Watch What Crappens - #151: You Can Return Everything?Almost

Episode Date: November 5, 2014 Ronnie Karam (TrashTalkTV) and Ben Mandelker (bsideblog) have a lot of new to be grateful for. Vanderpump Rules is back and Euros of Hollywood is a gift from ...the Bravo gods. Oh, don?t worry. We will still sit through the forty six hours of Real Housewives of New Jersey?s reunions! Ronnie on the Web: Ronnie on YouTube: Ronnie on Instagram: Ronnie on Tumblr: Ben on the Web: Ben on Twitter: Ben on Instagram: Our Soundcloud: On iTunes: Facebook: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:01:05 Okay. Thank you. Bye, guys. Watch What Crappens. Watch What Crappens. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Watch What Crappens. Watch What Crappens.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Hey, everyone. Welcome to the Watch What Crappens podcast. The podcast about all that crap we love to talk about on Bravo. I'm Ronnie Karam from Trash Talk TV. And I'm here with Ben Mandelker from B-Side Blog. Hi Ben. Hey. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Guys, you can find us on slash watch what crap happens to tell us what you think and post articles and give us shit whatever you'd like to do we're also on that's slash watch what crap ends there you can be a subscriber to the show where you'll get extras like a weekly bonus episode, a monthly Google Hangouts party, which will be happening next Thursday night, the 19th. Right, Ben? I believe it's the 13th. The 20th? 13th.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Thursday the 13th. So we're doing that Thursday the 13th. And then we'll be giving, for the Ultra subscribers, we will be giving ringtones. We had our first round last month and that was really fun and we're getting some more together now for our social media links ben and i you can find those at watch what that has the link to our patreon page our facebook page all our twitters and instagrams and blah blah blah and we will stop wasting our time with that at the front so just go to what to find that stuff what
Starting point is 00:02:43 do you want me in? Sorry. I got very urgent, right? I'm drinking coffee. On January 25th, we're doing a live show at the Improv in Hollywood. So if you're in the L.A. area. Yeah. Come down to the live show. Come watch it.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It'll be super fun. We want a big crab. Yeah. And we're going to have to try and get some housewives or something in there. We'll get something. we'll get something or someone we'll get a robot yeah we'll get a little Roomba we'll see what the Roomba has to say
Starting point is 00:03:13 cause I'll tell you one thing a Roomba is a little bit more articulate than many of these housewives no kidding at least it has a purpose yeah it's like okay that makes sense certainly makes more sense than half the shit that comes out of these women's mouths. Look at that little machine. It doesn't look like it makes a lot of sense, but it's actually doing something with its life.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I know, it actually has a purpose. Like, when it hits a wall, it knows to turn around and go in another direction. And not just throw a drink at it and call it a cunt for the next 13 hours. Or to deny that the wall was even there, or that it hit the wall in the first place. Or to deny that the wall was even there or that it hit the wall in the first place. Or to say that the wall is now like going to tear apart its family, even though it was the Roomba's fault for hitting the wall in the first place. Or to call the wall an anti-Semite. When you know you've lost the argument.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Or to tease the wall of making up rumors about the Roomba's mother. Oh, God. Oh, man. Can we start? Okay. First off, we have so much to be grateful for this week. It's not even Thanksgiving. But listen, it was just candy Halloween.
Starting point is 00:04:15 So thank you for all the candy, neighbors. Yeah. Also, Bravo got off its ass and released two new shows this week. Vanderpump Rules, which isn't new, but it's premiered, which is great. And the Euros of Hollywood. So thank you, Bravo Gods, because we needed that. Now, of course, I'm thinking about Kristen as a Roomba. Every time she gets the log, I'm like, seriously?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Seriously? I looked up this wall on Instagram. It's a whore. This wall cheated on the other wall. It was on the Home Depot Instagram. I can't even face that wall. I can't even look at that wall. It makes me so angry.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Seriously? Like, look at all the crumbs in front of this wall. Like, seriously? Do you want to start with that? Or do you want to start with Real Housewives of Jersey? Yeah with uh real housewives of jurors yeah i'm gonna let you choose let's say jersey let's let's just let's get the shit out of the way let's get let's use our let's use our rumba to suck up all this crap on the floor that is new jersey yeah this was a very extreme week of theresa victimhood yes but when they shot this theresa in all fairness had just been sentenced like two days ago yeah and so they had this you know they did all this shit because they're awful people and i love that they don't i love that
Starting point is 00:05:39 bravo doesn't even try to pretend anymore like andy and Andy's just had to stop pretending that he's not basically just ruining everyone's life. And that was the best part to me of the reunion when Andy is telling Dina, well, I think the show probably ruined your relationship with your sister, right, Dina? And then Teresa starts a plot, like gives him a golf clap. And she's like, finally, you admit that this show has some effect on people's lives. And I was like, wow, that's pretty astute of theresa it's pretty astute but it's also pretty stupid because if you have that if you have that issue then why have you been on the show for like five seasons well but she she's talking about specific manipulation like dina agreed to do the show because her family wasn't on it so they said okay your family's not on it and then midway through
Starting point is 00:06:23 they're like haha your family's on it yeah and they cheated you know and that's not cool yeah but at the same time though like they didn't shoot any scenes i mean jacklyn was obviously shot like she refused to do it she wouldn't do it yeah but but also jacklyn like she wasn't she didn't do a scene with anyone except for one of the twins and kathy like she was in a whole different universe it was like, obviously. I know, but that wasn't the goal. You see, they thought they could mix them in and Dina would just have to go with it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's why Andy was like, oh, you know, there's rumors that you were, like, going to be furious with anybody who shot with Jacqueline. You know, so, like, trying to make her look like a bitch, basically, like calling her out on national TV. And she was like, well, you know, I didn't agree to ever film with her that's why i didn't do the show in the first place you cunt right yeah i just want
Starting point is 00:07:10 somebody to say that to him like you stupid cunt like what do you think i'm gonna just like suddenly throw everything out the window and fight just so you can get better ratings for your stupid show you cunt how about like make an effort and stop hiring people in front of the dairy queen or wherever those bitches get their culottes like make an effort and stop hiring people in front of the dairy queen or wherever those bitches get their culottes like make an effort from dunkin donuts that's why i get my glad i'm done get done so i met babby we both reached for the same culotta and knocked it over um well the thing is i have very mixed feelings about dina because it sounds like the root of it all is Jacqueline.
Starting point is 00:07:46 She sounds like she really hates Jacqueline and she doesn't want to be around Jacqueline for whatever reason. We don't know why, but that's what I'm gathering because also – They showed us a clip of the first season where it started, right? Where did it start? They showed that argument where Jacqueline was going at the wheline was going at uh the the whore the stripper the stripper whore the prostitution Danielle Danielle Staub yeah she was going at her and then Dina stood up and was telling Jacqueline to shut up or something didn't you see that whole part yeah yeah I didn't realize that that's what started the whole feud and then
Starting point is 00:08:20 and then Jacqueline was like what did Jacqueline say I don't remember she said it started with the show and then that's what they showed from the show. So I'm guessing it just started going out of there because Dina was insinuating throughout the show about all the stuff that happens off the show. So like Danielle working with Jacqueline to bring down Teresa. She insinuated stuff about that, which we already knew. to bring down Teresa. She insinuated stuff about that, which we already knew. Yeah, I think that, like, yeah, I think that I'm assuming that Dina really did not
Starting point is 00:08:48 like that Jacqueline really ever had some sort of relationship with Danielle. Because I remember, from the very beginning, from the very first season, was really sort of censored around the fact that Danielle wanted to be friends with Dina and Dina, like, hated Danielle. And so they, there was always this thing, you know?
Starting point is 00:09:04 But, you know, when Dina was talking and she said that she's tried to reach out and then she didn't get like any – she didn't get like any text messages or like things would be going well and then things would change or like Lexi wasn't invited to like a party or something like that. So at first I was like, oh, gosh, like that's interesting. But then I – honestly, Caroline was on Watch watch what happens and someone posted this on our page i'm sorry i don't have it up so i can't give you credit um but caroline was kind of like she made a good point she said dina says like that she would like to do a cooking show with me but she says i'm a packaged deal you can't just like accept me and not everyone else like you have to like accept the good with the bad and you can't make ultimatums because apparently i guess dina made an ultimatum to chris like you know i can't if unless you get rid of jacklyn i can't like really talk with you or whatever
Starting point is 00:09:57 well every family member needs to learn you never go against the wife i mean we learned that in my family really quick because i i come from a big lebanese family and when that shit went you know we had a lot of family shit go down and the husband's always going to choose a wife or he's going to get a divorce you know there's no way you can just say split from your wife for your family like he left your asses a long time ago yeah so like i don't really know what happened between these siblings but i have to say i kind of feel like i believe caroline's side of the story a little bit more um and uh if it's true i you know i do think that like dina needs to grow up a little bit they probably both all of them need to grow up it seems like it seems like a very stupid feud you know they said caroline said, Dina has not been going to family functions
Starting point is 00:10:45 for years now. So it's not just that, like, that, oh, she wasn't invited to this engagement thing. Dina has been actively not going to things that she's been invited to. So there's more to the story than that. I don't know the situation. But I'm sort of on Caroline's side. I'm on nobody's side.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'm on nobody's side! I'm on Franny's side. All they do is talk about family, but no one gets along in the family. They ignore each other. They don't speak to each other. Dina doesn't speak to her sisters. Teresa hates her brother and her sister-in-law. I loved when Kathy was like, well, you know, this show is about mending family.
Starting point is 00:11:21 It's about mending family. I'm like, oh, yeah, poor Kathy. You're so deluded. If you think that anything on Bravo is about mending anything, you are sadly mistaken. And what family has been mended? Like what are you even talking about? Melissa? Because they still don't even speak to each other.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Melissa is just nice to her on TV because she doesn't want people to be mean to her on Twitter when Teresa is going through a quote-unquote hard time. Yeah. I'm still waiting forvo to trot out like one of these victims of the fraud then you know that that would be interesting to me yeah exactly why don't you cast one of the people that lost their homes because joe judas never paid their company back yeah how about that jerks um the deep stuff actually gets more interesting because beyond what we were just talking about the like the usual family stuff that we've been talking about for Evs, she actually said something that really made the world go crazy at her. And I don't know that she can recover.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And I had heard about it before I actually saw the reunion. So I guess. What was it? When they were talking about their kid how no one even invites her kid anymore and that's just so rough and andy was like well you don't even know jacqueline's yes jacqueline's son and she's like no i mean there's no i don't know him there's nothing i could do for him you know i'm not a doctor the only thing i could do is love him and blah blah blah which she doesn't in my own way yeah And then she's like, sometimes it's better to love from afar or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:48 So then she says, but it's more hurtful with my daughter because she knew Chris. She had a relationship with Chris. So she feels dumped. And I feel sorry. I feel worse for the kid who knows what's happening. So that's what she basically said. I feel sorry for the kid who knows what's happening right so that's what she's basically said i feel sorry for the kid who knows what's happening well everyone in the world took it to mean jackalyn son doesn't know what's happening because he's autistic so who cares about his feelings
Starting point is 00:13:16 and i people don't take it that way crazy i didn't take it that way i took it that he's young yeah he's a kid he doesn't know, so losing me doesn't matter to him. Exactly. But it hurts my daughter because she lost an uncle. Yeah, but that being said, when she was saying that stuff, I actually felt like it was very manipulative. It was like, well, you know, like, don't act like that you know if you wanted alexi to have a relationship with with her uncle you would just be the bigger woman and you would bite the bullet and you would allow there to be like there was something about it that rubbed me a very wrong way it felt a little pat it felt
Starting point is 00:13:56 a lot passive-aggressive very passive-aggressive um i just felt like just to say well i reach out and then and then they don't reach out to Lexi and it's like, it's fine. You don't have to. Meanwhile, there's like a drill going on. It's a jackhammer. I'm telling you, they've been building. They're like tearing apart the streets of my whatever. No, but to to say to say, oh, you can do whatever you want to do to me, but don't do it to my kid.
Starting point is 00:14:24 It's like, don't play that to my kid it's like don't play that like that's i found it to be very manipulative and she can forgive the man who cheats on her and screws around all over town because he's got a lot of money in a giant house that she can live in but when it comes to the rest of her family it's like oh you get in that you get in some stupid housewives fight and you never speak again now that said i can totally imagine wanting to leave any family that jacqueline's a part of because just looking at how this dumb hoe acts on twitter you can imagine what being in her family is like and getting in an argument with someone like that
Starting point is 00:14:54 so these are all of jacqueline's tweets i don't even these aren't dated but these were posted by michael cook and they're so funny and people were talking about their twitter and i read it last night and i was like oh god this is so hard to read by the way what what you're hearing in the background is actually the sound that i hear when jacqueline talks this is what i hear in my head it just sounds like a jackhammer and why wasn't she at the reunion what was that about maybe there maybe a new old country buffet opened. And like, took priority. I think she didn't go to the reunion because she doesn't want people asking about her own financial issues that she's about to go to jail for. Well, Dina probably also is like, I'm not going to be there. Wait, hold on one second.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I'm going to try to adjust this jackhammer situation. Hold on one second. Sing a song, Ronnie. Adjust that jackhammer. Maybe they're creating a new crosswalk. Maybe they're creating a diagonal crosswalk. Crosswalks. Am I right, guys?
Starting point is 00:15:58 Hurry up, Ben. Okay, I'm back. I'm back. Sorry. I tried to fix the jackhammer situation. I don't know if it really helped or not, but it was actually loud in here. I don't hear it. Well, that's good.
Starting point is 00:16:10 You did it. We're such a professional podcast, aren't we? So listen to these Jacqueline tweets. Yeah. Dina wouldn't meet with Chris. I tried to get them to meet. I think Dina hurts her parents more by not making amends with family members, never attending family holidays, and making them split their time that is fucking annoying when
Starting point is 00:16:29 your parents have to go to like two places because you can't get along with your sisters and brothers yeah it shouldn't work that way it's supposed to be the other way around your parents supposed to be divorced you're supposed to have like two holidays with their parents not your parents have to go to places yeah lexi is old enough to drive over and talk to her uncle if she wanted to or was allowed, Nick understands more than he can say or express. Maybe Dina wasn't invited to Lauren's engagement party because she told us
Starting point is 00:16:52 we were dead to her and that she was dead to us. She got what she wanted. Instead of lying to the public that our family was fine, how about sincerely trying to resolve our issues? Parents would like that more. Seems Dina intentionally left out we invited Lexxi to dinner to celebrate her graduation since they didn't want to meet beforehand no response and then the last
Starting point is 00:17:11 text is the best i have no words since motherfucking when jacqueline i fucking hate jacqueline you know the thing is i actually feel like i actually believe what she's saying but she's such she's so again whiny and passive aggressive are always wondering how she could, like, produce such an awful daughter in Ashley. It's just, it's right there. All the evidence is right there. I think that Jacqueline is very immature. And that's not, this is not the way to handle it. Like, don't, if you have a situation like this, don't, like, trot it out on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Be the better person. And just, it's just, no, these people, they're incapable. So, my favorite tweet of hers, Cindy C posted on our page. This is what Jacqueline wrote at some point yesterday. Jacqueline says, listen, if you all want this Twitter feud to end, then
Starting point is 00:17:57 don't keep tweeting us about it because you are reopening wounds and it's hard for us not to respond. Like, it's not our fault that you're an idiot okay if you don't want to be in a twitter feud and you don't want people to write tweet tweet at you then just shut down your twitter and people mention everything on twitter they can mention your blouse on twitter you don't sit there and like accuse somebody else of making you wear it for five hours in that case my the best was kathy going what is this why don't you all just
Starting point is 00:18:23 get off the twitter i mean what is it quada it's you all just get off the Twitter? I mean, what is it? Twatter? It's Twatter. Rosie. Rosie was saying that. What did I say? You said Kathy. Oh. Because Rosie.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I love Rosie. She's like, you know what you got to do to Twitter? You got to go up to it and punch it in the face. You know, like an assassin. Like a silent assassin. Shoot it with your fist. You know what I says your fist you know what I says but you know what okay so speaking of Kathy by the way
Starting point is 00:18:49 one thing I want to talk about is when they showed the clip of Kathy and her family talking about the Teresa situation and Teresa's aunt says you know like when you do the wrong thing it's going to catch up to you and you're going to go to jail and then Teresa she didn't even go that far all she said was says, you know, like when you do the wrong thing, it's going to catch up to you and you're going to go to jail.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And then Teresa walks out. Well, she didn't even go that far. All she said was if you do the wrong thing, it catches up to you. That's it. Like simple karma. So Teresa stands up. She's like, I want to go to the bathroom. I got to go to the bathroom. I'm like, ooh, a penny.
Starting point is 00:19:19 So that really drove me crazy because to me that was classic Teresa. That was the lack of accountability, lack of responsibility. You can't plead guilty to a crime and then get mad when someone says if you do the wrong thing, which is what pleading guilty acknowledges. If you do the wrong thing, it's going to catch up to you. She should have said, Teresa should have said, you know what, she's right. But instead she makes it, again, playing this victim thing. Like, family shouldn't say that. No, you shouldn't be defrauding people.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, I'm like, how could she? How could anybody say that? You are wrong. You are ass backwards wrong. Everybody knows you're wrong. You are going to jail. You don't get special rights. It's like, oh, you did something, you defrauded people and now all of a sudden it's bad all of a sudden your your lovely aunt who's
Starting point is 00:20:09 been lovely all every season every time she shows up she's like the most lovely woman in the history of this series and every time and and she's the one who's the bad guy because she mentions that like you know if you do something wrong it's going to catch up to you. Yeah, it's called karma bitch. Or do unto others if you'd rather get biblical about it. You know what? It just shows it's like a spoiled little brat. You know, like, throwing a tantrum. It's like Melania. This is where Melania gets it from, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Like, you're in trouble. You're caught. And what do you do? You throw a tantrum. Well, part of me feels like giving her kind of a break, only because she had just been sentenced. But then I just start laughing because Teresa's trying so hard to reject this new, you know, that's the old Teresa. That's the old Teresa.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Watching her neck things pop while all this was happening and her about to fucking go crazy and start hitting people. Because she just hates Kathy with every bit of her. And this whole season was a clusterfuck because of how they did it. They really did tell people, your family members are gone. And then tricked them by bringing them suddenly back in. You know, like the Kathy, Jacqueline. So she was kind of tricked. So part of me felt bad. But then I was dying when she went to the bathroom and her mic was on.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And she was like, I can't be in there. What, you got gum? You got a candy? You got a gum? You got a candy? You got candy? You got gum? I was like, oh my God, who is this poor in there. What, you got gum? You got a candy? You got a gum? You got a candy? You got candy? You got gum? I was like, oh, my God, who is this poor PA stuck in the bathroom with fucking Teresa about to get their ass kicked?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Because she sounded like she was going to beat them up. And she's not – I guess she thought they turned off her mic. But – and thank God she wasn't going, like, too crazy back there. But she was being a total to whoever she was whoever she was with and it was funny because she's such a faker and she doesn't think anybody can hear her being real back there she's like what ah that's ridiculous i ain't going out there you tell them to get out then i'll come back but i'm not going you got gum you got candy oh a penny look see a penny pick it up no i'm not going out oh my god this is literally a dumb and. And then I love how crafty Andy is.
Starting point is 00:22:06 So she comes back and is like, well, we were just talking about this. I just want to know what you're feeling. She's like, I don't want to talk about it. He's like, no, no, no. We just want to talk. We just want to see how you feel about it. She's like, I don't want to talk about it. He's like, no, no, but just, you know, you know, did you feel anything?
Starting point is 00:22:19 And then she starts to talk about it. You know, that's what I love. He sort of like tricks them into saying it. Dina's like, next topic. Shut up. Yeah. Another thing that made me feel bad during this part was crosswalks. Just kidding.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Another part that made me feel bad was Kathy. Okay. Kathy. Look. Kathy. People on our page call Kathy out for being a shit-stirring whatever, and I agree. But you've got to feel for somebody who is trying so hard. Here she is getting a second chance.
Starting point is 00:22:54 She's coming back. She's as positive as she can be during the season, really. I mean, she didn't get to film any drama anyway. But then she comes back. All she's trying to do is just say one thing on the reunion. Teresa walks off, ignores her, does whatever she can to ruin Kathy's two seconds on the reunion. And Kathy's about to cry. And I don't really think Kathy is obviously not crying about Teresa because she hates Teresa.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Let's face it. She's crying because it's like poor thing just cannot win. She's always going to have that roadblock in her way, you know? Yeah. Well, you know, here's why I love – I've always loved Kathy. And, you know, here's why Kathy is more or less of a class act, at least compared to these women. As sort of morbid as this sounds, it came to light that her daughter Victoria, her brain tumor came back, which is awful. But she said everything's okay and everything, which is great.
Starting point is 00:23:46 You know, she's this really sweet girl, and that's awful. You don't want that. She's too young. But Kathy could have used that as a trump card for every single thing that was happening on that reunion. Like, anything that Amber said about the cancer, it's like, Kathy's like, well, my daughter has brain cancer. Anything that, like, was about, like, about Nicholas, well well my daughter has brain cancer anything that like was about like about Nicholas well my daughter has brain cancer like anything about family well my daughter has brain cancer
Starting point is 00:24:10 I know the value of family like every single thing she could have just shut everything down but you know what though she didn't because she's a classy lady yeah I mean the brain cancer thing was like one segment and then it was mentioned a couple of times it's not like the cancer the cancer the cancer the cancer the cancer oh god we haven't even talked about Amber and the and then it was mentioned a couple of times. It's not like the cancer, the cancer, the cancer, the cancer, the cancer.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Oh, God. We haven't even talked about Amber and the twins. Yeah, I was going to say, speaking of cancer, let's talk about those twins. Oof. Ugh. Oof. Like two little melanomas. They sat there with these looks on their faces the entire time,
Starting point is 00:24:45 rolling their eyes, ready to go, and they just never... Any chance that they could jump in and be like, well, you said something about my mother. Yeah, it's like, oh, everyone's worried about family. What about my family? What about my old mother? Who got made fun of? They don't come after family on Twitter? I disagree. They come after old family members on
Starting point is 00:25:01 Twitter all the time. And they couldn't... No one would play into it. No, Amber would, of course, because Amber's in the same boat as they are. But everyone else just looks at them like they're fucking retarded. And they don't get a chance. And I was dying that they kept trying to start this war about the mother and this and that, and nobody would play into it. I know.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I love it. I mean, that's real Housewives hate. You know, like most of the Housewives hate is like fun hate, and they probably go to dinner after and have a good time because they're giving each other screen time, you know? It's like, yeah, I embarrassed you, but I also got you 10 minutes of solid screen time. So they kind of like each other.
Starting point is 00:25:39 But when you really hate a bitch, you just ignore her because those girls don't get any screen time at all. And I was dying the whole time. Because they just look horrible. They look so stupid. And then when they're like, oh, but we're twins. And we're different people. So why don't you treat us like we're different people instead of just one person?
Starting point is 00:25:57 You have a brain. You're smart. Oh, God. If you want to be treated like different people, why are you in every scene together dressing the same, getting the same tits? Shut up, both of you. Shut up. Get off this show.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I know. I know. I agree. They're just some of the worst casting decisions that Bravo has ever made in the history of the network. But I heard that they're all coming back. That's crazy. How could that be?
Starting point is 00:26:28 How can that be true? I guess it is. What else? Melissa versus Dina. That was interesting. Dina, social media, tree walks off. Ooh, a penny. Ooh, a penny. And I guess that's it, right?
Starting point is 00:26:45 What else happened? Joe Gorga came out at the end and got choked up. Who cares? He got choked up. This is my family. This is my family. What are you going to do? So what?
Starting point is 00:26:58 Yeah. What are you doing right now? You're awfully quiet over there. No, I'm listening. I'm listening to you. Are you looking at the internet? No, that's not true. You are looking at the internet.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I was trying to see if there was... I was looking on the Facebook page to see if... Yeah, you see, guys? I know. I know what's happening over there. But I was listening to you, too. You were having a twin rant. I liked it.
Starting point is 00:27:17 No. It's over. Either way, I'm excited for next... Well, for Thursday. Thursday's episode when Andy says to Jim Marchese, like, well, you are kind of a disaster on social media. Oh, God, Jim's coming out next week. Yikes. Yeah, that's going to be terrible.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Well, let's move on from the Real Housewives of New Jersey. Because I am sick of their shit. I agree. because i am sick of their shit i agree i am i am ready to put this season to bed and then to put that bed into shut up mountain volcano there's a volcano the season uh like a quarter of the length why are the reunions the length of the entire season that's so i know because this season is so bad. I would love to get the behind-the-scenes story on what their decisions were. I mean, they clearly had to just truncate the whole thing. I do have to give Andy credit for one thing because I know I diss Andy a lot on this show.
Starting point is 00:28:16 So whenever he does something I love, it's really important for me to stand up and say it. And I think that when Andy called Melissa the the queen of dumpsters what did he call her oh yeah i don't remember what he called her queen of queen of queen of sanitation he called her oh and then he's like so you're the new queen of sanitation she looked like she was gonna punch him when he said that and then uh he's, so explain to us what's happening with your house. Okay, Melissa is the worst liar. So last year they said they sold their mansion. Now they're in this huge rental.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He really gave it to Melissa, actually, now that I think about it. So they go into this rental, and he's like, oh, Twitter's mad that your daughter was calling it a dump. And it's like five times the size of a normal house. And she's like, well, it's a child's privilege, and she didn't mean it. And then he asked her about the sanitation thing in her house because they said they sold their house, and now they're building this new mansion, but they didn't. They rented it.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. And the guy they rented it to never paid the rent, so they had to evict him. So instead of saying that and just clearing it up because she's already lied about it before she said oh well it was an extended close and so he was supposed to do certain things during that time that he didn't it was just stupid and dean is over there rolling her eyes which i love uh stupid melissa but even you know this season was so stupid that even stupid melissa didn't get taken down i mean if this was last year, Teresa would have been calling all that shit out the whole time.
Starting point is 00:29:48 It would have been entertaining. Melissa did nothing this season. You know what I liked also in this reunion was when they did the segment of strange housewives talk when they all were saying things incorrectly or making up their own words. And normally when they do those segments, they sort of do like a picture-in-picture. They put like a little, you see the housewives watching it at the reunion in the corner. And normally they're like hysterically laughing, but you could see that they all were like looking like,
Starting point is 00:30:16 wait, why is this funny? Like, what did we say wrong? They're totally like dumbfounded as to why. Like they're smiling because they know they're supposed to, this is like light-hearted segment, but they have no idea what's wrong. They don't understand what massive jokes they are. I love it.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, I love it too. That show needs to go. So excited for Beverly Hills and Atlanta. That's going to be an amazing... Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Well, speaking of Beverly Hills...
Starting point is 00:30:44 Let's move on to something else being let's let's speak in beverly hills and lisa vanderpump why don't we talk about vanderpump rules does it ever oh it's so good by the way ronnie i went to pump last night finally and what'd you think being well i thought it was just like another version i'm sorry i just knocked my keys over um i thought it was another version of sir and you know i mean i know the back room of sir right yeah i know we've talked about it a lot like you always talk about how it's like for like basically old queens you think they're fancy which i agree with i think it's like prettier than sir it still has that like euro trash quality to it giant giant things like giant plant doorways
Starting point is 00:31:27 and yeah giant planters i was trying to order a drink last night from the bar keep in mind there were like three people at the bar it took me 10 minutes to get a drink from this bartender and like one of the reasons that there was a problem is that he couldn't see me because in each corner of this square bar there is a huge planter with an even bigger topiary in it. Imagine Cheers. Imagine a beer that's the shape of Cheers. And in each corner, there's like a giant planter. First of all, it's tacky.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Have you noticed how the bar hits the back corners? Yeah. It's like it doesn't make sense because it actually, you need you shouldn't have giant things on the bar because you need to be able to see the bartender. The bartender needs to be able to see you. And you have to be able to move around the bar. The bar hits the back walls in a way that you can't walk through there.
Starting point is 00:32:14 And when you're totally slammed with people, only two people who are standing in the middle of the bar can be served. Yeah. It's a frustrating setup. All to show off your weird, giant potters. So the thing that sort of irks me about the place is that when Lisa Vanderpump
Starting point is 00:32:35 says on Vanderpump Rules, well, you know, Villablanca is where you take your wife, and Sir is where you take your girlfriend, and then she's like, and Pump is where you take your boyfriend. There is where you take your girlfriend and then she's like and pump is where you take your boyfriend there's nothing about pump that's like exceptionally like oh this is where you take your boyfriend like when you open up a restaurant a place called pump i expect go-go dancers i expect platforms i expect fog machines i expect you're so scandal it means to be like the abbey they needed to do like because you know the Abbey was taken over by SBE, right?
Starting point is 00:33:08 SBE, right, yeah. So that's been gone for a while. So now it's more straight people there. And I don't know. It's still the best because it's outside and stuff. But they should have made it like the Abbey, old school, like the independent Abbey. We're not owned by like some big awful corporation. We're just another fun
Starting point is 00:33:25 guard we're we're what the abbey used to be basically yeah have the hottest dancers have a beautiful outside area but this is like a snooty tooty restaurant and no one wants to sit on that corner at a restaurant that's why it's all straight people in there and then like yeah exactly it's not very good and shit it's you know what, it's like the taste level, it sort of has like the tacky taste level of like sort of like an old queen, you know? So it's sort of gay in that sense. But the rest, it just sort of has that like sort of
Starting point is 00:33:54 Euro trash kind of feel to it. It's a place, again, it's just an extension of Sur. And it's too restaurant-y. It's way too restaurant-y. But it is prettier. It is pretty. Like the trees, like the lighting is very nice. It's, like, it's cute. But it should have been.
Starting point is 00:34:07 It's pretty, yeah. But why would you call it, like, you just can't call something pump and then have it be, like, a delicate space with trees and hanging lights. Yeah, a restaurant. And then to advertise on television in your TV show that's basically you're doing so that people will come to your restaurant, right? And it works, of course. that's basically you're doing so that people will come to your restaurant right and it works of course then you go on there and not only admit but brag that your chef is chef penny from the food network star i know oh my god chef penny the big one of the one of the biggest bitches that that show has ever seen and one of the biggest idiots i mean her her whole thing on the food
Starting point is 00:34:41 network star was to be sexy do you remember remember that? Oh, my God, yes. She would do that thing with her hand. And so she was being a total whore about it. She's like, today we're making Swedish meat balls. Yeah! She's like the least sexy woman that has ever graced that poor show. She's like, just really, really unsexy. Like, really and truly unsexysexy all that food she's pitching to lisa she's like what about salmon carpaccio and lisa's like that is so sexy oh yeah really not yeah like why don't you pick everything from the 80s it's like how about mozzarella and tomato and we'll stack it
Starting point is 00:35:22 up oh that sounds amazing, darling. There were like a few things. I wish I could remember what they were, but I had that same thought. Are you kidding me? Yeah, meatball. I was like, why is that sexy? There's nothing sexy about it. It's like devil's eggs. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Here's something I hate for an angle on a restaurant. Sexy. It's the stupidest angle on food. And you know the food network star they do get people on there every time they're like this is food for like you know you want to cook for your date or this is sexy food there's some one uh damaris was like that and she actually won and she was a double she was a double she was sexy and it was a dating thing and her show was like i'm to help you cook something for your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And she would shimmy. And they were like, please stop shimming, Damaris. And she's like, oh, I feel so stupid. I actually didn't hate Damaris. But the thing is, though, like, sexy food is, like, I feel like that's also, like, a very dated approach. And it's always going to be cheesy. And that's why, again, why Pump fails and why Sir fails because it tries to be sexy. And the music in there that they play, it's like, you know, when you go onto a restaurant website and it's always flash and really annoying.
Starting point is 00:36:34 And this like annoying, like weird European take on like Argentinian music comes up. You hear like an accordion and like a bossa nova beat. But it's like very cool. That's the music. The music at pump is basically flash website music oh no no no what's happening to her i think she did it's gonna be a success i think she did a really good thing with sir i think sir that whole outdoor area is really nice you can have drinks i mean it's a restaurant but you can also just go there for drinks and not feel weird about it like at Sir.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Yeah. I mean, like at Pump. But Pump, pretty, but she doesn't – she needs – It's not the right – It just needs to be – like she needs to get a feng shui person and someone to just come in and be like, make it a gay bar. Fuck this like terrible food and snotty people sitting around in linen suits. This is not going to work, okay? No, it needs to be –
Starting point is 00:37:23 You're at the corner of Robertson and Santa Monica. Okay. You need strippers. Yeah. You already have. It's like the exact same restaurant as Sir. Like, that's the way it feels. Like, you don't.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It needs strippers. Thank you. Just strippers. That spot is doomed anyway. That corner is doomed. It's never been anything good. It was a coffee shop called. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Java Detour. And it's where, like, the sober gays went yeah and i was like that's nice that there's a coffee because you know like there's a lot of addicts and stuff who are trying to reform and stuff and i think that that's great and it's really mature to see that in the gay community because you know once you start down that crystal meth road you never come back but you're putting it in between bars on the busiest bar corner like that is not gonna work nobody's gonna sit in the coffee shop all night well the funny thing is that here they're trying to have this like cool vibe next door is mother load this bar and tuesday nights
Starting point is 00:38:18 are manhole it's like manhole night or something it's called manhole so they're trying to have this sexy vibe and you hear over this in this vibe because it's like why are you trying to do this vibe next to manhole yeah man that can't work i love gay names for shit like there's no uh subtlety at all so like manhole the dick yeah well that's why pump the bar that's why pump should be like a nasty old place yeah i mean even if it's new just remove some of that foofy shit put some naked guys on top of the bar have gigantic martinis and you're done what else you need yeah exactly why is it so hard people it's not hard. My only recommendation is don't get a staff like Sir, because as we saw on this season premiere, they are still as dysfunctional and awful as ever. Yeah, they really are.
Starting point is 00:39:17 And that show is so funny. I mean, this show has such amazing quotes throughout the whole thing. Insta fight, like an Instagram fight? Come on. Well, once again, our season kicked off with yet another cheating scandal. Like, every season is an accusation of cheating, and you know it's going to go seven or eight episodes of Tom
Starting point is 00:39:38 being like, no, I didn't sleep with her. I'm very up front with Ariana. We're very open. I didn't sleep with her. I didn't upfront with Ariana. We're very open. I didn't sleep with her. I didn't do it. Why are you trying to tear us down, Kristen? Why are you doing that, Kristen? And then on episode eight, fine, I slept with her.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I just didn't want to say it. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I just wanted to go away. I'm sorry. Now you've ruined everything. You know that's what's going to happen. Totally. Because it happens every single season.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Yeah. So supposedly he cheated on her, and then the story he told her was, well, we didn't want to just show up without girls, so we got a bunch of girls to ride in with us. But then he did have a picture of himself sleeping later with his iPad in bed. That was the funniest picture ever. By the way, I love the way the producers just shamed these cast members by posting as many embarrassing photos of them from Instagram or their past as possible. They keep coming back for that $500 a week or whatever. So this started off with Jackson having a new girlfriend. Oh, you mean girlfriends?
Starting point is 00:40:40 Well, we only saw one. Yeah. Right now he's only got one for all we know yeah yeah she's previously seen in the movie Chicken Run and uh
Starting point is 00:40:49 I believe she was one of the chickens that was concerned about the plane that they built Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards
Starting point is 00:40:59 played by HBO's industry's Myhala Harold a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break
Starting point is 00:41:11 in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Gray's all-coveted academic top ten, curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost?
Starting point is 00:41:36 Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death. Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Academy early and ad-free right now by joining Wondery Plus. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey. And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less. In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:42:35 She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts. So he's got this girlfriend and Jax is on the Teresa Giudice tour where he's like, I'm a good person now. I'm a good person now.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Oh, I've changed so much. I'm such a good person. Well, I started watching this early. So I was watching the reunion from last year first. Oh, my God. All that stuff. And it's like, you just fucked your best friend's girlfriend. Do you feel bad at all?
Starting point is 00:43:22 And he's like, no, I don't understand. I mean, I ask people, why don't understand i mean i ask people why don't i feel anything because you're a sociopath okay i don't feel anything that's not good that's not something you should be admitting in public cat killer cat killer so this year he's like oh now i'm a totally different person um which you you know you can't just get you just can't stop being a sociopath so yeah it's that's going to be fun to watch. Well, you know, the reunion aired probably, what, February or so? Maybe March, somewhere around there.
Starting point is 00:43:52 They probably started filming this in April, considering that Pump opened over Gay Pride, which is June. So essentially he's had maybe six weeks, eight weeks of personal growth where he's suddenly become a different person. I don't buy it. He does look totally different, though. Yeah, I mean, he definitely looks like maybe six weeks, eight weeks of personal growth where he's suddenly become a different person. I don't buy it. He does look totally different, though. Yeah, I mean, he definitely looks older and wiser. He looks older.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah. I'm not sure what that is. We've already talked about this, so I don't want to go too far into it. I'm guessing fillers. But, yeah, there is something definitely weird. You know, I think I saw Jax on Halloween, by the way. I don't know if this is even significant. But I think I saw him and he was dressed as Clark Kent doing one of those costumes, Clark Kent with Superman. I could be wrong.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I'm going to look right now to see what Jax's Halloween costume was, but I think I saw him on the street. I mean, look, he's still – as much as we like rag on him for looking older or I thought he looked fat in the reviews, whatever, he's still hot. I mean, listen. Yeah, he's really hot. We hold him to a different standard. We hold him to a model standard. Of course. It's like those queens who make fun of fashion models and stuff. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I just don't want to be that gay. Have you seen that clip, The Disgustings with Drew Droege? I did watch it. Don't let that be me. I think it probably already is. But please don't let it be me. I'll change. I'll change. Too awful gay, guys. Oh, my God. Don't let that be me. I think it probably already is. But please don't let it be me. I'll change.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I'll change. Jax is so nice. He's going to change. Everything's going to be great, guys. Yeah. He will be wonderful. I'm trying to find this Halloween costume. I don't know if I can find it.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Okay. So, Sheena pulls Tom aside. Oh, so this is a Sheena's party. Okay. So, now everybody's heard this rumor wait where are my notes i'm missing the first part of these i don't know well what's the the most important thing with sheena before you get it i have to say on my notes i put uh jackson jacks is a new person now being fat makes you nicer lol oh that's not nice i don't know why i had to read
Starting point is 00:45:42 that out loud okay go ahead sorry no i was going to say that um she knows big thing is that she got a tattoo on her forearm she's like i got a tattoo it's like it's like my favorite quote from almost famous so it says it's all happening because you know it's all happening she needed to just write on there almost famous because that that would have actually worked. That would have been not only a tattoo, but a label. Or just almost. Because I feel like that's what her life is.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Almost. It's all happening. And then the whole rest of the episode, she put her hand to her hair and you just see it's all happening. It's the stupidest quote. Not profound. Oh, Sheena. You know it's going to be a bumpy season when one of the first scenes is horse face and a thong. Yikes!
Starting point is 00:46:28 Oh, no. Seriously? Seriously? Do I need to see that? Seriously? And I like that she said, it starts by her talking about dating that young twink bartender. And then she said, happy looks good on me. I just wrote, it looks like she's been crying. Because it did. It looks like she's been crying. Because it did.
Starting point is 00:46:46 It looks like she's all puffy and sad. And she's like, happy looks good on me. Oh, my God. By the way, pause. Jax. I did see Jax. Because I'm looking at his photos right now. And he's Clark Kent.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I saw him. He walked by me while I was trying to get a lift. You should have touched his butt. I know. He looked good. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. I'm telling you. He does a Clark Kent seat very well.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Anyway. So I just totally interrupted. No, it's okay. I'm just reading from my notes. I wrote Tom and Tariana believe in each other. They're like, we believe that we can do anything. And I'm like, yeah, but you're still bartenders. So I don't think it's working.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I had that exact same thought. Like, what are you guys believing in like i believe in your mojito skills baby yeah thanks for the support babe she's like yeah i got whatever i was like gonna say something about getting starship lyrics on his forearm but i couldn't remember the lyrics. Cause we can stand in man together. Nothing's gonna matter. Nothing's gonna stop us now. Except the lack of talent and bills and stunning powers because we have to make mojitos
Starting point is 00:47:55 all night. And Kristen, my crazy ex, and her new boyfriend. I think I said this last year, but this Adriana girl, Ariana Adrianaana she doesn't look like her but she has the exact same facial movements as amy adams i've already said that like the way she smiles and squints her eyes it's creepy it's like amy adams playing a digital version of like how they do it in lord of the rings where they just put shit on their faces so you can see their facial expressions
Starting point is 00:48:26 except now they're a monkey? Is that called digital acting? Yeah. You guys, I'm gonna be a digital actor, okay? I'm gonna have Amy Adams' face grafted onto my face. It's all happening. I'm not gonna be a podcaster anymore. Now I'm gonna be a digital actor. Seriously, Tom? Seriously?
Starting point is 00:48:42 You think you're so cool because, like, your girlfriend has amy adams face grafted onto her like seriously i can get sigourney weaver onto my face like seriously speaking of i just saw her for the first time have you ever seen that movie oh i thought you meant sigourney weaver no i love her though too i love her i once was on an airplane with her and i felt like it was the most magical experience of my life i was like she's so classy because i was like i was sort of near the front of uh coach so i could see into like business class and i could see sigourney weaver and i was like she's so classy
Starting point is 00:49:14 up there and like she like took her sweater off and then then like wrapped it around her at one point i was like oh is there anything is there anything she can't do? And then I got a tattoo that said, it's all happening. It's all happening. Sigourney's taking off her sweater. She's folding it now. It's going under the seat. It's going under the seat. I was like, seriously?
Starting point is 00:49:37 Sigourney? Sigourney? Sigourns. I loved also at the beginning of this episode that Katie is trying to be the new Stassi no Katie I'm sorry you crock eyed horse face number two I know
Starting point is 00:49:53 you are not the new Stass okay sit back down she's going too hard she's like I'm working the squirrel right now Sheena well what I liked is that when Sheena was like you know when I come to my birthday party, it's gonna be like McSolid, they've got like a lot of good tequila, and Katie's like, you know, I'm really
Starting point is 00:50:09 sick of this like tequila Katie reputation, and like, to invite me to her party, and then she insults me in the same sentence, it's just like so rude. I'm like, I think she was just talking that they have a good tequila selection, that's all. Yeah. I think she said they don't have tequila. Oh, maybe that's- Yeah, I think she was like, I don't know if you want to come to my party, they don't have tequila oh maybe that's
Starting point is 00:50:25 yeah I think she was like I don't know if you want to come to my party they don't have tequila it's all happening it's all happening at my birthday my birthday's gonna be at the Chuck E. Cheese and Azusa will you come I'm getting the key to Azusa
Starting point is 00:50:44 from the mayor it opens at Chuck E. Cheese but that's all I'm getting the key to Azusa from the mayor. It opens the Chuck E. Cheese, but that's all. It only opens the Chuck E. Cheese in the big lots. And the scrunchie store. And the Claire's boutique. That's all.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It opens up the elephant bar and that's it it's all happening um i'm a horrible person when we talk i'm even worse when i write things down because i wrote katie's new hair makes her look fat that is not nice i liked her new hair wait i like that's true it was a it was a nice improvement over her strange, like, orange. Well, it wasn't last year's hair, so that's good. Last year was like an Orange Julius disaster. Yeah. Last year was like an Iron.Ronald McDonald.
Starting point is 00:51:34 She's like, I'm getting Nikita Azusa now, too. So Lisa finally shows up. And I love that Lisa is just a bitch to everybody. I think it's so funny. But she does it with such a laugh. And that's why I always love her. Because when she's telling Jax, enjoy your job here, darling, because you can't work at Pump. You look like an old grandpa over there.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Like, oh, my God. Poor thing. He's already getting a nose job. What the hell do you want from him, Lisa? He's going to start cutting up his whole face soon. I'm glad he's getting a nose job, only because I have noticed that he's super nasally
Starting point is 00:52:10 and I would like to... Cocaine? Guess what? He's going to fuck up his nasal passage too, unless they make it out of rubber or something that you can easily clean cocaine out of. Well, luckily he has syphilis, probably, so I'm sure the nose will fall off any time anyway. He's like, thought that I could breathe again. My whole plan was to get syphilis, probably, so I'm sure the nose will fall off any time anyway. He's like, finally, I can breathe again.
Starting point is 00:52:26 My whole plan was to get syphilis, that way my nose would fall off. Is that what happens to syphilis? Finally, syphilis is good for something. I think that's leprosy. I thought syphilis did something to your nose. I'm going to look it up. Leprosy is that thing in the Bible that people would get in their limbs and fall off and shit. You know, I'm really sorry. I keep interrupting you. i keep on doing internet searches and then like and then i get learning and then i get excited and i go by the way as
Starting point is 00:52:54 if like this is really important but i typed in syph and then syphilis came up and then the next thing was syphilis nose no way do it do it do it all right i'm not gonna do it i'll tell you one thing i'm not gonna do an image search oh my god don't do that nose oh so um you get a saddle nose uh deformation so there's that what is that it does something to your nose i think it it does something i mean i think it makes your nose it does something. I mean, I think you make, makes your nose bold. That's actually, Oh my God, between syphilis and cocaine.
Starting point is 00:53:27 That guy doesn't stand a chance. God bless him. His nose will be like, which one? That's actually why his nose is fairly intact because the syphilis is trying to grow it. And the cocaine is trying to have a way at it. One thing I'm loving about this young cast is they're younger, but they're still doing all the things that the older people do,
Starting point is 00:53:44 like the Botox and the lifts and the weird things to their faces, but they're not really old enough to be doing it yet. And I cannot wait to see what Jax looks like in five years, because you know it's going to be crazy. Oh, you know his eyebrows are going to be
Starting point is 00:53:57 like up at the top of his head. Yeah, he's going to have some Mickey work action going on. Oh, he definitely will. So I love when he was talking about how their friend him and tom uh tom are friends again and he's like well it took me a while to realize what remorse was what like he literally didn't even know what it was he's like he did tom a favor well he's like, for the longest time, I thought remorse was just like that language that people use to communicate during wars. Lisa Matt at Stassi.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Well, I love it's like, I was like, oh, underwear Stassi, and then she comes driving up, and it's like, well, I moved to New York, but then as soon as I got there, my boyfriend, six months later, had to move back to LA. It's like, fine. I'm like, yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what happened. It's more like you got a call from Bravo saying, we're going to give you $1,300 for you to be on the show for 13 weeks.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Yeah. And she's like, I can't pass that up. That's like a hot dog in New York. By the way, can we talk about Kristen's new boyfriend? Is it too early? I don't want to jump ahead in your notes. No, no. I mean, this show is so silly.
Starting point is 00:55:08 The notes are literally, like, Kristen rumor about social media. Tom wanted proof girl was on period. Gossipy Brit gay guy, LOL. Shay cries, oh, Lord. Kristen asked herself questions. Oh, Kristen asking herself questions. Do I want them to be together? No.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Do I care if they're together? Yes. Do I like them? Seriously? Yes. Seriously? No. Seriously?
Starting point is 00:55:35 Seriously. So, yes, let's talk about the new Fagito Burrito that has wormed his way into the horse. So this guy is, I forget what his name is his name jamie or something his name should be jamie so he what's hilarious is he's like yeah you know like in england like i'm a dj and like i'm really big i toured with oak and fold and this person that's the person they show photos of him dead mouse i don't know um moby dick yeah and ching Deadmau5. And also two in there. MobyDick. Yeah. And Ching Chong. And, you know, the iPod fallacy.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And, you know, the keychain conspiracy. I was the first person of one of my friends. I was the first person of all of my friends to have the iPhone 5. Yeah, I actually got it. I got it directly from Steve Jobs himself. Like, he gave it to me. Like, so I love to me. Like, so I love, he's like saying all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:27 I'm like, all right. So you tour with all these acts and you're a bus boy. Yeah. Did you bring me some more water and then tell me about Steve Jobs? That would be great. Yeah. That'd be really wonderful. When did people stop serving bread with dinner?
Starting point is 00:56:41 When did that happen? Is that an LA thing? Bus boy. Okay. Remedy that. Okay. And then we'll talk. thing, busboy? Okay, remedy that, okay? And then we'll talk about your Steve Jobs story. I know. It was so douchey.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And then when Tom told the story about how Tom was always, like, getting him drinks and stuff, and then he used all his money to buy a BMW, and then he had the BMW selfies, I was like, oh, my God. The gamer selfies. It was so awful. Like, it's like, you know like it's one of those things where i always say there's like a carousel of awfulness you're like oh wait no this person's the worst person in the episode no no this works then i said the bmw uh selfies and i was like oh he is the worst okay first of all obviously he's just using horse face right and she's just using him
Starting point is 00:57:19 too so it's fair and i'm not going to stick up for her she's horse face so yeah obviously they're using each other they deserve each other whatever but then to be getting involved in all the bullshit is gross like when he's saying oh well tom you know look at what tom's doing no one's stopping tom do you think tom cares what do you think tom's thinking about this what do you think tom's thinking about that oh you think tom gives a shit yeah tom's fucking everyone ever tom fuck that girl oh my god like, oh my God. What are you doing here? Exactly. Meanwhile, you know he's like
Starting point is 00:57:48 cheating on Kristen left and right. With dudes. He's probably got fingers up his butt half the night of Sir. Seriously? Probably got Persian fingers up his butt half that night. It's all happening in his ass.
Starting point is 00:58:00 It's all happening on my butt. The best part of the episode, well, there were a lot of best parts, but my favorite part was Tom not even punching the British guy, but just grabbing his face and pushing it down. I know. I was like, team Tom. He did what America wants. He spoke for America with that weird shove. Yeah, that guy's disgusting. And I love that they showed all of his Beamer selfies.
Starting point is 00:58:26 And Tom's like, why don't you go take a Beamer selfie? And he's like, why don't you go take a Honda Civic from 1994 selfie, Tom? He's like, you just want to be 22 again. Well, I'm 22, and I have it all. It's like, shut up. Oh, my God. He was so insufferable. He's just like young, British, awful Stassi.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Oh, you're not going to be 22 for long. And we'll be here waiting, waiting for it all to fall. Yes. You can always count on us, British jerk. You want to see your future? It's Jax Taylor. Oh, but without working out. I mean, could you imagine?
Starting point is 00:59:04 He looks like the guy. He looks like Captain America before he got injected with all that stuff to make him strong. He looked like the little wuss version of him. You're too scrawny to be in the army, boy. He's like, I just want to serve. I just want to serve, officer. Yeah, he's terrible what else happened on the episode
Starting point is 00:59:28 so it's done it's over we talked about all of it so basically so Stassi's you know what so Stassi was acting like the girl who goes off to college and then comes back to high school like Thanksgiving break
Starting point is 00:59:43 yeah like oh my god like you guys it's like all you guys just fight like I've been in New York comes back to high school at Thanksgiving break. You guys are so high school. Oh my god. You guys just fight. I've been in New York. I have a boyfriend now. I'm like, whatever Stassi. I've taken a subway. You are licking it all up, Stassi. You were all about it.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah. Stassi is way too big for her little breeches. i've been in new york so i know a lot about the financial industry now shut up stassi um stassi's still stupid and i love that she's back on the show but not working at sir i think that's hilarious she's like i'll just be here i'll just be here to party and like bring everybody down and then they started that um instagram war when both parties were going on at the same time and stassi's like you know our party's more fun i mean first of all all our friends like each other and second of all did you see what tom was wearing at that party on instagram oh my god did you see
Starting point is 01:00:36 tom fucking that girl and then they spent the rest of the time just talking about the other party i think that makes you the sadder one staff yeahass. Yeah, I think so. I think so. My theory is that Stassi is going to come back into the surf fold, but I feel like she's going to be a manager, which will create chaos. Oh, my God. Because she would not go back to be a waitress, or at least that's not how the producers would have it. I think it makes sense if she comes back as a manager and then she goes on a power trip. I think it makes sense if she comes back as the manager and then she goes on a power trip. Other favorite line from the show when Sheena – I love that Sheena's making everything about herself all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Yes. Oh, yes. Like it's her boyfriend who is cheating or something. And she's like, Tom, I need to talk to you. Tom. And she starts like trying to cry. She's like, I can't cry because these eyelashes are made out of mink. What? Or how about like when – They're not made out of mink. What? Or how about, like, when... They're not made out of mink. Or how about just when she hears about that there's, like, when Kristen tells her about the allegations and shows her text messages, and then she starts to cry.
Starting point is 01:01:35 I'm like, what? Why are you crying? It's all happening. I love you guys. I love both of you guys. I love all of you guys. And she's like, you know, it's like, I have an obligation as Ariana's best friend to report this stuff to her. Like, no, she is not the IRS. You don't have to, like, file a report on your gossip earnings. You can just be quiet and shut it down and just not say anything.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Well, we know that Tom and Ariana worked out because they showed up to Katie's nail thing together. Yeah, we missed them. That's too bad. Whatever, we could just go to the book. We saw plenty of other waiters. Yeah. So, what else? Let's move on.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Okay. Sorry, that wasn't very nice. Do you have anything more with Vanderpumps? No. With the Vanderpump rules? I say, why don't we move on to Bravo's ultimate test of accent mockery. Oh, my God. You're also Hollywood.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Well, we should be ashamed of ourselves because we knew this show was coming. We watched the preview of this show, and neither one of us went on YouTube to take accent classes. But that's the fun of it. If we actually sounded like them. There are so many accents. I don't even know what to do on this show. My eyes were just spinning. Well, I think I think I could do funny.
Starting point is 01:03:00 She's like, I'm funny. I'm from Austria and I have a song, but I had sex with other people. I love my husband and my manager. I'm funny. I'm from Austria and I have a song but I had sex with other people. I lost my husband and my manager I'm funny Everything that moves I want to have sex with you. I'm sorry. I want to fuck everything and I have paintings. I like paintings This is hippie this is how I have party now. So that way I have, you know, funny. People see funny. Excuse me.
Starting point is 01:03:30 It's my party and I would like to make a toast. Thank you. Oh, my God. So we open this with Massimo, the Italian. Yes, Massimo. Who's like the probably most likely gay Italian who is a Renaissance man. He can cook. He can act. He can sing.
Starting point is 01:03:43 He can write. He's a poet. He can build homes. can act. He can sing. He can write. He's a poet. He can build homes. He can make cars. He invented the light bulb. Anything you want! Except say the word put properly. Put.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Put. Put. Put. Put. Put. I love when he does his American accent. Okay, now I'm speaking with a southern accent good day mate hi hello let's go to the rodeo cowboy hey all i'm from the south
Starting point is 01:04:17 if we're making fun of your bad accent you know you're in trouble yeah um yeah massimo although he did cook up a meal in this episode and i actually i believe that he can cook so i am not going to ding him for that that's one thing i trust he is good at yeah he seems like a cute guy like he's always trying super nice he actually seems very nice he's probably like a lot he's one of those people that's like oh massimo is so nice we sort of have to be in the mood to hang out with him yeah he's like how come nobody invites me to all the places that you guys go to in america because you know he probably like asks a lot of things like oh could you send me can you give me your like could you like pass my headshot along thank you so much
Starting point is 01:04:58 oh yeah totally he's one of those you know he's like those improv shows and yeah exactly like i can do this show but i have to bring 15 people and you're like oh massimo i hate people like that by the way we're doing a live show at the improv on january 25th trying to fill 100 seats so thanks um then we have then we have uh leona leona is like madonna madonna of albinia and uh she doesn't give a fuck she doesn't give a fuck about what you think you know what i don't like about bliona amongst many things is that she's the type of person who's like like i'm a strong woman i could be i could do everything like a man like don't say don't say i can't do something because i can do it and it's like then and then as soon as she runs out of gas she like, will you fill up this gas tank for me? You're a man. You should be able to do this.
Starting point is 01:05:45 I'm just a woman. Like, no, you can't do that, Leona. Leona. I love that. She makes the gas station guy. First of all, she's totally rude to him. He's like, oh, is your car, is your gas empty? She's like, no, I'm just here to say hi to you.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Okay, no, I'm here to say hi to you. It's not about my gas. I'm just at the gas station to say hi. He's like,'m here to say hi to you it's not about my gas i'm just at the gas station to say hi he's like uh not getting the sarcasm at all and she's like how do you do this this new so you come do it for me he's like no i can't leave the store she's like no you do it you do it do it right now do it right now makes him do it and then she's like you don't know how to work this and he's like i've never had to use it and she's like you're a man figure it out get it together you're a man what kind of man are you oh no i thought she was really funny because she is just such an asshole oh she is like
Starting point is 01:06:35 when she was at the recording studio and uh there's like a sound engineer and she just gives him the keys he's like okay can you just park this out front thank you very much didn't even say thank you like thank you bye she's like i'm, can you just park this out front? Thank you very much. She didn't even say thank you. Like, goodbye. She's like, I'm parked in the middle of the street because I don't know how to park the car. So you go park it for me, and then bring me some tea. Yeah, bring me some tea. Can someone secure this microphone stand?
Starting point is 01:06:54 It's too wobbly for me, okay? One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me. Which is literally how she sounded. And then she's like, oh, I don't like this headphone. Get me a different headphone. These are from China.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Yeah. I want good Albanian. I want good Albanian headphone. You know, it's made of made of rye bread and wires. This is made out of the poor people from downtown in Albania. You know, we take their bones and they have the perfect way to listen to things. You know, you got out a baby's bones and then you put the cord on it this is what i want do it i am the star here in albania i'm a
Starting point is 01:07:32 donna in albania the city has a hundred thousand people and a hundred thousand people came to my concert that means i have like control over a hundred thousand people well guess what you probably just sang in the town square that doesn't count as a concert yeah no kidding when your town only has one store of course everybody's gonna go to it it's like here when there was like lines around the block for a dunkin donuts because there's only one i'm looking at leona what's leona leona leona singer star leona rock star singer star yeah she was i love that she was talking about how her father was in the secret service so and she's a princess so she used to just be able to call the government to do whatever she wanted but then the government
Starting point is 01:08:19 changed and then they were nothing so i'm wondering how much of her musical career was given to her because of that. You know? Probably about 100%. Yeah. And so now she's in America. It's like, bitch, you better get somebody on the city council or something. You better get your dad on the city council.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Well, everyone wants to hear an Albanian pop star. She's a billionaire. Who doesn't want to hear it? Who doesn't want to hear? One, two, three, four. You know what else we do in Albania that's very popular? Potatoes. Potatoes.
Starting point is 01:08:49 I have a song about potatoes. Yeah. Do you think people are going to give up potatoes? No, they love us. They love us. I will make my way here. I will be the first potato superstar. I have a very famous song called
Starting point is 01:09:01 One potato, two potato, three potato whore Because I'm a fame whore blee oh nah it's a good song I'm looking for these video that was posted on our timeline oh let's find blee on a video so let's find play for the people hold on let me find it too because I'm on her Wikipedia page and you know blee ona says I'm gonna write a check that says, fuck you, I want to sing now. I'm going to make a song called Fuck You, I'm Famous. Okay, here it is.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Fuck You, I'm Famous. Oh, are you going to play it so I can hear it too? Okay, play it. I'm going to sing along because I'm Fuck You, Famous too. I'm Fuck You, Famous. Fuck You, Famous. Fuck You, I'm Famous. Fuck You, I'm Fam Fuck you I'm famous
Starting point is 01:09:48 Famous I have a towel on my head I drive a golden Lexus I don't know how to put gas in my Lexus I don't know how to read the gas gate in my Lexus Lipstick Lipstick and makeup and fonts sucks. And lipstick and makeup and fonts over fonts.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I have a big forehead and strange hair cause I'm famous so fuck you I'm famous. Fuck you I'm famous. I like to drive around and stuff. I listen to
Starting point is 01:10:26 things and talk to people did you like it Ben? you know I thought I have to say Ronnie when I'm listening for new emerging artists my favorite thing is to have them say fuck you I'm famous it really endears me to them
Starting point is 01:10:42 it's really relatable I love her granted I've only made it 48 so it's really relatable i love her i love granted i've only made it 48 seconds into this song but i love her examples of being famous she's like look i'm putting on makeup look i have a towel on my head look i'm at the beach look i'm getting into an uber it's like what the fuck how's any of this making you famous okay and then there's all these magazines that she's been in that of course course, no one's ever heard of. She does look very pretty. I don't doubt
Starting point is 01:11:07 that she's famous there. Is she going to become famous here? Oh my god, what if she is the next Madonna? Well, I hope that she and Fonny have a duet. I'm Fonny. I'm Fonny and my song is about painting and fucking. It's called Fuck You, I'm Painting.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Like, I literally want to fuck you while i'm painting because i'm funny very big in japan meanwhile we also have oleander from denmark which one is oleander he's the one with like he's like the blonde one who's like jewelry guy jewelry guy with like a really good body uh but is, like, sort of annoying with everything he does. Like, look, everybody thinks I'm gay because I shave my chest
Starting point is 01:11:49 and I shave my balls, but that's it, okay? I don't bleach my asshole or any of this crazy L.A. stuff. Everyone thinks I'm gay because I'm having sex with that busboy at Sur, but no, I'm not.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I'm straight. It's not gay if you don't swallow. In Denmark, we just call that kuflachschen. It just means boy on the side, but still straight. It's not gay if you don't swallow. In Denmark, we just call that kuflachchen. It just means boy on the side, but still straight. Yes, they have these in all of the steam rooms. Yes. Yeah, the steam rooms are like on the flakken.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Yes. Yes. Very popular. My most popular jewelry is cock ring. Does not gay, though. No gay for me uh yeah that guy that gay guy's dating a teenager i like him because he like he's rich and he did it all himself he came here with nothing and now look at him so i like him yeah actually i don't really
Starting point is 01:12:38 mind him that much i like him and the other guy i like sasha i like sasha working out and they just haven't given up, you know? Yeah. They're like hot and rich. Well, my favorite thing with Sasha is like, you know, like I'm just trying to make a life for myself so that way I can bring my family over from Germany. I'm like, listen, this is not like the immigrant experience of like I have a family like in India or in Mexico and I'm like trying to earn just enough money so that they can come over here. He's like, he has tons of money he's like I just want to be able to build a mansion so that way when they come over here they're happy I'm like why don't you just bring them over now some damn teenager didn't you see the the video of his wife and well it wasn't on this episode but it was on the preview they showed the video of his wife and kids she's like 20 he ran the
Starting point is 01:13:23 hell away impregnated some teenager and ran the hell away. He's like, I'll bring you over when I have money for a giant mall. Good luck with that, honey. He's probably sending her $20. Every week or something. And she's like, oh, we are rich. And then we also have the other woman, I forget
Starting point is 01:13:42 her name, who's married to Swedish House Mafia. Not sure about her yet. She seems like a bitch on wheels. She seems like she does not want to be part of this. But she probably is the one who put it all together. She's like the biggest name whore of them all. Like the one who doesn't have any talent but likes to put things together. Well, she is the Angelina Jolie of Sweden.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Yeah, she's the... Every country has their Brad and Angelina. And in our country, it's us. Oh, no. Leona's like, I am Angelina Jolie. And I am also Madonna. Sorry, my accents are now getting so messed up. It's very hard to go from accent to accent.
Starting point is 01:14:19 You're like the Meryl Streep of Albania. I think I'm doing Asian accents now. I'm like, I am Leona. You kind of give Tawny one. You're like, hello, I'm Tawny. I think I'm like doing Asian accents now. I'm like I am Leona. You kind of give Tony one. You're like, hello, I'm Tony. You like chicken fried steak? You like sweet sour chicken? Rice? Steamed or brown? I'm funny. I work at
Starting point is 01:14:35 I work at Walk and Roll for now. You look at inside a cookie or cookie no make sense. You eat the paper. Ha ha ha. Now my time for toast. or cookie no make sense. You eat the paper. Now my time for toast. I like that Fonny has a dinner party and then Leona gets up and she's like, I just want to thank everyone for coming here
Starting point is 01:14:55 to my dinner party. Fonny's like, no, I think that I should do toast now instead. Then I was like, fine. I'll go somewhere where they want me to have a toast. Shut up. I will do video call to downtown Albania
Starting point is 01:15:10 where everybody will gather to watch me toast. I toast all of Albania right now. And they will get on their cell phone and watch. Well, she already hated Bliona. Which was funny. But she's like, oh, maybe you let me toast at my own party.
Starting point is 01:15:26 And Bliona was like, what's this bitch's problem? I am surprised that she fucked with Leona first. Because from the previews, I just figured Leona was going to be the asshole. But I love that it was Tawny. What is her name? Fawny with an F. Fawny? Fawny.
Starting point is 01:15:40 I can't with this show. No, I actually, because you know that actually Fonny is going to be the biggest bitch of all. But it's sort of awesome because she walks around in these little dresses. She seems so sweet. She's like one of those stripper girls. She's always like, oh, honey. I know. I like that color, too.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Have you ever seen The Goonies? Oh, this is my favorite movie. And then the minute something doesn't go right, she's like, Hey, I hate you. You never do anything for me. Throws a fit. You know it's that girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:14 You can totally tell that that's that girl. Mm-hmm. Funny. That's just the way funny is, okay? I like Playona so far because I like watching her order her parents around and giving herself lippo laser in bed. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:16:27 and I like Mossimo and Fonny cause they went to target and bake on pans. Yeah. I was just in that target. I just bought settlers of Catan. My dorky admission on the day. What did you buy? Settlers of Catan.
Starting point is 01:16:40 It's a board game. It's like the best. So you should come over and play. Oh, Ben. I'm not going to come over and play anything anymore because I went over and played Grand Theft Auto. And guess who's been sitting in front of the Xbox like he has? You bought it? No, I have four, though, already.
Starting point is 01:16:57 So I was like, oh, I'll play some Grand Theft Auto and practice my driving in case I go to Ben's house again one day. Practice my driving. I've been playing that for three days now, so thanks. You're welcome. I'm actually trying to figure out how to work picture-in-picture so I can watch my Bravo shows while I play and kind of fix the sickness. I like to play a game called Grand Theft Fonny
Starting point is 01:17:18 where you just play as Fonny walking around the city. Hello, excuse me. I have to kill you now and steal your car. Thank you. I'm Fonny now and steal your car. Thank you. I'm funny. I love your age. You're funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Well, she's big in Japan. I'm so sorry I hit your car. You were not looking where you were going, so I'm going to kill you now. Okay, hooker? I'm funny. I'm funny. Leona's like, give me your car now.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Like, now I take your car and I drive away and murder you. Okay? Because I'm fucking famous now. Fuck you. Fuck you, I'm famous, Grand Theft Leona. I'm sorry that my driving is so bad, but I'm looking for my song on the radio. So if somebody can find a radio station with my song, maybe I can drive better and stop killing so many pedestrians in this story. I am the world record holder of grand theft auto
Starting point is 01:18:07 albania and it's a game where you it's a free roaming game where you drive around fields and avoid sheep it's a good game and then if you win a reward your father gets a better job in government if you do not win a reward you lose lose everything. You rob bank in Tirana. And there's only one bank there, so it's the only mission in the game. And I'm very good at it. Well, I can tell you this much. I'm gonna love these Euros, man.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Me too. I love it. I already love this show, which means it's probably gonna be cancelled in two seconds. Although, maybe we broke that curse with Vanderpump Rules. Although, I hated Vanderpump Rules for a long time. You've always liked it. No, no, I hated it too. In the beginning I was like, this fucking show.
Starting point is 01:18:50 And then I, of course, now like bow down at the altar. All right, well, we're leaving this show soon, Ben. So I want to talk really quickly about the final shows. Top Chef, what do you think? What do you think, Ben? I still love it. That guy Aaron is still such an asshole an what did he do this week he got me so it's like a week ago so i can't remember he got me so mad um but then he started in on this whole my dad you
Starting point is 01:19:17 know i grew up without a dad and you know my parents couldn't afford to send me to culinary school like everybody like he started playing the pity card, I guess, because he knew he was coming across as a total dick. But guess what? A lot of people didn't grow up with a dad. It doesn't give them a right to be mean to other people. And, like, who cares if other people went to culinary school and you didn't? So now you're just going to be mean to anybody who has an education? Yeah, that's what I hated about her.
Starting point is 01:19:42 That's what I hated because, you know, the culinary instructor, she's this super sweet woman. She's really lovely. I like her. And he beats her. So what happens is that Aaron loses the quickfire. So it was a sudden death thing. So in order for him to stay on the show, he has to challenge someone. And if he beats them, he gets to stay on the show.
Starting point is 01:20:02 So he chooses the culinary instructor because he's like yeah because i didn't go to culinary school so i won't you know i want to prove that you don't have to go to culinary school and he beats her and he's like oh i guess i guess that like how'd that education work out for you i guess just shows it's like he's being an asshole he's like picking a fight perfectly lovely woman and it's like he said like asshole about you just lost the quick fire you just cooked the worst thing out of like 15 people so and the whole thing about yeah and the whole episode he was just like had this chip on his shoulder against this woman and you know he's that type you know he's got a chip on his shoulder about everything and everyone and you know what last week i was saying
Starting point is 01:20:37 how i didn't like um the guy the mexico kosher guy um he's got the japanese yeah now i like him and i like that he was like he was basically making fun of aaron yeah he was making fun of aaron like in the stew room and aaron's like hey fucking shut up already like you didn't fuck it and i was like no you shut up and he's like no why don't you shut up if you don't want anybody to like you i'm not gonna like you okay so own it own it if you want to be a jerk i love that guy yeah no aaron's like a total he's just an asshole i hate him um a whole picks teacher teacher apologizes for dish and then oh god so then the teacher later they go to the the ballpark and she cooks her dish and it she doesn't do her custard right or whatever but she still makes a lovely dessert so before they can even say anything she's like i really messed it
Starting point is 01:21:22 up it was a failure of technique it was supposed to a custard, but now it's a mousse. They're like, stop talking yourself down. This is actually really good. You just totally fucked yourself over. And then she did the reality show sin. But my dad died and cancer this. I'm like, oh, you're using that. It's like, no, I was okay with it.
Starting point is 01:21:43 I was okay with it. I think there's a context. I think when Amber does it on Jersey, it's bad because I feel okay with it i was okay with it i think there's a context i think when amber does it on jersey it's bad because i feel like she's doing it for fame i think in this case it was i i thought it was people hold on to that shit until they're in trouble they always if she'd done it last week when well i don't think she's won anything yet but if she'd done it when she was on the top like in this episode if they were like you're in the top three and she was like oh this means so much because my dad died that's one thing but they always done it when she was on the top. In this episode, if they were like, you're in the top three, and she was like, oh, this means so much because my dad died. That's one thing.
Starting point is 01:22:07 But they always do it when they're in trouble, when they're like, your dish sucked. They're like, oh, my God, my dad's dead. I don't like that. I thought it was appropriate. And you know what? The producers probably told her to say it anyway. Oh, blame the producers whenever it's convenient. I am standing up for the lovely culinary instructor because she
Starting point is 01:22:27 has this asshole coming after her now and so therefore I'm going to be I like her, but let's face it. She's made broccoli salad, a terrible custard and she's already cried about her dead dad twice. So she's not doing she's not really high up in my I have my reality
Starting point is 01:22:43 show rules, okay? You can mention your drama one time but you cannot do it every fucking time. She's not really high up in my... Alright, alright, alright. I have my reality show rules, okay? Fine. You can mention that. You can mention your drama one time, but you cannot do it every fucking time. I hate that. Fine. Cancer. Cancer.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Cancer. Cancer. Ron was voted off. It's okay. Cancer. Cancer. Go away, Cancer. Ron was voted off for putting a big ball on his soup, and he cried.
Starting point is 01:23:02 You know what, though? It's his fault. That was funny, because he was crying, but he was like, I know I'm better than everybody else here. Shut up, fat queen. Get out of here. You ain't better than anybody else.
Starting point is 01:23:12 Yeah, he was the one who told Joy. Was that her name? Yeah, Joy Crump, who we liked. He was the one who was like, oh, no, don't take the bones off that veal, and then she went home because of it. So, you know what? Karma is a bitch, and it came back for him.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Yeah. I'm always rooting for the big, fat, gay you know what? Karma is a bitch and it came back for him. Yeah. I'm always rooting for the big fat gay guy, you know, especially when they have a birthmark on their head. But, you know, don't be a jerk, all right? I didn't think he was gay. I thought he was straight and had a son. Oh, really? Never mind.
Starting point is 01:23:36 I'm glad he's gone. Get out of here. Yeah, get out of here. So the only other show was Below Deck. I watched the Below Deck reunion. I watched uh like an hour of it it was an hour and a half of my dvr cut it off so it was a fun reunion but honestly the best part was when they were talking about um janiece and kelly's relationship and where it was now and kelly says it was like the funniest thing he's like listen like for first he's
Starting point is 01:24:06 janice was saying you know you know my issue with kelly was that he was like not really there like you know he wasn't really present in the relationship and you know she's like you know i'm not needy but when you say you're gonna like pick me up from the airport and you don't pick me up like that's like an issue for me that's basically what she said and then he's like what i was a good boyfriend like you know we took pictures and put them on instagram together we put them on twitter like his defense was basically that like they had a good social media presence and she was like that's the internet he's like well and then andy was andy first of all was an asshole this entire reunion. Like, he was so, like, he was, like, within, like, the first 30 seconds, he's like, oh, Kelly, like, your dick pic was on the internet, huh? You know?
Starting point is 01:24:53 And, like, everything was like that. Like, oh, can you, like, he's like, hey, can you make a towel look like boobs? Like, he was so, like, puerile, you know? Not to say that we aren't, but, like, he's the host of an actual tv show and we're just podcasters but anyway um so uh uh at one point it comes up the the fact that like janiece you know janiece plain and short you know janiece plain and short like like she's sort of like not quite at kelly's level etc etc and et cetera. And so Kelly's Kelly was, it was like trying to like, trying to like, to defend this. And so he literally says on, on the reunion, he, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:39 It was like, so it was so awful. Like I literally like laughed out loud. He's like, listen, you you know people are like saying things like like hey she's too ugly for you and she's like they were saying she's too ugly for you and i was like no there's a lot more than just looks oh my god what did she how did she react i mean everyone like ben the chef was like i mean even like even Captain Lee was like, oh, whoa. The fact that his response was not like, no, she's beautiful. It was that like, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:26:12 There's a lot more going on than just that. I literally was like, well, I'm going to miss that little show. Bye, below dick. Yeah, Kelly kind of came off. He was pretty bad on it. He did... And Janice came off as actually very sympathetic.
Starting point is 01:26:31 And, you know, it was like a fun reunion. Nothing too... too notable, except that Andy was just being really tacky, and Eddie gained some weight. Speaking of tacky, me. Yeah, he gained a little bit of weight.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Alex P.? Yeah. Don't do it, Alex! But otherwise, it was fine. You know, Kat still was not, like, really owning up to the fact that, like, she blew Amy's boyfriend or Amy's crush back in the day. Yeah, it was all the same stuff. It was good. Good times.
Starting point is 01:27:03 Well, next week, we have more euros more vanderpump and more real housewives of new jersey what else are you gonna watch for next week then i think you just named it all just three wait what else oh atlanta we have atlanta oh we do that starts this week starts on sunday there we There we go. There we have it, people. Yeah. Okay, well, thanks, you guys, for listening to another episode. Yeah. Join us on
Starting point is 01:27:31 slash watch what crap ends to become a subscriber for our bonus episode, which today is about gay guys complaining about crosswalks. You see, guys? It's a lot more entertaining than that, I would like to say.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Yeah. We just talk regular bullshit there. We talked about Thomas Ravenel also and his election loss. Yeah. And we're having our live show January 25th here in L.A. at the Laugh Factory. No. The Improv. The Improv.
Starting point is 01:28:00 The Improv. Sorry, Laugh Factory. What an awful thing to say, Ronnie. Awful. So come see that. To find all of our social media stuff, go to And come to our Facebook page to talk to everybody else listening and posting. And that's slash watchwhatcrappens.
Starting point is 01:28:17 And thank you guys so much for being on that page and for supporting this podcast. You are making my dreams come true, guys. And that's only a slight exaggeration. No, it's honestly, speaking from the heart, it actually is really helping my life. It's supporting me, basically. Yeah, so thanks, you guys, so much for that. Go over there.
Starting point is 01:28:35 We'll have Ringers posted probably this week and then next week we have our Google Hangout. So come be a part of it. slash Watch What Crappens. Thank you guys so much for everything. Ben, thanks for another great slash watch what crap ends. Thank you guys so much for everything. Ben, thanks for another great week. No, thank you, Ronnie. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:28:49 We will talk to you next time. All right. Bye, everyone. Bye. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the Internet. The folks behind the S sideshow network have launched a new youtube channel called wait for it it's got interviews with comedians like reggie watts todd glass liza slicinger slicing driving friends with her for 10 years one of the funniest people
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