Watch What Crappens - #1719 Top Chef: A Hard Day's Night Market

Episode Date: March 22, 2022

This week on Top Chef, the cheftestants must form their own Asian Night Market, which means chewy steaks, raw potatoes, and greasy dough. Padma is not happy.Get tix to our live shows: https:/.../ Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watch What Crapins Add Free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Get ready for a double load of Queen of Hearts. It's me, Jujubee, and I return to guide sexy singles through some ronchy blind dates. Cameras off. Voice only. Launching during pride. Queen of Hearts takes Miami by storm, with Daeders' Cuppe from Tampa Bayes, Just Chas, and Brittany Brave to name a few. Follow Queen of Hearts on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappens, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today from his beautiful home in Texas. It's Mr. Ronnie Caram.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Hi Ronnie. How are you? Well, hello, man. How are you? Oh my goodness. I am, you know, I'm riding the high. We had three absolutely amazing shows this past weekend in Philly, DC and Pittsburgh. Thank you to everyone who came out. It was
Starting point is 00:01:26 truly amazing. In case anyone didn't hear about it. So on Saturday, we did a classic episode of New Jersey, Real Housewives of New Jersey, and like 10 minutes into the show, my cousin Melissa, who lives in New Jersey, ran into Dolores at a restaurant and got Dolores on FaceTime and Dolores FaceTimeed in to our live show and it was so it was like such a rush. I couldn't hear a single thing she was saying because you like you know there was just so much going on and so that audio we're going to save that show for probably like a long weekend so we can have like a day off or whatever so like if you just be it'll it'll be up in a little, you know, probably I don't know when but it's not gonna be up this week But it's something definitely to look forward to so that was I mean Ronnie. How crazy was that Dolores Dolores calling in?
Starting point is 00:02:18 Yeah, that was really nuts and just like seeing it on the tiny phone as she couldn't hear us either because she was in a restaurant So it was just like people not hearing each other. But this much, her forehead skin looks amazing. Because it's all a lot of her forehead. Because when you're on FaceTime, but you can't hear, you lift the talk things to your face. Yeah. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:02:38 It was, I was like trying to send the audio through the microphone, but of course, everyone's cheering because everyone's excited. So like there's cheering and then the audio is like sort of coming through because of the speaker phone. It was kind of a disaster, but like just wonderful. So we're really excited for you guys to hear that when the time comes.
Starting point is 00:02:56 And then in the meantime, you know, we're running out of dates for our little tour here. You know, we got San Francisco coming up next week, but that's sold out, so thanks to everyone who bought tickets for that, but we have Denver. We have Denver next week also.
Starting point is 00:03:08 There are tickets available for that. And then in April, we're going to go in and back to Detroit. And we have Cleveland, we have Columbus. And then we're going to finish the whole thing out in Texas, starting at the Moon Tower, Comedy Festival in Austin, then Houston, and then Dallas, and that's it, everyone. So be sure to get your tickets at
Starting point is 00:03:31 I mean, like these shows have been such a rush. It's been really fun. Also meeting some of our super premium sponsors, you know, so I don't want any of you guys to miss out on that. So go get tickets and join us for the big shows. Yeah, that's been a great time. So I don't want any of you guys to miss out on that. So go get tickets and join us for the big shows. Yeah, that's been a great time. And people are wearing the Tour merch, which I love get the Tour merch at
Starting point is 00:03:50, or just look at watch what for links to all of this. Tonight is our show on Greenroom, the Spotify app is called Greenroom by Spotify. Okay, it's called Take a Seat is our show. That's live. It's every Monday night Seat is our show. That's live. It's every Monday night, 7 p.m. Pacific 10 p.m. Eastern.
Starting point is 00:04:09 We get on talk with you guys. You talk to each other. You come up, have a minute to say your piece. Really, really fun times. That's not a recap show. That's just like a gossip shoot the shit show where we get to hang out with you guys. So join us every Monday night.
Starting point is 00:04:22 That's gonna be a big one tonight. That's our, start to interrupt. But that's gonna be a big one tonight. That's our start to interrupt, but that's gonna be a big one tonight because we gotta talk about Katie and Shorts. And we gotta talk about Countess LeWan. And I'm sure while we're recording, some other disasters gonna happen. So join us there tonight, everybody.
Starting point is 00:04:38 And now it's time for Top Chef. Previously, I could have had a pacifitpo, anyone else? Luzers! I know. Speaking of Houston. Chef previously I could have had a pacifipo anyone else Used in top chef Houston previously I was an athlete So we're back with top chef last week if you'd missed the episode it was our bonus episode on patreon So this week it opens up with Sarah So Sarah was in the bottom last week because she made This week it opens up with Sarah. So Sarah was in the bottom last week
Starting point is 00:05:04 because she made hummus, really hummus. And Pam got so mad at her because Sarah said, well a lot of people don't think of hummus as a car. Really, they don't think of hummus as a car. You idiot. That's pretty crazy. Literally everybody thinks of hummus as a car. Hummus is a bean.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I'm still so mad they didn't make pasta for the car challenge. Like I'm furious a week later. So she's doing the phone call of death, right? Where every week it used to be on top chef. Everybody who got kicked off would have this phone call home with family. And then everyone caught on, So they started changing it up. But it really looks like it's going to be Sarah's phone call of death because people don't know that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Thomas is a car. Okay. I was like center home like she should already have a car out front. But fortunately, X five brought to you by the Talandee family of Lear gelatos. By the way, I'd like to point out we did ride in a BMW X5 and it was lovely. This week, one of our U-Bo's,
Starting point is 00:06:11 do you remember, man? Which way, which was lit on the inside and everything? It's such a blur, which where was it? Is that in Philadelphia? It's someone where I kept complimenting the lighting of the car, the driver's like, okay, it's like some 16 year olds, you know, in his parents' car. It was just like one of the chefs from Top Chef. Just be like, I'm still
Starting point is 00:06:29 contracted. I'm I'm I'm contractually obligated to still drive this car around. I'm sorry. Yeah. Um, it was Sam, the chill guy. Yeah. Okay, guys, everything's going great. So Sarah does a phone call of death. She's talking to her fiancee Cameron and she's like, we met his most chefs do, most chefs in love do. They're praising? Because that's what it sounds like for watching this show. We met his most chefs do getting matching Mison Plus tattoos on our forearms.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Visiting the bacon tattoo artist. Matt is most chefs do, getting matching Mizon Plus tattoos on our forearms. Visiting the bacon tattoo artist. Are you here to get paid on your arm? Actually, panchetta. Pretty much the same thing. I think I'm in love. So she's like, well, I didn't get shit. Can't yet, but I mean, I wasn't the top for the first challenge. But what if I was only in the top because my team was good
Starting point is 00:07:25 And it was a team challenge. What if I suck us and they'd be miserable? You might who knows what if Time to grow so she tells us you know having made some decisions to leave New York City and not work in Michelin star Of you know restaurants. You just wonder if you can stack up, you know I'm like well first you got to understand that that Thomas is widely considered to be a car. So start there. And lots of packaged chickpeas. Do you think that you wouldn't have learned in Miss, do you think in Miss
Starting point is 00:07:54 one star? So like, do not get the package chickpea puffs. I think that was pretty universal. I think you just need to watch top chef to know not to use that shit Sarah Or at least when Tom Clikio comes walking around and spectrification just hide it Hide it or something she had that shit out there like she was doing home shopping network and then the fiancee Cameraing tells her the worst advice of all time. I hate this advice. This is my least favorite advice Which is trust your gut
Starting point is 00:08:23 That is the dumbest advice if If I listened to my gut, you would have to cut me out of my house, okay? Listening to my gut got me in a mess, okay? My gut is wrong, it's constantly wrong. It goes, listen, if you're gonna cook something at home, what would you make for yourself? And then just make that as good as compete. You're gonna shred it.
Starting point is 00:08:43 She's like, hmm, so I should make a pizza and then shred the pizza. No, no, no, the shredding is a, that's just more of a metaphor. I'm not sure if I follow Cameron. The only reason I know not to shred the pizzas because I'm in a team. What if this was a love, what if I was alone?
Starting point is 00:08:59 Ha, ha, ha. So now the chefs walk into the kitchen and Padma's like, hello, hello. And there's lots of cooking going on. And I think the crab cake and guess what? There's sushi, swathcane. There's sushi, I see it. And Evelyn goes, are we doing a night market?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Padma responds, yass girl. That's how it goes. That's how Yas girl was, yanks. Oh, I'd like to welcome this week's Top Chef All Star, Top Chef winner of the James Beard Top Chef Early Season Midwest Southwest Airlines winner. Hello, welcome back, hon. Please welcome someone who stayed in the Michelin Star at Restaurant and didn't give up Sarah, hung when.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And Sam tells us that hung was the first to win the first agent to win Top Chef and he is the reason that Sam owns a cleaver, which things as Sam's neighbor I would feel afraid. But also number two is God we're old you know like little children like I've watched this one I was a baby. I know. The guest chef today you seal an ethyl. Get in here you crazy yascals. Get in here. Please welcome the original cleaver, June cleaver. I own her too. Wally, hot or not? I know you their mom, but still, I'd be proud of her. Please welcome my dear friend, the beaver. Hmm. So, um...
Starting point is 00:10:45 So Sam, uh, super excited. Then, Hong is like, it's been 15 years, and I don't remember the kitchen being this big. It's like, I hope you're still an asshole. There's my hope for you, Hong, okay? Because you were an asshole the first time around. Yes. And I need that other cheek from you, a guy in the sir.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Exactly. So, Padman goes, you, we got in sir. Exactly. So Padman goes, Houston is home to nearly 2.5 million people. And one fifth of that population is Frumpy. And the other one fifth is made up of Asian communities. Mm-hmm. Hung so good to have you back. Reminds everybody, us bitches can really cook. Yes, clean.
Starting point is 00:11:24 you back, reminds everybody us bitches can really cook Yas clean. I learned that from an intern named Ross. His tuning in to get to experience Asia without ever getting on a plane. It's called the Asian Night Market. And so, um, Hungs starts talking about going to night markets and everything and like I brought them back to being a child or whatever and so they Here are ten of the best local chefs many are James Beard nominees Hey, who here's been nominated for James Beard? Let's do this game again. Anyone? Okay, who's not raising their hands? Oh, is it do we get rid of the North Dakota girl? Oh damn Well looks like everybody trying to do high fives with the clouds am I right? Sorry Sarah
Starting point is 00:12:13 You know they've won James Beard Michelin Awards for various things. I like that edition Just various things. There's a poker stick winner over there Just various things. There's the Pokas stick winner over there. Pokas stick from the Northeast, and then over there we've got Asian Lady who likes noodles and also bet midler films James Beard Award nominee And the James Beard Award for Best Uber Passager goes to That person over there. Well guess what? You're in luck! There's no quick fire this week. For elimination, you're going to take inspiration from what you taste to create your own night market. Sarah,
Starting point is 00:12:51 please, I see you chomping your nails. Don't make something nail inspired. All right. Now Sarah, I know this may be difficult for you to understand since apparently hummus is a tricky concept for you, but night market is different from night court so you can put away your little John Larricat flag. This challenge sure has legs. Speaking of, things that have legs are usually considered protein, everything else is a car. And no Sarah, chickpeas don't have legs. I'm hung like, is anyone afraid to cook Indian food for Padma?
Starting point is 00:13:31 I know, I would be. And everyone's like very, very scared. Padma's just like so happy, like seeing all their fear just gives her energy and she goes, I'm that note. Exactly. Time to draw knives. Oh, Padma. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:49 Fadma, Fadma. You may, you saw microwave rice. You know what I mean? Like I'm not that terrified. Okay, you're still Padma. She's like, so, anyone not familiar with the food they drew? Luke is like, well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:14:04 I'm not familiar with Indian, because probably because there's not a huge seaweed presence in Indian food, so he's like really, he's really lost right now. Good luck with salinating nothing with even seafood, non-salinator seaweed user. Kelt face. So then,
Starting point is 00:14:24 I literally thought all week, how could he make something that needed more salination when he used seaweed? I know. I mean salination. Salination is something different. Salination. That's where Salad came from before we stole it and turned it into Cincinnati. Please welcome the spin off to my show, Taste the Nation, Salonation.
Starting point is 00:14:50 So, here's the healthy water everybody. Please welcome from the San Pellegrino family of what-a-makers, Salonation. So, so tomorrow has never made Japanese, which so there's that. And then Joe, so she's Filipino, and she pulls the night for Filipino cuisine
Starting point is 00:15:22 and Padme goes, Joe, you lucky duck, you get to be inikas. Joe, you lucky duck. You get to be in my presence. Also, you pulled your own cuisine. Wow, double luck. And Joe's like, oh shit. Okay, well, shit. Wasn't she scared about using of doing Filipino food
Starting point is 00:15:38 because she's, you know, listen. She knows Jonathan Waxman. Yeah. Jonathan Waxman is a very good friend and she doesn't know how Jonathan Waxman will respond to this non-Jonathan Waxman challenge. Jonathan Waxman! Jonathan Waxman was a guest chef on that other show watching the Tournament of Champions. And it was just...
Starting point is 00:16:01 Wow. Pretend I'm hosting Tournament of Anca Fieri. Hi everybody. Sorry about the bleach tips But once you go bleach you just never go. I don't even know around because I'm guy Fieri Any you I'd like to welcome guest judge person talked about most on top chef for that actually ever having to do anything Jonathan Waxman's version of Jonathan to do anything. Jonathan Waxman's version of Jonathan Waxman. Hello, Jonathan Waxman. I love Jonathan Waxman because he always comes on. He just has that like wasp tone to his voice was like, well, I remember in the
Starting point is 00:16:38 70s, no one was cooking fresh spaghetti and we really pioneered that and now I summer in Europe Yeah, he does his real snotty even things he likes he's like That is Amazing really that they thought of tomato sauce. I'll get over to the last So the chefs get to go to Asian specialty markets for their cuisines at Padmas. Like, that's what I'm really excited about for you guys. You get to go out to Asian markets
Starting point is 00:17:14 and you get to use your BMW X5s to navigate the streets of Houstonian, but watch out. We put various slicks of T'lancy gelato on the road so don't spin out like Mario Cart. Alright everybody, get taste taste tasting. Hope you can smell some of this too. Taste it and smell it. Roll around. Just let your taste buds go in a party everybody since you can all taste. And then it's big thumbs up and like, I can't taste. I can't taste anything.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, poor Jackson. I don't believe Jackson at all, by the way. You don't just point. No, he's fucking mine. He's trying to make it like, oh, I can't taste. So every time I make something, you know, that's not burnt toast. Everybody's going to be impressed. I don't believe it. He's cooking too well to have no taste. I mean, there's no way. He already walks it back a little bit this episode. So, you know, so then everyone's tasting everything and Sarah's allergic to shellfish. And then, and then Joe is talking about this. I think what you were referring to is that like,
Starting point is 00:18:15 it's great that she gets to do Filipino, but it's rough because like, it's hard doing, for her it's hard to think of Filipino as like, high end because it's mainly like a home cooking kind of thing, etc. She never really cooked it very much, because you know, Jonathan Waxman. And over at the Indian station, Luke is trying semosas, and Buddha is talking about how he did a stash at an Indian restaurant for a day. So he's really excited to do this.
Starting point is 00:18:43 And so importantly, he asked the lady at the Indian station her name is Kiran. And I think that's her name, Ryan Kiran, Karen, Kiran. Not Karen, Kiran. And he's like, hey, if I make Samoza's, can I make them with puff pastry? And she's like, yes, but don't fry them because they'll get very greasy.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And it's like really, because I'm thinking of frying that. It's like, do not fry. Only bake is like, great, can't wait to fry it. And then the chill guy, Sam, is like, you know what? You know what I love teaching children? That's the best. Children are a future. You know what?
Starting point is 00:19:24 And usually teach kids. I say, keep it simple kids. Also, when you pick your nose, wipe the background of the desk. Don't need it. Stop eating it. Basically, I only teach the kids how to make potatoes, because I really only care about potatoes. So that's really the extent of my teaching. But it's fun. It's fun for me. So he's going to do potatoes, curry, and rice, and then over at the dumpling house, they're being served Cantonese style chicken and dumplings, and Ashley is like, you know, my cooking ways are like this.
Starting point is 00:19:58 You know, there's a lot of fermented stuff, there's a lot of different methods that you use to keep your foods lasting longer. And I'm like mmm delicious Ziploc bags Ziploc dumplings Gail that's not that's not a dumpling gail all right Gail that's just a Ziploc bag full of flour. That's not a dumpling. Well, she's enjoying it anyway. Who might a stopper?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Bless her heart. Comments. Here comes one right now. Celebrity beef. You never know if you're just going to end up on TMZ or trending on Twitter or in court. I'm Matt Bellasife. And I'm Sydney Battle. And we're the host of Wonder E's new podcast, Dis and Tell. Each episode explores a different iconic celebrity view, from the build up, why it happened, and the repercussions.
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Starting point is 00:21:28 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon music or wonder yeah. So, um, so then over at the Vietnamese station, well, that we see like the Japanese station, you know, Nick has an aha moment because he tries, basically, Japanese fried chicken, so we realize is that like, you know, could like bridge to his, you know, Japanese fried chicken. So he realizes that, like, you know, could like bridge to his, you know, the Southern cooking. And then Jackson is over at the Vietnamese station
Starting point is 00:21:51 and he's trying to still be like really cool about the fact that he doesn't have all of his sense of smell and taste. And so his face is running bright red because he's so on action. He's like, so what are the staple herbs of Vietnamese cuisine? It's like, well, I mean, I mean, I barely even have to say it.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I mean, you can just practically smell it. Am I right, everyone? He's like, uh-huh, uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Mm, look at Jackson smelling things over there. He's turning red. Mm-hmm. So he's like, well, when we think of taste,
Starting point is 00:22:22 generally we think of smell as well, you know? So I can feel, I can still smell, so I can smell spicy and sweet, but you know, I can't, wait, what is he saying? He can't smell, he has a cat. His tongue is back, so we can taste the five cents, the five tastes, but he can't smell. So I'm like, okay, so you basically can kind of taste. So all this stuff is
Starting point is 00:22:48 sort of like you're fine. I mean, I know you can't smell, but you're fine. You're not like so. It's like the best for both the world. You can still eat your tastiest foods, but you don't have to smell the first after. Yeah, that's exactly right, Onion rings for days. So then now after they've all gone to their different stations and sampled foods, it's time to go right now to your BMW X5. And of course, they go running out in slow mo. And for some reason, I got so mad at this Ronnie. I don't know if it made you mad, but of course Luke went and took like the driver's side. Of course, Luke went to go driving, you know? I was like, for some reason, I was like, I feel like there was probably someone else
Starting point is 00:23:27 who wanted a drive, and of course, Luke took that opportunity away from them. Well, also, isn't he from Copenhagen? I'm like, I think there's different driving rules. You know, he probably just heard that there was a sale on seaweed at the market. It was like, gotta get there first. So, he, Nome gets in the car with Buddha.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And he's like, so what are you two in, bro? I'm thinking something green, possibly that grows on rocks. Oh, how about you? And Buddha's like, oh, I'm thinking of doing this, somehow, so he's like, me too. Oh, no. Yeah. And then Joe is like, fretting a little bit about, you know, Filipino food still, and Sam, Sam is like very excited about this, because he's gonna be cooking Indian,
Starting point is 00:24:15 and he's like, when are we ever going to cook Indian food and give it to Padma, right? When are we ever going to have that experience of a beautiful model just looking at you with dead eyes and wishing you would turn into a pillar of salt? When will we ever have that experience, guys? Yeah. When will we ever get to see Padma staring at us? Like we just put her microwave rice on the popcorn setting and the microwave. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:24:42 When will we ever get to experience Padma's face as if we had just said that Gaia looks really pretty today? So they go to the Hong Kong food market, and some people, you know, know it. Like they know where to look, they know what they're going to get. And then a lot of people are just like, what? And this is the challenge. I feel robbed that North Dakota isn't still here. The lady who said that all she wanted to do
Starting point is 00:25:05 is meetin' potatoes. I really need to see her in this market. Let's bring her back. Is it too soon for a last chance, kitchen? I know. It would have been so hilarious watching her do this challenge. And just like at the end, she just serves up just like steak and potatoes again.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Which she actually never even really got to serve in the first place. She's like, well, this dish hails from us. I wanted to take a classic Szechuan preparation and not do it and then said just make potato chips. Yeah, exactly. I need to see her mac and cheese come out for this challenge. Yeah. So, Joe, Joe is talking about how, you know, there's a lot of, she sees ingredients that remind her of her childhood and how like the stuff that her mom would cook up
Starting point is 00:25:50 was challenging to her American friends, et cetera. And they're all just sort of like shopping around. Yeah, she says when your mom is frying sardines with banana ketchup, you're not gonna have a lot of friends. So that was really funny. I want to try banana ketchup. I don't even know what that is, but I'm like so intrigued by it now.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Well, you know, you filled in your duty because you said this weekend. I did. I wonder what banana ketchup is. Can't wait to look it up. So I was like, guess what I'm not going to do. Look at banana ketchup. I don't think you come just through it. I'm prepared.
Starting point is 00:26:23 So banana ketchup is a popular Philippine fruit ketchup condiment made from bananas, sugar, vinegar, and spices. Hey, guess who guessed that? Me! Says probably made from banana, vinegar, and sugar. Yep, so that sounds good. I actually believe that would be very good. So then Evelyn starts talking about her love for Southeast Asian cuisine
Starting point is 00:26:43 because that's like a whole thing. And she's talking about how she went and she traveled to region and she's like, and then it just clicked. I mean, my mom used to make me this like with like, it was like my mom because she's, I think her background is, she's at least half Mexican. And she said that like her, like her mom would make food like Southeast Asian food, but with, you know, different spices and ingredients, which I think is kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:27:09 It's like saying, oh my God, my mom's cooking is just like Southeast Asian, except she uses totally different ingredients and totally different spices. Oh, right. No, she was saying that. She's saying her mom's Mexican, but she Mexican food is similar
Starting point is 00:27:25 because it's layered flavors. Right. You take all these different spices and layer the flavors and stuff. But I just still think it's funny when people say, because it's like, I feel like most cuisines you try to layer the flavors, but it's just always funny because on top chef,
Starting point is 00:27:37 it's like, to me, it's in that same space as, you know, my culinary point of view is, I love fresh ingredients and Food that just tastes good. It's like well congratulations Wow, this reminds me of my mother if she used fire to cook pans as well Put things in pan bring heat to them. It's crazy. We have so much in common But I mean, I know what I know what she was saying, but it still strikes me as funny so but I mean, I know what she was saying, but it still strikes me as funny. So then Sam is telling us that like, when he eats Indian food,
Starting point is 00:28:10 there's only one dish that he really appreciates, which is Vindaloo. Well, potato, so I mean, come on, right? So he wants to make it and he's gonna do it. He's like, I'm gonna keep it simple and highlight the potato because children are our future. Keep it simple, guys. So then they walk to the BMW X5.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And they just like kind of wave their feet under the bumper and then the trunk opens. Which was really cool, except it had been pioneered by other cars first. Ha! So then... I've been really great if I was rich and also if I was a person with a balance. I'm going to fall right over with all of my groceries. Please, please welcome my good friend and master of balance, Misunoan Biles. So back in the kitchen, everybody gets to cooking and Sarah is gonna use some chicken hearts.
Starting point is 00:29:11 She's up to that. She's up for that. And Robert's doing a rice cake with some chicken thighs and a peanut sauce and Evelyn's, I can't do into chilled chicken salad. And I was like, wow, for everything you're talking about to say chicken salad. Now not that that wow, for everything you're talking about to say chicken salad. Now, not that that doesn't say it's amazing. What? Put some mayonnaise and anything and I'm there.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Yeah, it is, it was sort of a funny. I'm sure it's not the chicken salad that we're used to, but it did come off sort of sounding like that. And I'll make some egg salad. I'm just, you know, I'm just, how does anyone want to mac runny salad? I could do that too. So then Jackson's like, well, I don't know what I'm just, you know, I'm, how does anyone want to mac run his salad? I could do that too. So then Jackson's like, well, I don't know what I'm making, but I think it's gonna be a spring roll. And he says that Phi is one of his favorite Vietnamese dishes, but how can I make portable? Well, I'll tell you how, you put it in a little cup.
Starting point is 00:29:59 That's how you do it. I mean, I've done. You've never heard of a cup before? He's just gonna put some dry noodles into a waffle maker and serve it. And like, ew, like his nacho crisp. Yeah, his first ever fried crispy, fe. So then Tom and home come in and they go check on Buddha first.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And he's doing a Samoza and so I'm like you think there's a way to please Patma with Indian food because wait hold on don't answer I want to finish this laugh Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, still a few more left in there, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, all right, good luck. And then the stupid nomah's like, hi Tom, I've never cooked Indian food. I've never seen someone brag so much about how much shit
Starting point is 00:30:59 they haven't cooked. I know. He has yet to really impress. And I was actually surprised because he's actually not using seaweed after we made a whole big fuss about it last week. He's doing a samosa with crap. As a crap and corn samosa, and he's like, he bases like saying how he's like, I've never cooked Indian food, but I understand how to develop their flavors.
Starting point is 00:31:22 My plan is to emulate two good sauces, spicy fig and tamarind sauce and a coriander yogurt sauce. Yes. So then let's see, they go check on Ashley, and she's got a sweet potato starch. And she's like, okay, well, I can see your face, Tom. He's like, what's my face doing? Ouch, gross.
Starting point is 00:31:44 Okay, here's what my face is doing. Hey, Hong, what's your face doing? He's like, what's my face doing? Ouch, gross. Okay, here's what my face is doing. Hey, Hong, what's your face doing? He's like, it's saying, Ouch and Groach. Oh, we're brothers. We're out, gross brothers. Fist bump. My little fist bump. Oh, Hong, it looks sort of like you can't hide your just
Starting point is 00:31:58 staying there. It sort of reminds me of the time when I told my son, I want you to take over the family business and he said, I'd rather make gin and tonics for rest of my life, you know A little bit of the same on my face Hungs like are you gonna marry that beef and she's like, um, I mean if it asks me I might consider it Huh, just okay, so I guess I should marry the beef based on your faces
Starting point is 00:32:20 Just get there standing there giving her a big face. Yeah, I think it was about marinating the beef, not marrying the beef, but I like my way better. And she's like, well, there's hung with this cool hair, worried that the steak's gonna be too tough. Wow, she's taking hung down. Yeah, hung with this cool hair. Spoiler alert, the day winds up tough. So, and then she says she doesn't have time to pivot. I'm like, you can cut it slight,
Starting point is 00:32:50 like cut it smaller. That'll help. So then there's just more, more cooking and everyone, they're cooking. And then it's time to end the day. So part of that experience is taking whatever you've cooked and putting it on those rack things. And then wrapping the rack in just miles of saran wrap. We see them do this every single week. And Sam just wants to highlight the potato. All he wants to do is focus on the potato. The most important thing to him is the potato.
Starting point is 00:33:24 So what does he do? He forgets to wrap up his potatoes. I was like, I can't with you. I literally can't with you. Yeah. That's the person who hates being in a rush. Guys, I'm just like to point that out. He's the one who is walking around the kitchen
Starting point is 00:33:37 in the first challenge going, you know what? You can see crazy. Okay, that's him. Potato forgetter, that is him. Potato, forget her. That is him. He also is like, the thing is that he highlighted the potato last week and he killed it. So it's sort of like,
Starting point is 00:33:52 this is just, I feel like you already, you got to walk away when you can. Okay, you already hit your high point of the potato. It's time to move forward. So like going back for a second potato moment, you're like, this is not going to work out well. Yeah, it's not going to work out. So back at home, we learned that Evelyn, Ashley and Joe are all friends, like they've all bonded and they're like a little, you know, power group. You're not going to break them up, guys. Yeah. And Joe is saying how
Starting point is 00:34:24 there's some people who don't handle anxiety well and there's some people who just get funnier. And Evelyn and I have just gotten funnier. Like knock, knock. Who's there? Jonathan Waxman. Jonathan Waxman who? Jonathan Waxman is great.
Starting point is 00:34:41 Jonathan Waxman. That's the answer. Just always Jonathan Waxman. And then we got to their conversation where they're just like being so fun and they're like, I'm terrified of you. Yeah, me too. Well, you know, it's just gonna be more pressure every day. That's right. Yeah, you guys seemed like a real party over there. Wow, looks like it's time's a reboot comic relief and have you guys as the host. So they get to the outdoor venue and they're all running around cooking, cooking, cooking. And Jackson's like, oh my God, I'm so behind. Why am I doing spring rolls? I don't even know what spring smells like anymore. I know what I'll do. I'm going to mash the spring roll down deep fry it and serve it as a cracker. So then Sam has, luckily he does have access to RUSSIP potatoes and he says the RUSSIP potato
Starting point is 00:35:31 is the chef's potato. I'm like, it's just, I mean, it's a potato. And he's like, and I thought, how cool would it be if you're walking around the market and you see this guy guerrilla potatoes, huh? I'm like, there's, here's the thing. If grilling potatoes were a thing, it would have been all over like every single food blog already, a million times over.
Starting point is 00:35:54 It's not a thing. It's not a thing. Yeah, potatoes are hard to meet moisture. Okay. We do potatoes, eight million different ways already. Grilled would have been herudos. Yeah, well, there's a way to grill potatoes, eight million different ways already. Gryld would have been herudos. Yeah, well, there's a way to grill potato, because there's actually a Korean restaurant I go to
Starting point is 00:36:10 that what happens is at the beginning of the meal, they wrap the potato in foil, and they stick it in the coals under the grate. And then after like 45 minutes to an hour, you pull out the potato and it's like delicious. But it's basically like a bit of a... Right, because you're still baking the potato still. Yeah, just not in another. But you're not treating it like basically like a... Right, because you're still baking the potatoes still. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Just not in another. But you're not treating it like a hot dog on a grill, you know? Yeah, I mean, look, this guy made a mistake, he's trying to come back from his mistake, there's no coming back from this mistake. Chop the potatoes up really tiny, okay? Chop them up very small and do something like that. Or just like, yeah, chop them, dice them up, put them in water, boil them,
Starting point is 00:36:46 and 20 minutes later, you're like literally back to where you were. I mean, it's like the most rectifiable mistake. And yet he's decided he wants to now like reinvent the potato industry. And it's just not going to work. Yeah. So then let's see, Jay is using like every ingredient. Also, she's really funny at the market. She's like, J is using like every ingredient. Also she's really funny in the market. She's like, I smell Chinese spices. Wow, that makes me hungry. Oh!
Starting point is 00:37:13 Oh! It's like cracking yourself up over there. Hehehehehehehehehehe. So then, Buddha, Buddha's like talking about a Simosa, heart reminds him of his mom. And then what does he do? He starts frying the Simosa because that's how his mom would do it.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah, but your mother is wrong. Okay, we come up with our mothers and still acknowledge that they're human beings and sometimes they're wrong as well. Your mother is wrong, okay? Happy mother's day. And thank you. Yeah, last time I checked, does your mom own like a renowned Indian restaurant in Houston
Starting point is 00:37:48 I don't think so. You were literally just told by an award-winning Indian chef. I know. It wasn't like a suggestion like I wouldn't do that It was she said do not do this with a puff pastry like literally set it to you. with a puff pastry, like literally set it to you. Oh, so then Noma's over there like, oh God, he's so hot here. And they're like, welcome to Texas, stupid. He's like, this is not my weather. Yeah, and he's, yeah, he's just talking about like making puff pastry or whatever.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Also, I spotted in the background, they were using Breville ovens. So like that, that spoke to me because of my oven journey that I've been going on. And then, they show Ashley with sweat in her eye. I wrote down, Ashley has sweat in her eyes. She's going home. I was like, she's got sweat in her eyes. It's done. It's done. It's over. It's over. I was like, she's got swan arise. It's done. It's done. It's over. It's over for. Oh, so, um, Monique is saying, wait, is it Monique to be honest?
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah, Monique's. Yeah. Oh, you know what? This Monique who said this, I guess I attributed it to Joe, but it's Monique. So Joe was having her own issues with Filipino food, which is that she often thinks of it as like home style cooking, but Monique is the one who says that she's Filipino also, but never really cooks Filipino food. Yeah, so she's like, so I didn't learn this technique till later in life, and then I mixed it with techniques
Starting point is 00:39:15 that I learned all over Europe. So the intramatic music is playing while booted tastes Jackson's food, and Jackson's like, I wish I could taste it. Don't tell them that though. Faker, you're a big faker. Mm-hmm. So people are walking in.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And I'd love, we just get this weird snippet of conversation where Gale goes, see, it's nice out. And Pemiko's, it's very nice out. I'm like, what was the conversation that I had, like leading up to it? Like, let me tell you something guys, it's not gonna be nice out, it's gonna be terrible. Well, anyone from Texas knows what this conversation was about.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Why are we shooting in Texas and spring summer? This is fucking ridiculous. They're trying to put me in an early grave Padma just have faith it's gonna be nice out. No, I'll tell you where it's nice inside an x5 a BMW x5 It's hot as fuck here. Oh my god So um she's like this is our first is you night market everybody I'm surprised we've never done a challenge like this. And then Pat much turns to Hong and says,
Starting point is 00:40:30 did you see anything that excited you? And was there anything that that surprised or repost you? I'll start. Gail's dress. That was on the repulsive side. Yeah, she's really in another terrible pattern, Gail. I mean, she is consistent. And Gailail's like there is so much interesting history here. Oh really you should educate us Gail using only a child's finger printing like your dress. Which
Starting point is 00:40:55 house zombies trying to rip you apart on your way here Gail? Hey did you tell the zombies it's nice out? So Gail Azang if he sees anything that looked good or if he saw anything that looked good earlier when he was doing the walk through with Tom. And he's like, something looks great and some things looked interesting. She's like, wow, there it goes. Hung with the cool hair. Yeah. hungs. Silver Fox.
Starting point is 00:41:27 Commissars, here comes one right now. So they first go to Evelyn, and Evelyn's making her chilled chicken salad with raw rom and rambutan and avocado crema and sesame crisps, and gal is like, is this fresh rambutan or gal? Stop trying to pull the Tom card, okay? We already did the chickpeas,
Starting point is 00:41:49 we don't have to do this over rambutan gal. I would just like to go and back it saying that bagged rambutan is acceptable and cares an idiot. And everyone's like, yes, of course it's fresh. And Tom's like, whoa, if I didn't have 10 other things to eat, I would ask for gales. That was good. Good luck with that, Tom.
Starting point is 00:42:12 That was very delicious. Good job on your possibly store bought rambutans. So then Noma, they go over to check out Noma's stuff. And Padma's like, I'm very interested to see what you did. Well, Padma hates him too. Yeah, and he's like, I know you are. So he serves his Simosa and they actually really like it.
Starting point is 00:42:40 And Padma likes a lot. She likes the chutney and everything. And Tom's like, yeah, it's the best dish that he's made. Yeah, he needs to cook Indian more. Okay, seaweed man, stick to Indian. And then they go to, they also go to visit Christine, oh, no, they're talking about, oh, they're talking about actually Evelyn's food.
Starting point is 00:43:02 By the way, I just thought this was funny when they talked about Evelyn's food because they liked it. And Tom said, you know, you had everything you needed, the texture and herbaceous notes from the herbs, you know? Oh, wow, great, great observation, Tom. herbaceous notes from the herbs.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Who would have thought? Yeah, I know, it's in the word, Tom. So then Nick, they go to Nick station and he did his version of Karagi and chaos like, oh, so no, Nick's 26 special spice tonight. Huh? Yeah, that's funny because with gal, we like to say 26 special patterns. We just like to know how many spices are in it. So we know which how much bleach
Starting point is 00:43:47 to use on Gail's clothes once she spilled all those spices all over her glass. So they eat the Karagi, which is fried chicken and afterwards, Pamela goes, that was some damn good fried chicken. Damn good. Damn good fried chicken. Damn good. Um, and the lady Karen, which is that it had more Japanese to it and Kels like, but I loved the pickle ginger. No, did moving on. So they go to J station and Tom's like, so, uh, J, I mean, he got a lot of
Starting point is 00:44:22 ingredients here. I mean, how you keep in track of all this stuff. And, uh, she's just like, well, I'm making stir-fried udon with Chinese sausage and Korean melon and ramen topping. Wow, it sounds like a lot of different options to make stands on Gels Blouse. Exciting.
Starting point is 00:44:37 We're all in deep slur mode. Oh, just, just like you're seeing senior prom gal, right? I think Gal just writes herself really at this point. Tom goes, it's really good. So, you know, so far, judges, there's not been a bad dish. And Gal goes, I couldn't stop eating. Oh, Jesus, you know what? I just feel like I can take a week off.
Starting point is 00:45:04 And Pamela goes, that was damn tasty though. Have you guys ever used the word dam before? It's so fun to say. It was dam, look at gal dam slurping. Mm-hmm. So absolutely stirring with her crispy beef. So badmah's like That was me saying Yasqueen in my voice because I'm really not sure what to make of this
Starting point is 00:45:33 Mmm And Tom cannot get the pieces so choo he's like He's like knowing at it to get it off the stick and Padma just puts her hands on his back like there they old man You'll get it soon. And Tom goes, I have teeth. So, yeah, Hong is obviously like pissed. He like, Hong cannot hide his face at all. And he's just like so grossed out by it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 And he's obviously annoyed because he warned her about the chewy beef and she made it chewy anyway. And they talked about how the diacon, there's diacon on it and it was really hard to eat on a skewer and Padma goes, I mean, grade it or slice it or something. I mean, also those are my recommendations for Gail's koolat collection.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And Ashley's like, sorry Tom, because Tom's like, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, this beef is so tough, my knee hurts. That doesn't even make sense, Tom. It's true, it's true. He's like, ow, ow, I love Tom's to be labored. Angry eating.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Did you even tenderize this beef? You know how I would do it? I put it on a road and drive over it five times for the BMW X5. But put this on the ground and beat it like Gale beats the dairy queen door during the closed house. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. So then Sarah is off with her
Starting point is 00:46:57 mongmi chicken and pickled vinegars with maple syrup. No, everything sounds so crazy at this point. I'm like, what? I'm just writing down random ingredients. Vinagre is with maple syrup. No, everything sounds so crazy at this point. I know. I'm like, what? I'm just writing down random ingredients. I know. So, Gale wins this.
Starting point is 00:47:10 So, you think it's gonna be a bad, something bad happens. But then Gale says, I'd love the playful interpretation of Sarah's dish. I mean, the bread needed to be much more charred and crispy because it completely gave way. Yeah. It's almost as if, maybe if she'd stayed at a mission star at restaurant, she'd understand how to toast bread. So then Robert is next, right? And he did who's Robert? Robert is face of Robert. Robert, who won the first challenge? He's the San Francisco gay, who's like, I haven't worked in the
Starting point is 00:47:43 kitchen. Oh, Robert, he lost weight. He eats a docko after he works out. The guy who put the meat under the under the burger and the teak challenge. He hit the pork. Yeah, behind your meat guy. So he did grilled chicken rice with shrimp paste, which sounds kind of boring. I mean to me. Oh, that sounds great to me. But they love the shrimp paste. So there you go. Yeah, shrimp paste is like a boom. It's intense. So that's, I love it. But Tom's like, oh, yeah, I mean, that's, that's, uh, that's pretty in your face right there. I mean, that's like more in the face than flaunting your new mixology career. When you have a father who's willing to teach you the tricks of trades before he's dead
Starting point is 00:48:26 Oh, that's what I feel Gail's like Pungent talk about down and dirty All right keep it in your pants gal guys watch out gals back into slur it mode So then Buddha who is doing the Indian side he's So then Buddha, who is doing the Indian side, he does his chicken samosa with tamarind or a tamarind chutney rather. And Hongo is like, so this puff pastry is fried. It's like, it's like, it's like the music is so serious. And Padma is like, well, Buddha made a valiant,
Starting point is 00:49:05 I've tempted a Samoza, but frying puff pastry made it a gal. I'm sorry, grease ball. And Kiran's like, I said, don't fry it. And a chutney with two sugary on top of that. No spices, no heat. Wow, it really is like, gale at homecomingcoming am I right?
Starting point is 00:49:28 Jam So then Sam is now trying to make this grill potato thing happening happen and he's like look I'm just like dude does this really make sense and I was like yeah, it makes a lot of sense We should grill these potatoes just and I was like, yeah, it makes a lot of sense. We should grill these potatoes. Just erase them from the season, from all the reruns. Just act like he never was on the show, please.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah, because he's doing all this for the audience. He gathers around the station. He's like, yeah, I mean, what? We don't grill potatoes. Why am I right? And people in those situations, like you don't know what to do with your monies. Members, you just nod.
Starting point is 00:50:08 Everyone's nodding like, yeah. Yeah. And meanwhile, he doesn't even have like a full on real grill. He has an electric grill. It's like a form and grill that he's doing this on. So it's not even gonna be like the, if I feel like if you had a shot at doing this, you need one of those,
Starting point is 00:50:23 you need a hardcore grill with like on high, you're just gonna go crazy or something, but he doesn't even have that. And it's just no excuse then, because that is basically frying a potato. I mean, douse it in oil and smush it between the four-man grill. Like that, I can get behind.
Starting point is 00:50:38 It's the same thing you're putting it in a pan, you know? But he's just like, has these very sad charm marks on it, you know. So then we go back over to Monique who has made rice cakes, rice cake with pork belly, and fermented beans, et cetera. And Padma's like, wow, well, she had all the flavors there, but I think they needed to get into the rice cakes, you know, and I, I just found them a bit gale. Oh, I'm sorry, I meant bland, a little bland.
Starting point is 00:51:08 So, Kirin's like, yeah, you know, if you said that, it's my kid. It's a salty. And please don't be mean to me. I would never do this, gal. So then we go over to go with her chicken skewers and banana catch up. And Padma's like like love the condiments
Starting point is 00:51:28 And Tom's like yeah, well, I thought the chicken was really Padma wants me to say it. I'm sorry Gale bland. That's what we say for blood now. See I just did it the last station But the actual chicken was just really sort of boring I wish Joe had pissed yourself more. I mean, she knows how to cook this food. I'm gonna send my dear friend Jonathan Waxman a crying emoji followed by a pumpkin emoji just to confuse him. Excuse me, everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Hold on. Hold on, Joe. Just smile. I'm sending a text, Jonathan. Okay. Hey, Jonathan. Who the fuck is this girl? Why'd you recommend her for the show? Bye. I'm sending a text to Jonathan, okay, hey Jonathan, who the fuck is this girl?
Starting point is 00:52:05 Why'd you recommend her for the show? Bye. So then maybe she meant it's like Jonathan, her wax man, who recommended her, and we just didn't read the resume properly. So you have a little wax man that you name Jonathan. That's lovely for you, Joe. So then DeMar has made made a Hamhawk soup,
Starting point is 00:52:27 and they love that. Yeah. And Adam goes, Mmm, so much flavor. And had the umami I was looking for. Okay, I was like, it was a very complex dish. Well, certainly was gal, better than that. Can of beans, you normally eat for dinner, right? Bless her heart.
Starting point is 00:52:46 So then Sam really tries to sell it. He's going with that whole don't admit fault. Just pretend like you did this on purpose thing. So he's like, I got inspired yesterday. And I realized, a Lou means potato. So I put my twist on it. And I'm calling it Samaloo You just eat badminton's face. It's like she's just so horrified she goes, okay
Starting point is 00:53:13 I'm at a Sam Goodbye Okay You say Samaloo and I say Sam Goodbye So Samaloo and I say Sam goodbye. Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss and Karen's like, so did you steam these potatoes? And he's like, um, no, I wanted to put a show. So I grilled it. Oh. Uh-oh, someone's taking the air out of Tom. He's really confused him. Wow, thanks for serving us shitty foods.
Starting point is 00:54:02 That way you can put on a quote unquote show for five regulars. Well, the problem is the allew. It was undercooked and real potatoes have nothing to do with the potato curry. Yeah, I mean grilled potatoes shouldn't be a thing. Period, sort of like the entire concept of mixology. Am I right? Huh, huh, huh. So then Jackson, Big Dum Jackson, period sort of like the entire concept of mixology. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:54:31 So then Jackson, big dumb Jackson with his Vietnamese spring roll and his fav reduction. And he's like, oh my guys, I've made Vietnamese zero times. So and they love it. They think he nailed it. And Kirin is like, wow, that sauce was hot and wonderful. You know, I'm not so sure that it really tasted like Vietnamese but at this point after those grilled potatoes. I'm just happy with anything What just crazy technique of reducing fun now Wow Wow Well, all the food was pretty good. It was very good and gal goes, yeah, I thought all the chefs really reached. Yeah, like you with that dress gal.
Starting point is 00:55:09 So jottest table. And Tom's like, you know, most of you had zero experience with any of this kind of food. So, you know, I mean, you're still here. So you haven't quite a Michelin star restaurant yet. So, oh, sorry Sarah. Sorry. Oh, apologies everyone. Quit a Michelin star restaurant yet. So oh sorry Sarah Sorry, oh Apologies everyone. I wasn't paying attention. I think I was wrapped up in the comedy duo of Evelyn and Joe you girls are so funny
Starting point is 00:55:37 not not Oh, so Evelyn, Jackson and Jay, please stay here and refrain from doing any sort of comedy for a moment. Thank you. The three of you had our favorite dishes at the night. Jay, the harmony between the Udon noodles and the vegetables. So much harmony. I was like, what are the three tenors here? Whoa. Wow. The harmony. It was insane. I was like, Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. Do you guys have what you need yet? I felt like I was watching the Jersey boys. So much harmony. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. For the longest time. Am I right? The odd ball. The odd ball in your dish was the melon. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, for the longest time, am I right?
Starting point is 00:56:28 The odd ball, the odd ball in your dish was the melon. Sorry, Gale. But it completely worked. Never mind, Gale, I take it back. Oh, you were talking about this game, it worked. You were talking about a literal melon. I apologize, Tom. Jackson, I loved the heat of that spring roll. Mmm. It was so nice of you to actually make something that wasn't a crispy cracker.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Thank you for doing that. Mmm. And girls like in Eppelman, you flared in so many flavors. It was amazing. The layers. Wow. Wow. Look at Gale. Look at Gale, loving layers. You should try him sometime, Gale. That dress really could use a sweater.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Sounds like Gale's been hanging around a lot with our free stock of Tillante Gelato layers. Mm-hmm. So yeah, they like it a lot lot, and unfortunately, there can only be one winner tonight, and that winner is Jay. Congratulations Jay. You cooked with a lot of confidence tonight, and it showed, and it just won you $10,000. Congratulations, person.
Starting point is 00:57:43 And then they're like, so Jay, what are you going to do with the money? And she's like, I live in New York. I'm going to pay my rent for like half a month. What the fuck do you think I'm going to do with it? I love when they act like $10,000 is a million dollars on top, Chef. I feel like wow, chefs, you've won half of your rent. You're going. You've won this ticket stub that I used to see my dear friend,
Starting point is 00:58:09 Alie Wong. Congratulations. Keep it in hand. Well, now we'd like to see Boota, Ashley, and Sam. I hope you get my voice that I'm disgusted with all three of you. Step forward, head down please. Stop smiling, students. Okay, let's start with Ashley. Ashley, did you feel good about your dish? There's only one right answer. And she's like, I was proud of the knowledge that I learned. Well, the sauce was fine, but my meat, I don't know if you noticed, but I'm wearing a Neep race now the meat was very chewy And Karen's like you know with Daikon. It's it was too big and everything needed salt Yeah, it was way too big. Did you do you know how to use a knife or those just like whole Daikon
Starting point is 00:59:00 Manages on a skewer. I'm just wondering And Buddha's like well in Malaysia they have something similar Diacond Manage is on a skewer. I'm just wondering And Buddha's like well in Malaysia they have something similar, you know to this fried puff pastry. It's called a curry puff and patten goes yes And Buddha's like and it's fraud and then curing just gives him this the angry size like Beach I told you what to do angry as to like beach I told you what to do. You go, yeah, but it was still undercut. Well, to me, some others are a savory thing. And to me, the sweet feeling, the sweet feeling, I mean, like, you know, the one next to me, it just
Starting point is 00:59:42 ate very sweet. And Karen's like, yes Indian food has a big and bold flavors and Tom's like, yeah, I think that just got lost in translation. He fried it. Yeah, he fried it. He fried it. Sam! And Sam's like, what's up, what's up? What's up?
Starting point is 01:00:03 So do you grill potatoes a lot Sam? He goes, you know, I don't. And Padma smile. I was like, I knew that. This is why it's exciting. This is the exciting. This is the new Who Grills a Potato? And then he goes, no one.
Starting point is 01:00:22 No one grills a potato. And Padma goes, exactly. Mm-hmm. Or if we in Italy, we'd say, exactly. So would you grill a potato again, Sam? He's like, after this hell, no. And Hange's like, well, you know, taking risks is good, but when you take a risk, you also have to remember
Starting point is 01:00:43 how to cook. I was like, ooh, that was great. Now, do what I'm now. And Sam's like, well, now that I think about it, I would take two steps back before I took the step forward. You know, we're a couple of steps to the side, but I don't regret what I did because you do in the hokey, pokey, Sam. Please stop with the stepping. a couple of steps to the side, but I don't regret what I did. Because you do in the hokey-poky-sam,
Starting point is 01:01:05 please stop with the stepping. How about you step into a manhole and we cover it up? So then we get the stew room, where the chefs are just indignant. That's my favorite. It's like no one can hear you, you're in the stew room. It doesn't matter that you're sticking up for your dish. It's apt.
Starting point is 01:01:32 So Buddha's like will on corn to surprise because I hate people come up to me and say I was their favorite. So I'm pretty surprised. I didn't like them. I mean, I couldn't believe it. So many people came up to me and said the way that yours clogged my arteries was like no one else's. And I thought, thank you so much. So then back with the judges, Padma, you know all these chefs made a valiant effort but they suffered from technical mistakes. Yeah, let's take Ashley's dish for example and Gail says well my issue was the size of
Starting point is 01:02:02 the meat that meat it hard to eat and that lack of flavor in the dike con. I know, it was like eating a tire. Believe me, Gail knows about that. Am I right, everyone? High five. Who wants to high five? No one? No one? It just can't really like the size of the meat. It's not Tom's first time hearing that one.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Well, what are you coming after me? You got a kill. You got a killed dress jokes? Come on. Anything goes on night market night. Oh, so then they're talking about Buddha and Kirin of course is like, well, he tried hard but he needed a better flavor and technique. And I told him about the flag! He needed stronger flavors, better technique, and a totally different tissue asshole! Also, he didn't use the right cooking method for that pastry. We know, Gail. Here's having a nervous breakdown over here.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Alright Captain Obvious. It's called a night market, not a yesterday market gal. Come on, catch up. So back in the stew room, Buddha's like, I mean, it's not what God's never done it. I tasted it, I locked it. It's all good for you. So then Sam, now what they're talking about Sam,
Starting point is 01:03:19 she goes, oh, and then we have grilled potato, vendeloo, I mean, come on, right? I will not be calling it Samaloo because a it's stupid be his poor and see he's not famous. I forgot who we were even talking about I mean, maybe if it was my dear friend Sam waterston, we could discuss it, but I mean not regular Sam Yeah, and they're like, yeah, I mean, raw potato. So, what more can you say, right? And then, Sam in the stew room's like, listen, I was just trying to be honest
Starting point is 01:03:53 that I was trying to push boundaries. You were not being honest, you forgot the potatoes, you forgot them. Grilling potatoes is not push a boundary. You're just grilling a potato. Yeah. Well, I grilling a potato. Yeah. Well, I think we know our answer. 250 calories.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Yes, Gil, I did read the back of that peanut M&M's bag that you're crunching under the table thinking nobody can hear you. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Hey, Gil, why don't you kick the air beneath our BMW X5 and see what happens. So they come out and Sam smiling like an idiot You know, he's like hey, what's up? What's up? What's up? It's me Sam
Starting point is 01:04:34 Well chefs Listen, I think to cook right now. It's so exciting Seeing you get to go on a journey and experience different cultures, you know, which is what the night market does. Also food courts, you know, those are great. Maybe we'll do that soon. Man, I'd really love a Subaro. I'm gonna say that right now. So you know what, you just tried different things.
Starting point is 01:04:56 You make it on a menu, but unfortunately here you make a mistake and it sends you home. Buh-buh. Buh-buh. Some. Please pack your potatoes and go Sorry, Sam, you're going homeless. I mean home just kidding two legages. Get out So Yeah, seriously so Sam's like wow this experience was so much fun
Starting point is 01:05:22 I mean I got to make a potato one week, a potato another week, a potato another week. You know, I mean, when does anyone ever get to make potatoes, right? So, I mean, it's hard for me to. I can't find a member. But, yeah, I love teaching things, you know? So it's about picking yourself up, brushing yourself off, and fighting another day.
Starting point is 01:05:41 And I'm so happy, because someone's gonna watch this, and they're gonna learn not to grill potatoes. And if I can share that I won. And also Tom goes, well, just remember last trans kitchen is coming up. So maybe you can grill a potato and make it work and that goes, or maybe not. And then we see a clip of last chance kitchen. We're guessing what he's doing. He's grilling potatoes! It is. I hate when they do that. I hate when chefs mess up and then they are so determined to show that they can make it work,
Starting point is 01:06:12 that they try to fix it three times over. We see this with usually pasta making, not grilling potatoes. I'm like, just leave that loss behind. You move forward people, just do that. Like, what are you doing grilling potatoes again? Yeah, there you go, there's Sam, and that brings us to the end of Top Chef Farm.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Dan-o-C! Dan-o-Doo! Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. Hava Nagila Weber! Jamie, she has no less name-y! Sip some scotch with Jessica Trotch! Jess-sayin' okay! Kristen the Piston Anderson!
Starting point is 01:07:22 Wee McLeven, Karen McLellin! She's always sublion, it's Kelly Ryan. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg! She's our queen, Marie Levine! Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino! There ain't no problem that Sarah Solvia can't solve you! The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors!
Starting point is 01:07:43 Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD. Always the wiser is Allison Weisler. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. She's cheese on a bagel, it's Megan Ragle. Erica, 500 days of summers. The incredible edible Matthewsisters. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender.
Starting point is 01:08:03 My favorite Merto, Karen McMerto. No one makes us feel well like Megan Capciwell. Paging Page Mills, Paging Page Mills. Give him hell, Miss Noelle. She leaves us in stitches, it's Catherine Taylor. Sarah Greenwood, she only uses her power for good. Kristen, the Ruby Rubano. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides.
Starting point is 01:08:23 We want to hang with Liz Lang. Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's get Racy with Miss Daisy. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens' ad free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen to Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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