Video Gamers Podcast - Subnautica Sequel, Alan Wake 2 and Extraction Shooter Extravaganza - Video Games Podcast
Episode Date: November 30, 2023Video games hosts Paul, Ryan and Josh bringing you the week's hottest video game news like no other gaming podcast can. We dish the dirt on an upcoming Subnautica sequel, Alan Wake 2 IS actually that ...good, and there’s a few new extraction shooters joining the video game world soon!  Thanks to our LEGENDARY Supporters: Redletter, Gaius214, Nate, Kiiticlyzm and Morgau Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube:  Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hello fellow gamers! Welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. It is time to break down this week in
gaming where we talk about gaming news over the last week that most interested us. Come check out
our social media presence. You can find us everywhere at Video Gamers Pod and come check out our Patreon support options. You'll unlock bonus episodes and get
other perks. You can check it out at I am your host, Paul. I'm calling
in from my typewriter in the dark place, trying to write myself out of it. Joining me, he is
currently on his fishing boat at night trying not to panic and
hallucinate he's hoping that the sea monsters don't get him it's josh ain't no sea monsters
getting me never no how no way you're too fast for them yeah all right and then joining josh and me
he's running around with a nail bat in a post-apocalyptic world looking out for zombies. It's Ryan.
Did you guys hear that?
What was that?
What was it?
Oh, boy.
We got a lot to talk about today, guys.
I'm really excited about this.
Let's start out by talking a little bit about some games that Josh and I beat this week.
So I finished my playthrough of Alan Wake 2.
Josh, you finished your playthrough with Dredge.
Let's start out with you.
Tell the people if they're not aware what Dredge is,
and then tell us your final thoughts.
Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.
We are jumping the gun just a little bit here,
because guys, guys, I beat another game.
I finished a game.
Three now?
I finished a game.
Congratulations and celebrations. I finished a game. Three now? I finished a game.
Congratulations and celebrations.
I know everybody is really proud of me.
Now, it helps that the game was only like eight hours long,
but still, I beat a game.
This is a big deal.
You just glossed over that like it was nothing, man.
Yeah. Josh beat The Witcher 3,
and then nothing since 2015 until this week with Dredge.
Well, I beat Remnant 2 not too long ago, so I'm getting better.
But no, I was browsing the Steam autumn sale. I was looking around and I was like, man, I've got some free time to play a game that I want to play, which is rare for us.
And I saw that Dredge was on sale.
And I have heard very good things about Dredge for a long time.
A lot of people that have picked it up and played it said, hey, this game is great.
And I thought, you know what?
I've almost purchased it a couple times, but the price is right.
I've got some free time this weekend.
Let me buy it and jump in.
And then I just cracked out on it for two days. I literally beat it over the span of two days. I think I
played it like four hours one day and four hours the next day. And it is quite enjoyable. I see
why people give it really, really good reviews. I will say that the people, the one criticism for the game that I see more
often than not is just that, hey, this game's really fun, but it's kind of shallow. Like,
there's really not a lot of depth to it once you kind of get further in, which is 100% true.
But it doesn't really take away from the game, in my opinion, because it is a short game and
the gameplay keeps you going the whole time. Um, but
this is a, a strong recommend from me for anybody that wants a nice quick little eight to 10 hour
indie game experience. Um, it's, it's just really good. It's a, you're on a fishing boat. You're
looking around, there's supernatural stuff going on. You're catching fish, you're upgrading your
boat. So there's that nice, perfect progression line that I love in games.
There's some neat little story and stuff going on that you discover.
I wouldn't call it a horror game. It's just an eerie game, if that makes sense.
Never in a million years did I think that you would pick up and love
two fishing games this year, Josh, between this and Dave the Diver.
Hey, man, maybe I'm a fisherman at heart. I did work
on fishing boats for a while, so these
are things that are in my past
and somewhat near and dear to my heart.
Dude, Josh is like Jeremy Wade.
He's a marine biologist and extreme
Who is Jeremy Wade?
What? Who? From River Monsters.
Oh, okay.
I know who you're talking about. I was never a fan of that show.ers. Oh, okay. Yeah. I know who you're talking about.
I was never a fan of that show.
I don't know that I've ever seen it.
Oh, gosh.
Well, that's all we have time for today, folks.
All right.
Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed Dredge, Josh.
Ryan and I have not played it, but I was curious to hear your thoughts.
I finished up my playthrough of Alan Wake 2.
I had played Alan Wake 1 back at release
13 years ago. I had been kind of holding off a little bit here on Alan Wake 2, but once it got
nominated Game of the Year, figured it was about time to finally pick it up. And I don't want to
say too, too much because we are going to give out our 2023 Gaming Awards here in a couple weeks,
and I have a feeling that Alan
Wake 2 is going to pop up for an award or two for me. But I will just say I absolutely loved it.
I have, and I don't know if I have a correct memory of the first one, but I remember the
first one having less combat and it was much more walking around reading stuff. I feel like Alan
Wake 2 kind of amps up the action. And the
way I described it to you, Josh, just the other night when we were in the car together, I said,
I feel like it's the best Resident Evil game ever made. If you enjoy Resident Evil, I think you'll
really enjoy Alan Wake 2. It's just kind of like mixing together Resident Evil along with the weirdest storylines you've ever heard from X-Files or some other kind of supernatural show.
So I absolutely loved playing through.
And then I might have shared my Epic Games Store account info with Josh.
Yep, yep.
Don't tell anybody.
Don't tell anyone.
What he means is I bought my own copy of Alan Ray 2 because I've been very curious about it as well.
But Paul, I was hounding you the whole time you were playing because this is a game I was very torn on in the sense that it's like,
I don't know if I'm going to like this game, but it's getting so much hype from people that it's like, which one is it?
You know, and then so you finished it.
You said, hey, Josh, you can play it.
I did start playing it i'm only two and a half hours in um i will say that so far what i have played i have
really enjoyed so i'm very optimistic that that means i'm going to feel like paul and and really
enjoy this game but it's it's a little too early for me to kind of make any decision but you gave
it really high praise paul which gets me pretty excited about it yeah he hasn't stopped talking this game but it's it's a little too early for me to kind of make any decision but you gave it
really high praise paul which gets me pretty excited about it yeah he hasn't stopped talking
about it for like three weeks all i gotta hear is alan wake too alan wake too i actually just
wants to play multiplayer games i'm just trying to play games with my bros that's all yeah but i
did i did watch probably i got sucked in and I watched maybe an hour of gameplay this morning, actually.
And I may be hitting you up for that Epic Games account to also buy it for myself, obviously.
Well, of course.
But here's the thing.
It's an Epic Games Store exclusive on PC.
If it were on Steam, we could all test it for two hours and refund.
You don't have that with epic so
i'm i'm just letting you guys get a free trial is is what it boils what a guy what a guy yeah yeah
sure the kindness of my heart he's a man of the people yeah i was a little curious ryan just for
a quick check-in are you still playing spider-man 2 at all or have you beaten it or have you kind
of fizzled oh no we're just we're kind of
cleaning up all the little side stuff um we actually definitely are still playing uh there's
always a million things you can do on these games there's a million different suits you can unlock
there's a million different uh kind of after the campaign things you can clean up so yeah there's
still quite a bit to do um still an awesome game i absolutely loved it and
would recommend it to anybody okay very good to hear yeah what a what a year for gaming i can't
wait till i get to give out our awards because there's just so many good nominees for game of
the year honestly yeah i'm almost dreading it in a way because it's like i have to pick and choose
which i'm not sure i like but just give everything we liked an award, right?
There you go.
Yeah, exactly.
All right.
So our listeners might remember a couple of weeks back, we talked about how the developer
of Dave the Diver had been working on their next project.
We had a little bit of a laugh just saying it's so funny that they went from making this
fishing and cooking game to making a zombie survival game
well this week we got to see 20 minutes of actual gameplay footage from the game it is called naquan
last paradise and it is a 16 player stealth survival extraction zombie game. Very curious to hear your guys' overall thoughts.
To be fair, it's pre-alpha footage.
They did say that they're opening the game up
for pre-alpha testing.
Overall, what did you guys think about Naquan?
I want my 20 minutes back watching that trailer.
It was kind of boring.
I'll be honest.
There are some things that I like to see.
The graphics look nice.
Of course, in the demo, this game's running at,
you know, 120 frames a second.
And then that's kind of it, man.
I mean, for a 22 minute gameplay demo,
it is just a guy with a bat and some nails
just smashing zombies for 22 minutes and it's
like yeah i mean there's some looting involved and i know that within it it's it's you know
they're basing it as like an extraction survival game so obviously loot is gonna play an important
part but i just didn't see anything that got me excited like i won't say that any of it is terrible
but like was there anything that you guys saw. Like, I won't say that any of it is terrible,
but like, was there anything that you guys saw where you kind of raised an eyebrow and went like,
ooh, that could be good.
The only thing that I would say that about
is there was one part near the end of the video
that did make me laugh out loud
because you do see other players in this world.
And so a lot of it is like, maybe you fight the zombies,
maybe you try to run away. You're definitely trying to not get killed by other players because it's got pvp and pve
elements and one point near the end you see another dude running around and so the guy takes
a brick and just chucks it at the guy to attract all the zombies around him and then like four
zombies jump on the guy and And I was like, okay,
that's actually really funny to try to like sabotage other players.
But outside of that four second clip,
this was just a lot of the guy running in circles,
going into a building,
maybe looting one or two things,
maybe hitting a zombie,
which by the way,
takes five hits with that nail bat.
It takes a lot to kill just one zombie
all together it just seemed very bland nothing here at all to get me excited well and the weird
thing too is uh you know those those were the things that stood out with me is is like that
nail bat you hit the zombie it looked like he was hitting a brick wall i don't know this kind of
like the beginning of the games but there was no you know pass
through with it it was just like a thud and then you have to do five thud hits against a brick wall
that's a quote-unquote zombie and then all of a sudden he dies you're like okay now i can move
on to the next section i thought it was cool like the ripples of the sound effects as far as um
you know the sound waves like if you're running or when running and walking. But there was a section where he's walking through,
and there's a zombie two feet away from him,
and then there's one 15 feet away,
and the one 15 feet away turns and runs at him,
and the one right next to him just was standing there,
and he runs away, and then the other one still follows him.
So I'm sure they had some stuff to kind of figure out.
I do like the PvP aspect of it,
but yeah, there was nothing in
this one that got me super stoked it was just kind of a lot of dark running around this the
the noises and the the zombie screams and stuff still get me though even on a video it was a
little bit like left for dead like you get the zombie screaming and it's gonna grab other zombies
nearby yeah yeah it's i mean everything looks polished, especially for it being an alpha.
I just... There weren't any gameplay elements that I thought looked really cool, to be honest with
you. So it's like... I mean, it's an alpha. Maybe there's going to be more involved. Maybe we don't
understand the gameplay loop because I know there's survival aspects where you have to make
it back to your bunker and then you're trying to survive a couple days there before you go back into the city and stuff like that but
i don't know man i this game was interesting to me but then after watching this i'm
not so sure i'm as interested either i will say i thought the shooting looked rather bad
so you don't see a whole lot of shooting but the guy does have like a like a six shooter and
there's a little bit of gun combat.
Almost everything we saw was melee with the nail bat.
I thought the shooting stuff looked quite poor.
I will say that they are supposed to,
this game should be available for pre-alpha testing to everyone on steam.
When this episode drops,
it's supposed to unlock on the 29th.
So I will say I will download it and give it a shot and see if there's maybe
something that's not translating through YouTube.
But I did feel like this was a little bit of a bucket of cold water.
Cause after the success of Dave,
the diver,
which has universal acclaim from everybody,
I was curious to see what they do next,
but I don't know at this point,
it kind of seems like a misstep.
Maybe they just went too far away from what they did last time.
All right. Well, with that being said, we'll go ahead and take a short break and we'll be right
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All right, moving on to our next story here. There is a company called Krafton. If that name
doesn't sound familiar, they are a video game holding company. They have many subsidiaries
underneath their name. They own things like PUBG Studios. They also have Unknown Worlds
Entertainment, which is
the group that made Subnautica. And a few days back, there was a financial report released by
Krafton, and we got some nuggets of information that I think are worth sharing with the people.
So first of all, the next Subnautica game has not been officially announced. We don't have
any information about it. However, in this financial report,
they did explicitly mention, quote,
the next Subnautica.
So there's not even a name attached to it yet,
but we know it's on its way.
No name, but this does confirm they are making it.
It also mentions that PUBG Studios'
upcoming extraction shooter,
which is called Project Black Budget,
is going to release in the second half of 2024,
which is a little bit sooner than we initially thought.
So let's start out talking a little bit about Subnautica.
Are you guys hyped about this news?
Because you both love Subnautica.
I am. I am super hyped.
I think I'm the biggest Subnautica fan out of the bunch of us.
I loved the first one. It's fan out of the bunch of us. I loved the first one.
It's still one of my favorite games ever.
It's one of the most memorable games that I've played. The second one, Below Zero, was satisfying, but not nearly as good as that initial, like,
let me explore this ocean planet, you know, that kind of thing.
I mean, so Below Zero was fun, but not the epic experience that I think
the first Subnautica was. So there's a part of me that wonders, is this more like an expansion
like Below Zero was, or is this going to be an actual just standalone game?
Below Zero was a standalone. I get it. You bought it. You got your 15 hours of playtime out
of it. But it felt more like it was just a big expansion to Subnautica. And so I'm curious
because... I mean, I'll play it regardless either way, but I'm almost hoping for a brand new
adventure versus... It's just another person that is now
not in the polar region but is now in a different region kind of thing like i want it to be its own
its own entity i guess you want to be different enough not just like a different location right
yeah exactly and i felt like below zero was just that it was kind of the same game and there was
some really neat stuff that below zero did but it just felt a little underwhelming to me and i want that overwhelming like oh we're back
we're back baby you know i want that feeling again so what about you ryan are you itching to
sink some more cyclops at the bottom of the ocean oh gosh don't even get me started i'll tell you
what i hope this game has a little more water. The last one was kind of lacking.
That's the one thing lacking.
Yeah, the one thing lacking was water, obviously.
But no, I'm actually pretty excited.
I genuinely enjoyed the first one that Josh forced me to play.
I reluctantly played it, but it was good.
It was very, very good.
I enjoyed it.
Like Josh said i uh will
probably still pick it up and check it out so i hope like you know i hope there is something just
completely new to it where we can still do that exploration but it's it's just something a little
bit different than just an expansion like you said so um and and uh we did do the deep dive on that episode where i i played it uh we
released it on the 11th of september so if you guys want to check it out you can go back and
and look up the episodes there and then listen to everything else but yeah feel free to check
that one out we went into a good pretty good detail of of how that game went and then hopefully
this one is uh just as good if not better. Yeah, I hope so.
I mean, there's so many Subnautica fans.
I hope that they serve people well.
Now being underneath Krafton, hopefully it won't impede the creation process.
That's the thing.
I don't see how you mess it up.
But I do see where it could be just mediocre.
Again, I'll reference Below Zero.
I enjoyed my time with it.
It was perfectly fine as an experience,
but it did not have the magic that Subnautica had.
And I really want that magic again.
So I hope they figure out a way to kind of capture that.
Yeah, not bad, but also not terribly memorable.
So let's talk a little bit about Project Black Budget.
So we don't know a whole lot about it, other than the fact it is a PvPVE extraction shooter.
Now, we have seen a thousand of these kinds of games come out over the last couple of years.
I don't think any of the three of us would say we're huge fans of that genre.
Would you guys say you're a huge fan of extraction shooters?
I mean, it's weird because what do we have?
We have Escape from Tarkov, which none of us like.
It's too sweaty.
It's too hardcore.
It's too complicated.
That just wasn't that great.
Then we had-
Hunt Showdown.
I mean, I'll be honest.
I am very, very tempted to get into Hunt Showdown again to try it.
I just want somebody to play it with
because solo, I don't think it will be quite the experience that I want it to be. But I actually
just the other day looked up like how is Hunt Showdown in 2023 and people are still raving
about it. It's got a cult following for sure. Yeah, like honestly. And then I look at the
gameplay and it's like, dude, this game is top notch. So there is a part of me that is very tempted to get into that.
Then we've seen some failed ones.
We saw Scavengers.
The Cycle wasn't really an extraction shooter, but it kind of was.
Well, then it turned into one.
Yeah, but then it failed.
And it did fail.
And so it's like, there's a part of me that loves the idea, but you got to figure out how to balance it against like, I don't want Tarkov.
You know what I mean?
So it's like, are you just giving me another Tarkov option or are you giving me another cycle, like original cycle?
Because that to me really interests me.
I don't know.
I really want to like the genre, but nobody has captured it yet.
I feel like the gaming industry is trying to shove extraction shooters down our throat, and I don't really know why, because I feel like most of them are failing.
Hunt Showdown is still doing well, but like I said, that's not like a mainstream
huge success. It's got its cult following. Tarkov is clearly the one that has done the best but at
the same time that game has attracted the most cheaters because when you have high stakes with
an extraction shooter you're going to have more people tempted to cheat we've all seen the videos
where even the cheaters will look at each other and you know move their gun and the other guy
moves the gun back they're looking at each other through the map so i don't know i don't even
really know anyone that loves extraction shooters so i guess i'm just kind of curious do you guys
see a world where pub g studios where they brought battle royales to the forefront and made it the
new big hotness do you see a world where they could do that for extraction shooters or do you
feel like this is more likely to just fail and fall underneath the shadow of
tarkov failure i can't help but think that too yeah i i just i don't see i don't see where these
because like you said i don't i don't know anyone else that plays these either so
i don't i don't see the market for it i don't see the draw for it and they are they're just
trying to force it down their throats like i don't know if it's some for some monetary gain like then they can do some you know upgrades or
battle passes or whatever they would do to try to make more money out of it but yeah i i just i
don't see it coming to fruition as far as like being a sustainable game type it's yeah it's weird
to me because i played a good bit of DMZ through Warzone, and that is quite
enjoyable, especially with friends. There is something to be said for the adrenaline and the
high stakes of like, we've got all of this gear, we need to get out. And then knowing that there's
probably people hunting you and wanting your gear and stuff like that. So it's odd because I do enjoy that high
stakes gameplay, but I don't enjoy the super sweaty, like overly complicated stuff like Tarkov
does either. So if you can make it a little bit more arcadey and fun, I think at that point,
yes, it could work. And I could see myself getting into one, but it's got to have the
right balance there. I don't know if PUBG is going to have that balance as far as the developer.
What a pedigree. PUBG launched Battle Royales into popularity. Can they do it for extraction
shooters? I don't know. I don't think so, to be honest. I just struggle to picture what they're
going to do different. Because whereas with battle royales,
you've got apex,
which leans more into arcade style.
You've got fortnight that leans more into the cartoony graphics and the building and the dancing.
And then pub G kind of was like the realistic battle royale,
if you will.
And so if they're just going to go the realistic route again,
it's hard for me to imagine it being better than Tarkov
and them vulturing enough players away from it.
So I just don't even honestly know what they can do at this point
to try to stand above and beyond.
I mean, I'll check it out.
If you have the pedigree of PUBG, I'm going to pay attention,
but I'm not getting excited about this one quite yet
is maybe the best way to word it.
I want to love the genre, so I'm always going to be be interested so i will be very curious to see what they do but if it looks
like every other one in the world then i just i lose interest immediately well all we know is that
if it's like pub g paul will play by himself without us and never invite us and invite
yeah yeah i've played a few solo pub g yeah every day for like three weeks
there was a world where paul would play pub g with us every day i know and he'd actually post
and be like pub g anybody and then three people would instantly hop on so that we'd have a full
squad and now i just see a notification paul yeah i don't know what it is since the allegations are flying
at me i gotta play my uno reverse card on ryan a few days ago we agreed let's hop on and play
pub g today ryan said i'll let you know what i'm done with work and and guess what happened josh
never got a message from i never heard from ryan
accusations these are not accusations this is false accusations and i'm still working
right now okay just saying last time we talked about it we made plans and i got no show listen
i'm the wild card i'm supposed to be the wild card you're the one that's consistent you gotta
tell me what to do you're definitely the wild card all right and then lastly last thing we're
gonna cover here today,
it is a little bit of older news,
but we didn't get a chance to talk about it last week.
Suicide Squad,
Kill the Justice League,
has taken some licks on this podcast.
I think all three of us have more or less trashed it.
I don't like having to come in
and say negative things about games.
I'd rather be excited,
you know,
and looking forward to this stuff.
We knew that the game was kind of shaping up with live service gaming that's just not our kind of thing so we weren't terribly excited about it then they released a 20 minute video
that they called a insider video highlighting story and gameplay some people in our discord
kind of perked up said that they thought it looked a lot better. And so we all got a chance to watch this. Has this newest video changed your mind at
all? Or do you still feel like this is just maybe not your cup of tea? It actually changed my mind
a little bit. I'm going to be honest with you guys, because we hammered the first video that
they showed. And they caught a ton of flack from gamers in general.
Yeah, we weren't alone.
To remind people, the very first video they showed, everybody had these weird grappling
hooks where they were just swinging from the sky. And then you were shooting these purple
clouds of goo, which I guess were supposed to be weak points on everything. And it looked like the
most routine generated gameplay you can possibly
imagine a live service game would have. It literally was a checklist of what does a game
have to have? Well, it's got to have characters, check. It's got to have guns, check. It's got to
have weak spots, check. And then it's like, we need everybody swinging through the sky because
people liked that in that one game, check. And it just got hammered. I will say,
I do think the game looks a lot better. It's at least piqued my interest at this point,
because now there's at least a reason why characters have these movement skills,
and they're not just swinging from purple lassos in the sky. The combat looked better.
The characters looked more interesting. There's
no more purple goo weak spots on literally everything that's in the world. They got into
some of the different abilities and the traversal mechanics and what sets the different characters
apart. And I have to give them credit, man. If we're comparing this game to what they showed
a year ago to what they showed now, I think it looks vastly improved.
For sure.
I'm still not totally sold on it.
Like I said earlier, I wish I could have my 20 minutes back.
I do think that it definitely gave me vibes of like you saw with the Arkham series and like even Spider-Man, how you traverse through the map and through the environment.
I think they kind of set the bar on how you can do it.
And I think that they definitely took some of those notes for this game.
So it's finally explained, you know, like Harley Quinn has that grappling hook in the bat thing and then the shark can just power jump.
And so there's different ways that is explained
and how they can get through those areas
and jump to the different areas.
The combat looks better.
It looks pretty cool.
So I don't know.
I'm going to be a big wait and see type guy on this one,
but I was never a big DC guy anyways.
So we'll see.
I'm not a DC guy either,
but when it's coming from the
people who made the arkham series yeah which i really love like if you ask me what's the best
dc stuff it's like the dark knight movie and the arkham series gaming like those are just so well
done but i will say that this game is just vastly different than the arkham series whereas Whereas, and they highlighted this in the video, Batman is a dark, depressing world,
and you have to see things through the perspective of Batman.
So now making Suicide Squad, they want to see through the perspective of these larger
than life villains.
So in this game, Metropolis is very bright.
Everything seems to be kind of like turned up to the max with color
and light all around and and i do like the idea of having these characters that have big
personalities i will say even in just watching the video i was already kind of getting over the harley
quinn comments oh dude yeah it was a little bit much same that does worry me a bit maybe they try to lean too much
into like bad jokes and humor and make it campy and fun and yeah yeah i yeah i i thought the
traversal stuff looked good maybe my biggest criticism though and i don't know if you guys
felt the same way they made the combat look so easy because all they're doing is boosting into the air shooting a bunch of stuff
land finish it off with melee and then shoot themselves back in the air nothing at any point
looked to be any kind of real danger to them now they did say that the boss fights are going to be
huge and epic because you're fighting against super and Green Lantern and Flash and stuff like that.
But from what I saw in this one, the combat I felt maybe looked a little bit too mindless, is kind of what came to mind. I'm with you on that. And honestly, I mean,
combat's going to be a huge portion of this game. So if it's just rolling my face across the
keyboard or just smashing every button on my controller, that's not really fun.
I mean, it's fun for the first hour or two, but I need some sort of awareness, right? Like with
the Arkham games, right? You had the guy where the little warning would flash and then you'd
have to push dodge. Even if you were in the middle of a combo, right? It's kind of like,
oh crap, I got to dodge this attack. Or you could punch, punch, punch, grapple,
and then throw somebody or something like that. Having that variety matters, especially when you run it against certain characters where it's like,
I can't melee this guy. I have to attack him ranged or something like that.
But I'm with you. I did get the impression that the combat was just overly easy.
And if that is the case, that will be a gigantic bummer because it seems to be a large portion
of the game. I think they did a great job in how fast the action was and how fast the gameplay is
and the movement abilities because they dug into those a little bit too. And all that is great.
But if I don't need to be aware of what I'm doing, you're missing something at that point.
Yeah. And the game seems to be a
huge undertaking. They mentioned that the map is twice the size of Arkham City from Arkham Knight.
So it sounds like they are pouring a ton of resources into this. The game's going to be huge.
I hope it turns out really well. I love the Arkham series. I did not love Gotham Knights, but I enjoyed it. You are much lower on it, Josh.
If this can fall somewhere like 30% better than Gotham Knights, then I think it's going to be a
great game. So that's kind of what I'm hoping for. I'm not seeing anything that I think is going to
be earth shattering, but it looks like it might be a lot of fun for maybe like 10 to 20 hours at
the very most. That's kind of at least what I'm just hoping for at this point.
I'm with you.
If it's better than Gotham Knights by a decent margin,
then I'll call it a successful game at that point.
All right.
Ryan just DM'd me.
I want to hear your guys answer this.
Who's the worst Justice League character?
Oh, the, I mean, the shark guy. Like he mean the shark guy like he's a suicide squad oh you're saying yeah in the
justice league because that's who they're fighting uh yeah yeah he's kind of lame dude
are you kidding me no I'm not kidding because it's like, dude, he himself has no abilities. It's just the ring.
He's a talking shark.
You're the lamest superhero if you have zero abilities,
but a ring gives you all your powers.
That is the worst answer.
I mean, Superman is technically the right answer because Superman is boring,
but he's also the heart of the game.
Ryan loves Superman.
I've never understood this.
Superman is the best one.
The worst is paul
on the superman take yeah superman's the most boring aquaman aquaman sucks what's okay you know
what they all suck guys they all suck problem with dc except batman yeah except batman batman's
the one good one yeah he's the one with no powers he's just rich that's why he's good okay right and
he's really rich that's a superpower erroneous erroneous erroneous on both counts oh lord
yeah so we might not even really be the real audience for this anyway maybe if you're more
of a diehard dc fan you're a little more hyped for this one here um yeah and then suicide squad
kill the justice league is still scheduled for a february 2nd
launch which is really not that far out that's what like five weeks from now so it's right around
the corner yeah or actually i guess no no we got all of uh january january as well okay so yeah
time is a man-made construct dude there you go time's a circle yeah all right well that wraps
up everything here for
this week in gaming as a reminder come hit us up on socials at video gamers pod and check out
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thank you so much to everyone for listening until next time happy gaming see ya all right see everybody See ya. All right. See everybody.