Watch What Crappens - #104: Lake Arrowhead; Kenya's Eviction; and Team MJ with Guest Katie Cazorla

Episode Date: November 21, 2013

On part 2 of this two-part podcast, Ben Mandelker ( and Ronnie Karam ( are joined by Katie Cazorla, star of "The Nail Files" on TVGN. Come join the trio as they... unleash their wrath on the idiot servers on "VanderPump Rules." Will Tom ever leave Kristen? Will Stassi take back Jax? And will we ever regain the brain cells we lost on this show? Then it's on to "Real Housewives of Atlanta" to discuss Kenya's eviction, Phaedra's issues with Apollo, and the lovely, young Riley. Finally, we wrap up with "Shahs of Sunset." Team MJ or Team Lily? And would you ever buy Diamond Water? We have lots and lots and lots to say on all these topics and more. Come listen! Check out our Facebook page ( for announcements and to hang out with us and other listeners. Ronnie is writing recaps of the season. Check them out same night as they air ( Our YouTube Podcasts: Our Soundcloud: On iTunes: Facebook: Ronnie on the Web: Ronnie on YouTube: Ronnie on Instagram: Ben on the Web: Ben on Twitter: Ben on Instagram: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crappens, a weekly podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we love. I'm Ben Mandelker from You can follow me at b-sideblog on Twitter and Instagram and all those fun social media platforms.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Joining me as always is Ronnie Caron, who is with and is at TrashTweetTV on Twitter. And also Katie Cazorla, star of The Nail Files on TVGN's The Nail Files, obviously. And she can be found at The Painted Nail. By the way, our podcast, you should like us on Facebook, forward slash watch what crap ends.
Starting point is 00:01:07 This is actually part two of episode 103. So if you missed part one, make sure you go back and listen to it. It wound up being two hours long. So we split it into two halves. Part one and now part two. This hour, we're going to talk about Vanderpump Rules, Real Housewives of Atlanta, and Shazza Sunset. So let's not delay it any further. Let's get right back into the conversation.
Starting point is 00:01:27 All right, so let's go on to Vanderpump Rules because we still have so much TV to talk about. Yeah, we do. And I know once we start talking about Vanderpump Rules, it's really all going to come out. Vanderpump Rules, home of the worst people in Los Angeles on reality TV. Pretty much. You know, you've heard Katie mention the term
Starting point is 00:01:46 lades a few times tonight. And I feel like, Katie, you should probably explain why you made that term up. Okay, well, here's the thing. I feel like Jax is lades. And here's the reason. Because people, you know, you drive around L.A. and there's all these billboards for AIDS,
Starting point is 00:02:04 like AIDS awareness and AIDS in L AIDS in LA and all that. And they always share like two partners together. Yeah. Well, that really isn't the problem because I have a ton of gay friends and none of them have AIDS. But when you look at Jax, I think there is there is the problem. So I have nicknamed him hashtag L.A.I.D.S., which stands for L.A.I which stands for lades which is what you would get concerning the amount of do you remember when he was all over that little actress girl how disgusting that was oh god and then like was making fun of her for being in rehab when she was yeah
Starting point is 00:02:38 and he breaks up with her right after her 12-step meeting And he breaks up with her right after her 12-step meeting. Oh, my. And she's like, I let you come in me unprotected. And you're like, there you go, lades. Exactly what I was talking about. Walking lades. They should put jacks on the billboards.
Starting point is 00:02:57 They should be like, stay away from this man. Get in the hazmat suit. Oh, my God. He's just so gross and everything about him. Did his nose all of a sudden get ugly this season yeah i think he's honestly like he i think he's one of these guys where he gained just enough weight where he crossed the threshold where he's i don't think he's hot anymore he's like uh just sort of oafish looking right and the beard is not helping oh my god he looks like he's like that game i always play homeless or hot because sometimes i see homeless men and I can't tell if they're like Malibu chic or if they're really homeless. And so I always take photos and send to my friends
Starting point is 00:03:30 to go homeless or hot, you know, and I think Jax is across the border of homeless and he really has a skanky. Well, one of the things you'll notice about a lot of the homeless people in Los Angeles is they're really hot. I know. Because they're jacks. They're all jacks. They're these boys who come here because they're pretty. They have no talent or brains.
Starting point is 00:03:52 All they really know how to do is fuck and work out and look good. And what happens? They become chewed up, you know, and they end up being like homeless drug addicts on the street. Yeah, assheads. And Jack will be one of those. I mean, he's, he's like steps away from it. Now he can barely remember where he is.
Starting point is 00:04:09 He works. They, you have to remember, like they all still work there. They get paid like $700 an episode basically to do this. And that's the most money they're ever going to make ever. Absolutely. Did you see Jackson's truck? No,
Starting point is 00:04:23 I didn't notice it. Oh my God. When they were getting in, when they No, I didn't notice it. Oh, my God. When they were getting in the, when they were having the fight? Now, worse than Tonka. They were, remember, they got in the fight after dinner. Yeah. Oh, that was last week's episode. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:04:34 You can still talk about the truck. It's okay. Make it anything you want about Jax. I just, I feel, I want to feel bad for him, but he's such a douchebag. He makes John Gosselin and hardy look cool again yeah let me tell you something so this week's episode uh was about pretty much most of the cast went up to lake arrowhead to go to sheena i'm not sheena stassi's uh mom's house so first things first let me just put it out there i'm never drinking lake arrowhead water ever again Now that those kids have been in that lake,
Starting point is 00:05:07 it should be off the market. The CDC should be in there and they should be purifying that lake. They should just be drying it out at this point. I'd rather swim in Crystal Lake at night. Once the Vanderpump rules, kids, go into Lake Arrowhead. It's bad news. So here's what cracked me up the the real excuse the reason why they're going up to lake arrowhead is because tom sandoval k uh kristin's boyfriend his band
Starting point is 00:05:36 got a gig opening for the motels in lake arrowhead and if that does not make you laugh you need to think about some things in your life because it's like booking a retirement community you're like oh my god we're gonna go play this new retirement home that just opened up we're opening for the gogos if you oh that was so sad he's like this is the best thing that's ever gonna happen to us he's like now don't get me wrong i love that song only the lonely is one of my favorite songs. But still, it's like their only song also. And it was from 25 years ago, if not 30 years ago. Isn't that sad?
Starting point is 00:06:10 And here's the thing. And that's stupid, Kristen. By the way, that should go to show you what kind of woman she really is. He's trying to be loving and cute and make up for sleeping with some whore. And she's like, get away from me. Get away. Gross. But then once she sees people taking interest in him while he she loves him exactly oh my god a vapid slut bag yeah
Starting point is 00:06:32 she i agree that actually really pissed me off that she's so pissed but then once she sees that like her man is like slightly famous in the world of like this arrowhead festival that by the way takes place in front of a claire's boutique i don't know if you saw it, there was a Claire's boutique in front of the stage. No, I was too blinded by the quintessential lake concert white trash girl that's always in the front
Starting point is 00:06:56 with a tight, like, white feet on and no bra dancing to whatever music she can dance to. It reminded me of, honestly, when I went to Disney World a few years ago, and Nelson was playing at Epcot Center, because they play there every night at 5 p.m., and that's the sort of concert this was.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Wait a second. Are you joking that Nelson was playing at Disney World? I'm telling you, every single day, I think Nelson plays at 5 p.m., and they do all their dad songs, like Ricky Nelson's. They play all these old time songs and then at the very end they say here's one of the newer songs and they play love and affection which i of course became kristen i was like cheering and singing along too oh my god that's downtown disney there's no way they would let those two folios into epcot center
Starting point is 00:07:41 like i don't believe it i I know. I think you're thinking of downtown Orlando near Disney World. I know. Disney World adjacent. Again, also in front of a Claire's Boutique. No, in front of a Journey's.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I don't even know what that is, but I know it's got to be that. It's kind of like Hot Topic, but we're... I was about to say, I can imagine Tom being like, hey guys, we booked a gig at Spencer's.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Oh, my God, Spencer gifts. They always had, like, the risque section that we would sneak into and look at, like, the Baywatch posters. Yeah. Yeah, totally. Oh, my God. That just hit me like a ton of terrible memories. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:21 I remember there would be, like, a lamp shaped like a penis, and we'd be like, oh, my God, it's a penis. I know. It was in the be like a lamp shaped like a penis and we'd be like, oh my God, it's a penis. I know. It was in the over 18, 18 and over section. There was always like Carmen Electra merchandise in there. And like books that said fuck on them, like board games that were like, fuck you, fuck me. And you're like, ooh. Oh, this is so dirty.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Oh my God. My parents are never going to know I was over here. There's like black lights with like the weed poster that had like the fluorescent weed leaves on it that would light up with the black light uh that store is still going strong isn't it oh yeah big time i think i see one in the austin mall when i'm in austin visiting my family i think i was going there there's one by the movie theater i think there's one at the danbury fair mall in danbury connecticut yeah i think we have one at our arnett mall in horse heads actually in big flats new york the point is this everyone if you go into a spencer's gift shop you will probably find something that looks and sounds more interesting than tom's band
Starting point is 00:09:15 playing at lake arrowhead opening many acts before the motels okay well what did you think about stassi's mother i think she's totally Well, she's clearly vicariously living. I think she's totally classless. If my mother ever talked to somebody like that, I would date. I was dating. Well, I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be horrified. Me too. And does tequila shots with the man who cheated on her daughter.
Starting point is 00:09:40 By the way, how creepy was it when they were trying to make up? And Jax is like, just give me a kiss. Just give me a kiss. Stassi looked like a little tiny two-year-old. And he looked like this creepy kind of older, molestory type guy trying to get her to give a little kiss. It was really, really. She was loving every second of it. Did you notice the part where he was peeing?
Starting point is 00:10:01 I don't know why they were showing this. But he was peeing and he was coming out of the bathroom. He was like massaging his dick so it would look bigger in his pants. I totally saw that. And then the next scene was him sitting with that little kid. I was like, that's nice. I'm glad that Jackson fluffed his own dick before he had a scene with a five-year-old or whatever. No, you guys, he was literally, they showed Stassi sitting on the toilet.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Then Jackson. Oh yeah, Stassi was peeing. That was another classy moment. That's out of the Bethany Frankel School of Class. Oh, that's another thing. Remember Brandy getting in the bathtub? First of all, do you know how many people are around when you're filming a reality show? There's sound guys.
Starting point is 00:10:37 There's a segment producer or producer, storyboard people. There's, you know, PAs and runners. There's the camera guy. The fact that she just stripped down butt naked, it's like she has something so hard to prove. Yeah. You know that that girl was the first person in fifth grade to give a blow job. It's just that girl. And it's like, she wasn't necessarily mean. She was just so needy. It's like, what did your father do to you? Like, can we just all get together in school in the fifth grade, have a lunch where we just all talk about what our daddies did to us? I think if we got rid of those issues sooner, we could just have much more normal lives.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Oh my God, we would have normal lives. She would just admit that she had a creepster for her father because she said that she walked around naked and he like makes comments about her boobs. I think that is so ill. If my dad did that did that i think i would i would have a heart attack and die like that just doesn't even make sense to me yeah it's a pretty creepy world and jax's mom gives me the vibe that i mean stassi's mom gives me the vibe that she wants to bone jax like she's kind of an ex-girlfriend in this yeah i think so close in age they're like closer in age than stocks of stocks oh my god is that their new name i think that's their new stacks stacks infection of jossie so i think i think jacks is more close in age to the mother than to um uh than, probably. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I thought the whole Arrowhead trip was hilarious. And I also thought that the brow-beating of Katie, or Kirsten, or whatever, Horseface No. 1, whatever her name is. Yeah, Horseface No. 1. Okay, you know what, bitch? Please.
Starting point is 00:12:19 She's out of control. Your brow-beating. But then he's worse, because he sits there and... Oh, maybe I was wrong to hear sirens hold on that's always a bad sign that's that's the sound of uh someone lit fire to stassi's hair sir do you feel like tom did anything wrong because i don't think he did i think they were all like ganging up on him well no no i mean obviously he did something wrong in that he cheated. But, you know, here's the... Get over it or break up.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Exactly. Exactly. And so, you know, first, like, she's, like, attacking him at, uh, where they're all eating, like, lunch or something. Oh, no, I'm sorry. Actually, before that was the night before, he's, like, strumming on his little, like, unplugged electric guitar. And as we all know, electric guitars, when they're not plugged in, make no noise. They make truly no noise. They don't even have a hole in them and a thing for the noise to bellow out of the whole point is
Starting point is 00:13:08 they're pretty much silent and and horse face number one comes in she's like can you can you please not do that it's just like we're in someone else's house and like i don't know you know what's louder than that electric guitar being plucked is your stupid voice yelling at your boyfriend in the hallway that's oh my god and then he was nice about it. Tried to come out and give her at least a hug or a kiss good night. And she acted like a total bitch when she's like, it's just weird. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Well then break up. Yeah. Yeah. Go away. The reason I'm saying, I think he's just as bad or worse is because I hate when couples fight in front of people. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Like they set it up. They tell you exactly what's going on so everybody could weigh in on it and everybody can have their opinion on whether you're right or your fucking idiot boyfriend is right. Like, I don't care. Like I'm mostly hanging out with only one of you
Starting point is 00:13:56 because I like you. The other one I'm stuck with because you're dating someone I probably most likely enjoy. So I already don't like one of you. I don't care. I'm already going to have to hear this from one perspective. I really just don't want a round table.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And then there was also earlier in the night when they were at the bar and I think Tom made some joke about or was talking about how he got sunglasses for the other Tom. Oh my God. And she was like, oh, don't act like you wear them all the time. You bought them three days ago. I'm like, shut up, horse face. I know. Why are you getting on him so bad here's the thing tom should stop being a pussy
Starting point is 00:14:28 and when he cried at the lunch i know i was dying on the inside it was hilarious i was like yeah you're a real rock star right now i mean look men are allowed to cry and they're allowed to cry from their bros but right now he was really being a pussy being a huge pussy i mean it's the third week it's the third episode this season and the third week in a row we've had man cries yeah come on boys let's just man it up a little bit i know these are these are yeah these are the big manly straight guys in west hollywood please i also liked also when in the wake of the big fight the night before with the guitar and the kiss good night and everything it becomes this whole thing and then horse face number two starts yelling at tom and Tom's yelling at horse face number two
Starting point is 00:15:05 and then they like lock him out the door and then they're screaming through the door. It was so beyond seventh grade, like beyond what could be seen in seventh grade. It was, I couldn't believe these are like adults and they're allowing this to be filmed on TV. This is their legacy to their families. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Isn't that, tell me that's not embarrassing. Tell me it's not just how can you let yourself you know you're on camera you do you always do we filmed 16 hours a day for like three months straight and yeah sometimes you're just over you don't even care it's kind of like all all bets are off you're like whatever i'll just do whatever you need to get this over with but i mean at the end of the day you don't don't act like that knowing it's gonna be i'm like who does that i know they were just they're just all so dumb and i was just it made me feel so great about myself that that scene made me feel wonderful i felt like an adult after watching that you know the other thing that
Starting point is 00:16:02 happened on the episode is that uh sheena her body continued to fall apart those glasses she shows up with glasses that look like they're from a terry gilliam movie okay they are so wide they are like they look like someone took propellers okay and put made them out of glass and put them on her face it's like annie holla's getting ready to go to bed no she looked like, whatchamacallit, God, who's that crazy sports broadcaster that died that wore those crazy glasses? Harry Carey? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yes. Yeah, she looks like Harry Carey. But she's like, I need to wear the glasses, and I need to take time off because I scratched my carnea, and there's a chance I might get an infection. It's like, shut up, Sheena. You don't even have the infection yet. Oh my god, isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 00:16:49 She's a hypochondriac, I think. And an idiot, too. An idiot and a drama queen and an attention whore and these poor things. I cannot believe they make $700 a week. That is crazy knowledge to have because you know, the first season of a Bravo show, you don't make anything. But I know that Brandy's first season of a bravo show you don't make anything
Starting point is 00:17:05 but i know that brandy's first season she made well i don't know but reportedly she made twenty thousand dollars for her entire first season and then the second season she got a whole lot more because she was made a regular but even her first season she made a lot more i mean these girls are working for seven hundred dollars an episode that's pathetic and they're still having to be waiters oh lord i know well they would they would make more money doing porn which i have an odd feeling one out of that group will end up doing horse face number two oh god are we gonna talk about what happens live though uh oh let's go for it i haven't watched it so you what happened you tell okay so they had stuck uh stassi and jackson uh-huh it was the worst most awkward obviously they gave away everything
Starting point is 00:17:53 which was really i know andy cohen was probably like turning over inside himself but um he literally had them both on there and they were saucy wouldn't even look at Jax in the face, and they played a game called Which Bitch Face is Stassi directing this to? Jax or Sheena? And it would show bitchy pictures of Stassi's face. And they're like, okay, in this bitch face picture of Stassi,
Starting point is 00:18:21 is this to Jax or to Sheena? What do you think? That's actually really funny. And she was sitting right there. Well, she deserves it. If you're going to give bitch face to everyone, it's about time. You know, you've got to know that you have bitch face.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I love, you know, like on the season premiere, she's like, I don't understand why people don't like me. It's because you're a bitch all the time and they saw it on TV. That's why people don't like you. If you just watch yourself on this show and not see that you're a total C-word then there's no hope for you and then when Jax gets a tattoo
Starting point is 00:18:48 on his bicep of your name you should have been like you're psychotic but instead you're like ooh I like it you're an awful person Stassi never forget that she's really being eclipsed this year by Kristen because Kristen is just like this heinous crazy horse face monster
Starting point is 00:19:04 but we can't forget that Stassi is really the worst of all. We can never forget that. She really is the devil. I think she – and when they were – Jax made a comment last night on Watch What Happens Live and said, you know, well, I guess you're lucky because your dad's paying for everything. And she was like, how dare you? How dare you? You're insulting me. My your dad's paying for everything. And she was like, how dare you? How dare you? You're insulting me. My dad does not pay for everything.
Starting point is 00:19:27 And he was like, well, he pays for your car. He pays for your insurance. He pays. And she goes, I work, I work hard and I pay for my,
Starting point is 00:19:34 um, my place. Not like I can say that for you, considering that I paid for all your shit. She's like swearing up a storm. So classless. And then a caller calls in and goes, hi,
Starting point is 00:19:44 Andy, I have a question for stassi um stassi why do you think the world revolves around you i was rolling oh my god please if there's any way you guys could actually it's on youtube watch what happens live damn you for bringing us into this watch what happens live. Damn you for bringing us into this. Watch what happens. Oh, my God. It was just so, so awkward. And literally, someone's like, did you guys, are you guys together now? And Stassi was like, hell.
Starting point is 00:20:16 So, clearly, they don't even speak. Well, that's one instance where Stassi has good judgment. Yeah, exactly. And then they ask Jax if he regrets getting his tattoo, and he goes, I live my life as if it's lessons and not mistakes. It's a lot of lessons. And yet he doesn't learn anything from them.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Except when your test comes back positive, and I'm sure you've learned your biggest lesson. Yeah, even then I'm not you've learned your biggest lesson. Yeah. Even then, I'm not sure. Because the thing is he has a lot of lessons that I think may get aborted. So I don't know if he gets a full – Oh, snap. You know, it's hard to really learn when your lesson has been taken care of. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Yeah, exactly. When you can just for $200 and a pill get rid of your lesson and then and never speak to the person again oh my god i feel so bad for her not really no i i think i think it's like silence i'm like whoever whoever i think she dodged a bullet in that one didn't have to raise the uh the spawn of jacks did you imagine how dumb that kid would be oh my goodness just like walking up against walls he had to take advice from an eight-year-old put it that way yeah oh by the way that redeemed bravo for the year it's like i'm glad that happened before the year ended it's like one redeeming scene at least there's a smart child left in the world you know i know his parents signed a release
Starting point is 00:21:41 for him to be on there by the way what happened with Stassi's mom and dad? They're divorced? Yeah, I don't know what happened because, you know, when Stassi was on The Amazing Race, that was not the mother who was on it. I seem to remember it was her new mom. Wait, when Stassi was on The Amazing Race? Yeah. In case you didn't know, Stassi was on Amazing Race Family Edition back in 2005.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And let me tell you something. It was her, her dad, who we've seen, and her dad's new wife, or at least wife back then. I don't know if they're still together. And she had a brother. I don't know. It's obviously not the same brother, because it would have been too little. She had another brother there, didn't she? Yeah, yeah. And Stassi
Starting point is 00:22:17 was such a spoiled brat on that show. This is not something new. This is not something new for Vanderpump Rules. She whined and complained the entire time. And I remember they got uh because they had to go on some sort of like they had to go on a racetrack which was hilarious for a whole other reason because there was another family um this is a widow whose husband was like killed at a racetrack and then they made them go to a racetrack and she was like flipping out so then stassi and her family they had to get on this weird like uh four-person bicycle thing it'si and her family, they had to get on this weird, like, four-person bicycle thing.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It was like a circular thing. And they had to pedal around. And I seem to remember them just, like, not being able to do it. And Stassi crying and moaning and complaining the entire time. My God, how old was she? She was, like, 14. And she was chubby. She was chubby.
Starting point is 00:22:58 She had black hair. And she was like, Dad, I don't want to do this. And she was a pill the entire season. Oh, my God. She has not grown up. She actually may have been more mature on that show than she is now. Clearly. She's like a child.
Starting point is 00:23:12 She actually scares me. I think she's developmentally challenged, I guess you could say. And you can see where she gets her attitude from because her mom is no better. Her mom sitting there serving up, you know, Ortega tortillas and drinking tortillas. And you know how I feel about tortillas. Tequila shots. You know how I feel about tortillas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Man balls. So are we done with this show? Because honestly, it hurts my soul every time we talk about it. It actually fills my soul up. But let's go to, should we go to Atlanta? Oh, snap, dizzle, Atlanta. Yes, I love Atlanta. I love Atlanta. Atlanta's always the fastest one to talk about because i don't take it seriously at all it's just fucking hilarious to me every single time i mean this one
Starting point is 00:23:53 kenya got all her shit shipped to her from from cordell and he's now using her anal balls he didn't or porsche he's now using her anal balls took them out of the box and just sent her an empty box back which is amazing i love i love the way portia is dealing with all this she's just like basically calling him a queen every chance that she gets i love when she goes he wants he wants me to let me know woman to woman that he doesn't give a damn about anything we had together i'm like yeah you go girl call my woman. Well, he used to put on my clothes and he used to buy my hair and he would treat me like his
Starting point is 00:24:28 boss. And at first I thought he was being a metrosexual. But then, now I think he's a queen. Oh, no, girl. I love that she's taking him to church every single episode now. How is she allowed to do that? Can't
Starting point is 00:24:44 he sue her for slander? Not if it's true. Yeah. But the... She's too stupid to know what slander is anyway. Let's be honest. Have you seen her lawyer? She thinks that slander and salamanders are the same thing.
Starting point is 00:24:59 He can't sue me for salamanders. I don't like them. I don't like reptiles. Oh my god. I just feel bad reptiles. Oh, my God. I just feel bad for her. She clearly is just... Remember during the reunion where she's like, I know we are not perfect. We are not...
Starting point is 00:25:14 Cordell is not perfect. She doesn't like vaginas, okay? But we took a vow. Oh, God. Now, listen here. we took a vow. Oh, God. Now, listen here. I'm a strong woman. I ain't gonna take nothing from Paul Dale if he talks to me like that.
Starting point is 00:25:33 But if he does my list, then I'll get back together with him. Oh, my God. By the way, did Kenya hook up with Phaedra's husband? It's looking more like it every day, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:25:48 Because they were in LA together, just the two of them. Why? First of all, no one's asking why. And when they were here, they were texting each other, and he was like, I was texting her on a friend level. Really? You know your wife fucking hates someone, but yet you're going to text them?
Starting point is 00:26:05 No. No! Yeah, that's fishy. That's the next couple to go wife fucking hates someone, but yet you're going to text them? Um, no. No! Yeah, that's fishy. That's the next couple to go by. Although, I don't know how he's going to break up with her because he's not ever going to make a damn living. Maybe he'll install a bunch of koi ponds in backyards.
Starting point is 00:26:22 That's his new business idea. Yeah, I got this idea. We're going to install of koi ponds in backyards. That's his new business idea. Yeah, I got this idea. We're going to install some koi ponds. You know what this backyard needs? Some koi pond. Here's a koi pond. How are your kids going to make a wish if they can't throw a nickel in a koi pond? Actually, you're not supposed to throw change and pennies and things into the koi pond.
Starting point is 00:26:43 I have one, so I know. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to throw a koi in the koi pond. I'm going to take out a koi, make a wish, and throw into the koi pond. I have one, so I know. You know, I'm going to throw a koi in the koi pond. I'm going to take out a koi, make a wish, and throw it back in the pond. Oh my god. I'm embarrassed for Phaedra. I think she actually is married to someone beneath her. I feel like...
Starting point is 00:27:00 But physically, he's above her, for sure. Physically, oh, I love that Apollo. Yes, but she married a guy. She married an ex-con who was beneath her on purpose because she could always have him under her control. She figured this guy can't run. He's going to have an ankle bracelet for the first decade of her life together. Where is he going to go?
Starting point is 00:27:20 There's no way this guy would cheat on me. I pay for everything. He can't afford child support. He doesn't have a job, so clearly he's not going anywhere. Yeah, exactly. She, baby mama trapped him, and that's like the quintessential LA girl move
Starting point is 00:27:36 is to get pregnant. I think we discussed this. I say good for Phaedra, because Apollo is hot, and if I could baby mama trap a hot guy like Apollo, I would do it in a second. Ew! You would not do it. I would never stoop to such a hooker level as to—
Starting point is 00:27:54 Oh, I would. I would. That's why we're friends. I wouldn't do it, but I'd listen to you talk about when you did it. I'd do it until I wouldn't need him anymore. Then I'd, like, come to the curb. Oh, my God. Okay, you know what?
Starting point is 00:28:08 I love you. Yeah. By the way, I also love that Phaedra had yet another photo shoot. Oh, by the way, speaking of hot, the photographer's assistant was very hot. I don't know if you noticed him, but I certainly did. He was hot. But I love that Phaedra dressed in all white. And the reason why, she goes...
Starting point is 00:28:23 Just black angels? She's like, it was myedra dressed in all white. And the reason why she goes, she was black angels. She's like, it was my idea to dress in all white because white is just so refreshing. All black people. And white is just like little black angels. I love it. Oh my God. I just, I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:28:37 I'm just glad that she's saying these things because it allows me to have those sort of thoughts that I probably shouldn't have. But because she said those things, it justifies it. Yeah, exactly. Also, oh, I'm sorry, what were you going to say? No, nothing of importance. You go. I'm sorry. I was going to say, also in this episode, Kenya gets evicted. L-O-L.
Starting point is 00:28:58 Okay, after she's dancing around this house that she hasn't paid for for God knows how long, twerking, which was another wonderful part of the show. Twerking at that piano! Yeah, the piano's like, please stop, please stop. Why does she have a piano in the first place? Kenya is so, is such a wannabe. It's
Starting point is 00:29:18 hysterical. Which, her or her friend? No, Kenya. Oh, her friend is bad, too too and he got boob flop sweat i felt really bad for him oh yeah who and what is an assistant slash producer what is that i know yeah i don't want my producer to be my assistant also by the way because walter's a producer but he's not my assistant could you imagine if that was his title on your show producer slash assistant oh my god it's like he's in the middle
Starting point is 00:29:45 of like a session with barbara streisand and all of a sudden it's like hey can you grab me a bottle of water i'm thirsty and don't forget to fedex the stuff for me like who does that who does that kenya kenya moore and the people who think that they are advancing in life by attaching themselves on to her by the way can can people stop hating on Candy's man? I like him. I like Todd. You know, I love everything. Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards,
Starting point is 00:30:13 played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Herald, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all coveted academic top 10, curated by the headmaster himself.
Starting point is 00:30:33 But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death.
Starting point is 00:30:57 Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History for Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, When they hear the words Black History. Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on
Starting point is 00:32:05 Apple Podcasts. ...thing around Candy. You know, well, her mom is a little batty this season. But you know what, though? You know what I was really happy about? Riley is turning into a lovely young lady. She is. She's so cute. She is cute,
Starting point is 00:32:21 and she's smart. She's funny. Riley. Riley's growing up. By the way, Katie, that's my impersonation of Candy, because I can't do the Candy impersonations. Let me hear some weird... Candy has the hardest voice to impersonate, so every week I try to do it, and the way I get in the impersonations is to say, Riley, and then from
Starting point is 00:32:37 there it goes to strange, like, weird owl places, but every week it's like, Riley, what did Mama tell you about Todd? Because, see, the way I see it, see, the way I see it, is that like, I don't want you to be sad if you don't like him, Riley. But I was like, mama, you know, he's nice. Because if you don't like him, I want you to be like, you know, happy. You know, see, I wrote no scrubs, Riley.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Oh my God, that is genius. Because honestly, I love, candy is scrubs, right? Oh my god, that is genius because honestly, I love, Candy is my favorite, okay? My obsessions with Housewives, I have the ones that I have to see every week and there's ones that I could just do without ever again, even just looking at their faces. Camille Grammer
Starting point is 00:33:18 was like that to me. If she was gone, I don't even care. But I feel like Kenya needs to go away. I think she's disgusting. The other ones are fine. And I live for Candy Burris. She sounds like a Muppet. She sounds like an actual Muppet, but as a human being who
Starting point is 00:33:33 talks. Well, how much of this do you got? I can't do it. How can you stick with a fat outfit in person? I love, there are other two, there are two other Candy Burst voices that I love. One is when she cries and she's like,
Starting point is 00:33:52 See when Todd got me three, guess what I wanted. And then I also like when she sings, She's like, She does do that hey can you ask Walter to do something with Candy please I mean I feel like he should I really do Candy's so talented and can we be there
Starting point is 00:34:14 for that please and you know what here's the thing he probably would let you PS Real Housewives or Shots of Sunset Sighting I saw um Lily Galici Sunday night at the W Hotel oh wow and she's like hi oh my gosh she i can't with her i just want to think she i want to like her but she keeps doing things that make me not like her and so unfortunately i can't i can't it's like a sit-down dinner like i'm sorry you
Starting point is 00:34:40 can't like rsvp the night before I'm actually Team MJ, just so you know. I'm going to wear a t-shirt that says Team MJ. I don't like having to choose between the two of them because I actually like them both. But, you know, Lily's getting the bad at it this season. I'll just go with it. But you know what I don't like? I'm going to tell you what I don't like. The episode of Shaz the Sunset that's airing tonight as we speak, the promos for it start with Reza being like,
Starting point is 00:35:03 Hey, I'm like Team MJ. i'm getting the pom-poms out i'm like fuck you you're the one who just like threw her under the bus big time huge time on the reunion she did drugs you were such an awful friend i mean he called her fat he called her a slut he called her a drug addict he called her and now he's like he said she robbed a bank i mean and now he's like and now he's like and that's team mj this is like the biggest bullshit he's like you know he's doing he's like overcompensating to show that he's like he's like basically kissing her ass and how do you come back from telling like from saying you robbed a bank that's so persian that's so persian to be like hey homegirl robbed a bank and then like no like i'm still on your team like that's so Persian. That's so Persian to be like, hey, homegirl robbed a bank. And then like, no, like, I'm still on your team.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Like, that's so Persian. We're family. You know, in Iran, if you did any of those things, I could have cut off your feet and poked you in the eyes with a fork. And it would have been okay. Because we're family. You're like my sister, my fat, criminal, drug-addicted sister. Like, I just am moving started moving into like a new apartment and it's like it's so small i can barely fit in here i can't imagine what fat mj would do but
Starting point is 00:36:10 it's okay i'm on her team now oh god but still i i love reza i i do like but mj is my favorite like i really am team mj i'm sorry like i'm gonna have to wear... I'm team MJ only because I know she'll always have the best drugs. Yeah. Okay, wait. One quick thing. I forgot to add it. I just noticed in my notes. Please. Kyle's sister, Kim... Oh, we didn't even talk about Kim. What's
Starting point is 00:36:38 wrong with us? Oh, my God. I had to bring this up, and I know we're kind of going all over, but I just have to say this. I think something is is really she's at a point where she's done like irreparable damage and she's to the point where her energy when she talks she's gotta go she can't be on real she's drunk all the time hey you know what brownieammy? When you talk like that, that makes me want to go outside, take you outside with me, out to the side of the house. This place is not on the inside. I know what it's like to faint. That's not a faint.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Hey, I'm fainting right now. She literally fell off a chair in the middle of her confessional. Did I faint? That's Kim Richards for you. She did. She really did. She fell off a chair. I love her. I just hope that she's just one of those people you're always
Starting point is 00:37:31 rooting for to fall off the wagon. Before her dog mauls her to death. Kingsley! Oh my god. She's the reason why pitbulls have a bad reputation. She is. It wasn't his fault. I swallowed an olive and he found it with a bow.
Starting point is 00:37:47 What happened to her boyfriend, by the way? Does anyone know? I was like... I moved down the street. I'm Ken. Oh my god, it's how about me? Don't talk to my girlfriend like that. Wait, you guys.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Don't you love how Brandi Glanville had so many nasty things to say about Joanna Krupa, yet she got the least house that she wanted and then talked shit about the guy who helped her get the house? I know. And not only that, but how do you think that bitch got on the show? Mohammed!
Starting point is 00:38:20 It's like the pimp of the whole... You know what? Maybe if Brandi went down to Mohammed and instead of some random realtor from Tarzana, she would have a nicer house. Oh, my God. Where is that house? Where is it?
Starting point is 00:38:33 It's got to be near Tarzana because the restaurant they went to was in Tarzana. I looked it up. Or maybe it was Beverly Crest. Oh, well, either way. Somewhere there's still... She's on your side of the hills, Katie. That's where.
Starting point is 00:38:44 I'm in Studio City up in Coldwater. I don't live in like Pornville, Reseda. First of all, there would not even be a house like that in my neighborhood. And I know that sounds like really snobby, but there wouldn't be. Otherwise, the land and taxes would be cheaper here. But it's not because that shit dump house that she leaves isn't around me no there's something there's imagine barbara strides in where every house is from the 1960s and they're never remodeled or redone and when you go look at them they still have like really
Starting point is 00:39:13 dirty shag carpeting and smell like like three's company set and they're two million dollars yeah at least wait now let's speaking of real estate let's get back to shah's the sunset here i mean we're done with atlanta i think so let's get back to shah's sunset because we've been talking for like hours here um shah's sunset the things that happened uh the big things that happened on this week's episode were ronnie you have to steer the conversation because you just watched it yesterday okay well here's the main thing say express that dog's anal glands which we're not talking about sorry oh well you know like sometimes sometimes you have to stick your finger up a dog's ass in order to, you know, make a poop.
Starting point is 00:39:47 You know, like Peter, like, Peter sticks his finger up a homeless person's ass to make a poop, and a pigeon's ass, too, and made a poop in the street, but, like, you know, that's just what he's going through right now. Oh, my God. So, Ass Express, and then we had, we got
Starting point is 00:40:03 to meet Lily's brother, which was the most, I mean, look, the Shots of Sunset is a horror show of disgusting scenes every week it's just something that's grosser than the last and this guy talked it let me do a scene between Lily and her brother hey brother, hey Lily
Starting point is 00:40:18 what's going on your ovaries are drying up that's mean, I know but I'm a doctor. We all come from a long line. We come from such a long line. And it would be a shame if you three sluts were the ones who were the first ones to fuck everything up and not be able to have kids. You don't have ovaries and you're all old and useless and disgusting whore.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Well, you look like Mr. Bean. Oh my God. It's like Bravo's trying to explain that gay people aren't only horrible in America. They're also horrible in Iran. Even where it's illegal. Bravo has something against the gays. I swear it. They do. They really do.
Starting point is 00:41:00 They really do. Whoever's working there and you know people say, oh, they're so gay friendly. No, they're not they're totally hurting awful but the worst part is that we love every second of it we're so self-loathing yeah we are gays are self-loathing but i do not love the gays on bravo i don't know but we love the shows though the gays on bravo are the worst well except for jeff lewis because um he's more than just a queenie gay he's an actual hilarious gay yeah and i think that's all i think i'm done so wait so what else happened on shaz oh there was a thing it was actually sad about uh gg's sister and uh how like
Starting point is 00:41:38 her husband basically had sex with like a lady in their house and it was caught and the daughter was like saw it all that's fun um yeah gg sister's kind of a bitch so i don't feel bad for her okay what else happened oh um well did we did we meet was this the episode that we met gg's um hot but slightly off gay boyfriend um slightly oh i thought you were gonna say slightly gay no no no no meaning that like his he's like hot but when you look at his face something's like not quite right it's like a little bit i know he got stabbed in the face so there's that but it looks like he's had he did yeah he has a scar on his face because he was stabbed oh my god really she said it she said it but like but that must be the attraction but But he – He started dating someone who's publicly known for threatening people with knives.
Starting point is 00:42:27 But you know what, though? So he – I – of course, since I thought he was hot, I'm like, well, I want to find a shirtless picture of him. And I know there's got to be like 10 million of them out. If you're that hot – and she said he works out of state, which clearly means Vegas. I went and did a Google search, right? Oh, my god, yeah. What did it turn out? He works in Vegas in a hospitality group. No, I'm like not even joking. I it turn up uh he works in vegas in hospitality group
Starting point is 00:42:45 no i'm like not even joking like i was like he clearly works in vegas and um there are a bunch of shirtless photos of him um and now he has a restraining order out on gg so i think he says he fears for his life her and that she threatened his sexuality and everyone's like what does that mean that he's gay and i said no but she's threatening to cut off his dick. I mean, yeah. And that he's gay. And that he's gay. Oh, my God. What is happening on this show? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And the thing is that Gigi seems like they're making it look like Gigi's like a reformed girl this year. But no. But no, not at all. And meanwhile, Asa is still pushing her diamond water. That's the other thing. Okay, we've got to talk about this. We have to. diamond water that's the other thing okay we've got to talk about this we have to i'm absolutely insulted by the fact that this is actually thinks that this is a a credible product there are people
Starting point is 00:43:33 in the world that don't even have access to clean drinking water and that's the reason why they die and children die every day yet she's gonna spend that kind of money on the bottle and the black diamond like what the what the fuck here's my thing okay i will say this i think the diamond cap is actually kind of cool but i watch shark tank okay i know that the water business is very competitive you don't just walk in there and then expect to do well look at the stupid black water that has its own issues but look at black water in new jersey okay even to do well look at the stupid black water that has its own issues but look at black water in new jersey okay even with a national platform of the real house of new jersey you are not guaranteed success granted i would drink diamond water before i drink black water
Starting point is 00:44:15 but uh she's black water helps see here's the thing portion of the proceeds of black water goes to autism which is like credible hers her black water well not really Blackwater goes to autism, which is like credible. Hers, her Blackwater... Well, not really, because it goes to an autistic charity that was set up by Jackson, her husband, who are probably going to be indicted any day now for funneling money into their own accounts and
Starting point is 00:44:37 for cheating other charities. Those two are a total shade. And so that autism charity is their own and it's in their name, and that's basically like a gigantic tax break. And the other thing is that it's water that's black. That's the other problem. And black water does not help autism. And they're saying like some of the, Jacqueline was on Twitter saying that some of the ingredients of black water probably help autism.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Like that's how gross that bitch is. So please. Oh my God. She did not say that. She did. She did. She made some comments on Twitter about how some of the minerals in black water are known to help autism.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Oh my God, that is really disgusting that she's using her child's problems and like real, real health issues to do that. That's sick, actually. Yeah, I know. I'm looking it up to make sure I'm not. Seriously, I would love to see some of these people go into Shark Tank. I don't know, do you guys ever watch Shark Tank? I'm obsessed.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Obsessed. I would love to see Asa go in there with her Diamond Water. I would like to see those kids go in there with Blackwater. I would like to see Sonya go in there with her toaster. I mean, this is some cross-promotion. I wish Shark Tank was part of NBCUniversal. Well, you know, some of them tried to sell their things on Home Shopping. in there with her toaster i mean this is this is some cross promotion i wish shark tank was was
Starting point is 00:45:45 part of nbc universal because you know some of them tried to sell their things on home shopping outlets and they failed miserably and obviously the reason is is because no one wants to buy their crap that's not what they did before the only people i believe like okay if you got into a business or let's say a reality show because of your business like if ken pavis had a reality show about his products and his salon i would believe it because that's what he's done for 30 years i made sense with bethany and you know to a certain extent you know i would also trust um heather thompson from real houses in new york because that's what she does she does fashion fashion. Or even Carol Radziwill.
Starting point is 00:46:26 She's a writer. I don't want to read her book, but I believe if she wrote a book, I would not be turning my nose up at it. Okay, exactly, because that's what those people did before. So my issue is when you all of a sudden have people coming out with Fabellini and cookbooks, doesn't have people coming out with you know fabellini and cookbooks and it's the go-to for the non-talented person is a cookbook uh a book with a ghost writer or some sort of alcohol that you can slap your name on because it's not like those women own a fucking winery right they're private labeling shit i mean when you can privately want anything, makeup, that's another thing, makeup lines. Oh, my God. How about Alexis Couture?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Oh, yes. My favorite. My favorite of the coutures. My favorite of the trampoline coutures. A trampoline place. To me, it's just so ridiculous. And I just feel like it's time to just stop with these gag, shitty projects. Melissa called it out best.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You know that, right? What? What? What'd she say? Melissa. Remember when she said, I think it's total, like, it's totally bullshit that, like, Teresa's now coming out with this and coming out with this thing, and you know, she's like, she's trying to peddle all these crap products. She said it exactly
Starting point is 00:47:40 like that. Says Melissa. Yeah, says, as Melissa, like, sings off-key some terrible song song like some guy from her church wrote shut up i think uh so speaking of like failed entrepreneurial endeavors we're also seeing uh mike from shaz's sunset struggling to get his real estate uh business off the ground mainly because you pretty much oh my god okay well you know what maybe he should take what autistic people need to take which is fulvic acid in black water. I was Googling it this whole time.
Starting point is 00:48:07 So that's what's in black water that supposedly helps autism. It's an ingredient called fulvic acid from the Canadian Springs. Okay, that's enough. I'll stop Googling that. But yeah, that kid is so stupid on that Shaw show. And he wants to put the wrapper on the bus. By the way, I mentioned it on the podcast. I saw that bus wrapper.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I saw that bus with Mike and Reza on it it and i was like what the fuck is this why is this driving on our streets that's not gonna get you serious they literally put it on a bus it probably was just for the show but i was lucky enough to be driving down fairfax and see the bus go by on sunset and it's like it's like seeing mike and reza, you know, felt like 60 feet tall, which is hilarious because they're probably like two feet tall. And I don't understand why you think you can enter into the luxury real estate market and think that by putting your face on a double-decker tourist bus is going to attract clients. He just has that stupid face. Like, his eyes are just so blank. And he smiles, like, after he says something. Like, it's really smart. And it are just so blank, and he smiles after he says something. It's really smart,
Starting point is 00:49:06 and it's just so sad. He's like, well, you know, because then if I have a bus, people will see the bus, and they'll see it driving around Beverly Hills, and they'll call me. Oh, well, you know, Peter put a thing on a bus because that's how he deals with it. He has to put his face on a bus, so that way that's how he expresses himself
Starting point is 00:49:22 these days. That's what Peter needs to do. Oh, my God. Oh, well, you know after peter ran over that homeless man with the bus at least he didn't take a video of it yeah i mean you know he's just trying to get his life back together well you know like you know his father is a drug dealer and i always thought he was like his father and his father's a loser but i realized by calling him a loser he thinks he's a loser now why do they keep doing that would they just get over it get over it uh yeah so then so what was the oh so then gg had like a dinner she had a dinner at some restaurant that will sure will be going out of business very shortly now because that's anytime anytime the shah's a sunset going to a restaurant it closes about three months later yeah um so She arranged a dinner, I think, to meet Sean,
Starting point is 00:50:06 right? Isn't that what it was? She wanted everyone to meet Sean? And then Lily showed up and then there were work... Ronnie, you tell it, because you just saw it. They met Sean. What? What were you talking about? I wasn't listening. I was drawing a flower. Focus. Focus. Stop
Starting point is 00:50:22 drawing flowers. Okay, we're talking about... I know this is because, you know why? Because at this point of Shaz, it got really boring. And so this is why it's hard for us to remember. The only exciting part
Starting point is 00:50:31 is when Lily showed up. They were at that dinner and it was just the friends, like the original OG Shaz. And then Lily decides to show up and starts harping it on MJ. And of course, MJ's going to fucking defend herself
Starting point is 00:50:46 because Lily is a total bully and has to constantly prove herself why she's so fabulous. And so look what happens. Poor Gigi is stuck in the middle going, why am I stuck between these two bitches? No, what's her name is stuck between them. But those people are all such
Starting point is 00:51:02 assholes because they started all this shit in the first place and got Lily hating MJ and did all this because they were sick of MJ. And now they're all switching and they're doing the same thing to Lily. They're just mean. They're just a mean group of fucking people. And the truth is this. And by the way, by the way, even though we all love MJ, the truth is that MJ was a bitch to Lily right from the echo, right from jump. You know, she was mean to her.
Starting point is 00:51:23 She was mean. And so, of course you're an idiot you're a bimbo so of course lily's not gonna love mj and i honestly thought mj i mean mj should have rsvp'd of course it's only an evite but she should have rsvp'd i don't know i don't have to say you're going on an evite we do it yeah oh my god did you guys see when they were talking about um rsvp'ing on it was on watch what happens live and actually that was the issue and they're like well you know you're supposed to rsvp it's it's the no it was on on the reunion show right it was one of the shows on bravo and they're like you're
Starting point is 00:51:56 supposed to rsvp and she's like and and andy cohen goes do you even know what rsvp means and she's like yeah it's like um it's like um respond to play or something yeah even know what RSVP means? And she's like, yeah, it's like, it's like, Respondez to the play. Yeah, I know what it means, but she was trying to say what it meant. And it was totally wrong. And Andy Cohen's just like looking at her like, are you effing kidding me? And it was about something about that.
Starting point is 00:52:18 But these women are so, have no clue what they're talking about and don't know what they're doing that they have the gall to say shit like, well, you're stuck to RSVsvp they're friends wouldn't you think your fucking friend is gonna come yeah exactly well also it's 120 people of a catered dinner that someone else is paying for you know stop bitch didn't pay for it she's doing it in someone else's house she doesn't have any alcohol she doesn't have any alcohol to even give the guests in the first place and then her thing of like well we're just not friends yeah but then why are you inviting her in the first place why
Starting point is 00:52:50 is it becoming this you know they're just both horrible by the way we are totally burying the lead which is mj's boobs both on the episode and watch what happens her boobs were out of control she has big boobs they were like what were they like it was like two burlap sacks full of like army rations okay stuffed in a brassiere oh my god she has big boobs listen i think her boobs are better than they're real well they're real i mean not that there's anything wrong with having enhancements in the breast steel area. I mean, of course. And I'm sure, I'm sure none of us have those though. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Or we're all natural. We are, we all have naturally big boobs. Here's the thing. I feel like if you, you're going to do what you're going to do. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If it's done tastefully.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Right. However, when you're a Lily size and you're very, very tiny and petite and you get giant boobs and you wear tons of extensions and you have fake eyelashes fake this you're leaving yourself up for ridicule i mean face it the world doesn't like overly fake we get it yeah yeah you're leaving yourself up for ridicule so mj looks at her like who's this crazy bitch walking in here thinking that she's gonna like also join our group of friends i would be defensive too because i would look at
Starting point is 00:54:09 someone and prejudge we all do it and if you say you don't you are a crazy liar well it's like you were saying earlier a lot of it is your group of friends like if you look at lily's group of friends they all talk like her they all are these tiny skinny little idiots with gigantic boobs you know they're all the same and so they feel like it's normal and then they go around a fat person and they don't know what to do with themselves you know but also at that time to reza reza was being a bitch too don't forget well going back you know reza and asa suddenly took in lily and they were being very clicky with her and then like mj i understand mj probably felt like the third wheel,
Starting point is 00:54:46 or fourth wheel. That being said, she shouldn't have been such a bitch to Lily, but I mean, it's a complicated situation for these Shahs. These people have complicated lives. It's not complicated. It's typical Bravo bullshit. They hate somebody one year, and then they read Twitter, and how everybody's like, Reza and Asa, you're so mean to MJ.
Starting point is 00:55:02 You guys are dicks, and we used to like you, and now we hate you. So the next season, you're so mean to MJ. You guys are dicks. And we used to like you. Now we hate you. So the next season, they're suddenly nice to MJ again for no reason except that people were mean to them on Twitter. Like, Twitter seriously deserves whatever billion dollars it got when it was sold. And when do we get to find out what happened to Omid, Gigi's then-fiancee, who has now disappeared? Because you know what? I thought Omid was super hot. Yeah, what happened to him? I don't was super hot. We have what happened to him. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:55:26 He was super hot, super gay and I, and an asshole. And I really would like to see more of him. Oh my God. That sounds like the perfect person. I know. He just sounds like a million bucks.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I love everything about that description. He's super hot, super gay and a total asshole. With a terrible Hollywood. His laugh is like, is like Persian Leah Black. He's like, Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I forgot about that laugh. He's like, It sounds like a unicorn, a Persian unicorn. He is a Persian unicorn. I think aliens are trying to communicate with us. Somewhere in a distant galaxy, an alien woke up Thor, and they're like, it is time. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I need a cocktail. Oh, I need a bad time. Yeah, it is time to take a break. This was a lot of talking. It was a lot of talking. This is what happens when you get three chatterboxes in one podcast. Chatter, chatter, chat, chat. Oh, goodness.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Well, Katie, thank you so much for coming on. You were so funny. So good. You have to come on again. Oh my God. You guys are the best. This is like chatting with like two of my bestie girls about all the fun reality TV that I watch, which clearly is a lot. I know you like where you schooled us. You were like, Oh, and then on watch what happens. And on this show, this show, I show I'm like uh you told me to do my homework for the show I'm not gonna come on here and just say dumb things to try to fit in I'm gonna say things that are relevant to the
Starting point is 00:56:53 conversation and be smart and witty and cute you know it's the presence it's that it's the presence of Barbra Streisand in your ears it It's her earwax on your earwax is making things happen. Wait, did I just hear it? Don't rain on my brain. Don't tell me not to live. Just sit and put up. Life's something with someone and nothing but up. I know none of her songs.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Don't rain on my brain. People, people podcasting about people. God, I'm sorry i'm like were you censoring my barber strize animation actually did you know you can censor when you're like you know what i think is absolutely ridiculous is that how are you getting it uh how are you getting that uh keypad noise what's that where's that that's on the on the keyboard you can actually sensor which is so funny because if i'm like you know what i think your mother is a wait which button i want to do it i want to do it it's the zero button is it it's not working is it it's no i don't hear anything i'm pressing zero god you're so oh there you got it you got it now you've learned something new you can censor unnecessarily censor someone like if they're just
Starting point is 00:58:10 rambling and you're like okay yeah okay now let's move on to the next talk wait my sensor by the way my sensor's on a seven second delay so i'm like shut the fuck up and it's like there we go but i'm sure everyone listening at home is really enjoying this this is like this is like when you're in eighth grade and you go on your first school trip and you're all in a hotel and everyone's calling each other on hotel phones and hanging up. Oh my god, I remember that. P.S. I just gave myself the most amazing manicure during this episode, so I can't wait to do this again. Well, you should give yourself the most amazing manicure as you are the Doyenne of nails in L.A. with the painted nail. Yeah, I'm the queen, motherfucking bitch! Coming soon to Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:58:51 So, all right, Katie, thanks again so much for coming on. People can find you at the Painted Nail, at the Painted Nail on pretty much every social media platform. Yep. And Ronnie can be found at and at TrashTweetTV on Twitter. I'm at B-SideBlog on all social media. And also check out my other podcast, which is called Banter with Ben and Lisa, where Lisa Timmons and I, and sometimes a guest, talk about just pop culture in general. New episodes go up on Wednesdays or Thursdays. And also I'm writing um
Starting point is 00:59:26 beverly hills recaps all season same night so come to trash talk tv for those the new ones already up ronnie is super super funny and of course like us on facebook forward slash watch what crap ends it really is fun we have like 2 000 likes a lot of people on there everyone contributes and writes things. It's funny. We say it every week. We push it every week. But you really should join because there's a lot of extra sort of like content that will help you get you through the week to the next podcast on there.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And Katie is going to put up the picture, if she hasn't already, of Joanna Krupa. And then, of course, subscribe to us on SoundCloud and on iTunes. So this way, before we even post it on Facebook or anywhere else, it's just going to arrive in your iTunes wherever it will. It'll just arrive. You know the way it works. It'll just arrive. It'll just arrive. It'll arrive in your brain.
Starting point is 01:00:17 The storage will deliver a new little podcast baby. Yes, directly to you. You don't have to do a thing. It'll just arrive. So thanks again katie for coming on and thanks everyone for listening to this super size super fun podcast it was so fun yay bye everyone if you like listening to comedy try watching it on the internet.
Starting point is 01:00:46 The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger. Schleichinger, I've been friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. one of the funniest people out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You don't have to wait any longer. Just go to slash waitfortcomedy. There's no need to wait for it anymore. Because it's here. And it's funny. And I love you. A few days ago, Brooke Tudine posted an inspirational quote on her wall that got 17 likes and 3 comments. Thumbs up, Brooke.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Geico also wants to make a comment. In just 15 minutes, you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to Geico. And nothing says inspiration better than saving money. Well, except for those posters that say things like teamwork, excellence, and make it happen. Hashtag keep climbing. Hashtag savings.
Starting point is 01:01:53 GEICO. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Watch What Crappens ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondery Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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