Video Gamers Podcast - Modern Warfare 3 Releases, The Day Before is Coming and Blizzcon Thoughts - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: November 9, 2023

Video games hosts Paul, Ryan and Josh bringing you the week's hottest video game news like no other gaming podcast can. We’ve got a lot of video games to talk about this week as we see the release o...f MW3, The Day Before is almost here, plus we break down the important gaming news from Blizzcon and the future of Blizzard games.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate and Kiitaclyzm Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, TD Direct Investing offers live support. So whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, you can make your investing steps count. And if you're like me and think a TFSA stands for Total Fund Savings Adventure, maybe reach out to TD Direct Investing. Hello, fellow gaming fans. Welcome back to the Video Gamers Podcast. It's time for us to cover This Week in Gaming, where we break down recent gaming news over the last seven days.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I am your host, Paul. And with me, he just wants to play the game, but he's too busy loading programs and looking at ads. It's Josh. Just let me play. Let me play the game. There it is. I'm not sure I like that this has become my catchphrase, man.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Yeah? Yeah. Old man shakes fist at clouds. Yes. It definitely has a little bit of old man energy. Old gamer rages at game industry. There you go. Oh, and then joining Josh and me, he's just a regular demigod.
Starting point is 00:01:44 What can he say except, you're welcome, it's Ryan. Moana. There it is. We might have a new Overwatch character that might feel a little reminiscent of maybe a character that The Rock voices. You don't say. Didn't look almost exactly like it at all. Yeah, yeah. All right, right guys we have a lot of news to cover this week let's get into it i think the biggest news of the week is coming courtesy of
Starting point is 00:02:13 blizzcon 2023 probably a good place to start we got announcements of a new tank hero in overwatch 2 we heard about an expansion for diablo, and we also heard about three expansions coming for World of Warcraft, the game that just can't seem to die. Where do you guys want to start? Where should we begin? I'll tell you where we start. I'll tell you where. Ryan wants to talk about Diablo. No, I don't. I want to talk about IGN. IGN. Oh, okay. You're awesome. You've done a lot for gaming over all these years. Your website,
Starting point is 00:02:49 if I have to get all these stinking ads in my stupid web browser shifting and all that anymore, I swear on everything that is holy, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:58 I was just trying to watch these videos. I kept shifting Are You Over 18? And then the website would shift and I'd accidentally click no and I'm like, oh, I have to to reload and then all of a sudden another ad would pop up and then
Starting point is 00:03:09 it was just i was inundated with ads and and just the website shifting and moving and moved to the ad instead of what i was video i was watching when it started up ign get it together man oh they're they're making so much money, man. Yeah. What's funny is if you go directly to YouTube and just watch the trailer, most game companies don't put ads before their trailer. So you can just hop straight in. IGN is inserting ads in front of the trailers to get through it. Yeah, I'm with you a little bit. It's the same ad.
Starting point is 00:03:41 It is the same ad. If you watch eight videos in one article, you're going to see the same ad eight times. Yeah, I totally agree. IGN's video player is horrifically bad. I, I don't remember. It wasn't all that long ago.
Starting point is 00:03:55 I remember telling you guys, just so you know, I got this info from this IGN article, but here's all the YouTube links. Yes, you did. Yes. The way you don't have to bother.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Oh, it's, it's horrendous. All right. So now that we got the drive by. Yes, you did. Yes, I remember that. You don't have to bother. Oh, it's horrendous. All right, so now that we got the drive-by on IGN out of the way, what should we cover here first? I mean, I actually played the new Overwatch character. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:04:18 He is a tank. His name is Magwa, I think is how they say it. I don't know. I feel like I'm butchering that. I think it's just Maga. Maga. Magwa, I think is how they say it. I don't know. I feel like I'm butchering that. I think it's just Magwa. Magwa is the villain of Last of the Mohicans. That's right. I hate that guy.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Which we love. Love that movie. It's interesting. I will say it's funny because I like the way that he plays. He's got dual Gatling guns. You use the left gun to catch somebody on fire, and then the right gun does critical damage to people that are on fire. So you can melt people.
Starting point is 00:04:46 You can shoot them both at the same time, and the spread is bananas. But if you're point blank on somebody, it will melt them. He has this unstoppable charge, which means if you get bashed or Doomfist punched or anything, it does not stop his charge, which is kind of neat. And then he does this leap leap at the end and it knocks people down for like a half a second. And then he has an AOE aura that allows your teammates that are in the aura to heal themselves as they do damage. So you basically get like Reaper's passive in that case. So I played two little matches with him. He seems fine. My daughter, who is a big fan of Overwatch,
Starting point is 00:05:26 came in and she said, Dad, this guy just looks like he doesn't fit in the game, though. He's very cartoony. And very large. This is what you guys were talking about. Most of the Overwatch characters have the same art style or something like that. Maga just looks weird to me. And my daughter, who didn't even know that he was out yet, came in, watched me, and said, he looks kind of weird, like he doesn't fit in this game. And I went, you are absolutely right. I don't know what's going on there. It also is a little cheesy that they made him look exactly like,
Starting point is 00:06:00 what is his name from Moana? Is it Moana? No, Moana's the girl. girl no moana is the girl yeah so what's the dude's name maui right is it ma i don't know i haven't i don't remember i haven't seen moana in a while so anyway it looks exactly i mean it is the most like disney representation of like a samoan you could possibly imagine so then i was kind of like, is this not like, is this not a little weird? Like,
Starting point is 00:06:27 you know, Samoans don't all look exactly the same, man. Like they all look like the rock. According to these animators. So I mean, I'll be honest. I'm a little underwhelmed at this point.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I fear for the future of Overwatch, to be honest. In fact, check his name is Maui. Maui. Yeah, you were right, Ryan. The demigod. I think you also left out, Josh, one of his coolest abilities
Starting point is 00:06:53 is his ult, which is cage fight. I wrecked a team with his ult, to be honest. Now we're talking. What cage fight does is it ropes everybody within a wide area with chains with chains and then it puts a symmetra type barrier around everybody and you they so they can't leave the cage you get unlimited ammo so you can just dual gatling the whole time and they try to just run
Starting point is 00:07:22 away and they can't um and so that was a really fun ultimate uh i had a because i was just playing the free play so i had a rematra on my team that popped his old at the same time because the aoe just lines up perfectly and it was an entire team wipe with just two olds it was it was pretty fun yeah if only i had any desire to still play overwatch 2 it's been uninstalled i have had zero inkling to get back into it i will say his character seemed fun like i liked his voice lines but i did agree that the animation was just a little odd seeing him next to like widow and reaper and mercy and maybe it's because they've been around longer i'm sure the first time i saw winston i thought it was the weirdest thing so maybe maybe he'll grow on us maybe i don't know but i'm you know they're
Starting point is 00:08:09 letting you play him right now for the next 24 hours but then it's like but then we're gonna take him away and lock him behind the paywall guys and i'm just kind of like dirty dirty blizzard well unfortunately that's going to be a common theme of everything we're covering oh you don't say let's talk about the warcraft expansions all right world of warcraft gosh when did that game release oh four i want to say it's it's it's got to be almost 20 years been around for a long time yeah they announced not one yeah 2004 is when it released okay there you go they announced not one, not two. 2004 is when it released. Okay, there you go. They announced three upcoming expansions that are all part of an overall narrative that they are calling the World Soul Saga. This next expansion will actually be the 10th, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:08:57 It is called The War Within. It's going to release sometime next year. After that, we get an expansion called Midnight, which will take place in Kaethalos, which is, I believe, first introduced in Burning Crusade. After that, they're going to release The Last Titan, which takes place in Northrend, which is where Wrath of the Lich King was. But I think the biggest news story out of this is not so much the names of the expansions or what is in them, but rather the price. I assume you guys read a little bit about how people are feeling about the different tiers of what's available here. Dude,
Starting point is 00:09:34 are these more shady business practices? I'll tell you what, we have not been opposed to paying a little bit more. It's usually in the realm of $10 for early access. I think we all did that with Diablo, right? Diablo 4 was coming out. Now, part of that is we want to get playtime in and review, like a review out quickly for everybody. But if I remember right, the Diablo 4 early access was $10 more.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I mean, people are paying for early access. Sometimes you pay for that three days early access. If you pre-order something like that, Blizzard is making a $90 version of an expansion. Now this is not your $20 expansion. Keep paying us monthly. This is $90 to get this expansion so that you can play like five days early. Is it three days early? That's even worse, Paul. Oh, no. And here's the thing. MMOs have become rather competitive, right? Especially with World of Warcraft, where we want to be the world's first to clear this raid or beat this boss or just get
Starting point is 00:10:42 a jump on things. And when you allow people early access to an MMO where the world is persistent and progression is persistent, it's a little bit like cheating in a way. Now, I know a lot of people go, I don't play that way. But there are a lot of people that do. And so we saw this with Diablo 4 where people were complaining and saying, well, this isn't fair. They're going to get a three-day head start they're gonna be doing end game content before i am and it's kind of like blizzard don't care who's gonna make that money yeah so the base game is only 50 bucks there's also a 70 option that's got some cosmetics if you go all the way up to 90 sure it also includes 30 days
Starting point is 00:11:25 of game subscription so that's like your only other bonus here here's the thing though like ryan do you think this is a predatory practice by blizzard or do you think there's also some responsibility on gamers because gamers are ultimately the ones that are feeling the FOMO and are shelling out the extra money, but then crying about it. Honestly, people are going to play this expansion for over a year. So is waiting three days really that big of a deal? Part of me says it's shady by Blizzard, but I'm almost more upset with gamers. Just wait three days.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Who cares? Yeah. Well, if nobody bought it they wouldn't do it anymore they wouldn't be doing it exactly so so just wait remember the days when games were released when they were released and then you got it and or you waited in line for your hard copy you know uh sound like an old man here but you you would get the game and then you would play it and you would go out and you know go forth into the game and then you would play it. And then you would go out and, you know, go forth into the game and explore. And it's just, now it's obviously as a company,
Starting point is 00:12:31 and this is what sucks as companies grow and they get larger and they have bottom lines, they look at black and white and dollars and negatives. And then they're just, it's money. Money, money, money, money, money. So the further this gets into this realm, the worse I feel about it. I just, yeah, it's definitely both. But I feel that the gamers need to be patient, wait a couple days.
Starting point is 00:12:59 And they're not going to keep doing these things. Because all they're going to do is they're going to keep pushing the envelope. They're going to keep trying to get little bits little bits more and more five extra bucks for this oh this feature that feature and they're going to keep getting as much as they can out of you and until we sit and say no we're not doing this anymore give us the full game we're gonna we want it to be ready when we buy it or the game to be ready when we buy it and we just want to be able to play it with no issues that doesn't seem like too much to ask so um yeah this guy he wants to be able to play a game at the cost when it's promised yeah i mean i i honestly i hate to say this but
Starting point is 00:13:36 it is the fault of the gamers um these companies are trying these things and gamers are shelling out for it uh they're eating it up yeah i, I mean, honestly. So then you get a company that goes, well, dude, we just charged $90 for an expansion. We had 50,000 people that bought this for the three days early access. Why would we not do this in the future? I hate this. And Blizzard is the front runner for this
Starting point is 00:14:00 because we just saw it with the season for Overwatch because I don't play wow i but i do play overwatch from time to time still and they had the moira skin the um the mythic moira skin where it was 40 to buy the the lilith moira skin actually i don't even know if it's a mythic skin or not um but 40 for a skin from one character Do you remember when people freaked out over $2.50 for horse armor in Oblivion? People like rebelled against that. And nowadays, like people don't, they're not even complaining so much anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I mean, it's your money. You do what you want with your money. Like we're not, I'm not slamming anybody that bought the Moira skin, right? If you have the means and you wanted to buy it, I know my daughter was like really foaming at the mouth. She was like, man, that Moira skin is awesome. And I was like, you're not spending $40 kids. Sorry. But you know, but I mean, if you bought it and you love it, then I'm happy for you. The issue is, is that this will continue and they will continue to raise the price and push the envelope until they find the limit for people, you know, at that point.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And then they'll back it down like five bucks and then they'll just keep doing it and keep doing it. We're going to keep seeing this as long as people continue to give them money for things like this. And so ultimately it's the gamer's fault for buying into this. Yeah. So this is an extra 40 bucks for three days. Like where do you draw the line?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah. Extra 80 bucks for two days i mean 100 bucks for one day problem is there's people that don't care they have the money and they'll give the money regardless yeah and so right i mean i don't have that kind of money but there are people out there that do and so they will just yeah i don't care oh i get 24 hours for another 100 bucks yeah i'm in what's 100 to me yeah all right and then diablo 4 announced their first dlc this will be or you know yeah expansion it'll be called vessel of hatred it is going to bring in a brand new class which people are pretty sure is going to be called spirit born according to recent data mines of course that
Starting point is 00:16:04 might just be a placeholder or they may have changed it. I really hope it's just a placeholder. We've already got Dragonborn from Elder Scrolls. We've got Starborn from Starfield. Quit it with the borns. Get creative. Come up with something else.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Not a whole lot to talk about here, right, guys? I mean, they didn't tell us very much about it. There's a 45-second video. It just has some voiceover regarding Mephisto and Sanctuary. It's supposed to come out late 2024. So who knows how far along they even are? Are any of us going to buy this? Do any of us care? I don't with, I mean, here's the thing with Diablo four. I know they're doing the patches. I know they're doing the season because they've made Diablo 4 a game as a service now. And so they have the seasons and the passes and all that stuff. I don't care. I played the game. I have very little desire to
Starting point is 00:16:54 hop back into Diablo 4 at this point. If you tell me that there's an expansion with a new character to play, my brain just goes, but it's the same game at that point. If I wanted to play the game, I'd just go play the game, do some end game content, do some dungeons and get my fix. So I'm not the person that cares about this at this point because I kind of hit that end for Diablo 4 and I enjoyed the ride, don't get me wrong,
Starting point is 00:17:19 but I don't think I'll care twice about however many expansions they add to this. Yeah, base game was great. I expansions they add to this. Yeah. Base game was great. I just have zero desire to pay for more. Ryan, do you feel the same way or do you think this is something you might pick up being probably the biggest Diablo fan out of us?
Starting point is 00:17:34 Blizzard is going to get their money out of me. That's for sure. Yeah. You think so? Yeah. I've, I've honestly been, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:41 with as many games as we have to play and cover, like I've said a million times, I feel like there's so many games that I haven't even really scratched the surface and really dove into. And Diablo is one of them. I haven't been able to play a ton of in-game content. So I would relish the time to be able to just get back in, dive into it, have some new stuff. So I'm excited you know all right well that's good i'm glad i'm glad one of us is yeah all right so we do have some bills to pay here for the show we would like to let everyone know about patreon support if you enjoy what we
Starting point is 00:18:17 do here you've been listening for a while you want to you know maybe sign up for a month give us a little bit of a tip or if you want to have ongoing support, we would really appreciate that. Almost entirely, our support comes from listeners as opposed to the ads. So if you want to go check it out, you can go to If you sign up, you get amazing perks like bonus episodes, you'll get a shout out on the show, and it helps keep our show running. We would be very grateful if you would go check that out and also make sure to toss us a follow on socials everywhere at Video Gamers Pod. All right, let's go ahead and take a short break and we'll be right back. All right, fellas, we're kind of quickly running out of time. Maybe we can try to hit these stories here relatively quick. All right. The survival MMO the day before we've talked about it a lot.
Starting point is 00:19:06 We've trashed it a lot. Uh, the game was once the most wishlisted game on all of steam. It saw several delays kind of fell out of favor. It seemed a little bit, there were issues with the name, not even being trademarked. We thought they might have to change the name. Turns out that's going to stay the same. They were asking for volunteers to help make the game things that don't exactly inspire confidence the game was set for release on december 7th now it's technically been downgraded to an early access release on december 7th really just a fancy way to say it's delayed yet again yeah but the game's had a little bit of a resurgence. They released the final trailer and the game is now back at the top of the wishlist chart. It passed the finals, Hades 2 and Hollow Knight
Starting point is 00:19:52 Silksong. Josh, I think you and I have been the most critical about it, probably even before Ryan had joined the show. Do we stand by our previous assessment or have we seen anything here to make us maybe reassess our thoughts? I will not believe anything that I read or hear about this game until it is coming from fellow gamers, to be honest with you. I'm just super skeptical. This game has had a shady development history, incompetence with things like you said, not trademarking your name. Not having a PR department. Um, you know, there's been absolutely proven instances of them ripping off assets from other games. So that doesn't instill confidence in me. There's just so many warning flags that
Starting point is 00:20:41 are going up and they finally came out and they said, listen, we're back. You can play it. We have a game. We really have a game. You can play it December 7th. We're going to call it early access because this is probably the state we would have released the game in. But we've learned from other people, if you call it early access, then you have excuses when your game's not done. And so I think that's honestly the route that they're going. They did give a new trailer, didn't show anything other than an inventory system and some what I thought were much improved graphics. But I feel like anybody can pump up the ray tracing and the lighting for a few cut scenes or it's all pre-rendered. Right. It's five seconds of gameplay to say, look how good our game looks. And I'm like, I'm not buying it,
Starting point is 00:21:25 man. Do I want an awesome survival apocalyptic MMO? Abso-freaking-lutely like the premise of this game, I think is what gets people hyped and why it's wishlisted so much, but I just don't trust it. I would love, I would absolutely love to be proven wrong on this and have this game come out and people be like, yo, this is the most fun I have had in a game in a long time.
Starting point is 00:21:50 But all the things that we have seen, including the gameplay that they showed off a while back, I think it was last year where the zombies were dumb. They'd sit still for like three seconds after you shot them. The AI looked terrible. There's so many things with this game that I just don't trust. So for me, I'm out until I hear from real players that this game is great. Ryan, any thoughts on... I like how you were waiting for me there.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, so I definitely, I am a sucker for a post-apocalyptic world, especially if you can coordinate that with a nice quality MMO, with a good kind of environment, good economy. You have to dodge other players and also the environment and then just that realm. To me, like Josh said, I hope this is good. Because I would love it. Do I think it's going to be? It's kind of up in the air. But again, I know these people.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm sure they're trying their best. And they're wanting to produce a good game. Will they or not is the question. So I hope so. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and eyes peeled and and listen to kind of what people say about it once it comes out but uh yeah i guess it's just we just have to wait to whenever it comes out see what see what actually the game is yeah i'll i'll be a little bolder in this i i've already said on the pod months ago if not a year ago this game is is doa this is gonna be like skull and crossbones like from day one
Starting point is 00:23:34 josh and i were like skull and bones is no good stay away don't even hold out hope it's not gonna be good day before i feel exactly the same way. And I might be wrong. I said Hogwarts Legacy was going to be a huge bust and really boring gameplay, and it was one of the funnest games I've played this year. So I very well could be wrong, but I'm just saying right now, temper expectations, hardcore. I think this game is going to be an absolute bust. I think all the people that are wishlisting it for the most part just see the fancy trailers and they probably don't follow the news behind the trailers probably aren't aware so um I'm not on a crusade against the game but my goodness it's don't expect anything good to come out of this one I think it's going to be an absolute disaster too many warning signs yeah um this one
Starting point is 00:24:24 I think we can just kind of blaze by pretty quickly. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. That did release in early access this week, and it has a full release here in a couple days. Players, a little bit less than enthused, I would say, about the game. A little bit of a disastrous release. In order to play the game, you have to first launch Modern Warfare 2, select Modern Warfare 3 3 click to launch and then it restarts the game in modern warfare 3 and you also get to look at ads uh people aren't terribly happy activision not so sure this was the
Starting point is 00:24:59 best way to go about it but this is what you get to deal with as a call of duty fan in 2023 this goes back to the this is the gamers fault um modern warfare 3 is reusing uh map assets from warzone um and so they have just straight up just lifted parts of the warzone map and said here we go this is modern warfare 3 they're reusing weapons from modern warfare two uh people have confirmed that they're reusing some assets from modern warfare two uh and the you know the campaign is out i've seen a couple people saying oh campaign's good it's like three hours long nobody's playing modern warfare for the campaign we get that right but if you call of duty players out there are buying every single call of duty game that comes out without any forethought,
Starting point is 00:25:46 and then you're mad because guess what? This is basically Modern Warfare 2 with a different splash screen and maybe some other change out there somewhere. I don't know because I don't really buy Call of Duty games or play them. But I mean, again, this is on the gamers, dude. Until we stop, until Modern Warfare 3 completely flops and they go, oh, man, like, wow, this is on the gamers, dude, until we stop until modern warfare three completely flops and they go, oh man, like, wow, we're sorry. And then we get the apology letter from them. Just like every other game that's come out lately. You know, it's one of those things where just you guys know, I remember we have a buddy that is a huge call of duty fan and he was
Starting point is 00:26:20 like, Hey, do you guys picking up modern warfare 3 and i remember just asking him what's wrong with you man no like you know you know this game is gonna be the exact same and he's like i know but i can't help myself man and then it's just like well that's what you get well it all comes to like you know kind of of just everybody else getting i gotta get it i gotta it's that fomo and and it's the new one. It's akin to Madden. It's the same game as like five years ago. It's just, oh, some updated players. You know, whoop-de-doo.
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's the same game. I mean, remember when... I know you said you don't buy it for the campaign. Remember when the campaign was sweet? You would get it and you'd have an awesome campaign and then you could play online. It was just it was overall a great experience now it's just they just keep pumping them out every year oh we'll tweak this little thing and these these stupid cheap gamers will just keep buying it ha ha ha and they just sit back and enjoy life you know
Starting point is 00:27:19 with all their money the crazy thing to me is you ask people three weeks from now how they're liking Modern Warfare 3, and I feel like 80% of them are going to be mad at the game. But you're going into it knowing that you're going to be mad at it a couple weeks from now. Why are you doing that to yourself? Well, especially because in this case, we know that it started as a DLC project for Modern Warfare 2. It's not really a sequel. because in this case, we know that it started as a DLC project for modern warfare too. It's not really a sequel. They tried their best under a time crunch to make it a standalone title
Starting point is 00:27:51 gamers. I think kind of new going into this. It probably wasn't going to be the best, but it's every single year. What do we see within the top three sellers? Call of duty. Yeah. Every single year it's up there.
Starting point is 00:28:05 So this is just, I think what we can expect moving forward especially with you know activision being involved all right getting into our last story of the day i think this one is uh probably the most optimistic positive yes but it's it's kind of a non-story, but I think we all wanted to talk about it anyway. To kick this off here, are all three of us big Gears of War fans? Yes. Yeah, me too. Always loved the series. I kind of fizzled after three. I don't really even remember why, but I have such fond memories, especially of the first two.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Well, this week, Gears of War creator Cliff Bleszinski said to that he's available for consultation if Microsoft wants to give him a call. And he suggested that maybe Microsoft should give it, quote, a little bit of a reboot like God of War from 2018. What are your guys' thoughts on this? Give it to me. Gears of War was always a good series. I fell off too. I actually played four. I never played five.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And I enjoyed four a good bit. I didn't feel like I had wasted my money. I remember not being blown away, but I definitely got my money's worth out of it as well. Dude, Gears of War is a phenomenal series. I don't know why it fell into obscurity at this point. Maybe they didn't innovate enough from three to four to five or whatever. People just got tired of it.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I don't know. But if there's ever a series where I go, I could see this being made in Unreal Engine 5 with some gameplay tweaks and some current game trends or whatever, I would instantly be very excited about this so i'm with him in the sense that it's like this thing is begging to be revisited and remade so too yeah and so i'm in man go for it you tell me this happening i'm gonna instantly be excited yeah as someone who i i've everything nowadays seems to be a like a reboot or revamp. There's no original ideas anymore in the movie industry or gaming.
Starting point is 00:30:11 This is one I can get behind. I love Gears of War. It came out... The first one, what is it? November 2006-ish, I think. I looked up. Somewhere around there. Yeah, somewhere right around there.
Starting point is 00:30:22 So that's... To tell my age, that's when I graduated high school. It was in 2006. It was the right time. I was a teenager. I was playing the game. I absolutely loved it. I still remember the trailers with Gary Jewell's Mad World.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Just that real kind of deep dark game and it just hyped you and sucked you in so to revamp this and bring it back and do the tweaks with new graphics and new gameplay and something that could really draw you in I am 100% for
Starting point is 00:31:00 I will geek out I will watch all of the upcoming stuff about it, the news. And so hopefully they do something with this instead of all the stuff that's coming out nowadays. I do love that it's just like, like no one's asking Cliff for his opinion. He's just kind of like yelling into the void,
Starting point is 00:31:20 like, hello, Microsoft. Call me if you want me. I mean, I'll join that same call josh ryan and i would love to be consulted for a gears of war reboot we'll throw our names in the hat out there too i mean i don't know if this is anything that we're going to get i think it's such a beloved ip that just sort of fell by the wayside if you're like 15 years old i don't even think like gears of war means anything to you the way it would to like 30 somethings i would love to see it rebooted if they want it to take a little bit of a different twist and focus on you know like telling a story in a different way
Starting point is 00:31:58 i think that would be great regardless as to whether or not we end up getting the gameplay we do know that netflix is making a live action, which I'll be very curious to check out. I mean, I still think there's a lot of meat on the bone with Gears of War, whether it's a reboot or maybe some kind of offshoot. But I hope we get something moving forward because it just seems like such a waste to not have another good Gears of War game. It's a good IP. It had good story. the gunplay was top notch um i mean it really had a lot going for it so if there was ever a game series that deserved a a reboot this would be one of them yeah as long as i got a shotty and a machine gun chainsaw yeah i'm good to go baby yeah and also the uh
Starting point is 00:32:47 active reloading that you got in gears feature dude yeah way to make reloading a way to be fun yeah i remember the game just feeling so uh like oppressive the world was so gray and muted but that was so cool in that day and time like they didn't they wouldn't necessarily have to make it the same way now but find another way to be edgy and new and i think we would love to see what they could come up with yep all right well that covers everything that we thought was important here for this week in gaming thank you so much for sticking around to the end of this episode make sure to go take a peek at those support options of Patreon over at And we hope that you'll check out another episode soon. Until next time, happy gaming.
Starting point is 00:33:33 See ya. All right. See everybody.

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