Video Gamers Podcast - Goose Goose Duck, Reluctant for Redfall and Naughty Dog News - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: January 12, 2023

Gaming hosts Josh, Paul and Michael are back with another This Week in Gaming. Bringing you the best gaming news delivered straight to your ears each and every week. This week we chat the rise of Goos...e Goose Duck and what sets it apart, Redfall claims they’re more Farcry then Left 4 Dead and Naughty Dog isn’t so naughty afterall.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Toro, Scrump, Gaius, Remi, MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There's so many things I want to do and see, like redoing the basement without having to do it all myself, or doing absolutely nothing, with a spectacular waterfall view, of course. So, I'm starting here, investing with RBC. When it comes to reaching your goals, personalized advice and performance matter. And now, you can get $300 when you invest with RBC.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Offer ends March 3rd, 2025. Terms and conditions apply. invest with RBC. Offer ends March 3rd, 2025. Terms and conditions apply. Invest with RBC today. Hello, fellow gamers, and welcome to the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast, where three dads get together to chat casually about games on thursdays like today we break down recent gaming news that we found most interesting please make sure to follow our podcast rate us five stars and leave a written review if your podcast app allows also if you like our show and want additional episodes you can sign up on
Starting point is 00:01:02 patreon starting at five5 a month at, which I would like to think is a win-win for everyone involved. I am your host, Paul, and joining me, he's just a derpy goose trying to steer clear from any murderous ducks. It's Josh. Quack, quack, baby. You know I'm the duck. Very nice. And Josh has a little bit of spotty internet today, so we're hoping it'll hold up. But if you hear any weird shenanigans, let's just blame Josh's internet.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Nothing sends you back to the Stone Ages like not having high-speed internet. Yeah. You got your 56k modem on dial-up for backup, Josh. It's not good. I don't know how I'm gonna live also real quick a duck says quack what's a goose say i think it also says yeah it's honk no michael you failed and coming up next michael who knows nothing about geese
Starting point is 00:02:00 it's michael i know they have orange bills and flappy feet and they fly south for the winter and some of them are from canada i know a lot about geese i'm a geese expert what's the what's the plural to geese geeses geese well it's goose is singular michael michael are you awake oh man you doing all right buddy singular goose multiple geese all right so this is our first twig episode of 2023 where we covered this week in gaming and usually the first week is a little bit of a bummer because there's not a whole lot of news over the holidays people take time work. There's usually not a whole lot of news stories or even journalists working. We have some fun stuff to talk about today, guys.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I think we need to start off, since we keep talking about geese, this is the story we got to start with. We have our very first big surprise hit of the year with Goose Goose Duck. Now, this game has been out for over a year. It is 100% a straight-up ripoff of Among Us. This game was averaging less than 2,000 players each month until all of a sudden here, it just recently went into overdrive starting in December. And at the time of this recording right now, there are 316,000 people playing Goose Goose Duck, making it the number four game on Steam right now, beating out juggernauts like PUBG, Apex Legends, GTA 5, Warzone 2, and Rust.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And it's still gaining players, guys, which means it hasn't even quite peaked yet. I think we're enabling it now because we're going to talk about it. And now people on our podcast are going to go play it too. And it's just enabling all this geese geese. Yeah. So when the player base is up to 500,000, they knew who to thank. Yep.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Multiplayer gaming podcast. That's for sure. Promoting their free game. Not, not a sponsor. I mean, man, viral viralness,
Starting point is 00:04:04 right? So famous person plays your game, and then all of a sudden, everybody wants to try it out. And because everybody's trying it out, everybody else wants to try it out. And there you go. I mean, kudos to the studio. This sounds very familiar to the Among Us thing, because Among Us was out for a while before it just launched into massive popularity. What I am figuring out is people just love this type of game.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, social deduction. Yeah. Why can't there be a AAA title type social deduction game? And I'm not saying that everything's got to be AAA, but it's like you get Among Us, you get Goose Goose Duck. It's really hard for me to say that. I keep wanting to say Duck Duck Goose because that's the game we all played. But the premise is there and it's very simple and it works. But why can't somebody just elevate that? It's always this very simplistic,
Starting point is 00:04:56 do these chores, do these things. I mean, this game is 100% a ripoff of Among Us, with the exception, I will say, of the classes that it has in it, which I am a huge fan of. Yeah. I just keep thinking every time I read this, my brain can't get off how much I just wish that a K-pop artist would tweet that they listen to our show. That's all I can think of. Yeah. I mean, apparently you just get the right person streaming and your game can take off. So in this case here, the K-pop group BTS, one of the bandmates in the group, went ahead and streamed playing Goose Goose Duck. And here we go. It exploded in popularity 200% or 200 times the number of players that were there before. But yeah, I will say that
Starting point is 00:05:42 I did download Goose Goose Duck. It's a free game. And so that gives it one advantage over Among Us. Among Us is still five bucks in Steam. So here, this one's actually free. And I did play a little bit. I will say I like the maps a lot more in Goose Goose Duck. They are definitely a little bit more complex. And it's not just like a ship with like eight to ten rooms, however many there are in like Among Us. These ones are a little bit bigger with a ton of rooms. There's a little bit more variety with the tasks to do if you're one of the geese. So I do like some of that stuff here. But the classes really are, I think, what make this a little bit more interesting. So there are different classes,
Starting point is 00:06:25 whether you are a goose, who are the innocent people going around trying to do the tasks, and then you have the murderous ducks running around trying to kill the geese. And there are separate classes for both, which are kind of interesting. So like, if you're a duck, maybe you have the ability, I forget what the class is called, but it allows you to consume a corpse. So if you kill someone, like in Among Us, and someone runs across the corpse, they report it, right? Well, in this case, you can actually kill someone and immediately eat the corpse, and you've left no evidence. So that's kind of like a neat wrinkle. There's different classes like that.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Well, and there's hilarious names to some of these things too like the astral goose for instance is a goose uh that can detach from its spirit and send it through walls like it's just like that's the astral goose i mean there's there's a whole bunch of different things and they're all little specialty things that just kind of add it's it's basically exactly like among us but they've added the classes like josh and paul were talking about that just adds a little wrinkle to the game that i think has it it's almost like if it was Among Us 2. Maybe Among Us 2 should have just come out earlier and they should have had classes.
Starting point is 00:07:30 Oh, they're swimming in their money. They're fine. They don't need Among Us 2. I will say it's funny how just a small tweak like adding classes to a game can really help to refresh it. And I won't say revolutionize it because this has been done in board gaming forever. I mean, Avalon has that. One Night Werewolf refresh it. And I won't say revolutionize it because this has been done in board gaming forever.
Starting point is 00:07:45 I mean, Avalon has that. One Night Werewolf has it. Like, you know, this is a very common thing to have these special characters or classes that have these abilities. But I will say this. I love those kinds of games. Avalon, when I was introduced to that board game,
Starting point is 00:08:04 became my favorite game instantly. I still like it in a large group setting. You need enough people to really make it fun. So I downloaded this before we started recording, and I darn well plan on playing it a little bit tonight just because I haven't played Among Us in forever. So I've got that little bit of that itch, but I want to see how these different classes work. I like the fact that it throws a little bit more strategy into a game like this. And so I'm very curious. And if nothing else, at least this K-pop guy put this on people's radars.
Starting point is 00:08:40 The developers have been super thankful. Their servers absolutely crashed when all these people started playing. They said, hey, this is incredible. Thank you guys. We're upping our servers and all that as well. So it's a nice heartwarming story, but I'm also kind of excited to give this game a try. Are the classes randomly... Because there's three or four dozen classes, air quotes I'm doing right here because it's just like abilities like like if you're like for instance the vulture i don't know if it's a duck or a goose but your
Starting point is 00:09:08 only objective is to eat the corpse of a murdered goose it's your only objective like is that a randomly assigned thing do you guys know or is it just you go and you pick that ability i think it's randomly assigned at the start of the match which is hilarious oh my goodness that's hilarious there's also multiple modes so i did not have enough time to try all of them out but that's hilarious. There's also multiple modes. So I did not have enough time to try all of them out. But that's also another little wrinkle here. So I do love the idea that the social deduction games are getting a little bit more complicated, a little bit more complex, a little more strategy required. So I'm really curious to see who's going to come around next, whether it's like Among Us 2 or whatever it might be and kind of see where they take it from here.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But it does seem like they're trending in the right direction. They're getting more interesting, which I'm all about. I like that when we started talking about this, we probably thought we were all going to make fun of it. And it went to Paul has played it. Josh plans to play it. And now I'm excited to play it. The one big downside, I will say, is that it's up to 16 players.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And my very first match was just loaded with nine-year-olds screaming into their mics and i immediately had to mute the lobby and it took about seven minutes until they started the game because so many people kept leaving and coming and then a new person was leader and then everyone's yelling at that person to start the match so i think there's still something to do as far as like quick play and just let people join games in an easy way it's still tough to get a lobby going that's my number one complaint still about this style game we'll have to play a community night of some goose goose duck oh heck yeah server that's where i think it would really shine is getting just a bunch of people in there and
Starting point is 00:10:41 actually playing with people that aren't screaming in your ear 100 i mean some people might scream in our ears but it'll probably be me screaming in your ears well and we'd have the ability to just you know mute them shut them off yeah all right next up here on the docket this is kind of a three for one story regarding naughty dog so first of all the last of us tv show which will air on h, starts on Sunday, only a couple days away. That's crazy. Do you guys plan to check this one out? 100%. I don't have HBO, but I am going to check this out when you give me your login info, Paul.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I have no problem giving it to you, Josh. I 100% am going to watch this. I'm going to call it now. I think this is going to be a really big hit for HBO. I think a lot of people are going to watch this. I'm going to call it now. I think this is going to be a really big hit for HBO. I think a lot of people are going to watch this. I think this is going to be the biggest hit since Rings of Power, where we had a lot of people that we knew watching that at once. I think this one's going to be huge because, first of all, who doesn't love Pedro Pascal, man? Yeah, I love that guy.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Nobody doesn't love Pedro Pascal. 100% of people love Pedro Pascal, man. Yeah, I love that guy. Nobody doesn't love Pedro Pascal. 100% of people love Pedro Pascal. Are they doing this as a weekly episode release? Or can I just binge watch it? No, it's an HBO deal and they always do weekly. Which is the best model. But they have already said this show is only running two seasons. Season one will be the first game, season two will be the second game, and that's it. And I think people are going to respond to that, because you're not signing up for 27 seasons of The Walking Dead. You're going to be able just to watch this, and you can knock it out in a couple months, and you're going to be done with season one,
Starting point is 00:12:17 wait around, and then watch season two later. I can't wait to watch this because i have already mentioned in other episodes spoilers about how the last of us starts but especially that first episode i can't wait to watch the first half of that pilot i think it's going to be incredible yeah i think also on overall filmmaking as far as when it comes to tv we see too many shows that start out for a couple of seasons and are just killer, lost, walking dead. Game of Thrones, well, it only fell off at the very end. But the whole thing is that if you go into it and you're like, let's just keep this going while the money's coming in, you're going to run out of ideas. You're going to basically just exploit all the writing that
Starting point is 00:12:57 you've done before and make a terrible show by the end. Coming into it and saying we're doing two, three, four seasons and stopping it there, in this case, two seasons with The Last of Us is brilliant. I think it's going to be a huge hit as well because, for instance, my parents are going to watch it. They don't know about the video game. They just know, oh, it's kind of like a zombie type thriller type post-apocalyptic thing, but done by HBO, which always does ideas just a little bit bigger and sometimes often better. They have a lot of good shows.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I think this is going to be a big one for them. Totally agree. And HBO's never really had a post-apocalyptic show like this. So I think for a lot of people, they're going to see it as something new and something they haven't seen before. And yeah, HBO, all of their shows are highly watchable. None of them are bad. We've never covered any kind of series based on a game before, but if we all end up enjoying it, maybe we'll touch back in once or twice during the season and kind of give our thoughts. But this is one that I've really been anticipating for a long time. I did not care about the Halo TV show or anything like that, and from what I've seen, never interested me at all. But this is the one that I've really been waiting for.
Starting point is 00:14:04 All right, well, we are going to take a short break here since we're halfway through the interested me at all but this is the one that i've really been waiting for all right well we are going to take a short break here since we're halfway through the episode and we'll be right back with more multiplayer gaming podcast okay we are back next part of the naughty dog news here from this week is uh what i'm gonna say is quote news about multiplayer for the last of us um by news i mean the fact that they tweeted a concept art picture of what multiplayer might look like which was just a picture of like a broken down cruise ship it looked like it was something that could have been part of the first last of us game uh and and uh really they just said that they going to have more information about this in the future. So I think this was kind of a nothing burger story,
Starting point is 00:14:48 other than the fact that multiplayer is coming down the road for The Last of Us. You know, I saw the photo that they sent, you know, their teaser. Like, I don't understand. You know, like, okay, that tells us nothing. There's a cruise ship in the background. All right, fine. Like, yeah, like, there's a cruise ship in the background all right fine like yeah like this just we know nothing here's like the thing that gets me on this is we kind of picked on uh resident evil village right for reverse like not everything needs multiplayer i
Starting point is 00:15:19 don't understand why developers will always assume that something needs a multiplayer aspect to it. Maybe it winds up being phenomenal. Maybe it winds up being like DayZ or WarZ or something like that, where it's this really fun post-apocalyptic game to play with friends, and you go up against other people and zombies and stuff like that. We've seen those games work really, really well. But I just don't see a Last of Us multiplayer becoming this awesome mainstream multiplayer game. I just don't understand why they spend so much time and resources developing multiplayer on everything. Does this excite either one of you? I know I'm lower on Last of Us than you guys are, but do either one of you get excited about the last of us multiplayer yeah i i mean i'll check it out the whole thing is why to your point josh why did they why did they choose this game to to do a multiplayer with like why stand on this
Starting point is 00:16:15 mountain and why die on this hill you know like it's it's of all the games like the last of us does not seem like a multiplayer title um it could we could totally go into that left for dead realm or whatever you want to do with it i could see an entire game based inside this cruise ship maybe a multi maybe a single player but i don't know it could be i just i just don't i my question is why this franchise and i don't have an answer for you you know it's yeah it's just too early to know because we don't know what it's gonna look like i. I don't think it's just going to be like Deathmatch, 5v5 Last of Us. It's going to have to be something different. We do know that it's going to be a new cast of characters. It doesn't take place in the same area as the main games. And we know that it's going to incorporate some kind of story. So I don't really know what
Starting point is 00:16:59 that is even going to look like. Does that mean you'll be able to run scenarios with your friends cooperatively? Or will there be a PvP aspect to it? It's just too early to know, which is a great transition into the last part of the Naughty Dog news. Because ironically, Naughty Dog also came out and said that in the past, they have previously announced their games way too far in advance, which has hurt their own studio they said that whenever they share their news too early it has led to unrealistic release dates and expectations and so moving forward they are going to delay announcements until their projects are much closer to being done and uh triple a studios take note because this is, because this is the way. This is the way.
Starting point is 00:17:46 This is the way. This is the way. I am all for this. And that was also a great Pedro Pascal reference. Thank you. Thank you. I was proud of that. Two points for you. This is the way it should be done.
Starting point is 00:17:59 So honestly, Naughty Dog, thank you. Please set the trend in the industry for this. I don't need to hear about a game three years ahead of time. I don't need to hear that you've started developing a game that's going to release in seven years. It just doesn't matter. It doesn't make any sense. Show me, name a game and say, hey, this game's releasing in three months. And then a month beforehand, start showing some gameplay or something like that.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Two weeks beforehand, get me hyped hyped i'm good to go we just i don't understand these massive lead-ups to these games anymore and i'm really glad that there is a top developer that is saying hey we're not going to do that anymore yeah um look at bethesda you know like they they are so guilty of so far in advance like i I think it was last year. Hey, next elder scrolls game. I in 2032. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:18:49 that's not news. You don't even have, you don't even have a team hired. No story, but they're like, well, but we think it's going to come out then. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Nobody cares. Let us know when you're almost done and we'll play it. Yeah. And guess what? If it's good, people will buy it and everyone will play it. Apex legends. No one knew a thing about apex and it dropped out of nowhere. And it's still now years later consistently in the top five on Steam because it's a great game.
Starting point is 00:19:14 So, yeah, I don't even want to hear about these games if they cannot show me any gameplay. I am done with cinematic trailers. Do not show me any gameplay i am done with cinematic trailers do not show me concept art if you can't show me any part of gameplay in a working game i don't even want to know about it now unfortunately we run a gaming podcast and if it's news we're gonna talk about it here we are talking about cinematic art it's just one screenshot from the last of us um nothing of which even screams multiplayer at all it's not even a screenshot it's a sketch yeah it's it's it's a concept art yeah yeah it's not news we shouldn't even hear about it it should
Starting point is 00:19:51 not be a news story at all but here we are and ironically the same studio saying we're not going to do this anymore so yeah moving forward hopefully studios will keep things a little closer uh star wars jedi survivor is another one of these where they haven't been touting it for the last year they just announced it a couple months ago and now we're getting it in march i believe yeah so yeah that's the way to do it give us a few months lead up and that's all we need horizon forbidden west i think it was like eight months like i was like oh they're making a sequel and they're almost done okay this is great like that was good it wasn't like years in advance i i do think it's ironic though that like it's like the same day hey listen so last
Starting point is 00:20:30 of us multiplayer is going to come out in six years here's a picture of a cruise ship psych it's not a picture it's a pastel drawing also we're not gonna we don't think we should release things in advance anymore too far in advance i just made it was the last time michael they had to get one more last one we're gonna do to make it more impactful uh y'all didn't know we're gonna do a mini naughty dog showcase today did you well congratulations there you are we did i will say i love naughty dog i love the uncharted games i love the last of us it's one of my favorite studios for sure uh yeah i mean i i think if i'm remembering correctly we're supposed to be getting this last of us multiplayer later this year so i don't know why they wouldn't tell us more about it i
Starting point is 00:21:10 think they're just looking for anything to release to drum up more hype for the tv show that's my it's all going hand in hand for sure that's gotta be it right yeah all right well let's go ahead and move into our next story here this one is all Redfall, which many of you out there have been anticipating for quite some time. This is the vampire shooter from Arcane, which was supposed to release last year, and it got pushed back to 2023. It does seem like their goal now is to release the first week of May, and we do know it'll be available day one on Game Pass, which is huge news. But more notably, the studio came out and said that comparing Redfall to Left 4 Dead is a complete misconception, and that this game is much more akin to loading into Far Cry. That kind of surprised me. Yeah, this surprised me as well. And honestly honestly i think redfall needs this because
Starting point is 00:22:05 redfall when it first got announced had a little bit of hype to it they came out with a really neat trailer showing pvp against like two squads and stuff like that and i remember we covered that you know long ago and then redfall has kind of really cooled in my hype meter almost to where it's like nothing like it didn't even really make our most anticipated games of 2023 i think we briefly mentioned it so you know what went wrong right like if this is supposed to be arcane's next great game and arcane has made some phenomenal games like the dishonored series they made death loop um you know so they they've got a decent pedigree. It's just like, what's going wrong with Redfall? Why is it so cool now? And I think it's because a lot of people, myself included, started equating this to it's just another Left 4 Dead clone. You've got your four characters. Instead of zombies,
Starting point is 00:23:00 you're killing vampires. And it's a co-op shooter, and blah, blah, blah. And so I think it's beneficial that they came out and said, no, we are not Left 4 Dead. We are more like Far Cry, which is an open world, cooperative shooter, quest-based campaign. I mean, that interests me more than thinking that Redfall is another Left 4 Dead clone. I think this news is very, very positive news for everyone who might be looking forward to this game, because it's just like Josh said, we're kind of tepid on the idea of it's Left 4 Dead, a clone. It is what it is. Well, when they came out, they even said, hey, it's not going to be the scale of Far Cry, but the idea is going to be the same you're going to get together you're going to do some missions together you might be like even quotes like you might see this farmhouse off in the distance and say let's go check that out
Starting point is 00:23:51 and you go and you find out there's some cultists in there and you have to save some people from inside this barn or something a farmhouse or something like that it's much more appealing to me that it's going to be you know the gameplay might be similar to left for dead in a lot of ways where you know you're trying to survive you're trying to kill these zombies they're running at you all this but to have objectives and maybe missions and things you can do and and just places to go on the map is a lot more appealing to me than a left for dead clone and i think a lot of people are going to feel the same way yeah i think this is just really highlighting that arcane kind of dropped the ball with branding and marketing yeah the fact that everyone kind of just thought and assumed this is more like Left 4 Dead.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And we've known about this game for ages. So the fact that we're just now finding out, no, it's actually kind of like Far Cry. I think that's why a lot of our expectations have just kind of cooled. None of us really know what this game is. And we still don't have a whole lot of gameplay. We do know that it is open world. So this is not going to be just loading into like a single mission like Left 4 Dead. Like Michael mentioned, they did say maybe you're just roaming the open world and you
Starting point is 00:24:53 run across some stuff and you go find some survivors. And that's the kind of vibe that they're looking for. So I don't know why we haven't seen that yet in any of the footage. And again, talking about releasing information about games too early, we have seen these cinematic trailers that highlight the characters and who they are, but we don't really know about the gameplay. You know,
Starting point is 00:25:15 we've seen, okay, they're in this attic and they're shooting these vampires that keep jumping in. Oh, there's more than one. Let's kill the rest of these. But we still don't really understand the vibe of this game. And the fact that it's now due for release in May, I'm hoping that they start
Starting point is 00:25:29 to just give us an onslaught of information and maybe that'll regenerate the hype. It's good to me that they are aware that people are misconceiving what this game is, because Redfall looks like it could be a lot of fun. Any co-op shooter really interests me. I love playing games with friends. And when you get to work together to do that, it's nice to not always be out there trying to kill each other in these first-person shooters. So working together really, that's a draw for me.
Starting point is 00:26:00 But I am one of these people that thought this is just Left 4 Dead. Oh, look, that vampire is going to suck you in and then I have to go free you. And this vampire is going to... He's a big hulking vampire. Watch out, guys. That kind of thing. But I think you nailed it, Paul. This is a detriment of their marketing department to not... The gameplay that they showed off did not show off any of this open world stuff. Now, I don't know if you guys remember, and it was probably two and a half years ago, the very first time we ever saw a trailer for Redfall was a cinematic trailer where they were looting a convenience corner store and another squad was
Starting point is 00:26:39 coming by and they were all kind of hiding and then all you know what broke loose in this fight. I don't even, there's no PVP in this game anymore. So things have changed, obviously, but they just didn't translate that to the people, you know? And honestly, I was kind of more interested in the PVP, like, you know, what's the division, the dark zone, that kind of aspect of it. Like, I think that adds like a height to it where it it where it almost seemed like it was going to be PvEVP. And to me, the news that this is going to be more like Far Cry with an open world nature and you can kind of go and do what you want, that does interest me. But I need to see some of that in action. Give me that 10-minute gameplay walkthrough where you're showing the world and you're saying, hey, do you see that over there? You can go over there with your friends and maybe you're going to find a vampire nest or something along those lines. We saw that with Hogwarts Legacy. The first time that they showed off Hogwarts, we all went, meh. But then we got an actually really good video of the open world and showing flying and
Starting point is 00:27:43 some of the combat and we all went ooh and i just feel like redfall has not had any of that that has gripped me and made me go ooh yet but if it's not a left for dead clone at least i feel like that moment could exist i think that we're at the point now where stuff like that's gonna have to start coming out soon the game is supposed to come out in may and so if it's coming out soon like it's almost like hogwarts we still had no idea until a couple months ago even a month ago right on what was actually some of the details of it and so we're kind of in that window now where we should start seeing the developer putting out more stuff if this is a good game that is if it's not then we might not
Starting point is 00:28:21 see a lot of that stuff and they might just leave it vague and just say hopefully people buy it it. But I'm more leaning on the side, this is going to be a fun game to play. It has a lot to offer. Just wondering why they dropped the ball with the marketing, but they're going to have to play some cleanup pretty soon. It looks like they're starting it right now. Yeah, very well could be. The one part of the story that did give me a little bit of hope about Redfall is the fact that they said it is open world, but it's not huge. There are no vehicles in this game. Everything will be on foot. And I think that's actually a really good thing because I love open world mechanics, but some of these games are just too open world for its own good. If you play like No Man's Sky, which is a great game, but especially early on before they
Starting point is 00:29:00 added more content, it's just big, but not necessarily full of stuff to do. And that's like our big worry about Starfield. Yes, the game is enormous. Are you going to run across enough things in the open world to do? And here in Redfall, it sounds like it's open world, but small enough that they can fully populate it. Hopefully there's something around every corner to go explore and figure out. So there is, I think, some good news there, but I'm hoping we see a lot more gameplay in the next couple months. I would love for Redfall to be great, honestly. It's one of those games where I think there's potential there. It just has not gotten me hyped. But again, any cooperative shooter that you can play with friends, especially if there's a decent story or fun combat and stuff like that in it,
Starting point is 00:29:44 or where your classes matter. Paula, I need you to do this because that's what your class does and you just saved everybody because you were good at it. That's the kind of stuff that matters in these types of games. So I really would like Redfall to be great. I'm just hesitant because I don't know that we know what this game is at this point. Yeah, it's still a little confusing. All right. Well, we do want to say thank you to everyone out there for listening to this episode of This Week in Gaming. Please make sure to check out our Quick Take episode on Saturday and then come back again on Monday for our deep dive on Dungeon Defenders. We also want to ask you all to come follow us on socials
Starting point is 00:30:20 everywhere at MultiplayerPod and check out support options on patreon at multiplayer squad dot com to get those bonus episodes and uh that wraps up everything here for this episode so we just want to say thank you once again to everyone and until next time happy gaming happy gaming wait that's your line uh cheers all all right see everybody alright see you everybody

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