Video Gamers Podcast - Monster Hunter Rise, Fall Guys Fails and Outriders Cheaters - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: April 1, 2021

Gaming hosts Josh and Paul are back with another This Week in Gaming and we’re diving into some recent news and releases. Fall Guys fails (to impress Paul and Josh) Monster Hunter Rise needs its own... holiday and Outriders cheaters are being branded. It’s the gaming news you wanted, without the boring stuff. It’s basically like healthy candy… the best thing ever! Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Subscribe on YouTube Visit us on the web Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you enjoy listening to multiplayer podcast content? Do you want to help support the show so we can continue to independently deliver two shows each week? Do you also want access to our exclusive Discord server so you can come game with us and make suggestions for future shows? Well, what are you waiting for? Head on over to or click on the link in the podcast description to come join us on Patreon. We appreciate all of you for listening and subscribing. Now let's get into today's episode. Hey everyone, and thank you for tuning in to the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Today is Thursday, which means we are going to be breaking down gaming news that dropped here over the last week. I'm your host, Paul, and I'm joined today by my co-host. He just got caught hacking Outriders Code to give himself 600 legendary weapons. It's Josh. Paul, I thought we agreed that we were not going to announce that live on the show. Yeah, Josh, you were hacking code and I think you got caught. Hey, man, you want to buy a legendary, Paul? I know a guy. I know a guy, man. So this is kind of a nice segue right into our first story here for today. So if you're new to the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast, we are just a group of dads that like to have family-friendly conversations about gaming.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And today we have quite a few news stories that we're going to talk about. I don't know if we're going to get through all of them, but I've got like eight or nine here in my outline, but we'll see. But the first one is related to Outriders. There has been some news about people cheating in the demo and how this issue is going to be dealt with after release. Josh, do you want to tell the people a little bit about what's going on here with Outriders? Man, okay. Number one, people are crazy, okay? I have played the Outriders demo with all four characters because I want to know which class I want to play in the game itself. Right. Right. And I have seen stories
Starting point is 00:02:06 of people that have like 200 hours in Outriders already. And that's just the demo because you can play the demo as much as you want. Right. You can just rerun these like three little side quests that they have and kill these three little like captain, like mini bosses as many times as you want and your character will continue to level and the world tier will go up so you'll start to get better loot that's crazy it's a demo man like it's a demo 200 hours in a demo like i'm excited for outriders don't get me wrong but i cannot imagine being a guy that's just going to sit there and grind this like two hour demo a hundred times. It's so funny. And I love how it even caught the developer off guard. So this is made by a Polish company called People Can Fly. And they weren't even really
Starting point is 00:02:57 too sure what to do about it because at first they were saying that that might be a problem and they were going to do something about switching loot that got farmed in the demo then they came back and said never mind it's no problem you'll keep all of your loot and then they were switching some loot drop percentages but i thought this was such a weird story that they have caught over 200 people cheating in a demo of Outriders. But my favorite part of this is that People Can Fly says that they can see all of this. They know who's cheating. They haven't done anything about it yet. But they did specifically say, yes, we're even looking at you, the one person who gave himself 600 legendary weapons, which is just so funny to load up your inventory like that in a demo with early game gear. I don't, I mean, you can get, you can wind up actually getting like the higher end,
Starting point is 00:03:50 like weapons out of it because the world tier will continue to go up as you level. So you get, you do get like stronger weapons, but like, why, why would you do that? That's my whole point is like, I get it. But then like, you're playing this game that's no longer a game because you've just trivialized everything. Like, I don't, I don't know, man. Like sometimes I don't, I can't see into like the weird people's brains. Yeah. It just does not compute with me at all. But yeah, that's the story. The really cool thing, and I love when developers do this, man, is they said, look, if you're going to cheat, fine. We're not going to ban you. You know, you paid for the game.
Starting point is 00:04:34 What we're going to do is we're going to brand you instead. Right. And so what they're doing is they are going to brand these guys as cheaters and they cannot get rid of the brand that they have and they will be match made with other cheaters when they try to play the game which is oh yeah that's too funny yes put all the cheaters on their own cheater island let them compete against each other yeah it's such a funny way to handle it but i do love it because now if
Starting point is 00:05:04 you're trying to stream and you have all of this great gear, but you cheated to get it, everyone will know because you'll see that branding on the heads up display. And they also said they were going to intentionally increase the matchmaking times if you're a branded cheater. And I was like, there it is. That's the best. That's what you do. Make them wait 30 minutes to get into a match with other cheaters. And I think that'll deter a lot of people from doing it. Cheating in a game, because you know people have to pay money for these cheats usually, which is just really weird to me. But I love when developers find out clever ways to do that. Yeah, make their lives miserable, man.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Honestly, the long queue times is hilarious, because you know some guy is going to be sitting there and it's going to be like, sorry, queue times are longer than normal. And he's not going to know that he got busted or whatever. And he's just going to be sitting there like, man,, can't find any matches right now. I can't find anybody to play with. Yep. So by the time this episode drops, it'll actually be on the first. So Outriders is now out. Josh and I are probably in it as you're hearing this episode. And I did see a couple of community stats because I went through the demo a little bit once. I didn't quite finish on my first character. And out of curiosity, I looked
Starting point is 00:06:31 up some stats and people are kind of picking in even percentages the four classes. So Trickster is a little bit more popular at 29% of players playing it. Pyromancer, 27%. Technomancer, which I tried, 23%. And the Devastator is 21%. So they're all kind of relatively even. I still don't know what class I'm going to play, Josh. Now, I am always fine filling in with the group. So I think you, me, and our friend Andy are going to be playing this as the main three-person core. What are you playing? Are you going with the Trickster? I am 100% going Trickster. I played all four classes through the demo completely each time. I did not grind 200 levels, nor did I grind, you know, legendaries, but I did actually play all
Starting point is 00:07:19 four all the way through. And to me, the Trickster fits, it just fits my play style. I don't think it's any better of a character, but it just fits my play style. Like I like that, like teleport in, like do damage, figure out a way to like get back out kind of thing. Um, you know, I'll teleport in at the worst time imaginable and get myself killed right away. And then you guys have to try to come, you know, save me from the depths of, you know, the enemy stronghold or whatever. It's the Josh special. Yeah, exactly. Is that what we call it now?
Starting point is 00:07:49 That's what we call it, yes. Getting picked early. It's the Josh special. But it just fits my play style. For me, if I had to rank the characters, and again, none of them are better than the others, which I really like. But I would say the fun for me was probably Trickster, and then, believe it or not, Technomancer. And I know you didn't really care for the Technomancer a whole lot, but that would probably be my second pick. And then probably the Devastator, and then the Pyromancer. Yeah. Well, I think our friend Andy is going to go
Starting point is 00:08:21 with the Pyromancer, at least as of last I heard. So I think I'll probably try the Devastator first, and we'll see how it goes. It's very tanky, which I could see you being, because I know you play tank a pretty good bit. Yeah, and they have some really neat abilities, too. So that's, in my mind, that's kind of what I envisioned, you know, as far as that goes. But I'm looking forward to it, man. It should be a lot of fun nice so our second story that we have here is actually related to fall guys which we have not played in quite some time now if you follow fall guys season four went live we know about this because our good friend todd posted about this update in our Discord channel.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Todd was super excited. We have a separate Discord that's just our personal friends, and we actually have 31 people in there. I didn't know it was that many, but I went and looked. And so Todd posts a link about how they unlocked squad mode in Fall Guys. With multiple exclamation marks marks so many exclamation marks exclamation marks for days and i went back and i checked our discord because i wanted to be able to accurately quote how this conversation went down so todd posted the link and wrote i think this will help exclamation mark down to try it tonight at paul at josh and do you remember what i said back
Starting point is 00:09:46 to todd i said you wish buddy and josh you didn't even respond at all i mean that was my response is i'm not playing fall guys again i just i love that todd got so excited about it. This was somehow going to bring back the Fall guys. Everybody was going to be on board with this, and then it was just like, no. And then we did have a conversation about it a little bit after that. still the randomness of getting bumped off of the map i don't care if that's squad based now and i'm not out of the the competition but it's like i still got knocked off the map because i got stuck in a horde of like 50 people you know like i just find the gameplay in that game a little bit frustrating um but yeah it was pretty funny to see todd get super excited. And then I felt like it was like a kid unwrapping coal for Christmas. Oh, yeah. He must have been so sad. He was so disappointed.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Well, it was funny, too, because then two of our other friends were like, oh, yeah, Fall Guys. I heard of that. Let me check it out. And then after that, Todd was like, well, that's only three of us. That's not even a full squad. So I think he just kind of gave up on it at that point. To his credit, he gave up pretty quick because I think he just kind of gave up on it at that point to his credit he gave up pretty quick because i think he realized we were not he tried again three days
Starting point is 00:11:11 later he posted again and i posted back because no one replied for like three hours and then i just put the john travolta pulp fiction meme where he's looking around the house and there's no one oh yeah that's right yeah it's like no this is not getting traction with our friend group. That's like our other buddy, Brandon, who wants to, like, Brandon is very, very loyal to, like, three video games, and that's it. And so Brandon, like, tried the cycle and loved the cycle. You know, back in the day when we were playing the cycle like crazy, it was, you know, he got hooked on it.
Starting point is 00:11:46 And to this day, Brandon still tries to go, hey guys, you know what would be fun to do tonight? Let's play the cycle. And then we're always like, yeah, no, it's not going to happen. But I guess legitimately, they tried to play the other night and said they sat in queue for like 10 minutes. And then there was nobody there was like nobody in the game they never got a game to play and then they finally just left and i was like it's this is sad man that player base just deteriorated so quickly they said there was no one in their lobby they never saw anyone pop in or out so it seemed at least like at that time of day it was just kind of dead which is sad you know rip well we also have another update coming up so we heard a little
Starting point is 00:12:35 bit about a release date for rust on console which we have talked a little bit about on the show but this is set for release now on May 21st. It's not that far away. Not really. You know, and it's console version. I was actually reading that article because this is, you know, Rust is near and dear to us, but they were saying something like,
Starting point is 00:12:56 it was actually really hard to optimize because, you know, even on a really good PC, when you load into Rust, it's a long loading screen, man. There is a ton of assets and stuff that have to load. I mean, it's a solid two to three minute load time. It's only exceeded by GTA Online. Yeah, which- Which now might even be shorter now that they implemented their changes.
Starting point is 00:13:18 So Rust might now take the cake. I don't know. But yeah, Rust takes so long to load. They were saying that they were really struggling because with consoles, were seeing some load times into like the 30 minute mark yeah which i can't imagine somebody like trying but they they did say they got it down to where it was like only a few minutes at that point um they did say they're completely different versions too like the rust console is independent of like Rust for PC. So they'll get different updates, you know, independent of each other and stuff like that. But it's, I know, I know we have a lot of people in the podcast discord that are very excited to be able to play Rust on console because they don't have PC. And I'm really looking forward to sharing their misery
Starting point is 00:14:02 with them. I can't wait for people to start like, you know, being like, man, this game's great. I see why you guys love it so much. And then being like, oh, it's awesome, isn't it? Like being really excited and then just waiting for them to be like, guys, my base got raided and I lost everything. If you want to simulate addiction, Rust is kind of like the best way to do it, because it's so good, the endorphin hits, and inevitably, it just leaves you empty, hollow, destroys your life. It inevitably gets there. There is a part of me that is looking forward to seeing that happen.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Be able to watch it happen in others. Yes. Sorry, ahead of time. Yeah, it sounds like this was an awful lot of work, because they've been working on it for over three years. But Rust on PC requires 10 gigs of RAM. And in order for them to do it on console, they had to work with only four and a half gigs of RAM. So they did have to rework it from the ground up. Because I want to know, is the console version still going to have all the same goofy quirks as the PC edition? Like, are there going to be just a hundred bears that all get stuck at the corner of the map
Starting point is 00:15:10 because they all just run paths until they get stuck and not enough people are hunting them? Because every time we play Rust, you always see all the animals get stuck in the same area. And I'm wondering if that kind of stuff will also exist on console. I would think it would i mean i kind of almost hope that it does because that's the little quirks that kind of make rust like endearing you know what i'm and then if it's like if they're not then i'm gonna be like well wait a minute like i'll get this on pc version yeah like i remember last time we had played we had or actually it was two times ago that we played, we had a base in the desert. And anytime you'd open the back door, there'd be three wolves that were just waiting as soon as you'd open the door, because all of them would
Starting point is 00:15:54 path and get stuck on our base and just get stuck there. You know, I can't really imagine playing Rust on console. Can you imagine inventory management of trying to move hundreds of items between all of your boxes? It would be a nightmare. There's going to be challenges to the console version. I mean, I'm really glad that people are going to get to experience it. It's a phenomenal game, but there is a lot about Rust that is going to be weird. Like, I mean, building, like you said, inventory, man, just juggling, like putting stuff in chests and pulling it out, you know, crafting. I think there's definitely going to be some, but I mean, maybe they accounted for this stuff too. Like maybe they made new menus or something. I don't, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. Well, I was talking a little bit to my son this week,
Starting point is 00:16:41 who is 11 years old, and he was telling me that he had to confess that he is now a console video gamer. Oh, that he does not like using mouse and keyboard. So I did you grab him out of the will? Yeah, I was gonna say he's out of the will. Pondering putting him up for adoption. No, but he was saying that he's a big fortnite player and he says that he thinks it's actually a lot easier to build things for him on console so i think the building in rust probably won't be too bad because everything pops into a grid kind of like yeah that's right so i don't think that'll be too tough but rust just has so many items and huge inventory huge crafting systems like a lot of times i would just hit the quick key to craft
Starting point is 00:17:26 and start typing the item, like bear rug or whatever, and then you could craft it. It's not going to be so easy doing that on console. So I'm not interested in playing on console, but I'm very happy that it's going to reach more people because it's such a great game. I'm sorry about your child, Paul. Yeah, that's okay. I'm going to your child, Paul. Yeah, that's okay.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I'm going to join a support group, parents of console gamers. No, that's okay. I love console. We've got our PS5 and our Switch. I like them as well. I just obviously prefer PC. You got to love the mouse and keyboard.
Starting point is 00:17:59 All right. Well, next up was a story that I know is near and dear to your heart, Josh. This is a little story about Monster Hunter releasing on Switch. I'll let you take the reins on this one. Okay. So I will, I'm going to qualify this story as I have not actually ever played Monster Hunter. I have hovered over the buy button on Monster Hunter World many, many a time in Steam. I have too. And then just not bought it because I'm like, I think I'll play this game for like six hours, and then I'll never play it again. But with that said, something that is near and dear to my heart
Starting point is 00:18:33 is when there is a game coming out that I am very excited for, what do I do, Paul? You request time off work? I request time off of work, right? Because I'm like, hey, what better use of my time off of work than to sit and play a game that I'm super amped to play? Well, I guess a little game by the name of Monster Hunter Rise was coming out for the Switch, and a company in Japan started to notice that a lot, like a lot of their employees were requesting off on this one specific day.
Starting point is 00:19:09 A problematic amount of people. Yes. And so they went, wait a minute. And that's when it dawned on this company that that day that everybody was asking off of work was the day that Monster Hunter Rise released. So what does this company do? Something that every company should do. They declared that day a holiday and gave their entire company the day off. And I just went, yes, like what? Like way to go company. I don't even know the name of the company, man, but
Starting point is 00:19:42 I thought that was awesome. Oh, it's too funny. Yeah, I jotted it down. I guess their name is Markon. And this is your kind of company, Josh. Like, this is the company you should be working for. They are a VR game developer. Apparently, you get time off for big video game releases. You famously had to keep pushing back your time off request for cyberpunk time and time again yes so
Starting point is 00:20:06 here it'd be just built in as part of your package just kudos to them man you know it's like hey there's something that so many of you want to do you're taking the time off of work you have this time that you're allowed to take you know what what that tells me is the leaders of that company are like solid gamers and probably wanted the day off too so that they could play. And they're like, hey, you know, this actually works out pretty well. But yeah. I have actually never requested time off to play a game. I've never done that.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I have been online at midnight and I have played until four or five in the morning and then slept for two hours and gone into work. I've done that. But I remember at my first job at a movie theater, I had two co-workers, Nick and I forget the other guy's name. But anyway, they both had worked at Subway before Harkins. And I remember them telling me that the day Diablo 2 had released, they just shut down the entire subway and then left and went out to go buy Diablo 2 and then came back a few hours later. So they weren't like the owners of that franchise or anything.
Starting point is 00:21:15 They were just employees. And they just hung a sign that said closed until 2 p.m. or whatever and just came back later in the day. So that's like even higher stakes. Hey, no risk it, no biscuit, man. That's the saying, and it's the saying for a reason. Yeah. Yeah, I just, I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:21:35 I ask time off of work. I have to be really excited about it. I'm really excited about Outriders, but I didn't ask off for work for Outriders. But there are a few games, Cyberpunk came to mind. Long ago, Wildstar, when Wildstar was coming out, I was very excited about that. That was when we actually took off of work, went to bed at like eight o'clock so that we could wake up at like three o'clock in the morning to start playing so that we could have like hours and hours of playtime before our families woke up so that we could like play like uninterrupted for like five or six hours straight it was stupid man but wow that's dedication right there even to
Starting point is 00:22:16 change your sleep cycle all right and then the next story that i have here is that there have been some reports that microsoft is trying to buy discord a product very near and dear to our heart we do almost all our communication on discord yeah for 10 billion dollars 10 billion dollars capital b yeah that's a lot of cash um yeah it's what's funny about i mean it makes sense kudos to microsoft they are dude they're they're doing everything they can to try to get into the gamer market i mean you know they they purchase zenimax media uh you know they're doing all this stuff these exclusives for pc and xbox buying up these companies buying discord like this is great like good job microsoft the the only thing and i'm sure
Starting point is 00:23:08 you've seen this are the memes that are coming out where it's like the grim reaper yeah and it goes into like the door with uh like aol or skype or whatever it is you know and then it's like you know it's just showing like all these things that that Microsoft has killed in the past. Yeah, I mean, it kind of makes sense. I was reading a couple articles about it, and they were saying that apart from the Xbox Live community, Microsoft doesn't really have any products that address large communities of people. And they were saying, you know, Google obviously has YouTube, and Amazon has Twitch, Facebook bought Instagram and WhatsApp. And so Microsoft tried to buy TikTok, and it failed. They tried to buy Pinterest, and it failed. So clearly, they're trying to interface with a large community. And Discord would be a great way to do it. I do worry a little bit seeing how they took like the mixer product and it ended up dying and it doesn't
Starting point is 00:24:07 exist anymore so i don't know how badly they could screw up discord but it's such a great service i mean they're not a sponsor but i am a big fan yeah it's i mean we'll see i'm curious to see what they do with it i mean kudos to discord man 10 billion is an awful lot of money. So that's, I mean, congratulations to those guys and gals. I would think that if Microsoft was smart, they would integrate Discord into a lot of their services. My biggest hope with anything that Microsoft does is please give PC users of the Xbox Game Pass a better interface because the Xbox Game Pass for PC is absolutely terrible. It is so un-user friendly. I mean, we were joking the other night when we were playing Bleeding Edge how hard it was to party up. Sea of Thieves
Starting point is 00:25:00 is like, it's stupid to try to party up and play together. We're going to play Outriders on Game Pass. And what was I saying? I might pay $60 just so I can use Steam's party system so that I don't have to use Xbox Game Pass for PC. And then the cheap side of me kicked in and I was like, well, like, okay, it's only 10 bucks a month. Yeah, I'll never forget when we were trying to figure out the party system for the first time. And I remember I would hit
Starting point is 00:25:30 the start button and start typing Xbox. And I had all these Xbox apps, the Xbox game bar, Xbox, Xbox for PC. And I'm like, I don't know which is which. And I one at a time, I'd have to click on it. Okay, is this where I invite my friends? And oh, man, yeah, it was not very user-friendly. I don't know if they've made any updates because we haven't tried to use it in a long time, but we'll have to try again with Outriders now that we're hopping back in. I got the Xbox Game Bar stuck on my PC desktop, and I could not remove it for anything. I uninstalled, but it will see it's like part of Windows, so it won't let you uninstall just the game bar. I had to go into the registry
Starting point is 00:26:09 and delete, manually delete registry stuff because it was just plastered on my screen and it's an overlay from Windows. So no matter what I was doing, this stupid toolbar was there. It was terrible. Hopefully I didn't mess up
Starting point is 00:26:26 something, you know, that I need for outriders now, but yeah, well, I guess we'll find out. Yeah. I remember when we got our first computer, when I was growing up and I remember my dad teaching me about the registry files, like auto exec dot bat, do not touch this file, no matter what you do, do not touch it. You you know and so that's always really stuck in my head where i think even today i'd be too afraid to go into any registry because my dad just so instilled that fear in me that you don't want to touch it's like doing brain surgery man you just don't attempt it you know yeah all right well that's all the time that we have here for today thanks for joining us for this week in gaming We will be back with a full episode on Monday
Starting point is 00:27:05 where Josh and I will be jumping into the world of Divinity Original Sin 2. And then please come check us out on social media. You can find us everywhere at MultiplayerPod on YouTube at MultiplayerPodcast. And then if you'd like to help support the show, since Josh and I don't
Starting point is 00:27:22 have a gotcha system, we don't sell random loot boxes. But if you'd like to come support us, you can find us at multiplayer, which will forward you to our discord. I'm sorry, forward you to our Patreon page where you can support starting off at $5 a month,
Starting point is 00:27:37 which will also get you access to our discord podcast page. And so I think that covers everything here for today, and we'll see you guys on Monday. For the record, the five seconds of silence before each episode is the hardest part of every episode for me. Yeah. It's the longest five seconds of your day. You know, just, it's not easy for me to be quiet for five seconds, Paul.

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