Video Gamers Podcast - [Side Quest] Our Personal Top 5 Movies - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: August 29, 2024

Gaming Hosts Paul, Ryan and Josh are going on a side quest to talk about our top 5 favorite movies. Wait, you thought this was just a gaming podcast? Well it is, except two of us were out of town this... week and we thought it's the perfect opportunity to give you what you’ve been asking for! Join us as we each break down our personal top 5 movies of all time, what made them great and why they resonate with us. It’s a fun episode that strays just a little off the video game path, but the rewards are awesome! Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporter: Ole Jake (and to everyone who supports this podcast) Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on Twitter:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, Hello, everyone. Happy Thursday. Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. Usually on Thursdays, we cover recent gaming news, but today I have two co-hosts who are traveling and nobody wanted to hear me do a solo gaming news pod for half an hour, so we had to record this one a little bit early. We had to, by necessity, do something non-news related since we can't guess at what the news is and we have decided to cover a non-gaming topic of discussing our individual five favorite movies of all time i am your host paul and joining me he is getting ready for a road trip you might hear him say all right all right all right let's go for a ride it's josh all right all right
Starting point is 00:01:26 all right that's have you seen dazed and confused oh yeah dude okay okay dazed and confused came out when i was in like high school it was like the perfect like oh well you know we need those are your classmates yeah these are my peeps man man. I never know. Sometimes I give you movie references and you have no clue. That's true. All right, I'm glad you like Dazed and Confused. And then joining Josh and me, he is soon leaving the city to head out into the wilderness for a hunt. You might even hear him tell his buddies,
Starting point is 00:01:58 if it bleeds, we can kill it. It's Ryan. Die! Come this way! Hurry, get to the chopper! It's the predator! If it bleeds it dies very nice all right good old predator how to pull out the reference oh yeah all right so guys we're going a little bit off the wall today we're talking about favorite movies are you saying we're going on a side quest paul sure? Right? A little side quest action.
Starting point is 00:02:27 A little gaming. The listeners can't see all the work your eyebrows are doing right now. I'm trying real hard, man, to like, what are we going to call these episodes if we keep doing them? I know, right? Side quest or, I don't know. We'll have to think about it. Press pause?
Starting point is 00:02:42 Sure. I don't know. All right. We're going to be breaking down our top five favorite movies i think it's fair to say all three of us love movies in general i don't think we're gonna have any overlap here or at least that's my guess i have a feeling we probably are gonna cover 15 completely different movies that does not give us a whole lot of time so we should probably just jump right in do you guys have these in a particular order or is it just like your five in general? I this was tough. I kind of mentioned to you guys.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It is very hard to complete a top five list when it's like that fifth one. It's like, oh, it could be like one of these three or four movies. I think I have like a top three and then after that it kind of gets a little murky as far as the order goes because it just kind of changes like every time i look at my list so the the the two on my list maybe the top three i think are in order but then after that it gets a little hazy so i'm gonna say no what about you ryan um i had i had a bit of a difficult time because i have kind of one and two are pretty easy for me overall and then i had a list of maybe 30 where i'm like oh and then there's this movie oh and there's that movie i and i love them all i watch them all the time i quote them
Starting point is 00:03:59 all the time it's gonna be really hard to narrow it down. I know. I have on my list, it's like, well, clearly, I'm going to bring up Alien. And clearly, I'm going to bring up Seven. And I'm going to bring up Last of the Mohicans and all this stuff. And it's like, no. When you actually sit down to make a list, it is shocking how many great movies you have to cut that aren't going to make the list. Gladiator, I thought, might make it on my list. I've even joked on the show saying, you know, there might not be a better movie than Gladiator. And yet here, it's not even in my top five. All right. So let's start with you, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I feel like you're a little bit more of the wild card here. I have talked to Josh more about movies than I have talked to you about movies the last few years. We used to watch a lot of movies back in our teenage years, but it's kind of been a while. What movie do you want to bring up here first? So I'm going to go, I'm going to list my four, like we'll take turns and whatnot, but I'm going to list my four and they're in no particular order before my number one.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I'll do that at the end. Sure, so you're going to give us just one at a time. Yeah, just one at a time, but just these are kind of in no order or but i'm gonna go with um something that i i've watched probably more times than i care to admit it's it's one of those movies that if it's ever on i'll sit and watch it it's probably one of the movies that I quote the most. I'm going with Step Brothers. Step Brothers is one of my five as well. So we actually do have a movie.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Dude, that is one of my favorite movies of all time. There's just so many interactions and so many quotable lines. Just all throughout. Like when he's riding in the car, I smoked weed with Johnny Hopkins. It's like, what? I i'm not gonna call him dad brennan you're 39 years old i would not expect you to call him dad well i'm not going to ever even if there's a fire yeah i have a belly full of white dog turd and now you bring this up on me yeah exactly oh what a what a great movie oh i love it i know you touch my drumsticks because it has a chip i want to i i love how he says i know you touch my drum set and i want to hear your dirty little mouth admit it
Starting point is 00:06:13 or it's when he's burying him he's like i'm still alive no you're not quiet you're waking the neighbors do you guys know i've never seen stepbrothers all the way through oh that's all for me i know are I'm out of here. Are you for real, dude? No, I legitimately have seen like 30 minutes at a time, but I've never sat down and watched it from beginning to end. Didn't you just recently watch Anchorman for the first time, too? I did.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Yeah, I started to, and then I think, oh, I know what it was. I started to watch it, and my daughter was with me, and then it was like, oh, this movie's a little bit more risque than I thought it was was and then we kind of stopped and was like well we can watch something a little bit out you know pg-13 is not the pg-13 of today that that is true yeah yeah i will give you that all right stepbrothers what a great pick and i love seeing comedy like i was a little worried that we might have too many serious movies but step brothers i have as my number one comedy no question all right what about you josh what movie do you want to bring up i it's weird that you say this because i feel like there may be one that is on that ryan and i share maybe uh on one but this is the one that for me is the top
Starting point is 00:07:22 movie um and that is fellowship of the ring i would like to say that it is the one that for me is the top movie. And that is Fellowship of the Ring. I would like to say that it is the Lord of the Ring trilogy as a whole is hands down my absolute favorite movies to watch ever. I think they're the greatest movies ever made. I've watched them all. I can't even count how many times. But if you have to pick one of them to say, well, we're talking about favorite movie, then I would say Fellowship of the Ring. I love parts of all of the other movies, the climax of Return of the King and how the battles just get bigger and bigger and all that stuff. with Helm's Deep. Helm's Deep battle was pretty freaking cool. Gandalf coming back as Gandalf the White and stuff like that is really cool.
Starting point is 00:08:11 But man, there's just something about Fellowship of the Ring where it starts in Hobbiton and life is just so happy. And it's like, dude, I want to live there, man. Oh, yeah. I would absolutely just go there and retire if I could. But then it just slowly starts to build, you know, and when they're escaping and then the dark riders in the muckleberry ferry where they barely make their escape. And I mean, it just, it is an absolute masterpiece of storytelling and movie crafting and cinematography and everything else. It's easily my number one
Starting point is 00:08:45 solid i have it as my favorite lord of the rings as well plus it gave us the meme one does not simply walk into mordor you know so it still lives to this day with that as well and my axe my axe you get that as well ryan and i watched a lot of lord of the rings i had the extended versions so you're talking like 10 hours total between them all yeah and we used to go through it a lot and and games we played a lot of lord of the rings games oh yeah the lord of the rings movie games were killer awesome i think that was on ps2 you know me you're speaking my language with like the origin story where that all starts out and then i love when when they get into the town and they see strider and and it's all
Starting point is 00:09:25 kind of dark that's where it really starts to take off for me and i'm always like oh here we go i'd like the just the quotes everything about it is like oh what's that this is a point oh i want one of those you know like just everything man i don't think he knows about second breakfast yeah i love the kids cheering when gandalf finally sets off the fireworks as he's going through Hobbiton in the beginning. Funny story. I was working at a movie theater when the first two Lord of the Rings came out, and I took my dad to go see Fellowship of the Ring, and he was so mad when the movie ended
Starting point is 00:09:58 because he had no idea it was a trilogy, a series. He thought it was just a standalone movie. And he's like, that's how it ends? I'm like, yeah, you got to wait till next year. Because they even had trailers back then where it would be like Christmas 2001, 2002, 2003 or whatever. And somehow my dad had no idea and just left really angry. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So since Ryan brought up Step Brothers, I'll go ahead and pivot a little bit. Dirty Work. I'm going to bring up another comedy. Did you say Dirty Work? Yeah. I love Dirty Work. It's so good. That's not top five all the time.
Starting point is 00:10:35 I'll go ahead and say Forgetting Sarah Marshall. This, for me, is my other favorite comedy. Those are the first two I think of. The only other one I was thinking of was The royal tenenbaums which i absolutely adore but forgetting sarah marshall has some of the funniest fake songs ever written inside of you inside of you is the funniest song and it's actually good like i like listening to that song and the name infant sorrow is such a funny fake band name i love uh whatever your opinions might be of Russell brand in anything else, his brand of comedy never did it for me,
Starting point is 00:11:09 except in forgetting Sarah Marshall when he is describing how he's missing his other shoe, not like it's evil twin, but you know, the other one, it's so funny. I love forgetting Sarah Marshall. Um,
Starting point is 00:11:23 excuse me, Mrs. I've lost a shoe like this one it's like this one's fellow the sort of the exact opposite in fact of that not an evil version but just you know a shoe like this but for the other foot otherwise i'd have two right i just went from six to midnight i mean how many how many great quotes from that one guys i have i have a confession oh my gosh another one i've never seen this movie either what do you do what do you do i watch a lot of movies and you're gonna tell from my list of movies that my top five is apparently i just have a different like set of movies types that i like but yeah i'd never i've
Starting point is 00:12:01 heard of it i've heard it a bunch and i I've never seen it. How depressing. Take my eyes, not this shirt. Oh, so many classic lines. We got to watch it with Josh, Ryan. Yes. All right, Ryan, coming back to you. What's coming up next? Back to me. Oh, man, let's see.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I'm going with one that it's kind of, you know, it's like a perpetual just hype movie Hype song I'll watch it just to get excited to go to the gym To go train, to go do anything like that I'm going Rocky 2 Oh I am a huge Rocky fan
Starting point is 00:12:37 Now that's the one where he loses To Apollo Creed Oh no, that's where he beats him He loses in the first one, that's right This is where he actually wins. Ain't gonna be no rematch. Don't want one. And then they do come back because Rocky did make such a good standing.
Starting point is 00:12:51 I just love everything about it. I love the characters. I love the character development. I love how he comes back and wins. So yeah, not the best boxing choreography, but still one of my favorite movies. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:13:06 So that's your favorite of the Rockies. It's always interesting to hear what people say, because you definitely have a lot of people who love the first one. Rocky IV, baby! A lot of people love III with Mr. T. No, that's the worst. Rocky IV. Mr. T is the worst, man. That Rocky is terrible.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Rocky IV, you've got Dolph Lundgren. Yeah, Rocky IV was great, dude. I will break him. He is such a funny villain. The training montage in Rocky IV, you've got Dolph Lundgren. Yeah, Rocky IV was great, dude. He is such a funny villain. The training montage in Rocky IV, dude. He's just lugging trees around, and then Drago's got all the steroids and injections and all the high-tech machines.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Oh, and they're just straight juicing him. They don't even hide it. Five is the worst, though. Yeah, five was not good. Tommy the Gun, not a good movie. I don't think I've even seen all of them, because you even have the later one with Julie Benz that I think was just called Rambo.
Starting point is 00:13:49 There's so many at this point. Rocky. Rocky. Balboa. Or Rock. I'm sorry. Rambo. That's Rambo, not Rocky.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Rocky done lost his mind. I'm mixing the series here. All right, coming back to you, Josh, what do you want to bring up? Okay, the second one for me is easy as well. This is one I thought maybe is on Ryan's list. But to me, this is one of the greatest movies ever made. I have watched it. I can't even tell you how many times.
Starting point is 00:14:13 And every single time I watch it, I go, this movie is an absolute masterpiece. I have a question for you guys. The red pill or the blue pill? Because this is the one I thought you might both have. the red pill or the blue pill? Because the Matrix is absolute perfection for somebody like me, where it's just, it's an incredibly crafted story. The characters are great. It's got that cool sci-fi,
Starting point is 00:14:38 like the characters all have the neat names. Like, you know, when you were a kid, you know, you had to give yourself nicknames, right? Like, you know, even like Top Gun days, right? Like, oh, I'm Maverick, I'm Goose, I'm Neo, you know, when you were a kid, you know, you had to give yourself nicknames, right? Like, you know, even like Top Gun days, right? Like, oh, I'm Maverick. I'm Goose. I'm Neo. You know, like those sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Just the idea, it made everybody question reality for a little while, man. It still does. You know, I know. That's what I'm saying. So it's like, what a freaking great movie, dude. The second was awesome. It starts to get a little weird at the third, and then we won't talk about the more recent one, but I mean, there is nothing. There is no most recent one.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Yeah, exactly. The Matrix to me is movie perfection, dude. Yeah. First one is great. Not to mention what it did for cinematography for all the advancements and how movies are filmed and stuff. That's actually my number
Starting point is 00:15:23 one. That's my all-time is it 100 yeah all-time favorite movie i was actually not i can pretty much quote like the whole movie i i wasn't allowed to watch it at you know paul's wife's house or my cousins anymore they wouldn't watch it with me because i would just quote the whole thing quote the whole movie the whole movie yeah i uh it's it's by far in a way one of one of my favorite my my first email address ever was alias neo7 that was my first email address that's how much i loved that movie when i was a kid that's great yeah so good pick solid pick no your men are already dead yep what a great sent two units they're bringing her down now i sent two units they're bringing her down now i sent two units they're
Starting point is 00:16:07 bringing her down now no lieutenants your men are already dead oh all right i'll do one more then we'll take our break i am gonna go ahead and say i think the most rewatchable movie ever is Ocean's Eleven. Oh, that's a good one. Great movie, dude. Yep. I love it. I love heist movies. In fact, this is not the last heist movie you're going to hear me bring up. I have watched Ocean's Eleven, I think, more than any other movie in my life,
Starting point is 00:16:37 other than maybe Tommy Boy, because I watched that so much growing up. But I love everything about Ocean's Eleven. The comedy hits, it even has a little bit of action. You've got the whole twist in how they pull the heist off. I love the trio of George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon, and I felt like I had to pick Ocean's Eleven for this one. Saul makes 10. 10 ought to do it, don't you think? You think we need one more? you think we need one more you think we need one more
Starting point is 00:17:08 all right we'll get one more i do like the sequels as well but for me oceans 11 stands head and shoulders above the rest yeah building the crew and all that that's that's a super that's in like every and when i like i love to gamble i'd like to go to vegas i have vegas hype movies oceans 11 hangover and rounders rounders yeah those are my three like vegas hype movies so but yeah i it's what a what a great film yeah i love it dude i love a good heist movie and the oceans 11 just does it better than just about anybody like between the characters and the prep work and the humor and the detail that they go into on some of that stuff and how they pull off the heist and the twists and the i i love it dude that is one of the best heist
Starting point is 00:17:58 movies ever made and i agree with you you can watch it over and over and over again because you're gonna pick out little details about like the prep for the heist or just something one character says to another that like you didn't catch the first time around and you're like oh that makes a lot of sense man like yeah so good yeah i absolutely love it i'll jump in at any point in the movie and just it doesn't matter where i'll watch it all the way through to the end all right well with that being, let's take a short break. and proper guidance so you can become a better investor it's time to get the financial future you deserve get yours quest trade all right ryan coming back around your way what you got back to me all righty let's go um a little more of a serious movie definitely uh i would say pretty solid award-winning flick most people I hope hopefully Josh has seen
Starting point is 00:19:06 this one otherwise we're going to have some big issues but I'm going to go with Saving Private Ryan oh interesting that's a war movie right I'm just kidding I've seen it's a fantastic dude Ryan was like okay I'm
Starting point is 00:19:22 out big time you know I love ancient history ancient Egypt and stuff like that but uh World War II I'm a big time World War II buff so it's just one of those that always hits it's like you like you said with the last pick if it's on you kind of got to sit down and watch it it's it's heavy but there's a lot of real good parts to it that that just yeah it's just one of those that um anytime i see it i definitely i'll sit down without getting too graphic because we're a family-friendly podcast when they let the one german live and then they run across him later and he is using a knife
Starting point is 00:20:00 on the other guy and the one guy is a coward outside of the building that is one of the hardest scenes to watch it is so emotionally affecting i remember the first time i saw it that scene really bothered me and it stuck with me for a long time you can hear it yeah yeah it's it's so well made and in a good way it's supposed to be disturbing but yeah what a great pick it is a really really good movie i love saving private ryan dude it's so like the that was the uh wasn't the big claim to fame on that one is that it was the most realistic um like i don't want to say reenactment but like depiction thank you paul of like what it was actually like and where people were like dude i'm having a hard time watching this because of the realism involved in it yeah that's pretty much universally said that's like exactly what
Starting point is 00:20:50 it was like even when they go to like kind of that that ear shot sound where it's like me you know which everyone does now yeah and it's just looking around and all the chaos shaky cam yep yep so good yeah what a good pick i I gotta say, I'm a little surprised. I didn't know you loved it that much, Ryan. But yeah, great movie. Josh, what you got? I have never hidden my love of this series on the show. I am a huge fan of Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I like all the Star Wars movies. I know that there's people that say, oh, well, the new Star Wars with Rey and Kylo Ren and all those and the way that they were filmed in a different director. Dude, they're all fun to watch, right? I'm just watching movies to have a good time and see lightsabers and TIE fighters and all that stuff. But there is one Star Wars movie that is hands down the best Star Wars movie. And that is the Empire Strikes Back right yeah ryan's holding up the five because it's episode five he knows that's on my list too dang it dude is it really top five yeah see ryan this is why man this is why we get along so well but yes dude the empire strikes back is the
Starting point is 00:21:57 perfect star wars movie it is the epitome of what Star Wars should be. It is the conflict that you want. It is when Vader, you see him in all his bad glory and the strength of the empire and what the rebellion's up against. I absolutely love it. I mean, it is such a good movie. I could go on and on about it, but I mean, Star Wars fans know it's universal. Everybody says Empire Strikes Back is the best because it is the best. And it is one of my top five movies of all time. He told me you killed him. No, I am your father. no no it's not true that's impossible search your feelings you know it to be true i thought they smelled bad on the outside
Starting point is 00:23:05 it's by far the best star wars absolutely i am a hundred percent with you there close second is episode one obviously oh for sure episode one yeah well episode two gives it a run two is bad two uh two's the one i have well that in nine two and nine are so bad uh prequels as a whole like vehemently but then i have softened on number three uh because that one's actually three is so good if you go back and watch it it took me honestly it took me about four watches of that where i started to go like okay this isn't so bad and by the end of i'm like all right this one's actually pretty good dude it's fantastic yeah all right moving on to mine i now have my big three kind of like you josh i had a three that were very obvious the other two step brothers and oceans 11 i could
Starting point is 00:23:55 swap out depending on the day now we're really getting into my favorite stuff i am going to say true romance now ryan have you seen this movie no i saw this didn't josh has we've watched it together we watched it for our movie club this is the one with christian slater and patricia arquette that's a great movie it is written by quentin tarantino it's directed by tony scott it is so well acted it is like high adrenaline from beginning to end. It is kind of like, you know, Quentin Tarantino being this young guy just wanting to write a crazy movie. It kind of fits the bill. You've got a crazy drug dealer who thinks he's black, played by Gary Oldman, who is maybe not aged the best, but absolutely hysterical. Christian Slater finds a briefcase
Starting point is 00:24:46 and it's full of Coke money. And now he's on the run while James Gandolfini, Tony Soprano, and all the bad guys are after him. You've got one of the funniest cameos from Brad Pitt as Floyd. And if you ever want to just get an idea of what this movie is like, just YouTube true romance rooftop scene. It is my all-time favorite scene from any movie ever. The writing is great. The movie has over-the-top action. It's got this very fast-forming romance, which makes sense when you know that a very young Quentin Tarantino wrote it. It's an absolute fantastic movie. Christopher Walken, Dennis Hopper, all of them are fantastic.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It has one of the most star-studded casts ever, and I can't recommend it higher. Plus, the music's fantastic. Another Google search, Hans Zimmer, You're So Cool. Fantastic song. I love Hans Zimmer.
Starting point is 00:25:38 He's the best. Yeah. He is truly the best. When was this movie made? 92? No, no. 91? somewhere right around there 91 92 right at the very beginning of tarantino's career yeah early 90s i was three i guess that makes sense why i haven't seen it yeah i mean i didn't see it until you know like 10 years ago i haven't seen it you gotta check it out probably what two or three years ago paul whenever we got together and watched it and i it's it's super good it is a very memorable movie um yeah it's it i i had heard of it
Starting point is 00:26:12 but i'd never seen it and i often got it confused with true lies because you know true romance and then that's another kind of bananas movie too but yeah what a good movie yeah true lies is really good as well not on my list but yeah all right well we still got six more to to cover here so maybe we can pick up the the pace just a tad brian what do you have left in your list well actually i guess we had some doubling up so do you only have one left i think so because josh had the matrix and uh i've done three empire strikes back that's right so you want to replace it and throw another one i'm gonna throw another one in i'm gonna go with uh speaking of tarantino um let's see let's see if you can guess it from this hint here gorlami
Starting point is 00:26:58 inglorious inglorious bastards best opening to a movie ever in my opinion like legitimately i it's so good dude christopher waltz is is just he's one of my favorite actors he's so good and everything he's in but yeah and then same in with django unchained but um yeah and glorious bastards is is one of my one of my always go to again world war ii definitely a sucker for that but yeah it's solid yeah i got to admit i didn't like it the first time i saw it i loved the opening scene the opening 10 minutes is fantastic and then i didn't quite click with the humor and kind of get like oh this is like rewriting history for what we wish it was because when i was watching i'm like this is kind of dumb like
Starting point is 00:27:42 why are we shooting up hitler and the nazis in a theater? And I didn't quite understand. And then I was like, oh, this is how we wish the story went. Now I can just engage in it as a fantasy. It's actually just a fantasy. And I didn't get it the first time, but I absolutely love that movie. Good pick. Thank you. Thank you. All right, Josh, what do you have left okay this is where it's starting to get a little bit harder for me because i've got about five or six movies that are you know kind of bringing up the bottom of this list but there is one that stands above the rest and for me avengers infinity war is the culmination of every marvel movie that i ever loved I was a huge Marvel movie fan for a very, very long time. I hung in there as long as I could until it just became hot garbage for a long time, unfortunately. But dude, when I was a kid, I read the Infinity Gauntlet comic books.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Me and my best friend at the time were so into that story and all the heroes and even the villains trying to fight Thanos and all that. And I just remember thinking like, whoa, this is the coolest thing ever. And then they start making these Marvel movies, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, I mean, Guardians of the Galaxy. And then somehow, some way they managed to put it all together into one absolutely glorious movie. It is perfect for somebody like me. It touches on the nostalgia of being a kid and loving the comic books. I love the superhero stuff. I love having a good villain. Thanos is one of the best villains that's ever been portrayed in a movie, in my opinion. And I love Infinity War so much. it's a tough choice between infinity war and end
Starting point is 00:29:27 game but infinity war to me is just a little bit better dude um so i'm with you 100 it's the best marvel movie in my opinion yeah and so it's number four on my list um easy hands down people that have seen it know and it really makes me sad to see that and then hope for more of that and then realize that they lost it completely afterwards. Man, you can only do so much with it. I mean, but credit to them to bring that many strong characters together to where nothing really is way too overpowering, where they all kind of vibe together on the screen, you know, was I'm sure it was a challenge, but they did an awesome job. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:07 It's my favorite for sure. I, I like it a lot more than end game, but I, I do love end game as well. The MCU movies, a lot of times they ride or die based on the villain and Thanos is why those movies are so good.
Starting point is 00:30:20 The end of infinity war is weirdly emotional where normally the mcu movies don't always deliver that but that one delivers it in spades all right we're back around to me right uh okay so i've got two left i've got to represent one of my favorite movie directors david fincher thought about going seven but instead i am going with gone girl have you guys both seen this movie that's the one with ben Affleck in it. Yes. Yeah, I've seen that. And then the crazy lady, right? Don't give away too much. Yeah, I'm not, but I'm just saying, yeah. Okay. I had to make sure I was thinking of the right movie. That movie's really good. And that's a crazy movie too. That is my all-time favorite villain
Starting point is 00:31:00 is Gone Girl. Trent Reznor from, oh gosh, what's it? Nine Inch Nails does the soundtrack for it. And there's one scene in particular where a character dies and Trent Reznor's music is metaphorical for his pulse. And so it comes in really strong and then it dies down. It's an incredible scene. I can't say much more than that without getting too graphic and gross, but gone girl has some of my favorite twists. It is incredibly well-made. I saw it twice on opening night. I went with my wife and yep.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I went with my wife and a couple of our friends. We walked out of the movie and this was at the AMC at Arrowhead Mall. I stood outside and told Nikki, hold on a second. And I called Josh's brother-in-law, Andy. And I said, Andy, you have to see this movie. Will you come meet me at AMC? I want to see it again. And he said, I'm on my way. And I went back and watched it twice in a row. And I've only done that a couple of times, but Gone Girl, I have up there. I have that one number two for me. Dang.
Starting point is 00:32:09 I've seen it once. I don't know that I've ever seen a movie twice in the same day. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I've seen multiple movies in the same day, but not the same movie twice. Especially in a theater. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah. That tells you how much I really loved that one. So, all right. Coming back to you, ryan you got your last movie pick yeah so this is where it gets hard it's like the last one i don't know what yeah i have a big list and a couple you know that you took so i'm gonna go with hellboy 2 the golden army dude that is the best Ryan. This is why, you know what, I'm coming over to hang out right now, Ryan. You want to come over and watch it, bro? Let Josh draft it. We know it's his real favorite
Starting point is 00:32:52 movie. So I'm going to go with I guess another 90s movie. I'm going to go with Jurassic Park. Nice. Perfect movie. Yeah, just nothing bad. What can you say bad about that movie?
Starting point is 00:33:09 Nothing. You know, life finds a way. I literally said that to my wife yesterday. Like, I will work that quote in when I can. My wife was going off on how much she loves Jeff Goldblum. The music. Yeah. It does use CGI.
Starting point is 00:33:23 It's not all practical effects, but the way that they used the CGI, it does use cgi it's not all practical effects but the way that they use the cgi it it looks so good that movie still holds up and looks fantastic there's a couple scenes now with a really big tv like the brontosaurus's that are like all right it's clearly a cgi background but like the t-rex chase scene still is terrifying and looks so good and then when the brontosaurus sneezes on them when they're in the tree and you see all the snot go on i'm like oh it's a veggie source yep gotta love jurassic park great pick all right josh are you going hellboy too no i'm not going to sell your thunder i do love hellboy too but it's not in my top five even though i joke around about it being my favorite movie i just i love movies that are a good time, you know, and I love fantasy slash sci-fi. I like
Starting point is 00:34:10 practical effects. That's why Hellboy 2 is up there. And oddly enough, like another one that is on my list and may be my number five, but I don't think it is, is The Fifth Element, which is very similar to like Hellboy 2 because it's just a fantastic movie. I did watch that maybe two months ago, and it's really starting to kind of age a little bit. So I think that's why it's not cracking my top five. But man, is it close. This one might surprise you guys.
Starting point is 00:34:40 The number five for me is between two movies that could not be more different than you could imagine. But I'm going to go with the one that I think is more fun and I am more apt to watch over and over again, which tells me that that's probably my favorite. I'm going with John Wick, dude. Yeah. The first one? Yeah, the first one. There's nothing like it.
Starting point is 00:34:59 I love the whole series, dude. I love the entire series. For sure. It's a good time. I love the cinematography. I love the acting. I love the entire series for sure it's a good time i love the cinematography i love the acting i love the combat i mean i love the characters like legitimately again i say like these are movies that are made for somebody like me but there's something about ryan like the origin story right where it's just that is where the magic happens and the rest of them are great but
Starting point is 00:35:21 there's nothing like the original and so yeah i yeah, I'm going John Wick, dude. It's like, it's just a great popcorn movie. I mean, it's not winning Oscars and all that stuff, but man, is it just fun for me to sit down and watch. For sure. I will fire up the scene where he goes into the club all the time. Like that three or four minute scene is impeccable. I'm a big fan of like edm you know like techno type music and the john wick soundtrack is such a banger of a soundtrack for
Starting point is 00:35:52 all of them i mean if you you just listen start listening to the music in a lot of these scenes and it is so good man so good and and then creates the number one rule. Never kill someone's dog. Yeah, exactly. You never know who they are. That was a fun little stretch where they started coming out with these action movies that had minimal plot and they were just fun. You had like Mad Max Fury Road and you had John Wick and it's like the entire plot is just one sentence. Former assassins dog gets killed and he goes out to take revenge.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Like that's the entire movie right there. You know, I love it. All right. So this leaves my number one movie. I've brought it up on the pod multiple times. Fun fact. This is the one movie that Josh and I did a podcast on with our buddy.
Starting point is 00:36:36 James Michael man's heat is my all time. Favorite movie. It's been my favorite movie for a very long time. It's from 1995. You get Al Pacino and Robert De Niro when they are still fantastic actors. It's a little bit before like the meme-ification, especially of Pacino. I know he had already made, oh gosh, I don't remember the name of the movie now where he's the blind guy with all the hooah. He had already made that movie, but he hadn't slipped into that in all of his roles yet. Pacino's great. De Niro's great. Val Kilmer is fantastic. I love heist movies.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Every heist movie that has been made after Heat is just trying to recreate Heat. You always have the guy jumping up on the counter with the mask saying, everyone get down on the ground. Like all that comes from heat. Even Christopher Nolan said when he was making the dark night and it opens with the heist scene, he said, everyone on the crew, your homework is to go watch heat.
Starting point is 00:37:36 That's what I'm looking for in this scene. And you can tell when you watch it, it is the best heist movie. I love the fact that you are equally rooting for Pacino and the cops to catch the robbers, and you're equally rooting for Robert De Niro and the robbers to get away with it. And it's almost like in the end of the movie, you don't even really know who you're rooting for because you're rooting for both sides. But what a great movie. I had to bring up Heat. What a banger. Solid, solid pick. Yeah. So, Ryan, got any honorable mentions you kind of just want to list and go through?
Starting point is 00:38:09 Or did we kind of cover everything? We covered a lot. I liked Inception. It's a great one. Inception is very high up on my list. It's in my top ten. It didn't crack my top five. To go with the just fun movies, I love the Rambos.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Rambo First Blood is great great i love stallone and yeah i just i grew up you know like in the in the you know mid late 90s with my dad you know on tnt there was just always an action movie on like every night so my dad would sit at night before you know going to bed and watch some old stallone movie or schwarzenegger or whatever and so i'd always sit down and watch them with them so i have a real big fond place in my heart for just those fun kind of shoot them up kill them up movies as my mom would call them um but then another one that it's a little kind of uh probably off the walls for you guys but the iron giant oh that's a great movie is one of my favorite movies ever for sure i know that's the movie that everybody mentions like name
Starting point is 00:39:05 a movie that would make you cry and all that but i've never seen it you dude you got to check it out i know i hear it's great and i know the i know like the scenes from the movie and stuff but yeah i've never actually seen the whole the whole cartoon check this out oh he's got okay well ryan's backed it up because he has a sick looking iron giants like figurine yeah on the shelf too so good movie definitely makes you cry one yeah iron giants great uh my honorable mentions that i've got here silence of the lambs the lion king that's my favorite animated movie fast five but i couldn't have three heist movies so you know that's the one where they steal the safe in rio tokyo drifts the best one get out of here.
Starting point is 00:39:45 Not true. The Tree of Life is not for everyone, but if that movie hits, it hits hard. Highly recommend watching that one. Alien, A Few Good Men, Manhunter, The Royal Tenenbaums, Superbad, Project X, Popstar, I just watched last night with my wife. Popstar is the most underrated comedy
Starting point is 00:40:03 of the last 10 years. That movie is fantastic all the way through. watched last night with my wife pop star is the most underrated comedy of the last 10 years that movie is fantastic all the way through uh last of the mohicans josh and i both absolutely love very good dude arguably best use of music in a movie i that movie holds up to the stakes that came out like a long time ago uh 92 i was gonna say early 90s and dude if you haven't seen it i can tell you right now, it holds up amazingly. One of the best soundtracks and use of a soundtrack in a movie that I can possibly imagine.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I will absolutely Blair the last of the Mohican soundtrack through my house. It's that good. And I can't say that about very many movies at all. Um, so yeah, that one is really good. The only other soundtrack that we will Blair through our house is actually my number six and that's interstellar.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh, I get that. I get that. And that's why we talked about Hans Zimmer, but it's like, I get that interstellar might have its kind of down points, but when it hits the high points, there is absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:59 No organs like dude, the organs in the docking sequence, the, when they're on the planet and you hear that ticking sound, and that's representing a day going by every single time. It's an unfathomably good movie with an unfathomably good soundtrack. I love the visuals in it. I like space. It just hits on all levels for me. I'm with you, too, all the way up until the end. I just hate the last five minutes of Interstellar. I don't mind the end as much
Starting point is 00:41:27 because I can kind of suspend a little bit of that, like, okay, cool, yeah, I can see how this kind of works kind of thing. So, I mean, I like Hellboy too. I don't have a problem with like suspension of disbelief. Well, I also mentioned Fast Five. I mean, I can as well, but Interstellar for being like so intentionally accurate in trying to portray space and time and gravity.
Starting point is 00:41:49 And then you kind of get this whole supernatural thing at the end. It's a little tougher for me, but I hear you. It's still a fantastic movie. I only own a small handful of 4K Blu-rays, and Interstellar is one of them. Nice. All right. Well, I think that wraps up our our our side quest episode whatever we call them side quests yeah i don't know how our listeners are going to feel about this if you guys
Starting point is 00:42:14 enjoyed us kind of going off the beaten path if you want us to maybe do stuff like this in the future let us know otherwise i think we'll kind of plan to you know mostly stick with gaming unless we have to do something else plus if you like what we do and want to support the show, go check out our Patreon page. is where you can do that. We do rely on you guys to keep our show running and to help cover our bills. Make sure to check it out. Toss us a follow on socials at VideoGamersPod. You can also join our free Discord and make sure to rate the show five stars. We will be back on Monday with a bonus round. You'll have to come check that out. And until then, happy gaming.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Thanks for listening. Hoo-ah! All right, see you, everybody. Bye. Thank you.

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