Video Gamers Podcast - [Bonus Round] The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

The Video Gamers Podcast is back and video game hosts Paul, Josh and Ryan are answering gaming’s important questions in this incredible Bonus Round. You asked the questions, and we answer in this li...stener questions episode. It’s the perfect chance to talk video games, favorite gaming moments and more! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: YayaArizona, Disratory, Cykasniber and Alex Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello fellow gamers welcome back to the video gamers podcast we are three dads who love gaming and it is time for us to answer some listener questions from you all i am your host paul and i am definitely not going to ask him to rate the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2. It's Josh. Oh, that was good, man. You know, we've had this question, do we ever fight amongst ourselves? And the answer is no, but we could definitely get into a heated bicker. Yes, a heated bicker sometimes, which is fun.
Starting point is 00:00:42 So I am not asking you to do that, Josh. Anyone who wanted to catch up on the drama, however, could check our Discord. And then joining Josh and me, I am going to ask him, Ryan, how would you rate the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2? Definitely not a seven. I'll tell you that much. Ten out of ten, baby.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Ten out of ten. Only proper answer. My brain is screaming at me right now saying, just shut up. Don't take the bait, Josh. There we go. All right. Well, before we start answering some listener questions, Josh, I think you've got some reviews to read.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Dude, number one, I just want to take a second to thank every person out there that has taken the time to check out this podcast, to give us a chance, and then to write us a review on top of that. I mean, it's legitimately something that we do not take for granted. We do this podcast because we love it. We do it because of the friends that we've made along the way. We love talking games. We have this incredible community. Our listeners are amazing. I mean, honestly, we genuinely feel like it's something special. But one of the things that we ask of people is to rate the show or leave us a review because it really helps the show out. And it lets us know what people think as well.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Honestly, it's a really nice thing for us to see. And so if you haven't done that, if you're listening on Spotify or another app, rate us if you can. Usually there's a five-star rating that you can tap on there. If you listen on Apple, you can actually write a written review, and there's a good chance that we're going to read it on the show because we like to do that sometimes. So I have two really good reviews for you guys today. This first one comes in from Tyra85, and it's titled, Made Me Excited to Game Again. And it says, This podcast made me excited to be a gamer again. Not only is this podcast informative, but also funny and honest. I can listen to it with my six-year-old daughter without any worries,
Starting point is 00:02:37 but also as a female gamer, I find this to be a very open-minded and nonjudgmental podcast. I love the walks down memory lane with Nintendo 64 and Super NES and all the other old school systems that I grow up with mixed into the new aged reviews. Honest question, guys, what are your thoughts on Ultros? What's Ultros? Ultros is a really cool, it actually caught fire. Is that the dial-up MMO back in the day? No, you're thinking
Starting point is 00:03:05 ultima ultros is a uh is actually a metroidvania paul with a really psyched i mean majorly psychedelic over the top look to it um really kind of caught fire at the last uh steam next fest when people could play oh like play it and check it out it's just released last month exactly gets really good reviews from people, looks really neat, and the aesthetic is pretty incredible. Not to get into an Ultros mini review because I haven't played it,
Starting point is 00:03:35 but I think it looks really neat. That looks wild. I think it looks very cool. Yeah. And if you look at the feedback on it too, the people really seem to enjoy it. And since you two are bigger on Metroidvanias than I am, then might be worth just remembering that name.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Hollow Knight on LSD. Yeah, that looks very interesting. That's legitimately what people have said. So awesome. But thank you, Tyra85. That is a great review. And then what's funny is continuing a trend here. This next one is from The Wild zombie villager and it's titled.
Starting point is 00:04:07 This got me back into gaming guys. I love this trend. We're seeing, we're doing the Lord's work here. I know. Right. So, and the review says,
Starting point is 00:04:15 I love this show. It is fun, family friendly, and just three awesome dudes who love gaming and are committed to this show. T L D R. It's got me back into gaming. Oh, well, how nice. I mean, that's part of what we want to help is help people figure out which
Starting point is 00:04:29 games to pick up, which ones to avoid. And if that helps people get back into gaming, we're all for it. Yeah, absolutely. We've always said we're not experts. We're just gamers. But people love talking games with their friends. And that's what we do. And we talk about games we're excited about, like Dragon's Dogma 2 that we talk about games we're excited about like dragons dogma 2 that we're playing after the show guys you know which is now out when this episode yes i know yeah we're recording it literally like an hour before the game releases for us um but then sometimes games don't work out too and you know hey sometimes we say hey this game wasn't for me
Starting point is 00:05:01 or it didn't work or it's got problems too so So. Well, yes. Thank you so much to Tyra 85 millennials unite. We got, we got to stick together and the wild zombie villager. Thank you so much. We also want to let our listeners know that if you enjoy our show and want to help support us, make sure to rate our show five stars. Like Josh had mentioned,
Starting point is 00:05:20 we would also love if you would check out Patreon support options, listeners who support the show, get amazing perks, like two bonus episodes a month and a shout out on the show. Starts at just five bucks a month. Just the price of a cup of coffee. You can do that over at Go check it out. All right, Ryan and Josh, we have a huge bank of questions that we've collected.
Starting point is 00:05:41 A lot of them came in through Discord, some through social media. We have just a big old list. We're just going to take turns cherry-picking what we want to ask, and then all three of us will answer every question, and I think we'll just keep doing this for about an hour. Does that sound good to you guys? Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Absolutely. Is this Ryan's first listener question episode? I don't... I think he might have done one. Yeah, I think we've done one. I think so. Yeah. Okay, I couldn't remember. It's been a minute think we've done one or maybe i think so yeah okay i couldn't remember it's been it's been a minute since we've done one oh yeah the list was big man there was a lot yeah i think we did one last summer and ryan would have been with us i'm gonna say these kind of border a little bit like they dip their toes into what our squad cast episodes are like which are bonus episodes for people that support the show and so i like that
Starting point is 00:06:24 sometimes i mean people are definitely going to hear some non-gaming related questions we're also which are bonus episodes for people that support the show. And so I like that sometimes, I mean, people are definitely going to hear some non-gaming related questions. We're also going to get some gaming related questions too, but it's just a lot of fun to kind of talk about some of the stuff that people ask about. I mean, these are all questions that listeners have asked us, so it should be a really good time. Oh, absolutely. And spoiler alert, we're definitely going to get around to questions like,
Starting point is 00:06:42 who was the best Batman? So it's mostly going to be gaming, but we're definitely going to hit up to questions like who was the best batman you know so it's mostly going to be gaming but we're definitely going to hit up some other fun stuff along the way all right well ryan why don't we give you first honors you want to uh pick the first question to lead us off here oh i like it okay we got like i said we got quite a list here but i really like this one because uh it is recent for me where me and josh were actually talking about this but what is your favorite game soundtrack oh okay this one's been brought up a lot on the discord yeah man that's a that question is one of those like it's it's like trying to pick between your kids sometimes, man. There's a few that stand out,
Starting point is 00:07:27 but then actually saying this one above the others is really tough. And by the way, IronyFE is, I think, the latest one to submit that, but a few others have as well. I have a stock answer for this. It's always Zelda The Wind Waker. The Wind Waker is my favorite. My kids love it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 We will just randomly, once a week i'll walk through the kitchen and my kids are cleaning it and it's just like playing the wind waker soundtrack oh no that one's my go-to i i've said hollow night in the past because if you listen to the soundtrack for Hollow Knight, it's really, really good. The problem is that I have... Anytime somebody says video game music, my brain instantly, instantly defaults to Halo. Oh, yeah. Just because of the intro? I mean, just...
Starting point is 00:08:40 Dude. And the... And then the monks singing. so i'm really torn man i think halo lives in my memory in like the like the front of my memory but if i had to say oh let me be a little bit more like fancy with my choice then it's probably hollow night okay what about you ryan you guys should know what this is it's without a doubt skyrim i will live on some skyrim music all the songs i i know all the words all the made-up language epic man dude it's so good it's like just just like you know with the halo you know and i just will walk around yell foos row da you know and just all of the all of the songs i even played in the car with the kids
Starting point is 00:09:50 and stuff so that's for sure my go-to when when you have a soundtrack that just gets you hyped just the music to play you're like i want to go play now Yeah, heck yeah. Even you just doing the Halo thing, I'm like, okay. I'm singing it in my head right now. I'm of like i can go play some halo right now ryan's talking but in my head i'm just going i'm singing it man ryan starts downloading halo infinite while we record yeah not a huge surprise i think skyrim's your favorite game right ryan one of them one of them it's up there yeah it's up there i mean obviously red dead uh minus the lacking gameplay dude on the topic of game soundtracks like i found myself like shazamming and maybe that's an older guy thing now because you can probably just google search it but like i've literally
Starting point is 00:10:55 like i found a cyberpunk song when i was cruising around in cyberpunk and i'm driving around doing some mission and the song comes on the radio and i I'm like, yo, I freaking like this song, man. So I Shazam it. And then it's like, it's Lizzy something. And it's like, okay, well, now I've got that on a playlist of mine. We talked about Pacific Drive. I literally have an entire Pacific Drive playlist now because the music in that game was fantastic. You put it on when we were at Pickleball.
Starting point is 00:11:24 We played Pickleball. Yeah, and it was great, right? I mean, yeah, there's some good songs, fantastic. So you put it on when we were pickleball, we played. Yeah. And it was great, right? I mean, there, yeah, there's some good songs, man.
Starting point is 00:11:28 So I, I really, the fact that people have put so much effort into video game, soundtracks and music and audio sometimes is just incredible, man. And shout out to beer McCreary and God of war. Oh, another really epic soundtrack.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yeah. There's some good stuff out there. Good pick. I like that question. All right, Josh, you want to go next? I do, just because this is still a little exciting for me. This one comes in from Yosh, and it says, what is the best piece of hardware you guys bought recently? Okay. Now, Paul's a little shy. Paul is very humble for people that don't know but i still have not heard paul once talk about his new monitor and so i yeah i for me my answer is i literally just about a week ago bought a 4080 super um which i play on a 4k OLED monitor. So I need a pretty beefy card to really push that thing to the max. And I like playing in 4K too. It's also 120 Hertz, but you really can't push
Starting point is 00:12:33 4K to 120 Hertz very well. But for me, that was super exciting. I mean, I tracked that package a thousand times. I'm a total nerd when it comes to ordering fun computer stuff. If I had a new mouse on the way, I'd be texting my wife like three times. Has my mouse showed up yet? Has my mouse? And it's fun for me. Paul goes out and we... Paul, it's not your fault. This was Ryan and I convincing you to do this, to not be cheap and to just treat yourself. And so we convinced you to buy an OLED monitor. Which also tricked me into having to buy a new gpu as well i mean that's what friends but i have not ryan have you once heard paul be like yo this is great no so he has he has a horse and we didn't even know i know
Starting point is 00:13:21 and we found a horse now by the way way. We're digging into the horse now. I did not know we were talking about this. But I just, how's the monitor, Paul? Okay. So you, Josh, have had, what's the size of your monitor? It's a 48 inch. It's an LG CX, which is an OLED TV. But this in particular was designed to be used as for gaming.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Like it's G sync. It's 120 Hertz. It's like slow mill or it's, it's really fast. Yes. So Josh has always raved about how much he loves it. My monitor was eight years old and it was very pricey for me at the time. It was a 27 inch,
Starting point is 00:14:03 1440 P 144 Hertz. That was kind of like for me at the time. It was a 27-inch, 1440p, 144 hertz. That was kind of like the benchmark that I wanted. I finally decided to upgrade my monitor. And luckily, I talked to Red Letter, huge supporter of the show. And he mentioned on a whim, oh, and make sure you've got, what is it, like the HDMI 3.1? It's 2.1, yeah. Turns out, me, who had a 208080 GPU doesn't have that as an output. So now you're not even going to be able to fully use the monitor for what it is.
Starting point is 00:14:33 So since I had not upgraded anything in quite some time, I did get the pretty much the same model as Josh's, just 42 inches. And I fully splurged and got a 4090 GPU and that's hopefully going to last me another eight years. The monitor is absolutely incredible. I had some issues with the monitor turning off and giving me error messages and I ended up doing a lot of Google searches and I found stuff on GitHub that I downloaded and run and it fixed all of that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:15:04 nice. The only thing is that it has made me so bad at PUBG because the monitor is so much bigger. It is very hard for me now to calibrate my sniper shots because I'll think like, oh, I got to lead that guy like an inch. But one inch on my 27-inch monitor is vastly different than on the 42-inch.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But no, it's incredible. Like Helldivers is the 42 inch um but no it's incredible like hell divers is the first thing i played with it oh yeah it was just so much fun by the way yeah beautiful speaking of which we also talked about what to do with my 2080 and it's still just sitting here um here we go i can show you guys it's literally collecting dust next to my pc we talked about maybe doing a giveaway on the show. So maybe we'll figure out a way. Oh gosh, I'm getting computer dust everywhere. We have not officially announced this,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but maybe now's a good time that we are actually going to be at the Phoenix Fan Fusion. Oh yeah. We have a booth. We're going to be there all three days and talking with people and doing giveaways and stuff there as well. And two of us will be in cosplay. I'll let our listeners guess.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Ryan and I, yeah. We'll all three be in cosplay. You're just going to cosplay a podcaster. Yeah. Yes. You're just going to put your headset on, Paul, and then talk. Yeah. So, all right.
Starting point is 00:16:22 So, you love the monitor, Paul? Absolutely love it. Yeah, it's fantastic. It's great. Yeah. Paul, all right. So you love the monitor, Paul? Absolutely love it. Yeah, it's fantastic. It's great. Yeah. Paul's so reserved. I like, you know, I'm just like, oh my goodness, this is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And Paul's just like, yeah, the new monitor is nice. Oh, hopefully you can see in the dark now, Paul. Have you played any dark games? I have. And yes, I can see much better. I gave you guys a screenshot on my cell phone with my old monitor next to the new. And the whites on my old monitor literally look like yellow. It looks like mustard.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I did not realize how bad the old monitor looked. And Josh, you left out the fact that your 4080 Super arrived and was defunct. It was defective, man, my initial one. Yeah. That was heartbreaking, man. You was defective, man, my initial one. Yeah. Yeah, that was heartbreaking, man, because... You had to wait to get the new one. I already explained how geeked out I was about getting one, and the one that I got, the fan controller
Starting point is 00:17:14 was busted, so the fans would just spin up to like a thousand miles an hour, and then just cut off and then a thousand miles an hour, so it was just constantly revving up and down, and it was driving me bananas, man. But there was no other stock so i couldn't i couldn't send it back and like exchange it because these had just come out nobody had them in stock anywhere so i had to wait a few weeks after sending it back to then find another one but this one's working great so
Starting point is 00:17:39 i'm i'm content now that's that's got to be one of the worst things to get like a defective computer part because you gotta i mean computers are normally tucked away you got all your wires and cable you gotta unhook everything bring it out get your setup put it in put it all back together and then oh crap it doesn't work you know after all of that work you're just like dang it that or maybe uh car parts oh yeah well what about you Ryan? Have you bought anything recently for your PC that you're loving? I haven't really got anything recently for the computer. I did buy a piece of hardware for my Switch that I'm pretty stoked about just to be able to have kind of ease of mobility with it. We were up – when I was up at the cabin, my brother and his girlfriend, they brought their Switch.
Starting point is 00:18:26 I'm like, wait, they hooked up to the TV? I'm like, wait, how did you guys do that? I don't see a dock. Well, they got this little HDMI to Type-C with a power plug-in and stuff. It was like $20 on Amazon, but you can just hook that up real quick and easy. You don't have to carry your dock around for the Switch. I'm pretty excited about that. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to bounce back between tvs and just simply just plug it in so it's small but it's pretty cool dude sometimes convenience is worth oh yeah
Starting point is 00:18:55 yeah 100 yeah all right moving on to the next question here uh all right how about this one from alexandros weapon what is the game that you played during your teenage years or early adulthood that you thought was great and then replayed it and realized it wasn't as good as you remember ever quest for me yeah i had a feeling you were gonna say i tried the somebody told i think it was michael actually that told me about project 99 so he like he was all about he's like dude you can play everquest still and i was like what and then he was like yeah there's this project 99 it's totally free you just got to go and download the client server and blah blah blah and jump through a few
Starting point is 00:19:34 hoops and this and that and i did it and i was so amped up man i was like oh my goodness and i logged in and i was like this game sucks man well it's still 25 years old right i was like how did i ever play this game man and i literally i played it for like five minutes and then i just quit out i uninstalled it and i was like nope very nice for this one it was not in my adulthood or teenage years but when i was a kid we did not own any video game consoles there was a no-go in our house my parents were afraid that i'd get addicted and so i would always um love playing nes over at my friends houses and i loved teenage mutant ninja turtles as a guy who just turned 40 when i was 5 to 8, there was nothing cooler than the Ninja Turtles.
Starting point is 00:20:26 And I played so much of the Ninja Turtles on NES, and that game is absolute garbage. At the time, as a kid, I still thought it was cool, I guess, because you can find and eat pizza, and you can do the little spin move and stuff. But really, that game is pretty much dog trash all around it's terrible that's funny um yeah i i'm trying to think too mine mine was probably in the earlier years too i used to play because we had a sega was one of the first systems that we had and i used to play so much Sonic as a kid. I loved Sonic.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And I'm like, I get it now, get an emulator. And I'm like, heck yeah, let's play some Sonic, kids. This game's awesome. I can't get through like two levels without just becoming so miserably bored. I'm like, what? The speed of Sonic back in the day, because I mean, think about it.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Hardware was not very capable back then. And so the speed of the screen on Sonic was what really set it apart. And then now that's not a thing. So going back, you're just like, what's the point of this game? Like I collect some rings. Yeah. And I know we've kind of talked about it over the years, but I, anytime we talk about what's a really overrated franchise,
Starting point is 00:21:43 I almost always say Sonic. I liked it back in the day, but there's just not much to it. If I can play that, or the Mario games hold up so much better from that time rather than Sonic. Although the music is great. You could definitely pick Sonic as a favorite soundtrack. I can still hear
Starting point is 00:22:00 all those levels. The ring sound, I can hear that too. Very nice. Alright, well we we're gonna go ahead and take a short break and we'll be right back all right ryan since we've gotten through a whole three questions here so far we are now back to you all righty uh well i really like this one because i had so many answers for it but we got a great supporter of the show longtime listener ace of shame do you guys have a favorite video game quote oh okay i have a million oh yeah go ahead ryan what you got well this one you'll know this one uh right away paul but this is one I always, I love,
Starting point is 00:22:47 you know, anytime I ever hear it, it's awesome. I think I know what it might be. I think I know what it is. No, I don't think you will. Maybe. I don't know. It's not Tastes Like Poison? No.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Oh, okay. It's from Castlevania. What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets? Pile of secrets. Yep. Mankind ill needs a savior such as you. Isn't that the line?
Starting point is 00:23:08 Have at you or something like that. Love it. Castlevania. Castlevania, classic. Symphony of the Night. Yep. Greatest 2D game ever made. Definitely, definitely one of my,
Starting point is 00:23:19 the other quick ones too, they are from Metal Gear, but it's just Metal Gear. And then I always will just go, Snake? Snake! Oh, yeah. You gotta use that one. Oh, that's great.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Also in the running for greatest sound effect is the Oh, yeah. With all the exclamation marks. Yep. So, Josh, do you have a favorite quote? It's really weird for me because nothing came to mind as like an actual quote. Sometimes it's almost like a... I don't know, not a slogan either, but like the rip and tear from Doom is kind of something that jumps to mind for me. But I think if there's a saying that really stands out to me is, would you kindly?
Starting point is 00:24:11 Oh, okay. Because I mean, that in and of itself isn't necessarily a quote, but the words, would you kindly, will live on forever. Like I was at work the other day, and we just got a new guy that I work with that's a big gamer. So it's like, I got somebody at work to chat video games with besides Andy. Right. So it's like, I was doing something and I was like, Hey, would you kindly do this? And I said it like, and he kind of looked over at me and he nodded and I was like, yeah. And he did it. Yeah. And he did it right. Exactly. But it was just like, so that to me is like the the video game quote that will live forever in my brain because number one when you realize like what that is doing in in the game i don't want to
Starting point is 00:24:55 spoil it even though this game's what 20 years old at this point but it's like you know when you realize like when the twist happens and you realize the what the would you kindly means and all that it was it was one of those like like mind blowing moments at the same time. So I think that's my pick. I thought you might go rock and stone. Yeah. I mean, that's fun,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but it's not my favorite quote. It's just fun to yell back and forth to each other. What about you, Paul? For me, I gotta give a shout out to mass effect. My favorite series of all time i've talked about this before but to keep it super short morden is my all-time favorite character from any game
Starting point is 00:25:32 he is a very ruthless scientist slash doctor and he's very pragmatic like the first time you meet him he says i can save a patient or kill someone before they stop someone. Either way, you're helping. And he goes through this entire journey where he helped genetically engineer a condition to stop an entire race from being able to procreate. And by the end of Mass Effect 3, he realizes that he made the wrong decision. And he's defended it all the way up until the final game. And so finally you have where he goes in and he's going to reverse that decision. And he has a very cool line reading when Shepard kind of presses him like, why are you doing this? And he says, I made a mistake. And the way he says it and just the emotion behind it all,
Starting point is 00:26:22 to me, that's one of my all-time favorite quotes and then uh he finally has his whole heroic ending where he well you can make different decisions as shepherd but he goes and and sacrifices himself in order to undo probably his greatest life's work because he realizes the ends don't justify the means and it's a very cool wrapping up of his entire story up to that point what a quitter yeah honorable mention is boy flip what a flip yeah yeah i was gonna say that one honorable mention and another one for me too is uh and whenever my my wife you know she asks can you take out the trash or can you do this or that i most of the time reply i don't know dutch yeah i was oh yes i was gonna say my other honorable mention was just dutch dutch or howdy mister howdy oh very nice all right josh coming back to you coming back to me again let's see here boys um paul you and i both uh liked this question from um w245 and it's what's the best roguelike
Starting point is 00:27:29 game to ever come out that you have played ryan's recently been introduced into the roguelike genre and as seems to be a big fan so far so i'm actually curious what ryan thinks on this one that is a good one um it's hard because i've actually liked almost every single one we've played so far i haven't played a ton but um risk of rain was a lot of fun every everything about it since since the since the moment you guys got me on that we started i was hooked i'm like this is great guys let's play some more whenever we had a little lull in the games we're playing risk of rain risk of rain so yeah that's that's by far i'm still obviously new to the genre and I'm like, this is great, guys. Let's play some more. Whenever we had a little lull in the games we were playing, Risk of Rain, Risk of Rain. So that's by far.
Starting point is 00:28:07 I'm still obviously new to the genre and stuff. But yeah, that one's going to be my answer. For me, I was going to say, for me, I'm really torn because Risk of Rain 2, I think, is my comfort roguelike to go back to. If you guys said, hey, I want to play it today, I'd be like, let's go let's go. Um, I think Hades is my answer for this one, just because to me, Hades was the roguelike, the first roguelike that I've played where it was basically perfect in every aspect. I didn't get frustrated with dying and having to restart the run. The progression
Starting point is 00:28:41 elements were perfect. I loved the fact that it had lore and kind of story to it. There was a reason why you had to start all over each time, you know, and things like that. So I think Hades for me is like the epitome of what I enjoy in a roguelike, but man, risk of rain too,
Starting point is 00:28:58 is just so much fun with friends. Yeah. And it doesn't even look that great. It just plays so well and i love unlocking the new characters i love the the strategy of whether or not we're going to activate the gate or are we going to run around and find more stuff to buy risk of rain 2 to me is the most fun i don't know that it's necessarily the best but it's my favorite i'm not a huge roguelike fan but if i had to say which one i think is the best i'd probably say returnal even though i'm not a huge roguelike fan but if i had to say which one i think is the
Starting point is 00:29:25 best i'd probably say returnal even though i did not beat it i mean that game is hard good but you get really cool storytelling it's higher budget that that's a really fantastic game but risk of rain 2 is definitely my favorite yeah all right coming back around to me then let's do a non non-gaming question here all right gideon is lit gideon gets me this is this is one of my favorite questions who is the best batman and what is the best batman movie all right now this is this is gonna upset some people man like are you gonna say uh i thought you might go with um oh gosh, what's his name from the 50s? Adam. Oh, Adam West?
Starting point is 00:30:07 Adam West. Adam West. I thought you might go Adam West. The OG Batman? No, I did. You laugh. I spent, I think I was like 14 and I spent an entire summer staying up all night and sleeping all day and watching Batman reruns and playing my Sega Genesis.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Like that's what I spent my summer doing legitimately. My friend had him on VHS and we would just stay up all night watching old Batman. Yeah. And so, and that was the Adam West days. So, I mean, I remember it fondly, but I don't know that he's not the best Batman. I mean, you know, Batman's come a long way. I am oddly a fan. Don't say Clooney.
Starting point is 00:30:44 No, not Clooney. I'm oddly a fan. Don't say Clooney. No, not Clooney. I'm oddly a fan of Michael Keaton. Keaton's the best Batman. I mean, I don't know if it's just Ryan's making a face. It's because we're older. This is going to trigger some people, man. Yeah, so I think it's Michael Keaton, man. I think that and Jack Nicholson as Joker,
Starting point is 00:31:01 it just lives in my heart, guys. Ryan, are you going to say Christian Bale? Of course I'm going to say Christian Bale. That's number two for me. So we're not far off, Ryan. Where is she? Where is she? And that's the best Batman, too.
Starting point is 00:31:17 The origin story on that. So good. Wait, wait, wait. Batman begins over the Dark Knight? Yeah, because of the origin story. No, I'm talking origin. It's so good. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Batman begins over the Dark Knight? Yeah. Because of the origin story. No, I'm talking origin. That's crazy talk. The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger is the superior one in that trilogy.
Starting point is 00:31:30 But for an origin, like the telling of how he became Batman, I love the whole like Raz El Ghul thing. And he goes to whatever the place is. And I can't remember. When he starts training. Climb the mountain with a flower. Because that's Doctor Strange or whatever. For me, I definitely say Dark Knight is the best Batman movie.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And I think that's like. Absolutely. To me, unquestionable. It's my favorite. Yeah. All right. Coming back around to you, Ryan. Me, huh?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Let's do another non-gaming one real quick. This one's by Jake. We're going to do, what Adam Sandler movie do you identify with the most? Oh, boy. Yeah. Oh, boy. I know my answer on this one.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Yeah? Is it Billy Madison? No, it's Uncut Gems. Uncut Gems? Just kidding. That would be me. So we say you start a gambling addiction? I don't know about josh
Starting point is 00:32:25 ryan's definitely uncut gems that's the first thing i was gonna say yeah no billy madison for me i'm just a big kid at heart man like i i mean yeah that's that's my simple answer i don't i've never grown up i'm a big kid i just because you're an adult doesn't mean you have to stop having fun and playing and being silly. So miss Veronica Vaughn. Oh, I, I,
Starting point is 00:32:54 Billy Madison is the first time I remember laughing so hard that like I couldn't breathe. And I just remember cackling, watching it on TV. It was like edited and it it still just made me laugh so hard i don't know how we got to watch all those movies at aunt mary's that you know when we were that young oh yeah tommy boy billy madison like all of those dirty work we watched those so many times i don't know how we ever got away with that i mean they're all pg-13 but some of them can
Starting point is 00:33:22 still get like i've watched i've re rewatched all those movies with my kids. Oh, yeah. And there's definitely scenes when I'm like, oh, I did not remember all these magazines that Adam Sandler pulls out of the mailbox in the beginning of Billy Madison. Yeah. You know, you get hit with some of that. For me, I thought Big Daddy, you know, this kind of getting thrust into the whole idea of fostering and adoption was never really on my radar kind of you know landed here because of my wife so i don't know that was just the first thing i thought makes sense yeah not my favorite adam sandler movie uh i think it's okay
Starting point is 00:33:57 but i think that's the one i probably identify with the most nice i am gonna go with happy gilmore because i'm just a hockey player trying to play golf yeah apparently it works because you're pretty darn good at golf too ryan thank you thank you i will gladly take your uh compliments you hit that guy he shouldn't have been standing there also one of the best quotes ever oh yeah i love it all right josh um let's see this one comes in from disratory um and it is what is the most hyped you have ever been for an upcoming game release he said for him he said i think pokemon red perfect dark half-life 2 and world of warcraft are tied for me those are some great games yeah. Yeah. My answer is easy. I joke around
Starting point is 00:34:49 about being hyped for Dragon's Dockma 2, but that is a hundredth of the hype level that I had for Cyberpunk when Cyberpunk was coming up, man. The Witcher 3 for the longest time was my favorite game ever. I thought it was an absolute masterpiece. I mean, it still is, honestly, for gaming. But when CD Projekt Red said, we are making another game that's going to be even better, I'd lost my mind. And then the Cyberpunk setting, I think it was like three years before the game came out, they had that 44-minute demo of the game where you rescue the lady from the bathtub and you take her out and set her down. And like, that was mind blowing, dude. I mean, to watch that and then go,
Starting point is 00:35:31 they're making an entire game like this. Absolutely blew my mind. My hype level was like stratospheric, man. And then it came crashing down because the game wasn't very good when it released. I will say it is in my top five games at this point. So they've done their work in making it better. But yeah, I can't remember a game in history that I've ever been more hyped for. How many times did you request time off work and then have to... Dude, legitimately like six different times. Like four or five? Yeah, it was like six times, man. And then they just say oh it's delayed and then i have
Starting point is 00:36:05 to tell me hey i don't need off that day i need off this day and it would just keep getting moved it really became a little bit of a meme uh amongst our community because it was it was ridiculous well oh nice luckily you're sick for tomorrow as well so yes just so happens just so happens mine was definitely you know listen up uh circle around children back in the day you used to get your games at a store and i had pre-ordered grand theft auto 5 and i went and waited at game stop for hours in a big line and everybody's just standing there all talking video games not only was was it one of the biggest games I was hyped for, but just the experience of waiting in line with all these like-minded people all for the
Starting point is 00:36:50 same thing, and you're all just chatting about what you love. It was just so cool, but I was so hyped for that game, and it did not disappoint. When you say big line, I don't think people realize big line means like 100 plus people in line to get this game i last game i stood in line for was red dead redemption 2 at my local game stop and there was probably 100 people in line for that for the midnight release of it yep it's weird because you'd never really see lines like that anywhere anymore remember when we were kids and you would go to the movies oh i remember even even like armageddon i remember lines like literally around the theater. Home Alone 2, I remember seeing with my family and it seemed like, it's like the longest line I've ever seen at Disney times 10.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Like that's how long lines were back then. I was going to say GTA 5 also since Ryan did, but since he did, I'll just say World of Warcraft. I remember being so psyched because I loved RTS games. Warcraft 3 is right up there for greatest RTS. And when World of Warcraft got announced, I was so excited because I had never played an MMO. EverQuest was not really in my world. I had heard about it, but I wasn't really a serious gamer quite yet. World of Warcraft is kind of what switched things over to where now I game every day, and that's my main hobby. And I remember the day that they started taking pre-orders, I drove to GameStop just to pre-order
Starting point is 00:38:19 World of Warcraft and left and went back to work. That's how excited I was. I had to get my pre-order in on day one, not even to pick up the game, just to pay them $5 to hold a copy for me. And I remember I was working at a company called DSI where we sold keyboards, and Andy sat right next to me, who's a friend of the show, Josh's brother-in-law. And I remember turning my monitor to Andy because I told him, I said, I'm going to go pre-order World of Warcraft. Do you want me to hold one for you too? And he's like, I don't know anything about it. And I pulled it up on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I turned my monitor and all it showed was Griffin writing. And I said, that's not a cut scene. That's the world. And Andy goes, get me one. He just took out money out of his wallet and handed it to me. So we were so hyped for WoW. And then took out money out of his wallet and handed it to me. So we were so hyped for WoW. And then, of course, it released, and you couldn't really play for two weeks because the servers were so slammed. But yeah, it's really hard to overstate how much hype. We played so much.
Starting point is 00:39:16 WoW lived up to the hype, though, too. Oh, yeah. You talked about a game that changed the entire planet, man. World of Warcraft is one of those. I think that was the first time i ever paid for a subscription like i was like oh yeah i gotta pay 15 bucks a month worth it worth it i just remember telling people you don't have to pay for any other games all you need is warcraft you know and you're set there's there's so much to do uh who asked that one was that you josh
Starting point is 00:39:43 no that was uh oh yeah that was that right no that was you yep okay all right let's see next question here this one comes in from luck what is your all-time favorite boss fight oh i was gonna pick this one next fall great question i love this question i love this question i know my answer on this one i got mine. Ryan? You just want me to go first? Yeah, go ahead, Paul.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Go ahead, Paul. All right, I think this one's going to surprise you guys, because I don't think you... It might not even be on your radar. For me, it's God of War 3 when you fight Kronos the Titan. Oh, that was so freaking cool, dude. That fight, the scope of it, is so hard to explain that kratos as strong as he is and you know has become the god of war you are fighting chronos who is literally i don't know 10 million times bigger than you to the point where you are running around on his body and
Starting point is 00:40:41 that is the level where you're fighting other enemies running on Kronos. And you're using your Blades of Chaos and you're climbing up Kronos. Eventually, it gets to the point where he swallows you, if you remember this. And then you all of a sudden see his blade stick out of Kronos' belly. And then he slices him open. And I know we're a family friendly show, but some intestines come spilling out. And then he slices them open. And I know we're a family friendly show, but some intestines come spilling out and then you win the fight. And to me, I just remember literally having my jaw open and being like,
Starting point is 00:41:12 I can't believe that games are like that cinematic. Now it just felt like a turning point where I didn't realize how epic and how grand these boss fights would be. So to me, that one's really, that's the first thing I thought of. That fight is epic, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 The sense of scale, because this was the thing about the original God of War games too, is nobody did that scale in games. That was what really made those unique is that hadn't been done before. And honestly- Shadow of the Colossus a bit,
Starting point is 00:41:44 but that's really like all i can remember and that was a different kind of game too so yeah i mean that was really mind-blowing at the time um yeah that's that's a good one man um mine is oddly and this isn't recency bias i mean because i mean there's a lot of really good boss fights but remnant 2 i have always said and neither one of you have played this lot of really good boss fights, but Remnant 2, I have always said, and neither one of you have played this game, has the coolest boss fights that I think I've ever seen in a video game. They have a boss that is literally a labyrinth with like, I mean, and it's like, you have to experience it to understand that, but I'll say the end boss in Remnant 2. So if you plan on playing that game, you can just skip ahead a
Starting point is 00:42:22 couple of minutes because it's not really much of a spoiler, but the mechanics of the boss fight I'm going to talk about for a second. So when you fight the final boss of Remnant 2, it is this crazy dragon looking thing in this giant smoky arena. And it's a hard fight. And as you start to get the boss low health, he goes into a second phase like many boss fights do. Well, when he goes into the second phase, the game almost glitches into the second phase. But then as you continue to fight him, the game remembers the exact moment where it glitched
Starting point is 00:42:57 into that second phase, and it will then glitch back into the first phase again to the exact moment that the game glitched into the second phase. And I'm talking like if the dragon's claw is coming down and he's swiping at you and it glitches, you better remember when it glitches back that that claw is coming for you because it glitches right back to that exact moment and it jumps back and forth between the two phases, like repeatedly, like seemingly at random, it is the most mind blowing mind trip of a boss fight to have that happen and to realize what's happening in that. It is absolutely incredible. I've never seen a boss fight like that. It's hard. It's satisfying. It's fun. I mean, it's incredible. But to realize the moment that it's actually remembering the exact moment that it phases is super freaking cool.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Despite not playing it, I have watched a lot of video of Remnant 2. And the boss fights really are awesome. I'm not surprised to see you pick one of them. What about you, Ryan? What's your favorite? Are we going Metal Gear? Oh, dude. You know me too well, my man.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. Go for it dude psycho manis for 11 year old ryan was like the craziest boss you could ever imagine not only was it just a cool boss fight the dude reads the games off of your memory card you know while you're playing so my you know little uh prepubescent brain just could not understand i'm like wait how does he know i've been playing that how does this work and and then putting your controller into the second port so then he can't read your mind sorry spoilers if you haven't played it yet but it's like 30 years statute of limitations people yeah it's it's past 10 years uh no luck so but just that one to me is just it was so imaginative and it was so unique from all the games i had played before you know this is what 98 99 something like that um it was just it blew my blew my mind what a cool pick yeah
Starting point is 00:45:01 super memorable boss fight. All right. Let's see. Coming back around to you, Ryan. Or actually, you know what? Let's take our last break and then we'll come right back. All right, Ryan. You're up. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:45:18 There's so many to choose from. Let's go KC Cryptic. Cryptics. Who is your favorite video game character of all time and what makes them stand out oops I already answered this I know yeah when you said that I'm already good with Morton Morton for Paul yeah that's a good I mean Morton is pretty awesome man great singer too um who's his voice actor because he does a phenomenal job in that. Morton's a very memorable character. Oh, yeah. It switches. It's a different guy in Mass Effect 3.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Oh, really? Believe it or not. Yeah, they switch voice actors, but it sounds exactly the same. Wow. I'm not sure who it is, though. Mine is probably Geralt. I mean, I don't know. I mean, I like Kratos in the 2018 God of Wars. I think I just like the games better. I mean, he like Kratos in the 2018 God of Wars. I think I just like the games better. I mean, he's not a very in-depth character, to be honest. I mean, I like Kratos a lot. But if I had to say my all-time favorite character, it's probably Geralt because he's just got a lot
Starting point is 00:46:16 more depth to him, I think. The whole fact of what witchers are, the mutations they go through, how they're ostracized by the world, yet they're actually helping all the people around them because they're slaying monsters to keep people safe like there's just that really weird like existence that like witchers have um you know they get caught up in politics you know he refuses to help people but then he gets tied up into it. He's just trying to find Siri. He's a little bit of a romance guy, you know, a little bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like he likes playing Gwent. So I think Gerald is probably at the top of my list. Well, and you get like all the dreams and the premonitions and all that stuff that really plays in an interesting way. Yeah. Like he's got emotion. He's got depth to him.
Starting point is 00:47:04 And like like as much as i love kratos i don't think kratos like has that built in um so yeah for me it's gerald toss a coin to your witcher darn right how about you ryan i'm definitely i'm going with because this character is just one of the the i guess the most that i just want to be like or i want to be and that's good old nathan drake oh nice i i love ancient history um in history in general i love adventures i love climbing and and running around and he's just he's handsome he's funny he's witty he is just he makes jokes all the time it's just everything that i'm like i want to be that guy and so that's yeah by far i love the uncharted series i love i even i had a cosplay of drake that
Starting point is 00:47:52 i did that was pretty i'd say get a room except i totally agree nathan drake's such a fun character and it's also nice to pick one that's rooted in reality. He's literally just a normal dude who does have a lot of luck. And yeah, he kills 7 million people between all the Uncharted. But he's pretty much a normal dude compared to Geralt or Morden, who I picked. So I like that also. Yeah, and he's not invincible. You see him, he gets his butt kicked all the time. And then that's where the luck comes in, where he's able to kind of get out of it, but he just doesn't overpower everyone. And so,
Starting point is 00:48:28 yeah, it is more realistic. He gets captured and caught a lot too along the way. All right. Coming back to you, Josh. Well, this one is from Just Joshing. And it says, I want to hear what your guy's favorite game is on the nintendo 64 mine is paper mario and that also leads to my next question what is your favorite game of all time paper mario is definitely one of mine um for me love the 64 yeah i mean we had to go a little nostalgia here i'm gonna say ocarina of time. Initially, my heart was like golden eye for the fun with friends and stuff like that. But Ocarina of Time at the time was the most masterpiece of a video game that anybody had ever seen.
Starting point is 00:49:15 I mean, for me, it's the best Zelda game that's ever been made. I loved the aspects of it. I loved finding the new songs. The songs still live in my head. And I just think it was absolute perfection. the aspects of it i loved finding the new songs the songs still live in my head um and i just think it's it was absolute perfection so for the nintendo 64 ocarina of time is the best of the best you're a big fan of that game too right ryan oh yeah solid yeah i i uh i remember i was i took my mom uh she likes you know she plays piano and stuff and and so i took her the music museum or
Starting point is 00:49:43 whatever we have here in town and they had a like an ocarina and i was like oh my gosh look at it that's so cool i was like what the heck is that nice yeah it's weird because i didn't play any zelda games until the wind waker so i never touched ocarina of time despite having a 64 yeah so i'm curious is that your pick too ryan or do you have a different one no that was way up there for me, definitely. But I gotta go with Perfect Dark. Yeah. Yeah. Perfect Dark. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:50:11 And it's tenfold better than GoldenEye. As much as I loved GoldenEye, Perfect Dark is a far superior multiplayer. I can't fault you guys. I want to yell out, like, blasphemy! But it was a better shooter. Goldeneye was just it, man.
Starting point is 00:50:28 Goldeneye was it with friends. But I don't blame you. I bought the extra RAM memory pack for Perfect Dark because you could only play two-player if you didn't have it. You had to have that extra RAM to go up to four. So, of course, I had to pick that up. So much time with the laptop gun and bombs the farsight the end bombs perfect dark because at the time i really only played multiplayer games so for me i was immediately thinking well this has to either be starfox 64
Starting point is 00:50:58 mario kart 64 perfect dark or golden eye and for me it's perfect dark as well i'm with you ryan no elvis all right i guess we're back to me huh let's see running out of time only a few questions left how about we go with all right let's go with this one this one comes in from Alex. What is the single most memorable and insane slash clutch slash wholesome sports moment that you can remember? This one kind of sucks for, you know, Arizona sports fans, you know, unless you like baseball, but I'm curious to hear what you guys have to say. Josh, is it when the Saints won the Super Bowl?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Absolutely. For me, it was the Saints won the Super Bowl. I lived in Louisiana. Was it the onside the Super Bowl? It was absolutely when. For me, it was the Saints won the Super Bowl. I lived in Louisiana. Was it the onside kick? I mean, everything, dude. I lived in Louisiana for 10 years, and I lived there when Hurricane Katrina hit and absolutely destroyed the lower half of Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:51:58 We legitimately... I lived at the very northern part of the state, and we still got an insane amount of like storm damage and stuff like that, like hundreds of miles away. But then we got like every available space, even in my podunk little town was just filled with trailers for like the FEMA relief because like half the population of the state had to get evacuated. So to go through Katrina and like that devastation and then have like the
Starting point is 00:52:25 saints just come together and win the super bowl after that with the onside kick and just everybody in the state was like, was just united. It was really like, it seems like a very rare, like incredible thing. Plus the saints sucked before that, you know, I mean, they called them the eights for a reason. And the saints are my favorite football team. So that for me was like just the whole, that whole experience was just absolutely incredible.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Nobody thought they could do it, but it was just the timing of it after Katrina. Like I said, everybody come together. It was truly something magical. Really good Super Bowl too. Oh yeah. Super fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:06 What about you, Ryanyan what's yours so this is actually um a personal one that i was involved in that was really awesome uh so i played hockey in high school um for uh for how they do it in in arizona since not a lot of people play hockey is they'll group uh multiple schools together to make one team, and then they have enough to play a season. But we were in our state championship for third place, third or fourth, and we were playing down in Scottsdale at the ice rink in there. And we tied up the game, went to overtime, then went to a shootout. And so we're there at the shootout. It was tied. We had one guy left on our team who's a good buddy that i've known since i was uh a kid steve and steve goes
Starting point is 00:53:53 it was like um almost like reverse of the mighty ducks it was like triple deke goes to the side and just flips it right over the goalie's uh leg, goes in the net. We lose our minds, rush the ice, all tackle him in the corner of the ice. Huge, because it was such a close, good game. Everyone else that was in the rink area had all come to the glass and was all watching the game. There's a bar that's kind of next to it that has windows. Everyone was there too. So we had a huge crowd watching.
Starting point is 00:54:21 It was just one of the most memorable, awesome things, especially too because we won, that I ever remember. It was so one of the most memorable, awesome things, especially too, because we won, that I ever remember. It was so cool. Oh, that's awesome. Now, be serious. Did you ever try doing the knuckle puck? Oh, of course. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:54:37 You have to. You gotta try. It's knuckle puck time. Nice. nice you know as a lifelong arizona sports fan it's been a lot of rough goes for the suns and the cardinals which are my two main sports the diamondbacks winning in 2001 was incredible but like the whole world was rooting for the yankees which kind of made it tough and i don't love baseball for me it was the cardinals steelers no. And it was so short-lived, man. I remember this game, man.
Starting point is 00:55:06 I watched that game about 15 feet away from where I'm sitting now. The house still belonged to Andy before I bought it off him. We were watching that Super Bowl in his garage, which is now converted into our big toy room. And it was the Kurt Warner to Larry Fitzgerald 64-yard touchdown. And I just remember everyone hugging and jumping and screaming. And I think I was the first one to say it, where we celebrated for about 30 seconds. And then I said, there's too much time on the clock.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Oh, it's your fault. And of course. It's your fault. Fast forward three minutes, and you get the greatest Super Bowl catch ever. Santana Moss, man. Wasn't it Santana Moss? No.
Starting point is 00:55:49 No, it's... No, no, no, no. It was Santonio Holmes. Santonio Holmes. There we go. Santana. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Still not sure his feet were down, but... They were down. It was very fun for that three minutes before we had our hearts ripped out. Dude, I remember that game oh my goodness the heartbreak after waiting that long for your team to win the super bowl and then watching that toe tap and then i hate it for cardinals fans but them toes were down i know everybody was arguing but it was like i'm non-biased and i was like yeah he was in there's no great angle that shows it.
Starting point is 00:56:25 That's all I'll say. It was so fun because everyone trashed the Cardinals and we were the underdogs every round. And it was just, you know, we just kept going through everyone. So, yeah, what a fun year. All right. Let's see. Coming back around to you, Ryan. Probably last one you'll be able to ask.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm going to go with a statics question. How has gaming affected your lives, good and bad? And have you ever been grateful or regretted getting into gaming as a hobby? Well, it's definitely affected all of our lives because we're on this podcast. It's definitely had a big effect. Yeah, greatly affected. You know what? I was so grateful for gaming as a hobby, especially during the early
Starting point is 00:57:07 days of COVID. When I remember my wife asking, how do you feel? I'm like, to me, I kind of feel normal because most of my interactions with friends is gaming online. And that didn't get impacted at all. In fact, it only brought in other people. I remember us playing Among Us with us and a lot of our wives who aren't necessarily gamers were playing with us. I loved that. I don't think I've ever regretted gaming as a hobby. I remember at one point adding up how much I had paid in Warcraft subscriptions and thinking, that seems insane, but I know I got 10,000 hours out of it. So I'm not complaining, you know, but no, I would not say I ever regretted it. I love gaming.
Starting point is 00:57:50 I love art, whether it's in the form of music or movies or video games. I love single player games. I love the social aspect with others. Josh is coughing up a lung because he's currently sick. But, uh, yeah, I mean,
Starting point is 00:58:07 gaming rules. We wouldn't do this podcast if we didn't absolutely love it. Oh, for sure. It's, I mean, when you love something, you make it a hobby and then that way you,
Starting point is 00:58:18 you have to tell your wives that you have to go work on your hobby. Right. Yeah. Have to work. Yeah, exactly. Um, finger quotes.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah. I, I mean, it's, exactly. Finger quotes. Yeah. I mean, it's made my life better. I have like a busy mind. I don't, I wouldn't say like I have ADHD or anything like that, but I just, I like to have things to focus on. And so for me, gaming gives me that. I think it's why like out of the three of us, I like the challenge, the hard games, because it gives me even more of that focus to say, I'm going to beat this boss or something like that. So it's definitely... I like it way more than watching TV. I'm a huge fan of movies and stuff. But for me, gaming is my ultimate way to relax and to just have fun. So in that regard, it gives me something exciting to do. I get the argument that it's like, you know, gamers, we talk about memories, right?
Starting point is 00:59:17 And we talk about our favorite memories and games and the hardest bosses we've ever beaten and the multiplayer games and the fun times we've had together and stuff. And there's the people that will argue, well, those aren't real memories because it's just digital. And it's like, I don't subscribe to that mindset, man. These are real memories. These are fun things that I've done and worlds that I've explored and challenges I've overcome and stuff like that. So I will say that it has been detrimental for me when I was playing EverQuest. I was playing, I mean, eight hours a day, every single day for like two years straight. So I had that unhealthy part of gaming as well. And so I think I'm in a good place now where it's
Starting point is 00:59:55 like I'm able to focus on what I need to focus on in life and my family and things like that. But you know what? When I don't have anything to do, I have zero reservations or guilt about sitting down and playing video games at that point because I've taken care of the things I need to take care of. And so now I can just relax and do what I want to do. So in that regard, that is the perfect balance for me. So I would say it's enhanced my life a lot. You just got to be careful. Yeah. Well, just like anything. I mean, too much of anything is bad. Yeah, exactly. I've definitely had my fair share of looking over and noticing the sun coming up through the cracks in the windows and then realizing that it's six in the morning.
Starting point is 01:00:36 And you've been playing Destiny 2 all night or Destiny all night. So luckily, I don't play that anymore. So it doesn't happen. But yeah, it's just been, it's definitely been one of those things where you can just kind of check out and go into another world, which I just love to be able to do. And additionally, it's grown to where I'm kind of grooming my kids to be into gamers now. My son, full all-out hardcore gamer. My daughter, I'm starting to, I just started Unarted four with her and she's kind of getting into it. And she's learning how game mechanics work and things like that. So it's also been just an awesome way to spend time with my kids and,
Starting point is 01:01:13 and show my passion to them as well. Very cool. Yeah, totally. I think we're all in agreement here with, you know, how, how fun games can be.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And it's really fun to game with your kids. Oh yeah. You know, like James right now is going through borderlands too so every time i walk by i'll just watch him for a few minutes i'm like oh yeah i remember this boss fight and yeah it's so cool to experience it with them also all right josh you got one last question i like this one from uh from sika sniper here and it says what are some unique video game mechanics or themes things that are truly unique video game mechanics or themes, things that are truly unique? And then it gives some example like Pacific Drive's gameplay loop, Baba is You, the Death Stranding gameplay, maybe Atomic Hearts looting, Sifu with the aging mechanic. I think we've all seen these unique mechanics that have been thrown at us over time. And honestly, I like it. Not all of them land, but when you come up with something new, it really can make your game stand out. I don't know if they came
Starting point is 01:02:09 up with it, but it was the perfect implementation for me. And Paul is going to vehemently disagree on this one. But for me, Outer Wilds and the 22-minute time loop with the supernova, I thought was just one of the coolest things I've seen in a video game. And for that game in particular, it really helped create the sense of dread and finite time that that game needed to have to make it the experience that it was. So we've seen gameplay. We've seen time loops work in the the what is it the forgotten city uh that one works really good i we've seen it not work so good in 12 minutes i didn't like the way it was implemented i think paul liked it better than i did in that regard but yeah i think i think a
Starting point is 01:02:55 really well done time loop was a really neat unique mechanic in a video game totally hear you for this one i thought it was funny because um psychosniper kind of listed like all the first ones that i thought of like baba is you is such such a clever puzzle game i think of and i don't even know if you would really qualify this it's kind of like a like a half mechanic we've talked about before but valheim when you pick up a new material and it starts giving you all the new recipes, dude, why is that so satisfying? Dude, every survival game in the world needs to do that. It is the biggest rush of endorphins, man, to just see all these new things that you can do. I don't know what it is. Developers, take a lesson because gamers like it. I found something new. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:03:46 It just opened up 15 different new things I can do now. Yeah. Like World of Warcraft, you have to go buy a new recipe or maybe you'll find a scroll on an enemy and it'll teach you how to make a certain flask or whatever. And that's fine. But when you pick up, when you see a brand new material and pick it up and it goes new recipes learned and it starts listing them, you get that huge adrenaline rush. I absolutely love that. The big thing was it could be something mundane.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Like sure. You pick up a clump of moss, right? Like, you pick up a clump of moss and it's like unlocked fire starter, moss armor, insulated boots, you know, wall hangings. Like,
Starting point is 01:04:26 like it would just go through this list of things that you could, you could do now. And it might've been the most mundane thing, or it also made combat really neat because when you'd kill a creature, you'd, you'd pick up something. It would be like goblin skin. And then now it's like, okay, well now I've got goblin skin and you can make all these different things because you found goblin skin finally and it was awesome man i really wish more games would do that absolutely for the record i don't think you ever actually loot goblin skin but i'm all for it spoilers paul collect all this goblin skin that you can stitch together on its skin yeah that's what ed gein type stuff there i just need eight more eight this goblin skin that you can stitch together. It puts the lotion on its skin. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Because that's, what, Ed Gein-type stuff there? I just need eight more goblin skins. Any unique mechanics you're all about, Ryan? Oh, man. I guess I would say maybe just in Tears of the Kingdom. Oh, Ultra Hand. That's a really cool... That's a great one.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That totally... I mean, it's a whole different game just because of that one, you know that's a really cool that's a great one that totally i mean it's a whole different game just because of that one you know feature within it so and then there's just it's one of those things that you're it's the limit is your imagination like you can do you know how many videos we all watched on all the crazy things everybody built and how to traverse the world or combat the world you know just because of that so yeah that'd definitely be mine okay yeah i thought that was a really fun question it's always neat to talk about you know unique mechanics like that that no one else quite does similarly the nemesis system which i brought up pretty recently i hate that i want to see it righted man i know brothers i know i want to see it in other stuff. Yeah. Oh, we have something fun. We don't want anybody to be able to use it.
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yeah. I want to be able to catch that guy and be like, who's your lieutenant? Tell me. And then go track him down. Who is he? Yeah. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:06:17 All right. Well, that wraps up this mailbag episode. We want to say thank you so much to all of the listeners who submitted questions. We really appreciate it. If we did not get to yours today, we do have a lot of questions banked. I always hang on to them. We try to revisit them as needed.
Starting point is 01:06:32 As a reminder, please make sure to go check out Patreon support options at Toss us a follow on socials at VideoGamersPod. And please rate our show five stars. Until next time, happy gaming. See ya. All right. See ya, everybody. and please rate our show five stars until next time happy gaming see ya all right see everybody

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