Watch What Crappens - #2177 RHONY: Swinger and a Miss

Episode Date: October 2, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* The Real Housewives of New York are back in the city and ready to get wacky! Erin and Abe wanna swing "with a gay guy",... whatever that means, and Sai gets together with Jessel to let her know that her trauma will never be as impressive as Sai's. This week's bonus is about failed recipes both on our stoves and on Bravo. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram Well, hello and welcome to Watch What Happens. I'm Ronnie, that's been over there. Hi, Bermings. Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Good. How's everything going today? It's going well because I, it's going really well because I'm sitting next to a radio star. Ronnie, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I hope you had so much fun on Jeff Lewis' show last week. It was. Thanks to all the people saying, beware. Don't get killed. I was very nice. Jeff was really sweet. Shane was really sweet. Just always, you know, been really sweet.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Lee was there, so that's always fun. It was a really good little day trip to Dallas. Had a great time. Went to the Roundup. Oh, great. It was a really good time. Talk about it a little on the bonus episode this week. But today, here we are.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We did remember to press record on the video today. Oh my god. So hi, we are on video today. We are. We're on video. We're on video. I also want to say, I want to say also, by the way, this is so, okay, literally I was just,
Starting point is 00:01:22 I don't like to be this person. I don't like to flaunt too many things. And so I rarely do this on the podcast, or I think I rarely do this, but maybe I do. And in that case, I'm sorry, but I wanna flaunt something. I wanna thank the listeners, because I looked at the Apple charts this morning, and we are number one currently in TV and film.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And the only reason why I'm mentioning this is because we are beating out Tom Sandivall. So thank you everyone for restoring the natural order in life, good, perseveres over evil. Thank you for allowing our podcast to be the higher ranked than Tom Sandivall, because that would have been really rough. That would have been tough.
Starting point is 00:01:58 One of the commenters was really funny and said, oh wow, so Tom Sandivall, I wonder if he's used to being the number two guy in the group yet. Yeah, baby. That's funny. Tonight is crappy hour. That is our live Instagram live show. Live Instagram live. Live on it as well.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So we do it from the place where we live, which is spelled like live. But I can't pronounce it from me. So come to our list for that 530 Pacific time, 830 Eastern time, fill in the blanks your time, you know, to the mountain, and come join us. It's a good time. And if you want the videos, slash watch it crap ins, you want bonus episodes, those are super fun, this week's kind of about real housewives of New York,
Starting point is 00:02:43 and Ben's feeling like shorts, and you can find those at slash watch at crap ins and what else do we have to announce for the week banunes? I feel like there was something we wanted to say but I can't even remember what it was. I had a delicious coffee today so that's that's my announcement but I feel like I can't remember so it just maybe it'll pop up in the middle. Maybe we just don't have anything. Maybe that's it. Maybe we just talked about Real House, those in New York today. So the episode opens with Jassel and Pobet entering a restaurant called Shansong, which means
Starting point is 00:03:18 Song and French. Shansong. I believe so yes. I am going to tap into my high school French presidency of the French club Knowledge and I do believe Shansong means song Well, who wants to eat a song? I mean Fucking disgusting. Keep your low calorie bullshit to yourself. I'm here Suggestives like what do you what so what are you going to have? I'm so hungry. Are you going to have some Katy Perry or Lady Gaga? What song do you want to eat?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Lino, Jessal really is struggling to find something in common with Si in this episode. And really, all she needed to do was start her conversation out with Si the same way she started it out with her husband. I'm hungry. That's really all, it's really all you need with Si. Yeah. Well, actually, I would say the other thing you probably need with Si is like personality, but speaking of Si, she is for Si. For Si.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Si needs it. Si needs it. I mean, if there was an ability to gift that to somebody, I would definitely send that to Si, because if she really needs it, what a humorous person. Si, there are two humorous people on one show that's not ever gonna work you guys. I know Si is really doing wonders uniting the internet because I think it's pretty universal that everyone just like Si, like across the board, age, gender, race, everyone just seems to be not into sigh. Everyone's like, really with sigh?
Starting point is 00:04:47 How do you mean sigh? But you mean sigh. Sigh. Should the body meant of the sigh? Yeah, truly. So by the way, there is some sigh gossip out there, and if you want to hear about it or talk about it, come join us for crappy hour because I think we're gonna
Starting point is 00:05:02 dive into it a little bit. Just a little promo. Just a little promo for tonight, you know. Completely unfounded rumors of my favorite kind. Yeah, but fun. Here's how the internet. So, Jess was like, did I tell you about the music class, you know, the kids are taking. I mean, the music class is here.
Starting point is 00:05:20 The kids are all the way over here. Tom Cruise, stairwell. I'm guessing Tom Cruise does in the stairwell. It's the only reason I paid for that class in the first place. And then we get this amazing flashback of these like two ladies, I think, like playing guitar, sing some kids song. That's how you know they're like, you put the meat in the bowl and you stir it all up.
Starting point is 00:05:44 And then the kids are just like wild rampaging through the outer realms of this school. Yeah, because part of sending your children to an elite school, I mean, they're not allowed to like smack your children. You know what I mean? That's why you should send your kids to Christian school. Even if you don't want them to learn about Jesus,
Starting point is 00:06:03 send them to like a Christian or Catholic school because they will still be shit out of you. Okay. And they will also show you pictures of people burning and be like, this is what hell looks like. Do you really want to go there? Behave yourself during music class. And that's why I know Jesus loves me. And still sing it to myself while I walk back and forth sometimes by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, don't send your children to schools where it feels like they're just gonna sing the Coca-Cola song. I like to give the world a coke in perfect harmony. I was like, like, Jettel's child is like lighting things on fire and knocking over pillars. So, Pobbett's like, you know, like, I mean, what's it with you?
Starting point is 00:06:44 I mean, you were just the one who were on vacation with your friends, then you left your kids behind, and like, you left them with me, and I have like no help from an Annie. I mean, what the hell, Jossal? I really couldn't call one of your friends from the Fried Chicken Society of Lower Manhattan. They were too busy stuffing their face with A.O. Lee
Starting point is 00:07:03 and fried goods. So they order and she goes with the keys. I support that. I support the keys. I love the keys. You know, I always want to like a keys. There's a restaurant here where I live that has a decent keys, but they really overcharge for theish. It's like who wants a $20 egg pie? It's like the easiest thing in the world, the Keish. And at the end of the day, I feel like it's an egg pie. Like, I don't know. It is an egg pie. But, and it is relatively easy, it's more time consuming, though, than one would think. But here's the thing is that sometimes, like I love Keish, but if I make Keish at home, then I'm stuck with a whole quiche in my life for like a week,
Starting point is 00:07:47 which is great, but it's not good for me, because there's a lot of cream in quiche. But if you go to a restaurant, it's just one little slice, and it comes with a little salad on the side which makes it healthy. So I'm totally down for restaurant quiche. So Poffit is not. He wants chicken and waffles, but he's like,
Starting point is 00:08:02 is it possible to make them extra spicy somehow? You know, what do you have for hot sauce here? And the way it is like, um, I can check with the kitchen. You fucking tacky piece of, uh, you have a little, uh, a street ketchup on your face, sir. As far as just eating a hot bag on my way in your never trust the French restaurant. And then just just because, but this is a French restaurant. And then Jessica, Jessica's, Poffice, this is a French restaurant. What do you want? What do you expect them to have hot sauce? He's like, okay, like some French homemade hot sauce or something.
Starting point is 00:08:35 He's like, yes, sir. We'll see what we can do. Can you pulverize a croissant with some pepper and some, I don't know, some heavy cream and just pour it all over his waffles and chicken and whatever he wants. Oh, I'm sorry, waiter. Could you please bring Povit some daily, heavily-centred deodorant, sticky-oatron,
Starting point is 00:08:53 with aluminum. That would be great, Povit. Idiot. Do you have a wheel of bree that you've covered in Tabasco sauce? Just shove it on his waffle. So that actually genuinely laughed when she said that. Cause it was like so jussos.
Starting point is 00:09:08 It's a French restaurant. She catchi hates him. So they are talking about, she's talking about the trip. And she's like, I mean, it was a lot of it. We learned a lot about each other and who to fuck with and who not to fuck with. And Erin, you know, you've got this, like, whole privilege thing again.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I mean, I just don't understand. And then we get a flashback to Erin being like, I mean, listen, it's okay if your parents help you, my parents help me. So just be honest about it, your parents helped you. Yeah, Erin's like a really strong, Erin just doesn't want to be the only one who's like, just truly from like unavoidable privilege, right? She wants like someone else to be there with her. So that way she doesn't like take all the heat for that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And just like, no, she's like, I'm not trying to paint a picture like, oh my god, I was so poor. I was just trying to paint a picture of I was fairly poor and now stuck with an idiot husband. That's all. And now stuck with an idiot husband, that's all. So then we see the Anguilla or Anguilla, depending on where you're from or how you like pronouncing things, I don't know. Just like, you know, I only had $20 at one point and then side being like, oh yeah, there was a point where I had $0.00, I like just so, $0.00 and 0%. I was negative 498. Do you know what it's like to have zero dollars
Starting point is 00:10:26 to be negative in your bank account? Oh, fucking crime more, Jesus Christ. I hope they cry in this episode. I did count how many times they cried because it was three times. Three crying scenes in 40 minutes of an episode. Let's see, wait, there was Brun in the Rare bookstore. There was, it was sound, sound bath.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And then, I don't even know what happened the rest of the episode. Did, who else cried? What happened? I know that Si and Jessel had, we're gonna, I mean, it's gonna be in the notes. But I literally, did they, did they have another trauma Olympics
Starting point is 00:11:03 that I'm forgetting about? I literally cannot remember what happened. I remember they wrote some other cry I was singing about. We'll get to it. We'll get to it one day. To generalize, try something here. I don't know. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I'm gonna cry. I'm gonna, I'm like, I never cry, but like, I'm gonna cry right now. So, Jessal wants to spend more time with Si because she wants Sicyte to understand where she's coming from and she's like, well, all the dots. I want to squash this. I love squashing beef.
Starting point is 00:11:34 I love squashing beef. Parvitt doesn't like to squash beef. He just likes to eat it when it's served to him by a pigeon in his chef's hat on the street. Parvitt prefers his beef from a vegan restaurant. You know, I said, where are you ordering beef for a vegan restaurant? Fucking idiot. He's flying to Endura tomorrow to get a mileage run
Starting point is 00:11:53 and also to try some special Endura and burger that he's excited about stupid idiot. So now they start talking about date night and he's like, yeah, I planned it. We're gonna deal like a little dinner in a staycation next week at the ritz And she's like, what are we gonna stay here? He's like, we are staying here. And she's just, did you set up a nanny? He goes, yep, everything's set up and ready It's just you've set up the nanny. You know, you can't hide anything from me. I run this household How are you gonna hide that from me? How are you gonna do it?
Starting point is 00:12:25 He's like, what if I have a secret manny? Other question, is the nanny an actual nanny or was it just some takeout from the halal brothers? It's taken from halal brothers. It's not even the manny, it's a hot dog lady from the street. It's the lady you pass when you come out of the bar that's like, hot dog, hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog
Starting point is 00:12:48 My friends and I you always do that because after improv when we would come out it because it was a bar You know, yeah, and whenever we come out the hot dog person would be there And they just always are going constantly like hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog hot dog So we'd make songs. You know, just to the rhythm of the hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog. Yeah. Hot dog, hot dog, hot dog. You get head churns and so when we went to see Beyonce, we came out of that Sofi Stadium or whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:21 And the streets were lined with the hot dog of people, and we had just been talking about it, and it was like a whole cacophony. I'm hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog, hot dog. I hope it rains. Hot dog, hot. Just do all of the out-say songs to the rhythm of hot dog. God, it was a glory. I can see hot dog, hot dog, hot dog.
Starting point is 00:13:43 If you like it, then you should have put a hot dog hot dog hot dog If you like it then you said about a hot dog on it If you like it then you said about a hot dog on a hot dog Got my feelings of hot dog in love Got my feelings of hot dog in love Ooh baby hot dog Um By the way this is hoping hot dogs Drunken hot dog you put the hot dog on top
Starting point is 00:14:24 Literally putting hot dog on top of something, but by the way the irony is that I don't think those hot dogs are that good. And I'm someone who I love. People don't, people may not realize this. I love hot dogs. I love them. But those aren't, those aren't the best. But you know they're trick, though. And this is why everybody's like, I'm a guy that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:14:36 First of all, they put, they make it in front of you. Also, they're doing a hot dog rhythm, which everybody's addicted to rhythm, am I right? And they put bacon. Yeah, that's the bacon. Even if people don't like the hot dog part, they can still, or even if they don't want bacon, they can still taste the bacon grease on the hot dog.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Yeah, yeah, it just smells so good. So you're drawn in and you eat it and you're like, am I gonna die? So now we go to Henrietta Hudson's. Have you been to Henrietta Hudson's? I was about to say, I feel like Ronnie has been there so many times. I don't know if I've been there.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So yeah, it looks to be a lesbian bar. L.A. was the first time I had gay guy friends. I, my friends have always been women growing up and as a young adult, and when I lived in New York for years, my gay friends were lesbian's. So there you go. A lot of Henrietta Hudson's in my life, okay. I'm jealous. I want more lesbian friends. I did watch a documentary about Ani De Frank over the weekend, so I feel like that counts. You could be inducted. I think that counts.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah, I think it was it was it was moody, but lovely. So we're at Henrietta Hudson's, and Jenna walks in, the power lady that she is, and then Bryna's there, and she's like, oh, Marish, you. Hi. I was like, oh no, this is gonna be, I know already the entire arc of this scene. Bryna's at a lesbian bar. We almost don't even have to watch this this is gonna be, I know already the entire arc of this scene. Bring Isadal, Let's Be in Bar.
Starting point is 00:16:06 We almost don't even have to watch this because we already know it. Yes, and it is pretty much what you'd think. It's a straight girl wooing a lot. And, you know, we listen, we bring straight girls all the time to gay, but we're not all the time because there are some gay bars you just don't do that.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Like the Abbey I guess is where you take your straight girlfriends to. But some of the other ones, I remember one of my friends brought his friend to Fault Line when that was the thing. And that one's a really dirty bar in LA. It's like a dirty gay bar. So it's like gay porn playing everywhere. And she was just going, whoa, oh my god, it's a saw penis. That guy just showed his penis, the whole thing!
Starting point is 00:16:46 He showed the whole thing! Ah! And that's very much a brain in this lesbian vibe. Brain is definitely a GLM, which I just made that up, which is the girl that says, Gave Love Me. So, Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Which, I- GLM T-M-F, to my face. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-T-M-F to my face. It just makes me think of happy endings, the wonderful sitcom from yesterday. There was a character came on there, it was like, Gaze, love me. And then the Gaze character was like, please don't, please don't, please go away.
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, I's like, I wear my pajamas, because I'm definitely just gonna go home with him. And Jon's like, oh, well, thanks for coming. Thanks. Let me buy you a drink. Do I even know how to buy a drink for someone? I don't like, I'm like, crazy shy right now.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I'm like, I don't even know how to do anything. Oh my God. And she's like, yeah, you know, and Rita Hussons is the first place that I ever went to when I came out of the closet. And I mean, I'm just so good to be here, but I just need to be with someone like Brandon because God, I mean, how do you even do this? I mean, they're girls, girls on girls like, I'm just so awkward. I'm just so ashamed.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I'm just so shy. Like, wait, I'm gonna do that. I have no, you don't need game. You're a paralyzed being in a suit. Like, you literally don't need to do anything. You literally can just sit there, Jenna Lyons. So, and then Brent, of course, this is where she's like, oh my God, I'm wearing my pajamas
Starting point is 00:18:15 because I can rent to go home with like, any belly. So, Jenna's like, I'm just like, actually, so relieved that Brent is here with me because that girl has like, game, like literally she brought a chess board. So, it's just like nice to have an activity here. But, I'm just like, I'm just like, actually, so relieved that Brenna's here with me because that girl has like, game literally she brought a chess board, so it's just nice to have an activity here. But I'm just like, shy. I'm shy, I've never come in one of my life.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I'm like, damn it anybody. Okay, you beat me. Okay, yeah, you only beat me in one turn. Still, I'm learning. Oh, check me. We're like, suck me, am I right? So she's like, look, I'm even more like glums, and because I'm gonna start finger-banging somebody.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Oh, no. So that. So that. I'm gonna guess because she's got like little beads on her gloves or something. And so, Jenna's like, okay, okay. So why don't you go ahead and pick for me though. Go ahead and pick. And so, Bryns tells us, yeah, I got a gay bar. It's pretty often.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I mean, let's like not differentiate between straighter gay. Because like, there's good-looking people. I'll go there. And I'm gonna be drinking and I'm gonna be flirting with you ever again. Jenna's like, who are you? I want to make out of the girl. I want to. You want to go? I want to make out of the girl. I want to. You want? I want to make out of the girl. And Jenna's like, what went top?
Starting point is 00:19:31 This is like so cool. I'm so awkward right now. Everybody loves straight girl tourism. And the gay bars. Yeah, everybody loves that. So, Brynn, thank you. That was love. And so, Brynn notices thank you. Lapins love.
Starting point is 00:19:45 And so, Brynn notices this woman across the bar, who just happens to be in a microphone, who knows, like, young, tall chick. And so, she brings her over. And John is like, okay, well, I just, oh my god, what am I supposed to do? She's coming over here. What?
Starting point is 00:20:03 What am I supposed to do? Should I give her a store at Rockefeller Center? What should I do? Oh my god, she's tall white and probably has money. I should give her a store You know, it's really really hard for those people right now and Rockefeller Center Are you interested in taking you over F.A.O. Schwartz? How do you feel about a clock? That seems the same song 24 hours a day You're not gonna get at the award's for sure because I'm wearing gloves. Isotaners more like Isabona's. So the lady comes over and she's gorgeous and she's very flirty, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:45 So, Lady comes over and she's gorgeous and she's very flirty, you know. And, um, Bryn is doing kind of like the flirting out. Like she's got like a dot on her cheek, like a little birthmark or something. And she goes, Hi, I'm Bryn. Oh my God. She's a dotting your cheek. I have one too. Like it's right here. Right up my upper lip.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Sometimes I use eyeliner on it to make it, but it can look like yours, because yours is so good looking. Yeah, and then she's like touching this girl's mouth, her name's K.A. She's like touching it whatever. And Jenna's like, oh my god, this is like amazing. She's like, I've been single so long. I actually don't know how to do any of this stuff anymore. I didn't know about the dot on your lip thing. This is wild. I'm having a little bit of an out of body experience. I'm just so awkward right now. I'm a very awkward person at this moment. Yeah, it's so crazy. I'm not really even sure what to do with this person. I mean, usually if I want to pick somebody up,
Starting point is 00:21:37 I just slowly walk up to them and kind of sidle up to them and just say, I reinvented Kaki. I don't know, I don't know, just hope it works. Will you be my God child? I made Kaki popular again in the early 2000s. So, I dress Michelle Obama. So, this girl Katie is like, so how long have you been single?
Starting point is 00:22:03 And Jan is like, not long enough? you been single? And Jenna's like, oh, like not long enough. Oh my God, I am like so embarrassed that I said not long enough. That's like crazy right now. I'm like a fish out of water right now. Like it's totally crazy. I mean, if I was a fish in water, it'd be like,
Starting point is 00:22:19 oh my God, do I even belong in this water? Am I good enough for this water? Of course it's water. It's water too cold, is it too hot? I mean, I'll take it either way. I'm like, I'm like, I'm like a fish out of water, even when I'm in the water. It's like an animal crossing when you go fishing
Starting point is 00:22:31 and try to catch a fish and you get a boot instead. I'm the boot. I kind of like the idea of Gemma being an animal crossing person. She is 100%. She is definitely like, she's definitely like, like maybe one of the cats, or I don't know, but she definitely has a house that's like very like,
Starting point is 00:22:52 khaki on the inside, and like you have to give her lots of gifts for her to really become your friend. You give her so many gifts, and she's like, I'm awkward, I don't know what to do with your gift. So Katie's like, I mean, look, you're gonna feel much more comfortable. Wait, what'd she say?
Starting point is 00:23:09 You just need to be grounded or something like that. She's like, should I sit? I mean, I don't know if I want to sit. Should I stand? I don't know if I should stand. What should I do? How do you do it in bars? Like, what do people even do in gay bars?
Starting point is 00:23:19 Do you mean a fucking break? I'm sorry, I'm not really buying this whole thing. I get, like, I'm buying the trauma, I'm buying all the stuff she sold up until this constantly being nervous. I don't even know how to hit on a girl. I'm sure. Yeah. Meanwhile, you've got the unfunny lady from shitscreet calling you up and like trying to like impress you. So don't act like you don't have game Jenna. Okay. What was that lady's name? I don't remember a person who verified that we didn't watch that. So I watched it.
Starting point is 00:23:50 I watched it. I just did not commit that actress to my pop culture dictionary. Oh, yeah, people got very upset. So I'll keep them moving. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crapence. Watch what crapens and winter is crappening of a funniest recap podcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast, Go Story, about my investigation
Starting point is 00:24:12 into a murder suicide in my own family. Go SoundReal, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately, I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent occupant of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too. Including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman. It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunted my childhood room might just be my wife's
Starting point is 00:24:42 great grandmother. Who was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story, a podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunt us. Follow Ghost Story wherever you get your podcast. Listen everywhere on October 23rd,
Starting point is 00:24:59 or you can binge early and add free on Wondery Plus the same day. I'm a show. So um, um, uh, brands like, okay, well, you are gorgeous and you're smart and you're lovely and you have a dot. I have a dot too. You want to look at my dot. Okay, let's do a never exchange and if you want all broker this, okay, you're going to call tomorrow, dot it, dot it, and then you're gonna kiss his hand,
Starting point is 00:25:25 and then you're gonna walk away. And then you're gonna ruin her life, and she's gonna think about you later, when she's laughing, you know, when she's touching herself, okay, she's gonna masturbate to you. I probably will too, because love is love, am I right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah, so Katie's like, okay, so, yeah, okay, well, I guess I'll, I guess I have to do this thing now. So Katie starts doing this thing where she writes down Jenna's number. I mean, her number on Jenna's arm, and she's like, it's sort of awkward. I feel like this is not natural for Katie, but she feels put on the spot to do this
Starting point is 00:25:56 because there's cameras there. So she's like, so here's my number, and yeah, you can, it's my number. And Jenna's like, okay, okay, this is, this is, this is very cool. So you want me to give it to you? Want me to give it to you again? My number, you can give it to me as many times as you want.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Oh my God, that was so awkward. Put an awkward line for me. So then let's see, now that's it, right? Like how many, Jenna's like, now that's it, right? Like how many? Jonas, I don't know if Kitty recognizes how many decades I've been on this earth. I mean, maybe she just wants a male. I'm not really sure.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Am I even a male? Because that's like, mom, I'd like to... Does anyone want to fuck me? Do they? I mean, I don't even know. Am I just a male? Or is that mother and law? I mean, I'm not a mother and law.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Is that sexy? Mother and law's I'd like to that mother and law? I mean, I'm not a mother and law. Is that sexy? Mother and law's I'd like to, mother and law's I'd like to. Let's ask you in your letters. Nobody's gonna get that. I then Jenna goes up on stage with like, they go go to answer and as I doing some sort of like, prank, like she's very pranked, man, to see, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:59 and not with any of the undertones of like, she's gonna go like, she's predatory and she's gonna destroy her lover. It's just she just literally looks sort of like a very preppy prank mantis and she's just up there with, you know, and doing this like thing and brand stuffing a dollar in her in her shirt. She's like, oh my god, I'm so awkward.
Starting point is 00:27:18 I'm so awkward here, I am on stage. Here's me just doing an awkward dance on the stage. It's a bar. So now we go on double date with sign Dave and Aaron and Abe. Here's me just doing an awkward dance on the stage. So now we go on Double Day with Sign Dave and Aaron and Abe. At la condenta, which I'm assuming means content, which is hilarious because this conversation really takes a turn. Okay. That is hilarious, especially because someone sent me a link
Starting point is 00:27:42 to an article that the headline says, Emma Thompson is right, the word content is rude. I don't even know what this... Okay, let me see what the premise is. Content that means happy. Content. Content. Not content.
Starting point is 00:27:58 It's content. It's content. It's rude. So this in Spanish this means happy. Okay. And guess what else I don't want to eat? Happiness. Isn't weird.
Starting point is 00:28:11 They're going to a bunch of places. I don't want to eat the names of the restaurant. Happiness, music. Okay. You know what a good restaurant name is? Hatta, hatta, hatta, hatta. Okay. So.
Starting point is 00:28:21 We get it. That is good actually. Hatta. They're actually. There are a lot of places. Okay, so we can actually hot dog there actually there are a lot of places. So Dave and Sire coming in and Dave's like, I'm looking forward to getting Aaron's feedback on this problem. Who's gonna be really interesting?
Starting point is 00:28:37 And so I was like, honestly, if we time, she's like, you know what, here's what I'm gonna tell you, Dave, I'm gonna say the same thing I said in our house. I'm hungry So then Aaron and Abe are walking in and Aaron's like honestly like if we're good tonight And because they're still sleeping, let's just like stay out like I'm thinking maybe even till like 8.30 pm I don't know. Let's just be wild. He's like, yeah, babe. Let's do it so they get there and be wild. He's like, yeah, babe, let's do it. So they get there and, um, and saw us like, Dave and Abe already know each other and like Aaron and Aaron says,
Starting point is 00:29:10 like, you know what? Like, let's go on a double date. And like, maybe you guys can get to know each other a little better. And I thought like that, be a good, good idea. It's like hard to have a couple of friends. It's, you know, it's hard for each couple to like each other's spouse. Or what I'm finding is that it's hard for people just to like me, maybe. So I think anyone who wants just like voluntarily hang out with me on a Saturday night, we're just gonna try to like hang on to those people. So she starts talking about this vacations and so I was like, okay, well listen, this is butt game, okay?
Starting point is 00:29:38 And there's like something about Fran, all right? Like we go into a phone, we can text any guy like something naughty or something like that, like to see if there was some little areas, isn't that hilarious? We don't think about brand, all right? Like we go into a phone, we can text any guy, like something naughty or something like that, like to see their response, there's no hilarious, it's not that hilarious. And then it goes, wait, backup. Okay, so this is the point. There are sex issues between Justle and Povett.
Starting point is 00:29:55 The fuck is your problem? No, they're obsessed with this. Who does that? Someone who does? The bad. Someone on Twitter last night was like, you know, size always saying, I don't care. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You know what, I don't care. I don't give a fuck. I don't really care about any of this. And yet, like, whenever she's with, whenever a sign Aaron or with their husbands, it's all they can do is talk about Jessel. But then when Jessel tries to talk to them, and I say, you know what, honestly, Jessel, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Yeah. Yeah. And now here they are obsessing again over Jussle's sex life. So she's like, yeah, so this is the game. So we have Jussle textor husband because we're trying to spice it up for them. And then we see Brynn texting in this flashback. I'm wet.
Starting point is 00:30:38 No, no, no, no, no. And they're like, what did he say? And so Brynn reads the text back. And then, P reads the text back and then, Prophet wrote back, you should really get a talent, right off the end. He's like, I'm wet too, but only because I spilled some chili on myself while I was walking down Park Avenue.
Starting point is 00:31:01 So Bryn is like, I'm sorry. So Aaron is like, I have a question. Okay, so to Abe and Dave, for you to, if your wife had not had sex with you for a year and a half, like what would happen? Like, what would happen? And Abe is like, I'd fuck other women. It's like, whoa. Wow. Binger. It's like, whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Dinger. A red flag, everyone. Bad, it's a bad, serious danger. So you can't come to us complaining. Also, I love that it was just so offensive that anyone would flirt with Abe. When Abe's like, oh yeah, you're not gonna, you're not gonna have sex with me.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'm gonna go fuck somebody else. Varian. I do for these people that are fucking ape? He literally looks like a 2023 version of Daniel Webster. Okay, I don't understand this. I feel like he should be having Webster like the devil amped. Yes, he literally was like,
Starting point is 00:31:58 look up a picture of Daniel Webster right now. Okay. I'm going to, hold on, we look at Daniel. I think it's it. Yes Webster I think they congratulate Daniel Radcliffe for being the first Daniel that ever comes up on Google. Yeah, that's amazing I want to point out there's a variety of Daniel Webster images also And if not Daniel I've not Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha if not Daniel Webster he really looks like he's someone like there's a portrait of him because he he found in some company in 1833 that sold
Starting point is 00:32:33 grain and now likes it makes airplanes yes Ronnie you're so wrong who does this okay I'm gonna show people who are on video Choose an actor saying Okay, I'm gonna say I kind of looks like Abe Lincoln this time. I was gonna start well I was going to say Abe Lincoln for Abe But then I decided ultimately Daniel Webster that is or maybe just it's some president. Is it like? So Abe says he with fuck other women. Listen, that's shit because there is gonna come
Starting point is 00:33:10 a certain time in your life where you're not gonna wanna fuck your husband, okay? I mean, I get that I'm older and sometimes this is where we have to really say, listen, we're older and you're gonna have to listen to us on things, okay? You little, you kids that we're talking about on this show. At some point, your husband's not gonna, you're not gonna want to fudge your husband. Okay, one day, Abe is gonna just look fucking disgusting to you for months at a time. Okay,
Starting point is 00:33:34 and that's natural. He's gonna have to do stuff to make that work again. But in the meantime, do you want him to really be able to use the excuse? You weren't fucking me, so I went out and fucked a lot of people because he's going to. And he just told you he would. And anyone who says that's a joke, no, it's not. And this other one, Dave cracks up. And Aaron's like, oh my god, a book kind of person. Are you?
Starting point is 00:33:57 And Dave's like, well, listen, I don't know that I'd cheat on you, but if you didn't have sex with me for a year and a half, the relationship is basically over. Don't, don't, don't. Yeah. And then Abe is like, yeah, I mean, my answer was just like, that's the consequence of no sex. Like that was what my answer was.
Starting point is 00:34:18 And Sai is like, my husband said the right answer, but like, that is what a husband should say. He said the right thing. I'm like, wow. You're both aesthetic. Both of your husbands have revealed that your marriages could just fall apart in 18 months very quickly. Okay, got it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Yes. Well, basically, yeah, that if you don't constantly fuck them, they're leaving you and cheating on you. And you're right. You don't get it to their names. Jussles hasn't fucked her husband and over a year and a half at this point. And he got them a room at the ritz.
Starting point is 00:34:51 He's still madly in love with her. And he took, like he's bragging about being with her and taking care of the kid. And you're pretending that you're winning over Jussle, guys. Yeah, I mean, they've kind of lost this whole battle on this episode. They're like, yeah, I mean, it's really simple You just have to cater to your men's needs and supplement your own and your marriage will be wonderful I'm like Jessal went through this trauma of like IVF and this pregnancy
Starting point is 00:35:19 She has her she has by the way Jessal has put in her entry for trauma Olympics a very long time ago. And for some reason, no, it's like, she is like trampolining at the summer Olympics. It's a totally valid sport, but it gets no TV coverage, you know, like, why? She has her trauma and they are just like, oh yeah, well, she should be having sex again,
Starting point is 00:35:39 because otherwise her man's gonna leave her. It's like, I think it's pretty sad. And I think, listen, listen, you know, I get that sex is an important part of a relationship and I'm not suggesting that it's not, okay? But your husband should say, no matter what, your husband should always say, you know what, I love my wife.
Starting point is 00:36:00 And if there was a problem sexually, I would try to work through it with her for her for her for her for her for her for her for her for her. That's the answer. But both of your husbands are sexually, I would try to work through it with her. Exactly. That's the answer. But both of your husbands are like, I would leave you and I would fuck around on you. And then they laughed and then you patted them on the back like they were doing it. They made the right choice. You guys are so sad.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And now I see why you're both overcompensating constantly, trying to prove how much sex you have and how much better your relationship is than everyone else says. Meanwhile, Jussell hasn't lifted a penis in years, and she's being treated like the queen that she is. So you both lose, sorry. Yeah, well, you know, I mean, Abe and Dave both married the plans of time, so that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Oh God, I can't wait to talk about this, I gossip tonight. Oh my God, I was gonna be happy because that makes this scene even more delicious and the fact that they waited to bring this story up until this week when the husband's like, yeah, I'd be done with her if we weren't having sex anymore. It's great.
Starting point is 00:36:55 Okay, so this became super awkward and it actually made me feel bad for Aaron and Sy, even though they make me crazy more than anybody else on the show, it made me feel kind of bad. Really? Yeah, who wants that? No, no, no, it's not.
Starting point is 00:37:09 No, it's not. I mean, you feel bad, I don't know. And your husband saying that on national TV is just like, ooh, like you both deserve better. I think you're both assholes, but you both deserve, even assholes deserve better. They both deserve better. I didn't feel bad for them though,
Starting point is 00:37:22 but that may be just because I was falling into micro-napps listening to them talk. But, well, it makes me feel bad because it makes Aaron's constant, like, oh my God, me and my husband have to have sex all the time. Like, I'm like so obsessed with having sex with A.M. Like, I have to, I love having sex with A.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And it just seems like so out of character for her. She's got such like a Lilith from Frazier kind of a vibe about her. That, uh, there you go. Lilith was very sexual actually on that show, but you know what I mean? Just kind of that uptight. I will not have you be smirched Lilith name
Starting point is 00:38:00 by dragging Aaron into her character, okay? We are not cross pollinating the Frazier Extended Universe. The Frazier Cinematic Universe with Aaron, okay? Aaron does not remind me of Lilith. Aaron reminds me of just like every boring person I ever met at a cocktail party. And that would not be the same. Aaron reminds me of a window unit
Starting point is 00:38:23 that just stays on at all times. It's just, you can tell it's working, but it's extremely boring. Aaron reminds me of not just a window unit, but those rosy from the jets and air conditioners that actually live on your floor and have a weird accordion pipe into your window. You have a robot blowing cold air on you. So yeah, I mean, I felt bad for him. Okay, which I've completely, you know, threw a man out the window. Listen, I don't think anything is wrong
Starting point is 00:38:54 in Aaron's relationship, just because she overcompensates by talking about sex and had a 10 year vow renewal, I think that like all signs point to very, like huge amounts of stability. Totally stable. Okay, so let's move on here. What are they talking about now? So, other thoughts that their husbands are eventually going to cheat on them.
Starting point is 00:39:13 The side can't that they don't feel like having sex. Oh, yes. Okay. So then they're like, yeah, my husband did the best. That was the right answer. And Aaron goes, okay, well, I mean, I would have sex with another man. And then Dave starts, you know, getting uncomfortable. And he was like, hey, let's not go too far in.
Starting point is 00:39:30 We talked about this. Just, okay, yeah, guys, we're not gonna get into it. He goes, and I was like, what are you guys talking about? And Aaron's like, listen, like at a later stage in our lives, maybe there will be a moment. Swain. Swain? Swain?
Starting point is 00:39:44 I mean, maybe. Like, we're just like, look at me. It's like Aaron, like, totally fine. I mean, who doesn't talk to me for five minutes and walk away going, embodyment of fun? Am I right? Oh my God, the worst swinging couple of all time. So, but he was like, no, but this could be in like 10 years.
Starting point is 00:40:01 10 years from now, we'll go swinging. And Aaron's like, okay, well, we talked about it having a threesome. And you said it would have to be two women. And I don't want that. And he's like, I didn't say that it goes, yes, you did. Because then I said, well, I would want to have sex with two men. Because otherwise it's not fair. And then he goes, yeah, well, I would only be okay with it as long as I was in the same room. In my mind, I'm like, I'm hearing too much about their sexual PowerPoint that they have laid out and it's getting stranger and stranger. Not straight, I mean, no judgment. People can do whatever they want.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It's just for these two people. It does not match what I thought about them. Me neither. And you know, listen, sex it up you too, but I don't believe them. I think they're just trying to be because it's like the dinner tape. You know what I mean? You're on a double date with friends. I just don't, I don't buy that these two like sit around and talk about swinging with their friends. I just, I feel like they are making it up as they go along. I feel like they've never had this conversation before. And so now it's going in strange directions.
Starting point is 00:41:08 They can't stop it. Like, they're just, they're yes-ending. They're, they're sexual plan into a strange, very strange direction. Because then, next thing you know, because it was like, I'm not into swinging. I'm the cuckoldry. What would you call it?
Starting point is 00:41:22 I'm into puppy domination. So, Aaron's like, then all of a sudden Aaron's like, like that she just wants to have sex with a gay man now. Because that was- What does that even mean, Aaron? What does it mean? It's like, yeah, I would want him to be gay. And so I was like, ew, a gay guy?
Starting point is 00:41:39 You want to have sex with a gay guy? Which, I'm like, okay, now you guys are just veering into problematic territory. But also, what fucking gay guy wants to have sex with, okay, now you guys are just veering into problematic territory. But also, what fucking gay guy wants to have sex with you? What are you talking about? That's what is cracking me up, because Aaron, Aaron's acting like, like, we're just like ready to fuck her. She's like, yeah, because this way,
Starting point is 00:41:57 it's like, you know it won't be a relationship, it's just sex. I'm like, are you gonna, what, you're gonna like knock on Frederick's door, your old boss? Like, who, what gay man is lining up to bang Aaron? I mean, I know she's hot, but like, she's also incredibly, she's not a gay icon.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I think we want gay icons. I think if we're gonna have sex with a lady, it's gotta be like, J.H. Or, I don't know, Adina Menzel, maybe, and these are not my favorite. It's gotta be like... J-HUH or... or I don't know... Adina Menzel maybe? I don't-
Starting point is 00:42:28 These are not my favorite. She's weird. I don't know. I'm just imagining someone being like, Yes! I banged J-HUH and it was amazing. She sang the whole time.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I don't know. There's no gay guy that's gonna bang Aaron and be like, I call it! Yes! I'm hitting Aaron! I'm out, yes! I got it! I just feel like you want to come out of it with a good story. I just don't feel like the gay guy doesn't come out of it with a story. She gets to have the story like, I got it. Yes, I'm moving air, I'm out, yes, I got it. I just feel like you want to come out of it
Starting point is 00:42:46 with a good story. I just don't feel like the gay guy doesn't come out of it with a story. She gets to have the story like, oh my God, I'm going to gay guy. It was great. But he gets to be like, I banged Aaron from Real House, was in New York, it's like boring.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Yeah, there's a story. It's weird, cause like I banged a gay guy, but the whole time he said, you know, Uba. And like, had me trying to text Uba. It was really weird. Abe did come though. So that was good. He was in the corner. You have this whole thing. I agree that they're just trying too hard
Starting point is 00:43:12 and then it starts appearing out of control and they really can't. So by the end of this, I think Aaron is the one sitting in a corner while Abe's getting fucked by some guy. Like I don't even know, by the end of this, I'm not really even sure what's going on. But it was worth it because at some point,
Starting point is 00:43:29 Si, Si says something about, like, I was just trying to say the phrase, like, well, I don't scream. I think during this actually, because I don't scream, but she says, I don't scream. And that was legitimately the funniest thing that Si has said all season.
Starting point is 00:43:42 But she even was like, oh my God, I can't believe I said that on camera. She said, I meant I don't scream. The shoes, here comes one right now. So Aaron says, yeah, I will never be in a sexual marriage. 10 years from now, like if we're having issues, bring in the gaze, bring in a unicorn, bring in anything to get us going again because intimacy is so important. You know what's important to gay people? PNS is, okay? Yeah, that helps. So shut up. Stop trying to be, stop trying to sound cool by saying you'd fuck a gay guy, okay? I can't with you. But nice before I try, please do more iconic. Yeah, I must try trying to convince us that you're interesting.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Please be campy and iconic, or also just like a muscular man, because we need those things. So now we go to Brynn going into a rare bookstore. So this is the funny thing with Brynn is that now this is the second time the show is decided that they wanna like, by the way, guess what, Brynn is that now this is the second time the show has decided that they want to like by the way guess what Bryn is actually really smart and well-rounded and we want to actually
Starting point is 00:44:51 give a different dimension to her. So we had the chess club thing and now it's the rare books thing. So here she is going into rare books because she says that she's saying I'm a very new collector of pussy and I love girls. But only like about for like five years, because like I just really started buying them because I'm like, I like them aesthetically. And then like, you just fell in love.
Starting point is 00:45:12 It's just like a slippery slope. Oh my God, that rare book has like a dot on its mouth. Oh my God, I'm gonna finger being that rare, but I'm sorry, am I the wrong set for that? So, Brent's doing this really try hard thing. The first thing was her chess club. She can't play chess. I love that the editors plound her and showed that she has no idea what she's doing, okay?
Starting point is 00:45:35 She couldn't play Getsai, then she couldn't play Getsai in the actual club. It was embarrassing. So now she's pretending that she collects rare bucks, and then she doesn't know anything about these either as we find out further at least seen in the scene, which is hilarious. I think she's collecting qualities that she, listen, and I think that's great. Which is what I do too.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Which is what I do too. As an adult, if you're like, listen, I always wanted to cook. I do that as an adult. I take lessons or I watch YouTube. I think that that's adult. I take lessons or I watch YouTube. I think that that's pretty good actually, right? That you're trying to continue your education.
Starting point is 00:46:10 But it's all like Princess Diaries shit. It's like stuff that I wish I had been raised to Princess. So now I'm going to do the Queen's Gambit collecting books and like possibly fencing, like face fencing next. I act. It might be. I have a friend who actually fenced, he like is like a fencing. I act. It might be. I have a friend who actually fenced, he is like a fencing club in New York City, which I think is really cool.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I actually like this. I like- Like back riding. It's gonna be horseback riding. So I'm back riding. I love riding bareback. I'm definitely not with Jenna. Oh, red meat.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I, well, I actually feel like whether this is sincere or whether she's just trying to create a personality through this, I find this like significantly more interesting than like all like the real try hard andcess and I'm wet. Like over and over and over again. I mean, yeah, there is something. It's still like, it doesn't. What's hard with Brynn is that, and this may be a producer issue,
Starting point is 00:47:07 we just don't understand who she is. She's just like this, she's this flirty woman who has a traumatic backstory, but like what is, what is her life? Like we don't understand, like have we even seen her house? I don't think we've even seen her house. We haven't seen what she does for work. She shows up at like a vintage car shop.
Starting point is 00:47:27 She shows up to play chess. She shows up for rare books. It's like she's like an AI-generated cast member. I don't get it. I mean, I feel like I get who she is. I just think it's not as deep as people are looking for her. I think she's showed pretty much who she is. And it's not bad. Like I think she's very charming and stuff. I think she showed pretty much who she is. And it's not bad.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Like I think she's very charming and stuff. I think she's definitely got some tweaks to make in season two, but I think being a first season and being thrust in the spotlight like this, I think she's probably at the end of the day coming off better than everybody else. Well, most everybody else. I think that like Brynn, she can be really awesome.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Like there are some scenes where I really, really, I'm like, I'm totally down for Brynn at she can be really awesome. Like there's some scenes where I really really I'm like I'm totally down for Brynn, but then she just sort of goes back to this kind of like tiring entire some stick of like the flirtation over and over and over again and I'm just like tired of it. It's like not titillating. It's not funny. it's not interesting, it's not entertaining to me. But like her walking around a rare bookstore, that's more interesting to me, but I don't understand how that fits into her larger life. That like that's the thing, like there's a context
Starting point is 00:48:34 that's missing with her. And. Well, you know it has context and bugs. I'm in love with them. So she, this is how we know she's full of shit with this hobby too, because she goes, actually, I'm really interested in more like 18th, 19th century books in English. They don't have illustrations in them.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Okay, because listen. And this lady who's at the bookstore is like, uh-huh, okay. She goes, yeah. Because when there was illustrations and drawings, I feel like people would like hang on to, like, I feel like they would like hang on the book song, whereas like if it was just like, oh, there's no pictures, they're more likely
Starting point is 00:49:16 to be discarded over 100 or 200 years. And the lady's like, uh-huh, I've never heard of that. Well, because it's not a thing, she's making things up. Come on. That's such an interesting theory that was never discussed once when I was getting my masters in library science, or ever in any sort of journal or from any academic, but that's such an interesting theory that also doesn't really even understand why that makes a difference.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Wait, so you're saying that you think that people keep books longer when there's pictures of them, but you're likely to find the book without pictures. Wait, because she's saying she's more likely to find a rare book from that time if it doesn't have pictures. Because people love pictures and books. So, because what?
Starting point is 00:50:07 Because since it has been so frequently thrown out because it doesn't have pictures, therefore you actually find that book, it's even rarer. Dude, I don't know, but it may be. It's such an obvious, like, a made up thing and the lady's like, ah-ha. Yeah, I'd never heard of that. Yeah. And it's like such an odd nuance, right? So now when I find them, I get excited when I got that.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Okay, okay, Brad, all right, FF. Wow, I just, now I feel fully embarrassed that I have a fully illustrated version of crime and punishment. Wow, I'm gonna have to try to track down a one that's only text. Here I thought I had a special version. But it's such a weird, I just love this woman
Starting point is 00:50:53 just being like, uh-huh, wow. That's a cool theory, doesn't hold any water. It's anyone, so it's anyone. So she's like, yeah, and like some guys, like don't like it when I pull last week's economist out But you know what being well read is a plus Especially the ones without pictures. I mean when you tell my guy that you read about it doesn't have pictures Bona bona. I mean they will stick it right in the economist in your purse. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:51:20 You know it's like so hard fine, finding an addition of a New Yorker without those cartoons. It's like you can't get one. Like why don't you even do that? So Allison's just like showing her around all these things. Like, you know, like, oh, here's a Jane Eyre, or here's like a King Lear, something like that. And by the way, I just realized,
Starting point is 00:51:44 Bryn saying her do everything's a man can have in his pocket or Centurion card in New York City public library. I understand she's being cool and everything. But again, this whole thing about like you what you're only buying me gifts Jenna. Why don't you try to connect? And she's like still going on about Centurion cards. It's a. Well, hey, at least she wants a guy who just borrows books. So now we go to FaceTime, she's FaceTiming her brother. And they're gonna get a tree for their Mimi in a park or something. And he's like, what are you doing at the bookstore?
Starting point is 00:52:20 She's just, I just wanted to like, drop off a couple of books and get their thoughts. You know what I mean? Pictures versus no pictures. I'm working on a theory, so. Oh, were you able to ever find that non-illustrated version of Babar you've been talking about? No. It's like one page long. So he's like, your birthday is coming up, right?
Starting point is 00:52:44 So do you have a birthday lead up plan? Are you doing anything in the interim? And she's like, I'm gonna do the tree. I'm gonna meet up with an arborist from Central Park Conservancy and then we're gonna walk around. And so they start talking about the tree for their grandma and she starts crying.
Starting point is 00:52:59 So this is one of the... This is a cry. This is a cry. Right. So her grandma died. You know, I'm not saying it's not a legit reason. It's just a lot of crying. So she cries about her again.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And she's like, you know, she taught me that nobody's better than me. And I'm not better than anybody else except for the people who read books without pictures in them. I mean, I do have one on them. Yeah. So then basically they have a nice moment about their grandma. So who raised them in their game, the tree, Yadayata. So now we go over to Jenna entering a place called Flolo Holistics, I believe, and Ubiz in there. And because they're going to be doing this healing sound bath,
Starting point is 00:53:45 I feel like we sort of, we didn't mention that, but there is a sound bath this episode, and they're gonna be healing, and so then Jenna's like hugging and saying hi to Uba and everything, and then they're like sniffing each other because Jenna's like, oh my God, you smell delicious, you smell almost like fresh khaki, and she's like, oh darling, thank you so much,
Starting point is 00:54:04 you smell delicious too. So there's like sniffing each other in the sound bath and everything. And it because we should come up with a perfume together. Like, okay, you mean a collab? Weren't you just complaining about the collabs two weeks ago? On this show. Yeah, so what would happen would be they would come up
Starting point is 00:54:20 with a perfume and then Jenna would not give it to everyone because they complained about receiving collabs and gifts and then everyone would say, I don't understand why is she like trying to exclude us? It's like it's like there's two teams and like she doesn't even want us to have her perfume anymore. So Uba says she's doing this because of the incident in Anguia and she wants everybody to get along but she also wants to go to a deeper level of healing because people are going through things, guys. So Si enters and she's like, all right, what are we eating? Is this an eating bath? That's what I want to hear. It's what I want to say on bath. I want the
Starting point is 00:54:55 sound of my jaws opening and shedding again around a carb of some kind. And then brin faced times in and she's like, guys, I got stuck in me last night. I got it in last night. Yeah, a swap. I'm COVID positive. I'm wet. I'm more like my test is wet with my snot because I did a test.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Positive. So she had a sore throat, some saying girl, I bet she didn't really know. So then Jettel comes in and she says, oh my God, how pretty. Of course this is Ubers event, Ubers. So everybody's like, hi, hi, hi. And they're like, oh, bring Kent, come because she got the, she got the vid. And Jettel's like, oh, I'm so sad you're not here.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And then Ubers, like, oh my God, I can't yell in this room. I will not be yelling in this room. They're like, oh, that is hilarious. So then Aaron comes to him, she goes, oh my God, I'm so happy Uba plan this, because like I can use a healing experience after the craziness that is I'm well on.
Starting point is 00:56:03 The craziness where you played like a quote unquote prank and then no one laughed and then you got to cry about it. Yeah. So then we have the healer comes out her name is Alexandra and she's basically doing the whole, you know, like if you have any intentions, please, like, put your intentions out there so we can really connect with your intentions and then we can have a sound bath. So they are all gonna announce what their intentions are. So, size. I mean, their intentions are just so. Come on, this is your intention.
Starting point is 00:56:36 They're all bland, fake. Anybody could have come up with these intentions. Can we get some from the heart intentions? Yeah, size is like, my intention is to be more present. Again. What's that? You literally left the lunch. Okay, you're literally,
Starting point is 00:56:53 by the end of this episode, you have left your present engagement. The intention doesn't work because you're immediately defy the intention. Just say your intention is lunch. Okay, that I would believe. So then Jenna's like, my intention is to be more open and less guarded.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I hope I can be more open. What does that mean to? I also have an intention of turning this healer into my goddaughter. So if you'd like that, my house is your house. And then jessles is like, my intention is to stay really grounded. As opposed to puff its intention, which is to have more ground beefy found on Madison Avenue at a vendor. Aaron's like, my intention is to be more patient and present with my kids. And Ubisoft's intention
Starting point is 00:57:48 is to bring all the love I give outside to myself. So more self-love. I'm not really sure if that's what that meant, but whatever. So Jenna starts laughing and she's like, oh my god, like, Uba has so much self-love. I just, I mean, I don't know that she needs more self love. And okay, well, good for her. Yeah. So in Alexandra, the healer starts like banging a tambourine or something or a drum and she's like, and they're like all loving it.
Starting point is 00:58:18 They're like just shaking it. And just kind of funny because they're having this like sensual healing emotional sound bath, but they're in kind of like a conference room. It just felt oddly not holistic in there, you know? But I guess that's kind of the New York City version of a sound bath. Yeah, and so she starts this like,
Starting point is 00:58:39 okay, everybody, take a moment to feel your body and we're gonna take everybody on a journey today. And when I start drumming, I want you to bring your inner child to say to the little girl inside of you, I'm here. You'd like to bring your inner child to her and say, you are safe. For fuck's sake, can we just leave the inner children
Starting point is 00:59:03 at home for one episode? No more inner children! Tell your inner child to shut the fuck up and get in the way back, and if they make any noise back there I'm hitting them with the witness food, okay? We need to get the inner babysitter. We need in this drum circle. Let's get the inner babysitter to take care of the inner children, okay? So that way your outer you can get a cocktail.
Starting point is 00:59:26 So yeah, so Alexandra goes up to Jenna first and she's like, okay, Jenna, you say, I came from the future, you are free. And Jenna's like, hi Judith, this is Jenna, it's the same person, but guess what? You're Jenna now and you're free, except you're not, because you're still Judith on the inside. Oh my God, I'm so awkward to my inner child right now.
Starting point is 00:59:47 By the way, inner child, do you wanna be my God child? I know that's very meta. So the lady is like, okay, drop your resistance. There's a big wall in front of you. It's huge, a huge wall in size like smirking. And she goes, I don't like it. You know what, I don't want to go on a journey anywhere unless you're stamping my passport.
Starting point is 01:00:07 And I want that stamp to be in the shape of a French fry. Because I'm starving. It's like, this is all obviously ridiculous. But side does not to be rude to the lady by laughing in her face. Even that I got to know it at. So now Ubers next, Ubers crying because Alexandra invokes the spirit of Ubers mother who
Starting point is 01:00:26 passed away recently. So Ubers crying. And then Jussles like, we very rarely get to see Ubers cry. I mean, I think she's a very private person. And I just want to make sure she knows that we're there for her and she'll know that because I'm going to touch her hand for about five seconds. And then I'm going to take my hand back and then talk about part of it being awful again. I think that'll do. So, Justin's like, oh my god, that was wonderful. Wasn't that funded? Anybody see me cry?
Starting point is 01:00:54 I was. It's very painful. She really bothered that memory of having $20 in my account. And unfortunately, with the ATM fee of $3, I couldn't actually withdraw any of the money. So I had 17 available dollars, but they hadn't come out with debit cards yet. And it was absolutely terrible because my uncle lent me $10 that day. So I was able to eat something,
Starting point is 01:01:22 but it was still $10 I had to pay back to my uncle later on. So really a terrible passage of time in my life. Hmm. So, um, they get some food now. And Aaron's like, I was like, that's a bit fancy for takeout, my own person. And they all get their own bag. Which I like too. You know, that's how to order takeout for your friends. So, Aaron's like, I mean, anything you can do to get out of your element and try something new, for example, the penis of a gay person.
Starting point is 01:01:52 I mean, I'm down for that. I mean, look, did I think those ladies a bit much? Yeah, like she's a little bit much, okay, like, no, no. But I mean, that whole thing, I was a lot. But, you know, okay, went on a little too long for my liking, but I mean, otherwise it was pleasant. I was like, okay, except for the lady
Starting point is 01:02:10 who rammed the course completely, sucking people at you like it, okay. Okay, well, thanks for coming. Well, as you know, there's sound bath or learn about fisting, so. Just like, by the way, Si, what are you doing on Friday? Are you free?
Starting point is 01:02:23 Do you want to grab lunch? Nothing I do is free. No, is your schedule free. Oh, yeah, say, what are you doing on Friday? Are you free? Do you want to grab lunch? Nothing I do is free. No, is your schedule free. Oh, yeah, okay, sure, like what time? I mean, I don't know, I'll text you. I'll text you, she's just, okay, are you gonna like ambush me or something? No, no, no, I just wanted to.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I don't know, try again with the trauma limb big start off, give it a second shot, you know? I'm just like, I really don't care to go to lunch. I mean, what could she possibly have to talk about? So she goes, all right, let's gossip. You know who has some gossip? You know what, now that I've got food, I'm ready to talk to people.
Starting point is 01:02:52 Okay, because all I needed to do was eat. So let's talk about my staycation with my husband. And so everyone's like, oh my God, cheers, cheers. And they're going to the Ritz Carlton. And Aaron's like, are you guys gonna have sex? And Justin's like, yes, fuck, yes, we are. We're gonna have so much sex. We're gonna sex it up.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I can't wait to stick his penis inside of parts of myself. You do it, right, girls? We have so many sex tours. I have vibrators. He's bringing a shwama. I don't really understand what that's used for. Sex, he says it's gonna turn him on
Starting point is 01:03:27 Just all what are you? It's like we're gonna have so much sex. I've got all these things for the night. I've got toys. I've got vibrators I've got Loubie. It's like what are you? Crying out loud just we don't we don't have to go this far with a keep it simple. Goodness. Aaron's like, oh my God, you're gonna have sex on Thursday. You're gonna have sex on Thursday. I'm like, well, but now she's gonna be thinking
Starting point is 01:03:54 of you in the background going, you're having sex right now. It's Thursday. If there's anything that is an advanced bone or killer, it's Aaron saying, you're gonna have sex on Thursday. Congratulations. She's like, I am. I got sexy lingerie.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I have this really cool dress. I'm gonna do a little peekaboo action. And then it's like, oh my God, have you ever worn anything like that with him before because that's like a random thing to just like kind of pull out at the last minute. She goes, no, it's very rescuase, I'm, so Aaron's like, I'm really excited. And I can't wait to see you after you have sex,
Starting point is 01:04:32 which you definitely will be having. And then size like, yeah, you should make a video. And Aaron's like, oh yeah, she's like, yeah, I wanna see it, I wanna see that video. I wanna get myself horned up to have sex with a gay man, looking at you, Andyko and get ready. I'm like, yeah, we're going to need proof of this. So then we go to a side daughter date at a bakery with her daughter, London, who I don't think
Starting point is 01:04:57 she's ever got out with her daughter before, but no, just judging from the scene. So she's like, all right, you know what, take off your jacket and stay while my darling, I can't wait to hear about your audition for that thing. So what happened? What was it? Am I gonna get food eventually? Am I gonna get something over here? This is a restaurant, right?
Starting point is 01:05:16 You make food? Great. Great. So her daughter London's talking about this audition and the bars and girls and all this stuff because she's a ballerina and so she had a ballet audition and I guess she messed up at one point because I was like did someone see you when you messed up she was like I'm pretty sure someone did but it's fine and
Starting point is 01:05:35 and and so I was like oh god I was nervous I was so nervous for you she's like yeah mom you're a nervous wreck so basically a size daughter is a ballina, but she also wants to be a Broadway actress and she wants to sing and dance and be a triple threat, which I love. I actually, I think I'm already finding London 10 times more interesting than her mom. I'm like, just have London as the next real housewife, you know, I know we're gonna go on.
Starting point is 01:05:56 I'm happy to go on her Broadway journey with her. Mwah. So, so I was like, oh yeah, I feel like every audition you've gone on, you've gotten, you're so lucky. You know, when I was little, I wanted to be a gymnast, but we didn't have any money for that. So I would just watch gymnast on TV, you know, and then I'd run from couch to couch, and I'd jump on the couch, and I'd put my hands up like this, and I'd be like, it's a 10, it's a 10. But I never got to do classes. So maybe I'm living vicariously through you.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Mommy lived a completely different life. London's like, are you fucking kidding me? Can we make it through one croissant without you fucking talking about how lucky I am to have this croissant? Jesus Christ, did you walk to school and just snow up a hill? You know what, actually, it wasn't even as nice as that. That's what I told you,
Starting point is 01:06:40 because when I would jump from couch to couch doing my gymnastics move, you know what score I would get? Negative $488. I don't even know what that was a score, but that's what I got. You wanna talk about having a 0.0 score? I'm your woman. Yeah, she was like, I had nothing and you have everything.
Starting point is 01:06:58 And Grio's London's like, ah, ah, ah, ah. She was, yeah, so I'm thinking that your aunt, your aunt Sophia can come out next week. You know, we'll probably use some rice and beans, you know,, uh-huh. She's, yeah, so I'm thinking that your aunt, your aunt Sophia can come out next week. You know, we'll probably use some rice and beans, you know, because she makes that. And they get their food or whatever. And she's, what are we talking about? When did she say that?
Starting point is 01:07:16 My notes are a little confusing here. When did she say that? She's like, yeah, I've been back from vacation. She's like, I didn't even notice you were back from vacation. Okay, okay, that's hilarious. It's hilarious. She's like, I came back two days ago. Okay, thanks.
Starting point is 01:07:31 Thanks for remembering me. I'm like, so I get used to it. People would be like, remember that girl's side who was on the real house, who? So she's like, you know what? Mommy's friends are like really crazy. I'm just like so happy to be back. And by the way, way to go, uh, way to go. I just feel bad that side has to now appeal to her daughter to get people on her side.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Now, you know, just like to turn them against Jessel and just trying to get her to go go after Jessel. So, um, now we go to Jessel and pop it. Jolly? Yeah. So they're getting ready. They're packing to go on this staycation thing and he's just like kind of sitting on the bed and she's like, oh, I'm so getting liquid up tonight.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Povit and he goes, yeah, well, there is a lot on the agenda today. So got a lot going on. We've got some fancy fine dining, potentially Michelin star, okay. You'll be dining on my vagina pov it, right? No. I brought to vagina fork.
Starting point is 01:08:32 No, I'm wondering. I think that's what you call this. He's like, that's a double pronged vibrator, actually. Okay, well that'll work too. Would you like me to read the menu off of Dania Balood's restaurant with that turn you on? So he's like, she's like, well, you know what? I don't want to go to a stuffy place. If we're stuffing anything, it's gonna be my room with your penis.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And he's like, oh, actually, I prefer one star anyways. She's, oh, I'm not worth three stars in my public. Because no, you're not worth it. So he pours her some champagne. And she's like, happy non-anniversary date night. Oh, happy sex anniversary. We're not to make, not to sap out all the sexiness of the staycation. Happy sex anniversary.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Happy sex time afternoon evening day. So he's like, is that a thing? Well, whatever, cheers anyway. And she's like, what, what going through this normal? It's a rut that happens. It's not a scandal. And so then she shows like this lingerie that Bryn gave her.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And so he's like, uh, okay, interesting. So, and we see a flashback of Brynn and Jessel shopping for lingerie. And Brynn's like, you need some like Crapsis panties. Like, look, look, what I'm wearing. And she's like, unbuttoned her pants to show Jessel, her Crapsis panties, while a guy is staring through the window of the store at them.
Starting point is 01:10:04 This is it. And she's like, this my friend, this vagina here, right through this little swinging door, this is desert. And he's like, um, but also, could we have real dessert? I really like real dessert too. Okay, you can have regular dessert. Super vagina. No, just on a plate. Oh, plate, that's resting on my vagina. Sorry, Brind Suge, I'm over China. No, just on a plate. Oh, plate, that's resting, I'm over China.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Sorry, Brim told me I should say this. So she's like, I have more things to you, but I'm gonna leave that as a surprise. All right, Crotchless panties, vibrators, dildo, Aaron's loaning me a gay guy, all right? So if Brim was there, she was in my ear right now, she would literally be like, okay, you have to let Cal go of him. I'm going to show you what that is.
Starting point is 01:10:48 All right, so I sit on you with my crotchless panties. Can you feel me with your wiener through your donkers? All right, now I'm going to do this. You feel it. You feel it, Pawwet. He's like, uh, okay, what? I'm going to need more champagne. I'm going to do this.
Starting point is 01:11:04 And then she said said treat him the way Povit treats a euro lick him and then write a blog entry about it. So Povit's like He's like he's like, oh wow. What's going on? I think we need a little bit more champagne and so she's like oh god Okay, so when was the last time we even got to do this, be wild and crazy and be away from the canister of all years? And it's like, it's been a long time. Ooh, she's like, wow, look at this, this box for this thing that I put in my vagina
Starting point is 01:11:36 and call it, it's called a whisper quiet or something. What's that? He's like, yeah, I'm not really whisper quiet. So then she puts on her lingerie with it. I like that she's trying on all this stuff that's supposed to be sexy. No, it's just hookerish enough for you. What do you think of this? All right, tonight at our staycation, I'm gonna surprise you with my new lingerie. Here, let me show you what it looks like. This is like the most awkward scene of all time, but I like that there, I don't know, they seem to have like such a nice chemistry together.
Starting point is 01:12:12 It doesn't feel try hard. They actually are like laughing. By the way, it just looks banging in that lingerie too. I would like to add. But yeah, it doesn't, it doesn't feel like a boner. I got, use that boner, go have sex with Aaron. Okay, Aaron. I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk,
Starting point is 01:12:27 I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk,
Starting point is 01:12:35 I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a non-jerk, I got to be a through this scene that the producers want them to have and neither of them want to do it,
Starting point is 01:12:45 but they're kind of like laughing that they're going through it together. You know, this is funny, like, climbing out the whole thing. All right, so we're gonna have sex. I have an ad sex with you in a year and a half. I've heard that we should get deal-dose, vibrators, coquins, and some lingerie where you can see my vagina. Does that sound sexy to you, Pothet? Like, what's your- What about a sling? What about a sling?
Starting point is 01:13:05 What about a sling, like sling TV? No, but we can get that too and put some pornography on. That does that take pornography? I don't understand. So then we go to Brennan Uba talking in the bath and Uba's like, oh, you know, I really missed you yesterday. It was so nice having all these women together and building community. And brands
Starting point is 01:13:26 like, yeah, that's what I'm into to is like being a powerful woman by while still being the kind of wonderful woman to other people while still looking for books without pictures because I'm intellectual. Yeah. So they're talking about Ubitels are that Jettles have a interstakation at the Ritz. And Bryns like, yeah, she told me, we should send them like a stripper and some lube, and maybe like a rarebuck. And then Ubat is like, so do you think that going to do it?
Starting point is 01:13:57 And Bryns like, I can see them getting hammered and then like passing out, which I think we all know, that's like, they're not gonna get hammered and pass out, they're just gonna have food coma and pass out. Let's be honest And brands like yeah, we should like imagine Britz Carlton housekeeping up this and show up and be like a knock-knock And she's like brine you have covid. I'm calling to help department if you leave so then um, okay now we get to get now finally blunch Okay, like so But then, okay, now we get to get now finally the lunch. Okay, so, Si shows up at a place called Champers,
Starting point is 01:14:28 which is very Heather DeBro. Heather DeBro calls it Champs. Champers, I think, still qualifies. So she could show up at this restaurant at 11.20, which is 20 minutes late. Okay, Si is 20 minutes late to this restaurant. Okay, so then we see that it's 11.28 and Si is sitting there waiting. And she's like, I don't know what my friend is. And she just decides to this restaurant. Okay. So then we see that it's 1128 and size sitting there
Starting point is 01:14:45 waiting. And she's like, I don't know what my friend is. And she just decides to order food because she's like a noi that she has to wait, even though she herself was already late. And then it's 1137 and Jessal walks in. So, Jessal is admittedly 40 minutes late to lunch. And she has no idea, like she has no idea that Si was 20 minutes late so for all she knows Si has been waiting there for 40 minutes but ultimately though Si was only waiting there for 20 minutes and no bad though. It's bad. Someone invites you to lunch because they want to like
Starting point is 01:15:18 impress you and get you off their ass and then they show up 40 minutes late. Wow. That's bad. Well, someone else on Twitter said, so I should have played trying to like be to read in the situation, but Jessal was like, no, I'm going to be the to read in the situation.
Starting point is 01:15:33 That's how I got played. Meanwhile, Teddy is still waiting in some restaurant, somewhere in the backlight. So Jessal's like, oh, there she is. Oh, God, she's going to be mad at me. So mad at me, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I was just, I actually drove here in my family's alcoholism.
Starting point is 01:15:53 So it took a very, very long time. And fortunately, nobody left me any money to pay the cab. Sorry. So then, Si is like, she's not going to drink. She's like, I'm not going to drink in the middle of the day. I have so much work to do. Do you know how many boxes I have to watch other people open for me? So Jess was like, well, I was, I was, I was in the car for 45 minutes. Well, why did you play it?
Starting point is 01:16:16 Take this place then. But I thought it would be convenient for you. Are you shooting today? Is doing that thing where you take a photo, one photo, and then you're done for the day, but you're just gonna say you're really busy, you're doing that today? Yeah, I'm a bit frazzled at the moment. Right, also she picked this place
Starting point is 01:16:36 because it's in Brooklyn. Oh no, it's not Brooklyn, it's in Lower Manhattan. I guess she was doing it because it's like closer to the bridge or whatever. I just looked at that. It's like, how dare you. So I thought it would be convenient for you. So, you know, you've got some fresh and easy boxes.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Is that what those are called? You've got... Do you have a Casper mattress? You need to touch. So tell me, I've been very interested in your career. Do you have those shoes from Facebook where you just step down into them? You never have to reach down and actually pull them
Starting point is 01:17:09 onto your feet. So tell me about your me undies. And Jassel's like, well, I'm sorry. This was supposed to be a fun, relaxing lunch situation. She says, all right, well, if we're going to do relaxing, can we just do that on the weekends? Because I work. Okay, I'm a fun, relaxing lunch situation. She says, all right, well, if we're gonna do relaxing, can we just do that on the weekends? Because like, I work. Okay, I'm a very, very busy person.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Okay. And Jessel, Jessel's trying to still be kind of like fun and outrageous and like fabulous. She was like, this is the weekend for me. It's Friday, baby, yes. And so I was like, Friday's a work day, Jessel. My gosh, you're like ruining Fridays too. It's like Friday's a work day, Jessel. My gosh, you're ruining Fridays too. It's like Friday's a work day, but like.
Starting point is 01:17:46 It's such a miserable person, and you don't have a regular work day job that's nine to five. Please give me a fucking break. You can't go to lunch on a Friday. Yeah, I'm sorry. Like it's a Jessel, Jessel should not have been that late and Jessel should have texted.
Starting point is 01:18:00 So I also could have texted that she was running late, but also 20 minutes late is annoying, but on Real Housewives time, like that's like being like three seconds late. So I think if she was saying you're rude for being late, that's one thing, but just being like, this is a work day.
Starting point is 01:18:15 And if you wanted fun and easy, why would you do this on a work this? It's like be quiet. You are no fun at all. And just like trying to be fun, just like trying to be like, yes, like we, like, go friends.
Starting point is 01:18:26 She's like, well, I stopped my weekend on Friday. Friends. And so I was like, no, I don't want it. So I asked what's going on. And Jess was like, she's like, get to it basically. And Jess was like, well, I had my date night last night. And then we see like a blurred selfie or whatever. And Jess was like, well, I'm
Starting point is 01:18:45 no longer a born-again virgin. Let's put it that way. Peanus, Dildo's, vibrators, cock ring, even a remote control, all inside of me. While Puppet was eating a cheesecake, I mean, we really did both climax at the same time. It's amazing. He bought the cheesecake from a little rat on the street with a chef's hat on. It was adorable. The rat said his name was Catatouille, which was, I was like, it should be ratatouille if you're going to buy from a rat. He said, it was Catatouille. So it was a little off-brand, but the cheesecake was still marvellous. And so I was like, what's it awkward?
Starting point is 01:19:19 She was honestly, it took like 20 minutes to loosen up. I mean, it has been a year and a half. I mean, it's like the Mojave does it down there right now. She's like, oh my god, a year and a half, that sounds insane to me. It's just, oh really? I know someone who hasn't done it with Parvett in four years. Their own Parvett, their husband. Four years.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And she says, oh my god, you know what? If that's the case, then your husband is fucking someone else. Totally, totally good friend. To me and him, you know what, he's wasn't a priority for us, you know? And so I was like, I'm sorry, I don't believe her, you know, I don't believe that her and Pavan had sex. There's zero details. And I think that Jessel's just so sick of us asking if she's sealed the deal that she's
Starting point is 01:19:58 just lying. I'm like, probably yes. Or maybe it's also because she knows it doesn't matter what details she gives you, you're still going to think that she's lying. So she can't really give you any information without being in the... Also, I want to have sex with my husband at a staycation and we had sex is details.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Yeah, like who needs to hear more about from their friend? I do not want to hear about my friends fucking. Also, I don't think a lot of us need to hear like, well, this is what my vagina did. While I was fucking, here's exactly how my penis worked during this staycation with Povit. And Si is so visibly annoyed and unhappy
Starting point is 01:20:35 to be there and so cold, like why would Jessel give any details if it did happen? You know, why would Jessel confide anything to you right now when you're just basically so uninviting as a person in this moment? So I was like, okay, all right. So what's your husband's name? Pawel, Lava, Papaya, whatever.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He's going to Vietnam, so what's that about? And she's like, oh, he does this. It's a called a mileage run where he sees how many miles he can run away from me before I realize he's gone. And so I roll his eyes. And she's like, why is that funny? And she's like, I mean, he's going to Vietnam for miles. So he does this frequently. She says, yeah, he does it frequently.
Starting point is 01:21:14 He's doing his thing. So anyways, so your man goes to Vietnam for what? I mean, there's so many questions running through my mind. I just, I can't. I can't with this, I can't. Hmm, well, okay. So she did what you wanted. She wouldn't have fucked her husband like you wanted.
Starting point is 01:21:30 So now you're gonna call her a liar. And now you're gonna make her think that her husband's cheating on her. You really suck, man. This lady sucks. And like, Jussles is like sharing about something that Pawel, Pawvitt does. And she's like, ew, gross.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Like, I don't think Scy realizes, and oh gross, I don't think Si realizes and Aaron, but I don't think they realize how often they just shit on what other people say and then are angry that those people don't open up to them more. So, I mean, admittedly, what Pawvot's doing is crazy. Okay, I agree with Si, but if I'm Jussie's friend, I don't just be like, oh, what the fuck, you know, I Try to, you know, like you just try to be more friendly. So Juss is like look so
Starting point is 01:22:16 so sorry Look in Anguila, you know, we were at dinner and you know, you were asking me questions about my uncle and this whole thing, you know, and she's talking about, we see the flashbacks of her talking about her uncle at that dinner and everything inside getting really mad that she brought up the uncle. So she's like, it felt to me that you thought I was comparing myself to you and how you grew up and I wanted to make sure you understood that's not what I was trying to do I don't think it touched any of your struggle whatsoever and I just I want to apologize for Making it seem like I was trying to
Starting point is 01:22:57 Outshine your trauma with my my trauma, but if you'd allowed me I'd like my trauma to have the stage today is that okay? And just so But if you'd allowed me, I'd like my trauma to have the stage today. Is that okay? And Jussle, so I was like, Jussle, to be honest with you, I don't even care. I just don't care. Which, you know, like, you do care. Hey, all you do is care, okay? And then the second anybody tries to have a real conversation with you, you look, I don't care. Yeah. So Jussle's like,, even now, you don't care. Okay, well, I was trying to explain that I didn't want you to think that I was defending, you know, I just, I was defending you. I just want to make sure I wasn't defending you. She goes, I'm not offended.
Starting point is 01:23:33 She goes, okay, then that's it. Well, I just wanted to make sure we're good. She goes, I mean, you could have fun with me for that, honestly. Like, a work day lunch to tell me this. Wow. Thanks. Yes, but we're on a television show, which probably has a larger reach than your Instagram, so you're welcome.
Starting point is 01:23:48 So I just like, but I wanted to see your face. I wanted to see your scaling little face in size. I guess the one thing about this group is, we all know that when someone's not being super straightforward and we get offended when someone tells us a story and we know that there's some shit missing from the story and just like, okay. And you know, okay so like oh so we all get very offensive and we all like just kind of like are like well when we're gonna call you out because it's not making any sense and I know
Starting point is 01:24:12 that I come off as very abrasive for which I apologize but I know I'm like that because I just I'm genuinely I'm just like I'm like furious I'm just like a one-on-no I just want to know these things and so well I want to open up to you guys and share who I am, but I just feel like I'm just nervous. I'm scared to even share stuff with you guys because it's like, it doesn't. You know what? It's what we want to straightforward. Okay. We don't want a circle story. You just cut it on each vessel. Just own that shit. I mean, when you just own it, no one really messes with you. That's the key here. And I think this is why the tweet that we're talking about later, which is basically just somebody saying, oh, Jaisal, you should probably ask Sai about how she stole her husband
Starting point is 01:24:54 from some married lady and got impregnated while she was working at one of his bars, and et cetera, et cetera. So that is completely unsubstantiated. It's some tweet. Nobody knows if that's true or not, but just the fact that it came out after Sly utters this line, like just be straightforward, you know? I mean, that's the key here, that's the key here. And Juss was like, okay, well, I know.
Starting point is 01:25:18 Just, you know what? Juss was like, did I expect the cold reception? I didn't. And you know, the other thing that really hit home was like when you were telling the story about your mom, you know, really hit home because I had a similarly situation. And now she starts crying, which is the third crying scene of the episode. So she starts crying and she talks about how her mom had two brothers and she lived with one in New York and the other one that she was living with was Uncle Mittens and he was an alcoholic and she blamed herself every day because she doesn't think that she really helped him
Starting point is 01:25:52 and he died. So here, Scy talking about her mom being an alcoholic, connecting all those dots and Scy tells us, wow, a little dramatic, right? I mean, you apologize to me and then you try to compare, for trying to compare, but then you turn around, you have this story about your uncle and it comes out because of my mom. I mean, babe, it's apples and oranges, all right?
Starting point is 01:26:15 Apples and oranges. But aren't people allowed to relate to your stories? Like if you tell a story about a horrific trajectory for your mother because of alcoholism, which is very sad and we all agree that it's very sad. I think we all feel bad for Si, what she had to go through with that. Isn't Jussel allowed to relate to that and like, understanding the, the toll of alcoholism, you know. There's a difference between one up being unrelated, but I feel like, like, Jussel has now, like, give,
Starting point is 01:26:52 like, now there's been some time since that vacation and she's just trying to, she's coming back just trying to say, like, I lived with my uncle who's an alcoholic and he passed away from it and it was really hard and I lived with him and I felt like I could have done something more. I feel like, that's a way more. I feel like that's a way to, I feel like she's actually trying to connect with Si
Starting point is 01:27:09 in some way, try to show like, hey, I have had an experience with alcoholism too. And all Si is hearing is, your story isn't as good as mine. And now you're trying to one up it. And that's not cool. Well, I think Jessel is trying to find some common ground. But the only thing that Sy respects is trauma.
Starting point is 01:27:27 And she's not going to look no matter what Jessel says. Jessel is coming across as being like, I have trauma too, guys. Like, I want to be in your trauma group. But Sy is like, no, you don't get to because I was raised by an alcoholic mother and I was very poor, which as we saw, she even used this against her own daughter at lunch, like look at you with your ballet class. So glad you could do that because we didn't have that. We were poor and you've got money to do that because of me.
Starting point is 01:27:52 You know, she even does that kind of, which, you know, so she's trying to like come back. You can't, for whatever reason somebody doesn't like you, you can't come to that person and then try to tap dance and make them like you. I'm writing Jussles trauma isn't real to that person and then try to tap dance and make them like you. I'm right. I'm saying Jussles trauma isn't real or that her sadness about the alcoholism
Starting point is 01:28:09 or whatever isn't real. I'm just saying on the level of trying to make friends with a person that just doesn't like you, it's coming across as you're trying to bond on their level and she's like, no, I'm not gonna bond with you. You're a privileged fuck and that's it. And now you're just trying to impress me with your trauma. I can almost see what Sai is saying,
Starting point is 01:28:28 but Sai is just such an asshole. All she has to do is even if she thinks that, what's the harm in being like, this girl is obviously just trying to be my friend. Yeah. Why can't I just say, listen, Jessel, I'm so sorry that that happened to you. I totally get where you're coming from.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I'm not trying to compete. But instead, she's like, now, her trauma's not as good as mine. My trauma's the worst trauma and how dare she even try to compare her trauma to my trauma, which makes her worse in a way than just, because at least Jussle's trying to bond and find some common ground, when size just shitting all over the common ground.
Starting point is 01:29:01 And if I feel like Jussle's trying to want up her, she should just say, you know what? I feel like Jussle, you were trying to want up me right now. Like, cause that would be the directing to do. And Si's saying you're complaining about Jussle not being direct, but Si should just say, I think you're trying to want up me right now and I don't appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:29:18 And then Jussle could either react to that or Jussle could correct her. And in fact, Jussle does try to say, she keeps on saying, I'm just trying to connect the dots of like why I brought that up. It was not too, she came into this lunch saying, I wasn't trying to one up you. I was just trying to give like some context,
Starting point is 01:29:34 but she's clearly just trying to relate to Sai. Sai does not want to hear it because Sai does not want to be open to Jessal because I think that actually Sai has created a story about what Jessel is. And for Jess, like she, I don't think she's willing to break the narrative that she's created about Jessel.
Starting point is 01:29:50 And so it's easier for her to just be mad at Jessel and storm out and not hear her out. So, and Jessel's like, Well Jessel tries to talk, is Jessel puts it on the table. She's like, look, she's crying. And she's like, I just felt disrespected because I'm trying to tell you guys the story.
Starting point is 01:30:04 And it's hard for me to talk about myself because the way I grew up, look, she's crying and she's like, I just felt disrespected because I'm trying to tell you guys the story. And it's hard for me to talk about myself because the way I grew up, like we don't talk about feelings, you know, so we don't, we don't talk about that or like how I felt when I was younger. And hearing you guys talk about it, I start talking about it to open up to you. And every time I open up to you guys, you guys, you and Aaron are just vultures tearing apart my story. And I was like, okay. So anybody who's saying, we just want you to be me.
Starting point is 01:30:28 We just want you to be vulnerable. She just told you she was crazy. She's crying. She's crying. The very repressed and doesn't have feelings and what she's trying to share her feelings. She's shit all over them. And then what does Si say?
Starting point is 01:30:40 You know what? Because the story is, I mean, come on. I just wish you'd be more vulnerable. She is literally crying. She's crying. It's from you. You're such an asshole. You are such a fucking sociopath at this point.
Starting point is 01:30:51 I can't. She's like, you know what, trying to get to know you at one minute, you're at A, then an hour later, you make a stop at C. And like, we don't know, and like, I don't know what, I don't understand.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Like, where are we in the story? I'm like, what about Brynn? This is my complaint about Brynn. We don't know who Brynn is, but you're okay with that. But like, wait, where are we in the story? I'm like, what about Brynn? This is my complaint about Brynn. We don't know who Brynn is, but you're okay with that. But like, yeah, Juss will probably tell the whole story. She's like, make your trauma more interesting and palatable, log line it. I bet.
Starting point is 01:31:15 You're going on and on. Can we get an outline of your trauma? So I was like, you know what? I don't want to talk about my mom again. I don't want to talk about the reason that you're only spilling this is because of my mom. I mean, it was so hard for me to open up and I'm not sentimental, okay?
Starting point is 01:31:30 And I'm done. You're not sentimental. All you do is talk about your past. You're not sentimental unless it's about you. Everything's like, yeah, you see that English muffin? We didn't even have those. We had, we had, I'm not speaking muffins. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:48 I'm not speaking speak at all. That's how poor we were. It's like everything. Everything is about like, this is what it was for me. This is what it was for me. That is being sentimental actually. I hate to break it to you. That is you still like reflecting on the past
Starting point is 01:32:02 in sort of a way, which maybe that's not the definition of sentimental, but I'm gonna go with it. So, so it's like your story is your story. All right, our stories are completely different and I gotta go. Check, check. Just like, well, I'll, you know, I'll cover it, don't worry. And so I was like, I assure, of course,
Starting point is 01:32:19 by the way, so it's very happy to have Justin pay for this lunch because that is size's entire business. Like she just gets free shit. So Sy's like, okay, bye, have a good Friday. You can get boozing out, bye, bye, bye. And she just like walks out and she's like, you know what, I waited for you 45 minutes,
Starting point is 01:32:34 which was a lot, you waited 20 minutes. 45 minutes for you to tell me you're not comparing yourself. And then how do you drop? And then how do you drop the story? I just wanna leave. Well, bye. Bye, bye, Sy. Bye, bye. Bye, bye, say. Bye, say, bye, bye, say.
Starting point is 01:32:47 What an asshole. Yeah. So did they say when this shows ending? Like when the season finale is, cause it's time. Wrap it up. Wrap it up. Wrap it up.
Starting point is 01:32:58 I really thought, I really thought I was like next week on the season finale, I swear they're going to have like six more episodes. I feel like it's going to be it's just gonna go on and on. All the shows seem to be having their finale around episode 16 and this one is like, what, episode 12? I'm like, I don't know how there are like four more episodes in this season. Okay, this season to me ended like three episodes ago.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Yeah, wrap it up, guys. Okay, everybody, thank you so much for being here. This was super fun and we will see you at crappy Might those of you who hear this on time. Hopefully we'll get audio from it this week. We still don't know. We're trying a new way tonight every week We're trying anyway. So we'll see wish us luck and we'll talk to you guys tomorrow with some below deck. Mad bye Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney.
Starting point is 01:33:49 Strong in the park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella. Itchels. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr.
Starting point is 01:34:05 Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Betches. And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall.
Starting point is 01:34:40 She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:35:02 She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemgee. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. you Hey, prime members, you can listen to WaterCrapins Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about
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