Watch What Crappens - #152: It's Jail Time for the Apollo

Episode Date: November 13, 2014

It's Bravo overload this week on Watch What Crappens. Ben Mandelker ( and Ronnie Karam ( embrace the return of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" while happily puttin...g "New Jersey" out to pasture. In the middle of it all are "Vanderpump Rules" and "Euros of Hollywood." Oh, and a little "Top Chef." Come listen! You can donate to us at And remember to like us on Facebook: And here's some other stuff: Our Soundcloud: On iTunes: Facebook: Ronnie on the Web: Ronnie on YouTube: Ronnie on Instagram: Ben on the Web: Ben on Twitter: Ben on Instagram: See for privacy and opt-out information.Our Patreon Extras: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From Wondery and Audible comes Class of 88, a new podcast hosted by Will Smith. Before 1988, a lot of people didn't take hip-hop seriously. But hip-hop today touches everything from film to fashion to sports. So what changed? Follow Class of 88 wherever you get your podcasts. Watch what crap is. Watch what crap is. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap happens? Happens. Happens.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Happens. Watch what crap happens. Watch what crap happens.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Who cares what happens when there's so much that crap happens? Watch what crap happens. Watch what crap happens. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? It's a fruit show, it crappens. Oh, when you don't mean to crappens. Who cares what happens when there's so much that crappens? Hey everyone, welcome to Watch What Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just all love to watch. I'm Ben Mandelker from Joining me, as always, is the wonderful and jolly Ronnie Karam. Hey, Ronnie. Hello, Ben. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Oh, your voice has a real depth to it today. It's jolly. Yeah, it's super jolly. Big jolly. You can follow us on social media if you just go to We have links to all our social media networks. So just go there and you'll figure out what to do next. And if you can't figure it out, well, then you probably shouldn't even be listening to the podcast in the first place because it's very easy. Anyway, let's see.
Starting point is 00:01:32 There's not much we have to say at the top here except the usual. We have a live show on January 25th at the Improv at Hollywood. So when we have links to that for tickets, that will be up. You can support us at,, forward slash watch where crap ends. If you just give like a dollar, that goes a long way. It's like one of those Sally Struthers ads. It's like you'll be amazed how much you can feed us. Yeah, you're two starving children with flies all over their faces. You can be happy.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. Your dollar can feed us for a month and it really can, which is sad. But we are very close to hitting $600, which is amazing because at $1,000 per episode,
Starting point is 00:02:13 we'll start doing a second episode per week. And then we have, if you donate, you get bonus episode and fun things like that. Also, our Facebook page, forward slash
Starting point is 00:02:23 Watch What Crappens, all sorts of fun, fun truly funny things people posted some funny shit this week there were some good pictures of like Nini yeah there's some good stuff it's all good it's all fun I encourage everyone to participate in all these fronts because otherwise you're just missing out
Starting point is 00:02:39 yeah it's a community it's a big big old also we have our hangout tomorrow night. Oh, yes. Thank you for reminding me. Yes. So if you are supporting us on Patreon, if you support us, what is it? Is it the $3 per episode or $2 per episode?
Starting point is 00:02:58 The $2 one, yeah. If you give $2 per episode, you can participate in a Google Hangout. Excuse me. I'm burping up Starbucks. Yeah, what the hell, dude? I'm sorry. I'm like, too much reward. Like Marlon Brando over there. I know. I'm having
Starting point is 00:03:10 whipped cream burps. But anyway, if you donate $2 per episode, and you can just have it for one episode per month. Don't be crazy. You can participate in this google hangout we did it last month for the first time it was so fun it was way more fun
Starting point is 00:03:29 than i thought it'd be to be totally honest it was just we had a great time so yeah it was a really good time hanging out with you guys in real life on the internet so this time to fit everybody in um we're gonna probably start something on the facebook page asking who wants to actually come on camera. Yeah. And then we're going to have a big chat room because we can only fit like eight people on the camera. And so it's kind of unfair. So we'll kind of try and cycle through.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Well, what we're going to, yeah, because what we're going to do is, I mean, I think we're still trying to iron out the kinks, but I think it's going to be a private broadcast. So once we start broadcasting, then I think it's going to be a private broadcast. So once we start broadcasting, then I think anyone can watch who has the link, but we can't bring people from the viewing audience up into the Hangout.
Starting point is 00:04:16 So if you want to be on, you have to let us know beforehand, and then you can be on with us, because then once we start, we can't add new people. I think. I don't know. Okay, yeah. So anyway, it's at 6 p.m pacific time thursday so we will check with you then and if you miss it don't worry about it we do it once a month usually around the middle of the month yeah all right so that's enough plug-in jesus jesus jesus that's it that's it Enough plugs We got more plugs than a leaky boat We got more plugs
Starting point is 00:04:49 Than Nini's weave So anyway, let's talk We have so many shows we're going to talk about today Atlanta, we're going to talk about New Jersey's reunions Hopefully we'll get to Top Chef Vanderpump Rules, Euros Let's start with the return of Real Housewives of Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Ronnie, what did you think? Girls, speak it. Thank God Atlanta's back. I love this show. It was good. Atlanta's my favorite of the, well, I like Beverly Hills usually too, but Atlanta I think is the funniest hands down of all of the shows yeah and i just love it i love that it's back i love that stupid nini is still
Starting point is 00:05:30 basically just masturbating every time she comes on screen about how great she is but she's so she's so lame her storyline is by far the worst one so far i mean it's just like okay uh nini is in certes soleil and she's pretending to be oh they say that she's in an orgy and she doesn't she doesn't oh god she doesn't she likes to she doesn't like to talk about sex but she's okay like being around sex like who the fuck cares oh no kidding um her opening line this year is why be so nasty and so rude when i can be so fierce and so successful first of all how is that even a housewives line? Nini has too much power if that's even a housewives line.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Because normally it's like, I may not be rabid, but I'm fierce or something. It's something like, I may not be a stapler, but I am a paperclip. So that sounds like vaguely ironic. Yeah, what the fuck is this one? This one, why be so nasty and so rude? I am a paperclip. So that sounds like vaguely ironic, you know? Yeah. What the fuck is this one? Yeah. This one.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Why be so nasty and so rude when I can be so fierce and so successful. And my thing is like, that sounds like a viewer response about her. I'm like, why are you being such a bitch? And it's also not, it's also like not mutually exclusive. It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'm not going to be nasty. I'm going to be fierce and successful. Well, actually Nini, from what we can tell tell you've been nasty and rude and fierce and successful all at once so they yeah there's nothing you can't make it sound like you're not doing one without the other ha got her i'm so good with my words my favorite My favorite of the new openings, of course, is Candy, who's like, Don't start drama, won't be drama. See? Nah.
Starting point is 00:07:11 See? Nah. Rather, rather, don't start drama, don't be drama. See? Now rather. You hear that? Rather. Oh, Candy and the Candy. Did Candy get bigger boobs? I don't know. Her boobs are humongous. There's always a different thing to her that's bigger. Sometimes her hair is bigger, sometimes her butt's there's something her boobs are humongous there's always a different thing to her that's bigger sometimes her hair is bigger sometimes her butt's bigger sometimes her
Starting point is 00:07:28 boobs are bigger it's every season like andy talking about her boobs i really don't care but those things i just could not i wrote it down i don't care about people's boobs but i just i was like dang what's going on nah riley riley's like mama i got two TVs, but you only got two small titties. Why don't you get them bigger, Mama? I was like, see, now, Riley, okay. I like Phaedrus. In my house, I'm the judge and the jury. And I like that Nene. You know, it's like a small crimes court, too.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Totally. Or it's like night court. She's like, I'm the judge and the jury and i'm bull and i'm the bailiff yeah and i'm markie posts i just i like the idea that anywhere that she might walk you might hear the night court theme song yeah but how come she's not the lawyer yeah it's like, at home, I'm not a lawyer. I'm a judge and a jury. At home, you do not have the right to an attorney.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, no attorney. It's just judge and jury. So, just a couple little things. I love that Nini pronounces Cirque du Soleil Cirque du Soleil. I think that's kind of funny. Like it's some kind of casserole dish that she doesn't quite understand. And how much do you want
Starting point is 00:08:52 to bet that she's doing that whole gig for like a tub of nickels? I have to say, they probably gave her like a free credit at the salad bar. Like you get a free room at Circus Circus, a salad and some nickels. Are you in?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Here's a complimentary gift certificate you can use at our shop where we sell plush penguins. We mentioned Frankie Grande, the horror show from Big Brother earlier. And one of the things he called himself was a social media mogul. And he will never live that down, which, of course, now he's taken. He's putting out memes of himself saying, I'm a mogul and then he will never live that down which of course now he's taken he's he's uh putting out memes of himself saying i'm a mogul so of course he uh now is taking that as a compliment that everybody hates him but uh meanie called herself a mogul oh i people not know what moguls are i mean listen if they're referring to like a mogul on a ski slope then yes they are like
Starting point is 00:09:41 stupid round things that deserve to be run over by skis. Okay. Yes. But if they're referring to actually like having, um, any sort of like industry that they rule over, no, you are not a mogul. You may have had found some success in life. You may have like the queen of the stunt cast guest spots, but I don't know how, like you could be the mogul of stunt casting guest spots. I've seen people who've been rejected from Shark Tank who are more moguls than NeNe Leakes.
Starting point is 00:10:16 The woman who created the Spatty Daddy, she's more of a mogul than you are. That couple that brought the trampoline bar thing where the kids jump on a tire and they hold on to bars they are moguls those are more mogul than you are in any leaks oh my god so the biggest thing i guess was this apollo phaedra thing yeah that was actually i thought that was riveting i that was because that was like that was real shit you know yeah that was real and phaedra was trying to avoid the cameras
Starting point is 00:10:46 of course and not talk about it on camera only talk say the most shallow things she can about it without any details she was just keeping her emotions together she was I wanted to give her a standing O I loved the way she handled it
Starting point is 00:11:00 she was a stone cold bitch and I loved it she really was and then the producers of course because it's Bravo loved the way she handled it. She was a stone-cold bitch and I loved it. She really was. She was stone-cold. And then, the producers, of course, because it's Bravo, decide to put a camera on Apollo for an hour. And of course, because he's like,
Starting point is 00:11:16 you know, like a criminal from Atlanta, he's like, okay, you can watch me. Yeah. Yeah, because he buys into the hype or whatever. And basically, Phaedra is saying that apollo she didn't know what apollo was doing he went and he put his entire family in jeopardy so fuck him like he can go to jail she doesn't care right she's not going to go to his court date screw that guy and then apollo's like love is supposed to be unconditional people supposed to stand by you no matter what like what i don't know where you learned about love but i've never i've heard that that it's supposed
Starting point is 00:11:49 to be unconditional but i've never actually seen that where you could just like go to jail and lie to your wife and uh take away their the father's children and then it's it's just going to be okay sorry there's conditions to love okay yeah i don't i don't think that those conditions also include going to strip clubs every night too i don't think that's like i don't think like when it's like like when you're like standing by your man through thick and thin i don't think you know when you go to the strip club i think you're really pushing it there you know and then you commit crimes now stuff that we've talked about on this show before that's pretty interesting to see almost come out on the show is that Phaedra's obviously like the boss of him.
Starting point is 00:12:29 He works for Phaedra. So anything that he did seems to be some kind of cover-up of what Phaedra's doing. Now, from listening to Phaedra talk, he went – maybe he was working for her, but he went and tried to start making his own money, and that's when he got caught. Right. Isn't that what it sounds like? It could be. I mean, the thing is I love our conspiracy theories about the scenario, and they all sound like they are totally plausible. We don't know, ultimately.
Starting point is 00:12:57 And on face value, I just – I really love – I really respect the way Phaedra is handling it. I think – There was some subtle stuff that was happening. Like when he said, I built this whole thing, and all that time we were making that money, I was making that money with you. So Phaedra is like putting him to work but keeping their bank account separate and maybe giving him an allowance or whatever. Probably. And he told her at the beginning, listen, I'm broke. I don't have money to keep you in your lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:13:25 She said, oh, I don't care about that. And then the second they're married, she's like, well, you owe $3,000 for the mortgage. So you better figure out how to do it. And then probably sent him on to do a bunch of criminal tasks for her. That's how she's kept him. She's totally a crime boss. I don't care what anybody says. She probably is.
Starting point is 00:13:41 So then he goes off probably and tries to make a little money on his own, and it's too stupid to do it because this guy is just a fucking moron, and gets caught, and so now she's like, fuck you. So I don't think she's mad that he committed a crime. I think she's mad that he committed his own crime and did it so stupidly that he's going to now go to jail for it. Probably, probably. Either way, I thought it was so refreshing to see the way they handled the situation.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Apollo was basically totally upfront about what he did. And it's not that he was really repentant. He just was... But he didn't shy away from it. He wasn't like Joe Giudice. And she wasn't like Teresa, where they were like, oh, you know, we're just trying to keep our family together. We're just trying to do this or that.
Starting point is 00:14:22 We're just trying to make a living. We made mistakes. You know, it is what it is here you know it's like it's just it sort of underlines how much the judices are like sort of in denial or they don't truly understand what they've done you know like they they keep almost trying to sugarcoat it um you know like that's going to bring our family close together whatever pager's like no you're going to jail right now i I am not standing by you. And I thought that was great. Yeah, I did too. And I love that Apollo's
Starting point is 00:14:49 just trying to play the victim this whole time. What? Baby, I can't even believe you would even if you wasn't going to come to the court, at least you could have been here in the morning. I could have got with you. I could have loved on you. I could have loved on you. I could have loved on you, Phaedra.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Oh my god that was pretty pathetic but yeah i'm with you i loved it i love that she was with her mom and then he's trying to confront her in front of her mom and she's like i'll tell you you do something bad you go to jail and i think i'm gonna just like make a little video of the mom saying that and then Teresa just blinking blankly back at her. That was crazy, actually, when Phaedra and Apollo finally came face to face and they had that argument. That was a real argument. That was not a reality show moment. He was like, I want a divorce. That's a big deal.
Starting point is 00:15:42 You don't just say that. And you don't just act that out. a divorce that's like a that's a big deal you don't just say that and you don't just like act that out like well i'm guessing he thought she was going to i mean i don't know because i'm thinking of all this underneath stuff so i'm thinking she probably told him you can't testify against me anyway because we're married or something because like him threatening divorce what the fuck does she care you think she's not going to leave your ass and when he's like you better listen i'm not coming out of here without an apartment. I'm not coming out of here without any money.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And she's like, yeah, you are. And he's like, well, but, you know, all this stuff and all this stuff that I did for you and she's like, whoa, whoa, now, whoa, whoa, like stopping him before he can say anything. So she better watch her ass. I mean, not that anyone's really going to believe him anyway, but it seems
Starting point is 00:16:23 that he would know where a lot of bodies are buried. So I'm interested to see if that goes anywhere. I'm just happy that he did not get the Teresa edit. You know, I mean, like, not to jump forward to the reunions too much, but, like, having to sit and watch this
Starting point is 00:16:40 like, memories of Teresa as she says goodbye on what could be her last reunion of all time. And she's like, I gotta go. And then the music is sad and Andy is holding her hand. It's like, shut up! She committed fraud! She committed fraud! Sure, it's not like
Starting point is 00:16:55 murder, but it's still fraud. And that's what Apollo did. I like that with Apollo, he just got pretty much the Housewives treatment, which was sassy music and be gone. Yeah. We're going to exploit your last day in the real world as much as possible. We're going to get one more shot of you with your shirt off.
Starting point is 00:17:15 I appreciate it. Totally. But we also met Apollo's family, which was really weird. It's like kind of toothless, snaggletooth mom which i felt really bad about she had she made a cameo last season and she was like dressed up because it was like their vowel renewal or something like that and i remember last season we were like whoa i just felt bad when he said you know i'm not going to be here you're not you weren't there for me because of your drug addiction and now i'm not going to be here for my babies because of my addiction to a fast life and fast cars. Yeah. I was like, aw, your mom
Starting point is 00:17:46 wasn't there. Come here, let me hug you. And then I wanted to hug him. He does not read as someone who came from a particularly stable family life. Well, he looks like someone who comes from a very stable working out regimen. Yeah, he definitely
Starting point is 00:18:01 has good genes. He's got good genes at the very least. He's definitely hot. Listen, the's got good genes. He's got good genes at the very least. He's definitely hot. Listen, the guys in jail are going to have a great time with him. He's going to get his ass pounded. It'll be great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Cause he's pretty short too. Yeah. Short and muscular. You know, he's going to be loose when he comes out of jail. He's just going to porn. I think we would all support that. I know I would. When he comes out of jail, he's not even going to know when he's farting.
Starting point is 00:18:28 He's going to come out of jail and he's going to be all tatted up. He's going to look tough. Yeah, he will be... He'll be able to do some special fetish porn for sure. When he comes out of jail, he's going to sit on the couch and then lose his keys and never be able to find them until he goes
Starting point is 00:18:42 pooping at night. That guy's going to be loose as a purse. Yeah, that'll be a gaping hole, basically. Pretty much. It'll be like Roger Rabbit when they put that black hole against the wall and they stick their hand in. That's what his ass is going to be.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Yeah, if you don't finish shaving a haircut, then Roger Rabbit will come jumping out of his ass. I have to finish it. All right, so let's get rid of Apollo. He's pretty much done. Although it looks like Phaedra calls the police on him next week. So, yay! Well, isn't that this whole thing?
Starting point is 00:19:18 That was in the news, right? That instead of showing up for sentencing, he, like, showed up at the home and was, like, scary. And they had to call the cops. he's supposed to surrender he ran i thought that he was like running or something and they couldn't find him and then he turned himself in like a day later something crazy happened with him i don't remember i did feel a little bad that he couldn't see his kids uh but you know i guess when you live a life of crime, these are the consequences. Yeah. Lose everything. So what is next?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Let me see. Apollo, Apollo. Oh, I love when Pedro is like, I can't be with. There's going to be paparazzi everywhere at the house. And there's like they show like crickets outside. There was like a blue blue jay. Yeah. That blue jay's got a camera i gotta go to the hotel uh blah blah blah okay kenya you want to go to kenya next oh my god kenya had me laughing hysterically she's like i had to get out of town i mean being physically assaulted in public like
Starting point is 00:20:20 that i mean it's just i'm just getting over it now. Coming back from physical assault was devastating. Yeah. Shut up, Kenya. I know. Shut the fuck up. You got, like, knocked over
Starting point is 00:20:32 and your knee got tucked. You needy donkey. You're an idiot. She is so stupid. But it was hilarious because that's, like, classic Kenya to just, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:41 play the victim. Victim, victim. Play the victim. I loved it. It's going to be great watching Celebrity Apprent apprentice because she's on it with brandy glanville and everyone hates kenya donald trump called her the worst person he's ever met in his life yeah i met one of the producers and they said that she was awful and uh brandy just came out in a big article this week saying she's the biggest narcissist she's ever met and And that's something coming from Brandi.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Yeah, that's a lot. That's a lot coming from Brandi. So I cannot wait. Kenya, what was her big lie so far this season? First of all, that she's friends with Cynthia? No. Since when? Well, they had started to become friends
Starting point is 00:21:21 last season. But now, you know, Cynthia's not friends with Nini. So Cynthia needs a new strong lady to attach on to. Yeah, they're just uniting against somebody. Kenya, can you do anything? I just wrote Kenya victim. Kenya victim. She didn't do anything. It was sort of like she didn't even appear until like well until like the second segment or something like that.
Starting point is 00:21:42 She didn't do anything that I can remember. There was a little bit of crosstalk because we saw like portia wearing like a bathing suit and she's like i don't like i don't like kenya and uh that that was pretty much it i mean it was mainly the the face connected to negativity oh i wrote. Kenya is connected to negativity. Stupid. Stupid, Portia. Oh, my God. She's so stupid.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Negativity. Cynthia's now like, well, now that I'm not friends with Nini, like, everything is wonderful in my life again now. My marriage is suddenly better? Yeah, right. How's your marriage better? Your husband doesn't even work. Your husband's business got repossessed. Come on, Cynthia. marriage better your husband doesn't even work your husband's business got repossessed and he's like come on cynthia and he's still again he's like so you want to be a you want to be a co-investor which is basically his way of being like can you give me money yeah exactly he's like yeah you want
Starting point is 00:22:34 to be business partners with me you can meet somebody who will be business partners yeah he's like wow i'm so flattered he's like so you can uh you can put in like 10 you know why don't you put in like around 500 000 and i can put in i got a bag of checks mixed so we can you so you can put in like 10, you know, why don't you put in like around $500,000 and I can put in, I got a bag of Chex Mix so we can, you know, we can put that in and then we're set. And then at the end of this lunch, he's like, but I need money because I need you to pay for this food because I don't have any money. I mean, come on. That's so fucking pathetic. That guy has no pride. I was surprised because there were actually people inside the Bailey agency for once.
Starting point is 00:23:09 There were a lot of people. I know. I wait this doesn't seem like she's actually got a business like it seems like she's actually got a business that's working out peter's oh she needs to get rid of him yeah oh he he is just what a fucking loser oh my god he is he is terrible you know it's funny i saw a billboard for fibroids the other day, and it made me think of her. It was actually – I was driving down MLK Boulevard, as one does, and it was a big old billboard. It was like, don't let fibroids get you down. I was like, oh, Cynthia. She should be the spokeswoman for it. The men on this show are probably the worst.
Starting point is 00:23:42 The Jersey men aren't great, but i can kind of understand where they're coming from sometimes with these guys i mean peter's the worst todd is really gross like he's trying to make candy talk shit about phaedra not going to see apollo and all this shit on camera and it's obviously making her uncomfortable she's, I don't want to talk about this. No, I'm not going to talk about it. I'm just going to sing. You're talking about the guys. How awful. Greg is terrible.
Starting point is 00:24:18 They're just all gross. Greg is terrible. He's literally just standing there holding Nini's purse all the time for money because his ass is broke too. Yeah. Oh, my God. These men. This is why I don't date. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. No, you shouldn't. I date like Kenya, like invisible African men. Yeah. Whoever posted that picture on our page of Kenya getting it up the ass from the invisible man was hilarious. That's a funny picture you all can go our facebook page to see that forward slash watch what crap ends i'm not sure who said this but um another great quote from this week is maybe it's rain it's
Starting point is 00:24:56 course oh yeah yeah oh god well well it looks like next week we finally uh get to the bottom of whether or not kenya and apollo saw each other in la although to me it looks like next week we finally get to the bottom of whether or not Kenya and Apollo saw each other in L.A. Although, to me, it's like that's one of those big, like, the promo's like, it's finally going to come out. What happened? And I'm like, okay, it's great that it's finally going to come out. But of all the rumors and of all the scandals that have ever appeared on this show, that's probably one of the least interesting ones. Which one now? What rumor?
Starting point is 00:25:21 Did Apollo and Kenya, like, see each other in L.A.? Oh, I don't think so. Because she's like, Apollo kenya like see each other in la oh i don't think so because she's like apollo did we see each other in la and he's like well indubitably that's possibly something that would be in a refraction of the situation but in this in this uh comportment of the importance of the of the starboard aft no i'm sorry but i can't answer I just got back from a rain um Phaedra I could have yelled at you Kenya what was I going to say about Phaedra here oh my god not Phaedra
Starting point is 00:25:53 Portia so did you read the latest blind item from that crazy days and nights thing it's Portia's like basically a whore now she's basically a hooker dating all these guys for money and then she bitched at one guy so he started repossessing all the stuff that he gave her.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Oh no. Oh Porsche. The money we've made together with our endeavors. Apollo thought it was supposed to all be free. That paycheck you earned, I helped you earn. He has no money on his own. I just seem to be a good specimen. Oh yeah, when he's like, Phaedra just needed a hot husband and babies. Pretty much well you think she married you for your scrabble skills
Starting point is 00:26:30 um and that's that's all i have for this i mean it was a pretty dramatic episode yeah it was good it was a good way to start the season um uh i hope we see more of this kind of stuff and less of nini in vegas because i could care less like they need to fire her jesus christ she needs to just go shut up already and she was the first thing they opened up they actually opened up the season with her storyline like that was that just shows how much they are like bowing down to her like this is such an inconsequential storyline. No one cares that she's in Cirque du Soleil. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I don't think it makes her look more successful. No, it's like the typical stunt casting. The next celebrity will probably be one of the suitcase girls. Yeah. Speaking of which, one of those suitcase girls is joining Real Housewives of Atlanta. I guess, I wonder, it doesn't look like it's going be next week maybe in two weeks claudia jordan will join oh and then everyone's gonna try and fix her up with uh cordell who's also fame horny enough that even though he locked his wife out of the house he still wants to be on the show yeah but i think
Starting point is 00:27:39 i think claudia jordan i'd like to think is smart enough not to be someone's beard. I don't think so. She's on a reality show. Yeah, that's true, too. She's a poor person on a reality show. I know. They'll do whatever they can do. Her previous gig was just opening up briefcases.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Yeah, I mean, that's her bio. It's like she opened briefcases or something. Her bio is really short, and it's just like, she was a model on a TV show. It's like, oh no. She's the girl who watches the curtain open on Deal or No Deal, or on Let's Make a Deal. So,
Starting point is 00:28:17 was there anything else that happened on this show, or should we move on to Vanderpump Rules? Nothing happened on that show. I mean, except the dramatic stuff, which, I mean, how much can we talk about it? Yeah, we talked about it. It's good. So, let's go on. Vanderpump Rules. Nothing happened on that show. I mean, except the dramatic stuff, which, I mean, how much can we talk about it? Yeah, we talked about it. It's good. Vanderpoop! Let's go on to Vanderpump Rules, the funniest show on Bravo.
Starting point is 00:28:33 That is the best show. I love it. It is so good. I mean, I don't even know where to start. Well, we can just start where the show started. So, we saw the rest of the brawl that broke out at Mixology. Mixology, which received a lot of screen time on Bravo this week because the Euros also went there. And also that guy, the owner, went to Pump last week, remember? He was like, oh, hello, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:28:54 What a goal. This is going to be bigger than Planet Hollywood. And anyone who's ever been to Mixology, you would know that the place is shit. Where is it? It's in the Grove. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, they always go that the place is shit. Where is it? It's in the Grove. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, they always go there. It's pretty.
Starting point is 00:29:09 It's very airy, but it sucks. Yeah, people always go there. They go there on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Yeah, no, they clearly have, like, they are giving a deal to all these shows. So we had this giant brawl, and it was like a big brawl between tom and is his name jamie is that his name i always want to call him jamie the british um james i call him cabbage patch face doll i mean cabbage patch he's like he's like james dean meets frankie grande and turns british oh i think he looks exactly like a Cabbage Patch doll with skinnier face.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Those kind of sunken in little eyes. He looks like a British male version of Taylor Armstrong. Oh, his name is James. I'm going to look up James Vanderpump Rules Vanderpump Rules
Starting point is 00:30:01 and then I'm going to look up Cabbage Patch doll and I'm going to put them next to each other and you're gonna be like whoa so there was this big fight and of course in the midst of it all i guess the glass broke and the glass got into sheena's foot which had me cracking up she's like why is there a piece of glass in my foot can someone please explain as it hurts oh my foot can someone please explain as it hurts oh you just hear sheena like of course she gets injured and pounding the bar and her poor botox face can't move like she wants it to but she's shrieking stupid it reminds me i love sheena she is so stupid it reminds me of uh you ever see bullets over broadway yes you know when they they're in Boston for the previews, and Tracy Ullman gets into a fight with Jim Broadbent.
Starting point is 00:30:48 She's like, I knew you had biscuits in your fight. And then they get into a fight, and she pushes Jim Broadbent into the wall or something and crushes Jennifer Tilly's hand. And she's like, ow! Ow, you big, fat dummy! You hurt my hand! That's exactly what I think Sheena is like.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I know that was a long way to go for a simple comparison. But I was going to do it. That was pretty far. It was pretty far. But for me, it was really true. It really resonated. She basically is the modern day Olive. Olive.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Olive. Olive. Charm. Charm. Charm. Sheena. Charm. Charm. Charm. Charm, Charm. Sheena. Charm. Charm. Charm. Charm. Charm.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Charm, I'm sure. You know that's Jennifer Tilly. Yeah. If she knew we were in the 20s, she would be Olive from Bullets Over Broadway. Charm, I'm sure. Charm. Charm. Charm. And then Kristen's like trying to talk in a
Starting point is 00:31:41 British accent to stop James. She's like, stop it, John. And he's like, hit me first, Kristen. Hit me first. Hit me first, Kristen. Hit me first. And then Kristen goes over to start beating up the other Tom who's now jumped into it. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:57 So she's like beating up a guy. Yeah. And then Carmen is yelling at Jax because he didn't help. And he's like, what? I didn't want to get in a fight. She's like, if there's a girl being hit, you jump in. And he's like, whatever. She wasn't getting hit.
Starting point is 00:32:11 I was wearing a white shirt. I didn't want to get it dirty. And then she's like, because, you know, she looks like Chicken Run. Sorry. Sorry, Carmen. Unnecessary pot shot of your looks, but it's too easy. Carmen. Yeah, she looks's too easy. Um, Carmen.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Yeah. She looks a lot different with makeup, right? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know if I saw her either way. I don't know which, I think we have only seen her in makeup,
Starting point is 00:32:35 right? Uh, no. When, when Jax dumped her, she wasn't wearing any makeup. She looked totally different. I actually liked her when I,
Starting point is 00:32:42 I mean, not, she's pretty, she's pretty, like, don't get me wrong. She's pretty. I like the way she looks. I'm not saying anything bad. I'm just saying she looks different with makeup. I actually liked her. She's pretty. Don't get me wrong. She's pretty. I like the way she looks.
Starting point is 00:32:46 I'm not saying anything bad. I'm just saying she looks different with makeup. I'm saying I liked her out of the makeup. I like that look. It was refreshing. It's a refreshing side of Carmen. So after this fight where Sheena is carried out of there, of course, and was in the hospital until 6 in the morning, which I'm so sure. Cedars-Sinai of Azusa.
Starting point is 00:33:08 Azusa Presbyterian Hospital. Maybe that's why they had to wait for the bus to take them to Azusa so she could use her insurance. Yeah. It's a hospital and a gas station. Beef jerky will help me, homie! Beef jerky will help me, homie! I've got ca glass in my ankle.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Give me a... How am I supposed to sing with glass in my foot? Glass. You've ruined my singing career. Okay, so then we go to the auditions to be a waiter at pump okay trying to be a waiter wait what were you gonna say did i stop well maybe i was gonna say that we're gonna talk about tom's response to sheena for the fight oh that's not till later oh okay sorry go on So I'm just going off notes. So the next thing is auditions to be a waiter at Pump.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Now that is really what it looks like trying to get a job waiting tables in Hollywood. It really does. They put an ad in Craigslist and then hundreds of idiot models show up who don't know how to do shit. And then they make you take off your shirt. And that's how they judge their waiters. That's why the service in L.A. is always so far below the food rating in the Zagat. Yeah, it's actually very true. Because they're stupid.
Starting point is 00:34:32 I mean, you should see. When they're trying to staff a Chuck E. Cheese, it is just like a meat factory. No kidding. Get out your wiener and get ready to slap some faces, y'all. Tom getting dressed. Oh, because I just started Tom Singh with him like half naked and I was like, nice work. Well, Tom, I mean, he had to put the concealer
Starting point is 00:34:56 on, which was, I don't know, for some reason it was like really entertaining to me to watch him do that. Yeah, because he's so good at like doing that. I had to put on concealer. Itings babe like i got my ass kicked babe i got my ass kicked by james babe babe babe where's the concealer babe man uh the next big thing was jack's talking about how he's dating another girl other than this carmen and my favorite thing is that he's like after i broke up with stassi i started dating carmen like well that's
Starting point is 00:35:25 that's eliminating a lot in between there yeah there was a lot of fucking going on he's like well i saw i saw the carmen but then i then i also dating someone else but being honest so they all both know about each other i'm being honest i don't know why everybody's mad at me i'm being honest you know it's why is everybody's mad at me. I'm being honest. Why is everybody so bad at me? I'm just trying to be honest. It actually reminded me of the new Atlanta a few months ago when there was that guy who was espousing this whole thing of like, well, I can date you and I can date her. And as long as I'm honest with everyone, then everyone's on the same page it's all good the difference is that guy was a total douchebag but he kind of like stood behind his douchebaggery you know he kind of was like
Starting point is 00:36:13 well that's just the way it is if you don't like it you can go but jacks he could sort of he couldn't quite he couldn't quite pull it off yeah because jacks isax is like, I'm a new person now. I'm a new guy, you know? I'm a new person now. I'm a new person. So I got, like, a tattoo of, like... Yeah, so then he's trying to get this tattoo of Stassi removed, and he's already got a tattoo of this Carmen girl. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:44 So what do you think is wrong with Jax? If you had to give it a medical name, does he fit any of the medical profiles? What the hell is wrong with him? Drugs. Cocaine. You think it's just straight up coke addiction? If you cracked his skull open, white powder would come out.
Starting point is 00:37:00 That's all it would be. It'd be like one of those candies that's like a straw but it's full of sugar or whatever. Yeah, he has like a pixie head. Yeah. You know, it's not like. Oh, pixie stick, yeah. Like you just crack it and you just like snort it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It's like a pixie slab. Yeah. He's just like, he's done a lot of drugs. He's very dumb. He's pathologically deranged. I mean, this is not someone who learns from his mistakes. He gets a tattoo of Stassi and then he's like, oh shit, we broke up.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I don't need this anymore. So you would think he would say, oh, I'll never do that again. But instead he gets a tattoo of Carmen, the one he doesn't even like that much, of the two girls. He gets a tattoo of her and then he's like, well, you know, I'm impulsive. You know how it is when you he's like well you know i'm impulsive like you
Starting point is 00:37:46 know you know you know how it is when you're in love you're sort of like impulsive and you do stupid things ha ha ha ha like no no no no nope never done that i got no i like what stassi found out about found out about him getting a black rose over the tattoo and she's like black like my heart at least i wasn't turned into a tribal yeah that was funny you know stassi has been relegated to the sidelines i mean she's doing nothing she's literally sitting on like a dirty futon just waiting for people to come to her and talk to her what's up with this i thought she moved to new york because she found some successful boyfriend yes he had to be there for work and this and that and she's like well we lived in this tiny studio and i had to poop in the same room as him and now he's sleeping on somebody's
Starting point is 00:38:28 couch somewhere what the hell i think he's poor i think he doesn't exist i think it's all a lie but she has no really have we seen pictures of him in the real life in the real world oh my god now i have to look this up but she has the thing is sassy has no axe to grind she needs to have like a man on the show that she can boss around and be evil to so we can hate her again you know she has to be at work i mean it's a show about the waiters at the job and she's not even working there i don't understand now that said she's still really hilarious okay with patrick Patrick Meagher. Okay, I'm going to look him up. Patrick Meagher.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Let's look at this guy. He's hot. Of course, that's probably what she cares about most. She's cute. She's like some cute little blonde guy. I'm just looking at the pictures. I was going to look at his financial status. I feel like his name is probably Marr, not Meagher. Oh, yeah, he is really cute. Well, yeah, of course. She's not going to date some fudgo.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Okay, so now let's look. He looks like he's a day trader or something. Yeah, we need to find out. So if anybody knows anything about him, let us know, because I'm curious why they're sleeping on couches. He has headshots. He's like a wannabe actor. Recent works, projects, exhibitions, publications, silver shed.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Or is that the same guy? Oh, this must be a different guy. So anyway, I just think that's weird that she had to come back to reality world to get out of his studio in New York. Remember the days of Stassi and Jax and then Stassi
Starting point is 00:39:59 and Frank and then Frank and Jax fighting and then Stassi and Jax. Those were the days. Oh, well, they're not going to just then Stassi and Jack's. Those are the dudes. Oh, well, they're not going to just keep Stassi sitting there the whole time. She'll be back at work in a second. She'll be like, I need my work. She's going to somehow get into some relationship.
Starting point is 00:40:17 She needs to. Yeah, she needs to do something. But she is pretty funny. Let's see here. Tom's crying video. my god this was one of the highlights of the episode was that when tom got home after the brawl he sent he sent sheena a four minute long crying apology i'm so sorry to you to your family to shay to Shay's family, to your ankle, to your tattoo. To mixology.
Starting point is 00:40:47 To mixology. It was like a reverse award acceptance. The buzz boy who had to clean up your blood. The thing. And I think it's like, and I liked it. She was like, well, of course I forgave him. You know? I mean, all I need is either champagne
Starting point is 00:41:03 or a four minute long video where you look like a total pussy. She's such a bitch. That's so like, it's so shallow. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It was nice of him to send a video. It did not have to be four minutes. It should have been like, hey, I'm really, really sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I was a total jackass. I owe you a drink or whatever. He doesn't need to be sitting there crying for four minutes. Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. i owe you a drink or whatever he doesn't need to be sitting there crying for four minutes so funny it was amazing and it's like bad quality too i was like what was this recorded on like a fisher price webcam so then lisa has everybody to at least it comes into the restaurant
Starting point is 00:41:43 to yell at everybody and have a meeting. And she's like, what happened here? And James is like, well, he made fun of my car, and so I made fun of his car. And then we made fun of each other's car, and then he hit me. And Lisa's like, you're fired. Basically, Lisa's like, get out. Yeah. She's like, I have some allegiance to Kristen and Tom but I have none to you so you two
Starting point is 00:42:06 are suspended and you no longer work here Goodbye I don't want to hear it I couldn't believe that she fired such a successful DJ Seriously She does not know who he is He's like famous, he plays like festivals That guy has discs with holes in them
Starting point is 00:42:22 that he puts on machines and they make music. Okay, Lisa. It's called a record. He like plays, like, he played like Coldwater Canyon Park. That's like a solid, like, 150 square feet. That's a big venue, okay? Oh, that guy. He played Mixology, you guys.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Yeah, he's like the DJ at Mixology. I don't know if you know who you're messing with. He has like a following. I'm surprised that she fired him just for the drama. She never fires anyone. I didn't know she was allowed to fire people. Otherwise, Kristen would have been out of there a long time ago. Yeah, she shouldn't have fired him just because they're all silly.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And then during that meeting, Kristen's giving her a dirty look like, What's your problem, Liza? Seriously? Seriously? You're gonna fire her? She's like, well, we've had problems. She's like, when was the last time we had problems? Seriously?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Seriously? Seriously, it's been a while. Like, seriously, I'm a good employee. What about Katie being like, you have to give Tom a job. We're trying to get married. I know. This will change
Starting point is 00:43:26 everything, being a bartender at Pump. That's the road. That's success right there. I feel bad for Katie. She's eating her feelings. Seriously? Which are apparently delicious. I've been there. Seriously. But I'm not on TV.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Roll it back. Roll it back, Katie. There was something i was going to say about seriously seriously but i can't remember now and it's like it's crushing me i'm very sad about this um yeah no that whole like tom being like just give me a give me a chance give me a shot this is not top gun okay this like, please, get me out there or Rudy or something. It's just a bartender at a middling restaurant at the corner of Santa Monica and Robertson. What else?
Starting point is 00:44:17 I love when Carmen, when Jax gets together with Carmen. Okay, so Jax meets this girl. We meet the girl that Jax is dating in Vegas. Oh, wait. Wait, before we even get to the Carmen thing, that's gonna be a whole other section but the thing I enjoyed was when Tom said he's like I feel like this whole thing with Kristen I feel like this was a giant swing and a miss for Kristen and it's like it so was it was it was just such a swing and a miss for her and And it was just hilarious. Just imagine Kristen actually swinging something and missing, like whiffing on something.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Gave me extreme joy. Because that's the best way to put it. And you know there are going to be many, many more swings and misses for Kristen. Oh, yeah. She's going to just keep trying. Who's going to want to date her? No one. She's not all that cute.
Starting point is 00:45:01 She's a total bitch. She's done nothing. Who's going to date that girl? Nobody is going to all that cute. She's a total bitch. She's done nothing. Who's going to date that girl? Nobody is going to date that girl except some little 22-year-old fame whore like she had there. Yeah, exactly. So anyway, Carmen. So we meet Jax's other girlfriend, which we're finding about today. Is her name Tiffany?
Starting point is 00:45:19 I forget. Who cares? I don't know. She's from Vegas, ho. So she shows up. He's like, she's from Vegas. And of course she's from fucking Vegas. She totally looks like a Vegas ho.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. But it turns out he likes her the best because she runs the customer relations, like the VIP relations at the Bellagio. So that's a good reason to date anybody. I mean, that's like free shit every day in the most glamorous restaurants. That's just like sitting back and collecting free shit. Who can blame him? Sweaters that you can't even imagine. Yeah, he's like, could you help me
Starting point is 00:45:53 sell my sweater line in Vegas, which is like the hottest place in America. How about we put the sweaters in the Bellagio Fountains? So that way, when the fountains go up, the sweaters go up too? The sweater fountain the fountain show. So that, he's like, oh, I've got to get rid of this other girl because you're so much cuter. And this girl's probably just dating him to be on TV anyway.
Starting point is 00:46:18 It's not like she can actually see something in Jax. And by the way, the funny thing is that there's really no potential between him and this other girl in Vegas because it's long distance. He will not be able to keep his shit in his pants for a long distance relationship. And he's clearly in it, as you said, for the VIP connections
Starting point is 00:46:37 and the fact that she has a crowd. She hangs with a crowd that flies private jets. Yeah. And he admitted it pretty much yeah um but i loved when he's telling carmen like he's so terrible first of all he doesn't even take take her to a nice dinner he's like meet me at dominoes yeah right uh i respected that tactic to be honest i was like yeah why why throw why give i throw a lot of money at this woman you're about to dump oh my god Because she put in the time.
Starting point is 00:47:05 You should buy it. It's like giving a quick watch at the end of service. Listen, this is like going to a restaurant with 3,000 two-star Yelp reviews and being like, oh, God, the food wasn't that good. Jax is well-publicized on TV. She knew what she was getting into. Yeah, Jax has a very low Yelp review. That's true. He has two and a half rashes.
Starting point is 00:47:27 of you that's true he has two and a half uh rashes i like that she did the total girl thing where she goes from like she goes from the most supportive loving thing ever to i don't like you you're a loser all you do is drink and hang out anyway i don't even like you yeah like just yesterday you loved him yeah um well the best part about that is so he takes the pussy away he's like he's like listen you know it's gonna you know summer's coming up and i want you to have a great summer and i don't want to hold you back and i feel like you could have so much fun without me and she's like so basically you're dumping me he's like you don't need me you're going to school you're going back to you're going back to school you don't't need me. I'm just some guy. She's like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:48:07 What are you trying to say? He's like, oh, oh, oh. Yeah. And then she gets mad at him. And then he's like dumbfounded. He can't believe that she would be mad at being dumped. He has that derp face. He's like, oh. And then she gets mad at him.
Starting point is 00:48:26 And I think she's also mad that he's too much of a pussy to come out and say what's really on his mind. And she's like, listen, two days ago, you said you wanted to have babies with me. You put a tattoo on your arm and now you're saying you want to break up with me? Like, yeah, this is really fucked up and you need to grow up and like you're 35. You need to get your shit together. And then he's like, don't shoot the messenger it's like what no no you aren't the messenger you are the source and like and on top of that like he's acting as if he he's the victim in this somehow yeah he's like i can't believe she's treating me like this i'm being honest i mean he's like i'm being this is what i get for being Yeah, he's like, I'm being honest.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Yeah, he's like, here's what I learned today. Being honest sucks. But you weren't being honest. You didn't say I like the other girl more. I don't even think that he even knows that he likes the other girl more. I think the other girl was coming in from Vegas anyway. So he knew that he had to do something because she probably gave him some kind of ultimatum. And that's the only reason he even thought about it.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I mean, he was just with this Gorman girl like yesterday. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. He keeps on using the word honest as if it alleviates any wrongdoing on his part. And Tom was the one who actually busted him, right? Wasn't Tom – where Jack says, I'm trying this new honest thing where I'm like, I let each of them know. And it's like, it's working out really well. And then Tom's like, do you like one more than the other?
Starting point is 00:49:49 He's like, yeah. He's like, did you tell her that? He's like, no. He goes, well, then you're not really being that honest, are you? And he's like, I don't know. It's like, you guys are so stupid. You're not honest.
Starting point is 00:49:59 You're not honest. And by the way, there was no indication whatsoever that the honesty thing was working out well. Like, I don't think we saw from the girls that they appreciated this whole honesty thing. I think it was like they tolerated it, you know. But deep down inside, they knew that they were going to, like, one of them knew that they were going to persevere. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:17 You're dating a reality star that you know is a whore and you know is going to totally cheat on you. And you're just dating him to be on TV. So shut up. I don't feel bad for either one of you and you're just dating him to be on TV. So shut up. I don't feel bad for either one of you. Yeah. Deserve what you get. Yeah. Anybody who dates Jax deserves what they get.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Okay? Yeah, that's true. Enjoy your purple pills. Yeah, exactly. He's a disaster. So what else happened here? I just put a lot of times Jax is a retard. That's what I kept writing in my notes.
Starting point is 00:50:45 And then my last note is James has cabbage patch face. That's it. By the way, gossip fresh in. This is from Abby, Abby Johnson. Portia Williams has been kicked off Dish Nation. I guess she said something about President Obama. That's the only thing the caption says. Was she a regular on there or something?
Starting point is 00:51:04 You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to play this. I'm going to play this, okay? I'm going to take out my headphones and I'm going to play this video. But there's a video attached. From Wondery, this is Black History For Real. I'm Francesca Ramsey.
Starting point is 00:51:23 And I'm Conscious Lee. What do most people think about when they hear the words Black History? Rosa Parks, Reconstruction, MLK, February, Black History Month. Exactly, exactly. There are so many stories of Black History that we just are not really talking about or thinking about, especially outside of February. And we are about to flip the script on all of that. Because on this show, you're going to hear a little less.
Starting point is 00:51:49 In August 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue. And a little bit more. She is a heroine to some as a fighter for black rights. She is a villain to others. Follow Black History for Real on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on February 5th, or you can listen early and ad-free on Wondery Plus starting January 29th. Join Wondery Plus on the Wondery app or on Apple Podcasts.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Black is beautiful. Academy is a new scripted podcast that follows Ava Richards, played by HBO's Industries' Myhala Harold, a brilliant scholarship student who has to quickly adapt to her newfound eat-or-be-eaten world. Ava's ambitions take hold and her small-town values break in hopes of becoming the first scholarship student to make The List, Bishop Grey's all-coveted academic top 10,
Starting point is 00:52:37 curated by the headmaster himself. But after realizing she has no chance at The List on her own, she reluctantly accepts an invitation to a secret underground society that pulls the strings on campus life and academic success. If she bends to their will, she'll have everything she's ever dreamed of. But at what cost? Academy takes you into the world of a cutthroat private school where power, money, and sex collide in a game of life and death.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Follow Academy on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. Okay, okay. Hold on. Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear this? Oh. Yeah. They did not want to shut down their high-profile members of these clubs in order for the president to accommodate him to play some golf. I mean, you know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Well, a lot, though. I mean, think about it. When he comes, Secret Service has to go check the woods. They got to check the balls. What I'm saying is at the end of the day, terrorists can totally put bombs in the ground. They can make one of the balls, you know, like a bomb. bombs in the ground and they try to make one of the balls you know, like a bomb, so when the president gets up to tee off, it's like
Starting point is 00:54:07 boom, he hits the ball and it explodes like you can have bombs and the president his balls must be secure and uh, oh my god you're not supposed to put your bomb in your president's house okay I think it was staged
Starting point is 00:54:25 unfortunately well where's the part where she gets kicked off that's what happened they literally just a guy just came and pulled her off the screen but I think it was fake I'm with her okay well not about the balls having bombs in them
Starting point is 00:54:41 but you know why should everybody else not be able to golf that day? Cause Obama wants to golf, you know, the president, like what she's saying, when they have to check the woods, they have to, it's a huge deal.
Starting point is 00:54:52 It doesn't matter if the president is in downtown, the entire city shuts down. You can't drive anywhere. You can't do shit. It's a pain in the ass. So fucking get a golf game on your Xbox. Give me a break. Golf wherever you want. Why are we worried about where the president
Starting point is 00:55:07 is able to golf? I think the president has enough to do without golfing somewhere, okay? How about you go do things that are more important than golfing? Freaking Democrats just lost the entire country last week. He wants to go golfing? Come on, people.
Starting point is 00:55:23 What else is he supposed to do? Exactly. Let the poor man Last week. He wants to go golfing. Come on, people. What else is he supposed to do? What else is he supposed to do? Exactly. Let the poor man golf. Yeah, poor guy. He's golfed enough, all right? So should we move on to Euros of Hollywood? And just to be clear, it's not just Obama.
Starting point is 00:55:43 It's all of them, that whole fucking government. What do they even do over there? How many wars are we in? Can we stop this bullshit government for a couple of seconds? Okay, now we can move on. What? Why don't we move on to Euros of Hollywood? Yeah, let's just leave our own country.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I am funny. I am funny and I do not like Leona at my dinner party. Why are you eating the cheese? I bought this cheese at the Trader Joe's. You're eating the whole cheese by yourself. It is wrong. I bought the cheese from Ralph. I bought it from Ralph and Albert's son.
Starting point is 00:56:13 The son of Albert. Bonnie has this accent where it sounds German, but then it'll be like one weird is really weird. She'll be like, Why did you eat the cheese? Because it's like she learned American from maybe a British person the tree yeah it's because it's like she learned american from like maybe a british person or something that's just she's like so i don't know what i'm doing on this this house has several walls i don't know i'm funny like she learned
Starting point is 00:56:36 english from the mob wives oh my god i love euros of hollywood i'm into this show. I am like... Oh, Bliona need attention to be at the party. She cannot be at a party with no attention for Bliona. Me no like. Bliona, every time she come to a party, she eat cheese. She eat cheese with her mouth. By the way, Bliona, let's not get it twisted. Bliona
Starting point is 00:57:00 is a monster. She is, she was eating Parmesan. She was taking a wedge of Parmesan and eating it, like shoving it in her mouth. I was horrified. She's like, yeah, that's how I like to do it. You know, in Albania, you have to work hard. In Albania, you work hard. I had to work hard to be able to eat cheese. So I eat cheese
Starting point is 00:57:16 however I want to. That's how I do it. When I was at the Prime Minister's house, this is how I ate the cheese. In Albania, we don't eat cheese with our mouth. We actually just spread the cheese on our cheeks, and then we lick it off each other's cheeks. That's what we do in Albania. We work hard to do that.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Bleona. All I wrote about Bleona is her boobs look like they're made out of pantyhose material. I don't know why I'm talking about everybody's boobs today. Maybe I'm having some kind of physiological change, but I'm noticing everybody's boobs this week. And hers look like they're made out of pantyhose material.
Starting point is 00:57:51 That's all I have to say. I would not be surprised. I wouldn't be surprised if it was like, you know, so one thing that's happening in L.A., there's this one area of L.A. where they've been like building a it's like a dump a giant dump and they've been like carved out like part of the landscape and they put all this shit into the land and like you can't it's like looks like a park on top
Starting point is 00:58:15 but you can't like walk around there because the ground is always shifting around because there's all this like this trash underneath the surface that's like letting that's like emitting gas and so it's shifting and it's dangerous and i feel like that's what's in her boobs dumpster trash emitting emitting i was wondering where you were going with that i feel like her boobs are like the grassy things that look like park but are dangerous to walk on well she's become close
Starting point is 00:58:42 with the one who's married to the swedish who's like, oh, I put things together. I will make, you know, I will put something brilliant together for you. So, Fonny, maybe you can do art at my party. And Fonny's like, oh, I would love to do the art at your party. Oh, I would love to do art. I would love to do art so much. I'm artist. I love art.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Fonny loves art. But I'm a little nervous because I haven't done it in a while. But I'm a little nervous. But it'll be fun. It'll be fun because my name is Fonny love art but I'm a little nervous because I haven't done it in a while but I'm a little nervous but it'll be fun it'll be fun because my name is Fonny so she has I don't know why
Starting point is 00:59:11 but she invites Fonny to meet some singer in a studio while the singer is recording I don't know what that was about but Fonny shows up
Starting point is 00:59:19 and she's like thank you so much for having me why would you be friends with Cleona she's a horrible person she's so fake and funny and you don't seem like this to me
Starting point is 00:59:28 and then she went and barfed in the bathroom at the studio for some reason we never really got she's like I look too much like Austrian pink must throw up now that was so bizarre she's like I have to go to the bathroom I don't feel good
Starting point is 00:59:43 okay I'm better. They're like, you can leave now. Just leave. Just go. And then Isabel's like, I'm not fake. I'm not fake at all. And so she calls up Leona. And Leona's like, well, why do you have this woman sing for you?
Starting point is 00:59:58 Do you not feel she's not stable? Yeah, and she's like, call her and tell her she is not welcome to your party. Because you don't want this kind of emotional wreck at your party so this girl's like she gets mad at fanny for trying to control her but then just lets leona control her and frankly i don't blame her because leona's way scarier and that was fanny's first mistake you don't go about you don't go against a scary bitch listen i'm on i'm on team fanny in all all of this and in fact i was kind of like i had this feeling of dread hanging over me the entire episode because she was so excited to have a gig that isabella was going to arrange and then she was going to get in with isabella and then in with
Starting point is 01:00:36 swedish house mafia and then she's gonna be a big superstar but you knew it was all gonna fall apart and sure enough because because of what she said to isabella or isabel isabella then you know she pissed off isabella and then bliona just exacerbated it and then isabella sits funny down at the end of the episode was like listen i think that you're unstable and i don't want to work with an artist who's unstable and i was talking to like alexandra and she was like i don't want to work with this it's so awkward i don't want to work with this. It's so awkward. I don't want to work with her at all. And Fonny was like, no, it was my stupid way of saying, I'm so sorry. Oh no, I'm funny.
Starting point is 01:01:10 No, I never wanted to do that. I can't believe you think I'm a baby. I stupidly say. I stupidly say. And then the girls leave the room and leave her in there and Fonny's just crying. And I'm like, why would you invite Fonny to your house?
Starting point is 01:01:27 Yeah. Like you should have done this at a coffee shop. Because now you got Fonny in the other room at your house sobbing. Stupid. Ready to barf everywhere. And I love that when Isabella and her friend like walked out. Or her friend. Actually her friend I think walked Fonny out at one point.
Starting point is 01:01:45 And the girl had like a little t-shirt that said friend just oh poor fanny oh so what else happened we saw the big kind of germany guys yeah they were like one german guy was like all horny and he because he hasn't had sex in forever so he's at the gym he's like okay one two three four okay okay you did good oh yeah i'm a fighter this is why you do good in los angeles they did the graffiti along the street here um see what they did to my window they they came and do graffiti on it one of them said america is the land of the land. Like, what? Meanwhile, Sasha, he is lying to his family. They're like, so when do we get to come to America? How's it going over there? He's like, oh, it's going very well.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Very well up here in America. Oh, my gosh. Massimo, we got to see Massimo do some acting. Yeah, he's like, okay. All right, I do American accent now. This is me being American. I'm a country boy. I'm a country boy who likes it the country and a hay in his mouth.
Starting point is 01:02:56 I loved when he was on his way to the audition. He's like, oh, thank you so much, a cab driver. I'm Japanese now for him. I like that he's Japanese. No, this is what happened last week. Thank you so much for bringing me he's japanese no this is what happened last week thank you so much for bringing me to this audition this is what happened last week there's so many accents that we started winding up like landing and there's too much yeah i can't even do a german accent anymore the german accent is like the easiest one to do and now i'm like hello oh
Starting point is 01:03:19 that's terrible ben oh it's also learning that austral accent, there's something about it that's in the middle of your mouth and it's hard to do anything else after that, Ben. I'll try to do Sasha. Sasha was like he's all sexed up and he's very horny and he's trying to drink tequila. Germans don't drink tequila, they drink beer. So this is very
Starting point is 01:03:39 hard for Sasha and when they do the graffitis on the window how is he supposed to do that? Not a lot of business. They did it for the whole of Melros. Yeah so that's all that happened on this show right? Well and then Yannick or what was his name again?
Starting point is 01:03:57 Oleander. Oleander like brought his girlfriend to Mixology and he was like so what do we want to do here one time we want to order some drinks now right and she's like i would like to start working some more and he's like oh not in my business though not in my business because uh you're you're not employee your girlfriend so that is a that is a line she's like well i want to ring he's like oh ring and they did eyebrows i'm high enough if you know this girl is like, what, 22?
Starting point is 01:04:26 I mean, how old is this girl? She looks like she's a child. She's too young, and you can tell she's annoying. She's young, yeah. She's young, she's gonna be a huge bitch. You can just see it coming. She's not qualified. Just because she knows how to say
Starting point is 01:04:40 I need to update the B2B page doesn't mean that she's qualified to do anything. I feel like, who who do you date when you're an older woman like once you hit like 35 who do you date i mean what especially in europe because they seem to be even worse than we are and men here are bad yeah but you think it's just men everywhere i mean what do women do i don't know. Well, I guess women are starting to fuck 20-year-olds now, too. So I guess we just need to treat it like a salmon farm.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Just keep farming enough for the rest of us 40-year-olds to fuck. I'm sure the new Bravo show, The Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce, will explore these topics ad nauseum. Oh, yeah. I'm sure Cuddy will be getting plenty in her putty. Mm-hmm. So next we have Top Chef. You want to talk about Top Chef a bit, Ben? Yeah, let's talk about Top Chef because I love Top Chef also. What do you think of it, Ben?
Starting point is 01:05:33 You know, I love it. I love it. I hate that asshole Aaron though. I don't even know where my little notebook is. Oh, shoot. Hold on, Ben. Talk about something. I can talk about the fact that I don't like Aaron
Starting point is 01:05:45 on Top Chef. I think he's an asshole. And in fact, last week, this is something we forgot to talk about on the bonus episode and at the top of this episode. I think he was arrested. I was talking about how Aaron, the short guy, was arrested for domestic abuse. Yeah, shocker.
Starting point is 01:06:04 He's such an asshole. Because he pushed his girlfriend too hard or something he's an asshole yeah that guy's an asshole um and to girls who are dating guys like that uh who have short tempers who berate you for no reason who yell and scream throw fits try and make you feel like shit uh that's called abuse uh so don't be surprised when you get pushed too hard leave do not be around men like that, okay? Whatever your daddy did to you, get over it in therapy and stop dating men like that. You're hurting yourself. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:32 So my favorite thing that Dick Aaron did, which is basically, I think he's the only thing that anybody's talking about so far this season. But I thought it was hilarious when he is trying to give the Mexiju stuff, he's trying to give him crap again, and Mexiju's like, oh, shut the fuck up, Aaron, no one cares what you think, okay? And then Aaron's like, I think he's going to use mental warfare against the
Starting point is 01:06:57 other chefs to win this. I'm like, what are you talking about? That's exactly what you're doing. You're like bullying everybody and trying to get them to fuck up, you jerk jerk he has such a chip on his shoulder towards everyone and everything oh yeah he's gross he's awful um the mom the annoying blonde mom who got into a fight with him first yeah she's like i really want to quit because you know why you know when everybody misses their children on a reality show when they lose a challenge yeah every single time no one when they win is like oh my god i miss my children i wish they were here to share this with me it's only when they lose that they're like i
Starting point is 01:07:32 need to leave because i miss my children stop using your children as an excuse okay you're supposed to be resenting your children for stealing the life you could have been living okay stop using them as an excuse yeah sick of that it's a reality show thing like i lost i miss my family suddenly or my dad died or someone had cancer um what else norm was there from cheers yeah they did a they did a quick fire in cheers i mean i guess it was kind of boring what is there something to talk about in top chef i'm trying to remember what happened. They did, oh, they had to do different
Starting point is 01:08:07 menus, right? And Aaron was on one of the winning teams. Well, they had to do menus in an Italian restaurant and whoever ordered the most menu, like whichever team had the most
Starting point is 01:08:23 menus ordered, won. Which I think is kind of unfair. It should be about the quality of the food. I mean, of course, if you put pepperoni pizza, more people are going to order it. But that's like hackier food than the other stuff. I don't like that. And also, I didn't like that the guest was that stupid girl from Shameless. What does that girl do? She barely eats anyway.
Starting point is 01:08:43 She had to be gluten-free eats anyway she was like she had to be gluten-free and she was like i'm sorry in an italian restaurant i know but you know what though that you know what that very sweet culinary um teacher who i who i like she made her like a zucchini pasta and i was like and i was like so happy because i was like there there like another win for her over aaron i mean aaron did well too but it's one of those things where like aaron was being such a dick to her i was every time she does well i'm happy because i'm like she probably has to deal with those little punks all the time yeah i want her to make it farther than aaron even though she pretty much just makes like broccoli salad or like simple sweet though she pretty much just makes broccoli salad or simple – She's so sweet, though.
Starting point is 01:09:25 She's so sweet and nice. Who says that food has to be difficult? I've been watching Jamie Oliver. By the way, do you watch him ever, Jamie Oliver? No, because I find that when I've watched The Naked Chef, the camera work is too frantic, and it's too much for me to watch. Oh, that one's not even on. I'm watching it on this internet channel. But I've been watching him do Jamie Oliver's 30-minute meals.
Starting point is 01:09:49 He's like, listen, guys. You think it's too hard to make meals? Well, it's not. You can do all of this in 30 minutes. A salad, a steak, a dessert. And then he goes into it. It's really good to watch while you're binging. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:01 But everything – and I've noticed all all the celebrity chefs they only have their basic mirepoix or whatever like his is um onion garlic chili and onion garlic chili and i guess that would count as the pepper right and uh whatever the carrot like that's like everything is that it's just basically saute that and then throw some chicken and whatever spice you want to make it different. So I guess cooking is basically simple. It doesn't have to be so crazy. So I guess I should get off that girl's ass because she just cooks simple shit. No, stay on her ass.
Starting point is 01:10:38 It's a podcast. That's what we're here for. Irrational attacking. No, she's the one that you like. I know, but I'm saying you don't have to like her just because you know if you want to have like a chance i like her because she's nice but then i wouldn't want to hang out with her because every time like we got a red light she start complaining about her dad or something um either way uh emmy rossum kind of annoying but i did like me rossum yeah i did like that she uh she went and met the chefs and
Starting point is 01:11:05 was like sorry i was the annoying one with the gluten allergy i was like okay she owned it a little bit i just think it's annoying when you've got some skinny girl who obviously doesn't eat and doesn't really have did she have a connection to boston maybe i missed it i don't know she doesn't really have a connection to anything it's like who is this she just showed up because they needed like a celebrity judge and then she has nothing to say she's not who is this she just showed up because they needed like a celebrity judge and then she has nothing to say she's not a foodie at all her like her criticisms were uh after everybody else says it's bad she'd be like yeah bad dish that's not what's to put you're supposed to make on top chef get out of here with your gluten allergy get out she is shameless also also i resent her because in the
Starting point is 01:11:47 original shameless the brit version of shame wait is it british shameless i think so oh my god it might be australian but i watched the first few episodes years ago when it came out it was pretty funny but it's not all about like gorgeousness you know that girl's too gorgeous like the other girl's a little more regular and beat down because she had to take care of her alcoholic father and all this shit. And then the American one, of course, are like, get a hot twig! Bastards.
Starting point is 01:12:13 She should have appeared on Top Chef wearing her full Phantom of the Opera outfit. Oh my god, is she from Phantom of the Opera? She was the girl in the Phantom of the Opera movie from a few years ago. Oh my god, so she even plays roles that I hate. I hate Christine, too. Christine is one of the Opera? She was the girl in the Phantom of the Opera movie from a few years ago. Oh my god, so she even plays roles that I hate. I hate Christine too. Christine is one of the biggest
Starting point is 01:12:29 pussies in musical theater history. She's like, oh, you can get me a job as a lead? Okay, I'll fuck you guy with no face. Or like half a face. You fucking user. No wonder you're on a reality show now. She should have shown up as Christine and then Tom could have been like the Phantom of the Opera.
Starting point is 01:12:45 He could have been like, I'll get you gluten-free if you make out with me under my mask. Right, and isn't there an evil woman in there, like a rival? Carlotta? Padmé could have been Carlotta. And Richard Blaze could have just been the chandelier, and he could have just fallen from the ceiling. Richard Blaze, that face. The Phantom of the Opera. The mouth.
Starting point is 01:13:06 The gluten of the Jaff. The Gluten of the Upper Rosby. And it's clogging your ass. What's the other famous song from Phantom of the Opera? Isn't there like two famous songs? The Music of the Night. The Gluten of Boston. the gluten of Boston let your glands swell and choke you
Starting point is 01:13:31 you deserve it or you won't eat what I cooked anymore okay so Top Chef is done. Now what? This was a week of Bravo. Oh my god! We had
Starting point is 01:13:51 two episodes. Hideous, insufferable episodes of New Jersey Reunion. Oh, those were both this week, weren't they? Killer. And they just just i can't even remember what happened one versus what happened the other it was just like a big mess of yelling
Starting point is 01:14:09 i do know because i watched the most recent one this morning and it was just like jim marchese overload it was too much he is jim marchese is he's like jacked up on something i think actually he was just jacked up on adrenaline. I'm not even going to say he was on adrenaline. I would say Adderall probably because that's like the new Coke. I think he was on there. Like the legal Coke. Jim is basically like a classic, like he was like nerd.
Starting point is 01:14:34 He was like pushed around in high school and middle school. And now he has his words and he's like, he doesn't have his social graces though. And he is probably like, listen, I'm going to be rude. I'm going to be a pig, and I'm going to be the villain, and it'll be great. And then we'll get picked up. But he was so annoying. I mean, even Andy Cohen was like, you're really rude. You know you're rude, right?
Starting point is 01:14:57 And Jim was just so aggressive. And he just says things, like unnecessarily obnoxious things. Like, if you just shut up, you big bitch. You know, it's like he said it to like Reno. I don't know. Yeah, Jim, I hate so much. And I find him to be so useless that it's really hard. I mean, I know it's hard when we're going to be talking about these two reunions.
Starting point is 01:15:17 So I'm going to have to put my feelings aside. But it's hard for me to even spend time on him. I just don't take him seriously. He's obviously just some fame whore. You know, like all the new cast members this year he's just yelling to get attention you know it's like none of them really have anything to say nothing to do no personal storylines it's just about getting attention so the most disgusting man to me again andy fucking cohen i mean what is this guy doing here we go two more hours he's okay he's already had an entire interview special with Teresa.
Starting point is 01:15:47 That's a double, right? Where all he did was ask the same questions over and over with his fake, his fake face, his fake caring face. Now it's two more. Then he has an hour reunion special, which we saw. Then he's two more hours. our reunion special which we saw then he's two more hours and this entire first hour almost until the 45 minute mark was but theresa your fans are saying that you're that you robbed people and you deserve what you're getting what do you think about that theresa your fans want to know what it's going to be like without makeup in prison theresa your friends want to know what you feel
Starting point is 01:16:20 about now that your kids know that you're a felon? How do your kids feel? Teresa, what do you think of? Teresa, what about this? Teresa, what about that? Teresa, what about you? Teresa, you're a loser. Teresa, you're a criminal. Teresa. Shut up. This is too much. It's too much. Please stop. You're making me even feel bad for Teresa, and I hate the bitch. Stop talking. I've said it a million times. I hate the sympathetic edit that Teresa's getting and I thought it was just out of control once again
Starting point is 01:16:51 on this reunion special, especially in the last ten minutes as Andy Cohen is sitting there getting choked up and they're holding hands and she's like, this might be my last episode. This might be my last reunion, which is bullshit. One of our listeners on our Facebook page was like yeah right there's gonna be like theresa's last christmas special theresa's it's gonna be everything is gonna be documented up until the very end
Starting point is 01:17:14 oh yeah her ass will be back the second she's out of jail too they'll make the return of theresa and she'll be like i learned my lesson i'm a new person Yeah. No, I just find it sickening. I think she did wrong. She's a girl. I do too, but that's the thing. It's like it's not... He's pretending it's a sympathetic edit, but it's not. It's like he grabs her hair. He drags her through the mud for three hours.
Starting point is 01:17:37 And then he's like, I'm going to miss you, girl. I know. It's gross. It's like exploiting. It's exploitation plus fake love at the same time. It's gross. It's like exploiting. It's exploitation plus like fake love at the same time. It's gross. Yeah, no, it's sickening. I thought the whole thing, especially this third hour, was so vile.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Ronnie and I just had some big technical difficulties, which just goes to show that even Skype is sick of all these people. But what I was going to say was that I don't see how this show can go on. Teresa's going to jail. Amber and Jim are so vile that they can't possibly come back under the Jill Zarin clause. When someone gets so hideous, they just have to be fired. The twins are terrible. No one cares about them. They can't come back. Dina doesn't want to come back. That just leaves Melissa, and she's not even interesting anymore. So there's no one left to watch on this show.
Starting point is 01:18:27 So they either have to truly start fresh with a new set of women, which they'll never do, or just put it to sleep. Well, an article was posted on our Facebook page that everybody was re-signed for the next season. So... Oh, it's terrible. So I guess they're going to be trying it again. Although I don't see how they would just be trying it again when the season was shortened to 13 episodes. That's pretty bizarre. And I can't even believe they gave them three hours of reunion after a 14-episode season.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Right? There's something fishy there. It was honestly one of the worst seasons of all time with any housewives worse than dc worse than maybe even worse than season one of miami yeah that's so stupid glad it's over bye of course there's like a lost footage special but i'm not watching that they're telling you that right now didn't they already have a lost footage i heard there was a lost footage someone on facebook said there's a new lost footage coming up they had secrets revealed now they've got lost footage i guess yeah i'm not watching that sorry sorry no no no there will be no
Starting point is 01:19:33 more it's just it's terrible but i just did y'all but i will say this though jim marchese did score one point he got one victory point when he pulled out out all those photos of Bobby at the book signings, and Bobby's like, well, no, I was at Teresa, I mean, I just happened to be there, I was behind something, and she was there, so I thought I'd take a picture, and the other time, you know, we were all there, it was like, we were all there, so I took a picture with everyone, you know, because we were all there. No, you were so busted. Yeah, that guy, that guy is pretty pathetic, I feel bad for him. Jim got him,im got him jim
Starting point is 01:20:05 got him for sure the one thing that jim did who well i mean what else even happened those twins in there everything with their mother it was my mother you don't talk about my mother you don't talk about my mother like that like if i had a culotta for every single time that someone said something mean about my mother i would have a lot of culottas. So actually you can talk about my mother a lot because I love culottas. I love that Teresa is so stupid that she doesn't even realize that she's kind of affirming what this girl is saying. When she's like, I didn't do it. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:20:37 So what? So if it wasn't true, then why are you so mad? I mean, look at Melissa. She didn't get mad when that stuff came out. of melissa she didn't get mad when you know when that stuff came out which was basically that situation was you obviously having kim d on the show to say that melissa was a stripper like yeah that was the most obvious thing in the world and then denied it and melissa did have a fucking fit about it for like a year so i don't know what you're talking about but she's basically like comparing the two and the last one she was obviously the culprit which
Starting point is 01:21:05 kind of made her look guilty in this right uh yeah this one too but god well i mean i mean that the twins did have a slight point when when they i guess at some point someone asked theresa do you think that reno slept with his mother-in-law and she's just like uh uh i mean i you know i don't know it's between them and so then everyone got mad it's like you should say no I don't believe it everyone got mad and the thing is that's what's always tripped up Teresa is that she she doesn't she clearly thinks that it's true obviously but she doesn't own up to it and it's like that lack of accountability to what she really thinks what she what's really on her mind is what drives people crazy about her so the twins had someone named benjamin cohen
Starting point is 01:21:48 could be one of your cousins ben on our facebook related by first name uh well also cohen by tribe that's true nicole not saying a word about the reno rumor which i thought was pretty funny she never said anything only one of us really denying it and then Nicole not being condemned for pulling Amber's hair which I thought was interesting too it was like I guess like the whole violence you know housewives violence thing is just a thing now well I think I think or maybe they just didn't they were trying to limit how many things they could talk to the twins about because they kept on harping on about the same point. I mean, at one point, you know, I think it was Teresa was like, you know, like, I don't feel bad for Teresa going to jail because when you do bad things, this is what happens.
Starting point is 01:22:37 So you think like, in my mind, I'm like, you know, thank God someone's about to say, you know, when you defraudud people you go to jail and that's just the way life is but instead she's like so when you speak about my mother you can't speak about my mother and and that's what kind of thing get you it's gonna go to jail i'm like no you stupid idiot the lesson is not like don't talk about someone's mom or you might go to jail the lesson is don't defraud someone because you might go to jail you're so stupid she's like clank clank i think if you want to really punish any of these people, you should have the sketch artist from Real Housewives of Atlanta's courtroom to sketch them. That's like the worst punishment ever.
Starting point is 01:23:12 No, no. For the twins, I think it would be an improvement. Did you see the Apollo sketch? It was like Al Hirschfeld. Yeah, he's like all skinny and scrawny and has bad posture. It's like total skinny and scrawny and has bad posture. He's like little hands. It's like total crap.
Starting point is 01:23:27 You know that court artist is some fat, bitter jerk. You know it's probably like Phaedra. She's like, oh, yeah, well, I forgot to mention. In my spare time, I picked up court artistry. She's like, I now am not only an animaltician, but I also am a court artist. And I know how to be an entrepreneur of sorts. How, oh, we have to say
Starting point is 01:23:49 happy birthday to Tracy Swayze and Catherine. Yes! Happy birthday, girls! We love you! Yes! Fonny, love you! Fonny! Oh, by the way, so on our Facebook page,
Starting point is 01:24:06 there is like a 30-second leak of Fonny's new single called Fonny Makes Dinner Party in Austria. I just want everyone to know that it's not real. Like, I just was bored yesterday. I was like inspired, so i put something together in a garage band and put it on the page because people have been sort of i think most of you know it's not real but there have been some comments where people like oh my god i can't believe this and it's like hilarious it's bad on purpose but i think it's so funny and it says a lot about funny
Starting point is 01:24:40 yeah it doesn't say that's true yeah by the, it doesn't say anything if I didn't know. Her whole song is Fonny. Yeah, I just want to say, it's not a reflection on our listeners. It's a reflection on Fonny that it's actually conceivable that this would be one of her songs. Fonny, Fonny. Yeah, please post that for the end credits. Yeah, the
Starting point is 01:25:01 lyrics for those who are, I understand that some of the vocals are a little quiet. So I think the lyrics are something like, it's funny, funny, funny, funny, funny makes dinner party in Austria, funny, funny, funny, Bliona no, funny, funny. So funny. That's so funny. Like the lyrics you read earlier, they make about as much sense. Bitch, I hate you. Bitch, I kill you. Bitch, you stupid. Don they make about as much sense. Bitch, I hate you. Bitch, I kill you. Bitch, you stupid.
Starting point is 01:25:26 Don't talk to me, bitch. I did hear a rumor, though, that there is going to be a Fonny and Leona duet in the future. So I think we should all look forward to that. Let's do it. Yeah. Are we at the end of our podcast? We're at the end. Do you have anything else to say?
Starting point is 01:25:43 No. I think that I'm happy with the euros of hollywood i'm surprisingly invested in this fanny and leona feud and um i'm just glad jersey's over and i'm looking forward to beverly hills and on the season premiere i don't know did you see the commercial the old crew is all back together. The season premiere, there's going to be Camille and Adrian and Taylor and Lisa. Oh, this is what I'm excited about. The promo. So again, Bravo promo.
Starting point is 01:26:11 They're like, all the girls are back. And it's like everyone from the first season are all like dancing at a party. And then they're like, and everyone's happy about it except for Brandy. And then they cut to Brandy and she's like, I am now the pariah of the group. I'm like, yeah, bitch. That's right. Yeah, you are a stupid. You stupid bitch.
Starting point is 01:26:27 You went up against Lisa. This is what happened. Yep. Learn Joe lesson. Did you watch The Comeback? Did you watch that show? I don't have HBO, but I think I'm going to get it. So Lisa Kudrow came back with The Comeback.
Starting point is 01:26:38 And it's like 10 years later. And it is still the most awkward fucking thing on television. It is so hard to watch a show. I know. The television it is so hard to watch the first one was so hard she's such a pathetic person it's really good i was so good at playing that oh she's so brilliant um but you know one of one huge part of it is that she's bragging because she basically started reality tv so and it's kind of true when it came out there was really only survivor there wasn't anything else really on. And people didn't like quote unquote
Starting point is 01:27:08 get her show. And so now there's like a ton of reality shows. And she's like, well, I started it. Which is creepy, but kind of true. And she does a scene with Andy. She does a scene with Lisa Vanderpump where she's auditioning to be
Starting point is 01:27:24 on a housewives show and lisa and her auditioning together and she's like wait a minute wait a minute you're trying to make me look like the bad guy i'm not gonna fall for this i've been on reality tv before everybody stop the cameras stop the cameras i'm not doing this i'm not doing this anymore i'm not the villain i never done and she can't just be in the reality show it is hilarious oh my god this could i i may have to get hbo just for it she follows uh she knows that andy's having lunch she's the whole thing the whole episode is she's trying to get a sizzle wheel together for andy cohen so she can have a broadway or a bravo show yeah and so she knows that he's eating it like the ivy or oh not the
Starting point is 01:28:03 ivy but she was at some hotel so she goes in the guy won't let her in with the cameras so she knows that he's eating at like the Ivy. Oh, not the Ivy. She was at some hotel. So she goes in. The guy won't let her in with the cameras. So she like pushes herself past him with cell phone cameras. And it's a really awkward Andy scene. It's good stuff. Is Andy Cohen in it? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Oh, that's amazing. He's like, Val, I love you. You know, she used to be in that sitcom, you know, Two is Enough or whatever. And I love her, which is so him, too, to be like in love you know two is enough or whatever and I love her which is so him too to be like in love with some 80s star from some terrible show and he's like well we tried to work together Val and she's like I know but
Starting point is 01:28:33 it's really good I can't explain it it's way more awkward when she does it I mean Lisa Kudrow is so she's so good she is so good at playing that flummoxed person
Starting point is 01:28:49 who can barely control what's on her mind. She has seething thoughts about something. She's got anger. She's got frustration. And she's trying to put on a happy face. And these little things just come exploding out of her. And the funny thing is, that's not what Phoebe,
Starting point is 01:29:05 her most famous character was not even like that, really. Her famous character was, like, ditzy and silly. She's got such a darkness about her in all of her stuff. Like, Web Therapy's funny as hell, but it's so dark, too. Or, like, Easy A, when she played that principal, or, oh, God, she stole, I mean, to me, she was the best part of neighbors. She was so hilarious as the Dean.
Starting point is 01:29:27 I mean, I just feel like she needs to be in so many more things and she works, but she needs to be, she needs to be everywhere. She's so good. Why doesn't, well, the rumor is that the comeback character is based on Kathy Griffin and it's
Starting point is 01:29:39 just so now that makes it even more cringe. Yeah. I have, have she and Megan Mullally worked together? I mean, I feel like they would have. I feel like they're both from the Groundlings or something. I don't know. Megan Mullally's not from Groundlings.
Starting point is 01:29:52 She's a Broadway star. Oh, I thought she had a Groundlings past. But either way, they're both very quick and funny. I know. What the hell? Where's Megan Mullally at? Can we get some Mullally back on the TV, please? Mullally's always popping up. She's always got stuff going on.
Starting point is 01:30:08 Like little guest things, but I want her to have, I need her every week. Will and Grace was probably my last favorite sitcom. She was good on Party Down. Oh, I never even got to the part where she was on. I only watched part of the first season. Yeah, she was on the second season. She took
Starting point is 01:30:24 over Jane Lynch's part because Janeane lynch went to glee and um watch that later and she played casey wilson's mom on happy endings so every she did oh my god her episode season two happy endings her first she's on i think like two or three episodes during the show. She is so funny on that show. I mean, she is one of my favorite Happy Endings episodes of all time. Yeah, she's great on everything. She did a third Rock from the Sun years ago, and I still remember it. She's so, so funny. Love her.
Starting point is 01:30:57 Not Bravo, but still love her. Yeah. She shouldn't have tried to do a talk show, though. No, no, no, no. You know, Lisa Timmons, our long-lost guest, she used to work on Megan Mullally's talk show. Oh, she did? Oh, sorry, Lisa.
Starting point is 01:31:12 No, no, it's okay. She said it was crazy. Oh. Okay, well, anyway, we're at the end. So, everybody, don't forget that tomorrow is our hangout, 6 p.m. Pacific time. Well, and by tomorrow, we mean November 13th. Thursday the 13th,
Starting point is 01:31:27 6pm Pacific, which means 9pm if you're on the East Coast. We hope there won't be too many technical issues, because we're going to set up a little differently this time. So, if there are, we apologize in advance, because there will be. And, of course, if you want to watch it,
Starting point is 01:31:44 you have to you have to uh uh support us please on patreon that's forward slash watch where crap ends it's like two dollars per episode to get into the hangouts um and ronnie you are just you are just descended from heaven aren't you i sure is you are just descended from heaven, aren't you? I sure is. You are just like a beautiful diamond that came from the heavens. Sculpted by angels. Shimmering in front of us. That's the nicest way I've heard it put.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Soon to be sent off to Kay Jewelers to sit next to the Jane Seymour collection. Aww. Because you know what? Every kiss begins with K. Or in this case, an R. Ronnie K. Every carom starts with K. Bye, everyone. Bye!
Starting point is 01:32:34 Bye! I'm funny. Here we go. Funny. Funny, funny, funny. I'm so into the party. Come on, show me. Funny. Funny. Go to the party. I'm pushing you. Funny.
Starting point is 01:32:56 You don't know. Funny. Funny. Funny. If you like listening to comedy, try watching it on the internet. The folks behind the Sideshow Network have launched a new YouTube channel called Wait For It. It's got interviews with comedians like Reggie Watts, Todd Glass, Liza Schleichinger, Slicing, driving friends with her for 10 years. One of the funniest people
Starting point is 01:33:30 out there, and I still have a hard time with the last name, Liza. Our very own Owen Benjamin, that's me, takes you on a musical journey down internet rabbit holes and much more. You don't have to wait any longer. Just go to slash waitfortcomedy. There's no need to wait any longer. Just go to slash wait for it comedy.
Starting point is 01:33:46 There's no need to wait for it anymore. Because it's here. And it's funny. And I love you. On Monday, Josh Leibarger made his status, Case of the Mondays, followed by a frowny face. It got one like and five comments, including dislike. Well, Josh, Geico also wants to make a comment
Starting point is 01:34:07 to turn that emoji's frown upside down. In just 15 minutes, you could save hundreds of dollars on your car insurance by switching to Geico. With all that extra dough, why not give Monday a makeover? We see an office party in your future, hosted by you. Hashtag happy face. Hashtag savings.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance hey prime members you can listen to watch or crap and add free on amazon music download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at survey

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