Watch What Crappens - #2179 Crappy Hour 10/02/23: Sai DeSilva Affair Allegations, Joe Gorga the Non Lawyer, RHONJ Fights

Episode Date: October 3, 2023

*Also avail as video on Crappens On Demand* This week’s Crappy Hour Live was chatter about Sai DeSilva affair allegations, Joe Gorga’s new life as an non pract...icing attorney, and Jen and Danielle’s RHONJ suspension. Join us the first and third Monday of the month on Instagram Live @watchwhatcrappens at 5:30PM PST. This week's bonus episode is about failed food and reboot recipes, respectively. Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:25 I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'm running, I'mawa. I'm Ronnie, that's been over there. Hi, Ben. Hi, Ronnie, how are you? Good, how's it going over there, babes? Oh my goodness, it is action packed today. Let me tell you something. I just took myself to the gym, feeling good about myself. And as I'm walking back, I get an alert. My alarm went off here at home. And so basically, they dispatched the cops,
Starting point is 00:00:50 but I got home and everything was fine. So I called the alarm company and said, no need, but they said they'll try to stop the cops. But there is a chance the cops may come during crappy hours. So everyone get ready for this. It's gonna be exciting. Wow, they're super helpful, aren't they? Not only are you taking forever, you're going to take forever and then interrupt my shit in the meantime, assholes. Well, everybody
Starting point is 00:01:19 welcome. We're Ronnie and Ben from Watch What Crappens. And you probably know that because you're on our Watch What Crapins Instagram. But in case you're listening to this, it's because we finally recorded it properly. What do you think about that? Yeah, I'm feeling really good about this. We're recording it both here on IG. We're also recording it on StreamYard.
Starting point is 00:01:38 So apology if my sightlines are just like not whether they need to be. Obviously this is a police crime zone. So there's a lot of distractions. It's a crime scene. I have actually a minor great because I got these suction cups for the back of my phone. And so now they're on my screen right next to my camera.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Who am I looking at? You or you? Or you? Or you? Well, where are you? I just realized I have a little box that I could put my little thing on, my little stand on, and then I could have pretty good sight lines. So if you just excuse me for a moment, I'll go grab that little box, should I?
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's right over there. I see it across the room. Can you talk for 30 seconds? Yeah. You have less 10 seconds? Yeah, go for it. So while he does that, we're going to go over some of the basic bravo gossip headlines of the week. Okay, so here are the basics. There's obviously
Starting point is 00:02:26 some side gossip, which we will get to probably a little later, just to make sure everybody signed on for that because listen, we've all got to be here. It's like the biggest stuff for the week. Then there's like some Jenna, a Jenna quote from New York, which is pissing everybody up. Well, not everybody's pissing a lot of people off. Bethany had me on her podcast this week for that. Reality, revelations. Well, that's the, that's, that would be biblical. That would be like if Bethany was rewriting revelations in the Bible.
Starting point is 00:02:54 It's not revelations. What is she calling it, Ben? Bethany's a reality wrecking. Reckoning, the reality wrecking with Bethany Frankel. Wow. What a leader in these times. Joe Gorgha has a new business venture. Danielle and Jen from Real House, Wesley, New Jersey both got suspended and probably in the most shocking news.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Mia and Gordon split. Oh my goodness. I can't believe that. I just want to know how quickly Bravo picked up their cameras again because of all the scandals. This is the one that tops it, you know, looking forward to that reunion. Yeah, so she is giving some of those, she's giving that energy that's like, you know, marriage is wearing hand and we don't really know her reasoning yet. We have not seen the show. I'm guessing the reasoning has something to do with the chiropractor clinics being pulled out from under him and I think she pulled herself out from under him as well.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I think, listen, if you're not gonna have her relax the crack store, I'm outta here. And who can blame her if that's your deal getting married? I'm not gonna date the Duncan Donuts guy and then he decides to stop making donuts, and then I'm gonna stay with that guy. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. I think I just, I love the comparison of the Dunkin' Donuts guy making donuts versus someone owning the joint chiropractic. I'm trying to like put my dreams in me as dreams. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's a joint separation. They're joint lists.
Starting point is 00:04:30 They are without joints at the moment. So yeah, that's, so where do you wanna start with all? I mean, I guess we have to start with Sigh, right? Well, let's start a little bit with Jenna. Jenna, Jenna was giving an interview to a podcast called The Shut Up Evan podcast, which I love. I think I will listen to that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Yeah, I think I will listen to that just because I love the name shut up Kevin or shut up Evan. Sorry, Evan Ross. Sorry, Evan. I assume that's Evan Ross. Katz, right? I don't know, because you know how I work. I only I read things in bed, I screenshot it,
Starting point is 00:05:06 and then I cluster fuck you with screenshots in our shared folder, so that's all I have. But know what, you know what? I really appreciate your organization of it this week. It was much more manageable for me. We'll never know who's podcast that is, because I'm sure when people say, is that Evan Ross Katz, and then the other Evan's like,
Starting point is 00:05:21 actually, no, it's Evan, and before they can even, he can even say his last name, everyone's like, shut up Evan. Yeah, so sorry to Evan. We are bitcheted already. We're sending people to Evan Ross Katz. I'm so sorry. Everybody go listen to shut up Evan.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Sure, it's great. Okay, so she was on there and she was talking about Real Housewives of New York. My sightlines are off because I'm looking at my iPad. Guys, this is a multi-device show, okay? Yes. So she says, I don't want this to become my defining moment. I'm, you know, it's like, it's tricky
Starting point is 00:05:57 because I had a career prior to this, a relatively large one, and I don't want this to become my calling card. At the same time, I've become well aware that this is a very large, very visible, very passionate show. And I actually just can't believe how obsessed people are with the show. So she doesn't want New York to become her defining moment. And people are pissed.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I was reading a lot of the comments and I was like, fuck you then. Fuck you, Jenna, you stupid bitch. Isn't it funny how the Bravo of Pandam can switch over the course of one week? Yeah, it's great. Now listen, I really enjoy Jenna, but to quote Bethany, the leader behind the reality reckoning, it's time for also a can't be smart and stupid reckoning
Starting point is 00:06:44 because you can't act like you're gonna come onto the real housewives and be like, oh no, oh no, I don't want this to be my defining moment. Well, it's like you were putting yourself on a platform that's like so much wider that has such a bigger, more rabid fan base. Like I'm sorry, it's gonna become your rabid moment. Like she basically, I guess how many seasons
Starting point is 00:07:04 before it becomes your defining moment? Because Eileen Davidson, she did two seasons and then she stopped, so it didn't become her defining moment. But Rina, I would argue that Rina, Rina was on Beverly Hills long enough that it actually has become her new defining moment. Well, I think that Eileen's defining moment
Starting point is 00:07:21 is days for our lives, and I believe that Rina's defining moment was also days of our lives. But those were defining moments in my life. Watching days of our lives with my grandma and her sisters when I was ditching a junior high school. So to me, they were defining, I don't know what defines, I don't know. I mean, let it be defining.
Starting point is 00:07:39 What else is gonna define you, khakis? I mean, I'm like disregarding her career. That was a huge career and everything. But I'm just saying like, do you want to be remembered for bringing khakis back for a while or real hospitalized in New York? I choose New York. Well, I'm going to choose New York. I think Jen and Lyon's the next step for her. Obviously, it will be to star in the next Halloween movie. And I think that's how she's just going gonna change her image. They'll be her new defining moment. Running from, running from, from Michael, except she would like style Michael Myers.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like, I know you're trying to kill me and I'm gonna let you kill me in just like a moment, but I just would love to do something with those sleeves. Can we just like roll them up a little bit? Michael Myers, you know, I just, I don't want to say this, I don't want this to hurt you, but you really do rely on black pants too much. And you know, maybe a polo. What about a baby blue polo? I feel like the reason why you're so murderous is actually because you are like keeping everything
Starting point is 00:08:40 inside and actually like maybe a looser cacky look, you might actually like be happy with yourself and like actually want to makeoser kaki look, you might actually like be happy with yourself and like actually want to make genuine connections for once. But I don't know, I don't know, I'm awkward. I'm so awkward. I just, how do you even be a lesbian? I just don't get it. A gay bar?
Starting point is 00:08:56 This is crazy. What do you even do in a gay bar? How do I talk to a girl? You say I'm from J. Crew and then you push up your little, you know, power lesbian sunglasses or glasses and boom, you're in. You are literally in. By the way, I want to say there were some people in the chat here on IG Live at least who
Starting point is 00:09:13 were asking for the bamboo sheets. So I'm going to put the link in IG Live and I will put it on YouTube since we are simulcasting today. Just giving a heads up, keep an eye out for it. Okay? Yeah, I do this. I look for 100% bamboo sheets, which by the way, it's a lie on Amazon,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and then I just pick whichever one's of the cheapest. So, there you go. Okay, so that was the Real Housewives of New York thing. What else do you wanna talk about? Bethany's weird apology, do you wanna go straight into Sigh? What do you wanna talk about? You know, I personally wanna go straight into Sigh, and actually before we do about? You know, I personally want to go straight into sigh. And actually, before we do that,
Starting point is 00:09:47 just also want to remind her that on our G live, there is a questions function. So if people have questions for us, there already are about four questions in there. But if you have questions for us that you'd like for us to read on the air, please leave a question there. And by the way, at the end of this hour,
Starting point is 00:10:01 like the last 15 minutes, we are going to give this over, call people up, people can chat or whatever. But in the meantime, drop a question and we can ask them, answer them on the error. Where do you see these questions? Okay. At the bottom of the screen, Ronnie, there's like a talk bubble with a question mark in it. And if you click on that, no, you don't see that. No, can you see them?
Starting point is 00:10:25 I can see them, yeah. Okay, I'll read one. Let's have a question. Okay, Ben, why are you so hot? That was one in the chat. Oh, well, that's, that's, that's, that's, Ben cannot help it. It's because Ben's father is hot,
Starting point is 00:10:37 and Ben's mother is hot. And they got together and they did the, I ain't heard of her, me. And then a hot person came. Darling, I don't have the Carom Cheekbones. So, how about this? Missy Allen asks, who do you want to come back to Aroni?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Ronnie, who do you want to come back to Aroni? I'm fine with everybody being gone at all times. Listen, I'm a break up person. I'd like to break up. I figure if you break up, you're done. You're dead to me. Get the fuck out of here. I don't want you back. I'm done. I'm fine with every I'm fine with the whole
Starting point is 00:11:09 Real housewives of New York being rebooted in the first place. I feel like healthy breakups are great It's a good time. It's good when you can just say listen. I've loved the time that we've spent together Now go away while you're still a decent memory. Listen, we've all said it. Now, do I love the recast? No, but I was in favor of the reboot. I'm just not in favor of how it's going. How about you, Ben? Well, as some of you who may have listened to the bonus episode know, I've recently come fully out
Starting point is 00:11:39 of the not liking Roni closet. I mean, I know people knew I didn't like it, but I was just trying, I'm trying, but I know people knew I didn't like it, but I was just trying I'm trying but I'm fully I'm fully out there and not like get although admittedly I do think the season has improved since the trip but still I would bring back Jussell and Jenna because she's like fascinating, but I also feel like I'm gonna give Jenna one more season And then I thought the question was like, what old cast remember would you bring back? You mean from this season?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Okay, finish answering. I assumed it was this season, but I would, Jenna, because she still is interesting. And then who else is on this show? I'm on the fence about Uba, because I felt like Uba really came alive in Anguilla, but now Uba's put her back to being Uba. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And I think I would get rid of Sai, I would get rid of Erin, probably get rid of Brynn, but she might be able to stay. But honestly, okay, I know what people hate is when I'm like, but I love the old cast, I love the old cast. I'm not, I'm saying this not to be like this, but I was, as I was watching last night, I was thinking, God, how funny would it have been if they had just had Jessel with the old cast? Because that kind of would have been amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Jessel would have been a perfect match, like watching Jessel trying to figure out Ramona and Lewand trampling over Jessel and Jessel trying to fit in and the silly thing she would have done kind of would have been hilarious. I saw Ramona do on what's what happens or something and I've seen a lot of clips from her Avery podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:10 I don't need that back in my life. I'm totally fine with them being gone. From this cast, I would bring back Jussel, probably Brynn and Aaron, because Aaron's, I think Aaron will be a good villain in the end. Even though she's not right now, I believe in her. I believe in her villainous ability. She infuriates me.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I would put Uba as friend of. I would not bring Jenna back just because I think Jenna's like a good idea, but she's real. I mean, honestly, she's not doing anything. She's a lost lover. And whoever. And Sai, Sai's not interesting enough to be that villainous. I need more of an interesting villain.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I think Aaron could get there because really what makes a good villain on these shows is they start going crazy once they get famous and we know that Aaron's kind of spinning out already just. I think that's fair. I think she'll go off that, I think she'll go legit crazy soon. I think that's fair. I mean, I don't like she wouldn't be my first choice. I just feel like we've lowered the bar on what makes a good villain on Rony these days. And so I think that Erin, you know, to her credit, she does, you know, she doesn't sit idly by. I just don't think she's as entertaining as she thinks she would be.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I do hold out that the next season could actually be amazing because we've sort of seen some shows come into the shop as like Jaloppies and then on their first season, they don't really know what to do. And then, you know, exhibit comes out and all of a sudden, the car comes out with like five TVs in the back seat. And so, you know, it could be better in the second season. But I do think that Jenna is like a big flashy casting decision that gets eyeballs on the new reboot. And I think she's going to be a one and done.
Starting point is 00:14:45 Really, I think so too. Also, let's not forget that really one good casting choice can change everything on these shows. We've seen a half a million times after season one. All it really takes is a little tweaking, so I still overall believe in it. Okay, so speaking of things I don't believe in, sigh, anything that comes out of size mouth.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Now, before we get into this, guys, this is internet gossip. This is not anything that's been verified. Nothing, it's probably really shitty to even talk about it because it's that unverified. And it was just a comment. What's it a comment to tweet? Do you have it up in front of you?
Starting point is 00:15:22 I have the tweet, I'm gonna put, I actually have the tweet here on, on our discord. So let me pull it up. Of course, you know, now, of course, now it's not here in front of me, but I know it's also on our Twitter. So let me go there real quickly. But it was, this is not verified. Yeah, someone basically, like tweeted this out, this random person, okay, it's coming, it's coming everyone, I really thought I had this right here. We're the worst. Okay, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Okay, so this is what it is. So this person who we should already be a little concerned because the name of this person is Team Jennifer Aiden. I was just dreaming Jennifer Aiden. And wasn't it retweeted by team Jennifer Aiden. I would just dream Jennifer Aiden. And wasn't it retweeted by like Jennifer Aiden's hair cut? You know, some. Probably.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Well, actually, so many endorsements. But by the way, the handle is at protect Jennifer. So already kind of hilarious. Like it could just be over right there. So it's Olivia. This is basically Olivia the eagle spreading this shit. Oh, I'm sorry. This person just actually retweeted something, but she says, sigh, home wrecker confirmed hashtag Roni. Okay, the actual tweet says, this is the actual tweet is
Starting point is 00:16:34 from someone named Vixen Jenny. And it says, Jessel, next time you see sigh, ask her about how she took her husband from his ex-wife and got knocked up while working at his bar eyeball emoji. You didn't hear that from me though. Dot, dot, didn't really, couldn't commit to a third dot to really nail that ellipses moment home, but yeah, that is the tweet. Okay, so now this has led to, I saw that when we went so much we did at Addas and I was like, yeah, that's probably, you know, look, there's some problematic things about it. First of all, the stealing the husband thing. I am a lover of Vixen movies, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:13 like the Lara Flynn, Boyle, Phil, or Sheryl Infer, I'm just naming people from Twin Peaks, but you know what I mean? Like Red Rock or... Lock Lady. Yeah. The movie that Jennifer Lopez was in. You know, I love a noir.
Starting point is 00:17:27 The ones where it's like, it seems like it's like an innocent lady, but then she turns out to be the vixen in the end. By the way, spoiler alert to all those movies because just kind of ruined all those. Everyone's watching Rock West, by the way, it is absolutely amazing. Go on. Oh, I just watched one that was like a tribute to that TV show that was really good. I won't say the title because it's a spoiler, but I love those vixen. I love those vixen shows. I love the
Starting point is 00:17:55 vixen shows. But you know, and so in the context of those shows, of course you can steal a man. You know, you could you just have to be good. But in real life, you don't really steal a man. I don't love the whole blaming, you know, side, even if she did fuck some guy who owned a bar and got pregnant and did all, yeah, it's fuck that guy. That's his thought. She wasn't, she wasn't married to anyone. I still don't think it's great. Man or woman, when you're fucking somebody else who's married, you know, that's obviously not great, but it's not in the same category as being the married person who's married, you know, that's obviously not great, but it's not in the same category as being the married person who's cheating. Okay, now that said, is it true?
Starting point is 00:18:30 I don't know, because Sye, everything I've read about Sye, all of her interview says, all the interviews say that she was married 14 years ago. And if you read the people, things are saying, oh yeah, back when they were married 14 years ago, blah blah blah. Well, then somebody posted and read it today. Thank you for posting this. Love you, Reddit. Someone posted, saying, David, we're married in 2017, not 2009, and they went and dug up the actual sauce
Starting point is 00:19:01 from the state websites, the city and state websites and everything. So then it becomes, well, was she lying about that or was she just saying they've been together for 14 years? She didn't necessarily say they were married, maybe people just misunderstood them. I don't know, it's just a lot. It just keeps coming. Just I've been in bed reading comments for days.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Like, yeah. Yeah, I don't, I mean, this is strange. And then, of course, there was this story that Si posted that you shared with me where she's like reading my DMs today like, ha ha ha, because it was an emoji. Y'all are wild, thanks for the laughs. I don't know, but I mean.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Not a denial. It's not a denial, but I still, how do we reconcile the fact that everything, the bio, all the official information says they've been married for 14 years, but the marriage license says 2017. Like she wasn't correcting people
Starting point is 00:20:01 magazine and us weekly, and all these other national publications that were quoting, you know, saying 14 years. So it's a little weird. Is it like a marriage license thing? Was it was there a Tom Schwartz issue where they got married? And then it turns out maybe they had a small ceremony, but then it turned out to be, you know, they didn't get the license or whatever. I mean, I don't know. It could be that. I don't know. I mean, it's weird because I don't get the energy from her that she was someone who would really be into a guy
Starting point is 00:20:34 who's already married. But. Well, I mean, listen, a guy who, a guy, I would, I was, what should I say that? I would be into a guy who's married if he had. Okay, maybe that's not the best argument to be making about love. I don't know if there's a type that would be into a man, whether he's married or not. I mean, I think sometimes you just, I don't know, I'm not going to judge that.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Plus, I haven't really gotten the impression that size is a great moral person either or like not moral. I mean, I don't know. I haven't really gotten any any of her personality except that she's hungry and she's extremely rude to people. And she loves she even somewhat pointed out in the comments today. She was even trying to outtromb her own daughter. Watch what happens and winter is crappening other funniest recap broadcasts. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast Go Story about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Go SoundReal, at least that's what I've always believed.
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Starting point is 00:22:19 Listen everywhere on October 23rd or you can binge early and at free on Wondry Plus the same day. So here's another post on Bravo Real Housewives on Reddit. She apparently, and this is a screenshot from her Twitter, not her Twitter, her Instagram. Someone said, did you really steal your husband, say it ain't so. And she wrote back, I just heard this info today and honey HUN and why I'm invested. This T is piping hot, but let's see this boy math play out. First of all, that's not what boy math is. Even I know that. I don't know what math even is.
Starting point is 00:22:55 I'm an uncle. What's point? You know, there was that girl math. There was the girl math. You guys, this is basically at this point in old lady podcast where we explain memes that we've but this is the thing this point in old lady podcast where we explain memes that we've. What is that? But this is the. She's saying honey with H UNNY. Girl math was this meme where it was like a girl, if something's under five dollars, then to a girl,
Starting point is 00:23:20 it's free. Or if something was on sale, then she'll say, look how much money I saved you, honey. That's like, girl, eight, you and why. That's girl, man. So then the retaliation of boys is like, boy, math, like a boy can't cut clean or tie his own shoes, but then is mad that men are lonely. You know, stuff like that. So it's kind of like a Boiser Hibikritz type of thing to do with arithmetic. Got it. Sorry, I was like, well excuse me, let me dust off my math limpia black,
Starting point is 00:23:55 my grade. Oh, never mind. Let me listen, every time I think I know something, it turns out I'm wrong. So maybe I'm wrong on what it is, but I don't think boy math is like, let's see how many years he was actually married to somebody else and then how old my children are
Starting point is 00:24:11 versus how long I've been married. Because I think something in her, people have been, I didn't, I did us both a favor and didn't screenshot every single thing I've read, but people were saying that she has a blog and in her blog, she was saying that both her kids were at her wedding, like she didn't get married until after she had her second kid, but then
Starting point is 00:24:32 later she was saying she'd been married all this time to David. So I don't really know Here's what I do now. It is interesting. This came out the same week that on the episode She's basically her husband was basically like, if you didn't fuck me for that long, our relationship would be over and all this stuff. And then them dragging Jessel and her relationship and suggesting that Povits off cheating and Vietnam, which those allegations are kind of like problematic as well. So unless it's interesting timing and Jessel, we know that your fake name on the internet is Chen Aiden's haircut, baby.
Starting point is 00:25:08 By the way, Carmen Nola 23 says boy, Matt is saying he's six feet, but he's really 5'10". Yes, that's boy, Matt. Okay, I get that. I have to say, first of all, this really speaks to also the casting on this show because I don't need my real housewives to be full of scandal. I just need them to be interesting, but I've found that usually real housewives cast members are so, they're so delusional and they're so, like self-involved, that they just naturally leave a trail of scandal behind them.
Starting point is 00:25:48 And so the fact that there is no scandal, like this is the first real scandal I think that we've had for this cast, am I right? Like, have there, as there been any other scandal, anything cl- Well, there's Aaron. Well, there's Aaron and like, you know, January 6th, but like in terms of like fun scandals.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Well, she didn't actually crawl through that window. Okay. I want to be fair. There's been some, there's been like the thing, the rumors that Jessel, well, Jessel on Poverty apparently live in Dallas. Jessel can they work in the... Jessel can, Bravo Candy Bet.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Hi, Bravo Candy Bet. She does remind us of the best scandal going into the season, Jussel Puking all over the premiere. We did. We did talk about that one. That's great. Also, there was the whole rumor that Jussel and Povett were originally cast for Dallas because they live in Dallas and that they only moved to New York to be on the housewives. And that's why people are giving her shit and like she doesn't know the neighborhoods and stuff. But she does know the fashion industry so well there. And then she said in her own Instagram, like,
Starting point is 00:26:49 come on. So we aren't Dallas sometimes because Povit has business there with street food. But the end of the day, New York is my town. I mean, you know, just because Povit traveled to Dallas because he heard that they were unveiling a new type of French fry at a local restaurant does not mean it's a scandal. Yeah, so let's see. Who else is there?
Starting point is 00:27:15 Jenna. Jenna's most recent non-scandal was that she posted. She's got a new girlfriend and she posted a picture with her girlfriend and her hand was up and it showed a big diamond ring on her wedding finger. Yeah. And so everyone's like, oh my god, Jenna's getting married. And then she was posting like spoof pictures after that.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Spoof pictures. Just she's going to be marrying everybody. Right. So that wasn't really a scandal, but there was that. But you know, by the way, this photo of like, so it's so she's not getting married, is that what you're saying? But this is her girlfriend though.
Starting point is 00:27:49 This is her girlfriend that she's taking the photo with because Jenna is maintaining the age-old tradition amongst the gaze and I think that may extend the entire not just the gay men, but like there is this phenomenon of people in the gay community dating people who look exactly like themselves. And Jenna, this one, they look identical. Like, for a moment, I was like, which one is Jenna? Because Jenna doesn't quite look like Jenna,
Starting point is 00:28:17 but this lady doesn't quite look like not Jenna. And I'm just happy to see that she's maintaining this strange, narcissistic phenomenon in our community. Yeah, gay men especially, I think do that. I think gay women changed it up a little bit. Gay men definitely date themselves. Unfortunately, I've not found a Colombo licoli.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I've not found anybody that looks like the preacher guy in Game of Thrones. Is your phone on vibrate? It's supposed to be on do not disturb. You're something vibrating. It is literally not on vibrate, but I want I don't know what that noise Is that me just Well, that's that's not me. That's not me. My phone is not on vibrate. I'm not getting any text. I'm gonna I'm on do not disturb Maybe the vibration. Okay. I just wanted to shame you. I hate why I'm trying to be and I'm just maybe the police are teasing my house. The police there are five hours later to help you. Thanks guys. Everything's great in here. Okay. Why don't you read another question?
Starting point is 00:29:19 I would love to do that. First of all, hello, everyone. Hello, everyone. all, hello everyone, hello everyone again on Instagram and on L YouTube. Just catching up on comments. Yup, Abe is cheating. Someone said, Abe is no babe. I just don't see it. The NYU student, who I don't know what that means. What's the name of the Reddit thread Ronnie mentioned? Oh, the thread.
Starting point is 00:29:40 There the Bravo Real Housewives is the subreddit I read a lot. I also read Real Housewives, which is another subreddit. And you'll see it is, I don't have the specific thread name, but you guys can figure it out. It's like, SISUX. Or something like that. Oh, we've got some good questions. Some good questions.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Oh, also Sirence. That's another comment that I've been reading a lot. Is Sirence keeps saying that she owns her house, but she rents and people were like looking up her lease and stuff. Let me just say I do not ever want to piss off the Bravo audience. These people are not joking around.
Starting point is 00:30:13 I mean, they have looked up, they have turned over every stone in Sai's life. They really have. Okay, okay. Okay, I'm gonna start with the fun one first. So this one is from Ijina. And the question is, did you hear rumors about a potential real housewise
Starting point is 00:30:31 of Austin? Austin seems like such a weird choice. Nashville is right there. So I had not even heard about this. Have you heard about a real housewise of Austin? Have you seen them filming, and will you be on it as a friend of? I have not seen them filming but I live in a little town outside of Austin so I'm not really there
Starting point is 00:30:52 as much. There have been rumors for years and years that they're doing Austin, everybody denies it. I do hear they're doing a real housewives of Nashville but I don't know. I think they're doing I think they're doing like eight million real housewives shows and just seeing which ones kind of stick, right? Because I feel like we've been hearing the same cities over and over. Yeah, I agree. I'm sort of surprised they haven't done like a real housewives of like the Bay Area, just because of all the tech money that's up there. You would think there's some wealth and there be some tech yes, vibes up there, but maybe that's not their vibe right now. I mean, real housewives of Austin
Starting point is 00:31:28 would definitely be kind of like trendy. I don't know if that, I don't know if a real housewives of Austin would work or not, but maybe that would be their way, just how they kind of change real housewives of DC into real housewives of Potomac if their way of still like doing a Texas show, you know, no, since we don't have Dallas.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Well, Dallas is far and it's completely different than Austin. Totally. So that so it would make it would make sense to do in here. And also Austin has a lot of like tech now, like tech money. So there's a lot of zillionaires over here doing that kind of stuff. I mean, I don't know. I know is everybody. Um, well, I mean, listen, I would be very interested to see anything. Uh, by the way, someone said is dumb doing anything with dance with the stars this season, he's not because he's on the East Coast right now
Starting point is 00:32:06 and he's choreographing a new musical called The Great Gatsby. So everyone should go see it if they can see it. The other thing is this. Okay, Lisa Q. Kitty 77 asks, what do you think about Gary being quietly removed from BravoCon? I support it personally.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Yeah, they should scrap that show. They should take Gary off. I mean, my God, after the season we just sat through and then it turns out he assaulted a producer. So if anybody's heard that, a producer came out in a, think it was a producer, no, it wasn't a producer. It was like a, is it makeup? Oh, you know, I was a member of the crew. Sorry, it was a pretty, no it wasn't a producer. It was like a, was it makeup? Oh, you know, I was a member of someone on the crew.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It was a crew member and he was all over this crew member, grabbed her, brought her into his room, started coming. I mean, it's just gross. He's just nasty. Yeah, yeah, it's way past Gary's time to go. We've called it ever since the beginning that this guy is not cute. It's gross. It's problematic. And with all to go. We've called it ever since the beginning that this guy is not cute. It's gross, problematic.
Starting point is 00:33:08 And with all the stuff that we've gone through in this world, but especially this country in the past few years, that it comes to below deck and people are like, oh my God, Gary, but Gary's so cute. He's just a fun boy. That boy ain't mathin', that boy mathin' mathin'. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Boy man. Yeah. He's a makeup artist, people are singin' the comments. Yeah, no, he, um, yeah, I'm okay with getting rid of Garrett because also I was really repulsed by him on Project Runway. He really, like, just the speed with which he just started, you know, hitting on Anna, Anna. I mean, I was like, this guy wastes no time.
Starting point is 00:33:43 He's also like, he mean, I was like, this guy waste no time. He's also like, it's like, if he goes one night without getting asked, it's like, it's like unheard of. Like, he's just sort of someone that's like, okay, these are the available options to me. I'm gonna choose one and this is what I'm gonna go after instead of saying like, I don't know how to do this. I don't know, I mean, I just, yeah. I think that like the first season,
Starting point is 00:34:04 I really enjoyed Gary's second season. I was like, oh, this guy's sort of like a perv, but like I'm still enjoying. But the third season, I was like, this guy actually has a problem and so then when all this news came out, it's like, yep, let's, let's, let's move on from Gary. Okay, so I try not to get two endous shows that aren't on the air right now because one of the shows, you know, by the time it comes onto the air, we're bored. Like, I'm already bored of Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:34:32 We already know this Morgan Wade Kyle scandal is bullshit, A, it's bullshit. And B, it's not gonna happen on the season. They're gonna show like some little clips from when they picked cameras back up and we're gonna have to sit through a whole season of this fake rate. It's pissing me off. One of the worst shows about this is Real Housewives of New Jersey. They have not stopped leaking about that show since it went off for the season. The news is
Starting point is 00:34:57 still full of it every day with these people. The latest news is pretty good though. I'm so sorry. Before you even get into it, I just have to say I love our listeners because while you're saying this everyone just keeps on writing Gary is a pornography America has be quote Gary is a pornography He's a pornography Okay, well here's a couple things coming out of Jersey this week. The first one's really fun is Joe Gorgah. Check out this billboard, guys. Yup, I'm a non-aterny partner at
Starting point is 00:35:36 So if you was injured in a car accident, email me at joe at Joe at, he literally types it twice in a row. Forget about it. And I'll connect you with one of my attorneys for a free consultation and get you the money you deserve. And then it's a big billboard. I mean, he's pointing up to it. Cause you know, Joe Gorge loves to pose in front
Starting point is 00:36:00 of things and point upwards. Yup. And it's him standing in front of a billboard where he's doing this, like the double point, like the, there he is. There he is. And it says car accident, forget about it. F-U-H-G-E-T-A-B-O-U-T-I-T. Forget about it.
Starting point is 00:36:23 So that's one piece. Wait, no, no, no, we can't just say that's just one piece that move on. Like that was just like a rain today. No. Wait a second. So his new thing, who is calling Joe Gorg, okay, if you're in an injury,
Starting point is 00:36:38 if you got injured in a car accident and you're instinct to say it's called Joe Gorg, guess what? You caused the car accident, you're already guilty. If that, if your instinct is to go to Joe Gorg, that means that your instinct on the is to call Joe Gorga, guess what? You cause the car accident, you're already guilty. If your instinct is to go to Joe Gorga, that means that your instinct on the road is terrible. You are going the wrong way on a street. I can already tell you what happened.
Starting point is 00:36:52 You just crashed with a dumpster. But also, if you get in a wreck with somebody, let me just give you some free advice as another non-lawyer attorney. You don't want to forget about it, okay? If you go into your lawyer and they say what happened, you don't say forget about it. You need to remember what happened. It's just terrible advice. It's a very bad billboard. When what is this? What is this URL Is that 10 times law? 10X, is it 10Fly, What is 10, is 10Fly like X dot com Joe and he's wearing a he's wearing a baseball cap that says Joe at 10 X law dot com. I mean disgusting
Starting point is 00:37:28 Disgusting and it's right above a Popeyes by the way. He's pointing up. I'm like are you pointing? Are you pointing at Popeyes? Are you pointing at forgot about it? Hey, ma hey, ma yeah, I just got into a car accident. Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't worry. I've just called a non-aterny partner had a law firm. It's been forgot about it. Hey, it's Preston from Summer House, Martha's Vineyard. Hi, Preston, we love your show. Hope you're back the second season. Oh, hi, Preston.
Starting point is 00:37:59 Yeah, that's gonna be a good second season. God, that a great first season. Okay, so let's go to this next piece of news. We're L, I don't know how to say your name. Crestioni says Archie calls Joe Gorgah. Ah. Hey, I'm the number one law from representing dogs who are innocent bystanders in cars, that clipped houses.
Starting point is 00:38:21 This dog was in a car that was going forget about it miles per hour. He dropped his ball. Forget about it. And hi, this is Shannon Bedur. I would like to speak to a 9-20 partner. Yes, a house drove into my car recently and I would like to see for damages. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:38:40 Okay, so this next piece of news was pretty good. Jennifer Aiden and Danielle Cabral. This is from Us Weekly. Thanks for letting us rip you off us. Thanks us. Thanks us from us. Love us. They are currently suspended from filming season 14
Starting point is 00:38:57 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey. And Us Weekly has exclusive details on what led to the suspension. They got into a mutual physical altercation. That's quote unquote mutual physical altercation on Thursday, September 21st over several issues. Jennifer Danielle got in a fight about a hairdresser they both used. And for a charity event that Danielle allegedly didn't donate to. If Joey Maloof is at the center of this scandal, I will be very upset. And you
Starting point is 00:39:26 know who else will be a seller or it's definitely Priscilla. It's gotta be Priscilla. So do you think Teresa would share? Well, yeah, she would share Priscilla with Dan, not that she's a piece of meat, you know, sorry, Priscilla, but you know, Teresa would share her hairdresser with her to the two people on her side. Of course she would. But of course since they are both vying for Teresa's attention, they have to, like, there can only be one sidekick. And so Jennifer and Danielle have to fight to get to be Teresa's number one. So my favorite part about this is, you know, of course we don't condone violence.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Of course, Yada, Yada, Yada. So you don't condone it, but we still love it. But listen, I don't condone Ben and Jerry's for breakfast, but I still do it, I still love it. I don't condone violence, but I appreciate if there is gonna be violence, that'd be funny violence. So, this violence, okay. The insider said that Jennifer, who pushed Danielle first,
Starting point is 00:40:23 was on the mend after the small injury, which came as a result of a plastic cup being thrown at her. Oh my goodness, everyone. And in another report I read that Danielle had crumpled up a plastic cup and threw it at Jennifer. Oh, baby, I just got here with a plastic cup. Who am I gonna call? I wish I had a non-attorney partner right now for my injuries, baby."
Starting point is 00:40:47 Neither reality stars address the news directly on social. Danielle though seemed to elude to the situation with a cryptic quote. "...Focus time for good. And let God handle the rest." The Danielle said. On her Instagram story, as for Jennifer. She's continued to show support for Teresa. Ju Dice and her family on the online platform. What does that have to do with anything? Teresa was even in this fight. This just in Jennifer,
Starting point is 00:41:14 so it supports me. Of course, Jennifer still supports Teresa. I'm just imagining Jennifer in a hospital bed with like band, a bandage around her head, you know, IVs beeping, and basically and that seemed in the soap dish with Bolt. And she's like, Oh, baby, if I don't make it to tomorrow, tell Daniel, I hope she would fall, that was worth it, would you do that plastic cup at me?
Starting point is 00:41:35 Oh, tell my kids a laven. Uh, yeah, so I don't know, that's sad. Right. But do you think they should have been suspended? do you think they should have been suspended for that for like a like one throws plastic up? I mean, I'm assuming Bravo has a zero tolerance policy. Well, they're getting, well, you know, these two are ruining it for everybody because Jersey is the most violent show, right?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Like, there's something every year about Jersey. It gets to, it's the grossest as far as that stuff goes. And they just, they don't do anything about it. And it just gets worse. Like how many times have they told Jen, you know, cut this shit out, Jen. And here she is, here she is doing it again. But also they're ruining it for everybody
Starting point is 00:42:16 because now Bravo had the next day, they had some like class on alcohol that everybody had to go to. It's like a mandatory, now we're gonna have mandatory alcohol training on Bravo. Were you trying to kill these shows? I mean, Jesus Christ, Real Housewives of New York is already in AA session in like the most boring part of town. Now you're gonna try and bring everybody
Starting point is 00:42:40 into your non alcohol classes. This is your fault, Jen Aiden, and what's your face, Cabral? My theory is there was actually a really terrible brawl that happened over the summer with Potomac. That happened when cameras were down, cameras were down, but there was a horrific brawl, and I feel like Bravo was like, no, we cannot have this.
Starting point is 00:43:01 And now they're, of course, they're like zero tolerance. You know, whether it's a plastic cup or whether it's something more serious. We will not stand for this But well zero tolerance would be firing people. This is a bravo zero. This is like a kind of tolerance Yeah, uh If it's like whoa, it's tolerant. You just need a break. Okay. This is a break. It's not a break It's not a breakup. Hey, a lot of people have been asking in the comments about if I am watching Big Brother, I'll just say very quickly, I am watching Big Brother,
Starting point is 00:43:32 but I am a week behind. I find that the show is, the cast is really good, but the show with all these universe, the multiverse is so awful that I usually watch a few, and then I have to like, move away for a week. And then I binge, so move away for a week. And then I binge. So I haven't watched the outcome of who is coming back in the house and I have not watched
Starting point is 00:43:49 Sunday night show. So that is where I'm at with Big Brother. I actually, despite everything, I'm enjoying the season, but I wish that CBS would not work so hard to make the thing that I love because so bad at all times. I got bored after two weeks and I said to myself, you know what, you're smarter than this Ronnie. Um, I got bored after two weeks, and I said to myself, you know what, you're smarter than this, Ronnie. And then I quit.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And I've never felt better. Okay, so by a stupid show, good bye. Until next year, when I watch you again, I get re-obsessed with you. I think that's fair. By the way, speaking of, I mentioned Potomac, and you mentioned earlier, Mia and Gordon. Wow, so the question is, no one cares.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Okay, moving on, next topic. Mia and Gordon, no one cares. Okay, well actually, why don't we move over to some viewer calls over here on the Instagram Live? So that means everybody who's listening to this show, thank you so much for listening to it. We'd love you guys, thank you everybody on YouTube on Instagram Live, come back in a couple of weeks. Everybody on Instagram
Starting point is 00:44:48 live stay here because we are just going to move to the call section. But everybody else thanks. We'll see you next time. Bye to those people. Hi to everyone on Instagram live. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni. she don't take no baloney. Strong in the park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchels! Aaron McNickles, she don't miss No Trickles.
Starting point is 00:45:14 She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last name. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying its Kelly Ryan. Christian the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruru La Rue. The Bay Area Betches Betches. And our Super Premium Sponsors. Somebody get us 10 Cs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang.
Starting point is 00:46:14 The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Cicentasisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar, we love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music download the Amazon Music app today or you can listen add free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today.
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