Video Gamers Podcast - Starfield and the Best/Worst of Gamescom - Video Games Podcast

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

Video games hosts Paul, Ryan and Josh bringing you the week's hottest video game news like no other gaming podcast can. Video Game showcase Gamescom 2023 has come and gone and we got a lot of Starfiel...d news. People are mad that Starfield has invisible walls, but does it really change how good Starfield will be received? We do a Starfield hype level check and expectations before moving on to the Gamescom best and worstWe let you know which games looked great, and which were steaming piles of… things you should avoid.  Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter and Gaius214 Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an ad from BetterHelp Online Therapy. We always hear about the red flags to avoid in relationships, but it's just as important to focus on the green flags. If you're not quite sure what they look like, therapy can help you identify those qualities so you can embody the green flag energy and find it in others. BetterHelp offers therapy 100% online, and sign-up only takes a few minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:22 Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com. Hello everyone and welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast where we break down all things gaming like first impressions on new releases, deep dives, gaming news, and tournaments like figuring out who the best gaming dad of all time is. I am your host Paul and I am joined here with my two fellow gamers in crime. Coming up first, he is part man, part machine, and you can find him cleaning up the crime-ridden streets of old Detroit while walking incredibly slowly. It's Josh. I got bad knees, Paul, okay? I don't walk slow on purpose. You gotta go low impact. You gotta preserve that cartilage, right? When I slowly and poorly animatedly punch somebody and they explode into giblets,
Starting point is 00:01:20 that part is true. God, it was so bad giblets everywhere all right and then joining josh and me he's got a mug of brew in one hand and a pickaxe in the other while chiseling his way through the minds of moria it's ryan jeez am i playing deep rock galactic again what is this a lot of dwarf talk lately right yeah we Yeah. We're very pro dwarf here. Oh, yes. Yes. We are the official podcast for dwarves everywhere. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I thought they were space gnomes. Oh, yes. And space gnomes. Nice callback. All right. Just so our listeners know, you can find us on socials everywhere at Video Gamers Pod. And make sure to check out our website. It's You can see some awesome stuff on there,
Starting point is 00:02:06 like our top 10 individual games of all time. You can also see our individual leaderboards. Tons of stuff to check out. And then, Josh, I believe you have a review you're gonna read. We love reviews from our listeners. If you leave us a review on Apple Podcasts, there is a good chance that we'll read it on the show you know we just we'd love to to just say like hey these are the the the things
Starting point is 00:02:29 that make us smile it's the reason we do what we do and so we like to read some of those to you this one comes in from our good friend raging rhino nc all the way over in great britain it is titled Amazing Podcast, and it says, Paul, Josh, and now Ryan brighten my day every time a new episode is released. Always up to date and give unbiased reviews
Starting point is 00:02:53 and bounce off each other so you get a very mixed review of news and games alike. I've been a longtime listener, should have reviewed sooner. Keep up the good work. Being an Epic supporter comes with great perks too.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Thank you for helping me through a difficult time of my life hopefully more and more people will hear about you guys awesome oh what a nice review thank you raging rhino absolutely phenomenal review thank you uh i love the fact that he's an epic supporter and is happy about doing that you know and it's it's just it's a great review. So thank you. While we're on the topic talking about support here on Patreon, we do have one last piece of housekeeping. So if our listeners aren't aware, there is an option to help support our show on Patreon while you do get some amazing perks like Raging Rhino just mentioned. And one of those perks is a shout out on the show. And we owe a huge one to CobraChicken97,
Starting point is 00:03:48 who also just signed up with Epic Status. All right. Also, that's an awesome name. It is. It is a really good name. And also, CobraChicken has posted some photos in our Discord of where they live. And I'm quite jealous because there's a lot of green and land and not brown rocks so funny enough he has posted that he is a canadian farmer but the thing that really cracked me up is that he said that he likes spending his free time playing
Starting point is 00:04:18 farming simulator with all of his friends that he met at farming school like i can't imagine farming all day and playing farmingming Simulator by night. Good on you, Cobra Chicken, for loving farming. That's what I got to say. If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life, right? That's exactly right. Yep. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 00:04:37 All right. So here for this episode today, it's time to talk about This Week in Gaming. And the biggest news stories of the week all come courtesy of gamescom 2023 it is a five-day event that took place over the course of august 23rd to 27th over in germany there were a ton of announcements and trailers to pour over they even give out annual awards so much stuff to talk about let's start with the most anticipated game left of this year which is starfield todd howard did give a presentation on behalf of bethesda for it and even though we did not get to see the opening mission in the game they did build out a theater and they were showcasing the opening mission to people there in attendance it definitely seems like they are trying to glean parts from other games.
Starting point is 00:05:29 A lot of people are mentioning you run around mining with a laser very similar to No Man's Sky. You find some alien artifact and touch it. That gives you a vision, which is straight out of Mass Effect 1. You even kind of like jump and float in the air which is very reminiscent of destiny it kind of seems like starfield has kind of shaped out where they're just kind of like grabbing pieces of all these other games for better or worse well how are you guys feeling about the state of starfield now that it's right around the corner i go ahead ryan no both of you at the same time let's let's let ryan lead off with the good news first the good news is i am more excited than i can imagine uh i i watched those the trailer and i watched that gameplay video and all of that stuff like four times i was so beyond
Starting point is 00:06:18 excited i just kicked kicked back tilted my computer chair you know put the little footrest out it's got a little footrest and just played it and just watched in in anticipation i am so beyond excited and ready for this game i'm a bethesda nut so uh my body's ready i don't i i'm gonna sound a little negative and i i don't mean this i don't i know right. It's I know I should be squealing and super pumped and like fist pumping and all that stuff. I'm kind of glad that I'm not, to be honest, because my hype for some unknown reason is low. I might just be that I got done playing Remnant two and then Baldur's Gate three back to back. I've had one of the best month and a half of gaming in a really long time. And so I've got all this just happy gaming in my
Starting point is 00:07:13 body right now. And it's hard for my brain to wrap around the fact that maybe there's another awesome game coming in just a few days. And so it's hard to believe that. And so I think that's tempering a lot of my expectations and my hype level for Starfield. I will say what I have seen looks good. I think the big thing that people are missing is space. I love space, man. Give me space games. I love all these space games. And for some reason, it's like, you know, people are harping on the planets and, and, and like some of this stuff. And then I see this gameplay of like dog fighting in space, flying around these big planets and stuff. And I'm like, oh yeah, we get to go in space, man. You know? And so then I get excited, but it's just,
Starting point is 00:08:02 I don't know why, like, I'm not more hyped, but I was actually chatting with Paul about this earlier. I'm kind of glad that I'm not hyped because I don't know that Starfield could live up to that level of hype. And so for me, I think I'm going to be pleasantly surprised, but I'm also a little skeptical. I'm just glad the last 12 bethesda games i bought were skyrim so i'm just happy that it's not skyrim anymore i want something new you know starfield is just one of these games that we've been so hyped for such a long time no matter what you're gonna crest that peak and it's gonna start to come down maybe it is for the best now there were multiple leaks
Starting point is 00:08:45 recently about Starfield, including a 45 minute leak from someone who was also allegedly selling copies of the game online. Did you guys check out any of the leaked footage or are you trying to go in completely? I want to go in. I've seen the trailers. I've seen the gameplay that they've shown off. There's more and more information coming out like we're seeing it on Twitter where people are. I don't know if you guys saw this whole thing where there's more and more information coming out like we're seeing it on twitter where people are i don't know if you guys saw this whole thing where there's like this whole group of people that are really upset over the fact that there's an invisible wall on a planet yeah yeah like come on people let's like that's the stupidest thing to get upset about man like like that's not going
Starting point is 00:09:18 to affect your gameplay if you run in a straight line for 10 minutes straight, who does that? And Bethesda even came out and said, just go to your ship and land again, and you get another 10 minutes in any direction. It's not like there's nothing there. It's just the game has to be programmed in a certain way, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. More of a loading issue. Yeah. I've been trying to avoid spoilers and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So as hard as it's been, I did not watch like the first mission and that kind of stuff that, that has been leaked out there. Yeah. Same. I'm going in Ray Charles, baby. Ooh. Yep.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Me too, Ryan. Yep. Me too, Josh. We're all going in totally blind. That's the way to do it. What is your guys guess for what you think the Metacritic rating will be?
Starting point is 00:10:02 So scale of zero to 100. What's your guys guess? That way we can all look back and look like idiots. Million. A million out of 100. Ryan's not going to win this one. I want to say it's going to be an
Starting point is 00:10:17 89. That's exactly what I was going to say. Really? I stole it from you, Paul. Pick your own number. I'll say 90 say 90 90 brian do you want do you want a new guest or do you want to stick with a million although i think a million is the number i'll i'll do something a little closer to you guys just you know save face uh let's go 91 oh okay well all right well i'm i'm not winning this all right is do you guys see any world where this competes
Starting point is 00:10:46 with Tears of the Kingdom or Baldur's Gate 3 for Game of the Year? Because those seem like the two heavy hitters. Do you see this rising to that level or does that just seem pretty outlandish at this point? I would love it too. I know that I've mentioned my hype level is not there. I want to love Starfield.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I've liked every Bethesda game that I've ever played with the exception of Fallout 76. And so these are my type of game. Again, I don't know why I'm not more excited for it. It just could be game fatigue. Or like I said, I've played some awesome games this summer. I really want it to be good. I think that it could surprise. Is it a surprise if it's great that's the problem right like when you have this much media this much press this much hype how can you live up to that yeah it's kind of like a it's like a prize fighter you know going against uh you know some whatever guy and you go in you win you're supposed to win if you don't then it's a huge
Starting point is 00:11:43 upset you know it's horrible so like this game is supposed to win. If you don't, then it's a huge upset. You know, it's horrible. So, like, this game is supposed to be amazing. Bethesda is their first new IP in, like, what, 25 years, I think? It's a long time. 25 years. Yeah, it's crazy. So, something that they've spent this much time on, obviously they haven't released much of, you know, the stugats for all these years.
Starting point is 00:12:03 So, they better have put a lot of work into this and it better be amazing yeah i really hope that it is um i i but that's kind of the that's the catch right like if it's really good people are like well good it was supposed to be yeah all right well we got to move on let's talk a little bit about robocop rogue city yes we got the good stuff here we go good games man oh boy all right we got 16 minutes of gameplay footage if anyone doesn't know anything about robocop it's a first person shooter it got delayed again this game's been delayed so many times it's now going to release on november 2nd supposedly in this 16 minutes of footage you you see RoboCop get called in. There's a bank heist in action. And I don't know, you kind of just plot along super slowly as a bullet sponge.
Starting point is 00:12:52 There's no cover fire. You just sort of slowly walk around and aim and shoot stuff. I think this game looks absolutely horrendous. What are your guys' thoughts? Paul! What? This is like... You've got to be kidding me. This game doesn't look horrendous. What are your guys' thoughts? Paul, what? You've got to be kidding me. This game doesn't look horrendous. It looks like the worst game I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:13:14 And the voice acting is truly bad as well. All right, listen, I challenge everybody that's listening to go watch. We'll post it in our in our discord okay we'll post the trailer so you don't have to hunt it down i have i cannot think of a game that looks this bad that i have seen in a long time like you can tell it's trying to be good and it is about as far from that as you can possibly get yeah try and don't pay the bills brother yeah. Yeah. Like, it's not good. Not good. Yeah. Like Paul said, bullet sponge, just walking through. It does not look like it's going to come out well.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I don't know what they could do to make it better. I don't either. Throw it in the dumpster. Light the dumpster on fire. Bury it under some nuclear waste. This seems completely broken from a fundamental level because you're just slow and there doesn't seem to be any danger. You don't even see the guy's armor drop below like 78% in this, and he's just walking in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of all the action shooting everyone.
Starting point is 00:14:18 The one thing that did make me laugh really hard, and if you guys gave up on watching this trailer, I totally get it. Remember in Gotham Knights knights josh how you would have to like investigate clues on stuff and it was so stupid okay josh i laughed so hard when robocop is staring at a c4 charge it literally says in all capital letters c4 charge and there's a little question mark yeah robocop stares at it analyzing for eight seconds and goes it's a c4 charge and i just i laughed so hard out loud because it's so stupid okay i i could be wrong on this i need to go back through the trailer but after this whole sequence you have a guy that's helping you diffuse this bomb and he goes make sure you start with the wire from the highest voltage to the lowest voltage and he clips the wrong wire and it still works.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And the guy says he's colorblind. So he can't help with like the color of the wires. It's so goofy. This is the worst game imaginable. I can't believe that this is a thing right now. I'm sorry to the developer, but the animations are janky. The shooting is terrible. The voice acting is bad
Starting point is 00:15:26 there is absolutely nothing of any redeeming value in this game man yeah i will give it one positive thing they keep a kill count of robocop against all the other mercenaries or whatever they are brought in they're called the opd but it's not the police they're like it's the robots like a private army no it's the it's the robotic things that were supposed to replace robocop okay it's like i haven't seen robocop in years they do keep a kill count between you against all the other robots and then they do adjust dialogue based on like who wins all right that's kind of cool but other than that this game this game looks DOA. Stay away. Yes. Yep.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Run. All right, well, we're going to take a short break and we'll come back. We got plenty more to cover. All right, guys. So despite being a five-day event, we've only covered our favorite articles here covering day one. Moving on to day two of the event, of the rings return to moria now this is one that's very weird because josh initially i remember said it was one of his most anticipated games which we had not even really seen anything yeah all we saw was like them describing what the game would be no real gameplay it's up to eight player co-op this is like exploration survival crafting this is right
Starting point is 00:16:46 up me and josh's alley i said at the time i was a little bit more reserved about it just because i wanted to see more guys i i don't want to be a downer on all things here on the show this looks like if you made the worst possible version of valheim with like the slightest whiff of Deep Rock Galactic. Am I alone in thinking this? Paul, no. What is happening with you? No, you're not. Dude, it looks so bad.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I can't believe you're saying this to me right now. This game was one of my most anticipated games. I love survival exploration crafting. Who doesn't love Borea? I have to say, this is Lord of the Rings return to Borea. Because this looks terrible now. What is going on? What the heck, man?
Starting point is 00:17:32 The trailer started so cool. You hear the music and you see the Tolkien-style map. And then it goes in and you have a dwarf singing to himself, hitting. Listen. And I'm like, that's cool. And after that, it's like 30 seconds of climbing ladders and there's the whole world's dead there's four characters running around they're not talking to each other there's no music for half of the time it feels lifeless
Starting point is 00:17:57 and completely dead i don't know what happened to this i feel lifeless and dead inside uh because of what this game has done to me. I don't mean to nerd out here, but the thing that really got me was when they finally come across some monsters, and you're like, ooh, combat. And it's a goblin holding a torch.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And then you have dwarves holding torches. Guess what, people? They can see in the dark. They don't need torches. Why are you giving dwarves torches. Guess what, people? They can see in the dark. They don't need torches. Why are you giving dwarves torches in Moria? Like, what is wrong with you? Do you know nothing about Lord of the Rings? Like, that was...
Starting point is 00:18:36 Okay, I'm not even going to talk about the whole, like, they spent 20 minutes placing crappy wooden platforms to go down this mineshaft thing that looked terrible. It takes 20 minutes to get there yes that's the whole video but the whole time they're throwing like like light sticks a la deep rock galactic and they they're holding a torch man and i'm like dwarves can see in the dark you guys like this is like oh it's just that little thing right there shows me that these developers have no idea what they're doing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Learn your lore. Gosh. I mean, it's a Lord of the Rings thing. Now, I'll say this before some mega nerd who's more of a mega nerd than me comes out and goes, but Josh, in Lord of the Rings, dwarves can't see in the dark. I don't care. Dwarves can see in the dark. Everybody knows that. I'll be honest. I've never heard that before before but i'll take you at your word josh i'll believe all right yeah return to moria could not look worse uh i was very disappointed
Starting point is 00:19:34 the exploration could not look more tedious and boring in this game it's it's not a feature i was watching the trailer and and i kept skipping forward. I'm like, okay, I'm going to fall asleep here. I was on a long four-day hunting trip. I hiked like 20, 25 miles. I'm exhausted. We're recording tonight. I was watching some of the stuff to catch up, and I was going to fall asleep if I kept watching that trailer. I kept skipping forward, and it looked like they were in the same spot, but they were 80 feet
Starting point is 00:20:06 down. They just kept building platforms, moving down, hitting a rock, going down. It is the same thing over and over. The UI looks kind of weird. The combat looks horrible. They're fighting with torches. The stamina looks weird with the melee. The only thing
Starting point is 00:20:22 that I thought was cool was for me personally, and it's just only for me i thought was cool was for me personally and it's just only for me it was a throwback it felt like uh paul and i played wow when wow first came out and it looked just like his little paladin dwarf and so like it brought me back and that was the only thing that that was the saving grace on that trailer but other than that yeah i'm i'm with you guys this is uh again not good yeah i've lost all hype for this game it looks bland it looks boring i don't know what's going on with lord of the rings games guys but gollum and now moria who yeah looking good yeah it's been a minute since the last good one all right well maybe we'll buck the trend here. Let's see. So mentioning WoW is a nice segue
Starting point is 00:21:05 because we also saw a lot of Wayfinder. This is an online action RPG that they say is a love letter to WoW and Destiny. It did release in early access about a week and a half from the time that we were recording this. It is set to officially release early next year. Apparently the game had quite a bad launch there
Starting point is 00:21:25 were issues with queue times random disconnects but here we got to hear them talk about how they are addressing those issues future plans how they have their own version of a battle pass maybe the thing to start with here guys is that you can buy it right now in early access for twenty dollars or wait and play for free when it releases? You have the backwards, don't you, Paul? We can play in early access to test the game for them. Oh, you mean when we're beta testing and doing their job for them? And then we buy the game when it comes out. That's what you meant, right? Oh, you might think that, Josh. Nope. You can pay $20 to play an unfinished game now or wait and get it for free
Starting point is 00:22:05 later i i hate this model i hate paying extra to play a game early especially when it's not finished and for the record i think this game looks like trash also but what do you guys think what is happening what is happening in this world that this is how it's going on like that we pay before for the beta. Like what? It's because we already got Baldur's Gate 3. We already got Dave the Diver, which was the surprise hit. We already got Remnant 2, which everyone loved.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Like all the good games. We got them all. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And now we're just having a little bit of a lull. Yeah. Well, Wayfinder is going to help me find my way to a different game. That's what we're going to do. To be fair, I thought it looked it looked it looked meh.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I don't think it looks bad, but it doesn't look great. I legitimately disagree with you guys on this one. And I'm not just trolling like it was the other two. I actually think the game looks entertaining. I like the art style. I like the MMO aspect. They showed a lot of actual active combat in this game. They showed boss fights and raid type mechanics. You know, I don't know how it's going to play, but I will say that, you know, out of all the junk that we've seen so far, this one actually looks pretty good to me. Now, maybe it's terrible,
Starting point is 00:23:27 and I don't like the free-to-play aspect in the sense that there's already people saying that this game is very pay-to-win, which I despise. If you want to let me pay for cosmetics, that's fine. But in an MMO, this is what did in Lost Ark, right? Where it became pay to win towards the end game. So I like the aesthetic. I like the combat. I actually do like what I have seen in some of the trailers. I don't like what I'm hearing from some people. But then if you read
Starting point is 00:23:56 the reviews, there's a lot of people that say, hey, listen, the gameplay in this game is actually really good. It's just that they're having a lot of server issues and they're starting to kind of see some of the monetization stuff. And they're seeing that it's like, hey, this looks like it's just that they're having a lot of server issues and they're starting to kind of see some of the monetization stuff and they're seeing that it's like hey this this looks like it's going to be a pay-to-win game which if that's the case i'm out at that point but i thought the gameplay looked all right well they also play a lot of shenanigans where something will cost like 300 currency in the store but you have to buy it in increments of 500 so you end up with like dead money sitting around in online currency stuff like that always drives me crazy like if
Starting point is 00:24:30 you're gonna charge for stuff just charge for it uh it did remind me a little bit of wild star i thought more than any other mmo that's what it looked like and you guys know i love wild star so i think maybe it's touching on that little... Wildstar looked a lot better in my opinion. I mean, it does. I'm not saying it didn't, but sometimes you'll take what you can get kind of thing. So it's funny you mentioned that because I got that vibe too, and I think maybe that's why I'm a little bit more interested than the both of you are. Yeah. All right. Well, moving on here, this will be the last main thing that we talk about. On day three, we got to see some stuff about Off the Grid. Now, this is a game that we have talked about outside of the show. We have linked articles about this in the past. The guy who runs the
Starting point is 00:25:17 development team for this is a famous movie director. He's done movies like District 9 and Chappie. I love his movies, so I was always curious to see more about this game. Well, Off the Grid is kind of a wild game here. It has PvE and PvP elements. It's a 150-player battle royale, but it has a 60-hour narrative campaign that runs along with it, and these are not separate modes. This is one mode that you play. You join a battle royale while you're out there. You're also engaging in a storyline campaign. I don't think anyone's ever tried to do anything like this at all. But this takes place in a very satirical setting. Basically, what they said was imagine if 40 years from now gaming companies
Starting point is 00:26:07 that we know today i think he's hinting like ea pretend or like uh like fortnight pretend that they went and bought an island and were bringing over twitch streamers who want to fight in real life in a battle royale and put their skills to the test and they have resuscitation software so it's poking fun at a lot of gaming culture and twitch streamers this is kind of a wacky one i i do you guys see this finding like its own little niche or is this going to be just two out there i like what i see i liked this more than anything else i saw this is creative i don't know that they can pull it off but from what i saw it looks really interesting because you get cars you get grapple hooks you get flight suits light suits you you they showed cybernetic limbs where one
Starting point is 00:27:00 guy was just trucking really fast like somewhere. It's got gunplay. It's a battle royale. But then they did an interview with the guy, and they were saying, how do you do campaign in a battle royale? And the guy was like, you do missions, and you might have cut scenes. And then they're like,
Starting point is 00:27:20 so can somebody just walk up and shoot you from behind? And then he said, no. He actually did admit that they're still trying to figure that out but he said right now it basically just pulls you out of the match for like a minute while the cut scene is going on and then just kind of dumps you back in right where you were i think it'll be like you walk into a door and the door will close behind you and no one else can access it. And it's like just you. I think that's how it's going to work. Like an instanced area or something like that. I love the humor. They've got the quirky guy that's like the Twitch streamer kind of
Starting point is 00:27:54 narrating stuff. Oh, I love that guy. And he kind of goes off and he's all crazy and everything. And I'm really digging the vibe on this, man. Again, I don't know how it's going to play. This might be an absolute disaster, i'm i'm i'm in so far yeah it makes sense that the guy was in movies because that's the first thing i thought too is i love that character i thought the trailer was really funny uh it made me laugh it kind of
Starting point is 00:28:17 sucked me in a little bit but um i don't know like if they can play the game in not slow motion. I prefer to go over 10 frames a second. Yeah. That would be nice. I don't know if they were for this trailer, they were playing it on a potato or what, but it was really choppy to me. It looked like it needed a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Like a work in progress. Yeah, like a work in progress that I'd love progress you know that i oh yeah i'd love to go pay 20 for you know yeah this is a weird one i don't know how it's going to perform yeah if they can optimize it and make it run smooth um it's interesting i'm interested that's what i'll say i'm interested i think it's something that may be cool. I love Battle Royales. The fact that they're going to do a campaign within that is also interesting to me. So I think that's pretty neat. So we'll see how they kind of meld the two and come up with a way that makes it work. But yeah, we'll see how they do it.
Starting point is 00:29:19 We've seen questing in Battle Royales. We saw that in the cycle, and they've introduced that in some things where it's even war zone yeah where you you know you're in this but you have these little side missions and stuff and so i think the foundation is there so i am curious to see where it goes to be honest so again i'm with you ryan it did look a little janky but again it's still kind of an early build um i like the setting i like the premise so there's something there for me but it's it's a little early to tell how it's actually going to turn out i also like the fact that they explicitly said that the movie running man was a major influence on creating this yes i love that movie so that's another thing that got my interest yeah ryan give us some ar. No, I will never do that for you again.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Very nice. All right. Then the last thing I think that we'll mention in passing is on day four, there was some new footage of Lies of P, which is now set for release on September 19th. IGN said that it's looking like an A-class Souls-like that very well could stand toe-to-toe with FromSoftware's best games. We also got to see a little bit from Black Myth Wukong, and that also blew away IGN, saying it's one of the most exciting action RPGs of the Souls-like
Starting point is 00:30:36 era. So if you're a Souls-like fan, it looks like there's some really good things on the horizon. Despite more of the issues with the shooters, it seems like the Souls-like games are in a much better position. Black Myth Wukong, I have been following for about two years now. I remember when the very first trailer for that game came out. We did mention it long, long ago. I think this game looks phenomenal, man. It looks so good to me. They showed off more gameplay, more boss fights every time i see this game and i just mentioned not long ago that i've got a little bit of souls like burnout not for black myth wukong man this game looks fantastic i cannot wait to get my hands on it
Starting point is 00:31:16 lies of p i have just floundered on that one man i i don't really know why i don't know why it's amazing i don't know you're like the you to think it's amazing. I don't know why. You're like the... You got your corner. I don't make sense, Paul. Come on, man. You know that. But yeah, I don't know why. Lies of Peeve, to me, is just not even there. And then Black Myth Wukong, I'm like, yeah!
Starting point is 00:31:38 And I don't know why, man. I know why. It's because you're on Baldur's Gate 3. And that's rated R, not content for this podcast. Yeah. All right. Well, I think that wraps everything up here today for the video gamers podcast. Make sure to swing by multiplayer to sign up on Patreon and don't forget to follow us everywhere at video gamers pod.
Starting point is 00:32:02 We also release episodes every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. And we're also now releasing flashback episodes on Fridays. So some of our favorite episodes that you might have missed, we're going to start releasing those as well. And we just want to say thank you to everyone for listening and for following the podcast. And until next time, happy gaming. Goodbye, everybody.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Get in the chopper. I am Electro. that's a running man was it electro what was the lightning dude in running man something like that i only saw dynamo was his name he sang the opera that's it go watch running man if you haven't seen it all right see everybody watch my movie now Now!

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