Video Gamers Podcast - Overwatch 2 Pre-Release Re-Release - Gaming Podcast
Episode Date: October 3, 2022Gaming OW2 heros Michael, Josh and Paul are back in your ears with a special pre-release, re-release. In this gaming episode we dive into our thoughts on the OW2 betas, our takeaways, hopes for the fu...ll OW2 release and what we want to see from this gaming juggernaut.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: MarbleMadness, Dr. Catatonic, Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad  Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey, what's up everybody? This is Paul, Josh, and Michael here with the Multiplayer Gaming Podcast.
We decided to take a week off to help prepare for our upcoming deep dive episode on Cyberpunk,
which will be releasing two weeks from today. And we wanted to get together for a moment to
give you guys a little bit of an intro and to talk for a couple minutes since this episode was
recorded back in May. Now that we have Overwatch 2 set for release this week, we are going to
re-release our deep dive that we did of the Overwatch 2 beta. And hilariously in this episode,
you're going to hear me say that Overwatch 2 will definitely not be releasing in 2022,
but here we are with it set for release tomorrow
on October 4th. You guys will be able to hear us talk about the changes from Overwatch 1 to
Overwatch 2, which includes going from 6v6 to 5v5, the retooling of all the tanks, the removal of
two control point maps, the addition of push mode, the addition of the scoreboard, and the removal of crowd control in
general. Although you will not hear us talk about updates that came later after May, like the recent
revelations of how the Battle Pass system works, or the new characters Junker Queen and Kuriko.
All right, so Josh, now that Overwatch 2 is releasing tomorrow, are you excited? How do
you feel about the prospects of this one? I am excited the beta was a lot of fun um we did have some complaints
as people will hear in the episode you know not everything is the excitement that i think overwatch
1 was when it was coming out because we do talk about the fact that this feels a lot more like Overwatch 1.5. Now, this is just the
PvP release of it. We have not heard very much about the PvE portion of the game at this point.
I'll be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if they just scrapped that, kind of like Fortnite did.
If this is successful enough, which I'm sure it will be, I feel like they may just focus on the pvp aspect of it um but yeah so you know i am
excited for sure actually as we get closer and closer i'm getting more and more excited
michael i know you're excited about the arista changes are you excited in general do you plan
on hopping into overwatch 2 a bunch i'm grumpy because josh just killed all of my hope i was
really looking forward to like a-person shooter, nine-hour
campaign a la Overwatch.
And I'm not getting that now, according
to recent reports. Actually,
I have no idea. I wasn't expecting that either,
so I could care less. But yeah, recent
was awesome, man. She had this cool spear.
If I say anything negative in this
episode coming up, just don't believe me.
I'm very excited. I'm excited
for the Overwatch 1.5 patch. I'm just a little sad that i can't play overwatch today but tomorrow's
a good day it's a new day a bright day yeah very funny that today on october 3rd when this episode
releases there's no overwatch one or two neither of them exist today all the servers are down
it's a dark day indeed what's the um what's the bad side of overwatch the like reaper and all those guys what's the did they win for a day i'm the
wrong person to ask about all the overwatch lore yeah well let's just put the bad guys one for a
day overwatch will be back tomorrow but today the villains yeah oh when you talk about bad guys just
now i legitimately went back to 1997 and thought of like the new world order
when Hulk Hogan became a bad guy for a little bit.
Oh man,
we don't need to talk about that because most of our audience has no idea
who Hulk Hogan is.
So overwatch guys.
I'm a little surprised that you guys are so excited.
I have definitely cooled a little bit more on overwatch too.
I still love hopping into overwatch one,
not on a daily basis but at least
two or three days a week i'll play a couple matches overwatch 2 uh i mean yeah it is why
what like what makes you uh lackadaisical on it it's just not that different right like i was
fine with overwatch 1 then why would you not be excited for Overwatch 2? I don't love Overwatch 1. It's just there, Josh. Oh, okay. I got you. It's like,
if I have nothing else to do, I'll play Overwatch. It's like the trusty fallback game for me. And
Overwatch 2, like, I don't know. The 5v5's cool. The switching up of the tanks is neat, but it's
not like something I'm actively looking forward to. I kind of feel like it'll just be Overwatch 1.5. It is what it is. I feel kind of neutral.
The two biggest things for me, honestly, are the speed of gameplay. It is faster. They have
actually sped up how the game feels, which I like a lot, and the removal of all of the shields and
the crowd control. Now, as much as it kills me that they
have gutted Mei, who is one of my favorite characters to play, she is useless at this point.
But I love the fact that they went, there's too much crowd control in this game. There's too much
shields and barriers, and that's not fun to play against. And so I feel like they have fixed a lot of the gameplay that led to the decline of overwatch one
and so i'm very excited that they have recognized that and that will not be in the game yeah a hundred
percent excited about like push mode really cool yeah i like it's fine i love exactly what josh was
saying it seems like there's less like choke point getting stuck with all the shields and just having
to work through that and having a whole entire i mean i've had entire matches basically run out of time
where we never move from a choke point and it's just not it's slow it's monotonous it's kind of
boring i like the fact that this one throws a little bit more curveball in there you got a
little bit more movement you got more things going on i i'm fine with 5v5 i think i'm most excited
because let's be honest overwatch is the only shooter that I can play
and get excited about my skills with
because I don't have to shoot if I don't want to.
And this is just more Overwatch.
It's just a little bit different,
and I've never been afraid of change.
I kind of like to embrace change.
So this is, again, it's just like they took the game
and just changed it up a little bit.
But yeah, it's weird that Overwatch 2
is not really Overwatch 2.
We don't need to talk about that now. We'll get to our thoughts in a minute on the show
but i i'm just excited to have more overwatch and to change it a little bit and all the things
josh said too yeah and uh press f to pay respects to volskaya and hanamura i will miss those maps
i am a little sad we're losing those i i get why they're removing them i like the new maps honestly
i think they like having played them many times i actually do enjoy the new maps as well but i will
miss the the the hanamura i think i'll miss hanamura more than volskaya we did some goofy
things on hanamura i think the thing that i liked most about volskaya is that was like
when i was a junk rat main for a little bit when i was first getting the game down like Foskaya is junk rats like dream place because there's so many different places you can just
not be seen and just boom boom boom through the windows and stuff yeah but but given that you know
to add the bonus of not having such a choke point centric map it's sayonara so out of curiosity now
that we're going from the two tank down to one tank team
compositions and the fact that the tanks have been so retooled and the fact that we're going to have
a new character that is support being kariko do you think dps might actually have the quickest
cues at release i think there's a chance it might it's possible i don't know that they'll be the
quickest but it definitely helps to solve the longer queue as DPS.
That's another thing that we noticed in the beta
is because there's only the need to fill one tank role,
it does speed up the queues too.
I mean, plus, here's the thing.
There's going to be so many people
hopping in to play Overwatch 2 at this point
that I think queues are going to be fine for a while yeah yeah the
influx of people is going to be so great and paul you hit on something real fast also with the one
tank thing i'm mildly terrified because i i kind of main a tank most of the time i'm either rolling
around with ariza reinhardt and having lesser shield and only having one of me i definitely
did freak out a lot in some of those maps because once your shield is down and you're the only tank,
it's like, run away!
That's all I could do.
I'll echo that because I play...
My main class is off-tank in Overwatch 1.
I play a lot of Roadhog, a lot of Winston, a lot of Zarya,
but I hardly ever play Reinhardt or Orisa.
And so it worked okay in the beta for this episode that people are about to hear,
but I do have some reservations about can Zarya carry a team as the main tank? Can Winston do
that? And so I think there's going to need to be a little bit of balance. We've seen some balance
changes since we recorded this episode as well. I don't remember if we talked about D.Va. D.Va was worthless in the beta,
and they did just buff D.Va. They released Junker Queen after the fact. We can get into her in a
minute too, but I think the tanks are going to be in a good place. They are a lot of fun to play.
Yeah, better charge those ults faster though.
Yeah, I think that the tanks are going to be pretty long queues everyone's going to want to play junker queen and all the retooled heroes uh i i think that's really basically about it i will say
that since this deep dive we recorded back in may if you do want to hear our thoughts about
junker queen and carico we did cover those on Twig episodes. So just scroll back
and look at the This Week in Gaming. You'll see it in the description when we talk about those heroes.
But any closing thoughts, anything else to cover before we hop into this episode?
Really just one thing is that we know there's no Overwatch today, but listening to us talk
about Overwatch, that's kind of like playing Overwatch. So feast your ears on what we have coming.
I was just going to say, I'm really excited.
There has been a lull in multiplayer games for our friend group for a while, to be honest with you.
We will hop on together from time to time, but there's been a void for that five-person, six-person game that we can all hop in and play and i know that
there's a lot of excitement so i think the thing that i'm most looking forward to isn't necessarily
the changes for overwatch 2 but just the fact that everybody is excited to hop on and play
together at this point so if nothing else at least it accomplishes that completely agree
something semi-new that we can all play together right yeah
all right well i think that's about it so let's go ahead and hop into this re-release for the
overwatch 2 beta and tomorrow we'll see all you guys in there in the game come join us on discord
and come find a couple of friends and maybe we can all play together and i think that's it let's
start the show on to the show. On to the show!
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Today is a Deep Dive Monday, and we are going to be deep diving the Overwatch 2 PvP beta.
I am your squad leader, Paul. I'm joined here by the flanker extraordinaire,
the man who has never once been at fault for losing a round of Overwatch.
And now that he's got a scoreboard, he knows exactly who to troll and yell at.
It's Josh.
All of these changes are amazing, and you're very right, Paul.
I would never cause my team to lose a round, ever.
I knew who you were introducing the second you started talking on that one,
and I'm not sure if I like it or not.
I think it's very fair.
All right.
And then joining us,
the man who hates aiming in Overwatch 1.
I know he was mostly a Mercy main.
He was also seen on occasion carrying Reinhardt's hammer
or shooting shields as Orisa.
It's Michael.
I actually thought you were going to call back
to a recent episode and do the opposite of Josh and say the guy who's never been responsible for his team winning a match in Overwatch, it's Michael, because that would also be true.
I've gotten some victories over the last few weeks, so I think I got some things to talk about now.
Very nice.
Michael, I feel like you're still a little too new to the show for me to hit you that hard in the intro, but maybe in a couple weeks here, I'll just start laying into both of you.
We'll see how it goes.
I put my big boy pants on.
At least I put my big boy gym shorts on before every recording.
I feel like Michael would deserve it, whereas I don't, though, Paul.
Fair enough.
All right.
So before we jump into Overwatch 2, we do have a little bit of housekeeping to do.
Guys, what's my favorite thing to do on the show?
Oh, thank legendary supporters.
Thank legendary supporters, epic supporters, rare supporters.
Guys, we hit for the cycle here in the last couple weeks.
We got a whole bunch of people to thank.
Oh my goodness.
Patreon has really been hopping let's see we've got a shout out to dark ephemeral who joined with rare status nice
we need to give a shout out to ace of shame who of course is a legendary supporter and his current
subscription was rare and he now bumped that up to epics we got him to thank applause button and we applause and then we have not just
one but two new legendary supporters we've got black star dq who joined discord already legendary
which we've never seen before that's the way to step into it that's the way to make an entrance
that's like the kool-aid man just you know bursting in through the wall he's like i'm not getting my
toes wet i'm jumping all the way in the deep end yes straight in and then we have long-term supporter phelps who's been
around for forever he upgraded to legendary status as well we have so many people to thank oh man
number one like you said thank you everybody but man what an incredible like week and a half it was
just to see all these people supporting the show
is incredible, man. I know we're all humbled by it. We're all thankful for it. But it's just...
It's an awesome sign to show what's happening with this podcast.
The sky is the limit. The community is the best community out there. It's honestly one of my
favorite things other than reading a new review in the morning when I drink my coffee.
But people join and they're like, dude, this community, you guys weren't kidding. It's
amazing. I've heard you talk about it, but I didn't believe it. And then they joined the
Discord and then people are like, oh my goodness, you guys weren't making this up.
Yeah, that's one of the biggest things that I'm so excited about all the time.
First of all, let me just say that in our private discord where we discuss the shows and so forth
josh paul and i i've never seen this many all caps all over that because we were so excited
about all the things that happened in the last week and a half with just just you guys and
supporting the show and just we love you so much we can't tell you how much your support means i
know we say that all the time but also again to echo what Josh just said, people are joining the Discord and they're
like, hey, it's not just you guys.
I mean, we'd love to take all the credit we would, but it's also the community.
It's you as the listeners.
So it's so great.
It's so humbling to see you guys day in and day out, taking the own initiative to start
conversations and have a great time.
Thank you all to our community.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then, Josh, speaking of you checking for reviews in the morning,
have any rolled in that you want to read here on the show?
There is.
There's been a couple, but I know we have a lot to talk about.
So I only picked one.
And then also, it's funny because a lot of our long-term listeners will edit their reviews
sometimes and change it.
Yeah, and then it bumps up.
But I noticed those too.
So I see y'all out there that are changing your reviews up a little bit.
So thank you for that as well.
But this one comes in from Rui to you.
It's like Roy, but with an extra O.
So would you say that Rui?
Does it say where it's coming from?
We can extrapolate the language.
It's Roy.
No, it doesn't.
It's local.
So, all right.
So Roy to you. And it it doesn't. It's local. So, Roy to you.
And it's titled
Five stars. This is a
great podcast and I love it.
But does Josh have a
YouTube channel? And if so,
is it called Let's Game It Out?
all right, guys. My secret is out
there. I don't have a youtube channel but i know why this guy
asked because of course what do you do when somebody says is this your youtube channel i
went to that youtube channel and i watched it and this guy is an agent of chaos he he's one of those
guys that just does crazy stupid things in video games which fits my nature perfectly. So Roy, to you, I totally get that question,
but no, that's not me. No, Josh did stream for a little while on Twitch, but not on YouTube.
That's very true. I think I posted it actually on our multiplayer YouTube, but there was the
craziest night of Rust ever experienced. That video is on our YouTube channel.
You'll have to scroll down a lot,
but if you want to see how crazy rust can get, find that video.
Human slavery, gladiator fights, vomiting, raw human flesh.
Wait, is that on YouTube?
Because you guys talked about that in a rust episode a long time ago.
Have you never seen this video, Michael? No.
It's like a 20 minute video. And it was this was like three hours of insanity condensed down into
20 minutes. But it is on our YouTube channel. So just go on there, scroll way down past all
the episodes, and you'll see it. Absolutely unscripted, complete shenanigans.
So disclaimer to all the listeners right now, the rest of the episode that you're about
to hear, we don't edit these episodes, but there will be about a three-hour edit because
I'm going to go right now and watch that video and come back.
Hey, guys, welcome back to the channel.
I'm glad that I watched that Rust video.
Well, thank you so much for the review, Roy.
And thank you to everyone else out there who's already left one.
If you haven't yet,
please just leave us a quick review. You don't even need to put any text.
if you want,
just put the letter a and hit submit.
We'll take it.
The more reviews,
the better.
All right.
I think it's that time boys.
Let's jump off the ledge and deep dive overwatch too.
All right.
Here's Wikipedia's description for Overwatch 2.
Overwatch 2 is an upcoming hero shooter video game and sequel to Overwatch.
Developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment,
Overwatch 2 is intended to have a shared environment for player-versus-player modes
while introducing a cooperative player-versus-environment mode.
A major change to address stagnation of the
metagame in Overwatch was to reduce team size from 6 to 5 and to rework the functionality of
tank characters, requiring several characters to be reworked for the sequel.
Alright, now whenever we do a deep dive on a sequel, we always have to start by talking about what came before it. So Overwatch
One released all the way back in 2016. I think it's probably the most well-known and most popular
hero shooter that there currently is. What's your guys' relationship to Overwatch One?
I love Overwatch One. I remember when Overwatch 1... I still actually remember when this game came out.
Our entire friend group, Nate, the world, was hyped.
Was absolutely hyped.
And I just remember playing this game for the first time
and seeing the cast of characters and the little portraits.
And it was like, who am I going to pick first?
And it was just... I remember the excitement and the fun that came
with that. All of us figuring out how to play this game, who was good at what. You had tanks
and healers in a shooter, which was very strange. But I mean, for a very long time, Overwatch 1 was
at the top of our leaderboard. It still is very, very high on our leaderboard. For me, it's one of my favorite
video games of all time, to be honest. I was not around when we did the deep dive here on the
Multiplayer Gaming Podcast, but I would like to say I have honorarily married this game because
I love the game. And I've made my opinions on shooters very public i don't like being shot at
in games because i i just i don't know if i just don't react fast enough but i'm terrible at them
and in this game i i'd like to say i'm passable at and i enjoy it and i loved it because again
we've talked about this before on previous episodes like i don't have to shoot it's just
like what josh said i can heal i can tank and if i if i really don't want to play a shooter i can
play a character that's only ability to actually do things from range is to throw a flame strike that
hits like a giant radius anyway. So I just kind of aim in that general direction.
So I love it. I love Overwatch. It is the only game that I think when my friends are like,
hey, you want to love Overwatch? I'm like, yeah, I do actually. I do want to do that.
And it's kind of like, yeah, just it's something I'll always love, I do, actually. I do want to do that. And it's kind of like, it's something I'll always love, I think.
Yeah, I don't think there's ever been a time that I've had a group of friends ping me and say, hey, we've got three, four, five people in Overwatch. Do you want to come play? The answer is always yes. most playtime by me of any game over my entire life except World of Warcraft. So I know all
three of us absolutely love Overwatch 1. It had a stranglehold on our leaderboard in the number
one position for well over a year. It only very recently got unseated because of God of War and
Red Dead Redemption 2. So Overwatch 1, immensely successful. We all absolutely love it.
And I think we also should probably at least briefly mention the fact that Overwatch League
really drove esports in popularity. I remember when they were airing the finals and it was on
ESPN, not even ESPN 2. The finals were on main ESPN 1 and I remembered thinking like oh wow like
Overwatch League has really arrived Michael I think you were always a big fan of it right that's
exactly what I was about to say is is I like this game so much that I actually I did not care about
esports early on Dota 2 League of Legends didn't never watched them maybe casually if I was trying
to fall asleep because honestly I didn't know what was happening in those games i never played them back in the day
but i actually have three dallas fuel t-shirts that i would wear during the matches as though
i was going to a football game that's how much i like this game and got into the esports now
it kind of fell off for a little bit in the middle because honestly dallas fuel they started not do
as well and uh and i kind of you know pulled a fair weather fan on it. But yeah, I was watching a lot of it.
That's so funny. All right. Now, guys, I have a quote here that I wanted to read to you
after Overwatch 1 released. Overwatch released to such wide acclaim that I think we kind of forget
how beloved it was by everybody. I mean, I remember when it
released as well, Josh, we were in there right in the beginning and the front page of Reddit
every day was nothing but ultimates that people would post or Pharah dropping underneath the
one part of one of the maps and popping up and using an alt. It was everywhere. And so here's a quote from back in 2016.
Overwatch's fan base has been noted
to be generally kind and supportive,
whereas many fresh games struggle
with an endless stream of player complaints
and developer prodding.
Overwatch's community is vivacious and jubilant.
Guys, what happened to the overwatch community i don't even
know what to say but all i know is that i've got a buddy um and i won't give you his username or
his real name you know who i'm talking about if you're listening who's been banned like seven
times from toxic behavior right i i don't know that any of us would say Overwatch is like a terribly jubilant community, but man, it's really fallen from grace.
I don't know if just the shininess wore off and people were so excited when it was new.
But yeah, the Overwatch community, not nearly as kind these days.
And I can also vouch the Overwatch 2 community is not much better.
Yeah, I don't know what happened.
I feel like in the beginning it was, and I think it was just because everybody was having not much better. Yeah, I don't know what happened. I feel like in the
beginning, it was. And I think it was just because everybody was having so much fun.
There had not been a game that hit the world like Overwatch did, to be honest with you. Yes,
there was Team Fortress 2. And I'm not saying that there weren't other class or hero-based
shooters previously. But there was an absolute magic that happened when
Overwatch released. And I think that everybody was having so much fun with the game that they
were just being nice to each other. People were figuring out the characters. There wasn't any
of the trolling or the throwing or any of that stuff. I don't know if it's that the more dedicated players stick around
for longer, and so they have higher expectations. Let's be honest, it is a team-based shooter.
And if you have somebody on your team that is not doing what they're supposed to be doing,
it can be very frustrating. And that's one of the things where I'm sure we'll get into,
why did they make a sequel? Why did they not just keep
updating Overwatch 1 other than money, of course? But it's one of those things where I think
there's very little flaws with Overwatch in general. I think the only real flaw with the
game is at times balance, which is hard to dial in when you have 38 characters or whatever it is.
And then the other thing is,
you know,
like the people,
like if Overwatch isn't fun,
it's because the people you're playing with.
And that's really the only fault of like the gate that the game has,
like technically speaking,
graphically speaking,
gameplay speaking,
it's almost flawless.
And to Blizzard's credit, the things that don't work, they have been able to address over time.
They removed maps like Paris, where you would log in, it would say, welcome to Paris.
And then 11 names have just left the server.
And then a good 13 more would join and quit because everyone hated the map so much
you know they got rid of that they got rid of hanzo scattershot which was i think the most
hated of all abilities in warcraft warcraft in overwatch bastion shield that was early yeah
that was really early yeah i should have had a shield at release which people don't remember
so you know they have always been very responsive,
not necessarily as quick as some might like.
The GOATS era, I think you in particular, Josh, really hated.
But back in November 2019,
they did announce at BlizzCon that Overwatch 2 would be coming down the road.
So we are now two and a half years after that point.
There is still no release window,
but we know it's not going to be this year.
And we had our very first closed beta test that just opened up on April 26th. And all three of us were able to get in and we got first-hand experience now on the PvP side. Now the PvE side,
no one has yet played. That wasn't a part of the beta beta so we're only going to talk about the pvp
side of things that we got our hands on although maybe at the end we'll talk a little bit about
maybe some pve elements we're hoping for but let's go ahead and talk about all of these changes that
they have made now with overwatch 2 you know we've got a couple of things that have been updated but
i think the number one thing to talk about first is that we had a change from 6v6
down to 5v5 so in overwatch 1 you've got two tanks two dps and two heels with the roll lock mode and
now in overwatch 2 you've got one tank two dps and two heels so what do you guys think are some
of the pros and cons now of having 5v5? Let me give you a huge pro real fast. All right. Less players shooting at me.
Since I'm terrible at shooters, there's one less person shooting at me.
It's like 17% fewer bullets coming your way, Michael.
Right. Yeah. And I'll go ahead and start and give my thoughts on it because I did notice that...
It's funny because maybe that is why in some cases I enjoyed aspects of
this game a little more or characters a little bit more without going into spoiler territory
on how I feel about the game. Because I did feel like I could get off if I was playing a flanker.
And we'll talk about the maps later. But there are certain maps that have a little more
abilities to flank and so on and so forth. There are certain things that happen differently.
I found that I could get around people a little
bit better. But I also found the other, conversely, is on an older map that was a little more complex.
Let's say like Eichenwald, where there's a lot more like, if you're pushing the payload,
and there's that main alley, but there's a lot of side areas and stuff. Sometimes I'd go around
looking for someone. I'm not finding anybody there
because there's one less person.
There's one...
And I did feel like the maps,
sometimes the known maps...
Now, the new maps, I didn't feel this on.
But some of the known maps,
I felt were a little bit more empty.
And that's my two first takeaways from it.
But yeah.
Yeah, it drastically changes
the flow of combat, in my opinion.
Now, there's a couple things. Number one,
I went back and played a few rounds of Overwatch 1 after having probably put 30 hours into Overwatch
2's beta. I have been playing that a lot lately. Number one, because it's just fun.
I mean, we never stopped liking Overwatch. So the first thing that i noticed was that the dps queue is like
three minutes long whereas in overwatch one it's seven to eight minutes unless you use a priority
pass and even then i'm not sure priority passes do a thing like i can vouch 70 of the time it says
this is taking longer than we anticipated we will not use your priority pass. Yeah. So I'm not sure that does anything. So I will say it has solved the DPS queue problem
in that regard. The other thing is that when you only need one tank, people are willing to fill
that role. So I feel like the queues pop a lot faster as well. Now, there are a lot of ripple effects to only having one tank. And we'll get
into some of those when we talk about the characters and some of the changes to the
characters as well. But characters that didn't receive any changes at all naturally got a boost
because there's not two tanks to worry about at that point. And so it really did change the feel of combat in the game.
Now, they had to buff a lot of the tanks too. So as before, tanks could soak damage and you
wouldn't want to be right on top of one, but you didn't really fear tanks before.
Now, you don't mess with a tank like 1v1. They've buffed them to a level where they're really strong,
and there are some balance changes that still need to happen. But removing one tank and then
strengthening tanks across the board has really changed a lot of the way the combat feels and how
the game works and how some of the characters work and strength levels of some of the characters and
stuff like that. That was actually the point that I really wanted to make,
and I wasn't sure where to fit it in here
or when we talk about the changes in characters,
is that I feel like the first thing I noticed about the 5v5
was that I did my research before I played the game.
I looked at a lot of things about what the different characters were,
and I'm looking at every tank got not a moderate hit point buff.
Almost all of them got a moderate hit point buff almost all of
them got like a 200 hit point buff you know and there was a balance on all of them but i felt like
it changed it didn't necessarily make the game more balanced than 6v6 it just changed the gameplay
a little bit and me as a tank main for the most part you know i started out as a healing main but
i just i can't i can't get off me some Orisa and Reinhardt. The whole thing was, I felt like it just changed the game, made it a little more fresh in a certain way,
but kept the balance, whereas I thought it was going to be like, this sucks being a tank.
I'm just getting picked on all the time. I'm constantly dead.
And I didn't find that to be the thing.
So to your point, Josh, that's absolutely true.
Yeah, I think another huge pro is just the fact that there's less shields. So I know Josh really hated when you would have a Bastion sitting behind a Sigma and a Rein, and now all you're doing is shooting shields, and that could get kind of boring. A lot of matches have no shields at all because you'll be playing where one side's got a Roadhog, the other side's got an Orisa.
There might not be shields at all, but I think that also leads into one of the cons, which for me is as a healer main, I am dying to Widows 10 times more than ever in the past.
Because if you play a Zen or something and you have no shield and the other team has a Wid that's even just semi-competent you're gonna get sniped continually so widows are really having a
heyday i think now we're seeing with fewer players and with fewer shields you can have one dps
character really carry matches in a way that i've never quite seen in overwatch one so for better or
worse i think you see a little bit more carrying. Well, with Widow especially too, they gave her her 25 hit points
back that they took away in the last game. And so it's harder to dive her now. So she's more
survivable and she's just picking you off nonstop. It's honestly one of the biggest cons since we're
talking about pros and cons. One of the biggest cons with not having a second tank is that one of the purposes of the off tank was to peel and to protect your healers.
I play a ton of Zarya, who is my favorite off tank.
And your job as Zarya is to protect the healers, bubble people, and do DPS.
And when you don't have a second tank, your healers are super at risk.
And so you mentioned Widow, but Genji. We're seeing
this huge resurgence of Genji just absolutely wrecking people's back lines to where Brig is
almost like a must pick again because she can kind of deal with Genji. But I said the other day,
I've never seen more cracked out Genjis carrying a team as I have in Overwatch 2. And it's because you don't have that second tank
to peel when somebody is diving your back line. Yeah. And to your exact point again, sorry,
I keep just taking both of your points. I feel like the guy in the middle is just like,
let me add to yours. Let me add to yours. But I had this issue. And I don't think we go to
details on maps in this episode. We'll talk about game modes a little bit, which will cover maps. But some of the new i just have to swing away now because i've got i'm standing in the middle
of like a bunch of people behind me a bunch of people broken back line bunch of people in front
we're trying to push this thing across and we're in the middle of this vulnerable area and as a
reinhardt single tank whereas before you'd have the two tanks kind of both take a different side
and do different things and there's a strategy involved that we couldn't use in this and it did make you more more vulnerable yeah i've definitely
experienced that same thing all right so you mentioned the game modes michael let's talk
about that now so in overwatch 2 they have completely gotten rid of assault maps which
was the two control point uh i don't know about you guys i'm a little sad about that i'm really
gonna miss some maps like hanamura was the first one that came to mind.
I love Hanamura.
So those are now phased out entirely, and they have now added a new game mode, which is called Push.
And Push is nothing revolutionary.
I mean, this has been around in games for years.
It's even in like Splatoon 1.
Basically, there's a big giant robot in the middle of the map.
And if your team is the only one standing right next to it you push it toward your enemy's spawn and so whoever is able to push the robot the furthest
the other way you end up winning the match so i was kind of curious as to your guys take you know
how do you feel about assault being phased out and now push being added i i like assault like i think
that some maps were not good assault maps you know
and it was like oh this is like horizon horizon lunar colony oh it's terrible right like paris
yeah exactly like blizzard world even although that was a hybrid map but you know it's i did
like some assault maps hanamura was really good I kind of actually like Volskaya too.
I like Volskaya.
So I would like to see those still in the rotation.
Maybe not as much.
Maybe it's like a 30% chance
that one of those maps comes up or something like that.
I will say that the new mode I absolutely love.
It is one of my favorite modes at this point.
My two favorite modes are the control
point ones like maps like ilios uh lucian tower and what's the other one uh the snowy one i can't
remember that one now no it's the control point where you have to you know oh total blank anyway
um like those are my favorite because you have to play best of three
rounds. And then the push mode is great because what it does is it forces people into that area.
It forces the teams to clash. There are zero choke points for the most part in the push mode.
And what's really neat that I like that they did is you're pushing it, the robot moves slowly.
But if you lose control and they push it back,
when you get control of the robot again,
he moves back very quickly.
So it's like,
he does book it.
And so you can kind of get back to the point where he's actually pushing
that wall.
What is that wall anyway?
why is he pushing this?
I have no idea.
He's pushing a whole bunch of suitcases.
I really don't know.
We got to move these refrigerators.
Yeah. I don't know what he's pushing or why.
But I love the mode. I think it's chaotic. It's great. There's very little choke points.
It's very back and forth. I mean, it's tug of war. That's what every... The simplest way to put it
is it is 100% tug of war. And I find myself having an absolute blast with it i i love the new push mode
but i'll start with assault mode first how they got rid of it right i question mark and why they
got rid of it i know kind of why they got rid of it because they're saying we want to change things
up they want to make it different they want to make it more fun and one could say that sometimes
because of the choke points and because of certain toxic players that assault
mode can be difficult because typically it has a lot of choke points and you've got to like um for
instance um uh hanamura right the end you almost have to go in with like three or four alts and
and combine them and just try to get them like it's like if you control that point and the other
team misses misses that they've got the point and the other team misses that,
they've got the point.
And you've got to wait two or three minutes before you can get that going again,
whereas Push is completely opposite.
Push is chaos all the time.
You're constantly able to go in.
There's still a strategy involved.
It's not like people are just diving in the whole time.
But the two maps, for instance, one of them,
and I believe it's pronounced Colosse and one's New Queen Street.
They're beautiful.
I loved them. Colosseo and one's New Queen Street. They're beautiful. I loved them.
Well, first of all.
Yeah, you got to say it right.
It's like a Roman.
Like the announcer.
Yeah, but I loved it because, again, the only reason I liked, and small, I'll die on this
hill, the only reason I liked the Paris map is because I like architecture and history,
and I thought it was nice to just stand and look at statues.
That's probably why I'm terrible at this game, because I'd be like, look at that.
Vince DiMilo there. uh no but i think they're
beautiful but also what i like about them is they further take the push concept and these maps
actually have more points where you can actually get around and you can flank like there's a lot
more spots like there's a lot more um three-dimensional things too where you can kind
of get on top of more stuff and come down and i think it's just they said we're gonna make something that's a lot more chaotic than the stagnant nature
of i control this assault point and i'm probably gonna win the game because the other team's diva
just blew her bomb outside the door on accident so i got this right um and that's that's one of
the things i liked it i found myself giddy every time i queued up and got a push versus something
else and so that's a win. Yeah, for the most part,
I absolutely love push. I don't know that we needed to get rid of assault entirely, but I know
the number one complaint people had were the two CP maps. So I mean, I get it. All right. Now,
another big change that they made to Overwatch 2 is that almost all crowd control has been removed so for example cassidy used to have
the flashbang now it's basically just like a homing grenade it's like a magnetic grenade
it'll kind of like attach to someone if you chuck it near them junk rats trap no longer completely
stops the enemy it just slows them down where they can still move. It does not completely immobilize you. And Mei,
her freeze gun,
no longer freezes enemies.
Don't talk. I don't want to talk about Mei.
Mei, I think, is still
my most played character.
There was a time when nobody played
Mei, and I decided I wanted to get really
good at Mei, and I got really good at Mei.
And it was the glory
days of Overwatch because nobody
knew how to deal with her. I was literally to the point where if a teammate got hooked by Roadhog,
I could put a wall in between Roadhog's hook and him so that they wouldn't get hooked in.
It was great. And they have gutted Mei into oblivion now. It makes me so sad i played may one time and then i basically was like i'm not
playing may at all anymore so it was just i because that's what i love that's what i loved
about her like she's not doing a lot of damage like yes the changes they made to her she does
more damage but she's not as much fun in any way shape or form i mean even even the one of the few
crowd controls um left in the game
one of the few few crowd controls less than left in the game is anna and they made the cool down
on her dart her sleep dart from 12 to 15 seconds like they're like we're not doing crowd control
at all yeah they've basically gotten rid of it almost completely even some things like Sombra's hack, it doesn't make you completely unavailable to use your items.
So I think overall, I get the philosophy behind it. They just want to make it so that way you
can keep playing. They don't want you to get stun locked into Oblivion where a Brigitte
smashes you and you can't move. Now you get flash banged and you can't move. And now you
run into a Junkrat trap and now you're dead.
So I do think for the most part, they are pretty good changes.
Although I will say I really hate Cassidy's grenade now.
Yeah. I hate nothing more than seeing that message like the tracer alt where it says you're stuck
and you know you're dead.
There's nothing you can do about it.
You wait the one second.
Now you're dead.
It's brain dead.
I will say this as much as i mourn
may's demise in this game the the them toning down cc was a phenomenal change in my opinion oh yeah
the pacing of overwatch 2 is much faster in a sense versus overwatch 1 the one thing that's
not faster is how fast you charge your ultimates. That is one thing that I absolutely noticed when I went back and played
Overwatch one was that you get your old really quickly and Overwatch one and
an Overwatch two,
you might,
you might only get like two or three a match at that point,
you know,
whereas you were getting like four or five or maybe even six back in
Overwatch one.
So another great change that I think throws a lot of people off
because it changes the pacing.
It's Overwatch, but it's different,
and it takes a little while to figure out if you like it
or you don't like it.
Yeah, and the exact same thing.
I know, Paul, you just mentioned Sombra.
Sombra's hack, of course, gone, like you just said, for the most part.
Not gone, though, but instead of being crowd control,
now it's just an interrupt.
It's a quick interrupt.
It's done.
You lose your ability for a second.
Whatever you're doing is gone.
And so it, again, changes the strategy
completely with the player as well.
What do you guys think about the addition of the scoreboard?
I love it.
It's the best change, honestly,
out of the entire changes that they've made.
They've added a scoreboard that shows
both teams stats so you can see how your dps are doing compared to the other team's dps
you can see how your healers are doing compared to the other team's healers how your tank is doing
i absolutely love it because there were times where it was like, nobody's dying.
It's our DPS is fall.
And you get,
you know,
I'm a troll in overwatch,
I'm a nice troll,
but I'm still a troll in overwatch.
And you know,
you've got these,
nobody's dying and you're looking and you're like,
come on DPS.
And then you pull up the scoreboard and you're like,
actually our DPS are out DPSing their DPS.
So maybe it's not their fault.
And then you look and it's like the enemy team's healers are just crushing your healers.
So then you're like, oh, it's not our DPS's fault.
It's our healers' fault.
Get your act together, healers.
Come on, man.
No, I also love it.
And I thought I was going to hate it.
But there was a match I was playing with Paul and Josh very early on.
I think it was the first time I realized there was even a scoreboard on this thing and i'm like i'm sorry guys i just i just can't heal
anybody in this match and paul's like what are you talking about you got a thousand more heels
than i do and i look down i'm like oh i do i don't i do okay i'm not doing so bad i'm just
not feeling like i'm doing it but i'm contributing and i like that i'm gonna play devil's advocate a
little bit here okay don't do it i i enjoy being able to see
my stats versus everybody else the problem i have with this is that i fear it's going to reduce
overwatch down to math where it's well why are you playing cassidy soldier's dps is always going to
be higher don't play that character you've got min-max everything on the scoreboard. And that worries me because World of Warcraft was a lot of fun in the early
days before you had DPS meters. And as soon as you added DPS meters, guess what? We're not taking
any druids on our raids anymore because they suck. Or we got to have at least five warlocks
and we're going to kick you out of the raid because we know that a
warlock can do more damage than your class and so i do worry a little bit that this is taking out a
little bit of the fun and the team strategy because like josh you can crush it as a may
uh if you've got gold damage as may you're probably not winning the match but that doesn't mean that
may is not the most important character out there.
And I will say, the changes basically make Moira a must-play every single match, because now that you've only got five on the playing field for your team, if you've got a Mercy
who's bringing in a zero damage, or you can bring in a Moira who does the exact same damage,
and they can do 7 000 damage
i'm gonna tell my mercies get off mercy why are you playing mercy go play something that can dps
and heal so i i'm a little worried in that regard i think there is a con and a pro to your point i
think that the not the jolly old trolls but the jerk trolls are going to be jerk trolls and the
nice people are going to be nice people i think in more novice matches it's not going to be it's going to be more of a problem because if
you look at like a pro match they're going to understand not like pro but like the higher
echelons in competitive play you're going to see people understand the importance of the may even
though she's not going to do as much damage you're going to see people understand the importance of
certain um they call them metas because i always want to call them comps because it used to be called a composition,
but then there's a comp mode that got really confusing,
so I guess it's called meta. What's the meta now?
It's the meta, yeah. Yeah, so the meta...
I think they're going to understand there's certain
metas that complement each other better, but I still think
that when you're seeing a scoreboard, you're going to have
people like my buddy who got banned seven times,
and he's going to look at a McCree
who's not crushing it.
I'm sorry. His name is Cassidy. I'm stuck in Old World. He's going to look at a McCree who is not crushing it. I'm sorry. His name is Cassidy.
I'm stuck in old world.
He's going to look at Cassidy.
We're going to keep it and leave it in.
Don't edit it out.
Call that mistake.
But the whole thing is we're going to look at something like that.
And that person is still going to be just screaming at somebody and saying,
you've only 2000 DPS,
this and that,
or 2000 damage.
And it's,
so I think there's good.
I think it's going to be good and bad.
I think you're going to see the trolls be more troll and it could be more good and that's it you
know there's just a lot that does not get captured by damage and heals and kills right like if i play
as anna and i hit that roadhog with a grenade every time he tries to take a breather which
then allows our group to kill him that doesn't pop up on the scoreboard
so the moira next to me might be doing more heals and might be doing more damage so you know that
that's just part of what i don't like and it's another reason for why i like playing with groups
of friends where you can do a little more strategizing as a team and everybody gets that
uh so i think the scoreboard has both pros and cons. I love it.
Honestly, I absolutely love it.
Like I said, it's one of my favorite changes.
But it's not the end-all be-all.
I mean, honestly, I played a couple rounds earlier with a friend, and our team crushed their team in every metric.
We out-DPSed them, we out-healed them, we out-tanked them, and they still won.
And so it's one of those things where they just worked better as a team. Even though the metrics weren't
better than us, we still lost the match. And we were actually talking about that. Like,
hey, that's funny. Look at that. We did everything better than them, and yet we still lost. Well,
we didn't work as good as a team. So the stats are not the end-all be-all.
So I don't think you're going to wind up
with the min-maxing aspect. I would think not because let's be honest, we've all played that
match with the Tracer on our team or the Torb or the Symmetra where they absolutely are phenomenal
at their character and they just carry. And you're like, dude, I had my doubts when you
picked that character, but you are great at that character. And so I don't think you're going to wind up with
the whole min-maxing thing. I get what you're saying, but I love the scoreboard because I like
to see what the problems are. And I love blaming the people that are the problems.
He is not a jolly old troll. No, he's just a troll.
No, I am more on Josh's side on this. I really like it. And I think to your point, Paul, World of Warcraft to me seemed like more of a mathematical equation than Overwatch is. Overwatch, there's a lot more movement. There's a lot more things happening. It's more of a shooter. fire don't stand in purple junk on the ground and move around but really just stand there and do
lots and lots of dps boss dives faster this game is nothing like that i get where you're coming
from i still think it's a good thing i guarantee you you will see zero mercies play this uh when
the when it releases unless they do major changes there are certain characters that are unplayable
because people are going to see it on the scoreboard. And I hope you guys are right.
But I think you are definitely going to get people insisting that you change because they're going to see it on the scoreboard.
And that's the kind of stuff I don't like.
All right.
Now, another change that they made to the game.
This one's not as major.
It's a little bit more minor.
But I think it does have a drastic impact on the game.
Tanks have had all of their knockback reduced pretty dramatically.
Also, tanks now take less damage and less healing.
DPS characters now have an increase to movement speed,
and all healers now have a passive heal,
where if you don't take any damage for two seconds,
you will start to self-heal over time.
So if you're an an ana you no longer have
to burn your grenade at your feet you can just let yourself self heal and use that a little bit more
offensively uh how do you guys feel about those changes to the passives i noticed that with
certain characters they were much more noticeable than others for instance when i was healing as a
moira you know and i'm like hey we're about to charge in. I'm low on health. I really want to throw this gold ball at myself.
Or I'm out of Healy Juice.
You know what I mean?
When you run out of Healy Juice, you got to do damage to get the Healy Juice back.
You know, it was really nice to have that to kind of just sit there and be like, hey, I'm going to recover for a second.
Then I can go out and throw the DPS orb out.
And now I'm doing damage to get my Healy Juice back and I can heal my friends again.
Things like that.
I think, though, that ultimately... And again, just more balance is the game for that 5v5 as well.
As far as tanks go, yeah, they take less heals, and they've got more knockback resistance, right?
I didn't notice as much for the tanks as I did.
The movement speed was kind of noticeable, but I got used to it real fast.
I more noticed it with the heals, and more on certain healers and others like with mercy
i didn't really notice it nearly as much because i'm always flying around healing somebody well
mercy was a passive anyway though so that wasn't really a big change for mercy well but she gets
50 more now on top of it yeah i mean because it yeah she still kept that kind of old passive i'll
be honest i don't notice i don't feel like that's a game changing thing.
I do know that they toned it down a little bit in the last patch that they did.
I only noticed it in a few characters.
Lucio was nigh unkillable because he had the healing from his aura that he has, and he had the passive healing, and he's just sitting there bouncing off of walls, which makes him super hard to hit.
So he would heal up ridiculously fast. And then you had the passive for DPS where they're 10%
faster, which you don't really notice that much, except for characters like Soldier and Sombra,
who have innate speed anyway. And then they were able to just get back to the fight super quick because it's like they
had Soldier Sprint or Sombra runs faster when she's in stealth plus the 10%. So that became
very, very powerful in that regard. But they actually just toned both of those down.
So Lucio's self-healing is drastically reduced now. And then they've lowered the sprint level
for Sombra and Soldier.
So they're aware of how the passes have affected a few characters.
But as a whole, I don't really think that it's very game-changing or noticeable, to be honest.
Yeah, exactly like I said earlier, you get used to a lot of it. It doesn't seem to really affect the outcome of matches,
except for the couple points you just made.
And like I said, I only really noticed all the healers that was it as a lucio player i have definitely noticed do not try to
boop tanks it's not happening they move back three inches now so you got you kind of have to like now
learn to shut that off and wait for the tank and then try to boop something else so the big green
map or the big greek map with the hole in it is no longer the lucio-centric map anymore the well i mean you can uh you can boop other characters but yeah i don't
even try to boop like orissa's or ryan's or winston's they they barely barely get pushed at
all um all right so let's talk about some of the character changes you know a lot of characters
were completely reworked the tanks in particular the healers more or less are almost entirely the same but what characters did you want to get into
let's not talk about may at all let's not do that dude i think may is almost unplayable to be honest
yeah it's very sad it's it's a big rip why don't we why don't we cover the major changes like the
characters that are almost completely different and then as time allows we can get into some of
the smaller changes.
Because let's be honest, some characters didn't change hardly at all.
You know, I mean, like Soldier.
Soldier's still Soldier.
I think they nerfed his damage by like one or something like that.
Like we don't need to get into like the really fine details.
But there's been some pretty significant changes to some of the characters.
There's been complete overhauls of some of the characters as well.
I mean...
Complete overhauls. We got to start with well. I mean, complete overhauls.
We got to start with Arisa.
She's completely different.
You know,
not in a bad way.
I think she's number one.
She needs some balancing because she is way OP at this point,
but Arisa is a completely different character.
Now she still has her gun,
but her gun works off of a heat mechanic, and it does more damage
as you're closer to the target.
So she's much more scrappy if she's in somebody's face.
They have taken away her barrier completely, which is good.
You're going to see this kind of this less shields theme throughout Overwatch 2.
She has a javelin that she can now chuck at people,
which is honestly one of the coolest things that's in the game.
Because if you whip this javelin at somebody and it hits them,
it's got a huge knockback.
And if you hit them into a wall, it will stun them for a second and do even more damage.
So it's almost like a combination of Doomfist's punch
and then some major knockback thing
at the same time.
So that's really fun.
It's also kind of a shield.
It eats damage too.
Well, that's her spinny.
Yeah, that's the spinny guy.
Right, yeah.
And then she can spin the javelin
in front of her.
She kind of charges forward
when she does that.
She spins this javelin.
It absorbs everything
a la D.Va's Matrix, almost.
And it has knockback.
So you can actually push people around with it.
And it does damage.
It's a very kind of all-encompassing skill.
And then she still has her Fortify ability, which she takes a lot less damage.
And she doesn't heat up her gun as fast while she's in Fortify.
No more grav thingy.
I don't even remember what that thing was
halt i think it was called where you could suck people into the well and that but she's a
completely different character you put all of those things together and honestly she's op as
anything right now she's by far the strongest tank in the entire game although she has a worthless
salt yeah her old is oh super i didn't even talk about her all it's it's so there's no
point yeah when people are saying when i was looking it up they were saying it's worthless
i'm like it's not worthless and like oh yeah it's worthless because i i played i played a lot of
in overwatch one and i was actually hesitant to actually queue as a recent overwatch two
because i'm like i'm very hesitant change and so when i started playing i started as ryan and by the way ryan did not change much right we won't go deep into it because
he didn't change much but his changes were stellar i mean you know two flame strikes that's two flame
strikes but he turns faster when you charge yeah which for me was always so frustrating as a ryan
but i loved a recent i won't go in there too much. One of the things, though, that I found myself strangely drawn to
is I hated playing Doomfist in the original Overwatch.
I was terrible with him.
And he got a pretty heavy overhaul, kind of.
Would you guys say he got a pretty heavy overhaul?
There were several changes to big abilities,
but I found that having him go to full tank,
but then simple things like uppercuts gone, I could never figure it out.
Maybe that's why I liked it. So now he just supercharged
his next rocket push, but also the way
Seismic Slam works, where you can actually aim
with it kind of a little bit differently as opposed to going
just at an arc and you can actually go
forward. I found myself liking that,
which was interesting, and I didn't even think about the reason
why I liked it, because Josh just said he's a full
tank now, and I love playing tanks. That's
probably it.
Yeah, but there's a lot that didn't change. There's a change i'm trying to go through because i really wanted to talk about a recent because i love her so much i really wanted to
talk about may but i can't do it can't stomach it and we already kind of talked about her um
i could rapid fire the characters that didn't change and literally just say the names of the
characters didn't change at all if you wanted to it's probably like 20 24 characters i was
gonna say they didn't change a ton of them um i mean tank changes zarya they gave zarya the ability to she still has two
bubbles but she can choose how she uses them so she can either double bubble herself or she can
do double bubbles on somebody else so you basically have two charges and you can use them however you
want um roadhog actually just interestingly did not when the beta started,
but they just made a huge patch where they changed Roadhog's ult
to where it now works like Soldier's ult.
So what you do is you slap the scrap in your gun,
but he doesn't fire unless you press and hold the trigger.
But it's a channeled ult, which means if you get stunned,
your ult's not over.
You're stunned during that small little portion, but your alt isn't just canceled.
And you can hook people during your alt, or you can take a breather.
So you can do everything you normally could.
So that was a huge change for Roadhog.
Well, not only that, Roadhog has 700 health.
Which is honestly about three times like your average character in overwatch
you used to be able to swap to reaper and you could just face roll a roadhog 1v1 you cannot
do that anymore you will also you will lose as reaper yeah reaper also got nerfed i mean they
they lowered the damage of his pellets like insignificantly but he i play a lot of reaper
and he's not nerfed
well the only reason that he's nerfed i think is uh there's two reasons one not so much that
he was nerfed because yeah they lowered the damage his pellets and also um his spread is
like 30 larger so you do have to be right up next to something to hit a lot more accurately
but the biggest thing is the boost of the tanks i was playing reinhardt and normally when i see
a reaper i'm running for my life and now i'm smacking a reaper to death and i can actually
1v1 a reaper now and that's kind of where that nerf comes from that surprised me um and then
other characters got nerfed as well tracer having five damage per bullet versus six is surprisingly
noticeable like surprisingly nothing else changed about her they just make her do less she can't
one shot healers now is the thing.
She can't one-clip a healer now as well.
I'm trying to think.
Nobody plays D.Va, which is really weird.
I've seen very little D.Vas because they didn't change anything about D.Va.
I think they bumped up her armor and her health just a smidge.
She's more accurate a little bit.
Winston got an interesting change, but it doesn't really matter.
They gave him the ability to like right
And instead of,
you know,
his Tesla cannon thing,
he shoots out a bolt of lightning instead.
So it's like,
they gave him this weird range ability,
but it's not really that good.
And it doesn't,
it's like,
it takes too long to charge up.
And I don't know.
I thought it was going to be great because I love playing Winston,
but it's like,
it just really didn't affect anything with him.'s not changed at all um i i mean i i think that's
pretty much it i'm sure there's another tank i'm forgetting about that i just don't play
famously though the yeah famously though the the two and i forget their names not not their names
their last name but genji and hanzo didn't change
and they were just not nice to that family yeah no need right there they already work great
the one other change that does make me sad for something so minor junk rat bombs now flash
they've got a strobe light on them and i used to love nothing more than to leave my trap with the bomb leave
it in a spot you know someone's gonna hit that cannot happen anymore not only because the traps
now don't stop you but now everybody can see the strobe light anywhere on the map so you can't
surprise people with those junk traps anymore yeah that was that was one of those changes that
i really didn't like because when i do play DPS with my terrible aim,
I'm like, I'm going to play Junkrat and just arc these bombs and balls everywhere.
And I would always love doing that, the trap.
But I don't.
I can't.
Now, as like a Reinhardt stepping in the trap, I love the new trap.
I just got to go for another two and a half seconds.
I'm out of it.
But as a Junkrat, it hurt me to see that.
But there's a lot of changes.
Some are good, some are bad.
I mean, DPS-wise, the two major changes were to Bastion and Sombra.
Those characters were almost completely reworked.
Bastion can now move in turret form, but it's on a timer,
which I thought was really cool to kind of limit its functionality.
So you transform into your turret, and you can roll around now.
So you can actually move which
is a very odd sight to see and he does a butt ton of damage when he's in turret form just like he
did before but it's on like a six or eight second timer and then he transforms back regardless um
they took his healing ability away right yeah he does nothing at that point. I mean, they gave him a little weird bouncy grenade that does nothing.
You know,
and his ultimate is actually kind of cool,
but still kind of does nothing because he's a more,
he goes into mortar form and you can choose three spots on the map.
You get three mortars basically,
and you can just choose on the map where to put them.
So if you can blanket like a choke point or a hallway,
you're probably going to get a pick or two.
But it's just weird, man.
Bastion's completely different.
And unless you're melting people in turret form,
then he really doesn't do a whole lot,
which is good because we hated playing against Bastions.
And he's super squishy now when he's in that turret form.
I swear he takes more damage.
I don't know if that's actually a thing,
but you get melted in turn form
now it's probably because you're used to the bastion holding down the right button to self
heal maybe that's what it is and he has no self heal now yeah well josh just made a bold statement
he said arguably the two biggest changes to dps were to sombra and to bastion one would say the
biggest change to dps is that we lost a DPS character named Doomfist.
Yeah, I don't know.
Doom is still the ultimately annoying character, too, when somebody's good with them.
Did we get a lot of details on what Sombra's hack lost?
Like how much it changed?
And I played a lot of Sombra, man.
I love harassing type characters.
Anything I...
If I can...
Give me a character where I can aggravate the other team.
That's the character I'm going to gravitate towards.
That's why I love playing Mei so much, too.
But yeah, I don't...
I can high-level it real fast.
Essentially, they increase the damage to hack targets by 40%,
which is the only good thing...
She's a tank killer now.
And a wall reveal.
Now you've got a little wall reveal during the hack,
but the ability lockout,
that's the ability to not use your abilities.
This is good English, guys.
Guys, I'm good at English today.
The ability lockout is no longer five seconds.
It's one second, which we talked about with that stun.
The hit point potion or hit point potion.
Man, all right, Diablo.
The hit point spot.
What are they calling it? the health packs health packs man
what i'm falling apart here the duration was cut from 60 seconds to 30 seconds on
health pack hacks they increase the cast time and they reduce the cool down like it's
a huge overhaul and she doesn't come out of stealth when she hacks a health pack which
is really nice she doesn't come out of stealth when she hacks a health pack which is really nice she doesn't come out of stealth when she hacks a character although she does become slightly
visible which is basically you don't have stealth like i'd never understood that change because
i've tried to hack like the enemy zen and then instantly they're like oh i see you boom you're
dead and it's like okay well this didn't. Also, the range to detect her is farther.
So you can't get as close as a Sombra or they see you.
The biggest thing with Sombra is...
Because I have probably, I don't know, 70 hours playing Sombra.
I really enjoy the character.
Her two biggest changes are, number one, when she hacks a tank,
because she gets that 40% damage bonus.
She can melt a tank now.
So that's actually a very significant change.
And then her EMP, what they did is they gave her EMP because they took away a lot of the CC
abilities. So if you EMP everybody, I think they only have the one second of being locked out of
their abilities, which doesn't even really matter. But she does 40% of their health as damage.
And so that's a pretty significant change
because you can actually jack up the enemy team
with a well-placed EMP now.
The problem is every Sombra is still EMPs by themselves
when the whole team's dead.
It doesn't matter.
Watch this, guys.
Okay, go.
And then it's like, no, we're all dead.
Why did you waste that?
Dude, 90% of EMP emps and 90 of zarya grabs are 1v5 still all right so as we start to kind of wrap up this
episode here you know i think the one question that everybody is waiting for us to answer
is you know is this a true sequel with new content it's a new game worthy of being called
overwatch 2 or is this really just like what a lot of people people have been joking about
calling it overwatch 1.5 i can say that it's a little bit of both i'll happily buy it to you
know again we don't know because we don't know
the PvE aspect as well. But ultimately, here's how I can sum it up. With the exception of the
major changes, I feel like Overwatch 2 is like an RPG where you just pick different things in
the skill trees. Do you want to cast the spell faster? Or do you want the cooldown to not be...
Or do you want it to not be as
long on the cool down i feel like it's just little tiny minor changes here that just kind of change
it up a little bit i still like it because it's new content i really didn't feel like the aesthetics
changed that much like at first you notice you're like the graphics are a little better
um some of the sound design was a little better i i think it's a 1.5 to me, but if they charge $50 for it, I'll still pay it and play it happily.
But I'll also play Overwatch 1, I think.
Well, the nice thing is, if you own Overwatch 1, you will get the update to Overwatch 2 PvP for free.
So you could get this and just experience it as Overwatchwatch 1.5 if you end up buying it that's
going to unlock all that pve uh i i think this is absolutely overwatch 1.5 if not overwatch 1.4
1.3 uh guys i played nothing but overwatch 2 for two full weeks and then I went back to
Overwatch 1 fully expecting
to be like oh wow yeah these graphics are
a lot worse oh yeah it's not as smooth
guys it's 99%
the same honestly
I am not going to miss the
beta at all when the beta ends
I'm just going to play Overwatch 1
it's a little different sure the pasting
is a little different we won't have Sojourn to pick and you got to get used to the changes.
I was actually kind of shocked at how similar this game feels. It's still 99% the same.
Y'all are both crazy, but you're also both very right. I have been playing a lot of Overwatch 2. It is 100% Overwatch 1.5. Yes,
the graphics are a little cleaner and sharper, and they've changed some of the portraits and
art style. And I think there's dynamic lighting now or RTX. I don't even know. You know what I
mean? It's one of those things, ray tracing or whatever.
The graphics do look slightly different. But if you go back to Overwatch 1,
they're not so different that you go like, oh, it's a completely different game.
I do like some of the sound design changes. Weapons feel more punchy.
So there's little things there. The main difference is the flow of combat. It's faster paced.
There's less CC in the game. If you like the changes to the characters, then there is a lot to enjoy. If you like that there's only one tank, but they're
stronger, like if you like the push mode, I think there's an awful lot to like about Overwatch 2.
But in relation to Overwatch 1, because I did the same thing, Paul. I went back and I played Overwatch 1, and it still felt just like Overwatch.
The absolute single biggest change or perk is that Overwatch 2 got people playing Overwatch again that weren't playing it before.
So I've been able to play Overwatch 2 with my friends.
Whereas if it was Overwatch 1, people just kind of went like, yeah, I'm kind of done with that.
And so that's the change
is that I've seen more of my friends playing
Overwatch 2 and been able to hop in with them
and play it and have fun.
But the game is not that different.
It's really not.
Yeah, I feel like to exactly
what you just said, give it
two years and Overwatch 2
might be exactly what overwatch 1 would have
just become with patches anyways you know like hey guys we're gonna change it up and go to 5v5
we're gonna change your reset this week in two more months we're gonna change the rhyme to this
you know and all that stuff's just gonna change like you said you guys hit the nail on the head
it doesn't feel like a different game now that being said the reason why i i like both is because i can go back and forth if i want to like uh for instance a couple times i just wanted
to go back and play the other orisa because i'm like i kind of like doing that i like the cheese
cup where you put the bastion on top of the ryan and you make people really upset but it's 1.5
the venn diagram for overwatch 1 and is, you know, they overlap almost entirely.
Are either of you, like, seriously going to miss the beta?
Are you going to be sad when it turns off?
I'm not going to care.
I actually will, because if people stop playing again, I've been having a lot of fun.
Like, honestly, I've been having a lot of fun playing Overwatch 2.
I like it.
I like the flow of combat more than Overwatch 1. If you said,
Josh, pick one, I'm going to pick Overwatch 2 in that regard. Are there characters that are
drastically out of balance right now? Yes. They need to make some sweeping balance changes
to Overwatch 2. Whereas I feel like Overwatch 1 is pretty balanced at this point. So there are some things that are messed up, but I've been having a lot of fun in Overwatch 2.
Here's the thing though, right?
If you like Overwatch 1, you're going to get Overwatch 2 for free in the PvP portion.
Now, we're not talking about the PvE because nobody really knows anything about that.
Maybe the PvE element to Overwatch 2 is amazing. I don't know that it
will be, but I could see a world where Overwatch 2 PvE is equivalent to Destiny 2 Raids or something
like that, to where it's like you have to have teamwork and everybody has to do their jobs,
and this is super fun. There's neat mechanics and stuff like that like i hope that's what overwatch 2 pve is but for
strictly the pvp i am a fan of a lot of the changes they've made if they balance some of
the characters i think it's i think the pvp is way better than overwatch 1 way better because
the only thing you mentioned is it's a slightly different pace like that's not an that's not a
sequel that's right it's a. But it feels better to me.
Yeah, it's a better patch.
Exactly. Yeah, honestly. I mean, when you're talking about, is this a sequel or is it not?
It's not. But the changes that they've made have made the PvP feel a lot better, in my opinion.
I think that's probably their masterstroke. That's what they're doing, is they're putting
out their PvP saying,
you know, we're not going to change it out that much, right?
We're going to make it free for Overwatch 1 players.
And I think that what they're looking at is they might be,
and this is me speculating, so speculation time, right?
They might be working on something so great for PvE that they're like,
hey, we got to launch something because we announced this thing
two and a half years ago,
and we got nothing.
Let's put out the PVPTs, people, and then PVE is going to be amazing.
Did I just mix up PVP and PVE?
You get it.
The PVEs, it's not going to be amazing, guys.
They've released multiple PVEs.
The best thing that they've done is Junkenstein,
and I love Junkenstein,
but I've seen nothing yet to give me any kind of confidence in a
PVE mode.
I hope nothing more than to be wrong with Jeff Kaplan leaving the fact that they've
already worked on this for years.
And this was the beta test.
I really expected to see more changes, but, you know, we'll just have to wait until PVE
is available.
So right now, what is the grade you would give Overwatch?
So like a good old A, B, C, D, F scale.
What would you give the current prospects of Overwatch 2?
Like how confident are you in where it'll be when it releases?
Strictly PvP?
Just overall.
Oh, man.
Like how's it going to sell?
Or how are people going to like it?
Like, what would you rate the prospects?
I feel like I would give it, like, a C.
Like, I'm not excited.
I was going to say C+.
It's fine.
Like, C's get degrees.
Like, this is not, you know, standout, but it's not awful.
I wish I had stronger feelings about it all i've i've overall
i've just felt like i'm playing overwatch one with a a with another patch i think it's fine
uh at this point if if we deep dive overwatch 2 i'll buy it uh at this time i would have no plans
to pay for the pve i would take the the free upgrade to Overwatch 2 and just play it.
That's exactly what I would do if we weren't running the show.
I would 100% wait for reviews on the PVE component.
If it comes out that this is Destiny 2 type raids with teamwork and mechanics and raid
stuff and all that, you've seriously got my interest.
If this is the Overwatch 1 seasonal events,
PvE just spiced up a little bit with some grindy type,
because I know you can unlock abilities and stuff like that.
That's not going to be worth $40 to me.
I'll happily play the PvP portion of it because I love that.
That's what Overwatch 1 was, and that's where the magic is.
But unless something drastic comes out and we see some really, really interesting things,
I have zero interest in the PvE component of Overwatch 2.
Ain't gonna happen.
I'll probably buy it just because I buy everything.
But I feel like here's my take on it is like, which one do you like more?
I like them both the same.
They're both great.
They're both great they're both overwatch like i feel like when it comes down to playing a year or two years from now you know
hey guys what do you want to play overwatch you want to play some overwatch yeah let's play some
overwatch hey you want 5v5 overwatch 2 or 6v6 overwatch 1 i don't know we played 5v5 last night
let's play 6v6 tonight because you like them both the same that's kind of how i feel i don't feel
like it's enough of a change for me to have any strong opinions it's just it both the same that's kind of how i feel i don't feel like it's
enough of a change for me to have any strong opinions it's just it's the same but different all right so obviously this game is not on steam it is not released we can't read the
regular community reviews that we do although i believe josh has scoured youtube and has pieced
together a couple of comments that he has found, right?
I have gone through Mordor, the swamps of sadness, and everything to find some decent comments that might be worthwhile. So in lieu of reviews, I tried to find some of the criticisms
and some of the other things that people have about the PVP aspect.
So here we go.
I like the removal of a lot of the CC abilities.
It means a healthier game where you aren't getting cheesed at random.
But with the removal of a lot of CC, doesn't this just mean dive comps are going to be super oppressive with nothing to stop their momentum?
The answer is yes.
Dive comps right now are absolutely the strongest
comps in Overwatch 2 Beta.
They're super annoying. There's nothing
you can do against them because
you don't have that second tank.
And historically, our
friend group has been awful at
dive comps, so we might struggle
with this. Yeah, just a little bit, and
it's true. But that
is a very valid and verifiable
complaint because they are way too strong all right this next one keep in mind that the new
meta will affect some of the dps who didn't get changes less shields will affect hanzo and genji
for example or even torb's turret also they all got a new passive, 10% speed boost, which is huge on heroes like Symmetra.
I will say that Genji is super strong right now.
We talked about this early.
I've been playing against so many cracked out Genjis, and honestly, there's nothing you can do.
A very good Genji can absolutely carry the other team, and it just becomes oppressive.
It's not fun at that point.
Okay, this next one.
I'm worried that no CC would mean that a lot of the mobility-based heroes will be harder to counter.
Again, see Genji.
Yeah, insert it.
I hate Lucio.
Now, Paul, I know you're a fan of playing Lucio, and you're a great Lucio.
But I said earlier today, i was playing with a friend
and i said earlier today because a lot of the maps the new maps are very narrow so lucio has
walls galore to bounce off of and still be in the fight like it's not like you know he's got to maybe
run away for a little while and then come back like he's in it and he's just hopping from wall
to wall the entire time lucio is oppressive man like i hate lucio in overwatch 2 for that very
reason he's too mobile and there's too many things for him to to latch on to um and because there's
not enough cc how do you kill lucio you stun him right you freeze him or something like that and
you can't do that anymore so and now it's just this guy just playing just all over he can come
from anywhere and
he can be anywhere at all times. Yeah, right. And healing nonstop the entire time.
A Lucio Moira heal combo is incredibly hard to take down right now.
Yeah, it really is. Okay, so next one. I really feel like all characters should get some kind
of change. It really feels defeating to discover that your character has very little different
after waiting all this time between games. That's a healer main right there.
I mean, that's a healer main. That's a Reaper main. I mean, Reaper didn't get any changes.
He got slightly nerfed. You know, Soldier, right? Genji didn't get any changes, but Genji's super
strong just because there's not all those shields and everything or a tank that you have to worry about. So I will say this. If you're going to call it a sequel,
then you should have done something different to every character. Now, I know that that's a
daunting task, but I 100% agree with this guy that if you give me Overwatch 2 and my character,
my three mains are zero different than what I was playing before,
I'm disappointed. Yeah, for sure.
You know, at that point. I don't care if you just give me a new ability or something,
but change something so that I go, ooh, my character is new and shiny.
Right. So not just a new skin.
Right. I would play Sea of Thieves for that.
Yep. Okay. Next one. one at first this beta of overwatch
2 felt almost not different from overwatch but after some time i feel how these tweak change
how these tweaks change the meta and the pace and i quite like it's less frustrating and characters
like sojourn really bring a new approach to the game even by just playing against her well maybe
orisa is a bit broken right now. We didn't talk about Sojourn
at all. I just realized that. She's a new character. She's fine. She's kind of like Soldier.
She's got a railgun. She's basically a combination of Soldier and Widow. She plays like Soldier
until you charge your gun up, and then she can snipe people with this railgun shot that goes
super fast. I mean, she's not that different, to be honest.
She's not like Echo, where it was like a really unique character or something like that.
Well, and also, I feel like we went pretty far into Sojourn on a Twig episode. And the name
was in the title of the episode, if you guys want to go back and hear the thoughts on that too.
I think it was a month ago.
Yep. That's absolutely right. All right. Last one.
Overwatch 2 is a hard pass for me as a tank player
removing a tank slot to please dps players q times just killed the fun of the synergy with
your other tank diva winston zarya ryan ball winston sig orisa orisa hog sad he's not wrong
you no longer can play the ryan zarya combo which was so much fun where you could watch
the rind kind of brashly you know uh swing just swing for the fences man but as we say charge
past the enemy lines and then you could bubble them while everyone else runs up like you can't
do stuff like that like you used to be able to there there are some tweaks that i'm gonna miss overall i do like the direction of overwatch 2 like i'm not complaining about it um it's it's just not
terribly different there are some things i'm gonna miss there's some things i'm excited about
but i i do kind of get that you do lose some of that two tank strategy that I think was sometimes a lot of fun. Winston and D.Va as a dive comp was always a blast.
The question is, is it familiarity or is it that it's not as good?
You know what I mean?
Because there are some great changes and they've buffed the tanks to where the tank that if
you're playing a tank, you really do feel a lot stronger.
Is it just that i'm familiar with that
ryan zarya combo like i said i played a lot of zarya and paul you play a lot of ryan you know
and so we're used to that dynamic and that's not there anymore so is it worse or is it just that
that's what we were familiar with yeah it could be a little bit of both. Again, I still preferred to queue up as tank
when I was queuing in Overwatch 2
because I was like,
hey, first of all,
I'm not as focused on it anymore.
It didn't seem like it was constantly like,
oh, there's the shields here.
Kill the shield.
Kill the shield.
Because there's so much more flanking
and so much more things going on in this game.
There's more happening,
especially in the push maps.
But at the same point,
I feel like later on down the road, you might find new combos that's a different combo than a zarya ryan combo you know
what i mean like i'll say this earlier today uh i was playing sombra and my buddy was playing
and we talked about how useless orisa's alt is she sucks everybody into her she charges up her
her javelin you have to kind of wait, almost
like you do with Cassidy's ult. And then the longer you charge it, the more damage it does.
But it takes so long to charge that you'd never kill anybody with it because everybody runs out
of the circle. I was playing Sombra. And so when he started to charge up, I EMP'd. Well, that took
off 40% of everybody's health, and then it sucks everybody in.
He only had to hold it for like a second, and it wiped the entire enemy team.
That was like a brand new wombo combo, right? A la Zaria Hanzo. And it was like,
whoa, did we just discover something? This worked really well.
So I think you're right, Michael, in that there you know, there's going to be new stuff to discover in that regard,
but it just feels very off to not have that second tank.
it's definitely a recalibration for sure.
All right.
So the last thing that I think we need to at least briefly talk about,
do we want to try to place this game on the leaderboard or do we feel like
it's too much in progress that we should just wait until it officially launches?
What do you guys think?
Here's my problem.
We know how we rated Overwatch 1.
Overwatch 1 is very high on our leaderboard, and that's no PvE components.
So it's like, are we going to place Overwatch 2 above it?
Because then that's saying an awful lot with where Overwatch 1 is ranked on our leaderboard.
If we place it below it, it's kind of like, well, why do we have these two Overwatches side by side?
Would we remove Overwatch 1 and replace it with Overwatch 1.5?
I feel like here's the thing i kind of said it earlier
i put it exactly with overwatch occupy the same spot because it's the exact same game just
some different aspects of the same game i feel like we wait i feel like we wait till the pve
aspect comes out and we give overwatch the full but now you could disagree with me and i'll i'll
i'll rate it but at the same point, I don't know.
Let's hold off.
Let's hold off.
Because here's the thing.
I am having a blast with Overwatch 2.
But if you're telling me to compare it to Overwatch 1, it's different in a lot of ways.
And it's not done.
My biggest complaint right now is that they need to do some balance changes.
Until that happens, there's going to be some very frustrating components of Overwatch 2.
But it's still Overwatch, which is a great game!
You know what I mean?
It's the same game.
So it's like, how do you rank that?
I would say let's hold off.
Or we could just put out next to our Overwatch ranking, put includes Overwatch 2 beta,
because it's really the same game with some tweaks that are...
Some are good and some aren't so good.
So it's probably going to balance out anyway.
Well, and like you said just now,
Overwatch 1 wasn't perfect when it came out either.
They made a lot of balance changes pretty early on,
i.e. Bastion's shield got rid of it.
And so I feel like it just makes sense to wait a little bit.
And it's a beta.
And when Overwatch 2 releases, we're going to have several new characters,
not just Sojourn.
They're going to have either four or five new characters, the PvE content.
I feel like there's a lot more we need to see.
But yeah, we're fine holding off then,
and we'll wait for the official release in
maybe 2023 maybe 2024 i honestly don't know what they're spending their time on to to be transparent
i i i would think with that team and all of this time and all of this money they'd be further along
in the process but i know that they had to to rework the engine and all this other stuff behind the scenes.
Hopefully, we'll see major changes down the road.
How about this?
You can only have one installed on your computer.
Are you picking Overwatch 1
or are you picking Overwatch 2 in its current form?
Overwatch 1.
Assuming that the beta doesn't go away.
If they just said, here you go,
you can have one installed
which one's it going to be you so you're saying you like overwatch one better one it's better
balanced yeah man see for me i feel like i want to cheat and say how about can i just delete one
of them and install the other one and the next day put the other one because i like them both
a lot but i would say that because of what paul just said i'm swayed a little bit in his, no, I'm not.
I think I want Overwatch 2 because it's new and shiny
and different. I'm picking Overwatch 2.
It's not shiny. It's not different.
I mean, it's not. It's polished a little bit.
It's not different. I admit it.
I'm not saying that it is, but there's
something about it that is
very hard to put my finger on, but I would pick
Overwatch 2 in a heartbeat.
I think I would too, even with the balancing issues.
I just...
Oh, I mean, if you balance it,
it makes it way easier for me at that point.
But I still...
There's an it factor.
I can't put my finger on.
Maybe it's just the pacing.
Maybe it's the lack of crowd control
and I'm not getting booped in eight different directions
for 12 seconds.
I don't know what it is necessarily. Maybe it's just the sound. Maybe I like the sound of the
weapons and I don't realize it as much. But there is something about it that I do prefer over
Overwatch 1. We do know that good sound makes for a great game. That's right. Yes, we do.
That's all he needs. Yeah, that's funny that I'm on completely the other end of the spectrum.
I would rather play Overwatch 1.
I don't feel any desire to play Overwatch 2,
other than the fact that we were covering it for the show.
And I'll actually kind of be glad when the beta is gone.
I'd rather Assault hop into Overwatch 1.
I have to wonder if that's because you're a healer.
Like, because you're a healer main, for the most part.
You know what I mean?
And healers are getting wrecked right now, to be be honest so i wonder if it's more frustrating for you there's widows spawn camping there's like you know there's that kind of stuff going on that i do think makes it
a hard go right now for healers if you only qs tank and dps it might be a little bit of a different experience. Guess what? I only QS, Paul.
Yeah, I feel like, last thing I'll say, and then we can end the episode.
I do feel like Overwatch 2 also, almost every engagement is a team kill.
Overwatch 1, you could be a little more strategic of, okay, we lost two people.
Let's back up and fall back.
You almost cannot fall back in Overwatch 2 because the dps are too fast you have characters like sojourn that can catch up to anybody around a corner
and so it does feel like every battle everybody on one side gets killed and i don't really like
that closing point that's a really good closing point i still still want to play Overwatch 2. Yeah. I hear you.
It's new.
I can't argue that it's new.
I agree with you there.
All right.
So thank you so much to everyone out there for listening.
Just one last reminder, if you want to check out our Patreon page, you can go to
And we have our next deep dive on elite dangerous that one will release two weeks from
today and as always we will have our next episode on thursday for this week in gaming we really hope
that you guys will join us again there and come hit us up on discord maybe we can queue into some
overwatch two games together and we'd love to see you guys on there as well so i think we're not bumping elite
dangerous again right do we have another announcement michael we voted yes surprise
no we will get totally dangerous this time all right i actually want to push it out now
i want to play it more well thank you thank you so much, everyone, for listening.
We will see you all on Thursday.
Until then, happy gaming.
Cheers, everyone.
See you, everybody.