Upgrade - 410: Apple Park Vibe Check

Episode Date: June 7, 2022

Live from Apple Park, Jason has a first-hand report from the WWDC Keynote. (Myke was nearby, but that’s a whole other story.) Together they discuss groundbreaking iPad news, the new M2 Macbook Air, ...some familiar iPhone lock screen customization features, and a whole lot more.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 from relay fm this is upgrade episode 410 today's episode is brought to you by sourcegraph bombus memberful and doppler my name is mike hurley and i have the absolute pleasure of being joined by jason snell hi jason hi mike hurley we're so close to one another right now but yet so far uh but yet so far we need to talk about something in case you haven't seen on twitter uh i am in san jose as promised but uh after i arrived i tested positive of covid so i have spent the last couple of days in my hotel room. I've had to pull out of all of the events at Apple Park. I'm very, very upset about this. I was fine. I tested negative multiple times before I left.
Starting point is 00:00:53 And when I arrived a couple of hours later, I did a test. I was positive. I did multiple tests over like a 24-hour period. And yeah, I have coronavirus and I feel pretty bad. Jason, I'm not going to lie. In multiple ways, emotionally and physically. Yeah. Oh, good. It's good that you got those to sync up like that. Yeah. I mean, if you're going to do it, do both. I asked you how you were feeling and I expected you to say like,
Starting point is 00:01:15 oh, I'm fine. I'm just really sad. And you're like, no, I feel terrible. Oh, I feel terrible. Yeah. Yeah. Great. Fantastic. Well, but anyway, you're in San Jose and I'm in Cupertino at Apple Park at the new developer center where they have set up an amazing little podcast studio that has been home and is home to many podcasts here. So thanks to Zach Kahn and all the other people in Apple for getting this to happen for us. And I'm sorry you're not here. Yeah, everyone's been really amazing and super nice to me um which i greatly appreciate and uh hopefully next time maybe next time you know i'll just keep saying this forever like maybe next time sure kind of like the draft jason maybe next time you know what i'm saying maybe next time you know i i did not score the draft during the event
Starting point is 00:02:03 which i sometimes have done at home but but I did not do this time. And then at the very end, I had no idea how it would turn out. And even as I was clicking, because we got a lot wrong, I wasn't keeping score or paying attention. And I got to the bottom and I said, wait a second, I won eight to seven. How is that possible? But I seem to have won. I scored it nine to eight, but yeah. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, let's go through it real quick, if you don't mind. I would love to. Okay, so iOS and iPad. Well, that's the quick part is what you love. Apps can run, I picked in this category, iOS and iPadOS picks. Apps can run on an external display on iPadOS. We got a lot to say about that, but that's yes.
Starting point is 00:02:44 More user controllable design and them that, but that's yes. More user-controllable design and theming? That's a yes. Widgets or widget-like features on the lock screen? That's a yes. Global keyboard shortcuts for shortcuts on iPad? That's a no. No, thank you. New car key partners named? Oh, if I had said CarPlay
Starting point is 00:02:59 Partners, all those car company logos that were up there, but not the car key. Oh, i scored that one for you no i don't think so okay so this has potentially changed things we might be up for a debate now so let's carry on well it's good that we've dismissed steven um classical music app no you had new privacy focused features yeah yep new ar new ar features no strangely not discussed new notification management tools outside of focus modes so this is yes you had that yes cool i had that as a yes i wondered if i had that as a yes because because they changed how notifications work they do right
Starting point is 00:03:39 yeah yeah they did plus the plus the eliminating sports scores and things and turning those things into a different kind of notification yeah that's got a particular name which we will get to later on it's like live interactions or something like that yeah i don't think that's what it is but it is a new thing new features for messages brain man you gotta let me off today you know all right new features for messages yep yep for sure enhance for sure. Enhancements to SwiftUI. Yes, but not in the keynote. You know, when I looked, I was looking over the draft right before we started.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I was like, why did I pick that? That was a stupid pick. That was a stupid pick. Like, of course it was going to happen, but they weren't going to talk about it during the keynote. Come on. I had a few of those where I thought, why did I think they would say that in the keynote?
Starting point is 00:04:22 So stupid. I don't know. You'd think we would have learned. And redesigned the Home app. Yep, that happened. Alright, so in that group the scores are 4-3. In your favor.
Starting point is 00:04:34 macOS and macHardware picks. I chose... This was a bad one. It was a bloodbath. At least one feature will be stated as being Apple Silicon only. Nope. Not on the matter. there are features like this again at these as these things trickle out afterwards i think there is some stuff i think it might be live text related i could check but i don't think they mentioned any other than the keynote because
Starting point is 00:04:54 why would you say something negative in the keynote it's a keynote new macbook air announced i think i got that one i think you got it shortcuts for mac improvements specifically highlighted nope new way to access widgets on mac os no this is you now these are your picks new mac pro i missed that if that happened i don't think that happened and redesign of system preferences yes but not in the keynote apparently but word has reached these shores from uh the state of the union that that did oh wait the system preferences thing it was in the keynote it was on one of the big blurb slide things oh i i was sitting way back yeah and sitting so you're going to claim that it was there i can promise you that and it can be it was like it said um i think it said it wasn't called system preferences i think but it was like it had a little screenshot
Starting point is 00:05:46 and it was like system-wide settings or whatever, System Preferences or something. So it was in the keynote. What do they do to it? It's got a redesign. It looks like iOS now. Oh, interesting. Yeah, I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So with the whole navigation on the left side and then all of the settings so it looks like the ipad settings we have witnesses who say it was in the slide okay well then this is gonna go my fortunes your way changing my fortunes might be changing this is great news yeah you feel better all of a sudden i feel i feel like a new man already uh okay other picks here's what i've chose craig federighi appears easy old watch faces upgraded yes jason i have incredible news for you on this utility will now feature rich complications i know that's exactly what i asked for it's just what you asked for and they did it for you jason they did it they
Starting point is 00:06:38 did it new health focused app and watch os yes indeed i'm very excited about that there is uh inside view of the steve jobs theater with wacky special effects no i did did they look inside of the steve jobs theater you know what i mean let's put him on a fake lift and we'll send him down you know and they're like oh you liked him catching an ipad now he's gonna catch an iphone you know craig can catch anything tv app redesigned on tv os what's tv os i never heard of it i don't know either all right um you picked some portion of the program is live no it wasn't no this was a huge surprise to me we'll talk about this in a little bit but i was very surprised about that uh new watch faces yes
Starting point is 00:07:20 always tim cook presents in front of an audience now Now, people are going to say, well, Tim Cook did go and say good morning to the crowd at Apple Park in advance of it. He said it twice. He said, good morning, good morning. He did. And then Craig came out and also said good morning. Good morning. However, it was not on the live stream. If they'd put it on the live stream, this would have counted.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But it doesn't count because it wasn't in the keynote. It was in his pre-keynote remarks to a small gathering instead so yeah we checked i checked this with you uh after the thing and because i was like for me i could go either way on it but i wanted to see what you thought and i did consult with steven hackett and he said that he agreed it was not if it didn't stream out then it doesn't count and i don't disagree with you right yeah i mean if we were there together then it's like we know the if we're looking at this kind of like big brain of like well the keynote that we perceived you know but uh obviously i didn't see it so i can't really
Starting point is 00:08:17 make that argument not really uh no ar or vr hardware announced or pre-announced you nailed it with the buzzkill pick. Good job. New way to access favorite apps in watchOS. They said that... Pinning. This is exactly what I wanted. It's a combination of the two features. Because on watchOS right now, you can either have favorites or recents.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah. But what they've given is what I wanted, which is recents with some apps that you can pin in that view. Yeah, and they did specifically say in the keynote about how there was a new way to put the most common apps or the running apps at the top of the list. And so that alone was enough. It blew right past my brain, but it was like, okay, that does count. They did say that. We didn't get the name right. It's Ventura. What a great name though.
Starting point is 00:09:04 So I consider Ventura, and this is a case where I knew too much about California because Ventura is a great name for an operating system and not that nice a place. But that's okay. Sorry. Apologies to Ventura. I can't get Jesse the Buddy Ventura out of my head, you know? Okay. Mackie the Buddy Ventura.
Starting point is 00:09:18 That's your problem. That's where I am. Well, because of that, Mike, you win the draft because it's oh my god so you win it on eight eight on a tie break jason this is the best gift you could have given me today you know i've had a terrible day worth it this i wouldn't say that uh wouldn't say well it's all worth it but i this has put me in a very good mood now you know i'm very happy about that wow that's good me i'm gonna have to flip over my uh my pennant the curse is the curse is broken yeah this was always your strongest event yeah wwdc is where where i shine you know you do and i did it oh man that's so good i will raise my
Starting point is 00:09:59 own hand in victory i see so jason you were at apple park today yes what was going on it was lots the pictures were interesting it looked surprising to me like where you were um and how it was set up what was the what was the vibe give me a vibe check yeah so having not done this before none of us really knew what to expect and so i've been to the steve jobs Theater a bunch of times for events and even for product briefings when there weren't events. And there's a way you do that, which is you park under the Apple Store and then you come over to the visitor center and they let you in and you go to the left up the hill to the Steve Jobs Theater. That's how it's done. And today we parked at the developer's center we walked in through that same entryway uh the tantal uh entrance welcome center whatever it is
Starting point is 00:10:53 does that mean anything tantal because i always think of what are they in star wars is it tauntaun tauntaun that's how i read it it It's like Tonton Avenue. I'm like, oh man, got to climb in there when you're cold. I imagine it's like a guy who they named a street after who was down here when it was all like orchards or something. And they just named it after him. Tonton Avenue. Old Man Tantow. So this time you go through there and you go right. Like, oh, I haven't been to the right before what happens
Starting point is 00:11:26 over there you know what's the right mic to the right is the actual ring at apple park and and i've never been anywhere near that before so that was that was really different we're all just kind of headed over there they took the media up to like the second floor above cafe max and we had hung out there for a couple of hours because we got in at like 8 a.m. And the show was at 10. If you don't mind me jumping in for a second, because obviously people are going, but hey, Jason's been there before.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Steve Jobs Theater is not inside the ring or even that close to it, right? No, it's in the super block that Apple Park is in. Like this building, the developer center we're in right now is across Tantow Avenue from the super block where all of that that stuff is um it's right next it's actually right across the street from the visitor center so uh steve jobs theater is in that super block but again it is separate it is in the whatever that is southeast corner of the of the campus um so you go through that entryway on tantal and then if you go right you go to the
Starting point is 00:12:27 ring if you go left you go up the hill to the steve jobs theater so they're they're separate from each other and you can see the the ring building off in the distance from the steve jobs theater but it's off in the distance it's an intentional uh design to bring the public over to this space for public events and not have them be in apple park and i think that um covid probably had my guess just we were we were thinking about this while we were sitting there this morning uh is that there was probably even some debate and discussion within apple about like would the ring be something something that would ever be sort of used in public events or would it not be?
Starting point is 00:13:06 And it could be, but I was, I'm not sure I believed it ever would be, but things, you know, things have changed. There was no purpose for it. Like they built a whole theater. Like there's no reason to ever have had non-Apple employees in the building. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:22 And again, now like they have the developer center, right? Like even, you know, cause i was talking to david smith i traveled to david smith um luckily we were all masked the entire time uh just as a as a note um it just as i just should say as well my wife adina's with me and she's negative which is great it's making things complicated here because i'm we're wearing masks like constantly even sleeping which is that's real hard in an ffp2 mask but we're making it work but i'm blessed to have her here because i would be completely lost right now but anyway uh i traveled with david and we were talking about the developer center um one of the great things about the developer center and that it exists is that people can go to Apple
Starting point is 00:14:06 Park and have meetings now, right? Because previously, there was no way to do that. And it's like the same for me and you. If we had a friend at Apple or whatever and wanted to go have a lunch, they can't take us in there. It's not a thing that happens. I understand why,
Starting point is 00:14:21 right? And so that's what they have all the... They have the Visitor Center outside, the Developer Center developer center so you think why would they ever let anybody inside the ring and they have done that but that is a big surprise to to everyone who cares about this stuff I think yeah so the right now what I would say though is things have changed they did this event they brought in there were a lot of people there they brought in a lot of developers and there were people from Apple and there was a lot of media there. It was sort of the usual media crowd. It was really quite remarkable.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It was a lot of familiar faces. It was a throwback to 2019 essentially. And the way they set it up is they opened basically all of the sliding doors at all at Cafe Max, but the event actually sort of faced out from Cafe Max to a kind of a lawn on the outside.
Starting point is 00:15:06 So we weren't inside the ring when the event was going on and they had like essentially like a jumbotron. So I was concerned. We talked about like seeing the video in bright sunlight and all that, but it was like a jumbotron kind of a scoreboard thing you'd see at a sporting event where the light is not a problem. It's a very bright screen. And so that was the venue. I will say, I look at this event and think to myself,
Starting point is 00:15:32 I don't know why Apple would ever do anything other than this ever again for the developer conference because you can get a – First off – It looked like there was a lot of people there too, Jason. There were a lot of people there. It looked like hundreds and hundreds of people there. Even if it's fewer, even if it's a lot fewer than would go to san jose what i would say is it's the difference between 99.99 percent of apple developers don't go and 99.999 percent like nobody goes it's an exclusionary thing people are watching online
Starting point is 00:16:02 and the and the live stream of the keynote and the State of the Union and then all the sessions is such a great way to do it. It's great for everybody. So I don't think there's that much of a difference. But it does allow people to come. And it does allow them to have this. And the big thing is that Apple gets to do it on their terms in their space that they own in the way they want. their terms in their space that they own in the way they want. And rather than having to deal with San Jose Convention Center and their caterer and their unions who are doing the trucking and all those things,
Starting point is 00:16:34 it's like they don't have to do any of that. They've got their own facilities and they've proven that they can do it. So I would actually be surprised if this is not the model going forward, which is a short one to, you know, maybe an extra day spillover event that happens. It's really about the keynote. It's about getting some developers into the developer center and to see the keynote and to talk to people, but that everybody else experiences it online. And in fact, if I had to make a prediction
Starting point is 00:16:59 and COVID makes this, it's difficult to make predictions. I would say that the ultimate form of this is probably that we're all back in the steve jobs theater right okay so the media may be in the steve jobs theater like that because this was a question we had before like would they split it up which really they could have today right because there wasn't actually a focal point we were wondering that theater has a lot of people will fit a lot of people in it but regardless it was i think it was a good event and a good venue. And the only thing that,
Starting point is 00:17:27 that surprised me was that there was no live component. And I have two thoughts about that. One of which is streaming things live is really hard and preloading things onto a CDN is a good way to do it. And you can't do that if it's live. And the second point is COVID, right? Which is if you make the presentation in such a way that you're intending for it to be used
Starting point is 00:17:49 with a live component and you have to cancel the live component, you have to then go back and make a different version of it or whatever. So better to not, right? Better to not. And instead we got, you know, Tim and Craig came out in front of the screen at 8.50, or no, sorry, 9.50 and said, good morning, good morning, it's great to be here. And it was literally like, and presenting me.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It was like going to a premiere where the stars of the show come out beforehand to say, look, we enjoy our movie. And then they're out of there. So I don't know. It feels like a model for their future events. This seems to have gone so well um even sitting on the outside i could kind of see how well it was all going i think you're
Starting point is 00:18:32 bang on they can maybe expand it out in different ways um sure you know maybe do more in-person parts i could imagine a situation where they do like what they did today and they have developers come and they set up cafe max like that uh you know, because it seemed like it was very well, not purpose made for it, but like they were able to really easily, it seems, fit everything in there, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think and I know it's I know it's an effort and they have to bring in lots of people to do crowd control and all that. But the fact is, you have to do all of that anyway at a big event.
Starting point is 00:19:04 control and all that but the fact is you have to do all of that anyway at a big event but i think just my read on it is that apple would prefer i mean it's their turf it's their everything the food they serve the drinks they serve like everything just gets to be using the stuff that apple does instead of it being dealing with you know whatever bureaucracy is in san jose or san francisco or anywhere else um that that you have to work with and get judged by, right? Then you want the event to be perfect and there's something about it that you don't like that you can't control. I mean, ATP always talks about the box lunches at Moscone, right? And it's like, well, whatever vendor was mandated to run, you got the contract from Moscone Center, they were the ones who did that and they set the price
Starting point is 00:19:48 and Apple did not have much of a choice there. And so here Apple gets to have much more control over it. So I think it was a very positive experience. It was very much a one day event kind of experience. It was like going to any other Apple Media event except we sat outside
Starting point is 00:20:04 and watched a video instead of going into the theater and watching people on stage. But it did feel like a model. And it did still have that kind of festival vibe that a WWDC keynote has that a media event doesn't because the developers are there and they're legitimately excited whereas at a media event what you get is you get the media, most of whom are not supposed to be cheering and stuff. And so you also then have sort of your VIP invited guest and Apple employee people who are making the noise because you really do want to have it sound like a full theater with people cheering and stuff. And with the developers, the energy is totally different and you don't need to worry about it.
Starting point is 00:20:42 They will cheer. The energy is totally different and you don't need to worry about it. They will cheer. Although I will admit that when they announced external display support for the iPad, I did throw up my arms like I was a referee signaling a touchdown at a football game. But otherwise, I was fairly restrained. This episode is brought to you in part by our friends over at Sourcegraph. So you've hired a brilliant developer. That's great.
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Starting point is 00:22:38 So there's actually way more than we could ever expect to get to today. Like we're not going to be able to cover everything uh that was announced at wwdc uh we're going to cover the large platforms right and we'll pick some of the things that we think are the most important but i expect we'll be picking this apart over the next couple of episodes um especially as things continue to come out as they always do should we start with ios seemed like this has got the most time, it felt like, at least. Yeah, and it is a continuation from last year
Starting point is 00:23:09 where a lot of it is just the decision of how you choose to tell the story because there were things in the Mac section and in the iPad section that were features that were revealed to be, and this is also, of course, on the other platforms too. So it's really just sort of how do you pick it out and what do you try to focus on and and ios is the biggest platform so in many ways it makes sense to start with it and to reveal a bunch of the features there
Starting point is 00:23:34 so obviously the i think the biggest one uh it's the one that was i think maybe the one we spoke about the most on the previous episode from the Sheriff's Leaks, which was the lock screen. And really, it feels like the lock screen is getting a pretty huge makeover in a way I think that makes it incredibly obvious that the next iPhone hasn't always on display, right? Like just the amount of effort
Starting point is 00:24:00 that has gone into the lock screen feels like it's maybe setting the stage for something as well as it is just making it better you know what i mean yeah certainly makes it um it increases the value of that space which means if you were to have a phone that could stay on uh it would be able to you know display information that would be valuable in some ways. I was struck by, I think it's funny, you know, we talk a lot about the Apple reusing stuff in different places. I was really struck by how this is watch faces, essentially. Yeah, it's incredible, right?
Starting point is 00:24:35 The inspiration for this feature is coming from the implementation of watch faces on watchOS, not just in the sense that you've got your sort of tap and hold and then swipe between different watch faces which is very much like the watch face editing interface but also that you've got essentially complications that you can put in um and that you've got then the you know tap in the various little bordered areas to do customization in terms of what goes where. It's very familiar for anybody who's used watchOS. And the portrait watch face, right? It had a similar kind of vibe with the time going behind a subject in an image.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Same thing as on the watch. So that was notable. Also, my immediate thought, and by the way, as they were going through all the different colors and fonts, I looked over at underscore David Smith, who was absolutely laughing and bouncing up and down. I bet he was. It looks so much like what he has been playing with with Widget Smith for two years. we've talked about it before, that the way the operating system cycle often works is by the time everybody has gathered all the anecdotes and all of the buzz about the first few months of an OS release being out there, and what do people love and what do people not love, people are already
Starting point is 00:25:59 working on what the next OS rev is going to be. And as a result, you get a lot of situations where there's a two-year cycle that happens because everybody making their aesthetic AF home screens two years ago, by the time that really hits, it may be harder to find a way to fit in iOS 15 a bunch of customization features to ride that wave. And so instead, it sort of gets bookmarked as like, okay, let's do this in the next cycle. And we see that there are a lot of things that seem to go into your cycles. And it's very clear to me that this is something that got, I don't want to say like this happened because of that, because there's lots of other things there including possibly like justifying it because they want to have an iphone that has the screen on all the time there's lots of things there but it strikes me that one of
Starting point is 00:26:53 the things that was motivating this feature to get prioritized is the response to all of the widgets and all the personal customization on iphones ago. Like this is what we talked about back then, back two years ago, about how Apple should get this signal that people really want to customize and personalize their iPhones. And, you know, here it is. Not only here, but because it's interconnected to focus modes um to focus modes you you know you're changing the watch face or the lock screen i called it a watch face sure you're changing the lock screen can change your home screen because it changes your focus mode so there's lots going on here
Starting point is 00:27:37 but i i think i think it looks fun and there will be lots of horrible um lock screens but that's okay that's that's part of the price you pay for customization, and I love it. And wallpapers, too. All sorts of wild wallpaper things and themes where you pick emoji, and it does a pattern with them and colors. And there was that thing,
Starting point is 00:27:59 we were talking about it, right? That what Mark Gurman reported didn't seem right. There are some um lock screens that are like weather lock screens and it just shows the weather right right that's a choice that you can make it's not like the only thing you can use your own imagery and i'm intrigued to see like i don't know about like will people be able to like make images that are like this you know like where the time can go behind them like could, could I make in Photoshop something and put some data in and make it available?
Starting point is 00:28:27 I don't know, right? I don't know. I don't know if we mentioned it, but the widgets on the home screen, they literally are complications. Like, it's been confirmed it's the same code. So, you know, apps that have watch components, you'll be able to put this information in there. I don't know right now, like if you can do anything special specifically for the lock screen stuff,
Starting point is 00:28:50 but it's possible to actually have this available. Like, you know, if you have a Apple Watch complication, you can add it to this little area. And it's fantastic. Like, I love it. I think it's great great this is such a good example of apple because the you just think about it who does big consumer operating systems and there's like microsoft has windows and google has android apple has ios mac os ipad os tv os watch os maybe other os is to come right the only way it can maintain all of those is by trying to create this um fairly common platform uh giving developers tools that can be reused tools it can reuse itself like this is this is how apple is capable of maintaining all of this stuff so when you see something like
Starting point is 00:29:36 complications being on the iphone home screen it's like well yeah why would you invent a new thing that does exactly what the other thing does? Widgets is the same way, right? Like widgets, if Apple makes that rumor about like a HomePod with a screen, right? Like I'll eat my hat. I won't actually, but just as a point of phrase, if it doesn't do things like reuse widgets, because why would you build a new thing to have ambient information when you've already built the thing and it's called widgets or it's called complications? it makes a lot of sense for these things to to be reused and i'm glad that they are reusing them because no developer wants to say wait a second you built a
Starting point is 00:30:13 different thing that's just like complications but isn't so i have to do all new work like no you don't you we already did this and we've had it for several years and everybody understands how it works and here it is on the on the lock screen we didn't get interactive widgets what we did get is something that's halfway between a notification and a widget and they're called live activities live activities and they were shown off as like hey sports there's some sports going on you know and you want the scores of the sports well here's a notification instead of getting like 20 notifications of everything happening on the sports you can just get one notification and it will update over time well so like the mlb app and in another um another era they probably would have been on stage to demo this but in the mlb app one of the things you can do is say
Starting point is 00:31:02 for my favorite team notify me when the score changes. Right. And that means that every time anybody scores in a baseball game, you get a separate push notification. When what you really want is put the score of the Giants game on my notification screen, right? Like that's what you really want. But since that wasn't available, they're just pushing out a notification every time somebody crosses home plate. And so with live event or live activities, stuff like that, and there's probably lots of other data classes that are like this where you're really just monitoring an event on your home screen or on your lock screen. You're not, it's not about notifications.
Starting point is 00:31:40 It's about monitoring the status of something. about notifications it's about monitoring the status of something uh so this is a great example of of um thinking about this and looking at how people use and abuse notification center and push notifications and say all right we need to give them something so they stop doing this because nobody is happy here the apps aren't happy that they're sending all those notifications the users aren't happy that they're getting them we're not happy that the notification center is full of junk let's build something to solve this and and that looks like what live activities is mike was in the discord we stream live we stream in this one live uh you can always check it out uh relay.fm live if you're a relay fm member especially if it's bought upgrade plus you get access to our discord not
Starting point is 00:32:22 especially including but i'm just saying especially i've got kobe brain what do you want from me yeah this is gonna be my excuse maybe for the next two weeks or something kobe brain would you want from me um mike says this would be cool for flights and i agree with that so like i use flighty i love flighty so many notifications so many and i want them you can you can you can turn stuff off but it's just a lot of notifications right like and i would love one little live activity just gives me the information i need it when i need right because like hey mike it's on a it's at a different gate hey mike it's going to be one minute late you know it's back to being on time it's going to be one minute late again i love the information flight plan it's just there's just a lot of it oh the equipment changes a slightly different flight i've updated the flight plan. It's just a lot of it. Oh, the equipment changed.
Starting point is 00:33:05 It's a slightly different flight. I've updated the flight number. Like, okay. You know, again, Flighty is amazing. It really is an amazing app. Oh, it's one of my favorite apps. It's so freaking good. But that's a great example that is not sports related of,
Starting point is 00:33:18 I just want the live information about my flight, not 80 notifications about what's going on with my flight yeah yeah i'm looking forward to it the lock screen yeah actually you know we were saying you're saying about like with the lock screen stuff you know oh this is building on from work a couple of years ago but something that has received year over year work is focus modes and focus and the lock screen stuff has been tied in together so in a way that different focus modes can set different home screens, it can also set different lock screens, which is great. And there were two features that we got.
Starting point is 00:33:51 One was my dream feature for focus modes, which is a vastly streamlined setup process, which now gives you the option of everything opt-in or everything opt-out, like just from the beginning. So at the moment with focus modes, you have to say everything that you want to be added into that focus mode, right? But now with focus modes, you can say, hey, just remove these five apps from this focus mode. So I think that's fantastic. And also there's a thing called focus filters. So if you're in a focus mode inside of applications, it can give you different info. it showed like for example in messages if you're in a work focus
Starting point is 00:34:28 you won't see any personal messages you just see your work related messages i don't know exactly how you tell messages what the work related messages are but i'm sure there's a way but the best thing about this and this is what i was hoping for but i didn't think i would get this soon is some apis for focus modes so developers can build these focus filters into their applications so for example let's imagine slack like slack without anything but let's imagine slack you know you could say like when i'm when i'm in this focus mode i only see this slack you know what i mean so i think that this is awesome
Starting point is 00:35:01 or email right like if i'm in if i'm in work focus i see right? Like if I'm in work focus, I see my work email. If I'm in personal focus, I see my personal email. Stuff like that, man, I'm so excited for these things to be added. Like these are excellent, excellent additions to an already pretty good system. And I'm very, I mean, I haven't spoken to Gray yet, but I can't wait to talk to Gray to see what he thinks about this. I'm pretty sure he's going to be pretty jazzed. Yeah, it's good to see.
Starting point is 00:35:29 You know, we've said it so many times, but it is not... The most dispiriting thing about being excited about a new OS feature is when you get excited but see all the places it should go and then a year or two pass and there's no changes. You're like, well and then a year or two pass and there's never
Starting point is 00:35:45 there's no changes you're like well wait a second do they think it's done because it was clear on day one that that it needed to this was a good first try and there needed to be more and so for something like focus mode it's actually and i wonder if some of that is either that that it got traction or that it's part of a bigger picture thing which i think if you look at the lock screen that may be what's really going on here is this is part of a larger idea where focus mode and and customization and and theming and all of these things kind of can go together in different ways where you're basically setting different states of your device. Yeah, I know for many years you have wanted shared photo libraries. You know, there are these things that we stopped talking about
Starting point is 00:36:34 because they're never going to happen. There's a bunch of things in this keynote that I was like, we stopped talking about this a long time ago. They settled a lot of family business today. Yeah, they did. When we talk about here are the things we didn't pick, right?
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like they're always in the list because we're like, well, we picked these 20 times before, you know? Exactly. So this is where we get iCloud shared photo library. And I talked to the photos team like five years ago and said, you know, families take pictures. Like my wife has got her account and i've got my account we take pictures and we have to like every year have the ceremonial merging of the importing of the photos from one person to the other um and then with the kids it's like do you want to share some photos or not and they said we understand the issues the problem is how you solve it, how you implement it. And I always felt like that was right.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It is complicated. It's not as easy as just saying you turn it on and every photo you take is shared among your family, right? Because you don't want that. But so much time passed where they didn't address this. And it seems like such a fundamental issue. So, you know i i laughed when the problem was described on stage i think that was craig and he was like you know sometimes uh different people in a family take photos and they want to share them like yes craig yes we know
Starting point is 00:37:57 did you know about this did you know that this is the case so it was one of those it actually felt very infomercial like to me it's like you know sometimes i just can't cut this tomato and it really bothers me i need help it's like here's a sharp knife hey thanks that'll right it's like yes we know the problem what is your solution and the answer was icloud shared photo library it's like a a it's, it's another photo library aside your user photo library, and you can put things into it. And what I like about it is it does address all of those issues, which is you can choose when to start from.
Starting point is 00:38:35 So you can say like before this date, where I didn't know we were doing this, I'm not going to share those photos. You can choose what you share. share those photos. You can choose what you share. It's got some intelligent things like saying when I'm in the vicinity of the other people in my family, those events will be shared. You can do it that way. You can add things to the library easily. You can set them when you're taking the pictures. You can set the status to whether it's shared or not um just a whole bunch of different ways to do it and i'm sure that there will be like it's it's complicated i'm sure there'll be some story at some point which is like some teenager took a uh selfie uh like a nude selfie and it went in the
Starting point is 00:39:20 family photo library and oh boy they got in trouble right that's gonna happen but the the fact is like just the just the fundamental of like parents uh you know couples who want to you know who share their photo library except they are incapable of it and and being able to do it like this is a this is a great feature i wish it had come five years ago i'm happy that they've done it and that they have taken care in doing it because i think just a blanket sharing is not good enough or even a when your face shows up like that's one feature but i think for some companies that's the solution is if we detect the photos of people we share that photo and it's like it needs to be more than that there needs to be more user control and there needs to be more intelligence to it so i'm looking forward to check checking
Starting point is 00:40:08 this feature out but i'm even more than that looking forward to no longer having the ceremonial emerging of the photo libraries when we're making our calendars at the end of the year messages got a bunch of stuff and the first three features they said were like the most requested three features and every single one of them i cheered editing of messages sure amazing retracting of messages also amazing markers on red come on come on craig you're spoiling us i have wanted a markers on red feature for a long time. Friends of the show, Matt Bischoff, wrote a great article about,
Starting point is 00:40:50 like a blog post about this one. So it's been in my notes to talk about on the show for a while, but I never got to it because honestly, I didn't think there was going to be any speed needed. And there's the cultural issue, right? Of like, if you're using read receipts or read receipts, however that's pronounced,
Starting point is 00:41:09 we debated that. If you're using that feature and something is marked as read, you know, sometimes you haven't read it and you want to mark it as unread again. I don't know, does it mark it as unread on the other end too? But I kind of don't care at the same time.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Like, this is for me, right? This is like an email message, right? It's the same thing same thing it's like no i i need to read this later i haven't read it now don't mark don't put the little dot next to it or take the don't take the dot away put the dot back and so you can put the dot back and well sometimes i accidentally open a message when i just you know like and i just wanted to say like what is not 3d touch whatever it's called now peek Pop? I don't even remember what the name of it is. Yeah, I don't know. But, like, I do that to messages, and sometimes I accidentally then open the message,
Starting point is 00:41:50 and I want to deal with it later on. Yeah, I think this is just, like, a little thing, but just awesome. Also, a great feature, I think, because I was talking about this a bunch on Connected recently. We were talking about SharePlay, because I was convinced nobody was using SharePlay. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And I asked Connected listeners to write in and tell me what they use SharePlay for. And I got loads of people writing in. But the big thing that I was saying is like so much of this stuff sounds great, but I don't want to have to be on a FaceTime call with someone constantly. So they added SharePlay to messages. Yes, genius. This should have been in the first version. Because maybe what we want to do is watch a movie with a friend and have a little text chat going on yeah but i don't need to have
Starting point is 00:42:30 voice or video i just don't need it so this is superb like this for me i'm now i'm like hmm i actually might use this feature now because like this is what i wanted like i i if me and jason wanted to watch a movie together like say we do it a mic at the movies right like wouldn't it be fun if we watch it together yes but do does jason need to see me for two hours while i'm watching the movie he doesn't need to definitely that's not necessary definitely not right he's looking at me right now it's a sorry state you know this is unnecessary he doesn't want this but he's got a video of me right now we hadn't mentioned this i can see jason and he can see me. My view is less exciting. You've got some art,
Starting point is 00:43:07 some hotel room art on the wall behind you. Looks kind of like a coronavirus, gotta be honest. I mean, this is how they know. This is the mark on the wall that they put. Oh, I see. They put that in there once you test positive. I'm wearing a Dongletown t-shirt though, so you know. That's good. I like it. You're flying the flag. It's good.
Starting point is 00:43:24 You know what we didn't get is uh improvements to tap backs now i was hoping it was going to be one of those things that people were like hey it's in there but i haven't seen anybody talk about that i wanted it i'm glad they're paying attention to messages i really am i just wanted there to be more tap back options collaboration on documents in messages i don't understand this feature yet like i feel like this is one of those things where i need to kind of understand what this means you know that like i don't know if anybody's going to use this feature or not but it's an interesting idea the idea is that if you are collaborating using any of the kind of uh ways you can do document collaboration like in in pages or some or keynote or places like that right right? And you've already got that concept in iCloud.
Starting point is 00:44:05 What this basically does is say you can tie a messages thread to the participants in the document collaboration. So it's kind of, think of it as, this is the Google Docs chat. I think it's kind of like that. It's a way for you to tie two different parts of Apple's kind of like that. It's a way for you to tie two different parts of Apple's
Starting point is 00:44:26 kind of communication infrastructure into one or tie them together is how I read that. I did like the demo when everyone was on FaceTime and they were like moving from app to app. I thought that was kind of cool. I don't really work with people like that anymore but i like know people do and maybe occasionally i would you know uh i just thought it was it was a nice demo you know like hey we're on the pages oh now we're gonna go to the website and here's some more tat like
Starting point is 00:44:57 it was a nice demo right but this is one of those things that unless a lot of third party developers add it, Google, Microsoft, right? Like if they don't add this feature, like it's going to be hard to get everyone on board, right? Like this is awesome.
Starting point is 00:45:13 If all of your work is done in Apple apps, but like, it feels like an, I work a feature. And like my question genuinely is I don't even think Apple work will work this way. Right. Does,
Starting point is 00:45:24 does the corporate apple communication happen inside of messages i i actually doubt i don't know you know yeah so like this is this is one of those like ideal world kind of situations but in an ideal world uh looks great wallet got a bunch of time uh and actually it was kind of cool uh i i again i'm expecting a lot of this is probably us only for now, but we'll find out. They showed up a bunch of new partners for the tap to pay feature and that's coming soon. Apple Pay later was introduced. I was not expecting this to happen at WWDC really, but it seems like they've done a great job of it, right? Like developers, merchants do nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:58 You pay for payments and it looks like Apple just handles the whole shebang. And wherever you pay for something, you could do this. And do you know what? I thought to myself, I would use this. Like, why not? I would use this feature. I would split some purchases over four months. Why not?
Starting point is 00:46:15 Let's just go for it. It's not over four months, though. It's over six weeks. See, that's the thing. It's not four payments over four months. It's four payments over six weeks. But still, that's the best part of two months, months right at least two paydays for a lot of people like yeah it seems like one of those features where there is no downside to me as long as i know i can afford it right because
Starting point is 00:46:35 that can be the problem with some of these features and this is another one like apple card i am intrigued to see how does apple handle the i I'm not going to pay you part, right? Like that's going to be really intriguing because this is Apple again, and more than Apple card, it seems getting into this world, right? Like this is from everything we've heard of the acquisitions and the, all that kind of stuff. This seems to be much more Apple doing this than Goldman Sachs or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Right. So I'm intrigued to see how this goes. Apple pay order tracking, that's cool. You know, why not? Yeah, there's like an API. I guess they said they're going to tie it to Shopify, but it's the idea that if you buy something using Apple Pay, you can look up the order information using,
Starting point is 00:47:23 you know, by setting up something with an api to do that which is interesting they want everything to they want to bring everything into the wallet there uh there's sharing of keys so like house keys hotel keys like the digital versions that was cool and i like the id verification thing so where the id card thing is supported you could use ID verification inside of apps without needing to give a bunch of information. So like if you were buying alcohol, you could verify your identification with Face ID and it would just tell the app,
Starting point is 00:47:55 yeah, you're old enough. I thought it was nice. Yeah, I think some of that is a messaging thing that they want to be clear about. Because when Apple announced this, because they said, you know, it's in two states it's like maryland and arizona now are using this but that a bunch more are uh are coming uh 11 more are coming and everybody's like you should never you know share your phone with the with the cops or whatever and it's like that's not how this works
Starting point is 00:48:23 it's an nfc transaction um so you're tapping and presenting them with information and the information itself is privacy protected it's only giving the information that is required in the context so when they mention it here this is them sort of trying to educate people about the idea that um when you're asked for your id when you're buying alcohol your digital ID isn't going to give them information about you, including even your birth date. All it will do is say, yes, I can verify this person is over the age that you're asking about.
Starting point is 00:48:54 That's it. Which is good. I think that's great. We've all done this more these days, right? Verification for things, using apps and stuff like that you know like this place that i'm staying in right now i had to do like a face scan verification and upload my passport image to them and all that kind of stuff because there's no like check-in desk it's like a service department complex so like there was nobody to check my id or whatever or like um
Starting point is 00:49:24 you know bank applications things like that. Wouldn't it be way better if I never need to give anybody that information now and just my iPhone can just be like, yep, he's good. You know, I think that's awesome. The Home app. Oh man, was I happy. Full redesign of the Home app. It's like they listened to everything I had to say
Starting point is 00:49:44 about what I think is wrong with the Home app. It's like they listened to everything I had to say about what I think is wrong with the Home app. Last week, we said, you got to redo the Home app. And they said, okay, well, we'll work on that in the next week. And we'll get something. Yeah, it's incredible how fast they work. You know what I'm saying? It's very impressive. They burned the midnight oil there to do the, yes, full redesign.
Starting point is 00:50:03 One page for all the devices and rooms that's the big thing i wanted get rid of the idea of a page for every room just show me everything with filters that they had at the top so you can tap a button for lights and that's great super good i can't wait for this and they spent a lot of time on matter right they did they did that's for those of us who are not avidly following the matter alliance they they explained what the matter alliance was and and why it uh matters second wwdc in a row where they've had to explain the matter alliance jason little prediction now will we get to a third wwdc where apple has to explain the matter alliance about it having launched yes or no no no you
Starting point is 00:50:42 think it's gonna come before i think we've had the year delay on matter and now it'll actually show up i hope you're right under your christmas tree you're gonna get a matter under your christmas tree congratulations it's a matter before we move on because we've got a lot to cover we're still not gonna get to everything there was you know you get like two little things that i've been seeing people tweet about uh ios 16 adds landscape face id to iphone so that's coming to some iphone models uh so that you'll be able to get it's uh iphone 12 and 13 is limited to okay so you'll be you won't have to have the same orientation anymore i think that's really good uh and then also there's a haptic vibration has been or
Starting point is 00:51:25 tactics has been added to the keyboard on ios interesting so as you type it goes like a lot of android phones have done this and i actually find it quite satisfying um and i'm i'm pretty excited to see what it feels like with apple's great tactic engine you know yeah yeah we'll see. This episode is brought to you by Bombas. Bombas' mission is simple, to make the most comfortable clothes ever and match every item sold of an equal item donated. So when you buy Bombas, you're also giving to someone in need.
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Starting point is 00:53:24 baby. Here we go. They left at last and i was like are they gonna do it though are they actually gonna do it i knew it and you know how i knew it i knew it because they announced a feature for mac os called stage manager and i turned to dan moran who was sitting next to me and i said, that's the iPad feature. And sitting in front of me was Steven and Sparky and they both turned around and looked at me and nodded and we're all like, yeah, we know. We know. I see what you're doing there.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Steven turns to you and says, that's the iPad feature. And then David turns to Steven and says, that's the iPad. It's like a little chain going on over there. No, they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah. We're getting what you're putting down. uh because it just was like this is interesting that they did this in mac os and i think as a mac user um watch out a big column column pitch idea coming down your way you know i like to look for column ideas um the failure of full screen mode i know some people like full screen mode on the mac
Starting point is 00:54:26 but i think it's i think it's kind of a failure because so many of the great things about the mac are about multi-layered windows and so even when i use something like logic where i'm almost always using it in full screen i'm grabbing files from the desktop and stuff and you're in there and you're like oh no now i have to get out grab the size thing just shrink it down because you want to just see something else for a minute like so for example when i'm putting in the chapters for this show i kind of just shrink the the the logic window a bit move the safari window over so i can see google docs so i can just make sure i got the chapters it's just that flexibility right right and full screen mode is is this very strict thing which is like no it's it's one window and that's it and so they do stage manager and i'm thinking okay this is not only do i think this is going
Starting point is 00:55:16 to be an ipad feature but i also think that this is apple saying full screen mode's not quite right and the fact that they did the demo and they said ah but what about your desktop well click out on the desktop and then you go away and you just drag it in and drag it over and and i'm like okay this is trying to find a better way to do something that's full it's full screen ish but it's also if you want it to be it's multi windows in a set together yeah it's more like focused than full screen right but like full screen was supposed to be hey you're focused on one thing but like no or like spaces except it's in one space yeah um it is really it's like if you took full screen mode and ipad multitasking
Starting point is 00:56:00 and spaces and mission control and put them all together yeah you stage manager pops out right and stage manager is a brand new thing and it's weird and i'm not entirely this is one of those features mike where i look at it and i think i bet it doesn't look like this in september i bet i bet they make changes based on feedback like safari last year where it's going to be like some of this stuff is like why does it look like that what i'm gonna say the way that those apps look on the side i was like uh from the people who gave you cover flow and desktop stacks here comes stage manager there's something about it where it's like it looks old and in superman 2 right where they're or superman where they they uh they put
Starting point is 00:56:43 the criminals in the phantom zone, and it's like a two-dimensional thing. It's like that. Your windows are trapped in the phantom zone on the side of the screen until you bring them back. Anyway, so they do stage manager, and I'm like, well, this is an intriguing Mac thing. James Thompson in the Discord.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You can turn off the side windows. Oh, you can turn off the side windows. Interesting. I don't know what's left. Yeah. But maybe it's just like, I don't know, icons or something. I don't know. Yeah's left yeah um but maybe it's just like i don't know icons or something i don't know yeah well we'll see um because we haven't used any of this stuff yet of course anyway the other big story though is stage manager's like oh this is also the solution to the
Starting point is 00:57:15 ipad isn't it and it is and it's more than i thought mike it's more than i thought because it's not just uh a multi-windowing mode or tiling or something like that it's because windows can have buddies and things you can say i want these two things together and it kind of it does it doesn't quite tile them because it's like overlapping but also kind of tiled um it's really interesting and i don't know whether it's going to be great or maddening in practice but the idea is that you can have floating windows and you can resize them on iOS
Starting point is 00:57:52 and you can have multiple windows from the same app or from different apps and they all live together happily up to four at a time. It looks so good. And you can switch between the different sets and if you're going to do that, we have to say the other part of it which and if you're going to do that we have
Starting point is 00:58:05 to say the other part of it which is if you're going to do that well guess what you can plug in your display and do it on a big external display and have four apps or four windows on that display and four different ones on your ipad screen and it all still works and that is the thing they went more than i ever they went the whole way and i can't believe that they was like, for so many years, right? We're going back like five years or something. Oh, no, no, no, two. And then maybe a little one on the side. Let's not get mad about this.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And then all of a sudden, they're like, hey, what about freely resizing, overlapping app pairs? You can hook up to external display. Hey, do you want scaling we can make your whole ipad screen smaller if you want like i like yeah so we got you a lot of windows it's wild i can't play with this and and the thing that i think is the key for probably people at apple and for ipad users to get over the hump is it's a feature you turn on in Control Center. So if you don't want to see it,
Starting point is 00:59:09 you never have to see it. Which is good because you need the iPad to have a fundamentally usable single window mode. It's Mark Gurman's Pro Mode, right? It is Pro Mode. Because you can still use all the other stuff. It's all still there. They didn't get rid of anything.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Nothing's been replaced, but you can now go into this extra special mode, right? And I'm like, yeah, this is fantastic. I can't wait to play with it. I have an iPad Air now because I don't have an M1 iPad. Ah, yes. And this is an M1 feature.
Starting point is 00:59:42 That's the best buy, not too far. My wonderful wife, Idina, I would say is just taking the most care of me, she went out today and she got me an iPad. So that's going to be what I'm going to do for the next couple of days because I ain't got nothing else to do, Jason. Just sitting here in this frigging hotel room. Do you have a keyboard for it? I actually, I brought my 11-inch iPad Pro
Starting point is 01:00:03 because I was thinking, oh, I expect they're going to do something. What I didn't think about was like my 2018 iPad Pro, that's not got enough beef in it, you know? So at least I got the magic keyboard. So I got that. That's good. Because I can just switch those over
Starting point is 01:00:20 and I'll be playing around with it. You're going gonna be power sliding through windows and apps oh yeah okay so here's the thing that i feel like i don't have a lot a grasp of yet and i think it might be for a reason this thing called desktop class desktop class it seems like what they did was like this feels to me very much like a pro workflow group exercise i don't even i don't even think it's pro-workflow group. So here's what I think, and I don't know this for sure, but what it sounds like to me is somebody went to all of the app groups at Apple
Starting point is 01:00:55 and said, do us a favor. Think about your app in an iPad context and think about your app in an iPad context and think about your app in a Mac context. Are there things that you're withholding on the iPad? And if there are, consider whether that makes sense, right? Because it wasn't a edict that all features on the Mac had to be on the iPad. And the iPad apps, the problem is that iPad apps were originally iPhone apps. And so they made lots of decisions
Starting point is 01:01:29 to simplify them because a little phone is not the best place for implementing every single little fiddly feature of a Mac, right? But the iPad is different. And yet, and I know I've experienced this before with things like Numbers or Keynote,
Starting point is 01:01:50 where you say, oh, they use the same file format and they sync over iCloud. But there's this one thing that I can't do on the iPad. I can only do this one, sometimes esoteric feature on the Mac because it's just not there. And there's no, and why? Because it's the iPad is perfectly capable. So it sounds to me like basically they went to everybody who has apps at Apple and said, could you think about this one and make a concerted effort to get your iPad app to have those features if they make sense on iPad. And I'm sure not all Mac features make sense on iPad, but it sounds to me like this was more about an effort to get everybody to try and make the iPad apps feel more capable like their Mac equivalents after the natural evolutionary process led them to not quite be all the way there.
Starting point is 01:02:47 So they did a big scrolling list. It seems kind of scattershot, but that seems to be what it really was. It's more like, hey, everybody, think about this one for this release. This is one of the things we'd like you to do for this next app release, next OS release, next app release next os release is get your apps ipad versions to have as much functionality compared you know that's similar to the mac as as makes sense right it's not not forced but that makes sense for the ipad and we'll see what that means in practice yeah uh yeah it's i need to i mean it felt like there's a lot of stuff right little bits and bobs and i'm intrigued yeah i think it's
Starting point is 01:03:25 literally they built this thing for ios and eventually it became an ipad app and they like there were features that they're like well that's too complicated so they left them off and they never put them back and they never really thought about it and they're like oh yeah we should probably put that in there too and so now it's in there and it's it's not a conspiracy against the ipad or anything it's literally just the way that the app evolved. It started from such a simpler place and somebody in management at Apple said, why don't we,
Starting point is 01:03:54 everybody's iPad app should be a little bit more powerful. If they are wanting compared to the Mac version, you should think about whether there's a good reason for that or not. And if there isn't, maybe put those features on the iPad. There's a weather app. Hooray.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Bigger news, WeatherKit. So this isn't necessarily an iPad thing, but Apple have announced they are making a weather API. They're charging for it, which makes sense. But it seems like, I think I saw underscore tweet about this. David Smith says it's half the price of what he was paying dark sky yeah so i mean and and i saw uh brian miller of carrot
Starting point is 01:04:32 weather say that uh he uses more than 20 million calls a month which is blah but so and that's what the the pricing seems to max out at right now. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple will have a conversation with you, right? And they already know who those people are, maybe. But yeah, they're making a WeatherKit API. And I'm really happy about this because I was worried Dark Sky was going to go away. And Dark Sky is my preferred data source for weather. We talked about it two years ago when Apple bought Dark Sky is my preferred data source for weather. We talked about it two years ago. Yes. When Apple bought Dark Sky and the possibility that they would do it as a system API,
Starting point is 01:05:10 that any weather app, because like David Smith is a great example, right? David makes widgets. He doesn't even make a weather app. He makes widgets with weather information on them. He kind of built a weather app inside of Widgetsmith, but that's just Dave for you. He did because that's just Dave.
Starting point is 01:05:28 That's what he does. But my point is, if you're a developer and you're like, oh, I've got this app that's really great, and whether it's a weather app or it's a utility app that has weather information in it, it's like, oh,
Starting point is 01:05:39 but now I have to do a subscription fee and I have to do all this stuff and I have to negotiate this with that. And it's like, well, wouldn't it be nice if since Apple bought Dark Sky, they just made that an API. And even if they charge, which they do, and it sounds like it's a reasonable fee, but even if they charge for it, it means all you have to do is call the weather API and you don't have to go through all that trouble. And that's what Apple should be doing on its platform. It's easy for you to get weather information and put it in your app on Apple's platforms now because of this and
Starting point is 01:06:08 you know assuming that that's what it is but like just saying that's Apple's sort of pitch here I think that makes so much sense so that was great to see that was that's very cool and yeah weather app on iPad for the first time which is nice still no calculator app James Thompson's very happy
Starting point is 01:06:24 about that I bet he is nice still no calculator app james thompson's very happy about that i bet he is and and still no health app which is frustrating too oh something we talk about the move ring coming to the iphone oh yeah yeah that was a that's an interesting that's smart right when they when they showed it i was like oh they're gonna bring them all like maybe i don't have to wear an apple watch anymore but no just the move ring and i was like but that's they can use their bring them all? Like, maybe I don't have to wear an Apple Watch anymore. But no, just the Move ring. And I was like, that... But they can use their sensors for that. But I thought, like, what a clever, like, way to get people into the Apple Watch. Real teaser.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. Very smart. I like that they're doing that. Free form. One of several announcements that was very clearly for in an update later this year. Later this year. Not even in the point zero. It's not even going to happen then.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Yeah, we'll see what this is. This is almost like another iWork app, kind of. Kind of feels like it. Yeah. It's like, what is it? Like an infinite canvas collaborative editor of multimedia. There are apps like this right like i've used a bunch um yeah and and it's cool like i'm intrigued to see what the apple version of this kind of
Starting point is 01:07:33 thing is right um and i guess that's the question is is this is this a is this an app really or is it a feature that ties into other apps we'll wait and see it looks like it pulls a lot of apple technology together right well right it's used apple pencil stuff like drawing and yeah exactly interesting idea this episode is brought to you by our good friends over at member for the easiest way to sell memberships to your audience used by the biggest creators on the web you can generate sustainable recurring income while diversifying your revenue stream. You've heard us talk about the RelayFM membership program
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Starting point is 01:10:01 all right um do you want to talk about the mac or mac os first what do you want to do let's talk about mac os first all right stick with the os's how about that mac os ventura what a great name ventura is funny i actually did when i was looking around to come up with things for us to pick, I didn't even put it on our list because I thought, you know, I was not going to pick that. Ventura is not a very interesting place.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Again, apologies to people from Ventura, but Ventura and Ventura County are- Jason Snell, known hater of Ventura, California. I just, it just never seemed like that, like that impressive a place to me. They'd be like, oh oh the jewel of california ventura it is a good name and so i should have thought about that like maybe it doesn't matter that they they are uh they're it's not necessarily big sir or monterey in terms of its majestic
Starting point is 01:11:00 beauty it is a good name for a product so there it is ventura so obviously the mac like ipad as well benefits from a lot of features um the ios mac and you know it's kind of interesting when they choose to talk about features right we're going to talk about mailing them yeah apple hadn't spoken about the mail app getting a bunch of new features until we got to this part but it was like oh and it also is on those other platforms but some stuff that was uh specific to the mac is some continuity features one is facetime handoff which is great so maybe you're on a facetime call sit down on the mac you can switch over to your max camera i made the joke uh to my wife like why would you want to do that you go from and like you can notice when people get home because they switch to the bad webcam
Starting point is 01:11:45 it's like oh you're on the mac now huh and so now apple has introduced a i think good but baffling feature uh just from like a strategy perspective called continuity camera okay before we get there i want to give you my conspiracy theory oh i love it give me them you know i love conspiracy about uh facetime. Uh-huh. So I like FaceTime continuity. My mom sometimes picks up her FaceTime call from me on her phone and then she can't get it to her iPad and I like the idea
Starting point is 01:12:14 of potentially being able to sort of throw your FaceTime to a different device. I like that. But here's the thing. If Apple does as it has been rumored from time to time, either FaceTime on something that's like an Apple TV or FaceTime on a screen in a HomePod that lives in the kitchen.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Those products may or may not end up existing, but those would be really good products to have FaceTime continuity. Especially on a device. So that you could get things on or off as you wanted. So you could start a FaceTime call on your phone and then go throw it up onto the TV or whatever. so just saying just just a theory but it struck me when that feature was announced that that has applicability beyond what we've currently seen from apple and that's
Starting point is 01:12:55 interesting so continuity camera is like some of these apps and services you've seen which have now all completely been sherlocked which allows you to connect your iphone wirelessly i don't know if they have a wired option too but wirelessly to your mac to use its camera as your webcam and they have a bunch of interesting features they use some of the portrait stuff to do lighting they can do blurring but the the blew my mind the desk view feature yeah where they're using the ultra wide it uses the ultra wide and it crops out of that a picture of your face and separately it looks straight down and does a picture of your desktop like you've got an overhead camera i don't i need to see this for myself because i i yeah i cannot
Starting point is 01:13:45 understand the physics of this part and then well it's all that wide screen that wide angle camera really does the ultra wide captures all sorts of things but then you've got to do a lot of modification to it in order to get it to to look like it does but it's pretty clever yeah i i think also let's throw in there they're working with belkin on mounts because she's hilarious as somebody who's used camo for a couple of years, which is an app that does this, that has been Sherlocked as of today. Camo, their writers did a whole blog about what mounts should I use with this. And the whole blog is basically, there are no good mounts for this. Here are some things we tried that are fine.
Starting point is 01:14:22 And there aren't. There are not. I bought their selection. It's not very good. If you're Apple, you just go to Belkin and say, Hey, we're going to make this thing.
Starting point is 01:14:30 So you need to come out with a line of things that can clip to various Macs from withholding various iPhones. And, you know, Belkin's going to be like, can I sell those in the Apple store? And they're like, you know it.
Starting point is 01:14:42 And they're like, all right, we're on it. It's just, you do the transaction like that. And it's like, well right, we're on it. Right. Like it's just, you do the transaction like that. And it's like, well that, but on one level it's like,
Starting point is 01:14:47 thank goodness because now there will be good mounts for this. And then as for the Sherlocking, I would say it is a typical Sherlocking story where, because Apple has the home field advantage, it's their platform. They are able to do some stuff that poor little third party apps can't do. So like Apple, because having used camo like you
Starting point is 01:15:06 set it up and then don't touch the don't touch the touch screen don't touch the sleep button because then it's going to not work right and because you're you're it's facing away from you so you're not actually looking at the screen anymore and then you got to get in the right place and you got to plug in the cable and you got to do all these things and apple's at least in the demo we'll see how it is in reality, but the demo is basically like, oh, you just put it there. It knows it doesn't matter if it's asleep or awake. It wakes itself up. It does it all wirelessly, and it just works.
Starting point is 01:15:31 I'm like, well, that's better. Yes, that's why I want the platform owner to do this feature because that's way better than what I was doing with Camo in order to use that beautiful, amazing iPhone camera. Cause let's, let's be honest, even with all of the crap that Apple's gotten about the choice of using the center stage camera in the studio display,
Starting point is 01:15:52 right? Even with that, Apple's webcams on the Mac are never, ever, ever, ever going to be as good as the back camera on an iPhone. Cause even if like when, when they get better on the laptops, they are going to have as good as the back camera on an iPhone. Because even if, like, when they get better on the laptops, they are going to have got equally, if not more so,
Starting point is 01:16:10 better on the iPhone over that same period of time. The iPhone camera is such an important part of the iPhone. Yeah. And so even if, yeah, Apple's cameras are really good, like having the multiple cameras and having center stage and having the blurred background modes all the pro or having a, having the, the, the, the blurred background modes and the,
Starting point is 01:16:27 the different three different cameras. And like, there's so much going on there that a Mac webcam is never going to beat. And certainly in the short term, no Mac webcam is ever going to beat it. And so, yeah, if you're your,
Starting point is 01:16:40 your webcam on your laptop is there to be okay. But if you're doing something where you want something really good, use your iPhone. That's why all those apps came out to do that because it's a very clever idea. And Apple, in the best way, I think, of Sherlocking a feature, said, you know what? You're right. We should do that. And rather than like saying, no, no, our webcams are fine because they actually made, we'll get to it in a minute, made a webcam quality claim today, right? that and and rather than like saying no no our webcams are fine because they actually made well
Starting point is 01:17:05 we'll get to it in a minute made a webcam quality claim today right so it's not like they're not making webcam quality claims still but they know that your iphone's always going to be the best camera you have around so why not use it if you care about quality to that there is just something so funny to me right where? Where it's like, obviously you want a good image, so let's put this little thing over the top of your webcam, and it's your phone now instead, because our webcam's not good enough.
Starting point is 01:17:33 If you really care about this, don't use this. Use our phone instead. They made, for Mac OS, Ventura, a big stink about games. And I raised my eyebrows, Jason, and I was like, oh, games, huh?
Starting point is 01:17:52 And what I will say is, so they've got a bunch of updates to Metal, higher quality, also Apple Silicon. It's a bunch of stuff I don't understand. Something upscaling, something, yeah. But they announced No Man's Sky is coming to the Mac. As an they're like oh yeah no man's sky when it comes later i'm like what what huh yep and also jason the press release also coming to ipad which i cannot fathom how they're going to do that but i am intrigued yeah but also resident evil village evil village which
Starting point is 01:18:22 is a very so no man's sky is a game that's constantly being upgraded, but it's a multi-year old game at this point. Resident Evil Village is a brand new game. It's been, I think, out within the last year or so. Yeah, it came out late last year. You know, my friend Anthony Johnston wrote that game. He was the head writer on that, yeah. That's so cool.
Starting point is 01:18:42 Yeah, yeah. So when the 11-foot 11 foot tall vampire lady wins all these awards it's always he wrote her so oh it's the voice artist and him as the writer like has created the dreams of many people uh over the last year or so i know right everyone in the game journalism world is in love with the big tool lady did you know jason now anthony can play it on his mac so that's gonna be great they're gonna put the big tool lady into Did you know, Jason? Now Anthony can play it on his Mac, so that's going to be great. They're going to put the big tall lady into VR? No, I mean, come on.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Everyone's going to lose their minds. That's right. They're going to lose their necks because they're going to be looking up so high. Because she's big and tall. Anyway. Because she's very tall. If you don't know what we're talking about,
Starting point is 01:19:19 Google it. Anyway. Games. Don't Google it, probably. Probably not. Probably don't Google it. Safe search on for that. Anyway, one of the't Google it, probably. Probably not. Probably don't Google it. Safe search on for that. Anyway, one of the game directors from Capcom of Resident Evil Village
Starting point is 01:19:30 came out and was speaking incredibly highly of the new Metal APIs. And so, Jason? Yeah? I'm intrigued. And what I'll say is, like, what they said, I don't remember who was presenting this part from Apple's side. They were saying like, Apple Silicon is really good,
Starting point is 01:19:47 Melt's really good, and there's more Macs available than ever. And I was like, aha, right? Like, this sounds to me like, this is what you're going and talking to Capcom about and saying these things, right? Like, look, we know that we've not been good for games in the past,
Starting point is 01:20:02 but we are now, not only are our systems really powerful and can do, like they were saying, like up to 4K on the Mac Studio, which is awesome, like 1080p on our, which is fine, you know, for like gaming on a laptop or whatever. But they're going out and saying to people like, not only can our systems handle it,
Starting point is 01:20:22 we now have a larger install base than we've ever had so come back to us also you can put this game on the iPad and the iPhone yeah and it will work and you know this also again feels to me like this is the beginning of what you need to do
Starting point is 01:20:39 if you're getting ready to introduce a new system to the world which will heavily rely on game experiences as a way to sell it. Yep. You think so? Yeah. I think so. Mail.
Starting point is 01:20:51 I want to give you four features added to mail. Improved search. Great. Good. They could use it. Undo. Undo. Undo send.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Yeah. I imagine that just works by not sending it for a little while. Yeah, okay. Schedule send. Good, yeah. That makes sense. Follow-up suggestions. Oh, the other one was like reminders slash snoozing.
Starting point is 01:21:18 So they did it. They made mail modern. It only took them 10 years, but they did it. Yeah, and it's the lightest touch possible, but there is some stuff there now. It only took them 10 years, but they did it. It's the lightest touch possible, but there is some stuff there now. It's true. It's true and available on even though they said this was a Mac feature, it's actually... It's on everything.
Starting point is 01:21:34 Yeah, it's on all the platforms. Can we talk about the new MacBook Air now, please? Because you've seen it, right? I've held one in my hands. Tell me all about it. M2 processor. We're going. Tell me all about it. Tell me all about it. M2 processor. So we're going to have to talk about that. New MacBook Air.
Starting point is 01:21:51 It's thin and light. Compared to the existing MacBook Air, you pick it up and you're like, oh, this is light. And it's super thin. How close is this to the MacBook in that thinking of thin and light? Well, it's not because of the dimension of the screen, right?
Starting point is 01:22:11 I know it's physically larger, right? It's like a 13.6-inch screen. But has it got that kind of feel of like, oh, this is incredibly thin? I don't know. I think I would say it's thinner than the current MacBook Air, and so it's going in the right direction there. I think I would say it's thinner than the current MacBook Air. And so it's going in the right direction there, but I wouldn't,
Starting point is 01:22:27 you know, the, the impossibly thin and light feel of something like that 12 inch MacBook was also in part because it had so much less volume because it was not, you know, it didn't have that big screen. But it, I was,
Starting point is 01:22:42 what impressed me about it. And I really, what I wanted to do was pick it up. That's what I wanted to do because I pick up an M1 MacBook Air all the time. And so I know how I'm expecting that to feel. And then I picked it up and I was like, oh, yeah, yeah. It's lighter. It's thinner.
Starting point is 01:23:00 It looks more modern. It's got MagSafe on it. It's got the sort of flattish sides. It looks awesome, man. It looks so good. It looks really good. thinner it looks more modern it's got mag safe on it it's got this sort of flattish sides it looks so good like that they went with i'm so happy they got rid of the taper tapers tapers dead to me yeah i don't want to happen no more you know they don't need it it's all thin now okay they don't need the wedge it's all thin and so that's all good it's got the it's got the notch which honestly it looks so so, with the modern styling
Starting point is 01:23:27 and the bezels that are so small and so the display goes so far out to the edges, it looks really good. It's still got all the other things
Starting point is 01:23:35 that sort of you expect in a MacBook Air, but it feels thinner and lighter. Here's my complaint, Mike. No one will ever be able to explain this to me. It comes in four not colors.
Starting point is 01:23:47 This is absolutely unacceptable to me. It comes in silver. Yeah. You're silver. You know silver. I know silver. Silver's my friend. Silver's been around a long time.
Starting point is 01:23:56 I love silver, you know. It's got your space gray. Kind of a new entry. Space gray, kind of a middle-aged color. It's been around a little while. It's sort of just a dim silver, but it is a different color, and we were very excited to get the Space Gray.
Starting point is 01:24:11 It's got Starlight. Everyone's favorite. Coca-Cola. Which is basically goldy silver. It's silver with a yellow undertone instead of a blue undertone,
Starting point is 01:24:26 essentially. And the fourth color that's not a color is midnight. I don't... Look. Why? Come on. Why? Why? It's the two old colors and the two new colors, which I'm fascinated because I did not think we would get them together.
Starting point is 01:24:42 I thought they would do one or they would do the other, and instead they did both. They did all think we would get them together. I thought they would do one or they would do the other. And instead they did both. They did all four together, these two pairs. But here's my thing. Okay. Starlight is the goldie thing. I get that.
Starting point is 01:24:53 I get that. Silver is a classic. I get that. Where I come down as being a little baffled is Space Gray versus Midnight. Because first off, Midnight looks great. Midnight is what Space Gray should have been. It's kind of like, it looks bluey. Is it kind of blue-ish?
Starting point is 01:25:13 It's, oh yeah, a little. I mean, I wouldn't call it blue. I would call it blue, black, blue, black, black, blue. Blue, black is an ink color. Yeah, it is really dark and i think that's what it has going for it i'm just really disappointed that they didn't do at least one somewhat fun color that feels like a color but um that didn't happen so i was very surprised i i thought get it man i didn't think we'd get we get silver and space gray and starlight and midnight but that's what we got what makes the imax so special you know that's just what i don't
Starting point is 01:25:50 understand look i know people gonna write in and they're gonna go supply chain and it's like difficult that's what i was gonna say is i think that part of it might be that this might not be the time to release a laptop with eight skews right and and that may be true but but that decision space gray can go just kick it out just kick out space gray and put in a green there it's not like the last three months they were like oh we better change all those colors right yeah this decision was made a long time ago and it's just disappointing to me because i wanted an orange laptop you know yeah um and i don't really i don't understand what's happened here i just i could accept them saying we're not going to do six different colors plus silver
Starting point is 01:26:31 i'm surprised that it's not even there isn't even like one yeah they didn't do any colors that is like the pop one it's like oh well we got silver and and starlight and midnight and you know green or yellow or whatever and it's just not um that said if i had to pick today what do i want midnight baby i want i want that it gave me it gave me the black macbook vibes right it's like i want i i have been so disappointed with space gray as a color because it's it's it's if you're in a room without a silver apple product and you look at the space gray you think it's the silver and then the silver walks in and you're like oh you're slightly darker than that but it's just not the midnight there's no denying what it is you're like oh yeah okay
Starting point is 01:27:23 so i i'll go for that i guess but i'm disappointed that there isn't at least one even it wasn't the color i chose even if it was product red or something you know i i wouldn't get a red laptop i'm not going to do that for reasons that we've discussed in the show red things don't come into my house um if i can if i can choose it they stay out get out red thing out out uh so does it take off take off that red shirt take off that red shirt that's right so we're not gonna do that uh but i would have been happy that there was a color in there maybe there's hope mike maybe this is gonna be like where they come out with the iphone and six months later they're like oh now in green
Starting point is 01:28:01 maybe we'll get like a purple macbook air let's or something. Let's pull back. Let's pull back. Because we've kicked this thing into the ground now. This looks like an excellent laptop. It looks amazing. Like, I cannot wait to see one of these things. I'm very jealous of you. And keep in mind, the M1 MacBook Air, as great a laptop as it was, because it had the M1 and when compared to the Intel MacBook or the intel macbook air the difference
Starting point is 01:28:26 was so great it was the first wave of products put out for apple silicon and therefore it was just the intel shell with the intel stuff taken out and apple silicon stuff put in so it was not designed for apple silicon it just got it this is designed for apple silicon so this is designed knowing what the power envelope is going to be um and how well it can run without a fan because it's fanless um which you know the macbook pro that they announced today because they did announce an update to the 13 inch macbook pro that's an m2 it's got a fan so if if you're doing sustained graphics like playing a game or something then then it makes a difference but for the most part you don't even need the fan you just with the macbook air it's still going to be very fast and they got to design around knowing that they were on apple silicon
Starting point is 01:29:22 this time which is why it is thinner and lighter and can do all those things. And it is beautiful, right? Because it is, remember when Apple tried to kill the MacBook Air, right? Remember that? They came out with a MacBook and they didn't update the MacBook Air for a while. And finally, there was that event in Brooklyn
Starting point is 01:29:38 where they said, all is forgiven MacBook Air. We fixed the keyboard. We brought it back. It's great again and that was such a great moment because it was it felt like people wouldn't let the macbook air die like apple wanted to sell them a macbook pro or a macbook and everybody just kept buying that non-retina macbook air and they're like right there was they they changed the retina before
Starting point is 01:29:59 they fixed the keyboard but um it was just a moment of like oh the people spoke and the people said we're not buying your other laptops. We're buying the MacBook Air. We've come a long way and this one is, it feels like a MacBook Air even though it doesn't have some of the qualities of it.
Starting point is 01:30:16 It's not just playing the hits. It is a new product. It's got those round feet on the bottom like the MacBook Pro has. I love that. I love the way that looks. I'm really happy they brought that part of the design. It doesn't have its name etched on it or, in fact, anywhere on it,
Starting point is 01:30:30 as far as I can tell. It's just got the feet on it. But it looks great. It's got two ports plus MagSafe, so that's a big upgrade with MagSafe. It's got the M.2 processor, which is based on – we haven't even talked about the M.2 yet, but it's basically based on the A15 cores. We haven't even talked about the M2 yet, but it's basically based on the A15 cores.
Starting point is 01:30:59 It's also got, in addition to the next generation GPUs and the next generation cores, they also took the video codec stuff that they added to the M1 Pro and Max chip. And that's in the M2. So it does video encoding kind of like an M1 Pro. Really interesting that they brought that feature over. So you're getting a huge amount of performance, especially if you're upgrading. If you didn't have an M1, right, you're on Intel, then there was one slide that was like, this will be 15 times faster in this one test. Like, yeah, okay, I can see that.
Starting point is 01:31:27 So yeah, it's a very exciting product and I think it'll sell really well. Also, since we like to talk about the marketing aspect of this, starts at $1,199. That's interesting. And they're going to still sell the M1 MacBook Air for $999. And I think maybe that's one of those lessons that goes back to when they tried to kill the MacBook Air the last time, which was people kept buying that $999 MacBook Air because they loved it. And this allows Apple to move forward and have a cooler, nicer, better, bigger screen, all those things MacBook Air, while still having a really good MacBook Air at $999.
Starting point is 01:32:03 And why not? I'm actually really happy that the M1 Air is still around at that price. And I hope that over time they're going to get that price down. I hope that that's the imperative. I would imagine that'll happen but in the meantime
Starting point is 01:32:17 it's... So yeah, if you want in, the base model is going to be $200 more than the M1 but I think that's okay for now. Yeah. if you want in the base model it's going to be 200 more than the than the m1 but um i think i think that's okay for now yeah it's uh jambo in the in the discord is saying it's because you know this is how it works uh 1250 pounds in the uk which is like 1600 but that's how these things go but it's always it's always hot it always hot so you start pricing it out i'm really excited to see
Starting point is 01:32:45 one of these because i'm i'm you know i'm wondering what my future looks like uh computer wise and uh i'm i'm gonna be i'm keep my eye on this and i'm looking forward to um reviews and stuff and us talking about it more over the next few weeks because this could be my next daily computer and the MacBook Pro earns its spot as my full-on recording studio computer. So yeah, I want to think about this a little bit more. That time isn't now, but I want to think about this a bit more.
Starting point is 01:33:19 But that's an exciting computer. We'll talk about it more. And I think the M2, maybe we could talk about the M2 a little more next week. What do you think? Sure, sure. We can do that a little bit more. Because we've still got stuff to talk about today. So much, yeah. So much here. This episode is brought to you by
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Starting point is 01:34:50 and RelayFM. All right, so let's talk about WatchOS. So it got some new workout stuff, which looked interesting. A lot of different views, a lot of different, like you can set up custom workouts and multi-stage workouts.
Starting point is 01:35:04 And it looked really intense and it's interval training for running which i was i was doing intervals um and had to use a separate app for that the idea that you can set up your intervals and you know run for five and then you know or run hard for five and then and run the in the demo video the the lady is running and then she does her slow down running and then she's running the speed that I run. So it's like, okay, fair enough. I was doing more run, walk, run, walk. But yeah, that's all good.
Starting point is 01:35:34 And they're doing those measurements where they're trying to use the multiple sensors to try to get some very specific running data out of them using kind of machine learning models. But I like that like there's a lot of sensors there can you infer more information about what i'm doing based on uh what you're seeing and so i'm i'm encouraged by that that they're trying to do um more stuff and also the idea of like the multi-sport that that's cool like if you do a triathlon it detects that you're no longer swimming and are now on a bike or whatever right which is which is pretty cool uh the medications app and kind of system was really interesting to me um this was rumored before so it's like a tracker of the medicines
Starting point is 01:36:18 you take how often you're taking them you can set up reminders it has a system that can look at um the way that different drugs can interact with each other and make recommendations to you this looked like a very well thought out uh piece of software that spans across devices yeah and uh that i was yeah it's a great feature to add right like this is a perfect kind of health conscious feature for Apple to add. Notify you if you haven't done it. You can log it. You can remember if you took it before.
Starting point is 01:36:53 They will let you scan in your medications to add them in. Like they've thought about like all the different parts of the process here. They cross-check to see if there are drug interaction problems. Like there's just a lot in there. It looks good to me. Yeah, I thought it was really cool. It's something that I look forward to poking around with myself. The AFib history stuff looked really interesting.
Starting point is 01:37:15 It was kind of like, hey, we've matured in what we understand about the heart now. First we told you that you had AFib. Now we're going to tell you what might cause it or cause it to happen less. And yeah, that's an interesting kind of extension of that aspect of it. New watch faces and some older watch faces being updated. This look cool. There's that new one. I think it's called Metropolitan.
Starting point is 01:37:40 Oh, that's my bag, baby. I love the look of that watch face. That's nice. I'm really into it big time yeah i was more excited about like my old watch faces finally getting the new complication styles than i was the new watch faces but it's all good i'm glad that they spent more time since there's no you know no third-party watch faces we're left with i hope apple keeps adding watch faces and No third-party watch faces. We're left with, I hope Apple keeps adding watch faces and gives the old watch faces a little bit of a brush up.
Starting point is 01:38:08 And it looks like that's going to happen. And I like that some of them have been rethought, like the astrology face. They're like, we could do a better job of this now. And so they kind of went back and did it again. And they partnered with an artist to create another kind of fun one, like the face one that they had. So that looked really cool. One
Starting point is 01:38:27 piece of information that came out afterwards, watchOS, this is 9, right? watchOS 9 will not support the Apple Watch Series 3. Bye. So they're finally getting rid of that. Yeah, exactly. Get it out of here. Which
Starting point is 01:38:43 I'm intrigued to see what they do with the watch now for this by the way i want to be clear it's the astronomy phase that you're thinking of there is no astrology phase to my knowledge yeah what do you want from it's about stars and stuff not about my brain can't be trusted right now i know i'm doing the best of what i got you know yeah i get it i get it but yeah they have they have an artist doing that thing and then when it's uh when your watch is asleep the little letter the little numbers are asleep oh it's adorable yeah i think i thought this was cool and i'm excited to see some of these new faces uh and to say i'm excited to see what i do with the watch hardware now in general because yeah they're getting rid of finally getting rid of
Starting point is 01:39:19 the series three to move forward i would say like in a way i wouldn't have expected like in that they're still selling it i was still selling it and now they're like the next version won't support it like it seemed that seems quite um abrupt harsh yeah abrupt is a good way to put it that i mean when could you can you still buy the series three? You can still buy it. It's still available for sale. Well. But now the next version of watchOS won't work on it. That's interesting to me. But yeah, I'm into it.
Starting point is 01:39:55 There's a bunch of little bits and bobs here and there. Again, it benefits from a lot of the other things that the rest of iOS and stuff is getting. But I'm excited about the new watch faces as you say i like they're going back and and adding some stuff from old ones and uh that'd be really good i'm excited about it not what sam watch os tv os got nothing um there was no mac pro we didn't mention that a minute ago no mac pro uh they're gonna hold off on that one and no other rumored hardware um or operating systems which it was a packed keynote i have to
Starting point is 01:40:35 say remember we last week the general vibe was that the the to-do list was too long right there's no way that all of these things could possibly happen and uh and they didn't so there's always more to look forward to future events at apple park perhaps who knows is there anything else that you wanted to touch on today oh no we should there will be more right like there's there's stuff that um we're learning about all this stuff as we go and the state of the union and all the sessions this week they're going to be lots of things for us to glean about this um that we haven't gleaned yet but this is our first cut at it um having been uh you know having me having been here and you having seen the keynote, we've done that first cut at it. Overall, I would say I think this was a good event.
Starting point is 01:41:31 I think it felt very much like a developer keynote, but in the sense that it is always a media event, right? And the true developer-focused stuff was in the State of the Union. And it seemed like the reaction to the State of the Union was incredibly positive. People were very, our developer friends were very excited about the State of the Union stuff. And that's the kind of stuff that is not going to make it into the keynote
Starting point is 01:41:54 because the keynote is going to have to actually explain what an API is. And the developer State of the Union does not. So there's a lot of nitty-gritty stuff that we could probably talk about that developers are excited about next time. But as an event, I think pretty good in terms of unveiling the OSs.
Starting point is 01:42:10 This is the start of Apple's kind of calendar year in terms of what the operating systems are that are going to run on its devices for the next year. And you throw in the MacBook Air, which by all accounts, they've been wanting to introduce for a while now. And they said, it's the most popular laptop around and not just theirs, but all of them. And it is a popular one.
Starting point is 01:42:34 And so by doing so, they've also kicked off the M2 generation, which is a big step forward because it's been about 19 months since the M1 and it's time to turn the page. It's also a processor that's based on A15 cores and probably you want to start that introduction before the A16 comes out. So I think it's a good time for them to start releasing M2 products. And yes, the MacBook Pro is also out there, but a less interesting, stay the course product than the the new macbook air so that's wwdc it's just a bit this is a lot more that's keynote this is they did a lot more than i was expecting they touched on a lot of areas i wouldn't have expected at all you know a lot a lot of wish lists got ticked off in ways that i think a lot years and years of wish list items checked off today before we wrap up today
Starting point is 01:43:27 I just wanted to again I don't know if I mentioned at the start like people have been so nice to me you know I tweeted about everything that's happened over the last couple of days and Jason I've been really overwhelmed by listeners reaching out and sending their love it's it really it's been quite emotional for me the last couple of days right and it was incredibly heartwarming to receive such great messages from our listeners i really appreciate it i just wanted to say like i can't impossible for me to reply right to, to all of the messages. So if you have sent me a message or if you've done it now during the course of this episode,
Starting point is 01:44:11 which I'm sure many upgrade in as well, I just want to thank you all. Like, this has been a really weird two or three days in my life. And I'm incredibly grateful for the love from our listeners so thank you all so much and we'll get you at an Apple event next time Gadget
Starting point is 01:44:33 one of these days I'll get you next time I also just want to say as well Jason's at Apple so thank you to Apple for enabling us to record today but again they don't need me to say this everyone that I've been working with at Apple, so thank you to Apple for enabling us to record today. But again, they don't need me to say this, everyone that I've been working with at Apple over the past week or so, they have been so gracious and so kind to me.
Starting point is 01:44:57 They sent me a care package, Jason, which I told you about, of snacks for the keynote today and and and like different medicines and stuff like you know is like and they didn't need to do that and and they you know they're not looking for me to say anything but like i just wanted to thank how apple for just they've been so great um and so yeah this has been hey look i've really been upset the last couple of days in a year or so maybe less this is going to be one of those really funny stories you know do you remember when mike got invited to his first keynote and he got all the way there and caught covid you know it's hilarious to me i uh tend i i was looking for my photo roll because it's such a long day when you travel right
Starting point is 01:45:41 i i was like i'm sure i took a COVID test before I left, right? Because I took one the day before, the day before my flight, and at 10 to 9 in the morning, London time, I had a rapid flow test, negative. I then took a test at, it was hilariously, also 10 to 9, but PM, San Francisco time, positive. And it's just like, what happened to me in that period of time 20 20 hours right so yeah and it's there it was yeah wild like yeah absolutely wild uh but hey
Starting point is 01:46:14 things still out there everyone and I'll speak from my own experience it ain't nice it ain't nice at all uh but anyway I'm just rambling on now so uh thank you for listening to this episode of upgrade jason thank you for joining me and thank me for joining you i suppose yes thank you for joining me mike uh thanks to source graph and bombus and memberful and doppler for the support of this show and if you are a member and support upgrade thank you go to get upgrade plus.com and you will a member and support Upgrade, thank you. Go to getupgradeplus.com and you will get longer ad-free episodes of every episode of Upgrade every single week. Thank you so much for supporting the show if you do so. And we'll be back next time. Until
Starting point is 01:46:57 then, say goodbye, Jason Snell. Goodbye, Mike Hurley.

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