Video Gamers Podcast - [Deep Dive] Lethal Company - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: November 23, 2023

Video Game hosts Josh, Paul and Ryan are bringing you a special episode where we break down the next gaming hit sensation, Lethal Company. Lethal Company is a horror survival video game with a serious... dose of laughter mixed in, and is gaining an insane amount of momentum in the video game world. We’re breaking down the game, why it’s gaining popularity, what works and why you should be checking this game out! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate and Kiitaclyzm Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, Hello and welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. Normally on Thursdays we break down recent gaming news, but this week we ran into a problem. There just wasn't really any news that we wanted to cover here for this week. So instead, we have a first impression episode for you all on a new game that has been gaining a ton of momentum lately. We are going to be talking about Lethal Company. I am your host, Paul, the most profitable employee of the company. And joining me, the laziest employee, it's Josh. Dude, what was that behind me? Ryan? Ryan?
Starting point is 00:01:12 What? Ryan? Maybe most paranoid? Paul? Guys, where are you? Guys? Anybody? You know what, Josh? You are actually probably most paranoid. There were several times you had to remind me to keep talking because you did not know if I was alive or dead. You guys freak me out, man. I do not like being left alone.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah. All right. And then joining Josh and me, we all know there's only one award for this guy, especially in the way our matches went down here the last couple weeks. He has sustained the most injuries by far. It's Ryan. They're out to get me, I tell you.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Everything is out to get me. Ryan, have you survived to the end of a single scrap run in Lethal Company? I feel like you die no matter what. I don't think I've gone through one without dying at all. But, you know, you just gotta have some fun. I was gonna say you have to live a little, but i think that's all i did was live a little oh brother this guy stinks yeah you you have had exceptionally bad luck in lethal company i'll just say that and it is great as well it's very funny i cannot explain how many matches ended with Ryan reviving.
Starting point is 00:02:28 And then we finally get to hear how Ryan died. Because a lot of times we had no idea where Ryan went or what happened. All right. This is going to be a lot of fun to talk about. Before we jump into Lethal Company, though, we'd like to ask everyone to rate our podcast five stars, leave a written review in Apple Podcasts. You can also find us on socials at Video Gamers Pod, and we would love for you to come support our show on
Starting point is 00:02:50 Patreon. We continue to exist only because of support there. People who sign up get bonus episodes, tons of other perks. Go take a look at All right, Lethal Company, I've got a Wikipedia description here for anyone who is not aware of the new hotness. Here's how Wikipedia describes it. A co-op indie horror video game currently in early access. It blends exploration, survival horror, and strategy in a retrofuturistic dystopia where players take on the role of a contracted worker for the company. Players are tasked with collecting scrap from abandoned industrialized moons to meet the company's profit quota. All right, so I would say that this game is gaining a ton of steam. I'm not surprised to see that at all, despite being a lower budget
Starting point is 00:03:37 indie game. I think it has all the makings of an indie hit. The game is incredibly simple. It is cheap. It's $10 for the full price tag. And this game is absolutely perfect for streamers. Are you guys kind of surprised to see this game gaining so much of a following? I'll be honest, man. I'm not. There are certain games that come along that just resonate with people because they are just fun. A game does not have to have incredible gameplay or incredible graphics if it puts you in a situation to laugh with your friends. Legitimately, if you price it right and you target it for what the game is intended for, it does not surprise me at all. I mean, we've seen this lately with games like Among Us, right? Super simple concept, super easy development. I'm not
Starting point is 00:04:32 a developer, but you know what I'm saying as far as it's, there's not a lot of complexity to the game itself. And these things tend to blow up, man. And I am not surprised one bit that this game is gaining the traction that it's gaining. Yep, same. It's just one of those. We see it with a lot of those types of games too, like you mentioned Among Us. Bopple, so much fun. $10 just recently came out. You can have definitely more than $10 worth of fun on it.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Fall Guys, all those types of games that are simple but just so enjoyable. This is definitely one of them. And there's something very special about shared co-op experiences in a horror game, because inevitably people are screaming, they're yelling, they're panicking, they're getting nervous. And so this game kind of blends that along with the unintentional comedy of how these runs go down and when you mix it all together there's just something special in the secret sauce of this game and we'll start to break it all down now we i believe all three of us first heard about this game on our discord server which is free by the way there's a link in the episode description, but Ace of Shame and We Like Mowers had both posted about it a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And so we started checking it out. I don't know about you guys, but what convinced me to start playing this game is that Ace of Shame actually uploaded to YouTube a short snippet of his playthrough, which I think has one of the all-time greatest screams that I've ever heard. And as soon as I
Starting point is 00:06:05 saw that I knew we were going to have to play this game yeah and we're gonna have to put that in the episode too I'm a little teapot short ass doubt oh yeah oh dude the scream was amazing honestly this is one of the things I love like We are not trying to take credit for finding this game by any means. And this is why our community on Discord is so awesome. Ace basically just posted and said, hey, I found this game. I'm having a ton of fun with it. I really think other people would like it. We looked at it a little bit, but I think we were all playing something. Then we had mowers pop in and say say, Hey guys, I don't know if you guys have heard of this game, but it is an absolute blast. And that's when we kind of went, well, if this many people whose opinions we trust are really raving about this, then maybe there's something to take a look at here. And then we did. And I,
Starting point is 00:06:59 you know, this is one of those things where it's like, we're talking about this game now because there is something there. And it's why we're kind of putting it in front of the listeners at this point to say, listen, there's a hype machine and it's growing for a reason. Oh, yeah. So let's talk about how the game actually works. So you can group up to four people in a play session. You work for a greedy corporation. And basically, you are bottom-level employees that are sent to these abandoned moon facilities to go walk around, find scrap, bring it back to your ship, and then the maps are procedurally generated. And the company says that you have to maintain a certain level of profit within a certain number
Starting point is 00:07:43 of days in order to keep your job within the company. So for example, when you very first start out, it'll tell you you have to earn 130 credits and you have three days to do it, which means you can run three missions and bring in that amount. If you are able to complete that task within the three days, you just start over with a higher company quota, rinse and repeat. I do not believe there is any way to, quote, beat the game. It just keeps increasing your quota until you eventually fail. So let's talk a little bit about the game's atmosphere and graphical style. How would you explain what it feels like and what it looks like to be inside this world?
Starting point is 00:08:23 Hungover. Hungover? Going through the fog it is very dreary it is very dark it is very unhappy so it's kind of a good good way to describe it oh man yeah i mean the graphics in this game are not doing anybody any favors, but they are serviceable enough to not distract from the game. I kind of almost like the art style in a weird sort of way. Yeah. It's stylistic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:53 It's a choice. It is a choice. And I think it's a choice that worked for the developers on this one. I'm not ever playing this game and going like, I wish this had Unreal Engine 5 graphics, you know, or something like that. So I think they definitely work for the atmosphere and what they're trying to do with the game in general. Yeah, I would say it's very creepy. It's very unsettling.
Starting point is 00:09:16 One of the things that I think really feed into that is the fact that this game almost has no music. All right. Now, yes, when you order items, you get to hear like the ice cream truck song and stuff like that. But when you're walking around the actual world, there's no music, but there's a ton of ambient sound. And also depending on where you're standing, your voice is changed within the game. And all of this stuff feeds into this high stressful environment that you are working your way in. It feels very much like walking through Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil is probably what I would say is the game this feels the most
Starting point is 00:09:53 like. Operationally, it plays a lot like Phasmophobia. So if you're familiar with those games at all, I think that kind of gives you a sense of how it feels. And then with the graphical style, what works really well with that is that it's very hard to see anything in the distance. And that is done by design. This game, a lot of it features like proximity. You have to be near people in order to talk to them. You have to be close to something to see what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:21 The game also throws certain environmental things at you that we'll talk about. And so as you're walking through this world, it's kind of tough to navigate because there's constantly things being thrown at you that make it hard to see, things that make it hard to communicate. And that all just adds to that high stress level as you're walking through these moons. Let's talk a little bit about what a brand new playthrough looks like. So you load up the game for the very first time. You are on a ship. Maybe you invite a couple friends. They spawn in there with you. Josh, will you walk us through a little bit about how the terminal works and how you get these missions started?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yeah, it just dumps you into this really cramped, small little spaceship that looks like a toaster, to be honest. It's your most bare bones ship that you can imagine. Very reminiscent of the trailer from Phasmophobia. So if you've ever played Phasmophobia, you will instantly feel right at home with where it dumps you and your team. The kind of things of interest are there is a computer terminal you have to actually type. So when you activate this, you actually have to type in the commands, which is kind of a neat little thing. I like that they do that. I'm not sure how that works on console, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:11:39 But, you know, you have to type in like moons and then it will give you the list of moons. And then you type in route to the moon you want. If you want to buy something, you have to type in store and then type in flashlight two. And then it'll say, do you want to buy two flashlights? And you have to type in confirm and all that. What's funny about that is if you were watching somebody else do it, they're sitting there staring at this terminal and you can see their character just typing away, you know, and it's, it kind of is this, yeah, you can hear the keyboard clicks and all that.
Starting point is 00:12:03 So it's this kind of neat little immersive. It just sets the stage, I guess, as far as like, okay, we're interacting with something. Undoubtedly, everybody forgets to pull the lever, which actually tells it to take off and land and that kind of stuff. So everybody's just standing around chatting and then realizing that nothing is happening. And then it's like, Josh, you forgot to pull the lever. And I'm like, dang it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:23 And then I run over and pull the lever. And then there is a kind of like a map terminal that just kind of shows like what's around the ship when you land and things like that. Super, super basic. But this is also where a lot of the laughter and hilarity happens because when you are dead, when everybody dies and you fail the mission, you respawn in the spaceship. And this is the first time that you can actually talk to people in a little while because the dead people are in a different local chat. And so when everybody dies and comes back to the ship, that's usually when people are cracking up and telling the stories about what happened to them and, oh my goodness, you know, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So I like that there's that home base aspect to it. Oh, absolutely. And there are a lot of items that you can order from this store. We'll talk about some of the higher end items later. But like, Ryan, do you want to tell us a couple of the essential items that you should consider ordering at the beginning of missions? Everybody needs a flashlight get as many as you can because it's super scary in there i promise you uh flashlights are good shovel is uh allegedly handy i don't know it didn't really help me out i just swung
Starting point is 00:13:39 at the darkness and died but um those are two flashlight definitely is one you order and then like paul said earlier it comes down in a ship after you order kind of like a little drop ship um with gear it makes a little eerie christmas music noise and uh ice cream truck yeah it's like a rock and ice cream truck song exactly it's very loud yeah yes that's how you know where to find it because it's always so dark and foggy oh yeah so right now there are eight moons that you can go travel to in the game with it being an early access. Maybe this is something that they'll expand down the road. We don't exactly know for sure, but once you pick a moon, you fly there, you land, maybe you order a couple items. Now you're ready to actually go into the facilities, start doing an actual scrap run. Josh, walk us
Starting point is 00:14:43 through kind of how this works, how you get to the entrances and how the runs work. So once you pick the moon that you want to go to, and it should be said that the reason that you pick different moons is difficulty level and weather patterns as well, because you generally want to try to avoid a foggy weather system because you cannot see a single thing, man. So you land on the moon that you pick, and you are out in the wilderness, whether it's a desert environment, a forest environment, or whatever. You set down on the planet, and now you have to go into the facility that you're there to loot, which they're usually close to the ship, but not
Starting point is 00:15:22 so close that you can always see them right away. Takes about a minute to run. Yeah, that's about right. And the thing is, is that this is where the tension begins, because when you land and you're running through the forest, you will hear certain things that are out there, or maybe you see a swarm of bees or some locusts or something like that. And this is like the appetizer to the meal, because you're like, oh man, there's stuff going on out here. Then you find the building.
Starting point is 00:15:51 When you make it to the facility, there are always two entrances to any facility. There's the main entrance and then there's like a fire exit slash entrance that you can find. When you get out of the facility, you think you've made it. Hey, we're safe. You are not safe, man. I think we have died just as much trying to make it back to our ship on these moons as we did inside these facilities. I do like that they add a little bit of different atmosphere. They have different creatures. We have all been eaten by the huge forest giant that just picks you up and swallows you. I do.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I like this aspect. I almost wish the game incorporated a little bit more to where it's like, hey, if we want to stay outside, maybe we have a lower chance of finding scrap. But maybe it's more valuable or something like that. Like, I can just see where they can. They can and they should incorporate more on like the outside world versus like inside the facilities yeah and and to be fair there are some things you can loot outside like beehives but it's very minimal almost everything that you're going to be gathering are inside these abandoned facilities all right so ryan for people at home who haven't played can you explain maybe
Starting point is 00:17:05 a little bit about like how the button scheme works and what options you have because it's very scaled back in this game oh yeah definitely i mean uh if you played any game or you move you'll probably pick this up quick uh just standard wasd spacebar jumps you know moving around with your mouse um some of the cool things is is you have a scanner so as you're running around you can right click and scan the environment to try to find things um standard pickup you know just e picks up g drops stuff like that um the most important things though is dancing and pointing those are the things that everybody needs to know because if you're in the ship you have to just stand around and dance while the other person's typing. Or point.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Point to whoever's fault it is. Yeah. Those are the only two, but they're very important. So you guys got to remember those. But other than that, yeah, you got your standard kind of controls. You have four inventory slots. So you got to get your, hopefully you have a flashlight in there. And then when you're going into scrap, you pick up the scrap and it fills up a slot.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Larger things, you know, you have to actually carry so you can't pick up more than one. So, you know, you would run them back out and drop them outside. But once you fill up those slots, then you can head back over to the ship and hopefully not die on the way. The one thing I would add on top of that is that if you do order any items that are powered like for example flashlights yeah you do have a meter of how much power they can use and they do not last very long any of the items in this game run out of power pretty quickly now if you do go back to your ship you can always recharge them but it does require a little bit of strategy as you're going around these areas if If you just have the basic flashlight, you're kind of just
Starting point is 00:18:49 like clicking it on to take a look and then you immediately click it off, walk forward 10 feet, click it again. So you're kind of playing that kind of game because you have to be careful with resource management because honestly being able to see, I would say, is the most important part of Lethal Company, and it's very easy to find yourself stuck and abandoned and in the dark. We've all been in situations like that. We don't always order flashlights for everyone. We've been on runs where we just order two flashlights, but if those people happen to die and you can't pick up their flashlight, it is incredibly hard to try to work your way out of these facilities as we have discovered on more than one occasion. Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:30 Running around without a flashlight is the scariest thing in a video game. I mean, it's one thing when you can see where you're going. It is another because this game is dark. There are some rooms that we have been in where it is pitch black and you can't see a thing. At one point, we were going through a facility. We had no flashlights because we had died and we didn't have any money. And I remember fumbling around in the dark trying to see the bright yellow oxygen tanks that you guys have on your backs.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Yeah. And then losing them for just a second, man. And then instantly panicking as in like, oh oh my goodness, I'm all by myself. Where are you guys? Where'd you go? And then it's like, the game has this incredible proximity chat. So thankfully, when you guys are like, we're over here, we're over here, I can hear the direction you are.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So it's like, I can try to go in that direction. But man, does light and flashlights in this game are life and comfort and all the good things in life and not having one or all the terrible things it's crazy too how fast it makes you panic oh absolutely you get that and you hear somebody like oh yeah we got it and then then you don't hear their voice anymore and oh oh crap look that's how i ran off the side of the stairs into the depths of of the facility and died and they're like wait where'd ryan go i don't hear him ryan ryan you're just instant instant panic instant freak out um but yeah the proximity too is just so amazing that that's what
Starting point is 00:20:57 heightens it and makes it better you you'll go and you'll think somebody's dead and you guys are wandering around calling for each other and then you hear each other you know i'll hear josh and you'll be like ryan ryan it is the most glorious sound you can ever hear in a game is to hear somebody's voice from really far off calling to you because then you're like i'm not alone he's still alive come to me i would go as far as to say proximity chat is the secret sauce of what makes this game special. A hundred percent, dude. A hundred percent. And it seems so silly, right? Because other games have local chat. This is something that is... I mean, this isn't almost... I don't want to say every game, but this is a very common thing. But there is something about Lethal Company where the
Starting point is 00:21:43 proximity chat in this game and the way that they handle it and the situations that they put you in is 100 the secret sauce to this game paul and there's almost two sections to it too like in game when you're in the facility and you're running around together when you're alive and then the other half when you and somebody else died and you're sitting talking to them about how you, the other guys are still in the facility, what happens. And then when they finish or they get back and you respond, then everybody talks about what just happened and what went. And so it just, that's a whole different way you can talk to each other. It's just, it made it for me, for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:18 So we're going to go ahead and take a short break and then we'll come back and talk about some of our favorite examples of how this proximity chat works. Okay, we are back. So we've talked about this a little bit, but maybe just to flesh it out in a little bit more detail. When you are in this game, I would say the proximity chat is relatively close. You got to be within about 40 feet of other players in order to hear them. As they get further away, their voice very quickly starts to dim to when you can no longer hear them. And then also, if a character does die, whether you are attacked by a monster or if you fall off a cliff or whatever happens to be the case, suddenly you are immediately placed into the death chat. So you can hear all the live people talk, you can spectate them, you can turn your camera, all of that stuff still works. And as soon as someone else dies,
Starting point is 00:23:11 they enter the death chat with you and you can speak to each other. But whoever is alive can only hear other live people. Now, part of the problem with games like this is that if you die, now you can no longer play. You're out of the mix and then it this is that if you die, now you can no longer play. You're out of the mix. And then it really sucks. In this game, I would argue sometimes it's better if you die because you are with the other dead people yelling and going crazy, telling the live people what to do, but they can't hear you.
Starting point is 00:23:40 There were so many times that this came into play. Poor Red Letter. All right. We played one session with Red Letter, but we have to talk about this. you there were so many times that this came into play poor red letter all right we played we played one session with red letter but we have to talk about this josh you and i could not stop laughing we were playing with red letter and ace we get in to the match we teach red letter the buttons i don't even remember what went down you me and ace died within the first two minutes of a scrap run. And Red Letter is just walking around, sort of talking to himself, but also having no idea how this game works and trying to just get answers while we're all just laughing so hard because he can't hear us.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I don't know that I've laughed that hard in a really long time, especially in a video game. This is Red's first time playing this game. He's got the basics. He knows how to move and he knows how to turn on a flashlight, and that literally is it. The three of us die. And Red Letter is stuck inside this facility by himself with zero clue what to do. And like you said, he keeps just kind of talking to himself, but he is calling out for us at the same time going like, guys, guys, is it guys? Is anybody there? Is my mic working? Can you hear me? Oh man. Don't tell me I'm by myself. Don't tell me. Hey, Josh, Paul, Ace,
Starting point is 00:24:59 Ryan, like where is everybody? And we are in the death chat absolutely rolling on the floor because ace is getting our ace red is getting more and more freaked out over time he's in the dark he has no idea what to do he finds some scrap and we're all cheering going like go red letter go back to the exit go to the exit and he winds up going to the exit. We lose our minds. Like it was just, it was one of the funniest things to observe. And that's why this game works. Because in a lot of games when you're dead, it's not fun anymore. Right? Like, oh, I'm out of the match.
Starting point is 00:25:36 But in Lethal Company, when you're dead, I'd almost say sometimes this heightens it because you're able to observe at that point. And oh my goodness, man, that is where the fun just happens. Oh, it sometimes happens right off the bat, like with Ryan. Now, Ryan said he did not know about quicksand. He must not have been listening because Josh and Ace explicitly in one playthrough said, it's raining. watch out for quicksand josh started running into quicksand said oh i just ran into quicksand
Starting point is 00:26:09 ryan somehow doesn't hear any of this go on we are all running up toward the main entrance of this one moon facility and all of a sudden we just hear ryan talking and he's like all right guys yeah we're gonna go in there crap and then it's just silent and we're like ryan ryan talking and he's like all right guys yeah we're gonna go in there crap and then
Starting point is 00:26:26 it's just silent and we're like ryan ryan ryan fell in quicksand didn't he and then ryan had to spectate the entire rest of the run and as soon as it was over ryan came back and he's like yep it was the quicksand i ran straight into it i can't tell you how many times listening in the death chat i just hear paul just oh poor ryan poor ryan i i will say like another this is why the proximity chat is so good because there was another time we were playing where i believe it was the four of us and you two had missed a jump. Sometimes you have to almost like parkour jump to get to some areas. And Ace and I had gone into the facility.
Starting point is 00:27:11 You two had tried to make a jump and fallen, which means you had to circle back. And it took you guys probably like 60 seconds. So Ace and I come back out. It was probably longer than that because Ryan and I had no idea where to go. I took you up to the top of that rock and it was like, this isn't the right one. Ryan is like, no, you definitely go that way.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And it was not the correct direction. It took a good, I'd say three minutes to make our way back. So we go into the facility. We're waiting. You guys don't show. We go outside. We start calling out to you guys going like, Paul, Ryan. Oh, Ace, I think they're dead, man. Do you think they're dead? Could they have died already? We're calling out again. Nothing. We think you guys are toast. So Ace and I are like, well, I guess we're doing this, buddy. Like, let's go in. We go in, we start looking for scrap. We come out at one point to just put some scrap outside. And lo and behold, we hear your voices. It it was one of the most joyful sounds in a video game to realize that you two were still alive.
Starting point is 00:28:11 And you guys just pop up over the ladder that you were climbing. And it was like a reunion. We're just like, yes, you guys are alive. But we had no idea. And that's the beauty of the proximity chat is if somebody goes silent, you don't know if
Starting point is 00:28:25 they're just too far away or if something got them at that point and they can't tell you yeah you have to wait to find out and that's part of the fun even sometimes when we're just walking inside because there there are pits inside these facilities and one time all of us are just running through this big giant open room ryan i guess got a little too close to the ledge or maybe didn't realize that it was a ledge and just fell into darkness so we're just a group of four talking and we're all together next thing we know ryan's just gone like none of us had any idea i think one of us even said like maybe he accidentally fell off the ledge because we didn't see any monsters.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But oh, it's just, it's so funny to see how players get picked off one by one and then just being able to find out at the end of a run. Sometimes the end of those runs can be really dramatic. Do you guys remember the foggy planet when Ace and I were the only two alive?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Dude, the forest giant got Ace and you were running for your life and all three of us are cheering. We're in the death chat and we are literally cheering going, run, Paul, run. No, that's the wrong side of the ship. I mean, we are screaming at the top of our lungs to you. You can't hear any of this. All we see is you running for your life with a forest giant chasing you. We're losing it. But yes, this is where this game just absolutely shines, is it's getting to watch what happens to your teammates, yell and scream at them, feel alone for a minute, that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah, the voice chat in this game is a thousand percent what makes it incredible. And we will say that, you know, as gamers, we know, like it's very easy to hop into discord and just, you know, group up and do it like that. 1000% do not. I know that it seems like it's the thing to do, but if you pick this game up and you play it, never use a group chat like discord or something like that you have to use the in-game chat because it is what makes it 100 you have to just let the game play out how it plays out i i know josh and i kind of disagree about disco elysium i feel the same way about that don't reload saves if you fail dice rolls let it play out it might even turn out funnier or better than you thought uh this kind of works the same way. If someone dies, you're not restarting a new mission or anything.
Starting point is 00:30:49 You just got to let it play out. Now, we haven't really talked very much at all about the actual monsters because I think we probably died equal amounts to environmental hazards as we did monsters. The monsters are actually probably more fun to talk about and what more people think of what are a couple examples of like monsters you might run across uh spiders yeah spider those that's that's what's so good about this game too is that there's just every you know a lot of other games they'll the matches kind of mesh into each other and you kind of they're forgettable there's a story from like every match you mentioned monsters there was one where this
Starting point is 00:31:29 i never seen it before this jump thing jumped up on my head and i'm like oh guys what is this what is this monster and it's from your point of view it's like it was all muffled you couldn't even understand me and then oh ryan's dead i i'm in the i'm in the tram all of a sudden i hear you guys talking oh man it got ryan so there's so many i know josh you know a lot more of the monsters than i do yeah there there is a good variety of monsters in this game there are the little flying bugs that will eat you there are the like the face huggers um you get the weird shadowy spiky guy that will just bolt up on somebody and break their neck and then drag them off and you can see his eyes yeah distance they shine in the dark crazy thing
Starting point is 00:32:10 is that can happen so fast that it if it's the guy that's at the back of the group you don't know that he got snatched so now you're looking for your buddy who you think is lost and he's actually dead because he got jacked by a monster um there's there's slime that's hard to see on the ground i got killed by slime at one point because i didn't even know it was killing me there are weird monsters where if you look at them they will not this is kind of like a five nights at freddy's throwback or nod where it's like if you look at them and stare at them they can't move but the second you turn their back, they will rush up on you. There's even environmental stuff. There are landmines. We were wandering, fumbling around in the dark, and I was leading the way. I open up a door,
Starting point is 00:32:55 I step in and kaboom, instantly, I'm toast. You guys all saw me just get exploded. You're laughing. I'm like, what happened? But I'm asking in the death chat, so I don't have any clue. All I know is I'm dead. You guys are all laughing at me. There's auto turrets. I mean, that's just what's inside. I already talked about the forest giants outside. There's these weird eyeless dog things that come out at night that'll terrify you. This game has so many ways to scare the tar out of you and to murder you that that adds to the hilarity of people dying. I mean, on top of just, oops, I missed a jump and I fell to my death or quicksand. And there is also an in-game clock running.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So when you land, it's 8 a.m. and you only have until midnight to finish your run. And the time moves very fast. And that also does impact the environment. So once it hits like three o'clock, that's when the scariest, biggest outdoor creatures start to spawn. And if everyone is not on the ship by midnight, the ship's going to take off whether or not people are on there. And you want to be careful not to leave people or bodies behind, because if you do die and have to respawn, there's a pretty hefty fee for that unless you recover the corpse. So that's another part of it. If you see your buddy get his neck broken and then the monster
Starting point is 00:34:17 runs off, I can pick up Josh's lifeless corpse and try to run it back to the ship. So there's just so much of this stuff coming into play. And I just have such vivid memories. Like in one run, Ryan, you and I, I think it was with the flying bugs. And Ace and Josh both die. You and I try running together. But then we realized that one of the monsters opened one of the other doors and you and I ended up sprinting in opposite directions and I think we both thought that the other one was dead and we're lost and trying to find our way back out and eventually because you're going to constantly talk whether you know everyone's dead or not you're just hoping maybe someone will start talking back and sure enough at some point we ended up finding each other, made our way out.
Starting point is 00:35:06 But yeah, you mentioned it earlier, Ryan. But this game just goes from we have a perfect plan. We've had runs. Let's order fancy flashlights. Let's order weapons. Let's get a stun grenade. And five seconds later, it's just sheer chaos. I still, to this day, don't know when I had that shovel and we got attacked by monsters immediately
Starting point is 00:35:25 and I just started swinging the shovel. I still think I might have taken one or two of you guys out. I don't know. I was just swinging at the monsters, but it is just such a fun time. And then at the end of every run, the game also gives you a note for players. And so it might give you an award like most paranoid which means you're moving the camera the most sustained most injuries most profitable by bringing you know the most scrap back um somehow i never got like any notes i had mentioned that to you guys like you're always getting any notes yeah because i'm not getting the most scrap and i'm not moving the camera i always feel like i play it more as support but you even get a couple of awards like that,
Starting point is 00:36:06 which I think also adds another layer of fun. I was just always dead. Yeah. Ryan died. I would say 85% of the runs. All right. So when, when you're doing these runs,
Starting point is 00:36:21 you are finally at the end of your time to get your quota in. And so once you do your three missions, you now have to go sell all your scrap. So you go to the facility, you place everything that you want to sell up on a counter. Sometimes you're very close to your quota and you might have to sell gear you would normally want to keep, like flashlights or keys or things of that nature. And you have to ring a bell to get jeb's attention and you don't really see a whole lot of jeb but he has like tentacles his tentacles will reach out grab all the gear and then you get a little summary of how much the scrap is worth
Starting point is 00:36:58 uh that's not all you can do with jeb as as as we very quickly learned oh don't tick off jeb it is well we'll leave that one for the uh for the listeners to figure out but just uh you know if you're if you're if you're feeling brave maybe you uh you're a little impatient when you ring that bell dude he doesn't come right away sometimes you ring the bell and jeb comes quickly sometimes he doesn't you just gotta you gotta let him know you're waiting yeah exactly all right so let's go ahead and take our last break and then we'll come back and talk about some of the more advanced stuff in lethal company all right so as we start to wrap up this episode here there is more advanced tech that you can get in this game that drastically changes how you play it
Starting point is 00:37:44 up to this point we've really only talked about playing from the perspective of a complete new There is more advanced tech that you can get in this game that drastically changes how you play it. Up to this point, we've really only talked about playing from the perspective of a complete noob. Flashlights, maybe a shovel or two. That's really all we ran with in the beginning. As you do multiple runs and you start getting more money, you can start ordering things that do allow you to play differently. Josh, I remember the first time that we ordered walkie talkies and you decided to stay back in the ship as like our monitor. How did that switch up gameplay? I'll be honest. I really enjoyed that. I'd like to
Starting point is 00:38:17 do it some more because what you can do when you have a squad is you can leave a guy in the ship and you can monitor your teammates and you kind of get this like on the one monitor we talked about, you can kind of see a map that's around them. And on that map, you can see if there are enemies nearby there. They display as a red dot. So I can sit there via walkie talkie. And let me tell you, this sounds exactly like walkie talkie. This game has really, really good sound design. So if you want to know, like, imagine what it would sound like to talk to some dudes that are in a scary old abandoned facility with monsters over walkie talkie. And this is that.
Starting point is 00:38:55 So I would, you know, hey, guys, stop, stop. There's a monster ahead of you. It's it's pathing around. OK, go to your left. Go to go to your left again. Like, watch out. Oh, no. Run, run, guys, run. It's pathing around. Okay, go to your left. Go to your left again. Like, watch out! Oh, no! Run! Run, guys! Run! It's chasing Ryan! Oh, I think it got Ryan, guys. And so you have this person that can now kind of oversee things and direct things a little bit. But just like everything else in this game, there's a fear because the battery on the walkie talkie will wear out. Now it's fine
Starting point is 00:39:27 if you're the guy in the ship, cause I can recharge my battery. But you guys that are in the facility are going like, dude, this thing's about to die. And like you start getting nervous about that too. So it really does add a little bit to the strategy element of the game to be able to direct people because getting lost in these facilities is very easy. There is no mini map. There is no compass. If you're not paying attention to where you're going, you will get lost. And then you don't know how to find your way out. And so having somebody that can watch and say, okay, there's a monster, hold, hold, run, go now. Or, okay, guys, make a right. Now make a left. Now the exit door is right there like all that stuff is very very handy to have plus worst case scenario you can always take off so if we all die
Starting point is 00:40:12 at least we don't lose everybody and everything because that happened to us a lot yes it did yeah there's also certain security doors that you cannot open unless someone is on the ship. So that's where it is very useful to have someone navigating the group. Now, one thing to keep in mind is that only the person holding the walkie can hear that communication. So in our runs, when Ace had the walkie talkie. So when you would talk to him, Josh, even if we were right next to Ace, we couldn't hear it. Wait, you guys couldn't hear? No.
Starting point is 00:40:48 See, I didn't know that. I thought it was just like coming out of the speaker and all you guys could hear it. So with proximity chat, everything you were saying to Ace, Ace was relaying to us and then we would relay messages back to you. So if Ace were to fall off a ledge and lose that walkie, like it's over, we can't talk to you back it's just
Starting point is 00:41:06 radio silence uh yeah there's also advanced stuff like teleporters a ton of cosmetic stuff that you can add to your ship or different outfits there's also a tzp inhalant which i have not used, but it is actually an inhaler that has a mix of amphetamines and helium. So you can choose how long to suck on that inhaler. The longer you, I'm already starting to laugh. Think about it. The longer you inhale it, the longer your stamina lasts. You can actually sprint for 30 straight seconds if you're on this inhaler. But it makes your voice high as if you just sucked helium out of a balloon. And it also impedes your vision. So there is also some strategy to, okay, is it worth the loss of vision and to have the goofy voice in order to run faster? And there's more complex strategies. I know a lot of people that kind of have this game on farm status.
Starting point is 00:42:06 They will have different assigned roles. One person's in the ship. One person is only sprinting scrap from the exit back to the ship. And they're just doing that back and forth. And there's two people. And all they're doing is grabbing scrap, setting it outside, and going right back in. And so as you play the game more and as you communicate and develop strategies it really just adds layer upon layer upon layer now all that
Starting point is 00:42:32 being said the game is in early access it's very rudimentary is like what would you guys like to see them add moving forward in future patches man um more emotes maybe more more dances more dances maybe more yeah that may take away from the the awesomeness of just the little dances that we have but um there's there's not too much that i can think of i just i loved everything about this game um even just the things that i didn't love like how fast the batteries ran out or things like that it all just adds to the panic of the game which is what makes it so much fun for me at least so i can't think of anything off the top of my head that i would like to uh change in the near future for me the biggest thing that i would like to see is more variety in the environments
Starting point is 00:43:22 um i like that when you land on a moon, it's a desert moon or it's a forest moon or something like that. But that's really where it ends because once you go through the doors to the facility, it might as well be the exact same map like every time. Now, they are procedurally generated, but some facilities we have gone into have been like four rooms and that's it. And now you have to go back outside. And I get that the idea is you need to go find the fire exit because that's a different entrance into the facility. And maybe that leads to some more areas. But I find that part of the game to get bland.
Starting point is 00:43:58 Again, it's the experience with the friends. It's the fear. It's the panic. It's the hilarity. But from a gameplay standpoint, I feel like this is where the game. It's the panic. It's the hilarity. But from a gameplay standpoint, I feel like this is where the game really lacks in that aspect is to give me a little bit more variety. Right now, that's all you get. You get a forest planet and you get a desert planet, even though there's multiple planets. Now, I will say this. There are some much more advanced
Starting point is 00:44:21 planets that you have to pay money to go to and i don't know this because we haven't experienced it but from what i understand one of them is actually a giant mansion so now you're inside like this haunted house area oh no um you know so i think we're getting glimpses of where they're going but i will say it does start to feel a little stale when you're always just walking up like a metal stairway or the the there's just not a lot of variety in the environments despite being procedurally generated it's kind of like the same six rooms yeah randomly copied and pasted there's like the one really big wide open area there's the little jump puzzle where you've got the little pole that sticks out in the ledge and
Starting point is 00:45:06 then the cut open area across so you see the same stuff over and over i would like to see more room variety certainly just more moons when there's only eight and three of them are like late game that you can't really access you're sort of just going to the same initial three to five over and over i i would like to see maybe just a little more variety with weapons because if you want to fight the monsters you have to like hit them with a shovel or a stop sign and it just doesn't do a whole lot of damage and it's very easy to hurt other people yeah you can have like a zap gun that like incapacitates an enemy for a few seconds while you're bashing them maybe just a couple more options like that so that way you don't feel i mean i still think the monsters should be terrifying and difficult to beat but i think
Starting point is 00:45:56 it should also be maybe just a little bit easier to try to fight against them like we played one where we had four flying bugs on us and i managed to kill two with a shovel but all four of us just died immediately yeah and i kind of feel like that kind of sucks when you run into a situation like that you should be able to fight or run your way out of everything all right so basically uh anything we missed guys before we move on to community reviews? I think that covers it, man. I mean, it's yeah. I mean the gameplay portion, the voice chat portion, the home base,
Starting point is 00:46:30 the selling. I mean, that's really what there is to this game at this point. Yeah. I'm definitely interested to check out that mansion. I'm going to get scared. Ryan is the one who gets the most creeped out before anything happens. That's what i think is
Starting point is 00:46:45 funny it's my anticipation man yeah like a couple times ryan you even said like guys nothing's happened like let's just go let's just leave because you're so nervous about what might be around get out of here man i'm done now we are recording this episode here on the 19th the game has hit pretty big spikes the last two days for number of player count it really seems like this game is just starting to crest and really reach a new level of popularity it hit a hundred thousand concurrent players here just this week the only bummer i would say is that you really do have to play with people yeah and it really helps if you play with them long term have to play with people. Yeah, for sure. And it really helps if you play with them long-term.
Starting point is 00:47:27 You can play with randoms. It's going to be rough. You're going to run into bad teammates. You're going to run into people who go AFK or people who are trolling. If you're able to play with your own buddies, I think it's going to be far better because you really do need to have four people for every run.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Whether you go into a match solo or a group of four the quota is the same so you're really just at a disadvantage if you're not running with a full crew yeah you this is not a game that is intended to be played solo whatsoever um duos can work i have played with you know ace a couple times with just the two of us that definitely makes it a little bit better but this is a game that shines with three to four people. Absolutely. The beauty is that this game is only $9.99. So it's really not hard to get three to four people invested in it. I mean, think about... I always compare it like this. My kid just went to go see the Five Nights at Freddy's movie. It was $12 for the ticket. They got an hour and 50 minutes worth of entertainment out of that. You can spend $10 and get six to eight to
Starting point is 00:48:30 30 hours of entertainment out of this game for less than a movie ticket. And that's really the right way to approach it at that point. And I know that as gamers, we're hesitant to pick up games sometimes because it's like another game in the library this is one of those ones where you need to just accept that this is a cheap game it will have a shelf life but it is going to be some of the most fun 9.99 that you can spend oh absolutely that would be the best i have a buddy sean that uh i was hounding him to get it and he's like i don't know i don't know and then he must have looked it up because then he went, oh, it's only 10 bucks. All right, I'll get it. I'm like, dude, I promise you're going to have so much fun. And not to put Paul on the spot, but we all get that this isn't necessarily Paul's favorite type of genre, a cup of tea. But even Paul, when he dove in was like,
Starting point is 00:49:18 guys, for $9.99, I'll tell you what, I'm going to play this game for four days. We'll get a lot of fun out of it. And then I probably won't touch it again. Ryan, you and I are much more likely to try to recruit somebody else to keep playing and things like that. But I mean, even from Paul's standpoint, though, he's gotten his entertainment value out of this. So I think that there's multiple ways that you can approach this game and just say, listen, this doesn't need... I don't have to commit to this. I can spend $9. I can have fun for four, five, six hours or longer. And then you can just call it and say, hey, that was a good time. It was worth the money. Yeah. Like comparing this to phasmophobia,
Starting point is 00:50:02 I hated phasmophobia. I get why people like it, but to me, you just walked so slow. There was no sprint. There was no combat and lethal company takes all the best parts of phasmophobia improves upon it. They do let you sprint. It has the comedy of the death channel. And when you're playing with friends and when you add all that stuff in there, along with occasional combat, like I even said,
Starting point is 00:50:20 this is the best version of phasmophobia that I can picture. Yeah. And even I enjoyed playing it. Now, I would never be the one to say, hey, guys, let's all hop into Lethal Company. But if you guys are playing, I jumped in every time. There was never a time that I was like, you guys play. I'd rather go do something else. I still hopped in every time when normally I would say this kind of game is not really
Starting point is 00:50:42 the kind of game that I would go for. Yep. All right, Josh, I think you've got some community reviews to read. I do. Okay. So this game is an early access. It has not been out for very long. Um, but I, you know, they're, the reviews are starting to pour in. Cause like I said, this game is gaining a lot of popularity. So this first review is 13 hours on record and it says it is a recommended review. And it says the steam trailer really doesn't do this game justice. It's extremely early access right now and the gameplay itself is nothing too spectacular yet. But the super dynamic proximity chat ever experienced in a video game.
Starting point is 00:51:32 It truly is such a simple yet infinitely expandable mechanic that I'm really excited to see this get built upon in the future. Totally agree with all of that. Now, we played another horror multiplayer co-op game that was very much in early access with GTFO back in the day. And I kind of feel the same about this game. Those were both games that had great ideas. There's just not enough. There weren't enough rundowns at the time in gtfo in this i would say the maps are kind of limited but the core game itself is a great idea it's only going to get better over time it's well worth checking out yeah absolutely all right this next one is not recommended they've got uh 22 and a half hours on record uh and it says it's a great game overall but as much of a
Starting point is 00:52:21 personal gripe that this is i can't recommend it until the dev adds more indoor location variety. Most of the planets just have the facility style indoors. I absolutely love the mansion level, and I think the game would have so much more replayability if there was more variety to the indoor parts of each moon. I know the dev is capable of this because the upturned was a banger with its locations. I just hope that more variety can be added here. I don't know what the Upturned is. I'm assuming it's a different game by the same developer, but this is what we were saying, is this is where the game seriously lacks
Starting point is 00:52:55 at its current moment. Agreed. Yeah. All right, this next one is not recommended. Three hours on record. And it says, it's pretty fun in concept, but unfortunately, it's pretty bone pretty bone drying content right now. While every mission is randomly generated, there's almost no variety in terms of the level tile sets. There's only two styles of levels
Starting point is 00:53:15 with the only difference between all of them, but one planet being the odds of a certain loot, the cost of travel and some world hazards outside the dungeon. Once you're inside the dungeon, it's almost always the same few rooms, randomly repeated ad nauseum. I can forgive the landing spots being the same on the planets, but dungeons lacking all variety caused me to lose interest after my first extended play session. Like, how many stairwells where you can go up, and then you just look and there's nowhere to go and then you go down and then that leads to another room like how many of those stairwells have we run through by this point it's it's hundreds and this is even the i was gonna say even the little kind of jump puzzle parkour jump thing is just that i beam across it looks exactly the same
Starting point is 00:54:01 every single time the sometimes there's a door on the other side sometimes there's not the the corridors with the steam yeah we've run through that a hundred times like it is just the same stuff over and over most of the negative reviews in this game are pointing that out now again to be fair this is very early access you know i mean there is a lot that the developer can do to improve this but the complaints by the majority of people that are issuing complaints are generally the same feeling. It's just there's just not a lot here yet. And so, you know, that that's that's why we pick negative reviews. Right. So people can go, hey, what's wrong with the game? Well, this is one of the things that's wrong with it.
Starting point is 00:54:40 All right. Last one is a recommended review. And it says, I bought this for myself and friends. Our first three-hour session was, I reckon, the best co-op horror experience we've had in ages. Perfectly cut screams, eerie silence, frantic pleas for help atmosphere in the experience. The creature content is well fleshed out and pretty original, save for a few must-have gimmicks that fit very well. The communication and teamwork dynamics are a pleasant surprise. You have to work together. That's one of the beauties of this game is you have to
Starting point is 00:55:18 rely on your teammates. You do have to work together to kind of meet the quota and do what you're supposed to do. You can have the best plan in the world. And then when somebody gets killed and people start screaming and running for their lives and you get separated because you run in opposite directions, now you're out of range of the proximity chat. Panic sets in. It's hilarious. I mean, this is the premise of the game and where it gets really fun. But the game definitely does have a path ahead of itself
Starting point is 00:55:46 to make things better in the long run. Yeah, and you know it's good when, like Jesse reading that review and he was talking about the stuff they ran into and it just made me smile knowing what we went through, imagining what they went through, and you know it must have been crazy and they all laughed and talked about it.
Starting point is 00:56:01 So you know it's just got a good core of a game there that hopefully they can keep expanding on. Yep. All right, well, that's the positive reviews. That's the negative reviews. We always like to play a little game where we guess the Steam review score on the scale of 0% to 100%.
Starting point is 00:56:20 I think I'm the reigning champion. It's been a while since we've guessed a score here, but I'm just going to dub myself champion because I feel like I am. Mario Wonder? Did I? I think that was the last one. You might.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Who was that? I don't remember who won, but I don't think it was me. You're probably right, Josh. Was it Ryan? Was that you, Ryan? Oh, yeah, totally. No, it wasn't Ryan.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I wasn't there. You know what? I'm going for it. I know this game. Oh, yeah, that's right. You weren't even in that one, right? it wasn't ryan i wasn't i wasn't you know what i'm going for it um i know this oh yeah that's right you weren't even in that one i almost got you um this game is starting to blow up in popularity um i guessed 90 on the dot. I think you are right. I think it'll be in the 90s. I put down 93. Okay. And honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if you came back and told me it's 86 or you can tell me it's 98.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Like, I feel it could be anywhere in between. I'm going to say 93. All right. Ryan? Yeah, I think you guys are both close. I think anyone who's going to leave a review on this one is probably overwhelmingly positive. So I'm just going to go one above Paul, do 94, see if I can snatch it if it's higher. 94.
Starting point is 00:57:34 All right. The actual result, which I didn't write down, Ryan, so you're going to have to edit this out real quick. I'm leaving it in. Is? What is? The Steam search. gonna have to edit this out real quick i'm leaving it in uh is uh what is the steam search 97 all right 97 and guys this is out of 18 600 reviews wow this is not and this this is not a game that has like 200 reviews on it this is. There's a reason we're covering this right now. This thing's blowing up. And it's blowing up for a reason.
Starting point is 00:58:10 And that's why we're doing this episode is to put it in front of you and say, we're always trying to introduce you to fun games, to interesting games, to games that will be fun for you to play or play with friends. And this is one of those. It's kind of shocking. I'm not shocked to hear that rating because I've played the game and I know how much people love it. But this game does not do a single thing that's revolutionary. And yet it somehow grabs little bits and pieces, makes its own very stylistic environment.
Starting point is 00:58:43 This game has a very unique feel. It provides something I've never played in anything else. And yet none of it is anything that's like a technical Marvel or anything, right? It's not that pretty to look at. The sound is good. The proximity chat is cool, but they didn't invent any of this stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:01 There's no weapons. So you can't even really talk about like gunplay, but yet there is something there it has that you know that that unknown quality that makes for just a game it has that it factor that's in a sec why yeah the je ne sais quoi all right well uh let's let's go ahead and do make love marry murder all right now i know that we haven't played this game a ton we've really only been playing it for the last week or so but at this point in the game how would you guys rate it is this game marriage material highly recommended you can get a ton of hours out of it is it make love maybe play it for a little bit and then drop it murder material where you don't
Starting point is 00:59:40 recommend it what are you guys gonna say let's start let's start with you ryan come on down baby come down the aisle to me i'm gonna marry you up oh i love it despite being the guy who is dead for 50 of the runs still still loves it oh it was just all of it the way like we've said a million times throughout this, you know, episode, like just everything about it is my type of game playing with friends and people online. I love co-ops. Everybody knows that. And then as much as they freaked me out and gives me anxiety, I love the eerie,
Starting point is 01:00:17 creepy jump scare stuff. All of that stuff just, just hits all the points that make me happy in a game. So yeah, I'm a definite for sure mary yeah for me you give me the ability to be scared and and on edge and panicking and then absolute i'm talking like tears streaming out of your eyes laughter at the same time there's something there for for for me on that i'm with r Ryan on this one. It's a Mary.
Starting point is 01:00:47 It's goofy because, yes, this game will get old quickly. But right now, playing this game with friends is one of the funnest experiences that I've had in a while. And I get the premise that it's just not very fleshed out. It's very early access. There's a long way to go. But I can't imagine three other people saying, Josh, do you want to play Lethal Company with It's just not very fleshed out. It's very early access. There's a long way to go. But I can't imagine three other people saying, Josh, do you want to play Lethal Company with us? And me ever turning that down. And that says something. Sure, the gameplay might become
Starting point is 01:01:15 routine. It's like, dude, we found this scrap a thousand times, but I am always going to be in for somebody getting snatched by a monster. Everybody literally shouting at the top of their lungs and going, run, run. And then just watching everybody scatter, hearing silence descend over people. You're calling out for your friends. Then you die. Then you get warped into the death chat. Everybody is cracking up. I mean, these are the experiences that I absolutely love about gaming. And this game gives it to you. So for me, simple gameplay aside and repetitiveness, it's a marry for me because it's just such a fun social game to play.
Starting point is 01:01:54 For this one, my initial response is that it's kind of riding that line between marry and make love, but it's the $10 price tag that's going to push it into marriage territory i feel like this game's got about a max of 15 hours for me where i have zero desire to play beyond that but for people who really love it there will be people that play this game for thousands of hours it's just not made for me it you know in that regard this is the kind of game that i i don't know that i would say the game itself is fantastic, but the experience is fantastic.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Run it until it no longer has that feeling. Like every time you get to use a new item, you kind of feel that sense again, like the first time we got walkie talkies or the first time we got grenades. And so as long as there's new stuff to discover, I think that's the carrot to keep playing. Once you've experienced everything the game has to offer, that's about when I think I would be done. And I'm guessing that's probably around 15 to 20 hours. But for a $10 game, that is well worth your money. I think just about everyone should check this game out. And I would recommend doing it sooner than later. You're going to want to experience this while everybody else is.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Yeah, it's a good point. Don't sleep on this one. Yeah, totally agree. All right. Well, that wraps everything up for this episode.
Starting point is 01:03:15 We'd like to say thank you to everyone for listening here through the end. As a reminder, please rate our show five stars. Go check out our social media presence. You can find us everywhere at video gamers pod and also patreon support options at multiplayer if you sign up on there you're going to get two bonus episodes every month called the squad cast those are an absolute blast you'll also get a shout out on the show and some discord perks and make sure to follow the pod that
Starting point is 01:03:41 way you don't miss any episodes we We do release several episodes every single week. And until you decide to join us next time, happy gaming. All right, everybody. Make sure you go out and get... Ryan? Ryan? Ryan? Ryan, are you there?
Starting point is 01:03:55 Guys. Ryan. I think Ryan might be dead. I think he's dead. Guys, run! Oh, he's back! Yeah! Run!
Starting point is 01:04:04 Where are you? See you, everybody. All you? See you, everybody. All right. See you, everybody.

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