Video Gamers Podcast - Bonus Round: 20 Question Edition - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: May 24, 2021

Gaming hosts Paul and Josh are back with a hilarious Bonus Round. This week we play 20 Questions but with a gaming twist. Join us as we try to figure out iconic gaming characters, items and video game...s by asking only yes or no questions. Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon Join our Discord Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the web Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, if you haven't heard the news, the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast Discord server is now open to all listeners. If you'd like to come join the community and game along with the rest of us, check out the link in the podcast description. We'd also like to ask you to consider supporting this independent podcast by becoming a Patreon supporter. If you head over to, you can help support the show starting at $5 a month, which will get you some awesome perks, and it'll help ensure that the podcast continues moving forward. We really do appreciate all the support and the love from all of you. We hope you enjoy the show.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Hello, squadmates, and welcome to another episode of the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast. If you are looking for a family-friendly podcast dedicated to gaming, you're in the right place. I am your host, Paul, and with me... Is he a fan of The Witcher? Yes. Is he the king of trolling? Yes. Did he invent the Jewel Cool? Yes. Is he the king of trolling? Yes. Did he invent the jewel cool?
Starting point is 00:01:08 Yes. Is it Josh? It is! Yes! You got it, Paul! Wow, that was what, like four guesses? That's right, boys and girls. We are going to be trying out something a little bit different here on this episode. We actually had a suggestion from one of our Patreon supporters, Dilf Dave, and he suggested that maybe we try playing 20 questions. And so Josh and I figured, why not? Maybe it'll work. Maybe it won't. Maybe it's so bad we decided not to even release this
Starting point is 00:01:40 recording. Who knows? But we're going to try. If it doesn't work, Paul, it's going to be like the Titanic where it's going to go down really bad and people are just going to not be able to look away anyway. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. But, you know, Titanic, the movie made a lot of profit, right? Yeah. Yeah, you take your
Starting point is 00:02:00 lemons and make some lemonade. I'll never let go, Paul. I'll never let go. Alright, so just going straight past that let's just get into this uh i thought that we could have just a couple of rules to make sure that we are exactly on the same page here so we will take turns where we we will have some kind of game or console or character something related to. I feel like this can be rather broad. It can be anything virtual or physical, as long as it's related to gaming. And then we will have 20 questions to ask. They will be yes or no in nature,
Starting point is 00:02:39 but I do want to give us a little bit of room to elaborate on our answers, if necessary, because there's nothing fun if all 20 answers are no, and then you have no idea what to guess. So I think we'll give each other a little bit of leeway. Yeah, I was going to say, there should be some hints given in the later questions, if it looks like I'm going to fail miserably, Paul. Right. The idea is that this is fun for the listeners also. So our hope is that as you listen, you know, maybe you'll catch on a little bit quicker than we will. But you know, that's our hope. So this way you can play along with us. So you know, Josh, I made a list of like 10 different
Starting point is 00:03:19 things. I know we're not going to get through that many because it's going to take several minutes for each round. But I assume you have a list ready to go as well? Are you telling me that I out-prepared you, Paul? What? How many items did you come up with? I have, like, 15. Oh, very nice. I just counted mine. I have 12. Now, some of them are terrible, so take that for what it will be. But I didn't say they're all viable. But I did write out 15 actual things. Very nice. Yes. I wrote down
Starting point is 00:03:51 12. And some are a little bit easier, some are a little bit harder. So I feel like we'll have to play this on the fly, figure out how it's going, and adjust as necessary. All right. So who should go first for this, Josh? You got a preference? Let me guess first. Sure. So I have the first one that's on my list. You can get your 20 questions.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I was just joking with Josh right before we started recording. I downloaded a nice little app on my phone so we can keep track of questions. 20 is kind of a lot. I wonder how many of these are actually going to go the distance. I think we're going to need anywhere from 16 to 20. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Maybe. It depends on how good we get at this whole guessing and asking questions. Is it Rocket League? You know. Just start off. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Right off the bat. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:42 So I got my first one, Josh, and i will keep track of our questions along the way i'll let you know maybe at like you know 10 15 give you a couple of warnings here but you're gonna freak me out man yeah i'm gonna start a little bit easier so i'll i'll use one of my easier answers first i kind of thought that too just to and then it's like man if you get one boy am i throwing the really obtuse like obscure game reference things at you. Sure. You know? All right.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Okay, so let's see. Anything gaming related. So just to clarify, these are not all like, guess that video game or guess that character. It could be a game, could be a character, could be anything as long as it pertains to... Right, okay. Exactly. All right. Well, man.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Okay. Is it a game? Yes. Is it a Nintendo game? No, although I'm pretty sure it was available on some Nintendo systems. Okay, but primarily. But not originally. I guess I should say, was it primarily a Nintendo?
Starting point is 00:05:40 Okay, is it primarily a PlayStation game? No. Is it primarily a PlayStation game? No. Is it a PC game? No. What the? Is it an Xbox game? Maybe go a little bit further back in time. Oh, is it an Atari game?
Starting point is 00:05:58 I'm sure it is, yes. Oh my goodness, this is terrible. How many questions is this already? You're at five. Five? Okay. You've got plenty to go, Josh. So in looking up some information, this initially did come out on PC, although I would say that is not what it is most known for being played on. Okay, is it an open world game?
Starting point is 00:06:22 No, absolutely not. Is it a shooter? No, absolutely not is it a shooter no absolutely not what is it an is it a sports game nope although you can play competitions with this and it's it can get pretty sweaty but it is not a sports game. Okay. Was this game released after 2000? No, no, no. Much,
Starting point is 00:06:48 much earlier. So it's older. Yes. All right. Um, older game, not a sport, but pretty competitive.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Not a shooter, not open world. Not a shooter. Not, I'm kind of leaning towards like, uh, this isn't a guess, but like kind of like towards like the
Starting point is 00:07:05 tetris-y type thing um and what did you say about nintendo you said it was not a nintendo game though right no however i'm pretty sure it's available on several nintendo systems okay but it's not like a quote nintendo Nintendo game like Mario 3 or something like that. Right, right, I gotcha. Okay, is it a platformer? No. That is ten questions. You're halfway.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Oh my goodness, dude, I have no idea and I'm only halfway through. It's an old game. Okay. Oh, is it an adventure game? No, it is not an adventure game. What the? I can't just keep guessing genres, Paul. It's like one of the very few genres you have not guessed.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Does it have a well-known main character? No, it does not. Okay, so this is not anything like... Is it Tetris? It is Tetris. Is it really? It's totally tetris that's 13 questions
Starting point is 00:08:08 yes I did it I did it America there's nothing funnier than you saying okay okay I'm thinking this is something tetrisy I have no idea what this is I was watching you for a reaction too oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Not adventure, not shooter, not open world, but it is a puzzle game. Was Tetris not a Nintendo game? No, no. I'm pretty sure Tetris is like a Russian PC game. And I think what it sold most on was like Game Boy, Atari. Maybe that's what threw me off. Because if you had said like yes nintendo i would have guessed tetris officially like five guesses ago i can't believe that it
Starting point is 00:08:52 was oh dude that's hilarious man okay i tried to pick something relatively here's the scary part you said that was an easy one and it took me 15 15 questions 13 13, I feel like we need to have a slight friendly competition. Whoever gets one of the answers and the least amount of guesses gets bragging rights. Sure. I think 13 is going to be incredibly hard to top. Yeah, I would have had it in, like, 9 if I hadn't doubted myself. Right. I feel like I have, like, ESP now, Paul?
Starting point is 00:09:23 Like, you know, go with my gut man it's like you have espn or something yeah all right paula you are up i'm gonna start easy for you so people that are listening don't think that we're just going like super lame on each other here you know uh i've got a i've got an easy one for you as well Okay A little part of me legitimately just wants to say Is it Rocket League? But I'm not going to do that
Starting point is 00:09:49 Would I do that to you, Paul? That's the question I kind of feel like you would Alright, so Is this a game? No Is this physical hardware? No
Starting point is 00:10:00 Is this a character? Yes Are they in a game that we have talked about on the show? No. Is this a character? Yes. Are they in a game that we have talked about on the show? No. No. Is this a well-known gaming series? Yes.
Starting point is 00:10:22 That they are in? Yes. Maybe that's a dumb question, but oh well. Debatable, but yes. Okay. Is this character still in games that are being released today? Yes. Okay, so it's not like a dead series.
Starting point is 00:10:35 No. Wait, are you keeping track of these guesses? Yes. Because I am not. I am. I am. I am. I got my counter going. You can see.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Oh, okay. Because you were the one with the counter here, so this is an honor system, Paul. Okay? No, I'm on top of it. The listeners will hold you accountable. Yeah. I'm on it. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Hmm. Is this a game that you can play multiplayer? Yes. Is this a game that you can play multiplayer? Uh, yes. You can, but not primarily? Yes. I'm gonna say yes. Yes, you can play multiplayer? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Is this a series that is exclusive to a certain console? Or a certain brand? Um. Yes. Or maybe the better. Yes. Okay, it is an exclusive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I was going to give you a clue there, but. Okay. Is it exclusive to Nintendo? Yes. Is this in the Mario universe? No. Zelda universe? No. Zelda universe? Nope.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Okay, that's 11 questions. What other well-known series on Nintendo? I can't believe I'm drawing a blank this bad. Is there... Is it related to the Pokemon universe? Yes. Okay, is it Pikachu? Yes!
Starting point is 00:12:09 Oh, is it really? That's 13, Josh! The fact that you went from I have zero clue to then all of a sudden asking about Pokemon and then just nailing Pikachu right away.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I almost asked Ash first, but a little part of me thought, Josh doesn't even know who Ash is. I have no idea who Ash is. So I went with one of the few Pokemon that I know. But it was like, Paul's never going to guess that I would pick a Pokemon character.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Yeah. Especially when the first two questions are, it's not a game, it's not a game it's not a console you know i was a little worried trying to come back i was really worried because like pokemon technically pokemon cards are multiplayer because you play against other people but then but then there was like poke in tournament which was a great fighting game i actually really enjoyed that game uh but then i was like man like a lot of people don't play like multiplayer pokemon there's a lot of single player games so i didn't
Starting point is 00:13:09 want to like give you misinformation there but i was like i feel like it's more often multiplayer than not yeah well and especially even looking at things like pokemon go and stuff like that it's very communal and social yeah that's why I was like, yeah, it's a multiplayer game. Yeah, I can see why that was a tough answer. Dude, you went from 0 to 100 like that. When it clicks, it clicks, Josh. What can I say? I really was just like, man, he's not gonna get
Starting point is 00:13:36 this. And Pikachu is like super well known, but then you pulled it out, Paul. I'm impressed. Thank you. Thank you very much. I have i'm impressed thank you thank you very much all right i have many people to thank yes do you want to give your acceptance speech now i'll pull out a joe pesci i don't know if you've ever seen his acceptance speech when he won the oscar for goodfellas he walks all the way up stage it takes like two minutes and he goes
Starting point is 00:14:00 thank you it's my privilege and then he walks all the way back off stage that'll be my my acceptance speech thank you it's it's been an honor all right i i got my next one ready to go josh okay locked and loaded i feel like all right so we're gonna here's my thinking on this we should move a little bit progressively harder but we should also be able to call for a clue. Okay. Like a lifeline? What do you think? It has to be after 10 questions, but at that point, if I'm just completely lost, it's like, hey, Paul, toss me a clue. Sure. I think that's fair. Okay. All right. Good. You like how I introduce these rules when it's my turn?
Starting point is 00:14:41 Sure. Exactly. At least we've both gone, so it'll be fair. Alright, here we go. Is it a game? It is not. Is it a character? Yes, it is. Is it a Nintendo character? Exclusive to Nintendo? No. Is it a
Starting point is 00:15:01 PlayStation exclusive character? Nope. Okay. Alright. Is it a PlayStation exclusive character? Nope. Okay. All right. Is it a character from a well-known series? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Is it an Xbox exclusive character? No, it is not. Not an exclusive. Let's just get off that train. Okay, all right. So it's not exclusive. All right, I guess I shouldn't have painted myself in a corner there. Okay, is it a character in an open world game?
Starting point is 00:15:44 Yes, kind of. It's not exactly open world game yes kind of it's not exactly open world okay so like yeah rpg ish yes okay is that a separate question no no that didn't count paul that's a two-parter that was a clarification that was simply a clarification that was clearly two questions well you're at seven and a half all buddy. All right. Seven and a half. All right. Yeah, if you get this one in 12, it's not going to break our record of 13. Is it a sci-fi RPG? Yeah, you could say that.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Yes. Is it a character from Mass Effect? No, it is not. Oh. Is it a character from Star Wars? No, it is not. It's not that sci- Not-
Starting point is 00:16:27 Not that sci-fi, if you know what I mean. Not that sci-fi. Yeah. Okay. But sci-fi would imply, like, advanced technology. So we're not talking, like, Red Dead Redemption sci-fi, because that would not be sci-fi. Red Dead is absolutely not sci-fi. All would not be sci-fi red dead is absolutely not sci-fi all right so just get get away from space exploration how about that sci-fi can be much more contained
Starting point is 00:16:52 that's all i mean um all right it's an rpg it's sci-fi light it's rpg-ish it is sci-fi-ish rpg and it is open world-ish open that's a lot of issues going on paul but you would not say it's any one of those things in particular okay all right um and it's not exclusive to any of the platforms oh man is it uh is it a character from well no you said it's rpg-ish see i don't want to ask if it's a shooter, because then it's like, no, because you said it's RPG-ish. So, does this character use magic? Yes. Although they don't call it magic. yes yes yes they use the magic yes oh no that would well maybe not is it is this character from the final fantasy series no dang it oh i thought but you're closer with that than you were with like star wars right okay okay that's much closer man Man. Is this character...
Starting point is 00:18:05 Well, that would be PlayStation. Well, maybe not. Is this character from Metal Gear series? No. You're at 13 guesses, by the way. Do you want a little bit of direction? Give me a clue. It's related to a game we recently covered on the show.
Starting point is 00:18:24 It couldn't be Outriders because that, ooh, it could be Outriders. But that's really sci-fi. And let's see here, going to the leaderboard. Jogging my memory. Bring up my feed of the multiplayer podcast um okay so it's related to a character that we recently covered on the show yes um sci-fi wouldn't be resident evil is it does does is is it from the resident evil series yes yes they are is it ethan winters it is not ethan winners you're at 15 buddy oh no five left is it a male or a
Starting point is 00:19:14 female or what is it a male it is not is it lady dimitrescu it sure sure is, buddy. Yes, I got it! All right. Man, your clue, while vague, really helped me out there, because the sci-fi, I mean... It's sci-fi-ish. Like, you're dealing with viruses and mutated zombies. It's more fantasy-ish. It's a little bit, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:40 I would say it's that. That threw me off, but I still got it, so it's okay, because you did give me a pretty solid clue there. Okay. You can see why I said open world ish. Sci-fi ish. Man, that's kind of hard.
Starting point is 00:19:50 But it's none of those things. My questions suck. I don't think that's on you at all. That's just, I gotta get more, I gotta get better at asking like questions that are going to point me in the right direction. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:20:02 thank goodness for our leaderboard, which you can find at that's very true that might be a good tool to have up for the rest all right so paul i have not failed yet you have not failed i have not failed okay let's uh let's make you fail okay i'm ready all right so you got one that's a little bit harder huh all right maybe gotta reset the counter back to zero that hard all right is this a game yes is it a game that came out in the last 10 years yes this is a game we've covered on the show no is it a single-player game? No. Is it a multi... No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:20:49 That's your half a question, Paul. Is it a game that you and I have played together? Maybe, but I don't remember if we have... I feel like that's an easy question. And if we did, it was a long time ago. Okay. And that's also a little bit of a hint. Is this a...
Starting point is 00:21:11 I'm pretty sure we've played this together, but not very much. Okay. Did we play it on PC? Yes. Okay. Is this a game that we could have picked up in the Steam store? No. So just to clarify, you could not.
Starting point is 00:21:33 You could not. Not that we didn't. You could not. You could not. Okay. Is this a game that was available on the Epic game store? Yes. Is it Dauntless?
Starting point is 00:21:44 No. Not Dauntless? No. Not Dauntless. Dang, that's... Way to reach in there, though, Paul. That was impressive. Because we played Dauntless together. We did play Dauntless. That was one of the early games that we said we might cover for the show and then we just never did. Yeah. Goodness, I'm loading up my
Starting point is 00:21:59 Epic Game Store launcher. How many guesses are you at right now? I'm at nine. Nine? Oh, pfft. You got a long ways to go. Is it Fortnite? Dang it, yes! Is it? Epic! Dude, the Steam store question.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Fortnite. The Steam store question was great, because as soon as I had to say no to that, I was like, oh, man, this is good. I was really hoping you'd go down the Origin route or the Uplay route, and then you went straight to Epic Store. And then I was like, man, he smells the blood. What's funny is if I didn't even open Epic and check my library, I wouldn't have even thought of Fortnite. I was so sure it was Dauntless when I threw that out there, because that would have been a great pick. Yeah, I mean, Dauntless would have been pretty hard, let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yeah, that's a little bit more obscure. I feel like we've played Fortnite together at some point, right? We did. One day. One afternoon. I was going to say, that's why it was tripping me up, because I was like, I'm pretty sure we played for a day. So I don't want to say that, yes, we always played it. But then I was like, man, I don't really remember playing this game very much with anybody. I feel like we played three or four matches. I think it was you, me, Todd, and Andrew.
Starting point is 00:23:13 The four of us played. We all pretty much summarily hated it at the time. We were very big into PUBG. Yeah, you're right. I don't think we did very good either. We didn't, no. This game sucks! And then we went back to PUBG.
Starting point is 00:23:30 We all hated the animation style and we all went straight back to PUBG. I just remember trying to build a wall or something and then it was like, what is this? Why would I build a wall? Right. And then we all made a little house, we sat inside, had some coffee until some guy busted it with a shotgun and took us all out well and it was so different than pub
Starting point is 00:23:50 g because we were so used to hitting the dirt and crawling and fortnight you don't really do any of that so it was just you know vastly different game all dang you got that in nine ten ten oh that's gonna be question 10 was is out of all the games in the world, you got Fortnite in 10 questions. That's impressive, man. Man, I thought 13 would be tough to top. And you know, for people that say that we don't ever talk about Fortnite, this is why I wanted to bake it into an episode. So there, we've talked about Fortnite now.
Starting point is 00:24:23 By the way, how funny was it when one of our discord members said paul your mom who goes by yaya does she tweet about oh that's right yes she does yeah he was like oh i think i follow her feed yeah it's like i guess my mom's making a name for herself there you go all right wow i'm i'm feeling a little i might just ask for my clue early I was like, I guess my mom's making a name for herself. There you go. All right. Wow. I'm feeling a little... I might just ask for my clue early. The pressure's on.
Starting point is 00:24:50 I know, man. All right. All right. I got my next one. All right. You're loaded up, ready to go? Yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I got it ready. Is it a character? No, it is not. Is it a game? Not a game. Is it a piece of hardware? Yes, it is. Ooh. Is it a console? Not a game. Is it a piece of hardware? Yes, it is. Is it a console? Yes, it is. Is it a console that came out after 2000? Yes, after 2000. Is it a Sony console? Nope. Is it a Nintendo console? Not Nintendo. Is it a
Starting point is 00:25:28 Microsoft slash Xbox console? No, it is not. What? It's gotta be one of those, Paul. No, it does not. And it is not. No, is it a Sega console? Not Sega.
Starting point is 00:25:44 You're at nine questions. So if you get it here, you would tie my last round. Wait. Okay. Just to recap. You still got 11. This is just to recap. It's not a Nintendo console.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Correct. It's not a Sega console. It's not a Sony console. And it's not an Xbox Microsoft console. Nope. None of those. And it came out after 2000. Absolutely came out after 2000.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I think I might know what this is, but I have to Google one thing. Nope, that's way too early. It's not that one. No, you're not. It's not that one. What, Virtual Boy or something? No, I was thinking the Neo Geo, to be honest. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:26:23 But no, it wasn't that. Okay, so. You still got 11 guesses. No, to be honest. Oh, no, no, no. But no, it wasn't that. Okay, so... You still got 11 guesses. I know, but I need to tie you, Paul. I can't get beat, man. Okay. Is it... Now, console does not imply handheld.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Correct? I think you can have handheld consoles. Sure. Okay, because I was... I guess I didn't clarify. So is it a handheld console? No. What does that mean? Not exactly.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Is it a VR console? Yes, it is. Is it the Oculus Quest 2? It is the Oculus Quest 2. I was not going to make you guess the Quest 2, but it is the Quest 2. Okay, that's not bad. Not Nintendo, not Sony, not Microsoft. 11, 12? How many did I get
Starting point is 00:27:11 that in? That was 12. 12? Okay, I'm getting better slowly. Now that's hearkening back to Todd's pick and when we deemed the Quest 2 as a console, and then I was like, dude, what the heck? Like, how could it not be any of these?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Then I really started going to like Neo Geo and the TurboGrafx and the Atari. But then I was like, none of those were after 2000. Well, as soon as you said, well, let me Google this. I'm like, nope, you don't need to Google if this came out before or after 2000. But yeah, you got there. Okay. All right. Well, I didn't beat you, but 12's respectable. That's highly respectable. I wasn't so sure you were going to get it that quick.
Starting point is 00:27:58 All right, Paul. It's time. It's time. I'm going to pick one that... Switching to nightmare mode? Is that what you're doing? I'm doing what? Are you switching us to nightmare mode? Is that what you're doing? I'm doing what? Are you switching us to nightmare mode? No, this isn't nightmare mode, but I'm going to switch gears just a smidge. Okay. I'll switch gears into first gear. I'm not going straight to fifth gear on this one.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Okay, going to first gear. This should be one that you're able to get, I think. Okay. All right. Is this an item in a game? Dang it, yes! yes okay the way you set that up seemed a little obvious but i thought i'd double check man is this a weapon uh yes okay yes i'm gonna i'm gonna qualify that as yes okay uh sounds like it might be some kind of tool that can be used as a weapon uh is this uh an item in a multiplayer game yes boy i feel like i'm gonna rehash all the same questions i had last time
Starting point is 00:29:02 is it a game that you and I have played together? No. Is it a game on PC? Nope. Is it a game that you play on a traditional console? Yes. Okay. And it's an item that could be used as a weapon, but it's not primarily a weapon.
Starting point is 00:29:23 All right. Is this a game that you would play on Nintendo Switch? Yes. Can you also play it on other consoles? Yes. Okay. Boy, I feel like I'm really floundering here. How many guesses are you at?
Starting point is 00:29:44 That's at eight. Eight? Okay, you got two more before you can ask for a clue. Still got a few to go here. Is this an item that would be in Smash Bros.? No. No? Are there items in Smash Bros.? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:00 You got laser swords and... Oh, I forgot things do spawn around the... Man, it's been a little bit since I've played Smash Bros. Yeah. Okay. Is this an item in a sports game? Yes. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I hate these. I hate every answer you're giving me. They're all qualified. Okay. Is this an item that you can use to may leave another player no but it can be a weapon yes okay can it be used as a projectile yes oh my goodness do you want a clue? Okay. You're in clue territory. Is this something in the Mario Extended Universe? Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And it can be used as a weapon? Yes. Is it a block in Mario? No. Like a box? No. No? Oh, you can't use that as a projectile. I was gonna say, that's...
Starting point is 00:31:10 Is it a fireball from Mario? No. Think multiplayer. That would be primarily a weapon anyway. You also said it's a multiplayer. I'm gonna rehash. This doesn't count as a clue, but just to kind of... Sure. Okay, so multiplayer, projectile weapon Mario
Starting point is 00:31:30 Universe sports ish game playable on the switch and other consoles all right is this in is this in Mario Kart yes how many you got left how many questions you got left that's 16 oh so i got four left boy i'm trying to think okay we got like green shells and red shells
Starting point is 00:31:58 but i would say those are primarily a weapon but worst case scenario i can swing back to that um boy what else do you throw oh is it a banana peel no is it a turtle shell yes okay is it a blue turtle shell yes you got it what is that 19 19 oh my goodness man i mean that is a weapon right, yeah. Oh my goodness, man. I mean, that is a weapon, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I would say that's a weapon. That was a little tough because I was like, yes, it's a weapon. I mean, you are taking somebody out with it. I think what threw me off a little bit also was playing it on other consoles.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Like, obviously you can play it on the Wii, the Wii U, the 64. You asked other consoles, which, yes, you can play it on the Wii, the Wii U, the 64. You asked other consoles, which, yes, you could. You didn't say, like... Non-Nintendo consoles. Right, yep. Because when you asked that, I was like, he just threw himself off the trail, like, big time right there. So when you asked that, I was like, yes, you can play it on other consoles. You know, that's the perfect thing to pick josh if it takes 19 guesses you got it
Starting point is 00:33:08 spot on with the difficulty you would not take the clue and my clue i had a good clue for this one i was gonna say it's one of the most hated items in gaming oh because when you are in first place and somebody has that stupid blue shell like it's's just, it's just dumb. The strategic hitting the brakes to let someone pass you. Yeah. You dropped a second right away. There were lots of times when I remember that having a Mario cart where it would be the, the,
Starting point is 00:33:36 you know, trying to get the other person in front of you. That was good. I'm impressed, man. You did not take the clue and you got blue shell from Mario cart. I also feel like I was absolutely nowhere after 11 questions. You did not take the clue, and you got Blue Shell from Mario Kart. I also feel like I was absolutely nowhere after 11 questions. You were not.
Starting point is 00:33:49 That just goes to show you how you can start to narrow down the field. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well, that's a good time for a break, because we're going to hear from one of our sponsors. This episode is brought to you by the Blizzard Gear Store by Fanatics. You can now get your favorite Blizzard merchandise shipped right to your door, even with international shipping. They offer a wide variety of products from all of your favorite Blizzard games. With more than just clothing, you can shop for
Starting point is 00:34:25 exclusive statues, books, and collectibles. Now teaming up with the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast, you can now help support the show and get amazing Blizzard gear by going to forward slash blizzard store. Alright, Josh, we are back. I'm worried, Paul. And I believe... You're gonna be mean to me now, aren't you? Oh, well... Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna be mean to you.
Starting point is 00:34:56 This one's gonna be a little bit harder, I'm not gonna lie. Uh-oh. Alright, I got it. Okay. Is it a person, place, or thing? That's not a yes or no question. I was hoping... I was hoping you answered that and pointed me in the right direction. All right. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Is it a thing in a video game? An item in a video game. Let me quantify that. It is not an item. Okay. Is it a character? Yes, it is. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Okay. Is it a character? Yes, it is. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Oh, boy. Okay. Hmm. Is it a well-known... Or is it a character from a popular gaming series? No, not a popular gaming series. Oh, my goodness, you sucker. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:44 All right. Is it a... Does this character have super... No, all characters have super... Alright, is it a Nintendo character? No. Okay, is it a Sony character?
Starting point is 00:36:02 It can be, but not exclusively. Okay, alright. But not Nintendo, which means it's probably either PC or... Is it a console-exclusive character? No, it is not. Alright, that didn't help me. I don't know why I asked that
Starting point is 00:36:18 question, Paul. That was a dumb question. Doubling down. Alright. Is this a fantasy based character as in like do they have like powers or supernatural abilities yeah okay it's not not like a super realism right character Okay, so, alright. Does this character use guns? Yes. Okay, alright. Well, I mean, like, gun, but yes. Right, okay, yes.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Yes. Alright. Is this a Rockstar character? No, it is not. Not Rockstar. Mmm. Mmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Good question. They use a gun. A gun. That kind of takes out Grand Theft Auto. That takes out Red Dead. Is this a first-person shooter character? Yes, it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:24 That's ten questions, by the way. Halfway. Okay. Is this a Blizzard character? It is. Oh, is it an Overwatch character? Sure is, buddy. Now you only got 30 people to whittle down.
Starting point is 00:37:40 No, no, no. This is guess who. Is it a tank character? Yes, it is a tank. Is it Reinhard a tank character yes it is a tank is it reinhardt no it is not oh crap oh man i think you got five left i got five left so you got no excuse down the list if i wanted to okay does this character use a shield yes they do okay is uh is it winston sure is yeah did somebody say peanut butter it's winston man it's funny once you get that one question that points you in the right direction it really does get easier after that like as soon as you said blizzard i was like okay wait a minute this is gonna tell me like first person shooter helped out. Blizzard really locked it in. And then it was just, once I knew it was Overwatch, I was like, okay. I would have been in a little bit more trouble if it was DPS.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because there's a lot of DPS characters. Because there's a lot more options. There's like 20. Man. When you asked if they were in a popular gaming series, I was really tempted to say, not yet. Not yet, yeah. But yeah, only one Overwatch game so far. asked if they were in a popular gaming series i was really tempted to say not yet not yet yeah but yeah only one overwatch game so far man if you ask the wrong question it's just as harmful as it can be helpful yeah it really is because like the whole like blowing a question on a gaming
Starting point is 00:38:59 series and then you're like well no i was like that didn't help me at all like i might as well just crumpled that question up and like threw it out the window yeah the no answers are the ones that are the worst all right paul all right we gotta we gotta ramp this up a little bit more yeah so far we've gotten all of them i'm a little surprised i'm i'm a little surprised myself okay this one i'm gonna give you a This one's going to be a little obtuse. Okay. It's, yeah, okay. I don't even know what to make of that. It's a little obtuse.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Is this a geometry joke? Is this some kind of obtuse triangle involved? Okay. Is this an item in a game yes okay is this a game that came out after well is it is it in only one game yes okay is it a game that came out after 2000? Yes. Is it a game that came out after 2010? Yes. Okay. Relatively recent and an item. Is it in a game that you know I have played?
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yes. Is it on PC? Yep. Okay. Pulling up my Steam library to start looking at this narrow it down to 400 games paul oh gosh yeah this is a lot of games this is a lot of games library may not be the uh oh hmm maybe this is a really bad line of questioning but i'm gonna go for it does the letter of the game start a to l
Starting point is 00:40:45 hang on i gotta say my alphabet real quick okay come on josh no it's just after it is after m m Okay, okay, okay. Hmm. Is this a game I can get on Steam? Yes. And it's M or after. Okay. Is it in PUBG? Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Is it a pan? Yes. Wait, that's not the answer? You gotta be more specific. The cast iron pan? There is one pan of legend, Paul. Which pan is it? Is it the particular pan that was held in Todd's hand? Yes!
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's the pan that... How did you get that? How is that even possible? It's the pan that Todd used to kill Andy. Is this my new hidden ability that I didn't know I had? Am I really good at 20 questions? We may have discovered your superpower. It could be.
Starting point is 00:42:01 Hey, man, I'm a firm believer that everybody has a superpower. My daughter, anytime that we go for a walk or a scooter ride at night, whenever she passes by a streetlight, the streetlight goes out. Oh. Not every streetlight, but always a streetlight goes out whenever we're out. And I told her, I said, that's your superpower. You put out a random streetlight once a night. That's way more fun than my wife's my wife's weird ability
Starting point is 00:42:26 is to have birds fly into her vehicle while she's driving it's happened like three or four times like we for years we had a truck that had no running ac and you just had to roll the windows down and twice birds just flew right in and she starts flailing and you have to like hit the bird and get it out oh my god dude i every every person has a completely useless superpower and yours is guessing insane i don't know how you got that paul i got that pretty fast i stopped the counter somewhere at 10 i think that was like 11 or 12. Oh my goodness. I think 10 was, is it a pan? I literally wrote this out as the pan that killed Andy. And I was like, okay, it's time somebody's going to fail and it's going to be you right here.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And then I don't know how you got that. Wow. Some would say that's the pan that our friend Andy hates most of all of us. Yes, that's true too. That's why when you were like, it's a pan's a pan i was like i mean i was really going for something a little bit more specific oh how funny if you guys aren't familiar with the story we've told it a few times but that'll be a little bit of a callback to yeah those who have been with us for a while oh man wow all right i'm really worried paul i don't think i can top that uh'm going to have to amp up the difficulty on mine now. No, you don't have to, Paul.
Starting point is 00:43:47 I don't have to? Well, I'm going to. I got it. All right. I got the next one, Josh. You got it? You're going to like this one. No pre, like, no, hey, this is going to be really obtuse or any of that stuff, huh?
Starting point is 00:43:59 No. Darn it. Okay. Although now I understand. You know what? I'm feeling good, man. It's time to buckle down. All right, Paul.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Is it a game? It is not. Is I understand. You know what? I'm feeling good, man. It's time to buckle down. All right, Paul. Is it a game? It is not. Is it an item in a game? Absolutely. Okay. Okay. Is it an item in a multiplayer only game? No.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Okay. Is it an item in a single player only game? No. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it! You know, it's like once I started going down that route, I had to finish. You have to finish it. I know!
Starting point is 00:44:37 Please ask me if it's in a game that has single and multiplayer modes. No. That's a freebie, because the answer is yes. Is this item considered a weapon? Yes. Okay. Is it a projectile weapon? Yes. Okay. Is it a projectile weapon? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Okay. Is it a gun? It is a gun. Okay. And it's in single player and multiplayer. It is a gun. Okay. It's a gun. Is it like a pistol?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yes, it is a pistol. Okay, alright. Is, I mean, I won. It's a pistol, Paul. We're gonna need a little more specific than that. Alright, is it...
Starting point is 00:45:19 So we're looking for a specific like named pistol? Are we looking for the character that holds this pistol yeah i'm not asking for like a model number but it's like it's a well-known a well-known okay i got you all right um the nomenclature is familiar to many of our listeners. Okay. Is it a six-shooter pistol, meaning a revolver? No.
Starting point is 00:45:53 No. Okay. Is it a silenced pistol? I think so. Well, I'm going to be honest. I'm not 100% on that. You're at 10, by the way. Tell me what it is, and I'll look up whether it has a silencer. I don't think so okay um is it oh i mean i'm trying to think of famous pistols now or characters that have are known
Starting point is 00:46:18 for having pistols that it would be like hey this is mccree's pistol this is but you know what paul i think is it the hitman's pistol as in from the hitman series no it is not that would be a silenced pistol anyway okay um by the way if i pull up a wiki page it does not mention it being silenced so i do not think it is silenced but my memory tells me I thought it was so I'm not 100% on this okay so that question doesn't count then so subtract one
Starting point is 00:46:52 alright we'll take it away how many am I at? you're at 10 this next one's 11 okay I'm halfway there it's a pistol it's a character it's not a revolver so that takes out like McCree and John Marston and all those guys It's a pistol. It's a character. It's not a revolver. So that takes out like McCree and John Marston and all those guys.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Okay. Correct. Is it? Ooh, I guess I would need to qualify. Is it a high-tech pistol? No, it is not. Okay. By the way, I 100% could read your lips with what you just yelled a hush atlas it was actually your dog but very close yeah oh saxon i know right it's trying to
Starting point is 00:47:32 read your lips oh man okay so it's not a high so it's not like a laser pistol or something like famous pistols. Is it... Ooh. Is it a pistol from Apex Legends? No, it is not. Dang it. I was thinking maybe it was the Mozambique or something like that. You ready for a hint? Yeah, give me a hint.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Okay. It's not a modern game. You gotta go back a ways. Gotta go back a ways. Oh! It's the golden pistol. It's the golden gun. It a ways. Oh! It's the golden gun. It's the golden gun. It's the golden gun.
Starting point is 00:48:08 It's the golden gun. Wow. Okay. Was that gun silenced? I don't know. No? I don't know. I think it was.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I'm not sure now. That's a really good question. I 100% don't know. I would have thought it was silenced, but now I'm not so sure. Man. I don't... I think it was silenced but now i'm not so sure uh man i don't i think it was maybe yeah i yeah i don't know might have to look up some video that's an interesting question was the golden gun from goldeneye silenced or not it's a little bit like the office where they debate whether or not stanley has a mustache, and everyone's
Starting point is 00:48:46 literally split in the middle. Does he? I don't know. Alright, that was pretty good, Paul. Your clue really helped me out. I was thinking more of a specific character, which I think was throwing me off there. I thought the Hitman gun, because I know you like the Hitman
Starting point is 00:49:02 series too, so I thought, man, that's probably what Paul's going for. That would have been a little too deep of a dive right there. But yeah, Golden Gun, I figured you would get there eventually. That's pretty good, though. And that is a well-known, famous gun as well. So yeah, I needed the clue on that one, I'm not going to lie. I was going down the wrong rabbit trail on that one, and I don't know that i would have come back i wonder how many of our listeners here pistol single and multiplayer i bet some people probably picked up on golden gun now but yeah technically gold and i is single player but the golden well the golden was the
Starting point is 00:49:38 golden gun available in single player that i don't know either it's been a long time i'm pretty sure i think regardless the question was is the item in a single player only game but yeah and i hate it when i ask that because i know right away i'm like that was a dumb question all right paul um all right you got another one i do i have another one i gotta think about this one you got you got the pan that killed... Alright. Since you're the master at this... Okay, Paul. I'm ready. Alright, we're getting some deep cuts here. Alright. Resetting the
Starting point is 00:50:14 counter. Is this a piece of physical hardware? No. Is it a character? No. Is it a game? No. Is it a character? No. Is it a game? No. Is this a program of some sort? No.
Starting point is 00:50:33 No? There's one question that you've generally been starting with that you didn't start with this time. Is it an item in a game? Yes. I'm just going to steer you right back on yeah that was before you get that was the worst six questions start ever like he's gonna ask if it's an item all right so Um, uh, no? No. No? Is this a game that you and I have both played? Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:14 And I don't mean just as a deep dive episode, but have we talked about this game at some point on the show? I mean, we have not done an episode on this game, but we have mentioned this game on the show at some point, yes. Okay. And you said it's an item that is not in multiplayer, correct? Correct. Okay, so we're thinking single player. This game is not known for multiplayer, or it does not have multiplayer. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Is this a pc game yes is this one i can buy on steam yes okay does the first letter start from a to l uh no game no okay so another one that starts with M or later. You were pretty confident about that one, so I'm thinking it's not in the middle of the alphabet. Oh, boy. Okay. And we've talked about this game on the show, but did not devote an episode to it. I'll clarify, it's come up in passing. We've not really focused on this game at all, but we have definitely mentioned it in the past.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Okay. Is this from Subnautica? No. You've never played Subnautica. I wouldn't do that to you. I played Subnautica. Yeah, for eight minutes. I've got my 3.7 hours.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Okay. Is this an item in Rust? Nope. Oh, that... I should have asked that. Okay. Is this something related in Rust? Nope. Oh, that... I should have asked that. Okay. Is this something related to Star Wars? No.
Starting point is 00:52:51 No? That's 14. I'll give you a hint without you even asking for a hint. Sure. This game has a sequel. This item does not appear in the sequel. Okay. this item does not appear in the sequel okay and this is a PC game that we have both played not known for multiplayer
Starting point is 00:53:11 does not have multiplayer does not have multiplayer did this come out after the year 2000 please hold yes okay well now I gotta do a google search when did half-life come out uh let's see you said that it did come out after 2000 correct
Starting point is 00:53:34 you haven't asked for a clue yet paul so mine was a give me because this one's tough is it in the Half-Life world? No, but you're close. I'm close with Half-Life? Is it in Portal? Yes. Okay. That's 17 questions. Think about the clue I gave you.
Starting point is 00:54:00 And it's an item... Not in the sequel. Not in Portal 2. Is it GLa is it glados no but you're really close is it the piece of cake from is it really the cake is alive paul i cannot believe you got it oh that's a tough one, Josh. 19, though. That's the way to do it.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I did kind of help you a little because that was super difficult. But the fact that you got that still is mighty impressive, man. For a second, I was thinking Companion Cube. I'm like, I think those are in both. And wow. Okay, how funny. By the way, I love how Half-Life being kind of close to portal i i can't believe that i you made that jump actually well because it's valve right so i mean how many games has
Starting point is 00:54:51 valve actually made right initially i was thinking maybe you went like gravity gun or something but no yeah oh how funny cake the cake from portal the cake is a lie. I was going to give you a clue at 19 and say it's a lie, Paul, which I figured would have given it away, but you got it on your own, man. That is impressive right there. How funny. Boy, I don't know if this is going to be fun for our listeners, but regardless, I think this is fun for you and me.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Yeah, I don't care if anyone else thinks this is great. We're just going to do this. Oh, man. All right. All right. One more for me. See if we can finish this out. Nobody's failed yet.
Starting point is 00:55:33 I don't want to end the show on a failure, Paul. I was going to say, do I give you my hardest one? I feel like the harder it is, you do have to give a couple clues. Yeah, to kind of rein it in a little bit. Okay, you know what? I would not say this one's super hard. I'd give this one medium difficulty. Let's try it.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Okay. This is one of the first things I wrote down because I thought it would be fun for this game. Okay. Alright, is it an item in a game? No. Is it a game? Yes, it is. Is it
Starting point is 00:56:09 a game that was No, I don't want to do that. Is it a Nintendo game? No. You had to think about that one. Hmm, okay. Is it a sony game yes yes okay all right you could play it on okay some sony devices oh
Starting point is 00:56:38 oh man i can't tell if you're trying to mess with me there or what. Is it a... It's a game, some Sony devices. See, that did throw me off. And I was trying to pretend like it didn't, Paul. Okay. Is it a shooter game? No. Is it an RPG? No, not an RPG rpg okay is it an action game no is it a sports game no oh my goodness um i love seeing the wheels turn i know because i'm like man what categories are there is not sports that would encompass that would encompass racing by the way yes of course racing is a sport
Starting point is 00:57:26 yeah okay um not an RPG not a shoot is it an adventure game no Paul there's not many
Starting point is 00:57:34 other genres out there is it an MMO absolutely not no oh my goodness cold oh my goodness what other genres
Starting point is 00:57:43 are there there's more genres we did a whole tournament on genres. Is it an RTS game? Nope. I'm not giving you any hints. I love this. Just keep going.
Starting point is 00:57:52 No, I'm Googling game genres now because I feel like I have covered every game genre. Oh. You're at 11. I'm at 11? Yeah, you're going to get this. You're going to get this one. I'm fully confident that this
Starting point is 00:58:07 will click before 20 questions and you're gonna laugh is it a puzzle game no not a puzzle game i don't like you right now paul i don't... I said action. I've said adventure. I've said role-playing. Mm-hmm. Is it a simulation game? No. Not in a traditional sense, no.
Starting point is 00:58:36 I don't think anyone would say it's a simulation game. There's only one other category, Paul, and it's strategy. No, it's not strategy. So it's not a game, then. There's more. It's not. I'm literally on the wiki. It's absolutely a game. And the problem is, if I give you the genre, you're gonna guess it. But there
Starting point is 00:58:56 are more genres you have not selected. Oh, is it a rhythm game? It is a rhythm game. Is it rock band? No, it is not rock band. Oh, it's Guitar Hero. It's Guitar Hero. Dang it! I knew you'd get there.
Starting point is 00:59:11 I knew you would get there. I'm literally on the wiki of video game genres, and I'm going down the list. Here's the list, Paul. Number one, action. Number two, action adventure. Number three, adventure. Role playing. Simulation, strategy, sports, MMO. number one action number two action adventure number three adventure role playing simulation strategy sports mmo and then he gets into other notable genres which is like trivia party games
Starting point is 00:59:32 horror games and i'm like there's no way i can go down this whole list but yeah but you can see why i couldn't get rid of them because if i said that it narrows it down to ddr that did not help me at all i don't know where the... I think that having... I started having to think of what is a genre or a game that does not fit into any of those, and then rhythm is... Yes. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I thought that one was a little bit of a deep dive. I'm so glad I didn't give you any hints because I really did think you were going to get there. We did get it, though. You were confident. You're like, we're going to get this. And I'm like, I am not going to get this. this well it was like eight questions of genres that are all no because how do i guess a game if i don't even know what genre the game is in
Starting point is 01:00:14 oh no no we got there though 17 yep no fails 17 what was the what was the portal cake one 18 19 uh somewhere right around there yeah i didn't write and you had the record for nine 10 10 was it 10 okay i thought you guessed it 10 10s the record so far yeah wow well yeah that's our inauguration episode of 20 questions so we would like to ask you guys you know was this only fun for me and Josh? You know, we legit want to know. So come let us know on social media at MultiplayerPod, or you can come join our Discord server, which is completely free and open to the public. You can just follow the link in the episode description. Come let us know.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Is this something that you want us to do again? Or is this just a one and done? You guys just want us to stick to the other formats? We really do want to know. So please tell us. Yeah, that was fun. I don't, I mean, if people are like, that was terrible, then maybe we'll just have to play not while we're recording. But I had a good time, Paul. We'll just schedule 20 question night weekly. All right. Well, yeah. Thanks, everybody, for listening.
Starting point is 01:01:27 That was a lot of fun, at least for me and Josh. And then we hope that you guys will tune in for our next episode on Thursday, where we will cover This Week in Gaming. And then if you like to stay ahead of the curve and play the games that we are planning to deep dive, our next deep dive episode a week from today will be hood outlaws and legends so you can check that one out in the meantime and then you can uh know what we're talking about or wait and hear us talk about it and figure out if that's something that you want to purchase but we can't wait to talk about that one as well so come check out our website at and also if you want to help support the show you can head head over to, where you can become a Patreon supporter
Starting point is 01:02:08 starting at $5 a month. So if you like the show, you want it to continue, that's the best way you can come support us. You will have our eternal gratitude, and that will help us fund the podcast to keep it running. So thanks, everyone, for listening, and we will catch up with you next time. Oh,
Starting point is 01:02:32 I have two more questions for you. All right. What was, was this a fun episode? Yes. Yes, it was Josh. Is this the end of the episode? Yes,
Starting point is 01:02:41 this is the end of the episode. Darn tootin'. See you everybody. Bye.

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