Video Gamers Podcast - Awesome Starfield Details, Dead Space Gameplay and Farcry WHAT?! - Gaming Podcast
Episode Date: October 20, 2022Gaming hosts Josh, Paul and Michael are back with This Week in Gaming. All the gaming news you need to know, delivered straight to your ears every week. This week we chat the latest Starfield details ...and do a hype temp check, then we talk about the recent gameplay reveal of the new Dead Space Remake before mocking Ubisoft and Farcry for what could be one of the dumbest things we’ve ever seen a company do.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad  Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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All right, I am your host, Paul. Joining me, he's trying to decide if he should shut down
lights or life support to power the refueling station. It's Josh.
Shut that life support down, man. I don't need to breathe, but I need to be able to see.
I know. We're going to talk about it later, but I couldn't believe the decision in that video.
I'm like, keep the lights. Keep the lights. All right, we'll get to that in a minute.
And joining me and Josh, he's hoarding his persuasion points,
waiting for the best time to catch them in while traveling amongst the stars. It's Michael.
I am very persuasive, by the way. I have gained lots of life persuasive points from persuasion
on people. That people there you have to
say about that very nice is that a plus one or a plus five persuasion plus 17 making it up
all right guys we have a lot to talk about this week let's start with starfield i think this is
probably the biggest news of the week there was a video released by Bethesda with director Todd Howard, and he talked an awful
lot about dialogue, about Starfield, inspiration behind why they wanted to make Starfield,
all kinds of stuff.
They even talked about whether or not Starfield should be considered hard sci-fi.
I don't really know where you guys want to start off with this, but what were your overall
impressions in watching this video chat with Todd Howard? Can I start off here, guys? Number one,
this is in the future because they're traveling through space. And they used the graphic from
where you're talking to the guy that's in the space helmet. He looks like a space pirate or
something like that. And the dude has electrical tape over one of his eye sockets is that the best we can do
in 2055 or whatever time this game takes place sure we're still using electrical tape hey it
works it works josh things go wrong you gotta wrap up those loose wires what do you want
like why would you put
electrical tape over here now that said it did look pretty cool i did actually enjoy the aesthetic
of this guy's helmet i was like this guy looks pretty cool man oh how funny all right let's start
off by talking let's start off a little bit with it whether or not it's hard sci-fi so basically
what todd howard said was in a sense yes it's hard sci-fi. So basically what Todd Howard said was, in a sense,
yes, it's hard sci-fi in that you can connect the dots from technology today to the future of
Starfield and how they got to where they are. For example, using electrical tape for those eye
sockets. But in a greater sense, he said, no, it's not hard sci-fi. Hard sci-fi is you're going to
die out in space cold and then you know
game over it's gonna be a little bit more fun than that he did say in the initial builds they
were testing things like having fuel and then with running out of fuel out in open space he
said that it really just kind of grinded the game down to a halt um i'm pretty sure josh they just
needed to play elite dangerous for 20 minutes to figure that out.
I was going to say, oh, if you didn't do it,
I was going to do it, Paul.
All I could think about when they're
talking about this fuel thing on the
ships and how the gravity affects
the fuel rate and you're flying around
and they were saying, look, we kind of did away
with that. And I just went, thank goodness!
Yes, do not make your game like elite dangerous
nobody wants that junk i don't want to run out of fuel in deep space man i don't know if i'd say
nobody wants that all right you just add a few reasonable people want to scoop fuel for the star
michael famously loves elite dangerous it does sound like they are weeding some of those elements out to make it a little more accessible to the masses.
They said that your fuel, instead of just running out, it'll only let you jump so far at one time.
And that's kind of how they're finding that compromise where you can't just warp to the other side of the galaxy in one go.
But they also don't want you stranded with running out of fuel.
I do think running out of fuel is kind of lame for a video game mechanic yeah i don't know not you know
and of course not every game can be as scientifically accurate and wonderfully dangerous
so we'll take some concessions where we have to i i will say that i've played a lot of space games
where fuel does come into play there is something to be said for the risk reward
factor in like you barely made it to your destination you're on fumes man it really added
to that like sense of tension and and and that kind of thing but that also said running out of
fuel or having to manage fuel usage to where it's like i can't play this game the way i want to play it because i have
to worry about this inconvenient thing is a bad quality of life thing so it does actually seem
like they're balancing that in the sense where they're like we tested this we want this to feel
like space flight which is good that's the right thinking but we don't want it to be so inconvenient
that now you feel like you're just working instead of playing a video game. So I like the fact that they're conscious of that stuff.
We'll have to see how that plays out because at the same time, like you said, Paul, if I can just
jump from one end of the galaxy to the other, that doesn't really feel as good. So at the same time,
I kind of want some rules that I have to follow. I just don't want those rules to be super
inconvenient either. Well, and there's a good point to be had too.
And I'll draw a parallel to Elite Dangerous again real fast just for the sake of this.
But essentially, the point of this game is not to be a spaceship simulator.
Like Elite Dangerous is meant to be that way.
You're meant to have these challenges.
To your point, Josh, that's just an inconvenience that this game doesn't necessarily need.
It doesn't hinge on the accuracy being like oh well i need to
make sure i have enough fuel to get to this point and that point but on a gameplay standpoint do we
really want to say that like i can just snap my fingers and get to this side of the galaxy that's
also not fun you know yeah yeah you got to find the right balance and i got the sense that whether
or not bethesda landed in the right place it's something that they are considering. And that's what I like. Todd Howard did say, hey, we're reading books on physics and warp theory and how it would work
and thinking through the actual physics, but also balancing it with gameplay mechanics.
So hopefully they find that right balance. Another part of the video that I found very
interesting is during character creation, you can select different traits of your
character and they give you both a positive and a negative. This part was cool. I thought this
was cool. Yeah. We already knew that there was a trait system, but what he said is that the game
will give you a quest to remove the negative aspect of your trait. And that kind of made my
ears perk up a little bit because i thought
oh you can actually get into some pretty clever storytelling and character development now we
don't know how beefed out that system is going to be but i did pause the game and i read through
some of the traits so did you do the same thing because they yeah they just they're talking about
it and they're scrolling through like five or six traits and then i went wait a minute i want to see what those
actually say so i did i went back and paused the video like on each one i love this system man i
think this is a great idea yeah like one example so not all of the traits even showed the negative
aspects so i think it was still like a work in progress. But one of the
traits that did kind of make me chuckle was called kid stuff. And it said that your parents are alive
and well, which is the positive aspect. And it says you can visit them at their home. But as a
negative side, 10% of all the money you earn is deducted automatically and sent to them.
So I was thinking in my head, well, how do you make a quest to remove the negative side?
Does that mean I'm going to help them with their failing business and I'm going to help them develop some new business partnerships so now they can take care of themselves?
I don't know what this is going to look like, but I do love the idea and theory
for building your character and working your way through those negative traits.
It is very neat to say, hey, here is a perk, but it comes with a cost. And I actually like that
in a lot of games, because when you have the choice of what you select, because I'm making
that choice then, right? But I really like like this aspect some of the other funny ones there was one where it's like you're famous but you have a fan that's like
your biggest fan ever and they follow you around the universe and they'll show up at inopportune
times and start just talking your ear off like they're like oh my goodness i can't believe you're
here but you might be in the middle of like something else which i thought was really funny
but they'll give you a gifts at random that's the part it's like but they'll give you gifts and then i'm like oh
what kind of gift are they giving me it reminds me a little bit of like dungeons and dragons or
warhammer like an actual role-playing game where you have something like a trait where you're
overly handsome and so your charisma is really high but people don't take you too seriously when
you say something smart because they think that you're just pretty and dumb. And it's like, I love stuff like that. It adds in an element. But taking it one step further and saying you can do quests to change this, you know, I think it adds to a lot. It adds a lot to this game where they've already got a lot of cool things going that kind of set it apart. It's not going to be just like the other Bethesda games like Oblivion and Skyrim and
things like that, where they're actually trying to innovate a little bit of their system.
Even though we've brought back the same dialogue system and kind of brought back the same dialogue
system, we're still adding some more layers to this that don't make it a run-of-the-mill
everyday Bethesda game, which I like this. Yeah. So speaking of of dialogue they did address a lot about the development for dialogue
in starfield it has more lines of dialogue than skyrim and fallout 4 combined and actually by a
really large margin what is it a quarter of a million it yeah they said over over 250 000 lines
of dialogue which is more than four times skyrim by itself so So that's a lot of dialogue, guys.
It is. It makes me wonder, is it that the game is this large? You're going to multiple planets
and interacting with multiple species and people and things like that. That sounds really neat to
me to give you that grand scale. Or is this just a very, very wordy game to where i start wanting to just skip dialogue
yeah start saying like i don't need this much you know what i mean like so i'm curious to see how
that implement that the number sounds astronomical when you think about it so i'm actually more
leaning towards i hope that this game is really just genuinely this big and so if i fly to this
planet and talk to these people you know that's going to be dialogue you know and so on and so if i fly to this planet and talk to these people you know that's going to be dialogue
you know and so on and so forth so totally with you i hope it's just a matter of the game being
that big and that many people to go out and meet or options that you have to right exactly just
just for comparison like grand theft auto 4 has 130 000 lines of dialogue and that's a pretty
dialogue heavy game like this is really a lot of dialogue
yeah lots of story lots of people hopefully without being too wordy and boring now the
other main part of this is that they showed a little bit about what they are calling their
persuasion system so historically when you look at other games whether it be like fallout or mass
effect normally there's where you can put points into charisma
and it just unlocks dialogue options and then you can click it and it always succeeds and now you
have access to persuade someone in some way whether it's through intimidation or charisma or whatever
well what they're doing a little bit different here in starfield is that you will actually earn and bank persuasion points, and then you choose when and
how to cash them in. That, to me, seemed also a very clever new way of doing this. So, for example,
the guy with the electric tape that Josh is referencing, he's apparently some kind of space
pirate. We don't know the context, but he wants to know what treasures you have on your ship.
And they click on the option to start the whole persuasion.
And you can see that there are different options.
I think he has like three persuasion points and there's options for like one,
and seven.
And they are different options of dialogue.
And so you can choose.
And if you know,
I've got to persuade this guy right now.
Maybe you cash in all your points and take one of the heavy ones.
Maybe you think maybe one of these lower level ones will persuade him anyway.
I think that's kind of a novel take on persuasion.
I like this system a lot. And they reference that they're going back to the system.
But I don't remember
what game the system is from either no well not the persuasion but they said it's the classical
dialogue like oh is that what it is not the d-pad from fallout 4 i think they mean anything before
that okay because they were referencing like that this system existed before and i'm like i don't
remember this persuasion points thing no i love the dialogue i love it because if you're gonna have this much dialogue in the game and you're gonna be
interacting with all these people i really like the fact that it's like do i save up my persuasion
points from when i'm getting robbed and i'm gonna lose all my cargo to try to do it then
or do i gamble and say hey i'm only to spend one persuasion point on this, but this could backfire because now I just anger this dude or they robbed my ship anyway and I should have gone higher.
My one fear in this system is I don't know if you guys are like me, but like potions and video games, I don't ever use them because I'm like, oh, oh, this potion is going to put poison on my blade.
I better save that for that boss fight where I really need it.
And I wind up never using it the entire game because I'm like, well, I better save this for that one thing.
So it's like, I don't know how I'm going to, I feel like I'm just going to hoard these persuasion points.
You know what I mean?
And then never use them.
But the system really seems like they've thought it out very well.
The options that they showed in the
demo are drastically different like it does seem like the guy's trying to hijack your ship or steal
your cargo or something so it's like one like if you spend one persuasion point you're basically
trying to like bluff your way out and say like this is a you know a charity ship there's nothing
on board like persuasion five is basically like i'm gonna blast you into space you know get off
my ship kind of thing you know and it's like oh well this is you know that one sounds good
but like are they guaranteed like that's the thing i don't get i don't know and so i think
they could do a lot with this system i'm just curious to see how it actually plays out in
actual gameplay yeah i think it adds a unique strategy to the player as well. Like we talked
about, I'll draw a comparison to Cyberpunk, which we just played. If you put a lot of points into
the body aspect, and you have to go open a door by using your strength, you know that's randomly
going to happen sometimes. In this case, you know that there's going to be a couple whoppers where
back to back, they're going to give you a couple of string along persuasion checks back to back. And so you've got to think about it. Do I save these for small things here and there? Maybe
I just get a little bit of luck and someone gives me something for a cheaper price? Or do you again
strategize where you're like, I'm going to save this for the big whoppers? I think the one more
layer in this though, is it also adds to replayability in the video game because you can
play through all the thing, realize you missed a persuasion check because you had no points and now you could go through on a second playthrough or whatever
and say i'm gonna now save knowing this big moment comes to see what happens differently
which i think adds a bit more just flavor to it than just knowing that well i'm gonna put points
in the body so if i have to open a door i can open a door the strategy piece is kind of cool
yeah so one quick question for you guys how
confident are you in this point with starfield turning out as a great game like scale of one
to ten where would you say your confidence score is eight i was gonna say eight as well i'm getting
more and more confident now i know that's the point of these videos and stuff and these are
finally crafted videos by bethesda. Todd Hart's got a reputation.
He does.
And that,
you know what I mean?
But I'm falling for it again because it's working.
You know what I mean?
It really is.
But I,
number one,
they delayed the game,
which as much as we hate delays,
I'm all for it.
So that tells me that they're actually trying to make this game great.
You know,
it wasn't ready for release in what
a month from now was initially 11 11 was going to be when it released and now it's first half of 2023
fine we hear about stuff like the fuel usage and they were like look this was in the game this is
how it worked and then we realized this isn't actually fun that is pointing me in the right
direction for them to say we're trying to make this game
awesome. You can give me some huge number of dialogue lines like, okay, I get that maybe
that's a selling point. But again, it's how you use them. If I'm stuck doing nothing but 30 minutes
of dialogue every 40 minutes, that's not going to be a fun game. But if it's, hey, you have a
thousand options over the course of 15 different planets, which is why there's so many, that sounds amazing to me.
And so I am getting very excited.
I think this game is going to be very good.
I think the delay really also, we're hoping, is more like the idea of not the delay like what we're seeing with Skull & Bones, but the delay we should have seen with Cyberpunk.
They're polishing a few things that just need to make it work better.
Yeah, I would say at this point, I'm going to say 6.5.
I'm trying to be reserved in my optimism.
All right, well, we're about halfway through the episode.
We're going to take a short break, and we will be right back.
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Okay, next story of the week.
This might be my favorite story.
I know Josh was a fan of this one.
We were both chuckling about it before we started recording.
Guys, Fallout.
Far Cry. I still got bethesda on the brain far cry 6 is launching a game of the year edition tomorrow
and it is at the nice cheap cheap price of 120 there's only one problem they haven't won any
game of the year awards what the heck how can you have a game of
the year edition well paul let me explain this since everybody is listening to the number one
podcast in the world right now of the year and the life yeah yeah yeah podcast of the year edition
how do you do this self-proclaimed i this is hilarious to. It made me laugh so hard because if you, if you read into this, they were nominated for
a couple awards in some of the different awards things, but yeah, any of them.
And they're like, Hey guys, it's the game of the year edition.
And it's like, but you didn't win game of the year.
And for all intents and purposes, when's the last time anybody Year edition. And it's like, but you didn't win Game of the Year. And for all intents and purposes,
when's the last time anybody heard anything good about Far Cry 6?
Been a while.
Dude, and it's $120.
This is literally the Obama meme
where he's like putting the metal on himself.
This is Far Cry 6 doing that
and still charging an exorbitant amount of money for this.
I think this is a hilarious story.
Dude, I don't mean to beat up on Ubisoft,
but this is why I'm starting to feel like
I want to just punch Ubisoft
every time it comes up in the news.
Because it's like, what are you doing, man?
You can't call it game of the year
when you've won zero awards.
You're trying to charge twice the price on this game
and any gamer that has looked into this game i i to be fair i never played it because it's the
same as far cry 5 is the same as far cry 4 i know people have played far cry 6 and when you ask him
you go how is it they go it's all right yeah you know like it's all right it's all right. It's not bad, but it's not game of the year.
Is it $120 worth?
Is it game of the year?
Well, no.
Totally bananas.
This one definitely made me laugh.
Have some self-awareness, Ubisoft.
You can't just put out game of the year edition when you're not game of the year.
Put as much effort into your video games as you do into your hype for your video
games and your video games would wind up being good again totally agree with you maybe maybe
maybe it's maybe better than not good yeah oh man all right let's move on here we got some video
footage of the dead space remake this is a game that i know especially me and josh i don't remember
if michael was a huge fan of dead space back in the day but never played okay we've definitely
been looking forward to this remake because it's one of our favorite games dead space is very hard
to play the original version today you gotta do a lot of workarounds with windows 11 and whatnot
so the remake we've heard about for quite a while. Well,
we got eight minutes of footage and this had a lot of information. This really got me hyped for this remake. This is a remake that seems to be done right. I am not a fan of remakes. I've
made that very well known. I am very excited for the Dead Space remake. I think this is how you do
a remake if you're going to do it. And I think the
timing definitely works as well. And the reason for that is Dead Space was revolutionary. When
it came out, there was no other game that had done what Dead Space did. People that have been
listening to the show for a long time hear us talk about it almost with a reverence, right?
Because it's like everything that Dead Space did was very unique, groundbreaking, atmospheric.
There's no HUD.
I mean, it was just a phenomenal game at its time.
Now, that time was a long time ago.
And if you look at it now, you're going to go, why?
Why are you guys so hyped about this game?
But that's because at the time, it was revolutionary.
And now with the remake, this is how you do it.
You say, hey, here's a game that was phenomenal back in the day.
We want to bring this up to speed for the 21st century so that people that may have missed that window can appreciate what this game is under modern wrappings.
Yeah, people like me that always want to play it but can't play it.
I can't really play this game in its true form
right now um and i i i i've said this on a previous episode i'm so excited about this and
just seeing the footage and seeing you know some side by side stuff of what they've done a little
bit differently very encouraging like it looks like a very well polished triple a title today
and i'll get a there's a few things that also change which is really nice you know it's a good
remake yeah there's a few things that are change, which is really nice. It's a good remake. Yeah, there's a few things that are pretty foundational that they changed.
So, for example, you can seamlessly walk through the entire ship.
It is no longer where you go down a corridor and the game has to load the next room.
So you can play the entire game with no loading screens.
That in and of itself is enough to call it a remake,
slap on some paint, make it look pretty, and you could just stop there.
They didn't even do that.
They even went a step further.
Now there are areas of the ship that are much larger.
So in the original, you see how you can see a little bit out the windows, but it's like
a tight corridor.
Now these are wide open parts of the ship that you can fully fly through.
So back in the old dead space i'm
pretty sure you had to point and look at something and it would let you fly all the way across and
then you'd be stuck to that with your magnetic boots or whatever now they let you fully fly
around in 3d space the graphics look incredible i mean they even said that they added something
that they're calling the intensity director which sounded to me an awful lot like the AI from Left 4 Dead.
Yes, thank you.
So they're going to alter your experience.
So if you're walking through a part of the ship, they might randomly throw out some enemies that are going to pop out of grates, or maybe they drop out of the ceiling.
So the ship is never going to feel safe.
Just because you've walked through one area, you can't now sit back and assume you
can relax you got to be on your toes the whole time and it's going to make the ship feel a little
bit more dangerous and a little more alive and i think that's awesome it's outright terrifying
and in a horror sci-fi game that's a great thing however comma i am very scared. I'm already scared just watching the video. I'm frightened. Josh, hold me.
I haven't forgotten your cliff comment, Michael,
so I'm a little hesitant.
Oh, shoot.
Yeah, that's going to look bad.
We should edit that out in post.
Yes, this looks terrifying, guys.
It's a terrifying game. I will say they've really tried to approach
quality of life stuff as well.
This is what I like, and this is what i like and this
is why i initially said this is how you do a remake because they're not just adding polygons
and then releasing the same old game with just oh look we have better textures now
the flying around they've said we wanted to make this a quality of life adjustment so that you can
actually get to where you want to go if you are flying around three places you know you see debris and it feels like you're
actually inside the ship the atmosphere they they showed off a neat fog thing where you're in a
engine you're in a decontamination room i guess getting decontaminated but then the the ground
starts kind of filling up with fog and then that's when some of the monsters appear so you only see
the very tips of like the monster's legs and i I was like, what a neat idea, man.
Some games have done that with a really dark flashlight, right?
And it's like, okay, well, I have a flashlight
and things are scary because I can't see everywhere.
But this was like another way to add to that tension.
And I thought that was a really neat touch.
So it seems like they're taking what made the base game good,
but when they're upgrading it to 21st century,
they're doing more than just graphics,
which I really like to see. Yeah. And they do show on one of the missions where you have to bring power to the refueling station. This is the part we mentioned earlier. So you
see circuit breakers and you only have enough juice to turn on two things. And so you have to
choose to turn off either your lights or your life support, which is your oxygen levels.
And I couldn't believe that in the trailer here that they decide to drop the lights.
I'm not playing this game darker than it already is where I can't see.
I've already got to deal with the fog.
I got to deal with the random aliens dropping out of the ceiling.
There is no chance I'm electively choosing to turn off the lights.
It did make me chuckle.
Yeah, I'm kindively choosing to turn off the lights. It did make me chuckle. Yeah,
I'm kind of with you on, I will say just for the sake of the game, I'll probably
mix it up a little bit because having
to jump from one oxygen thing
to the other is stressful in its own
right. You gotta go find the stations.
You're right. Do you want your stress level to
be like time frame on how long you have
oxygen or do you want your stress level to be, I can't
see everything, so I don't know what's going to jump gonna jump out at me now you know and it's like pick which stress
you want yeah well i had that stress in v rising when we had to go from shadow to shadow so it's
really tough to do it in this game with oxygen stations yeah so i'm gonna turn around a question
that you had asked josh and i'm gonna ask you all right? We know that there's this huge tie between Callisto
Protocol and Dead Space. Both games were originally designed by Glenn Schofield. So,
Josh, I'm going to give you credit for this question here. Which game do you think is
going to turn out better, the Dead Space remake or the Callisto Protocol?
I love that we've been getting glimpses of both of them at this point.
I know, at the same time.
And honestly, they both look incredible. And what's weird is if i showed you video of one and video of another
with no titles no subtext or anything these games look so similar very similar like you can tell
they are bred from the same dna you know as far as that goes i'm going with callisto protocol
okay believe it or not i know it's a new ip I know it's a new IP. I know it's a new game.
Dead Space has the advantage of having the history
and they kind of know what to do in that regard.
But I feel like my hopes are more so on Callisto Protocol
just because it's new.
They don't have to follow like a remake and say,
we have to stay true to the original to honor that.
So I feel like that gives them a little bit more leeway.
I feel like it gives Callisto Protocol a little bit of a higher ceiling.
I think it's tough because to the opposite effect with Dead Space,
they already know they've got a hit and they're fine tuning a few pieces.
It's like you put it a game and you listen to the fan reaction to it
and you see what actually worked and didn't.
And now they get to redo that and make a great game a little bit better.
And so there's a lot less risk involved in that.
It seems like the bar is set higher.
It's going to be better, probably.
Being said, I kind of want to agree with Josh because, again, they don't have to be shackled
by the past.
They get to use the innovation of the future and go with that.
So I want to play
them both and i hope they're both great but i think this protocol might actually have an edge
just because again we've thought of so much in games now we don't have to be shackled by the
past we can do what's new you could also argue that dead space has more to lose because people
already have history with that game uh this is kind of like when you get armageddon and deep
impact coming out at the same time you
know we're getting our dead space remake and crystal protocol i think they're both going to
be a lot of fun i'll go ahead and zag a little bit i'll give the edge to the dead space remake
watching these eight minutes i was actually surprised at how excited i got and we've also
talked about how sound design cannot be enough to make a good game. But
if you have a good game with really good sound design, it can elevate it even more. And hearing
all the sound effects in Dead Space, man, both of these games I think are going to be great. I
really hope neither one lets us down. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I don't think they will.
I don't think they will. I'm very optimistic about these two games, to be honest.
Yeah. And I like that they're coming out far enough apart.
I would hate,
can you imagine if dead space remake and Callisto protocol released within
like three weeks of each other?
How terrible that would be.
So I do like that.
There's a few months in between the two of them to give us time to kind
of say,
all right,
I'm done with Callisto protocol.
Now let me dive into dead space and see how that's going.
You don't want your birthday and Christmas.
Like my oldest daughter.
My dad's birthday is on Christmas day.
And you know what?
he gets a card for Christmas and a gift for his birthday.
Cause I can't always give him two on the same day.
that's all the news that we're going to cover here for this week.
Please make sure to check out our Patreon page at
You can also follow us on socials everywhere at MultiplayerPod.
And then as far as scheduling goes, we will be back with a Quick Take episode on Saturday.
And then on Monday, we will have a new bonus round episode for you all.
We just want to say thank you to everyone for listening.
We really appreciate all the support and all the time that you spend listening to the show and until next time happy gaming everybody
and this is going to be the best bonus round ever i can feel it oh they're all great all right see
everybody cheers all bye