Video Gamers Podcast - [Deep Dive] Finally Fortnite - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: January 15, 2024

Video Game hosts Josh, Paul and Ryan are flossing our way to Victory Royale’s as we FINALLY cover Fortnite! Fortnite has been around forever, but what did we think of it after playing this video gam...e for two weeks? We chat our thoughts, our adventures, and some surprising takes on this beloved video game in this can’t miss gaming episode! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate, Kiitaclyzm, YayaArizona Morgau, Disratory and Jwaf Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where's your playlist taking you? Down the highway? To the mountains? Or just into daydream mode while you're stuck in traffic? With over 4,000 hotels worldwide, Best Western is there to help you make the most of your getaway. Wherever that is. Because the only thing better than a great playlist is a great trip.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Life's a trip. Make the most of it at Best Western. Book, direct, and save at Hello, fellow gamers. Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. Right now, our squad is strapped into the battle bus. We're getting ready to take everyone out while avoiding the storm. Please make sure to remember to tip the bus driver before you drop. I am your host, Paul, and joining me, you can find him riding on the back of Butt Stallion from the Borderlands universe before landing and popping the cork of his bottle of flowberry fizz it's josh dude when i discovered that i had butt stallion in my in my inventory it was it was a good it
Starting point is 00:01:12 was a good day you were so excited yes you didn't even know what you had equipped it was just the first time we dropped yeah i was just like how do you change this and oh guys guys i got the butt stallion i'd recognize that diamond horse anywhere all right and then joining josh and me you can find him looking down the scope of his reaper sniper rifle unloading rounds into an enemy peter griffin it's ryan how many times did we yell there's a peter griffin on my mark i feel like that happened a lot in the last a lot and then i said i did that and then i also did shut up meg like a lot as well there were a few phrases you only hear in fortnight yep yeah oh goodness all right guys this is our first deep dive of 2024.
Starting point is 00:02:05 It's Fortnite. Josh, you and I have been doing this podcast since day one. It's almost a full four years. We have done deep dives of over 100 games, and yet we have avoided the most popular game in the world during that time frame. We are finally deep diving it. We are in the middle of chapter five, season one. Josh, catch our listeners up. Why are we finally now covering Fortnite?
Starting point is 00:02:32 So we have historically always said there's two games that we have not covered, and that is Fortnite and Minecraft. And I legitimately just had somebody reach out to me the other day and say, I cannot believe you guys have never covered Minecraft. Are you ever going to cover it? And I said, not unless somebody forces us to. That has always been just the stance. There's really no reason for it. It's not like we don't hate these games, or at least I don't think we hate these games. We're going to find out tonight if we hate one of them. But it's just they're so well known that we just kind of go everybody knows them like we're not putting anything new in front of somebody we're not going to convince somebody to play a game or stay away from it if we're talking about fortnite or minecraft um so we
Starting point is 00:03:14 just kind of said people already know they're like what can we really say but then we started doing the force of friend episodes and the hijack a Host perks for people that support the show over at One of the perks of going legendary, and that is truly legendary support for the show. So thank you, everybody there. But one of the perks that we give you is the ability to hijack a host and make one of us play a game of your choosing. And we have had a very long time listener since the inception of this podcast by the name of Yaya Arizona, who happens to be Paul's mom.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Hi, mom. Dear friend of the show. I love Yaya so much. So hi, Yaya. But she eventually just said, you know what? I'm sick of asking. I'm just going to make it happen.
Starting point is 00:04:09 So Yaya took matters into her own hands. She went legendary. She reached out to me and said, I'm picking Paul to play Fortnite. And I laughed so hard when she did that. And then we did what we call our pre-dive episode. So we kind of announced it that was a couple weeks ago and here we are like we do to follow up on that we have all been playing
Starting point is 00:04:32 fortnight together because we're good friends and we did not abandon you paul and it's free and well and it's free yeah there's that part too so um but yeah so here we are we're gonna be talking fortnight we have been playing it a fair amount, I might say. And now it's time to find out what we think about it. Yeah. And Yaya Arizona hopped into our Discord, said that she has played Fortnite pretty much daily for five years. So this is pretty much the only game that my mom plays.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And if any of our listeners want to go legendary as well, go check it out at We'd also love to ask everyone out there to rate our show five stars. And you can also follow us on socials everywhere at Video Gamers Pod. All right. I think everyone who's listening to this podcast already knows about Fortnite. We're not going to spend a whole lot of time breaking down mechanics or explaining what a battle royale is. I think everyone's got those things down. Instead, we're going to kind of spend more of our time giving our thoughts about the game and also kind of like compare and contrasting it with other battle royales. Like where is Fortnite's place compared to all these other ones? So let's first talk a little bit about our history with Fortnite. Ryan, let's start with you. When did you first try out Fortnite and what were your initial thoughts?
Starting point is 00:05:52 I resisted this game for longer than you can imagine, just like anyone else. Every time I saw a kid in the mall or anywhere or online doing Fortnite dances. I cringed. And I said, I'll never, ever, ever play that game because of those dances. But I've played that game because of Yaya Arizona. And that was the first time I've played that game because of Yaya Arizona. I did not know that was your first time playing. I had never played Fortnite before when we played together.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Wow. That explains a lot. Oh, don't even. You saw my shots, dude. Come on. Oh, Ryan, that's a nice snipe. Ryan's pretty good. I give you credit, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I've seen you do some good stuff. Not according to my son though i did play with my son and apparently i'm a horrible driver oh i am a terrible driver i do not like the car mechanics in fortnight i will say that right now yeah the fortnight dances were such a big part of it and like there's there's like hour-long videos on youtube how to learn all the fortnight dances and stuff like that. And I think for a lot of us, it just seemed like, well, I'm a gamer and I want to play a serious game, so why would I jump into Fortnite? Now, that being said, Josh and I did play right at release.
Starting point is 00:07:18 We loved PUBG. We were really jonesing for another Battle Royale. We played a little bit. We did not like it nearly as much as PUBG. So we just didn't touch it again, I think, for probably a couple of years. At least it was for me. What about you, Josh? Yeah, we hopped in.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I remember when we very first started playing Fortnite. And I remember we played, I don't know, four or five matches together. We did okay. And we just kind of went, I don't know, maybe PUBG is better. Yeah. It's what we were used to. Like, honestly, to go from being really, really good at one game to really, really bad at another game, there's that weird jarring transition there. It's like right now, if we went back to play Apex, there was a time where we were pretty darn good at Apex. If I went to go play Apex right now, I would be the worst Apex player imaginable just because
Starting point is 00:08:10 I have not played it in a long time. And I think that's one of those things with Fortnite that happened with us. And maybe one of the reasons we just never really got into it in its heyday. I do remember thinking like, this is fine. You know, what's with the pickaxe and having to break the walls and the building the walls and stuff. And it just, I kind of went, yeah, like it's fine. But then we just kind of gave it up at that point. And I'll be honest. I think I hopped into Fortnite once, maybe twice through the years with my kids when they were like dad dad play play around a fortnight with us and i was like all right fine and then we would play like one
Starting point is 00:08:52 random round and then that was it so yeah i i mean i'll be honest i have not ever consistently played fortnight up until the last couple weeks i am exactly in the same boat i would hop on rare occasion just to play with my kids but i will say there were a lot of times that i'd walk past the living room and my son jackson would be standing and jumping and i could tell like oh he must be at the end of a match and i'd stick around and you know watch them finish every now and again i always thought that was fun i actually oh i've always found fortnight more fun to watch others play than to play it myself, which is weird because I don't feel that way about pretty much any other game.
Starting point is 00:09:30 All right. Now, let's talk a little bit about Battle Royales in general, because there were some predecessors. We had some stuff like DayZ slash H1Z1, stuff like that. But it was really 2017. We had PUBG release. A couple months later, we had Fortnite release. Why do you guys think Battle Royales have so completely taken over the gaming community? What is it about Battle Royales? It lets you just play with friends and you have
Starting point is 00:09:59 an objective. The objective is always there. Win, win. Be the last man standing but it's the things that happen along the way along that round that i think make that genre so much fun like it's an incredible feeling to win a round like i remember in pub g when we got our first winner winner chicken dinner i mean we lost our minds dude and that feeling still exists like we won many a fortnight round and got the victory royale and it's like every single time you guys hear me i'm just like yeah you know even if it was against bots in the beginning you know but there's just like there's something there with the reward but i think it's more just what's going to happen. You know, that clutch, you got pushed by another team, you know, two of your team are dead. One guy just pops off and wins a one V three or something like that. You res your buddies.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Like there's just, it lends itself to those gaming moments that I think people really enjoy and remember. I mean, we could make an entire episode on funny and hilarious things that happened to us in pub G, you know, and we had a few of those things happen in fortnight too. I mean, this, this goes,
Starting point is 00:11:13 you know, across the whole genre. And for me, I think that's what makes them so popular with people. Yeah, no, absolutely. I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:21 it's, it's, uh, it's one of those things in like, with what you said about, uh about all the crazy circumstances that happen, that lends to streaming. So when you're logging on and you're watching somebody and then it's not just a match over a match. You're kind of with them on this ride, you know, when all these people are watching the streamers. So I think that is what also kind of hyped this up so much to where people are just so excited to watch the matches.
Starting point is 00:11:56 They're going to see how this progresses. Let's see how this guy can do when you go through and see what crazy things can happen. The sweat is real, man. I know it's kind of cartoony like the graphics are are out there but it's it's a shooter man you you're out there and you're slide shotgunning and you're going around and then all these structures can break and we i mean we played mostly no build but um there's i mean it's just it's it's something different than just the standard kind of brs you know from what i've from what i've seen yeah i think battle royales really struck a chord for a couple reasons i've tried thinking about
Starting point is 00:12:39 this a lot like why did everyone love it i think first of all most multiplayer games are like team versus team and so you already win half of your matches yeah roughly anyway like overwatch came out before pub g right we were we were all into overwatch at the time and even in games that are like deathmatch whether it's like call of duty you're constantly respawning so it feels low stakes i think with battle roy, it amps up the feeling of the win because it's just so much more intense, right? It's higher stakes. One little mistake, you die, you're out. And also, weirdly, I think that books and movies played a big role in this. Like, the term Battle Royale comes from a Japanese book that's all about players scavenging and
Starting point is 00:13:24 killing each other until you have a winner. Like, that's where the term comes from a Japanese book that's all about players scavenging and killing each other until you have a winner. That's where the term comes from. And then we had the Hunger Games books and movies. And I think it just kind of naturally progressed. Oh, that's so popular in these other media forums. Why don't we make a game about it? And it just kind of struck gold. And everyone was like, oh, I didn't even know I really wanted this. All right. So let's talk a little bit about the state of Fortnite here today. You know, after a few year break, Josh, you know, we, we pop back into Fortnite for the first time. The game has changed
Starting point is 00:13:54 dramatically. Even calling it a game is not even really true anymore. This game offers a heck of a lot more than just the battle Royale. I want to quote one of our discord users their name is dk matt and i thought this was so funny because he came in and posted i avoided fortnight for the longest time but my community finally convinced me to install it and play it with them holy crap this isn't a game it's netflix yeah and i thought the exact same thing when i loaded up fortnight i was like this does not even look like a video game this is just series of things like um games from epic community favorites recently played and you scroll through them and there's hundreds of different modes and things you can play did you guys kind of have the same reaction? Yeah. I don't want to sound like the old man, but when I loaded up Fortnite
Starting point is 00:14:46 and I was presented with, you know, like Apple TV or, you know, Amazon Prime style menu where I'm just clicking through 30 different movies on a screen, I'm like, this is what Fortnite was. I'm like, when did this happen? And I remember my initial thought because my youngest daughter loves roblox and so she plays roblox all the time and i that that was my first
Starting point is 00:15:12 thing is i said what is this roblox now because there's just a hundred different games in there i remember back in the day when we first jumped into fortnight it was save the world coming soon battle royale yeah those were literally the two options and now it is this insane menu of just all these different modes that you can play it's a little daunting to be honest like for for an old man like me i went i just want to play fortnight which which which one of these is fort, guys? I figured it out because I'm not dumb or anything. But yeah, it did make me chuckle, and I was just kind of taken aback on that first login to just see that screen and be like, what?
Starting point is 00:15:56 Dude, try getting a seven-year-old linked up with you. Like, looking at that. I was like, Jack, and I got him him and he's in my head and said dad you don't know what you're doing and because he watches a million videos so he's you know undoubtedly an expert so he he's telling me no dad we're gonna play this mode then we're gonna play this mode i'm like dude you don't stop it i'm the gamer you're the kid listen to me now we're gonna do this but then i'm scrolling through i'm like wait what what mode am i oh i don't know okay no no build what what is this oh wait racing wait wait legos what the heck
Starting point is 00:16:32 there's i was like i don't oh my gosh this is netflix like it there's a million different things and then every time we'd log in and we're in that you know beginning section where you know the map's loading or we're getting you know before it cycles through i'd see a new character every time and inevitably i'd see them on the on the you know the battlefield and they'd kill me but there's just so much to this game that it's just it's wild it it just grabs everybody oh yeah it's completely insane if you haven't logged into fortnite in forever so let's talk a little bit about build mode versus no build mode. All right. One of these modes sucks, and the other one is great. Agreed. I second that motion. I don't know that there's that big of a difference, but we can talk about it.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Like, when no build mode came out, even before my mom picked this as a legendary pick, Josh, we even said even said like do we need to try this out because one of our biggest beefs was that we had zero interest in building we just want guns and we want to fight other people we don't want to be worried about building some kind of structure so now that we've dabbled a little bit in both because i did force you guys i was the party leader and i kept queuing us up for build mode because I knew we had to try it. What are pros and cons to each,
Starting point is 00:17:49 if there are any pros for build mode? Okay, the pros for build mode are all the sweaty people going to build mode. Yeah, a little sweatier. And the cons of build mode are everything else. I know. Look, we've made it no secret it you know on this show that i personally cannot stand the thought of hey guys there's somebody over there pulling out my
Starting point is 00:18:14 sniper rifle you know and you gotta have that one that one shot to kind of gauge the distance and the wind and the rotation of the earth and all that so So it's like, you know, I'd fire that one, you know, shot. And then all of a sudden there's the freaking Taj Mahal sitting in front of me with some dude chilling inside of it. And I'm like, what is this, man? You know, it used to be you'd have to run behind a rock or a tree or something. And now dude's just chilling in his own apartment complex. And so I cannot stand build mode dude i i played it with
Starting point is 00:18:48 my daughter and her friends the other day i give credit to mahir i know you're listening and dude clutched it up built a tower was popping off and won the entire match for us and all i could hear was his keyboard just getting destroyed like just It sounded like he was taking a hammer to his keyboard while he's building this skyscraper. And I mean, we gave him credit. And he was just like, afterwards, he was like, that's why I love this game. And so I get that there are people that love the, I don't know if it's a strategic aspect or I don't know. I don't know what it is because i can't fathom it but i understand that there's people that love build mode it's just not for me
Starting point is 00:19:30 oh i'm sure we're gonna hear why people love it oh yeah once this comes out we're gonna for sure hear why people love it i i'm on the same vein as you like i know we were on that one match where we were pretty close to the end. We saw a group. We're running across the bridge. And we're like, oh, yeah, we're going to pin them down. And we're going. And I shoot a couple rounds off. And I'm halfway across the bridge.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And then all of a sudden, they just go. And they just built a tower. And then I'm stuck on the middle of the bridge. And they're just peppering me with shots. And you guys are like, Ryan, get over here. And I'm just stuck. There's nothing I i can do and i get sniped and destroyed and the worst part is you can kind of see them through the little tower yeah and you're just like oh they're right there you know and i want to shoot them and i try to shoot them but you like can damage the tower but
Starting point is 00:20:19 not enough and then it's just yeah i don't know. I understand why some people maybe strategically would like it or the type of mode that they're used to playing or they grew up playing. But man, I don't know. Maybe it's just because we're old and it's old school and we just want to shoot people. But yeah, it's not for me either. Yeah, I think we all enjoyed No Build more.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I do know from what I've read online that they tend to have more bots and it's a little bit more casual i will say i think build mode would be far less annoying if the walls just had like almost no hp like if someone's gonna build a tower in the sky yeah let me fire like 10 rounds from an ar at the bottom floor and watch the whole thing crumble and they die from fall damage that that would actually be kind of interesting, but it's just not worth pumping so many bullets into these walls. Like when I would play solo in build mode, I just played as if it were no build mode. And guess what? There were times that I would see a player building and I would just watch their pattern. I'd line up my sniper shot and I'd get the headshot off and kill them.
Starting point is 00:21:26 And, uh, and so I do feel like it does distract some players where you can sometimes come in and get the kill, but I know for us, we just want to fight like that's, that's all we want to do. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Well, it's that time. Let's go ahead and take a short break and then we'll be right back and give our thoughts on combat. There's so many things I want to do and see. Like redoing the basement without having to do it all myself. Or doing absolutely nothing. With a spectacular waterfall view, of course.
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Starting point is 00:22:35 you want me come and get me captain america brave new world see it in imax this friday hit tickets now all right we are back let's start to talk a little bit about combat and gunplay and let's start out by talking about the weapon types so this is where fortnite is a little bit different than some of the other battle royales unlike pub g where there are weapons galore attachments galore 10 million combinations of how you can put all this stuff together. Even Apex Legends, which is more scaled back, you still find and change attachments on the fly. Fortnite handles this different.
Starting point is 00:23:15 You get pre-made weapons that you cannot swap out attachments for out in the field. They have a rarity system. Things are common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, just like in every field. They have a rarity system. Things are common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, just like in every game. So the guns are basically like pre-built. So you can find something like, let's say a frenzy auto shotgun. It's fully automatic, or you'll find something like a pump shotgun that's single fire. You know, there's several kinds of ARs, and I think this took us a while to get used to. Because every once in a while, I'd be like, oh, I love this AR, but I would forget to take a look at the name.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And I'm like, crap, was that Striker, Nemesis, Enforcer? I don't even remember. So you can find workbenches and then swap out some of these attachments. But it is a little bit of a goofy system because you might end up with a shotgun with a scope and a sniper with a holographic sight and i kind of found this to be rather frustrating when we played it i was kind of curious to get your guys take i loved it really said no one ever i loved it listen and i'm sorry to cut you off josh but i like as someone who played a whole crap load of war zone i loved my loadouts i loved my specific rifles with my specific setups in all the things that were the meta at the time or things that that played with my uh my play style
Starting point is 00:24:41 but i love the randomness and the chaotic nature of, you don't know what you're going to get, what, what firearms you're going to get. You got to just, everybody's it's, it's a random thing. Cause you know, like with games like war zone within, you know, a certain short period of time, most people get their loadouts, they get drops, and then they can have all their super amazing neon crazy guns. This is not the same. So you got to play with what you get. A lot of times we would run into the really good groups that would be able to round up all the really good firearms and stuff. But I just love the chaotic nature of it where you just got to
Starting point is 00:25:24 play with what you can get you gotta you gotta round up the best of them and swap out what you can and try to keep you know you only have so many slots i know me and josh were complaining about we can't drop our pick we're like why do we need this stupid pick like let me get rid of this and so i just to me i thought it added something to the game to where you're all on that same playing field when you start. You all just got to try to find the best gun you can and get as many people out as you can and try to find a safe or something else to progress further and get better guns and maybe find a workbench to upgrade those. Yeah, I will say there is a wide variety of weapons for me i did not understand the difference between oh this is a frenzy shotgun this is a running gun this is uh like they've
Starting point is 00:26:14 got these weird like name descriptors on them and i was like i just want a shotgun man like what does running gun mean does this mean i have to run to be able to shoot this thing does it like what does this mean it stops firing when you stop running to run to be able to shoot this thing? Does it like, what does this mean? It stops firing. Like does my guy go into a rage? If I start shooting this thing, like I don't, I,
Starting point is 00:26:31 and they don't, none of these things tell you. So all I know is give me an auto shoddy and give me a sniper and I'm happy. Like those two guns are all I need. So that's kind of what I started doing was just, I started recognizing like the actual shape of the auto shotguns and whether it was a frenzy or a running gun or whatever, all the different descriptors are.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I just be like, Ooh, Ooh, auto shotty. That's mine. And I doink it, you know, first chance I could.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Oh yeah, we know. Well, yeah, cause that's my gun, manink it, you know, first chance I could. Oh yeah, we know. Well, yeah, because that's my gun, man. Speaking of yoinking, I think we did learn that you got to be careful putting guns on the ground because one of us likes to run by and swipe it. Okay, you know what? That's a good thing, Paul, because look, I needed shields and Ryan's like, here, Josh, and drops a shield potion. Well, I had my mythic shotgun, you know, active, I guess.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And so I pick up the shield potion. I start chugging it. And Paul runs over. It's like, oh, look, guys, I found a legendary shotgun. I'm like, Paul, it's mine. He's like, he just takes it. I knew it was yours. Oh, I know you did.
Starting point is 00:27:41 But I kept waiting for you to, like, drop it and give it back. Oh, dude, the best was one time Ryan. I think we wiped a squad, and there's 45 weapons on the ground, and Ryan's like, oh, is this a purple sniper? And then I just come in sliding on a hill and just grab it and keep running. And Ryan was so mad. It was so funny. I've been looking for a sniper, too, for that match. And then you're just like, you just came sliding through.
Starting point is 00:28:08 You just picked it up and snaked it and ran away. And I was like, oh, come on. When it's Fortnite, I feel like I can goof around like that. If it were PUBG, never in a million years would I steal anyone's gear. But for some reason, when it's Fortnite, I think it's just the art style. It brings out the goofier side. I will say they give you a good plentiful amount of weapons and i kind of like that the more that i started playing it the more i was like you know again comparing to pub g or apex it's like if you
Starting point is 00:28:38 want a good gun or you want a gun in the first 10 seconds you had to hot drop somewhere you know in pub g it was not uncommon to run around for a solid minute before you found a pistol. And then you're like, I don't want this pistol. This pistol sucks. I do like in Fortnite that, hey, you land, you're armed within the first 10 seconds, usually. Is it the best gun? No, but at least you can fight at that point. There's nothing worse than you're running around trying to find a gun and a dude with an auto shoddy is after you. And you're just like, ah, get him off me, get him off me. And then it's like, I finally just resigned my fate and I turn around and try to pickaxe him or something like that. For the weapons in this game, I'm sure that there's people that play it
Starting point is 00:29:20 a lot that can just look at the name of a weapon and be like, oh yeah, that's my favorite one. Like, I don't think we got to that point, but we did get to the point where it was like, okay, I know I love the auto shotties and I know I love the sniper rifles. So that would be my main goal would be to just, you know, as long as I have one of each of those in my inventory, I'm fine. I'll be honest. I have no idea how to compare them. You know, if I have a frenzy auto shotgun and then there is a, you know, an ambush ambush auto shotgun like i don't know the difference which one's better like i don't know i still don't know yeah and that was sometimes tough because just because something is purple doesn't necessarily mean it's better than something that's blue it could have been a weird mix of attachments. So it is an interesting
Starting point is 00:30:06 system. I will say PUBG at some point adjusted their loot tables. The days are gone where you would spend the first half of the match trying to find a six or an eight time scope. Every match that I drop in, it takes maybe two to three minutes, but whatever build out you want, like let's say Sniper and SMG, you're going to have those fully decked out. Now, maybe you get forced into an M24 instead of a car 98 or something, but I just, I like the customizability and I like being able to have that. Like if I don't want a laser site for hip fire, I want to be able to just swap that out myself without having to find a workbench. But, um, I guess that kind of just spoke a little bit more to you guys than to me.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Let's talk about the actual feel of shooting the guns and landing your shots and engaging in the kind of combat. I was kind of curious to hear how you guys felt. Josh, we jumped in first. We fought a lot of bots. I remember our first match, we stood on top of one house and they just kept running beeline into us while we were gunning them down
Starting point is 00:31:10 and it was way too easy. Eventually, we got out of the noob lobbies. Once we were engaging with actual other teams, how did this game feel to you compared to other shooters? I'll be honest, like the hit registry on the weapons, this is where i think fortnight lacks a little bit warzone weapons just feel good to me yeah you know apex weapons they're a little bit more fantastical but they still feel good fortnight the weapons just
Starting point is 00:31:41 they feel cartoony you know like i just blasted this dude with a shotgun and it's like there's not any of that like satisfying kick there's not like the reverb like the you know you don't screen shake yeah like i mean so for me i honestly that's probably one of my least favorite parts of the combat is everything feels kind of puny. Now, if I headshot somebody with a sniper rifle, yes, they go down. You hear the shields break. There are some of the audio cues, but just compared to other games, that part of Fortnite, I feel is lacking well beyond the other games that you would compare it to like war zone and apex especially when they're like they're knocked and they're on the ground and you walk up with the
Starting point is 00:32:30 like a blue shotgun and you're like okay now they're dead like really it took me three shotgun shells to kill this guy that's already knocked on the ground crawling around you know it's yeah it's it was something that the the war zone mechanics as far as the firearms go were just so crisp like it just like it just felt like you were taking those shots to where this was it's just part of the game as a as opposed to you are firing that weapon so it was yeah i'm with you josh i it was probably one of my least favorite things although when we found one that was rare but did hit right you know then it was amazing like i know paul you and i kept finding that um the one the guy had was the laser we kept calling it the laser yeah that's the way like no recoil yeah i
Starting point is 00:33:23 had no recoil and it was just ripping we're like that's the laser gun yeah yeah it's kind of weird like i prefer sniping in battle royales and landing the snipe shots in war zone and pub g feels so fantastic because those guns feel realistic like you guys are saying they pack that punch in apex which i love i never could get into the sniping and in fortnight i couldn't really either i don't know if i'm just too calibrated to pub g but i definitely struggled to hit my shots with the sniper i found myself far more preferring the ars and i actually thought that those felt better in fortnight but it is a little weird to just see like little blue numbers keep coming up with like 15 20 12 and it doesn't feel all that powerful the time to kill is fairly
Starting point is 00:34:12 long in fortnight yeah i i like long time to kill in games like i i'll be honest i'm i'm a fan uh it's one reason i like like the finals overwatch like some of my favorite shooters have longer time to kills. And it is one of the things I liked about Fortnite. I mean, in war zone, you get the right gun and the right player. And it's like, by the time I even realize I'm getting shot,
Starting point is 00:34:36 I am instantly dead. And that can get really frustrating where in Fortnite, I feel like you always had time to react. Like maybe you didn't have a lot of time, but at least you had some time. And so time to kill wise, I feel like you always had time to react. Like maybe you didn't have a lot of time, but at least you had some time. And so time to kill wise, I liked what Fortnite had. The guns just feel wimpy. You know, in my like it's I don't know if it's the audio effects.
Starting point is 00:34:56 If again, if it's the recoil, there's just something about it where I just feel like I'm playing with nerf guns versus like actual like weapons. Yeah. And some of that might be by design. I mean, Fortnite certainly can draw in a lot of kids. Like I let my kids play Fortnite from the day it came out, but I had told him at the time, like,
Starting point is 00:35:16 I don't want you to do an apex. There's like these assassination animations that are pretty violent, you know, so it does also skew more adult with the other battle Royale. So maybe Fortnite tries to keep it a little bit more neutered just to reach bigger masses. that are pretty violent you know so it does also skew more adult with the other battle royale so maybe fortnight tries to keep it a little bit more neutered just to reach bigger masses i don't know i i agree with the time to kill the time to kill does not bother me at all but i just wish the guns felt a little punchier while you're taking down those i mean it's the main premise right it's
Starting point is 00:35:40 combat it is a battle royale you are other teams. Make the combat just feel a little bit more visceral, I guess. I love sniping. When I fire a sniper in Fortnite, it is the pea shooter. You can even see the bullet drop. It's like this little yellow tracer. Sniping
Starting point is 00:36:00 in Warzone is awesome, dude. You get that crack. The gun kicks back. You hear the retort. I mean, it just feels like I'm sniping something. And in Fortnite, it's like pew. And then you hit them. You hit a good shot, and then they just keep running.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And you're like, oh, come on. I like the sound of the shield breaking. Yeah, like the shield crack sound is satisfying. But yeah, that's my opinion on the guns. Yeah. I don't think it's terrible, but i certainly wouldn't say it's great all right so over time i can't help but notice that all of these battle royales just kind of like steal the best ideas from one another they kind of start to feel more and more similar over time i'm sure you guys have noticed some of this stuff as well for example fortnite has the reboot cards
Starting point is 00:36:45 pub g has the blue chips so you can resurrect dead players warzone and fortnite have bounties fortnite and warzone give you the ability to see future circles i mean every battle royale now has like quests and missions to complete um you know it's kind of hard to think about things that are completely unique to Fortnite, but there are a couple of things that I kind of jotted down that we can maybe talk about. The medallion system, I think, is unique to Fortnite. Have you guys seen anything similar to that in another Battle Royale? I haven't. I mean, maybe, I'll be honest, in all fairness, I haven't played Apex in like two years. So if there is this in Apex, maybe it exists, but because we haven't played it in so long,
Starting point is 00:37:28 I'm going to say no? No? With a question mark? No? Yeah. So this is where if you drop into one of the major cities, you can fight some PvE mobs, and then you kill a boss, they drop a medallion, and if your shields are below
Starting point is 00:37:45 a certain amount, it'll slowly regen your shields over time. The catch is that it now makes you visible to everyone within a certain radius. I don't know how you guys felt. I actually thought it was more advantageous when other people had the medallion because the shields regen so slowly. I'd rather know where the better teams are and there were times that we would say hey guys from the east the medallion squads coming this way get ready and we could take position and almost like set traps so the medallion system is almost like counterintuitive yeah i think they just recently nerfed the medallion too though um because i remember initially we were playing we'd get the medallion too though um because i remember initially we were playing we
Starting point is 00:38:25 get the medallion and it would recharge your shields pretty quickly so there was that like reward to it to say hey i got this i know i'm gonna be a target but i'm gonna be a tough to kill target and then i think they just recently nerfed it because i remember snagging the medallion and then like nothing was happening and then i was, why am I a target on the map now if I'm not getting a big benefit out of it? So I'm not really sure. I will say I do think it's unique, but I'm not really sure the point.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Is it just a brag to be like, I'm not scared of anybody? Like come kill me kind of thing? I don't like in Warzone, you could get the, we always called it the king mission, right? To where you could bring your squad back if you survived and people would try to hunt you down and kill you because you were marked on the map at that point fortnight i feel like it's just all it's almost like a warning like hey there's another squad nearby somewhere they might be coming your direction but i kind of just assume that's happening 100 of the time anyway yeah yeah yeah i like you said i'd love to see that golden circle because then i know okay there's somebody
Starting point is 00:39:31 in this realm typically you look over there's a building there you're like okay there's somebody in that building you can circle around get positioned and set up and then try to try to attack them and and if it's not that much of a benefit as far as the shields go i i don't know why you would take it i know that we would use it quite often as far as finding people so yeah it's it's maybe with the nerf that it it changed it from what it was but yeah it was definitely more beneficial in my opinion to see those golden circles than to use it. Make the mythic guns the thing that points people out on that. Oh, that'd be interesting. Because everybody wants Peter Griffin's shotgun, right?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Everybody wants the boss weapons because they're really, really good. Forget the medallion part. If I'm the dude with Peter Griffin's shotgun, that's when people should know where I'm at because now you've got people that are saying, I want that weapon. I'm going to hunt you down and try to take it. But to do that, you have to kill me knowing that I have a better gun than you at the same time. To me, that would add that sense of danger and excitement and stuff. Just this medallion that slowly regenerates shields just doesn't do it for me.
Starting point is 00:40:42 It's a little underwhelming. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. Initially, I was thinking this was totally unique to Fortnite generates shields just doesn't do it for me it's a little underwhelming yeah for sure yeah i i you know initially i was thinking this was totally unique to fortnite with the loot islands i guess it is a little similar to drops in pub g only instead of the drops hitting the floor over the course of a match you'll get a random loot island that'll you know pop in and then it has zip lines that go down to the ground and so you can go up there you can stand in the middle unlock the chest and the loot uh we definitely were pretty aggressive
Starting point is 00:41:12 we hit most of the loot islands if they were nearby oh yeah because i think we were always looking to engage in combat how'd you guys feel about loot islands i kind of i kind of feel a little ho-hum about them too the only thing for me on the loot islands was the advantage of height i didn't care about the loot i just wanted the high ground and the jump pad right and the jump pad to be able to reposition i like for me that was the main draw of like hey guys let's go over there that way we can jump pad we can glider somewhere else and we have good positioning and get where we want to go it wasn't really like oh we just got amazing gear from this place especially too when it was later in the match when the circle's starting to really kind of close down i know that one uh josh you and i hopped on the the jump pad and
Starting point is 00:41:56 then we were able to glide all the way over to that one cliff side and we were set up perfectly because we were on that loot Island. And so, yeah, I think that's, I mean, we, I don't that I recall ever got anything astounding, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:11 out of it, but by then we were already, you know, pretty geared up, but this, just that advantageous position of being up on top, people having to come up to you, or you can go down to where they're at,
Starting point is 00:42:22 you know, and have a better, you know, up, you know, oppositional point. Um, yeah um yeah that's that's what i thought about those i hear you all right well we're gonna take our last break and then we're gonna come back and i'm gonna tell you the worst thing about fortnight oh all right we are back guys probably the worst unique thing in fortnight is that you can't sprint forever there is a stamina meter why is there a stamina meter in fortnight this really baffles me i don't think this exists in any other battle royale just give me fast-paced gameplay man
Starting point is 00:42:59 you don't have to limit it you want to let people slide and like, great, just let everybody do it. Like, I don't understand. I I'm with you. I don't understand the point of the stamina meter either, because it just leads to frustration. Like, is there an outplay your opponent aspect? Like maybe, but if somebody is better than me, they're going to be better than me regardless. You know, they're not better at me because they manage their stamina properly at that point. I don't like stamina bars. I like fast-paced gameplay. And in that case, it's just a way to artificially limit that. So I don't know. I'm not a fan of it either. I don't like it. Just let me play the game in a fast-paced way. Just take the stamina bar out.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Let you what, Paul? Josh? Let me play the game in a fast-paced way just take the stamina bar out let you what paul uh josh let me play the game i i it's i agree it's such a buzzkill yeah it's so you you know you're you're trying to i don't want to have to take a dirt bike or a car you know in between sections you know sometimes maybe i want to run see what i can pick up along the way. Having to constantly try to manage that stamina on a game like this is frustrating. I also found a lot of issues with it. It was one thing that just kind of was a drag. Every match, it constantly came up, oh, you know, I'm out of stamina. And then you go to a crawl pace and so it's just one of those things
Starting point is 00:44:25 that i i feel for this type of game and for what they're looking to achieve i mean there's 10 million dances they're playing music people are are doing all these crazy things and they're going to be hard and steadfast on a stamina meter like come on it's a weird pick yeah especially in light of how fun everything else is in Fortnite. And to Fortnite's credit, they give you a lot of ways to travel quickly around the map, whether it's, you know, pointing a certain weapon at the ground and launching yourself and bunny hopping around. But I remember when we were playing with Ace of Shame for the first time, and Ace was like,
Starting point is 00:45:01 oh, save your stamina, jump in the water, and do this crazy little fish motion where you hop out of the water up and down. And I'm like, really? That takes less stamina than like running. This does not make any sense to me at all. It should never let you have an advantage to swim over running. That's weird. You ever tried swimming like laps? That is hard, man.
Starting point is 00:45:24 I'd rather run than swim. Swimming's tough. You talk about a stamina drain. Like, yeah, I don't get that at all. You're fighting a lot more friction in water than in the air. Yeah. So strange. All right.
Starting point is 00:45:36 So this might be my favorite question of the episode. Let's talk about ranking the main battle royales against one another. I think all three of us have a fair amount of time in Fortnite, PUBG, Apex, and Warzone. So let's all take turns. Put them in order from favorite to least favorite. And maybe just give me like one sentence for why you're placing it there. Hold on. Real quick to go back to the last thing. Was that the section of stuff we hated?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Because... do you have more i have one more thing to add sure the the uh the glider system parachute system oh not not being able to just drop in to the just the last little bit of the ground and then pop back open your chute like in war zone enraged me it almost made me not want to play the game my son he's seven he loves it he keeps hounding me to play again. My son, he's seven. He loves it. He keeps hounding me to play and I play with him almost every day. But that part, every time we drop in, drives me nuts because I'm 200 feet over the ground and I'm just having to sit there gliding and gliding and just doing nothing but just circling around where I want to go instead of
Starting point is 00:46:42 being able to just drop right in. And it, I, it's, it's, yeah, that's, that's a killer for me. I'm with you on that. I can't, I kept asking, how do I land faster? How do I land faster? And they're like, you can't. And I'm like, do I have to hold shift? Do I crouch? Like there's gotta be a way. And they're like, nope, you just gotta wait. That was last season. Yeah. I was like, why do I have to wait this long? I'm just circling. And it's not like Warzone where you get a pistol where you can actually pop shots at people that are still parachuting,
Starting point is 00:47:10 to make it at least a little dangerous or something. It's just, it's a merry-go-round of me just going, well, I guess we're going to land at some point, guys. Like, yeah, speed that up by a solid 10 seconds and it would be fine. But I'm with you ryan that was frustrating it's a pretty poor parachute system all around one of the things i really loved about ring of elysium which i think is actually gone do you remember how you pick a
Starting point is 00:47:36 spawn you zero parachuting they give you a map with like 36 squares and you just click one that's where you spawn and the game just starts and people might spawn right next to you or you might be alone there was a little bit of strategy am i going to pick a big city or you know a little bit further out and you were just immediately in the action and i really wish more games would use that kind of system yeah i i really enjoyed that it was neat the only thing ring of elysium did, Paul, was that they had actual dedicated spawn points, and it would show when somebody had taken one. So that was the issue. It's like, okay, if you're going in this big city,
Starting point is 00:48:13 there's six spawn points, and five of them are taken, which means you know you're going to have company right away. Yeah. So let's go ahead and rank the Battle Royales. Josh, let's start with you between the four main ones what's your order from best to worst current day because every one of these has had their heyday but if i was going to rank them right now today i am going to rank them from favorite to least it's going to be war zone apex fortnite, PUBG for me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And no explanation needed. What about you, Ryan? I forgot about the one sentence. You did say the one sentence. Okay, sorry. Paul kept looking at me and I'm like, Bueller. Bueller. Bueller.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Do I have a booger on my face? Like, what's going on here, man? No, it's just your face. I will say, I've had the most fun in war zone. I like the mechanics of it. Apex, I just haven't played in forever and it's very sweaty. Even the war zone is sweaty. I don't know if it's matchmaking war zone or maybe I just a little bit more familiar with it. So for me, I feel like I just get obliterated in apex at this point fortnight is enjoyable and for me pub g i just i can't go back like it's not it's not the heyday anymore and i don't know if that just ruined it in current day for me or not but it's like that's the game
Starting point is 00:49:37 i'm least interested to dive back into gotcha what about you ryan uh i'm going close to that list but completely different no uh warzone top tier i guess you just there's just too much that i love about that game and um i just that's my number one for sure then i gotta got to go PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex. So I didn't play as much Apex as you guys did. Fortnite, surprisingly, I wouldn't have thought it would have been above Apex for me, but it is. And PUBG, just one of those, again, kind of along the lines of Warzone. It's just that more realistic type shooter, you know, BR type match. Gotcha. For me, Apex is still number one.
Starting point is 00:50:30 I think it's the best battle royale that's ever existed. I think it has the right mix of pace, and I like that it's smaller matches. So having 60 on the battlefield, I think is the right number. So you still win a fair amount of matches, but it's not like 50-50. After Apex, I would say PUBG g and i'm kind of surprised because i was so low on pub g when the
Starting point is 00:50:52 cheaters were out of control the game is in a terrible spot they have so many maps now there's like eight or nine maps they just released a new patch where there's a bunch of pve content now they've added a lot to where i actually rather enjoy pubg i'd put that one number two i'd put warzone third i really love the tech in that game i like like the heartbeat meter and stuff like that i do wish there was some more of that in the other games pubg has started adding stuff like that there's like self aeds to res and you can like call in uh one of your blue chips anywhere on the field if you have the right device so they've tried adding some of that the cheaters are the only reason i have
Starting point is 00:51:32 warzone below pub g and then um fortnight i just have last i i don't i don't hate it it's just like for what all the battle royales offer there's something that I cling to in all of them except Fortnite. I guess the only thing with Fortnite is it's just so casual that I feel like we can talk and goof off more, but I kind of feel like you can do enough of that in the other battle royales that it's not missing. So there's just nothing that I really cling to with Fortnite. Makes sense.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Oh, one other thing with war zone, 150 people in a match is a bit much. I don't like having fortnight. Makes sense. Oh, one other thing with war zone, 150 people in a match is a bit much. I don't like having that many on the battle. And then you throw in the gulag effectively 300. It's too many people. You got to mow down too many. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:19 So of course, some of our fortnight lovers are probably thinking all you guys have done is talk about battle Royale. You said it's like Netflix. There's a million other things to play. We got to at least touch on it. Josh, I know you touched a little bit of rocket racing,
Starting point is 00:52:35 I think is what it's called. Yeah, it's, it's pretty mid. It's okay. It is mid. Now, the thing that got me was they were like,
Starting point is 00:52:43 this is a racing game developed by psionics, which is the developer that made rocket league and the driving mechanics in rocket league are top notch so when i heard racing game a la rocket league i got real excited and then that was actually before i ever hopped into fortnite the very first thing i did was hop into rocket racing and i tried it i did the tutorial and all that stuff and then i kind of went well this isn't before I ever hopped into Fortnite, the very first thing I did was hop into Rocket Racing and I tried it. I did the tutorial and all that stuff. And then I kind of went, well, this isn't really Rocket League.
Starting point is 00:53:12 There's maybe a similarity or two, but then there's not. Now, I do like arcade racers. I do not like simulation racers at all. So I did enjoy the fact that it was an arcade racer and there were those like little shortcut paths that you could take once you learn the tracks and stuff like that the little weird like press the button to stick to the sidewall or the ceiling that was like i'm
Starting point is 00:53:35 like what's the point of this everybody's like activate that yeah yeah it's like activate the magnet and it'll suck you into it it really is missing the soccer ball and the goals the driving mechanics are fine it's just too simplistic to be only a race that was my that's my exact thought as i went this is fine for a race a quick racing game fix it works but there was nothing outstanding about it to me that's yeah my son wanted to play it today and actually that was the first kind of little experience i had with it and that was i just almost didn't feel anything about it it was just kind of okay it's you know a little racer thing you know that's that's and that's all it was to me i wear us to the br was obviously something different yeah what about lego fortnight did
Starting point is 00:54:23 either of you try it at all i have heard a lot of people talking about lego fortnite did either of you try it at all i have heard a lot of people talking about lego fortnite i did not try it but i've heard good things and i know you tried it paul so i'm actually curious to hear what you think about it i played a couple hours of it it's kind of great is it yeah that's kind of what i've, man, it's, it's really well done. I think it's super charming. It's exactly like Valheim. It's just super scaled back. It,
Starting point is 00:54:53 you know, it doesn't look as great as something like Valheim, but it's just a survival game. You know, you got your survival meters, you're crafting stuff, and then you're upgrading things, and then it unlocks new recipes.
Starting point is 00:55:04 So you get to do that whole you know progression rinse and repeat that we love it also has like some aspects almost like v rising where you'll build like a lumber mill and then you pop a bunch of wood and then you have to select a certain recipe like do i want wood planks or wooden rods and then it'll just like shoot them out over time. There's different biomes. There's a boss in each biome to destroy. You know, it's not as good as Valheim, but if you don't have 20 bucks to drop on Valheim,
Starting point is 00:55:35 like this is kind of a great substitute for free. So if you guys haven't checked it out, I'd highly recommend checking out the Fortnite Lego. Did either of you, I know the answer is is no did either of you try festival main stage it's like guitar hero or or rock band i heard about it when i went wait rock band and then i just heard it wasn't really that good and i had zero interest in actually trying it that's an astute deduction there uh no we did not try it yeah super limited song list now there were some cool ones like uh they had zombie by the cranberries they had believer by imagine dragons there was also uh cake by the ocean but then there were only like seven songs to pick from
Starting point is 00:56:21 and it's just like guitar hero but it's only four or five buttons on your keyboard so i i didn't find that all that enjoyable and that's coming from someone who absolutely adores rock band i will just mention i tried a lot of community games i know you guys would not have tried these because there's seven million options and i picked a couple of them i will say one was kind of neat. It was all built around bank heists. So you'd have to run around and pick off like little bandits at bandit camps and then upgrade stuff and then go pull off a bank heist. I thought that was a cool idea. Probably the one I had the most fun with was called 100 Days to Survive, I think it was called.
Starting point is 00:57:03 It was basically Call of Duty Zombies. So you could play with a squad and there were just waves upon waves of zombies and then you would earn currency and you would have to spend that to unlock the next zone or to like buy ammo or to buy a new gun. That was actually really cool, except I think my squad were all five and six year olds
Starting point is 00:57:24 that didn't know how to play so i was hard carrying that one um but i think we actually would have really enjoyed if we had played that one together so that there is some very clever stuff and i will say that game mode had more people playing than rocket racing at the time so some of those community ones definitely gained steam i think there were like 30 000 people playing it at the time i i enjoyed just about any horde shooter like wave based shooter you know yeah so yeah those are just a good time in general yeah all right so before we place the game on the leaderboard is there anything we missed that we want to break down i think we did a pretty good job there's nothing
Starting point is 00:58:01 i can think of did i talk about dropping in, like with the parachutes? Did I mention that? The four-minute parachute drop? Yeah, the four-minute parachute. Dude, that final 30 seconds feels so freaking long. Oh, it's so long. It really does. I will say, just like any Battle Royale,
Starting point is 00:58:17 so I don't think this is unique to Fortnite, but we were playing it a lot. There are those moments that stand out as just being fun and especially when you experience them with friends we had downed somebody i like the fact that you can pick up their body and then run them and yes and i ran into a house to get out of the firefight and i happen to just bust through a door and there is a bathroom with like bathroom stalls like a public bathroom yeah and i just thought it would be the funniest troll to drop to drop this dude in the toilet and the doors to the
Starting point is 00:58:51 bathroom don't open up so i jumped and chucked his body over the door to the stall and then he was just stuck in there because you can't open the door and it was just it was like it was almost like equivalent to like a tea bag in halo it was just kind of like the i got you now you're going in the toilet it was so funny i laughed so hard because i was right behind you josh i got to see it happen and then i ended up shooting and killing him i think ryan missed out but oh it was so funny i was exploring okay and then ryan explores a lot there was another moment i i think you were i can't remember if you were both alive no no i was the last one alive is what it was and it was
Starting point is 00:59:30 me of the cars last squad and i literally would jump in a car and drive it around as fast as i could hitting boost the entire time until it ran out of gas but right before it ran out of gas i would park it right next to another car and then just hop in that one so i i'd led these dudes on this like 45 second goose chase of them just chasing me around trying to blow up the car and then i would just ditch the car and and pick up another one those are the moments that make battle royales fun and fortnight i will give it credit has those moments you know that was the You still get that ability. That was the best because then the dude jumped in the car with you.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And he's like shooting down at the car. And we're like, Josh, get out of the car. It's going to explode. Yeah. And I mean, I've seen my daughter play with her friends. Everybody has these. But these are what make things stand out to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:23 There's one other story I kind of remember like that where i think a guy had hit a jump pad and he was like on top of a tree and he started shooting at us and we didn't know where he was at first we're like someone's shooting at us and we're all kind of looking around and someone yelled oh he's up in the tree and so you guys started aiming and shooting at him i ran to the base of the tree chopped it with my pick and it it destroyed it and then he got downed by fall damage and so oh stuff like that is what i love in group games like this all right so let's go ahead and place this game on our leaderboards for those who do not know you can head over to There is a tab for our leaderboards. We carry
Starting point is 01:01:06 our own individual leaderboards where we stack every deep dive game against every other game that we've done a deep dive of. We all kind of made predictions, you know, kind of like how we thought we would feel about Fortnite. I will say, despite all the trolling of Fortnite we've done over the years, there was never a time that we hopped in for fortnight and i was mad about it i will say i always found the game to be enjoyable with friends when i would play solo i found it to be much less exciting i certainly didn't hate it but i'm very curious to hear what you guys think as well so taking a look at our leaderboards where do you guys want to put fortnite start with ryan oh this is this is like it aches my soul to to say where i'm gonna put this right now well like because ryan loves multiplayer and ryan you and i actually played some without paul
Starting point is 01:01:58 we did and i played a lot with my son without you guys yeah and so i put in quite a bit quite a bit of time on this game um i uh what was that are you putting it number one no no no not yet anyway um i gotta get my dances you know in order before i can do that but i'll sell you i'll sell you my account i've got some great dances yeah big money there um so my list is obviously a little bit shorter than your guys's um i do need to add some because i have played quite a bit of the games that you guys have deep dove as well that i need to add to that now and i hate saying this but i i genuinely like love this game i know i could tell i fought this for so long and i and i was just that crotchety old man like that's the stupidest thing ever but i genuinely i had so much fun and i would be excited and looking forward to playing more
Starting point is 01:03:04 and i would every day i'd be like oh let's get on some Fortnite, you know, and then I kind of rounded up my son, which he was totally down to do. And I got it on the PlayStation and then we've been playing and I got him his headset set up. So, yeah, I'm I'm pretty all in, unfortunately, to past Ryan, but I'm going to go at 13 above or I'm going to push down Jedi Survivor and then just below Grand Theft Auto Online. Oh, I like it. All right. So you got it in the top half. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:39 It's up there, man. I definitely never, ever would have thought I would have liked this as much as I did. I thought it was cartoony and campy and just kind of all about all the craziness, which it is. But it's also, it's still a shooter. And especially if you can play with friends. And even if you're playing by yourself, there's fun to be had. So, I mean, and the price is pretty good at free. Very true.
Starting point is 01:04:09 What about you, Josh? So I'm going to rate this on no build mode because if you ask me to rate Fortnite build mode, I'm going to destroy it. Like, honestly, if you just told me, Josh, you have to play Fortnite build mode, I would put this like at the back of my leaderboard, to be honest. Like, I cannot.
Starting point is 01:04:27 You really feel like it's that different? Dude, I do. I actually really, really do. I think it's 5% different. And I get that we play build mode and a lot of it played the same. But when somebody builds the tower or they build, it just frustrates me at that point. Yep. You know?
Starting point is 01:04:42 I'm with you, bro. I'm with you. You guys literally heard me go we we played a match just to give you an idea i had this dude dead to rights and he built he built himself into a vault like there was not a tower he literally built four walls and slapped a roof on it and then just sat there and waited inside and i was just shooting the wall. I put 12 rounds of my shotgun into this wall before it would break. And I'm just sitting there cussing every shot. Just get breaking the stupid wall.
Starting point is 01:05:13 How many shots does it take to bring this thing down? And I know I could have pulled out my pickaxe, but then I don't want to be in a fight against this dude while I'm holding a pickaxe and he's holding a shotgun, you know? And so I hate build mode. So I'm going to rank this based off of no build mode. All right. Now, that being said. 105.
Starting point is 01:05:39 It's still bottom of the barrel. That being said, I kind of like Fortnite, guys. All right. This is why I preface this because the other night, Ryan was like, Josh, you want to play something? And we got all these games we could play. I listed like a bunch. I'm like, come on, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I want to play something. And then we wound up playing Fortnite voluntarily. And that told me something. And I had a darn good time playing it you know so is it the best battle royale it is not did i have fun every time i played with the exception of build mode yes i did and i'm not sure i like admitting this very much but I actually had a good time, man. So I'm putting it at 44, which for my leaderboard is pretty up there, man. I'm going to bump down dungeon defenders,
Starting point is 01:06:32 which is currently in the 44 spot. I'm putting it just behind call of duty, black ops, cold war. Cause I had a lot of fun in that multiplayer. But I, I, it caught me off guard how much fun I was having playing Fortnite.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Getting in the cars and turbo boosting and trying to clear a gap or throwing a dude in the toilet. Or, you know, I mean, just watching Ryan go exploring and then getting ganked because he was 300 meters away from the rest of us. Yeah, I mean, there were just a lot of enjoyable moments and that's what I'm looking for in a video game. So I'm not too proud to say that I like Fortnite a lot more than I thought I would. All right. I'm going to leave it installed.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Put it that way. Oh, you're going to leave it installed. I'm going to leave it installed. And if somebody says, hey, do you want to play Fortnite? I'm not going to gonna say no that's actually the highest praise right there because everything i asked josh he's like oh it's not installed yeah i'd have to install it and i'm like oh come on dude really what so i'm looking at my leaderboard i've got apex at number eight i've got Warzone at 38. It's certainly going to be below those. PUBG is currently in
Starting point is 01:07:48 the wrong spot. I'm going to have to bump that one up. I got that one at 93, but that's when the cheating was at its highest. I enjoyed Fortnite. I'm going to put it near the bottom of the games that I would say were a lot of fun. I'm going to put it at 64. That puts it below the likes of Borderlands 3, Hollow Knight, Nier Automata. I think those games were more enjoyable. I will, however, put it above three games that I think had far more potential than Fortnite. Star Wars Jedi Survivor was such a letdown from a technical perspective pillars of eternity 2 i get why people love it it's just it's too detail oriented for me to enjoy personally i think pillars of eternity is a better game but i'm never going to reinstall that game
Starting point is 01:08:41 fortnight i would reinstall so i'm going to put fortnight above pillars of eternity to jedi survivor and lost ark but i will have it below near automata so that's where i'm going to lock that one in that's not as bad as i thought for you paul i i can't believe that i am disappointed in where you put that with fortnight i never would have thought i never would have thought i would have been like dude come on that's low that's low for fortnight really really i mean i look at i look at my leaderboard i'm like i'd rather play vermentide with you guys i'd rather play killing floor 2 with you guys i'd rather play rainbow six siege like i would just i'd rather play all those games over fortnight but if you were all playing fortnight i would have zero problem hopping in with you. You have it below humanity. Of course I do.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Come on. I know you did not like humanity. Humanity was something like the 20th highest rated game on Metacritic from last year. It's like an 86. I think people like humanity. Sorry. I know.
Starting point is 01:09:40 No, it's not for you. Oh, Ryan. Oh my gosh. He's going to fall asleep. All right. We got to call this one here. That wraps everything saying? Oh my gosh. Ryan looks like he's going to fall asleep. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:46 We got to call this one here. That wraps everything up with this deep dive. Huge thank you once again to legendary supporter slash my mom, Yaya Arizona. Thank you so much for sponsoring this video. We very much appreciate it. For our listeners out there, if you want to pick a game for us to play, go sign up like she did at com there's also cheaper tiers it'll still unlock all of our bonus episodes uh once again that's multiplayer squad dot com also make sure to leave us a five-star review follow us on socials at video gamers pod and join the free discord server there's a link in the episode description
Starting point is 01:10:21 thanks again to everyone for listening and And until next time, happy gaming. See ya. All right. See everybody. you Thank you. Thank you.

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