Video Gamers Podcast - The Truth About Gaming: John & Ace Answer YOUR Questions! - Gaming Podcast

Episode Date: March 19, 2025

Gaming chat is unlike just about anything else, and we’re making it even more fun by answering YOUR questions. In this episode of The Video Gamers Podcast, John and Ace take on listener questions, r...evealing surprising insights and hilarious stories along the way. Whether you're deep into gaming or just love hearing about video games, this episode has something for everyone! It’s another can’t miss indie gaming episode from your favorite video game podcast Thanks to our MYTHIC Supporters: Redletter, Ol’ Jake, Disratory and Gaius Connect with the show: Support us on Patreon: Join our Gaming Community: Follow us on Instagram:  Follow us on X:  Subscribe to us on YouTube:   Visit us on the web: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 INTRO Hello fellow gamers and welcome to the Video Gamers Podcast. I am your host, John. And joining me is the only person whose favorite game you've definitely never heard of is my co-host Ace. Hey man, everyone's gonna know about Ender Magnolia blooming the mist by the time I'm done on this show. Bro, I gotta tell you man, listening to the indie episodes is like such a treat for me, man.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I've picked up, actually it's kind of a double edged sword, dude, I've picked up more games than I know what to do with at this point, but I love it, bro. I love it, man. Like where you find these games is like just it's like magic to me. Hey, it's a good problem to have as a big backlog, man. Yeah, absolutely. Dear listeners, you've had so much time to get to know our hosts, Josh and Ryan, their interests, their pet peeves, and what gets them excited about gaming.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Ace and I, well, we're the new kids on the block, and while we are so incredibly flattered with the reception that we've received from the awesome community so far, we wanted to give you the chance to get to know us a little better. So we opened up an AMA Ask Me Anything on our Discord, which by the way, BTW, if you aren't in it, please do yourself a favor and join. It's the very best community in gaming. We got a lot of really fun questions which are hoping might give you some idea as to how Ace and I operate. It certainly gave us a little insight into you, the listeners.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But we wanted to go ahead and read some of these and right out of the gate here, we got a hot one. Gamble asks, keep trade cut. Pizza, tacos, and hamburgersers John, your answers here are going to affect how I see you for the rest of my life. I hope you know. Well, what do you? What do you got? I say let me go first because I'm just going to come out the gate and say I'm
Starting point is 00:02:18 keeping pizza. I'm not getting rid of pizza anytime soon. I guess I'll trade hamburgers because I guess can I trade them for cheeseburgers? Ooh, that's it. That's a good qualifier. Yeah. And then I'm, I'm cutting tacos. I'm just not, I'm not a big taco guy. It's like, that's so interesting, man. Like I don't know why I've just never been like super in-dream like pizzas are super customizable. You can put whatever the heck you want. Heck,
Starting point is 00:02:41 I put blueberries and bananas on my pizza once cause I could and it tasted perfectly fine. That is sacrilege. I don't even want to understand what you said to me. That's terrible, bro. You're afraid a little fruit on pizza. Oh my God. I am, I am definitely one of those staunch, no pineapple on pizza, guys. As a matter of fact, my wife and I were just in Italy visiting some family out in the kind of
Starting point is 00:03:06 Verona area and we asked them about pineapple on pizza out there And they said this is a quote from my cousin Lucia by the way. This is why people don't like Americans So I See I'm not well, I think Italy I guess that welcome in Italy, I guess. That's the official answer. Although we did have AZ Food Guy on the show recently for a bonus episode and he is a food aficionado and he gave us the definitive answer of yes, pineapple can belong on a pizza. There you go. Take it from the pro. So, yeah, so I'll allow it.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I think if it any other point in my life, you would have asked me to rank those man up until probably about two years ago, pizza would have been at the top. But I have to say the same versatility that you find in pizza, I find in tacos, my man. You can do so much with tacos and you can, they have the benefit of you being able to make them healthy, as healthy as you want or as unhealthy as you want. Whereas pizza,
Starting point is 00:04:18 pizza, you're kind of, you know, you're kind of just like, forget about tonight, do better tomorrow. I don't know. There's cauliflower crust. That's always an option. If you want healthy pizza. Yeah. Yeah. I guess that's true. Have you ever had cauliflower crust though? Uh, yeah, it's not great. It is there. You know, it is an option. It is there. Well, I think, uh, that's interesting. So our answers are totally. Yeah, no, we're completely opposite. So you also trade hamburgers then? Well, I got to keep tacos. My trade would be pizza is trade above cut.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm assuming. Yeah. I would say it's above cut cut is getting rid of something entirely. Trade is a, yeah, you trade it for something else. Yeah, I would go. Yeah, tacos is my keep. Pizza is my reluctant trade. I always want that in the back pocket, but hamburgers, nah, I just don't get excited about hamburgers. You're not a burger man, John.
Starting point is 00:05:17 They're fine. Oh man, I can't think of something as good as a nice juicy hamburger, except for maybe a nice hot pizza. But I blame the Ninja Turtles for that, honestly. Oh my God. Now we're on the same page. I have never eaten a pizza that is as delicious as Ninja Turtles pizza looks, though like that jaded me for life.
Starting point is 00:05:37 No, it was never like it looked so good. And it's like nothing will ever live up to the hype of that. By the thing that I can talk about even more so than video games is food so this may very well turn into a poos who makes the best fast food burger the best fast food burger in my opinion it comes from Wendy's in my opinion if you're talking about why fast food, not when he uses a really strong contender. That's that's my wife's my wife's favorite food of all time is is our cheeseburgers. And I remember her and I were like just getting some errands
Starting point is 00:06:17 tidied up from this mover, finishing up with. And she stopped to get a Wendy's Little Junior cheeseburger. And she took like two bites of it and like had to stop and like close her eyes to appreciate it. And she looked at me like with more love than she's ever looked at me in my entire life. And she goes, I love this cheeseburger. So good job, Wendy's.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Yeah, Wendy's. So next question is, Rigo, this is a really good one Wendy's. Yay Wendy's. So next question is Rigo. This is a really good one man. Rigo asks what is the first game you remember pulling an all nighter on? So I don't play this game as much as I used to anymore, but when this game came out on the Xbox 360, I remember me and my cousin just cracking out on it all night long.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And that game was Minecraft. It's first. Minecraft. Yeah. The first time it came to a console, uh, which was the Xbox 360. As I said, we just, we picked it up and we played all night, sunrise to sunset. It didn't matter. We didn't even do anything like great.
Starting point is 00:07:22 We weren't good at the game. We weren't just walking around surviving. We tried to build a house out of sand and it fell on top of us. This might be dating you, but, uh, well, how, how, how long ago was this? Oh, this, uh, 2013, I think. What did you do to keep yourself up? Like my I'll give you my all nighter here in a second because it's super obscure, but me and my friend spud, which spud, if you're listening to this,
Starting point is 00:07:56 shout out to you, man. I haven't talked to this guy in a really long time. Uh, but, uh, him and I would literally get like two, two liters of Coke each, and we'd be just like fueled on sugar and caffeine through the night. So have something similar. Yeah, something pretty similar. We had a massive bowl of Hershey candy bars, like the little snack size ones. And then we had like 12 packs of Mountain Dew and we just just kept pounding those all night long.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's awesome. Man, it used to be so easy to stay up like that, but like now, I need something a little stronger. You and I have the opposite problem, Ace. Unfortunately, I'm like plagued with insomnia. I sleep two to three hours a night, like for months and months at a time, man, you're often go, yeah, what are you going to do? My game,
Starting point is 00:08:52 and this is going to be super obscure. I am. I'm wondering if anybody in this listener community has even heard of this game, but it was a game on Genesis called Hertzog. Why have you ever heard of that? No, you have lost me, sir. I have no idea what you're talking about. I figured I might. I figured I might lose you.
Starting point is 00:09:14 So you've you've played like real time strategy games, like the original Warcraft or Command and Conquer, that that type of thing. Yes, I'm pretty sure that Herzog Z Why was the very first real-time strategy game? Oh, wow Okay, it it it was awesome. It still holds up by the way, man I mean, there's there's a lot of those retro games, especially from the 16-bit era that man They're just hard to play now as much nostalgia as I have from they're just really just hard to play now. As much nostalgia as I have for them, they're just really, really hard to play. And this one still holds up, man.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I mean, the graphics are blocky or whatever, but the gameplay is fantastic. All right. And consequently, this is gonna be one of our hidden gems that we talk about in a coming episode. All right, nice. Did it ever get like a remaster or anything? No.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I can't be like, no, I'm just kidding. No, I'm just kidding. I know with a catchy title like Herzog's Why. Really rolls off the tongue, huh? Really rolls off the tongue, yeah. It means second general, by the way, in German. Somebody's great idea. It was a brilliant game at the time still holds up. Nobody's ever played it Well, okay, so on that same note Josh asks what's the first game that you can remember playing and enjoying?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Okay, so I'm you have to preference this with the fact that I Wasn't allowed to play anything over e 10 plus until I moved out of my parents house. So when I turned 18, I jumped ship, didn't have anywhere to go. I wouldn't live with my brother. And he had a 360 downstairs with Assassin's Creed 2 already in the tray. So I just went ahead and flipped that on. And just like after I got past that opening sequence where you're at CEO and you're racing your brother up the top of the buildings and you know, he puts
Starting point is 00:11:10 his arm around he's like, it's a good life we live brother. It is indeed. I was like, Oh, I love this. I'm living this. This is so good. And then spoilers, you get to the part where his whole family gets hung for trees and he's like, Yeah, he just drove drove right into the deep end there. He's like, God, like I didn't even play ssq1 yet. I just jumped right into two. And I was just like, this is so good. Where has this been all my life? So what games were you playing before that, then? The question is, the first game you can remember really playing and enjoying. So before that if you were playing like T and under, there must have been something
Starting point is 00:11:50 that you were playing and you liked. I guess the closest thing would have been Minecraft or Terraria at that time. But like, I never felt like the same I did as when I first popped in Assassin's Creed. Terraria got closed because I played that on the 3DS which was a very broken port of that game. But no, there was something really special about that first leap of faith and that first, you know, moment within the franchise of Assassin's Creed, the shell of what it is now, I guess. Yeah, it's it's tough. Man, the concept still holds up well.
Starting point is 00:12:26 I'm hoping Ubisoft pulls something out with this. Shadows is their last hope, man. I know, like people don't want to hear that, but shadows is Ubisoft's last leg. I think that we probably all agree on that. There's there. It's rare that all four of us agree on something, but I think we all agree on that. But I would say that if the last lag leg that they have to stand on is Feudal Japan and you can play a samurai or a ninja. It's a pretty strong leg. Yeah, you're not wrong
Starting point is 00:12:53 I'm already like tempted to go back like, you know Limping back to them like please Take me back. I Totally agree. So what are you, man? Regardless. Let's see. So. I'm kind of in the same boat as you, so I'm a couple of generations older and like my first console was an NES
Starting point is 00:13:16 and any came with you know, the Nintendo Duck Hunt cartridge and you know, I enjoyed those games. Uh, but I don't think I really felt like I really enjoyed a game until maybe super Mario two and which is still oddly my favorite of the super Mario's maybe Odyssey. I mean, there's a lot of banger. There's a lot of really good Super Mario games.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Super Mario 2 was the one that was like the reskin of Doki Doki panic, right? Yes. Yes. I actually had that on my Game Boy. I used to play it all the time. It was great. Yeah, it's awesome. It's quirky.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's definitely got the most original sort of aesthetic out of all of the out of all the old eight and 16 bit Mario's and stuff. But I like it. It's got a lot of charm. I really enjoyed it. And then I think probably my aha moment like you had with Assassin's Creed was Maximum Carnage on the on the Genesis. I was like a big Marvel fan growing up. Still am. And seeing all my favorite superheroes on screen and being able to play them was like just absolutely crazy. Oh, yeah, that was this close to rated M is console games got.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Um, this is a great question from Patrick. Ace, what happens if you push the button? You know, I thought long and hard about what might happen if we push the button. And I'm just going to say maybe if we push the button silk song releases. Oh, that's a good one. Yeah, you know, maybe just maybe that might be the only thing that makes so song release. Find that button. Yeah, that's great, man.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I like it. My answer is probably a little jaded. I just got done listening to this book called Nuclear War, a scenario that kind of went over like what would actually happen if if there was like a nuclear crisis. Yeah spoiler alert spoiler alert nothing good I'm basically full earth cataclysm in a couple hours so you're saying it wouldn't be like fallout. be like Fallout. Have you been watching Paradise? No, I have not. Oh, it's it's a good show. It's on Hulu.
Starting point is 00:15:50 I think unless there is some sort of like deep underground bunker that we all don't know about, it's it's basically like Annihilation. It's OK. Good to know. So that's a good that's a good light moment in the show, I think is.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. Thanks for John wants to make sure the nuclear button, everyone. I didn't say I want to. That trick is just saying we have to. Oh, OK. Is that what you say? OK. I like my answer better. It doesn't. Yeah, we push the button. We get Silksong and the apocalypse. No one dies. Hopefully. Hopefully. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Let's see, your favorite mic asks, what two or three game genres would you combine for your ideal game? Well, this is easy for me. First of all, I've got to start with a Metroidvania. A good Metroidvania is basically, that's like putting a nice hot pizza in front of me. I enjoy Metroidvania just as much. Now you throw in a little bit of souls-like element, make it difficult, add some dodge rolling, stamina.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Now I'm really happy. Then you make it an RPG. And I'm over the moon, baby. You have made me the perfect game, and I cannot wait to play it. Yeah, that's a really good blend. That's a really good blend. Do you feel like any games you've played recently have scratched that itch? Recently, I have not played any Metroidvanias.
Starting point is 00:17:20 I guess I'd say the closest. I revisited a indie game called cookie cutter recently and they did a they got a big update where they added all the voice acting and stuff like that because the game had no voice acting or anything like that at the start so I went back to that and I played through a good bit of it again I was like man this game is really hard but really rewarding so I'd say that's the closest you get for me it doesn't quite have the RPG element, unfortunately Did adding the voice Acting really enhance the game. It did actually it was really nice to like see the
Starting point is 00:17:52 Not only the voices I initially imagined in my head, but what they actually sound like was very similar Is it just kind of funny? Interesting. Yeah, I that's actually been a barrier of entry for me for the Kingdom Hearts games like oh, yeah I'm a huge Disney fan huge Square Enix and Squaresoft fan before that The this you know the aesthetic the visuals the the concept of the game. I love them, but man I just can't read all that text dude. I need voice acting in my games. Oh man. I love Kingdom Hearts. I have a Kingdom Hearts tattoo. I love Kingdom Hearts to death. What do you have a keyblade? No, actually, I have a claymore from one of the members of organization 13.
Starting point is 00:18:36 My spouse has the, uh, the chakrams from the other members. Very cool. It was our anniversary tattoo. It was really cool. Nice thing we did. We both, we both love Kingdom Hearts, man So what's the good what would be the best entry point to our word to start? I see you in March too. Yeah, I'd say that's the easiest way to get in You might miss a little bit of the story but Kingdom Hearts 1 basically gets retconned anyway into what The story goes on to be and if you ask anyone'll tell you, Kingdom Hearts probably has the most complicated lore
Starting point is 00:19:06 of any game in existence. Especially when you find out like Donald Duck can cast the most powerful spell in all of Final Fantasy. And you're just like, what? That's awesome. You look it up on the wiki, it's like, the only two people who've cast this spell was Bahamut, God of Death, and Donald Duck.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Duck. I believe it. A little bit of a segue here, but isn't it interesting in the Disney, like Mickey and Friends cartoons that they always give Goofy like the most complicated jobs like anytime they call for a pilot or a Like a doctor or something. It's always goofy who has that job. Yeah, he's the knight with the shield and Kingdom Hearts He also dies for a little bit one game Goofy does he get hit with a rock and dies for a chapter and comes back They think he's dead, but he just got hit with a rock He's fine. It's really funny though because Mickey gets all serious about he's like they'll pay for this He goes charging off into a crowd
Starting point is 00:20:15 There are some unexpected dark turns in this Get to get back to the question To get back to the question, what two or three game genres would you combine for your ideal game? That's really tough, man. I think it would probably, I probably have to echo you. For me, getting a good Metroidvania with some RPG elements and it is probably the way to go. I do not like souls likes. So I probably would omit that part.
Starting point is 00:20:48 But maybe honestly for me, like maybe a cozy element to it or something. OK, so the opposite of a soul thing. Yeah, yeah. And that's exactly where I'm at. Dude, I'm playing Prince of Persia right now. And I almost rage quit. I can't believe I almost rage quit Prince of Persia, bro. That hard, huh? Oh, have you played it? No, I've still got to get to it, man. I picked it up. I haven't played it yet, though. Yeah, for a Metroidvania, I mean, it's top class, but there
Starting point is 00:21:18 are some absurdly, for me anyways, absurdly hard bosses in it. I was absolutely shocked at the difficulty of some of the bosses in it. Amazing platforming though. Oh, I've heard it's an amazing game. It is dude. I mean, the number of different like control dynamics that they put in that game is just amazing. Let's see, Morgow asks,
Starting point is 00:21:42 until now, what game were you too embarrassed to admit that you enjoyed? Ah, this one, this is gonna, this is a bit recent. I picked up a little game called Web Fishing, which is, it's a cozy little fishing chat room style game and everything's kind of like, it's like a pixelated Animal Crossing almost, it's 3D environments and stuff like that. And the fish you catch are 2D. And my friends picked it up ages ago.
Starting point is 00:22:09 And I always saw them playing it online. I was like, that's such a boring game. Why do you wanna just stand around and talk to each other while you fish? And now I find myself online talking to myself fishing because I missed the boat. But I love just to log on. And I'm just like just need some peace and quiet to myself, I'll put a YouTube video on on my second monitor and then I'll just start fishing. I was like, this is nice. I like this. And just zone out. It's not it's totally not my style of game, but I fell in love with it for some reason. What are you? Yeah, but I mean, I think that what you just described there is kind of like the
Starting point is 00:22:46 magic of gaming. I don't remember who it was recently on the show that said, I think it was Ian actually, uh, with make a wish when he was saying like, look, you don't have to be a gamer. Not everyone's going to be a gamer, but whoever you are, there's a game out there for you. Yeah. And, um, like cozy, cozy games, For instance, for me. Fill that niche. You know if I'm like I don't need to barrel through something,
Starting point is 00:23:11 I don't need to die 100 times on a boss. I don't need to save the world man. Like some sometimes I for me my my embarrassing games are probably like the Lego Lego games. I absolutely love the Lego Lego games. I absolutely love the Lego games, man. I know that was the ones I used to play a long time ago. And I really got into some
Starting point is 00:23:32 of those. Some of those are great. Did you have a favorite? I really liked the Indiana Jones one. I thought it was really great. The first one. I never played the second Lego and Jones where they included the crystal skull. But the first one with the actual movies like that one was good. They there was a DC superheroes one that came out probably. Oh, God, it's probably been 10 years ago at this point, nine, 10 years ago at this point. But man, it's so good. The first time I got my little Lego Superman and you hear the John Williams theme that I've always loved those little like details they put into them because they have Marvel games where they can unlock Stanley and then like he would be able to turn into the Hulk and also web swing and have Captain America's shield and
Starting point is 00:24:18 Then as they nail it, it's so cool all the cool things they were able to include It's just just simple joyous fun You know what I mean? Like? Yeah, anyway We can't go on a Lego tangent. We'll be here for hours Okay, I am I love my ghost I don't have any displayed right now because I don't have any room But if I did I have quite a. My favorite being the Sonic Green Hill Zone.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah, oh, that's awesome, dude. I'm a Star Wars Lego guy, but and I actually just like the city stuff, too, man. Just the kind of like old school, like, you know, like you do in a boat and you're in a spaceship kind of thing. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Those are cool. If I could have any dream job like playing with Legos professionally might be it. Architect.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, there you go. Lego architect. I love it. Let's see. If you could morph into only one animal at will, which animal would you choose and why? All right. That's from Stylen Steve, by the way. Yeah, it's from our buddy Stylen Steve. Love you, brother. My one piece brother out there. People will judge me for this because there is no reason to be this animal.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It has no like benefit, but I love kiwi birds, which is the national bird of New Zealand for people who don't know. If you looked at them, you would not think it's a bird because it is a fluffy, fluffy beaked long legged creature that doesn't even appear to have wings. But I love them to death and I would love nothing more than to be able to turn into one. I've seen them. They are adorable, bro.
Starting point is 00:26:06 They're so good. Like, oh my gosh. You actually turned me on. My wife and I were between Mario Party games, and I asked you for a recommendation just for like, you know, kind of a fun little easy to pick up party game. And I think you you gave me a recommendation for Kiwi. Yeah, Ki Yeah. Yeah. Kiwi. It's a great little game, man. Yeah. Post offices, kiwis. It's great. Yes. Awesome. The color and the yeah, it gets hard for sure. It's hard, but I loved it. Yeah, it got hard, but it it was a fun little game for Sarah and I to play.
Starting point is 00:26:44 If I had to choose my animal, man, that's an interesting one. I'd probably have to say something cool like Orca or something like that. Okay, I got you. They're real social and they're also apex predators. Kiwi's cool, man, but I'm getting stepped on as a kiwi. Well, kiwis don't have any natural predators. They're where they live. They're, yeah, they're completely safe where they live. The only thing that bothers them are people.
Starting point is 00:27:11 That's that can't be true. There's no predators. I don't think anything else. The Kiwis. Are there like no land carnivores in New Zealand? I would have to look it up. I'm not sure. That is really interesting. You know, yeah, I mean, in in New Zealand? I would have to look it up. I'm not sure. That is really interesting. Yeah, I mean, in Hawaii, for instance,
Starting point is 00:27:30 the largest carnivore is a house cat. Oh yeah, yeah. I remember hearing that from my brother actually, because he was stationed there for a while. Interesting, I never thought of that. Well, if that's the case, man, kiwis got it good. Kiwis got it pretty good. I'm glad I didn't go with my second pick,
Starting point is 00:27:44 which was puffing because then you'd be eating me. Probably the delicious little more like birds if you can't tell audience I love birds. Very cool. People wonder asks if you had the creative ability to create any one thing, what would it be? Okay. And he says, be specific, describe that which you would like to bring to life. It's not the most creative thing. I'm sure someone's drawn it in a TV show or done it in a game, but I've always just like more than an old timey gold pocket watch that I could like stop time with or like reverse time with just because like, that's always been something I thought would be so nice to have.
Starting point is 00:28:25 It was like, I really screwed that up. I'd like to go back that 15 seconds or whatever and redo that. That's a good one. That's a good one. There's a lot of potential there. Yeah. Like I know it's not the most creative thing to want, but like I really would love to be able to stop time every now and then. One, I think you could be incredibly creative with it, man. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's a that's a great choice.
Starting point is 00:28:51 What is your brain cooked up for us? For me, for me, and there's a function to this, but it would have to be something like. Robocop level cybernetics. Oh, okay. And it's mostly just because I'm, I'm 43 years old and I have bad spinal arthritis that I just can't wait to get out of this freaking body. But dude, I, did you see the newer RoboCop movie that came out? It was like, uh, it was like, yeah, like black armor. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah I saw that yeah
Starting point is 00:29:26 so there's this scene in RoboCop where uh the Murphy the the cop is uh that's the cop's name right anyway yeah the the cop who turns into RoboCop recognizes that you know a lot of him is gone and he talks to the doctor or whatever in charge and he says show me and. And he goes, I really don't recommend it. You know, you're not going to like what you see. You can't unsee it. And he goes, show me, I want to see what's left. And there's this whole like scene where they kind of, the armor strips off and like piece by piece, you see the robotics go away and you see how little of him is left. And basically it's just his like his head,
Starting point is 00:30:06 his spine and his like lungs. And you see this look of abject terror come over his face where he's like, never show that to me again. And in that moment, I was like, I want that so bad. I would give anything. But that is my my that is like my nirvana right there. Like get all of this weak little fleshy stuff off of me, put me in the machine man and forget about me bro. I would be so stoked if that was me.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Oh, john you belong in the cyberpunk universe. Maybe man. Maybe the idea of just being able to go like arms broken new arm like bro Hey, plus, you know bonus if you go to the cyberpunk route, you also get like the mantis blades and the wrists and all that Very true. Very true Awesome. It is super awesome and a little plug for a game that we learned more about recently graft Like it's a survival horror, but like man that, that that that's almost a cozy game for me. Like, oh, I get to like, you worry about myself.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I'm worried about you. You worry me. Great. I'm comfortable. Let's see. Westside Pancake says you can take one character and put them in a different game. Who are you choosing? I want to take Kirby and put him in astro bot.
Starting point is 00:31:29 I just think he'd belong there. Oh, good answer, dude. He just, I feel like he belongs there. Like he could be happy there. No one would really be able to bother him. Oh man. And I love me Nintendo. Who doesn't love love Kirby I think Josh love astro but what yeah I think Josh hates Kirby I'm pretty sure but how can you hate Kirby it's too easy well okay yeah he hates Kirby because his games are too easy he doesn't know Kirby there and he doesn't Kirby like we do. Yeah, given his, you know, his taste for games and stuff, I could see that, man. He plays for the challenge. I don't know that he plays for the,
Starting point is 00:32:15 you know, for the fun of it. I could see him getting pretty bored with it, but. Mine. Oh, gosh, man. It's tough because they kind of already did it. Like I would have wanted. I'm again, big into superheroes and I would have wanted spawn in a in a fighting game. And they. Oh, yeah, that did happen. Yeah. With with Soul Calibur. Did that happen in injustice as well? I think so.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Yeah. Oh wait, no, no, no, no, no, that was Hellboy. Yeah, because no, I think Hellboy is Mortal Kombat. No, Hellboy got to do Injustice too, along with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Interesting. Yeah. Sorry, audience. Tangent. No, I think I'd probably have to do.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I probably have to do Dr. Manhattan in. I said I like fighting games. It's probably I'd have to do Dr. Manhattan and all the Watchmen in like a Marvel versus Capcom sort of. Oh, that would be cool. That would be really cool. Yeah, I love those games, man. Moral. Marvel versus Capcom two is like one of my all time favorite games. And Watchmen is like my favorite fictional anything ever. So if I could.
Starting point is 00:33:35 If I could blend them and put them in one game, that's a win. Well, shout out to our buddy and editor, Gregasaurus. I know for a fact that playing as a superhero in a fighting game is awesome because I got to play as Omni Man when we played Mortal Kombat one together. Nice. That was the only character I got like slightly close to beating him. Oh, is he like he wiped the floor with me, man? He absolutely demolished me. That checks. Who is his main?
Starting point is 00:34:03 He's played any character. He didn't have a main. He just any character he picked, he could beat me with. It did not matter. Don't you hate that man rubbing it in. It was rough. A lot of fatalities. Awesome. Ace Logan 0188 asks, what is your favorite game that you never finished? You might have heard of this one. I'm not sure. Are you familiar with the Oddworld franchise? Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Oh, okay. So the, the, uh, my favorite game from that franchise is Stranger's Wrath, which is the one where you are a bounty hunter. Old west. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He talks like, gotta get to town and bag that pack rat Palooka
Starting point is 00:34:45 That that's like yeah, I love that game to death and I've never finished it because it's a it's actually a really hard game to play on modern consoles Just because the why is that the camera the camera fights you the whole time It is because I play it on steam a while back and I could not get first I couldn't get the controller to connect and playing it on mouse and keyboard was a no. It was not going to happen. Then when I finally got the controller fixed because I went to Reddit and found out like a little solution or whatever.
Starting point is 00:35:14 The camera fought me to like, I got like a two thirds of the game and I was like, I can't do it anymore. I'm getting one shot. But I absolutely love everything about that game. I love the world. I love the fact you have to gather your ammo yourself and that you can upgrade it to, uh, you know, be more effective or less lethal. That way you can get the stun on the enemy and bag them alive and get way more money for it. What, uh, what was that PS three generation? Yeah. PS3 and Xbox 360.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense Yeah, that was a great game man. And it's it's interesting. There's there's surprising depth in some of those games a few generations ago I mean You haven't seen or at least I I haven't seen like the quantum leap in game Mechanics from the last couple of generations as you saw from like PS1 to PS3. It's like, it's an altogether different industry when you go PS1 to PS3. PS3, there's still a lot of solid stuff, man. I mean, I guess the fact that you've been able to put The Last of Us out on several different generations of game and have it still hold up is kind of a testament to that.
Starting point is 00:36:26 My favorite. I don't know that I would qualify this as my favorite game, but it's definitely the one that I feel like I most need to finish is Red Dead Red Dead Redemption 2. Never started it. You never started it. No. I mean, it is like the consensus. I know I hear it from Ryan every time. It's like, here's the best game, man.
Starting point is 00:36:49 You got to play it. It's like, I don't like it. I don't care. I played the first maybe eight to 10 hours of it. And I really enjoyed it. And then I, you know, I just got distracted with other life stuff and it was really hard to come back to, you know, I think they talk about a lot on the show, but the opening the opening sequence of the game is really, really slow. Yeah. And the idea of having to go because I'd like basically forgotten how to play the game at this point. And like the idea of having to go back and slog through that opening part again is. Yeah, and it's a rock star game, so the controls are already like, I hate this.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I have to spam be to run. Were you were you ever a Grand Theft Auto person? No, I was not allowed to play Grand Theft Auto when I was younger, and I just never grew into it once I got past that point, because I was like, I watched so many people on YouTube play it, I didn't care about it anymore, unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:37:55 Sacrilegious as it is, I prefer watchdogs. Interesting. I really like watchdogs. Interesting. That's interesting. I think had I not been in the Navy, I probably would have never gotten into Grand Theft Auto. It was just, everybody was playing it and it was hard to like not be into it. Oh yeah. And I'm not, I'm not a big fan of like that, the rock star, the engine or whatever, you know, how they design their games. But I mean, you can't deny that Grand Theft Auto is a master class in game.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I don't deny how good it is for everyone around. Just like I don't deny that people love Red Dead. It's just I know it's not for me because I know as soon as I pick it up, those rock star controls will get to me and I'll just be like, I hate how this control so much. Yeah, It's not that is fair. Ian Ian at Make-A-Wish agrees with you. Yeah I was super happy to hear that I was like thank you someone with some sense. That was a good call out there. What do you think your spoons ask what is your video game blind spot? It could be a genre major series
Starting point is 00:39:08 My blind spot I would say Well, if we're talking about major series, it's metal gear solid, which I want to correct that eventually I would like to correct the fact. I've not played a metal gear solid game Aside from like the opening bit of metal gear revengeance not played a Metal Gear Solid game, aside from like the opening bit of Metal Gear Revengeance. Dude, they're so good. I know. And I saw like the collection on Steam where like they remade or remastered the first like two, three games. I was like, I really should do that before the fourth remake comes out.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Oh, yeah. I think you're in luck. If you actually want to, now's the time to do it. Yeah, I think I think I'm going to. And then if we're talking genre, I would say like cozy sim games. I'm not super like aware of and super into. So I lose a lot of the like news like that. Like people tell me about indie games coming out. It's like, oh, it's just like Stardew Valley.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I was like, but you have Stardew Valley. Why do you want another Stardew Valley? Yeah right you got this filet mignon in front of you but have you seen this London broil like no get that out of here I already got the filet. Exactly. Exactly. Um, back to food, of course. For me, I've got a couple, but they're both genres. It would be the sort of Marvel rivals slash Overwatch style. What would you call that sound? That's a hero shooter.
Starting point is 00:40:39 That bat hero shooter. Yep. Dude, I get smushed at those games. Absolutely smushed at those games, man. Absolutely smushed. I mean, Rivals was the first one I've actually like really played and it's clicked for me. Every other one I've tried to pick up like Team Fortress 2, even Overwatch 2 for a little bit there, I got crushed immediately. I don't know what it is with Rivals. How long did it take you to like feel really comfortable with it?
Starting point is 00:41:05 With rivals? Just like, I would say like two or three, four hour play sessions. And I was like really comfortable. Man, I playing with Josh and everyone else. It was like the part of it was just being there for the experience. And I play that I, that I will give you. I mean, I did one community night with the group and just being there to listen to everybody, you know, talk to each other and again, plug for the Discord community. It's the best.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Oh, the absolute chaos. You got to be there. It is pure chaos. But what fun to listen to, very difficult for Johnny to play. I like I I'm like you know I've probably played what you just said you know four or five hour long sessions and dude it is it has never gotten past pandemic pandemonium for me like I can't sort out what's going on like I'm Punisher and I just sit there and hopefully I'm shooting in a direction I hear a little ting once in a while and I die probably like three times as often
Starting point is 00:42:07 as I kill and that sucks. That's so good. Yeah, that's fair. I play support. So I guess, I guess I have the easy way out. Fair. I did. I couldn't even tell you the difference, man. I try to kill with all of them and I die with all of them. So it's the exact opposite result that I'm going for. Let's see. I don't have the author of this one. Must have deleted that on accident, but ask John Tassacon, when will you build a gaming PC? And, you know, I'm really struggling with this one. You're primarily a PC player, right? right yes I am primarily on PC nowadays I do have other
Starting point is 00:42:49 consoles so I'm flexible but I mostly do everything on my PC nowadays it's easier to capture recording footage and things like that so it's just like better for me yeah and it's interesting because like logically i can recognize that. Anything a console does a computer can do better and can plus a man wants to do better yeah. But. Yeah i don't know what there's just something about the keyboard and mouse. keyboard and mouse to play a game that's not attractive to me and I know that you can play most computer games on a controller but I'm like I got consoles for the I think it's just an old-school gamer in me man there's there's
Starting point is 00:43:33 something about having like the dedicated console that is attractive to me I get that so I get not wanting to give up the old brick and mortar basically well and there's just kind of like a whole vibe with it you know I think there's like do you collect records or do you know anyone who collects records? Yeah I have an aunt who does. Like vinyl yeah I mean like it's like a clearly dead technology but there's just something endearing about it you know if you grow up with it there's like I don't know it defies logic. You'll have day, John, we'll be here waiting with open arms, the PC master race. Yeah. Maybe,
Starting point is 00:44:12 maybe when we push the button and silk song, yeah, maybe that's what'll happen. We push the button and you build a PC like, like just like a Lego game, just you're tickling something for me. The Lego thing, that could be it. If they make Lego PCs, I could maybe get behind that. Let's see. And then also asks, what video game world would you love to visit?
Starting point is 00:44:38 This is for both of us. Oh, this was easy for me. I'd love to visit the world of Super Mario Sunshine, Isle, Isle Delfino or whatever. Heck yeah. It's a freaking island shaped like a dolphin. Of course I want to go there. Yeah, it's just oozes happiness. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:58 I mean, there's a lot of bad stuff happening, but you know, you can just go to the beach and pretend you don't see Mario being framed for crimes he didn't commit. Yeah, I Hear ya. For me, it's got to be a Final Fantasy 10. Oh, that's a good pick too. Even though sin will destroy the world Yeah True
Starting point is 00:45:20 That's like, oh wait But it'll look really pretty up until that point Would you try to pull off the Ject shot? I blitz-blot blitz balled very very little in that was my least favorite part of the whole game. I hated it Yeah With a lot of the Final Fantasies the mini games work out pretty well like it worked out Remarkably well in eight for instance. Mm-hmm 10. I didn't blitzball was not it lost me so fast. I was like, I have no idea. That's the only part of the game that it was like itching
Starting point is 00:45:52 to get through. Like, just like, okay, let's move this along. But I remember, that was kind of like the beginning of my Renaissance with video gaming, where I was like, Oh, my god, I want to live this like this, This I can't put this down. I want to explore every nook and cranny of this world. And you know, just absolutely fell in love with it. That's a great. That's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:46:14 It's a beautiful world that they lived in. Yeah, I agree. Let's see. Blueberry a tie asks. What's your go-to land party game? if you could take any modern game back to the land party days. So for, well explain to me what a land party is John, cause I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:46:38 Imagine a world where you had to bring your computer or console over to a friend's house, and you have a couple other buddies do the same thing, and you actually have to physically connect all of the machines to each other to be able to play. Yeah, that sounds like a real pain in my butt. I don't think I wanna do that. I think I'm just gonna go to my Steam friends list
Starting point is 00:47:01 and invite to game instead. I think that's, that sounds a little better to me. You know, it, this is just one of those things for like perspective. Like when land parties came out for me, it was magic. Like it was so grateful to have it, but I can imagine that somebody who grew up like, man, I could just like play with any of my friends literally anytime, anywhere. It would feel like such an inconvenience. Well let's still let's alter this a bit for you.
Starting point is 00:47:32 What's your go to like co-op community game? Well, currently it's Marvel rivals is that that is my that is my current go to that's usually what I'll be like, Hey, I'm playing this anyone want to join? That is the and if if you're saying like, if Marvel rivals was like a physical game that people had to meet up to play in order to play it as it is now, I would a hundred percent to go through the effort to do that because I love that game so much. It's interesting that I actually think that game would be a really fun land party game. Like, can you imagine like literally getting like 15 of your
Starting point is 00:48:03 friends in the same room and just all smashing each other? I mean like saying Crazy that sounds like a lot of fun. Honestly, especially my group who just loves to yell the like the alt voice lines whenever we do Yeah Man I'm gonna have to give that game another shot. You are. You love superheroes. Like, I love superheroes. The community aspects. Good. Plus, I love games that you can like just pick up and put down easily. That's definitely one of them. Yeah, I'll give it another shot. Line.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Let's see. Let me read the question again. What is your go to LAN party game if you could take any modern game back to LAN party days? Well, for me, it plays heavily into nostalgia, but it would be any of the, like my first actual LAN party game, I was managing, I used to work for Blockbuster, and they had like a store in store concept called Game Rush, and I was like one of the first Game Rush managers.
Starting point is 00:49:06 And we had a we had a midnight event, you know, where basically we're able to open the store at midnight so people could buy their copy of Halo 2. And that was like my first ever LAN party game. And it left a very big imprint on me. Even though the quality of the Halo games has gone up and down based on nostalgia only, if you put me in a room with 15 people playing literally any Halo game, that would be a really good night for me. I think it was last year that Josh introduced me to Halo through Halo Infinite where we had a community. We had a we'd like a good week there where everyone was playing a whole Halo through Halo Infinite, where we had a good week there,
Starting point is 00:49:46 where everyone was playing a whole lot of Halo Infinite together. And I picked up the Master Chief collection, I've yet to get to it. But from what I know, it must have been a really good time, because how people talk about Halo now compared to what it is now, is there's still like so much love in their voices
Starting point is 00:50:03 when they talk about it. Yeah, and it was one of those like Genre and Generation kind of defining games where it the mechanics of it were So much better so much obviously better than the number two competitively that I mean, it was like just an undeniably fun game, people bought Xbox is just for Halo and, and, and, and you would feel happy to do it. Now the bars, it's a lot more even, you know, there's a lot of, there's a lot of games that would fill that. And so, you know, nostalgia definitely plays disproportionately
Starting point is 00:50:48 in that decision for me. Now, fair. We got a couple left here. So, Brett asks, I saw John Tassacon, I saw you have a Star Wars Scout Trooper helmet. Do you have any others or collect any other Star Wars trinkets? Yes, I've got a couple of helmets. I actually used to be in this costuming group called the 501st Legion where you like it's literally a charity group that dresses up in
Starting point is 00:51:19 movie accurate Star Wars outfits and and goes to like children's hospitals or benefit events, Alzheimer parades, things like that to help support whatever the cause is and then if any proceeds are generated, they go towards whatever that causes. See, that's freaking sweet. That's an awesome way to combine your love for Star Wars and your love for, you know, giving to charities. Oh dude, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:51:52 However, there's a catch to that. So number one, they're expensive as you could probably guess. Oh yeah, I imagine. Suitable armors, especially movie accurate stuff. It's hard to come by, but the most challenging part It's hard to come by, but the most challenging part is that when I went into it, I figure armor durable. It turns out there's a reason all these stormtroopers die when you blow on them. The armor is useless.
Starting point is 00:52:19 Absolutely useless. Literally the day I got my armor put together, I put on my chest piece like the breastplate for the scout trooper and it split in half the very first day. Oh no. And then after that it was just me chasing a series of defects in the armor. It's really, oh man, really a labor of love. So, yeah, anyway, Star Wars, Star Wars will always have a special place in my heart. I love it. Top down, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:53 even the parts I don't love, I love even like the rise of Skywalker, which is one of my least favorite movies of all time. I still love it because it's Star Wars somehow. And I've got Alpateen returned. Off camera! Off camera! Are you serious? Laziest writing. Oh god. Bro! Round me up man. Terrible. Are you a Star Wars guy? I am yeah. I don't watch a lot of the Disney plus shows or anything like that. My favorite Star Wars guy? I am yeah I don't watch a lot of the Disney plus shows or anything that my favorite Star Wars movies actually Rogue One oh I agree with you there. That is my favorite Star Wars and hands down it is my I agree and Hands down my favorite Star Wars movie my man. All right virtual high five. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:41 Okay, and then lastly Jigglepuff asks, outside of gaming, what is another hobby you have, if not hobby special interests? This one's kind of weird for me because gaming is my hobby. I guess my other hobby is podcasting and recording. But behind me, as you can see, I love collecting things, like just silly little figures and statues and things like that. And for the listeners, I have statues of like one piece characters like and the mask from
Starting point is 00:54:13 Dishonored on my shelf behind me. But you could see it in our video podcast, which you should definitely go check out on YouTube and Spotify. Great plug, buddy. I love to have like merchandise from my favorite games and my favorite TV shows and things like that. I think it's just a fun little thing I get to do. It is expensive.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I will say that. But yeah, it makes for great background. It makes for a wonderful background. And you know, I think if it makes you happy, like, that's the main thing. Oh, yeah. Yeah. What is money? If not a, you know, basically fun tickets, you have to do all the important stuff with money too, obviously. But the leftovers that that's the fun money. That was the leftover. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. For me. Oh my God. I, I am very happy with the fact that I can turn just about anything into a hobby. Like I have the ability to get really into just about everything. If I had to pick two things right now, Ace, like yeah, I'm a collector. I am a big collector of Warhammer 40,000 action figures. Like I've got, I'm still sitting in my room here, but I've got like way too many. I've spent a fortune on these things.
Starting point is 00:55:33 And every time I get one, I still am like stoked. So that I do tabletop war gaming, collect Warhammer 40,000 and warhammer age of Sigmar I love those are probably my two favorite IPs in all of fandom and I'm also into baking my wife is an incredibly good baker and I'll never have the talent she has on the
Starting point is 00:56:08 precision sort of decorating side. But the legwork side of like literally just mixing ingredients and doing the scullery work is I don't know, there's something therapeutic about it, I guess. And nothing wrong with a man who bakes. I cook but I don't bake. Thank you for saying that. Okay, so these aren't let the listener questions are over. And thank you, by the way, everybody on. Thank you very much. Thank you so much for taking a chance to do that. I have one or two little rapid fire questions for you. Oh boy. All right. Or you ask street fighter or mortal combat Mortal combat for me. My mom, my mom kicked my butt at street fighter too much. I could never get the hang of it.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Your mom kicked your butt. She, uh, I had a, uh, SNES classic that I picked up from target the day that they came out and I took it home and we put on street fighter two and my mom, who does not play video games, royally kicked my butt several times. The point where I have sour memories when I think of that game. Okay, fair enough. So so Mortal Kombat by default. Yeah, Mortal Kombat by default because me and my uncle were learning how to do the fatalities
Starting point is 00:57:21 on one another and we never got it right. But at least we both sucked at that game. Fair enough. It's Street Fighter for me, by the way. Oh, I love your mom didn't kick your butt at it, huh? No, no, I do have to give you a shout out here. You went from getting your mom, your butt kicked by your mom at Street Fighter to your butt being kicked at Mortal Kombat from Greg. Yeah, yeah. Greg has taken over the place of my mom in the butt kicking department.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Maybe they could do like a team up or something. Oh, please. No. I guess I'm moving to soul caliber now. Let's see. Pasta or bread? Pasta or bread. I'm a big bread guy. I really like like a garlic bread with cheese and All those herbs on it like that. That's for me I'm not I gotta be honest. I'm not a super big pasta guy. I really like bread Really? I mean I love them both but if I had to choose between noodles and bread, I'm probably choosing noodles Really? I just feel like I can't eat that But if I had to choose between noodles and bread, I'm probably choosing noodles.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Really? I just feel like I can't eat that many noodles. I get full on noodles very fast. I wish I had that problem too. I can literally eat until food is taken away from me, man. I haven't found the depths of my appetite yet. I have to eat on a schedule because my body doesn't tell me when I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:58:42 That's how my life works. Yeah. Maybe when you and I get to hang out in person, our appetites will sink up or something. Last question. What is your favorite movie of all time? Oh, my favorite movie of all time. You're going to judge me, but it's saw. I really like the first saw.
Starting point is 00:59:08 I know. Okay, we've come full circle here. Now I'm the demented one. Everyone. Dude, I have to tell you. So I saw the first saw. I saw saw in the theater. He saw saw in the theater. He saw saw. And I do have to give it to you, man, the the ending of that movie, where
Starting point is 00:59:30 the killer was in the room the whole time spoiler alert, but it's old. So if you haven't seen it, you'd and then the like the track for Hello, Zep kicks on the dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt
Starting point is 00:59:44 dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt The do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Whatever. Man, that in my opinion is just such a masterpiece. I watched it again recently with Sarah, my wife, and expecting it to be dated and not hold up. Dude, it's so good. It's so good. Yeah, well, I think that wraps up our Q&A here. That did not wrap up their Q&A.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Dingbat1 and Dingbat2 forgot a few questions. I'm gonna throw them in here for you right now. Okay, Ace, so Jake asks the all important question, who is your favorite character and why is it a tie between Jack Black and Jim Carrey? The famous question asked in every AMA and mailbag episode of Video Gamers Podcast. The funniest thing about that is like both of them have played video game characters at this point too, so now I kind of feel like I have to choose between which video game
Starting point is 01:01:02 character I like better. And if I'm doing that- Well that's interesting. You have choose. So Jim Carrey, obviously the Sonic the Hedgehog. Dr. Robotnik. Yep. And then Jack Black, you have Minecraft. But you also kind of have Jumanji. I don't know if that counts. have. Jumanji I don't know if that can because I'm sure there's one we're missing too. The only reason I think I would go with Jack Black is because I really like Nacho Libre. Like that's an all timer. Like that is an all timer. Do you have a Jim Carrey counter? Well, I would just say that Jack Black has one all-timer for me and Jim Carrey has many all-timers. Like I love Cable Guy. That's a deep cut for a lot of people, but Ace Ventura too hilarious.
Starting point is 01:02:01 Dumb and Dumber, obviously. And then also an underappreciated role. Did you ever see Batman forever? Yeah, he was the Riddler. Yeah, I thought he was awesome as the Riddler. He's a great Riddler. He's also a great Grinch. He's a great Grinch.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Best Grinch we've had ever, I think. And also, did you see Sonic 3? I didn't. I heard it was great. Oh my God. Watching him interact with himself, but just like a really old version of himself was the best. I won't spoil anything because it's a fairly new movie. But it has some amazing and hilarious moments that people absolutely need to see. Okay, fair. I'm definitely going to be seeing it. I the Sonic the Hedgehog story arc of how those movies came to be is like one of my favorite things in Hollywood just because
Starting point is 01:02:52 it would have failed had they not taken listener feedback and they did. And and I'm so happy that exists in their first big example of that, like taking listener feedback to the point where it changed the whole course of the history of the franchise. You got it. You got it. Um, and then let's see. Brett asks, ace of shame. What were your first thoughts when listening to the video gamers podcast for the first time? Well, my first thoughts when listening to this podcast was a it wasn't called the video gamers podcast yet it was called
Starting point is 01:03:27 the multiplayer gaming podcast and my first thoughts were wow these guys really hate Sea of Thieves huh? That's pretty good. I just remember tuning in I was like oh I want to play Sea of Thieves. I wonder what they thought about it. And there's like, there's no reward. It gets really repetitive. I was like, oh, okay. I guess I don't want to play Sea of Thieves.
Starting point is 01:03:55 What were you listening to before them? I was listening to a D& D podcast called Drunks and Dragons. Oh, nice. Are you a D and D guy? I am a little bit. Oh wow. Okay. I don't get to play it very often, but like actual like video games, like, you know, divinity and Baldur's gate or like totally my jam because I really enjoy that kind of role playing aspect. Interesting. Yeah. I, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:24 I have been into tabletop and, you know, lots, lots of D and D adjacent type things, but I've never actually played a D and D game. So that'll, that'll be something you're going to have to show me. Oh yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Um, question wasn't directed for me, but, uh, yeah, I, um, I came across this podcast initially cause I was listening to, you know, like probably everybody else in the world. When I was working out, I was listening to Joe Rogan. And then there was a period of time where it was like literally just political guests after political guests after political guests. I just got sick of hearing it.
Starting point is 01:05:02 And so I go, okay, well, I love Warhammer. Let's see what tabletop gaming podcasts are out there. And there's a few semi entertaining ones and a few good lore ones, but it wasn't scratching the itch. And so I go, okay, well, video games. And I typed in video games podcast and the video gamers podcast was the first one to come up. And I go, that looks like what I'm looking for.
Starting point is 01:05:31 And I was listening to Paul, Ryan and Josh at the time. And I just remember going like, man, this is cool, dude. You know, like it's so genuine, their love for gaming. It's not phoned in at all. They're not trying to be the experts. Like this is all coming from a like love of gaming perspective comes from like they're very, yes, very clearly emotionally invested in what they're doing. And you know, no bureaucracy or anything like that involved.
Starting point is 01:06:00 It was just felt so genuine that after a couple of episodes it. You know, it's stuck and I've probably been listening to them every single day since then. Same story. What was the, what episode were you listening to? What was your first episode? Oh gosh. What was the episode that hooked you? The episode that hooked me. My gosh, man. It was probably a draft.
Starting point is 01:06:33 That's a good one. That's a good one to start with. Any drafts are awesome. Yeah, I'd have to get back to you on that. I can't remember the exact episode, but when I was looking through it, uh, you know, you look for the title that's going to grab you and it was probably best something of 2023 or whatever. Yeah. What about you? Uh, the one that hooked me was actually the pub G one.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Cause I couldn't stop laughing at how much they were trolling their friend. Whenever he'd get on the bike, they'd hit him in the back of the head with the pan. He's like, I'm not going to do it again. I'm not going to do it again. He's like, get back up on the bike. Love it. That's awesome. Is there anything else you'd like to say to the listeners? Well, we've already beat it into the ground, but I'm going to say it again. Come and join our discord. If you want to come hang out with us and meet fellow like minded gamers because we really want to meet you.
Starting point is 01:07:31 We want you to come in there and feel as comfortable as you possibly can be and join us for our community nights so you can get your butt kicked by next to this. Our our strongest Marvel rivals player. And for everybody out there, check out our newly refreshed website at Video Gamers On there, you're going to find links to all of our socials, as well as our Patreon, which if you'd love to support the show in a very real way, that goes a long way as an independent pod. And I will ask every single time but guys if you have a moment please follow the show on whatever podcast format you're listening on whether it's apple or spotify or youtube music whatever it is please drop us a follow and leave
Starting point is 01:08:21 us a review it goes so far in making sure that this podcast continues to operate as well. And it gives us great feedback to operate on. Yeah, we're super appreciative of any feedback that we can get. Yep. And with that, guys, that's gonna wrap it up for this episode. And until next time, happy gaming. Peace out. To the lure. Happy gaming. Peace out. you....

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