Video Gamers Podcast - Humanity - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: June 19, 2023

Gaming hosts Paul, Josh and Ryan are back and in this episode, we tackle Legendary supporter Skippy’s pick of the new puzzle game Humanity. A recent entry into the puzzle gaming genre, Humanity look...s like Lemmings from old, but is something very very different in the gaming space. We break down all the interesting mechanics, how this game changes pace like no other and give our full thoughts and breakdown in a fantastic video game review episode that shouldn’t be missed.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Skippy, Kiitaclyzm, Gideon Is Lit, Toro, Scrump, Gaius, Remi, MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:  Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com. Hello, fellow gamers, and welcome to the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast. Today we will be deep diving the 2023 puzzle game called humanity i am your host or in this case a spectral dog trying my best to shepherd these two lemmings with me and my name is paul joining us coming up first he is working out certain aspects of humanity like learning what it means to have choice, wisdom, war, and civilization, it's Josh. Out of those, which one do you think I'm going for, Paul? War.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Yeah, that's right. Yeah. I mean, but please, please, I don't condone war. I'm just saying that, you know, I would be war. It's fantastic. War. It's fantastic war it's fantastic all right and then joining us i'm curious to find out if he has more than five minutes in this game because we all know he's been so obsessed with diablo 4
Starting point is 00:01:34 it's ryan i'll be happy to say i'm uh over the 15 hour mark so you just take that buddy i'm guessing you did not fall asleep uh playing Humanity late at night the way you did with Diablo. I did not. I did not fall asleep, but I would say, oh, I need to get some Diablo time in. Click. Yeah. I'm not surprised to hear that at all. All right.
Starting point is 00:02:01 So we do have a little bit of housekeeping before we jump into the deep dive. We do want to give shout outs to three new patreon users we've had so many new people to thank lately support has been phenomenal it's been it's been pretty overwhelming we really do appreciate it uh we do want to give a huge shout out to returning supporter i camp and kill you who is back on epic status and we also have two new Rare supporters. We have the Co-op Company, and we also have a non-Discord supporter who goes by the name of Cindy Crouch, who, Ryan, I think you might know in real life. Thanks, Mama Bear.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Love you and your $5. Hey, to this day, my parents, and my parents listen to this podcast the only parents that have never supported this show what am i doing wrong that's true we've had yaya arizona support we even had michael butler's mom support yeah ryan's mom supporting man she she told me she told me last night that uh she was trying to leave a review but it said you have to listen to the whole episode just she she left it on and then didn't go to bed till after midnight so it played all the way through so she could give us five stars so yeah thanks mom oh that's so nice oh thank you so much cindy and then uh josh i believe you have a
Starting point is 00:03:23 review to read i do have a review. If you want to help the show or just let us know what you think, you can leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. If you're a Spotify user, you can rate us five stars. But if you write us a review, good chance we're going to read it on the show. And buckle in, everybody, because I might try to do an accent on this one. Do it. everybody because i might i might try to do an accent on this one this one comes in from ireland from 827 jd jhshd 717 my boy and it's titled best gaming podcast change my mind and here we go five stars most of the gaming podcasts i can find are too factual and boring.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Sometimes you just need some laughter. Is this exactly what this podcast gives you? Also, the Beatles were overrated in the 60s, but are fairly rated nowadays. Keep it up, fellas. Also, Ryan, you are my favorite. Because they put the U in there because they're from Ireland. I don't know what that was, but it was certainly not Irish. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. You are not from Ireland. About halfway through, my brain started going, what are you doing? And I just went, I can't stop now, boys. I just gotta... I apologize to all of our friends
Starting point is 00:04:55 in Ireland. I know we actually have a lot of listeners there. I apologize. Oh, goodness. Well, thank you very much, 827. I didn't catch the rest of that username. Come on, Paul. And I did want to... Oh, you couldn't decipher his accent?
Starting point is 00:05:11 Oh, yeah. And I did want to tell our listeners that we have decided to just agree to disagree on the Beatles. I think we are laying the debate to bed. I think we're done with it, right? We are done with the Beatlesles argument um paul has conceded so we can no longer continue to attack no no no why are you gonna do that because you know you're gonna rile him up and he'll stand his ground you know he will paul expects nothing less from me come on i have laid out my case more than enough i I do not feel any need to further defend the Beatles. It's fine. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:05:48 We will find the next thing soon. Nobody needs your facts and reason. Get out of here. Thank you. Exactly. And then last thing by way of housekeeping, I did want to let everyone know that today we are deep diving humanity, which means normally we would have a bonus round next week.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But we do want to get our deep dive of diablo 4 out as soon as we can so you guys will be getting two deep dives in a row on mondays and then after that we'll do two bonus rounds to give us enough time to play our games that come up after so just so you guys aren't surprised you will get a couple deep dives in a row which i think is a lot of fun oh yeah all right well i think that's it for housekeeping it's time to turn jump swim split and even fight our way to the end goal let's deep dive humanity all right here's the description of the game on steam a unique blend of puzzle solving and action platforming.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Play a lone Shiba Inu charged with commanding massive marching crowds to the goal in story mode, or browse a wide array of user-made levels crafted via the in-game stage creator. All right, now Josh, tell the people, why are we covering this game Humanity today? We are covering Humanity because there is a hero to the people out in the world by the name of Skippy. Skippy went legendary and said, you know what? I'm picking this game for a deep dive. Skippy also pointed out the fact that we brought this game up on a Twig episode a long time ago. And said, you know what? You
Starting point is 00:07:25 piqued my interest on this. And I think I want you guys to actually go ahead and cover this for their legendary pick. So here we are. We have played Humanity. We're about to break it all down courtesy of the amazing Skippy. Also a very good peanut butter, by the way. It's a very good peanut butter, but not as good as Jeffif but that's okay i was trying to give skippy the spotlight and man i don't know man in a blind taste test we're doing a blind taste test next ball oh that's you know i'm side with skippy on this boys i'm calling it out all right they're both very good peanut butters we'll leave it at that uh also if you guys out there don't know if you do join Patreon and if you are a Legendary supporter, we did shake up our perks recently.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But if you do support us for six months on Legendary, you also get to pick any game and we will deep dive it. Even if it's a return to an old game. We have one of those coming up here soon. Or something brand new like Humanity. So if you want to check out support options, you can do that at All right. Now, Ryan, I'll go ahead and give you the honors here. From like a bird's eye view, if you were going to describe Humanity to someone who has never seen any gameplay, no trailers, how would you describe this kind of game to them?
Starting point is 00:08:42 All right. Well, first, let me say thank you to Skippy, our motorcycle mastermind here. I was talking to him on Discord, so he's a writer, so his fellow writer. But right on, buddy. So, Humanity. Basically, it's a game, you know, you have the cinematics as far as, like, the way it looks, is intriguing. It's very interesting. It's very unique. You have this grid, almost like different...
Starting point is 00:09:12 You have these kind of square tiles. It's different layers, different levels. You have kind of ramps, all these different areas that your characters can walk through. And you have a portal where people will come out of and you have to guide them. So you have to place commands throughout that area to lead them on a path to complete said puzzle. So you have jump movements and arming movements with weapons and long jumps and floats and all these great splits. Like Paul said earlier, there's all these different kind of movements you can do throughout to try to complete that puzzle, to direct them through the area around, you know, perspective obstacles or, or opponents
Starting point is 00:09:53 or, you know, different things like that. And as you progress, you know, it gets, you know, exponentially harder and, uh, more complex and you have different chapters that you go through. There's a, there's a light story throughout it where you know it's kind of cool um you know there's this kind of big voice that talks to you through throughout the game but other than that it's just it's just mainly you know you have these commands you you lead these people through all uh kind of like lemmings but you want you want to save them you want them to survive. You have goldies, which are some kind of just unique character within it that you try to capture and get to special portals as well. But basically, long or the short is you're trying to get these guys from start A to start B or to finish B and lead them on a way that's most efficient and you're able to complete each mission.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, I think the only thing I'd add on top of that is that the game is divided into different chapters. And so different chapters introduce new elements. So they don't throw all the commands at you right away. There's definitely a little bit of a learning curve where they throw a couple commands and they throw new ones. And the game is kind of like constantly shifting things around. So every chapter kind of throws like a brand new mechanic at you one way or another it's definitely most similar to lemmings we would all agree about that right yeah yeah it is and just to clarify because i don't think you youngsters remember but you are trying to save the lemmings you're not trying to kill the lemmings
Starting point is 00:11:19 the lemmings try to die yeah they try to die You are trying to save those – I just had to put that straight. Suburbishness history. Yeah. As the historian around these parts, that's how Lemmings works. Read old guys. You know, I was trying to make it sound elegant, Paul. Also, just to – this is a puzzle game. Hands down, I mean, that is the is the massive overarching category that I would put
Starting point is 00:11:47 humanity in. It is a puzzle game. So if you like puzzle games, then we're going to explain how this works and if this is for you. But I think that's the overall general category. Although this game does make some neat turns that I'm sure we'll talk about too. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's not just your typical run- the mill puzzle game. Right. And I think part of the reason why this game plays so different than a typical game is because of how the game was developed. So I did a little bit of research. I always like learning about how these games are developed and how they came about. This one is a little bit of a weird story. All i don't know if you guys know this but the person who made this game is not a video game designer all right so there is a guy whose
Starting point is 00:12:31 name is yugo nakamura and he runs a japanese experimental art firm and so he does like web design and he designs like graphics to be played during concerts and stuff like that. And he just thought on a whim that it would be funny to start learning a little bit of coding and see how many humans he could put on the screen at one time moving around. And so he programmed that and put it in a festival where it was seen by someone who used to work for Sega and is the CEO of a gaming company called Enhance. And so he saw this little art demo, thought that would make for a really good puzzle game, talks and meets the guy, and says, and I quote, this is a direct quote from the guy who ended up publishing the game, I felt like if I gave this person the tools and resources to make a game, he has the core sensibilities to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I saw in his mannerism and eyes that he was not going to give up on this opportunity. So that's why we have this game. Because a guy just made a goofy experimental art project, and another guy looked into his eyes and said, I think this guy can make a game out of it that makes a lot of sense now with uh the music and the lights and you know everything that that all i didn't i didn't know that i know you'd mentioned you were gonna talk about it but yeah that makes a lot of sense now i can't imagine just looking into someone's eyes and being like take my money i believe in i believe in you even though you've never done this before. I had a buddy that would go down. We'd go to the horse races, and he's like, I got to go look in their eyes.
Starting point is 00:14:11 He'd walk down. My buddy Randy, he'd walk down, and he'd go look in the horse's eyes. He's like, we're betting on six. He's carrying three extra pounds, and he hates the distance. Those are just words on a page. I look the horse horse in the eye and he tells me he is the winner tells you perhaps this will sound crazy no need for the qualifier but i have always been able to see into the soul of a horse it is a gift and i do not question it okay let's do it just see something in there huh yep i love it all right so let's talk about the very beginning of humanity so the game
Starting point is 00:14:46 starts out very weird all right you're a spectral dog that's like talking to itself and then all of a sudden you're hearing voices there's these colored orbs that talk to you and tell you you have to bring people into the light and you work through the prologue which teaches you just like the basic commands and how the game works. What were your guys' initial thoughts when you sat down to play for that first session? I remember looking at this game and expecting lemmings. Like, hands down, that is the natural thing to assume when you see this horde of just colorful humans, you know, walking blindly through whatever level they're on. And this game does, it babies you at first. I mean, you know, it's basically like,'re on and this game does it babies you
Starting point is 00:15:26 at first i mean you know it's basically like look they move in a straight line and then you go oh okay cool um but i i do remember like thinking this is gonna be lemmings but 2023 and it's not like it's really not like it is in a way but it is such like a a stretch you know like this is i view it as like a pretty separate game from that but i do remember thinking the aesthetics of this game are really neat like that is the thing that jumps out at you at first like i remember seeing the trailers it's why we covered it we went this just looks neat in the way that they did it so that was like my very first initial impression. I'm not a big puzzle game guy.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I like them within like the aspect of games, like, you know, adventure games or different things like that. But seeing this, you know, it may, you know, I may look into other ones because the, like you said, the, you know know the the way you know the the characters were and it just was unique it almost seemed just something different the the music at first i'm like okay all right we got some music bumping i feel like i'm in a rave here you know which which all makes sense now going back to paul's story so yeah yeah it was definitely it's just it was unique and different and something that um you know and we'll cover more as we go on, but it progresses. And I was a little unsure at first, but as it progressed and as it advanced, I definitely got sucked in for sure. Yeah, I know for me, I naively thought this was going to be a very easy game because the commands are so simple throughout
Starting point is 00:17:05 the prologue i was thinking like oh is this gonna be one of those games where i'm gonna run through in like four to five hours and then just be done with it because you've got these guys that just walk out of a portal and you gotta tell them turn left let them go two spaces and then turn right and then they walk into the end portal and then even even in the prologue, it's still simple stuff. Like now there's something in their way, so you just add a jump ability, and then they just jump over the box, and then you still just move them around. And I will say that it did have some things that I thought were really neat for this style of game. So like, for example, if your characters die or you need to restart or something like that you can restart any level by keeping all the same commands on the grid and i thought that was actually really neat so you
Starting point is 00:17:52 don't have to start from scratch every single time you restart a level but yeah i did not expect this game to be very difficult i certainly did not expect there to be any combat which i mean spoiler alert that's going to come up a little later. But I was afraid it was going to be too easy. but then oddly enough, the game sometimes throws so much at you that the simple levels where all you had was the turn command would be like some of my favorite. Like at the same time, because it's like, you know, it's like it expands, it expands, and then it kind of like comes back together and says, okay, we'll take all this stuff you've learned, but let's simplify your action list to where all you need to do is focus on how do you make these guys turn the right direction or at the right time or navigate
Starting point is 00:18:50 through this maze or something like that. And I just remember thinking like, this is really cool that they would pull back a little bit, but give you a difficult level at the same time. It was really neat how they kind of juggled the complexity of the game versus the simplicity of the level at the same time to make you go like dude this is like harder and way deeper than i initially thought it was going to be yeah no it was it was so neat like i i did i absolutely love the keep commands because i definitely restarted quite a bit oh yeah looking over everything so when you can get everything and you have one thing just wrong,
Starting point is 00:19:26 you don't want to go through and reset every little pin that you do. So the ability to keep the commands there and then you can go and alter what you need to as it progresses, that's one thing that's for sure that made it for me. That was one of my favorite features. Yeah, and different levels play differently. And so we're going to get into some of this
Starting point is 00:19:46 here in just a minute, but you can still, for most levels, run around and change commands on the fly. But sometimes you end up with so many thousands of people running around your map, it's almost hard to realize who's going where. And you might have accidentally created loops where all of a sudden you realize, Oh, as everyone's falling off this cliff, I've got a thousand people here just walking in a circle.
Starting point is 00:20:11 So it is nice every once in a while. You just have to clear the board, keep all your commands or erase them. If it's just not working at all. And then you can start to tinker with it. At this point here, we are going to take a short break and we're going to get into some of the more interesting mechanics as this game starts to take off. to it with the BMO Eclipse Rise Visa Card, the credit card that rewards your good financial habits. Earn points for paying your credit card bill in full and on time every month.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Level up from bill payer to reward slayer. Terms and conditions apply. Okay, we are back. So after you play the prologue and maybe the first few levels, I think this is when the game suddenly gets a lot more complicated. They start tossing things at you like conveyor belts. There are fans that blow wind that will move your characters like a good two or three squares on the grid. Or if the fans point up, it'll actually keep people floating in the air. All of a sudden, there's blocks that you can push and move, and they even start mixing up the format. So in the very beginning, you can run around real time and change those commands.
Starting point is 00:21:31 But then all of a sudden, you hit one stage where it's called Fate, and you have to place all your commands before you start your humans walking through. And so you just, at that point, sit back passively and watch whether or not your commands work. And I don't know about you guys, but for me, this is when the game really took off. I thought the prologue was okay, but it was very simplistic. This, to me, was like, oh, this is a good old-fashioned challenging puzzle game, but it's not brutally hard. What did you guys think about this middle stage of the game? I'll be honest. This is actually where the game started to lose me a little bit. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:22:09 Yeah, honestly. And I promise I'm not always trying to be contrary to you, Paul. But it is one of those things where it's like, the beginning of the game, I went, cool, okay, neat mechanics, simple. I get it. Let's hope that it gets a little bit harder. It did get a little bit harder. But then I felt like in the middle of the game is when I started to discover that there's certain aspects of this game that start to get a little, not routine, but annoying, so to speak, right? And so I think the middle part of the game is where I started to see some of the flaws in the gameplay itself and in some of the quality of life things. I made the joke, Paul, since we're here, that this game should not be called humanity. It should be called trial and error because there's so many levels
Starting point is 00:22:57 where I would try something, it wouldn't work. And then you have to restart the whole level. And you can keep your commands, which is great. But at the same time, I'm like, dude, if I make one little mistake, you're telling me I have to start all over again? A lot of puzzle games, you just keep shifting the puzzle until you figure it out kind of thing. And in this one, you have to just restart. And I started to kind of get a little annoyed by that. Now, that's not to say that that opinion stayed that way, because honestly, this game shifts gears again later on. It's like four games in one. Yeah, it really is. Honestly, it really is.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But for me, the middle part, I think I found my least favorite of all of it because I started to run into some of the frustrations of just how the game was designed. So, like, give an example. You're kind of talking, like, where if you accidentally push a block off the edge of the map, the level might no longer be beatable. So you have to restart. Yes. There's levels where if, like, you know, what's goofy is in the beginning levels, it doesn't matter if the humans fall off a ledge and die. You can just sit there and let them die by the millions.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Right. And that was contrary to what I thought this game would be. Because again, lemmings, right? You're trying to save them all. So I remember freaking out because guys were falling off a ledge. And then it was like, oh, that's okay to let happen. But then later on, you have to save a certain number of them. So if one falls off the ledge, now you're like, well, shoot, I got to restart this level again. And they move slowly. And while the game does have
Starting point is 00:24:30 a fast forward button, even fast forward, sometimes I'm like, I want fast forward, like two times speed, you know? So things like that were, like you said, you push a block one square too far. Oh, well, it falls into a hole and now you got to restart all over again. So there were aspects like that that I just didn't appreciate. I think the one thing that would have really saved this game from quality of life, and I know that maybe this would make some puzzles too easy, is just letting you rewind time instead of restarting the whole level. Because when you fast forward, the fast forward does work, but it's not nearly fast enough. There are some levels where you've got like 30 commands on the ground and the characters are so slow working through the map that if you have to restart even holding the shift key, it's still a full 30 seconds before your characters work through it.
Starting point is 00:25:18 And then you have to do that trial and error several times in a row. And there are a few levels where you're stuck just passively watching. And I thought so many times, if I could just rewind five seconds and then fix that one command, it would save a lot of time. Or just have a two times fast forward. Let me scrub really fast to the point that I need to get. So again, it is a criticism about the game and I noticed it more so in that middle part. So for me, that's where it started to feel a little like, why did they do it like this? You mean you don't want to watch all those little characters just walk along? Just walk three miles along the track.
Starting point is 00:25:58 What about you, Ryan? I mean, how did you feel about the middle part? Well, kind of the same way. I actually put that. That was my first thing in kind of like the show notes about it um the blocks like i would have everything set up i would i would spend all this time looking at it watching it you know after paula told me it doesn't matter if the people die because i was like you i was like oh no i can't let anyone die and i'm like i keep pausing and then i'm looking at the map and then
Starting point is 00:26:21 going back and trying to keep them all alive he's like oh they could just get quote unquote reborn and then lo and behold i have like a people count like this this is how many people you let die and i was like oh no but that's i'd have everything set up and then i missed one thing and then they just go and they push the block off the end on the side you know at the very end of the the sequence and i'm like oh come on and i have to restart figure out where i made the mistake you know that's part of the sequence. And I'm like, oh, come on. And I have to restart, figure out where I made the mistake. That's part of the puzzle, obviously. But it's just one of those things where if you could rewind it just a little bit and then just put a little turn here and then you're good to go,
Starting point is 00:26:56 that would be so much better. But yeah, that part of the game, it was almost kind of – there wasn't too much introduced. A couple little things that weren't as impactful as in the very beginning or later on what we'll talk about. But it was just, yeah, it was kind of like that lull period in the middle where you just kind of were just dragging through to just get it done. Yeah. I think for me, the reason that I thought it was such a step up is because the first levels were just so easy like you beat all of them the first time that's true the middle is definitely
Starting point is 00:27:29 a lot more complicated but it also increased for me the challenge but also the frustration because of some of the quality of life stuff all right now as you get past the middle part of the game i think that the later stages of this game is where it really takes off and this is where i was completely shocked by this game because up to this point you're not thinking about combat at all this is a very old school traditional puzzle game but all of a sudden the game starts throwing opponents at you called the others you know good old lost style they come out of portals on the other side of the stage, and they've got swords. And they are trying to race you to the Goldies, which I know we haven't really talked about.
Starting point is 00:28:10 But you have to go pick up a certain item and then take it with you to the portal. Well, the Others will race you to get the Goldies first, and they will also fight and kill your people. And so in the beginning, you first are kind of like figuring out how do I get to the Goldie fastest and then leave before the others catch me. But then the game throws at you commands to arm your own humans, either with swords or with guns. And so next thing you know, the game basically turns into like a combat simulator where you're a war general and now you're like strafing with your guns from range while your melee try to sneak behind the others and and kill their portals so they stop pouring through i thought that this stage of the game was by far the peak and an absolute blast yep yeah it this is what really caught me off guard on this one and i love that the game
Starting point is 00:29:06 does a good like the way it handles the introduction of the others is really neat because they just kind of go like they're all your all your humans are colorful they're wearing you know red blue yellow green shirts and stuff like that and then you have the others which are just like black and white and they're like what the heck are these things? And you don't control them. They're just kind of creepily standing around. And at one point, I think you might even push a block over them or something. And then on the next level, it's like the others are getting frustrated. And then you beat that level. And now it's like the others have decided.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And then it's like they've taken arms. I guess it's war then. Yeah. And then the game takes this crazy turn where it's like, you know and then yeah and then the game takes this crazy turn where it's like you know there's one round where they have swords and you don't and they're just slaughtering your people and you're like dude what and then the next level it's like well all right and now your guys have swords and it just turns into this crazy you mentioned it paul like a battle simulator at that point it reminds me of
Starting point is 00:30:05 the totally accurate battle simulator tabs for people that have played that so it's almost like that you do zero control over the actual combat you know but it it is interesting to watch them collide yeah no i i uh i had two sequences that really just threw me for a loop when this started because this was my favorite part in the whole game. There's one where all of a sudden you've got these lightsaber sword things, and they're glowing, and yours are blue and theirs are red. And so you circle around, and I'm at the top of this area, and then I'm launching my guys off the side of this two-block thing,
Starting point is 00:30:41 and I'm just thinking to myself, I have the high ground. It's over, Anakin. i have the high ground it's over etic and i have the high ground yeah star wars yeah star wars throwback and then i'm just like just pummeling them and then you destroy them you're like yes and then another one and it kind of reminded me of um of like uh tears of the kingdom i know how we all love that game so much, except for Paul. So, I don't think, at least to my knowledge, I don't think there's
Starting point is 00:31:13 only one way to finish these puzzles because I had one where it was like a ramp and you had to get on. It was three rows of guys and they all had guns and they would just blast you if you come on. And there's fans and a bunch of other stuff that you had to kind of work your way around. But I ended up circling like four different groups of just as many people as I could fit, just changing arrows, changing arrows, just because I wanted to see what it would look like.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And then sent them all to the middle, released the arrows that would hold them back. And then it just was just a crazy war. And I was just sitting there laughing like, this is awesome. You know, and they come through. They just demolish them. You know, I had a lot of casualties. You know, those guys gave their lives. But, you know, they did it for the cause. You got to sacrifice a few pawns every once in a while.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Exactly. But, yeah, it was that by far, this is by far my favorite part of the game is when they introduce the weapons and you can do all these unique abilities and the guns and the, you know, swords. You know, it was just awesome. Part of the progression here in the late stages is that they also unlock the follow command.
Starting point is 00:32:21 So whereas before, your only job is placing commands on the ground, or maybe you have to stand on a block to activate it. There's some stuff like that. But when they give you follow, that's where you get to howl as the dog, and whatever's around you will follow you in real time. So now you can actually grab a battalion of humans with guns and walk them strategically through the level while the rest of your lemmings just follow their path. And that was really interesting because they're adding a more active aspect to the gameplay. And then in the very last stage, I believe it's the last chapter,
Starting point is 00:32:56 they even let you start carrying around a sentry turret and whatever you are currently facing, it will shoot at to destroy. So by the very late stages of the game, you're running all of these battle commands, but you're also grabbing and moving soldiers actively. And you're also walking around with this sentry turret fighting other sentry turrets or other people, or there's even boss fights in this game, which is hilarious to say. But the fact that they add all this stuff in is really interesting. Now, I'm not saying that this game is like a great shooter because it's not, but it's so much more active for a puzzle game than what you're used to
Starting point is 00:33:32 seeing. Yeah. The way that this game progresses is pretty incredible to be honest, because like that is the, like that kind of goes back to the initial impression is it's like, where is this game going to go? And it goes to a place that I never never ever would have guessed that it went yeah i when i when they when all of a sudden the guys the others you know come out with weapons i'm like whoa hold on what
Starting point is 00:33:56 what the heck is this yeah and i was like okay here we go and then i had so much fun on that because then my you know my military like strategy mind kicked in. I'm like, oh, I'm going to flank them from here and do this and that. And the puzzles for me in the middle section were so much easier because I'm like, okay, I just got to kill these guys. That's the thing. I don't have to push this block or do this or that. You know, I can just boom. I got to nuke all these dudes and get the goldies to the final portal.
Starting point is 00:34:24 And that's it. Yeah. Like it's such a weird twist like in video games you might expect a twist like a character die dies or something like that but to actually have the game throw an entirely new genre at you while it still looks and uses the it looks the same has the same controls it's one of the weirder twists that i remember ever seeing. I can't think of any other games that throw this big of a wrench at you, where it becomes several different games. So for our listeners, you might find that you love all of them. You might find that you only like certain chapters. I just knew when I started, I don't know if it was chapter five or six, but it's just called War. And I oh this is gonna be a great chapter that's i just knew right away five i think yeah i think so all right so moving on here you know we normally break down story a little bit more this game does
Starting point is 00:35:18 have a story it's it's much more philosophical and like in nature. It kind of tries to grasp at what actually makes up a human soul. And is it competition? Or is it choice? Is it dependence or civilization? Is there anything really to say in regards to story? I mean, it's really minimal. It's pretty minimal. I love a good philosophical thought process.
Starting point is 00:36:06 The Talos Principle nails, I meanple nails that as you play the game. With humanity, it's just kind of there to give you a reason why you're playing, I guess. And it's kind of neat to think about occasionally, but they just don't develop that thought process enough to really make that matter at all to me yeah yeah you can tell like they they tried to put some effort into making something there so it's not just just okay here's some puzzles figured out but uh yeah there wasn't you know too too much to kind of go the coolest thing was the visuals and going back to the guy that made this game for a festival or whatever because like all of these humans are floating around on the screen and they start to kind of coalesce into shapes and forms and stuff and that part i thought was really neat you know especially with the last boss fight like that part was super cool but yeah that's the only kind of really thing where i went oh that's really cool like when they're trying to tell the story part.
Starting point is 00:36:46 But yeah, it's minimal. Yeah, it's barely there just to stitch the game together. Like, why are we leading these people? Oh, well, they're trying to develop a soul. So let's kind of throw a little bit of philosophy out there. That's really kind of what it amounts to. All right. And then the game does keep track of a lot of stats, which I thought was very funny.
Starting point is 00:37:08 So there's a couple of different tabs. You can basically learn about your overall stats in a couple of different ways. I asked you guys to look up a couple of stats that I thought were really interesting. Josh, were you able to pull up these stats? I did, but I also didn't write them down. Okay. So we're going off memory i do actually remember a good bit of them though because i remember looking these up and being like why is paul asking me for these stats and what made me laugh is about 15 minutes ago ryan might have messaged saying i can't find these these stats. So I'm a little curious, Ryan. What happened here when you went to go look for these stats?
Starting point is 00:37:49 I don't know. I couldn't find the stats. I was looking around for it. All I saw was like the dog stat. And I was like, my dog walked however many kilometers around, which makes sense from being an overseas game and whatnot. But I do know that I got an award probably after you told me their lives don't matter and then you broke my heart
Starting point is 00:38:10 because then I felt super bad about killing all these people. Your Oh the Humanity Award from Steam cost 50,000 humans to perish. And I'm like, wait, no, he said they're reborn. It doesn't matter. If they fall off a ledge they're reborn but you can also like smash them with blocks and things where they do die or they die from being killed by the others you know things of that nature oh yeah yeah it it it turns out that stats
Starting point is 00:38:37 more advanced stats unlock as you get more of the collectible goldies within the game so you actually have to have collected at least 88 to unlock the people stats that we were going to talk about so ryan ryan didn't quite get there uh but at least josh did so josh do you remember how many total trial participants you had yeah i it was like right at around like 400 000 i think, yeah. I might have killed a lot more than you. I had 697,000 participants in my playthrough. That's a lot of humans walking out of portals. You know, that probably is me trying to save every single one of them for the first few worlds, thinking that I couldn't let them fall.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Because I would do what Ryan did and just have them – I would make a circle so they wouldn't just fall off the ledge instead. And then the game is like, hey, it's totally cool if they fall off the ledge. And then I was like, oh. But then they don't tell you that they're keeping track of how many humans you let die too. Exactly. Yeah. Paul tells me, oh, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:39:40 They're just reborn. So then I just let them – they're just pouring, just pouring off the side of the wall and there's you know hundreds and hundreds of of little people just dying and i'm just looking through the blocks like oh okay i could put an arrow here you know taking my time and all of a sudden i get an award oh you've killed 50 000 people congratulations i'm like paul come on you murderer uh and then Josh, do you know how many participants were lost on your watch? I remember it was about half. Half of the ones that participated. So it was...
Starting point is 00:40:14 Oh, no. Okay. Actually, I take that back now. I do remember because I had about... I was in the high 600,000s for participants. And then I remember looking and I would... Because I had like 350,000 people that died in this game. So that is much more accurate. Yeah, because I remember it was like 48%.
Starting point is 00:40:35 And I was like, you're telling me I let half the people die in this game? Okay, mine's almost exactly the same. So I had 697,000 participants. 358,000 died on my watch. So a little over 50%. Yeah, we're almost spot on with each other. Yeah. And then last one here. Do you know how many others you killed in battle? 100 000 so it was a good percentage but there's a couple stages like ryan mentioned this where it is it is full on war we're talking thousands of others and thousands of your humans and at one point i remember trying to figure out the level and they were just steadily just like pouring into each other for it seemed like 10 minutes straight while I was trying to figure out this puzzle.
Starting point is 00:41:28 So I think that's where a lot of that death count came from. Had your stats a bit. Yeah. I slaughtered 186,000 others and there were several stages where they're just fighting for minutes on end. Yeah. How funny. All right. Well,
Starting point is 00:41:41 we're going to go ahead and take our last break and we'll come back in and wrap things up. All right. Well, we're going to go ahead and take our last break and we'll come back in and wrap things up. All right, guys, I feel like one thing that we definitely have to talk about with humanity is the fact that it does have a very robust stage creator, which gives you some really detailed tutorials teaching you how to make your own levels. And you can also play user created content. So if you want to design your own levels, you can give it tags, you can rate it on a difficulty level, and you can download and play
Starting point is 00:42:10 these very similar to something like Human Fall Flat or Portal. Really, there's an unlimited amount of content that you can play here. If this is your style game, it's only $30, and you can get a lot of content out of this. So if you're into puzzle games, I think it's only 30 bucks and you can get a lot of content out of this so if you're into puzzle games i think it's definitely worth looking into especially because of all that community made content yeah no for sure i'm not a puzzle guy and and this thing you know after you know you get to that middle section like it kind of hooked me so yeah i may check out a few others after this yeah now this is not the first puzzle game that we've covered josh you and i did a deep dive of ibn ab you know back in the day with michael
Starting point is 00:42:51 uh that game i feel like we ran through very fast we beat it in two sit uh two playthroughs and i think we only really got stuck once that i can remember where we had to look up a youtube solution we were doing that wrong. You and I were the idiots making it more complicated. The game actually had a very simple solution. I would say humanity is actually all the way on the other end of the spectrum. I don't know about you guys. I got stuck in this game a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I would bring up a YouTube video, and I would try just to look at the first like three tile placements and then I'd put it on pause and I would work on the game. Cause if I'm, if I'm on a level for 20 minutes and I'm not getting anywhere, I'm going to get a little bit of help. So I would, you know, kind of cheat a little bit and then try to figure out the rest.
Starting point is 00:43:37 But there are a lot of levels here that are incredibly difficult. I found this game to be very hard. Ooh, I'm glad to hear Paul say that. Yeah. Paul's pretty smart. So yeah, this is tough. Because I was like, dude, I like puzzle games and I like to think I'm good at solving puzzles. But this game, let me tell you, man, this game is unforgiving is the issue. So number one, some of the puzzles, Ryan, you touched on this. I think some puzzles, you can approach a lot of different ways, but there are some puzzles that have one solution
Starting point is 00:44:10 and one solution only. And if you don't figure out what that solution is, you are going to be banging your head against a wall for a while. And so for me, I found the difficulty level to pivot pretty hard. So anytime you start a new world, they would ease you into whatever the new mechanic was or the new command or whatever was going on. And it would be easy for like one, two, three. And then bam, it would just ramp up. And then it would ramp up again.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And I remember thinking like, why is this game so hard? And I'm like, yeah. Yeah, it was pretty cool, too, how they kind of had, like, the main line of the missions. And then they had the little offset ones that were kind of a little more quirky, a little different. And then that you could do a little more kind of unique things with the level. But, yeah, it's the same for me it was uh it was definitely difficult i'm glad to know that i'm not the only ding dong that had to restart quite a bit i do i do have the the restart stats that one was up there but i'm not going to share that one
Starting point is 00:45:18 you restarted 48 000 times, this game's pretty difficult. I remember us joking that like, Ibn Ab, you don't need a physics degree to play. You kind of like almost do need it for humanity. I would just say there's no shame in getting a few tips online. You can slave away at these levels until you find the solution.
Starting point is 00:45:42 But I would just say it's a game. It's supposed to be fun. And if it gets grindy, just get a little tip online. I would highly recommend that people do that. I am not one to look up solutions to puzzles. I want to figure them out for the most part. But that is under the assumption that I can continue to just look around and work on the puzzle. And again, I'll touch on the fact that with humanity, if you don't figure it out, you got to start back from the beginning. And so if you're on a really hard level, which there are some that are just really out there,
Starting point is 00:46:14 you might attempt this level for two hours straight with just failing and restarting and failing and restarting. And then that is not fun for anybody. So at that point, just look up a hint, man. Because I think that that is going to solve the number one frustration that I think people will come across in this game. And so if you kind of take that out, you're left with something a lot better in the end. Yeah. And I mean, the sequence can take like two minutes. So you set everything up and then boom after two minutes you know and you're you're hitting shift you're speeding through it and then you're like
Starting point is 00:46:49 oh man that didn't work i gotta reset that and you know you gotta go back again so yeah absolutely if you can you know hop on youtube there's all kinds of reviews where they go level by level you can look at them um yeah i would be the same yeah and if you're someone who finds all puzzle games easy this is 100 up your alley i don't think anyone would say this is an easy puzzle game which is so ironic because i was so convinced it was going to be easy in the early stages and it goes there's ones to get to to be able to get both the goldies where you have to like sequence around and then you have to put a jump to jump over the other guys to get them around the other section. It gets really, really in-depth, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And when you figure it out, you feel so accomplished. You're like, yes, I got it. But until then, you're like, oh, man, I'm just an idiot. Yeah, it's definitely one of those games that's like that. You feel completely stupid, and then you feel like a genius if you figure it out on your own. Yeah. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Well, I know that we're kind of quickly running out of time here, but let's move into our segment here for some hot takes. Ready or not, that's hot. Yes. All right. Josh, how about we do yours first first what's your hot take on humanity all right my hot take on this is i don't think i can name another game with the exception of inscription um and i you guys may not have played that but if you played inscription you know what i'm talking about that makes such a 180 in its gameplay and how this game actually works. Inscription is like that.
Starting point is 00:48:27 You play it. It's like a weird escape room card game. And then bam, it turns into something completely different. And you're like, did they accidentally like tack on another video game to this? And whereas humanity definitely is contiguous in that regard. It changes so hard from this weird, simple, but hard puzzle game to this odd battle simulator, still puzzle game, but just in a way different level. That's my hot take, man. There's not many games out there that do what this game did, and it doesn't, man. It makes such a hard
Starting point is 00:49:05 turn that it's it stands out a very memorable turn yeah what about you ryan what's what's your hot take um i don't know how much you would call this a hot take i guess um if you've been watching uh my uh blizzard activity or my diablo activity um you would know how much i've played diablo so i i would say that getting into these levels there was two times and i will say twice one two that i clicked on humanity instead of diablo because i had a level that i wanted to finish and i and i knew i knew yeah that's a hot yeah i was like i you know i could play with paul and josh and we can just go kill some demons but i i have an idea on how i can beat that one and it gets to that almost like that tetris mode or you know guitar hero where like you just you're just seeing it in your brain and Right. In your matrix. You're like, oh, man.
Starting point is 00:50:05 And then you wake up. Even, okay. So the other morning I woke up and I come in and I had maybe an hour to kill. I go in and I sit on my computer and I'm like, I'm going to try that level again. And I play it and I fail two or three times. I'm like, ah, whatever. And I walk away and I'm doing stuff. I'm getting ready to leave for work.
Starting point is 00:50:24 And I'm like, wait, what if I do this this and i come back to my computer and i do it again and i finish and i'm like yes all right i can go to work now i'm gonna leave i work for myself so my boss wasn't mad uh he's a jerk but he wasn't mad uh so so it was it's it's just one of those things where i was actually i was surprised by how much it did suck me in and that I actually clicked on're so incredibly different where Diablo, you're getting that more hardcore combat. It's the action RPG. And then as soon as you get a little tired of the button mashing aspect of Diablo, you can go load up humanity and use every other part of your brain that you weren't using in Diablo and just go back and forth. I never grew tired of playing either one because I would bounce off of them and I thought that it was kind of a neat counterbalance uh my hot take i've got two of
Starting point is 00:51:29 them here one of them i'm gonna say that this has the worst music of all time for any video game dude it's it's weird to me because you're about to hear like there's some people that praise the music in this game really and i i literally had to turn it off no it was so good at first that like that one was good but then it kept going and kept going and kept going, and then the other ones were just horrible. So, yeah. Horrible. It's like... Second that.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah. No, I just set my headphones on the desk. I did, too. Yep. I'm like... I refused. Yeah. I felt assaulted, like, audibly with the music.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Oh, it's bad. Some of it's really bad. Help my ears. Yes. Oh, it's bad. Some of it's really bad. Help my ears. Yes, absolutely. But my other hot take is that I think this might be my favorite puzzle game after The Portals. I really enjoyed this one. I really love puzzle games in general. And this one worked really, really well for me.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I found it to be an absolute joy to play all right well now you guys know a little bit about our thoughts josh you've got some community reviews for us i do have community reviews we always pull some positive and some negative reviews just to give people that are listening some other takes on what this game is about and what the good is and what the bad is. So this first one is not recommended. They have 13 hours on record and the TLDR, which this is the review. So I'm not really sure why they added a TLDR here,
Starting point is 00:53:12 but it says this game is a difficult ask for $30. It starts out amazing, but later mechanics can be very frustrating and to trial and error. The game is lacking a lot of quality of life features and the soundtrack is super hit or miss to edit completed the game changed my thoughts a little bit it hurts to say but i still wouldn't recommend the game without a sale okay i mean it this game's relatively simple in that you're not getting crazy visuals and voice act work and things like that. But $30 is still a lot for a puzzle game. The hours to beat this, I think, is well worth the $30. It is just, you know, this guy touched on quality of life features,
Starting point is 00:53:56 the trial and error aspect, and the soundtrack, which were all complaints from me as well. So it kind of resonated with me. All right, this next one is recommended 19 hours on record. I don't know if I lost brain cells or gained brain cells from playing this game, but I do know I had to use 200% of my brain to beat these levels and puzzles. It's a great game, by the way, the devs are super creative. First time devs. Congratulations to them.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Yeah, that's not easy to make a puzzle game especially that isn't borrowing from other stuff that has already been done no what he's gonna do now is he's gonna set up at his raves and he's gonna work work on like just directing all the people around yeah comic-con will never be the same yeah oh my goodness all right this next one is not recommended four hours on record. And it says, I won't go into detail because I've previously discussed it in my article evaluations. In short,
Starting point is 00:54:51 the game's music, audio, and graphic features are far too simplistic. Yet everything else about it is done brilliantly, including the marketing through videos, including the action humor. There are a lot of elements not featured here that are in almost every other puzzle-based game. There's no rewind.
Starting point is 00:55:07 There's no super fast mode. So you're spending a good portion of a long puzzle waiting for the humans to slowly walk and jump around until they get back to the location that you messed up on. Wasting more time if you mess it up again, this isn't necessary. Yeah, I think you could definitely tweak it. But at the same time, I think there are parts that are brilliant.
Starting point is 00:55:28 So it's a rather fascinating game for a lot of reasons. All right. And then last one, recommended 20 hours on record. Overall, I'd say that this is an incredibly good game. The game frequently throws in new mechanics and updates to the game, so the levels never get to a point where they feel stale. The overall aesthetic and storyline is also a huge bonus if there was any minor gripe i wish i knew that the game wasn't purely a puzzle game it certainly starts off more puzzle based but then it shifts into more real-time
Starting point is 00:55:56 strategic aspects as you get to the later levels i'm struggling a bit towards the end but i think that says much more about me than it does the game it's still super fun despite my lack of skill okay yeah it could be that if you don't want to play that kind of battling simulator that you might really hate the game in the
Starting point is 00:56:18 last third or you might find it to be the best I think more than almost any game we've covered it's very much a your mileage may vary. Yeah. Yep. Yep. All right. So then as we always do after we read reviews and kind of give an idea of where the community
Starting point is 00:56:31 stands on this, we always try to guess the overall Steam review score. Now, I will say this, fellas, this is the least reviewed game that we have ever actually covered. So Humanity just released on May 15th. It has 146 reviews total. So I'm going to give you that hint because obviously they will skew a lot more than a game with like 20,000 reviews would.
Starting point is 00:56:55 So Paul, I think you won last time. So you get to guess first. On the Steam scale of 0 to 100, what do you think the overall rating on Humanity is? I think it's going to be pretty high. I think most people who buy it are people who are already into puzzle games. If you hate puzzle games, I doubt you're going to pick it up. I was going to say 91, but now that I know there's fewer reviews, I think early on you get more of the negatives.
Starting point is 00:57:21 People who just quit and they don't want to play. There's probably people still working their way through. I i'm gonna lower it a little bit and say 88 all right 88 from paul ryan yeah like mr four hours or whatever that review was you didn't even probably get to the good part like with the weapon yeah that was when it got good but But yeah, I mean, that's a good take by Paul. So I'm going to go 85. 85 for Ryan. All right. Well, I initially guessed 85.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And since Ryan stole my guess, I am going to guess one over. Because I do know the answer and I had to change my answer anyway. So I'm going to guess one over because Paul is actually the winner. The overall rating on this game is a 94%. So it deserves it. In my opinion, there,
Starting point is 00:58:18 I, there, there were a total of, I think like six or seven actual negative written reviews on this game. The rest were all positive yeah i mean it doesn't have a lot of reviews so but yeah so 94 percent dang wow that's really high that's one of our highest steam scores that we've done a deep dive wow all right i guess that means i get the honors for this next segment oh yeah paul oh yes you do all right let's spin that record hey there human you know i've
Starting point is 00:58:51 always thought that disneyland was the happiest place on earth but that was before i got a chance to stand here next to you where are you going sucked up into the sky to disappear forever all right this segment here is called make love marry or murder this is where each of us rate this game is it marriage material is it just make love play it for a bit and then uh leave or is it murder material where we don't recommend picking this one up at all obviously i'm going to marry this game i think it is an incredibly fun and engaging puzzle game i think that's like engaging is like the number one word i would say i think it's a really good challenge just you know have the right handicap level by looking up some hints when you need it
Starting point is 00:59:37 and uh yeah i think it's marriage all the way what about you josh what are you thinking or okay ryan what are you thinking josh puns it he started pointing well i i will say nobody's gonna marry you after that pickup line they're gone anyway it doesn't matter yeah exactly uh this one's uh this one's a make love for me uh i i really enjoyed that middle part of it because it got to almost a war-based kind of active kind of strategy type thing. That's what really sold me on the game for that aspect. But yeah, I can see how you can marry it. But yeah, it's a make love for me. All right. What about you, Josh? This game had the unfortunate privilege of going up against Diablo 4 in competitive game time.
Starting point is 01:00:36 So I had to make myself take a step back and say, hey, I know I want to play Diablo, but how is this game overall? And not hold it up against Diablo 4. You're telling me. I know, right? But that's tough to do. I mean, when you're a gamer and you're playing two games and it's like, I just want to go play this one game because it's the hotness that I've been waiting for. But then I've got this game too.
Starting point is 01:01:01 That's a tough thing. And I don't want to hold it against the game that i don't want to play that's why it was my that's why it was my hot take you know right yeah and so i like there is a lot that i like about humanity like a lot the problem is is that there's a decent amount that i've found to be frustrating and for me i love puzzles. But this game is a different style of puzzle. It's almost like an if-this-then-that type puzzle to where you're trying to predict the outcome of something versus a game like The Witness or Talos Principle or Portal, where it just uses a different part of my brain, I guess, as far as how you approach puzzles. And this one wasn't as enjoyable as those games,
Starting point is 01:01:46 but it's still a really good game. So for me, it's a make love because it would almost be a merry. If I thought the puzzles were more up my alley or the quality of life stuff was better, I think at that point, I'd say it's a merry. But it's not perfect. There are some things. It's not my necessarily favorite flavor of puzzle games, so I'm giving it a make love. All right. I totally understand that. I think this is also a great game to test out on Steam,
Starting point is 01:02:15 and after two hours, if you aren't into it, just get that refund and get out. I think it's worth trying. For sure. And I think for the people where it hits, it's going to hit pretty well, as long as it's not competing with something like diablo yeah yep sure all right well let's go on to our last segment here let's go to the leaderboard and see where this game stacks up All right, fellas, we have now done a total of 98 deep dives, if we include humanity here.
Starting point is 01:02:50 We have an overall leaderboard at This is where we have to come together as a three-person consensus. Where are we going to rank this game against everything else? So make love, marry, or murder is individual. This is where we have to compromise, talk through it and come up with an agreement. Looking at our leaderboard here, personally, I would have it somewhere in the 30 to 40 range. I would have this somewhere around games like Dungeon Defenders, The Forgotten City, Nier Automata, Deep Rock Galactic, Dead Island 2. That's where I would personally have it uh are we kind of thinking similar or are you guys thinking lower or what i'm not super far off from you to be honest um you know i look at ibn ab was the last puzzle game that we played
Starting point is 01:03:38 that we covered for the show sure i found ibn ab to be much more endearing, but Humanity is much more of the challenging, in-depth, creative type puzzle game. They're so different. It's weird. They really, really are. I think I would generally rather play Ibn Ab, number one, for the co-op nature. But number two, it's just a little bit more, again, my style of problem solving versus the Humanity type of solving. So, I mean, but I'm real close. Like,
Starting point is 01:04:07 honestly, if you put this one under Ibn Ab, it would not break my heart at all. You know, that's really funny. I was almost going to say the exact opposite because I think this game is so much better than Ibn Ab. And I get that.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Like I can understand that take for sure. Yeah. It's like, yeah, you're comparing apples and oranges and some people like apples others like oranges for me ibn ab was just so short that once you beat it you'll definitely never play it again i don't have any plans to play humanity ever again but i'll tell you what i've got way higher odds of hopping in for user created content in humanity i'll never
Starting point is 01:04:43 install ibn ab ever again yeah that makes sense all right so at least we're kind of talking somewhere around 44 that's yeah mid 40s i think is is pretty good spot what about you ryan i i think so as long as it's uh above destiny 2 like past past destiny 2 which is at 34 like oh man There was a time when Destiny 2 was in our top 15. Yeah, it was a lot higher. It has slowly just gotten bumped down. It's just slowly just going away. Kind of like how fun is in that game.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I'm fine in the 40s. Yeah, this is a game too where I feel like I would – I was talking to my daughter. She's 14. I was saying you should try it out get on it you know just start from the beginning and just kind of see what you think as well so it would definitely be a game that i'd kind of send my kids on to as well and like hey see what you can do like have have fun good luck you know and so so it's it's cool it has its purpose and its point you know so i i'm i'm fine
Starting point is 01:05:43 with whatever you guys want to do in the late 30s or 40s all right paul so it's do we put it above ibn ab or below ibn ab it's hard for me to imagine placing it below only because ibn ab is fun ibn ab is a mobile game disguised as something you would play on console yeah i get that it's simple it's very simple it's just such a simple game it's what did we even pay for even though it was like 2.99 or something it wasn't much at all it's like it's barely a game it's just so little to me it's almost like do you want one little bite and it's a perfect bite or do you want like this bigger meal like that's kind of how i see it yeah I'm much more of an eat the meal. The only,
Starting point is 01:06:26 the only, the only contrast to that is it was, I don't think there was ever a time in Ibn Ab where I wasn't having fun. Whereas there's a few levels in humanity where after like the 15th time of fast forwarding through the first 40 seconds, waiting for the dog to get to the part where I messed up. Like there were times where I was like, I'm not having fun right now.
Starting point is 01:06:47 You know? And so, I mean, I'm fine putting it one above. If you want to put it one above, that's fine too. Because I get it. Humanity is a longer game. It's more challenging. You know, it does more. It's more inventive.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Yeah. Maybe it's worth crediting them just for that alone. It accomplishes a lot more than Ibn Ab. Ibn Ab is a great game. But ultimately, you're just standing on the other person's head and they jump and then you jump and you get to a platform. And that's it's a little bit more than that, but not much. Yeah. All right. So 44.
Starting point is 01:07:16 That means we will have it below Pillars of Eternity 2, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty, Black Ops, Cold War and Broforce. But we will have it above ibn ab steel rising v rising and lost ark that's pretty good praise i know that sounds like oh it's in the 40s but i mean on our leaderboard those are still good games still yeah those are good games jedi survivors at 50 right there yeah yeah above jedi survivor Our games don't get bad really until you hit like the middle late sixties. That's when it starts getting into some bad stuff there. Yeah. It really falls off a cliff though.
Starting point is 01:07:54 Yeah. All right. So we'll lock that one in at 44. I think that's fair. I think people should check it out, especially if you like puzzle games and then any closing words, guys, or are we just about done now?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Thanks to Skippy for picking this one. This is one. I don't think we ever would have picked up on our own, even though we did talk about it. So thank you for that. Also, you know, for everybody out there that is supporting the show, whether it's legendary or,
Starting point is 01:08:20 you know, a rare Epic or whatever, just telling a friend, like, honestly, thank you for that as well yeah everything you guys do is is awesome and then get on the discord there's there's so much there's a bunch of little sub you know sub little discord sections that you can get on
Starting point is 01:08:37 i was gonna let them just struggle channels and threads threads whatever i was gonna say uh sub reddits but that's yeah it shows i spent too much time on reddit but yeah there's there's so much on there and and uh we all talk and go over games and go over the episodes and so get on there and then and then you know we got we got clans on diablo like we're doing all kinds of stuff so just get on and uh spend some time with us yeah absolutely we've been able to play with a lot of listeners lately. It's been an absolute blast. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:08 And then our next deep dive a week from today will be Diablo 4. And in the meantime, as always, we'll have our This Week in Gaming episode on Thursday. We hope that you'll come back for that. And we always release Quick Take episodes on Saturdays. So we hope that you'll come back and check those out. And until next time, happy gaming. Alright, see you everybody. Well, see you later.

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