Video Gamers Podcast - Gaming April Fools, Star Trek: Resurgence and Axie Infinity Robbed - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: April 7, 2022

Gaming hosts Josh, Paul and Michael are back (ok, just Paul and Michael, Josh is on vacation) and bringing you a fun filled This Week in Gaming as they catch you up on all the latest gaming news, hila...rity and more. Gaming generally loves April Fools and we share some of the jokes before getting hyped about Star Trek: Resurgence. Talk about the mega NFT-gaming scam that hit Axie Infinity and more in this amazing episode! Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey you! Yeah, you! Love the show and want more content? Want to be part of some of our hilarious adventures? Ever wish you could be part of the squad and team up with us in our fight to save the galaxy? Well, now you can. Head over to and check out some of the awesome benefits we offer
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Starting point is 00:01:14 you can see our Patreon page at Support starts at just $5 a month, and you'll get some sweet perks on Discord, and you'll get two bonus episodes every single week. Today is Thursday, so it's time to talk about This Week in Gaming. I am your host, Paul, and joining me is just one co-host today. We have Michael the Butler here. Sadly, we need to announce that Josh quit. Right, Michael? Wait, what? Yeah, Josh quit, right?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Well, can his... Oh, April Fools! Oh, you got me! Oh, yeah, gotcha. I was hoping that maybe his beard would at least stay and like if he quit we could keep the beard oh that would only improve the show we would be on board yes right yeah okay so we need to talk to josh about this yeah exactly so actually josh is just on vacation right now with his family and we are are recording this just a couple of days after April Fool's Day.
Starting point is 00:02:07 And every year I have to say this on the podcast. It is absolutely my least favorite week of the year to prep for this podcast because we get pummeled with April Fool's Day stories. And you're never 100% sure that you can trust the headlines that you see or the articles that you read. I don't know about you, Michael. I absolutely hate April Fool's Day. How do you feel about the holiday? Worst holiday ever. I have never liked it.
Starting point is 00:02:37 I have a really close friend whose birthday is April 1st. Oh, yeah. I always send him a text. I give him a call every year. And I've never once been like, hey, buddy, this happened. And then April Fool's. But I got got real bad this year because I have a second favorite football player aside from the legendary Larry Fitzgerald. And I won't nerd out too much on the sport of American football right now because I know we're a gaming podcast.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Sure. But Julian Edelman is one of my favorite all-time players ever. And, of course, he sent a tweet with a picture of himself in a Buccaneers jersey saying, I'm going down to Tampa Bay to play with Tom Brady. And I was like, gronk, Julian Edelman. Yeah, let's do it. And then this little tiny, little tiny, little bitty in the bottom corner, little asterisk says, April Fools. And I'm like, Julian Edelman, I don't like you anymore. Yeah, the audience can't see, but I'm just, I'm shaking my head in disgust. I do not enjoy fake tweets and fake news articles.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I am a big fan of pranks. We did a whole bonus round episode on pranks but i don't understand the fake news aspect of it like i i just don't find it to be funny and we saw a lot of examples of how video games love incorporating april fool's day i think they just want to be like the relatable funny company that knows how to be young and cool. But I feel like it never comes across that way. Yeah. So listen, April Fool's is not young or cool. The joke is old. Make it go away. Exactly. The one thing that I do appreciate is that every single year, Blizzard will put googly eyes on all of the characters in Overwatch,
Starting point is 00:04:24 and it never fails to make me laugh. I completely forgot that they do that. I remember Josh and I talking about it last year, and I loaded up Overwatch. I started playing a game, immediately saw the googly eyes, and got really excited. It's very funny for just one day. It's just a really silly, goofy thing. And sure enough, we talked about this last year as well, but when Hanzo shoots his dragon ult, the dragons that come swirling through have googly eyes as well. No, I did not know that. It's very funny. That is awesome. Okay, see, that's fine. That's fine, I think. That's the fake news that I don't like. Yeah, it's in good spirits,
Starting point is 00:05:03 but it's not Julian Edelman breaking my heart. Exactly. I don't like yeah it's in good spirits but it's not julian edelman breaking my heart exactly uh i don't know if you saw but lost ark had an april fools video where they talked about shifting into vr did you see this by chance oh that's right i did it was actually like a really high production video where it was like you're living within the world of lost ark and they show some of the combat and like running through the cities yeah i was shocked because it looked like they spent quite a bit of money on making that video well i mean it's not like they don't have any money they've got a billion players yeah they're making money all them doing this pay to pay to win pay to win
Starting point is 00:05:41 sorry that was last week's news but yeah i I may be guilty of throwing a few hundred bucks at that game at this point. So may or may not be guilty of that. You funded that April Fool's Day video. I did. I paid for it. No. No. I don't want to talk about how I actually contributed to an April Fool's joke.
Starting point is 00:06:01 It's awful. That's where your hard-earned money has gone, Michael. I quit. There was one other April Fool's Day video that I did send you that I thought was funny, but Star Trek Online, you just happened to mention one or two episodes back. I've never actually played it, but they had an announcement of a new ship that they were adding into the game. It was some kind of scientific vessel. It was a very goofy looking ship. How would you describe it? Okay. So nerds out there, unite. Okay. So it's a mashup between the USS Voyager and the Maquis Raider. And it's funny because Star Trek used to get really scrappy with some of their ships.
Starting point is 00:06:44 They do a lot of mashups and stuff. And so at some point, they actually had this ship on the TV show. And it's like, how is this a thing? The scales are even different. I watched it and I was like this. First of all, I also love Star Trek Online. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. I literally load in just to fly around and do nothing else because I'm a huge nerd when it comes to Star Trek. But I would never, ever, ever fly this Jaeger class or whatever it is that they made. It's abhorrent. Yeah, you know, I was reading through some of the YouTube comments and they were saying that this ship actually looks better than some of the previous ones that they've released so it almost
Starting point is 00:07:25 kind of backfired on them where people were like this would be funny except you're releasing ships that look this bad or even worse that's pretty rough yes so every once in a while these april fools jokes even backfire uh now since we're on the subject of star trek all right we've got to kind of nerd out on star Trek news while Josh is out. I know Josh likes Star Trek. He does not like Star Trek to the same level you and I do. You're even a bigger fan than me because I have not played most of the Star Trek games, but I really love the movies. And we saw a first look at an upcoming game called Star Trek Resurgence.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I know this is very much up both of our alleys. Why don't you tell the people a little bit about this upcoming game? So when I say I love Star Trek, if I was given a choice, you pick video games or Star Trek, I would probably curl up in a ball in a corner and not be able to... I'd be catatonic. I wouldn't be able to figure out what I wantatonic. I wouldn't be able to figure out what I want because I grew up loving Star Trek. And this Star Trek game is actually... It's a narrative game where you... My first look of it, it kind of looks like Mass Effect 2 or Mass Effect. It's a lot of those same where you do a little bit of gunplay a little bit of phaser stuff but you also use you
Starting point is 00:08:46 know a lot more dialogue options um it's made by a few people who uh who came from telltale games yeah and that is that's up my alley too and the whole thing about it is they're they're saying it's like you can play in little chunks so basically it's like 50 half an hour to hour long little chunks of story. And you basically get to play as these two somewhat lower deck players. So one of them is a lieutenant commander, one of them is the first officer on the ship, but it's a new first officer. And it's really just like that. It's like you make narrative choices, you run around. But one of the coolest things about the game is it's it's the first star trek game to really do two things one you can actually explore the ship quite a bit which is they show footage of that too oh and it's great like now the caveat there is you do
Starting point is 00:09:36 have to kind of be in that area like if you're if you're you can't just go roaming free roaming the ship but if you're like hey i've got a mission and I'm starting on the bridge, you can walk around the bridge, the observation lounge and all that kind of stuff. And the other thing the game has done is found perhaps the most sound alike Leonard Nimoy voice actor that I've ever heard in my entire life. Well, because this game takes place during the next generation era. 24th century, baby century baby yeah so spock is still alive now of course leonard nimoy is no longer with us but they did apparently do auditions with like hundreds of voice actors or something yeah and this dude does sound a lot like leonard nimoy it's it's rather spectacular it's um he even has like that leonard nimoy always has this like un um replicatable like tiny little lisp
Starting point is 00:10:26 you know like a little bit and his deep voice and this guy sounds exactly like leonard nimoy when i it's funny because when i saw it and i heard some of the dialogue i was like did they record leonard nimoy's voice like no because yeah he only died in like i think 2017 dinner 2018 it's it's been a few years and this game is not that not like i think 2017 dinner 2018 it's it's been a few years and this game is not that not that old in development but yeah it's it's really well done i'm actually really excited about this one i'm not gonna lie i kind of am too now with star trek games i feel like there have been so many bad ones because really bad like star wars is an action franchise right that lends better to video games because just
Starting point is 00:11:06 put yourself in a tie fighter and go fight x-wings out in space that game makes sense right you can't do that in a shuttlecraft they don't they're not maneuverable right and and star trek has never been about action it's a drama right it's a drama about humanity and about people and this very positive view of the future and the heights that humanity can reach. And so putting that in an action game is really hit or miss, but this is exactly the kind of Star Trek game that I would want. It is very much a narrative adventure game, which is how they have described it it is all about making decisions like you get to see in some of the videos that ign had posted there are times when you get an order from starfleet and it gives you the choice to press different buttons are you going to follow
Starting point is 00:11:59 the order or are you going to disobey and go rogue which by the way we all know the correct answer is you ignore starfleet do whatever you need to do and you're going to disobey and go rogue? Which, by the way, we all know the correct answer is you ignore Starfleet, do whatever you need to do, and you're going to finish the mission. That's what old Patty Stew would do. Yeah. Yes. All of them would. By the way, you were talking about your huge love of Star Trek, and I just remembered, didn't you want to name your first son james tiberius if you had a boy i did i did we were down to two names and one of the names that my wife and i actually landed on which would have been sedona's name if she was a boy it was james tiberius and that's a hundred percent no joke we landed on that that was going to be my son's name unfortunately we're not going to have any more
Starting point is 00:12:41 kids and i've got three girls i am outnumbered in my own home, and we have no James Tiberius running. There's no little Jim Tiberius running around. That's very sad, but I love my girls. I think God might have protected your unborn son, because I don't know that he would have wanted to be named James Tiberius. Did you just bring up God? What would God need with a spaceship? Or a starship? Sorry. What would he need with a spaceship or a starship sorry would he need a starship yes yeah
Starting point is 00:13:06 to quote the the fantastic uh star trek 5 the final frontier by the way okay so uh that's the worst star trek movie right that or insurrection what's the best one best one's wrath of khan no question correct that is correct actually it's incorrect it's a good try though which one do you like the best one don't you? Oh, dude. You've never experienced Shakespeare unless you've read it in the original Klingon. To be or not to be. So which one's your favorite?
Starting point is 00:13:35 Voyage Home? It's definitely six. Oh, six. Okay. I like the Voyage Home. I think it's fun. I have a very different opinion than most people. I don't really think it's very Star Trek-y.
Starting point is 00:13:45 It's like it was almost... It's a comedy. It's a comedy. And it's fine. But I think six encompasses everything. And honestly, a very, very, very close second would be Wrath of Khan. And then probably right behind that is First Contact. Where are the nuclear vessels, Michael?
Starting point is 00:14:03 They're across the bay in Alameda. In Alameda in alameda we have to move on from this by the way because this will people are going to stop listening at this point it's the trek nerding out it is hey everyone welcome to your weekly trek pod uh twig stands for trek weekend we're gonna do a battle royale of all the captains let's do it nobody listen to it it It'll be great. Hey, guys. Thanks for listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Go ahead and head over to Patreon and never listen to Star Trek podcast again. Yeah. Last thing I'll say about Resurgence is I love the fact that they went out of their way to... Well, actually, I guess a couple of quick things. They said that the engine that Telltale was using was already long in the tooth when like the walking dead came out and stuff like that so they're upgrading to use unreal engine which i love that and i love the fact that they said we're getting rid of the individual episodes that release over time we're going to give you the full game at release. And I don't know about you, but when I went through The Walking Dead, it was like the time in between episodes, I would completely forget
Starting point is 00:15:11 whatever was going on in the story. And it almost kind of ruined it for me. I would play it, I would really enjoy it, but you'd only play for like two hours and now you've beaten it and you'd have to wait a couple months. I really love the fact that they're just going to give you the entire thing at once and let you play at your own pace i completely agree and it's still it's still kind of like a telltale game though because it's still these little chunks like i was saying a few a few minutes ago um where you still get little tiny chapters so you can walk away if you want to but now you don't have to wait several weeks or a month you know we've all done that before with a TV show that we're watching on Netflix. You stop watching it at the end of the season.
Starting point is 00:15:49 A year later, it comes out and you're like, what was I? What happened? And I feel like Telltale Games, they did that stuff with us. And it was a trick on us. And I feel like that's probably why I haven't finished a lot of those games. Yeah, I was trying to remember what other ones were even put out by Telltale. But the first one that always comes to mind for me is Walking Dead. But yeah, I really enjoy that style of game.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And I feel like Star Trek's a really good match for it. So that's one that I definitely plan on picking up. Maybe it'll be a future deep dive. We still have a while for that one to come out. Do you know if they've given us a release date or a window at all? I don't think they have. I didn't see't see one no but i'm still very excited and the unreal engine does look very nice i'm very happy about that yeah especially i've heard anyone i'm playing so yeah it's not that the old telltale games looked bad but with unreal it just looks a little more
Starting point is 00:16:39 realistic which i think is a better fit for star trek because i think it'd be weird it'd be weird to have like a cartoon looking star trek dead yeah that wouldn't be it wouldn't work for me so i like they made this choice yeah and it'll have like you mentioned a little bit of action you see a little bit of phaser firing but i think it's mostly going to be story almost like an interactive novel in that regard which i love i love having choose your own adventure games to play yeah it's not going to be set in the JJ-verse, where we're making action Star Trek movies with a whole lot of Beastie Boys. Don't even get me started on the reboots. All right, now we got to talk about a little game
Starting point is 00:17:18 called Axie Infinity. Now, this is a game I had not even heard of until this week. You either. Okay, I was kind of curious to know. This was my favorite headline of the week because this is not the most professional headline that I saw. I don't remember what website it was through. It might have been through Eurogamer. But the headline read, Hackers yoink crypto worth over half a billion dollars from play to earn axi infinity and of
Starting point is 00:17:47 course when i see that hanker hackers yoink crypto half a billion dollars by the way is a ton of money i immediately had to click on that link and i had to put it in our twig document because i knew we had to talk about it for this week in gaming how did this game that i've never heard of before have half a billion in crypto dude i went into a full deep dive learning as much as i could about axi infinity apparently it's like one of the most popular games in the philippines so it's not quite as big here but but globally, it is a huge game. I saw that they've had something like $4 billion in trades through their marketplace and stuff. It's like a huge game. Now, I was aware that you have these blockchain games or these NFT games where you can actually
Starting point is 00:18:42 earn money by playing the game. And it's a very controversial model. I don't know how much of that we really want to hop into today. Maybe we'll get into that a little bit. But basically, and I might get some of these details wrong because I'm very new to this type of gaming. But from what I understand is it's an NFT-based game. It has little creatures that essentially look like pokemon ripoffs let's be real it looks very much inspired by pokemon it really does and i i didn't think of that until you said it just now and it's like oh you're 100 right yeah highly highly influenced by pokemon and basically you collect your little axes and they can breed and the you play, the more money that you can earn. So it's not a game
Starting point is 00:19:27 that you can just download. You have to create your crypto wallet. You have to have it connected to the game. And one of the problems with this style of game is that in order to play it, you can't just hop in and start playing it for free. You have to buy Axies from other players in the marketplace. And I had read in a few articles that the price of Axies has come down a lot, but for a lot of people, they would have to pump $400 or more into the game just for the ability to start playing with the promise that they could make money down the road because other new players are going to come in and you're going to sell your axes to them and this sounds a little bit like a pyramid scheme i was gonna say who doesn't love a good an absolutely mind-blowingly good
Starting point is 00:20:15 video game pyramid scheme like that's right that's what i'm into like make it star trek and i'll throw 400 bucks at it dude i could not believe the youtube videos that i was watching i watched one video and this is like they're not like poking fun at it this is all dead serious this game has managers which are well-off people who own a ton of axes and what they do is they offer scholarships to what they call scholars and they will lend you their Axies. And now you have a lower cost of entry. But now every dollar that you earn playing Axie Infinity, you get to keep 60%, and 40% goes up the chain to the person who lent you the Axie. It's legitimately a pyramid. Like, legitimately.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yes. Wow. Yes. The people below you earn the money and kick it up to the top and another big criticism is that it's highly reliant on new people entering the game right like that is the sign that you're playing something that's not completely on the up and up now i i i can see the appeal of having video games that run on a real world economy. I remember when Diablo 3 released, you could sell items for real money and you could cash out currency.
Starting point is 00:21:33 So there's stuff like that that's always kind of been around. But here in this case, the problem is that the developer ended up leaving a back door that allowed hackers to, quote, seize control of enough validators to forge fake withdrawals. And they ended up withdrawing $625 million worth of crypto. But the weird thing is that it's fully traceable. It's, yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's like, crypto's really traceable. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Crypto is really traceable. It's like moving stocks around.
Starting point is 00:22:07 You have to have a login and you have to be able to trace this money. And so the fact that this happened, it's like... And they're saying that most of it hasn't even been cashed out yet. So there's some group that's just sitting on all this crypto right now, trying to figure out probably how they're going to move it. They're like, Hey, we got it. What do we do now?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Yeah, that's exactly right. So the one article that I saw even has a link to where you can look and see the transaction and the money is still sitting there. So the people who have it, they have the money, but the Ronin bridge has been paused, whatever that means. I guess it means you can no longer like move money on their blockchain or whatever well there's no more breeding axes right now guys we're really sorry apparently so essentially it just means that the hackers can't take money out of
Starting point is 00:22:56 the network and so ronin they're the developers they're working with authorities they're looking at the digital forensics they're trying to make sure that that money is not lost because we all know that that crypto belongs a lot of it at least i'm assuming belongs to the player base they want to make sure the players don't lose that money but um i don't know that this is like a company i'd want to like share my financial information with right i'm not logging into a Fidelity app to trade stocks here. I'm breeding Axies, and there's going to be backdoor hackers all over the place with $625 million that they got a hold of. Well, the weirdest part, too, is like you just said, it's one of those things where
Starting point is 00:23:41 I'm not sure if I trust this kind of money because they let a bunch of idiots go in there and hack and steal this crypto. And these guys are like, we don't know what to do now because it's very traceable. This was bonkers to me. It's completely bonkers. It's balderdash. Yeah. It's weird enough that they were able to steal the money, but then it's even weirder that they can't do anything with it. So now where are we?
Starting point is 00:24:06 What are we doing at this point? then Axie Infinity, sold for 550 Ether, which if you know anything about the cost of Ethereum, that equates to $2.5 million for just one single NFT rare plot of land. So this is how much money certain people are pumping into this game. This is no joke. That's bonkers. I feel like it's funny. I feel like on these twig episodes, we do this a lot, you know, with Bowser back in the day. And a few weeks ago, we had the guy who used the COVID funds for what was it? A Pokemon card. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Like this is this is crazy talk. How much? Yeah. It's so much money in a video game, a $2 million plot of land that's in a, like, this game might not be around in a year. Yeah. I kind of feel like I remember when the internet was getting really big, when our parents would say things like, you can't trust a website, never enter your credit card on a website.
Starting point is 00:25:20 And that seemed so old and antiquated to us as millennials growing up with the internet in junior high. But I feel like that kind of person now where I'm like, who's buying these NFTs? I don't get it. I don't see this huge future that other people do. Why on earth are you spending $2.5 dollars for a fake plot of land digitally i don't understand it maybe that's just me being too old i i don't get it i think i'm older than you and i think it's yeah like i said this is bonkers i don't i don't even know um what what to think about this it's one of those things where it's like, do you...
Starting point is 00:26:06 This is real money? Real cryptocurrency in this video game. As a joke, a long time ago, and Josh isn't here, so I'll bring up EverQuest real fast because I know it's one of our favorite games together. But EverQuest during its heyday in 1999 and 2000,
Starting point is 00:26:23 actually one day, I don't know what the commission is called, but it's the entity that evaluates dollars internationally and basically says, here's the currency exchange rate. That's harder to say than you'd think it is. Currency exchange rate. Try it five times fast. Right. No, no. no no thank you um april fools um no but it's one of those things where they actually evaluated the platinum um on the actual like national or international exchange yeah yeah and that was bonkers and
Starting point is 00:26:58 then this comes out and it's like this is actual real money that people are actually like the two million dollar plot of land in this game nuts nuts i think some people just have too much money that's true um i mean they can they can pass it on to me i'll buy a lot of star trek games with it they can join our patreon right michael oh heck yeah head over to multiplayer everybody with your uh 625 million dollars worth of crypto do we do we take crypto on the on the patreon i think we do let's just just head over there and try it sure yes just sell one of your nfts come sign up on patreon i swear to work and then uh the last story of the day we don't have a whole lot of time but i at least want to mention it here but you know of course we have this incredibly sad,
Starting point is 00:27:46 terrible war going on in Ukraine. And I have previously talked about the game Loop Hero, which is developed by a Russian studio called Four Quarters. And of course, we know because of all the sanctions against Russia, they're not able to take payments on Nintendo. I don't think they can take payments on Steam. And so Four Quarters had previously come out and said they were against Russia attacking Ukraine. They were not for the war. And what they are now telling players to do is to go pirate Loop Hero because they just want people to play their game. They say, you know what? We've already been paid a lot. And they even included a link to a popular torrent website, a direct link to their own torrent saying, go wild, guys.
Starting point is 00:28:33 We're fully in favor of this. You can't buy it. Just go ahead and torrent it and go ahead and play. Have you ever heard of a developer asking people to pirate their own game? No. And it's not even like they're asking. They're saying, please, please. Like almost begging.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Like, we want you to play our game. Please, please go play our game. We've made enough money off this game. And we're having issues right now with sanctions and all this stuff. Play our game. And then I also have to say that I won't get too far into it. But I have a lot of ukrainian family and i just have to say that ukrainian people are like the nicest people in the world and what's happening to them is absolutely horrible
Starting point is 00:29:13 yeah um and i really i really feel for him but but you know it's just really interesting that that we have a video game company that's like hey please please go here's and the it was it almost seemed like an april fool's joke to me like i thought it was an april fool's joke yeah yeah and they and then i'm like oh they're actually listed in the link to the torrent where you can go get this game for free and i kind of want to play it myself now because i haven't played loop hero it's fun i paid full price for it back in the day it's a great game it's well worth playing and and checking out i loved that they even also came out and said hey people are direct messaging us asking if they can donate to us directly that's so great and and four quarters said no thank you but we don't need your money donate it to your friends or family who need it you know those being affected by the war and
Starting point is 00:30:04 things of that nature which i also thought was very classy and very cool. I feel like Four Quarters stock really rose after I read that article. And I don't know how often we're going to see a studio ask you to pirate their own games, but what a funny story. Yeah. No, I think that the studio really, really, they went out to an upper echelon of like, I will buy their next game to support them because of just, I mean, and if you read the articles, these guys are just like, hey, we're very against war. We just want you to play our game.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Here it is for free. It's just, we want you to enjoy it during this difficult time. Please have fun with our game during this horrible time that's happening right now it's just it's just really cool to see like the good faith um you know ultimately like charity that they're doing on just saying you know just go have fun with our game guys you know yeah i'm totally with you i it makes me want to support four quarters in the future so that that's really cool all right well we are actually out of time these twig episodes always fly by we say it every episode i don't want to be done yet come on hold on guys let's we got to find more more stuff more
Starting point is 00:31:17 stories bring more up e3 got canceled you want to talk about that uh breath of the wild got pushed back to 2023 like there's a ton of news stories this week that we didn't even really get to uh now for those of you out there if you're curious to know our next deep dive is going to be tiny tina's wonderlands and josh has really been kind of like testing the waters with us about weird west because that just released here over the last week and i feel like josh is kind of just sending out feelers. I think he wants to deep dive it. So if any of you out there have played Weird West, we would love to hear from you. So hit us up on socials at MultiplayerPod. Come hit us up on Discord. There's a link in the
Starting point is 00:31:58 episode description. Let us know if it's worth it. I saw it's a $40 game. It does look really interesting. We did just cover a cowboy game with red dead redemption 2 but we did weird west might end up here on the docket i don't know yeah weird west looks really interesting to me um it's definitely a unique look and feel that that i got from it than a lot of other games that i've seen um and i i'm i'm totally not gonna give a shot let us know yeah seriously all socials uh and by all socials we mean instagram and twitter um go over to multiplayer pod hey i created a tiktok page michael there might be one video but it's on there i think i
Starting point is 00:32:39 think and i i might be our only follower over there. I think we legit have three followers on TikTok. TikTok's a lot of work, man. Yeah, I created it. And yeah, I just realized I'm not going to be on here enough to make this worthwhile. A for effort or B plus for effort. C minus for effort. Let's be real. So yeah, thank you so much to all of you out there for listening to the show.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Extra special thank you to all of you who are Patreon supporters or subscribers on Apple. We really do appreciate it. We will, of course, be back with a bonus round episode on Monday. I think that'll be a lot of fun. And go spend some time in Tiny Tina's, maybe even Weird West. I have a feeling that'll be our next deep dive after. And if you're feeling really froggy, go breathe some Axie. Oh boy. Yes. next deep dive after and if you're feeling really froggy go breathe some axi oh boy yes we to be
Starting point is 00:33:27 clear i do not recommend getting into axi infinity uh your mileage may vary it's not my kind of game but maybe i'm too old and i don't understand but thank you again to everyone for listening we will see you all on monday until then happy gaming i'm gonna miss you guys until then cheers everyone all on Monday. Until then, happy gaming. I'm going to miss you guys until then. Cheers, everyone.

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