Watch What Crappens - 1473 Below Deck Sailing: Let Them Beat Cake

Episode Date: April 21, 2021

Below Deck Sailing Yacht gives the crew a day off, but smoker alliances threaten to rip apart all they hold dear. Will JL sleep through it? Will Gary give a creepy hug? And what did the cak...e do to get treated with such disrespect? Find all of our premium bonus episodes at**We designed lots of face masks for Bravo lovers available at A portion of sales go to MedShare!Our Patreon Extras: Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to watch what crap ends at free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chaz and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music run, you can't swap. How can it spend so much time in that band? Hello and welcome to Watch What Crappens, the podcast for all that crap we love to talk about on you, bros. I'm Ronnie and that's been over there, hot band. Hey, Ronnie, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:58 Nothing, what's you doing? Um, I'm just like getting ready to dive into below deck sailing. I'm excited to be here to be podcasting with you. I've had a very suspenseful past several hours. Well, you may not have seen this, but on my Instagram story, I've been documenting my little garden that I've been growing. I got a garden box, I named it Gail, which felt good.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And I also got feeding it. How dare you? How dare you? How dare you? Why do you change those patterns? Gail just takes so much so less or hard. But so yeah, I've been doing my gardening and that's just already a base level of stress
Starting point is 00:01:47 because I just, I feel like everything's gonna die. But the real level of stress is that I have this in a little pot, in a little pot, little plastic pot. I have some rosemary and over the weekend, I discovered something really strange was growing in it. And at first I thought it was like a washteness. So like I jumped back, because I literally picked up the pot, the planter.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I was gonna take the rosemary out of it and put it into gal. And then I was like, oh shit, there's like a wasp nest in there, but then I realized no wasp were coming out. So then it was a fungus. It was like, it was actually very scary. And then finally last night on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:02:22 people were like, Ben, I think that's a mud dober's nest. I was like, what's a mud dober? Which is, it's a, it's a wasp and turns out, I had seen one of them like a few days ago and I was like, oh my god, I actually do have a wasp nest in there. So I'm like, I don't want a wasp nest in my rosemary, which is by the way, that sounds like the most like first world problem. There's a wasp nest in my rosemary.
Starting point is 00:02:50 But so then I had to like, I was like, I'm just throwing the whole thing out. So then I had to go up there with a hefty bag. And I like flung the hefty bag over the rosemary as if I were like kidnapping it and putting it into a van. I like flung this bag over the rosemary, then I had to slide it under it, and then twisted it, so nothing could come out of it,
Starting point is 00:03:10 but we're gonna come out, and I had to bring it out to the trash. And the entire thing took a huge emotional toll on me, because I do not like to manhandle waspness, but I did it everyone. I'm not even sure there were wasps in there. But, okay, Ben, I'm gonna have to tell you this. I'm telling you this is someone who loves you Deeply, okay, and I'm not saying that sarcastically. I love you. Yes. If you're gonna garden You're gonna need to man the fuck up. Okay, gardening is not for the week. It's not just for old ladies and like funny hats, okay
Starting point is 00:03:40 No for strong-ass people vegetables are disgusting. They're grown in shit, okay? You got to go that's why everything is a weapon that you use in gardening, okay? There's those like multi-knife-prone things and yeah, everything's everything can murder someone You know why cuz gardening is a goddamn jungle then all right Yes, well, I mean I did man up. I literally I literally put a wasp mess in a bag Don't tell me to man up. I did it. I manned up. I'm I literally put a wasp mess in a bag. Don't tell me to man up, I did it. I manned up.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I'm going to get all that. You killed all that beautiful rose mario that you were growing because of the stupid wasp fear. You know what you do? You say, I'm not afraid of you. You got damn wasp and you go in there and you put a glove on and you did that shit out. You get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:04:21 That's not how it was. You just murdered an innocent caterpillar last week and threw it over the balcony like a mafia, like a mafia boss. And then the wasp, you're like, oh, you know, let me give you a nice first class trip down to the dumpster. No, I treated the wasps. I treated the wasps like a flood. I mean, I basically am like a mafia gardener, right?
Starting point is 00:04:42 I, I, for the caterpillar over the balcony that really has captured a lot of people's attention. Like, I've gotten a lot of, no one's angry at me, but a lot of people seem to be like weaving that tail into every tweet like, oh, Ben, you know, for someone, for someone who likes summer house, you sure had no problem throwing out caterpillar over the edge.
Starting point is 00:05:01 It's like, wait, that doesn't even make sense. But the point is this, the rosemary is unfortunately gone. I'm not fucking with a wasp nest. So that's what I've been through. And that's all my way of saying, if you want to endure something way less harrowing than getting rid of a wasp nest, I suggest you all come to our live show on May 6th where we're going to be recapping the season premiere of Real Housewives of New York
Starting point is 00:05:31 and you can go to slash watch or crap ends or just come to our website. Get tickets, it's gonna be at like six o'clock on the west coast, nine o'clock on the east coast. And we always have so much fun when we do these virtual shows. The whole community comes together. People you can chat on the like actually on the software of the show, you can chat on Facebook. It's really great. Everyone it's so it's so fun to bring the
Starting point is 00:05:55 whole crap and family together for these things. We always have a blast. We can't recommend it highly enough. And so I don't want anyone to miss out. So come join us and we're gonna have the best night ever. Yes, all right everybody. Welcome to below dick sailing yacht. Okay, here's my big question for the episode. Will Gary ask creepily for a hug? Okay, that's all I want to know. You need a hug. You need a hook. You need a hook. You need a hook. I learned that one from God. Yeah, you know he's going to hang out with that group of bravo douche bags. All the bravo douche bags hang out together.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And Gary will definitely have a spot at that bar. Every time Gary is, every time, every once in a while, I have a moment where I say, you know what, Gary is sort of a creep, but I do like, I don't know, maybe I'd like him. Sometimes I'll have a moment where I'll think, he's actually pretty good at his job and he really is on top of shit, whatever.
Starting point is 00:07:05 And then I'm just like, fuck Gary. Fuck him. He's like, he always does something where I'm like, no, I take that away, I rebuket. Well, I'm wondering if the executives are sitting around like, you know what we need? More Gary's ass. Like, did anybody see Gary's ass and think,
Starting point is 00:07:22 wow, I really need more of that zitty, pasty artwork in my brain. Do I need that? I don't need that, okay? We can stop starting every episode off with Gary's pasty ass, okay? That's just a request from me, thanks. Also, I realized this episode that I loved Annie. Like I've always really liked her,
Starting point is 00:07:41 and I've always loved how when she waits on the guests, she masks her frustration and rage behind that pleasant smile. Like you just know she's passing so much judgment and I love that about her. And then this episode was the one where I was like, yes, I, I loved Annie. Danny is like, I'm a hundred percent team Danny for now.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And I also realized I think I hate Ali. How about that? Wow. I don't really have feelings that strong about anyone. I got more of a milk toast kind of viewer for this one. But Danny, in our predictions episode, I was guessing that Danny was going to be way bitchier because I know a lot of Brazilian girls
Starting point is 00:08:19 and I really, and they're not bitchy at all, actually, they're all really nice. But man, they've got some fire there. There's a lot of fire. And no one's really pissed her off. And so I've thought, well, maybe that's just in my head or, you know, but then she got pissed off. So I really did appreciate that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:36 And Ali, um, Ali, like last week we got the first inkling to me, the Ali was a little bit of a snot. I always thought she was like, this is nice, like to be girl. And then last week when she was like, Jayelle, I'm so, so if we're waking you up, but you also, I didn't like the town you had with me. I was remember like, what? And then this week, I was like, Oh, so you're just, kind of, just, you're just kind of a, just a popular mean girl, actually. That's what I've just discovered about you, alley. And therefore, you are on my shit list. Well, guess what? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:09:08 I was on a shit list, a poor cake. Okay, it got killed in the end. So let's start all the way to the beginning where with Frank Martinion, his classy, classy crew, Frank, his boys, and Amanda, the trophy wife. Amanda, Amanda. Hey, I'm the trophy wife. I am Hey, I'm the trophy wife. I am Amanda.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I'm a trophy wife. You can find me at straps, et cetera. Your number one destination for getting dresses may exclusively of straps. Yeah. So it's the second day of charter and Natasha is passing Daisy in the hall and she's really mad at her because I forgot was this because Daisy was like you were fewer or lower portions smaller portions or whatever. I just have a little constructive criticism. Could you make them could you make the portions a little smaller? They're having a wee bit of a trouble eating them all. Please just some constructive criticism. No. And Gary's like, where are she welcome? I'm the wrong side of the beat. Would you like a hug? We're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we're like, we What the fuck do you want? I was like, I love how angry she is right now.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Yeah, she's going off to Danny, who's like lying in bed, and Danny points outside, because everyone's basically standing in the hall, listening to Natasha and laughing at her. Mm-hmm. So then we go to Daisy and Ali, and Daisy's venting about it too. And she's like, I'm sick of here,
Starting point is 00:10:40 and wouldn't incredible, she's all-y. She welcomes no feedback. It's like opening the check at the end of a meal, and it't incredible, she's Oli. So welcome to No Feedback. It's like opening the check at the end of a meal and it says, Feedback and then has a little middle finger sticking up at ya. She didn't want the Feedback. And Daisy of course spins it like she was just really being a very helpful person.
Starting point is 00:10:58 She's like, I said, I just want to give you some constructive criticism about last night. And she was like, it was perfect. It was perfect. Yeah. And this fight, everybody is pretty much over eggs over easy and holidays. Yes. Which is what makes this perfect every time. So then, Colin and Carrie are talking about. I just want to say one thing here. Daisyacey also says she's like, she goes, Natasha's fueled with insecurity. And here, chef, would welcome feedback. I'm like, have you watched Top Chef?
Starting point is 00:11:33 There's like, there's 0.03% of chefs would welcome feedback. Yeah, the Moroccan restaurant I used to work at, the last place I worked at, There was no feedback, okay? You're like, Hey, here's what the guest said. And he'd say, fuck them, fuck you. Get the fuck out of here and throw things at your head. Okay. So I think we all know the way to give a give chefs feedback.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It's to ask them a rhetorical question and make them feel like idiots. Like, did you mean to serve the over easy eggs as scrambled? You idiot works every time well as a chef I really enjoy feedback no gale you enjoy being fed all right Galen joins being fed in the back, which is very different from feedback bless her heart Not feedback scale Natasha, how was today for you did you you cook the deal of easy eggs and scrambled again like a commoner? Did you?
Starting point is 00:12:32 So the guys are getting ready to do poker night and Sydney's got like the full face of makeup on which just looks crazy On a below that cast member because you're just not used to seeing it right and it reminds me of my little niece going to do cheerleader competitions It's like nine year old girls with tons of makeup and these big fake lashes and I don't know why but that's all I was thinking of what I saw her I was like stop trying so hard But then I remember she was doing it for their special casino night But there's something about her just like trying to hang on Gary with that, you know clown makeup on at the same time I'm like oh see, stop making me so sad. Sidney.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Okay. I noticed this is a good sound annoying, but I noticed that some of the female Peloton instructors do that too. I guess they're told they have to wear makeup. So they wind up looking like synchronized swimmers on there because they have like these just like these big pink lips and everything because I guess you have to wear this like, you know, all sweat resistant makeup. And I'm like, just don't, you don't have to, you don't wear all sweating here. We, let's not. If you're, if you're, if you're working on a boat or on a bike, you don't
Starting point is 00:13:34 have to bother with it. Yeah. You know, stop. Okay. Say fuck you to the patriarchy. How about that? Yeah. People can play blackjack without you looking like you're on toddlers in T.R.S. I mean, there's just something, there's something about Sydney in general. It reminds me of, you know, living in LA when this is us was coming out. And every time you pass the, this is us poster, it's like, I'm not paying attention to that show, but I instinctively knew just to feel sad, you know, it's going to be just sad. And that's what I'm getting from Sydney now. Like, you're basically, this is us billboard.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Stop it. Okay. I'll watch a show to feel bad for somebody. The NBC Universal family knows really how to put our heartstrings. So, um, I said, then we, so we see Gary and she's Gary showing Sydney how to put a flag up, which is exciting. And she's like, you know, I like that regardless of what happened with my ex-boyfriend, Gary, that he can still flip into work mode, despite the fact that our long and emotional relationship did take up so much space in our lives. We're both adults adults and we can handle the situation. Yeah, I mean, I'm really grateful that he can really, you know, teach me the home my mini donkey dick tying skills, you know, even after the divorce, you know, we're just keeping it together for the kids.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Basically. So then Colin goes into the gallery and he's like, Kepasa and the scene pretty much ends right there, which is so Colin. Colin, so apparently last night on Watcher Happens Live, Daisy and Natasha were on, I think it was Daisy and Natasha. Maybe it was too bloated. Maybe Danny was Danny and Natasha.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I think they had to list their favorite qualities. They had to do something. I didn't watch it. Someone told us they had to base list their favorite qualities. They had to do something. I didn't watch it. Someone told us they had to basically list something about every crew member and they left out Colin. He's the Danielle. He's the Danielle of both. And Colin also, he and his girlfriend broke up and I guess they posted some like lengthy
Starting point is 00:15:44 tale about it. Oh God. They did that horrible like modern breakup thing of influencers for that you guys I'm so sad about that But hands of reasons we have potted ways and they start telling this five page Instagram story about their breakup And then they each have their own Instagram feeds where they're like crying like they take pictures of themselves crying And then they each have their own Instagram feeds where they're like, like they take pictures of themselves crying. Yeah, that's a lot for a couple that literally no one has ever asked about. Nobody knows, nobody cares. Okay, the picture is of his girlfriend, his ex-girlfriend Natasha.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And she's looking like super seriously at the camera and half of her face is shadow. It's a very artistic picture. And then he's like looking down at her shoulder as she gets attached to. And he says, so a couple of months ago, Ocean Martin and I decided to go a separate ways. It was an extremely eventful year with the boat breaking, getting struck by lightning, a pandemic, a lost a dog and me doing a reality TV show and I will always have amazing memories of how she supported and then it just cuts off Instagram was like Instagram was like you reached the end of Instagram your mother things. It didn't really cut off
Starting point is 00:16:57 He's just goes on we've chosen to be quite private about all the details But if you really want to know more I do explain things in quite a deep manner on today's YouTube episode. Lincoln bio, as I say in the episode, don't be sad that it's over. Be happy that it happened. Did you come up with that on your cat Moran? That is not as you said, okay, that is an actual saying, sir. You know, it's not a bad name. crumbles but hey no you're crying over spilt milk am I right? You have those. You know it's just like I always say Colin a bird in hand is better than two in the
Starting point is 00:17:35 bush. You know what I'm saying? Sounds like that relationship was really lightening in a bottle which may explain a lot of things earlier in your posts. Yeah nobody cares buddy even though we just read it out loud. Okay, so... Oh, wait, he's like my favorite person on the boat. That's the funny part.
Starting point is 00:17:52 I know. He's the hottest, he's the sweetest, and he gossip's the most. The smartest. So, yeah, I'm into him too. And he owns something. You know, he has something. And he's like capable and responsible, and he's like literally the best, except for the fact that he does not dress properly
Starting point is 00:18:05 for a restaurant, but he's literally the best, but no one cares about him. You know? So they're all getting ready for dinner and the guest put on Texas, and I have to say, love Natasha, still love Natasha, and I'm generally team Natasha, even though she's doing a lot of things wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I picked my team and I'm sticking on it, but man, these are some ugly-ass dishes. Everything's just a white clump of something that comes out. Yeah, I don't even remember how, I remember the risotto, I don't remember the other one. It's a lobster. The first is like a butter poached lobster, which, you know, sounds delicious,
Starting point is 00:18:37 but it's just like a big white clump on a white plate. And the next one is just a clump of mozzarella on a clump of white toast on a white plate. And then the next one is just a clump of mozzarella on a clump of white toast on a white plate. And then the next one is a white risotto with truffle oil, which is also white or, you know, clear. Yeah. It's just, you know, it's like a, it's like the cast of a TLC show. It's very white.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Okay. It's like a very, very white thing after white thing after white thing. It's like one of those marriage shows where someone married to, to 10 white ladies. Yeah. Exactly. But then everyone tells us that we have to watch the white thing. It's like one of those marriage shows where someone married to 10 white ladies. Yeah, exactly. But then everyone tells us that we have to watch the white food. And we're like, we don't want to watch the white food. So, um, yeah. So they're eating it. They're loving it. And Frank Marchini is like, this is delicious. It's a lot of food though. I'm already getting full. And it's like, he's already getting full and Daisy rolls her eyes like I told her they were getting food She thought it was
Starting point is 00:19:29 Not So then Gary and Ali are talking because of course everyone's given them some time So he goes to the laundry room to float with her and he's like hey Oh And she's like what are, go, old Jesus. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And she's like, what were you talking to see about, Alia? He's like, oh, I just wanted to clear it, yeah, with her. And, and Alia tells us, no, boy, he's,
Starting point is 00:19:55 he's worth having drama with my cave in mates. And I'm very emotionally aware of how my actions are affecting Sydney, but the same time, if Gary and Cine didn't kiss, then I probably would have perceived something Cine. And he's like, I like you, you're a cool chick. We get along, don't we? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:13 We do. He's like, I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. now. Wait hold on can we hug? Oh yeah can we hug? You need a hug? I think you need a hug. Yeah Daisy has been standing in the hall listening to this sparkling the sparkling conversation and she's like I've been listening to you in the whole way. If you're gonna stand there do something, don't just distract her. I'm standing there waiting to see how long you're gonna take. Be supportive of me Gary. Be supportive of me. Be supportive of me. I'm gonna go do the tear downs. So they're and they and she's like she's Daily dealing a Gary in front of Glenn and so Glenn is watching and you know, he's
Starting point is 00:21:09 He's observing tension. Wow. Yeah, he's like wow. This is great guys. You're doing a great job filing And then it's time for a review from the trophy wife Amanda the trophy wife. What do you think of your food? Best risotto I've ever had put that quote Martin put it on a billboard the trophy wife, what do you think of your food? Best risotto I've ever had. Put that quote, Martin, put it on a billboard. Amanda, trophy wife. So then we get a little snippet where Gary tells J.I. I was like, well, just remember tomorrow's drop off day.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So wake up is at 12, not two, which is, it's a quick snippet, but like, I was like, this is gonna, whenever they're talking about timing, it's gonna matter, so I wrote it down, and I'm so glad I did, because now I can say that breakup time is 12. So Frank wanted to guess, I mean, they're the primary.
Starting point is 00:21:59 That's the word, okay. Frank is like, you know, everything is wonderful. Last year, I couldn't wait to get off the boat then what the fuck are you doing back here Frank okay like are you that desperate to be on TV it's like I had a miserable time last year glad I came back yeah what was that about so Colin gives Natasha a high five and then Daisy is with with Glenn and the talking about how there was tension earlier. And Glenn's like, you know, I'm very concerned when I see Daisy and Gary fighting.
Starting point is 00:22:30 I mean, they're supposed to be setting an example. It's like when the rope is not in the donkey dick, it's sort of like, what's going to happen? Because then the boat could just crash into everything and you've got to do a lot of work with the donkey dick. I need to keep my eyes on this one. Like, you're not going to do anything, Blaine. Okay? I kind of like that about Glenn. I just like that he's the kind of parent. He's like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:22:49 You know, I dropped him out. They can do whatever they, good luck, kid. You know, here's the dollar. He's just waiting, he's just, just waiting, biting time for when he can go back to his room and play a mind sweeper. So, so then Gary comes out for Casino night. And he's dressed like clockwork orange.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And he's going to be like the, the, the, the crew, PA. And I know it's like poker from the 1920. I don't understand the poker night theme. It's like the girls have to be toddlers and Tierra's and the guys have to wear boulder hats. When it comes to Vegas, the blow, the blow deck franchise doesn't always get it right. Let's be honest. Yeah. Keiko. So then, um, so Daisy goes up to a deck and Colin is like lying on the deck,
Starting point is 00:23:34 like straddling some sort of ropes. I mean, he looks like he looks like like a like a pool toy that the air's just been let out of. He's like, and Daisy's like and Daisy's like oh Colin oh you love you love you love playing games you want to play us some black Jack do yeah what you're right he's like please but of course it's Colin he says yes yeah it's like well I want good tones happy giz and a happy and it just cuts off so then Sydney is wiping off her face and as Cassino night begins and Daisy is talking to Ali and she's like, you know, I have to deal with this whole Natasha thing. Her confidence is obnoxious. She needs to have
Starting point is 00:24:12 a piece of humble pie, but our Lord her pines are probably called an ex-binity. I mean, why does this all have to be such a defensive fucking argument all the time? And she doesn't like me as well, which is another thing we need to talk about. She's got a tip on her shoulder, probably calls it a tortilla. She probably thinks that she's got the tip on her shoulders, the 20th pizza. So, um, I'm just like obsessed with that pizza argument. Who say there's 20 pizzas in here? There's not 20 pizzas. Poor Ali and Danny, who constantly have to listen to Daisy They both constantly have to listen her bitch and Ali's just staring kind of you know when you're kind of
Starting point is 00:24:52 Trying to look at somebody, but you're really staring into space and she's like yeah Yeah So now it's gambling and these obnoxious guests are just like making joke after joke and that guy ate in He's like would it be awkward if we had breakfast inside because we're gonna be playing here all night long right Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, they literally left like that and Con is just like standing there He just looks like an exhausted owl just like just wants he's like gonna fall asleep handing out cards. Yeah, and then Danny JL are doing their like super romantic firting and Jean-Luc is like,
Starting point is 00:25:31 whoa, my zippers down. No wonder it's so freezing. I do like JLL. more than I anticipated. I mean, he's a very good American boy, respectful, respectful, respectful, respectful. And it's like, I'm upset now because we all knew this was going to happen because we see it happen on every Bravo show. Someone says, yeah, I'm just going to play around. I'm just playing around. I don't know. I really love them now next episode next episode
Starting point is 00:26:11 Oh, what is your good married? They're not babies That's the previews for the next episode. It's like come on Danny come on. Yeah, I think your guns is JL for crying out loud Yeah, and did you hear the rumors about these two? Yes, tell it okay our good friend Sashalma Dia told me that Supposedly he gets her pregnant and then refuses to have anything to do with her after that now I don't know if that's true. Okay. No idea if that's true or not But that's what the internet is saying. So wow, that's not true
Starting point is 00:26:45 But um jail calls his mom and his mom is like honey. What are you doing the way? It's the world I'm asking you to one away Connie Like mom I met someone unlike anyone else I've ever met is amazing We've like talked a few times and she's amazing. Oh yeah, tell me about her. Her name is Danny Suarez. Oh, I'll kill, show me a picture.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Show me a picture, honey. And he goes, wow, I've never had a connection with anyone like this. Like, I mean, my mom approves. I mean, she doesn't approve of any woman. She does nothing. She just saw a picture and saw that she was pretty. So she's like, fine, whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:31 Give me pretty babies. But meanwhile, Colin is like, it's 1 a.m. And, you know, jail is on night duty and he's just sitting there just talking and Colin is exhausted. He's been working all day. He probably fixed five tenders off camera and he just wants to go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:27:46 So he goes to find, he goes to find JL and everything and he's like, he just like, well he doesn't necessarily go to find him, he's just like where the fuck is JL, right? And JL is just going on and on. And the mom is like, well JL, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. I'm like, this is like a work hookup.
Starting point is 00:28:06 All they do is they kiss at night. Why are we talking about if it's meant to be, it's meant to be like they're faded in the stars? Yeah, so he's in the bridge. So Colin comes through the window and he's like, oh, hi, what are you up to? He's like, oh, just trying to wait on these guests. No, you're not.
Starting point is 00:28:22 You're in the bridge. Talk to him, the phone to your mom. Like, is Is everyone here? And he's like, what are you just sitting there? And he's like, come on man, let's switch out. So you go do the gambling. And he's like, oh, okay. I love you, honey.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And hang up your phone. Okay? Yeah. Listen, I can't do the gambling anymore. I've had a long day of work. Plus, you know, at home there's been a lot of emotional things ever since I got struck by lightning. There's no, no one's even listening to me anymore. I said I was literally struck by lightning and no one's even talking
Starting point is 00:28:54 listen to me. No, okay. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapance commercial. Raising kids can be one of the greatest rewards of a parent's life. But come on, someday, parenting is unbearable. I love my kid, but is a new parenting podcast from Wondry that shares a refreshingly honest and insightful take on parenting. Hosted by myself, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brownleur, we will be your resident not-so-expert experts. self, Megan Galey, Chris Garcia, and Kurt Brown all are, we will be your resident not so expert experts.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Each week we'll share a parenting story that'll have you laughing, nodding, and thinking. Oh yeah, I have absolutely been there. We'll talk about what went right and wrong, what would we do differently? And the next time you step on yet another stray Lego in the middle of the night, you'll feel less alone. So if you like to laugh with us as we talk about the hardest job in the world, listen to, I love my kid, but wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen ad free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app.
Starting point is 00:29:57 So he goes to the table to help gamble, and I love when short guys tall shame a guy, you know, because short guys are constantly getting short-shamed. So the short so the short guys like you can sit bro you got a favry to the table yeah and then there's like this really weird scene where the guests start to all bigger and I I had to like watch it twice to really understand what was going on and basically there's like of the guys there's like one guy who's like kind of cute. He's the one who like slid on the floor and then his back hit the wall and the previous leaves. And like, he did low, he, I guess since they're playing Blackjack,
Starting point is 00:30:36 he ruined it for the table. And so then, Amanda, the trophy wide, starts like kind of like taunting him. And then he's like, then he gets really mad, and then he starts to feel emasculated, and then she's like, you can't play cards with the big boys if they can act like that. And so then it gets real.
Starting point is 00:30:56 They have one else. They're never gonna get a trophy wife. That's for sure. I think they get mad because he is betting too much. They're mad, or he's mad that someone else is betting too much. He's like mad that or he's mad that someone else is betting too much. He's betting too little. That's why she's because because she shames him, she's like, oh, he's still betting with 20s. She says that at one point. Oh, yeah, so they get really mad and then it becomes a guy fight. He's like, you know what? I'm going
Starting point is 00:31:19 to walk away from that. And then he walks away and the other guy's like, what are you a masculated or what buddy? He's like, how dare you say I'm a masculated. And then it's called human buddy. And he's like, you know what? We're going to have a little twerk here without my shirt on. It's very Vanderpump rules. Like he's very mad. So he takes off his shirt. And he's like, you know, putting other people down in humor. Well, turn off this show. I mean, while Gary's just watching, he's like, what a little bitch, little bitch,
Starting point is 00:31:50 so, um, yes, that's like some drama amongst the guests. So now it's next morning and Colin wakes up and he feels broken. And we get like, um, recurring shots of Glenn standing on like one of the lower decks by the water. And he has like a pool noodle and he's just like rubbing the wood with a pool noodle or something. It's like the most Glenn thing you can imagine he would do in the morning. I know. And they just keep cutting back to him during him over and over.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Something happened right before everybody went to sleep that cracked me up. Danny and J.L. were talking in the bridge and he's like, Hey, she goes, Hey, I'm wearing red lipstick. And he's like, well, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. Okay, so Sidney is working and she's like, oh my god, this fucking guy didn't do anything. Like he did not do his job again. So she's pissed. And then Natasha's making pancakes and clints like, let me know if you made too many pancakes
Starting point is 00:32:50 with pizza. And looks good. Looks good. But. Glenn, take your pool noodle out of the pancake batter. So, yeah. And so now more JL problems is that he didn't he didn't fold any of the towels or anything and Sydney is talking about how she wants to represent women and take pride in her work and you know she's that's her mindset when she works. So she goes and tells Gary she's like listen, nothing was detailed. The towels and the dryer weren't folded, the dishes weren't done and I don't want a towel, but I just did everything he was supposed to do in the past two fucking hours. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And then I rewinded to see if Gary had a boner, which I think he did. So then Tony, who won Blackjack, oh yeah. And he's like, I don't know I've went to bed. So then Sydney's talking to Gary. Yeah, she's mad. Okay, sorry, I got lost for a second. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:43 So then Gary and Daisy are talking. And he's mad. Okay, sorry. I got lost for a second. Sorry. So then Gary and Daisy are talking and he's like Look what are the chances of putting Danny on nights? All right because Jay has not getting his work done Because they're a pull night screwing around it doing what ever they do and and something's gonna change And so what I can't leave Ali on breakfast on her own god hell I can barely leave her in just in her room alone. I have to, I'm the one who has to open up the door. She doesn't even know how to use the door now. So then Gary then turns it into like, uh, well, Daisy just takes it, Daisy, Daisy, never
Starting point is 00:34:14 gives him an idea to have that. She doesn't have that. Now, this is not the same thing. This is not that all the guests went out onto the deck and just like threw up everywhere. And now it has to be clean immediately. And so we need every person on deck wiping, wiping I don't think that's really what I'm going to do. I'm going to have to go back to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point where I'm going to go to the point you're actually trying to just make the woman
Starting point is 00:34:46 be the one that has to adjust for this oath. And it was so fun. It was so fun. Yeah, but why don't you change your schedule? It's weird. No, but because he says, because Sydney is really, really good, and you can't have J.A.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like, he needs Sydney during the days. It's very important. But either way, your point still remains. Like, whatever it is,, like maybe put them on days because you can over, you can, you know, watch over him or whatever, but like Danny shouldn't be the one that has to, has to change her shit because J.L.
Starting point is 00:35:15 is the one who's terrible at his job. Yeah, that's what she says too. She's like, you take care of your own department, which, yeah, fire his ass, you know? Yeah, he's terrible. Then Ali and Gary are talking and she's like, of your own department which yeah fire his ass you know yeah terrible then Ali and Gary are talking and she's like well yeah talking today is about she always has to know the gods and he's like well I asked her to put you all not because it fucking around up there you know hey you want me to stop coming in here and
Starting point is 00:35:38 distracting you know maybe I can do some tales or something you got a tell the fold you want to hug you want to tell you want to tell fold hug. Stop I'm gonna fucking kill you all you spend all your fucking life permanently down here in the laundry the irony is pal protectin I'm like I don't know what that really means the irony is palpitating but you know I get the sentiments. So then the last day of charter and they're gonna do a fruit and chocolate dessert, but Natasha is gonna do it as a painting You can eat I can't fuck it up because the last thing I want is constructive fucking criticism from Daisy, okay? So what I'm going to do is put a lot of sauce on some paper with some strawberries and shot glasses of on some paper with some strawberries and chocolate glasses of of of more sauce and that'll be it. As everyone walks out the door, it's really weird. So really weird. Yeah. So Natasha is kind of teasing Danny in the kitchen and she's like, yeah, I hear that you're distracting Jean Luke, so he can't do his job.
Starting point is 00:36:41 And then Gary is talking to Sydney and he's like where the fuck is John Luke him and he told him to tell him to get up the day is it's not a 12 on drop off day then hey, it's not a 12 and she's like all wake him up so she goes into his room. It's like, JL you're supposed to be up at noon today and he's like, I forgot about that but you could have said it with more upbeat tone like, Hey, we could really use your help, which is so funny because he was like so pissed at Ali when Ali said that when he told her when she tried to wake him up and he was like, get the fuck out of here that when she was like, but you could have said that in a nicer way. All these people are
Starting point is 00:37:19 hypocrites basically. Yeah, like at all times. So I'm amazing and Danny you're talking. And she's like, Lisa, obviously I know that you're hookin' up with jail in the evening, everyone knows about it. She's like, but he's doing his job, what's the big deal? And she's like, no, he's not because now Gary's asking me to put to change the lights up. So obviously not workin' at them.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Yeah, and she's like, she's like, I know you're responsible, and I know you wouldn't be distracted. If you had worked and Dan is basically like you said before, like, I'm getting my job done. I'm not the reason why he's not getting his job done. Like it's not my problem. That's not my fault. Change your own department. Don't fuck it up with my job.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Because Dan is right. She's getting, if she's able to do all her work and she has a lot of work too, then it's clearly not the issue that they're hooking up because she's getting her shit done. So then, now, Jail, so he has slept in for an hour. He's supposed to be up at 12. It's like 1 p.m. or so. So Gary comes downstairs and there's Jail sitting
Starting point is 00:38:20 in the crew mess, not just like having like a quick bite before he goes to work. he has a plate with salad and pasta and some sort of protein and he's just sitting there eating it. And Gary is like, what the fuck are you doing? You're supposed to be up at 12 o'clock. And Jail's like, yeah, I completely forgot. And it was not like a moment of like, oh shit, okay,
Starting point is 00:38:43 I'll you give me right now. It was like, yeah, I forgot. let me just finish this giant mound of pasta and the salad and the protein Dessert and I might go for around two afterwards. Yeah, so Gary's gonna kill him So he's talking to Daisy and she's like, well, I don't talk to Danny But I'm thinking old year gonna get to do is encourage rather than get annoyed with people That's what I'd suggest you do. And he's like, you're all mad. And then it just cuts to sitting, hitting her head on something. Yeah, just bunks her head right on the roof.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah. So now Natasha is doing her live dessert painting. And Glenn is like, um, what are we doing here? I thought we were just about to drop off all the guests right now. And um, they just about to drop off all the guests right now and They just talk to the boat they talked about it's time to say goodbye and she's like, okay, and now I will Drip chop it all over a table with the spoon And they're all doing it together. It's like some weird performance art where they're putting down like blueberries and like marshmallows and it was just sort of bizarre and honestly to me It was not very appetizing and then one the guests is like oh one wrong move and you could get splashed with chocolate Like oh, oh good one
Starting point is 00:39:55 so Natasha really thinks she got one on daisy. She's like oh you obviously have no idea what I'm capable of I know how to make desserts. Just not eggs. Okay, maybe if you repeated that thing, but proved you know, wouldn't over easy egg is, everybody would be super impressed, but no, everyone's like, can we go now? Yeah, be careful, Ron,
Starting point is 00:40:15 because next episode you can put some cray paper down on the table and just like splatter runny eggs all over it. Like this is served. So they're unloading the guys are doing all the suitcase or the deck crew, I guess I should say, are doing all the suitcases. And Gary's like, so the girls can have us do dishes, but not help with this. Same fucking unfair world, doesn't it? I guess like technically, but it's just doing dishes is like, doesn't require maybe nestless,
Starting point is 00:40:46 I don't know, I don't think that's, the girls are still like dealing with the guests, they're still serving them and, you know, tie the, like, they're still interfacing with them, so that's why they can't. So, it brings back, I read everybody, it was an amazing shot. I have a man here to say something, Amanda.
Starting point is 00:41:03 It's Trophy, wife of man, Trophy, wife of man, to go ahead, honey. I just wanted to hear to say something Amanda. It's trophy wife for man trophy wife Amanda go ahead honey. I just wanted to say it was very good on behalf of all trophy wives as an as an ambassador to trophy wife weekly just want to say thanks and sorry for our pussy friend here who bets too low and gambling the investment to all of us. He rips off his shirt. How could you amasculate me like that?
Starting point is 00:41:30 Hey. So yeah. So Frank's like, uh, I also want to give separate mention to Natasha. She was absolutely phenomenal. Uh, never had over easy eggs as a scramble. Now I don't even know what eggs are anymore, but it's worth it. It was great. And they see an alley or being really bitchy about her getting a compliment
Starting point is 00:41:49 Daisy's like, oh, I can't even say anything right now and now he's like, yeah, I can't say anything even So now there's like a little bit of cleaning and now it's time for the tip meeting so They all gather and Glanna's like alright guys it was a good it was a good charter I mean I'm sensing some tensions are rising and he's like what happened with breakfast is something going on with breakfast I mean surely nothing could go wrong I mean what someone asked for a over easy egg I mean how could you mess that up right okay tell me well you know it's her eggs you know the lady asked for over easy and then so she sent him back and the touch goes I didn't
Starting point is 00:42:23 make her eggs you know you came and you told she was all but you did make her eggs, yeah did, did she happen, you said she wanted fried and I didn't do her order yet. Oh look at that, no humility, no humble pie. No humble pie is being spread across that great paper. So Glenn is like breakfast has been a point of contention for Daisy and Natasha this season. Clearly there's a bigger issue. So, she's good. Also, this fight gets so crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:53 It's just a little argument, but Glenn's like, so did she get her fried eggs in the end? And Natasha goes, yes, she got fried eggs. But she asked for over easy eggs. I like that Natasha never gets it right. Like even after all of that, she's like, yes, and she got a fried egg. Be in. Yeah, she definitely did not. Well, I mean, I kind of feel like probably in the in the kitchen that she cooked in, you just you can't show any weakness. I get the sense that
Starting point is 00:43:19 like the moment you show weakness, they just like destroy you. And so if you just have to just be like, that's true. And we see that on top chef, we see that on top chef all the time, right? So it's like a trick question at the end. Like, did you mean what were you thinking when you sent out a PETA like that? And then the chef has to either say,
Starting point is 00:43:36 you know what, I fucked up to what sometimes Tom will say, well, you know what, you know you fucked up and you did fuck up and this is about not fucking up. You're gone. But then sometimes you're like like guess what? I totally did that on purpose. I Didn't fuck up at all. I was like, well, you know sometimes chefs need to learn humility and now you're gone It's like you can't win you can't you can't I really like what you do with the scrambled eggs the way you serve them over easy Oh, is it the other way or wrong either way? I didn't like it So first chart robbery, semi-down gal.
Starting point is 00:44:11 So, uh, yeah, so they get a really good tip. And Glenn says that he's secured a restaurant for them to go to for dinner tonight to celebrate. So now everyone is now everyone's getting dressed for dinner. And Jail has his headphones on and he's listening to music and he's going, woo, woo woo woo woo which is like that to me with the final straw. I was like this get him out. He's such a bimbo. He's such a bimbo. When Glenn says I'm securing a restaurant and they're opening just for us. He goes off the boat. No, no, they're actually, it's like, congratulations. Today's restaurant was on your yacht. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:50 So Gary, let's, I don't know. Everybody's just basically getting ready, right? Yeah. So then they all go to the vans and one van is Sydney and who's was Sydney, Danny and Natasha, right? So she's like, you know what I feel like us We're all like the best friends here because like the other group like Allie and Daisy really like to start a lot of shit I really like this fan of friends better Yeah, cuz they they say that Daisy and Allie are the gossipers and this is the first sign in that I've noticed
Starting point is 00:45:21 Where we're seeing kind of a rift in the girls like it It seemed like the girls were all actually pretty tight. I mean, yeah, Daisy and Natasha clash, but it seems like overall as a group, they're pretty cohesive. But now with the first time we realize, oh, there is like a little bit of a rift. So they go to this restaurant and it was just, again, the girls have all dressed up.
Starting point is 00:45:42 They're all pretty. And then Colin is wearing board shorts and like a t-shirt and like a trucker cap, I'm like, dude, you like, like, try, just try. You know, I love you Colin, but try, try. Okay, maybe there's a reason why this girl laughs. She's like, how many more nice restaurants can I walk into and he's wearing flip-flops?
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah, I mean, she've seen how I dress so I'm just gonna stay quiet over here You know, but you know when to dress right, Ron and you do but I'll still wear jeans and just oh at least I will wear a We're not gonna wear a board. You won't wear board shorts until a nice restaurant Yeah, okay. So JL, you're a compliment for crying out loud. Okay, thanks. I'll take it. I'll take it. Thank you, Ben. So Jean-Luc is like, you know, flirting with Danny. He's like, God, I'd be rather doing, I'd rather be doing nothing than hanging out with Danny. I like her so much. I mean, she's so pretty, and she puts a smile on my face. I was like, oh, book the wedding, book it now.
Starting point is 00:46:47 No, nothing can go wrong. This sounds like this is a solid foundation, smile on the face. And she said, yeah, and this is where he says, my mom is the biggest critic when it comes to women. So if she's given me to go ahead, what does your mother know? Okay. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:47:04 So they also down on the table and JL orders a whiskey, and Danny is like, slow down with the whiskey, slow down, and we're like, ooh, ooh, ooh, cause it means that she wants to have sex with him or something. So then Danny is like, you know what, hooking up with me is something you want to remember. So don't get too drunk for it. I was like, yes, Danny, I really, I was like, good for her. I mean, I don't approve her at all with her choice
Starting point is 00:47:29 of men, but I do approve of her, like her pro Danny sent him into herself. I approve of I like her self love. Your self love. That's what it is. So Gary, the muscles come and Gary's like, I love having muscles near the sea. I hope that was not flirting. Oh, when you have muscles by the sea, it's like hugging it. Those muscles have his ass juice in them, but I don't, by the way, I don't forget that. They have ass juice? His ass juice, because he was skinny dipping the night before. Oh, yeah, they've all seen this pasty astro. They were like, we wanted to die ever since that pasty astro jumped into the ocean. So thank you for finally serving us out.
Starting point is 00:48:14 Thank you for dialing us with white wine because we have knock on the taste out of our mouths. So don't drink too much white wine mussels. I'm pretty hot. Yeah, because he has like the the yeah, they're coming down. He's like, because he's like, oh, I love the muscles and Con goes, well, half of it's down your chin, bro. Oh, oh, and everyone just like ignores him. And Sidney's singing on Gary's arm like, ah, honey, that was such a good one.
Starting point is 00:48:39 So funny. Glad we're glad we're trying things out again. I'm back together. funny glad we're glad we're trying things out again back together. So then Daisy steps away because she wants to have a city with with Ali and Danny is like, oh, because you guys want a gossip, is that why you guys want a gossip? And and Ali's like, because you guys are silly, or something like that. But clearly, the way I read it is that Danny is pissed off about what happened earlier when she's basically, you know, like the suggestion that she is responsible for jail,
Starting point is 00:49:11 like she's clearly just like, it's been stewing on it and it's now starting to come out at this dinner, which I love. Well, and it also started in the car with Sydney being like, oh, well, they're always got like this group is good, but that group is mean because basically the, like the, quote, unquote popular group, the smoker is all go off. So it's like five of them, right? It's like four or five of them. So the rest of them are just stuck at the table.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And then now they're all mad. Like they've all talked to each other into being mad at the other, the other group. Right. So Sydney is like, why, why are you leaving? And he goes, it's what the cool people do. That's why you don't know Sidney. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, um, Danny and Sydney and they're just sitting there. And so, um, so be while Ali and Daisy, they, they, I'll smoke around this corner and Ali's like, Johnny, things that we go simple the time, I'm like, you
Starting point is 00:50:15 realize you're literally gossiping right now. So they'll go to smoke and, you know, the, Sydney's really mad, but Sydney's really mad because she's had her Pause all over Gary all night acting like they're a couple and now he's off to flirt with Ali in her mind Yeah, he finally figured out how to create separation and so So there's a so they're mad but they're also mad because it goes on It's first it's like five minutes and then it's like 19 minutes. And that's, honestly, that is very rude. And it's like, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Like, I actually think it really, really sucks. I actually don't think this was a petty thing. It sucks when you're like all with a group, and then like, most of the group leaves to go smoke. And then you're sort of, you don't wanna be the weird one that like follows the smokers, because, hey, you just, if you don't smoke, you're probably not wanting to go hang around smoking.
Starting point is 00:51:05 And also, it's weird, it feels almost like thirsty, but then you sit back and it's just like, it sucks. And I really, I actually like really empathized with those women's frustration. Um, yeah, I know, you know, obviously, you're on the, I know you have a different experience, but as someone who's on my side, as someone who's been at the table with those girls or thing, it sucks when like there's like a fun vibe, there's all this fun,
Starting point is 00:51:37 and then like everyone just goes and brings the fun somewhere else and you just can't really partake in it. It's like yeah, you could have fun with the people that are left there, but it's not the same and it like it sucks. Well, yeah, they're really mad and Sydney's like, well, that's really rude, but fine. And then you just hear, they're having the time of their lives. And they're literally just around the corner. They didn't go off very far.
Starting point is 00:52:01 They're standing like six feet away, right? Yeah. And so that's why I thought it was weird Like why can't you just all go hang out by that wall? I don't I don't really get it But then Daisy or Natasha's like come back to the table so we can eat and Daisy's like you went for a cigarette and then you stayed forever and Alex like but we didn't know you were waiting It's like well. Oh, well, I'm great. I'm sorry that we're not a good chat for you. I'm so like, all right, it's not really a big deal.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Yeah, so Ali starts to get a real snottie. Because I like when she's like, oh, we didn't know everyone was waiting for us. That implies that we're only coming back because you're waiting for us. We're not coming back because we actually want to socialize with you, right? So, yeah, so now Ali,
Starting point is 00:52:45 who has been the rude one here is now the one being like, oh, it's not a big deal, whatever. She's getting all snotty and I was like, oh, okay, now we're seeing the real Ali here. So Danny is like, well, I'm glad you think like, I'm glad you think like that. Well, we're all generally saying sorry. I don't know why everyone's so angry at us.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I'm like, that is not Apologetic and the fact that she hangs on to that later like Because you said I'm sorry. I don't know why everyone's so angry at us. That's why I'm it's weird that it becomes this big of a conversation to me I'm kind of with Allie on this one, but I mean of course I do go I'm smoking yeah So if someone was like you you went outside and smoked, that was rude. Be like, well, sorry, it would have been rude
Starting point is 00:53:28 or just smoke at the table and then not worried about it. I don't need to take responsibility for everyone's fun. Like, I'm not hired to entertain you fuckers. Okay, if you can't make conversation with the three of you, then come, like if you're desperate for me to entertain you, then come with me. Like, I'm not gonna be tied down to somebody.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Well, but the thing is this that like sometimes people it's not like, oh, I need you to entertain me. It's more like there was a really fun vibe and it's now been moved away from me. And now I just have to sit here and like we can't talk. The fun vibe moved period. It only moved away from you because you didn't move with it. Like you can't just command the fiber. Why should people have to like move with to the smoking, you know? And then the thing is it's also that it goes on for so long. They shouldn't go to it.
Starting point is 00:54:16 If it had been like a minute or not a minute, but like however long it take, take a smoke of cigarette. Cause there are a lot of people who do just step away and they smoke their cigarette and they're gone for like few minutes. But this was like 19 minutes. Like that is that is rude and unfortunately it's actually something I think a lot of us have experienced where it's like people do go out and then they're gone for like it's not just like a few minutes. They're gone for like you know 20 minutes or sometimes even 30 minutes and it's like it's really it really
Starting point is 00:54:41 annoying you know um and so I totally get why Danny is pissed. And that's why I felt like Ali's sort of like fake apology was so disrespectful because he was someone who was just sitting here and like, then she comes back and doesn't even have any sort of like compassion for the fact that this woman probably feels in some level rejected and frustrated, annoyed, and pissed. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Okay. Well, you're getting an insight. You're getting an insight to the other side, Ronnie. Okay. Well, then you know what? I'll just listen. I'll take a note. I'll take a note.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I'll make a note of that because, yeah, I don't see it from that side, but I can now that you're saying it, you know. Now that I've, now that I've like, now poured out like a lifetime's of frustration of being in these situations, and every time you go out with me, like, no, it's not you. It's just, it's so many people. It's, it's, it's, I think, you know what, it was one of those things I never really thought about that much until this episode,
Starting point is 00:55:50 and I realized how often I had been in that situation. And it sucks, because you know what, also, by the way, like sometimes it does happen where like, the group leaves to go smoke, and then you are kind of left with like a sucky person, and you're like oh Okay, and now I've got to make small talk with this person. I wasn't really interested in having small talk with this person and And like but like again like it feels really thirsty to go follow the smokers It feels like you don't understand how I feel like my friends always come outside with me to smoke and I'm the only one who smokes in my group
Starting point is 00:56:23 I mean I vaping out but still same diff. He's off to go outside to do it and my friends generally come with me to smoke. And I'm the only one who smokes in my group. I mean, I vape now, but still same diff. He's off to go outside to do it. And my friends generally come with me. I don't, I mean, you know, the other Trump of flashback, by the way, I'm having a very serious trauma flashback. And I don't know. I know what you're thinking. I already know what you're talking about. One, which one wedding? You're either thinking wedding or you're thinking that time we were at that that bar in Hollywood for that reality show thing. What was that? How about this? How about the minutes were all there? How about no, no, here's okay. This here's one. I want this is and by this is not me actually trying to like air out grievances
Starting point is 00:57:01 You're excited. I don't have any grievances with you, but I'm just saying like the situation, I just suddenly had a traumatic memory of when we went out with like Patricia and Whitney and Catherine and like all those people from Southern Trump, they came to LA a few years ago and we went out with them. And then at one point you guys all went out to smoke and I was left with Whitney at the table, just me and Whitney for 20 minutes at least. Okay. My case is closed. My case is closed. Thank you everyone. Yes, but you should have looked at that as this is
Starting point is 00:57:38 my chance to pitch my own reality show. Not like, oh, I'm stuck. You know, it's like I get to be stuck alone with the television producer instead of, you know, I should be outside, you know, it's all how you look at things. You know what you're right. I clearly missed an opportunity and I take it all back. Yeah, you got some alone time. I was stuck with him later in the evening, so actually in all actuality I feel. Yeah, because I traded off after that, I was like, when you guys came back, I said, I'm going home. I pulled a Danny right then in there.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Okay. So back to this. So Danny's really pissed off and she walks off and she's like, they pushed my buttons and being disrespectful is one of my buttons. Didn't your mother teach you manners? And then Sydney's like, yeah, we just wanted a nice meal. So back at the table,
Starting point is 00:58:24 everyone's now all mad at each other and they're trying to make this better by doing shots. And Daisy's like, I'm not doing shots. But then that's I'm doing a shot anyway because no one cares. It's like you're making a stand on something that's only going to hurt you in the long run. Okay. Do a shot. Yeah, exactly. Um, so then Sydney is talking about light. She's like, well, he's like, she's like, you know, I just feel like the smoking group just always excludes the three of us. And Gary's like, well, then you better start fucking smoking. And then, and then Alex, like, well, how many times you want to say sorry? She's like, you know, all you had to do was say,
Starting point is 00:59:00 Hey, come on, sit down. Wait, I mean, it's such a dumbest thing of ever argued over. So then dinner is served and it's a lobster as big as a mid-sized dog. It's a scary-ass lobster. Yeah, it's, there's, they're like, this restaurant's actually clearly playing out all the stops because probably they haven't had as much business as the pandemic at CV. So they're putting out all this food. And so Ali can't eat her. She's going to get vegetarian food, but she can't even eat because the lobster face is looking at her. So she'd like moves over to Natasha to get away from the lobster. And Sydney is trying to get back on Gary's good side. She's like, yeah, look, I can lift a lobster. Feel my muscles, Gary, which we'll try about later is one of her greatest things. She's
Starting point is 00:59:48 like, I'm more fit than that bitch. Yeah. And he's like, what muscles? And she gets like a hurt look on her face. And he's like, to us, to us, and never having an argument about, and he's like, no, I've got one. Here's the heavenly argument, but still loving each other after and doing dishes it might help the girls. And Gary's staying out of the laundry room. So then Allian Gary, they go, they go out to smoke again. And then Daisy, meanwhile, pulls in the offer chat. So basically, Daniels left with like, this time Jean-Luc is smart. He stayed his back. But they basically stay back with Natasha. And so there's four of them at the table, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Colin, I think stayed back as well. And Natasha's like, oh, look at me. I'm stuck
Starting point is 01:00:38 with the, I'm stuck at the table. Are we going to have a threesome? And I was like, poor Colin, he's not even counted in the threesome. He's not. And so Sidney is feeling like she's been berated by Ali because when she just like expressed her situation to Ali, Ali was like, you know, being super snotty. And then Natasha was like, we should have just stayed on the yacht crew dining. That's the thing crew. So meanwhile, Gary is is like whatever, back to flirting. So he's like, I have to say that, Ali, you know, you're probably the crew's person on the boat after Colin. Who's that?
Starting point is 01:01:14 Who's Colin? I don't even know, I just made up the name. Oh. But there's chemistry between Ali and I, and I reckon if it would be relationship, it'd be like, oh, you put down the film first. No, you put on the phone first. I'm gonna jerk off now. You jerk off now. Okay. So you keep starting to hold her hand and they're like giggling and then sitting here at over in her conversation and she's all mad and she's like, you know what? Like even now, I don't know what's going on between
Starting point is 01:01:41 me and Kerry. I mean, there's just so much weird stuff. He does not want you Not like you You're a person. Stop it. It's this point. Stop And she's like, I don't even need boys to make me happy. So I don't understand why I'm like this Yes, you do and this is not the first time that you've been like this This is never the first time you're correct. Great. Just stop. Yes, exactly So um, Gary is she's like okay Yes. Exactly. So Gary is, she's like, okay, now he's like, now is my chance.
Starting point is 01:02:08 He's like, well, this has been an amazing first date. I thought maybe we could have a kiss. And Ali is like, No. Oh, but we have a connection. She's like, oh, of course we do, but Sydney told me two days ago how much she likes you. He's like, oh, of course we do, but Sydney told me two days ago how much she likes you.
Starting point is 01:02:28 He's like, I'm going to stop trying then. So he gets on mad and like, stocks off. And so then Danny goes over to Ali. But wait, who's talking? No, no, no. Gary goes over the table and he's like, oh, you guys mind if I smoke at the table? And Danny is like, well, you've been smoking for two hours, so you might as well continue.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And so Ali, then Ali comes the table and sits down near Danny and goes, ah! And then Dan becomes some weird little fight. I didn't really understand what was going on. So Danny kind of smarts off to Gary. And he's like, what's, you know, what's the big deal or something? I'm just like it was a joke. Why are you so upset? I mean
Starting point is 01:03:08 And then Ali's like what what are we going to do all of this again? And then Danny's like you go comfort or Gary cuz Ali walks off all mad and Gary's like well Don't be locked with me the way that you are with here cuz I don't take that shit I'm Danny goes all then go fuck yourself and he's like I don't take that shit. I'm Tammy goes oh then go fuck yourself. And he's like Yeah, because the thing is when Alan went Danny was like why'd you go? And then she's like
Starting point is 01:03:39 Why you worked up they started bickering about the fact that you went They're bickering about that and then when that's why that's how it all started. And then, and then, you know, then then, yeah, Danny has asked off to Gary and then, Allie's like, oh, are you saying about it? So it's like, it's like, it's the dumbest fight ever. I love it. It's like literally, it's like a sci-fi. It's literally a fight about a sci.
Starting point is 01:04:01 So then Sydney is still talking to Daisy and Sydney's like, um, this is gonna sound terrible, but I know that I'm the better catch. Like, I know I'm more attractive, I'm more fit. I mean, on paper, that should do it, right? Like theoretically, I'm the better fit. And Daisy's like, well, I think that Sydney's obsessed with someone who chose someone else over her. And for what, Gary, who is kind of funny, who loves being in a laundry room but not doing dishes, I don't get it. So then Ali comes over and she's like,
Starting point is 01:04:35 there's only had another dig at me. So I left. Like, I don't want to be this fucking damn anymore. It's, you know, I wrote down I had a typo. I meant to write it stupid, but I wrote it's stupid. But I was like, I think Ali would actually say that this is too big. So dessert comes out and it's this really ornate cake that looks like a sailing boat. Like they made their boat, right? So it's still there. But it's just Gary, it's just like three or four people at the table. Everybody's still straight off talking. Yeah. Yeah So and like so like the there's like this again, it's like a beautiful cake There's only three people there. It is kind of disrespectful to this restaurant and Natasha is just like
Starting point is 01:05:18 She's just she's pissed. She's like why can't like why can't we be a crew and eat for one hour like you don't need to go for 20 bricks And so she's just like fine if they're not gonna be here to see the cake and it's like most beautiful state like, why can't, like, why can't we be a crew and eat for one hour? Like, you don't need to go for 20 bricks. And so she's just like, fine, if they're not gonna be here to see the cake and it's like most beautiful state, then that's gonna be on them because I'm gonna destroy it and they will never get to see it
Starting point is 01:05:33 and it's most beautiful state. So then she just destroys the cake. Yeah. That was gross. And not only did she like destroy the cake, but then everyone else, I don't think they even realized there was a cake because then they all just sort of
Starting point is 01:05:46 went to the van directly from where they were. So I know it should have been this big drama, but I don't think anybody else even knew because she's the one who ordered dessert. Everybody else was already done with dinner and not from the table. So I think they probably figured they were done. So she ordered the dessert and then got mad
Starting point is 01:06:02 that nobody was there to eat the dessert and then destroyed the dessert And there was no drama because no one paid attention It was living dessert art so So now they all get into their vans and Allie like here's how you know allie kind of sucks because when she gets into her van She's like this call is the drama free call we'll be happy and you know that the people who are like
Starting point is 01:06:24 I just don't like drama or the ones who are always full of drama and are awful. So I was like, aha, it's been confirmed. My new suspicions are confirmed. I don't know. Sydney seems to be the monster in this episode. Oh no, Sydney is the monster. I feel like we've been so distracted by the fact that Sydney
Starting point is 01:06:43 is so sort of like psychotic and clingy that we've overlooked the fact that Ali is actually a snot So Natasha it basically they're talking about how In Natasha's car basically the boring people's car Supposedly and Natasha's like what do we think about Colin and Daisy's like, you know, you just can't get to know him. And then Danny and Jail are making out in the backseats. And Danny's like, oh, my amazing Southern man. Say something Southern for John Luke. And he's like, I need to put you in some handcuffs. Like, oh my God, that was so Southern. Yeah. And there's also in the other van, like, some Gary is like looking for like the release button on the back seats that we can crawl out at Sydney's trying to help them and she's just like hanging on the seat and he finds it and she just goes flying into the passenger seat. It was just like the little touch of slapstick that we all needed also a great metaphor for like her her situation with Gary. I'll see you the long. So they get back to the boat and Gary is telling alley hey should we jump in
Starting point is 01:07:52 no no she doesn't so she goes to get on her bathing suit. Yeah. And Sydney is venting to someone. She's like this is a trashy situation. It's all Gary's fault. It's so sick of it. Like, he just likes the attention. She just likes the attention. And she's like looking at her butt in the mirror with her baby and see all she says that. And so then, so JL and Daniel is kissing.
Starting point is 01:08:23 By the way, I don't think enough attention was really put on the fact that when Daisy said that, she said that it's really hard to get to know Colin, he just has so many walls up. It was just so perfect that she said that. But anyway, so Danny, as she's just like, she and JL are kissing and she said she just has chosen not to be upset because that's what she does. And she's, and basically J. L. are kissing, and she said she just has chosen not to be upset because that's what she does.
Starting point is 01:08:46 And she's, and basically takes him into the guest bed, which is hilarious that the guest bedroom is now being defiled a second time after all of regular blodec glasses and culminated in this big scandal that the guest bedroom was used once by James and Elizabeth. I know this show just has different rules.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Like they can just jump over board, nobody cares. Like in banging the guest room, nobody cares. No one cares. So weird. So then Sidney is hanging out with Ali and Gary and Colin. And Ali's like, everyone thinks they're a decade Gary. Not maybe everyone else. Oh, haha.
Starting point is 01:09:21 And Sidney just goes, um, dot, dot, dot. You know, like, um, dot, dot, dot. You know, like she did a dot, dot, dot with her voice. And Ali's like, oh, you're okay. Because Sydney just, like she looks furious. Yeah. And she just stays mean the rest of the time. So Ali's like, I'm going to do workout tomorrow. Sydney, are you in?
Starting point is 01:09:41 As Sydney's like, um, yeah, I could definitely beat you at a workout. Which was like, like hilariously, like, like, out of place or whatever, like, just didn't, like, she was, it was, she was having an argument in her head and an accident accidentally spilled out into real life. You know, I think that's how I took it. Yeah, now she's on this whole, I'm more fit than her thing. And so she's like, I could beat you and now she's on this whole, I'm more fit than her thing. And so she's like, I could beat you and she's like, beat me, take it easy.
Starting point is 01:10:09 She was, um, whoa, yeah. And then, um, so Ali, like, tries to change the topic and she's like, well, I'm so glad that everyone is last man standing. No, it's not just me and Sydney and Gary again. And like, literally the only other person who's been added onto it is Colin. It's like, it's not just me and Sydney and Gary again and like literally the only other person who's been added on to it as Colin It's like it's not like the whole group. It's just like it's literally the same people plus Colin And so it's all mad. She's like we're always the last man standing like everything she says is
Starting point is 01:10:36 coded with so much anger now So then um Collins like yeah, you know what? Uh, I need another beer if you're going up don't take a And Ali's like, yeah, we won't take any more trays. That said, me, put yourself in the interior. You know what? So I'm dealing with it's hard. It's hard, Sydney.
Starting point is 01:10:55 That's Sydney goes, um, I don't feel sorry for you, though. Yeah. And she's like, you fucking sleep half the time. May. All of you. You bitches never help out the deck. And she's, oh, where the truth comes out. Yeah, Sydney's like, sorry.
Starting point is 01:11:12 And Ali's like, I don't know what happened to her. Oh, yeah, I did. Elkeho. So Sydney's like, fine, just go to bed, then. So Ali leaves. And Collins's like, why are you being so mean? And she goes, um, I know when I'm being a bitch and when I'm just kidding,
Starting point is 01:11:29 and I'm a totally fucking mother. You know, I'm so proud of myself because I finally broke someone's heart. What? I mean, look, Sydney is crazy. She's a crazy person for sure. But I did sort of enjoy her kind of just laying into Ali because I was so annoyed at Ali this episode. So then it just ends with Jean-Luc and Danny just having sex in the guest room and he's just like, oh my did say, uh, don't break me. Yes, like, please don't break me.
Starting point is 01:12:06 And that brings us to the end of below, Dex, sailing y'all, everybody. Thanks so much for being with us today. Go get tickets for our May 6th Real Housewives of New York premiere live, so on the internet. Get tickets at and we will talk to you tomorrow. Bye, everyone. Bye. Watch what crappens would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 01:12:32 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Dana C. Dana Dew. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella. Itchles. Let's rent some errands with Emily Eryans. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickleus. All the Nagila Webber.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Jamie, she has no last name. Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch. Jess saying, okay. She's a little bit loony. Juni, she's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. You don't touch the Nicki Morgan letters.
Starting point is 01:13:04 The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Nancy sees him to Cisco. Better than to Boole. It's Annie and Julie. Always the wiser, it's Allison Weisler. Let's give him a kiss, it's Austin and Marissa. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD.
Starting point is 01:13:23 We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. We will, we will, Joanna Rockland, you. Kristen, the piston Anderson. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capsule. She's on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Mina Kutikutikouji. Give him hell, Miss Noel. Shannon out of a cannon Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Kutar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch Your Crappens
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