Video Gamers Podcast - Once Human, Sweet Lookin’ Jump Ship and Gears of War 6 - Video Games Podcast
Episode Date: April 11, 2024The Video Gamers Podcast is back with another incredible episode of This Week in Gaming. We’ve got some great video game news for you! We dive into the crazy world of Once Human and hear Paul’s th...oughts after playing it. Jump Ship wows us big time and gets us rather excited, plus we chat Gears of War 6 and possible news about this iconic video game franchise. Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: YayaArizona, Disratory and Cykasniber Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hello, fellow gamers! Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. We are three dads who love
talking about gaming, and on Thursdays like today we break down recent gaming news over
the last week. I am your host, Paul, and joining me, he is ready to fight
creatures named deviants, sometimes with guns, sometimes with dance emotes. It's Josh.
You know, sometimes to fight a deviant, you need a deviant.
Well, you would know, wouldn't you, Josh? I would.
All right. And then joining Josh and me, his Lancer assault rifle with a chainsaw bayonet has been collecting dust for a
few years,
but it might soon be time to dust it off.
It's Ryan.
That was by far my favorite thing to do.
Just wait behind the corner and just,
or just stand over the pits as the locusts come out.
Already just holding the chainsaw,
you know,
go right into that animation. All right. We have a lot of fun news to cover here today guys we got a couple of game
previews we got some gaming news to talk about let's start out with probably the most bonkers
thing of the week let's talk about once human all right this is a post-apocalyptic open world
survival game that has lovecraftian character design.
This game looks a little bit wild.
They're in the middle of their third closed beta right now.
I was kind of curious to hear your guys' thoughts.
How would you even describe this game?
And does it seem at all up your alley?
Paul, one thing you didn't mention is that this is an MMO as well.
It is MMO-esque.
Yes. Yeah. So yeah, I guess it's not like your traditional MMO, but it's going to be a lot of people playing this. Four to 5,000 people per server. Yeah, that's a lot. That's massive if
you ask me. I mean, Rust felt crowded and there's what, like 250 people on a Rust server?
So this is funny because I don't know if we covered this before when it was announced, but I have seen a trailer for this game prior to this article that we're talking about.
And it was guys fighting a big big boss that big tree boss that like
climbs out of the billboard or whatever so i've seen that part before but then we got some updated
stuff some updated gameplay some updated info this game looks weird man like i kind of like it
in a weird sort of way like they showed a lot of you like you know it i don't even know like it's
a survival game but they're shooting it's third person perspective kind of reminiscent of the division almost but then you're
wearing these weird backpacks where it's almost like i don't know it's got like it's clear with
like a fish tank in it i don't like i don't know what all this stuff is man and that's how you
carry your deviations you collect them almost like pokemon and they give
you different abilities i don't know what a deviation is no one does yeah okay so i but
what i do know is this game looks really interesting to me um i like the idea of it
being mmo-esque i like the idea of the combat in the game and the boss fights and you know that kind of persistent world almost
um but man other than that i don't i don't know like paul you got to play it today i did i played
it for a little bit so i'm really hoping that after we get ryan's initial impressions on this
that you can explain this game to me because there's a weird part of my brain that's oddly
excited about it but then there's another part of me that's like dude what are you thinking
yeah well i do i know you guys were talking about mmo type stuff i i did see too that it's it's not
there's no no pay to win all the micros in it are uh all cosmetic from my understanding too
which is good um i i got like uh i don't know kind of like stranger thing vibes as well kind
of with the look and atmosphere yeah yeah but um yeah definitely i mean i'm i'm a sucker for
post-apocalyptic that's why i love the last of us loved fallout um just anything like that
i'll hear you out and i'll take a look at it um i just i love that that kind of style uh it
definitely like josh said it was it was definitely weird a lot of the stuff kind of style. Definitely, like Josh said, it was definitely weird.
A lot of the stuff kind of looked different and off, but sometimes that lands.
I would love to have a good MMO again to play.
I haven't had one of those in a very long time that I was really sucked into.
I don't know if it would be this one, but I'm for sure interested to hear what Paul has to say about it.
So in watching the trailers for this,
I was a little bit drawn to it simply because I love survival games.
Some of the most fun Josh and I have ever had are our times in Rust. And you can definitely tell this has a lot of Rust DNA.
You're doing base building where everything snaps to a grid,
very similar to Rust.
You are building a lot of
the same stuff like workbenches, furnaces, water collectors, stuff like that. But the story is
completely out there, and none of it makes any sense to me. They're talking about how pregnant
women and pregnant animals are turning into trees. You are running through portals. You're activating,
I don't remember what they call it, like space sense, and it lets you see visions from the past.
None of it makes any sense to me whatsoever. There's enemies running around that have
spotlights for heads. I don't know what's going on in this world at all. I only played the beta
for maybe about two hours, but I can say I found it to be incredibly fun.
I felt like it was pretty much like a mashup of rust and the division.
I actually think you would,
I think you would really like it.
I think you would really like it,
It is,
you know,
you have like in rust,
you have to really crush your scrap runs,
you have to unlock all the mats,
and it takes you forever to get going?
Not here.
You're finding weapons out in the open world,
you're crafting them within the first hour.
And if you look at the overall map,
it'll tell you like, here's a settlement,
we recommend that you're this level.
If you go here, you're going to do missions that are,
they're very simple missions, but it's a lot of fun. It's more like exploration based. It'll be
stuff like find the mythic chest, loot at least two weapon caches and kill 10 enemies. But then
sometimes you go there and it'll spawn bosses. Like that's the one thing that stuck out to me i watched a lot of streamers play this
and there are like long big boss fights that take like nine minutes or longer
that stuff's all really cool i actually have a lot of hope for this one really but at the same time
it's got some weird janky stuff like sometimes their mouths just stop moving and you hear the
voice lines and sometimes it's the other way around where their mouths just stop moving and you hear the voice lines and sometimes
it's the other way around where their mouths are moving and there's no voice acting and i'm like
is this still like a work in progress because it's supposed to launch quarter three of this year
oh all right so they got some so i'm like i don't know if it's buggy or or what's going on or maybe
they haven't translated all of it into english i don't know but i think this is one all three of us would actually really love man you saying
uh i love division so i love the division too yeah division and rust like man it's pretty fun
now how is combat because i i read this article on the game and i you know they were talking about
the deviants they're the mutated monsters.
but it mentions that when you fight them and you defeat them,
that you get to collect like the deviant powers,
which you then can use in combat,
which is weird.
And then it also mentions that if you kill deviants,
that you can like actually like make them into companions occasionally,
and they'll work in your base for you a la Pal World.
So then it's like, what is this game?
It's very weird.
And all I can say is I haven't played enough of the beta yet to do very much.
I did collect my first deviation, which is a paper butterfly that flies in the air.
You build a little tank inside your
base and you deposit your deviations and they will sit in there and they collect new energy
because when you carry them out and they fight with you, they lose energy and they also have
a morale meter. And so you can like throw all these things in your tank and then they'll stay
in your base and apparently work for you. Now, my butterfly doesn't do that, but my butterfly will fly with me and it'll expose a weak spots on enemies.
And if I hit them there,
it does more damage.
That's cool.
So that's kind of neat,
but I will say up to this point,
it's been very easy.
Most of the enemies,
you just click two or three headshots and they're dead,
but you do get boss fights like right away.
And it's where they have like
telegraphed abilities you have to like hide behind something while they use a chain gun
and then when that stops you can jump out pop you know one or two uh uh ammo cartridges into them
and then hide again and pop back and forth and i'm only level nine and that took me like maybe
two hours but oh and also imagine rust except you always have a
dirt bike that you can spawn whenever you want to let you get around the world faster which is a lot
of fun yeah you get a dirt bike it's pretty baller this game sounds i mean hearing you praise it
really gets me excited because you and i have a lot of similar tastes when it comes to survival type games and mmos for that matter
you know and so hearing like it sounds like the weirdness isn't so weird that it like puts you off
you know not in gameplay wise at all it's only story and if you don't even really care about
story you can just kind of skip through it now i will say i have not seen anything like in the
videos we saw where they said play
with your friends and solve these puzzles and then there's these disco balls and if you do the right
dance emote it'll kill the deviants now i haven't seen anything like that i've killed all my deviants
with guns and crossbows and ak's i'm not too sure what's going on there so i can't speak for any
later game stuff but the initial
impression was very good i'll just say that okay well i was curious but now you got my attention
yeah and with us you mentioned the division is the gunplay similar like it's not because a lot
of times in those survivals you know shooting the guns and stuff isn't that kind of crisp or clean
is it is it closer to the division gunplay or is it closer to rust oh it's far closer to division oh cool but i don't think there's any
actual like cover base mechanics okay you're kind of just you know strafing and using cover that way
yeah not actually taking cover uh last thing i'll say there is you can also participate in war bands
which they said will have up to 40 or 80 people to fight other war bands over like control of the map.
That to me, that's, that's not just like a battle.
That's like an all out war.
If you're going like 80 V 80, that sounds pretty fun.
All right.
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All right, moving on to our next story here, Gears of War. Do we all love the Gears of War
series? Absolutely. Darn right I love the Gears of War series. What kind of question is that,
Paul? Do you even know me? I was getting ready to cue the hammer of dawn if anyone said no.
All right.
So the early Gears, everyone played, everyone loved them.
I don't know if it's just me or if you guys experienced the same thing.
I loved the first two.
And for some reason, I don't think I played three, four, or five.
And I feel like no one ever talks about Gears anymore.
I don't know why that's the
case but we did get some rumors here this week that it seems like we're probably going to get
an announcement this summer about gears of war six how do you guys feel about that stoked
yeah yeah i'm probably like you i might have played a little bit of three but i
for sure played a lot of one and two especially online um uh i just i think that's when i um i
got a playstation 4 and i didn't have the my 360 anymore and then i just kind of fell off and never
played any more of the gears because i just went ps4 and then ps5 but i definitely loved the the
first two and probably some of the third.
So I'm stoked.
I'm excited.
I hope it comes back with a vengeance
and we all play it.
Yeah, I've actually played 1, 2, 3, and 4.
I don't think I ever played 5
now that I think about it.
Which kind of goes to your point, Paul,
is that I think the series started off incredible. I mean, Gears of War 1 and 2 with the off and the combat didn't really, it didn't
feel new and fresh anymore. And I think it just kind of started to age a little bit, which is why
I think the series kind of took a downturn. I do remember playing four. It is still a lot of fun,
but I remember being not overwhelmed by it. And then I played the multiplayer for a little while
and like they had a
pretty good horde defense mode that you could do with people. Very polished game, very fun.
But I think at that point, there was nothing new. It was like, I just feel like I've done
all this before, which is probably why I've never played 5 at this point.
Yeah. I feel like for a lot of us, we loved Gears because it had co-op campaign. And then I feel like everyone just kind of moved away from that and they got more into just online multiplayer matches. So I think people were more likely to play something old videos just watching like Gears 1, Gears 2,
Gears 5, trying to get a sense of them.
And it really made me realize how much I miss cover based like action combat.
I really got to go back and like maybe try out Gears 4 and Gears 5 because it's just
been way too long.
Dude, I played Gears 5.
I've never played it.
And I'd be curious.
Now, I've heard less than stellar things about it, though, at the same time. So it makes me wonder, is it just bad?
It's got to be cheap, though, at this point.
Oh, yeah, I'm sure it is. I'll tell you what, though. Gears 6 gets me really excited because
I feel like Xbox needs that exclusive. You know what I mean?
Yeah, they do.
Yeah. And as much as i don't
like exclusives it's one of those things where it's like i really think that they know that if
they're reviving this franchise that it's super important that they get this right and make an
impression with it yeah if you want you can get it uh gamest for 13 bucks. Very nice.
I even checked our discord server for how many times Gears of War has been
mentioned over the last four years.
It's only been mentioned 23 times.
Do you know how many times Halo has been brought up?
There was 928,
927 of those were this last weekend.
I know,
A lot of them have been playing lately.
Yeah, a lot of Halo Infinite resurgence in our Discord.
Yeah, even StarCraft has been mentioned more than twice as many times as Gears in our chat.
I feel like a lot of people who are younger maybe don't realize how big of a series it was at its heyday.
I mean, I don't know the timeframes, but Gears 1, 2, and maybe 3 were 20 years ago?
It's like 06, 08.
I was going to say, how long ago was that?
So if you've got, you know, I mean, teens that are gamers,
like they don't know what Gears of War is.
Yeah, or they've just heard of it.
Maybe they never played it.
All right, well, let's go ahead and take a short break
and we'll be right back all right we are back let's talk about a little game that i think looks
like a ton of fun called jump ship yes dude oh my goodness i love finding a game that i've never heard about watching a trailer and then
going like yo how have i not heard about this before because this looks great
height meters zero to 100 immediately legitimately it really was like when you and like when you can
nail a trailer like that my brain kind of goes like yeah is this real and then? And then when it's like, no, dude, this is
real. And then you start looking into it and you're like, there's people that have played it.
Some of the big gaming websites have like an article on it buried somewhere,
you know? And then it's like, they start talking about how they were blown away by this. And then
I'm like, how is this not more well-known? Cause I'm willing to bet apart from a social media post
that we made about it and i think i might have even shared the video in discord there's a very
little chance that most of our listeners have ever heard of this game yeah when it it's it started
as like a tech demo right and then they played it people played and they're like uh we need to
make this into a thing like this is this is. Yeah, I thought the trailer was kind of meh.
I wasn't really excited about it,
but watching the gameplay,
once they really got into it
and all the stuff they could do,
like you said, zero to 100 on the hype meter.
This thing looks cool.
The ship flight looks great.
All of the gameplay, it was my type of game.
I loved it.
It's a very cool idea.
So this is a four-player co-op sci-fi PVE game.
There is no PVP.
You just hop in four person squads,
not necessarily unlike Helldivers.
Like I'm sure we all kind of thought the same thing.
It's a little reminiscent of that.
The whole idea is that you are jumping in with your squad
and there are basically three different games
that are kind of all mashed together. You have your flying of the ship, which does include things
like dogfighting. So it's a little bit like Sea of Thieves in that regard. You have one person
who's piloting the ship, but your other people are either repairing things or they're firing
cannons and you're communicating and working as a team, you also land and do these
on-foot missions that look really action-packed. And then to make things even crazier, there's no
video footage of it online yet, but they even work in a little bit of FTL where you are doing
mini-games to do maintenance on your ship and things of that nature. And I think what really spoke to me is,
IGN does a lot of these previews, right? They're not always great. But Ryan McCaffery explicitly
said five times in this video, I was blown away. This game is legit. I cannot wait to play more.
He just seemed so excited. And this is put together by a small 10-man development team.
So that's the one thing.
It seems like they accomplished an awful lot.
I just wonder how deep the content will actually be
or if it'll get pretty repetitive.
But I think this is one that I think we're going to have to try out 100%.
I'm in.
Yeah, I love the idea of a four player co-op game like this.
They even talked about it.
They said if this game was just the ship flying around in combat,
it would be an incredible game.
And the idea that you have four people that have to manage the ship,
one's piloting, the other three are running around diverting power.
And like you said, they didn't show the actual gameplay of that part,
but we did get a teeny snippet of it where they're like turning these little squares and trying to
align them or something like that you know and then you can go on the outside of your ship if
you're not the pilot with your magnetic boots and you can man turrets on the ship to like do
combat so it's like one of these things where you're not just sitting around doing nothing like the whole time. And then it's all seamless. You can land on a planet.
You've got these missions where you go in, you get gear upgrades and new weapons and stuff like
that. So progression sounds like it's going to be a ton of fun. The little mini games that you get
from FTL. I mean, FTL for people that don't know faster than light, it's a, it's a roguelike game,
very, very popular and well-regarded.
A lot of fun to play.
I've actually played that game a lot.
This is checking every box that can be checked.
Graphics look really good from what I've seen so far.
So, I mean, I went from not knowing about this game at all
to, like I said, 100% hype and like like i want to play this game where is this game
ben how have we never heard about this before because if you can mash these up the the the
developers actually describe the game as sea of thieves meets left for dead meets ftl those are
three really crazy games that are all very very unique that mash together could be an insanely fun time
yeah especially because like i love everything in sea of thieves it's just not enough content
and so you start adding all this other stuff on top of it it could be something really special
now ryan i gotta ask you do you know which side of the ship port is oh um because if you don't if josh is piloting our ship he is going to insist
on piloting by the way yeah you're gonna you're gonna need to learn starboard and port port uh
port sides always the left side it is left okay yeah because they would always they they wanted
the ports to all be universal with the ships right and that And that's why they made all that's port side.
I'm going to teach you a trick because I'm going to yell at you when I say, hey, enemies to port.
And you're like, which side is that?
Port and left have the same amount of letters.
Four letters.
So it's always the left side.
But you're saying that that's not why they made it, though.
They wanted all the ship ports to be universal. So they always put on the left side. But you're saying that that's not why they made it, though. They wanted all the ship ports to be universal,
so they always put it on the left side.
And that's why they called it port side,
is the left side,
because the ships would always pull into the same way
and all the ports.
Oh, really?
I don't know.
You very well might be right.
I don't know why they teach you something, Josh.
I'm going to teach you something.
And now we're buying it.
Just come up with some crazy nonsense
yeah josh doesn't care about the etymology just uh what side just better know which side to man
that turret right okay excuse me port side left side got it all right and then to finish things
out we do have two short stories to cover here first of all knights of the old republic we
talked about this remake being in the works
it seemed like it was in a ton of trouble it was in development as a remake for i don't even
remember how long it was like five years yeah and they said it was still so far behind it kind of
just got scrapped for a while we thought it might just be dead in the water well it it it is still
being worked on we have had a couple confirmations of that, but Saber Interactive came out.
They said, absolutely, the remake is alive and well.
I know I have said previously, if I could have any game remade, for me, number one on
the list is KOTOR.
It's a game that's over 20 years old or right around 20 years old.
I think it's criminally underrated at this point and i
think it would be fantastic to let a whole new generation of people play kotor and uh i know i'm
excited that it's still in the works yeah when we when we thought it wasn't i remember going and
just watching all of these videos where everyone was just so upset and so more than anything
disappointed because like you said i think a lot of people share the same idea with you that that remake would just be so good because that was just such a good game.
So underrated. And I think the people want it.
So when I when I saw that it was potentially going to be back, you know, fingers crossed, hopefully.
But I was I was just super excited.
So I'm I'm stoked.
I'm I'm hoping that it goes through.
For the youngsters out there that don't know what KOTOR is, it's one of the best RPGs ever made.
It's in the Star Wars universe.
The characters are all insanely memorable.
It's got an incredible story.
There's twists.
There's turns.
I mean, honestly, the closest thing I can think of in modern times to this would probably be Baldur's Gate three with like the storytelling and the characters and kind of
like how those jive, like that quality of storytelling is like is KOTOR. So to have that
remade and brought into, you know, the, the next gen, I'm just going to call it, I want to say the
next generation or like, you know, modern times, but i mean yeah it gets it there's a reason that people get very excited when they hear about
this because this is one of those rpgs that a lot of people never got to experience and it's
probably a little too dated at this point to go back and try to do but man if they pull this off
this is going to rock the world it It has such a great morality system,
the different endings that you can get
based on your decisions.
I mean, this really is Bioware in their golden age.
So yeah, hopefully we'll get this sooner than later.
I really hope that this remake turns out well,
because it's going to be so disappointing if it's not.
All right, and then to finish up our show here,
lastly, Hollow Knight
Silksong was announced back in 2019, five years back. We still don't have a release window. They
did blow past the initial release window of first half of 2023. Obviously we're a whole year beyond
that. The game has been rated in South Korea. that was some of the news this week it was rated
as being suitable for players 12 years of age and older which means that we might finally be getting
a release window in the near future you guys are far bigger fans of hollow knight than me
how do you guys feel about this news do you feel like maybe we're finally inching closer i believe it when i see it that's where i'm at we made a deal that we would not mention silk song on the show
because it gets delayed every time we do but the game getting rated means that there's something
available there's something out there um for this to happen so like why did that happen all of a sudden because how do they
rate a game if there's nothing for them to look at you know so there's that mindset of like yeah
this means progress is being made um and then it there it was available on was it the xbox store
over there like it got a page finally so you can wish list it right so you can wish list it and stuff
too which is seemingly a minor thing but it is a clue that says hey we might be getting some
information on this game here fairly soon so it might actually exist it might be a real game it
might be i mean maybe i'm starting to doubt it at this point but you know and again we won't talk
about it for a long time because we don't want to cause any more delays but it it was news that has some bearing and i mean we all just
want to freaking play this game man and see this game at this point and i paul i know you're not as
huge of a fan as ryan and i are but you can appreciate how good of a metroidvania hollow knight was and so to have the the sequel to that
you know is exciting for a lot of people so you're saying there's a chance yeah in 2025
well it also didn't help that this news dropped on april 1st so then there was a lot of wait
yeah and that's one thing that i i remember saying i think it was last year where i on April 1st. So then there was a lot of, wait, is this April Fool's Day? Oh yeah, you can't trust nothing, you see.
Yeah. And that's one thing that I remember saying, I think it was last year where I said,
this is always by far my least favorite This Week in Gaming episode, because you have to sort through all the April Fool's Day stuff. But this actually is real. So it has been rated in
South Korea. Now what that looks like, or is that something that they self-select initially
and maybe South Korea can change it?
I have no idea what that process looks like,
but it does seem like it'll be on its way at some point.
I just don't understand why this one's taken so long to develop
because I assume at its core,
the movement and the combat will be largely similar to the first.
So whatever they're working on, I assume just has to be a lot of level design, fine tuning bosses and boss mechanics,
just trying to make it bigger and better. Yeah. I don't know how big the developer team
for Hollow Knight is. I'm with you in that regard. Like you have the foundation already.
Is that like not something you can just use? And I mean, I know there's new graphics and color palettes and things like that, but that doesn't seem like that would
take years and years and years to do. So we don't really know. I mean, they've, the developers come
out and they've said, Hey, it'll be ready when it's ready. We love this game. We are passionate
about it and we want to make sure we do it right. So that's all you get. And I'm okay with that.
Like as much as we want the game,
like dude,
just pour your heart and soul into it and then give us the best thing you
my hope is like you said,
like boss fight mechanics and other in game mechanics,
maybe they're developing new things and they've got to like polish those
up and stuff like that.
Like I'd like new stuff too,
because like,
yeah, I mean it it is but it's
like at the same time like if this is just hollow knight but you know it's just a different main
character and nothing else really seems that different i mean it'll still be fun i'll still
play it don't get me wrong but at that point it's just kind of be like i mean i could have just
played hollow knight again right so i have a feeling they're reaching for the stars on this
one i'm just not quite sure how
i i hope they are i mean i want it to be obviously amazing and i hope they love the game i just wish
this and in general like people were just more realistic with timelines i hate just keep waiting
okay okay you know and you're just anticipating and then at some point you're like all right
whatever i don't really care anymore because i'm sick of waiting for this so i mean a year ago or whatever it was you know quarter two or
whatever last year is supposed to come out whatever it was but i just i i just wish it
was just more of a accurate timeline or expectation so that you just don't build up all those hopes
but yeah i hope it's a great game i i have no doubt that it probably will be you know so
i mean just fingers crossed but okay
so you know we haven't heard a lot of news they've said it's ready when it's ready if let's say that
may 1st we get news hey guys good news silk song gonna release at the end of may
three weeks out from release time right like i mean we're all gonna lose our minds over that
but it's like would you rather them do that? Or would you rather say, Hey, we have an update for you.
It's going to be late 2025.
Like that's,
you know,
I mean,
that's my point,
Like I'd rather them just stay silent and then come out and be like,
we're done.
You guys get it in three weeks.
Like I,
we all love CD project red.
Their PR department is working overtime. There are eight articles every single week about CD Projekt Red. Their PR department is working overtime.
There are eight articles every single week about CD Projekt Red that all say nothing.
There was an entire article that I think I linked for you guys that basically said,
The Witcher 4 will not just be The Witcher 3 reskinned.
And that's the extent of the article.
It's like, thank you.
I don't need an update like that.
So there is definitely a sweet spot.
I feel like you want to give it about a three month head notice that I think
gives you enough time to get super hyped,
release some new video,
and then kind of like build up to it.
So I,
I kind of feel like that would be the best timeline if that makes sense.
All right.
I think that wraps up this week in gaming as a reminder,
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Our next episode will release on Monday.
Make sure to follow our pod so you don't miss any of our content.
And until next time, happy gaming.
See ya!
Alright, see ya all right see everybody