers seem to have inside sources or supply chain tipsters that said its release
was imminent. Were they all wrong or lying? And I can answer this with a little bit of
journalism knowledge, which is a lot of times rumor reports are based on the
best information at the time. And it's kind of hard to point at a report and say, well,
that didn't come true. And therefore that information was bad because the situation
inside the company, the situation on the ground may change change my guess is that all of those inside
sources saying that air power was going to be released were based on actual people at apple
who thought that air power was going to be released because at the time they thought it was
going to be released and it was only later that a decision was made to pull the plug for some reason
and it's unclear whether that was because they had last-minute safety concerns or whether the FCC wouldn't
authorize it because of the way it was built or it failed in some part of the process.
But just more broadly, a lot of times, I know this sounds weird, but a lot of times the rumors
are true when they're reported. But the thing is, things change. So, you know, everybody at Apple thinks we're
going to release, you know, Asteroid, right? That Firewire breakout box that famously never
got released, but there were lawsuits about it. At the time, they thought they were going to
release that thing. And then my understanding is then there was a demo where Steve Jobs threw it
off a stage like a digital camera, and that was the end of that. So that's my guess about air power is like at the time, it wasn't just the tipsters or the
sources, it was Apple thought they were going to ship it. And then things changed. And we don't
know the whole story there. But clearly things changed. So I don't think they're wrong. I don't
think they're lying. I don't think their sources are even necessarily bad one of the
challenges with this is that the facts on the ground can change after you've heard from your
source and you know that that's part of the difficult business of being a tipster i suppose
yeah and most of these things also they don't have a full picture right so if you're just involved in
some ass one aspect of of the ecosystem that involves air power you will have seen over the past several
years ever increasing signs of air powers in minute arrival if you're involved in the os you
see or may even be working on ways to integrate air power into the os maybe you're doing 3d
renders of animations that are going to show when air power is connected if you're working in
marketing or pr maybe you're making display ads for is connected if you're working in marketing or pr maybe you're
making display ads for air power if you're working on the packaging maybe you're working on the
packaging for air power and the manual for the airpods is going to mention air power and if you
were talking to all these people over the last year they would all be saying air power is coming
because i'm doing all this stuff already into air power and here we are we all i mentioned this
we all bought airpods if you bought them on the day of release that come
with a box that has a big sticker on it that mentions air power the person who made that
sticker if they were a tipster would say air power is imminent because i just stuck a sticker on a
box that we're sending out to customers that mentions air power and yet air power never
arrived and all those people could be 100 right and every sign points to air power coming but
none of them are tim cook or whoever the decision maker is about canceling the thing so as far as they're
concerned of course air power is coming we're doing at this company we're doing everything we
can surrounding air power every aspect of support for air power which we saw from like people
hacking ios and displaying all the air power animations and all the air power ads like
but in the end someone said don't actually ship this
product to customers even though everything else that mentions it shipped to customers so listener
phil says what is john's mac pro hierarchy of needs so to review this concept this is from atp
this is actually was just on the fly in the middle of an episode it was the uh the macbook uh hierarchy
of needs of saying we're all disappointed with the current line of laptops that have been for a while and we
hope new ones are coming and we have all sorts of grand dreams and plans about they should include
uh but if you had to list the things that you needed like number one it has to have this number
two it has to have that number three like in priority order and that at each point in the
priority order draw a line and say if they do, and 3, this will be an obvious improvement.
If they do 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, this will be a great laptop.
And if they do 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, this will be the best laptop Apple ever made.
Sometimes they're not mutually exclusive and it's not that simple.
But in general, that's the concept.
So what is my Mac Pro hierarchy of needs?
pro hierarchy of needs uh unlike the macbook pro they haven't been releasing disappointing mac pro models for years they've been releasing the same disappointing mac pro model since 2013
so it's not like there's been one after another like at this point any mac pro like the the number
one item in the hierarchy is a new modular powerful computer
because apple doesn't sell one they sell a tiny little modular computer where you can connect a
monitor to but it's the mini it's clearly not your pro level thing that's it that's the only
computer they sell it doesn't have a monitor attached to it right and so that's number one
item a the existence the proof of life an actual professional high-end computer that doesn't
have a monitor built in that has the capacity to hold and run the most powerful stuff the biggest
cpu the most ram tons of hard drive space the fastest gpu uh you know just existence uh second
one i feel like is i'm tempted to say Apple monitor, just because I'm so obsessed
with that, which Apple has also said is coming, but like a really good Apple monitor.
It doesn't have to be anything more than 5k, but I want it to be at least as good as the
5k IMAX one.
And I would prefer if it had something like face ID built in or whatever.
But anyway, the monitor, this is so boring. It's like I wanted the Mac Pro and then I wanted it to be an Apple monitor
and then the number three for me is powerful GPUs GPUs more powerful than in any existing
Mac because that's another thing you can't get you can get the biggest GPU you want in your iMac Pro
and that's the fastest GPU you can get in any Mac and you can't get a better one and you can't upgrade it. So I want the Mac Pro to have a better GPU than any iMac and all things
that come with that you have to be able to cool it, there has to be room for it, so on and so
forth. Does it have to be upgradable? Probably, but I'm just going to say a good GPU and that's
my basically those three items are my line of acceptability if if it exists comes with a really
good apple monitor and has a powerful gpu notice i didn't even mention the cpu oh it has to be a
faster cpu than any iMac nope you can just use the same ones in the iMac pro it'll be fine like i
don't i'm not saying it has to be the best in you know in that for me personally that's not the
biggest deal i can continue to go down the line by listing ever more esoteric things like somewhere
along there i would put in a face id on the mac which i think desperately needs to exist but yeah is lower on
the list than all those items and i'm willing to wait for it swap ability of the gpu so that you
could replace it with a better one later my fourth item would be upgradeability uh more extensive
upgradeability like the line acceptability is there if they if they provide
that and it has like even if like almost nothing in it is upgradable more powerful gpu sort of
implies that it would be on a card it doesn't necessarily dictate it but doesn't have to be
like the old the old mac pro had very powerful gpus that were not upgradable um that's my line
of acceptability those three it doesn't mean it would be great and doesn't even
mean i'd be super happy with it but i'm saying okay you did the thing you made a mac pro that
text all the boxes but upgradability is number four that it is more upgradable than everything
else yes obviously i want to be able to upgrade the ram and the storage and the gpu and like
is more upgradable than any other mac like because again otherwise what the hell's the point of the
mac pro if it's not more upgradable than an imac pro like it has to be more upgradeable uh there are degrees
of that uh but i feel like the most important upgradable thing is probably the gpu because
gpus change faster than all the other components and are generally sold as upgradable things in
the whole rest of the pc industry so i don't think it's too too much of a stretch existence though that's a good number one i like it gotta gotta exist
yeah i mean just like a product like the mac pro introduced from apple that is not six years old
that'd be good you what are you what are your chances what do you think your chances picture
yourself on it's new year's eve you're not out late because it's annoying to be out late
on new year's eve is there a mac pro in your house if apple is selling it uh and if it if it
fills these three items uh almost certainly yeah so as long as it's it exists has a monitor has a
powerful gpu yeah yeah you're gonna go ahead and buy it because i you know i don't what would stop me from getting
it like because my backup plan is imac pro right um if this exists if it was if you know it's a
modular computer it comes with an alpha monitor that's at least as good as an imac and it has a
more powerful gpu than an imac there's not much that would stop me from getting that over an imac
pro because it's better than an imac pro like It suits my needs better. It has a more powerful GPU.
The monitor is separate.
We talked about upgradeability as number four,
but the fact that the monitor is separate means that
if they come out with a new Mac Pro,
I can get it and not replace the monitor.
I say as I sit in front of a monitor
that is more than 10 years old.
Listener Brian, this is Brian Hamilton,
says, after two years of the Switch,
have your feelings about
the ergonomics of the joy cons changed at all i don't touch the joy cons because i use the pro
controller so that's a no your feelings haven't changed which is don't use them uh i mean but
that's just for me personally like they're too small for my hands and have serious rsi issues
that make it a very bad idea for me to even attempt to try them but for smaller people they're fine yeah i think we have a pro controller now um yeah they're they're
cute and fun but i've tried to use them for an extended period of time and it's just painful
they're not great for adult size hands i think the quality of the components is good but they
are very very small yeah oh uh don't tell my son because we're keeping it a secret from him because it's for me.
But I bought a PS4.
Did you get a Pro?
No, I didn't.
Come on.
There are reasons too complicated to get into.
You have a 4K TV.
Yeah, but it's not hooked up to the 4K TV.
Oh, my goodness.
That's the point.
This is for me.
The load times are better, too, you know.
This is my secret PlayStation.
All right.
You got one of the new slim ones, right?
I got a deal open box on Amazon with Spider-Man.
So it's basically my Spider-Man box.
I'm going to play Spider-Man.
Not going to let my son buy any games for it.
Not going to let him monopolize the TV playing games on it it it's just going to live out here in the garage one
of these days he's going to notice that it's there and he's gonna be like wait what one of the things
i like about spider-man is that it's it's got the settings and it's got the friendly neighborhood
setting it's literally basically combat just happens and it's fine and you watch the story
i'm not playing on that i'm playing on the next
the next setting up which is combat is easy but you do have to do it once you get the your your
ps4 and you're looking for games i have my i finally put my games list up on my uh blog you
should take a look at lots of good ps4 games there some which you might have already played but some
which you might not have angelo writes if you could go back 25 years and warn your young self
about something in tech in 2019 what would it be so the way this is phrased as a warning it's like
it has to be you can't say like here are the stocks to invest in because that's not a warning
that's like a it's like a tip or advice a warning is something bad is going to happen and i get to
go back 20 years 25 years and warn you
about it and i think at this point the main thing that i would warn people i warn myself about
is what the dominant platforms the bad effects of dominant platforms like youtube and facebook
like the the the way and twitter for that matter the way that they've allowed toxic ideas to flourish and spread right
i'm not sure what me 25 years ago could do about this but to it's because this phrase is a warning
i would say facebook seems like a more pleasantly designed version of myspace now but here's what
it's going to become and youtube you know there's going to be a thing called youtube and it's going to be seemed like a nice way to put your videos up
and it might not be easy to see but eventually this is what i'll turn into you'll always be
you know three suggestions away from nazis right and twitter looks like it's fun but they will
shirk their responsibility entirely to maintain any semblance of order on the platform and it
will enable all sorts of bad
things so that's what i would warn myself about i don't know what i would be able to do about it
but i think it is the the most salient aspect of modern computing that is would not have been
obvious 25 years ago and all the people who are talking about it 25 years ago sounded a little
bit detached from reality because lots of people
always warning you about terrible things they're going to happen like you know whatever it was like
uh this was the 70s it was uh it wasn't nuclear winter but there was some other like the world
was going to freeze in the 70s you remember that whole thing or uh i don't know global cooling
yeah there was there was something anyway or the idea that there's some sort of oppressive system that's going to be wide.
Like, you sound like you're disconnected from reality.
If you were to accurately describe the situation of those technology things in 2019, 25 years ago, it would sound fantastical.
And people 25 years ago were saying that.
They were also saying all sorts of other crazy ideas that didn't happen.
So that's the trick about going back in time is you know the truth about what's going to happen but
it sounds so ridiculous and dire it just happens to be what actually ended up happening so that's
what i would warn myself about i don't know what i would do with that information though
yeah it depends on on exactly how you interpret this because i was thinking so 1994
um it worked out this way anyway but i feel like what I would kind of want to do is warn myself that,
although the temptations to abandon Apple in the next four years,
as it does its death spiral, would seem to be great, don't.
Because Apple in 2019 will be enormous.
And just stick with it, kid.
I would never consider that because i i might i never
wavered and neither did you you didn't waver did you there was a time where where it felt like i
was going to have to make a career change of some sort you were going to be unemployed in greenland
exactly out of no decision of my own i was going to suddenly be writing about windows nt
and i was not happy about this at all um but then again there were people when they shut down mac user they they
gave people the option and some people did get go work at you know personal computing or whatever
they had to write all their articles in all capital letters yeah with three dot extensions
at the end backslashes jason backslashes i don't know i think you're right i think maybe maybe what
i would say is um you know watch for the rise of these social media companies and don't trust them.
And if you can find a way to become an early investor and that's not a warning anymore and change their direction.
No, no.
It's like give Mark Zuckerberg cash.
So you have a say over what he does because he's going to destroy.
I think I think what you want to do is like, I mean, what what what's actionable with that warning would be to like befriend Mark Zuckerberg and distract him socially so that he never found Facebook.
Like, you don't want to, you're not going to kill him.
You're just going to be like, let's go hang out and do this.
I have got a great idea for a startup and convince Mark Zuckerberg to hang out with your startup that eventually fails and you've distracted him long enough that Facebook doesn't happen.
It's a great, it's an awesome new vr startup it does vrml on the uh on the web but because it's a black mirror episode
it turns out myspace ends up even worse than facebook yeah it's not it's not impossible i
like this this is the uh the new fangled uh science fiction story where you go back in time
to uh socially distract hitler well it's like the one where you make make hitler successful in art school right he just it just needs it's one thing to be just validation yeah if he was just a more
successful painter then we could avoid a lot of heartache without having to murder baby hitler
all right well we we don't alas have the time travel to go back 25 years and work more on our
young selves thanks a lot angelo yeah exactly exactly well john thank you so much for being
on upgrade again it's uh i know it's been four months so thank you for returning and uh and
filling in for mike while mike is uh flying over the atlantic between pen shows and his home yeah
unlike mike i love the mac more than i love pens yeah well we got to talk about the mac and it's
great because then mike's going to hear this episode and he's going to be like i'm glad you
talked about the mac so i didn't have to because that's a thing that he does.
Don't let him boss you around.
We work together.
We have a good partnership after 240 episodes of finding things we want to talk about.
You know, it's like Casey would talk about the Mac Pro.
Like, he knows it's part of the deal.
You got to talk about that stuff too.
All right.
Well, thank you to John.
I would like to thank our sponsors as well fresh books express
vpn and moo mike will be back next week with me i'm always here on upgrade that's the rule
but until next time say goodbye john syracuse i'm not gonna do it this time jason that's it that's the end