Video Gamers Podcast - [Force a Friend] Where the Ice Flows - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: February 12, 2024

Video games hosts Paul, Josh and Ryan have once again been hijacked, this time by Legendary supporter Disratory. The surprise video game and host will be revealed in this awesome gaming packed episode.... Let us tell you, this is going to be an interesting one and a departure from our “normal” routine. This is one episode of The Video Gamers Podcast you don’t want to miss! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate, Kiitaclyzm, YayaArizona, Morgau, Disratory and Jwaf Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Samsung Galaxy. Ever captured a great night video only for it to be ruined by that one noisy talker? With Audio Erase on the new Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra, you can reduce or remove unwanted noise and relive your favorite moments without the distractions. And that's not all. New Galaxy AI features like NowBrief will give you personalized insights based on your day schedule so that you're prepared no matter what. Buy the Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra now at Hello fellow gamers! Welcome back to another episode of the Video Gamers Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:44 We are three lifelong gamer dads here to casually talk about video games. Today we have yet another Hijack-A-Host episode for you all. We are so excited to have this ready for you all. I am your host, Paul, and joining me, he is currently throwing a rave in his office with some crazy lighting effects going on behind him it's josh hey don't hate my setup guys okay the more rgb you have the better you are at games everybody knows this i'm putting sandstorm in the background on this one oh there you go yeah josh has the uh track lighting with running lights yeah you know so oh kind of like a strobe effect, but not exactly. And then joining Josh and me, he was wearing his sunglasses both indoors and at night until about 30 seconds ago. It's Ryan.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Now they're back on. They're back on, baby. I wear my sunglasses at night. This is a great look, Ryan. I feel like you're trying to be like a stereotypical cool kid from a 90s sitcom. You got the backwards hat, the sunglasses. It's pretty rad. Don't talk to me, nerd.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I was just thinking the more of Ryan's face, we don't have to see the better. Oh, yeah. Directly proportional. Yeah. My wife says that, too. I don't know. Very nice. Well, we have a little bit of housekeeping before we jump
Starting point is 00:02:06 into our regular content here josh i think you've got a couple listener reviews yeah we've been letting these pile up a little bit so i figured i'd quit being lazy and start reading some of these um if you have not left us a review it is one of the best things you can do for the podcast so if you like the show if you like what you're hearing, whether this is the thousandth episode that you've tuned into or the first episode, think about leaving us a review. If you listen on an iPhone, Apple podcast, you can leave a written review. If you're on Spotify, you can rate us five stars. But please take just a second to do that.
Starting point is 00:02:40 It really is very little effort to leave those, but they make a big impact for us. And there's a good chance we'll read them on the show, like this first one that comes in from Metal Flint that's titled Amazing. And it says, I just got a new tablet for Christmas, so I decided to leave a review on this awesome podcast. Do you like video games? Do you like funny, jolly people on video games do you like funny jolly people on podcast
Starting point is 00:03:05 do you like a friendly community well this is the podcast for you these guys are hilarious a good source of information and friendly what more could you want just a bunch of gamer dads with a killer podcast ps the discord server is awesome nice what a great a great review. Thank you, Metal Flint. I love hearing these reviews. It's so nice. I feel like we tell people about the Discord server and people go, yeah, every person in the world has a Discord server. Like, why would I join yours? But it is legitimately a phenomenal group of people. We talk video games. It's not spammy. It's not, you know, it really is just a very cool community. So if you're looking for a gaming community, think about joining.
Starting point is 00:03:48 All right. And this next one comes in from our buddy Squeebs. And it's titled, Waited to Make a Review. And here's why. And it says, first off, your guy's show is absolutely amazing. And I love listening to the show while i'm working due to me driving a lot for work keep up the great work i love hearing the banter back and forth and keeping me entertained while i'm working okay time for the reason why i waited to make the
Starting point is 00:04:15 review so i've been wanting to leave a review for a while now but i wanted to wait because as we all know you guys are gaming dads well i'm finally a gaming dad myself, too. Now there's less than a month before me and my girlfriend get to meet our baby for the first time ever. So I'm excited to be a dad and be able to call myself a gaming dad, too. I know this is a long review, but if you were able to read it on the show, that would be absolutely amazing to hear. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Can't wait to hear more episodes. Congratulations, Squeebs squeaks yeah congrats absolutely what a cool review and you know hopefully squeaks jr will grow up to be a gamer and you guys will be able to play games together there's nothing better than being able to game with your kids it's true my both of my kids are gamers and uh it is really awesome to be able to just chat video games but But you got to get them in there early. Yep. You got to raise them right. Yeah. Oh, well, how nice. We love getting these reviews. Like Josh said, anyone out there with an iPhone or just even an Apple ID, you can leave that review. We would love to have you all be able to do that. And let's go ahead and talk a little bit about today's episode, a hijack a host.
Starting point is 00:05:28 We have had quite a few of these lately. Most of our listeners are probably relatively familiar with the format. Basically, long story short, we do have our Patreon support options. If anyone signs up under the legendary tier, which is a pretty high price, it's 100 bucks. But if you do that, even for just one month, you get to pick any game you get to pick any host they are forced to play that game the other hosts can choose to jump alongside if they want they don't have to and then we come back after a couple weeks and give our thoughts on that game so ryan do you want to talk a little bit about the fun of these episodes because we don't especially you and i are in the dark in this episode well that's that's what makes it great
Starting point is 00:06:11 because everything you guys hear all the reactions are genuine and real and on the spot when we record whenever somebody picks a host to hijack they go to either one of the other two and let them know, hey, I picked Paul or Josh or whatever. This is the game I want. And then this is who I want to play. And then that person has the information. The other two don't. So we have no idea what's going on or what's going to happen. We have no idea what the game is going to be or who it's going to be. So it's kind of a cool anticipation thing. We're as in the dark as you listeners out there. So it's kind of fun to wonder, play a guessing game,
Starting point is 00:06:53 sit and think for a few days. Well, Josh says, I know what it is. And we just kind of sit and think. So he gives us little hints, but we have no idea. So that's what makes it pretty fun. Yeah. I love these episodes, not because I know the game and the host, guys as little hints but we have no idea so that's that's what makes it pretty fun yeah i i love these episodes uh not because i know the game and the host um but it's it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:07:10 we've always talked about this in the past it's it's a favorite thing to do we've all got that friend that we just say dude i can't believe you've never played this series or this game or you know something along those lines. Like we all have these games that resonate with us. And then we all have those friends that have just missed out on them somehow. And we love the idea of just saying, if I could just make you play it, I think you'd love it, you know, or, you know, you might hate it, but then that tells me something about like your gaming preferences and like what you prefer and things like that. And the beauty of this podcast is we all have very different opinions on games and what resonates with us.
Starting point is 00:07:52 And that's beautiful because that is a reflection of gamers as a whole. Just because I like something does not mean that Paul likes it or that Ryan likes it. it and so that is something that we really make as like a foundation for this podcast is to just put the information out there and then let you guys decide what you think about a game we might you know obviously we'll give our opinion on it but we're not trying to like shove that opinion on you but i love being exposed to games that none of us would have ever played before i mean let's be honest most of the hijacks lately have been games that we never would have looked twice at. I mean, SpongeBob, Torchlight, Endless Dungeon, Ghostbusters. You know, I mean, we've got all these crazy games.
Starting point is 00:08:37 And it's just whether we love the game or not, it's fun to just broaden our horizons and share that with the listeners. Yeah. I mean, you're basically taking the words right out of my mouth, Josh. I was going to say there are so many games that we have covered that we had just never heard of. And this is sometimes it's best to just go into a game blind just because you have to. And you just get to experience it. We're not hardcore gaming journalists. We're just regular old gamers.
Starting point is 00:09:00 And we're going to get together and just give our thoughts. You know, we all have experienced it, I think, where you read a critical review and it's like, you're missing the point. The game is fun. I don't care if that doesn't make any sense or whatever. And so we try to just give that like every man opinion of playing this game, giving our thoughts about it. You know, shout out to Legendary Jake, who opened the floodgate initially. He was our very first Legendary supporter. I think we've done about 15 of these ever since. And so, yeah, whether it's a game like The Cave, which I had never heard of, and it ended up being like a pretty decently fun game. Never would have thought of it or seen it or anything otherwise. So it's always a little bit exciting. And I think it adds a little bit of both excitement
Starting point is 00:09:45 and anxiety because we just don't know what to expect. It's in the hands of our listeners, and I think that's fun. I think a lot of people enjoy it as well. All right. Now, this particular episode is coming to us courtesy of Disratory. So Disratory went legendary. He waited a couple weeks to make his decision here he is very active in our discord we love having him in there famously love star citizen anytime
Starting point is 00:10:13 we talk about it on the show we get an update from Dissertory which is great you know we love knowing about the game and we know that he loves VR games he's popped in and talked a lot about that over you know the last several months. So I'm kind of curious to hear from you guys since we know it's coming from Distratory and we know a bit about him as a gamer. Ryan, do you have any kind of guess as to what game might have been chosen? To me, I have a feeling it's going to be you
Starting point is 00:10:41 and it's going to be some portion of Star Citizen because obviously you can't you know play the whole thing so you know you'd go drifting through a wall but uh i think it's going to be something along those lines as far as like okay paul i know you've said a lot about this but just you have to try this section now and you don't have a choice and because i'm forcing you to play this so i you're gonna have to take a look and see so that that's where my spidey senses are going it might be because i played star citizen with disratory and he completely changed my mind on a lot of what my perception
Starting point is 00:11:16 of that game was and then paul said i was in a cult now you know and so maybe maybe i can recognize them josh i was raised in the cult i know what they look like i was gonna say on the other hand he might be scared to pick star citizen for me because he doesn't want to hear me complain about this game and some of the business practices so that's also part of it kind of like how when my mom signed up for legendary and picked fortnight and she was like i'm sorry i really hope you don't hate playing it and i'm like how when my mom signed up for Legendary and picked Fortnite and she was like, I'm sorry, I really hope you don't hate playing it. And I'm like, it's fine, mom. It's going to be fun. Don't worry about it. But there might also be some concerns. I do know that Distratory did initially reach out to me and kind of was poking around about some VR content.
Starting point is 00:12:02 And I kind of told him, if you want to go the VR route, I don't think you can pick Josh or Ryan because they both suffer from motion sickness. And I said, if you want to go the VR route, I'm down for playing whatever. I don't get motion sickness. So kind of depending on the content, I would be a safe pick for that. So I think at this point, I'm kind of leaning toward it probably being a vr title but honestly i don't really know for sure i love i love knowing and you guys don't know it's it really is fun feels good it really does you're in the exclusive club of one here out of the three of us i wish i didn't get motion sick i will say i i mean i i have played a lot of VR. The only thing I can't do in VR is free movement.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I can handle teleporting. I can handle looking around. I can handle being up on a skyscraper and looking down. That really messes with my fear of heights, but it's like I kind of like it in some weird sort of way. I just can't do free movement with head turning. The second I push the stick forward and my guy starts walking and then I look
Starting point is 00:13:05 to the left. Yeah, it is literally just, Oh goodness. And my brain just does not like it at all. Yeah. So I've said this before, but when I first got my quest to Josh had already had VR for quite a while.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And I have heard just Josh talk about this so much. I was so scared about free movement that i played half-life alex that was like the first thing i really played on vr and i did the teleport movement and then finally like a year later when i fired it back up and decided to give it like a second playthrough i did put it on free motion and it's so much better yeah Yeah. I want to be able to do that. I just can't. Yeah. Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah. We want to do these things. Like I've gone deep sea fishing four times. It's a horrible decision. And I'm too headstrong to not go. But I just keep going. Maybe this time will be better. Get sick every single time.
Starting point is 00:14:00 But yeah, it's just one of those things, man. I just I want to be able to play those games. I just can't. Yeah. Yeah. For me, I was just so scared to even try i'm like i don't want to like feel sick afterward i will say that the teleport movement is very funny because you can definitely like juke and cheat certain things so if like those if those little like face huggers would jump on me i could just like teleport and sidestep them you know but nice anyway we don't even know for covering vr but
Starting point is 00:14:24 i josh are you gonna give us a little bit of a teaser before we go to our them, you know, but anyway, we don't even know for covering VR, but Josh, are you going to give us a little bit of a teaser before we go to our first break? You know, we got to build up the tease just a little bit. And again, Ryan touched on this. You guys have no idea. I mean, we keep it from each other. It's part of the fun of the episodes just for us too. I like that you two are in the dark. So let me give you a little tease. This is a story synopsis on the game that Disruptory picked. And it says, Victor Howard is searching for his fiancee, Ava Thorne, who is part of a lost expedition in Antarctica. His rescue mission takes a sudden turn as he ventures deeper into a dark, monstrous world where reality warps and twists around him.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Desperate to find the one he loves, Victor must encounter disturbing creatures and climb sheer cliff walls as he descends further into madness. Ooh, that's a good teaser. All right. So it sounds like maybe a little bit of horror elements to whatever this game is. Sounds like it. Okay. All right. Well, let's go ahead and take a short break and then we'll come back and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:15:33 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Okay, we are back from break. Josh, you just read us a little bit of a story synopsis. I think I might know where this is going, but I'm curious to hear from Ryan. Do you have any guests or any kind of idea what this game might be? It's a VR for you. That's what I'm thinking at least.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I think it's definitely a VR. It doesn't sound like Star Citizen? It does not sound like Star Citizen at all. I think we can scratch that one off the list. I think it's definitely a vr i think it's like star citizen it does not sound like star citizen not stars i think we can scratch that one i think it's i think it's a vr for paul and like the the climbing the walls i can just picture with the use an ice pick with your controller you know going across which sounds awesome i wish i could do it and not throw up but i guess here we are all right so let me let me do this then. I'll just kind of continue on. Here's a couple key features of the game. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Explore the mysterious Antarctic and experience Lovecraftian-esque horror. Use your wits to escape dark caverns and the dangers that await you in the cold and inside your own mind. Scale vast walls of ice and explore the treacherous mountains of Antarctica. Use weapons and your wits to survive the uncanny horrors that haunt dark caverns. Cling to your sanity in a surreal world where nothing is as it seems. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:17:15 So I don't want to ruin the suspense here, but I'm pretty sure I know the game. Oh, snap. Well. Can I guess? You can guess. Or do you want me, can I guess? You can guess. Or do I need to wait? No, you can guess.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Because the last little teaser I had was a review from Game Informer before we announced the game. But if you think you know what it is, let's hear it, Paul. I think I've watched gameplay of this. And I would say that I would love nothing more than to watch Ryan play this game. But I think it's probably picked for me is it edge of nowhere it is edge of nowhere okay all right this i i i did watch footage and this was one of the examples that distritoria and i were talking about where i said you can pick josh or Ryan, but they might not make
Starting point is 00:18:06 it past the first 10 minutes because there is like free motion and jumping. I do know that this also includes jump scares, which normally don't get me in games unless I'm wearing headphones. So the fact that I'm going to be playing or whoever's's going to be playing it, in VR, I think that works really effectively, especially having a little bit of that horror bent when it's in VR. But I will say Edge of Nowhere did come out several years ago. It was a little bit like before VR really took off. And so I know this one probably slipped under a lot of people's radar. This looks cool. I'm looking at some stuff now.
Starting point is 00:18:45 This looks pretty dang cool. Well, all right, Paul, you nailed the game. So good memory there. I figured as soon as I mentioned Antarctica, you guys knew it wasn't going to be Star Citizen. And then, yeah. All right, so just because we still don't know who's going to play it. I mean, Distritor did reach out to Paul and was kind of feeling out the waters.
Starting point is 00:19:05 So maybe it's Paul. It could be Ryan. We all know Ryan's a big chicken with horror games. So maybe Dissertory just said, forget his motion sickness, man. He'll get through it. I would be so happy. Watching Ryan play Manhunt
Starting point is 00:19:21 back in the day and watching him play Resident Evil 4 are core gaming memories for me that I will never forget. Just cackling while Ryan is screaming like a little girl. It never grew old. I was a child, Paul. You were. That's why it's okay. All right. So what I'll do is I'll read this review from Game Informer. They rated the game a 75 as a Metacritic score. And it said, Insomniac does a great job of taking advantage of the sense of VR, or the sense of presence with VR technology,
Starting point is 00:19:50 that VR technology can bring with sequences that put disturbing images up close for examination. The experience isn't about jump scares. It's about making you dread what's ahead rather than trying to make you soak your seat. It's not revolutionary, but this game is a rewarding way to spend an afternoon.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Just be sure to crank the AC. I like that last line. Okay. All right. This game pending dread. This game is a third person action adventure game is how they actually describe it. So a third person VR game. Have either of you played a third person vr game have either of you
Starting point is 00:20:25 played a third person vr game i don't think so no nothing i can think of so which is interesting right because everybody thinks vr first person i can hold my hands up in front of me and that kind of thing now i actually have played um moss which is a third person you control the little mouse and it's actually really cool. I did not know how initially I would like. That's the whole point of VR. It's me, right? I can turn my head and look around and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:53 But it is a very neat take on a VR game when you are watching and controlling what is happening from kind of outside the character. So I didn't know if either of you had any experience with that. And if you don't, it will be an interesting experience for you guys there. I totally forgot about Hellblade. Hellblade I played in VR
Starting point is 00:21:15 and that's third person. That is, that's right. See, I never played it in third person. So I played Hellblade. I just don't know how it'd be in VR. Okay. All right. So third person action adventure. Some people
Starting point is 00:21:28 say it's a little bit of an action horror game. Paul famously horror games in you don't really mix. I think you have a hard time with the suspension of belief, you know, and, and, you know, we have played phasmophobia. We have played a lot of horror games together. And while you are a good sport about it, I don't think you get scared very easy. Is that fair to say? That is fair to say. What's funny is nothing scares me more than sudden loud sounds. I think the hardest I have ever been scared in games is when I accidentally click my mouse button running around in PUBG when I'm not expecting it and I accidentally
Starting point is 00:22:10 click it and I scare myself. Alright, and Ryan, you on the flip side of this are a huge chicken. Oh no. But I mean, I admit I am too. We've all played lethal
Starting point is 00:22:25 company together hearing ryan screaming hearing me screaming you know i love it i love i love the fear i i i big jump scares will get me every single time even if i know it's coming it'll like resident evil um you know when she comes out i forget which one it is she comes out behind you know and chops your arm off with the chainsaw and stuff. Every time. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it doesn't matter. Jump scares will get me and make me squeal like a little girl.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I will say I do enjoy certain horror games. It depends what kind of horror. When I'm supposed to be scared of this ghost and I can barely walk like in Phasmophobia, it's just a little too silly for me and another legendary pick was devour devour i kind of enjoyed the gameplay i just didn't find it to be all that scary but if it's a game like resident evil village where we talked about you know the baby monster and you're racing for the elevator. Yeah. You feel the adrenaline. And I,
Starting point is 00:23:25 I enjoy that quite a bit. I would say if it has like a, if it's spiritual horror, it's less likely to vibe with me as opposed to more physical grounded horror. If that makes sense. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Well, here we go, boys. It's time to find out which one of you is playing Ryan. Do you have Dramamine in your medicine cabinet? I've taken everything known to man as far as that goes, but I probably do have Dramamine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Well, it's okay because you won't need it, Ryan. It's Paul. Yeah. I had a feeling. Now, I almost jumped in to say it doesn't matter, Ryan. You're not going to need it. Well, I'm wondering if the third person aspect of it will make it not as kind of nausea inducing for me. You know, I wonder.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I actually wonder that, too, because I think it would not affect you the same way, to be honest. Like, if you're not in the eyes of the person and your brain thinks that you are moving i think at that point you're more observing movement and that's a lot easier to do i you know in that regard so one of my favorite yeah one of my favorite vr is super hot and i love that game and it's first person but you're not moving you're at each station so i got that star wars game on vr and the second i started walking around i'm like oh man i could just feel it my brain was like whoa whoa whoa buddy what are you doing here let's let's kick this off real quick so very nice um i will say this paul so distratory did pick you
Starting point is 00:24:57 because of your love of story in games and distratory said he really enjoyed the story aspect of edge of nowhere coupled with obviously he loves vr games and heysartory said he really enjoyed the story aspect of Edge of Nowhere coupled with obviously he loves VR games and he says you know what here's a VR game that I think has a great story to it and he was very curious to see what your thoughts on that would be so that is why he picked you so initial impression Paul I will say the gameplay looked very exciting from what I saw now I didn't watch a whole lot and it's been a probably a couple weeks since I actually looked at it I love Antarctica as a setting I think it's really underutilized whenever that pops up in a movie or a tv show I feel like it's always great thing um the thing yeah uh x files has like a real famous uh frozen they find like a alien worm
Starting point is 00:25:46 and it's very similar to the thing and if districtory is saying it has a really interesting story then i'm feeling much more hyped about all those things i have always said that i feel like i have not experienced a whole lot of vr if i'm gonna pick up a game more than likely i'm just gonna do one that's on my pc because it's just easier to sit down and just play i'm gonna pick up a game more than likely i'm just gonna do one that's on my pc because it's just easier to sit down and just play i'm a little bit lazy in that regard but if i'm gonna be forced to play a vr game that's probably a good thing i i probably should play more stuff with my quest too so i'm gonna have to dust it off and i think the last time i played it was when we played demio that's a long time ago oh wow it wow. It has been a long time.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yeah. I think that's honestly my last time playing the VR. I played Demio a lot longer than you guys did. Recently, up until about four months ago, I was playing Demio like once a week with family and stuff like that. But it's been a while. I kind of miss it. It's a fun game. It really is.
Starting point is 00:26:39 Demio is great. Are you guys like, because I'm the same way with my VR is where I'll play it every day for two weeks. And then I put it, I have like a big old container that I made, you know, a hard case shell Pelican case style. Put it away. And then I don't touch it for six months. That's exactly right. Yeah, I'll bust it out and play every single day for two weeks again.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And then it'll go put it away again. So that's, yeah, I don't know why that is a thing with VR unless you just have it out, I guess, out of sight, out of mind. But yeah, that's funny. Yeah yeah this game is a little bit older so paul you're gonna actually have to go back to your half-life alex days where you have to use the air link and actually link it up with your pc too but that also means that there's pretty good graphical fidelity in the game as well because it's not native to the quest too this game actually came out when it was the oculus rift back in the day oh nice yep all right so let me let me do one more thing i know we're running out of time but let me just i'll read a couple reviews from a few of the larger gaming sites uh when this game came
Starting point is 00:27:34 out so euro gamer gave it a recommend and said insomniac's uh debut blends great art effective stealth design and vr's powers of immersion for wonderfully unsettling results. And GameSpot gave it an 8 out of 10 and said, Edge of Nowhere is a model example of how to integrate traditional gameplay into VR, striking a wonderful balance between showcasing the capabilities of VR
Starting point is 00:27:59 and delivering engaging action. Familiar, though, the challenges may be, they're made exciting by stirring set pieces and surprising visions, both of which are amplified in VR. Insomniac Games has a storied history that includes many beloved games and franchises and with Edge of Nowhere,
Starting point is 00:28:17 that legacy grows stronger. Okay. I'm liking what I'm hearing. I am very curious on this one, Paul, because I'm really curious how your take on horror is going to mix with your take on a little bit of stealth gameplay. Dissertory said it reminded him a little bit, and he's certainly not comparing it, but to The Last of Us in how the game plays a little bit. Okay. You know, with that third person kind of perspective in the story that you kind of encounter. And so I am very curious on how for you specifically, we're taking VR, we're taking a
Starting point is 00:28:56 story, we're taking some mechanics that I think you would enjoy and we're putting them all together. So this for me could go anywhere for you like i can see you coming back and being like this just did not land at all or you might be like you know what first game i've ever played third person in vr really cool story chilling atmosphere that really was amplified by virtual reality and kind of seeing it be more surprising than you thought but i'm gonna go out on a limb here and i'm gonna say i think after playing this game it's gonna be one of those ones that i put under the like forgotten gems category like forever ago one of our very first bonus rounds was on forgotten gems this to me sounds like it could very easily end up in that category if we're talking good story,
Starting point is 00:29:46 interesting VR mechanics. Maybe it just kind of got overlooked because it came out so early among the VR cycle. I'm very, very hyped to play this. I would say right now I am actually quite optimistic that I will like it. All right. I'm curious. I want to say, I tell you what, Paul, this game. If I love the early hours, you'll pick it. Ooh. All right. I'm curious. I want to say, I tell you what, Paul, this game, if I love the early hours, you'll pick it.
Starting point is 00:30:07 I was going to say, this game is not very long. So if you get into it and you are an hour or two in, and you're like, guys, there's no motion sickness. And I think you guys would really enjoy this. I have not played my VR in forever.
Starting point is 00:30:19 And I would very, very seriously consider picking it up so that I can kind of experience it with you. I am making no promises of course, but I'll very, very seriously consider picking it up so that I can kind of experience it with you. I am making no promises, of course, but... And you can always swing by my house. Yeah, I was going to say, I'll just come over and try it out. That might be best, because if I don't have motion sickness... Yeah, now I'll get it.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Yeah. All right, so Paul, guesstimate on your leaderboard. So leaderboard-wise, I'm trying to think of what might be sort of similar in the range that i'm thinking i have resident evil village quite high on my leaderboard out of the 104 games i have resident evil village at 19 i don't think it'll be quite that high i have demio at 30 which is pretty darn high. I mean, that's above DOS two. That's above risk of rain too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I think it's going to be pretty close to that. I'm going to guess I'm going to have it right next to Demio. I think it'll be one above or one below. I think I'm going to have it somewhere here around number 30, which is quite high. That is serious optimism right there. That's yeah. That's where i'm at right now expectations are high i hope you're right i do too that means like this is a hit and then paul's
Starting point is 00:31:33 gonna come back and be like ah did i say 30 i'm at 90 it's possible that's probably what it'll be it'll either be way way high or it'll be way at the bottom yeah that's kind of vr in general right like it's true saber incredibly fun i've i played so much beat saber half-life alex one of the best games ever full stop but then you know super hot i thought was pretty fun too honestly every other vr game i've dabbled into i'm just kind of over it within the first few minutes yeah even hellblade i kind of forced myself to keep playing. But yeah, I think it's going to be pretty high or pretty low.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I never played more VR than after I broke my wrist skateboarding because I couldn't golf for a while. So I just was in the driving range, just golfing, like just dreaming, pretending. I will say one last thing. This is very good timing for distratory to pick
Starting point is 00:32:26 me because one of our quest two controllers has been missing for the last week and my son jackson just found it last night oh no way and so he came running out like after bedtime he's like i found it and i was like oh nice because you can't use it without it so pretty good timing nice go to bed i'll be curious if this is the one thing i don't know is because you have't use it without it so pretty good timing nice go to bed i'll be curious if this is the one thing i don't know is because you have to play it through steam link um if the quest controllers will work like a normal controller or if you're gonna have to whip out the xbox controller and play it like that yeah i mean i think either way it's gonna be just fine uh i i have joked before that my house is not set up very well for
Starting point is 00:33:05 vr and uh that i have thought about bringing my pc out front to play in my driveway because that's the only area where i can have a like a 10 by 10 area available so yeah i'll figure something out we'll make it work i can't wait to hear this one man i might be more excited than this retory on this because just knowing paul this could go so many different directions i can't wait to hear this one, man. I might be more excited than this retory on this because just knowing Paul, this could go so many different directions. I can't wait to hear what you think about this. And that's another thing that we didn't talk about. We will not share our opinions on this until we come back to do the follow-up episode on this. So whereas nobody knows what's going to happen on these, we are not going to know what Paul thinks about this game until it is
Starting point is 00:33:45 actually time to record the follow-up. Yeah. The only thing I'll try to share with you guys is just if I think you'll get motion sickness or not, and then you can always come over and try. I'll try not to share anything else. Yeah. There might be a little bit of like,
Starting point is 00:33:58 I think you should come over and try it. That might indicate early positive thoughts, but that doesn't mean it'll necessarily stay that way. So we'll see or you just want to make me sick or that yeah come on over Ryan check it out yeah you voted against that article I wanted to cover for this
Starting point is 00:34:14 week in gaming come try this game that was one time all right well I think that wraps everything up here for this hijack a host pre dive I'm very excited I've been wanting to have another game to play, so this is perfect. We do want to say thank you once again to Dissertory for going legendary and picking this game. For anyone else out there who wants to do anything similar, go sign up at Even if you
Starting point is 00:34:38 don't sign up for legendary, there's far cheaper tiers. It starts at $5 a month, and that money just helps fund our show so we can keep doing it. And also make sure to follow us on socials everywhere at video gamers pod, join the free discord with the link in the episode description and leave that review and we'll read it on the show. And that wraps everything up. So thank you to everyone out there for listening and until next time, happy gaming.
Starting point is 00:35:02 See ya. All right. See everybody.

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