Video Gamers Podcast - The Quarry - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: July 11, 2022

Gaming Counselors Paul, Michael and Josh are bringing you another amazing Deep Dive Episode. Join us this week as we bring you a full gaming breakdown of The Quarry. With a star studded cast, and mini...mal gameplay elements, is The Quarry worth the price? We break down everything you could want to know, and tell you our thoughts in this awesome gaming deep dive.  Thanks to for sponsoring today’s episode. Head over to to check out their awesome lineup of high quality men’s care products. Make sure to use code: Multiplayer at checkout for 20% off your ENTIRE order and FREE shipping! Thanks to our LEGENDARY supporters: Blackstar (DQ), Glapsuidir, Phelps, Michele B, Redletter, Nevo, Waynerman, TFolls, AceofShame, Jake, RangerMiller, and Ad   Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Discord: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Subscribe to us on YouTube: Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:56 which is actually an integral to the plot. Before we hop into introductions, a quick reminder to rate our show five stars, leave us a written review, follow us on socials everywhere at MultiplayerPod, and consider supporting us on Patreon. You'll help fund the show and you'll also unlock a bunch of perks, probably the best being access to the Squadcast, which is a feed of bonus episodes that release twice a month that run about 30 to 45 minutes each with the whole crew. All right, let's move on. I am your host, Paul.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I'm joined, as always, by my two fellow camp counselors. First up, he's a huge fan of the 80s, and I'm guessing he spent a lot of time in his childhood watching slasher and monster movies. It's Josh. Dude, Nightmare on Elm Street was the jam back in the day. How old were you when you saw it for the first time, do you think? Oh, I feel like I was probably eight.
Starting point is 00:02:50 So way too young? Way too young, yes. I was terrified. You know, couldn't sleep. I was sure I was going to die in my sleep. But man, yeah, 80s had some great horror flicks. Definitely the peak of like that kind of movie. And then joining us, this game is probably up his
Starting point is 00:03:06 alley because he hates first person shooters but i do know that he loves movies so i'm thinking this might be a match made in heaven it's michael i do love me some movies and spoiler there is some shooting in this game and it's way too hard uh way too hard. Way too hard. There's a smidge of shooting. Yeah, and the three times I did it was a disaster, so I don't want to talk about it, and I don't appreciate you bringing it back up again. Wow, I can't wait until we break down
Starting point is 00:03:37 how difficult the combat was in the quarry. Yes, all the combat. Do I save my trolling of Michael for later, or can I do it now uh whenever we'll troll me a lot in this one but yeah aiming that that one shotgun with a uh giant circle in the middle of the screen is really difficult yep it's it's really like it like it did the shotgun fills the whole screen i somehow missed oh boy all right well before we jump into our deep dive here of the quarry josh you've got to review someone left the show.
Starting point is 00:04:10 It's review time. And since this show is going to go long again, I'm just going to read one and let's get to it because this is another good review. And it comes in from Epic TXM, our buddy from Great Britain. And it's titled Very, Very, Very Good. And it says, This podcast is the best gaming podcast. I could not find any other good ones, and I don't think I'm going to listen to any others because this one is just so down to earth and good. And you didn't lie, the Discord has the best community. All the hosts are great and very active in the Discord, and they are great at describing the games
Starting point is 00:04:42 and have given me a lot of amazing game recommendations thank you oh what a great review thank you epic txm we really appreciate it yeah that's awesome i love that i do like the part where people are like i looked around for a gaming podcast i couldn't find one and then i found yours yeah yeah that makes me feel good man when people say that like it legitimately warms my heart a whole bunch because I'm like, I listen to podcasts too, and I have a few favorites. One of them is even this podcast before I became a host. But it's funny because I hear that and I'm like, man, they're saying such nice things. All we do is sit on here in front of a microphone and we talk to each other in this video and
Starting point is 00:05:20 we just have fun. And you guys like it. And man, it feels so good to see your nice things thank you thank you epic that's awesome man yeah we really do appreciate it and you know the discord community is great you know we love having people in there and you know keep those reviews coming we love reading them on the show it definitely helps us out helps the show get discovered and move up the rankings for podcast listings and And Josh loves reading them. Josh has said it's his favorite part of the day,
Starting point is 00:05:47 is waking up with his coffee and checking to see how many reviews came in. I get very sad when there's no new reviews. So if you don't want me to be sad first thing in the morning, then leave us a review. Hashtag keep Josh happy. Hashtag keep Josh happy. I love it.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Keep the reviews coming. Unless it's a bad review, then keep your thoughts to yourself. Keep the positive reviews coming. All right. Well, like Josh had mentioned, we are definitely going to go long. These deep dives have been very long lately, and I know that we're very excited to talk about the quarry. So much to get into.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So let's just go ahead. Let's transition. Let's deep dive the quarry. And remember, whatever doesn't kill you will make you stronger. Okay, the quarry released on June 10th, 2022 comes from Supermassive Games, who are the same people who made Until Dawn, they did the Dark Pictures anthology series, so they have very much lived in this space for a while. And here is the Steam description. When the sun goes down on the last night of summer camp, nine teenage counselors are plunged into an unpredictable night of horror. The only thing worse than the blood-drenched locals and creatures hunting them are the unimaginable
Starting point is 00:07:02 choices you must make to help them survive. And I do want to say right here that The Quarry is a rather short game. It can be completed anywhere from about 7 to 10 hours, so we are absolutely going to have to talk about some spoilers in this game, but we will start out spoiler-free, and we will give you guys a warning when we actually get into spoiler territory yeah i think it'd be kind of impossible to talk about this game without spoiling it because it's not like we can go deep in the gameplay what's the gameplay um left and right stick on a controller yeah pretty much so you know josh in case there's anyone who decided to
Starting point is 00:07:39 listen to this episode and they actually don't know very much about the quarry what genre would you classify this as and maybe like what's a game much about the quarry what genre would you classify this as and maybe like what's a game or two that are kind of similar in gameplay style um genre i would call it an interactive simulator interactive movie choose your choose your own adventure movie video game light type very well put very well put that's a genre um and then what wait what was the second point i got so deep into the mixing of genres there yeah are there any any similar comps like is there anything that we've done a deep dive on or anything we've talked about that's kind of similar? Well, I mean, we haven't done deep dives on them, but if you've ever played like Telltale's The Walking Dead is somewhat similar in that like you're an observer to what's going on.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You are a very minimal participant in these types of games like you're watching what's going on. Maybe you make a choice or two. Maybe you press a button or two, and that's it. But you're really just kind of in for the experience. One of our favorites, though, Paul, Heavy Rain, oft mentioned on this podcast, is very, very similar. Paul likes that. Detroit Becomes Human, which I've never played never played but i was gonna say i know that's very similar the dark pictures anthology which i've never played um and then you've got intel dawn which i think was the previous entry from supermassive games um but yeah so that that's
Starting point is 00:09:21 kind of the what this game is and the kind of genre that it falls into. Yeah. Now, are you guys a fan of interactive movie games like this? Because I've made it known that I really love Heavy Rain. Like, Heavy Rain absolutely for me is like a top 15 game. Maybe, depending on the day, I might even put it in my top 10. But I was curious to know about you guys. Is this something that you tend to enjoy? I tend to really be drawn towards these games a lot, to be honest with you. My wife
Starting point is 00:09:49 and I played Detroit Become Human a couple years ago when it came out, and it's just kind of... Why I like it so much is it's a good marriage between my two passions when it comes to film and video games, but I don't have to really try super hard when it comes to like rolling around and doing combat or anything like that um it's like the exact opposite of elden ring because like there's there's like what's what are you doing i'm walking around and making choices um and so i like them because it's a nice reprieve sometimes from playing really skill-based games which sometimes can just like you know get your heart elevated and you want to throw the controller through the through the through the tv like it's an old wii remote or something like that um but instead i just i can just sit down and just kind of watch
Starting point is 00:10:33 apparently an eight and a half hour movie and make choices so yeah pretty much with a a little bit of a sprinkling of combat and maybe like a pinch of quick time events so i feel like those are always kind of inevitable with interactive movies they're gonna make you mash that button while you're on the run or you know whatever it might be all right and uh what about you josh do you tend to like these or are they not really your cup of tea it's very hit or miss um i loved heavy rain heavy rain I loved Heavy Rain. Heavy Rain is phenomenal. I loved Telltale, the Walking Dead, that series. I had zero interest in Detroit Becomes Human because it looked boring as anything to me. I've had zero interest in the Dark Pictures anthology and some of these other ones. So I'm kind of with Michael in that I have to be in the mood for it, but I would feel like, I mean, I'm probably split like 50-50.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It's either yes, it's great, or man, it's terrible. And the lows are low. I feel like when they don't pull it off well or there's foundational issues in the story, it can go bad very quick. Oh, yeah. It's good. I think it's really good. I think Heavy Rain and Until Dawn, for me me are the two that i consider the best uh the quarry here you know we'll we'll get into a lot of the details and provide a lot of our thoughts you know michael do you kind of want
Starting point is 00:11:54 to set the stage for us like story-wise like how does the game open and what's the overall structure of the game without getting into any spoilers i'm gonna try to do the 90s movie voice a questionable cop in a world that's nighttime and things now i'm not gonna try that okay so max and laura are driving down the road right and they run off the road because they see something in the road they don't know what it is i don't know what it is till my second playthrough and then i see what it is um they roll off the road and they're like hey there's it's scary it's nighttime i think i see ghosts and stuff maybe i don't know and so then they realize that the truck is a little bit beat up a cop comes by and says do not go where
Starting point is 00:12:38 you're supposed to be going which is this camp because they're these camp counselors the camp starts the next day we don't know when the camp actually starts we know the counselors are supposed to show up the next day but max and laura uh left a voicemail for a guy and wanted to show up early and and the the cop is like don't go like really suspiciously like do not go there go to this motel instead don't go where you're trying to go and so then you know stuff kind of goes down i won't even spoil it too much past that but we leave max and laura alone somewhere and then two months later is when the story kind of starts we have seven camp counselors saying goodbye to
Starting point is 00:13:17 these these campers uh little kids and stuff because there's this cute little teddy bear that's there so you can assume they're probably like lower grade school age something like that um and the seven camp counselors are um just kind of different personalities and uh long story short for a reason that i won't get into you get stuck there overnight um which is a story decision on how you do that but um i won't i won't i'm not trying so hard not to spoil anything here so i'm just not going to um but then all of a sudden david arquette i almost said david dacovny because man it wouldn't it be great if david dacovny was in this because it's got supernatural stuff oh man oh yeah that would that would have worked uh david arquette is a camp counselor or he's like the head of the camp his name is chris hackett and he kind of runs the show and he's all freaked out that these campers
Starting point is 00:14:05 or the camp counselors are going to have to stay overnight when they weren't supposed to be there overnight and you kind of get the same feeling that you got from the cop that like hold on this place is no bueno at all on days we're not supposed to be there or when unplanned things happen and he's like hey listen stay inside do not go outside and i'll be back tomorrow you don't know what he's doing or where he's going um but essentially the long story short probably too late because that was a really long story um basically you've got a lot of choices to make as the campers and you know i mean i don't want to say the kids are dumb and they put you in a bad spot but they make some decisions early on that you don't get to be making decisions on.
Starting point is 00:14:49 It's kind of the story doing what it does. And they're not indoors, guys. No spoilers there. They're not going to stay inside. They're going to go and have fun. And so basically the next eight and a half hours of your life that you're spending playing this game with QuickTime Events is going to be trying to keep these people alive because they made bad choices and also you're in a horror movie you're gonna do stupid things and you're probably gonna lose some people so it happens yes and in this game famously any character can survive or die the game continues on no matter what and so
Starting point is 00:15:22 everyone's gonna have a different experience in ways, the game is almost not really spoiler-able, except for a couple of key things that you learn later in the game. Like, why is it unsafe to go outside? These are all things that you'll learn over the course of the game. But I was curious to know how you guys felt about the nine main characters. I found the names very hard to learn. I feel like I did not know their names really until halfway through the playthrough. But we've got Abigail, Dylan, Emma, Jacob, Caitlin, Nick, and Ryan, along with Max and Laura from the beginning. They definitely are trying to use some of the tropes of horror movies. like you have your you know what's supposed to be like your cute girl and then you you have your manly man and then you have your like intellectual
Starting point is 00:16:09 person you have your comedy relief you know and that kind of stuff and so i feel like there's right yeah i mean yeah exactly you know the cute innocent girl that you know whatever and so i feel like the game's trying to like establish. And some of the characters definitely are annoying. Some of them I find are pretty likable from the very beginning. But the gist of it is, and Michael touched on this, is that this is a horror movie slash game. I love the Geico commercial where the girl's like, let's go. And everybody's like, let's run for the car.
Starting point is 00:16:41 And she's like, no, let's go hide in this scary shed filled with chainsaws. And they're like, oh, that's a good idea. And so that's kind of what you're going to get in this game a little bit. So you have to be ready for that campiness and that kind of B horror movie-ish kind of feel to it. I think that's intentional. I hope it's intentional. Because if it's not, then certain things are wrong. I found myself picking up on that early. And so I found myself actually playing the game based on the jock is an annoying tough guy, and I want to make him play that way. So I'm not necessarily picking the choices that do that. But that's only because I picked up on the annoyance early. And also also i didn't want the annoying characters to live as long as my favorite characters which will go into spoiler territory later on when i messed that up real bad and then i think one
Starting point is 00:17:35 thing that we should spend a little bit of time on is talking about the fact that the quarry does not give you any manual save or load option. So this removes the ability to reload an old save and make a different decision in order to keep a character alive, or maybe you want to see how things work out differently. And so any decision you make in the game has much higher stakes than normal. It's almost like when you guys were kids, would you read like a choose your own adventure, and you would always keep your thumb
Starting point is 00:18:05 where you were and you would jump ahead to the next and if you saw it was bad if you saw it was bad you'd go back right yeah this basically removes your ability to do that you just have to go with the flow whatever happens happens people might die people might live you may or may not find certain reveals in the game but the story is going to continue no matter what and i think that that is maybe the best innovation that they've brought to these kinds of games because they don't let you reload to get the results you want yeah and and the thing about that too is that when you make the decision you're still watching the movie and when you make that decision i found out because I tried to game it a little bit, I tried to cheat.
Starting point is 00:18:48 I may or may not have unplugged my PlayStation when I realized I'd made a bad choice. It saved fast. Like, when you make that decision, the game knows, and it says, that's the decision you made. And it saves it. And then you're watching. You might not know that you made a bad decision. So just a spoiler there. You cannot unplug your PlayStation or your computer and try to i wouldn't recommend doing that anyways
Starting point is 00:19:08 because it's a computer um but you can't you can't cheat and so yeah i liked that though i actually liked that that you you're stuck with that choice like and so you have to play through again if you want to make a different choice i hate it i hate it because I'm the guy that will reload 800 times until I get the result that I want. Ask me, you know how Diablo had the randomized loot chests where if you just would quick save and then open it and then reload and then open it and then you'd get different gear all the time? I would spend hours opening the same chest, man. No lie. I did it in Divinity Original Sin 2. I just, I love doing that. I want to see what happens. And you can't do that in the quarry. So if you're like me, you do get used to it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:19:57 You know, but it is one of those things where it's like, the only aggravation I truly got from that is the, well, I want to see what happens if I took the other route but the only way to find out is to play the game again the entire game and you might make different decisions that don't even let you get back exactly to where you were before right exactly and so it's kind of like well it would have been nice for me to know what the other choice led to um but again you just just can't. So you got to be okay with just kind of being a minimal participant watching all of these events unfold. I have to completely agree with you on that part as well. And so the game is divided up into 10
Starting point is 00:20:35 chapters. And that's not a spoiler, I don't think. But it would have been nice if maybe after you complete a chapter, you could go back and overwrite that save or something like that. Maybe not every single choice you make, but to be able to go back and maybe replay a chapter would have been nice because I had to play the game twice all the way through. I had to because you literally can't go back and change a choice that you made and I wanted to see other choices. I'd like to be able to go back and go to the chapter that I just completed and say, let me just make a new manual save. And I've got two stories going. You can't do it. Ah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And this is the kind of game that if you're into it, you're definitely going to go through multiple playthroughs because you're going to want to see all those other cut scenes. Or there might be incredibly funny things that get cut that you weren't able to see because of what you chose. Now, I think the other main thing that this game incorporates that is a little bit different, or at least I'm not aware of it being in their other games, is the tarot card system. So as you walk around in the chapter, you can find these hidden tarot cards. And then in between the chapters, you have a conversation with an older woman,
Starting point is 00:21:43 and she basically tells you that she can give you a glimpse at a possible future if you choose to see it. And if you say yes, then she gives you about, I don't know, a 1.5 second clip of something that might happen. So like one of my characters saw a certain event where there was a fire. And then as I go through the next chapter, as I'm faced with different decisions, I've always got in the back of my mind, oh yeah, there's a chance that a fire could break out in this chapter. So maybe I don't want to make this decision because that could be flammable or something like that. Or maybe you want to lean in to whatever vision you saw. So their visions are not always bad.
Starting point is 00:22:25 They're also sometimes good. And so I thought that that was a little bit of an interesting wrinkle. Did you guys find that to be something that was helpful in the game or something that took away from it? At first, when you meet that lady, like it's a really neat kind of cut. It's not a cut scene. It's just like a segue of the game or something like that. So I thought that was really neat.
Starting point is 00:22:43 She was creepy. The area she's in is very creepy. And then it's like, oh, tarot cards, she's kind of giving you glimpses and explaining what the cards are and that kind of stuff. And I was like, well, this is kind of cool. And then it becomes very repetitive to me because it's like, she talks a lot and then she's like, well, you can take a glimpse. And it's like, oh, okay, well, let me take a glimpse. And she's like well you can take a glimpse and it's like oh okay well let me take a glimpse and it's like i see something in the future where it looks like somebody's dying or falling out of a tree or something like that and then it's like okay well i do remember that so then later on in the game and i'm completely making this up to be spoiler free
Starting point is 00:23:16 right now but it's like so later on in the game it's like oh look my guy's up in a tree maybe i don't want to make that decision because i saw into the future where somebody falls out of a tree, you know, and so I think it definitely can kind of steer you in certain directions. The only issue I had with that is did you guys ever find like more than one tarot card? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I found three. I found three
Starting point is 00:23:37 one time and I was like, man, she's going to talk for like an hour now. Well, that you only get to pick one. Yeah. And so it's like you're almost punished for doing good by finding multiple tarot cards because i'm like oh i'm gonna get three cut scenes here and then she's like well you only can pick one and i'm like but i found three and she's like but you can only pick one and i'm like this is stupid don't do that to me yeah i feel like the multiple tarot cards is really just for completionists where it's like okay we know there's like 21 tarot cards or whatever in the game you can collect them all
Starting point is 00:24:08 but you can't you can't ever get multiple clues and so yeah and then also about the clues though is you don't know if they're good or bad um because there was a couple clues where i got that and i'm like i want to avoid that happening and then it turns out that i accidentally did the thing that happened in the tarot card and actually was a good thing it looked bad from the clip but it actually was what saved one of my characters and i thought something worse went down um and so you don't know if you're supposed to try and avoid a decision or go for it and so they really kind of seem kind of pointless to be honest with you and by the end i was almost thinking i don't want to watch the clips anymore i just want to play the game and not watch the little 1.5 second clip or worry about this you know and
Starting point is 00:24:50 yeah well and sometimes you just would not be able to know where you make one decision and it's going to lead into one of the visions it's like the vision says do you want to fall out or your choice in the quarry doesn't say do you want to climb down the tree or fall out of the tree and you saw the vision falling out of the tree kills the character it could be you know run down the road or uh jump into this cabin and then all of a sudden while running down the road they climb a tree and then fall so it's not even like you like sarcastic comment or honest comment it's even more vague you have You have no idea. Yeah, it's very vague. I also poked fun at it a little bit while talking to Josh. I felt like it was a little bit of a weird decision that she is talking to you as the player. It definitely breaks the fourth wall. And so there's a little bit of a disconnect there that
Starting point is 00:25:39 didn't make any sense to me where Jacob and Emma are finding tarot cards, but now this woman has the tarot cards, but she's talking to me and she knows that I'm controlling the game, but the people in the game aren't supposed to be in a game. They're just supposed to be people. So it's almost weird that they did this in the system that they did. I almost found it to be a little distracting. It was a cool idea, but I don't know if this is the right way to do it. What's the point of all of that, though? What is the point of the tarot cards and the old lady and talking to her? Sometimes you don't find a tarot card, right? And then you still talk to her and then she goes, well, you didn't bring me anything. You suck. Get out of here. And so it's
Starting point is 00:26:22 like, I don't understand the point of that. Maybe after your 30th playthrough, maybe something pops open that she's a witch, and she's going to blow up the Hackett's Quarry or something. I don't know. But it seems like a very weird, random insert into this game. And I don't know if it's to make you feel like you're actually playing a game yeah it's a little it's a little clunky and it's kind of ultimately worthless in most ways wait did you not figure out who she was when you played through josh i mean i i'm assuming okay i'm not sure which place she does it or not yeah so i was like
Starting point is 00:27:02 i wasn't sure if his we'll talk about that during the spoiler part. So I'll tell you who I think she is, but it was never 100% confirmed when I played at least, but I'm pretty sure I know who she is. That's why I wanted to ask, because I wasn't sure if it told you in every playthrough or not. That's interesting to me. Yeah, see, in my playthrough, I definitely knew who she was
Starting point is 00:27:21 because she is a character inside the story. So once again, that even made it make less sense that she's talking to me, the player, but yeah, we can, we can get into the specifics once we get into spoilers, get groceries delivered across the GTA from real Canadian superstore with PC
Starting point is 00:27:39 express shop online for super prices and super savings. Try it today and get up to 75 in pc optimum points visit to get started uh okay so i mentioned it earlier we got to talk a little bit about the combat and i think we also need to mention the don't breathe mechanic oh these are man the ever difficult don't breathe mechanic the combat and the don't-breathe, they're very, very hard checks in this game. Apparently, one of these is hard for one of these hosts that's on the screen right here. At least I can hold my breath really, really well. Let's talk about the combat first.
Starting point is 00:28:19 So, as you play the game, there are a couple of firearms in the game. You can make different decisions. You may or may not end up with certain characters carrying firearms, and then you can choose whether or not to use those during the game. Now, they do put you through a little bit of a tutorial where there's a shooting competition, so it teaches you how to use the guns, and then they may or may not come into play over the course of the game but uh this is incredibly simplistic because they've all got a giant flashlight in the front of it and whatever the flashlight touches with the light you point you can shoot anything you want uh i guess they
Starting point is 00:28:56 just felt the need to put in guns for higher stakes i guess i mean this way you can say it's a shooter paul put that shooter tag on steam how many times did you guys pull the trigger in this game three i think i did four i think it was i feel like it was like three or four times for me what'd you say michael how many did you i think it was three or four it was it was somewhere around there well well i had the opportunity to pull it three or four times i just didn't pull it in time one time and somebody died oh no that's why i'm saying it's not that the aim is hard with the guns it's that sometimes you have to look around quickly with a clunky kind of system on where this thing or person is coming from you have to shoot and i just didn't i didn't aim in time so i think i pulled the trigger like twice two or three times nice all right let's talk about
Starting point is 00:29:49 the don't breathe mechanic guys if there's something that's worthless in this game it's the don't breathe oh good old don't breathe mechanic uh so basically this mechanic is anytime there's a portion in this game where you need to be quiet, like let's say that your options are run or hide. And you say, well, I think I want to hide. And so your character will hide under a bed or hide under a table or something like that. And then bad thing walks by and it says, oh no, it's going to hear you. Don't breathe. And you just press a button and you hold that button until red lights on the screen go away and then you release the button and then your character
Starting point is 00:30:30 breathes without the bad thing hearing you what is the point of this system is it to build tension i guess because i think it's to build tension but there's really not much tension and just pressing space bar until i don't press space bar yeah the screen gets all red so it's like it literally tells you press and hold this button and like you said when the lights disappear on the outside of the screen then you just let go so i think it's just to make you feel interactive holding your breath but it's not like anyone's failing these checks by accident no i kept thinking it was going to try and trick me like like i kept thinking like it's going to go away the little red light it's going to go away early but then it's going to come back right when
Starting point is 00:31:14 i release and it just never happened it's literally just hold it down for what 20 seconds it felt like it was really long and then you had to let go i feel like the developers of the game were just like hey you know what we only have 146 total quick time events in this so we need to add another mechanic let's just do a don't breathe where you just push a button that sounds good let's make it not a movie let's make it a game dude why did they not just use your microphone you know what i mean like when you start the game just say hey this game uses your microphone do you do you allow and you say yes and then that way you actually have to be quiet. That would be more fun. You know, because my dogs start barking in the background.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Guess what? My character got found because I made noise. I just don't get it. I get that they said, hey, we need gameplay elements, but they picked the most basic. Might as well just been a cut scene. Right. Like, okay, guys. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Here's my thought for this gameplay element. What if we make them press and hold space bar for like 15 seconds? Oh, that's genius. Genius, Bob. You get a raise. Well, and I think that adding a microphone idea is so smart, actually, because let's say you don't have a microphone. Let's say you're playing on a PlayStation.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I don't have a microphone for mine right now. You just have a little thing that says, hey, do you have a microphone, yes or no? And if you don't have one, it just basically sets something up and says, hey, you may not experience the full part of this game. We'll go ahead and now do the hole down the space bar or, in my case, the triangle button or something. That's a great idea, Josh. Jeez, that's amazing. Very smart. Well, they do it in games like Phasmophobia, so it's already out there.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's right. Why not add it to a game like this? Yeah, I think that would have been a great idea. All right, and then, of course, I think we have to get into the real bread and butter of the quarry, which is the decision making. Now, you make so many decisions over the course of this game. They love bragging about the fact that there are 186 different endings. The total script ended up being over 1000 pages of dialogue
Starting point is 00:33:07 because depending on what characters die and who is paired up with who you can have all of these different options so they had to do an incredible amount of voice acting to cover everything that you might choose to do uh i think most of the endings ultimately really do just come down to whether or not a character lives or dies. It's not like you're getting 186 drastically different endings. It's really just who's going to survive and who doesn't. But there are a handful of things that you can unlock or miss out entirely that does definitely change the ending of the game. I was curious as to your guys' thoughts.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Did you feel like they gave you a lot of choices and enough choices? Did you think that it worked well? Here's the thing. On your first playthrough, you don't know what decisions you're making do. And so there's a lot of times when you're interacting with a character that it'll just say like how do you it'll give you two responses like ones maybe like a snarky response and ones maybe like a caring response right and so it's like you pick which one you want your character to do and then if like okay i pick the snarky response and then it'll say like oh well you know nick uh doesn't nick has lost some respect for you or something like that and then you're like well what does what does that mean? Yeah. Like what, wait, why did Nick lose respect for me? And what does that mean now moving forward in the game?
Starting point is 00:34:29 And I feel like there's a hundred of these like dialogue options where it'll say like, so-and-so, you know, likes you now, or so-and-so doesn't trust you as much, or so-and-so thinks you're cool. And then it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:44 okay, but what does that mean absolutely nothing absolutely nothing yeah it does not matter you don't know that you don't know that during your first playthrough but this is like our you know the benefit that we've played this game now and we've done some research on it it means squat diddly zilch nada yeah so it's like why are you giving me these decisions if they mean nothing and sometimes they made me laugh because one thing that they they include in the game is a side comment that in the shooting range caitlin held the number one position all of camp and i remember
Starting point is 00:35:18 hearing that line and thinking well that's gonna matter right if someone's got a gun i want it in the hands of caitlin she's the best shooter and so at one point uh she's like talking to ryan about whether or not ryan is gonna take a gun and i said no but it was only because i wanted caitlin to keep the gun and then it said caitlin lost all respect for me because i was being a coward and didn't want to go protect other counselors and i was like oh like i think i was trying to overthink in this game where it's a little bit more simplistic and it doesn't really matter if anyone loses respect or they're happy for you those things don't as far as we could tell it did not seem to impact the story at all no i mean i played through it twice and i paid extra attention to it the second time,
Starting point is 00:36:06 and it doesn't matter. Yeah. I think my biggest issue is that anytime you make a choice, it's just A or B. You know, you don't have, like, a dialogue wheel, like in Mass Effect or, like, Dragon Age or Skyrim, where you might have, like, six different options of what to say.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Everything's always just two choices. And sometimes there's not really any rhyme or reason to pick one over the other. At one point, the game does say, at least in my playthrough, it said, hey, you can hide under this bed or you can hide in this wardrobe. And you know what? There was nothing on the screen that indicated one was better or worse than the other. And I'm 99% sure either one leads to the same thing. So you make decisions, and sometimes they didn't really feel like they mattered, or they did unintended consequences that there's no way you would ever be able to see that. I'll keep things very vague, so I don't think it's a spoiler.
Starting point is 00:37:05 But at one point in the game, I had Dylan operating some heavy machinery. All right. And Caitlin was next to a car. And it gave me the option to activate this machinery and lift the car in the air. And all it says in the corner is, warn Caitlin or lift car. And I was like, oh, I'm going to lift this car because I just want to see what that means or what it does. Now Caitlin's outside of the car when I click it. And then Caitlin dives into the car and then he lifts it 30 feet in the air. And I was like, well, now this game is like giving me choices, but now they're making other things happen where if I knew
Starting point is 00:37:41 she was going to be in the car, I don car, I wouldn't have made that decision necessarily. So sometimes I felt like the game was giving choices that really were confusing, and it didn't always feel like the game was doing what I thought I was wanting it to do, if that makes sense. Even worse than that, you and I made different choices on something that seems like it's a nothing, right? And this is probably less of a spoiler than yours, but I'm going to say it anyways. Chapter one, right off the start, we have a character that sabotages the camp van. There's not a choice on that. You have to sabotage the camp van.
Starting point is 00:38:16 One way or another. So all of them stay, right? Yep. You either get to take an arm off of the motor or you get to cut the fuel line and if you pick the wrong one you literally cannot get 100 completion in the game because you can't get one of the evidence pieces period and that means you can't get one of the endings and so it's funny it's like but there's no nothing says that you're supposed to there's no there's no like thinking it's like my now i took the arm in my choice because i was like oh this might matter that i can put it back if i want to
Starting point is 00:38:49 question mark maybe and if i cut the fuel line i can't repair the fuel line and so i did that choice but there's that's the only logic involved and the game doesn't follow logic either because there's other choices like what you said where it's like well you could have picked up the car she could have dove on her you could have crushed her with the you said, where it's like, well, you could have picked up the car. She could have dove on her. You could have crushed her with the car on accident because it's just the choices the game makes. The issue with the choices is it's like, like I want the,
Starting point is 00:39:13 the trolley choice, you know, where it's like, I want the choice where it's like, Hey, I can pull the lever and I'm responsible for one person's death or I can do nothing. And then other people,
Starting point is 00:39:23 like more people will die. Like, that's where I, my brain goes like, well, wait a minute. What's the right choice here? What am I going to do? I kind of understand the ramifications of my decision. In the quarry, it's, do you want to run or do you want to hide? And it's like, well, I mean, I don't know. I guess I'll hide because I don't think I can outrun this thing. So I'll hide. And then it's like, oh, character died. And then it's like, Oh, character died. And then it's like,
Starting point is 00:39:46 well, wait a minute. Like is the other option, the better option here? Like you just, you're making blind choices with no sort of indication as to what's going to happen without any actual internal struggle of, is this the right choice?
Starting point is 00:40:03 Is there a gray area? Am I going to save one character but sacrifice another character you know what i mean it's just do you want to run or walk do you want to go upstairs or downstairs like those sorts of things and i'm just like dude what like why are these the choices that you're giving me do you want to use a gun or not use a gun do you want to open a door or look inside this bag like everything felt like a coin flip everything felt like a coin flip where there was no strategizing i wanted a game that would allow me to kind of plan for the future and kind of know where things were going
Starting point is 00:40:38 and like i said i think i just kind of asked too much of this game i think if you go into it just knowing hey everything's just kind of a coin flip no one really knows it's kind of like in real life if there's a killer in the woods maybe you turn left and you die and you turn right and you live it could just be as simple as just you know random like that and i think if you approach the quarry and just roll with those punches you'll enjoy it a lot more don't expect any kind of real strategy or out thinking the game because that's impossible yeah i feel like to your point too like no strategy i feel like what the developer is doing this game is they said let's design it so you have to play it multiple times so you can
Starting point is 00:41:17 see different things happen because there's no strategy on it you know like at least in like something like detroit become human which was too boring for Josh to ever play, but I enjoyed it. At least you could see a point to what you're doing. And also, you had a goal. It was like, hey, if I make this choice, I'm going to have to have some harder quick time reactions that I have to do. But if I get through it, I save this person and I don't have to deal with a random dumb luck thing. Whereas I think the quarry is just designed to say, you know what, let's just make it so random because people just want to play through it like three, four or five times. That's not the way it works. All right. Well, let's take a break and
Starting point is 00:41:59 hear from one of our sponsors. Hey squad. Today we're doing our deep dive of the quarry. Which you know is a place where you collect rocks and marble and stuff. But we have to take a break. So I can tell you about the sponsor of this episode. Manscaped. Manscaped is the way I take my body. Specifically my man hair to the next level.
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Starting point is 00:43:40 So if you want to avoid all major spoilers spoilers go ahead and jump forward 16 minutes and 57 seconds time and i'm sure that'll sound like a robot but there you go all right guys just right off the bat why did the sheriff not follow max and laura to the motel why did he just turn around and leave i feel like if he would have followed them, then, the story would have turned out very different. Yeah. I, you know, maybe he had to go,
Starting point is 00:44:09 he had more important things to do because things were going South real quick. And so he had to prep and he didn't have time to fool with these pesky kids. Kind of prep for those werewolves, Josh. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 How'd you guys feel? How'd you guys feel about the fact that it was werewolves? I fine with it yeah i kind of there was a little there's a lot of foreshadowing they showed the moon like the full moon like two or three times before and i'm like all right these guys are gonna be werewolves like i can pick up on foreshadowing you know um i mean werewolves are cool i think that's fine yeah you know it's like they could have been a little bit more original, I guess. You know, like, oh, okay. So like this whole thing starts off with them talking about the hag of Hackett's Quarry. So I'm thinking this is going to be like a supernatural haunting, like the Blair Witch type thing.
Starting point is 00:45:01 And honestly, I think that would have been way cooler than werewolves, because werewolves are physical. And it's like you kind of know what you're dealing with a werewolf. Whereas if it's a ghost or a banshee or a wraith or whatever, I don't know how to deal with that necessarily. And it's like, I don't know, man. I say werewolves are fine. But man, I feel like that was kind of lazy at the same time, I guess. They also didn't really look like werewolves. They looked like weird, naked, like, Windingo things, I think. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Yeah. I do know why he didn't follow the kids, though. Because in my playthrough, I figured that out, that he was hunting Silas. So he had to stay there because he had to wait a month to try and kill Silas again. And he's like, I'm not following him, but you're right. There would have been no game.
Starting point is 00:45:48 So the, the sheriff who's been hunting Silas for, what did they say? Eight years, six years, seven years, something like that. And hands the shotgun to Laura at the end of this game.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Michael, is that what you're saying? Oh, he's got, he's got nothing more important to do than kill this creature and just hands the gun to a teenager. Oh, man. You just called me out on your right, too.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I thought that was preposterous. I mean, clearly it's because the game wants you to make the final decision of whether or not you're going to shoot Silas. And you can't play as the sheriff. So for people that are listening that are saying, hey, what the heck are you guys talking about? Let's give a quick little spoiler breakdown on this. Since we talked about the game ahead of time and kind of what happens. Basically, all the teenagers decide when the camp counselor leaves, Mr. Hackett, when he leaves and he says, hey, stay inside. They go, hey, we're teens.
Starting point is 00:46:39 This is the end of summer. We're going to go out. We're going to have a big old bonfire. Right. They go out in the woods like dumb teenagers do, and they have a big old bonfire. Maybe with fireworks. Right. A couple of them go off in pairs, trying to romance each other
Starting point is 00:46:52 and that kind of stuff. And it's like, okay, so there's a lot of just character interaction for honestly about the first half of this game. And then that's when hey, all of a sudden, there's something in the woods, and something jumps out, and maybe somebody gets hurt or whatever, and then it's like, okay, well, now there's werewolves. And so the whole rest of the game is basically the characters getting separated and trying to
Starting point is 00:47:13 deal with the werewolves. But then there's a human family that's out in the woods hunting that smears blood all over themselves. So you're trying to figure out what role does that family have to play with the werewolves thing. And big, big spoiler, basically that family is aware of the werewolves and they're actually part of the werewolves, I guess. Some of their sons and daughters and cousins are werewolves. And so they're trying to protect everybody once a year or once a month during the full moon so that none of the werewolves get killed and they can protect their family. And there's also where you learn, if you go down certain paths, you learn that if you
Starting point is 00:47:53 kill the person who turned you into a werewolf, it cures you of being a werewolf. See, everybody knows that's vampires too. So you can't take vampires and then make it werewolves people well and they also had a little bit of a twist where it was like well now if you kill your great werewolf grandpire then it will cure everybody who then followed suit so the thought process is if you can kill the first werewolf then it's gonna cure everybody and i thought that that was kind of a neat idea other than the fact that ultimately that ended up rewarding you for having characters turn into werewolves because then all of them could be saved at the end and so if you screwed up and got a
Starting point is 00:48:37 character bitten by a werewolf and turned that actually ultimately ended up being a good thing and i thought that that was kind of cheap it felt it it felt like an unearned ending at the end yeah and spoiler territory there there actually is the only way to save all the camp counselors one of them does have to get bit and the choice that you make which is a completely random choice is it's the choice we're talking about with caitlin now i didn't get there in my first playthrough because, unfortunately, Dylan was already dead because he got his face eaten off by, what was her name again? Emma. But the whole thing is, like, you have to get Caitlyn bit. She has to become a werewolf for everyone to live. And it's kind of a funny thing because it's like that seems like a bad choice it seems like the whole point is to not get anyone bit now is
Starting point is 00:49:30 the old lady the hag of hackett's quarry that's what i gather okay that was my assumption too so what you learn is she has been trying to guide you down a path to save silas and kill the hackett's and so at the end of the game, if you buck against that, then she tells you that she's going to be haunting you for the rest of your life. So when you feel a presence in the darkness or you feel the hair stand up on your neck,
Starting point is 00:49:55 that's her. So she's still going to be after you, the player outside of the game. Oh no. An old lady is after me. Like me like no who does nothing threatening in the game by the way exactly a ghost in the woods nothing else happens yeah i will say one other thing spoiler wise that i thought was weird so you play the opening chapter with max and laura and then they disappear for about five hours of gameplay and then really laura becomes the main character and so it's kind
Starting point is 00:50:27 of weird that she's not even in the first two thirds of the game and you're so used to playing the other seven and then all of a sudden it here comes laura with an eye patch which i did think was funny i didn't know it was her at first because i'm like with an eye patch and i was like oh that was the girl in the beginning and so that i thought was a little bit of an odd choice as well because you play her for 10 minutes then she's gone for seven hours and now she's the main character that makes the most consequential decisions at the end i i wasn't so crazy about that yeah also play her during like the longest chapter in the game like because it's the first it's in chapter seven the first six chapters you're getting attached to all these other characters you're caring about what's happened with them and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:51:14 you have like a two hour long chapter in a jail and you can't get out of the jail and it's just dialogue and i thought it was brutal on my second playthrough i was like i would i would do anything to be able to hit an x button to skip dialogue but you can't do that in this game i literally was like walking around the house going i've got i know i've got about 15 minutes before i have to make a decision so i was like i'm gonna go make some mac and cheese or something which y'all know i love and come back to it because it was it was brutally long and and then you had to go back to the main characters again and you're like but this is the I don't know it's I'm going off tangent on it
Starting point is 00:51:47 but it was it was brutal to me to all of a sudden have her be introduced and have to play her for a long time how'd you guys break out of the jail or did you I befriended the cop uh yeah and then he gained my trust and then he if
Starting point is 00:52:03 I remember right he just let us out of our cells yeah like he let us out of the cells or if i remember right that was my angle is to try to gain his friendship or something i gave him ketamine yeah i really drugged him yeah i drugged the syringe i definitely didn't drug him yep yeah and i was able to find him later yeah yeah so i i had the syringe and i hid it in my cell and And then later when he comes in, you stick him in the neck. Oh, wait, yeah, I did do that. I was trying to befriend him. That's right.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Because he says it's not going to work. He's like, I know what you're trying to do. Yeah, that's right. I was trying to. And then you're right. I jabbed him with the needle there. So we all did the same. I forgot he hid it in the little brick in the cell.
Starting point is 00:52:39 So here's the thing with spoilers, right? Because people are going to die in this game no matter what, I feel like. Unless you have some, you know, I mean, if I tell you, Michael, make 20 yes or no decisions, you know, go. And you're like, yes, yes, no, no, yes. And you're like, ah, you messed up. Now you can't get 100% in this game. But when people die, they die in phenomenal fashion, man. Oh, that was good, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:04 This is where the horror part... I mean, we're talking werewolves and stuff like that, but this game does not shy away from the gore when somebody actually does die. It was incredible. I lost Abigail early, and I was so mad because we talked to her on Discord a little bit, and Paul was like,
Starting point is 00:53:23 hey, are all these characters just really annoying to you early on? We try to talk about how you feel about a game or anything little bit, and Paul was like, hey, are all these characters, like, just really annoying to you early on? You know, we try to talk about how you feel about a game or anything like that. And I was like, well, I like Abigail. She's kind of adorable. She's super sweet all the time. She's not a turd like some of the others. When she died, dude, which there's, like, nine different ways each character can die. So in my situation, she got her head ripped off.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Like, straight up, up like bitten and then ripped off and then her head goes yep werewolf nick yep because i didn't shoot him same for me and her head slides across the ground and the look on her face is like this look of terror and i'm like that was brutal and awesome and horrible yeah it was great i shot the um the mom of the hacketts i shot her face off oh that's right and like literally it's like all you see is her skull and her teeth and then like face just blown off and i was like oh and you see it for a long time too like they're talking over her for like two minutes like in just this disgusting skull face thing so it's goofy because a lot of the horror is like the threat of horror but then when it happens it happens in spectacular
Starting point is 00:54:30 gory fashion which is i thought was an interesting change on like how the rest of the game was and the first time it happened i was like whoa okay was brutal, man. And that's exactly the same in Until Dawn, where it's a lot of talking and exploring, but then when a death occurs, it's very gory, very over the top. Yeah. Yeah. Any other parts of the story that you guys found interesting or any spoilers, any character deaths, anything you wanted to talk about? Did you guys end up with the silver bullets while inside the house
Starting point is 00:55:05 at the end because i did not i read later that if you don't break into the cabin in the beginning that you can't end up with the silver bullets you didn't break into the general store i well i'm talking in the very beginning when abigail's bags are locked up inside the cabin. Did you break in? Yeah, I did. See, I did not. And if you don't break in, you will never find that set of silver bullets. You will only have one set from the sheriff. So when I was running around at the end of the game with Dylan, who was still alive and
Starting point is 00:55:38 Caitlin, both of them died no matter what choices I made because they did not have silver bullets. Yeah. Supposedly there is some way because I looked up a lot before my second playthrough because died no matter what choices i made because they did not have silver bullets yeah supposedly there is some way because i looked up a lot before my second playthrough because i was like you know i'm a completionist when it comes to games i want the achievements on my playstation so i'm going to look up like the quote-unquote most optimistic path or the most optimistic ending most optimal ending whatever words are hard we've talked about. The whole point of it is that nobody agreed on the most optimal ending.
Starting point is 00:56:07 The best ending is everyone lives, but they go to jail. The best ending is everyone lives except for one person who has to die, but the camp counselors don't go to jail. It's kind of funky, but supposedly there is a way that you can all live and not break into the cabin, but nobody's found it. So maybe there's a 187th ending out there where you don't do it and everyone lives but if not like from what i can tell if you don't make and that's kind of what you were talking about paul earlier with like you don't get to make actual choices in the game it's kind of a random choice like you think i shouldn't break in this cabin but if you don't do a bad thing as abigail by the way the sweetest girl
Starting point is 00:56:43 who would never break she would never break, but she would never break into it. And now two people die because you didn't break in. Yeah. Like if you were Abigail in a role playing game like Dungeons and Dragons, the GM or the DM would have to remove experience points from you, even if you did a good thing, because you would never do that as Abigail. Yeah. And you mentioned one thing there that I think we have to talk about before moving on, which
Starting point is 00:57:04 is the 20 minute podcast, which is the epilogue. Like, if you want to experience the story during the end credits, you have to sit and listen to a 20-minute fake podcast, which, I'm sorry, is very hard to listen to. I tried to sit through it twice, and I could not do it. I'm like, I just don't care. I don't care at this point. The game's over. I know like, I just don't care. I don't care at this point. The game's over.
Starting point is 00:57:25 I know who lived. I know who died. I get that. They're recapping all the evidence and talking about it. Were you guys able to sit through the whole thing? Did you listen to it all? I did sit through the whole thing. It doesn't really add anything.
Starting point is 00:57:38 This is not like a Marvel and credit scene where you're like, you leave and you go like, Ooh, this was just the, What's the point of all that? Were they talking about the evidence that I collected? Because were they talking... There's nothing. There's nothing about listening to that that's worthwhile or eye-opening or any of that stuff to me. It was an interesting thought that just flopped hard, in my opinion. It was a letdown to me because that is
Starting point is 00:58:06 how you find out what happens in the end is a podcast i can't see it i don't know so all these choices that i made in both my separate playthroughs equal a different podcast and different things happen on the podcast and i'm sorry i love podcasts you're all listening to one right now and we appreciate you all listening to this but in a video game yeah like podcasts that talk about video games awesome podcasts that tell me the end of a game in a game not awesome yes completely agree until dawn did this so much better during the end credits do you know what you get to see you see the police interviews so there's a cop who asks a question and you see the character that's like maybe in handcuffs inside the station
Starting point is 00:58:51 and then they say well i found this and i know that this person was there and so this person couldn't have been guilty of this and that was such a clever way to do the epilogue of until dawn they tried to do the same idea but they didn't want to just flat out copy it in the same way so they tried doing this podcast inside the game it was just so long maybe if it was like three to four minutes i wouldn't be so salty guys it goes on and on it goes forever yeah all right well any other any other spoiler type stuff you guys want to dive into no i got one uh you need to take the arm off the motor or no matter what happens all the kids go to jail even if they all live which is still a bad ending so don't ever cut the fuel line like
Starting point is 00:59:38 paul did guess i was just saying guess who cut the fuel did you cut the fuel line? Oh, did you cut the fuel line? Oh, I take the arm. So if you do that, then is it his name Jacob? Yeah, Jacob. Yeah, Jacob never goes swimming down deep in the lake and never finds the bloated body, which is the chapter three evidence. And if you don't do that, because the only way to avoid prison if they live, if
Starting point is 00:59:59 they all live only there's there's there's you can kill one and they don't go to prison or whatever I guess. I don't know. But the only way to get the perfect ending is a random choice again you take the fuel arm or not the fuel arm but you take the little arm what kind of arm was a distributor cap arm whatever it was but anyways you don't find a body which is a random choice and because you haven't collected all 10 pieces of evidence in the game which is random then you get an outcome did you guys in your playthrough did max end up wearing emma's clothes oh yes he did yes okay that did make me laugh i did it i did enjoy that he went through her bag and he had to get dressed i did yeah i did chuckle i was dying yeah i thought that
Starting point is 01:00:40 was great all right so now that we are done with all the spoilers, let's go ahead and jump into community reviews. You got a couple to share with us, Josh? I do indeed. As we always do, you guys have heard us talk about the game. You might have been able to pick up on how we feel about some parts of it, but we always go to community reviews to give you an example of some of the negative reviews, some of the positive reviews. I try to pick out things that touch on what I think are good in the games and what are bad in the games and so on and so forth. So this first one comes in at not recommended. This person
Starting point is 01:01:13 has played 12.4 hours, so beaten the game. And it says good graphics, decent voice acting, underwhelming gameplay and endings. Story is not worth the price of the game four out of ten. Fair criticisms? Remarkably fair. Written by Paul. The multiplayer gaming podcast. I 100% agree with all that there,
Starting point is 01:01:37 except I wouldn't even say all the animations are great. Guys, this is the worst water animation I've seen in ten years. Oh, that's the big joke. Yeah, what happened? I have no idea. When 10 years. Oh, that's the big joke. The water is so bad. I have no idea. It literally makes the characters transparent at parts.
Starting point is 01:01:50 It was weird. The water is horrific. And Emma, Michael, you mentioned her mouth animations are goofy. And David Arquette. David Arquette is a handsome man. I thought maybe he just doesn't look as good anymore. And I did a search to see David Arquette 2022. He is so bloated in this game.
Starting point is 01:02:09 He looks like he's been like a dead body floating in the river for a full 24 hours. I thought some of the animations were very goofy, but everything else looks fantastic. I didn't understand why a couple of those things looked so bad. What is weird, too, because some of the characters were animated perfectly like Caitlin the
Starting point is 01:02:27 whole time. Yes. Flawless. But Emma's mouth and David Arquette's eyes, it's almost like completely separate teams did the animations for these characters. And some of them were like paid a lot. And some of them just didn't do the same job,
Starting point is 01:02:40 the same quality or ran out of time. Okay. Next one, 41 hours on record. so this person has played through multiple multiple times this is recommended and it says i have never been so determined to discover the variety of routes a game has to offer a bit on the cheesy side with a healthy a healthy dash of cliche horror tropes that stole my heart do wish there was more development to the characters but the idea of some of them dying hurts my heart,
Starting point is 01:03:06 my little heart. Nonetheless, if you, if you like playing the same game 18 times and being forced to listen to every conversation with, without the ability to skip them 18 times, then this game is probably for you. Like it was for this person.
Starting point is 01:03:27 A dialogue skip button would have made a world of difference or a chapter select, you know, or something like that. So, all right, this next one is not recommended. 9.5 hours on record. I wish developers were held accountable
Starting point is 01:03:40 for high price, horrible games like The Quarry. I was very excited about this release. However, the game itself is a virtual walking simulator. The QuickTime events are few and far between, and there is literally no gameplay when you have free movement aside from examining items. That is, unless your definition of gameplay includes
Starting point is 01:03:59 narrowly missing that pesky tree branch or avoiding that extremely dangerous step on the flight of stairs you are ascending if you've played detroit become human where quick time events were intense and there was plenty of gameplay and the story was moving this game is the exact opposite dude i want to talk about that for a second heavy rain also i, handles QuickTime events so well. They sometimes are flying at you. And if you miss one, it's awesome. Like, I remember in my playthrough, Madison, she gets drugged by this really creepy doctor.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And he tries to kill you down in his basement. And at one point, he swung a giant axe at me. And I missed the QuickTime event. And he sliced my belly. And the entire rest of the game, she had a giant gash on her belly and the entire rest of the game she had a giant gash on her stomach for the entire rest of the playthrough so it was like the quick time events were actually challenging and it didn't even necessarily mean you would die but it had all these little details that really made the game feel much more complex whereas in this one
Starting point is 01:05:01 every quick time event is mash the exact same button or just press left right up or down like they're not insanely forgiving yeah like you don't have to you don't have to have like good reflexes for these or like you know know your keys by memory or something like that either so yeah they're legitimately don't think you can ever miss a quick time event and and it's funny because you brought up detroit as well it was too hard sometimes but it was more enjoyable because it's like you you would have to do this in real life is make a quick decision make a quick move this one was like it's giving me like five seconds to push up on the right thumbstick yeah okay i did it all right and then
Starting point is 01:05:41 this last one is recommended 19 and a half hours on record. And it says some really awkward and cringy conversations and characters, a rushed ending, lacking story, de novo, unnecessary third party launcher, a $60 price tag, and the monster transformation looks unironically like Morbin time. probably the most probably the worst supermassive games game but still fun if you're a fan of their games or if you pick it up for 10 or 20 tops but 60 is insane just be clear that you're essentially watching a 10 hour long b movie but with replay value with little interactivity and some more or less important choices otherwise you're better off just watching it on youtube i totally agree with that as well the 60 price tag is quite hefty for this kind of game it really is um i will say that the majority of the negative reviews had that exact complaint i paid 60 for this game and you know if it was 10 or 20 maybe i'd feel differently but at at $60, I feel like I was robbed. Yeah, it can be very enjoyable, but it's definitely not the most bang for your buck.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Yeah. Okay, so that's what the community thinks. We now have to guess what we think the overall rating of the quarry is on the Steam scale of 0 to 100. Who won last time? I think it was me. Overall rating of the quarry is on the steam scale of zero to 100. Uh, I don't who, who won last time? I think it was me. I won policy.
Starting point is 01:07:11 You're up for a scale of zero to 100. Where, what's your, what's your guess, dude? I'd believe you if you said 70 or 92, like I think it could be anywhere in between this. Um,
Starting point is 01:07:24 I really have no idea.'m gonna say 81 oh that was exactly what i was thinking really 81 like straight up i was like 81 i'm going 81 i thought of it last night that's funny easy well michael since he stole your guess what are you going i'm gonna take the lower i'm gonna take 80 good because. Good, because I picked 82. I actually wrote down 82%. I really did. I really, really did. Boo. So the actual
Starting point is 01:07:52 is 78%. So Michael wins. Whoa, we were all so close. We were all very close. It's a mediocre game. It's a mediocre game. It's a mediocre rating. So Michael gets to introduce this next segment.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Yeah. Michael, you did win this one once. I believe it was actually your very first deep dive. It was my very first time. And I did not know what I was doing. I tried to be funny and it didn't work. Hey, I didn't prep anything, but I'm going to get this right. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:28 Take us into that next segment. Let's hit that music. Hey, Laura. I'm Sheriff Travis Hackett, and I'd like to follow you back to a motel, but I've got two important things to do right now, and if I did, you would not be able to play this game. Very, very nice. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:08:46 That's all I had. I was like, that was creepier than anything in this game. All right. So this segment here is called Make Love, Marry, or Murder. Each one of us gives this game our own individual rating. Is this game marriage material? You should pick it up. You can get a ton of hours out of it.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Is it make love where maybe it's fun for a short amount of time, but not marriage material you should pick it up you can get a ton of hours out of it is it make love where maybe it's fun for a short amount of time but not marriage material or is this a game that you should stay away from and murder should i go first i feel like my opinion on this is probably the most obvious it's murder i'm sorry i i that's not to say that it wasn't fun. I really enjoyed certain parts of this game. It's not a bad game. It's not bad at all. Four out of 10 is kind of spot on. Some chapters I thought were like an eight out of 10 that I thought were pretty good. Other chapters are a one or a two. Ultimately, in the end, your choices matter, but you don't know what choices you're making. That's ultimately what I think fails the hardest in this game.
Starting point is 01:09:48 And when you don't really know what you're doing, you're flying by night, it's a short game, it's a full $60, go watch it on Twitch. They have Twitch parties where you can vote on what choices to make, and guess what? They don't matter anyway. It's all random. Just go watch someone on YouTube or on Twitch and save yourself the 60 bucks. All right. So I'm with you in a lot of ways, Paul,
Starting point is 01:10:14 but I'm going to give a public service announcement. All right. This PSA comes from Josh. Save $60 and do not buy this game because I'm going to murder it. It's not worth 60 bucks. No. I'm with you. Honestly, there are some games that I have really dreaded playing and I've hated every minute that I'm playing the game. The Quarry is not that. I never minded playing The Quarry. It is entertaining. What it does, it does pretty well. If you're in the mood for a video gamey slash movie with very, very little
Starting point is 01:10:47 interaction and honestly, a kind of bad plot. And there's nothing stellar about this game other than that it's just kind of different, right? You can watch it. The graphics are good. You get to click a button here and there, but it's just not worth $60. So save your $60. Like Paul said, watch it on YouTube. I'm sure the entire game is readily available. It's a murder for me. I can't recommend this game, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:11:16 If it was $10 or $20, I'd say absolutely, and that would completely change my opinion of it. But I regret that we had to spend $60 on this. It's $180 combined. Yeah, exactly. That's a lot of money. For everybody that supports the show, thank you, because this is what you help support. And I feel bad for Josh a little bit, because Michael and I were the two really pushing the quarry. And at one point, Josh was like, you guys know this is $60, right?
Starting point is 01:11:39 Like, I'm just double checking. Are you sure you really want to do the quarry? And Michael and I were like, absolutely like absolutely and 180 bucks later you know and uh and two murders so far so michael mr mr played it twice yeah things don't get much better it's a triple murder oh i thought like would like this this is a shocker for me i loved i love it i loved the game but for 60 and honestly i liked it more until i played it a second time and then realized i was like i am wasting my time i am playing it for a second time through basically just to get my achievements because i can't not do that and i real honestly man it would be so different if it wasn't 60 and the
Starting point is 01:12:23 60 bucks is i'm sure because it pays for davidquette, Lance Hendrickson, Ethan Supley, Halston Stage. You've got so many B to A-ish list actors in this game. And they were expensive, and the animations were expensive. The game does look great. It's fantastic. But an eight and a half hour movie, eight and a half hours for 60, because I was eight hours and 34 minutes on my first playthrough.
Starting point is 01:12:48 And I know you could do 10 hours, 11 hours, but maybe I didn't get all the evidence in the first playthrough, but I just, $60? Like 20 bucks? Great. I'm going to make love to this game for 20 bucks because I think it's worth a playthrough.
Starting point is 01:13:00 It is fun, but for 60 bucks, it needs to change a lot on it you know we need to actually have decisions we make that actually matter better quick time events don't make me hold my breath for crying out loud because the breath holding thing was just dumb and a waste of time and it just it just didn't have enough and then also like like paul said some of the some of the animations felt really not cooked all the way and were just weird like bloated david arquette and so as much fun as i had with this game for 60 bucks it's a murder there's not even a i don't even have to think about it triple murder this
Starting point is 01:13:36 this might be a hot take i think this game might be better in movie mode where you don't even make choices. The choices ultimately made me more mad than the benefit they provided. If I had just sat back and put it on movie mode and just watched it as a nine, 10 hour movie, I think I would have liked it more. Well, you know, what's more of a kick in the pants to me was at the very end you, after you play through once you can go back and do chapter select right only after you
Starting point is 01:14:06 go back and make different shows but you can only do it once if you pick chapter two chapter three chapter eight doesn't matter chapter select goes away and unfortunately i went back to chapter three and had to play all the way through again basically because it doesn't let you go back in chapter select again which was way worse but yeah i think you're right movie mode would be a lot of fun and you get to pick like does everyone live or does everyone die i might actually go back in a year and watch the movie mode one where everyone dies because i don't think i could accomplish that on my own that's got to be hard to do to kill everybody it'd be fun to see how it happens yeah wow so triple murder i did not really see this coming. I figured Michael would be a little bit higher on it. Josh, I felt like probably a murder just by knowing
Starting point is 01:14:50 his gaming sensibilities, but the $60 price tag is rough. Like Michael said, we know why it's $60. We're not saying that it's a cheap game. It's what they had to charge to try to make a profit. But this is one that if you're not super hyped, then just wait until it goes on sale or watch it online. And you're, you're going to be better off. If it's 20 bucks, go pick it up. You'll have a great time for eight and a half hours.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Sure. Sure. All right, well, let's go on to our last segment. Let's go to the leaderboard and see where this game stacks up. All right, Josh, all right josh if this is anyone's first show you want to tell them what the leaderboard is leaderboard every time we do a deep dive we force ourselves to rank every game um it's completely nonsensical because we have games like overwatch compared to the quarry compared to rust compared
Starting point is 01:15:46 to stardew valley uh you know it's we get it we do that on purpose because hey we you know who doesn't like a little bit of weirdness in their game ranking sometimes so we have covered so far 74 games this will make number 75 assuming that paul has updated the leaderboard yeah um i've been known to miss a few in the past disclaimer you know it is updated um so we have to figure out where on the leaderboard we want to uh cumulatively rank um the quarry um just to give you an idea at the very very bottom of our leaderboard we have battlefield 2042 at the very very top we have red dead redemption 2 um somewhere ish around the middle we have games like uh you know uh a way out uh raft borderlands 3 death loop tiny tina's
Starting point is 01:16:41 wonderlands you know games that are all right um. But what are you guys thinking on this one? So it's kind of hard because like, do we factor in the cost? I think we do. I think it's going to be. Yeah, I think it's going to be a higher ranked murder game personally because it was great fun. Agreed. But it's not worth 60 bucks.
Starting point is 01:16:59 And so for me, oh man, I know that Elite Dangerous is at 51. So I got to put it behind that. There's no way this game is top 45. I say zero chance. I have the perfect spot, in my opinion, because there's a game that reminds me very much of this game that I had about the same level of fun playing, and that's a game called 12 Minutes,
Starting point is 01:17:23 which I found to be very, very repetitive. I liked 12 Minutes. I didn't like a whole lot. And the quarry, I feel, is very similar in my brain, where it's like, it's not a bad game. I get that there's probably people out there that'll enjoy it. It's just not my jam. And so for me, I would put it right at number 59-ish, give or take a few spots. That seems to be my kind of target area i i'd put it slightly higher i would put it above 12 minutes payday to monster hunter world phasmophobia and it takes two so i was thinking like 55 ish but i'm definitely in the same range
Starting point is 01:18:00 as you josh okay i mean i i'm not opposed to any of those so yeah what about you michael yeah yeah no i i think that's a perfect landing place for it uh caveat there being for now because when this game does eventually become 20 i think when we review this every once in a while because we do have episodes we'll review our leaderboard i think it's gonna crawl up a little bit but right now i just can't recommend someone pick this up over even like tiny teen is wonderland which is what 40 bucks? I would play Tiny Tina's over the quarry. I would play Tiny Tina's over the quarry for sure. And so I think 55-ish, somewhere in there, is where it needs to be.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And I guess It Takes Two, again, being a game that's not... Oh, I'm thinking of the... What was the other It Takes Two game? You're thinking of A Way Out. The Way Out. Okay. Well, I'm thinking of that because it's kind of funny because that's like a similar type where you just make quick decisions except the
Starting point is 01:18:49 decisions actually matter um yeah 55 somewhere in that range i'm happy with either one of your rankings because i just can't recommend the game for 60 bucks all right what are you thinking josh i would i would rather play phasmophobia if we're just going to group it by genre, which is horror. Phasmophobia to me is much more fun than the Quarry is. So I'd put it one under Phasmophobia. Boy, people that like Monster Hunter World are going to hate us, dude. I don't care. I hated that game. Hate it. Yeah. I mean, I would put it just below Phasmophobia. 57 would be ideal for me, but I don't
Starting point is 01:19:27 have a strong feeling either way. Let's lock it in. Does that work for you, Michael? Yeah, absolutely. I think that's a good spot. Phasmophobia is a lot cheaper, and I like what they did gameplay-wise. Even though it's not my favorite game, I would rather throw my support behind
Starting point is 01:19:43 Phasmophobia than the quarry. By the way, if you guys want to check out our full leaderboard, it's at multiplayer It's right there on the front page. Just got to scroll down a little bit. A lot of times people ask like, what games do you recommend?
Starting point is 01:19:56 What should we check out? A lot of times we say you should just check the leaderboard first. And if there's a game there in like the top 30 that you've never played, that's probably a good place to start. Yeah. so we will lock this in 75 games now guys hey that's a nice even number right it's also a nice even number is that the most uneven number because it feels like no because it's by four i guess but even though it's odd um i'm just thinking of less even numbers but uh i i like that now i've got a spot where i've been on the show for long enough to where i actually can play some games the first time like because i played enough of these games when i first joined you guys i was
Starting point is 01:20:36 like i haven't played 20 games in this group of 20 and i'm like you guys put it where you want now i'm like no it's not as good as this game. It's above that game. Put it in there. I'm excited about that. I feel like I've gone somewhere. Absolutely. So, yeah, then I think we are just about done talking about the quarry. If you guys did want to know what our next deep dive will be, it is Disco Elysium. Now, Josh, I really hope you did not reload a bunch to pass all of your dice rolls.
Starting point is 01:21:05 But I guess we'll talk about that in two weeks when we cover disco elysium good i i guess we will paul oh boy i i no i hope you didn't i did a quick take on disco way back in the day you guys already know it's one of my all-time favorites so i can't wait to talk about disco elysium but we always have our three episodes so on mondays we always have these hour hour. So on Mondays, we always have these hour, hour and a half long episodes. And then we'll be back on Thursday for a Twig episode talking about This Week in Gaming. Saturdays, we always have our short Quick Take episodes. And just as a reminder, come follow us on socials at MultiplayerPod. Come join our free Discord. Link is in the episode description. And check out our patreon page at multiplayer squad
Starting point is 01:21:45 dot com that'll help support the show and you get bonus episodes so if you like this episode and like what we do you'll absolutely love the squad cast for bonus content anything else to toss out there guys oh and thank you to manscaped for sponsoring the episode and i think that about does it thank you to manscape for sponsoring my body your wife should be thanking manscape right no i had a great time today guys thanks thanks everyone for listening yep thanks everybody see you later thanks to see you guys next time

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