Video Gamers Podcast - [Deep Dive] Deep Rock Galactic - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: August 14, 2023

Video games hosts Ryan, Paul and Josh are kickin barrels and squashin bugs as we return to Deep Rock Galactic for a revisit after several years away from the mines. Legendary pick from listener Kiitac...lyzm, Deep Rock Galactic is a beloved co-op shooter, and has a lot of video gamers hearts… but is it good? Has it improved over the years? We tell you, in this awesome episode Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Skippy, Kiitaclyzm, Gideon Is Lit, Toro, Scrump, Gaius, Remi, MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:  Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, Hello, fellow dwarven miners, and welcome to the Abyss Bar. Make sure to go see Lloyd, because we've ordered a round of oily oaf brew and then give it your best shot at the barrel hoop and the jetty boot because today we're deep diving deep rock galactic rock and stone rock and stone rock and stone a little delayed but i'll take it all right this is the gaming podcast. Very soon rebranding to the video gamers podcast. I am your host, Paul,
Starting point is 00:01:08 and my two dwarven brothers are with me coming up first. He is the employee of the month because he got a broken back after carrying the entire mission on his shoulders. It's Josh. People couldn't see, but I was pointing myself the whole time. Oh, I don't know if you guys ever noticed, but I love the employee of the month plaque that you can see at the bar. It's so great.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Oh, yeah. All right. And then joining Josh and me, you can find him at the Jukebox playing his favorite metal, disco, hard rock, classical, jazz, country, and techno songs. It's Ryan. Well, I got to drink my sorrows away from watching Josh Carrier, so. Oh, boy. All right, guys, before we jump into our deep dive, we do need to give a shout out to a new Patreon supporter.
Starting point is 00:01:58 This is always my favorite thing to do. We have a new supporter who goes by the name Centurion, and they signed up with rare status and we also saw on our discord server that uh they suffered quite the work injury and got six stitches to the fingers so we appreciate the support and want to wish a quick and swift recovery to centurion yeah better all right now while we're on the topic of patreon josh do you want to tell the people a little bit about our history with deep rock that we already have and why we're covering it today well we have covered deep rock galactic in the past but it was a long time ago um and it you
Starting point is 00:02:37 know people loved it i know we've actually had a few listeners that said hey i found you through that episode one of our listeners, Kidaclysm, said, you know what? I really think that you guys would love it if you went back to it. They've made a lot of changes. They've made a lot of improvements to it. I think it's a new experience, and I really want you to check it out again. So Kidaclysm went legendary and said, this is my pick. And we said, all right, it's time to go back to the mines. We are diving back into Deep Rock Galactic. We've played all together a good bit, which is great because I love any excuse to play games with you two fine gentlemen. But that's why we are returning to
Starting point is 00:03:19 Hoxus to dive back into Deep Rock Galactic. Yeah. Dude, we played it in 2020. I didn't realize, Josh, it was right when the game released. So it was actually in early access a couple years. We played version 1.0. Now we are returning in season four. And then, Ryan, this was your first time playing Deep Rock Galactic, right?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Absolute first. First introduction to all the rock and stone and now it's part of your daily lexicon right absolutely yeah kidaclysm said that they have over 1200 hours in this game they were very excited to pick it for us and they also very kindly gave us a little bit of a write-up to help us understand what had been added in the last three years, which was really handy. Which is super helpful, by the way. Thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yes. And famously, when we did our first deep dive back in 2020, when Todd was still our host of the show, he made multiple reference to this game having gnomes, which was very funny. Josh and I had to jump in and clarify that gnomes and dwarves are actually yeah very distinct races yeah come on be a dnd nerd with the rest of us you took that from me i i listened to the episode and i was gonna do a callback for for todd i was gonna call oh there you go well kidaclysm put in the lineup or in the writeup and FYI, they have not added gnomes since 1.0. So criticalism also had to have the call back to the gnome comment,
Starting point is 00:04:52 which is great. All right. And then Ryan, do you mind doing a little bit of a shameless plug? Tell the people how they can help support our show with ratings and reviews. I am never beyond a shameless plug. So everybody,
Starting point is 00:05:06 everybody, if you can get on, give us the five stars. Hit that like and subscribe, like everybody always says. But go on there. Give us the five stars. I know you can leave reviews on Apple, so get on Apple. Leave us that amazing, stupendous,
Starting point is 00:05:22 wonderful review. Get on there and do what you got to do for us. It will really, really help us out. We love the reviews and then you get a chance for us to read it on the podcast. Josh has said many times the first thing he
Starting point is 00:05:38 does every morning is check for reviews and the last few days he's been a little sad. It's been a week or two since we've gotten a new review and I still make josh sad faithfully every single morning every single morning i wake up excited and then i see that there's no new reviews and i get a little sad so yeah if you want to bring some joy to to my day in particular then uh yeah leave us a review all right well guys these alien eggs aren't going to collect themselves. Let's jump in the drop pod.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Let's deep dive Deep Rock Galactic. Slap them dice, Paul. All right. We always start out each deep dive by reading a description of the game from Steam. Deep Rock Galactic is a one to four player co-op first person shooter featuring badass space dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. All right, so like I mentioned a little bit ago, we are currently playing in season four, which is Critical Corruption. It's got like the lithophage corruptors, all that jazz. Josh, I do think we need to kind of start
Starting point is 00:06:46 from the very beginning, just in case any of our listeners don't really know what this game is. How would you describe it to someone who's never played? Deep Rock Galactic is a co-op, mission-based, mining, shooter,
Starting point is 00:07:03 dwarf culture simulator right that's the that's the perfect wordsmith that's pretty pretty wordsmith right there beautifully beautifully described oh man uh i mean that's really it is it is a it is intended to be a co-op game i know that you can play this game solo. I do not think that this game would be anything as remotely close solo as it is in the multiplayer experience. But yeah, you are a group of rowdy dwarves who are space miners. You get these missions to go to these different planets and areas. And your missions are crazy things like abducting alien eggs or sabotaging other dwarving mining companies or just mining. Sometimes you just got to simply mine stuff. You've always got a mission that you need to do. You have a submission
Starting point is 00:07:51 that gets you bonus points and extra materials and stuff like that. You go in, you do your mission, you got to get out alive. There are a lot of bugs that show up because you're on their planet. You shoot them, you shoot your friends. Hilariousness happens. Maybe Ryan misses catching the escape pod by five seconds because he's shooting everything instead of running. I'm just saying. But yeah, that's the kind of stuff that happens in this game.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I remember when we did our first deep dive that one of the reviews someone left is that this game is just Starship Troopers inside the mines of Moria. Yeah. And that's kind of perfect. It really is a good, that is a perfect mashup right there. Yeah. The dev team said that they were heavily inspired by Left 4 Dead.
Starting point is 00:08:33 They loved the idea of four-player co-op. And by the way, I got to say, we don't have enough four-player co-op games. I really love when you have that available. And they wanted it to be a little bit more of a simplistic graphical nature of the game. So they tried to make it look a little more like Minecraft because they knew it would be easier to release future content. And so that's kind of what you have is like the aesthetic of Minecraft with the gameplay of Left 4 Dead. That's kind of what we have here. All right. Now let's talk a little bit about the lobby because as weird as this might sound, when I think back on Deep Rock, the very first thing that comes to mind for me, at least,
Starting point is 00:09:11 is the lobby. So basically before you're going to actually go out on one of these missions, whoever is the host, everyone joins their lobby and there's actually quite a bit you can do in there. What are some of the things that stand out to you guys in the lobby i love the lobby it's the lobby is so great man it's the lobby sets the tone for this game and i love the fact that when ryan joined for the first time the first thing he started doing was looking around the lobby and then realizing that it's like dude this is great what was the first thing you did ryan kick a barrel play the game i can't remember if i kicked a barrel or got a beer but i did one of those right away immediately i'm like this is great and then i went to the the flappy boot or flappy bird
Starting point is 00:09:57 type game whatever yeah yeah and and played that and then everyone was talking crap because i wasn't doing too well. But the mechanics are a little off from the actual Flappy Bird. I will just say that. A little bit. Really? Because I did fine at it. Yeah. I did pretty good, too.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Well, it's good that there's things you can do in the lobby because Ryan and I need something to do while Josh takes 20 minutes to check his gear, check his perks. I got to upgrade this. Hold on. Some of us care about our loadouts guys you know and thank you notice what paul said in the beginning somebody has to carry the team and the guy that goes in prepared is the one that's doing that oh yep dude it was very funny to experience this having ryan as a first-time player because i remember when i first went into
Starting point is 00:10:43 the lobby the first thing i did was i walked near a barrel and it said press e to kick the barrel and when you do it mission control starts talking you through the intercoms and they're getting mad at you because you're trashing corporate property and so they're telling you like please stop kicking the barrels into the bay or you know whatever they say please don't kick the barrels into the bay or, you know, whatever they say. Please don't kick the barrels into the launch bay. Barrels and launch thrusters do not mix. And if you keep doing it, they just keep getting more mad and issuing more demands that you stop.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I love how the game right off the bat hits you with the humor. You learn a little bit about dwarven culture. I love the fact that all the dwarves are just so happy all the time. And I don't know if that's the ale or just the fighting or whatever it might be, but they are so happy to be in this world. I think it actually really lends well to co-op gameplay because it puts you in the mindset that we're all having fun and we're in this together. And I think that's actually really cool. Yeah. There's just a tone to this game that I absolutely love. There's a hilarity to it.
Starting point is 00:11:47 It doesn't take itself too serious. You're playing some rowdy dwarves. I mean, everything really comes together to give this game this really just awesome like underlying flavor to it that it really resonates with me. Yeah. Ryan, I know that you were really enjoying
Starting point is 00:12:04 the barrel hoop where you kick barrels basketball style into a moving ring you were actually really good at it that i was good at yeah you were doing really good did you ever try to jump through the hoop yourself oh the ring of fire i did not no i didn't try that you can do it it actually kills you and gives you a steam achievement. What? All right. Well, I know what I'm doing after this. You're gonna have to test it out.
Starting point is 00:12:31 All right. So basically let's talk a little bit about the class system and a little bit about how this game works. So basically when you join a lobby, let's say Josh is hosting. He's already picked his character. There's four classes to pick from. You can be driller, engineer, gunner, and Scout. They are all a little bit different. They have different weapons to choose from. They have different utility items. And as you join someone else's lobby, you can see what other classes are already in there. And then you get to select which
Starting point is 00:12:58 one you want to play. They all level up separately and they all have their own individual stuff that you can unlock. What class did you guys pick? And then also tell us a little bit about how that class works once you're actually in the game fighting bugs and mining in the open world. Well, I went with what I was given. You guys basically said be a gunner. Yeah, we should go gunner. We didn't tell you to just brian shoot stuff brian just go shoot stuff uh which i did even though josh just talked crap about it that's what i was doing i was shooting stuff i just didn't realize we only had five seconds left you know yes but uh i went with gunner um i had a blast i had a absolute blast with the gunner. I had the big old Gatling gun, the zip line, the shield.
Starting point is 00:13:49 It almost looked like a proximity mine on the old 007 or anything like that. But it was a shield mine that would pop up and put a big old shield around for protection. Granted, I definitely did not use it as much as I could have. I remember Josh going, Ryan, shield shield ryan ryan shield it's oh crap crap i forgot i had him and i throw i throw one out to him i'm because i'm just i'm shooting everything man you can't you can't give me more than one thing to do i just want to shoot stuff yeah you were shooting stuff really well while paul and i were dying to not having shields yes so so basically the way it works is you start the mission by going inside this drop pod and then it drills underground it opens up and you're basically like tunneling through caves trying
Starting point is 00:14:39 to accomplish whatever your objective is so all the classes have different ways that they help you do that. The gunner is probably the easiest class to learn, which is also part of why we told Ryan to do that. Cause you're mostly just there for enforcement. Ryan, you even said if we were going to do a bank heist, you just wanted to be the enforcer with the weapons.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And that's basically the gunner. Like you're just fighting the bugs. You're still mining as you find stuff. So like if you run around, you can shoot with your left mouse click button, but then with your right mouse button, you can use a pickaxe and you're running around and you're gathering gold, nitro, molokite, you know, all these different kinds of gems. The gunner though is a little bit more strictly fighting, but the zip lines are actually really cool because a lot of times you're fighting in these open cavernous areas and maybe you can't get up to a high ledge. Well, Ryan, as the gunner
Starting point is 00:15:31 can put up a very handy zip line and anyone in the party can use it and it'll stay there for the rest of the game, which is pretty neat. Yeah. What about you, Josh? What class did you pick? So I had my, I still had my faithful engineer from way back in the day when we played many years ago. And so I just went right back to him. I like the engineer, to be honest. I think all the classes are fun in their own way. But the engineer basically is kind of like team support, kind of like most engineers in games are. He gets the ability to shoot out a foam platform that has to attach to
Starting point is 00:16:05 a wall. But because the environments in Deep Rock are so cavernous and vertical sometimes, and there is fall damage in this game, it's a really, really handy thing to have to where it's like, hey, there's a mineral up on a pillar that you need to try to mine. How are we going to get up this pillar? And it's like the engineer can put these foam platforms on there so you can stand on them while you're mining. They help absorb fall damage. So a well-timed one could help save somebody's life and that kind of stuff. The other ability they get are sentry turrets, which in this game are phenomenal because the bugs and the monsters that you encounter, they climb on the ceiling, they climb on the walls, they come out of nowhere. And the sentry turrets do a phenomenal job of just They're really good. Oh, okay. Well, we got to clear these out now. So that's like the two main things. They get a grenade launcher.
Starting point is 00:17:05 They get some heavy weaponry that they can use. But yeah, I like the engineer, man. I will say, I feel like when it's compared to the driller and the zip lines from the other two classes that it's the phone platforms are very niche and how well you can use them. But when you need one, it's really nice to have. Yeah, that is very true. So I also stuck with my original class, which was the Driller.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They are not necessarily the best fighters, but they do have really good utility. So normally if you're trying to tunnel through the ground or through a wall, you're taking your pickaxe and you're knocking out one little chunk of the wall at a time. Well, the Driller has a primary weapon, which does AOE damage. It either does like fire or ice or like a corrosive sludge, things like that.
Starting point is 00:17:55 But then you also have the utility of pulling out these massive drills that you wear on your hands and you just push your hands forward and very quickly at normal walking speed tunnel your way through walls the ground and you can also angle it so sometimes it's like well we got to get up to that high edge uh we're on cool down right now and i can just always pull out a drill kind of aim up in the air and kind of create my own like you know uh stairwell if you will like up to another ledge it's also very handy for a quick getaway because whenever you finish a mission, you always have to work your way back to the drop pod in order to extract. Meanwhile, there are new enemies spawning, more stuff happening.
Starting point is 00:18:36 The driller is nice because you see a little icon that says, you know, whatever, like 130 meters behind all of this stone is the drop pod. And instead of walking four miles around how we got there i can just beeline it right back to the extraction which is not the best for combat but it makes for a very easy extraction yeah the driller is the person that you always want with you uh on the way out at least yeah i mean honestly it's like the if i had to say what's the one class that you need the driller is it they're not meant for combat like paul we were fighting a boss and you were like guys i've got nothing but close range weapons like i i'm useless
Starting point is 00:19:16 right now um so there is that trade-off you know for like the utility of the class versus like what else they can do but as ryan and i were joking around, he and I played around without you, Paul, you had to go. And we're so used to having you with us and be lining out that we ran out of time to, to hit the extraction. We had like less than 60 seconds to get to the drop pod. We realized this is coming down to the absolute wire. I fell and died and was literally yelling at Ryan to hurry, but don't fall and die. And then watching Ryan just shoot bugs nonstop. And then he finally tried to make a last ditch effort,
Starting point is 00:19:57 fell into a pit and died. And that was the end of that. But we both kind of went, man, we miss heaven, Paul. Yeah. The whole way back back that whole mission like but but especially the the way back we were following you know the robot uh the molly molly right molly yeah yeah we were following molly back and we're like what what way is she going what the heck is this and we're like oh man i wish we had paul like we could have just shot
Starting point is 00:20:23 straight to it and would have been totally fine. And we went through some crazy ups and downs and arounds and corners and stuff. And then, yeah, it was absolutely wild. So, yeah, we definitely wished we had you on that one. It made me feel very appreciated. And then the final class is the Scout. Basically, long story short, they can fire brighter flares. So that's one thing that we should mention is since you're fighting underground, everything
Starting point is 00:20:51 is very dark and you can chuck out flares on a cooldown. I'm not sure how long it takes to recharge. Maybe like 10 seconds or so. I feel like it's about 10 seconds of flare. Yeah. And you can chuck them. They don't go very far and they burn out relatively quickly and so the scout has super charged flares that are much brighter they last much longer and they
Starting point is 00:21:11 also shoot like darts and they stick into walls so it's very handy where you can actually light up entire caves just by shooting them like up into the roof and they also have a one-person grapple hook uh now do you guys like the flare system in this game like do you think it's a feature or do you find it to be a nuisance where do you kind of land on that continuum i thought it was something that was i mean it'd be obviously easier if you didn't have to deal with the flare system and things were kind of illuminated throughout the cavern as you went but i thought it was neat the way you had to continuously put them through the areas and then they would occasionally burn
Starting point is 00:21:50 out when you went back through you know so i i personally i know it was more work but i liked it yeah it was always funny to see like the graveyard of flares you'd always see like 30 burned out flares in this area yeah it's weird because my initial thought is i don't like it but then it gives you something to do while you're running around in that big dark cave and so it's like part of me is trying to chuck the flare up on a ledge and i'm trying to light up this corner over here and i'm trying to do that and then i ran out of flares so now i'm running through the dark and it's adding to the suspense and all that. So it's like, it feels like a chore to me.
Starting point is 00:22:28 But then when I think about it, I'm like, I think it's good that it's actually in the game because it adds that element. I really like it a lot because it makes perfect sense. It wouldn't make any sense if these caves were lit up. The only thing I would say is if they could make the flares last like 30 to 40% longer, I don't think they would be a nuisance at all. And it would only purely be a feature,
Starting point is 00:22:52 but they don't last terribly long, which is a little bit of a bummer. All right. Well, we are going to take our first break here and then we're going to come back and talk a little bit about the assignment board and mission types and progression, how all that stuff works. Okay, fellas, we are back. So we broke down a little bit of the classes.
Starting point is 00:23:15 The last thing I'll say to kind of wrap a bow in that conversation is that you can absolutely beat any mission with any combination of classes. You don't have to have a driller. You don't have to have an engineer. You can play it with four scouts if you want. I think that's going to be tough, but you can do it. But I think the one thing that works really well is that the classes all synergize incredibly well. I always thought that this game kind of played best if you're sort of role playing as dwarves and you have one of each class and you can really start to build these things together where the scout can go get those minerals way up there the driller is drilling into the next cave we're all kind of
Starting point is 00:23:56 working together in our own separate areas and i think this is actually one of the games that does that best where there's no necessarily overpowered class. They actually work really well together. Do you guys feel similarly? Yeah, I will say I think they did a masterful job in how the classes interact with each other. I mean, how many times did Ryan shoot out a zip line and then it's like, well, it's off center slightly. So I drop a foam platform underneath so that when you get to the other side, you have something to drop down on. Or Paul, you're like, hey, there's stuff we have to mine up there. Let me just drill a staircase up to that. Now there's a hole in the wall.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Josh, throw out a platform for me. Or we're fighting a boss. Ryan, we got to get out of this area. There's lava everywhere. Zipline us out. That kind of stuff. So it really does a good job of allowing you to rely on your teammates. And I think when you get into the really hard levels,
Starting point is 00:24:54 because this game does have various difficulties, that's where the teamwork becomes super, super important at that point, because everybody kind of has to know their role. In some of the easier to mid difficulties, I think it's a lot more forgiving in that regard, but I love the fact that it's just, listen, you got to rely on your friends if you want to do really well.
Starting point is 00:25:11 But if you all just want to goof off too, that will still work. Yeah. Yeah, 100%. And I appreciated that factor of it too, where it's almost like the game doesn't take itself too seriously. So you can still come in and have an awesome time
Starting point is 00:25:26 and have a lot of fun, but you can accomplish these missions. I know Josh and I, we were doing that mission and we didn't have Paul to dig us out and we almost finished it. We were right there at the end and we took some time,
Starting point is 00:25:42 probably more than we should, but we could have finished it if we really needed to or if we played it again but it just shows how the balance between the characters makes such a difference to where you you can do it without but it does make it that much better together you know to to form you know our powers combined captain planet style absolutely let our powers combine all All right. So let's talk a little bit about the assignment board and the mission types. So in order to select what mission you're going to go on, normally what you do first is you go to the assignment board and the assignment board gives you a list of different, basically like quest lines that you're going to
Starting point is 00:26:22 choose as your active quest. And after you do the certain number of objectives, it'll give you some kind of reward at the very end. So maybe if I do this mission assignment, then I have to complete three missions of a certain type, and then I'm going to unlock my next gun. Or maybe you unlock a hat. Or maybe you just get crafting materials. But you're going to select an active assignment type. And then if you go to the mission select screen, it's very easy to see what's going to complete your next objective. And it's really nice when you play with friends, if you take on the same mission types at the same time, that way we're knocking out the same
Starting point is 00:26:59 objectives. But basically there you select from one of several mission options now when josh and i played back in 1.0 there were very limited options for the missions they have added actually quite a bit so when you're looking at the mission types you've got some stuff like on-site refining you've got escort duty you have industrial sabotage those are some of the newer ones there's also very older ones like uncovering the alien eggs and extracting those. One, I believe, is called elimination, where you just fight the dreadnought bosses. So there's different mission types to give you a different experience. And I think your average mission probably takes, what, anywhere from 10 to 45 minutes,
Starting point is 00:27:42 something like that? I don't know if you can do them that fast and i'd say closer to probably 20 to 40 minutes somewhere i mean i guess if you know what you're doing and you just beeline it you could probably knock one out in 20 minutes we tend to hazard level one yeah i was gonna say we tend to goof off and get lost and shoot each other and that kind of stuff and then it takes us like 30 40 minutes to complete one yeah oh before i forget just in case since this game is cooperative, people do die.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Do you guys want to mention how you res your fellow dwarven miners? Like any dwarf would get another dwarf back on his feet and you give him some alcohol. How do you give it to him, Josh?
Starting point is 00:28:19 He's unconscious. He can't drink it. You got to do something, man. Be a good friend. Sprinkle it. Pour a little bit of alcohol. You know, the pores absorb it, and then they're good to go.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Right back at them. Dude, I love it so much. And if two dwarves are resing one, it goes faster. But you're both just like waterboarding this dwarf with alcohol. It's the funniest thing. All right. So anyway, between all the different mission types, you get a little bit of everything. Like one is really just extracting minerals. One is escort,
Starting point is 00:28:54 things of that nature. Were there any mission types in particular that you guys enjoyed the most? I liked the new missions, to be honest. Maybe it's just that we were really familiar with the old ones, but a lot of the new missions I found to be just really fun. This game has come a long way. So I will say that I know that when Kid Iclism picked this game, that they were like, you know, hey, here's some of the changes. I really want you to experience some of those changes. And I can say that we did. There are some pretty intense boss fights now, which I thought were super cool. There are random events. We came across a giant robot that was like some rogue rocket launching climbing robot that was kind of like our little Molly on steroids that started wrecking us. And we didn't have any idea what was going on.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And so I really love where this game has gone over the years because it's honestly pretty impressive. I think my favorite mission was the industrial sabotage one, just because you always have something to do. And then you have that kind of boss fight at the end. Once we kind of figured out what we needed to do, I liked that one. My second favorite was probably the riding the drill in because that one was just chaos for like we had no idea what to do there's things attacking their tank or a drill or whatever it is paul's trying to figure out these weird pod things and and we have no idea what to do ryan's off shooting things you know it's just like we like but then it got we kind of started to figure it out and that's
Starting point is 00:30:21 when i went this is kind of neat and then i really liked the end of that mission where this drill that you escort is now trying to crack open this giant alien like egg thing and as it hits the different phases there's just this giant like colorful explosion that rocks the whole cave and i was like this is really cool man there's like laser shooting crystals there's bugs coming everywhere It's actually one of the rare escort missions. That's a lot of fun. Normally we rag on escort missions. That's actually, they do it really well.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah. I really loved the onsite refining. So this actually kind of like built in a little bit of satisfactory mechanics, which is kind of funny. So that's where you have this refinery and it's got three pipelines and you have to go discover where these pools of liquid Morkite are. And then you basically start building pipelines from the refinery down to the pools.
Starting point is 00:31:14 But then once you turn the machine on, they tell you this noise is going to draw out all the monsters. And periodically, they will damage parts of your pipeline and start spewing more kite out. And so you have to constantly run around and repair the pipeline where it's broken and keep it running. But you also get to grind like Tony Hawk style. The rail grinding was so cool, man.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, I loved that. So this game's come a long way. Instead of just, hey, take your pickaxes to this organic material and grab the egg and just leave. Or go find 200 more kite and leave. Those missions were very simplistic. The new ones were like multi-stage, much more complicated. I liked it quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Well, I loved how we were like, okay, here's the pump. How the heck are we going to get this down to this thing and we're trying to figure out which way to go around and we got to bring it down we're like i i was like all right guys it's up here it's up here this one's up here and i and i shot a zip line and then we're like wait how are we going to get over this cavern i was like well that won't work so we had to circle it back around and go down below and we're like paul dig out this cavern come on hurry up you know up. Yeah, I love those ones as well. That was a blast. Yeah, I think some of the mission options are really, really good.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I feel like they've really stepped it up with the later ones compared to earlier. All right, so let's maybe just flesh out the combat a little bit more. I would say the combat is relatively chaotic. I wouldn't say it's as chaotic as something like broforce for example where you can blow up the ground underneath your friends and they're going to immediately die but this game does have friendly fire and especially when you play someone like the driller if you're using like a flamethrower it's very easy to start burning your dwarven friends and they will oh and they yell hilarious voice lines yeah but uh yeah i would just say it's a lot of like there's small bugs that you
Starting point is 00:33:13 basically like one or two tap and they die but then you have other really big glyphids i think they're called where they have like soft spots that do more damage but they're doing elemental damage to you like how did you guys feel about all those different mechanics is there enough that you would say the game has good combat i just want to say paul's being very kind i i shot both of these little dinguses more than you can imagine and then they would their characters would yell back at me like relentlessly because i got this gatling gun with like 1700 bullets and i'm just like i'm gonna kill every freaking spider in this whole cavern and then
Starting point is 00:33:52 they would run by and i'm like you know and just mow them down hi get off me you know so at one point i yelled at ryan because you do fight like enemy robots and drones and stuff. That was, that was, I, I beeline right on you. I aimed my crosshairs right on. You're like,
Starting point is 00:34:11 stop shooting me. It took me a second to realize, like, I thought I was getting shot by a drone and I looked down and Ryan is just Gatling gunning, just standing down on this ledge, just straight at me, just lighten me up,
Starting point is 00:34:24 man. And I was like like what the heck and i looked down i realized it's ryan i'm like ryan quit shooting me and he's like oh is that you okay come on yeah well and they've added some new mechanics so like one of the things we discovered is you could shoot these little flying robots when they got damaged they'd fall but then you could hack it and it would become your pet and fight with you and josh kept yelling at us because because ryan and i would keep shooting his pet and he's like that's mine guys stop shooting it it's a bunch of bloodthirsty dwarves running around man if it moves it dies yeah yeah i think i'll be honest man combat in this game i think is it it is good for what it
Starting point is 00:35:07 needs to be um it's good enough it is good enough yeah i i won't go and say it's amazing but i do like that it gets very frantic um you do get different weapons you can earn weapons i i was harassing you guys because i was like guys we got to get this green stuff i got to get this new weapon that i've unlocked um you know so you do get weapon progression. You can actually add mods to your weapons that give you bigger magazines or they shoot faster or it changes kind of how they fire and things like that too. So there is actually a good bit of customization to your loadout. You can get different grenades and things like that. In the beginning, when we played years ago, the monster variety was slim to none. I will say that they've improved that a lot.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Now you don't know if you're going to be fighting flying robot drones or giant flying insect creatures or little skittery ones that blow up on you and stuff like that. So I think that they've done a really good job adding enemy variety. All that said, the combat, you're not playing this game for the combat alone you're playing the game and doing the combat because of the chaos it creates and then the environment that you are now in if that makes sense like your buddies are dying i can't count how many times i had to res both of you guys um and save the day uh you know from you both getting killed and things like that taking out the boss single-handedly that kind day, you know, from you both getting killed and things like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Taking out the boss single-handedly, that kind of stuff, you know. But no, it really does. The combat in this game adds a layer that is very much needed, and it is satisfactory. I just wouldn't say I think the combat's like super on point or tight or something like that. Yeah, this isn't the gunplay from Destiny 2 or something like that but they do get clever and creative so even some of the newer stuff you have to shoot a certain substance on a certain type of armored enemy and then peel away the armor and then you can actually shoot the inside so they've added little twists like that that do add a lot of variety they've also added more
Starting point is 00:37:04 ranged stuff i feel like it was not very often that we were being shot from range but they sometimes like in certain missions they'll spawn these sniper sentries oh those things are annoying such a pain in the butt but i liked the fact that you had to pay attention to it i mean they wouldn't one shot you but they'll take out your shields and you know they can do some heavy damage. But I do think that they've done a lot to improve the combat. I would have said in the past, it was like a C minus. And now I would say it's like a solid B. I think the combat's come a long way. I agree. The enemy variety, the weapons, the boss fights, especially for me, are what really kicked it up a notch versus when we played a long time ago. And I like the fact that,
Starting point is 00:37:45 you know, we would still see new monster types after, you know, 10 new missions that we've done. Now there's one that can pick you up and carry you off, or there's a web one that's, you know, cling to a wall or you really have to be aware that I don't know if this is a detriment necessarily. Maybe it is, but it's like, sometimes you're getting spit at by various bugs and you don't know where they are because the ceiling is dark and then it's like what is hitting me like something is shooting me and then you're looking around everywhere and then finally realize that it's a bug that's up on a dark ceiling that's been spitting at you for the last four minutes and you finally realized it was up there if only we had a scout with us to light it up.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Yeah, I mean, true. That's probably the benefit there. If only. I mean, as far as combo goes for me, for somebody who hasn't played it prior like you guys did, I thought it was pretty good. I thought it was just enough to keep pace with the rest of the game. I thought it wasn't too much. It wasn't too little. It just kind of kept on pace with the rest of the game i thought it wasn't too much it wasn't too little it just kind of kept on pace with everything else it was fun it was interactive i love the parts where we had to shoot the legs to open up the other the other parts of the the boss i love the
Starting point is 00:38:58 parts where we had to yeah where we had to you know shoot the different monsters that were coming in you know when we were trying to accomplish this last objective. So I thought it was enough. It wasn't amazing, but it wasn't bad. So it just kept pace with the game. I thought it was great and I enjoyed it. Yeah. So we talked a little bit about how you choose your assignment, which is your active quest, and you do that to unlock certain gear. But there's also a lot of other forms of progression. It's not just through assignments. I mean, this game, you get milestone achievements, which give you perk points. You spend those on upgrades that you use on all of your characters.
Starting point is 00:39:38 They have where if you level a certain class up to 25, you promote them in a prestige system and then i would say maybe most importantly maybe what deep rock galactic's biggest legacy is is the fact that they have a battle pass which costs zero dollars completely free and not only that if you miss out on a previous season guess what it's all still available for you to get that loot later. So if you want to work your way through and earn those cosmetic rewards, they're there. This is a game that delivers you free new seasonal content with a free battle pass, and you don't pay any extra. This is kind of like, I think most people think of Terraria and Deep Rock Galactic as these two games that you pay up front and it just keeps
Starting point is 00:40:26 paying off over time because they're going to give you more and more and more and more. I guess you could also put No Man's Sky into that category. Some of these games that they just give you so much bang for your buck and Deep Rock is right there with them. Yep, absolutely. Yeah, they just keep the content coming. I mean, it's been years since we played. This game feels like it's easily three times as large as it was back then. We didn't have to pay for DLC. We didn't have to buy anything. We literally just reinstalled the game and bam, there was everything new that had happened over the last two or three years or whatever it was. And just waiting for us to try out. Including the space beach party theme in the lobby with inflatables, beach balls, palm trees. I tell you that. All while you're in space. That's the best lobby of any game by far.
Starting point is 00:41:14 I think so too. Oh, it was amazing. I spent more time. I would hop in with my son. He's seven. Well, seven now as a couple days ago. We'd come in and he's like, I want to play that one game, dad.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And we'd run over. We'd kick the barrel. We would go play the Flappy Bird game and go around. He's like, give me a beer. And I'm like, hold on, buddy. Hold on. I love it. So how do you guys feel about playing this game long term?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Because when we did our first deep dive i said that my biggest issue is that after you've played each mission type like seven or eight times i felt like it was really dragging after that i i kind of felt like what am i really playing the game at this point for there's really no carrot to keep doing it there's not enough mission types now three years later josh do you feel like the game's more replayable than it used to be? Because I absolutely think it is. I 100% agree. I know that I think I had kind of the same context as you before. I think I was always a little bit higher on Deep Rock than you were, but you definitely were like, dude,
Starting point is 00:42:20 I hit the wall. We've done all the missions. We've seen all the stuff there is like, why am I playing this at this point? Let's just go on to something else. Um, now I think that they have enough variety in the mission types, in the progression paths, in the perks, in the weapon unlocks and the assignment board, you can get these personal missions that unlock new types of missions or new weapons or new cosmetics, or you just get a ton of resources because you need to spend those to buy new weapons and things like that. I think the progression loop is insanely better than what it was back then. And there were still systems because none of us have promoted a character. They have a forge, they have overdrive systems, and some of this stuff that honestly we don't
Starting point is 00:43:03 know about that's in the higher levels of the game for people that have played for hundreds of hours. And I think they're even still catering to those people as well. So I would say, you know, kudos to them for what they've built over the years, because this, this game is a very well done game. And I think the progression system is where it needs to be now whereas it was not when we played it first yeah I totally agree from what I've played and what I gathered it seems like it's it's a game from developers that care about the players and they want them to continue to play the game and not only that they want them to have. They want them to enjoy it, to just have a blast, man. I had so much fun with this game, and anybody out there,
Starting point is 00:43:51 I know we're kind of done on the deep dive of it, and we've played it, and we kind of got to move on to some other games, but if somebody hits me up and we can get a crew together, I would love to play this game again. Every time I was playing, I had fun the whole time. And you can't say that about many games. From start to finish, it was a blast. And I know I was playing with these guys that I love,
Starting point is 00:44:12 but it was a blast start to finish, and it was great, and I would do it again. So yeah, A-plus for me. Yeah, I don't think it's an everyday kind of game for me, but with each new update i'm much much more inclined to go check it out with each new season all right well we're gonna go ahead and take our last break and then we'll come back do some hot takes community reviews make love marry or murder
Starting point is 00:44:37 and our leaderboard okay guys time for some hot takes anyone want the honors of going first i'll go first i got all right all right i'm gonna try i'm trying to be spicy here guys even though you guys might agree with this so agreement doesn't mean it's not spicy that's what i tell myself myself. But I'm going to say that Ghost Ship Games, who developed Deep Rock Galactic, is one of the best game developers out there. That's my hot take.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Because I'll back this up because people are going to go, Ghost Ship Games, who? If you think about Deep Rock Galactic, we played this game two years ago and it was a complete game at that point. From start to finish, we could do everything we wanted to do. We got 30 hours of gameplay out of it easy and had had a lot of fun and we
Starting point is 00:45:30 you know our one main complaint was that started to get repetitive they've been developing this game for two plus years now on top of what we've already played and they have added so much to this game for free this is how you do a game man they're not trying to soak every dime out of somebody they don't have 500 dlc packs everything is free that they continue to develop for this and on top of that this game's fairly bug free i didn't run into any bugs did you guys not a single one one. I mean, and so it plays well. It's optimized. Are the graphics maybe, I mean, they're, they're fine for what the game is. They're not bad graphics by any means. Like they, they kind of lean into a certain art style and it works, but like, I can't think of a, like a game where the developer has made
Starting point is 00:46:22 this such a passion project and made it so good. Other games that come to mind, Stardew Valley, right? That was made by one dude. One guy. He did the whole thing. But Stardew Valley is regarded as one of the better games made. I mean, it's a beloved game. So when I look at this and I think this developer has done everything that they need to do. I think that's how you develop games. It should be kind of the gold standard for people to develop games this way. So for me, go ship games,
Starting point is 00:46:53 even though not many people have heard of you, you're one of the best out there. Well, we kind of recently talked about how Larian studios has gained so much reputation through games like divinity, original sin two. And of course now Baldur's gate three, because they're just delivering good games at a fair price go ship games on their own website they say we believe in fair deals equal partnerships full transparency and consumer
Starting point is 00:47:17 friendly business models if people are happy to buy your game you know you're on the right track yeah like these are just people who yes they run a business they have to be concerned about the finances but they also love games and you can feel it there's a difference when you play a game like this or you play the rock star gta trilogy remastered where you can tell this is literally just a money grab and it looks and plays terrible you can tell the complete difference absolutely what about you ryan what's your hot take um my hot take for this is i think that this is a criminally underrated game i think that for someone who is i mean i would consider myself a gamer i play lots of video games. I buy lots of video
Starting point is 00:48:06 games. For me to have not played this prior to us doing it together is just ridiculous. I had so much fun playing this game. So the hype is not there. The the media the everything is not there this game should be a lot more out in the stratosphere than it is had you heard about it before we mentioned it no not even the name right and that's that's part of the point right there yeah it's just i i i had no clue about it i mean i guess i was probably in my little destiny world in orbit, you know, going through the galaxy. But it just I had never even thought of this game or heard of it or it never came on my radar. So I wish I would have got it sooner because that was so much fun playing here. It's this great game that you never knew you wanted.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Exactly. You never knew you wanted to be a space dwarf out here mining gems left and right huh well woefully lacking on on gnomes in the in the galaxy there but uh it's the one way you can improve i'll prove it i'll take the drawers yeah yeah my big hot take here is i think it's the best four-player co-op game that you can play right now yeah i mean i know it's got some competition from other stuff but like there's been a lot of lackluster efforts at four-player co-op like back for blood didn't really do it uh i i think this one does it best i think the atmosphere is fun and i think it has also led to a really pleasant community. So I played a whole bunch of games with randos for one afternoon. I probably played about three,
Starting point is 00:49:53 four hours straight. And they have added so many new things to this game that I started playing one game. I just dropped in halfway through and my screen kept blinking low oxygen, and I kept dying. I'm like, how do I get oxygen? Am I too deep in this cave? So I'm like climbing higher, but I'm still suffocating. They must have rezzed me seven or eight times in a row
Starting point is 00:50:16 within like four minutes, and no one was blasting me. Finally, I just start typing in chat, guys, I haven't played in two years. I don't know what I'm doing. Why do I keep dying from oxygen? And they're like, oh're like oh welcome back to deep rock yeah stand near the mule and you'll uh get more oxygen i'm like oh thanks so much oh can you imagine hopping into like overwatch and being like hey guys how does genji's alt work i would troll you so hard paul you get flamed. It's true. I had this experience a long time ago. I did kind of the
Starting point is 00:50:48 same thing. And I joined some super high level group. These guys were all, I mean, masters at Deep Rock Galactic. And the same exact thing happened to me. I died 20 times. They res me every single time, gave me an attaboy, a pat on the i mean no toxicity at all this is one of the better game communities out there this also sounds a little goofy but if you press v your character will like emote and yell lines and they are all positive teamwork phrases and when i was playing because when when the three of us are on we're in voice comms, we're not really using the emotes because we're actually talking. But every time I played with randos,
Starting point is 00:51:28 as soon as any one person hit V, everyone is mashing the V button for the next three minutes where we're all, you know, if you don't rock and stone, you're not coming home. And you get all these different voice lines, which is so funny.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I feel like the community of Deep Rock is actually extraordinarily pleasant. And as someone who still plays Overwatch on a daily basis, it was very refreshing to be in a different community. It really is. All right. Well, Josh, I think you've got some community reviews for us. I do. We always give some various opinions on these games, so you don't have to just take our word for it. And you can kind of get an idea of what some of the good and some of the bad is, uh, since this game is on steam, uh, that's where we went to pull some of these. So first review is recommended 466 hours on record. And it says, imagine paying less money for infinitely more content than most games deliver
Starting point is 00:52:21 in their entire lifespan. Imagine a company supporting a game for years after its launch. Imagine premium cosmetics being the only paid DLC in the game, and even those are dwarfed, literally, by the cosmetics that you can get in the game for free. Imagine a developer truly caring for its fans and the games that they create, all while delivering one of the best co-op games I've played since Left 4 Dead. I was happy knowing that Redigit seems to love Terraria just as much as I do, and I never thought I'd see another developer show such respect and love for their game. Luckily, I was wrong, and I will happily continue to be wrong so long as Ghost Ship Games have me, as long as they have me. Seriously, buy this game. I've bought dinners more expensive
Starting point is 00:53:04 than this game, all to have far less fun yeah cancel one door dash order and and pick up deep rock and you're gonna get at least 20 hours and even very possibly 100 plus that's like a movie trailer on like the greatest game ever it's like yeah in a world where the game, imagine a developer that cares. Imagine a world. All right. This next one is not recommended. Seven and a half hours on record. I'm confused as to why this game is overwhelmingly highly rated.
Starting point is 00:53:38 It's definitely not a bad game, but I feel like the rating is misleading. I've only put seven hours into it, including an hour of kicking barrels into a flying circle. And I eerily feel like I put in at least 30 hours. It's fun to hang out and mine with your friends for a few rounds, but it quickly gets repetitive. And there wasn't enough of a grip from the leveling system to keep me coming back for more. By any chance, did you grab the date on that review? That sounds like a 1.0 review that I would have said back then. Yeah, honestly. But I mean, in scrolling reviews and pulling some, repetitiveness becomes a theme for the negative reviews. This game's not buggy. It's optimized well. You can't be mad at the developer for battle passes and all this stuff that people get mad about nowadays. So the negative views are just, hey, here's something that i didn't like about the game itself
Starting point is 00:54:25 and they tend to just be that it gets repetitive so all right this next one is recommended 1555 hours on record deep rock galactic is like if going to work was fun you wake up select your mission drink your drinks embark mine shoot bugs say something racist about elves, and unquestioningly sell your labor to your underpaying, under-equipping capitalist overlords. Rock and stone. Do it again and again and again. What I've heard negative reviews describe as a repetitive grind personally felt like a satisfactory climb to me. I had well over a thousand hours before things started to feel repetitive to me. There's simply far too many biomes, mission types, loadouts for that to happen right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:55:08 There are always, there's always something new to try out some new achievement to get or some challenge to overcome. So perfect counterpoint to the people that say this gets repetitive. This person saying that feeds me. Yeah. What percentage of the reviews do you think said rock and stone? Oh,
Starting point is 00:55:26 every single one of them, honestly, go scroll through man. And I was like, I was going to pull one, but then I'm like, I really want to give people like an idea about the game and me just yelling rock and stone probably doesn't do that.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I would have laughed if you said I have four reviews and all four were just rock and stone. All right. And then this last one is not recommended four and a half hours on record i think you might be seeing a difference here in the time played not feeling this game after playing it with friends a few times there's quite a lot to do but it feels like a job the sense of progression is pretty slow i put four hours into the game already and i've barely accomplished anything while sticking to one character most of the time
Starting point is 00:56:02 that might excite some players but for me I can't justify dumping hours into a game which rewards my time with minor character upgrades and cosmetics. My ultimate criticism is this game lacks substance. You run around, find a thing, retrieve it, then leave, all while occasionally killing some enemies. That's the loop. You're basically an online grocery shopper,
Starting point is 00:56:20 except replace all other customers with hostile monsters. And instead of real money, you get fake money that you can use to buy a mustache. That also screams to me like 1.0 review. I will say if anyone out there is listening and you haven't played Deep Rock in a long time and you think you don't like it, I would highly encourage you to check it out again
Starting point is 00:56:41 because so much has been added. It doesn't feel like a completely different game, it feels much deeper it it really does it feels much more complete to me now as a full game we've gone from a four foot deep pool to a olympic size pool is how it feels yeah all right so as we always do we try to guess the overall steam score there was a clue in one of those reviews there guys as a hint um on the steam scale of zero to 100 i think i'm the winner last time didn't i win pretty sure i did did you you might have yeah i think so i'll i'll just go with my guess i guess 91 i thought you know what this is going to be a game that people really like i think the simplicity and the perceived repetitiveness will throw some people off so i guessed in the 91 range
Starting point is 00:57:29 okay what's your guess ryan nope paul you're next all right so here's the thing i i accidentally cheated oh what i listened to the old deep dive and we just flat out say what the rating is yeah and I'm pretty sure it's still the same because I Josh did read a little bit of a hint there yeah so I'm going to take a pass on this one right right and what's your for the honesty yeah
Starting point is 00:57:56 okay also first time three and a half years of doing this this is the very first time I accidentally ran across the steam score so what did you do Josh what was yours I said 91 so you either go one over you go one under man i'm going 90 you're going 90 i'm going wrong you have chosen poorly oh no it is 97 percent what 97 on steam overwhelmingly positive and i't have it in front of me, but that was at least 120,000 reviews as well.
Starting point is 00:58:30 So this is not just a few reviews and people loved it kind of thing. So kudos to Deep Rock Galactic right there for that. All right, I guess that lets me intro this next segment since I'm the back-to-back champ. Yeah, let's insert those five credits get that jukebox going here we go hey molly get over here and let me make a deposit oh dear
Starting point is 00:58:55 these are always the worst that's because i come i come up with the best pickup lines, but I can't ever read them because I never win. Yeah. Get good. Yeah. All right. So this is where we rate the game on our scale of make love, marry or murder. Murder is don't play this game. It's not worth your time or money. Make love.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Hey, this game might be up your alley. Might be worth the price. Worth checking out. Maybe Mary is this is an absolute must play. I recommend this to everybody. The game just stands above most others out there. I'll be honest. I don't remember what I gave this game back in the day, but I can tell you for me as of now, this is an easy Mary for me at this point. I feel like this is a, it's not a different game. It's just such a vastly improved experience. Now. I love the the humor i love the gameplay i
Starting point is 00:59:47 love the camaraderie with friends i love the good community i love the progression system in it now that i just i really honestly love everything about deep rock galactic i've always recommended this game to people that want a co-op experience and that has not changed what has changed is my opinion of this game since playing it again i'm really glad that criticalism asked us to go back to it because now I can really just super encourage people to pick it up and play it. Whereas before I'm like, I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:14 most people would probably like it, but now it's, it's an absolute Mary for me. Well, since I did just listen to the old deep dive, I can tell you exactly what you said. You said I'm right on the line between make love and mary and you're like i guess it's barely a mary and that's what you said
Starting point is 01:00:32 now it's an absolute yeah yeah uh i'm gonna upgrade i said make love last time i would definitely say it's now a mary quality game i think with the added missions with the seasonal updates like back then in 1.0 it was just the base game the fact that they have given so much extra content for free that there is so much more motivation now to keep going on more and more expeditions i love the co-op nature i love the community i love the battle system. That's not a phrase you're ever going to hear me say again. This is the only game where I promote the battle pass. I like almost everything about this game. I mean, I'm not the kind that's going to put a thousand hours into it.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I'm not that crazy about it, but I will check out future updates and it's now a Mary. Ryan, I have a feeling you're gonna be the triple mary for this one oh you're wrong no i'm kidding definitely this game uh put a rock on that finger you put a put a rock on that put a rock on that stone there um i i don't know i For someone who came in fresh, I am completely oblivious to this content, to everything about it. You guys all have past experience, and so you have new knowledge on what it was like before. But for me, I had so much fun playing this game, especially with you guys. And you know how I am with multiplayer games and playing everything with friends. But just, I found myself looking forward
Starting point is 01:02:09 to what my characters were going to say or what your characters were going to say in different situations. So it just, there's so many little different side parts aside from the actual game that I loved. So it's 100% merry, mary mary three honeymoons whatever you want to call it i i absolutely love this game take it to the bank thank you criticalism i loved it oh i love when we're all on the same page and we all like the game
Starting point is 01:02:40 yeah that's that's the most fun for me is when we actually all really enjoyed it yeah all right well guys let's go into our last segment let's go to the leaderboard and see where this game stacks up all right so guys this is actually our last game that we're placing on the leaderboard as the multiplayer gaming podcast when In two weeks, when we switch over to the new format, we have to move into individual leaderboards. So this is actually our last one as a three-man consensus. If this is the first time you've heard us talk about the leaderboard, every single game that we have done a deep dive episode on, we have on our website, multiplayer We have covered 101 games. This is now number one Oh two.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And we have to come up, come up as a three man consensus. Where do we want to place it against all the other games? We've got some stuff on here like apex legends at eight call the duty war zone at 20 risk of rain two at 28. I don't think we need to go any further down, but we've got like a final fantasy 16 at 36 and all the way down at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Don't worry. We still have battlefield 2042 holding up the end of the line at number one. Oh two after today. I'm assuming it's consistent. If nothing else consistently garbage. So currently deep rock. Oh, we won't have 102 games we already covered it so deep rock is currently sitting at number 39 and i think it definitely needs to jump
Starting point is 01:04:14 up yeah i agree 100 i i started looking at the leaderboard and thought man where where does this go um i don't think it's in the upper 20s for me those i mean at this point we've covered so many incredible games that like 1 through 20 are just absolutely phenomenal um for me i think it's right in and this is very very high praise um but i think it's in the mid to late 20s um mid to late being the mid to ladder yes like 26 27 somewhere around there 25 ish um i honestly i would put it somewhere in the 26 to 28 range um personally but anywhere from 20 oh man i could even see putting it at 20 honestly so i'm in that range somewhere in the 20s yeah what about you ryan yeah i know you've played every single one of our deep dive games so
Starting point is 01:05:09 obviously hello that's why i'm here of course uh so to josh with that i i would think i mean 2023 just just after halo infinite probably seems like a good spot um i wasn't a the hugest fan of no man's sky or you know and i didn't play stardew valley like you guys did so i don't know to me that kind of seems there early early 20s mid 20s that's that's kind of fair all right so to provide a little bit of context in our 20s we're looking at war zone gta online halo infinite terraria stardew valley outer wilds weird west no man's sky risk of rain too um this is a weird one because i think it's far better than half of those games but i think it's also worse than the other half so i don't i don't know we is a weird one because i think it's far better than half of those games but i think it's
Starting point is 01:06:05 also worse than the other half so i don't i don't know we got a weird list it's the last one it is i would say i would say i would just want it below stardew valley is the only thing for me but i feel like both of you would like it more and i would want it below outer wilds So I could put it at 26. Yeah. All right. 26? You good with 26, Ryan? I am putting my stake in the ground right here. No, I'm kidding. It's fine. Because who cares?
Starting point is 01:06:35 Who cares? It's the last episode. The leaderboard is changing anyway. The leaderboard is gone. All right. Josh gets to preserve his favorite Outerwilds. I get to preserve my favorite stardew valley so at least neither neither of us will get mad how about that that's a big jump up by the way that's 13 spots but it's look at what it's jumping over to like we're jumping over games we love like
Starting point is 01:06:57 risk of rain 2 and no man's sky like those are great games even if ryan wasn't the biggest no man's sky fan um that game similarly has just come such a long way over the last three years yeah well even uh the last i guess more like five to six years all right well we want to say once again a very special thank you to kidaclysm for going legendary and having us return to deep rock galactic make sure to follow our podcast that way you'll get all of our episodes moving forward. We are going to be releasing new content on Fridays. We don't want you guys to miss anything.
Starting point is 01:07:28 Also make sure to head over to to sign up for some great perks. You'll get a shout out on the show. You'll get all our episodes ad free in a day early. So much great stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Thank you everyone for listening. I think we're all done with this episode. You guys have anything else to add or we're good to go. Rock and stone. Rock and stone. Until next time, happy gaming.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Have a good one, fellas. All right. See you, everybody. ... ... ...

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