Video Gamers Podcast - Hype for Hogwarts, Warhammer: 40K and Forspoken Demo - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: December 22, 2022

Gaming hosts Josh, Paul and Michael are back with This Week in Gaming. All the gaming news you need to know, delivered straight to your ears every week. Hogwarts Legacy may have changed our minds afte...r this last gaming demo, Warhammer: 40k goes mainstream and Paul and Michael played the Forspoken demo and give a quick preview on this upcoming release.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Scrump, Gaius, Remi, MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello fellow gamers thank you for listening to the multiplayer gaming podcast we are three dads who are lifelong gamers and on thursdays like today we break down recent gaming news that we found most interesting please make sure to rate our show five stars leave a written review and come check out our patreon page you can help support what we do here and we won't leave you hanging you'll get exclusive access to our squad cast episodes which are 45 minute episodes that release twice a month you can sign up starting at five bucks a month at multiplayer i am your host paul and joining me he's looking for the dark arts arena hidden away in the Forbidden Forest so he can test out those unforgivable curses. It's Josh.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Avada Kedavra! It's the only one I can remember. I don't even know if I said that right, but... Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Imperio, I think those are all unforgivables. Whatever the unforgivable curses are, i think those are all whatever the unforgivable curses are or whatever wait is it unforgivable curses on yes yeah unforgivable okay yeah yeah i'll never forgive you i will never forgive you are you quoting some impractical yeah i was oh yeah i could tell nice ball oh and then joining us he may no longer be attached to the witcher or superman but he's got some big aspirations for a new extended universe it's michael and my goodness
Starting point is 00:01:36 am i beautiful i'm a beautiful man i have these wait we gotta get off this real fast uh that's crazy news by the way man henry cavill just getting bounced around like a ping pong ball in his career right now. I know. Yeah. Definitely getting bumped from two big roles, but at least he's got some plans. Can't wait to talk about it here in a minute. Future guest of the show. At some point.
Starting point is 00:01:57 That's right. I'm sure that's going to happen. We're going to have him on the show. We'll have him on at some point. We will. Fingers crossed. He's a gamer. He'd be like, you guys are gamers. We're nerds together. Let's. We will. Fingers crossed. He's a gamer. He'd be like, you guys are gamers.
Starting point is 00:02:06 We're nerds together. Let's nerd out together. He'd be like, yeah, let's do it. We can relate to him over World of Warcraft. I know how big of a fan he was. All right, before we jump into news content here for this week, I did just want to give a very quick update about our holiday schedule. So for those of you who may not have already heard us talk about it,
Starting point is 00:02:22 these next two weeks we are going to be re-releasing some of our older favorite episodes because we're taking a little bit of a Christmas break to spend more time with our families. We have recorded new intros for those episodes. So there will be a few minutes of extra new content at the beginning. So still make sure to check out those episodes. And then our next fully new episode will release on January 9th when we break down our most anticipated games of 2023. All right. So this week in gaming, a lot to cover. High on Life released. We have picked it up. We have decided that we are going
Starting point is 00:02:58 to deep dive that in the new year. I think it's probably going to be our first deep dive of 2023. And Josh, I think you already downloaded it and got a little bit of a head start. I feel like I'm probably halfway through the game at this point. I have laughed a lot. I will not say anything about the game other than that. But as somebody who has not really watched Rick and Morty or familiar with Justin Roiland. I've been laughing. And there's multiple parts of this game where I find myself just chuckling in glee. It's going to be a lot of fun to break down.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Although that game has a lot of profanity that I'm not going to be able to put very many clips to the episode. It'll be hard to keep it family friendly. That's definitely a rated m mature game and then also this week they released a four spoken demo for the ps5 now poor josh over here does not have a place how was that demo guys they didn't release it on pc even though the game is releasing on pc like they don't put the demo on pc yeah sony probably paid for it they probably paid for that exclusivity say hey put it here first we will think it's only on our so both you guys got to try the demo right i did okay how long was the demo is my first question
Starting point is 00:04:16 the 20 minutes i was gonna say 20 to 30 minutes i mean you could spend more time in there if you want but yeah if you kind of like beeline everything 20 to 30. Yeah, you can spend more time just parkouring everything. The whole world. Just parkour the whole world. Your whole world's hard. So initial thoughts? What do you think, Michael? So the game looked good. The
Starting point is 00:04:37 graphics were fantastic. It looked nice. The parkour was good. I think the combat took me a minute. It took me a minute. It was a little bit different. So when you play the game, I'm assuming you're starting from a starting point where you're not starting at the very beginning of the game. And so you've kind of got a whole bunch of things in your face that you would think that a full tutorial would walk you through because the combat's very different in this. You shift from different phases and different abilities. But how would I explain this paul like right
Starting point is 00:05:05 trigger is like attacks left trigger support but then you've got multiple options on each but only one button so you can only use one defensive spell and one offensive spell at a time and then the rest of it you're walking through this cumbersome hold left bumper hold right bumper pick a different spell while you're casting spells and use that that's probably the best way i can describe it if it sounded confusing it's because it kind of is a little bit it takes a minute i found myself after two to three minutes it becomes second nature rather quickly yeah they drop you are they drop you in the middle of the game they give you a little bit of a cinematic where they narrate and tell you about the story and then they kind of just drop you right in the middle of the world
Starting point is 00:05:41 so yeah you almost have like your two schools of magic, or if you want to think of it, it's almost like different stances. And so basically you swap between stances and then with which stance you're in, you have different selection of your support and assault options for attacks. And I found the combat to be really good. I found that the world was definitely beautiful. Even though the storyline and the characters did not remind me of Elden Ring I thought the world reminded me a lot of Elden Ring it looks like it oh I totally got that too it's laid out like Elden Ring where you've got these very steep cliffs a lot to explore uh everything's kind of divided into like these little settlements you can come kill everyone and loot a chest and get some gear I I had a lot of fun playing this one.
Starting point is 00:06:26 The only real issue I had is that while the parkour stuff is pretty awesome looking, it's very easy to get stuck on ledges and things like that. So a lot of times I found myself trying to just run forward and my character is kind of like stuck on a ledge. So I don't know if they're going to be able to fine tune some of that. But more than anything, this just made me more excited to play it when it releases next year that i echo your same thoughts when i played the demo i was like you know i'd like to check out this game it seems like the main character is very interesting even though you know arbitrary swearing all over the
Starting point is 00:06:58 place just to do it like just to do it because we were trying to be a cool teenager and we're just going to swear just to do it it's very awkwardly placed i'm hoping the whole game is not like that but overall i want to dig more into this world dig more into the character the combat was actually really interesting and it was finally it was it was nice to see something actually different because a lot of times you have a lot of the same stuff circle the dodge x to attack you know right trigger power attack this was very different and i'm excited yeah this one's got like where you can switch to use a melee sword but then it's really long and you can like swing it around for aoe where you can switch to use a melee sword but then it's really long and you can like swing it around for aoe or you can choose to start chucking spears kind of like in
Starting point is 00:07:31 god of war ragnarok where you just keep chucking them uh you can also switch the same sword that does it like it's it's but it's like a ranged weapon or a melee weapon depending on how far your target is yeah kind of funny how they had that in there and then they also have where you can like use magic to shoot from range. You fight a boss, but then you also fight big swarms of enemies. I think it'll be a lot of fun when it releases. I'm definitely looking forward to Forspoken. So Demo did its job, got you both kind of excited?
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yeah. Demo did his job? Yeah. I would give it a solid B+. I don't think it was anything earth-shattering, but it was good. Forspoken comes out January 24th. I know, it's right around the corner. It's not that far away, man.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It comes out on PS5 and PC. Are we deep-diving that one? Do we know yet? Probably. I think so. I was going to say, I feel like in the middle of January we do have a few legendary games that we have to play, but honestly a few of those don't look like they're very long. Legendary being games chosen by legendary supporters we're not saying that they're legendary games right now
Starting point is 00:08:30 we don't see the future yes exactly legendary supporters get to pick a game that we have to deep dive and we have a couple of those on the docket yeah you guys know i love nothing more than brand new ip games so hopefully we can dive into Forspoken. All right. Well, moving on to our next topic here, we have something that I'm very excited to talk about, guys. I don't know about you. We got a new Hogwarts Legacy gameplay showcase. So we did have one before, which spent an awful lot of time looking at furniture and spending time in the dormitories. This showcase is much more what I've been waiting for for a long time, guys. Basically, they highlighted flight and the open world mechanics. They dove a lot more into combat this time, and they also spent a lot of time showing us the room of
Starting point is 00:09:16 requirement and how that works. So there's a lot to break down here. I don't know where you guys want to start, but I'll just say right off the bat i've been pretty cool on hogwarts legacy for a while this is actually the first time that i was like oh i actually really do want to play this game i'm excited i am with you paul i i almost felt like almost like not guilty but like dang they got me man like they got me on this one because i like we posted to socials even we posted a video of the uh like them showing off the flight and stuff like that and we were pretty down after the last glimpse that we got on this game i think all three of us kind of went i don't know man like they were showing off the graphics didn't look that good the animations didn't look that good
Starting point is 00:10:02 and we kind of we kind of slammed the game a little bit. And I think all three of us went, I'm not really that interested anymore. And then they released this. It was like a 34-minute gameplay video. And I'm like, okay, number one, I don't know if they had the graphics turned down to like 720p or something when they were inside Hogwarts. But these graphics looked great, number one. And I was like, okay, okay. Oh, wow, this world's pretty big. Like you can fly all over the place and there's all kinds of little villages and towns.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And they were talking about the meter where you can't fly that high on the broomstick. And if you cruise along the ground, it recharges your meter and all this stuff. And then I'm like, like dude this actually looks pretty good start sucking yeah and then they fly around for a long time so i was like okay i'm kind of ready to see something else and then they go into the combat portion of the game i did have a little exception with this part because where they went the dark arts arena they were very clear that this
Starting point is 00:11:01 was only in the deluxe edition and i I was like, okay, number one, that's kind of crappy, man. Like, don't I, I like, I felt like this part was an advertisement almost to where they were like, no,
Starting point is 00:11:11 you only get this in the deluxe version. The guy even says, what about the base game? And he's like, well, there's other arenas in the base game. And then I was like, so wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Now I'm just watching like a 10 minute advertisement, but I did think the combat looked really good. They showed off a lot of combos and different creatures. I love Harry Potter, but I'm not a super big Harry Potter nerd, and I don't remember a lot of this stuff. So Paul, you might, because I know you are a Harry Potter nerd. But the abracadabra spell... You've got to stop saying abracadabra. Because that's what it is. It's abracadadabra you can't tell me that they didn't name it that for a reason it's inspired of course of course so but this spell like one shots everything they showed him fighting a big old troll and then yes this troll's got like i don't
Starting point is 00:11:56 know 2 000 health which is a lot and then all of a sudden it's like abracadabra troll's dead so like is combat going to be difficult that's my only concern is like don't please don't make combat too easy before michael jumps in and starts talking about how he doesn't want to play it because i can tell from the look on his face the the way that some of these unforgivable spells are cast is awesome so like earlier we saw where they use like uh wingardium leviosa and you see some of those other spells, and they look neat, but it's really just like flicking a wand and you see a different color fly out, and that's really kind of all it was. Well, in this one, since they're highlighting
Starting point is 00:12:36 Dark Arts Arena, you get to use all these unforgivable curses, which normally you can't use in a normal Harry Potter setting. And the first time that the guy casts Avada Kedavra, the camera ever so slightly moves a little more to the side and it zooms in. And it's more of like a super move. And you get this huge green chain lightning that comes out for a solid second and a half. I actually audibly yelled, whoa, when I saw it. I thought it was awesome. It looks so cool. I think the combat still looks way too easy.
Starting point is 00:13:12 It's still going to be a casual game. What really hooked me was when they're talking about the open world mechanics and they're saying, hey, if you see a cave, go check it out. There's going to be stuff to learn about Harry Potter lore. There are going to be dungeons and puzzles left behind by older wizards who have left behind loot and secrets and gear for you to go find. I mean, all that stuff really spoke to me. Flying around in brooms as opposed to also flying around on the hippogriffs, all that stuff looked incredibly fun. I don't think the combat's going
Starting point is 00:13:46 to be tough. This is the kind of game I'm going to put on the highest difficulty, and I'm just going to have fun exploring. I'm not normally one to like exploration in games. The last time I really felt compelled to do that was World of Warcraft. But in watching this one, even as I was watching the demo, I was like, oh, I would totally just go fly to that windmill and go check it out. And sure enough, in the video, they fly to the windmill and they go check it out. This is the first time that I got super excited about it. Michael, I'm guessing you're a little bit less hyped on this one because you were shaking your head earlier. So let me just say a little behind the scenes on how the show works, guys, is Paul typically,
Starting point is 00:14:29 or 100% of the time, gives Josh and I a list of articles that we look at and we're going to be looking at for the week. And this normally happens on Saturday. We record on Sunday. This week, he gave it to us on Friday. And I was like, thank goodness Paul gave this to me because he's given me a 34-flippin'-minute long Hogwarts video to watch. And I've already said 100 times I cannot give two licks about Harry Potter universe in a video game.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Like, I don't want to play this game. And then I watch the video and I want to cast Furiosa really bad. Furiosa! I don't know if that's one of them or not, but I'd like to cast Furiosa. Furiosa? Is that not?
Starting point is 00:15:03 That's Mad Max. Furiosa. Is that a dark arts spell then furious yeah is that a dark art spell then would it be a dark art spell anyways close but so at the beginning of this video it shows the open world exploration and i'm like oh dang that looks that looks that looks kind of all right i kind of want to go look at this windmill like paul said yeah and then by the end i was like ah crap i want to play this game i'm so mad i'm so because and it's a whole bunch of harry potter lore i don't know anything i i watched the movies that's it i'll never read the books i watched the movies and i'm like you know i it seems like fun i hope it's not like too easter eggy to where i'm not going to understand it in the game because it looks like it's going to go a
Starting point is 00:15:38 little bit deeper into it but the world looks great like josh was saying did they give us like harry potter light with the graphics the first time around? Because this looked really good. Yeah. I still take issue with the colors. Like the second the gameplay started, it's all muted green and brown in the open world. I still feel like the color saturation is off. I always poke fun because we all live in Phoenix, right? And in Phoenix, we only have two colors, muted green and brown. When I look at this game, it looks like what we see in Phoenix looking out at the desert. It does not look like if you go back east where there's all kinds of lush greens and colors with flowers and different colored trees.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So I still take a little issue where the game looks a little drab color-wise, but everything else I thought looked great. If you're a big person into the beast side of things, inside the Room of Requirement, you get to walk through a portal and you have your whole area where you have all the beasts that you have captured and brought in. The beasts you actually have to feed and pet, but then they give you mats that you use for crafting. And I thought that stuff all looked okay. That's not so much my cup of tea as far as building stuff out. For me, it's gonna be more about exploration and combat,
Starting point is 00:16:55 but it seems like this game tried to give you a little bit of everything that's in the books and movies. And I think a lot of Harry Potter fans are gonna be very excited. I will say in closing that i that we did get to see a lot more of the rpg elements uh in this which got me excited uh number one open world they showed off you can fly around there's icons that kind of say hey here's points of interest there's things to find and explore and that kind of stuff so you know that's
Starting point is 00:17:21 that was really neat and something we hadn't seen before. I did like that you could kind of see Hogwarts off in the distance. And the really neat thing to me is that if you're flying around the world, you go to Hogwarts, the inside of Hogwarts almost seems like an entirely another world too, which I think could actually be really neat, the contrast between the two. We got a look at combat. I really hope that there is a hard difficulty level for combat that will really help to make this game for me. And then on top of that we got the room of requirements which they showed off um there was a little bit more color they had kind of like a dome like the top of the room that you could turn into like this arboretum or something that really did look really nice but
Starting point is 00:17:59 they did show off some of the um like inventory and gear system in that regard which i thought was really cool and they were showing that regard, which I thought was really cool. And they were showing that, hey, there's components. Like you need, I don't know, some moon-toughed fur or something like that. And the guy asked, well, how do you get this fur if you want to make this thing that's really nice? And they were like, oh, well, you get that from your animals,
Starting point is 00:18:17 so you need to go tend to your animals. And then you can harvest their fur and stuff like that too. So what we're getting is a glimpse on how all these single, cause this is a single player RPG, right? And so we're getting glimpses on how all the different systems are kind of starting to tie together. And I'm really liking what I'm seeing,
Starting point is 00:18:35 you know? And I think I'm probably between Paul and Michael, as far as like my love of Harry Potter, like I've seen them. I know some of the lore. I have not read the books, but I'm a little bit more interested than I think Michael is, but not on the same side as Paul. And I'm really liking this, man. My height meter was really low on the thermometer. And then after this, it raised a lot,
Starting point is 00:18:59 man. This really did a good job of reeling me back in to kind of be excited for this game. Yeah, I think a couple of the things that got me a little bit more into this than what i was before is things we didn't see in the initial trailer like initial trailer you thought it was just running around hogwarts you know on this one they even say like there's lore that hogsmeade is like the only area in the world where there's like magic people that aren't what are they called the simple people what are the simple called called? Muggles, yeah. But you go around and you see these different villages showing there is actually an open world here,
Starting point is 00:19:29 and it's a lot more. So I think I'm more excited about the RPG aspect of this, like things that Josh was just talking about, than the Harry Potter universe. Can they make this a good game for people that don't necessarily get excited about Harry Potter and the lore? And that's where we'll see this kind of fun, fine line that hopefully they can cross over. Because a lot of times when you have a video game that's based on an IP that's from something else, like a book or a movie or something like that, then you're really catering to the fans of that movie or that book.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Not so much video game fans. You're catering to the fans that already like Harry Potter that also like video games, not someone who doesn't like Harry Potter like myself and is like, I want to play a cool game. I saw elements in this that make it look like it might be a good game and I don't have to care about Harry Potter. I might just enjoy playing the game and that's what I want. Yep. Well, I just went from six to midnight. All right. Well, we're going to take a short break and we'll be right back with some more Multiplayer Gaming Podcast. Just went from 6 to midnight. Hold on, what does that mean? Do I need to cut that out?
Starting point is 00:20:37 No! Can I leave it? No, you can leave it. Oh, I get it. That's amazing. It's from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. it's my favorite line with jonah hill i just got it yeah he's like i slept from six to midnight i think i think it's gonna be i saw you gritting paul i can see you like with the joke in your head
Starting point is 00:20:56 oh yeah i was like what is paul chuckling on i was like whenever michael's done talking yep i was wondering what that was that's great yeah all right okay okay we are back next news story we hinted at in our introductions henry cavill is out as superman and gerald however he has now entered into this deal with amazon where he gets to not only star but to also executive produce an entirely new extended universe in the world of Warhammer 40K. This is kind of like big news, guys. This is going to lead to movies, TV shows, further games. I have a feeling that this is going to be really big in the next few years, and Henry Cavill gets to help build it from the ground up. They don't even have showrunners or anything hired yet, but because he
Starting point is 00:21:45 is such a lifelong fan of Warhammer 40k, they have trust that he gets to build it from the ground up, which I think is really neat. Are you guys like Warhammer 40k fans or do you know much about it? I'm a Warhammer fan. I know almost nothing about 40k. Yeah. My experience with Warhammer is basically Vermintide. Yeah. Which is the older Warhammer, not the 40k. Now I have played a 40k yeah my experience with warhammer is basically vermintide yeah yeah which is the older warhammer not the 40k now i have played a 40k game in the past it was some kind of like rts style game dawn something dawn breakers dawn sister i don't know something a long time ago it's a great game i really really enjoyed it but i like i think that i fantasy stuff. I think mixing sci-fi and fantasy is really cool at the same time. I just don't know a lot about 40K. But the visuals, every time I see
Starting point is 00:22:32 40K stuff, and I know there's the pox and you've got your human kind of Terrans almost from Star Craft and stuff like that. I really like what I see. I just don't know that much about the universe. But I want to know more. But I'm also kind of lazy. And so it's kind of like... So I've never really put in the effort to know more. But I'd like to. And so if they start bringing Warhammer 40k into the mainstream, and they do it well, I could see myself really getting involved in this. I would love to see a movie. I would love to see a series or play games that really kind of showcase all that stuff. I just don't know that much about it. So it's like, if they do it well, oh man, that could be incredible, man. Are we talking like Marvel Cinematic Universe
Starting point is 00:23:22 before Marvel got super saturated? Because that would be amazing. Maybe. So I don't know much about 40K, but I do know a decent bit about Henry Cavill, especially all this stuff that's come out in the last six to eight months about his interests, his career, and so forth. What do we know about the man, not the characters? Is that one of the things that he really was heightened on about with The Witcher was he is a very big fan of the books, the games. He wants it to be true to source.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And one of the rumored reasons that he left is because after season two, they're looking at kind of going in a new direction and changing it to where they're going off of the lore. So we know that he's very protective of lore. And so I think having someone like that, I could see him in a pitch meeting with whoever's developing this, whatever studio has decided to let Henry Cavill... Amazon, sorry. We literally just said it. But Amazon's letting him take the reins, probably because he probably came in and said, here's this magical world you have in front of you that already exists. It's a great IP. It's untouched. Here's the way that I want to present it. Knowing that he is going to
Starting point is 00:24:23 keep it very, very true to lore. knowing that he is going to keep it very, very true to lore. I think this is going to be really good, despite knowing nothing about it, just because of his passion for these projects and the fact that he's willing to just flip a switch in his career and say, Hey, I've got a really great thing as Geralt of Rivia. I could sit here continuing to make like 1.2 million an episode, whatever he's making, to just go through the next seven seasons of The Witcher and just cakewalk. I've got a great career, this and that. Instead, he's saying, I'm walking away. I'm walking away from Superman, whether he walked away or they decided to go in a different direction. We know there's a little bit of muddy water there. But to say, I want to make this universe, I want to make it true. And I think that's a huge thing that he's willing to put
Starting point is 00:25:01 himself on that. Because if this fails, it does hurt his career. As a showrunner, as an actor, he's putting a lot into this, a lot of eggs in one basket. I don't think it will fail because of the man. Yeah. I mean, he's already got a super successful career. I feel like this is where he gets to finally put those passions to work. I mean, that's a great point, Michael. All of his passion about Warhammer is palpable. I copied down a quote that he had on Instagram. For 30 years, I have dreamt of seeing a Warhammer universe in live action. Now, after 22 years of experience in the industry, I finally feel that I have the skill set and experience to guide a Warhammer cinematic universe into life.
Starting point is 00:25:40 So you can tell this really means a lot to him. He's really excited to do it. And I can't wait to see it. While we're still on the topic here of Amazon, the last news story that we're going to bring up here in this episode is that Amazon also greenlit a God of War TV series. And we also heard this week that they are going to be publishing the next Tomb Raider game. How do you guys feel about the prospects of a God of War TV series? I feel like that's a really tough job. Ironically, Kratos is actually being played by Henry Cavill.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I just read about that. That might be problematic. It's not true. I read into this and they're basically the show is going to mimic the 2018 God of War. So, I mean, that's one of the more beloved games in the last i don't know five years or so that you know that have come out like you it's such a high bar to reach for because you either have to knock this out of the park or if it's if if you don't it's just gonna flop because everybody's gonna be like, the game was better.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Like the game had better actors, better story, better visuals. You know what I mean? Like why? I mean, now it's Amazon, so they could easily throw a billion dollars at this,
Starting point is 00:26:56 which honestly I kind of hope they do because like if they can do it, I'd be super interested in watching it. But it's like, you're telling a story that's already been told to millions and millions and millions of people. Because it's not like God of War 2018 was not one of the more popular games either. So I'm almost like, why didn't they go a different route on this? So I'm a little hesitant, I think, because it's kind of like you're already telling a story that's been told, and it was told told phenomenally so why are you retelling the same story again so this could change too the thing is is that all that we have right now in the news is
Starting point is 00:27:31 that it's been green lit okay lord of the rings was green lit what 12 years ago something like that no joke it was a very long time ago um and normally they have got they've got no writer they got no producer they've got nobody they're just like well dang let's go ahead and gobble the rights up to this right now and say we're producing it, which gives them some arbitrary number of like five years or whatever. I'm making a number up on when they have to actually put this out. There's a good chance this gets stuck in development.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Hell, it never happens. There's a good chance that it gets un-greenlit in six months. Because things like this, where there's such a high bar that you have to stand next to, they're going to go through multiple... I'm calling it now. They're going to go through multiple... I'm calling it now. They're going to go through multiple different showrunners because they're going to have different ideas and different perspectives. You're going to see lots of different things that happen. The show might never happen.
Starting point is 00:28:12 I think this is kind of news. It's not really huge news. It's really cool. I was excited at first, but I still have the same hesitation of Josh. It's like, oh, man. Why go with that? Why not start with the Greek stuff? They're riding the coattails of the success of the most recent parts of the franchise,
Starting point is 00:28:26 but this might come out after the next game. Yeah, one of the reasons why 2018 was so successful was because of the background with the original games. So the fact that they're almost taking that shortcut doesn't surprise me because they're trying to go straight for the gold. I think the hardest thing here is casting like can christopher judge play a live action kratos at this point no him being a little bit older would he be interested doing that i don't know like who would play kratos to be honest like he'd have to be some big buff dude there's nobody that jumps out to me on this. Me neither. I don't know. The show has actually been in development for nine months now,
Starting point is 00:29:09 according to this article. So they've actually been working on this for a while. I don't know that it's been filming. I don't think it has, but they've just been lining everything out on this. I'm very cautious on this one. Again, if they throw a billion dollars at it and they make it like the Rings of Power, think i'll love it if they make it like the halo tv series i think i'll hate it it seems like an impossible job to try to adapt it in my opinion yeah and i don't i understand why they're doing it because games take a lot longer to release than a show does when it comes
Starting point is 00:29:40 to like hey we can develop a show get off the ground two years maybe um but yeah christopher judge like it at not not to not to be an ageist or anything but it is difficult to get this is why you see dave bautista leaving the gardens of galaxy straight up he says i can't keep the physique up to be a shirtless man on tv anymore i can't do it and christopher judge is around the same age it'd be hard for him to get in physical shape to be that chiseled to play kratos he's six foot three so he could possibly do it but at the same point what if they go the opposite route and just totally cg kratos just like she hulk did like also flat fail yeah i have a feeling that's probably more in line of what they're gonna do it's gonna be some cgi because it's really hard to get a person who is built like kratos but also has the acting chops to pull off the tender moments
Starting point is 00:30:25 and the drama and all of that. So yeah, I don't know. I feel like this is kind of doomed to not meet expectations. I'm also very worried about Amazon publishing Tomb Raider. I love the last few Tomb Raider installments that have released over the last seven or eight years. They've all been fantastic. So now as Amazon gets involved, we've already seen how they completely killed Crucible,
Starting point is 00:30:51 Lost Ark, and also, what's their MMO? New World. New World. New World and Lost Ark started strong and they had a lot of players, but ultimately they had major flaws. So I hope they don't get involved too much with tomb raider hopefully they just let developers make the games but i'm a little worried about the future of tomb raider also you'll be able to buy that dlc that lets you use a bow
Starting point is 00:31:15 paul there you go oh goodness you know we're just gonna get at the very end of a jason momoa or dwayne johnson playing kratos anyways final thought dude if it's it better not be if it's the rocks that's gonna be a disaster i mean because they can't get a man that would work as kratos so why not just shoehorn and giant actor who could pull off the physique i feel like that might be what they do just put some kind of bodybuilder in there and let the acting suffer all right well that wraps up all of our news stories here for this week uh just to mention some stories on the cutting room floor. Naughty Dog is reportedly now working on The Last of Us Part 3, which I think is exciting. Death Stranding is also being turned into a movie.
Starting point is 00:31:55 So many adaptations lately. Also, you might need to brush up on some more RAM if you want to play the Returnal port on PC pc because they are recommending a whopping 32 gigabytes of ram which i don't think most pc users have that's a ridiculous ram requirement man like honestly holy moly 32 gigs all right well we just want to go ahead and close down this episode we do we do want to say thank you once again to everyone for listening we hope that you're all having a fantastic holiday season as a reminder you can come check out our patreon page at multiplayer and we hope that you guys enjoy our rewind episodes until we come back in the new year and until then happy gaming cheers all happy new year bye everybody Bye, everybody.

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