Video Gamers Podcast - [Bonus Round] Would You Rather Edition - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: August 12, 2024

The Video Gamers Podcast is back and gaming hosts Paul, Josh and Ryan are bringing you a hilarious gaming edition of Would You Rather. Don’t miss this one, as we answer some tough and funny gaming W...ould You Rathers, have some laughs and dive into truly tough video game questions. It's an awesome gaming packed episode you can’t miss! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Disratory and Ole Jake Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, Hello, fellow gamers. Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. We are three lifelong gamer dads, and for today's bonus round episode, we have each brought several gaming would-you-rathers that we're going to discuss over the next hour. Please make sure to follow the pod so you don't miss anything, and if you want to help support the show while getting bonus episodes and all
Starting point is 00:01:00 kinds of other perks, go check out patreon support options starting at five bucks a month at multiplayer i am your host paul and joining me his name is josh now josh would you rather have in real life a legit set of the blades of chaos or the leviathan axe oh uh blades of chaos for sure i'm a dual wheel dude you're gonna burn yourself like the first minute no way i'm a dual wielder i've always been a dual wielder having two weapons is better than one yeah he's definitely losing a limb within the first two minutes guys guys watch this he starts swinging him dude i've watched those videos of the i don't even know what the the weapon is actually called where it's like the little weight on the end of a chain. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:46 You know, and people are slinging that thing around. Like, dude, when I was a kid, I was like, that's my ninja weapon, man. I just want to see Josh out front doing landscaping with the blades of chaos. Oh, that would be great. Chopping the bushes. All right. And then joining Josh and me, you heard him there for a second. His name's Ryan.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Now, Ryan, would you rather marry Triss from the Witcher or Professor Garlic from Hogwarts Legacy? Oh, wow. That's actually a good one. Go for the quiet one,
Starting point is 00:02:17 Ryan. Oh, I'm saying Professor Garlic. Professor Garlic. Yeah. She seems like the nicer pick. I'll give you that. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Well, we have so many gaming would-you-rathers. This is going to be a lot of fun. Before we get started, though, Josh, I think you're going to read a review someone left us. Hey, would you rather listen to the show and leave us a review or be lame and not leave us a review? I know what I'd pick. Exactly. I'd leave a review. So, no.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Hey, we love hearing from the listeners. If you are new to the show and you haven't left us a review, please take the time to do that. If you're on Spotify, you can just rate us five stars. If you're on Apple, you can actually rate us five stars and leave us a written review. But there is a good chance that we will read it on the show if you do that. And you know, one other thing, if you're a longtime listener and you keep going like, oh man, yeah, I mean to leave them a review, and then you keep forgetting, this is your call out. If you are a longtime listener of the show, you know better than that. Leave us a review so we can read it and give you the credit you deserve. This one comes in from ARG Drowsy, and it's titled This is Amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:26 And it says, hands down, my favorite podcast of all time. I listen to the podcast on the daily by far the most entertaining gaming review podcast out there. The Discord community is great as well. I recently found out that the podcast has a YouTube channel, Video Gamers Podcast. Like and subscribe. Because of the Discord community, shout out JigglePuff and Josh for helping me out. Wow. Oh, there you go.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Thank you, Josh. I agree with that whole review. Including the smash that subscribe button. By the way, we do have a YouTube channel, but there's not very much video content. It's mostly just the podcast, but maybe we'll start working on video one of these days. Yeah, we've been talking. We've been talking, but we like to think through stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:13 We always make sure that the show comes first. If we talk about branching out, we always say, how is that going to affect the podcast, the listeners, and things like that. So we're very careful about anything that will take our time away because we want to give people the best show we can give them. And congratulations to Drowsy who posted in our Discord just the
Starting point is 00:04:36 other day that they got a PS5. Yeah! So lots of fun new stuff to play around with. Let me know how it is. One more person that has a ps5 than josh very true i keep waiting for you two to break down and just be like that's it that's it the podcast is buying you a ps5 josh do it i don't care ryan's like as long as you don't have to borrow mine oh man we are getting close to the end of that life cycle though it'll be interesting to wait for the ps6 yeah we'll all pick up ps6s then all right well you know what let's go ahead and start
Starting point is 00:05:11 our would you rathers now we have done this a couple times but it's been quite a while i don't think we've done one of these with ryan we would have to go back pretty far uh when josh and i last did this so basically all three of us just came up with our own lists of would-you-rathers that we thought would be fun to talk about. And we're just going to take turns. We're going to throw them out there. We're all going to answer the question. And we'll just keep going until we hit about an hour's time.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Sound good, guys? Everyone got their lists ready? Oh, I got mine ready. I'm excited. I got a couple of good ones on here. Can't wait to hear them. All right. Well, with that being said, Josh,
Starting point is 00:05:45 you want the honors? You want to go first? I do. Now, it should be said that we are trying to keep this to gaming for the most part. But, you know, sometimes a question comes up where it's just like, you know, even if this isn't gaming related, I just I need to know the answer. And so I'm going to start with this one just to set the tone a little bit. All right. Would you rather let someone else touch your eyeball or share a sucker with a stranger? Oh, that's okay. We're definitely way off the rails already from gaming. What is it, Ryan?
Starting point is 00:06:28 I'm going to set the tone here, boys. already from gaming what is it right here boys uh so as someone who has contacts i wear contacts my eyeball touching somebody else you know does not seem like it's that big of a deal to touch it i would in no circumstance want to share a sucker with a random stranger that because you get it and and it's just wet and and sticky and oh even even food for my kids i like taste i'm like i don't know about that so yeah definitely the eyeball touching i am not eating and swapping spit with some uh hobo on the street so you let me take your contact out for you ryan 100 yeah over over sharing suck. I wouldn't share a sucker with you. You know what? Right.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I wouldn't share a sucker with you. Oh, okay then. Yeah. Well, that's very funny that you both say that because I was going to say the random stranger part is like the part I don't like in there. I don't know what I'm going to catch or what I'm going to get for the record.
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm a thousand percent with you as well. Ryan, I, I wouldn't really care if someone's gonna touch my eye as long as they're not gonna poke it and like hurt me if they're just gonna touch it gently i don't care at all but there is no way i'm gonna share a sucker with a complete stranger if it's one of you two and i had to that's not as bad i i don't like the idea of it coming from a stranger what is is that one? Is it Ace Ventura or whatever when he's touching the eyeball?
Starting point is 00:07:46 And he's like, oh, yeah, he's making it move and he's torturing the guy. Yeah, the guy's like, oh, stop it. There's definitely people out there who've got things about eyes. There's definitely a small percent that are going crazy right now. You'll poke your eye out, kid. Yeah, it's my answer on this one. So you guys are both touch your eyeball, right? A hundred percent. Yeah, yeah. I've i've worn contacts for like 30 years my eyes are calloused up at this point
Starting point is 00:08:10 i'm pretty sure you could poke me in the eye and it wouldn't hurt as bad as you know i would i would think it would that is the answer i am not a germaphobe at all so it's funny because you bring up the point that it's like if it was a random stranger off the street, I would be like, but if it's like almost anybody that I knew even remotely, well, I don't think I would like freak out about having to like share. I'm not saying I want to, you know what I mean? But it's like if I knew the person, I don't think it's nearly as bad as that like random stranger part of it. And I don't know why that matters, but it just does. Cause my brain kind of goes to like, dude,
Starting point is 00:08:47 I don't know what you've been doing with your mouth. Like it's 10 times worse if it's a stranger. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Even though it's germs are just germs, you know what I mean? But it's like,
Starting point is 00:08:56 I don't know why, but yeah, my brain just kind of gets skeeved on that one. So yeah, I'm going with a touch the eyeball too. Excellent. Great. Did not have eyeball touching on my bingo sheet for this episode.
Starting point is 00:09:07 All right. Let's go to you, Ryan. What you got coming up first? Okay. This one is gaming related. And this one is, would you rather play in a world where all video games are voiced by Gilbert Godfrey or by Fran Drescher? Oh, no. I'm calling Gilbert Godfrey. Oh, no. Or by Fran Drescher. Oh, no! I'm calling Gilbert Godfrey.
Starting point is 00:09:28 My answer is easy. Fran Drescher's voice annoys me to death, man. Oh, man. All your games are going to be like, Aflac! Yeah, that's fine. I'll live with that, dude. Did you know that's not his natural voice? That's what he puts on.
Starting point is 00:09:43 It's like Bobcat Goldwaith, too. His voice is the same. Yeah. Oh, boy. I'm going to say, give me Fran Drescher. Come on, Paul. You're going to play this game, Paul? Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Really? You're putting a little extra mustard on the voice. It's time to go to the Citadel, Paul. Are you going to go shopping around? Are you sure you want to go to the Citadel, Paul. Are you gonna go shopping around? Are you sure you wanna make that show? Oh, boy. The nanny narrating Mass Effect just got a lot worse, man.
Starting point is 00:10:13 I mean, either way, it's gonna drive me crazy. I'll just say Fran Drescher. I kinda didn't mind the nanny. My mom used to watch it a lot. And Gilbert Gottfried, though, oof that's that one's gonna grind my gears a little bit more really okay what about you ryan that's oh i'm going friend dresser because then i can at least have that mental image of her you know i don't
Starting point is 00:10:36 know her voice annoys me i hear you yeah that you're not winning in either case that's for sure all right i'm gonna hit you guys with my first would you rather. I want to know, would you rather play a video game based on the Kill Bill movies or the John Wick movies? Because I don't think we've got any games for either. That's really good. Are those not like two of the best action movies we've had in the last 20 years now both i think would lend really well to gaming oh for sure it's kind of like swords and anime or like guns and a little bit more like asian kung fu like which way are you going to call it
Starting point is 00:11:19 gun fu yeah yeah i will say this if you have played Pistol Whip in VR, you feel like John Wick, and it is a darn good time. So all you people out there with the Quest 2 or the Quest 3s, and you haven't tried Pistol Whip, you basically get to be John Wick in those, and they're a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Man, I think I'm going Kill Bill, dude. Yeah? Get your Uma Thurman on? I love John Wick. The John Wick series is one of my going Kill Bill, dude. Yeah, get your Uma Thurman on. I love John Wick. The John Wick series is one of my favorite movie series, man. I love every single movie. But there's just something about getting up close and personal with a katana. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And getting that- Get your Hanzo, Hattori Hanzo sword. I was going to say the Hattori Hanzo sword. Yeah, man. I like the little bit of anime flair and the kind of over-the-top stuff. So, yeah, I'm going Kill Bill, but, man, that's a tough choice. You say arigato like we say arigato. You going to Kill Bill too, Ryan?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Because you and I used to watch that movie on repeat when we were young adults. Oh, for sure. We even saw it in theaters together, I remember. But I think, I mean, and john wick he kills a dude with a book so in the library an axe yeah all kinds of stuff i think for the variety of of just cool weapons and then the the combat uh type choreography you could do i'm gonna go john wick i just think it'd be a lot of fun but But both would be so awesome. Like in Kill Bill, murking like 40 dudes with a samurai sword in that room.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Oh, yeah. I could see having like a really fun campaign and storyline for both of those series. Yeah. And I will say, Ryan, you brought up the fact that you and I saw it in theaters. I have to tell this story. I think you know what I'm going to say. But we saw it also
Starting point is 00:13:06 with i believe my brother-in-law timmy we were all in the theater and there might be a scene where uma thurman puts a flashlight in her mouth and let me just say that we got the giggles watching that and it is not supposed to be a funny scene but we could not stop laughing and i think of that every single time i watch kill i knew that's where you're gonna go immediately uh i'm gonna side with you ryan i'm gonna go kill i'm gonna say john wick as well simply because if my choice is melee or guns i'm always gonna say guns but man either of those would be so fun i'm just picturing playing kill bill and then get like a short anime sequence and play that out all the
Starting point is 00:13:45 over the top you know blood and gore like kill bill but i'm still gonna say john wick i just want the guns heck yeah all right josh coming back around to you all right i do have a gaming one this one's a simple one but it's a it's a good question would you rather be as tall as toad from mario or as heavy as bowser as by by heavy you mean like fat or like just yeah that's big like just big and heavy right yeah okay so current height but like 800 pounds. Correct. Or shorter than Danny DeVito. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I'm going to say, oh man, give me the height of Toad. Really? And that sucks, but I'm going to take it. Is Toad like two and a half feet tall, man? Yeah. I feel like if you're Bowser, you're really going to struggle getting around. That's my worry. Oh, that's true. All right. Let's do this then. But Toad, I'm really going to struggle getting around. That's my worry. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Let's do this then. But Toad, I'm not going to be able to reach stuff on the counter. You are your size, but you are the weight of Bowser. So it's like you can still get in a car. You can still, you know, that's the, because that's why I said as heavy as Bowser. So not Bowser's size, but just his weight. Oh, then I'll take that. Like I'm just going to like secretly weigh 800
Starting point is 00:15:08 pounds, but be my current build. Yes. And like challenge someone to wrestling and just like what kind of car do you think he's getting into? Oh, that's true. You're going to need like a reinforced frame. I was going to rail. Couches, chairs.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah. Paul broke another chair. All right. special wheels, special suspension. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Well, Paul broke another chair. All right. If that's the case, give me, give me Bowser's weight. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I think I'm with you on that. I don't want to be two and a half feet tall, man. Yeah. I don't have to ask for help getting stuff at like the grocery store. Or just like even climbing into your chair. Like I'd have to jump to get into my like computer chair. Yeah, I'm going Bowser too.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I don't, I mean, you say that, man, but then you're going to, there's going to be time. Like just laying in bed, dude. Like is your bed going to be like a seesaw? Like you go to get in bed and then the bed just like shifts up. Launch your wife into the wall. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Like a trebuchet. Oh, imagine cannonballs in the pool though. Oh my goodness, just empty out the wall. Yeah, exactly. Like a trebuchet. Oh, imagine cannonballs in the pool. Oh, my goodness. Just empty out the pool. Yeah. That's been quite a party trick. I like it. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:16:14 All right. Yep. Coming back to you, Ryan. Okay. Would you rather play only game for the rest of your life? Only games from the last 10 years or only games from the next 10 years so potentially we could have some great stuff coming out in the next decade or you can stick with what we know it's like the known versus the unknown yeah
Starting point is 00:16:36 i'm an optimist so i am definitely going to take the next 10 years i'm figuring advances in tech stuff we haven't played as much as i would really grieve never being able to play mass effect or the uh no cyberpunk no red dead i know all the games that we that have come out that we haven't gotten a chance to play either i mean there's a thousand games that i could think of where i'm like man you know i'd like to play that game at some point yeah you're not gonna not going to be able to. I know. But yeah, I'm with Paul on this, man.
Starting point is 00:17:07 And you guys know I have a hard time going back to games and stuff anyway. So give me that future outlook and those sweet, sweet Unreal Engine 6 graphics. Oh, yeah. We're looking at the future, Marty. Is there worry, though, that we're going like the cyberpunk route where the corporations just keep taking over more and more of gaming like it could get worse we could have the golden years of gaming behind they're gonna keep giving me those sweet graphics and gameplay too on top of that to try to reel me in yeah so you know yeah i'll be yeah because i mean you look back and how we talk about
Starting point is 00:17:41 how amazing like the early 2000s were with games and stuff. But you would think, how can they ever beat that? But then we get stuff like Red Dead Cyberpunk, Witcher 3, you know, all these other games. So, yeah, I'm like you, Paul. I'm an optimist. I'm looking for the future. Yeah, I'm with you. Yeah, it'll be like Back to the Future 2 where they're like, oh, you have to use your hands. It's like a baby's toy.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Like I'm sure future games are going to like blow the current generation out of the water. It's just inevitable. Yeah. All right. Coming back around to me. Let's see. All right. I like this one.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Would you rather play a game where you have to learn everything on the fly with no tutorial or a game that overly holds your hand but teaches you all the mechanics of the game all right what was the first read that again paul yeah so would you rather play a game that you have to learn everything on the fly so there's no tutorial right so you have to just figure everything out on your own or a game that overly holds your hand but teaches you everything in the game this one's easy for me easy are you sure for me i'm sure i'm sure i i have it's not ideal i get it but i would much rather i love the sense of discovery and figuring something out like so give me that give me just throw me in and let me figure things. I just got done playing Star Citizen.
Starting point is 00:19:06 You know what I mean? Like you talk about a game that doesn't tell you a thing and has 15,000 different systems on it, you know? And yes, it can absolutely be frustrating because I'm like, how do I turn my engines on? Like, which of these 40 key binds is it? You know? And then I'm, I'm hitting buttons and then I accidentally blow something up and then
Starting point is 00:19:23 they get mad at me or whatever, you know, but I, I much prefer that over the treat me like I have zero brain cells and absolutely walk me through every tiny little thing in the game. I feel like I'll give you a good example. Twilight princess from Zelda. I know a lot of people love Twilight Princess. My wife and I, who were huge Zelda fans, tried playing Twilight Princess, and it was so dumbed down with the stupid little fairy, Navi, I think was her name, where she's like, hey, if you use your stick, you can look around. And I'm like, I know how to use a controller. I don't need you to tell me that two hours into the game. You know what I mean? Like if you press A, you can jump. And I was just like, dude, I'm going to break this game
Starting point is 00:20:11 because that's the most annoying thing in the world, man. So yeah, for me, this is easy, easy. I will figure it out. Just throw me in there. I changed my first question. It's Gilbert Godfrey and Josh's fairy voice. Those are the two you have to decide from. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:20:29 That's a bad pick. You got to think about, Josh, though. There may be tons of features, though, you'll never discover within the game to play. You may play it totally wrong or a totally different way. Tears of the Kingdom. Oh, yeah. I played it my way, Paul. No know not build awesome beautiful creations and then just things
Starting point is 00:20:53 take stamina potions and climb a mountain everybody that's a mountain climber right now is mad at you guys that's fine i don't think a whole lot of mountain climbers are also gamers i i doubt that venn diagram has got a lot of overlap now i will say josh to play devil's advocate because i'm with you that is my answer as well and some games do it great like on the squad cast we talked about animal well animal well does not teach you a single thing you just start playing and how many times do you roll your eyes when you start a game and it says press forward to walk like on your controller and it's like all right if you if you're touching a controller, you know how to walk. But think about games like Terraria, which is such a great game.
Starting point is 00:21:32 But if you don't have anyone teaching you how to play that game, you're not going to figure out 90% of what's in there. Like, I remember playing with you, Josh, and you learned so much about Terraria from your daughter. I never in a million years would have thought to, like, build stairs to go up into the sky where there's sky islands. I would have never known about that. I would have never known about a lot of the stuff for summoning bosses or how when you build your base that you'll have other people coming in and moving there.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You're going to miss out on a lot of those kinds of games. Or RimWorld. That's another one where you have to learn how these things work or you're not going to have any fun. But then at the same time, how much did we complain about for spoken where you take five steps and the action pauses and now I have to read a screen and then you do that over and over for two hours.
Starting point is 00:22:21 So I'm with you, but you're definitely going to miss out on a lot of good stuff i get it but there's also the chance that you discover something on your own and then when you do you're like whoa i didn't know i could do that yeah yeah and that's like where animal well really excels like giving you that kind of sense of discovery. Yeah. Yep. I'm with you guys. All right. You going to just get thrown in, Ryan? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:50 I've always, I mean, to be fair, I don't really tutorial or instructions or anything. Like when I put stuff together and build things, I toss the instructions to the side and figure it out. So that's, ain't nobody got time for that. What's your overall success rate? Like you have to at times fix stuff and like take stuff apart and rebuild it if you do it wrong.
Starting point is 00:23:10 It's very, very rare, I would say. Occasionally there's like one of the legs has to go this way or twist it this way because there's a notch that at the very end, this part, you know, sets into it. But it's very rare that, you you know i have to do that but when i do i do curse myself oh dang it that's the worst man yeah build that ikea furniture get halfway through and realize you gotta take half of it apart again all right well let's go
Starting point is 00:23:36 ahead and take our first break and we'll be right back all right we're back josh coming back around to you coming back to me okay another uh kind of character one here would you rather have the strength of kratos or the speed of sonic speed of sonic i don't know how often the super strength is really going to come into play are you kidding me? Paul's Paul's moving service. You just pick up the refrigerator with one hand, the couch with another. I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:11 Kratos is lifting trees, man. For real. It's very true. We're talking some super strength here. You know, you got to change. You got a flat tire.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Paul, just lift the car up. There you go. I guess I'm going to join some fighting rings. Oh, absolutely. UFC fights. Like, I don't want to, though. You'd be the world's best UFC fighter. up there you go just throw it i'm gonna join some fighting rings oh absolutely ufc fights like i don't want to though you'd be the world's best like ufc fighter i don't want to hurt people
Starting point is 00:24:30 what could you accomplish i'm gonna be able to travel oh that's true that's getting to work very quickly in the mornings would be yeah and i mean can a can a runner use the hov lane if you're as fast as sonic you don't need it you just go on the shoulder And I mean, can a runner use the HOV lane? If you're as fast as Sonic, you don't need it. You just go on the shoulder? Yeah. Yeah. You can go wherever. You can run on water.
Starting point is 00:24:51 You can just run across the... Hey, I'm going to go grab lunch, and you can just run to Italy, grab some pasta. Sure. Now, what about friction? Run to Japan? Are we counting friction in here? Are you just tearing through shoes every two days? What shoes does Sonic wear, by the way?
Starting point is 00:25:05 I don't know. I don't think they thought of that. I think for the sake of this conversation, you have to just assume that friction is negligible. Oh, so we're just ignoring the laws of physics now, guys? Yeah. We're talking about a different creature that can run fast as light.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Yeah. What are you going with, Josh? I would go with the speed of sonic you're going speed i mean no go ahead i was just gonna say i've made it this far in life without being really strong you know what i mean i'm like uh it's fine i you know like yes it would be convenient but being able to run super super fast would be really cool. I would have probably said the strength because I go to the gym. I've been going to the gym forever. You always want to get stronger, and the thought of having just massive strength all of a sudden is super cool. But Paul, with the comment about travel, being able to just shoot wherever.
Starting point is 00:26:02 I love history and being able to just shoot over to ancient history sites or just go wherever instantly. Man, that would be pretty sweet. Listen to one of your audiobooks on Egypt. There you go. Just run on over. Go check it out in person. You can go see it right away. It'd be pretty sweet.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Love it. All right. Coming back around to you, Ryan. To me? Okay. Here's one would you rather play all games from now on with an n64 controller or with a wii controller okay in my power rankings i would have the wii controller dead last like am i gonna have to use motion controls too it's so horrible yes
Starting point is 00:26:43 oh get out of town it's what if i get the little add-on that makes it really sensitive and better uh no no it's still terrible it's not gonna help i'm still terrible i'm going to control her yeah the weed controller is the worst thing ever invented man one now that 64 controller is gonna have wild drift like you think switch drift is bad yeah and 64 drift was something else oh it was something else i think of uh shooters that's gonna be a little tricky with one one thumbstick that that is true you're gonna have to use the the c buttons yeah or the the arrow buttons that's what they were called yeah so bad what what a couple of horrible controllers
Starting point is 00:27:21 it was it was cool at the time. Yeah. But, oh, yeah, playing modern would not be fun. What about, so, same for you, Ryan? Are you going 64? Yeah, for sure. No, I'm going 64. That's, yeah, you'd adapt to the way the controller works a little bit, but I don't think there's any adaptation you can create for the Wii
Starting point is 00:27:42 to make it palatable. Gotcha. All right, coming back around to me here all right i got a question here now i think i know how you're both going to answer and i'm and i was trying to think of would you rathers where i know that you guys are different so here's what i got for you for the upcoming year so for the next 12 months, you can either play only three games for 100 hours each, or you can play 100 games only three hours each. You know my answer. You know, I mean, you ain't gonna ask me, dude. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:18 When you get sucked into every game, you're gonna have to quit. It doesn't matter. You're doing 100 times? Doing 100 games three hours. That's so crazy, dude. I gotta have that variety, man. You know mean you guys know this man what if rocket league 2 comes out you got three hours i mean but then i got a new game to play after that so it's like i'm constantly just looking forward to the next game every time the next god of war the three hour
Starting point is 00:28:41 timer goes bing josh goes perfect it just grabs the next one cool that was fun i wonder if this one's gonna be good dude that is crazy man i how can you you can't get into a game any game with three hours but you get to sample so many of them man that's all it is though give me one bite of everything on the menu versus one thing that i have to commit to you know not everything's gonna be great i to commit to, you know, not everything's going to be great. I fully understand that. You know what I mean? But just the experience of being like, cool. I tried 50 things and these 13 things were, were really good. You know, I don't know. It's just how my brain, I just want the experience of like trying a bunch of different stuff, man. So Ryan, you're going three games each one 100 hours oh for sure yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:29:27 that's i mean that's how i've always kind of played games anyways i typically i mean before the pod if i found one i liked i generally didn't play many other games like that year i'd usually play a few a year because i just get sucked in and keep wanting to play so yeah i'm definitely doing that to get the time in and enjoyment story all that stuff but josh would definitely hate red dead then because he'd only have the snow level enough to quit this is very true worst game of all time that game was horrible guys like snow simulator man oh i guess it'd be a topic for another pod but i do wonder which games would improve if you only played for three hours. There are some where that would play to your advantage,
Starting point is 00:30:09 for sure. Yeah, that's true. But I'd have to think through that. All right, so that's it for mine. Coming back around to you. Oh, so obviously I'm with Ryan on that one. I knew I was the oddball there for sure. But my fellow ADHD gamers will understand.
Starting point is 00:30:24 All right, Josh, you're up okay would you rather have to use a keyboard and mouse from the 80s so think the little mouse with the the little rubber rollerball that collects all the lit and everything in there or only ever game on a 19 inch crt monitor oh dude 19 is really small i know man that is small uh i'm gonna say the old mouse and keyboard is what i'm gonna go with the mouse is gonna suck a lot more than the keyboard the keyboard's not gonna be that bad keyboard you're fine yeah they made high quality mechanical switch. Did they mechanical switches and all that stuff back then? Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Oh, yeah. Yeah, definitely. The mouse is going to be a real problem like competitive shooters just got a lot harder skipping valor in the ball would get all nasty and you'd have to like, yeah, the mouse would just skip or it wouldn't even roll and then you're like banging it against the desk and and then the optical mice were amazing and then you
Starting point is 00:31:29 got laser and they just kept getting better and better those old mice dude they were such yeah could you could you mention like having to use a trackball remember the old trackball oh yeah uh well and the old mice only had two buttons and and that was it. So no side buttons, no back buttons, none of that. So any game where you're not playing World of Warcraft with that mouse or something either. That's what your F keys are for. Yeah. And one through plus on the keyboard. You got all those available to you.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Man, that monitor is just so small, though, like 19 inches. I remember standing way back in the day, standing in line overnight at Best Buy for a 20-inch or 21-inch. I thought it was the biggest monitor in the world back in the day. And being a CRT monitor, that thing's going to weigh a good 40 pounds despite being only 19 inches. Oh, yeah. I would not be able to deal with the 19 inch monitor so i'll deal with the old mouse and keyboard yeah i think i think i'm the same i mean maybe just make it you'd make it a habit every night take it out go wash the ball and put it back in it'd be like routine maintenance for your computer see i think this is harder for josh because ryan and i are not
Starting point is 00:32:41 like whatever mouse you have josh like the n or whatever, where it's got 28 buttons on your mouse. I do have the Naga 12-button mouse, yeah. I don't care. My mouse, I've got my, I don't even know what this is, Logitech G502. I've got like six buttons on it. That's all I need. I'm good. I can't fathom using more buttons than that on my mouse.
Starting point is 00:33:02 So this is like harder for you to answer, I think. I'm going, I'm legitimately going with the that on my mouse. So this is like harder for you to answer. I think I'm going, I'm legitimately going with the monitor because I need, I need my Mr. Monitor. What are you talking about? I get it. I get it,
Starting point is 00:33:12 but I'll just sit three inches from it, man. How do you have that? Are you going to get that big OLED man? Yeah, that's great. It is great, but I'm just saying if I had to try to deal with
Starting point is 00:33:25 an old school mouse with a little rubber wheel inside of it, trying to play first person shooters or any game that has any kind of action whatsoever, that would be the worst, man. That would ruin gaming. Legitimately ruin gaming. There's a reason why there was only Sierra
Starting point is 00:33:41 adventure games back then. You know what I mean? And I'll just strap that monitor straight to my face There's a reason why there was only like Sierra adventure games back then. You know what I mean? Like, and I'll just, I'll just strap that monitor straight to my face. Like it's a VR machine, man. Like 19 inches from three inches away is going to seem like an 80 inch TV.
Starting point is 00:33:55 What kind of frame rate are you looking at with old 19 inch monitors? CRT monitors frame rates are actually really good. There's a reason that there's like this whole market for CRT monitors now. Yeah, absolutely. Now color is going to be terrible because it's just going to be green, you know, at that point or whatever. It's got 12 colors. Yeah, but it's funny.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Like there's this whole like revival for CRT monitors because some of the technology is so good for certain things. Like I just saw this thing today, not to get off on a tangent, but where it was like pixel art and on a crt monitor like the pixels are blurry so like pixel art looks really good on a crt monitor whereas like on an led monitor it looks terrible dude you know you can see the individual pixels exactly so there's there's legitimately like some upsides to like a crt monitor but yeah well that's like why people went crazy over the Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater remake trailers where people were like, that's not what Snake looks like in my head. Because you were used to that kind of blur between all the pixels.
Starting point is 00:34:58 I will also say, Josh, is your 19-inch a flat monitor or does it got the old curves no crt is the curved i think right so you gotta go curve oh and it weighs like 50 pounds too man yeah all right all right all the power to you josh moving on ryan what you got okay let's see um would you rather only play single player games for the rest of your life or only multiplayer games? This is a real hard one for me to answer. I know. Yeah, me too. Because you are losing so much gaming.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yep. 100%. Yeah. See, I have always said to me, the highest highs with gaming are those wild moments in single player story campaigns, whether it's like the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2 or, you know, like Red Dead Redemption 2 with like where Arthur's story goes and it's so emotionally affecting. To me, those are like the highest peaks, but you can only experience that so often. The social getting
Starting point is 00:36:05 together of playing multiplayer games like on the day in and day out maybe you don't hit the same highs but you get to socialize with your buddies you get to have so much fun i feel like you're gonna run out of single player content so much quicker i mean i guess you've got like unlimited indie titles i don't know i don't't know. I don't even know how, I don't even know how to answer that one. What do you think, Josh? Dude,
Starting point is 00:36:29 this one's super hard for me because I love the social aspect of gaming. And so my brain like leans that direction, but I mean, games like cyberpunk, God of war, you know, red dead. I mean, some of my favorite game, I mean, look at my top 10 list, dude. You know, games like Cyberpunk, God of War, Red Dead. I mean, some of my favorite games.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I mean, look at my top 10 list, dude. It's a very good mix of multiplayer games and single player games. And so it's like, which experience would I rather have? And then which one would I rather pass on? I mean, I will say this. It's very rare that I get infuriated at a single player game whereas multiplayer games can definitely get under my skin you know like I love them
Starting point is 00:37:12 but like I don't rage quit a single player game whereas I you know I will definitely rage quit like a round of Overwatch or Rocket League or something like that so I mean assuming that the worst can happen as well, I think I'm going single player, dude. So only single player for the rest of your life. Yeah. And here, I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like I got to explain it a little bit
Starting point is 00:37:36 because a single player game, when I am exhausted, right? You've worked a 12 hour day, you know, you are just worn out out. You don't have the energy to come home and play Call of Duty or Rocket League or any of these multiplayer games, because you're just dead, man. But you can zone out and play Red Dead. And so I think that's the caveat where it's like, if I could only ever play one game, I feel like single player game will always fit the bill. Whereas multiplayer is my preference, but there's going to be many times where multiplayer is just not going to click. Like I said, whether it's bad teammates and you wind up rage quitting or I'm just tired and I don't have the energy to be good at a multiplayer game. Like that one, that decision sucks, man. But I think I'm going single player.
Starting point is 00:38:29 That's definitely a hard one. And speak for yourself. I worked 12 hours today and I'm going to play some Diablo two hardcore tonight. Yeah. I mean, I'll probably get sidetracked and dying again, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:38:41 man, that's cause I'm even, I'm looking at my leaderboard right now for my top 10. I only have one game that's a multiplayer. And that's the upload to. It's all I'm a big time action RPG single player story with a good campaign type guy. But, man, some of my see it's equal. Both of both of some of my best memories ever are either online playing with friends because i love i love multiplayer games but then like you said paul those those crazy uh crazy peak moments in a single player
Starting point is 00:39:10 game like halo 3 driving the warthog down the falling like corridor and stuff like man i think i would have to go because i'm so dialogue and story driven with a lot of games is just the single player because they're just, those are the ones, I mean, never playing with another person. I have hundreds and hundreds of hours in, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:31 red dead Skyrim, metal gear, all those games. So yeah, I definitely, I got to go with single player. And I think it's a lot easier to say that now because of so many indie titles and modding.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. So that really opens up what you can do and ryan you and i do not mind replaying single-player games where that's a lot harder for josh i would have no problem firing up mass effect one for the 20th time and just having another playthrough so i'm gonna say the same but i i would really miss my day in day out multiplayer games. No more pub G for you, dude. I know pub G gone. It'd be tough. All right,
Starting point is 00:40:12 let's go ahead and take our last break and then we'll come right back. All right guys. So I know that we're very quickly running out of time. Probably only have enough for each of us to pick like two more, maybe three, depending on, on on time i'm gonna ask you guys all right here's a good one this one's kind of for you ryan i know you're you're mr bethesda here we go would you rather lose all past and future fallout games so fallout is just gone it gets snapped by thanos or all past and future elder scrolls games
Starting point is 00:40:48 oh my answer is easy i i like fallout but to me elder scrolls is vastly superior to fallout so i'm going i'll lose all the fallout games yeah ryan really likes i know this one's tough for Ryan I just went ahead and got my answer out of the way I love sci-fi but I like fantasy even more yeah see this is man that's a good one that's tough because obviously Skyrim's number 2 on my top 10
Starting point is 00:41:18 but Fallout 4 and Fallout Vegas were just so dang good don't forget about Fallout 76 76 now ryan this is true fallout shelter yeah i got thousands of hours on those duh um man that's a good one because there's just i mean and and it's definitely the game i bought the most was skyrim i purchased it like seven or eight times but no no more fallout or no more elder scrolls. Well,
Starting point is 00:41:48 shoot, I'm not going to get elder scrolls to like 2040 anyways. I know the future entries are all 20 years apart. Yeah. I'm going to, I'm going to have to say I'll stick with Skyrim and no more fallout. I just, it's,
Starting point is 00:42:01 it's too, it's like just, they're both, I have obviously absolutely amazing games and i've had tons of fun and equally in both but skyrim's just that notch above for me and elder scrolls in general is just that that notch above i just yeah i like the aesthetics too man like skyrim's beautiful dude like you i mean you know you get those mountain vistas and the valleys and the rivers and
Starting point is 00:42:25 even the cities and then it's like fallout's just a sucky apocalyptic wasteland man but ryan loves post i mean i know he does but i'm just like if i'm saying like this is why my brain goes like i'll take the elder scroll series because it's like it's just prettier yeah well i've made my thoughts known on guns versus a lot of melee fighting that's i i might take some heat for this i've already been on record saying i think oblivion is better than skyrim i think oblivion is as good as elder scrolls gets but on the whole i think elder scrolls is really overrated i mean they are great games i have them nowhere near the top of all time like anytime i see skyrim best game ever i'm like get that out of here skyrim is great it does not hold a candle to some of these other games you're crazy yeah i mean i love it i i absolutely especially
Starting point is 00:43:20 adore oblivion but for me i would rather hang on to Fallout. I love the VATS system. I love just the storylines and the choices that you make and how all that stuff plays out. I feel like Elder Scrolls does the exploration stuff better, but I care more about that crafted story and getting to see where my choices play out. And I like how that works in a sci-fi setting. So I'll go ahead
Starting point is 00:43:46 and lose the elder scrolls the environment though like josh said there's this one i don't know if you guys saw it there's this video i saw online instagram or something where it's this dude that's like green screened in on on just like that wilderness on skyrim and the calming music is playing and he may be partaking in the devil's lettuce and he's just he's just looking around oh man i laughed so hard because i i remember doing that and i just just playing and you're just walking around just zoning out and just vibing you know with with skyrim with the world but yeah i can't believe you paul just playing in the background yeah yeah get your dragonborn on.
Starting point is 00:44:26 All right. Well, coming back to you, Josh. It's me. All right. I got a good one for you, boys. All right. Would you rather be able to reload a save in real life or be stuck on hardcore mode, but have a full hotbar of abilities?
Starting point is 00:44:44 We already live in hardcore mode. Exactly. But would you rather have a full hot bar of abilities we already live in hardcore mode exactly but would you rather have a full hot bar of abilities ryan what makes you think i don't i got all the abilities what kind of abilities are we talking here dude yeah what i mean you know game abilities you want to think world of warcraft or you know just a fireball yeah man lightning biro blast lightning use your imagination on that lightning but it's like but you're on hardcore mode so it's like real life but you get uh you know you get skills that you can use or you can reload a safe you're getting sniped if you start doing anything too wild with abilities. I mean, maybe. I'm going to say the save mode because now I'm going to have the opportunity to go rob a bank
Starting point is 00:45:29 and then just have it all reversed. And I'll be able to experience all those things without repercussions. So to me, that's kind of an easy one. That's what I'm going to pick. I like that Paul's one reload is to try to rob a bank. It's only one reload?
Starting point is 00:45:43 I thought it's like you just have reload in life now. I mean, I feel like infinite reloads makes this a little too lopsided. It's like a genie. Three reloads, Paul.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It's like three wishes. You get three reloads. Three reloads or a life of spawning magic? That's a 10 skill hot bar right there and it doesn't have to be fire balls it could be rogue skills i mean any any skill race that you can think of cast haste on myself get my sonic on there you go all right well then yeah i'll take i'll take the hot bar okay i think i would too man i mean i'm only gonna live this one life anyway why not have like a whole like a whole bunch of skills i can use yeah so it's it's my life now but with a bunch of sweet abilities or my life now but i can just kind of reboot i
Starting point is 00:46:37 don't know though think about that reboot though if you pick the right time man and you reboot you're like hey i think i will invest in apple oh that's true you know oh so you're thinking that's that's better 3d chess than i was thinking yeah so you're gonna play things out for a few years reboot back 10 invest all your money in the right stuff i don't i keep going back and forth i'm going i'm going i'm going back to the the the the save and reload yeah no but you can just save scum and he yells at me for save scumming man of course back to your disco elysium if you save scum don't even play the game the whole point of that game is you have no way man i i made it into that container with a one
Starting point is 00:47:18 percent chance man i know what's inside that container paul you don't sure you i've watched it on youtube what are you going with ryan you guys are crazy i'm taking those abilities because you can you you talking about what are you gonna do with it but for the money okay flight yeah i could use okay you're talking about robbing a bank i go invisible i teleport into the the vault grab the money teleport out and then i have a ton of money like there there. But it's also hard mode. You could get seen while you're sneaking around. I'm invisible. You could set off a sensor. Then I kill him with a laser
Starting point is 00:47:52 zap. Well, it's hard mode. It's hard mode. All the cops are going to be on you. It's like GTA. You're going to have five stars immediately. I don't know, man. I don't know. I have ten skills. I don't even need to have them revolving I'd lock them in, I'd have flight
Starting point is 00:48:08 I'd have invincibility I'd even use a money glitch that's one of my skills, money glitch what? you can't have no money glitch skill I've unlocked god mode and take over the world I think I am with Ryan
Starting point is 00:48:24 it'd be so cool to be able to fly or even a fireball I would use it for good and take over the world. I think I'm with Ryan, dude. It is so cool to be able to like fly or like even a fireball. I would use it for good. You know, I would light people's fireplaces for them. I'm not. How often is that going to happen? You could put out forest fires. Don't you care about the forest ball?
Starting point is 00:48:38 That guy on the freeway that cut me off. Don't worry. I'm not going to hit that guy with a fireball. Use a water, like a water blast. Put out the forest fires. It's true. Use super wind and get all the pollution out. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:51 See? You got to think about the world, Paul. You just think about yourself. Being real selfish right now, dude. All right. I'm back to the hot bar. Give me the anointing. I'm back. All right. That was your would you rather, right, Josh?
Starting point is 00:49:07 All right, Ryan, coming back to you. Okay, let's see here. Would you rather play one game for six hours a day for the rest of your life, but you can pick the game or you can never play video games again? I'll have to play for six hours. You have to play six hours a day. So I get home from work. I say, hey, family, I love you,
Starting point is 00:49:32 but I have to go play this game for six hours. Yep. But it can be whatever game I want. But it's a quarter of your life. And that's basically what I did with EverQuest, guys. So I know what this is like. Yeah, but imagine, well, I mean, I was going was gonna say i don't know if you've got 50 years left josh but let's say at least at least 20 wait with the hopper he does regenerate we did we did
Starting point is 00:49:56 boo paul for his take yeah on all right that was worthy boo yeah but no seriously though like imagine like 30 35 years 40 down the road like what you're still trying to queue rocket league like no you can't play i can't do it no i'd rather give it up man you know how productive i'd be no more video games for sure yeah i'd probably have skills I could put in a hot bar. Could develop and invent all that stuff. I mean, I love video games. I mean, obviously. But if I had to play one for that long every day, I would be miserable. It would start to become just such a chore.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Now, if you told me I can switch the game once a month or something like that, now that's a different story that would be a little more enticing yeah but that would definitely or once a minute like josh would do yeah i'm in change my answer next josh you can play 10 000 games for one second each yeah sold i don't have to hear anything else Just gets to the title screen and the cuts off instantly. Yeah. Oh, that's a good one. I like it.
Starting point is 00:51:11 So wait, were we unanimous on that? We're all giving up games at that point? Yeah. Yeah, you have to give up games. That'd be too sad. All right. My next would you rather. All right, here we go. Maybe this is really easy for you guys, but this is really hard for me to answer.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Would you rather only be able to play GTA 6 for the next year or be able to play every other new release that you want but not be able to play GTA 6 and have to hear the whole world talk about it and you're going to have to miss out? Give me the games. i need that variety man i know you two struggle i know you two struggle man gta online you're gonna get a lot of new content throughout the year gta online was so awesome not when it first launched it was very buggy
Starting point is 00:52:01 but over the course of like a year fixing some of the stuff and getting the content drip once they hit the heist that i think that was a couple years down the road but man see to me i am so hyped for gta6 it is in its own class of hype for me i think i would say just give me gta6 and i'll forego everything else now Now, was it for one year? One year. 365 days from the day GTA 6 releases. You just have to listen. You're going to listen to Paul and I just
Starting point is 00:52:33 laughing, talking about all the fun times. Oh, we did this. I watch videos on YouTube. I can watch playthroughs. You know. That's not the same. You guys are going to beat GTA, the campaign in two weeks. That's why you get GTA online. I know, you guys are going to be GTA the campaign in two weeks. That's why you get GTA online. I know,
Starting point is 00:52:48 but then online just gets me. You think they're releasing a brand new GTA online with the cash cow that GTA online is right now. They're not, they're not going to do that, dude. They're just going to enhance the GTA online with some new features from GTA six. It could be the Warcraft mode where it's you know 20 years running
Starting point is 00:53:06 and they've graphically updated things but it's still the old one uh i don't know i'm not entirely sure what they're looking to do but i need the variety i will be jealous as all heck don't get me wrong like i'm not saying that i'm gonna have like some regrets when this is going down but there's gonna be 40 games when that game comes out that like we're hyped to play and you don't get to play any of them, dude. Like this kind of goes to the, if you could only play one game kind of thing, like, yeah, that sounds great for a little while, but then you're going to get tired of it, dude. Would it be harder for you to answer if it was the Witcher four?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yeah. Yeah. What is the Witcher 4? Dang it. Could you imagine me and Ryan going full spoilers, talking Witcher 4, and you're just sitting there like, I don't even know what you're talking about. Like, I haven't played it. That would be. Talk about FOMO.
Starting point is 00:53:59 I don't even get FOMO. That would give me crazy. Oh, okay. Counterpoint. get FOMO that would give me crazy. Okay, counterpoint eight months in to you being forced to play nothing but this game. I'm talking about this new release that came out that is just the bees knees man. This game so much fun, you know, we people have been hyping it for six months now and then you guys can't play it because you're eight months in bored to tears with GTA 6 at this point. Yeah, but look at the batting average of all those anticipated games.
Starting point is 00:54:25 You were super psyched for Sandland, and then they drop a demo, and it's like, oh, this game sucks. Okay, once I played the demo, my hype went way down. But that's my point. Inevitably, half of the games we're hyped for will end up sucking.
Starting point is 00:54:41 You went to Sandland, Paul? That's a deep cut right there. Yeah. Dang. Chris went to Sandland. Paul? That's a deep cut right there. Yeah. Dang. Chris went to Sandland. Okay, think about this, though, Josh. Think of the amount of in-the-moment, you-had-to-be-there type fun Helldivers was.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I mean, that's true. You think you come here a year after we all played and had that fun? You wouldn't even get to play Helldivers, though. You're going to miss out on Helldivers completely because you're stuck playing GTA 6. Yeah, but maybe that's what we're having fun doing and you're missing out on all that in the moment
Starting point is 00:55:10 because that's when everybody's on. That's when everybody's playing. I get it. And then everybody moves on to something else. Give me that variety, man. I need that. I need those games. I need them new games. I'm kind of not sure what I want to choose, though. I know. It's tough, right?
Starting point is 00:55:26 That's really tough. I think there's just... I think there's so much to do in GTA. And not just the campaign, all the exploration, and then just running around and shooting stuff and blowing stuff up. And then online with friends. I mean, you have infinite amount of just... Racing, heists. Dude yeah the amount of just racing i did on gta online back in the day like over every night i was racing for hours one more point because
Starting point is 00:55:52 i feel like i have to win this for some reason even though there's no winning this but like how many people how many of our listeners come in and chat with us and then like they've never played cyberpunk they've never played god of war they've never played Cyberpunk. They've never played God of War. They've never played Red Dead. They've never played Elden Ring. They've never played any of these games that are legendary caliber games. And they're just fine. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:56:12 Like, they're like, dude, you don't know what you're missing if you don't know what you're missing. You know? And they're like, dude, I'm a happy gamer, man. I don't like, I've never played. I hear they're good.
Starting point is 00:56:21 I might play them one day, but it's not like they're like unhappy gamers. We run a video game podcast. We're going gonna know what we're missing i mean we're gonna hear nothing but it and we're gonna have to talk about it oh yeah well we we still haven't played yet yeah it's not an ignorance is bliss thing you know dang it that's all right that's the last point i had i'm out i'm out i'm going gta are you really yeah i'm going gta i think there's there's so much to do online online after you play on the campaign and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:48 And I'm sure, I mean, it's still not released, so it's not like we know what it's going to be. So it could just be some super awesome campaign like you had in GTA V with all the different characters and different ways you could play them and stuff. So, yeah, I'm going GTA. It's easy for me to say, but when it comes out and I can't play it, I will be whining and complaining and crying and like oh yeah guys i'm playing sandland
Starting point is 00:57:11 because yeah think about over the course of a year like in the last 12 months how many games have you been forced to play josh it's not very many it's only a small handful but how many games have i been excited to play though you know what i mean like how many games have I been excited to play, though? You know what I mean? Like, how many games have I been excited for the release and like to play? And you guys know, man, I'm jumping around between games. And yeah, like you were so hyped for No Rest for the Wicked. And that was like what? Like that was 14 days.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And then that's true. Never touched it again. But I can just move on to the next one at that point. Very true. Move on to Sandland. Yeah. All right. I think. Move on to Sandland. Yeah. All right. I think we got time for one more.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You got a super special one up your sleeve, Josh. You got a favorite would you rather left or have you used them all? I got one. Would you rather be married to Lilith from Diablo 4 or Kerrigan from Starcraft 2? Oh.
Starting point is 00:58:09 And the Queen of Blades one, obviously, not the pre-transformed. Right. I assumed as much. Oh, boy. I'm going Lilith. Now, you're going to have to remind me. Her dad is who? Is Mephisto, I think. Or Mephisto. I think it was it was mephisto so your father-in-law is now mephisto yeah but i'm his son-in-law he loves me yeah
Starting point is 00:58:33 i don't know that's some high stakes man i'm still picking lilith man picking lilith something about them new graphics or something. I don't get into the bony, like, Kerrigan's bony, the weird spider arm spike wing things. Yeah, you try to give her a hug and... No, I'm not too bony. I don't like bony. Okay. I'm going Lilith, too.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Yeah. Yeah, she's that bad girl uh you know what i i feel like i forget a lot of kerrigan's lore and how she acts um i'll go ahead and say lilith why not yeah she is the winner. All right. Well, yep. Lilith. All right. Well, I think we are going to wrap up. I do have one more. One more.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I got to ask this one. Go for it. Okay. Would you rather be a top e-sports caliber player, but you only ever get to play the one game that you're good at or be bad at shooters like Ryan, but you can play any game you want. Shots fired.
Starting point is 00:59:47 That's for the Sandland. was just gonna say that's retaliation so i can be esports level of i guess like pubg i don't know that's not a very exciting game it's got to be a competitive game because it's esports but that's the only game you ever get to play but you are world renowned so i could be like the world best counter-strike player sure that's gonna bring a lot of money too that's that's what i was thinking that's like dude they gotta get tired of playing those right you would think yeah but then you have a bunch of money do they do you what is like a top esports player if you're the top in the world you see a lot of prizes i mean what the $5 million range. Quarter million a year, you think?
Starting point is 01:00:28 For like if you're like the 1% of esports players. Dude, you get your deal with marketing your own energy drink. Yeah. But then you're stuck playing Counter-Strike forever. Yeah, but then I can quit my day job. Dude, these guys are making millions i think they make a lot of 5.4 million collapse streaming 5.39 mirror 5.38 all right i didn't know they were making that much yeah i think i'll go for the e-sports yeah and that's going to become my job
Starting point is 01:01:01 and now in my free time i'm just going to shift that to like TV and movies and reading other forms of entertainment. That's that's going to be my my game plan. All right, that makes sense. I didn't really make that much money. Ryan's eyes are big. He's just like I'm just looking there and was monitoring his eyes. He's just like they're making millions
Starting point is 01:01:19 counting the zeros. Yeah, it's like guys go to play Counter-Strike for real. That's that's so much money. Yeah's like, guys, we go to play Counter-Strike. For real. That's so much money. Yeah, no, I'm definitely, I'm doing these parts with the money. I really just needed that one to take the dig at Ryan. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Yeah, whatever. It was worth it. All right. Well, I think that wraps everything up for this bonus round. So as a reminder, we did mention earlier, we do have a Patreon support page all set up. That is how we get by on the pod we do rely on our listeners you can help us out you can sign up starting at five bucks a
Starting point is 01:01:49 month you'll get a shout out on the show bonus episodes special channels and discord all kinds of stuff again that's at multiplayer and make sure to hit us up on socials at video gamers pod and rate our show five stars thank you so much for listening. Until next time, happy gaming. And sign up because if you like this episode, this is what our squad casts are like. They're fun and awesome and hilarious. So sign up and see ya. All right, see ya, everybody. Bye.

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