Video Gamers Podcast - Endless Dungeon, AC: Nexus VR and Don’t Scream - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: October 26, 2023

Video games hosts Paul, Ryan and Josh bringing you the week's hottest video game news like no other gaming podcast can. Another fantastic week for video games means we’ve got the gaming news you wan...t. We talk Endless Dungeon, the hilarious failure that is Skull Island: Rise of Kong. Assassin’s Creed: Nexus looks legit and a new preview for Don’t Scream that challenges you NOT to make a sound, plus more in this packed episode! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate and Kiitaclyzm Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Games Covered this Episode: Super Mario Bros. Wonder Assassin's Creed: Nexus Skull Island: Rise of Kong Don't Scream Jackbox Party 10 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, Hello, fellow gamers. Welcome back to another episode of the Video Gamers Podcast. Today, we are going to be breaking down recent gaming news over the last seven days. We've got a lot to cover. We had multiple huge releases. We've got other big news.
Starting point is 00:00:51 No time to dilly-dally. I am your host, Paul. Joining me, he can be found ignoring Super Mario Bros. Wonder, Spider-Man 2, ignoring Endless Dungeon. He just wants to leap around the jungle fighting dinosaurs and animals after his gorilla parents were killed it's josh oh isn't that tarzan maybe but i mean they have nothing to do with each other paul that's gonna say is there a tarzan game that came out this week that i don't know about? If I just beat my chest, nobody would have heard it and nobody would have understood. But you're right.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I missed the mark on that one. Also, I should mention that we do not have Ryan for this episode. He is out this week. He is on an elk hunt. We will have him back at some point. We're not entirely sure how long he'll be gone. Probably he'll be back for the next episode. And then Josh, before we jump into news, you have a little bit of a plea to give our listeners.
Starting point is 00:01:50 It's please, please leave us reviews. Oh boy. I mean, joking aside, reviews really do help the show. If you've been listening and you haven't left us a review, this is your reminder. Pause the episode. If you're on Spotify, you can rate us five stars. If you're on Apple, you can actually click write a review and then you can write up a review. But yeah, just remember, it helps the show a lot. If you like what you're hearing, if you want to help us out, this is your reminder to go ahead and remember to leave us a review. Yeah, we would really appreciate that. All right. So let's start out by talking about the major releases from this week. In actuality, Josh and I really did play Mario Bros. Wonder. We did a first impression episode. If you want to hear our thoughts, go to last Monday's episode. We're not going to talk about that anymore here. Josh, I know that you also grabbed Endless Dungeon. I saw that you were playing in our Discord with a few people and you were streaming. I didn't get a chance to watch,
Starting point is 00:02:50 but tell me and the listeners a little bit about Endless Dungeon. All right. Well, you know, I have been bringing this up a lot and kind of picking on you and Ryan. You and Ryan have adamantly said, yep, I'm not going to play it. I'm busy. And it just didn't catch my eye, which is fine. Did you hear the list of the other games that released this week? I did. I mean, to be fair, it was a heck of a week for gaming. But I've had my eye on Endless Dungeon for a little while.
Starting point is 00:03:15 So I treated myself. I said, you know what? I'm going to pick this up. I did. I know a lot of our listeners picked it up as well. There's been a lot of good conversation. I actually got to play with a couple of our listeners, which was a lot of fun. Love meeting new people and playing games with them.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Shout out to Cryptics and Joiff because, hey, we had a good time, man. But I'll tell you what, without getting too in-depth here, I am having an absolute blast with Endless Dungeons so far. It is exactly what I was hoping for. It is chaos. It is roguelite. It is a tower defense. There's all kinds of fun stuff to discover and different weapons and upgrades and abilities and all this stuff that I love. So I really can recommend Endless Dungeon if it sounds like it might be up your alley. So between you and other people in our Discord, everyone seemed to be enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I checked Steam. I was a little surprised that the user rating is 70%. That seemed really low to me. So I went through to read some of the negative reviews, and I was kind of curious to get your take on these. So it seems like there's a lot of confusion about progression. A lot of people seem to say you only get progression if you're the host. Other reviews, people said, you guys just don't understand. You can get progression, but you have to unlock a certain character and do something a certain way. Is that a confusing part of the game? It is, to be fair.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I mean, this is by no means a perfect game. It just released, so there are some issues. The developers come out and said, hey, we missed the mark on allowing progression for people that are in a host's game. So it's interesting because you still obtain currency and you spend currency to upgrade your characters and to upgrade the station and stuff like that, weapons and that kind of thing. So you keep your currency. What you don't keep is like some of the other progression, like unlocking characters and things like that. So if we're all three playing together and I do the requirements to unlock a character and you're with me, you don't unlock that character once you go back to your game. And the developers come out and said, Hey, we agree this sucks. We're fixing it. It's
Starting point is 00:05:24 going to take us a few weeks to do that. But they've you know they said hey this is what we're fixing so um it's not hard to unlock the characters to be honest um but i mean you know it's one of those things like i said we played for probably three hours the other night with me and two two other people and those two other people did not get the progression that i got because they were playing in my world. Okay, I could see why that would kind of tick some people off. Yeah, and then I guess people who are long-term fans of the Endless games, because there's been several, a lot of them said that this one is too easy. It's not as strategic as the old ones.
Starting point is 00:05:58 But it looks hard when I watch videos. I'm a noob to this game. So I'll be honest. I am finding it to be pretty difficult. I die a lot and it's a roguelite. So when you die, you're done with that run. I actually enjoy the difficulty level. So I don't know what they're talking about. Maybe they're just professionals at this point and they've got everything down to a science. But I think the difficulty is great. And you know, I like difficult games.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Oh, yeah. Yeah. So interestingly enough, I like difficult games. Oh yeah, yeah. So interestingly enough, neither of us picked up Spider-Man 2 to Ryan's chagrin. He is our Mr. Spider-Man fan. He's got his waiting on him when he gets back. Yeah, yeah. So we can't really speak with any kind of authority
Starting point is 00:06:39 on Spider-Man 2. I will say that my son asked me three times during the day, will you buy Spider-Man 2? I will say that my son asked me three times during the day, will you buy Spider-Man 2? And I just kept saying, dude, I just bought Mario Bros. Wonder. I just bought Jackbox Party Pack 10. I'm not going to spend money on another game. Maybe somewhere down the road, I'll give it a shot. But neither of us have given that one a try. There's just too many games coming out. There's a very easy solution to this, Paul and uh you know i know he listens to the
Starting point is 00:07:05 show get a job you know if you want spider-man 2 just go my eighth grader 70 that you need to buy it yeah go illegally get a job no i guess you could like mow lawns right like that kind of work sure that that'll work all right so i think we do also need to briefly mention Jackbox Party Pack 10. You and I are huge fans. We have been playing these for years, way before we started the show. We are huge fans of Quiplash, Drawful. I own five of the Party Packs now at this point. We did get a chance to play a little bit last night. Anything in particular that stands out that you'd want to mention? I just, I love any kind of social game, any kind of party game. You know, so when we actually had a game night with a bunch of friends last night, had a really good time and you brought your laptop so that we could play the new Jackbox Party 10. And it was a lot of fun. These games,
Starting point is 00:07:59 you kind of always know what you're getting with them. I don't know that any of them have been revolutionary. I will say I did like the texting game that's the one i was gonna mention that one was a hilarious game to play with a bunch of friends i didn't like this yeah i mean but i see i love chaos so for me i was cracking up the t-shirt game i did not like a whole lot and then there was like a i don't this one was hit or miss. Like I really liked like one, we didn't play all of them either. So maybe I'd like some of the other ones. But that's any Jackbox party, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:08:34 It's like, you get what, five games? And I always love like two, maybe three of them. And then the other ones I'm like, yeah, I don't want to play that part. A little bit of filler. The text one, just to give people a sense of how it works. Basically, the game will split the number of players in half. And what will happen is someone is like, you know, narrating saying, hey, I keep getting these random texts from people. Can you reply back to this person?
Starting point is 00:08:59 So that way they'll never text me again. Like you're supposed to like freak them out or insult them or be weird. But what's funny is that the half of the people who are playing can click and add words to this text message anywhere always ends up devolving into not gibberish, but it's not going to make a whole lot of grammatical sense, but it's still funny. You'll get little insults and phrases. We laughed a lot playing it. It was. And then people will score it by clicking the words that they think were the funniest. And if you wrote that word or that phrase, you get points for that as well. So there's definitely that like playing to the audience part
Starting point is 00:09:49 and trying to be funny as well. But that was a new take. And I thought it was hilarious. It really, that one I enjoyed a lot. And shout out to my wife for quickly realizing if you just add an S at the end of other words and then people vote, you get points also because you co-opted that word
Starting point is 00:10:06 and uh yeah so she was uh cleaning up until some people realized what she was doing yeah she was very strategic all right and then finally this is the release i couldn't wait to talk about josh this took the world by storm look if you're gonna release a game against spider-man and mario it really has to be something special it's gotta be big oh big polished amazing story superhero like almost like i mean we're talking godzilla proportions if you're going up against spider-man 2 and endless dungeon gotta be huge gotta be uh legendary um ultimately this game called skull island rise of kong is anything but all those things that we just mentioned uh this game is definitely in the running for worst game of the year slash gameplay that made paul laugh the hardest on youtube this game kept
Starting point is 00:11:03 getting on my TikTok feed. And at first I'm like, this is not a real game. This is a joke. This is not a game releasing in 2023. This is like a meme game, like walking simulator, making fun of Death Stranding.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I was convinced this is a real game, Josh. It costs $50. It is listed on, it's on consoles and on Steam. Like this is like a big undertaking. This is a big release. And this is like the worst looking game I've seen in quite some time. I laughed most of the time I was watching this trailer or this review. I mean, I did watch the IGN review on it. And I mean, they called it Dull Island doll island instead of skull island which did make me laugh
Starting point is 00:11:46 dude this is the the beauty of this is this isn't like one person that tried to make a game and just doesn't have like any capability so they just you know they went pixel art like very basic i mean i've seen some really beautiful pixel art but this is like we tried really hard, like a double A studio with graphic artists and people that know how to make games, but they were all just completely drunk the entire time and maybe showed up to work like one day a week kind of thing, like during the game's development or something. this entire nine minute review and this is one of the most atrocious games i think i've ever seen man like i don't know how the reviewer sat down and played this game at one point he made the comment the game is mercilessly short uh at like five and a half hours and he was like thank goodness because i don't know that i could have played it any longer well and when you watch footage the animation looks bad the game looks awful i mean i the people were saying that these graphics would have been rejected for playstation one all right they're not that bad oh i don't know it looks like
Starting point is 00:12:56 ps3 level graphics it's at least two generations old but then the gameplay is just so repetitive. It's like a three combo punch and a little bit of like a leap. But so this is all about King Kong, right? King Kong is supposed to be like Godzilla size, right? We have all these movies. You mean he's not supposed to just be regular gorilla size? He's just like a regular gorilla. Like who wants to play? Okay, look, if you said, I want to make a game about the origin story of King Kong, okay, I think you can make that work. That's a good idea. Don't make him a regular size silverback that's running around punching little dinosaurs. And there are big ones too. I mean, not everything in this game is small, but it's just, it bad it looks repetitive they were poking fun at the skill tree
Starting point is 00:13:47 where the ign reviewers like here you can unlock this ability that lets you punch and create pathways in the ground where there are rocks or you can put a point here where you punch a hole into a wall that has holes with rocks like all these abilities are very similar. I just can't believe that this is a real actual game. It is a real game. I highly encourage everybody out there to go watch the review or the trailer because you will understand the heinousness that this game brings to the world. The closest comparison i can give to this is this makes gollum look like a triple a title like honestly like gollum came out and was horrible people have heard the news on gollum i mean they had to issue an apology that they used an ai chat gpt to write
Starting point is 00:14:41 and it messed up the name and all that stuff. So there's been some serious mess ups in the gaming industry. Kong makes Gollum look like a game of the year. And that is not an exaggeration. You guys. Oh man, it's that bad. If you want a good laugh, just scroll through the steam reviews.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So I jotted down a couple phrases that kept popping up. One review said, I'll never be as brave as the people who thought this was acceptable to release uh another person said this has to be a money laundering scheme like because it's not it doesn't even seem like a game i'm like just a front that maybe maybe it's a front for something hilariously dismal i saw on multiple reviews one positive review and all the positive reviews just spoiler alert they're all negative reviews that are just ironic uh one person said i liked how the graphics
Starting point is 00:15:31 reminded me of clay fighter 64 very nostalgic like when you're when you're hearkening back to like 1995 or whenever clay fighter 64 came out like that is so old yeah i just i'm sorry to the developers of this game or you know the the poor prison workers that they forced into making this game i don't know this is not something we see very often it's really funny that's why we're bringing it up again go watch the review or the trailer for this it's like watching a train rack honestly yeah absolutely so needless to say we will not be deep diving monkey.exe uh we're gonna go ahead and let this one pass us by all right well we're gonna go ahead and take a short break and we'll be right back are you crushing your bills defeating your monthly payments sounds like you're at the top of your financial game rise to it with the bmo eclipse rise visa card the credit card that rewards your good financial
Starting point is 00:16:33 habits earn points for paying your credit card bill in full and on time every month level up from bill payer to reward slayer. Terms and conditions apply. All right, Josh. Next thing to talk about here. You know, I feel like we just keep talking about Assassin's Creed, but like we have to. They keep popping up in the news. Stuff is popping up left and right.
Starting point is 00:16:59 This week, we got a nine-minute video from Ubisoft that highlighted Assassin's Creed Nexus, which is on VR. It is the first entry of the series to be in VR. And the game's creative director kind of like walks you through, what is this game going to feel like? How do the graphics work? What's the gameplay like? And you get to see quite a bit of gameplay, which I do love. It's not all just talking about it. I will fully admit, when I first saw this and launched the video, I immediately started rolling my eyes, expecting this to look really stupid and to just get on here and trash it. But I will say that I found some things kind of surprisingly interesting in this video. I have not gotten excited for a VR game in a while, and this one actually has my attention.
Starting point is 00:17:44 I'm with you. I just kind of went oh it's ubisoft okay assassin's creed in vr i get it roll my eyes yeah but but then they started showing off like the parkour and the combat and the like the i'll tell you what i love like making people do like height in vr that haven't experienced vr. Like there's Richie's Plank experience where you put them up on a skyscraper and watching people's reactions, leaping off a rooftop into a hay bale or doing an assassination in VR might be one of the coolest things you can do in VR, to be honest. Like this game actually has my attention. Now, there's not many games out there where I would go, I would throw
Starting point is 00:18:26 up to play this game because I do get motion sick in VR with the full, full motion. I might risk like a hurl or two to play this game, to be honest with you. Well, one of the things I loved, because that was one of the very first things I thought watching gameplay five seconds in, I was like, I don't know if Josh would play this because he gets motion sickness. But then they actually addressed that in the video. And they said, look, we're very conscious about that. We've built in all these things that are going to combat that, that you can activate if you want. And I don't know how effective they are, but the fact that they're at least aware and trying to fight those things,
Starting point is 00:19:03 I thought was a good sign. They talked about how when you jump down into a bale of hay they can change it to do tunnel vision so i guess if the image is smaller you're less likely to feel nauseous yeah they also said you can turn on where you can permanently see a grid of where your floor is that so that way yeah because that'll like trick your brain. So you actually know, okay, I'm seeing other things, but I know where the floor is. And I feel like that might actually kind of work. That gets rid of your fear of heights because your brain, I've done it, man. Your brain starts freaking out when it thinks it's way up like on the top of a skyscraper or on a roof looking down. And even though I know I'm standing in my office, there is still that
Starting point is 00:19:44 moment of like, I have to jump off this roof and my brain's just going, no, you're not. You are not jumping off this roof. And then by making a grid where your actual real floor is, I think it kind of fixes that problem. So I will say I have to give them kudos
Starting point is 00:20:00 on how much they tried to say, hey, even if you get motion sick or you have a fear of heights, you can play the game. The problem for me on all that stuff is I feel like it just neuters the game at that point. Why would I play this game if I have to have tunnel vision and a grid on the floor? The grid I don't need. But yes, there are things that reduce the nausea level, but then it's just like I can't. I'm only seeing a tunnel. I'm not seeing everything around me at that point. So I just tend to avoid them regardless because I know I'm not getting the full experience.
Starting point is 00:20:28 I know you can get used to the nausea. Most games have not made me feel like I need to do that. But man, this game looks cool and I'm kind of interested. And like, I mean, what's being sick a few times, right? Sure. It's like how I'm lactose intolerant. I'm still going gonna eat pizza and ice cream i'll just deal with it yeah it's worth it um i will say that the parkour looks pretty darn fun yeah the idea of being able to see that in first person they also talked about how your character can fling yourself so you can actually like move your hands and throw yourself horizontally or even push off and shoot yourself backward off a wall that stuff all looked pretty incredible i will say that the
Starting point is 00:21:13 footage i believe if i remember correctly they said it was captured on a quest 3 it was yeah the resolution and all that still doesn't look great like we've talked about that before vr at some point they're gonna have to do something where the resolution can start to look crisper. Because even in watching this footage, it still doesn't look all that great graphically. But I will say it looks to run pretty darn smooth. The parkour is obviously central to Assassin's Creed. And I will say that VR seems to be a really good avenue for the stealth stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:47 So they were showing how, as an assassin, you can move your head and look at cracks in the wall to see guards on the other side. Which is super cool. That is awesome. That works really well in VR. They had a guy where he had his hands on the corner, and then he was peeking his...
Starting point is 00:22:03 I keep moving away from my mic, like doing the actual movements. But like he, you know, he was peeking his head around a corner to like scout this alleyway. And I was like, okay, this is immersive. This is really neat. The one thing that we always forget when we're watching these videos is when you are in VR, everything is cool, man. Everything is cool. So watching it on just my computer monitor does not translate to how freaking amazing
Starting point is 00:22:30 this would be if you're actually in the headset and things are 3D and life-size and all that stuff. And so it's hard to remember that what you see on a TV screen or a monitor screen is it's going to be way cooler when you're wearing the headset. Now I'm with you. I wish that resolution and stuff like that was a little bit better because it looked a little cleaner, but it's still that kind of cartoony. It's like VR graphics. You can just tell, like it's hard to describe, but you can just tell. It's got like a signature look and feel. Yeah. Yeah. There was other neat stuff. You know,
Starting point is 00:23:02 they talked about combat. Obviously a lot of this is going to be a other neat stuff you know they talked about combat obviously a lot of this is going to be assass you know assassinating people you can pull a trigger and it's gonna expose your hidden blade and you can use that to stab someone for like a silent takedown but they also showed kind of like what we saw in mirage where you can do these combos so maybe you'll jump off a ledge stab a guy with your hidden blade, turn, throw a dagger at another guy, and now you're fighting with swords. They did say in the video, the combat requires a lot of time to learn because you are actually moving your hand as if you're holding a sword. And when I hear things like that, my gut reaction is that's gimmicky. It's not going to function all that well.
Starting point is 00:23:46 They seem to say it works really well, but you have to learn how the system works. You have to learn how to time like these parries and, you know, swing a sword and whatnot. I'll say that this one had me a little more excited than I normally am for VR titles. I tend to just ignore VR at this point. I feel like it was kind of a flash in the pan. It was fun. I'm kind of waiting for the next revolutionary thing. I don't know that this is going to be revolutionary per se, but I will say they made a very good nine minute video that made me want to play it. Yeah, I will say the combat is a straight rip off of a title called Until You
Starting point is 00:24:21 Fall, which I have and I have played a pretty good bit it actually works really well okay i don't know if it's on the level of until you fall but they straight ripped off the mechanics of that game so you do have to direct your sword to block in the direction that their attacks are coming from now they really telegraph it so it's not super hard but what you do is you block a few attacks you hit them a couple times and you break their guard. And then that's when you go ham. That's when you can just combo your heart out, really do a ton of damage. You probably wind up killing the guy, but from firsthand experience, that melee combat system works really well. And I, the second I saw it in this, I was like, you guys stole from until you fall. But I don't blame them because that game actually works really well.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Does that game also have bows and arrows? Until you fall? Yeah. No, it's mostly just melee combat. I mean, you might get, I don't, it's been a while since I played it, but I think it's just straight melee. Okay. So maybe that'll be like one little wrinkle here because you do have a bow and arrow and they showed you can like as you're jumping from roof to roof, even while you're in the air, you can pull out and shoot arrows at guards. It did seem like they have some pretty creative stuff in there or maybe built upon what some other developers have done first.
Starting point is 00:25:38 All right. Moving on to our last story of the week. There is an upcoming horror experience. They're not calling it a game that always worries me when they call something an experience it's like oh so it's not a game is what you're saying yeah no it's game adjacent it is called don't scream it is made by two indie developers this week we got a gameplay reveal trailer by the way their youtube channel only has 310 subscribers so um
Starting point is 00:26:06 you know go look this up and give them some love the video itself has over 20 000 views but the way that this works is it's like a 90s camcorder inspired found footage experience think putting on or think like blair witch project, it's exactly what it looks like, to be honest. 100%. The gameplay twist here is that you have to have a working microphone on, and as you play the game, they're going to hit you with jump scares. And if you make too loud of a noise, like screaming, then the game will automatically restart and put you back at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:26:44 I think this is a very cool idea, but I will say the more I thought about it and the more I watched the video, I started having a little bit more trepidation of how it's going to play. But what are your impressions after watching this? I will say that they made this game in Unreal Engine 5 and it looks photorealistic for the most part, at least in the trailer that they showed i was like dude this feels like i'm walking around the forest man um yeah i love what we're seeing with this unreal engine five stuff and how realistic these graphics look um i was i was hooked on this this trailer i mean legitimately it was creepy you're walking through the woods you're
Starting point is 00:27:24 hearing stuff there's scary sounds there's there's bodies swinging was creepy. You're walking through the woods. You're hearing stuff. There's scary sounds. There's bodies swinging from a tree. You're walking through a graveyard at one point. But it's like from the 1800s. I was just like, nope, nope, nope. Oh, man, this is creepy. And then they did show one jump scare at the end. It got me.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I jumped. I'm not going to lie. You know it's coming. And it still gets you anyway. You just don't know when it's scare at the end. It got me. I jumped. I'm not going to lie. You know, it's coming and you do. You just don't know when it's coming is the thing. Um, and so I watched the video and I went, this looks great.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And I'm a little bit with you where then I kind of went, I dug a little further and they're like, Hey, this is an experience. It's not a game. It's only 18 minutes long. Your whole goal is to not scream during the 18 minutes. If you do the
Starting point is 00:28:05 game resets. And then I'm like, okay, but how long can I walk through the woods for before this starts to get old? How many jump scares can I get through before I'm just on my guard at that point? I will say the thing I love the most, and we talked about this a long time ago when i think we covered phasmophobia i absolutely love that developers are starting to target microphones dude yeah like it's such an underutilized thing in gaming like you know we don't need in-game chat we have discord for that at this point what i want are games that react to me talking, whether it's a GTA, I was a GTA where you could yell at the guy and say, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:48 you'd rob me the money. Yeah. And you could rob them. Give me more of that. Just dead. I'll figure it out. What's that? Dead Island two.
Starting point is 00:28:56 You could yell at zombies and they'd start running towards you. Yes. I mean, it's such an underutilized thing. I absolutely love that idea. I'd like the fact that this whole game is predicated on that. So I really like what they're going for. This needs to be a $5 to $10 game.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Because I feel like if you get through 18 minutes and you don't scream, you're probably never going to touch it again. It's only fun if you have a friend come over at that point. And you're like, hey, dude, come play this. And then you watch them do it. So here's the thing. Being an 18-minute game, it's going to play exactly like the trailer. The trailer is two minutes of trying to lull you to sleep, where I'm not saying it's not interesting, but there's no action.
Starting point is 00:29:36 You're walking through creepy woods, right? It's atmospheric, but there's no real sound. Nothing's happening. You're not interacting with anything. You're just walking around creepy woods and after two and a half minutes you get a very loud scream in your headphones which will give you a heart attack and you're gonna probably yell um and then the trailer just ends so it's like okay so is this gonna be like nine jump scares in an 18 minute experience and then that's it that's a little underwhelming.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So I can see why they're calling it an experience, not a game. If the price is right, maybe it's fun to just dabble into and see. I would like to see developers take ideas like this and carry it further. I would too. And I'll call it right now. This game is going to absolutely explode on Twitch for like a week.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So if you're a twitch streamer and you need something to to you know entertain your viewers this is absolutely what you want to pick up and then it's going to be like you said i i said a week but you're probably right it's like once people have seen it once i think they're going to be like okay that's funny we're going to get some good clips of people getting the tar scared out of them and then that's it i i like what they're doing I'm not trying to slander this game at all. I just, the price needs to,
Starting point is 00:30:47 you know, incorporate that. This is not a game. This is an experience, but I'll be honest. I wouldn't mind trying it myself. I mean, if like I said,
Starting point is 00:30:54 if it's 10 bucks, I'll pick it up for $10. I like getting scared. Yeah, this is definitely much more up your alley. I could see you playing this with your daughters as well. Yeah. Yeah. I could, I could see that for sure.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Alright, well that wraps up everything in regards to this week in gaming. We do want to say thank you to all of our listeners out there. As a reminder, please make sure to hit up our Patreon page at That'll help support the show and get some perks. Also, follow us on socials everywhere at VideoGamersPod.
Starting point is 00:31:24 We'd love to connect with you guys there and then until you tune in next time happy gaming ryan you better bring me some elk jerky that's all i'm saying oh yeah and goodbye everybody hungry all right see everybody

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