Video Gamers Podcast - Dragon’s Dogma 2, Nobody Wants to Die and Hyper Light Breaker - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: March 21, 2024

The Video Gamers Podcast is back with another incredible episode of This Week in Gaming. Dragon’s Dogma 2 is nearly here and our hype train has reached super sonic speeds! Nobody Wants to Die drops ...a sick looking trailer… if the gameplay matches we might be in for a real treat of a video game. Then we get a new preview of Hyper Light Breaker, one of Josh’s most anticipated video games, but it looks like after this preview, Paul and Ryan are on board too! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: YayaArizona, Disratory, Cykasniber and Alex Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Samsung Galaxy. Ever captured a great night video only for it to be ruined by that one noisy talker? With Audio Erase on the new Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, you can reduce or remove unwanted noise and relive your favorite moments without the distractions. And that's not all. New Galaxy AI features like NowBrief will give you personalized insights based on your day schedule so that you're prepared no matter what. Buy the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra now at Hello fellow gamers! Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast, hosted by three lifelong gamer dads.
Starting point is 00:00:46 It is time for us to break down our favorite gaming news stories over the last week and provide some of our thoughts. Come toss us a follow on socials everywhere at VideoGamersPod, and we would love it if you would leave us a five-star rating. I am your host, Paul, and joining me, he attacked a dragon single-handedly before it killed him, took his beating heart, and turned him into the arisen. It's Josh. I feel like that would be my lot. You know, I mean, I used to think I could take on a chimpanzee
Starting point is 00:01:14 until I saw a picture of a chimpanzee. And then I was like, never mind. I take it back. You know, so yeah, I could take on a dragon, guys. Oh, there goes my heart. You lose that battle nine times out of ten that's for sure and joining josh and me he is a detective sitting at a bar across from a suicide bomber bartender but he doesn't seem worried for some reason it's ryan yeah see yeah give me a little scotch on the rock see flaming dr pepper by chance yeah dr pepper that's invented right yeah
Starting point is 00:01:47 all right well when we do get to that game it does not take place in the 1930s but we will we'll get there like it's been invented this game's in like the 2500 or something that's what it feels like okay yeah it's a little bit like the futuristic retro vibe. I get you, Ryan. All right. So for our listeners out there, look, I know. We have talked so much about Dragon's Dogma 2, but it's almost here. It's coming out tomorrow from when this episode releases. We have hyped up this game so much over the last few months.
Starting point is 00:02:21 This week, we got an official trailer, featured ian mcshane our listeners if they don't know him by name you might know him from deadwood or as winston in the john wick series man i am trying to not get overhyped on dragon's dogma 2 join me but just join me the more i know i know it's at this point though if it's not the best game of the year, we're going to feel a little let down. I don't know, man. Or it could be even better, Paul. I hope so. Ryan, is there any chance this is going to be better than Helldivers 2 for you? Man, I sure love Dispensing Liberty, but even this in-depth character creator was kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:03:00 I'll tell you that much. Oh, yeah. Okay, so maybe that's a good place to start. Kind of hilariously, when they did a showcase showcase i think it was about two weeks ago people thought they might drop a playable demo and instead they dropped a character creator which is a little bit of a letdown if you're expecting a playable game people wanted yeah but now that the character creator has been out for a while people have been having an absolute blast with it. I don't know if you guys have seen where people have been like recreating
Starting point is 00:03:29 actors and like movie characters. Did you guys see the Angelina Jolie that looks exactly like her? I saw the Michael Jackson one that looks exactly like Michael Jackson. And then I was like, this is creeping me out, man. Cause Michael Jackson running around, like smashing things with a sword seems very weird to me, but yeah, I've seen some really crazy. They're making like cartoon characters. They're making celebrities. Chucky with the, even with like the stitches, like on the face and it looks just like Chucky. It's so weird. This character creator is bananas.
Starting point is 00:04:06 And normally, I don't care. Paul, I know you could care less what your character looks like. You normally try to go as absurd as possible. I'll never forget playing Sea of Thieves with you. And the first time we hopped in together, you had this super old, very overweight old lady as your character and
Starting point is 00:04:28 i was just like what is this paul like the rest of us are trying to look all piratey and then here comes paul's like 80 year old fat grandma lady i worked hard for that character because if you remember you could not create your own character it would randomly generate like 10 characters and if you didn't like it you'd click refresh and you just had to pick what they gave you and i swear i refreshed for like 40 minutes until i got that toothless fat granny and i could not have been happier paul's in there spongebob style three hours later that's exactly right so do you guys have your characters all set and ready to go now for dragon's dogma yeah i'm beautiful ryan you can tell trying to model his character after himself
Starting point is 00:05:12 uh you know yeah i can tell i was like this is ryan trying to make ryan but then i don't know ryan i don't think you're quite that muscular not anymore yeah i'm gonna sit down playing video games with you guys yeah i did i did think like because normally i am not well i'm not one to sit and spend a lifetime on those i know with arc i just made the most ridiculous guy i could and it takes me three minutes and i'm in and out and done and then i just want to play the game well i can't play the game and so i'm sitting there and i i looking. And every time I clicked a new section, there was more. And there was more. Oh, I can adjust the eye angle.
Starting point is 00:05:49 I can adjust this, the color, the three little different levels just for the eyes. There's so much you can do. I actually spent like an hour and a half or so just on those two characters. Yeah. People that listen to the show know that we generally don't care about cosmetics in a game. And to give you guys an idea, I did sit down.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I made my main character. I went Ryan's route and try to make them look like me. And then I was like, who this guy's ugly. So then I was like, I don't want to look at that face the whole time I'm playing this game. So then I was like, okay, I'm going to go for like a, like an old man Viking look. Cause I was like, that'll look cool. So I made that. And then I was like, oh, but you got to make your pawn, you know, cause you have your main character and then you have your, your one
Starting point is 00:06:38 pawn that follows you through the whole game. So then I'm like, okay, well I can't not make like the beast ring guy, which is like the cat guy. So I start dabbling around in that. And before you know it, I have three hours of playtime in this character creator, which is very unlike me at all. But dude, when you start getting into it, and you start going like, I want to make it look a certain way and you start fiddle around with all the different options and the different sliders and all of the aspects that you can tweak in this, it kind of sucks you in, man. So I mean, for the first time ever, I have legitimately spent time to make a character and cared what it looked like and then
Starting point is 00:07:23 did it again for my pawn. And then I was even kind of nerding out, so I posted it in the Discord server. I was like, okay, well, here's my main guy and here's my pawn. And then I was like, what am I doing? But I like it. Three hours. I thought your main guy...
Starting point is 00:07:38 I was going to say, three hours, that's more than you spend in most games. I know! I thought your main guy looked a lot like Geralt from The Witcher. I thought that's what than you spend in most games i know i thought your main guy looked a lot like gerald from the witcher i thought that's what you were going for uh he's got like the silver hair it's just kind of like it's a little long i mean maybe i i wasn't trying to make gerald but i could see the uh yeah he's kind of pale skinned and he's got the hair like the coin to your witcher yeah yeah a little bit of unconscious thing either so yeah well obviously we've already broken down dragons dogma to a ton i don't know if there's anything
Starting point is 00:08:11 additional you guys want to add after watching this trailer the only thing that really struck me more than anything that i'm not sure we've really said on the show is just how much the fighting seems to interact with the environment. There is just so much of like climbing back up on that hill to jump on an enemy or the enemy throwing you over this hill to the other side, or you getting kicked off a ledge. I love the fact that it all seems so interactive with the environment. That stuff looks awesome. And just the huge variety of enemies. Like there is so much in this trailer. They're showing you Minotaurs, Dragons, Undead, Goblins, Chimera, Griffins, the giant bronze statue, Talos or whatever.
Starting point is 00:08:56 It seems like this game is just going to be phenomenal. I, my hype level is honestly at an unhealthy point because the game has to be really, really good to live up to that. But I actually think it will be. One of the things I absolutely love in a game, especially a fantasy setting, because I'm a huge fan of fantasy. As much as I like sci-fi, I love fantasy even more. When you give me monster variety, that means something crazy for me. It's one of the reasons I love The Witcher 3 so much because how many different enemy types are there in that game? There's like a thousand, it seems like. So whenever you're wandering around and you come across something new that you've never fought
Starting point is 00:09:34 before, I love that feeling. It's one of the reasons I like Elden Ring, right? So I mean, how many different enemies are there in Elden Ring as well? So it's just, for me, it's one of those touches that puts things over the top. And I love that I'm seeing that in Dragon's Dogma 2. And then they get to the end of the video and they start showing you undead. And then they show you like one undead, but then it's like, well, one undead's dangerous in and of... But then they show you like a zombie horde. And you've got like eight zombie shuffling. I'm like, wait, really? I don't know, know man I'm geeking out dude I'm so excited
Starting point is 00:10:07 for this game I am too alright well before we get to our next story we would like to ask all of our listeners to help support what we do here for those who aren't in the know we are an independent podcast we are just three dads that have full time jobs Josh does production work for another podcast Ryan does beautiful garage floor installation I work in the world of foster care. We're almost
Starting point is 00:10:29 entirely funded by our listeners through Patreon. So anyone out there can sign up starting at five bucks a month. In return, you'll get our gratitude. We'll give you a shout out on the show. You'll get two bonus episodes monthly, access to additional channels and discord, all kinds of fun stuff. Even at the highest levels of support, you can even pick games for us to deep dive. So much cool stuff. Make sure to go check it out at All right, let's talk a little bit about Nobody Wants to Die. So we got an official reveal trailer. This was shared on our Discord pretty much right after it got released by DK Matt.
Starting point is 00:11:06 By the way, shout out to our free Discord server. If you're not on there, all of our listeners really should check it out. Totally free. We share game trailers. We talk with one another. It's all gamers who like the show. Family friendly. Great place to go.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Check out that link in the episode description. Nobody Wants to Die. It's a detective noir adventure where it says you are in pursuit of a serial killer. The game takes place in New York in the year 2329. It's one of the more bananas trailers that I remember seeing in a while. There is no gameplay that we get to see.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It's all just cinematics. They're talking about time and secrets and there's like trees and there's like bodies being grown. I mean, I don't even really know where to start. Like, what do the listeners need to know about this game? This is Cyberpunk meets The Matrix. That is the two vibes that I got from this trailer, man. And you talk about two of my favorite things. You're talking my language. You're getting the cyberpunk aesthetic for sure, and they nail it. You're getting... I mean, look, we've always said you can't tell very much from a trailer, but you can tell production quality. And this trailer is top freaking notch man uh i i don't even i'd watch this movie if they made a movie out of it like it's that good but then they get into this weird matrix vibe where there's all these humans in like the pods and there's wires and stuff coming down and like
Starting point is 00:12:38 like they show a guy that's trapped in the same thing that these weird robots are threading. Dude, I don't know. All I know is this looks like an incredible sci-fi vision that mixes two of my favorite things. Detective Noir as a game? Now, what was the L.A. Noir, right? I never played that game. Oh, sure. By Rockstar? Yeah. And I hear it's amazing. People love it. But Cyberpunk Detective Noir set in the future that takes place in the year 2329. I think I'm in. We just want to see it.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Right? I just want to see the game. Exactly. Now, is it Noir or Noir? Noir. Noir. Noir. I was going to say Noir.
Starting point is 00:13:24 I pronounce the R. Either way. Do you also say croissant? Noir. Noir. Noir. I was going to say noir. Either way. Do you also say croissant? Right. Croissant. Americans don't say croissant. No. Excuse me, sir.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I'd like a croissant. No, but I... This seems right up your alley, Ryan. I felt like you would really be into this. Yeah, this is... I just love those dark, gritty games. Like, I loved, you know, like Max Payne or any of these games that just have that, you know. And even Cyberpunk, I know I had my issues with it. I still got to get back to it without all the bugs and issues.
Starting point is 00:13:57 But I love those dark, rainy cities where you're a detective, you're trying to figure stuff out. Like, that's my vibe. I absolutely love it. And this looks like everything that I would love. I also am a huge Matrix guy. Famously at Paul's wife's house growing up with my cousin. I was not allowed to watch Matrix anymore with them because I would quote the whole movie. that's how much i loved it so i uh i just everything about this looks good to me i i really am stoked i want to see some gameplay see kind of how the nuts and bolts are going to be um trailer can only show you so much but yeah i'm so ready for this to see more yeah i tried digging in a little bit deeper since the
Starting point is 00:14:42 trailer doesn't show a lot so this is the very first game developed by Critical Hit Games, which is a Polish developing company that was founded in 2020. The website has almost nothing on it, but they do say that the game will be first person perspective. It is story driven and that it is made in Unreal Engine 5. So essentially, this is really all we know. But I will say it's a fantastic trailer. Hopefully the gameplay will match it because it's a very cool atmosphere and vibe. And it seems like time is going to come into play a lot.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You see this explosion. He kind of fiddles with this gauntlet, and it seems like it's going to reverse time. And I did also find a quote on IGN's website where Critical Games did say, quote, in this world, technology has advanced to offer humans eternal life, allowing consciousness to be stored in memory banks or transferred from one body to another. That is, if you can afford the subscription. So it sounds heavily inspired by cyberpunk and other sci-fi properties we've definitely seen this kind of story so i'm very curious to find out more i think all of us are going to wait for that gameplay trailer yeah because supposedly it's going to release this year yeah i saw that
Starting point is 00:15:56 it said like 2024 and then i'm like i need to see i need to see gameplay a trailer can wow the pants off of me man but until you show me what the game is actually going to look like and play like, I can't get too invested in it because I don't even know what to expect. They might reveal gameplay and it's some weird top-down isometric, weird looking... I just don't know. And not that that can't work, you know what I mean? But it's like, I just don't have any clue what to expect from this other than they've touched on a lot of things that make me go, ooh. But until I see more, I just have no idea what to expect.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Give me some gameplay, see? Yeah. This is just the new model, right? Just a drip of content over the course of seven months. But I'm sure we'll get some gameplay soon. So I have a feeling we're going to be talking about this one again down the road. All right. Well, with that being said, let's take a short break. This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important
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Starting point is 00:17:23 All right, continuing on here this week, we saw a hyper light breaker hands-on gameplay preview from IGN. Did we ever boy? Did we ever? The whole time I was watching it, I'm like, Josh is probably drooling over this trailer right now. I was drooling.
Starting point is 00:17:39 We have talked about it before. For those who don't know, it is a third person open world extraction roguelike that looks an awful lot like Risk of Rain 2, which we are all huge fans of. Funny enough, Hyper Light Drifter, the first game, and Risk of Rain 1 were both 2D, and both of them went 3D in their sequels. You start out in this game, you do a run, your goal is to kill the Abyss King, but you can only do that after you summon and kill all of the underbosses in a single run, which are found in different biomes.
Starting point is 00:18:11 You can find upgrades in the world and extract with it. That way you have upgrades for your next run. Seems like you're gonna do this over and over until you can beat it. It does have online co-op. You can play with up to teams of three. And I think we were all pretty interested in this game last time we checked in did this preview make you guys any more or less excited
Starting point is 00:18:31 more more more for me yeah i don't know why i like this game so much man um i i will say this the biggest vibes that i got from this preview was exactly what you said, Paul, this is risk of rain to meets returnal. Like when they're talking about the gameplay and they're talking about, you have to go and you have to kill all of these mini bosses to then summon the best King. And then you can take him on that's returnal,
Starting point is 00:19:01 right? Like you have to kill the, the, the three bosses in returnal, you get one run to do it. and so a lot of the gameplay i'm just looking at that and i'm like this is mixed those two games in spectacular fashion i i mean and and they're both great games right so like what's not to love at this point um they showed different builds they showed different weapons they showed different environments.
Starting point is 00:19:26 They showed travel and how quick you can move and dash around. You've got your little hoverboard that you can use. The only thing... Yeah, you get different characters that you can be. This touches on everything. The only thing I couldn't wrap my head around was the extraction part, because this is the first time I've heard about the extraction thing. And I kind of went like, so it's not a roguelike at that point? Because a roguelike, I make these runs, obviously I'm going to die, just like Returnal,
Starting point is 00:19:54 but then you get permanent upgrades that make you a little bit stronger on your next run. So what the heck is this extraction part? Yeah. I mean, I guess it it's like do i feel like i'm powerful enough to continue the run or do i cut bait now and get bigger upgrades for the next run it seems like that's going to be the primary strategy of playing it the one thing that stuck out to me is and if they mentioned that it was all open world before maybe i just forgot i assumed that this would be like different runs in the different levels but it's all just open world the only thing that i thought would have made this better is if they and i know that warner brothers has a patent on the nemesis system from like uh shadow of mordor if they
Starting point is 00:20:38 had some kind of system like that that would be really cool i wish more games would incorporate stuff like that but this one is still shaping up to look really fun and really good i mean we all love risk of brain too this to me looks like a harder more complex version of it if that makes sense faster paced combat to more technical combat as far as like the yeah the dashing around and the the melee and then the ranged and stuff like that like you really kind of have to watch the trailer to see. I like the art style too, man. That's really eye-catching and kind of super saturated colors and things as well. But I mean, we haven't heard anything on Hyper Lightbreaker in a while.
Starting point is 00:21:17 We finally got this preview. Everything I saw, I just went like, yes, this looks really good. Three-player co-op? Like, come on, guys. How much fun would that be? That's perfect. I know, the math adds up, right? The math, math, baby.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah. So, I don't know. What did you think, Ryan? I liked it. I think it's going to be awesome, and I think it's going to be fun, and it checks all those boxes for me. And they're new boxes i'm just getting into this kind of whole world of these roguelikes and in this style of game i was laughing though because i knew and you just said it like you love the art style i hated the art style really i i just i do not like that that neon look to it um
Starting point is 00:22:04 i think it's gonna play fine i think i'll still love the game especially if i get to play with you guys um but just that i i don't know it just it just rubs me the wrong way i don't like it like cartoony does your brain think it's almost cartoony yeah it's almost like yeah too kind of uh kind of colorfully and washed out and the weird like the animations and stuff i just i don't know for whatever reason i just don't like that look but i did like the way the gameplay looked like it flowed the technical aspects um the different you know you have big heavy sword or you have your light daggers or you have you know these charged guns or you have your special
Starting point is 00:22:43 abilities with the big block you you can time it in. That was a weird thing. Yeah, time it in to drop it on them. And that was their favorite part? Yeah, that was so cool. Yeah, that was just like dropped a big block. So yeah, it was wild. So yeah, other than that, I was just laughing.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm like, Josh is going to kill me. I'm like, this looks so dumb, as far as the colors and the animations. But other than that, I thought it looks pretty neat, and I'm excited to try it out still. I know you guys are hyped for it, so we're definitely going to play it. I do like that they said the game is not especially forgiving.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah. And you got to have that in order for the game to be longer than a couple hours. So it seems like, you know, I get the sense that we're going to love this game for 20 to 30 hours. I don't know if it'll have any ongoing playability like risk of brain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Yeah. But that's fine. Yeah. It's not going to be a $70 game or anything like that. The only other thing I would say is it does seem like there's a fair amount of dodging and getting out of the way of telegraphed abilities. It actually reminded me a little bit of wild star the old mmo where you had to get out of the way of abilities so you do see a lot of like purple circles or marks as like a enemy
Starting point is 00:23:50 jumps in the air and you got to get out of the way it looks like it's going to be a lot of fun and i have no doubt with co-op it's going to be an absolute blast i am very curious how the co-op is going to work um can you res each other do you have like shared lives are you just dead if you're dead kind of thing do they scale enemies to you know if you have three people versus one yeah i mean a game like this in co-op with the combat being the speed of the combat and kind of the open world where you can just go explore and you know see what kind of trouble you can get into sounds so good to me totally agree all right well lastly in what is truly the worst news story we've ever covered on this week in gaming hellblade 2 will feature you know josh i'm gonna ask you a question here and i and i think you'll get what i'm getting
Starting point is 00:24:39 at here hellblade 2 guys it's gonna have a photo mode. This is huge news. Ninja Theory was so generous to show us four screenshots that they took with it, two of which show Senua walking toward a blurry person in the distance. They are truly mediocre photos. And then there are two that show Senua more up close. And one is amazing. You see all the details in her eyes and in her pores. The other one's fine. Josh, you know, I am hyped for Hellblade 2. We have to pick on the news a little bit sometimes. Is this newsworthy or is this a really down week for news that we're covering? Well, so this may be a down week in news, guys.
Starting point is 00:25:21 You know, sometimes there's a lot of news to talk about. Sometimes not so much why why are we only getting four screenshots if they're gonna show this off um because they don't want to spoil too much paul duh i guess you know i have any of you ever taken a photo in photo mode in any video game oh i don't think so i've taken screenshots i have but never never photo mode i have inadvertently gone into photo mode and then gone how the heck do i get out of this what have i done what button did i press on accident like i i i gotta give some people credit there are people out there that love the video game photography i think it's a really neat thing i've seen some incredible
Starting point is 00:26:05 photos. One of our listeners, Glapsadere, is getting into doing video and photos in Cyberpunk, which is the perfect game for that. So I like that this is just another layer that people can enjoy in a video game. I don't think it really resonates with us necessarily um i will say i'm with you paul the one picture was pretty mind-blowing yeah it is yeah that is quite possibly one of like the highest fidelity pictures i think i've ever seen in a video game like if the graphics look truly that good i'll be happy because i mean I know they're putting a ton of production quality into Hellblade 2. I think what we've seen from trailers looks incredible. I mean, I've kind of said this, I feel like this is like an Oscar nominee type video game if it
Starting point is 00:26:57 was a movie. So I like seeing that they're that confident in the graphics, that they're showing that off. I just don't really get photo mode personally. And also, we needed another news story to talk about this. Yeah. I was going to say, you know, I wasn't going to buy Hellblade, but now that it's got a photo mode, I'm going to pick it up. Dag nabbit, I'm in. Yeah, this is, I don't think I've ever done a photo mode unless like in the mission it requires you take pictures of this you know something like that but um yeah it's it's funny to me though because you see these graphics now and you see what they can do and it's just so mind-blowing
Starting point is 00:27:37 because i mean i still remember i you know if you've listened for a while you know that i'm a huge metal gear solid guy i remember to this day just being a kid metal gear solid 2 he's on the the ship and it just pans to him i'm like oh this is the pinnacle of graphics this looks like real life he basically looks like a human this is a video and then we have these you know pictures now and it's just it's so far advanced from what it used to be and you keep thinking how much further can they take it. But I mean, I'm sure people are going to love this photo mode. But it's just I'm just blown by what you can capture in these games now. Like the clarity and the depth in the picture quality.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Like it's just it's wild. Oh, we've covered a lot of like Lords of the Fallen, which was a game that didn't perform all that well. But you saw just with Unreal Engine 5 where you zoom in and you see like individual fibers in the cloth and you see Senua up close. I don't know if everything in Hellblade is going to have like that level of resolution. Obviously, they care a lot about what Senua looks like because you see her so much on screen, but it really does look incredible. I know all of us are hyped for this game was it you Ryan who ended up with this
Starting point is 00:28:50 one in our most anticipated draft yeah I think you ended up with Hellblade right I got it for cheap too I think no you spent 50 on this one yeah it was it was the it was your most expensive game that you yeah but it's probably the best chance of getting nominated as well. Well, you know, that's what I was planning on. Did you ever play the first Hellblade, Brian? I know Paul did. I did not. No? Okay. You might need to play that one before you play the second one. This might be one of those games where it's like you need to play the first one to really appreciate the second. Okay. I'll be right back. It is short. It's like,
Starting point is 00:29:26 it is only like seven hour game. So, and you can do it in VR. It's a pretty cool VR experience. My only beef with the first one. And I've said this before is the combat was really lacking. It was really kind of like a walking puzzle simulator. So the fact that they're putting more money and more of the combat, all the trailers have shown more action.
Starting point is 00:29:46 So with all that being beefed up, this is going to be a must play game absolutely i think we we all agree on that yep yeah for sure i i the first game is very atmospheric it's very it tells a story but i think and it's funny because i've seen people ask about it and i make sure to tell them know what you're getting yourself into this is not God of War by any means. And I think people just see like a Norse, you know, Norse looking woman. She's got the paint and the braids and stuff. And it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:30:12 oh, well, this is like God of War. And it's like, no, no, this is not. This is a story driven game with very strong character and very light gameplay elements to it with like puzzling and the minimal combat and stuff so if you know what you're getting into i think you can really appreciate it but if you
Starting point is 00:30:30 think you're getting into god of war and then you get you know like you get hellblade one you're gonna be like what is this so for all the people who complain like this got brought up in one of our discord servers with our personal friends about how slow res uh red dead redemption 2 starts oh yeah dude to me that was hellblade one because i thought this was gonna have more action i didn't know anything about hellblade i just knew josh loved it and i bought it and it's like 10 minutes on a canoe that the game opens with where it's just hearing her and her voices. I'm like, when am I going to get off this canoe and start fighting stuff? And the answer was almost never. You're walking through things that change perspective
Starting point is 00:31:13 and you're kind of just walking your way through this world while you learn about the story of her husband and everything going on. But yes, it's a great game. It definitely helps if you know what to expect. Yeah. All right. Well, that wraps up everything here for this week in gaming make sure to swing by our patreon page to help support the show and get those bonus episodes you can do that at multiplayer and make sure to leave us a five-star rating we appreciate all of you out there for listening to this episode
Starting point is 00:31:39 until next time happy gaming i'll see y' all in the next one. See? Oh, boy. See you, everybody.

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