Watch What Crappens - #2175 RHOC Part Two: Insane Clown posse

Episode Date: September 28, 2023

*This is part two of a two part recap!* It’s a Freakshow themed finale for Real Housewives of Orange County (S17E16), and Tamra shows up dressed like the demented evil clown she is. In othe...r shocking developments, Taylor gets wasted and deepthroats an ice cream cone while everyone marvels at how rich her friends are.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I have got it. I have got it. I have been really much fun. Watch what you're having. Kids, what? Happens when this song. Happens when this song. Oh, but these are all the things I'm having.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Kids, what? Happens when this song. Happens when this song. Hey everybody. Welcome to part two of this real housewives of Orange County recap. If you missed part one, go check it out. So so yeah, so so Gina is literally warping her logic to make sure she does not have to change her mindset.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And she said, but once again, me and Emily are being used as collateral damage and everyone else's bullshit. You guys are the ones who started this stuff with everybody because you don't have any scenes because nobody will shoot with you. So you go around trying to get everybody to fight with each other so you can stay on TV. Okay. So we are the collateral damage. We're the ones who dealt with Emily and Gina for so many years.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Okay, we are damaged from you. So Heather is like, I was very close with you in the way that a, you know, like a wealthy person will always see that homeless person on the street and walk by and give them a dollar every single day. It's close like that. And you know, why would I ever say anything about you other than just mocking you behind your back? And you know, it's like, well, I was so focused on my own personal feelings with you that all I could see was like, hey, that doesn't care about my feelings. And she's like, not pulling me aside.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And I was like, upsetting. And it like, I took the wind out of me a little bit. Oh, that's adorable to imply that you even own a sailboat. But yes, I can understand. Yeah, except that she did pull you aside. And during that shit-suffling scene, she pulled you aside and said, Hey, you should be careful with your boyfriend not to overcomplain.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Was that great advice? Did you need it? Probably not, but she was like showing you that she was trying to be your friend, you know? She now. Heather also did take what you told her, which was a warning against trusting camera, and then use that against you by tattletailing right away. So Heather doesn't completely get off. Like I can see why Gina would want to come for Heather in some ways. But still this whole part is bullshit.
Starting point is 00:02:14 But then the warning thing that Gina gave it, Heather may have fucked that up, but like, Gina, you literally warned, you literally warned Heather that Tamra lies and manipulates and then you just fully decided to hit your ride to Tamra I don't understand it by the way. Thank you for doing it because I've really enjoying the season So Heather's like she's like you know what but like I got upset because like you know I've been so sad thinking you were talking about me and honestly I've a bit in my stomach, okay? Because I care about you and Heather's like yeah me too you too, okay? Because if it was anybody else, I wouldn't have come. I mean, I'm being attacked for things that I didn't do and by the way, Emily I don't trust her. I was like, okay, why are you doing this? Okay. Don't tell Gina that. Oh, that she's just gonna go tell Emily like
Starting point is 00:03:03 Heather, this is why you can never root for Heather. She just never does it right. You know what she messes up? And she goes, I don't trust her at all. I think she's going to the Tamer School of Friendship. And then we have an Emily being root to Heather Mondage. And Heather's like, I think at some point, people have to be all accountable for their actions.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Everyone is so scared of Tamer because she hits below the belt and she is nasty and there's never accountability for any of it. And then she's like, and Tamra is the root cause of all these issues. Number one, and this is great because she really does lay it all out. And we have Taylor saying, well, you know, Tamra, you're the one who said that she hasn't, that Heather hasn't done anything since the 1900s. Number two, Hey, Batch, did you talk to Jean and Emily about Shadden's relationship? Number three. You said it with a bunch of lizards, you said it's a boy.
Starting point is 00:04:02 And then we come back and she's like, Tamara has systematically taken each of my relationships and pulled them apart. Totally trashed my relationships. Which is kind of true, but it's true. It's true. That is the chaos that is. Tamara, and you should be better prepared.
Starting point is 00:04:16 You better than anybody, new Tamara. So the fact that you didn't come onto this show prepared for battle and start immediately turning everybody against Tamara is your own fucking fault. Like you should know better, you gotta play by Tamra's rules if you're gonna come on this, you know, on this show. And I would hope that Heather, out of all people, would be smart enough to have turned all of this instead of running to Tamra for half a season and tattletailing to her to keep
Starting point is 00:04:40 the blowback off of herself. I really wish she had risen to the occasion and come for Tamra. Yeah, that being said, I just wanna she had risen to the occasion and come for Tamra. Yeah. That being said, I just want to say this is why the season has actually been really excellent to me because Heather stating that you realize that this has been actually a very cohesive season. Like everything from the beginning of the season has been stayed relevant to where we are
Starting point is 00:05:01 now. And it's like you realize that this whole season has been about Tamra coming back and just literally dismantling Heather bit by bit by bit. And it's kind of like this, it's kind of like epic to see. I'm not saying I, I'm not saying it's good that Tamra did that, but when you really look back,
Starting point is 00:05:18 you're like, oh, that's what the season is about. This is kind of amazing. It was one coherent storyline that had different branches, but it all made sense. And so, you know, to me, A plus, good season. So now we're getting dressed up for the party, M-M. What? Could you go up?
Starting point is 00:05:36 Mm. I know. You're like Ben just had an, Ben just had an editorial moment. Well, I'll say it, no comment, no comment needed for me. So now they're dressing up for the party and Emily's talking to Uncle Bell the model. She's like look like mommy's costume. She's like why are you wearing biker shorts? Idiot. You look stupid. Oh, because I don't want to be naked. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And then we go to John and Shannon and Shannon wants John to wear a hat with his costume because he's he's dressing like a magician. We later find out and he does not want to wear a little top hat. He's like, I don't like this. I don't like this hat. This is like corn. I do not like it. I don't like hats.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I don't like corn. You wear that hat. I will not. That hat is not happening. You will not wear that hat. I will not wear it. I will not wear this hat. I will not.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I'm going on my boat. I'm going on my boat right now. So then we go to the camera and it's like, she's dressed like an evil clown, but she looks just like camera with red hair. I mean, this is something like no difference. So Eddie's shirtless in the makeup chair. I'm like, yeah, it's going to spatter. He's like thrilled. Just don't throw one in anyone's face this time. Thanks, Eddie. So now we get to Gina's circus party. I hate this theme by the way I hate vintage circus as a theme like it's really I
Starting point is 00:06:54 Hate it. I thought it's like the worst. It's like really the worst so She's but by the way Really on really on brand for our week with Dr. Nincompoof, okay. So Gina, of course, is a ringmaster and Travis's dress is a lion. Or maybe she's a lion with tamer. Is she a lion tamer and he's the lion? Yeah, there's doubles of this.
Starting point is 00:07:19 She's a lion tamer and he's a lion. And then also someone else is a lion and the lion tamer, I don't know, so stupid. I thought he was dressed like he's a lion. And then also someone else is a lion and a lion tamer. I don't know, so stupid. I thought he was dressed like the cowardly lion. Oh, Jen is a lion. Jen is a lion. Ryan's sexy tamer. Sure, the tamer. Emily comes in dressed like popcorn and Shane is the butter, which is funny. And then Taylor is cotton candy. Taylor is like the normal Desmond of this cast. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I'm still talking about that Cotton Candy scene from season one of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, 10 years, 13, 15, whatever years ago. She comes wobbling into this party. She has already wasted it. And you always know when Taylor's wasted because her voice is sort of like a few octaves higher because normally Taylor talks a little bit like this but when she is wrong she's toward a talk like this that she's like, Hi everyone, I'm gotten candy, hi from Oklahoma. And this does look like a public park.
Starting point is 00:08:22 I'm not really sure where we are. And Tamra's like, yeah, you know, uh... Oh, who's saying Tamra's very appropriate? She's like a little... Gina says, coming in for her next skill. Yeah, Gina says that. Uh, Jekyll's or a Shucky Doll. And then, uh, yeah, Jenna's the cowardly lion. And then, they're all like, oh my god, like, Ryan, is this like a thunder from down under? Like, whoa, sexy lion train, like train a,
Starting point is 00:08:49 they're all surprised. I'm like, have you guys been to WeHo? People will wear literally like dental floss. And I'm like, yeah, I'm a Victorian noble right now. You know? Yeah. It's just what happens on Halloween. You're like, where is shirt?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Emily's like, oh, me and I'll get it. Okay, I get it. You work out, but you can at least wear a shirt. I'm like, okay, lady who's posing in her thong every day on Instagram because she's on a, like working out, join me. I go, I wonder if that advice changed at all in the past couple of months.
Starting point is 00:09:18 So, um, Shane, everybody's just kind of making fun of Ryan, right? And Shane's like, I'm butter. So then, um, we see Taylor just getting shit faced on three different screens they just so good different parts of the party is getting drunk I'm sure she's a real star this this is her episode so then Shannon shows up she's a fortune teller I don't think it's one of her best looks personally but she comes
Starting point is 00:09:45 in and John is like a magician. She's like, well, this is this is this is amazing. But you put your hat on, John. John, if you love me, you'll put your hat on. Put your hat on. I don't want to wear the hat. And it says in the caps, it says, when everyone comes in, it's saying what everyone's dressed as. And so it says, they call Shannon like Madame the door or something like that. But then for John, it just says his costume is John Jansen in a suit. So, uh, and when it's like, Shannon's fortune teller out, but just looks like something Shannon would wear every day. Oh, I mean, at least I'm here to talk.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So then, um, John is joking about his hat and Matt, Gina's ex is there. Fuck off, bro. Like listen, Gina, forgive. I get it. You do whatever you need to do for your family. Get the fucking abusive piece of shit off of my TV. What are you guys gonna pray to Ryan next to the Tin Man costume? Get the fuck out of here with that. and Ryan next to the Tin Man costume. Get the fuck out of here with that. We should be happy that Ryan wasn't there. He probably was like, I don't do Halloween. That's for Queers and Derralicts.
Starting point is 00:10:52 So then, Gina saying that things are great with her and Matt like we actually care, we don't. And then she just, I feel like I've got like a lot of weight off my shoulders. And then basically Gina, they're talking about Heather and Gina saying that she and Heather, she says that Heather and Emily really need to talk because she feels really caught between them. And you know, I just honestly, Emily, I think you're being more aggressive than normal for
Starting point is 00:11:20 you when it comes to Heather. She said, well, she did cause a bunch of losers. You are a bunch of losers. And Gina's like, yeah, but you know, I'm comes to Heather. She said, well, she did cause a bunch of losers. You are a bunch of losers. And she's like, yeah, but you know, I met with Heather. And she shared with me that Tamer actually made a comment about us on a podcast, like calling us losers. So like, why can she say that, but then Heather can't say that. Which wasn't the point.
Starting point is 00:11:40 The point was that Tamer said it and Heather did not say that. And then when she got caught, she tried to make it sound like she was just repeating something Heather said, even though that was obviously just something she came up later because her fucking podcast was national. Please. So then Emily, then Emily has this warplogic. I mean, Tamra's been saying should about me for five years. And this is why I don't give a crap anymore because I've confronted her about it. And she just gave me a very Generalized I'm sorry almost in a way like she didn't know what she was apologizing for but knew she had to say it
Starting point is 00:12:11 So that way she could just get over one simple hurdle to be back on this cast So in other words, I fully accepted it and I don't think how there's a apologize Like what? How is it that like you just said she's been dragging me for five years but like that's cool because I'm used to it but Heather hasn't so it's not nice yeah so she's like I don't understand where the shift from Came from with Emily and Heather, but I mean with Gina and Heather, but if Gina wants to make excuses for Heather It's her relationship. I'm not doing it. Oh, I can't wait to apologize to Heather in about five minutes. I know.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Stand strong, Emily. You stay strong over there. She's either just like, I just want everyone to get along. Can we just all get along? Can we get along? I was like, okay, like Rodney Queen, you are the one who wants everyone to get along and yet you're also the one who is exacerbating every single situation by turning it into like a giant drama that you're hearing from little bits and pieces of gossip. And when you when you have a chance to resolve it, you keep it alive by then changing what you're mad about. So um, Tamara comes over and says, I'm like, hi everybody, what are we talking about? Hey, do you bet with her? I heard about it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 So go ahead, tell me what's going on. Like, Temer is just so obviously trying to keep all of her ducks in a row. And now Taylor comes like slumbering over and she's like, well, I don't think I have this trying to trash anyone. I just think that it has this hypersensitive. And Temer's like, oh yeah, but you know the problem with being hypersensitive, right? She wants to play with everybody else. And she knows she takes something and she
Starting point is 00:13:47 Starts is dancing around and she presents it and Tamara knows that she's kind of fucked in a way because her Whole argument is built on bullshit, right? And you can tell cuz she's running right to everybody right after she sees them talking and is like yeah that we saw you have the right we say right and she tells us Gina was basically Heather Matias because the girls were exaggerating and like I love you you know because I had my mom and dad and I had you with my mom and dad remember that's her I'm not gonna know how how it works. I'm gonna need Tamra to work on her wordplay.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Heather Matized, I might just, Heather Matized, we need to workshop that a little bit. So now Heather walks in with Terry. He's wearing a shirt that basically says like Alfredo on it. And then she's dressed sort of like an acrobat. She's kind of, and she's like, oh my God, you look great. And Tim is, what is she? What is she?
Starting point is 00:14:49 And Taylor goes, I'll tell you what she is. She's, I'm just showing off my body. That's what she is. Super bandener. Whatever, hater. Don't be a hater. No, Taylor's allowed to because she's drunk and hilarious. That's a hater thing to say.
Starting point is 00:15:04 So what about, and that's coming from me, who is literally a hater? So Heather, what I liked about it was that Heather came dressed kind of in that skeletony thing, but her prop was a hula hoop. And I just love that because it's very Luan in that season where Bethany hated Luan. It was trying to outsturfe in the group.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And Luan showed up to her party in the Hamptons, and. I was trying to oust her from the group and Luan showed up to where party in the Hamptons and Bethany was like othering her and refusing to speak with her. And Luan just had that hulu hoop that she was desperately like, look at me, I'm fun, I have a hulu hoop. That was one of the most strange uses of desperate prop work. Yeah. So I thought it was very fitting here that Heather, the one being outstead, is carrying the hula hoop of doom. I know. So Heather is her costume is Cirque du Brouh and Heather's like, I wanted to be a dolphin
Starting point is 00:15:56 trainer, but apparently there are no dolphins at the circus. I actually did not even really understand what the circus was. I thought I was just a place where poor people threw peanuts and elephants But it turns out it's a lot more than that. Anyway, so I dressed as a Marjolene successful actress wearing a very skinny costume. I thought that would work So Heather's like hello, hello Emily and I was like, um, oh, you have lipstick on your teeth Classic Emily. I feel like others costume is just a step up from whale trainer. It's like her galactic Galactic fantasy nighttime whale trainer. I'm like ma'am your husband's wearing a t-shirt that says butter on it
Starting point is 00:16:34 Let's let's like pull back on the costume criticism. Yeah, she's an ass queen. That's what she is. Yeah She's doing that like not worship. Yeah. Yeah, she does that I just said a funny joke So then I wrote down fun and games. I don't remember I think people I'm there like someone's right in the unicycle I think this is wacky and then we have a scene where Shannon is With Taylor and she goes by the way, I love you Taylor. And Taylor's like, you know, I love you too. I'm not gonna hump you being. I'm a lesbian.
Starting point is 00:17:11 All right. Hey, give me that ice cream cone. And she liked you throughout Jen's ice cream cone. She tries to pull a cotton candy thing. It's her normal Desmond moment. It's like her baby Jane moment, I guess I would say say we're updating or updating Taylor for 20 23 look of Frazier's back on back to did you know that Frazier's back by the way? I saw commercial for Frazier. I did a new Frazier. Yeah, and he's not a radio like therapist anymore and Niles isn't on the show and I also back in Boston with a bunch of whole, and now it's like the problems he has with his son is kind of a reverse where Frazier is the snotty one, but the son is like the dad.
Starting point is 00:17:51 The son became a fireman, which doesn't really make sense because the son of the original show was like a little Niles, right? And they were like, we don't have Niles anymore, so we've decided to make Frazier just a little gayer because the commercially it's like, I don't sit on my Laquois
Starting point is 00:18:06 On my Laquapitos not with jeans. I was like, what is this Foppish Frazier? I mean Frazier already had a certain degree of Foppishness, but now they're really up to Foppish It's that was like, but I was honestly floored. I was like I cannot believe they brought Frazier back Oh, yeah, they've been working on that for a long time. I love Frazier. I mean that was a great show So I don't know, please don't ruin it. Thanks, that would be great. It's gonna be ruined, sorry. I think.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yeah, I do. Yeah, all right, well, back to this. So Taylor's deemthroding her ice cream like, meekyek, meekyek, yes. And they're like, oh my god, that's so crazy, you're thinking, I ain't from my season. So welcome everybody So Tamras so then Tamras like, I shat in we haven't talked about what you talked about with Heather
Starting point is 00:18:54 Come on gossip so then we have a flashback of Heather and Shannon and Heather's like I felt like this summer we had such a breakthrough and it was good and then as soon as that cheerleader came back it's a different story and so I said to her, Tamra doesn't care if you and I are friends and I don't care if you and Tamra are friends. Yeah, she's intimidated, she proved that in Montana when she said her hi and low and then we got a flashback which I totally forgot about of Heather telling Shannon and Tamara that she felt kind of left out of all the fun that they were having together.
Starting point is 00:19:30 And I was like, do we think this is the root of it all? Do we think that like, so low? What? To use that against somebody, like Heather was being vulnerable at the table on like it really hurt my feelings. I felt like we were friends and now you guys are friends and leaving me out of stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And Tammy's like, yeah, see? It's pretty if she's an asshole. She's intimidated. Memorizing Montana, when she said, hides and loals. I was like, Jesus, like beat the woman over her head with her own vulnerability. I'm so mad.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I know. I have to, I cannot stress about how it's like. I'm so excited that I'm on Heather's side. It's, I know I can't, I can't, I can't put these words coming out of your mouth. And so then Shannon's like, well, I want Tamer to be friends with whoever she wants to be friends with. It's not a competition and maybe how they're thinks it is.
Starting point is 00:20:13 And it's just so funny that they're like, yeah, it's like, I don't care who anyone's friends with. And then the rest of the episode is Tamer being like, now look, Heather's talking to Emily. And they're having a good time. I don't like that. So. Look how there's talking to Emily and they're having a good time Well, what are you gonna do you're already you're already doing it, you know, yeah, so and we see what you're friend You we see what you do to your friends, which is Jen, the one you brought on when you fucking monster.
Starting point is 00:20:45 It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapence commercial! Watch what crapence and winter is crappening of a funniest recap broadcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast, Go Story, about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Go SoundReal, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately, I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago,
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Starting point is 00:21:46 or you can binge early and at free on Wondery Plus the same day. So, um, then we got to Terry, who's just being so Terry I can. He's like, so any! Wow, you look amazing. What's your body fat percentage? I know. Wow. And then, Shadden is like crying now. She's like, I will not let Heather to Pro get in the middle of our friendship. I was like, what they're just all getting and crying as if like Heather is like Jason for he's right now. We're gonna get through this
Starting point is 00:22:20 night together. Tamrat, we are going to survive our friendship. We'll work. Well, last. to this night together at Tamrat, we are going to survive our friendship. We'll work, we'll last. So now we go to Crazy Taylor. Okay, so Taylor's ship face. We all know anyone who's watching Beverly Hills knows what you're getting with Taylor, right? And Taylor's flowing pretty under the radar this year
Starting point is 00:22:37 because she stayed somewhat sober. But here comes Taylor, here she comes. I think someone was like, hi, you have to do something because it's a season-sending and you've done jack shit. So here comes Taylor, here she comes. I think someone was like, hi, you have to do something because it's a season sending and you've done jack shit. So here comes Taylor. She's like, you never did to me and her,
Starting point is 00:22:53 she and I in Mexico is so uncool. She locked us, she locked us in a room. She locked us in a little She laughed at you She used us because she had nobody else and like all her friends had tapped out all the same time and that sucks You know, I like that. She's telling us to Gina who is one of the people who tapped out and Taylor's like She's tell us like yeah, she didn't speak to you for three months until she needed you. Don't worry about me. She left us for soup.
Starting point is 00:23:30 For soup. And probably wasn't even good soup. Again, we're not better than a cup of chicken soup from a packet. Just think about that. So we see one week earlier in Mexico and how they others like, I was excited about going to a club with you girls, but I honestly just don't feel welcome. I don't feel welcome at the club little feet. Yeah, I don't feel welcome.
Starting point is 00:23:55 And Taylor's like, oh, you'd be welcome from us though. I'm just, oh, thank you so much. Just like throws a dollar at a forehead. So when we cut back and Jean is like, yeah, but sometimes people need someone and I don't think you should feel bad Because you were there when she needed you and Taylor of course, of course, Jean and I get a point at all You know like you never get the fucking point and she says no acting like she's a good friend, so right so Taylor is like Yeah, my being just miss her and you know above the freight, that is bullshit. So mean, cut less than I've got a news flash for her. For Heather's you, bro.
Starting point is 00:24:31 My friends is wealthy and they can Trump any house that Heather need bro has ever lived now. My friends are in Beverly Hills. This is just a, this is great. Also a memo to anyone. If you ever find yourself saying, I got a news flash for anyone, you're wasted. Has no one said that normally.
Starting point is 00:24:54 If you ever are like, well, I got a news flash for you. Guess what you're wasted. Check your keys at the door. So then Gina's like, oh my God, Taylor is like, code red waste my God, Taylor is like code red wasteies. And now Taylor is like playing with Jettins costume. And she's like, and then she's just going around the party. She's like, oh, let me tell you, you know, Heather left you and I was sitting there all night. She heard us. She heard us. We were sitting there
Starting point is 00:25:21 and like, she said, I'm gonna get chicken soup soup chicken soup. I'll be right she said I'll be right back I rich friends and guess what I'm a fucking come I you know it was about chicken soup. It wasn't a big deal. It really it wasn't a big She fucking hurt me and I was I was I was I was she called me cute. I was a movie. I am DB's. So do a crowd she's really wasted. Okay. So then she pulls some of Jen Jen's like you know what I want to do with this with Heather because Taylor it like is on a different planet. So as grateful as I am to Taylor for being able to you know be vulnerable and share her feelings. It's terrifying. So as grateful as I am to Taylor for being able to,
Starting point is 00:26:05 you know, be vulnerable and share her feelings, it's terrifying. So I'm gonna go ahead and pull Heather over. So she does, but Taylor sees and she comes sliding up. And so Heather goes, okay, what's up? Just go ahead and spit it out. Do you want to just hang me by my hula hoop while we're standing right here?
Starting point is 00:26:20 Go for it. Go ahead. And Taylor, who's been so angry and spitting venom all around this party, now is like being all pull out. She's doing this really fake angry smile. She's like, well, we sat with you and we wanted to go outside sourcing and like we say home to listen and be supportive of you. And so we did that. And then you said you wanted to get your chicken soup. And then you never came back. And like the thing is, like my stepdaughter was waiting for us because she lives into loom.
Starting point is 00:26:49 Her name is Glooby. Okay, there's no stepdaughter. I just thought I'd add some sizzle to the story, but you get the point. She's doing that big huge smile or she's like, yeah, cause my stepdaughter is here. And you all are. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And they're like, um, okay. Well, I'm really sorry, but what happened was I went up to my hotel room and I slept the soup. And then before you know what I passed out, and they actually have footage of that, like the camera's in the room. Yeah. The camera man is just watching her passing out.
Starting point is 00:27:23 So then they're like, boom and white, boo, and wine, text loss, and tell us, oh, pass out. She goes, I didn't know you were waiting for me. Why didn't you just come knock on my door?
Starting point is 00:27:34 She's, and a clumsky was waiting for us at the club. Okay, she's in to Lou and I was like, hey, you're from my girl wiring. She's waiting for us. I can't hang out for soup friends. You see what you did? Stupid Taylor.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And she's like, I don't need to chase my friends. My friends are gonna show up. They're from millennials. And Heather's like, um, okay. You know what? She does her like grossed out face and like flashes her hand at her. And she's like, okay, I'm very very sorry
Starting point is 00:28:08 She's like Clean up your fall asleep. You fell asleep. You fell asleep. Oh, well when you lay down Maybe you should have thought then maybe I should text my friends like you can't text in your sleep or something my friends like you can't text in your sleep person. I'm like, okay, whatever. And just like, okay, let's go talk. Let's go talk. I was like, what is wrong with her? Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:28:32 So then, Jen is now trying it. She's like, listen, I just feel like you have no interest in me and I've expressed that to the other girls. So if that is stating on my part, I just wanted to tell you, I'm sorry, before you've heard anything or even care about it. And it goes, well, that is shitty on your part. And I want to tell you something, Donna. You are a great member of this group. And I'm very glad the tamer brought you in. I mean, a yoga doing a yoga practicing
Starting point is 00:28:59 in a parking lot. That's impressive. And even though tamers a piece of shit to you, and I have no idea what you even speak to that monster. And even though Tamer's a piece of shit to you, and I have no idea what you even speak to that monster. And I don't understand why you put up with it. I'm not putting up with it anymore. That is all I have to say to you Leslie, so... Well, I'm just trying to figure it out, the name's Jen. And I don't know. I mean, this is, you know, this is while stepping, you know, stepping into your friends, it's been really hard. No, well, guess what? It shouldn't be this hard. And I really enjoy the little time we've had together.
Starting point is 00:29:31 And by the way, when you're dusting the shelves, don't forget the top of the bookcases, okay? You're doing great. Okay, I'm not actually a maid. That's great. Okay, anyway, you get paid on Fridays and we'll see you at the house. Bye. So, um, you get paid on Fridays and we'll see you at the house. Bye
Starting point is 00:29:47 So Tamara is seeing this and she's like, oh She's talking to Jenna Taylor. She would never get them to time it's this bullshit. You ruined you tried Tamara is giving the energy she's giving Dr. Claw energy from Inspector Gadget She is like watching on her screen and she's like like watching her grand plans get foiled by Heather, and she's like, I've had enough, launch the missiles or whatever. She's like pushing buttons to try to like counter attack. She's so cartoon villain right now.
Starting point is 00:30:17 I mean, you tried ruining Jen's life, and you ruined Heather and Taylor's friendship immediately, and she sees all this going on. It's like, no, get them to talk. So, and she's also saying this surrounded by all of her lackeys under a tent, you know, Emily's like hugging on her and she's just got like all of the people that she's brainwashed over there, morons. So, there's like, Wanda, I'm sorry, I fell asleep.
Starting point is 00:30:39 That's all I needed to hear. I mean, I'd love you to know my name, but like, I just needed to hear an apology about falling asleep. Thank you so much. Thank you so much, Heather. Thank you so much. Right now for opening up to me and talking. Okay. I'm done with you. So she's like, you know, honestly, I do, I do blame Tamer's behavior on this because, you know, I mean, it's all about my past. It's all about my boyfriend's shenanigans. I mean, I wouldn't have an interest to me either, you know? And I just can't wait for everybody to get to know me. I'll search for the drama with my boyfriend. That would be great. I can make tacos
Starting point is 00:31:07 salad. I can make tacos. And I can make spaghetti casserole. I'm doing I'm just a well of information. I just got the challenge saying my friends who have five billion dollars are not pretentious. I mean, they just show her face where she's like trying to hold her head up. She's like, and every time that they cut to her where she's like looking wasted and then she smiles and she's like, hey, and then she goes back to looking wasted. It's great.
Starting point is 00:31:39 So now it's more fun and game time. People are unicycling and they're joking about genus boots and you know Then Emily is laughing with Heather about the boots and so they start laughing a little together So I'm like oh look at me look at me other look at me. I love you Heather She doesn't really feel that way she'll fire it. It's come over here and talk and then meanwhile of course tamer and Shannon are eating and watching And Tamer's like oh really? Oh, Emily's gonna talk to Hannah. Oh, she's not happy with it. What's this?
Starting point is 00:32:08 She's gonna tell Hannah. Watching. And this is great because while Emily and Heather have this whole scene, Tamra's watching and reading the wrong things into it. She thinks the entire time they're having a huge fight, but they're actually like resolving things very commonly. So Emily is like, no Tamra said that you said the role fucking loses. Oh my god. Okay, why are you believing that when you know me?
Starting point is 00:32:32 Well, but you said that you said it. I wasn't talking about you and Gina. You were my friends. I'm talking about Noella. Why do you keep making me invoke Noella on this show? Oh, she's so pissed off. Look at the girl. Look at the girl.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Look at the yelling and everything like that. Wow, she's gonna rip out her heart. You're talking about a girl. Who aligns your career all the time? Who says, oh, she's a party planner. She's not a lawyer and it's not nice. And I'm like, oh, when was this? Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. And by the way, I am so surprised that this did not turn into, if you were a friend, you would have told me right away. Because two months earlier, we see Tamra in the car in Montana saying, So Emily, we should out to me. And she said, she's a party planner. She's not a practicing attorney. She clearly has not a trial in how many years the night did hundreds.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Ha, ha, ha. to get her any she clearly hasn't had a trial in how many years that I did hundreds. So then we come cut back and the moon's like well I'm stolen a journey okay. And how they're like well it is very demeaning then I don't like that. And so Tamara's watching this and she's starting to get pissed off right. Taylor's watching too like she's going to fight with someone but Shana's just turned away eating she's like oh I cannot I just wish she had something a little bit fat I would love a barata right now so Taylor's like look in here she's she's better than us she thinks she's better than us why she's gonna fall asleep right in the middle of this conversation and not come back to it Taylor's doing all the
Starting point is 00:34:03 drunk greatest hits, you know. She thinks she's better than us. Well, I got a news flash for you. Hey, hey, the double hay classic drunk thing, you know. Hey. So then Ryan, Ryan and Jen, we cut to them and Ryan's like, hey, I think everyone got the memo because you're lying and I'm lying tamer.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Ha, ha, ha, ha. Same as Gina and their man. Both the poor couples. Was there a sale on the Amazon? Was this like the front page of the Amazon shopping or what? Because both poor couples are in the same exact costume. So Emily is like, other, my intent is never to hurt your feelings. I know I could be rough around the edges and I've always been like that but now that you know you've kind of proven me wrong in this, I'm just gonna fight back with a little childhood trauma so my sister's just and I have been taking things in each other our entire lives and I feel like what you thought we that's what we did to get through a lot of what we did through and that's why it hurt when you called me a loser because I
Starting point is 00:35:03 have loser trauma because my sister called me a loser when my mom wouldn't pick me up from school and can you imagine all the things I have overcome from Ohio? I think oh my god. So Emily's like, oh there is just something so deep that I've carried. I'm so so so my turn. And when I go to the state where I feel like someone's attacking me in this a physical react that I got. Okay, you're 50 or whatever, you're in your 40s. Stop it. Stop. You cannot blame you and your sister making fun of you. For being a total asshole to somebody
Starting point is 00:35:39 over and over again. And being an asshole and ganging up with other people. That's like literally no excuse. And if you want to get in the trauma line, please get behind the New York ladies, okay? Because like literally every single one of them is beating you. I don't want to hear about this anymore. I'm done. Your trauma's dead to me. Get into the...
Starting point is 00:35:58 My, Emily, my intention is always good. I love you. I love your family, you know, Claudette and Peter and whatever that turtle is, you have whisker or something. I was close with you. I was going to let you walk through my front door, like literally, like not take the servant door. And I felt left high and dry in my private plane,
Starting point is 00:36:21 literally high. And I don't understand why, but let's just fix it. Let's just fix it all now. No, so Gina comes over and she's like, oh my God, it's everybody getting out of the wine, it's only wine. And her, there's like, yeah, we're good, we're good now. So Tamron, Tamron, Tamron, all sees it.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Tamron, hold it a minute. We just up to the game of this show. So Tamron sees this and she's like, she's like, I'm stuck in the movie right now. Yeah. And she's like, haven't tried to write the trips.
Starting point is 00:36:53 She's talking to each girl, the side one by one to talk shit about me. What are you doing? Have I? What are you doing? She's defending herself because each one of them has problems that you started and they're coming to her. You see them coming up to her and pulling our aside.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah, and I wrote down a note and I don't even know why I wrote Taylor's face and I put to exclamation points. So somewhere in here, Taylor is crazy. I think Taylor and Taylor say. So Emily is now part of Taylor when she's at drunk that the bottom part of her face is trying to hang on to the upper part of her face. You know what I mean? Like trying like something's about to fall over and say, don't fall. Listen, I did a pizza making class last night. And part of the process was putting it in real house five. By the way, you go, you're like, I'm going to go to pajamas sewing class for four weeks.
Starting point is 00:37:44 I would do a pizza making class. It was like a food blogging event kind of thing. So it wasn't like I volunteered, but it was what I went. And so they, you know, part of the process is like, you have to take the dough and you put it on your left hand and then like half of it sitting on your left hand on the right side, it starts drooping off your right hand intentionally.
Starting point is 00:38:04 And that's kind of like's that's Taylor's face. So I'm really gonna ask more questions in our texts because last night you said something when we were texting that you're like I'm at it would you say I'm at a pizza party? I said pizza event. A pizza event and I was like oh my god I'm jealous. I thought you meant I Don't know. I just thought you were being dramatic like you were at a pizza place. You're like I'm at a pizza event I don't know what I thought but of course you're at an actual pizza event Ronnie you know me you know my intentions are good You should know that when I say I'm at a pizza event. I am not calling you a loser. I
Starting point is 00:38:43 Just fucking love that you're at a pizza event. I'm not calling you a loser. I just fucking love it. You're at a pizza event. I'm making a hack. I've had it. It was, by the way, I actually feel like I really, I learned a lot and I will teach you what I've learned because it was really, it like actually changed the game for me on making pizza.
Starting point is 00:38:56 I'm like, this is how you deal with pizza dough. I never knew. I was, I've been doing it wrong all these years. So love it. Yeah, I've never made a good pizza down So I would love to learn I will take you up on that. Thanks. My pizza came out strange shape though I was very sad. I was like the only one that is the two as long as you've got the the crust Now the crust was wonderful, but like literally everyone's pizza came out perfect like a perfect circle and mind was shaped like a lima bean and I was
Starting point is 00:39:23 Wow, okay, yeah, you don't like a lima bean and I was like okay yeah you don't like a lima bean shape you don't like it in pools or I know that much about you it's one of my least favorite shapes yeah it really is so Gina is now taking pictures with Heather and Emily they're all like taking a pic of the little photo booth thing. And Tamara sees it and she gets so pissed and she goes over there and she goes, oh, you guys are taking pics with her. Wow, that's a lot different than what would you just tell the media about it. So now Heather walks away.
Starting point is 00:39:58 This is great because now Heather, she's sort of like, she's moved the needle. She's got some people back on her size. And now she's a little bit more confident. And now she knows she doesn't have to be on defense anymore. She can be, she can go back into like dismissive mode. So she sees Tamra, she's like, oh, she just walks away. Which Tamra's like, that's Tamra's trigger when people like dismiss her like that.
Starting point is 00:40:18 But again, it was also a huge mistake on Heather's part. Like I think she's doing a decent job of going around turning people, but she has to stay there to really drive the stake into the witch's heart. She can't just walk away and then hand Tamra back control, especially over these two dodo birds. They believe the last thing that they heard, you know? Yes, that's what I, that's what I was going to say to you. They only hear the very last thing they heard. So of course, Tamra comes right up and she walks away, like you said. And Tamara's like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, because that's because Emily just told Tamara. Emily just told Tamara, did you say that I'm not really an attorney? I'm just
Starting point is 00:40:55 some party planner. So Tamara's like, how did I say that? So now she, she's like storms over, which is funny. She is like a little chuckidallocally across the party. She goes up to Heather, who's at the bar with Terry. And she goes, are you fucking kidding me? And Heather's like storms over, which is funny. She is like a little chucky doll going across the party. She goes up to Heather, who's at the bar with Terry, and she goes, are you fucking kidding me? And Heather's like, I don't want to do this with you. She's like, why aren't you because of the truth? Is that why I cut the truth? She's like, no, Tamara, you have your version of the truth,
Starting point is 00:41:18 and I'm not interested, honestly. And this is what Heather does best. She doesn't, she's best when she's not even bothering with whatever the argument is. She's just saying, I really don't care about your argument because I'm too rich to deal with you right now. Yeah, yeah. So Terry slinks off and goes to Gina and he's like,
Starting point is 00:41:38 oh my God, and she's like, oh my God, Terry's like my poor wife. And Tamara's like, he's not the truth. Heather goes, there you go, go spinning, spinning it around. Well, then I spin it, put it in my spinning. You've been doing this for months, Tamer. And then we get Taylor and Jen whackily going to the public park's bathroom together. Wait, I was trying to be.
Starting point is 00:41:59 It is definitely the public. Like, I was like, what valveline are they filming this show at? So Jen or it's county doesn't even care anymore. definitely the public like I was like what valveline are they filming this show at so I like it works County doesn't even carry anymore. They're like okay we're gonna have a full shit scene where someone poops on camera and then we're gonna do another PC in the same episode welcome backwards County. Yeah you know you know what about me honey yeah okay we're gonna do some sister love right now. All right. So then Terry is like, hey, Jean and Emily, can you just help my wife?
Starting point is 00:42:31 Please just help her. So then Heather's Emily side. I did, I gave her a finale. Watch her go. Well, Heather is looking at Tamer. She's like, nothing you say means anything. You know, and then they're like, yeah, I think that Heather can handle herself. I think it's okay. And Heather goes, I heard your podcast where you were saying,
Starting point is 00:42:53 you were all losers in Tamer, because I was Mac and Gil. Oh, okay. And Heather's like, you are. She starts doing that finger and Tamer's face of Tamer start circling her finger back in her face and cackling. And Heather goes, you laboring under the misconception that I give a shit and you are wrong Tamra's like I don't give a shit that's you either you stupid bitch
Starting point is 00:43:16 Good then let's move on good bad bitch so then Everyone in the bathroom still trying to pee and then Emily Emily goes up to Tamer and she's like, did you say shitty things about us? No! And then they play the podcast, they show the podcast again. But this time, this is the Little Twists,
Starting point is 00:43:35 which may or may not be significant, but they play the audio again, where Teddy is like, you call them losers, but then this time we hear Tamer say, yeah, yeah, but it's actually an inside joke that only me and Shannon know about, which gives a little credence to the fact that they're joking about, they're potentially joking about that Heather called someone losers. But even if that is true, I still believe that Heather called Noella loser and that Tamra
Starting point is 00:43:59 heard it and then has now bastardized it into this new thing that she's called Gina and Emily losers. I don't know. I mean, I can see where you're coming from. I didn't think it said that. and now bastardize it into this new thing that she's called Gina and Emily Losers. I don't know. That was my can see where you're coming from. I didn't think it said that. I mean, I took it as her thing. It's actually an inside joke that only Shannon and I know about, but I thought that just,
Starting point is 00:44:16 Tamara's like, these fucking losers. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I overhyped it as a twist and I apologized to everyone who was waiting for the twist and that, because that was my twist, I'm sorry. God damn it, Ben. Sorry. You really?
Starting point is 00:44:28 Sorry. I'm a lot of ding dong to that one up. I know. I thought it was gonna be... I thought it was gonna... I thought it was gonna be more twisty. Yeah, come on, Ben. Um, so, Tim was like... Uh, so let me see where we are. Oh, yeah, so the clip of the podcast and Tim was like,
Starting point is 00:44:42 Why did he talk to us at that? Oh, no, I'm sorry. Tamer's like, why do you think I would say that, Emily? Why? Why do you think I would say that? Just because you're a fake fake lawyer and a party planner and I've been calling you a loser for five years. I'm like, literally, of course, why would you say that? You've been calling Emily a loser for years, Tamer. It was not the first fucking time. Yeah, I am. Yeah. And so now you know, all of a sudden, wants to do a group photo together. So they do a group photo,
Starting point is 00:45:10 which is very awkward. And, um, and then the season ending music begins that little guitar. And so now we're targeting the updates on everyone. Yeah, I think I like it so much because it's, it's like haunting. It's like not a happy song. Don't, don't like that to me. That is the song There's some elements of it Some thank you brainworm. It's back. You're back. Yeah, either way. It's great. All right So you're terrible twist spoiler and thank you, Brain Worm, it's back. You're back, Worm. Yeah, either way, it's great. All right, I'm gonna give you some
Starting point is 00:46:05 of your terrible twist, spoiler. You've brought that. So Jen's beautiful song back into my head. Yeah, so Jen is basically saying how she's lived her life, pleasing everyone, and now she wants to have more of a voice. So this is Jen's wrap up. It says, Jen won a back-roth bet
Starting point is 00:46:21 and was able to pay her divorce attorney retainer and she's now taking on her bigger scab while deciding when to move on with the right. Wait, what? You bet. Okay, Jam. You took, you got money from Ryan. What?
Starting point is 00:46:32 Pay for your divorce. You got money from the new guy to pay the old guy for the, like, come on, a back, you want a backer at bet? $5,000. You're like, oh, okay. Well, please, there's a lot riding on this bet. Is it I lose? I'm stuck with my husband. You're like, oh, okay. Well, please, there's a lot riding on this bet. Is if I lose, I'm stuck with my husband,
Starting point is 00:46:47 but if I win, I can finally move on to a fuckboy. There's no shame in getting $5,000 to divorce your husband from somebody else. Don't lie, okay? Don't be a camera. And we have Shannon, who's like... Well, when I first met John, he said, he said to me, you're up my future. But I still don't know that we can jump over
Starting point is 00:47:06 some of the small hurdles that we have. I mean, but they're small. They're very, they're small hurdles. I mean, I mean, anyone can jump over those hurdles, right? I mean, surely, surely one can get over wearing a hat and enjoying some corn from time to time, right? I will never forget John saying to me, you are my future.
Starting point is 00:47:23 And then looking down and realize he was talking to a plate of chicken catchatory. But still, still. Well, I remember when John said, you're my future. But then he said, you're my near future. As in, you're my 2023 and right now is 2020. And guess what? Future's turning into past. So yeah, yeah, great, great time for us.
Starting point is 00:47:42 That's what future is turning into past. So yeah, yeah, great, great to answer us. Mm. So, um, Gina and Travis, Gina's like, oh my God, when we get me, I'm one old wedding to be like this in a park. And Travis is like, will I have to wear a lion suit? No, but it will also be the cheapest thing that we find on Amazon for that theme.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Now, get used to the yet. Gina and Travis are a fish by the way. I should mention that the Shannon wrap up thing did not mention anything about the DUI. I was wondering if they were gonna put that in at the end of the season. But then Gina and Travis are officially licensed real estate agents and as co-workers,
Starting point is 00:48:17 they're pre-approved to flirt on a daily basis and they also expanded their family by one, a dog named Meatball frozen meatball So then Emily is Talking to Shannon and she's like oh Oh to Shane and she thinks she's being my husband and he's like huh. Yeah hard to take his seriously is popcorn Well, you want to put some butter on me. It's like I don't like butter You are butter. Do you not get anything shamed fucking a man?
Starting point is 00:48:48 Wow, just to make Shane just more bland. He doesn't like butter. So Emily. Who would be a key lime pie on the way home? So Annabelle's modeling career has taken off and Emily hopes she's a child star. So Emily can retire from the job that she's mad that people don't realize that she has and she's also celebrating Heather's birthday in Los Angeles. The salads were free of sand and the waters under the bridge.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, so Heather's like, I had to figure out who wanted to be friends with me, who I I wanted to be friends with and why there are so many people named Alfredo around me Tamer and I we've had bumps but not like this and I just don't understand her motivation. I mean be go ahead Tamer be top dog. I don't need it I have top penthouse so Heather and Terry are looking for their next OC dream house with the help of a new agent, not Gina, definitely not Gina. They they're they're newly licensed son, Nikki, who was being mentored by Josh Altman and the HG network now has content as does Heather's 2020's IMDB page. I mean, of course Heather's like Josh Altman, wanna come on TV for some free publicity on Orange County and return for mentoring my son,
Starting point is 00:50:12 or do you know how to feel bad for poor people? Could you imagine if you even, like if she had given that listen to Gina like that, that would have been a disaster. This is what we call an air conditioner and air conditioner. Yeah. Gina has set herself up for a trajectory as a realtor on House Hunters.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Let's be honest, that's her path. She should be so lucky. So Tamara is talking about how she's very bothered at the end of this and then he's like, it's okay, there's frowning face and then we see Tamra's ending. Tamra has gotten closer with Jen, Emily and Shannon and while her ducks are in a row with her friends she thinks how to can go fuck one. Go fuck a duck, go fuck a duck, go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go And so with Emily going this was the biggest shit so of all And that brings us to the end
Starting point is 00:51:11 Wow, real house walls of honestly I say County great season. I'm really I'm actually Really looking forward to this reunion because I feel like there was so much bullshit that was spewed that I'm really excited for People to have to face the words that they said and their hypocrisy. I don't know if it'll actually happen, but I'm really optimistic. Like I really want Tamara like all her bullshit to be exposed. That's all I want. That's all I want.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I want matter. She's just going to keep coming. You know, she's just going to keep coming over and over with a bunch of fake craps. She doesn't care. But we did get an email that is a two-part reunion. So I'd like to congratulate the both of us on that one. Pa. We got an email about that.
Starting point is 00:51:54 That is so nice of that person to email us that. So I don't mean the congrats on the email. I mean congrats that it's only two parts and up three. Oh my god. Oh wait, I thought you said that this, I thought you'd best have this episode that we just recorded was a two, we got an email that we just recorded a two part.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I'm so sorry. No, the reunion. No, sorry, I'm saying that the reunion is gonna be only two parts. Oh, that's good. It's so funny because I was like, this isn't actually a season where I would think that they could actually get three solid parts out of it,
Starting point is 00:52:24 but I'm always happy for two. I'm old, sorry. My God, we don't, this didn't record on the video. Oh no. Oh no, it says go live. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Everybody who's wondering where the hell this video is, I'm so sorry. I didn't press record. It's my turn If you ever don't press record again, this will cost you a lot on the sea second Wait a second wait a second. Are you saying that I never hit record because I'm a lawyer? Is she really saying that? What an absolute idiot.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Well, everybody, thank you so much for being here. Did you just call us idiots? Oh my God, he just called us idiots. I can't believe you call us idiots. Thank you for being here, everybody. Listen. I can tell, finish it. Thank you, everyone, for being here.
Starting point is 00:53:23 We'll talk to you next time. We love you guys. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Saboni, she don't take no baloney. Strong to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a daniella. Itch-o-s!
Starting point is 00:53:39 Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-s. She's never scary, it's the green fairy. Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Pristin the Pistin Anderson.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-lu-ru. The Bay Area Beaches, Beaches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd Chadly.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Cic C. C. Tassisto! Give them hell, Miss Noel. Choose the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar. We love you guys! before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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