Video Gamers Podcast - Bonus Round: Rage Quit Games - Gaming Podcast
Episode Date: June 18, 2020Gaming rage-quitters Paul and Josh let their anger flow like a Sith in this week’s Bonus Round. Grit your teeth, get ready to hit alt+F4 and prepare for that angry uninstall as we talk about our fav...orite gaming rage-quits. Join us as we share funny experiences and stories from our past and realize that Paul might have Josh beat when it comes to anger issues. Gaming should be fun, but when it isn’t, rage-quits become a real thing, and we’re here to share the misery. Support us on Patreon Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the web Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Yo, what's up everybody?
Welcome to the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast.
On this podcast,
we talk about video games. Why make it more complicated, right? So my name is Paul. I'm
your host here. And our regular host, Todd, is currently out on paternity leave, if you were
not aware. But joining me here on the other line, he just smashed his monitor with a bat and swore
to never play that game again.
That was a really expensive monitor, too, man.
That's like the eighth one I've gone through.
It's terrible.
Do you still have your Predator monitor?
Yeah, man.
Oh, yeah.
I'm not smashing that one.
I might get angry, but I'm not crazy.
Do you have an insurance policy taken out on your monitor?
I feel like it's pricey enough.
You probably could.
What's the guy from Tarkov?
That's who I've got it insured through.
He assures me that if anything happens, he'll take care of it.
He'll go out and find it for you.
All right.
So how do you feel about my description of the show, Josh?
A game where we talk about video games.
I felt that was...
You think that about covers it?
I mean, it was simple
as good sometimes, you know?
Yep. So,
you know, we do like talking
about our video game of the week
on our Monday show, and here midweek
we have a bonus round episode
for you guys, and we're
going to be confessing
some of our less than stellar
moments. You know, times when Josh and I have gotten just so mad and so upset that we have to smash
that Alt F4 faster than a speeding bullet.
So we're here to talk about rage quitting.
Right, Josh?
Is that the idea?
We have, I'm sure if you're listening to this, you have moments.
We all do.
Where things just do not go right. And, you know, we this, you have moments. We all do, where things just do not go right.
And we play games to have fun. We play games to relax. And sometimes it's just not meant to be.
And man, the stars align and everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong.
And I mean, it just, the rage builds. I'm a happy guy, you're a happy guy, Paul.
But both of us have just straight up just rage quit from a game, and it feels good sometimes.
It kind of does.
And then there's the ultimate rage quit of the quit and then uninstall immediately.
Oh, yep, yep.
Which I know we've both done.
Yeah, I think both of us will have at least one story, which resulted in an immediate uninstall.
So those are some of my favorite rage quits.
Yeah, yeah, rage quitting is, like, one of those kind of universal things.
One of my favorite gifs that I've seen online is the, like, the two guys who invented Pong.
And there's even a video of one of the creators rage quitting, where he just
drops his controller and just shakes his head like, I don't know how to beat this guy. And he
just literally rage quits. So I think we've all experienced it. And I wanted to ask you, Josh,
are you known as a person who rage quits games? Because I was a little surprised when you
mentioned this. I don't know that I really remember you ever rage quitting.
I'm not one to just straight up just click
and you guys don't hear from me anymore.
And then people are like, what happened to Josh?
And then he rage quit.
I'm more of the vocal complainer,
which I'm sure you can agree with at that point.
If things are going terrible, I'm just like,
oh, this sucks, man.
Why are we such garbage tonight?
And I'll just keep going on.
I make it very well known that I'm not having a good time if that's happening.
But I can't think of a time where I've just straight up, like you said, just alt F4, no goodbye, no nothing.
I'm out.
Well, you're a better man than me with video game patience
because i i definitely have done that i i unfortunately do have a little bit of a
reputation for rage quitting i wasn't gonna say anything but it's it's a little well okay so this
originally started back in 2002 new year's eve all right this is not related to video game rage quitting
but board game i've heard this story but this is a story worth telling yes because i remember
the first time i heard this story about you i went paul paul yeah and everybody's like yeah
man you should have seen it i i consider myself to be a very patient person.
Like, it kind of takes a lot to get something out of me.
I have a very calm, even-keeled temperament.
But I was up very late New Year's Eve, and I was at – she was my girlfriend at the time, but my eventual wife, Nikki.
We had a New Year's Eve party at her house, and we had a whole bunch of friends over. And for some
reason, some idiot friend of mine thought it was a great idea. Hey, let's bust out Risk and let's
start playing Risk at like 1am. And so it was like 3am. We had been playing Risk. You know how this
goes, right? You make alliances with people. You abandon all of your men at some important border
and then your friend
decides it would be funny to troll you and invade your area, right?
So at this point, I had been up for, I don't know, probably like almost 24 hours.
I always got up very early back then.
I was incredibly tired.
My friend backstabbed me, and I literally did the cliche, flip the game board up in
the air, flip the game board up in the air. All right.
And this was so out of character for me that people still joke about it.
And they'll warn, like, don't get Paul mad.
He might, you know, flip the table on us.
And honestly, that goes back to my senior year of high school. So my friends, Nikki and Jackie, still poke fun at this and they'll bring it up.
So I do have a little bit of a reputation that
stems back to that. I've heard the story and, you know, it was, I was caught off guard when I heard
about the, oh yeah, I remember Paul when he just flipped the board and just stormed off. And I
mean, everybody's, everybody's entitled to a rage quit from time to time. Like you really should
just get some for free. And as gamers, I mean,
that's one of the things as fellow gamers, I think we can understand wholeheartedly,
there's just going to be times when a good friend of yours is just going to get mad,
he's going to quit, and you just take it in stride and go, man, I totally sympathize.
Yeah. I feel like it's kind of a defense mechanism right like i can't handle this
pain anymore and so i'm just gonna ruin it and i'm gonna drive it into the ground in that case
with risk for for everybody at the table so as far as our actual stories go how how many games
or how many situations did you write down for for what you can remember it's funny because as easy
going as i am i i've got like eight different games that I can think of
that I've gotten super mad at.
Yeah, like either super mad or like funny story about quitting
or like somebody in our group rage quitting,
and then that was really hilarious.
Because sometimes it's not only you.
Sometimes it's really hilarious when your friend rage quits,
and it's like you don't want to laugh at your friend rage quits. And it's like,
you don't want to laugh at your friend because you know they're mad, but then sometimes you can't just help but crack up over the situation or what caused that.
Oh boy. All right. I didn't realize some shots might get fired here at others. Interesting.
So I can only think of three. So I wrote down three specific events where I remember Rage quitting.
I feel like I know some of these.
Oh, I know for sure. You were there for two of them.
Yeah. All right. So since you have more listed than me, how about you go first and you can
pick one or two?
I'm going to start off. I think this might be universal, but I've got a pretty hilarious
story to share with people too. And I think you were there for this one if i remember right if not it this this definitely like made the circles
in our group but pub g okay we i mean we've made no no you know qualms about it we played a lot of
pub g back in the day i mean this was the game that we were playing nightly for hours and our
whole group of friends were logging on to play repeatedly. We'd have multiple groups play in.
One of the funniest gaming moments that we have had was,
I can't remember, were you in the game where Todd panned Andy in the back of the head?
I was going to ask, is this the pan story? Yes, it is.
I was not there.
Okay, I can't remember who the fourth was in that game.
Okay, so we're playing a round of PUBG.
We're all really geared out. We've got four people in our game. Okay. So we're, we're playing around a PUBG. We're all
really geared out. We've got four people in our squad and Todd was there. So we get to talk about
Todd while he's not on the podcast right now, but a good, good friend of ours, Andy was playing with
us and we were joking around. We used to always mess with each other, like all the time, you know,
it'd be funny. We'd be shooting at somebody's feet saying hey dance or we would just troll each other you know as part of the fun of the game somebody said
it would be hilarious if you panned andy in the back of the head because andy was
riding shotgun and todd was in the back seat well you know we all kind of laughed about it and then
todd did it yeah and he pans in the back of the head while andy falls out of the car and he dies
like instantly and then he dies like instantly.
And then he's like,
what just happened?
we're laughing.
You know,
I think we hop out.
We, we realize Andy or whatever.
And then we're in the car.
we're moving again.
And then,
and then we go,
bet you won't do it again,
Andy kind of laughs about it.
ha ha.
That was funny.
And Todd does it again.
just straight up, boom!
Right in the back of the head.
From what I heard, it did not
go over too well. The rest of us
found it hilarious.
But Andy just straight up rage quit.
Like, he just, there was no
like, forget you guys,
man, or any of that. Andy just straight up
logs out, quits Discord, done.
Yeah. And then we were like, it quits discord done like yeah and then we were like
it was really funny at first but then we were like oh man like dude you better apologize
i remember todd being worried like do you think andy's actually mad at me yeah we were like yes
yes he is really legitimately mad at you for i think the first painting you could have gotten
away with the second pan to the back of the head i think was what did it um yeah especially
when you play matches for such a long time you it does sometimes hit that point where you want
to take it seriously and if one of your friends doesn't that can definitely be yeah timing is
everything sure all right what's your next one um this one we may share this is a pretty common one
but i mean there's been some really good rage quits on this rust okay so i did not include it in my list but i in the only reason i didn't is because i've
rage quit so many times i don't have any specific stories so i mean we we've we've talked about rust
before in the past too but the thing with rust is this game is super fun when it's going well. And then when things come crashing down, they come crashing down like an absolute ton of bricks.
And this game goes from, this is the best game ever.
This is so much fun.
I love playing with my friends.
And I love raiding bases too.
I hate this game.
I'm never playing this game again.
This is the stupidest game I've ever seen.
Why uninstall instantly?
Yeah, you play and you build up a certain amount in your stashes. And of course, you're not supposed to put everything in one base. And we knew that and we did have
satellite bases, but we always had our main base that did have most of our gear.
And when that gets destroyed, it's very hard to go back and start playing again.
Yeah, because you are starting from scratch at that point.
All right, what's one of yours?
Okay, so I kind of went in chronological order for mine.
So this first one is before you and I had even met.
So this goes all the way back to Madden 10 on Xbox 360.
All right. Now, we have a friend, Andrew, who we have played a lot of games
with. Honestly, he's probably the person I've spent the most time gaming with. And we did a
lot of console gaming over the years. And one of the games that we played a ton was Madden 10.
And what's funny about it is that he was definitely better than me, and he would probably
win 70% of the matches, but it was still fun to play because I don't mind losing as long as it's
competitive. And so I swear to you, I remember this as if it happened yesterday. There was a
thing in the game where I thought I had a genius strategy. If the other team was going to have to
punt, I kind of figured out there was no point
in trying to return the punt because at most you would get five or six yards. So I would always
call punt block. And then no matter where the kick went, I would just fair catch it.
And so there was a glitch though with the fair catches. And sometimes they wouldn't work right and so in one game andrew had punted it
to me i tried clicking fair catch and nothing happened and of course my guy caught the ball
he got tackled and he fumbled oh and the very next time that i stopped andrew on third down
he goes to punt he kicks it in the air i hit i think it was Y on the Xbox, to fair catch.
It doesn't work.
I start mashing it, and I'm literally screaming in the room, fair catch!
Fair catch!
He's not fair catching!
And of course, my friend, who I thought would be nice and would just pull his guy back and just let my guy catch and then run out of bounds or something, no.
He hits the right thumbstick, trucks my guy as hard as he can,
ball goes flying, he grabs it, returns it to the end zone. I immediately held the Xbox button,
shut down. I said, I'm done. And we never played Madden 10 ever again.
I feel like that's justified.
I said, I'm done. I've retired. I'm not playing it again. It was just that it happened to happen
twice in the same game. I said, I'm out. We're not doing it again.
That's 100% justified rage quit, in my opinion.
I thought so too in the moment.
And like you said, there's just something, it's like grabbing a little bit of control back.
It feels good just to rage quit.
But what's funny is actually kind of the opposite happened as well for the NBA 2K games,
where I would always dominate Andrew.
And I would always take the worst, biggest center and do these ridiculous crossovers and 360s
through traffic and then dunk the ball. And he just could never stop it. And so he actually
rage quit on me in NBA 2K. So we kind of like, did that to each other and then realized, well,
that's all we ever played. So we had to like, go find a new game. Something you guys were a little more on par with each other and then realized, well, that's all we ever played. So we had to go find
a new game. Something you guys were a little more on par with each other for? Yeah, probably
something co-op in nature after that. We needed to work together at that point. So anyway, Madden
10 on 360. That's my first. What you got up next? All right, sometimes the games you love the most are the games that can hurt you the
most too. You know, you care about them. It's your go-to, it's your comfort zone. And when they're
not going well, they can really, really hurt. So I have professed my love for Rocket League
many, many a time, but there's not a whole lot of games out there that can infuriate me like Rocket League does.
And the reason for that is,
is that when you get good at a game,
like you feel like, hey,
I'm genuinely pretty good at this game,
you want to be able to play like at that good level.
But there's just times with Rocket League,
especially because it's so timing based
that like you're just off for like a day.
You know, it's like, I know know I know I play at like this level and if you can't play at that level and you suck like it this game it just it hurts man it hurts like I I confess to our 3v2
loss in the in the league that we play in. That was one of those moments.
And so Rocket League can have those moments where it's like, I should be playing at a certain level.
I'm pretty good at this game,
and yet I'm trying to play and I'm in a hot mess.
I am just a disaster and I can't do anything right.
And it's a kick in the pants, man,
because it just gets in your head at that point.
You start getting mad.
You start trying too hard.
You start wondering, what am I doing wrong?
Why is this happening to me?
Then you start blaming matchmaking, and you're like, oh, these guys are like champions or whatever.
It just spirals out of control at that point. But that moment where we lost, it was supposed to be a 3v3 and we lost 3v2 was a very low moment.
That was one of those moments where it was like, I'm kind of tempted to just uninstall right now and just call it done.
I mean, I got over it and it's fun.
But that game, like I said, the games that you care about most sometimes are the ones that can really, really anger you at the same time. And there's been quite a few times with Rocket League where I've been at
that point where I've literally just gone like, I hate this game, man. Why do I play this game so
much? This game's stupid. Like I just, you know, when you lose it for a little while and it's like,
you just take a break, man. Like give it like a week, come back and you're in love again. But
yeah. Yeah. Sometimes you just need those breaks. All right. What do you have next? I think you and I might share one of these. So I'm going to let you, need those breaks all right what do you have next i think you
and i might share one of these so i'm gonna let you i'm gonna let you do that one but it is
definitely on my list so does it start with a v it most certainly does okay that i it's that one's
third on my list i definitely have it so maybe maybe you can hold off on that okay i'll go i
gotta tell a funny story i you guys have heard me talk about EverQuest, right?
So this game, people don't understand,
unless they've played EverQuest, obviously,
but you guys always hear like,
you know, back in my day before,
you know, we had EverQuest, man.
And people go, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, WoW was so much better, right?
Like, okay, but I didn't play WoW
because I was just coming off the EverQuest part.
In EverQuest, there was nothing that was easy about this game.
If you died, and this is an MMO,
so the whole point of MMO is, you know,
get good gear, do raids, get better gear, get stronger.
If you died in EverQuest,
your corpse would just plop down right where you died.
It didn't matter where you were in this phenomenally large world,
that's where your corpse was.
And if you didn't go back
and travel back and loot your body you would lose all of your gear within like i think it was 24
maybe 48 hours could other people loot your corpse or only you could only at least only you could get
your only you the only thing that other people could do is you could give them permission to
drag your corpse so you could say hey i give you permission to move my corpse, but that's it. So you would actually have rogues
and monks. This was a whole strategy in the game. You'd have rogues and monks that could either feign
death or stealth that would corpse drag you to the zone so that you could just load into the zone
real quick and then retrieve your items and stuff like that. Gotcha gotcha. One of the, one of the compounding things on that was
if you died, you lost experience. So on top of having to go get your body and do the corpse run,
if you died, you lost XP, which could actually cause you to de-level.
Okay. Adding insult to injury.
Adding insult to injury. Right. So I'll never forget. I was in a very high level
raiding guild. I mean, I told you, I cracked out on this game.
I was one of the top players on the server.
We had done this raid that was notoriously hard to do because when you zone in, there's
a ton of monsters right at the zone.
I'm going to shorten this story up.
Breaking in was the hardest part of the entire raid.
If you couldn't break in and you died, you were really, really hosed because there was
no way to corpse run yourself because as soon as you zoned in, you would get attacked by monsters and then you would have another corpse.
I remember one night we did this raid. It went south. It went south at about 9 p.m. at night. We wiped hard. We tried. We got our second set of gear. We went back. We wiped hard again. 6 a.m. the next morning.
I have not slept.
Still going at it.
I have not slept.
I have to be at work in two hours.
Oh, no.
And I still have not retrieved my corpse.
We had to beg the highest tiered guild in all of EverQuest to come save us.
Wow. come save us. So they had to recruit like 20 people so that they could break in to the plane
of fear so that we could go in and loot our corpses. It was the scariest video gaming moment
of my life. I remember my wife waking up and looking at me and being like, have you not slept?
And I was like, you don't understand, baby. I can't lose all my gear. And she just looked at
me like I was crazy, man. But that was one of the lowest rage.
I didn't quit, but I should have at that point.
Yeah, when games become work or chores like that, you know something's gone a little bit off kilter.
It should never feel that bad.
It was terrible.
All right.
So the second one that I have on my list is, I'm pretty sure you were there for it, Josh.
There was one night when we were playing Overwatch Gun Game.
And this was a game that, before the workshop came out, it was not in official mode, but we would play it in a custom game. Basically,
we would play it where you would start out with the character all the way on the right,
and everyone would start as that character. And as soon as you got a kill, if it showed up in the
kill feed, then you could immediately kill yourself and respawn as the next character over
to the left. And basically, the goal was then to get at least one kill with every character and
work your way to the last character and get the final kill. Well, in our group, we played with
an added feature, this is what caused the rage quit, that if you killed somebody with your ult,
you would go up a space and they would have to go down a space. All right, now I'm probably not the
best Overwatch player in our group,
but I always did pretty well. Like, we would play this with six or seven people,
and I would probably finish, like, third a lot, maybe second on occasion. Every once in a while,
lower than that. And I just remember one game that I swear to you, I must have just spawned
and got hit by an ult within two seconds, 10 times in a row.
And I think our friend Shane was in the lead at the time, and I was like one character behind him.
And I just got hit by ult, ult, ult, ult, ult, ult, ult, ult, ult.
And I was all the way back down to the first or second character.
And I think it's the only time that I've ever shouted at the group in Discord.
I don't even remember what I said.
Do you remember? Were you there for this game when I quit?
I was there for this. I don't remember what you shouted, but I remember we were laughing at you
because of how frustrating it is. I mean, you can only laugh at somebody's misery in a video game.
I was so mad.
But I don't remember what you yelled. i forget but i do remember you quitting i just
remember i would spawn and immediately a pharaoh would ult me and i would spawn and there's a torb
who's already thrown you know molten core on the on the ground beneath me and i just remember
like screaming i hate this game i'm never playing it again and i ult f4 it out and i don't think i
played overwatch for like the next day or two
until i got back in so i think that was my very first rage quit within our our gaming group i
feel like i remember like i couldn't tell if you were joking it was one of those like you know how
sometimes you don't know how to take it like you're like it was he joking and is he gonna like
pop right back into the channel and be like oh you is this a legit, I'm seriously mad right now,
and you didn't come back, and then we were like,
dude, I think Paul Rage quit.
I absolutely was that angry, and I was not going to uninstall.
I always loved Overwatch.
It was just that specific mode, that specific night,
it could not have gone more poorly it's good to realize like this game
is not doing me good right now let me go do something else like that is a it's a good lesson
to learn it's hard to learn though because it's you know you want to play or you want your friends
wrong and you want to you know play this but sometimes it's just not not good to do yeah and
you just got to take a break and go play journey or you know something
yeah peaceful all right so uh we should probably wrap this up in the next couple minutes uh what
what else do you have on on your list okay and this is not to troll todd really it's not but
halo is this halo it's halo yes like sorry todd this My favorite segment. This is not so much rage quit as disappointment quit.
If that's allowed.
I'm not mad.
I'm just disappointed.
Yeah, that's legitimately it.
There's nothing wrong with Halo.
I've professed my love for Halo back in the day.
When Halo was out, I was a huge fan.
I was very excited about the Halo remasters.
And then they came out.
I just can't play these games anymore, man. And it's not like we have we have a lot of friends.
Todd's one of them that love playing Halo together. And it's like, dude, if you like that,
that's great. I just can't go back in time. Like, honestly, that's my biggest thing. Like,
it was probably two weeks ago at most where we hopped on, we were playing Halo, and the
entire time I'm playing, I'm literally just going like, I hate this.
I hate this.
This is stupid.
Why are we playing this?
Why am I playing this game right now?
The only reason I'm playing is because my friends are playing it.
There's zero enjoyment to be had by me right now.
And I remember going, the game was over, and I just go, I think I'm done, guys.
What they didn't realize was like permanently.
You know, so they're like, OK, we'll see you, Josh.
And then I was just like, no, I'm done.
Like, I'm not playing this game ever again.
And I logged out.
I uninstalled.
And then the next time they were like, Halo.
And I was like, nope, I uninstalled.
And they were like, wait, what?
And I'm just like, dude, I uninstalled. And they were like, wait, what?
And I'm just like, dude, it's not enjoyable for me.
It's just, it's not a rage thing.
There's nothing in the game that particularly makes me rage out,
but it's just, I can't play that game
without just disappointment.
I'm not having fun.
There's no sense in me playing this again.
Yeah, I felt exactly the same way. I no sense in me playing this again. Exactly. Yeah.
I felt exactly the same way.
I think we're all huge Halo fans.
I mean,
now it's more just as a joke to troll Todd,
you know,
there's nothing wrong with Halo,
but I don't understand the love of a 10 year old game that just was given a
fresh coat of paint.
And it's still the same.
All right.
So it's probably that time now.
Go ahead.
This can be our last one.
Bring up the game that shall not be named.
This is so fresh.
It's like there's not even mold on this one, Paul.
Oh, I rage quit this one.
I think it was about a week ago.
Was it a week?
I think so.
All right, so Valorant.
I can bring it up.
I'll take a look. Valorant. Valorant. I'll take a look.
I mean, we covered this game.
If you haven't listened to it, go listen to that episode.
I think that was before you rage quit, though, right?
When we recorded Valorant?
Pretty sure it was.
Oh, absolutely.
And guess what's going down when we revise the leaderboard?
I'll give you a hint.
No way.
It's Valorant.
Because I've been playing a lot of Valorant lately, too.
I'll let you explain why. but this is on my list, so I will say that I fully sympathize with your feelings on this.
Okay, so yeah, I can go ahead and talk about it.
I don't get Valorant, like, at all.
It does not work the way I think it's going to work. I understand all the mechanics. And you'll play
matches where you do pretty good. I'll have matches solo where I'm like, you know, 27 kills,
10 deaths. And then we'll pair up as a group and I'll have 2 kills and 11 deaths. And it just
couldn't go any worse. And so this game is so incredibly up and down i swear
it has the goofiest luck and the straw that broke the camel's back for me was i just remember that
i rounded a corner the same time as another guy we both had the exact same gun because we were
playing what's the new mode called spike rush yeah spike rush we both shoot each other with
the same gun because after you die you get the little screenshot where it shows you know what
weapon where they hit you blah blah blah we each shot each other once in the chest and to me it
did 130 damage killing me and my shot did 101 to him and i whined like a baby for probably 30 seconds on discord and then i just
i i said i'm done and i swear i hit alt f4 on my keyboard and i walked away i walked away from the
computer i got a drink and i walked back and i saw that i actually spawned into the next match
so i think you guys thought i was not really gone and I must have ruined your next game
because you would have been down a player.
But not only that, I uninstalled Valorant
and posted a screenshot on Discord
that showed uninstall successful.
You did actually post proof that you were like,
I'm done with Valorant.
It was 10 days ago.
And then I posted, I'll just read it verbatim.
I can unequivocally say Valorant is the most frustrating game I've ever played,
which sucks because I love the concept and I want to like it,
but all it does is make me mad.
I honestly can't remember the last time we finished playing,
and I felt like it was fun.
Oh, man.
And then I did not post again in Discord the rest of the day.
I don't think I even played any more games.
I probably went and watched Community on Netflix or something. I was just out. What about you?
I get it. It's on my list for a reason. You and I, we're pretty decent gamers. We are not pros
by any means, but we are not schlubs either. I've always felt like most of our gaming crowd,
we're mid to high level players.
Like we're not grand champs.
We're never going to be at the top, but we're always competitive.
And we generally fall in that plat range, you know, depending on the game, that kind of thing.
So we're, we're pretty good, right?
Like, you know, better than most, but definitely worse than a lot.
And Valorant to me, I suck at this game, dude.
Like I suck at it., dude. We are such trash.
I am horrible hot garbage.
When it was in beta and they had ranks, so the ranking came out, I ranked one away from dead last.
So they had Iron 3, Iron 1, 2, and 3.
I think 1 was the worst.
I was Iron 2, and then I promptly lost a bunch of games after that.
I never quite hit Iron 1, but it was just like, I promptly lost a bunch of games after that I never quite hit iron one
but it was just like I consider myself a pretty good gamer I'm pretty good at first person
shooters why am I so terrible at Valorant oh and there's there's like 24 ranks yes and you were
the second from the bottom I did rank in the bottom which I fully knew was gonna happen because
I I don't get Valorant.
I love it, but I can't play it. Yeah, I'm getting to where I can play it because Spike Rush is fun for me and it's much shorter.
So it's, but I'm with you 100% on the rage that that game can induce because I should be better.
I get it.
Like you said, I get the mechanics.
I get I'm learning, you know, hey, don't peek this corner.
That's a dumb decision.
But I still suck. And I hate sucking at video games, man. So it's like, I'll play it because I like the game. It's just like you said. I like the game itself. I think the mechanics are cool.
I think the characters are cool. I like the abilities. I hate being at the bottom of the
leaderboard. I hate when it rounds over. And I'm either at the bottom of the leaderboard. I hate when it rounds over and I'm either at the bottom
or the very bottom out of 10 people. And then I can't change it. Occasionally you'll have that
one great match where you're like, hey, I don't suck. And that's the part that keeps you in.
But those are so rare, man. I still play it. I play it almost every day.
But I understand the rage quit aspect a thousand percent.
Yeah, absolutely.
I feel like we've all done it.
And I'll also say that after doing this pod,
I've just learned that I have legitimately rage quit several times.
I feel like you just get mad.
I don't know how many of these are actual rage quits,
but yeah,
I don't know.
I guess I just need to mature a little bit and have a little more patience.
It happens to everybody, man. Like I said, I tend to vocalize a lot more. Like you said,
I'll whine in chat or I'll just be like, come on, man. I just vocalize it. I let it out.
I think you and I do that the most in our group. If someone's complaining,
it's about a 90% chance it's one of us definitely so apologies
to our gaming group i'm sure they don't appreciate it but that's uh it is what it is all right well
i think that wraps us up here for today so you know we would like to ask you guys the listeners
out there you know make sure that you subscribe to the podcast if you're able like on apple podcast
leave us a review we would love to see it we to read, you know, some of the reviews that we get here on the pod. Come also check us
out on Twitter at MultiplayerPod. You know, come let us know. Are there any games that you've
rage quit on? Or are there any games you would like us to cover on our regular Monday show?
You know, we would love to hear from you guys. So, you know, that's it for our show here today.
Come join us on Monday where Josh and I will be bringing in a two for one.
We're going to be talking about Minecraft Dungeons and also the game Raft.
So you still have a couple of days to maybe, you know, get some game time in and then you can hear us talk about it on Monday.
So thanks, everyone, for listening.
Look forward to talking to you guys on Monday and we will have a new episode for you then.
Hate this game.
I'm out of here.
See ya everybody.
See ya.