Video Gamers Podcast - Gaming Quick Takes - Remnant: From the Ashes

Episode Date: June 18, 2022

From gaming hosts Paul, Michael and Josh, we're bringing you even more content each week. Gaming Quick Takes will release every Saturday. Just another way we want to say thanks to our listeners for s...upport this gaming podcast. Hope you enjoy!Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You hear that? Ugh, paid. And done. That's the sound of bills being paid on time. But with the BMO Eclipse Rise Visa Card, paying your bills could sound like this. Yes! Earn rewards for paying your bill in full and on time each month.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Rise to rewards with the BMO Eclipse Rise Visa Card. Terms and conditions apply. Hey guys, welcome to this Quick Take episode. We're so excited to have you here with us. In the past, these Quick Take episodes actually were only available to those who financially supported the show through Apple subscriptions and Patreon. But due to popular demand, we have decided to shake up the perks for our supporters and we'll be releasing these Quick Takes on Saturdays to everyone, giving you all some extra free content that was previously unavailable to the public and these quick takes
Starting point is 00:00:51 are a little more laid back and they're hosted by just one of us so sit back relax and enjoy this quick take episode shazam! Boom! you lovely guys and gals out there and hopefully get you to play something that maybe you haven't played before. You know, you guys are telling me that you're really enjoying these bonus episodes. I am enjoying just kind of getting you to experience games that maybe they aren't your favorite genre or something like that, but are just great games. So I'm back, baby. And that's what I am doing in this episode. And today I am going to recommend a game that you have heard me talk about on the podcast. Paul and Todd have actually picked on me a little bit, but here I am yet once again, because I've got faith in you guys
Starting point is 00:01:57 that you're gonna stand behind me and you're gonna stand up for this game and tell Paul and Todd how wrong they are. And that game is one that is called Remnant from the Ashes. Now, have you ever wished there was a Dark Souls shooter game? There is, and it's called Remnant from the Ashes. That's right. This game is been called the Dark Souls with guns. And honestly, that's a pretty fair description. Now I know what you're thinking, but yes, really, this is the closest thing to Dark Souls game, but with guns instead that you can get. And I'm going to get right into it. It's glorious and well worth checking out if you enjoy difficult combat with spectacular boss fights, cool weapons, neat abilities, and you don't mind dying anywhere from 5 to 50 times before beating a boss.
Starting point is 00:02:49 It can be difficult, honestly, but that's part of the fun and the appeal of it. So Remnant from the Ashes is a third-person co-op shooter you can play with up to two other friends. That's a three-man squad size. It's doable solo, but you have to be a little bit of a masochist to play it solo all the way through. There's not much scaling for multiplayer, so having friends definitely makes some of the boss battles easier, though even with three people there's still no joke, but single, man that's going to be a lot tougher. An interesting plot isn't really the anchor point of this game, though one does exist, and I say that kind of loosely because there is an overarching theme,
Starting point is 00:03:29 but the game really doesn't play on story very much. But let's be honest, when you play Dark Souls or these types of games, you're not really in it for the story anyway. It's the unique stages, the difficult combat, the wide monster variety, and the truly epic boss battles that make this game stand out, and one reason that I recommend it. Don't have two other friends to play with? Hey, that's okay. Drop-in and drop-out matchmaking exists, and most randoms that I've played with all have the same goal in mind, and that's survive and win. Coordinating with your team to take down adds, focus bosses, res each other, et cetera, they all matter, and most people all want the same thing.
Starting point is 00:04:11 So take comfort in quick and easy matchmaking. You don't have to have two other friends to be able to pick this game up and have a good time. Now, this game is hard. When I said it's Dark Souls with guns, I meant it. You're gonna die a lot. Checkpoints exist, and honestly, they're ripoffs of the Dark Souls bonfires, but that's not a bad thing. Trash mobs respawn when you rest, so it's a risk-reward type thing, whether you really decide you need to rest or not.
Starting point is 00:04:38 But overall, Remnant isn't quite as hard as Dark Souls, but there are some stages and boss fights that are quite memorable and still have me and my friends talking about it my friends besides paul and todd since they won't play it with me but so what works and what doesn't i love love love the combat and the boss fights this is for being a a shooter game. The gunplay is great. It is a third person, so it's kind of over the shoulder. But man, they did a really good job of making weapons and stuff feel impactful. Your abilities that you can get are impactful. There's a lot of customization to those weapons and stuff as well.
Starting point is 00:05:19 So there is a lot to enjoy with the combat and the boss fights and the progression in this game. Bosses are unique and varied, and they really feel different from one another, which is nice as well. These are not just re-skinned monsters with the same mechanics and things like that. They actually play a lot differently. The stages are different. The arenas that you'll fight the bosses in are really different from each other. They did a great job of just kind of giving each boss its own unique feel. And there's a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Like you can play. Honestly, I've played through Remnant probably two and a half times. And in each one of those, there were bosses that I had never fought before, which really led to some cool moments and a lot of replayability there as well. But like I said, the gunplay is tight. The upgrades are plentiful. It really helps that portion of the game overall. Now, if I had a complaint, it's that the first level in this game is really drab and dull.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I don't know why they made this the first level, because when you first hop in, it's just a poor first impression for a game that ends up being a joy to play. And it's a shame that they don't hit you with that wow factor right away. Maybe they felt like it was going to be a tutorial level or an ease you in level, but I'm telling you, don't be disappointed when you get into the game for the first time and you're kind of like, eh, this level really doesn't do it for me. Trust me, it doesn't do it for anybody, but the game gets a lot better after that. Like I said, kind of view it as a tutorial level and you'll be fine because it really opens up after that first one. Remnant from the Ashes is criminally unknown in the genre, and as one of the better co-op shooters out there, I'm honestly amazed it's not more popular. It's
Starting point is 00:07:01 currently $39.99 on Steam as of this recording, but you can pick it up on sale for a lot less than that. I think at one point it was even free on the Epic Game Store as one of their giveaways. So I'm pretty confident that you can get it for less than $40. But just keep your eyes open. It does get a very strong recommendation from me, and it's well worth checking out some of the gameplay if you think that it might be up your alley. But again, you got to enjoy a difficult game. And it's better if you have friends, but it's not a requirement in this case. So check it out. Like I said, you guys have heard me joke around about it. I really want some other people to talk to about this game and maybe even play again, because it's a lot of fun to just dive in and do the combat and
Starting point is 00:07:44 the boss fights in this. So if you pick it up, let me know. If you've played it before, let me know your thoughts on it. Tell me if I'm right or tell me if I'm crazy. I love chatting with you guys about that kind of stuff. But I hope you'll check it out. I hope you guys enjoy these bonus episodes. It's just one of the ways we say thank you for supporting the show. And so thank you for supporting the show. All right, guys, I will see you on the next Quick Takes episode. I'll talk to you later. Have a good one. Bye-bye.

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