Watch What Crappens - #2171 RHONY: Erins and Omissions

Episode Date: September 26, 2023

This week on Real Housewives of New York (S14E11), Erin attempts to play the victim in her fight with Ubah, but no one buys it.See Privacy Policy at and California P...rivacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram Hello and welcome to Watch our crap ends a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the one and only hilarious and wonderful Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, how are you Ben? I am doing very well. We are fingers crossed on this recording everyone. We've been having such crazy tech issues today
Starting point is 00:00:45 lags crashes everything is gone really wrong like two hours worth of drama with the tech so We have sort of applied some duct tape and some gum and some spit and We've mirgivered our setup together And hopefully you will have a smooth and lovely podcast. But if not just bear with us, because we don't know what's going on. But anyway, the good news is we're here to talk about Real Housewives of New York real quickly.
Starting point is 00:01:15 Before we dive into it, keep an ear out for dwell hello. That's back this week. That's on OneDream Plus. So go listen to it there. That's our House Hunters podcast. And then next week we have Crapy Hour, where we're talking all things, Bravo on Instagram Live, follow us on Instagram Live
Starting point is 00:01:32 at Watch What Crapins, and then Ronnie's at Ronnie Caram, I'm at Ben Mantleker, so give us a follow on those platforms, and we're gonna talk with you guys next week over there on Instagram. And lastly, Patreon, normally you can, we do all our episodes on video, but today's is not on video because of aforementioned tech issues.
Starting point is 00:01:53 So this is an audio only, but almost every other show we do is on video. So go support on crap and on demand level and you get access to those videos. And we also do a weekly bonus episode. So you know, go check it all that out. And now let's dive into Roni, which I also wanna mention, by the way, Roni, this was like our first Roni episode with a new cast that had like a proper
Starting point is 00:02:16 real housewives episode where in there was a fight that lasted the entire hour, which I thought was, that was a milestone for this cast. I think they finally got to that point where they actually were so, they got so angry at each other, or at least two people did, that the feud bubbled over, over multiple, like multiple setups, you know? Yeah. And part of that is just because they have nothing else going on, not to take your positive and sling it into a negative, but let's just wanna go to be honest, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:46 I think it should be like childhood, where you have the car ride to fight, and you get to the restaurant and you have to stop. That has to be another fight. Well, I don't need to chain fight. I was okay with it because I didn't need to have necessarily another, you know, horrible, horrid trauma of yesterday,
Starting point is 00:03:10 of like, you know, I was just happy to not have like more serious moments. I was happy that fighting quite honestly. We have current, you stole my phone trauma instead of fast. Like everything was a trauma. Like everything was a trauma. My childhood was a trauma. Yeah, real trauma. Yeah, it's definitely fun to have fun trauma.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, fun trauma. So missing phones. So here we go, we're back in this. Why did you take my phone fight with Uba and Aaron? And Aaron has just fucked all of this up. By Uba was trying to ignore her, she was so pissed. Then Aaron was like, I'm terrified by Uba was trying to ignore her. She was so pissed then Aaron was like I'm terrified of Uba right now even though Uba was literally
Starting point is 00:03:50 Being the bigger person and just ignoring her, okay? And then Aaron walked into the room going Don't say my name. Do not say my name. Do not say my name when Uba was saying where's Aaron? Yeah, do you think Aaron's ready? She was right here. So Aaron kind of fucked this up And of course Uba turns and gives her exactly what she's asking for, in which case Aaron starts the fake tears. I'm only surprised that she didn't pull out her phone and start filming this for TikTok. What she called a pull. I was a little surprised. I was surprised that she didn't do that. Or maybe say something like, listen, I know I'm like, don't say I'm a Karen, because I have many friends who are black. Okay, I'm not being a Karen right
Starting point is 00:04:30 now. But so she is basically like, you need to calm down. Like you're not going to scream in my face, which is like, yeah, Uba, maybe it's like, maybe Uba shouldn't have taken up the sunglasses. Maybe that's considered in, you know, putting your hands on someone. But honestly, we've seen much worse happen to people, okay? And if like, this is not really screaming, and this is not really like danger, okay? And so Aaron, for Aaron to be like, you're not gonna scream in my face. I'm like, you should try to hang with literally any other real housewives cast, and then you'll really see what screaming in your face, I'm like, you should try to hang with literally any other real housewives cast and then you'll really see what screaming in your face is.
Starting point is 00:05:06 How about, why don't you look at Kyle and Kim Richards. Now you're gonna see some screaming. Look at Lisa, Lisa Rina and Amsterdam. Then you're gonna see some screaming and another thing that is the night. The lights went out. And Georgia, thank you very much. Yeah, I really have some Lisa Rina coming for your turkey neck and hamster. Yeah, okay. It's sunglasses and nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:30 So, Uba is like, I'm calm, I'm calm. And Aaron says, yeah, you're not going to scream in my face. And she's like, you're not going to be wearing good glasses. So, and it's like, first of all, give me your eye glasses. So, guys, guys, guys, guys, Jessel that's wearing an extremely Versace some visor right now, could we just make fun of that and her parents, her parents trauma story, okay?
Starting point is 00:05:54 Let's get back to the real fight. Yeah, her trauma once removed. By the way, did you see about Jessel and Walter happens live last night? No, what happened? This is the funniest thing and this is why I really enjoy Jessel and Walter happens live last night. No, okay, this is the funniest thing. And this is why I really enjoy Jessel because she is, as you always say, a dodo bird. Okay, she was, so Brynn was the guest on Walter happens live and so was Tyler Cameron, right, the guy from the, the tall hot guy from bachelor, right?
Starting point is 00:06:22 So, um, he's an actual guest. That's a lot of work to be sitting next to Tyler Cameron. I mean, that guy is gorgeous, but I don't think I've I watched his season of the Bachelor, and I still don't think I remember one sentence he's ever uttered in his life. Okay. Well, it took me a long time to realize his name wasn't Cameron Tyler. How about that? But um, so, so, so, so Jessal was in the audience. So Andy's like, okay, first of all, I gotta say hi to Jessel in the audience. She's like, oh, hello, hello, just had to get away from Bobbitt and the fried chicken since I don't know, okay, everyone. And then aunt, she barfs. Yeah, she barfs. So then, what Andy reveals, Andy basically blows up her spot because he reveals
Starting point is 00:07:02 that Jessel was scheduled to be a guest on the show that night, but she told the booker that she couldn't come. She was busy. But then when she found that Tyler Cameron was a guest, she cleared her schedule to come. Andy and he's like, Andy, he's really calling me out right now. And he's like, yeah, but that's what you did. And she's like, no, no, no, I'm here to support Prid and of course my dear friend Prid and if Tyler wants to sign my bosom with a shop, he may do that too, of course. That's funny. Aren't they supposed to be super thirsty and wanting to be on there all the time? Yeah, that was surprising to me.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I was like, you're just like, you work in PR, don't you know how to do PR like actually participate in the process of it? Well, I haven't seen her on there before. I've only seen her on this show. Like, I haven't seen any interviews or anything, but you never know that so because she could have been on before and Andy could have been like, so you were talking about your parents immigration experience. Did your mom get new boobs?
Starting point is 00:08:08 And what does she think about her American boobs now? Well, let's talk about your, all right, let's have a poll. Whose boobs are better? Size or size, I'm not size, Jessel or Jessel's mom, sorry, what are you saying, size this whole time? I'm in Jessel, what the water that happens why?
Starting point is 00:08:24 Anyway, so it was classic Jessel. I was cracking up. I'm actually so glad she wasn't a guest just so we could have this moment of her crawling back and sitting in the front row of the August. Cause you know Andy was pissed. You know Andy does not look kindly on talent that snubbed his show and then comes crawling back.
Starting point is 00:08:42 Like, cause what basicallyussell did was she basically implied that Andy was not a big enough draw on his own but once Tyler Cameron was there, now all of a sudden she'll she's willing to show up which I think is hilarious and perfect but you know that pissed off Andy so much. I mean she's gonna be in trouble. She is gonna wind up ticked off of panels at BravoCon, I believe. Love it. So, Ubers, how long have you had my phone? A 45 minutes and just fun.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I'm gonna hold your glasses for 45 minutes. And size like, this is immature, this is immature. All right, this is really, really immature. I'm really over this. Let's go have some fun. And Aaron's like, that's not okay. Just scream it, someone's face like that. That's like, not okay. And size's like, that's not okay. Just scream it. Someone's face like that. That's like not okay. And it's like, yeah, no, I know, it's not. I know, I know,
Starting point is 00:09:30 I know. Okay. Yeah, yeah. You have a very sheltered life. I get it. I understand. This is scary. Yeah, it's very, very rude. Okay. Let's go watch Ring of Blowjabs Distrosive Classy restaurant. Okay. Let's go to the real man is here. And's doing her like fake like no tears are coming out But she's like, oh my god, I can't believe she just ruined my last day like I'm not a child You are a child you are a child's friend you Yes, and so Aaron's like, I mean this is the first conflict. I've ever had with her and it's like the worst conflict I've ever had this My life is worse than when Brad and Gwyneth It's like the worst conflict I've ever had. This is my life.
Starting point is 00:10:05 This was worse than when Brad and Gwyneth hid my trapper keeper when I was just trying to do my homework while they were closing their sales. This was worse than that moment. Why would they even prank me? I was a little girl. Oh my God. So she's saying that she doesn't even know what's going on
Starting point is 00:10:21 with Uba, but this is something her kids would do. They yell at each other and they grab things and they say, give it back. Yeah, like you hid the phone. You totally did that. That is, that was you. Or saying like, oh, I got thrown in the pool. So now I get to throw you in the pool.
Starting point is 00:10:36 You better wait for it. Okay, no one's really winning on the mature scale here. The maturity scale is dead on this show. So let's all come down. That's not trying to play the maturity card. Okay. So they're all going to climb into these little baby vehicles that are of sort of strange size. I couldn't quite wrap my mind around them, but they weren't really like, they didn't feel like proper cars, but they weren't in proper cars. So they get into cars.
Starting point is 00:11:02 They're like Hummer golf carts, and this's this weird thing that Brabo's doing lately where they're like, okay, well, it's okay if everybody just goes out and gets wasted as long as they're only driving golf carts. That still counts. That still counts. That still counts. Like if Shana Medora clipped a house with a golf cart should be in just as much trouble. She might even be a little bit more in pain. She probably would't probably what went flying out that golf cart, you know So size like okay, let's go to a run place because run makes everything better. It's a run party Yeah, run potting. She's doing that woo thing where she's just trying to lead with woos and then the other woos will follow But there's not really a big woo if you will it they will. If you will it. They will. Doesn't work. The Kevin
Starting point is 00:11:52 Cosmer is not in charge of this woofield. No, no one's. No, no, no, who's okay. And so she's also in case you didn't know about this, in case you were, you may not know this about rum, Ronnie, but side tells us, Caribbean's love rum. It's like, really, I never associate rum with the Caribbean. I'm so glad I watched this show. So she's like, I'm wearing a rum punch dress. Look, and she shakes her tassels around, and I don't know why. But she, you know, she, she wears dresses for her work.
Starting point is 00:12:24 So that, I'm glad she got that. If that's a rum punch dress, why didn't she wear you know, she, she wears dresses for her work. So that I'm glad she got that. If that's a rum-punched dress, why didn't she wear that while you were drinking the rum-punch? And you're not drinking rum-punch at this moment. I'm just saying there's like some flaws. There's some holes in her argument. So then Aaron gets in her car with Jenna and Si. Okay. And Aaron's just moping. She's like, I don't even like, I'm so glad this right now. I mean, we know I'm supposed to do this and she's like, okay, well
Starting point is 00:12:55 Fucking ghost trying to like fucking slap her on the back get it out. I'm gonna go get your sunglasses from over there Get your sunglasses from over there. I'll be up. Right. So can you hear us? Are we like this away from each other, trying to contact each other in space? How do I not? So she's like, she's like,
Starting point is 00:13:14 sweet, Opa, she's got the sunglasses back. I'm just gonna say it in this tone that's like, we all realize this is ridiculous, right? So this is over now, right? And Opa's like who was like no no no I'm holding onto this. I'm gonna in fact I'm gonna upset us. I'm gonna wait to settle alarm So he's sitting alarm for 45 minutes. I'm gonna do that So she goes then I get in your car. It's like okay, well, you know what this just feels
Starting point is 00:13:38 Feels like High school. It's like high school Whoa, wow Just like I got the real house got them so awkward real housewives Oh, wow, high school. It's like high school. Whoa, wow, just like high school. What the real house was. I'm so awkward. Real housewives. Real housewives were high school remains alive
Starting point is 00:13:51 well into your 60s. Yeah, so Brent is lecturing Uba and their car. And she's like, I'm Uba, this is where you go wrong because actually you're right most of the time. Like you have a good point, but then you like you lose because you yell at people. And Uba's like, but when you're right most of the time like you have a good point but then you're like you lose because you yell at people and it was like but when you're real you cannot be fake.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah um Bran is like yeah like you're delivering like next time what I would do is say okay you stole my phone guess what I'm gonna do I'm still your husband just kidding and I'm gonna do. I'm still your husband, just kidding. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 00:14:27 So, Uber tells us she travels for work at, what we heard last week. She travels a lot. She checks them with her family. That's why it's such a big deal. You know, and she's like, and it's not easy being a single girl in the world. And I'm sick of people not thinking of the single girls, which, you know, I think is maybe taking it to a completely different level to have, to having a the single girls, which, you know, I think is maybe taking it to a completely different level to having a whole single girls bottle log, but whatever. I'm still
Starting point is 00:14:51 team Uba because this if Aaron just said, sorry, I really didn't mean to offend you. I was trying to be funny and I flopped, you know, this would all be over. It's all that's all it takes. I'm with you. I'm on team Uba. I understand like for whatever reason her family dynamic is this is a trigger thing This was a sensitive area for her. I'm not sure You know if we now are going to be marching in the streets force just because you know for single girls or for single boys I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna march in the street for single people ever No offense phone in hand for single people phone in hand for single people ever. No offense. Phone in hand for single people. Phone in hand for single people. I don't think we need to path legislation on this front.
Starting point is 00:15:28 You know, it's like very specific. Please make sure your single friends always have their phone. It's 10 p.m. Do you know where your single friend is? No, it's 10 p.m. Do you know where your single friend's phone is? Yeah, exactly. Which is funny. This is sort of an inverse of summer house Martha's Vineyard, where the argument with there was like, um, we're single. Okay, we know how to handle ourselves.
Starting point is 00:15:55 No big deal. Get off our ass, Silas. And here she's like, I'm single. I'm in danger. I'm a danger. I need my phone. Well, yeah, I mean, I get why she's pissed off. But, oh my God, it's just the silliness.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's a phone, people, let's all relax. So, Jenna's like, okay, you know what? I got no work with that, but I did. I went over there, I went over to the other car, and I was like, hi. I'm really awkward, can I have a sunglasses? And they were like, no. So, I mean, should I get other sunglasses, Aaron?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Do you need to be fucking told how to do this? Are you gonna die without your sunglasses? Just drive to the fucking place, Mopi. Okay. How about you just bird box it and wrap something around your eyes at this point? Okay? Seriously, Sandra Malik would never.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Okay? Also, it's Claudio. So, yeah, I just wanted to point that out. Like literally nobody needs sunglasses, right? So Aaron's like, she's Cloudy out. So yeah, I just wanted to point that out. Like literally nobody needs sunglasses, right? So Aaron's like, she's such a bitch. So they go off to Elvis's Beach Bar, which I was all excited about because if we've been doing video,
Starting point is 00:16:54 I had the webcam up from Elvis's Beach Bar. I'd have been like a total crap and 360 immersive experience. But no, everyone, we do not get to see the Elvis webcam. I apologize. So they get there, so they're heading to see the Elvis webcam. I apologize. So they get there, so Uba, they're heading there and Uba's like, I'm thinking these are good between Ho and I and then the middle night she's stealing my phone
Starting point is 00:17:12 and Bryn's like, yeah, you know what I want to steal? A dick. So Uba. They're back, guys, dick's your back. Dicks. Dicks, you're back in bad, man. Dicks and cod is cheating. So Dicks your back. So, Dicks your back and bad. Dicks and bad. So, both are back.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Uba is going on. Like, I think we're fine. And then she steals my phone in the middle of the night. In Anguilla, I cannot text my family. Why would she do this to me? And in Aaron's golf cart, she's like, oh my God, it was like totally an innocent prank. I don't even know why she's so mad.
Starting point is 00:17:42 And it's like, I'll be the little annoyed. I would be a little annoyed. I'll be honest. All right. Just, well, I wanted her to be annoyed. That's the point. Cause she threw me in the pool. I mean, the whole point is making her annoyed.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So then why you upset that she's annoyed? So I mean, like, but also like, do you not understand like prank dynamics? If a prank goes wrong, you rectify the situation. You don't say over and over and over again, but it was a prank. Yeah, we know it was a prank. We know it was a joke. Like you saying that over and over again, especially when you have had, like literally not just a stick, you've had all the sticks, you've had literally like the set design of Wicker Man up your ass. This entire season about jokes. And then all of a sudden when you crack one suddenly you want everyone to give you grace doesn't work that way. Yeah, so Uba is off in her car going off still. She's like, yeah, she even liked me. She would not be taking my phone. And then she was like, I'm not going to give you your phone all day. And
Starting point is 00:18:40 which I don't I don't understand that part. But Brynn like, um, but you like like then it's out like you just like hit so low Like immediately you hit so low So low and who was it goes no, no, no, take that back take it back and Brynn's like yeah But then like you're like getting in her face like then you're getting in my face about it And it was like well how many times did you fight makeup? And how many times, you know, one minute she's calling you slut and saying, you're flirting with her husband. And the next minute she's making up and kissing you.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Yeah. Basically being like, she's inconsistent. And by the way, don't forget she called you a slut. So then we have like flash flashbacks of, you know, Brynn and Aaron's greatest hits, etc. And now we're now we're back. But also just a reminder that you were the one sticking up for Aaron in that scenario. Ooh, that's true too.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So, so, Oop is like, yeah, and she's fucking abusing you. It's like ping pong with her. And Brynn's like, ooh, be careful. Let's just enjoy the ride because anger leads to accidents. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha going to a funeral. It's like we're driving to a funeral and Jess was like, we are. It's the death. It's the death of this vacation tomorrow. I go back to pop it disgusting. Oh, so, um, so they get there and they go someone's like, it's raining guys and Aaron goes, great. Now I'm wet. Wow. She just can't, she just can't catch a break, can't she? And it's the last day guys ruining the last day.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So, um, errands like, uh, errands, I'm, well, it doesn't look like it's going to stay with because we're like driving towards like open sky. Like, okay, well, thanks for your contributions to this episode. Thank you so much. Really passionate by this. So Jenna is talking to Si Still. And she's like, so, you know, the one story I didn't really understand last night
Starting point is 00:20:52 was when Bryn said that she mistook her. Had tampon, Jenna, Jesus, to say it. Yeah, her like tampon. I was like, we really, like you didn't know what a tampon a but oh, was. And then we see the clip of Bryn being like, oh my, grab the tampon and then I put it in the hole and it was like, shwup, it's in
Starting point is 00:21:09 and I'm like, this feels weird. And then guys, it was like a tampon that I put in my bag. And yeah, it still feels like a little bit of a dubious story and there's kind of questioning it and Aaron's like, so she like put it up her butt like a like a supository and just was like, well I guess maybe if you're 11 or 12, we'll have the brain capacity of parvets you might make a mistake like that. Yeah, but like, wouldn't that be painful? And so I was like, well,
Starting point is 00:21:38 maybe she only put a half in a bite. But you can't just put in half. Oh yeah, because when I first put on a tampon, I only put the first part and the rest of it was hanging out. And in terms of like, oh my God, me too. Like the cardboard applicator, I didn't know I was supposed to take it out. Oh my God. Well, it is confusing.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Okay. By the way, girls, I should mention this would be a good time to mention that I have brought you all a gift bags full of cardboard applicators for your tampons. It's a collab. Jenna Lions tampons. Yeah. So a lot. Jenna, I'm thinking the taglines going to be like, don't hang out with
Starting point is 00:22:17 Jenna lions. But then I was like, is that negative? Like, I don't know how it comes out. Could you guys put it on your Instagram? So I'm like, test it for me. Yeah, you could use it. You could not use it. I was gonna call it a I suppose the Tory you could use it, but this weird branding. So they pull up to Elvis Barra and it was like, oh my god, I can't get out. I can't get out.
Starting point is 00:22:41 I can't get out. I can't get out. She can't get out of her seatbelt and jessle can't either. And so I was like, sorry, you're on your own. So it was like, I'm going to wear her glasses into the restaurant. Somehow I missed this entire seatbelt thing. And I'm really sad about it because I really would have liked to soak in the moment of them struggling with their seatbelt. I don't know where my brain went, but it's part. It was just so funny.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I don't know why I write down every little thing, but it's like, of course, like the second they get there, the super model and the lady in fashion PR, like, how do seat belts work? I do. What is this? Well, sometimes seat belts,
Starting point is 00:23:21 sometimes seat belts will do weird shit. And then that's like embarrassing, because then you're the person who can't figure out their seat belt. Like, you know, when you're wearing a seat belt, and suddenly it's like, it suddenly becomes like a protective mother. It's like, don't, don't move.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Don't move. And you're like trying to move forward. And it's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, you sit back. It's dangerous. It's holding you in. Whoa, what's going on here? It's like you were too young to be dealing with yourself right now.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You are an economist, I'm like, I'm 40 something years old. I do. Let me look both ways. Yeah, I do that with plain seat belts because I hate the finagling with the seat belt. Like, oh my God, which and is this? Is this the stick end end or is this the is this the male end or the female end or whatever? And then you've got so many next to you. So now when I go on my seat, I immediately grab the belt.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I'd like visually figure it out, grab it, and then push it under where my legs are gonna be. So there's no like accident hand, you know, dingling of the other person where you're both doing that. Like put on your seatbelt and then you're both dinging each other's hands like making this sound.
Starting point is 00:24:20 Well, trying to find the seatbelt. The issue for me, I'm normally fine with my seat belts. The problem is that the people next to me often steal the ends of my seat belt thinking it's theirs. It's fine. Yeah, and they have to say, oh, excuse me, I think, because then they sit there and they're trying to put two female ends together and they're confused.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And you can see for a moment, they're thinking, what's going on with seat belt technology? This doesn't seem right. Is this the way it's going to be the whole flight? And they have to say, excuse me, I think you have one of mine. And they go, oh, that makes sense. I'm like, of course it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:24:49 You have two female ends. What the fuck have you never used a seatbelt before? And another thing by the way that I really don't like, now that I'm activated, why is this a design that has now perpetuated car design, which is that if you're in the back seat of a vehicle, one of the, one of the notches, one of the female ends for seat belt is only for the middle. And if you try to put the,
Starting point is 00:25:10 the non-middle seat belt into the middle hole, it won't allow it. And then you have to find the other one. Why can't all the holes accept all the seat belts? What's the difference? Oh, I know what I'm talking about. Is that a backseat? It's a backseat thing. If you're, if you you try to plug in if you're sitting against the door and you try to plug in your seat belt And you plug it into the middle seat female end by accident It will not accept it and you have to find the other one and a lot of times the other ones like talked away And it's just like why can't they both accept it? Why can't they both accept a seat belt entry? I don't know I have no answer for you. I don't believe in seat belts in the back. So, you know bad about me.
Starting point is 00:25:48 I'm like, I don't think it's not law, so I don't do it. I only do it if it's law. Oh, I thought that you felt that way only in like Ubers and Caps. I didn't realize you felt that way in all vehicles. In all cars. Yeah, because if we get in a wreck,
Starting point is 00:26:01 I just wanna hit the seat in front of me. Yeah, so if it's like a law, then I'll do it. But if it's not a law, then I won't I don't. Okay. You know what? You have to put every that's why I pay taxes so that people in the government can tell me what to do. And they don't tell me to do it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'm not going to do it. Well, I I just want to say for the record, I don't condone this, but you know what? You live your life, which may be shorter because you don't want to see both of the back feet. Maybe. Maybe it will be. I know. I'll enjoy that.
Starting point is 00:26:27 So whatever my muffin top will not have marks on it when I don't. Well, at least you don't have to suffer through the indigit of trying to figure out the proper female and in the back seat. See. Oh, please. Wow. Welcome to Real Housewives of New York Discourse. Seat belt. The seat belt edition. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap. Wow, welcome to Real Housewives of New York Discourse.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Watch what crapens and winter is crappening of the funniest recap broadcasts. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast Go Story about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Go Sound Real. At least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my own family. Ghosts aren't real. At least, that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom. But ultimately, I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent occupant
Starting point is 00:27:15 of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too, including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman. It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunted my childhood room might just be my wife's great-grandmother, who was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story A podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunt us. Follow Ghost Story wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Listen everywhere on October 23rd, or you can binge early and at free on Wondery Plus the same day. Okay, so we go to Elvis's restaurant and Brynn's like, Hi, I'm Brynn, I'm wet. Ah! Ah! Just come on, it's like everything. Everything will start.
Starting point is 00:28:03 It's just too much. I mean, come on. You make Branch look like a nun from the sound of music. I know. Like just like give it a rest. You know, maybe every other that's just baby steps it. Every other set like literally
Starting point is 00:28:17 anything else. Talk about anything else. And the sad part is that like, she literally goes back this well later in the episode. It's like, okay, I didn't get as much of a reaction from this. So I'm going to say it later on in the hour. So, um, yeah, they're all wet.
Starting point is 00:28:32 They're all wet because it's in the rain. They're all like shocked about this. They're all commenting like, oh my God, I got wet. It's, it was rainy. I got wet in the rain, you know? And it's like very literal news updates, okay, or like unsurprising news updates. So they meet Elvis and he has like, his rum punch is number one in the Caribbean, according to Elvis's quarterly one for the 10th year and a row, best rum punch in the Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:29:02 So there you go. And Jess was like, it's just like moon shine. And it was like, what is moon shine? It's like, it's like alcohol that's made naturally. It's like, and a bun comes out and it's like, this is incorrect. That don't even try. That don't even try to say what it actually is. They just say just everyone just don't even bother
Starting point is 00:29:21 or we'll move forward. We're gonna move on from this moon shine. This information. This is, so he comes over. It's like, try my rom, try my rom, everybody. Everyone just don't even bother to move forward. We're gonna move on from this point of time this information So he comes over. He's like try my wrong try my wrong everybody. So he's point shots for everybody It just totally skips over Jessal and just like hello my friend you completely forgot me to I just blend in with the table Friends like oh, please just all way she's so forget about I don't know and does she do it to her so does anybody even know she's wet if it's just how much into a restaurant it doesn't talk about
Starting point is 00:29:53 what she has does anybody even know that there is a jessel in the first place oh god that makes me so horny and then Jenna is like um uh mr uh uh uh. uh, uh, uh, Elvis, um, do you have, do you have, do you have T-shirts for this place? Um, can I roll up the sleeves of the T-shirts and make a Jenna cuff with those T-shirts? Wait, do you mind if I, do you have long sleeve ones? Can I, can I buy the long sleeve T-shirts? He's like, yes, okay, here, just take this box, please. Thank God. They take the whole fucking kiosk. Jesus. So, see you, it's like, uh, see a sigh. Sorry, it's my dyslexia typing.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Sighs like, can I buy 10? I want to buy 10. I want to buy. He's like, okay, make some shots. So she's like, Hey, everybody, it's me. I'm bought them. Dang. It's free shots for everyone. I just can't do that. Delvis, right? Yeah. Um, or you could have just bought free shots for everyone because you're wealthy. So you could have done that. It would have been nice. So she's back there and then brings like, yes, yes, yes. And she's like, she then tells us the story of bartending, which is that in her 20s, she was a bartender. And so, yeah, and the way she would do it is that like if you weren't ready with your payment
Starting point is 00:31:07 when she came to you, then she just would skip over you. So, yeah, bartending. Yeah, so she's an asshole. I was like, okay, we all know you. We all know you. I wasn't gonna say it Ronnie for a moment. I was like, you know what, it's yum kippur. How about I don't, I want to say it,
Starting point is 00:31:23 but you know what, you're right. She was an asshole bartender. Yeah, she was that asshole bartender. And I also hate people who like stir at the menu and are like, um, when am I gonna get it Chipotle? I just don't understand how it works. You know, I do hate those people too, but I've been in so many New York bars where they're just like,
Starting point is 00:31:44 yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, and they're like, wait, I didn't, what the hell? I didn't even take time, you didn't even get me time to take time. Okay, so I was like, oh, Jessel, sorry, I already thought I already gave you one, because oh, you serious? I've always just kept skipping. I've forgotten about.
Starting point is 00:32:03 So I was laughing, and then Brinx is doing everything, not Wednesday. So they all toast to Elvis and everything and then they all do the shots. I guess it's fireball and like half the, I feel like half of them don't have an even had fireball before because size like what is this? Even Aaron is the had fireball like it's sad of Aaron can make a some sort of I don't I don't even say pop culture because I don't feel like fireball is pop culture But the fact that Aaron is aware of something in youth culture Before you is always a bad sign I feel like it's very
Starting point is 00:32:44 Like privileged girl to know what fireball is. Don't you? I mean, the cast says fireball the most is Vanderpompyrules. I think that should say everything right there. I mean, God, I got fireball wasted. So let's see. There, Jenna gets her t-shirt and then we hear a phone alarm and Jenna's like, oh, my God, it's a phone alarm. That, you, oh, oh my god. It's a phone alarm that you know
Starting point is 00:33:06 That means it's get back to sunglasses alarm, right? And they're like, um It needs to touch someone else's hands before it comes to me. What does that mean? I guess maybe because it's like bad bad mojo Or something like that, but Ronnie, you know, you miss something really important Okay, because since I was showing how she bartended Okay, because since I was showing how she bartended, Brynn said, you guys wanna see my old job? I just get up on the bar and start dancing. Yeah, she was like kind of doing stripper, I skipped that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:33:35 Thanks for dragging me in there. No, I just wanted to really express how incessant it is, had like every single frame, if there's an opportunity it will happen. Guys, this is my old job grinding up on table. Oh my God, do not suggest somebody's sugar baby. How dare you? Oh.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So, um, errands like, yeah, it needs to touch someone else's hand before it comes to me. And Jenna's like, okay, well, then they're touching my hands. My hands are really cold. Tiffany gloves. Oh, I like hands when My hands are really cold. Tiffany gloves. Tiffany gloves. I like hands when I come to meet you. Ah, ah, ah, ah. And Aaron goes, oh, thanks, Jenna.
Starting point is 00:34:14 You found my sunglasses. And it was 45 minutes. Just, where are you getting so mad? Talk to me like a normal friend. Just don't you tell me what to do. So, size, size. And it was like, I'm not your kid. And Aaron goes and Aaron goes whoa what I your kid because you glad grab the sunglasses right off my face Listen to this here you guys are actually really close friends. You're about her you both messed up
Starting point is 00:34:37 I I have I have got to back and then Aaron's like by calling me a spoiled brat That's almost as bad as, wait for everyone. Cackling hugs. Cackling hugs. You are, it's the truth. And you abuse this girl, Brin. When did I abuse Brin? She called you a social climber, Brin,
Starting point is 00:35:00 Brin goes, A social climber? When did you call me that? And then we see three months ago, Aaron sank, you know, that whole situation with the restaurant, it just felt like a very latter climate, I mean. How do people remember this stuff? Is everyone just taking notes?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is everyone doing the Erica Jane method? Because we saw Erica Jane give like a TED talk once like a couple of years ago. And she's like, well, I do, is I've ever, after ever seen your laundry taught me, you gotta take notes after you're done filming with everything. I think the people told me and I wonder if they just are they just all take notes. I guess so. Remember they are coming up with stuff from three months ago.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I can't remember from a week ago. I don't know how people are able to remember these very specific throw away lines. And I'm not defending Aaron because she did say it, but I have some press with the Ubers memory there. And Aaron's like, yeah, well, brand first guess. Well, you don't have to climb when you're already at the top. So I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. Top in the bottom. So. Aaron's like, yeah, but that was before, you know, because it was like the cheese and then there was like the catch and sip-riani thing, you know, I called you social climber. I mean, you know that you know that. I know that.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Well, I told you gonna get upset though, you know what? Because I'm not, like I'm not, I'm on top, so. You know what, maybe Aaron thinks he serves a ladder and she doesn't know how to get to the top, but I take the elevator, serrated the top. I didn't even have to ask for the elevator, and just got in there. And then it went to the top. Except I forgot to press the button on the surface, so.
Starting point is 00:36:42 It ended at the top, which I didn't have a key to getting to the penthouse, but so I got there. the button on the screen. It's still, it ended at the top. Which I didn't have a key to give him to the pet house. But still, I got there. And that's with some point. Yeah, I pretty much got on the elevator. Because I just love that song. Sexin' a little bit there. Ah!
Starting point is 00:36:55 Doing something up when you're going down. And then two seconds later. Oh, Brynn, I really love you. Check, I'm going back to the villa by, okay? It's the Aaron Wackat. You're all getting the Aaron Wackat right now. By, I'm gonna say to you the same thing I said to Gwyneth when I didn't get invited to her wedding, okay?
Starting point is 00:37:15 By, I'm going back to my villa. So, Jenna's like, no, I'm just, I'm blown away. Like, why are we still talking about this? It's like not that big of a deal. So Jenna, like, goes, Jenna goes after Aaron. And so, Jenna's like not that big of a deal. So Jenna goes, Jenna goes after Aaron. And so Jenna's like, that was so inappropriate. And that's like someone's place of business. And I don't think it's like appropriate
Starting point is 00:37:31 to like, scream at other people. It's like, not cool. What was happening? They're like right in front of Elvis, after he gave me a long seat t-shirt. Like that, no, it's just like, not cool. What just happened? Do you not remember that Aaron just tried
Starting point is 00:37:43 to turn every single person against you like yesterday? What the hell are you doing? You are on the wrong side of his journey, okay? So then sighs back at the table and she's like, um, you know what? You can like not lash out at people and call the names like what's going on? Like I'm trying to play referee here, but Uba someone you just don't mess with. Okay. Like once you make Uba hot There's no turning her with. Okay, like once you make Uber hot, there's no turning or off. Okay, rum drag. So, er, it's, you know, my favorite movie, what's
Starting point is 00:38:12 growing up? Chicken rum. So, Aaron goes, the only reason that I want to go back, okay, I want to go back to the bar, but the only reason why is because I want to drink. Okay, can you come with me to the other side of the bar? So Aaron and Jenna sit at the other side of the so pathetic So Aaron and Jenna said at the other side of So pathetic. So she doesn't get the reaction she wants, which is people falling all over her to follow her out. And so then she gets pho-mo immediately and decides to come back and just stare at everybody really awkward. Yeah, so it was like, here's the thing. I'm trying to control myself. I'm literally putting myself on control crews
Starting point is 00:38:45 and they're like, crews control. Did somebody say something about Tom Cruise? Future father, a future friend of my, my sootling up children at Montessori. And it was like, and then she comes at me like fireballs. We're speaking of fireballs, bottoms up every but, I forgot to pull myself on. I'm just holding hands. Even I don't like me. Can you believe it? I'm like a mind right now. I actually forgot to put the glass into my hand. Start talking to me wearing go sunglasses. No, you know what? I'm gonna see you see your fucking eyes while we talk about it. So Aaron's like, oh my god, it's like she literally can't even calm down because Aaron's just standing six feet away at the bar,
Starting point is 00:39:26 watching all this, pounding. So then, like, Brin's like, well, you got the glasses to glad the sunglasses are probably like worth like more than the phone. It was like, well, she's wearing the sunglasses from fucking canal, from canal, and Brin's like, can I ask you know, you can't spell canal with that from Canal and brings like, Canal Street, you know, you can't spell canal without an all. Jessica's, oh my God, Canal Street, that's a really low blow. So I'm back to Aaron Aaron's like, I mean, the fact that they're just staying there talking
Starting point is 00:40:01 to Uber right now. And I was like, don't give it too much. You know, do, do like I was like, don't give it too much. You know, do like I do. Just don't give any energy. Just like literally, people will love you. All you literally have to do is say here, and like, have you noticed it in Jenna's talking hands? Like, this is the volume that she's speaking.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I don't even know how they're picking up. I don't know. I feel like you hear like every generator within the five square block radius because they have to bring up the volume so much. It's like, Truly. But by the way, we both knew, not caring, both knew that this was going to turn into Aaron
Starting point is 00:40:39 saying, wow, look, and then no one came after me to console me. You knew it was going gonna turn into that fight. For me. Of course. Oh my God, she is so hurt. You know? So, Jenna's like, if someone yelled at me standing over me, ripping the sunglasses off my head, I would be upset.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And I mean, I can see that Aaron's upset and Uba is relentless and she won't let up. So yeah, like I'm team Aaron in this moment and I just want, okay, you were in bed. First of all, through all of this whackingness last night because you were not, wasn't she in bed last night when all of this was gone? Um, I'd not regret it.
Starting point is 00:41:18 We're not really late in the episode. We're not really late in the episode. I was very intense moment. I think she was, I don't remember, I'm not gonna even say. Okay,, you also wouldn't be taking someone's phone and then going to bed with the phone while that person looked in the dark through the entire house. So I don't think it's fair to compare a situation to me. Yeah. So meanwhile, the, the, the U-Book gang, they go and start playing limbo with a guy
Starting point is 00:41:43 named Jeff. And so they're playing limbo, they're doing limbo, limbo dancing and everything. And they're like having great time. And the music's like, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da. And then it cuts to like sad Jenna and Aaron trying to have like alternate fun by playing like Connect 4. And so they're playing Connect 4. Oh my god. So sad.
Starting point is 00:42:03 And the music's like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, okay, and like the music it is literally like so happy and joyous on one side and every time they cut Pacta Connect for it's like the Schindler's List steam song was like Oh my god, I want to say that yeah, I think I was just being a very bad Jew right now. I don't know I was like wow, wow, that was edgy. You really went there for this. Can I? It was the first sad music reference. I could come up with.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Well, what should I? I don't know. It should have been a Dell. It should have been a Dell. Sorry. I went too hard. I went too hard in the paint for the sadness. So this limbo ejectxtaposition is so funny. So then, so I was like, oh, this was self-fun limbo, right Jeff?
Starting point is 00:43:13 This is hilarious. Oh my god. Because they're trying as hard to look like they're having fun as Aaron is, but they're just coming off very differently, you know. So the same kind of energy just comes off different. So Jenna's like, so did you hear that one of the ladies in there said to me that Bryn so pretty is she your daughter? And I was like, um, I'm older than Bryn, but I'm not. Wow, not that much older than Bryn.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Okay. Is it the shirt? Yeah, it's probably the long sleeve T shirt you bought. Probably the long sleeve T shirt you put over your sundress and an effort to really show that you want to spoil this. Really, you're like, she's like, it's cold everywhere. I thought about opening up a satellite location in Rockefeller Center. So, um, Ubiz and her car trying to turn it on. And she's like, how do I do this? I think this, okay, you don't know how to use the seat belts or turn on a car. Please don't drive. She's a Singulete. Look at her. So, when a car is going to start coming through for
Starting point is 00:44:19 Singulete. All the Singulete's, all the Singulete's, pay attention to them. So, um, so ladies, oh, the single ladies, pay attention to them. So, um, so then, yeah, they're just, she's fots like whether she doesn't know how to do it. And then Jenna's like, I can't believe that Brynn fell during limbo. Ha, ha, ha. Is this shit talk, am I doing it right? I feel like I'm trying to fit in. Brynn fell. And so it's like, we all fell Jenna. Okay. We all fell. Yeah, I know, am I doing it right? I feel like I'm trying to fit in. Brin fell. It's like, we all fell Jenna, okay. We all fell. She's like, yeah, I know, but I just think that the thing that she'd have more experience
Starting point is 00:44:51 depending over backwards. And I was like, oh my God, good one. I was a good one. So then, if you could have brought like one tenth of this energy to connect for, you know what? That's over now, so I'm not gonna. I'm about to outwind. I got wet earlier, so.
Starting point is 00:45:10 So they go now to a different, they now go to Roy's, Roy's bar and grill. So we have Elvis's and we have Roy's. And they are going to have, this where they can have lunch or something like that. So Brynn is like, I guess they're like ordering, ordering their more run punch and stuff. And Uba is like, I want a giant botter to kill that. We're just right here right now. And just because, oh, she doesn't drink. She's just being hilarious
Starting point is 00:45:37 right now. Please be careful. She might tell you, okay, cannot be wacky. Uba's back. And so I was like, I'm going for your finest run punch. Run, dress. Oh God, I'm so hungry, by the way. Sturving, just haven't mentioned that yet. And just like me too. And to Ubers, I would love, you know, some hot water and lemon. Oh, Ubers probably said that, not me.
Starting point is 00:45:59 It was just on the same line. And so I was like, you know what, I just wish we could resolve this in some way, guys. Oh yeah, we can resolve it when people stop being liars and being abusive. It's like the real world you know find out what happens when people stop being polite and start being abusive the Eren world on MTV. So size like okay well then you're abusive and she lies and she's no I'm aggressive not abusive and just I was like well then she told us that like Jenna was saying, all this shit the other day. Do you remember that?
Starting point is 00:46:29 And then we see, she see three days ago when Aaron was trying to turn everybody, she's like, oh my God, you guys, Jenna didn't want to come with us because she doesn't want to fly coach. And so then we go, by the way, Aaron's in the bathroom or something. So Jess was like, she did do that and bring us. Yeah, that's the thing about Aaron. And just like, yeah, she told me I told you guys,
Starting point is 00:46:50 I live with my, oh no, she told me that I told you guys I live with my rich uncle. And I never said any of that shit. And you know, it now that everything's coming to the surface, I'm starting to realize who's driving all of this. Please don't make me drive. The suitcase I still can't get the seatbelt off. No, no, it's figuratively. She's like, I never said any of that shit. But so size like guys, come on, come on, it's our last night.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I just wanna have fun, because you know me, Sy, the person who is the most fun at the bar when she's bartending or wearing her run punch dress. I just wanna have fun guys. So, Uber's like, well, I'm not going to take one thing back, not one thing, and that includes the coconut milk from the Hamptons. So, it's so, it's like, well, there's absolutely nothing for us to do, nothing for us to, like, continue to talk about the same conversation. So, I'm done, then. I am done. So Jussles is like, okay, this is a vacation. Let's drink in here.
Starting point is 00:47:56 So Sigh goes to the bathroom. So now Uba is like, here's the thing because she goes, I'm going to the bathroom, don't fight. And Uba is like, here's the thing because she goes, I'm going to the bathroom, don't fight. And it was like, here's the thing. Like, with all you Americans, it seems like, even if someone puts a blanket up your ass, you're like, no, it's okay, I don't want trouble, I don't want to fight.
Starting point is 00:48:14 No, why did you put blanket in my ass? And what did I do to you? Aaron's like, still going, going, going. And I need to get off this roller coaster. Like, okay, is this, now you're just stealing from Bethany because that's Bethany's holding. It's like, it's like, it's like, what is it? What is it? I need to get off the roller coaster.
Starting point is 00:48:31 I can't get off the roller coaster. How do I get off the roller coaster? It's like Bethany, you're at check out a supermarket, relax. So let's see here. So I'm getting lost on my notes because I can't stress enough how little happens on this. So, but there's so many notes to describe it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So, Jenna's like, um, Uba is like really sweet until she's not. And the first time I ever saw her switch to being, her switch being flipped was when she came over to my house. And she thought I duped her in the coming to my house and not telling her there would be cameras and not telling her to be her and make up ready so. And then we see this clip. You know, no, no, no, basically, no, Uba comes out. We see a clip from three months ago and Uba comes over and she didn't realize it being
Starting point is 00:49:20 filmed. She thought it was a social thing and she's like, yeah, so like if someone's inviting me somewhat, you need to tell me if there's a camera. Like, that's it. I'm like, is this really your best example of Uba being really sweet until she's not sweet? I mean, I don't, I just don't, I kind of think Jenna's a little guilty of this too. I mean, of making Uba seem a little bit more buzzword aggressive, quote unquote aggressive. Then she is.
Starting point is 00:49:44 I mean, she got annoyed. I don't know. I just feel like she's, I think it was a lot to get annoyed like anyone else. Yeah. And I think that there's also a point like I'm, if I'm walking into cameras, you need to tell me you're shooting today. Don't just have me walk in, you know, and why didn't she know?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Or aren't there shooting schedules and stuff? I don't know. That whole thing confused me. So I said buzzword by the way, when I meant to say not buzz word because I made it sound like I was mocking the whole thing about black women being unduly called aggressive. I meant like here is the word that like, you know, I'm I was giving it air quotes. I wasn't actually calling it aggressive. I just want to clarify that. Right. You were saying that this is the word that like guilty of the same thing. Like anytime someone gets upset, it's like, Oh, now they're the first time I saw it. It's really impressive. Yeah. It's my great Russian.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Which you didn't say that. But there's like some there's some layers in there that I felt like I picked up from Jenna. And I love Jenna, but I noticed it a little bit. And so Jenna's like, you know, so Uba's, I don't know, I don't care. Like honestly, I'm reading through these notes, like just so annoying. Like how many episodes are there? So Si's like, stop this, where, you know, where's meditative Uba? Just stop and Bryn's like, yeah, you know what? We need to get Uba filled.
Starting point is 00:51:00 There's one thing I, Oh, and Uba's like, you know what? There's one thing I don't do. Like, I don't comment you. I don't yell at you. No, who said that? Bryn said that to Uba. And oh my God, my head's about to pop off my fucking shoulders today.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So Bryn's like, yeah, you know, here's one thing I won't do. I won't come at you and I do not yell at you. You have started something every week, Bryn, okay? I'm not saying she's yelled at anybody, but for Bryn to be like the moral authority on who needs to behave better on this show is just silly. So Uber goes, yeah, because they're half black. So automatically, they think you have this black thing. You know, that black angel to mention, by the way, I don't know. Sorry, I just
Starting point is 00:51:37 also mentioned at this point, Aaron has actually left the restaurant to go back to the hotel. Yeah, okay. Good. So I'm like, wow, I'm relieved. I'm not even at the restaurant. I'm like, woof. Yeah. So, yeah, Ubud says, you know, they all mad, he think, give this black thing, and Brynn's like, well, I don't know about that. And she goes, well, I am so done with this narrative that black women are angry. Like, we are passionate, and we don't, we don't take your shit, and we are not, like, we don't, we are not fake. Okay. So guess what? And so I was like, yeah, but like, doesn't give you the right to get into someone's face. And he was like, but guess what? She was on my face telling me what the thing is and so I was like, well, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:14 I don't want to hear about this conversation anymore, which I'm like, I feel like Sai does that all the time. She just says, I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it. But then then like, size board, unless you're talking about something like she's literally boarded every party unless she's throwing it. She's boarded every dinner unless it's her thing. She's boarded in every conversation that does that. You have to like participate in the show, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:52:38 So, um, Uba's like, well, if you don't want to hear about the conversation, don't jump in because when you're jumping in, it makes me want to correct you too. Yeah. So Si says she agrees with Uba that when black women get upset, people automatically think it's a black, angry, black woman mentality. When you're just showing a motion like any other woman, however, she doesn't think it has anything
Starting point is 00:52:59 to do with this conversation. Look, I think that Aaron's reaction is the one that people are. And I'm surprised that we're even having this conversation after last season, when the last season of the OG show, when the whole conversation around Ebony started with Luan being like, oh my God, you're so, why are you so angry right now? I mean, they literally had two, between two and five episodes of that. And I know that these people watch the old movie. The way I think called it, you're not gonna tell me.
Starting point is 00:53:32 You're not gonna tell me. I remember correctly, but I may not be, but I, she said, why are you so angry? And then that turned into, yeah, that turned into, you don't call black women angry because blah, blah, blah, blah. And it was like a very special after school special where we all learned a lesson. And I know that these ladies watch that episode.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And I'm surprised that they recast this whole fucking show to only have the same thing happen. Again, with the awkward lady of this show, Aaron. Doing it again. Well, maybe Aaron, we can look forward to Aaron pulling a page out of Heather Thompson's book and going up to Uba and saying, you know, you're just, you're just really eloquent. You're really articulate. But, but you know, I think that ultimately here we are. The focus is all about Uba's reaction, but the focus is not about Aaron's reaction. And the truth is that Aaron also had a loud and angry outbursts.
Starting point is 00:54:26 And that is not, that is not up for debate. It's not even questions, it's not examined. It's not, it's all about like how is Uba reacting when Uba is the one who was the victim of a shitty prank? I mean, this is, it should be, the focus should be on Aaron. So Uba's like, okay, don't jump inside. I, you know, I wish we flew private because I would just fly private and leave. And just I was like, I flew dingy. You see that dingy out there? I flew that. And so I was like, oh my, Jessal, that was so funny, Jessal. I am funny, God, your space, your space, kidette.
Starting point is 00:55:04 But you know what? I guess you're a funny space because that what guys was that Allary does anyone have Elvis's number call him tell him what jessil just said and let's see feel bring your issue Because that was your people are gonna remember you now jessil Congratulations, but I'll take whatever I can get with you people just like when you are very sweet person Just I am the most loyal person you tell me something and I'm never gonna throw you under the bus But I will add it to a little list on my phone bringing out what I need to so just know that I'll never throw you under the bus unless your name rhymes with slavit and a bus just happens to be barreling towards us I mean who am I to look a gift to us about the mouth? All right, the bus goes slotted.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Street card names slotted. So then, then we see Aaron in her golf cart, Hummer thing staring like directly into the camera, like cockling. Yeah, I'm so crazy. And Jussles like Aaron left. Can I have a water?
Starting point is 00:56:02 And they're like, oh my god, Jussle, you are literally Ha a blue Rea's right now, but also kind of like it's so funny because when she's like I'm gonna take it She left and she sort of shrugs her shoulders like look at me being a rebel. I'm a rebel with trouble so So then there's like awkwardness to the table and says like how about them Yankees, huh? And Brin, Brin then just grabs her boobs and she's like, Wait, why did I grab my boobs?
Starting point is 00:56:32 She literally said that that's not me even joking. She's like, Why did I just do that my boobs? Because they get fish and chips and she's like, Oh my god, I have vinegar on my boobs. Oh, is that why she did that? I don't want to dip your fish and chips. Yeah, and so I said, Oh my God, I have vinegar on my boots. Oh, is that why you did that? I don't want to dip your fish and chips. Yeah. And so I say, oh my God, you just can't help it.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Like someone says hello and you put your boobs up. She's like, yeah, well, I'm learning that you attract more bees with honey. Yeah, you attract more flies with shit though. You know, I hate that saying. You attract less viewers with boredom. They made the honey. So I was like, yeah, you know why?
Starting point is 00:57:06 Cause honey's food and who doesn't like food? I do. I'm starving. You're eating side. I'm still starving. Literally starving right now. So, uh, Brynn learned early on that like, you know, getting attention for things gives you power. And like she talks about how she was, you know, she talks about her grandma.
Starting point is 00:57:23 And how she grew up, she wanted to be a doctor and her grandma really encouraged her to do so many things and then she was at IU, like Indiana University and she was like, you know, she was like gonna be pre-med and she was all up in that cadaver working around, like she was all into it and like, but no one was proud of her, but the second that she was potentially gonna marry a Turkish billionaire, then people were proud of her. So the long story is, the long story short, Brynn is all about external validation apparently. She's like, well, literally give up her career based on what people think of her.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Well, it's a, um, it's basically her origin story. And so it's been interesting because you know, all the discourse I feel online has been like, you know, brand acts like this because this is like her insecurity and the only way that she can get it. And so she's like, yeah. Yeah, I learned from the age of five where everyone's around me is a lawyer and like a judge that they're so smart. But if I'm like, and like a judge that they're so smart, but if I'm like, ah, brand,
Starting point is 00:58:25 then I'm in a safe place. I'm like, well, you know, yes. I'm glad, you know, you just saved yourself a lot of money in therapy, but take the vinegar from. Well, I mean, look, I understand why she does it. Like, I feel like it's very clear why she does it. And unfortunately,
Starting point is 00:58:42 we do live in a society where, yeah, that is like rewarded where it's like, it's like, listen, if you just, I can't, I'm flirtatious, you can just sort of get things. So like, it's based on larger societal issues, but that being said, it's like. Well, I guess my surprise is that she realizes it, is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:58:59 I'm surprised that it's that clear in her head, you know, because it seems like it's not clear. It seems like it's just a complete, it seems like I look at the behavior and sometimes I'm like, why you need to really talk to somebody. But she already knows. I think that she seems very smart. She seems like a very smart person.
Starting point is 00:59:14 I think she seems fairly self-aware. And I get like, you know, how the damage in her life like led her to a path of like this is how she behaves because of whatever psychological needs that she meets, whatever, and you know, whatever it's fine. But like, just because I understand the psychological, you know, blueprint of it all and see what, like, I understand more her origin story for, for why she's like, incessfully like, it doesn't mean I have to find it less annoying.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Like, I get it now, but, but it's still annoying to me. Yeah. So Brent's like, you know, like I've done everything. I like I started a business. I exceeded the corporate ladder, not really sure what that means, but I did exceed a lot. So that was fun. I was like, by letter. But you know, like I did, it's not just social, the social ladder that I exceeded, which still makes no sense, but the corporate ladder. And I did it's not just social the social ladder that I exceeded which still makes no sense But the corporate ladder and I did all of that okay
Starting point is 01:00:09 And that was that was Bravo. This is Bravo throwing a bread crumb Those of us were like what does bring do? Yes after brim had her social media meltdown a couple of weeks ago or she's like, bravo to see me show what I do. So don't get mad at me. So they're showing now and she's like, well, I get paid really well to do like 10 hours of work a week. And I really honed in on what I'm really, really good at. So now I'm seeing this an expert and my clients at the past now come to me as a consultant.
Starting point is 01:00:40 10 hours a week. I don't understand. She's a consultant. This doesn't matter. She's an element of this ad that she can say. This is how 10 hours a week. I don't understand. She's a consultant. This doesn't matter. She's an element of this ad that she can think this is how you're a woman. I'm glad that they put they gave her a chance to kind of explain herself and now I'm confused. Before I wasn't really confused, I was just like, okay, what's all advertising? Now I'm more confused. You get paid for 10 hours a week of being a professional about or consulting on what?
Starting point is 01:01:08 Yeah, well, so I'm just think because it's like for the first time all season at least as far as we've seen Brin is starting to talk about her professional life and so what does side do she goes so How is it like being raised by a grandma can we talk about that again? I'm like really like we already learned and it's fine I'm happy to learn about it. But I was excited to learn about Bryn's professional life in size. Like, no, let's talk about the thing
Starting point is 01:01:30 that's going to make you cry. Can you cry right now for me? Okay, that'd be great. So of course, you know, Bryn's talking about how amazing this woman was and she starts to cry. And it's like very lovely and emotional. And she's talking about how her grandma
Starting point is 01:01:43 was like big influence on her and really pushed her to travel and do all these different things. And it's very lovely, but I'm also like, but we kind of already went to this well before earlier in the season and I wanted to like explore a new side of Brin too. So she's crying and size just nodding like, yeah, good, good for you crying more tears. And just like, can I say something? Me, me, is that her name? Miami, my mo, my mo, my mo, is it my mo, sir? If he were here and who knows maybe in a year for now, he will be because his child and my child will be friends. He will be so proud of you with he meets you.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Am I crying right now? Oh God, Tommy, Tommy reference, has always made me cry. I am crying. Okay, just go with it everybody, just go with it. All right, cheers will come, cheers will come. And so I was like, you got a new family now. Oh okay. A family in which some members of the family could get fired by an arbitrary, arbitrary non-family force. Yes. So then Aaron calls her husband and starts sobbing on the phone with him. Oh, no, she calls her dad.
Starting point is 01:02:59 She calls her dad. Yeah. And he's like, come on, don't cry, don't cry. I'm just like, you know, I love Uber, but we go to dinner and she leaves her phone to the car, so I'm like, I'm gonna prank her. So I had her phone like two minutes, and she went crazy. And the way she treated me today was like,
Starting point is 01:03:15 I've never in my life had been treated like this. Okay. How many times are you gonna lie in one segment? You did not have the phone. You did not go back to the car and get her phone. The driver came and handed the phone. And it was not two minutes. It was after bedtime. And you went to bed while she was looking. You were a fucking you lie every week. This blade was not two minutes. She says that to like, you know, get her dad to be fully supporting her.
Starting point is 01:03:42 You know, so he's like, what did she do? And she stood up over me and snatched the sunglasses out of my face and says, you're not going to get your sunglasses back. Ah, and did you answer that? And she's like, no, I walked away. He's like, good. Yes, now just ignore. And it's going to be best ending. Well, she did come in the room saying, don't say my name, don't say my name while calling her scary and aggressive instead of apologizing, but I guess that makes the story too long. So just keep lying, Lauren. Just keep lying. So she's like, well, what if she comes and talks to me though, Dad,
Starting point is 01:04:19 I mean, just let her talk. And then in the end, say, listen, I've been there for you. And we've been friends all this time, but let's respect each other. Okay, now don't get upset, Sugapai, don't get upset, backlic. I mean, he angsts up on her really quick, and then we get some Aaron trauma, guys. Let's all gather around.
Starting point is 01:04:37 By the way, before the Aaron trauma, I just wanna say, Aaron has gone out of her way several times this episode already to say how like, Uba's actually like a child, what is this? This is like a child. This is something that a child does. I can't believe this would do this. This is what a child does. And like the moment, the moment someone pushes back at Erin, Dad, Dad someone was mean to me. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad,ail. So, uh, some Aaron trauma moment. She's like, I feel like I'm back for 11th grade. Because, no, 7th grade, sorry. 7th grade wasn't an easy year for me. I was bullied for having a long job. Oh, why? Long job. Yeah. I can't. And then we see a very traumatic picture
Starting point is 01:05:21 of Aaron standing beside her little sister. They're wearing ball gowns and her dad's wearing a tux. She goes, this boy, perfect, perfect, traumatic image. This boy used to call me long jaw silver. And I felt that it was just like, so, oh, maybe it's because you were stealing things. Like long john silvery dead long john silvery was a pirate so maybe she stopped stealing long I have to say I applaud that little boy for the creativity because that was an excellent pun long john silvery You love a pun hey listen by the way
Starting point is 01:06:00 I also have to say it's fun to make fun of Erin because she is such a fucking child on this show. Erin is beautiful. I mean, I look at Erin and I see like Jennifer Aniston. I don't see. That's not to take away like of course she can still have insecurities. Everybody has their insecurities. But the fact that you've got this little rich girl, the only picture they could show for her trauma is this insanely rich kid standing with her rich dad and a rich sister crying after trying to make this woman look terrible to her daddy that she's tattletailing to. I can't. Yeah. And the strangest part of all is that she said, and the boy who called me long jaw silver
Starting point is 01:06:41 was Brad Pitt. I was like, wow, that is dark. I never thought that Brad Pitt would just make fun of a child, but you know, guess so. It was quite a... Oh gosh. She's like, what's his name after me? So let's...
Starting point is 01:06:58 The C is brought a salad and she just eats in the salad. And I firmly believe that that salad was not dressed. I believe that Aaron does not dress her salad. I believe she is one of those strange people who says when they say dressing on the side, she goes, actually, I don't even need dressing and she just eats lettuce. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:18 I would go with you on that one. So I would go in with you for about that one. So Brynn meanwhile comes back to the table and start like strip dancing around the pole thing that's at the table, because she's Brynn. I was like, ladies and gentlemen, and pommels. That would be my name if I were a stripper.
Starting point is 01:07:37 They're all like, we never asked. So then they're like, okay, well, they start talking about big school. And so I was like, would you have a sandwich of future kids to boarding school? And we're like, I'm close. And it goes, I would never, never. boarding school is not the way to go.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Parents who take boarding school kids, they do not even want to be parents. End of story. I'm like, yeah, I'm sure that's, that sounds like actually like it's an advertisement. Like, do you not, there's sick of being a parent the point Sick of being a parent We'll teach them we'll teach them bad habits and privilege
Starting point is 01:08:14 I mean, I'm in are you trying to shame me because it's not working So Jenna's like well, but also if you put a put them into a place like that everyone that surrounds them is privileged, I mean, I'm bringing us, I'm what they do do with being and she's like, well, one of the biggest issues is like, I didn't put them in a private school in the city. Oh, really? Yeah, because like the thing in the city is like, all these kids, they have like, you know, private planes and they're traveling degrees for the holidays and the money's like insane, you know, so it's not real life. So listen, I'm not perfect, you know, and even my said, so basically, are you saying that you put your son in private school in Jersey or you put your private, you put your private, your son in private school in Connecticut.
Starting point is 01:08:58 For that makes it around the country day. Is that what she's saying? He's at Lawrenceville with Tinsley. Tinsley went to Lawrenceville. Is that how you think? So her son's always telling her she spends too much money, basically. Yeah, I do like Jenna's like, like, I don't know where I don't know where Beckett went to school, but I don't believe he went to public school in the New York City.
Starting point is 01:09:21 In New York City, he probably, yeah, is now where wearing, you know, up in, yeah, I'm gonna say New Canaan or something like that. And, um, yeah, it's like, she just did like a light gesture to be like, I don't want him to grow up with a huge amount of privilege. I just wanted to grow up with the sort of privilege that you get with a very wealthy mother who literally ran the appropriate brand in the country. You know, J. Crew is really at its heart at streetwear. I think we all can acknowledge that. Right. So, Brand's like, she's asking what it's like being famous, like do the other kids care that she's gentle lines?
Starting point is 01:10:01 Without having gone there, I'm going to say no. I'm going to get stuck. I'm going to get still a bit of a kid's name. And so, Jenna's like, well, when it was at its height, I could not go outside. I just, I just always felt so unattractive. And like, you know, people could take a picture of you and they would come up to you and I don't know. We just live in a culture where how you look is, I mean, it's everything. And women, you know, they'd like try to fit into that. And there's just so much pressure and the way I'm approaching it now is you're on the fashion industry. Yeah. Also, this is a question about yourself.
Starting point is 01:10:30 That's just about your school that you're selling to. But that's fine. You can talk about your insecurities, but how you look? But yeah, you're fashion. You could mom, you could change these things. Yeah. So she's basically saying, you know, she's doing her whole spiel, but now I'm in my own skin. And then she takes off a blonde wig and throws it in the air. It's like the dove, the dove adds,
Starting point is 01:10:54 which Brim probably wrote. So Ubit's like, I wanna apologize. I'm sorry that I was the cause of today with Erin, okay? Because I love her, I'm sure she loves me, even if she hates me right now. And I hate her too right now. I'm pretty like, okay, listen, you're someone who's like right in 97% of the time. Do not get mad at me because I'm on your team. It's just like you got a little different message like what the lap dance, you know, like you deliver it better. Yeah, and it was like, but I'm telling you who I am,
Starting point is 01:11:25 I'm going to be 80 years old and I'm still gonna be taking people's sunglasses. I'm like, I would hope so, because I feel like that is what I feel like you earned that at that age. It's not the famous thing, like you get to turn age like you see this, I take this, this is mine now, I keep it.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Or your Bethany. So now they go wooing back to the cars, trying to convince us that this is a woo episode. It's not. So even though we're going to go for five hours about it, because that's how we roll. So sign Gen, Gen I go in their car and size like, so are you going to get some rest, Gen? And Gen is like, I'm not tired. And size like, I'm going to go in the jacuzzi. And then I'm like, why are you still typing? Go to bed. Ronnie, go.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Go to sleep. Go to bed. Go to bed. Yeah, so they are, so they're driving, but when they're driving, Jessel is mentioning that she has a checklist on Aaron. And they get like really excited. They're like, what?
Starting point is 01:12:22 You have a checklist. Oh my god, outrageous. Oh my god. Outrageous. Oh my god. This is crazy. Oh my god. It sounds about the checklist. And so now, Jess is like really excited because like she did something that's like cool, you know, that they're all like impressed by. And she's like, you know, when someone reps me the wrong way, I start making a checklist. And if you rub me the wrong way once, it's mental. Twice, it's on my phone. And you don't want to be a fucking Persian rug on the floor for everyone to walk over. So hold on one second, let me write this down.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I'm meaning to say this. But a bon mi in Vietnam, all to spite me. Sorry, that was on Puppets page. That was Puppets page. When she said, I have a fucking checklist that I've been keeping on my fucking phone about this bitch. Okay, I died laughing.
Starting point is 01:13:10 I love that she does this. I only have a list of people that I have a list of people that I have a feeling about, all right? And food kiosks, I won't let Puppet drag me to again. And Brent's like, oh my god, you are my gangster right now. We're having a listening seriously. Oh my God. What are you two back? Yes, I do feel like a regular mechal mole right now. I am a bitch gangster. Am I not? And Brent goes, do I have to have a list for me girls. If you do have a list for me,
Starting point is 01:13:45 because if you do have a list for me, I won't hold it against you. And it will be because, no, no. If you have a list for me, I will apologize. Okay, I apologize. Just like, okay, let me read you the list. Number one, fuck you, okay? When these girls abandoned you for Casasipriani,
Starting point is 01:14:06 I stayed with your dumbass and had dinner. Number two, you fucking tell me that I'm used to being catered to. No one, and nothing is catered to me. Hold on one second, I'm receiving a past app. Yes, oh, thank you so much. Sorry, I was literally hungry there. No one catered to me.
Starting point is 01:14:23 So then, Jussles, like, and then you tell me that I'm fucking from a rich family and you're Accusing my parents of buying my fucking apartment. Fuck you! Oh, this is a dear John letter It's like this list is longer than a CV astrospeed And it was like wait wait wait wait, wait, guys, guys. She pulls up to Jenna's car and she goes, guys, guys, we just found out. I'm at Jussles, Al, come on.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Yeah, she has a list. She's been taking notes to this all time. Me too. I wonder if both of our lists are just pointless. I wonder if Jussles, like me, reading my real housewives in New York notes, where she's just like why might even riding this down This is the most boring person I've ever taken it so probably and then Jenna's like I have zero idea. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:15:13 Like I don't know what an alcohol list is. I don't I do know that he had an Abalt and that he went to public school and so he didn't he understood the world What really killed Alchemon was going to public school. And so he didn't, he understood the rest. What really killed Alchemon was going to private school in a Smubby Town. He was going to church. So they raised the cars and woo a lot. And Jussel is still reading the slish. He's like, oh, not the dumb dumb of the group.
Starting point is 01:15:42 She is. And that is old. And a size like, wow, I'm trying to defuse the situation and we're like finally getting moop it down and then here comes Jassel girl. Don't add fuel to the fire. I mean, it's getting worse. I mean, also, brain is tipsy. You know what? Like, this is, it's comical at this point. I'm like, is it comical? So they're back at the, they're back at the, the villa now. And Jettel's still kind of like riding this high and being like the cool bad ass from home. She's like, everyone thinks I'm like, I like being excited
Starting point is 01:16:16 to whatever, I have things to say. And then they're like, okay, moving. And that was it for Jettel for the episode. Yeah, pretty much. So now they're back at home and they're still talking about this list, a salihale area. So then Uba goes to the chef and apologize because she would, she left the house all pissed off earlier, but everything's fine now.
Starting point is 01:16:39 So then Aaron's like, Uba, come on, let's go talk outside. So they go outside and Aaron's like, just come here and sit with me, Uber. Just say it nice, just Uber. Can you please come here and sit down with me, okay? So she tells us that she grew up with four siblings, so she knows how to resolve things. And she's ready to take home and resolve this situation for the sake of our job, which is... I know how to... Listen, our group of four siblings,
Starting point is 01:17:08 and I know that the way you resolve it is you tattle tale to dad, and that fixes it. So, so then, me and while Jenna's asking Brian, who's like one of the chefs for more coffee, and he's like, for you, of course, you're like, oh my god, there's like something about your voice. That's like, so soothing. Like, if I can't sleep, will you come talk to me?
Starting point is 01:17:29 Will you talk to me? Like, because I could not sleep at all. And if you just been talking to me, I would have been like, oh, can you talk to me? But then I'm saying, it's like, woman, get out of my face. Okay, I could do that. I could do that.
Starting point is 01:17:40 This is Jenna's like, big wacky scene and then she goes to bed. She's like, bye, I will not be shooting with you losers anymore. I did a wacky copy of the scene. So, Aaron's like, okay, I'm just gonna go ahead. Oh, actually, can we take the sunglasses off? And Aaron's like, Sure, so she takes off the sunglasses.
Starting point is 01:17:58 And she goes, it's just that I was crying because I was very, very upset. Well, you eyes are beautiful. It beautiful because I want to talk to you because I actually love you. And that's why I'm so hurt. Do you think I love you? What do you, or what do you think? I think you do, but the way you treated me today was shocking and it hurt me more
Starting point is 01:18:19 because I actually love you. I love you. I knew it was like, okay, well, you have the right to feel that way. She was, okay, so I was like, I'm gonna take her phone. It was like a prank, you know, because you threw me in the pool.
Starting point is 01:18:32 And it was like hard-ed, and then the way you behaved today was so incongruous. With what I was doing to you, that is shocking. I wish it was so incongruous. It was so incongruous, because she says it wrong. And then it was like, okay, I see a point, but I had the best day. And like me throwing you in the pool was the best thing
Starting point is 01:18:53 because when you came out, I was like cracking up. And I was like, okay, there's nothing left. I put you in the water and there's no reason to retaliate because of that. So like, you know, I go to my room and it's like, where's my phone? And like, where did Aaron not give me my phone back, you know? And she's like, but I was trying to prank you back.
Starting point is 01:19:11 She's like, but I didn't know that. She's like, well, you should have asked me that. But here's the thing, you already threw me in the pool. Oh my God. So then we see a clip, we see a clip of sibing the wind to push her in the pool. And Erin's like, no, the one to push her in the pool. And Aaron's like, no, I did not throw you in the pool. So I still get to throw you in the pool because somebody else threw you in the pool.
Starting point is 01:19:31 She goes, oh, but didn't you say that to me in the pool? Didn't you say to me bitch? That clear directly. She goes, why didn't you say bitch? I did not throw you yet. That's what you should have said to me. And I'm cracking up at this point. And Aaron's like, no, I said to Sib, I said, that's my bitch. That's what I said. said to me. And I'm cracking up at this point. And Aaron's like, no, I said, decide.
Starting point is 01:19:46 I said, that's my bitch. That's what I said. She says, oh my God. Do you have common sense? And she says, don't talk to me like that. I'm like sick of you talking to me nasty. You know, I do think that Uber getting thrown in the pool counts as a counts.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Because the whole thing is not about like that you got to do it. The whole point is that you were throwing the pools and now Ube gets thrown in the pool. It's like that's karma that counts as karma. Oh my God, I can't use the kids. Also by the way, by the way, by the way, by the way, I even if I never threw her in the pool, I don't think stealing someone's phone as a prank
Starting point is 01:20:23 is I don't think that equates. That's not a natural progression of that prank work because the thing is that like pushing someone in the pool is actually, I would argue maybe not even a prank. I think it's just a pool. You got pushed in the pool. So like the only way to get even with that is to push someone in the pool in return. I think that's how that work. Because prank to me is hiding something, is fooling someone. There's a sense of mischief and duplicity. I think that, like, so I think that even if all had gone well,
Starting point is 01:20:55 this phone thing is not the proper response to the pool thing. So my gavel is down and I say, Aaron is guilty again. I'm exhausted. I don't care. I'm outside. Wow, you really just sighed me up right there. I'm sorry, I can't, I can't with this conversation. Not because of you, because of this fight.
Starting point is 01:21:15 It's like literally, literally, come out. So it's like, oh my god, guys, it's World War Three outside. Brynn's like, can you hear it? Oh my god, at first of all, love your outfit. It's glam. So now they're watching this fight spying. And Aaron's like, do not talk to me contescending. Oh, but just condescending. You're a liar. She's, oh, now I'm a liar. You are a liar. Well, my calling you names. Don't call me names. You know, you're just saying your behavior
Starting point is 01:21:40 was shocking. I was terrified. So Jessel is on her phone clicking in the hot tub alone. And so I go, oh my God, look at Jessel. She's talking to shit, God. You're like, yeah, she's like taking notes. She's like documenting our entire friendship. Maybe I should show her my bag
Starting point is 01:21:59 so she can describe it in her notes. Yeah. So then, oh my God, thank God Jenna's back for some wacky Jenna scenes. You know, Jenna's by far the fan favorite on the show. I can't wait to see what she brings to the scene. She goes to this chef. She's like, I have not stopped thinking about your brownies. Are we gonna have brownies for dessert?
Starting point is 01:22:18 Oh my God, I can't wait to taste them. He's like, sure. Okay, he's like, well, as long as there's chocolate involved, let me know. Okay, gotta go back to work. So then, so now Aaron is like, she's like, Uber, I can't even look at you. I never talked to you like that. I never treated you like that.
Starting point is 01:22:38 I never even, I never called you a piece of shit because let me tell you something. Okay, let me tell you something. Try to make me understand why I feel this way. She was, why? She was, I want you to stay, okay, you know what? Let me show you, I'm gonna show you why you something. Try to make me understand why I feel this way. She was, why? She was, I want you to stay okay. You know what? Let me show you.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I'm gonna show you why it's important for me to always have my phone. It is very, very important for me to always have my phone because I have got family and look. Look at all the things they're writing on my phone. I can't find my phone. Where's my phone? Where's my phone?
Starting point is 01:22:58 Where's my phone? Where's my phone? Where is it? Get my phone. So she's lost her phone again. So she calls Bryn over to go find her phone. And Bryn's like, Oh my God, I'll find in, I'll find in.
Starting point is 01:23:11 And it was like, I think it's in the car. So Aaron's like, um, she never loses her phone. She never lets us out of her sight yet somehow in the middle of the conversation, she doesn't ever phone. I mean, also, can I just say, I don't remember Uber ever calling her if you should just remember that either. Does that sound like more lies?
Starting point is 01:23:32 I'm just gonna say, what, what you're lying, just keep throwing some more on there. So Uber's like, well, guess what? I don't know where my phone is. And then he goes, well, what if someone's playing a prank on you? Just, nobody will, not after I react like the way I did to you, okay?
Starting point is 01:23:46 Because I have to report to my family, like that's what I have to say to them where I am every morning. And Aaron's like, well, I would never keep your phone all night. But you did that to me, because you think I was trying to prank you to hurt you? She was, well, you must not talk, you know, let me say, hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 01:24:01 I wanna show you something on my phone. So then Aaron goes, well, I don't wanna wait here all day. It's like, excuse me, ma'am. And she's like, okay, what then, fine, we'll do it later. We'll do it later. She's like, well, what do you need the phone for? She's like, no, don't pressure me. Don't pressure me.
Starting point is 01:24:15 You're pressuring me right now. Don't pressure me. Then we can talk later. She says, no, I don't wanna talk later. I wanna move on. She says, then find, we're done. How about that? The conversation is over.
Starting point is 01:24:24 She goes, oh, okay, you want it to be over then? Fine. Oh my God. You were such a fucking victim. I can't. So, Uba walks off and sighs like, why can't we squash this? And Aaron's like, well, I extended the olive ranch. And I was like, let's sit down and talk about it.
Starting point is 01:24:41 But, you know, she has to look for her phone for 45 minutes, so I'm gonna go put a bathing suit on and then I'm gonna drop kicker in the pool. So Brun finds the phone in the car and she's all excited and she's like, oh my God, I found it. It's like fighting, I guess, in trillion cut. And so they're all laughing, because of course it was in the car again, which by the way is not great for Ubiz case, but whatever. So, Ubis basis, so she goes, why don't people just stand my
Starting point is 01:25:11 nicer side? Okay, it's just like, my nice side is so nice, just stand that side. And then Brind's like, so is it because like what happened over there when you're talking to Aaron? Yeah, so they're in the hot tub now. So it was like, listen, you guys, Aaron's running circles around all of us over here. And Brent tells site, yeah, you're being accused of throwing someone in a pool. I'm being accused of being a slut and fucking with someone,
Starting point is 01:25:36 like flirting with someone's husband. And Aaron's like, Aaron comes out and hears that. She goes, no one calls you a slut. Okay, I didn't call you a slut. You implied, I mean, you did imply you implied it. And Brent's like. Okay, I didn't call you a slut, you implied. I mean, you did imply, you implied it. And Bryn's like, well, you did engage me up thirding with your husband, but also you were kind of thirding
Starting point is 01:25:51 with her husband, but in a joking way. So, oh my God. Yes, Aaron's like, so now you're starting with me. And Bryn's like, well, do you want me to start with you? And then Aaron's like, no, I don't. And then Bryn's basically saying, like, you know, remember you also said I was a social climber. And she said, it's not a good look to think that you're flirting with other people's husbands. You call me that and everything.
Starting point is 01:26:13 And oh my god, Bryns can't take it. Not being about her for two fucking seconds. That fight is over, Bryns. But I was okay with it because I liked that they were all kind of like for a moment. They were like, wait a second, Aaron, you haven't promised all of us and you said you've talked shit about all of us Okay, and Brynn's like she's like, you know, I'm starting to like realize like as much as I want to overlook them as my friend Like this is like really reckless and there's like no accountability. She doesn't hold herself accountable And I know we don't hold her accountable and and Abe is far up her ass
Starting point is 01:26:43 Mix me jealous. So just like, and in all of this, it's own up to your own shit, own up to your shit, but guess what? I haven't heard you apologize once to anyone here. And Brent's like, well, she did apologize to me. Well, whatever. She's like, she's trying to get on this side. You're the one galvanizing this whole thing. It don't immediately shoot her down when she's trying to get on the side. You're the one galvanizing this whole thing.
Starting point is 01:27:05 It don't immediately shoot her down when she's trying to be on your team. You guys in the door are not on your team. So then Aaron's like, I'm sorry for using that word. I am saying that word or social climber or whatever I call to any of you people, princess. But like, can we not turn, like can we not please not turn on me like this?
Starting point is 01:27:29 Which I'm like, you know we did get we were like a few weeks ago like Like oh my god these people are so awful the way they are just all coming at Jenna But I don't feel that way when they're all coming at Aaron because I feel like Aaron has done well Gemma is done dirty had Aaron has Complained and caused shit with every single person. And now that she's being called on it, she's like, it's just all sad. Yeah, agreed. So, Brent's bringing up the social climber thing again.
Starting point is 01:27:56 And she's like, that was months ago because you ditched me. But yeah, so someone ditches him. Now they're social. Brent's just drunk and like trying to house what's it up. And then Aaron is not winning this. So what is she gonna do? She is gonna start crying and be a victim. Cause that's how she does.
Starting point is 01:28:12 She's either gonna walk away or start crying. And she does it. She does it. Ube Mimma on the side is going, no, no, no, no, no, and Erin goes, be quiet. And it goes, don't tell me what to do. Don't tell me to be quiet.
Starting point is 01:28:22 She's just that person who goes, it's just, shut up, shut up, shut your fucking mouth, you're such a fucking bitch. That is way louder, way meaner than anything Uba said. And size like this is feeling like an ambush right now. Well, you had no problem when it was Jessel, you were both yelling at, yeah, asshole.
Starting point is 01:28:42 So Aaron's like, I'm sorry about that word, but again, it's not the specific like, I'm sorry about that word. But again, it's not the specific words. It's what you're saying. So then, yeah, Aaron screams her to shut up and you're such a bitch and it was like, no, you're a bitch. And guess what? I'm coming to you hot. And Aaron's like, and then Aaron trips the crowd. And so, yeah, Aaron, this is where she website her phone eaters and Uba's like, oh, well, let's look, let's add it up. She's mad at you.
Starting point is 01:29:08 She's mad at you. And guess what? None of them are coming to me saying, no, she's saying, they're all mad at you, but no one's coming to me saying, I talk shit about them. And Aaron's like, you treat everyone like shit, Uba. What is she? I have really seen that.
Starting point is 01:29:22 She never has. I just send out, there's another life in here. And she's racking them up today. And it was like darling you can never compare with me. You know what she's doing this because she doesn't want to be called out. She's a liar. Right. And so I then said, no, no, she's not a liar, but she can't start a lot of shit. And then basically Jenna's Jenna just leaves. She goes to do some more work. And then Aaron's like she's just like I'm getting tired of this It's gone too far now like why are we like reacting to this like what do you want for me? Like I took her photos of joke everyone's against me Everyone's against me
Starting point is 01:29:59 God and friends like oh she's breaking down. I wanted to break down And Aaron goes oh she calls you a social climber four months ago. Big, dude, it big, what the- And it will go, hey, did I put everyone against her? Did I put you against her? And Aaron's like, what are you doing to me? And you two, man, you two, you're supposed to be my friend. And Brim's like, you've done this to to me. And just, what are you doing? You're too nervous.
Starting point is 01:30:27 You're stopping the ball. So Aaron and Uba go, they go to have and try to have another conversation again, the two of them. And basically, Uba's like, okay, let me start. Okay, I love you. Okay, people don't trigger me until you really, until you really mean something to me.
Starting point is 01:30:49 And everyone's like, well, look what you just did to me today. You got me back. You got me back. It was like, I really care about you. It's because, well, you think I'd be crying like this if I didn't care about you. You really hurt me. I'm scared to be friends with you.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Oh, please. Yeah, you said a lot of things about me today. Like I talk shit about everyone and I'm like this horrible person. In case she did not say you're a horrible person, but she did say you do not say that. Everybody. And she goes, yeah, I'll be even says that.
Starting point is 01:31:20 She's like, well, you know, the lying part is bullshit, because you're not lying, but the part about you talking shit is not bullshit. And laughs and she's you know you talk shit because yeah, but like I don't talk shit It's just how I feel. Oh, okay So it's different when you do it because it was like well, I know you're sensitive and you read things into too much and you you get you know You get you get you get you start a mode you start using your emojis, you, and like, we all have our thoughts, you know? I love that emojis is on the list of your defaults. She's like, you know, you're sensitive, you feel too much, you send people emoji, we all
Starting point is 01:31:55 have feelings. We all have thoughts. Not all of us can be supermodels, but you're not a liar, but you do talk shit. And Aaron's like, you don't talk shit. I do, but I admit it. Like, her talking shit is not what's on trial here. What's on trial is that Aaron has a double standard with all of her friends. So Aaron's like, listen, I'm just saying Jettles annoying
Starting point is 01:32:18 and I'm saying Brince a social climber. Those are facts, okay? So yeah, it's shit talking, but I'm not like saying anything that no one knows. Okay, well, you're a liar and you're a spoiled brat and you're a shit talker and you talk behind everyone's back and try to start everything. Ron is just saying how he feels. He's not shit talking. He's just saying how he feels. That's all. Yeah, that's just how I feel, guys. So Aaron's like, this was the dumbest thing of our, so they make up. Uba says, I'm sorry for taking the glasses off your face
Starting point is 01:32:46 and for keeping them 45 minutes. And Aaron goes, I don't even care. I draw that, she does that. Don't you though. So none. And Uba's like, no, well, I did cap, because you know I did it, because your eyes are so sensitive.
Starting point is 01:33:00 But then the sun didn't come out. So that was my karma. I was hoping to blind you. So Everything is good. So now time to get ready for For dinner and everything so Brynn is like drunk. She goes into Jenna's room and she's just showered or she just got out the pool and she goes Knock knock honey. I am home and I'm wet in more ways than one
Starting point is 01:33:25 I'm trying to say it's my vagina's wet. I'm wet. I'm turning and I'm wet in more ways than one. I'm trying to say is my vagina is wet. I'm wet. I'm horny. My my labia is dripping. Wow. How clearly can I have to say this for you? Jenna's like, okay, thanks. I got it. I got it. She's ridiculous. She comes in and her town lies on her bed talking about how much she has your hilarious
Starting point is 01:33:43 friend. I'm sure every gay person across America is finding this hilarious. So then we go to Jenna and Aaron's room and Jenna's like because when Aaron and Uba came back in they were pretending to fight like to keep the fight going. So Jenna's like I just have to ask you a question because I thought you were good but I mean I did hear you screaming and you know it was like right after I did my brownie bit. like I just have to ask you a question because I thought you were good But I mean I did hear you screaming and you know, it was like right after I did my brownie bit I just wanted to make sure that It's not gonna get over shout out. I was like oh that was a joke. Oh, okay Okay, okay, okay, cuz I just I don't want to go dinner if there's still could be more of this
Starting point is 01:34:18 You know cuz I'm really looking forward to getting a brownie, but like a peaceful brownie, you know I was like no, no, I, no. I just can't, I just can't play anymore. It's not for you. And I mean, it's not, it's not you. It's just, I just, I have a thing against Pucks, because like, it's a childhood thing. It was like really hard, like the hockey team. Like, I just felt like I wasn't good enough to be on it.
Starting point is 01:34:38 Like, am I crying right now? Should I cry? Could you bring me a brownie? I'm gonna cry out to the brownie. Just get out and go. But there it goes. No, it was rough. And they all ganged up on me in the hot tub So like it was so intense, but like now I know how you felt the other night
Starting point is 01:34:50 When I was someone leading a charge against you when you get started in you started in it And Jenna's like I mean, I'm happy she understands how it feels even though I don't want that I mean I don't know I don't want it to happen to work, but we go over to Uva and she's like, this is why you need a husband, Jettel, because I cannot lotion my, I can't with the show. Okay, so she's getting lotion on her back.
Starting point is 01:35:16 Then Aaron and Brian, everybody's gathering for dinner. Brian is completely wasted. She's wasted. She is. And so they were going to be, they're just like talking about stuff. And so then eventually, they do talk about when they're gonna be landing the next day, like some of them are landing late.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Like Aaron says she's landing at 9 p.m. and that Abe won't even be there because it could be a grateful dead concert. And then Sai goes, I can't believe he listens to heavy metal and I was like, ah, Sire. But then, it turns out she was referencing the fact that it was Jessel who didn't know, and Jessel's like, oh, so he's a headbanger.
Starting point is 01:35:54 Who was he into heavy metal? And then when I was, but when I was Jessel who did that, I was like, that's hilarious, I love Jessel. When Sire does it, I'm like, fuck Sire. But when Jessel does it, I'm all in. I'm all in. So then they start playing, is this where they start playing the like,
Starting point is 01:36:15 oh my God, you know what we should do guys? We should play game and go around the table and talk about everybody's favorite outfit. Oh my God. When that happened, I was like, just, I was like, this was a really good episode actually. Like, I really enjoyed this episode. I enjoyed all the bickering and I enjoyed the fighting
Starting point is 01:36:33 and I felt like it was just like, it was, it felt like it was coming from like a real place, like real petty bullshit. But, of course, they had to wedge in, you know, fashion show. Let's look at that outfit. I love that outfit. I love that outfit. I love that outfit.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Your outfit was great. You look so good in that outfit. They literally go through everybody's outfit and size like, Brian, I mean, I love this orange dress. So you can't even think back. Just like five minutes. I think just side just doesn't pay attention.
Starting point is 01:37:03 She's like, this one. This is the one that's in front of me. And Jessica goes, yeah, if Prin was addressed, this dress would be the dress, yeah, because it's the color of a caution sign. It's just a warning sign, like, do not fuck with this road. Also by the, so they're like, overall,
Starting point is 01:37:18 by the way, I was gonna say, Erin meanwhile speaking about Fitz, Erin was wearing a dress that literally looked like scrambled eggs. It was yellow with like little green and little red like elements to it. And I was like, she is dressed like she is a plate at Denny's right now. So then guess what? They have talked about trauma. They have fought about something incredibly stupid for a really long time.
Starting point is 01:37:42 They've talked about their outfits. What is the only thing they have not done that they do on every episode of this show? Take a selfie. Grib selfie time everybody shopping at selfies. So they do that and... Jenna of course is like, is this a photo or a video? It might shake a little bit.
Starting point is 01:38:02 It's my own. It can hold a bit running. Is this the tech for in the background. And that brings us to the end of Real Housewives of New York City. Well, thanks everyone for being here and for listening. Sorry, we don't have the video this week, but we'll get the videos back up and running very, very shortly. Everyone have a wonderful day and we'll catch y'all later. Bye!
Starting point is 01:38:29 Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alison King. Ashley Saboney, she don't take no baloney. Strong to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels. Erin McNickles, she don't miss no trickleess. She's never scary,lla. Itch-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Let's give a kisserino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle, it's a Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy, Ceas and Desisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke, Shannon out of a can in Anthony.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Watch it! by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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