Watch What Crappens - #2193 Below Deck Med A Line in the Sandy

Episode Date: October 17, 2023

*This episode is available as a Patreon Crappens On Demand video!* Sandy is going to need to draw a line after tonight’s insane Below Deck Med episode. Talya has lost it and the new deckie on pull-up away from being pushed off board. Get Norma on the line, she’s about to be really busy. This week’s bonus episode is a Trailer Trash breakdown of Real Housewives of Potomac.Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram, I have cram Whoa, hello, when welcome to watch what crap and some podcasts for all that crap we love to talk about. On your bronze on I'm Ronnie that's been over there. Hello, Ben. Hi, Ronnie. How are you? Good. Hi, Nang. Good to see you still in your childhood room and that's a good. Upstate New York. Look at me. I'm in my childhood room. The sun is shining. It looks like I've got a halo. I've got a Beyonce halo around my head. It's just so beautiful. You all the same love in. Yeah. There's a stanto.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Katona. There's a band there. There's a band there. Do you see my Nintendo? Right there. I sure do. Laying on your bed. Just like when you're a little kid.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah. Childhood home playing video games. Everybody, welcome to the show. This is below deck Med Day. This is a video which you can watch on crap and it's on demand as usual, like all of our episodes, lately most of our episodes, must we forget to press record. Which is sometimes. Also we do bonus episodes. We did trailer trashes, which is Trashing Trailers, for Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Real
Starting point is 00:01:23 Housewives of Potomac. Who knows what this week holds. Those are also on our Patreon. Every other Monday tonight is the last night was the night. We do crappy hour, which is our Instagram live show where we talk about Bravo news and gossip. Last night was a below debt guest, but I don't know if they actually showed up yet because we're recording this a little bit early. So I don't know I don't want to announce who it was
Starting point is 00:01:47 Just in case that was a clusterfuck which is a possibility it was so Thank you everybody who came We have enough experience with saying don't say who's coming not to be sneaky or whatever or to be secretive just because We understand that sometimes things go wrong. So we don't like to actually say someone was on our show until they've actually been on the show. Don't get your chickens before they hatch y'all. That's right. Um, but if they were on the show, you should go check out Crabby Hour.
Starting point is 00:02:16 It's the episode that'll be released on audio right after this. Um, okay, so let's get into the show below Dick Mediterranean. What a messy, messy rack of the season already. We're only on episode four. It is such a disaster. I mean, this has been such a disaster that we're still in the first charter after four episodes. So it's in the middle of like, again, Natalia and Tumi fighting and Tumi is just sort of she's sort of just over Natalia because this is when, again, Natalia is just like don't do this Han, don't do this with your hand Han. So Tumi just like this is the most attitude ever, get out of here, she's making me fucking
Starting point is 00:03:01 shake. Just breathe, she's testing you, she's testing you to me. Yeah, and Natali is like, you stepped on board with no appreciation for anything, she ain't said about thighs. To me is like, good bye, Natali. So then we cut to Max and the galley, going like, bonzul, bonzul.
Starting point is 00:03:18 And Jack's like, we, we, we, ho, ho, ho, and they start laughing at each other. And then Sandy is telling Luke, I was like, hey, good morning. So there's no wind. So we can leave the dock You're excited to leave the dock because that's what we're gonna do today. Okay. Fortunately, I've been up here banging banging banging the TV trying to get my favorite channel to come through and my My favorite show won't come on wind. So I guess there's no wind today. Okay, do whatever you want. Yeah, it's canceled.
Starting point is 00:03:49 So then, to me just like telling yourself, just breathe, just breathe, just breathe. And then Jessica goes up to Natalia, she's like, did something just happen right now? And Natalia's like, yeah, apparently I've been attaking her since day one. Little does she know I know about him as you're the Kyle
Starting point is 00:04:05 And I'm not even gonna have to pretend I'm not even not having her pretend to be the victim in any of this shit And then we see a clip of Kyle going oh, yeah, we're left not she takes it man You're friendly told you better watch yourself because I don't have a problem firing people She's like yeah, so go off, she can suck my bowls. So, yeah, this is a very important thing that they're setting up or reminding us about what Kyle told Natalia, which obviously in like in rage Natalia, by design, I believe I'm sure you believe as well. And it's now a total shit show really in many ways because of Kyle. So, Sand is like, so Natalia's like, oh yeah, she's not the victim in this. I've been dead in my own house.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I'll tell you who the victim is. Me having to kick away a Bunsen burner didn't get to finish my experiment. So, Sand is like, oh, crew, we're gonna be departing in the deck in 10 minutes. Hey, deck grew, go do some silly stuff. So they have to bring in the passarel and Laura is telling Max, like, we can bring in the passarel and she's like, uh, passarel. Passarel? Realings?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Passarel? Realings? Great things. Are you saying things? Great things, alright. That's alright. Passarel? That's the question. Great. Great. Gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things gray gray things, gray things gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things, gray things a, zombie is rad. You did, he's ours for me. And he's like grabbing the railings and lifting himself up and then swinging back and forth
Starting point is 00:05:51 like a little kid. And like, could you take the finger off? And it's like a zipping girl. She's like, Max, come on. He's was this. And she was, and he's like, you know, I'm working with French people normally and divide of America, South Africa. He's like, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, my God. And here they go, you got this, honey.
Starting point is 00:06:26 So then we got to Natalia talking to this chef. They're like, oh, it fucking hate her. And he's like, you gotta work together. So you've got to do. Why don't you work in together with, said, talking about her? So Ronnie, I texted you very excitedly saying, I have a breakthrough on the Jack Access. So I waited for you to have the long line.
Starting point is 00:06:44 I took the short one because next is you. So the breakthrough. So here's my breakthrough because the past few weeks, I can talk like this is Jack. And he doesn't really, he doesn't really, that's like very deep and very sweet as Jeffy. And I realized that Jack is basically Joao doing like a Liverpool accent.
Starting point is 00:07:06 So you do this, you do Jouwau, and you go, oh, Zim, Bob, wait, back in Zim, I used to cook, I don't like, I don't like, I'm Zim, I don't like being rushed, but now if I'm doing Liverpool accent, I don't like being rushed, I don't like doing this. I don't hear this. Wow, in his voice.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Do you have to get EC doing it? Yeah, because it's, naturally, and to me fighting, it needs to hour in his voice. Do you have to get EC doing it? Yeah, because it's... Naturally, in Tumi fighting, it needs to be sorted right now. If this goes on for another charter, it's going to cause a divide in the crew. And the whole vibe of the boat is going to drop. It's going to be like the Titanic divided. And look what happened to that and the Titanic. The stews fought, and they hit that iceberg.
Starting point is 00:07:42 I know how the story ends. It didn't end well for Jack. Poor Jack, dead in the notion. Couldn't even hear the band finish playing back that asap as they went down. Layer the caprio hasn't been the same same as poor man. Just look at him, using 20-year-old models as a crotch even for this day. Is the chairman's stews don't get along? Both sink because of it. So, uh... Make an effort, you've got to work together. You want to go to your mouth where I'm going to have a bunch of business score on you zombie forehead.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So now the deck who is preparing to leave and Lucas excited is the first time I think they've left. And so Lucas, like let's smash this. I'm like, I'm not sure we talked about the boat or just like us do. So now they're they're excited to see Max in action for the first time and we see Max in action as just him like very slowly gathering ropes. He's just staring off the max. He's just staring off into the sky and looks like, all right, what can you do this right? And Max just stares off and doesn't answer and Luke's look like, uh, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:53 All right. Well, uh, let's see how this goes. Hey, so the boat leaves. He dead crew. Excellent job. And Max goes, okay, thank you. Make a shoe. I said he goes, okay, great. Thanks. That's what that meant. Don't really know what that meant. But you know what, at least it's a person with two hands, okay, you never know who Norma's gonna send over here. One time he said, hey, you know we're short staffed and she sent over a puppy in a life jacket. So, consider yourselves lucky. Bluip, hey, I hear what you're saying about me over here, Sandy, and the reason why I sent over a puppy
Starting point is 00:09:24 in a life jacket is because I thought one bitch deserves another. Bloop! Wow, speaking of, if you were a bitch, I definitely put you in a kill shelter and just give them the green light. Was that too much? Bloop! I'll tell you who needs to be in a shelter. Anyone who's on shore when your boat comes in? Wow. Get
Starting point is 00:09:45 some condoms on. We have all the STDs when the Sandy boat arrives. Well, maybe if whoever was in charge of HR did a little blood testing and actually read people's CVs instead of just taking people from central casting, we wouldn't have such a problem. Yeah, well, maybe if you weren't such a slut spreading your slut seed all around town, then maybe more people would want to work on your boat. It's very difficult for HR people like me. Blue, the only thing that would be good about the truth of me being a slut was hopefully I was a sighting 18 hundreds and I could catch consumption and give it to you. Okay, shut up. Stupid. Go to your job.
Starting point is 00:10:25 Bloop. You want to talk about consumption? How about all the energy I consume, trying to fill stews and deckeys for you every single day because no one wants to work for you? Bloop. Have to be honest, it's a little disheartening hearing how hard someone can work and still get nowhere. Okay, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:43 I sure love you, but I'm in the middle of a scene right now. I love you too. I'm gonna go hang out with David Beckham. Blu, blu. So, Luca is telling Laura to tie the line to the jet skates. She's like, I'm gonna do it, a blonde blonde, so it's, it's, no, a born, born. I'm gonna do a little born to a little born.
Starting point is 00:11:05 So it's easy to unhook and then you could tie the born up to the other born and Lucas like our lover initiative. I don't have to tell her what to do. She just knows having her makes my job easy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do some stand on work for the next full house season. Doesn't mean look like John Stamos, like a little John Stamos impersonator.
Starting point is 00:11:29 He's got like a little John Stamos, he's got crazy eyes, but John Stamos with crazy eyes. But he also has the day of Franco look and he sort of has like the Oscar Isaacs look to him. He sort of has like a different heartthrob every episode, you know? Yeah. Just like a heartthrob kaleidoscope. Yeah, he blends in with lots of heartthrobs.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yeah. So Mecca is teaching to me how she really likes to have her mimosas, and that's with no orange juice only champagne. Hilarious. This is good. It's good. If you guys didn't watch it, you should rewind that watch it again. It's yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And Sandy is asking Luca how the deck team is and he's saying that Laura is doing really, really well and you know, he's going to have to assign a lead deck hand at some point. But Sandy is like, hey, that's up to you. You do you. Okay, because teamwork makes the dream work. And when that's the way the cookie crumbles, don't cry every spilled milk. Am I right? You do you. You do you. Okay, because teamwork makes the dream work. And when that's the way the cookie crumbles, don't cry every spilled milk. Am I right? You do you? So to me is turning in orders on postage for everybody's food, anchors dropping, and Max is talking to Luca and he's like, for me, I'm both small. I built
Starting point is 00:12:40 then these both. And look, it's like, well, are you comfortable doing this? Because oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm comfortable But I'm, or would that be more comfortable to know both maybe Would I be more comfortable big boat probably not only so much to work out? This is what I need right now. It's like I don't know what you're saying, but I go three shackles down Now they have us so worried. I keep thinking Max is going to kill somebody He's not gonna really understand the shackles or something But he does actually seem to know what he's doing like vaguely. I mean, I guess he can know what he's doing
Starting point is 00:13:12 He's just extremely extremely lazy. He's like let me lean into French stereotypes and put it on and like and beat us way on a on a large platform. I'm sure that's gonna be great. So actually, I don't even think there's a French stereotype of laziness, but there's like a French stereotype of like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, watched Emily in Paris. So we don't call us culturally unaware because we were pretty aware. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And we also watched real-girl friends in Paris. And we all know every French person is just like what's this? No, you're, you're in. You're in. So Natalia is like, oh babe, I'm done. And it's like, babe, what happened? Babe, I said, are you able to do this are you able to like instead of like popping Clautus like dealing like can you like clean up Clautus sometime?
Starting point is 00:14:10 I'm like just deal with the Clotter at the time and cars laughing and don't forget by the way this whole Reastmost recent fight is because Kyle did not clean up anything on his shift and he just like laughed with the guests and poor Drinks and did not put away any decorations and left it for Natalia. Natalia liked to tune me. He was like, what the hell? Everything's out here. That was the Kyle again is at the center of the fight. And she's even talking about him to him.
Starting point is 00:14:35 And he's just laughing. So I mean, anyway, it's still there. And she was not listening to me. She was just doing this with hands. N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n. And no, she wasn't, and please, she really wasn't, please stop that. I mean, she was talking with her hand, but Natalia is sounding like she had her hands
Starting point is 00:14:53 in her face and was doing all this stuff. It was not like that wasn't that. It was not like a talk to the hand moment, it was not like a finger in the face. It's very microaggressionally that Natalia is like really singling out to me's hand gestures. So I was like, are you talking shit now? And she's like, well, she said I'm disrespecting you since day one, disrespecting you. I'm thinking my head is messaging me
Starting point is 00:15:16 behind my back and that's uncomfortable. I mean, you're supposed to be a leader. So this is where Kyle gets a look in his eyes like, uh oh, she is now saying loud and proud that I gave her all of this information. So this is where Kyle like gets a look in his eyes like, uh-oh She is now saying loud and proud that I gave her all of this information. She should not be saying this So he's like just so you know the walls are rangy heavy is The walls of years and I'm the wall So Kyle tells us you know I live for good goals But I'm realizing that my involvement has made the situation worse, and I'm just like so proud. I shared with Tumi about how my time
Starting point is 00:15:48 in the middle of the yard home went with Natalia, and like Tumi's response was, I know you're meets with her, but she needs to stay in her lane, Tumi losing a shit will end in her walking off because she had a deeper moment. So they keep showing this text up on screen, because we have to know exactly what it says, because it becomes an issue later, so don't worry, we've got it on screen because we have to know exactly what it says because it becomes an issue later. So don't worry, we've got it on screen over and over. Also, the name of the last vote was so stupid, and I love that they revise how stupid it is because you can't say home, you always have to say mode of yacht home. Yeah, mode of yacht home. So anyway, by the way, Kyle can't read, because Kyle pulls out his phone. He's like, giving you heads up with the,
Starting point is 00:16:28 I know your mates with her, but that made cold. I was like, please don't make Kyle read things. Please, even if they're short words. Frank, so it says, I'm really good at getting information. My biggest problem is I'm not good at keeping the information It's not good trust me. I know So then we see Max doing more stuff very slowly and then the guesser excited to go swimming and To me is just like talking to herself and she's to me's like oh am I gold so send you say hey
Starting point is 00:17:01 Hey trusty wall captain here. I have years and I heard you say something. What's wrong? What's going on? I was like, nothing you need to worry about. She was, well, that's not good. You can talk to me. Look, you can trust me. I'm finger gun in you.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Finger guns. Boom, boom, boom. Only trust where the people finger gun. And she's like, well, I'm a little worried because then tell ya, it's just like constant resistance. And she's like, I'm a little worried because then tell you it's just like constant resistance and she's like well you know what that's like a hugless childhood not good I just feel like I came in here and I was it was like I don't like it and I don't want to hear and honestly Sunday that's how I felt and I just what I just want her to get it done and Sandy goes listen I'm not I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:17:43 I'm gonna let you handle this so if you need me call me, but I'm gonna ask you I think it's hard. I think it's hard for someone to adjust and if your approach is one of kindness You're always gonna win. Okay, because kindness teamwork makes kindness dreams work Right, am I right there? You know what I'm saying? Okay, I understand. I'm gonna have a chat with her. And she's like, you know what? You should do a take a nap together. And if that doesn't change anything, come to me.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I'll help, which I'm saying a lot on this boat and not really meaning it. Okay. So I'm gonna be upstairs watching my favorite show, Wind, and if you mean me, I'll wait till it's over. You'll know when you hear the theme song playing. It goes like this. Boop, boop, boop, boop, boop, boop.
Starting point is 00:18:31 You know, people accuse me of micromanaging too much. So this season, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna like start to micromanage, and then I just say, you know what, you figure it out. I'm just gonna watch Crystal Bernard and that, oh, that's wings wings isn't it? Wow almost at my DVR for the wrong thing. When it is. So let's see Jess and Jessica and Natalia are talking. So Natalia is like hey we're sitting up there. Here's the boy because she's in laundry and Jess is
Starting point is 00:19:03 like she's fuming actually. She's just oh fuminguming well like I'm sorry but she's picked a battle with a wumpers and then we cut to Lara and Max on deck and Max begins his workout journey he's just doing pull ups and Laura's wrapping a cord like oh you okay brother and he's like bettels in okay I am okay and musk you down C'est comme, c'est bon, je suis OK et j'en ai besoin. D'accord, je commence, je vais prendre mon bleu. Parce que je vous ai eu des HD et je vous ai dit que je suis venu de voir. C'est comme, wow, parce que quand j'étais jeune, ils voulaient me riter l'îme et comme les matérens. Et comme, ils voulaient plus, prendre un petit peu. Et je suis comme, je n'avais pas entendu de ça parce que quand j'ai entendu de ça, Take your little peers and I was like I never talk to him because when I talk to him I'll be like whoa and I want to be like
Starting point is 00:19:48 Zombie wow, so wow a lot of people growing up like zombies this season Yeah, we've got two two people telling that story this season Yeah, also I like it was like yeah when I Riddle in, I would just be like very still and be like just looking at things and like, yeah, that's what your parents wanted. Yeah, your parents were probably pulling the hair out. That means it was working. That was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Unlike you, it works. Okay. So, to me is talking to the chef and they're talking about the picnic. And so she's asking if he wants it to set it up and he's like, I don't want to go at all. I'm looking at the polky, polky lunch. And it's like perfect and goes, okay, well, I don't know what's going on in the interior. I've chosen it to all the aside, just at a loyalty.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I'm pretty susceptible to Talia in my ear, but when me and to me actually speak want one this, a good vibe there, we're both professional. It's just hot from this and when in the air all the time. Last week he was like, I'll make up my own decisions, I'd make up my own mind, depending on what I don't, I don't, I don't, I'm not influenced by anyone and this week is like someone's in my ear, it's hot for me not to, it's hot for me to ignore them, I have to go with whatever's in my ear. It's true though. This one's the truth because he was fine with Tumi until Natalia got down there and was like, oh and I'll tell you another thing.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Oh, so at least he sees it. Yeah. So now Natalia's talking to Jessica again and she's like, you know, it's a fucking mess. The way she's gone about everything is so fucking stupid. She's not been like coming up to me and being like, fuck you Natalia, but she's message behind my back. It's like fucking stupid. I mean, basically, you know, like I was working with her just fine
Starting point is 00:21:32 and then we were sitting there folding towels together and she said I have to go to the bathroom she never returned. I mean, who does that? You know, who actually does that to another person? So I'm saying. Just because like, oh my gosh, like every time I like talking to her, it's like another update and like whatever to me did wrong. And we just
Starting point is 00:21:49 have like an entire complaining montage. Oh yeah, you want to hear what else she did wrong? Lots of things. For example, she was like, you're not my only stew. And I was like, okay, you can have as many stew as you want if you had any stew today, not that I care. And then she didn't even text me back. She's probably with lots of other stews right now. Hmm. She doesn't even look. Guess what? She doesn't like maple syrup and honey on the table at the same time.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Can you believe that? It put down one she takes another one off. It's ridiculous. I mean, she's ridiculous. You know what? She gave me a little attitude and I kicked a bunsen burner off the table. I'm like, okay, you're projecting every single issue that you have onto to me. Like, you cannot be this pissed off at someone,
Starting point is 00:22:27 and that's your boss. You know what I mean? It's your boss, and you got like, she had a point in the beginning that Tumi came on a little hard, okay? And Tumi was also influenced by Kyle, and I get that. Tumi didn't have the best first day,
Starting point is 00:22:38 so I'm not gonna pretend. Tumi made two mistakes. But he was just fucking out of control at this point. Like she needs to be fucking fired. This is ridiculous. Yeah, this is actually, this is like, this is like, this is like,
Starting point is 00:22:49 this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like,
Starting point is 00:22:57 this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this is like, this boss and you're not like, owed someone being like super kind of nice. You just say like, oh, okay, like wow. Okay, well, no appreciation, thanks very much. You're not owed and no they'll piece prize because you ran a charter for one season. It would be nice, when not one charter, I should say not one season. But Natalia has a huge amount of entitlement
Starting point is 00:23:20 that's happening right now and she just really needs to comrade that's because I agree with you. She at this point, she should be fired based on the way she's just going now and she just really needs to com or jets because I agree with you. She at this point she should be fired based on the way she's just going on and on and continue to go on the entire episode and then it's totally unwilling to speak to her supervirus when her supervisor says we need to talk. Yeah. It's time for commercial. It's time for
Starting point is 00:23:42 a crap and commercial. Watch what crap and winter is crappening of a funniest recap podcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast Go Story about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Go SoundReal, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent argument of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too, including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunted my childhood room might just be my wife's great grandmother. He was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story, a podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunted us. Follow Ghost Story wherever you get your podcasts. Listen everywhere on October 23rd or you can binge early and add free on Wondery Plus the same day. Okay, so water toys, Kyle comes to work and he just woke up or whatever. It's another just basically getting ready for this picnic and it's the classic high picnic challenge where
Starting point is 00:24:57 they go into a town and they have to climb 80 stories with all of the equipment. Like below deck especially Mediterranean loves torturing people with it. They do this all the time. They find some sort of fork or castle and they do a picnic at it. And so they're like climbing up this whole thing. And then like Lara is Laura has like a million chairs on her arms and Max has like a chest. And then he's like, oh, it's too heavy. Yeah. And he has like put it down. This guy who we see all episode long is like doing pull and then he's like, Oh, he's too heavy. Yeah. And he has like put it down. This guy who we see all episode long is like doing pull ups. But then like the moment he has to carry something,
Starting point is 00:25:31 he has to like fall down on the ground. And he like, it's such a fake fall too, because he like, he's throw, he like puts the chest down and he goes down to the ground. And then he puts his like arm on the chest and his hand under his chin like he poses. I'm like, if you're really exhausted, you're not doing that pose.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Right. And she's like, where's the table max? And he's like, I didn't bring it. It was too heavy. Come on. So now someone else has to go back down and come all the way back up with it. So Luke at radios, he's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:25:57 I need to take a deck hand back to the yacht with me. He's like, oh, I can do that. I have to take a guess. Goodbye. I'm like, wow. So now you're making someone else walk down the stairs and get your table. What a piece of crap.
Starting point is 00:26:09 She is so worthless. And then he's like looking at the view too. They're setting everything up. And he's like looking at the view, taking it all in and stuff. So, and then he's going down. And then he's like, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Like, wow. And Laura, I think, sums it up the bash. She goes, I want to kick Max in the dick. Hehehe. And then Max gets on the, on the tender. He's like, I think it's my turn of going into break. No, of course. He's like, you know, it's my second day.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And it's exhausting to work. And Karli, this, this luggage, I hear my neck. I go like, like this. And like, oh no, I have to go to a key practiser. So then Luca is radioing the Thelby back to the castle in 20 minutes. And Tumik goes, okay, copy Max goes, oh, play the, Tumik is like, what did he say? Max just keeps getting on the radio.
Starting point is 00:27:03 You don't need to be on the radio, thanks. You know, and Laura's like, that was the French guy. I can't make out the words he says, lazy fuck. The dynamic we had on deck was amazing, but I'm worried. And I'm going to, I've come across a lot of lazy people in the art thing, and it annoys me. It's like, to me, art thing is not fun in games. It's fucking work.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Punch you in the dick kind of work. And if max doesn't have that mentality, trust me. I'm going to say It's fucking work. Punch you in the dick kind of work. And if Max doesn't have that mentality, trust me, I'm going to say a few fucking things. So now the guests are getting on the tender to go over and Max is just chilling on the Swim platform lying down on a unicorn, a floating unicorn. Oh my god. Are they not gonna fire everybody on this season? I mean, so far it looks like they've got to fire both Kyle and Wetsurface, Natalia. They're gonna have to fire Max.
Starting point is 00:27:51 So also they need to fire. I mean, that's three, that's a lot of people. That's a lot. So then now Kyle is at the picnic area and Tumey, because Kyle's gonna take over, Tumey's gonna go back to the boat and Tumey tells Kyle that there's tongs up there to serve the food. So I was like, oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:08 The classic, there's no tongs thing. Tumey messed up, she's stressed out, they're gonna have to bring the tongs back on the charter and the guest's gonna be hungry. I was like, already for it? Nope, it was just Tumey telling Kyle there's tongs and there were tongs there. There was no drama.
Starting point is 00:28:24 It was funny when Kyle gets saying it's, okay, we getting up there like uh we're walking he's like what and Tim was like you don't even know what we've been through he's like I can't do that he's like I'm not excited to take this hike okay day two on board but you've got to look on the bright side on day three. Moe is is going to look fantastic. So then everyone has to hop and puff up this hill and they're not happy. And then they get to the top. Did you notice the table scape that they set up? Was there like a powdered wig that was flopped over the side of the table? What was going on with this table?
Starting point is 00:29:01 I did not look at the table scape because even watching people have to go through this, I was very tired. I was like, I can't discuss this. It's too much. I'm not writing notes. It was sort of a strange vibe. Let's go to the top of a medieval Italian castle and have pokey. I was like, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Back on the boat, Tumi is checking on Natalia and she's like, hey, has everything going? She's like, I'll just finish all the cabins. All right. So someone radio's for help and Natalia is like, I can go. She goes, yeah, you should go. You should go have a good time. Like she's trying to smooth it over with Natalia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:39 So she goes to talk to Jack and she's like, where we going, Jack? He's like, I want day, you ignored me. What's going on here? Are we going on a day together? Wait, hold on. I'm back. Sorry, it still happens sometimes. I think it was actually Luca who said they're going on a date.
Starting point is 00:29:57 It's just to push forward the story of their flirtation. Because I'm in an open relationship, by the way, how nice to not have to hear about her open relationship this episode. So Natalia's like, well, I just have to get all this boat because at this point, I just need to take a break from the Tuminaita. I'm like the Tuminaiter. What has she Tuminaited you on? She just didn't get the things you want. By the way, the Tumina... What is an Italian one out of this? So now,
Starting point is 00:30:27 you still, and that's why it's so funny because she wants that. Okay, she wants to be a chief stew. So she's gonna pours in the well against to me to everybody. Kyle wants to be chief stew. So he's gonna get Natalia and to me fighting against each other. So he could be bumped up to chief stew.
Starting point is 00:30:44 It's really funny. They're just all fighting over this headmaid position and it's hilarious. gonna get Natalia and Tumi fighting against each other so he could be bumped up to cheese too. It's really funny. They're just all fighting over this headmaid position and it's hilarious. Like at the end of the day, what do you win? Just do your job. Exactly. So Tumi then goes and looks at these cabins and Natalia says she just finished and they're not finished.
Starting point is 00:30:59 They're spots in the mirror. There's trash in the bin. There's those leaky ceilings and everything. spots in the mirror, there's trash in the bin, there's, there's, there's, leaky ceilings, everything. Like, it's just a disaster. And to me, it's like, you know, I wanted to go out and have fun and do things. And like, look, just tell me, I got this far. I didn't finish them. And this is what you have to, this is what's left to do. But don't lie and tell me that these rooms are done when they're, when they're not done. Right. So the guests are shopping.
Starting point is 00:31:25 And Lara is telling Tallya and Luca how lazy Max is. She's like, that French guy is so lazy, he's probably back on the boat winking right now. And then we cut to Max and he's working out of the boat. He's like, oh, jeez, jeez, jeez, jeez. Haardue, depardue. So, so then, bro, what can you bench? One acid, depardue. So, Jessica's asking to me about the beach setup
Starting point is 00:31:55 and everything and to me's like, here, let me show you these cappons, okay? They're still trash here. There's bugs in the jugs and to me's like, to me's like, you know, I get it, everyone's busy. the jugs, and Tumi's like, Tumi's like, I get it, everyone's busy, it's fine, but I just don't tell me these are done. She's sort of saying the same thing. I don't tell me this is done if it's not done.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So Tumi's really annoyed. And then meanwhile, Natalia is just, Luca Natalia and Kyle are just running around on a tender, having the best time of their lives. So then, Jess, once Natalia is back on, she's at the bar and Jess is hiding behind the bar and she jumps out and Natali is like, beage, or I can see you. All right, I just came in from the beach and I keep everything there myself after cleaning all the cabins.
Starting point is 00:32:39 And Jess is like, um, yeah, well, I just got off break and she's kind of annoyed because like they can happen be done after all It's what they're all done. They've got what got to else She's like yeah, but she's like there's trash in there and stuff It's like we're not gonna keep changing out the trash three times a day like what are we on like a luxury super y'all something So you know it's a then to tell you goes to, to me, can you please come to the bridge, Dick, EF, so she summons to me. This is where it gets really bad. This is where her ass should be fired on this.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Yeah, right here. So she makes her come and to me's like, okay, copy. So she comes up and Natalia's going off sick. The second time all cabins today, check up. You know what, hello, oh, to me, what's the issue this time? What is it? What? Oh, what else? Oh, to me. What's the issue this time? What is it? What? Oh
Starting point is 00:33:29 How can you talk to your boss that way? Oh my god. I backed up my chair. I was like oh When you've messed up there's trash in the trash cans and there's spots on the shower That does not so it's because she's like we've done the cabins today We've just done a quick check up like it we made all the bids again and to me is like But if you say the cabins are done, that means that the shower doors have been wiped and then Taliya is basically saying like, but it was a freshen, like it was a freshen up.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So I think she's now pivoting to like, it wasn't that we did a full clean, it's just that we give a little freshen, a freshen of the rooms. And so Jessica leaves, she gets the hell out of there. And Tum is like, yeah, but when you say, I've done the cabins and she's like, I said, freshen up in the middle of the day,
Starting point is 00:34:06 on. Oh, hey, now you're gonna hunt her. Oh, no, not the hunt. Well, I am the chief's dude. Just, oh, congratulations on that one. And so now the captain starts coming, right? Cause it's like, oh, my spadey senses are coming. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And Natalia starts doing this whole thing of like, you know, out of all the crew, there's only one person I don't get along with and that person happens to be you. I'm like, yeah, why don't you look into that? Okay, why don't you really look into that Natalia and really see what you're saying here? So, Tumy's like, well, if you had a problem with me
Starting point is 00:34:38 from the, well, you had a problem with me from the beginning and Tia's like, no, you know, you stepped on and I stepped in for you and I made you a bid. And so then of course Kyle tells Sandy, oh, Natalia and Tumia fighting. Of course Kyle tells Sandy that. He's like, go up, get him. I've been working on this for two episodes, go fire somebody.
Starting point is 00:34:58 So she's like, okay, I'll go up there. So Tumia's like, just something finished. She goes, no, no. And by the way, Tumey is not standing anywhere near Natalia. Okay. She's like across the room and she's not moving her hands. And then Natalia's like, she needs to stop putting your hands in my face. Stop putting your hand in my face, which is just like, she's going to get that on record, but it's not even close to being the truth. Natalia is really showing her ass here. This
Starting point is 00:35:24 is embarrassing. It's being problematic. I actually think I think these are full-fledged microaggressions and they're not cool. So Natalia is like, if you can do this to me, I'm gonna do this to you. So Sandy comes in and she's like, hey, to me, Natalia, to the bridge now. We're all gonna watch wind together. Okay, we're gonna bond. Great show. You're ready. Get some vodka. I can make some popcorn for us. I was just standing right behind her like. And so now they have to go to the bridge. So here we go. So Natalia comes in, screwing and unscrewing her water bottle rapidly,
Starting point is 00:35:55 because she's like super pissed. She's like, I'm going to do some bolder work now. Very angry, very angry. So she's like, anything to her, but this is the only person I can't get along with. This one. So the captain's like, first and foremost, I would like to welcome you to hug. That is here under Greshress, which is, yeah, here under Grace. I was going to say pressure, but it's gay, gay pressure. Grace is better. Hugs under pressure, here under pressure. gay pressure. Greats is better.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Hugs under pressure. Here under pressure. No, here under grace. Okay, everybody, sorry, it's a new organization I'm working on. So first of all, Natalia, thanks and foremost to you for everything that you've done for the boat, but I can't tolerate this. No, listen, here's something that I love, that banana banana and of course banana stands for be amazing not awful nor aggressive
Starting point is 00:36:51 That's another In can I please tell you my side because I gave her a very nice hand over and straight from the store I was neat peaked all right texting car behind my back. I've no problem firing Nathalia when she hadn't even met me You know, I have no oh she was texting all I have no problem firing Nitalia when she hadn't even met me. You know, I have no, oh, she was texting, I have no problem firing Nitalia and she hadn't even met me then. And then to me does this like, what? She starts doing, I think she, I didn't realize what she was doing until like the context later.
Starting point is 00:37:16 I guess she was like mocking Nitalia, being like, oh, five minutes, five minutes. And so seems like, hey, no, that's not okay. What part about hug and banana do you not understand about those doctrines? Okay, listen, you do not make fun of people while I'm in the room, do it behind my back. Okay, you're in a leadership role and you need to rise above and figure this out
Starting point is 00:37:39 because right now I'm ready to put you both off the boot in hug camp. Yeah, so she's like, you'm ready to put you both off the boot in hug camp. Yeah, so she's like, you guys have to respect each other in the workplace and Natalia leaves, which, I mean, this was also a huge mistake on Toomey's part because instead of like staying completely professional, she acted like that. And this could have been Natalia just getting round
Starting point is 00:38:01 because Natalia's acting like the fucking crazy person. You know what I think? I think you need to experience the show. You need to just be quiet and let the other person finish digging their grave, you know? Yes, exactly. So Sanjussi, listen, I just needed to fuse it, but then I'm going to let the leaders handle it. I'm not a micromanager.
Starting point is 00:38:20 I'm a wind watcher, you know? And if I draw the line for them, then they're never going to respect each other. Having said that, if I hear Natalia's screaming to me again and to me can't defuse it, then I'm going to need to step in and make a decision. Should I wear full pants? Work a pre-pants. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Toon in tomorrow. So then Jess goes up to me and I was like, I just see, you know, I wasn't trying to start drama. Or she tells that in Natalia and it's like, well, it's not drama. It's not drama. I have no, I'm sorry, what's to me? She's like, she's not drama.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I have no problem being, no, it wasn't. No, no, she's saying, she was telling Natalia. She says this already drama and Natalia is like, it's okay. Look, I don't have a problem with not being chiefs too. Okay, that's fine. Like she's chiefs too, but only messaging coil. That is not is not So then to me goes to the bathroom upset and she's like, oh my god, this is all wise with this girl's talking about I've never met someone that lies like this. So to me, it's a coil comes into check on her and Tumi is like, she said that I said that to you
Starting point is 00:39:26 that I'm not afraid to fire her. Because, like, well, that text is the one, it's like that one that you said that said, you're gonna cause trouble for Tumi, she's chitsoo. And Tumi said, that's not what I said. Like, what did you say that I said about the text? And basically, it comes out that like, basically, well, first of all, Kyle says,
Starting point is 00:39:44 oh, well, you know, she's saying you said what you never said, and she's just to me last season, and when she's in the corner, a rat shoes through. So he's acting like action Natalia is exaggerating something crazy, but it's like, no, you told Natalia something different, because what we find out, rereading Tumi's text, Tumi, I guess, was saying, listen, she better stay in her lane because
Starting point is 00:40:08 if I, like, if Tumi has a moment, she's going to be walking off the boat and she meant she, like, Tumi is going to be walking off the boat. She says, no, it says giving you a heads up between us. I know your mates with her, but Nat needs to stay in her lane because Tumi losing her shit will end in her walking off because she had a diva moment. So does that mean Tumi walking off? I took it as shermaining Natalia will end up. They all took it off. Just because she's having a diva moment. We all took it that way, but based on the way Tumi is describing it, she said like, no,
Starting point is 00:40:41 I said I would be walking. She said that I would be walking up. So I think that Tumi meant that like, She said, no, I said, I would be walking up. So I think that to me meant that she's a standard lane because if Natalia's having a deep moment, it's gonna be me that winds up walking up this boat. But it was so ambiguous the way she wrote it, like I understand why I was interpreted that way, but either way, what she did not say was, I have no problem firing Natalia.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Kyle said that and he totally inflamed an entire situation. And Tumey's like, I'm not even the captain, I can't fire somebody, you know? So I don't know if this is coming from her or Kyle, but it's really frustrating. And then we see a clip of Kyle going, less noise, she said she has no problem firing people.
Starting point is 00:41:21 And probably he's like, go ahead, hon. And Tumey's like, you know, in hindsight, I probably, it was really unprofessional for me to text that. And, you know, I've learned my mistake, like, if I'm going to vent something, it's not going to, if I'm vent something, it's going to be talked about, like, should not have done this. And, you know, hopefully we can have a constructive conversation. All right. So then, the guests are still shopping.
Starting point is 00:41:45 And so, okay. So now, to me, it's like, hey, Natalia, can we talk downstairs? And Natalia gives her a huge arm. And she goes, actually, we need to chill a bit. I was like, oh, really, the lady who hates the hand motions is like giving her a full fucking arm and her face. And she goes, actually, I need to chill a bit. Are we love to talk to you a bit? Not right now.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And the best way to do this, all communicate with Carl in Voxfist. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Worst way to do that. You don't get to make that. You don't get to make that rule in that line and tell your boss that you won't talk to them. That's bullshit. That's your boss. And also like Kyle would be the absolute worst mediator because he already has destroyed a situation. And so Kyle, this is then toumi walks away because Tumi should have been like, we need to talk, but she's like, okay, I'm gonna let her cool down. And so Kyle, of course, is in Tumi's ear like a little, you know, Iago. And he's like, didn't live with you, so take a breath.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I've got you. I'm gonna start pulling plates and knives and shit and listen to everything we've got drinks. We've got three stews here. He's basically being like, I'm the reliable one and he's just the way he does this to both of them and they don't catch on that he's pinning them against each other is like so disgusting. Right so now we go to Luca and Laura working while Max is bouncing up and down on the swim platform. Yeah. Just
Starting point is 00:43:02 bouncing like a kid in a bouncy house. Yes. And so she like, come on, brother. We'll put through, we'll put this stuff back. And he goes, okay, yes, sister. And she's like, come on, we're not lazy here. He goes, no, we are not lazy. And he tells us, I see she's frustrated, but I'm thinking, is this me or is it like how
Starting point is 00:43:22 she's in your life? I don't know. And so then we cut the jack and he's like, this charter is not going as, not going the way I would have liked. So tonight's dinner is just to go absolutely perfect. Like I make food, Caribbean, like everything, jerk, flavor and big platars and vibrant colors and I'm just gonna jerk on everything just really, really, wink it out. Oh, I really need to be careful how I say these things. So then Max is in the galley and he's like, hello, hello my friends, this is the best part
Starting point is 00:44:02 of the day. Because it's like a break time. And he goes, so Luke, speaking of the breaks, he's 17 now. And Luke is like, well, you can help us pack now and then you're finished good. And he goes, okay, good. And Laura says, what's your problem? He goes,
Starting point is 00:44:18 me, there's no problem. I say, yes, I mean, my friend, no, I should have taken one hour before I have to work like these, these both is different. This is old. It's like, you just got to come back instead of helping carry shit in that picnic and you're complaining about not having a full break before your break.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah, exactly. So they are, they all hate him basically. They all cannot stand him. So now the guests are coming back from the castle. They're ready to come back and Sandy calls Tumid to the bridge. And she's like, hey, hey, I know walking in is hard. And I know, you know, when you feel that push back, you know, you can talk it out.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Talk it out and Tumid's like, well, honestly, like it's just so difficult that I have that conversation with her. She goes, wait, wait a second. You guys didn't have a chat yet? You didn't talk about anything. Did you talk about the new season of wind that's coming out tonight You didn't even talk about that
Starting point is 00:45:08 She's like no, I asked her if we could talk and she refused and she's oh, that's hard You know, Natalia is a great person, but you need your team to do their job respectfully, right? And so to me is like listen, I'm sorry how right? I reacted to this whole thing and then she tells us a story listen, I'm sorry, how I reacted to this whole thing. And then she tells us a story where she learned to protect herself and keep her emotions inside. Because when she was eight years old, she was the lead in her ballet concert. And her concert was starting. And her mom comes up to her and goes, Oh, by the way, your dad was just shot and killed. I mean, and so then she went on state, then she still went on stage and she did the show and then in her breaks, she would cry in the bathroom and go back out on stage.
Starting point is 00:45:50 What the hell? Could you maybe not tell me this before I go on to the stage? Yeah, it's the back stories on the season are pretty intense. So crazy. I was like, okay, well, that wins. Yeah, that beats the Bunsen burner. So Sandy is so saying it's like, listen, I love what you're doing. I think you're doing an amazing job. Just remember, you gotta have conversations. It's like me, you know, sometimes I'll just like call up Norman. I'll be like, listen, we need to have
Starting point is 00:46:24 a conversation. You gotta do something about that skin of yours. It's really just scaring away people. And I think we're not getting good prospects because people see your face and they don't want to be in the yachting industry. You know what I'm saying? So then we cut to Kyle and Natalia and she's like, okay, so I should decorate the table then and goes, yeah, decorate it. She goes, but it's to me, okay, with me taking over the table. And he goes, I'm telling you to. She goes, but it's to me okay with me taking over the table. And he goes, on telling you to take over. Okay. Oh, you've got this. I was like, oh god, wow, here comes Kyle to save the fucking day. Exactly. So now the guests are still coming back. And
Starting point is 00:46:59 Lara and Jack are like on the ground pretending to be dogs, which is really disturbing, because they do like a- No, there's zombies. Oh, with these zombies, I thought they were doing like, whatever it was, it was because I'm like a zombie, and she goes, I'm not zombie too, so like, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, they're like shaking at each other, like coming at each other like the walking bed. It was a little bit too good of an impression.
Starting point is 00:47:23 It was like, maybe be like funnier with it, like not be so visceral. It was a little bit too good of an impression. It was like maybe be like funnier with it, like not be so visceral. It was perfect. It was perfect. Now this would not be fun. I was like, yes. I guess. Yeah. That's how they are.
Starting point is 00:47:34 So Jessica, this word Jessica goes up to two means, because I just want to say I wasn't trying to stir up anything earlier. Like I was just trying to reiterate like what needs to be done next time we go down there. It's like that time when we did the human pyramid and cheerleading and I was like, guys, I'm not strong enough to be the center. And they said, just shut up and let us build the pyramid. And then we all collapsed and it was my fault. Like I didn't mean it.
Starting point is 00:47:56 I didn't mean it at all to me. To me is like, you just hugged her. And Jess can see now very clearly that Natalia is just mean-girling to me, right? And so then, she's like, you know what, I was, yeah, I feel bad for to me because like, you know, I can see that she's a mean girl and I was like really bullied in high school.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Have you ever been bullied by a turtle? That's what happened to me. It's really sucks. So then fun music stops because it's like everybody's working, don't, don't, don't, everybody's working and it stops. It's an Italian decorates the table. It's like, and drama. Yeah, so then the captain comes out.
Starting point is 00:48:36 She's like, beautiful, very tropical. I sure love it. And Tumi's like, Natalia, Natalia, you're to me, this is very pretty. Everybody loves it. She says, me, this is very pretty. Everybody loves that. She says, I know this is only radio, but I'd appreciate it if you stop waving your hands at my face. It was radio.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Feel it. So then Jessica goes up to Kyle and it's like, I feel like Natalia's being the mean girl. And Kyle's like, she is. She did the same thing on all season. I'm like, good luck with that, Jessica. You just gave Kyle something. Kyle's now going to go to an entire, like Jessica thinks same thing on all season. I'm like, good luck with that Jessica. You just gave Kyle something. Kyle's now gonna go to an entirely, but Jessica thinks you're a mean girl.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I just want you to know, you gotta keep an eye on that. And he goes, oh, well listen to this. Neutrall, use that one bit. She don't wanna cross pairs with. I'm not warning you like, you like know your place because I don't give a shit about that, but you don't want to die today. Don't go down there.
Starting point is 00:49:24 There's the wrong tailing you. So then we see Max who is now on break and he's just like wrapping French in bed. And then Sandy goes over into the galley, she's like, hey, smells like the Caribbean in here, huh? This is pretty cool, Captain Jack Sparrow, chef, huh? Get it, get what I did there. So then she goes to the laundry and Natalia's in there. She goes,
Starting point is 00:49:47 so I'm just gonna keep my sunglasses on in here. Hope you don't mind. And Natalia's like, I hate that I like someone get under my skin lock. They eat balls. There's me so badly, especially after being such a good chiefs to remember that. And she's like, Lucie and the key is communication. Okay. And just sit there and have a chat in a very non-confirm confrontational way and then tell you guys, yeah, I wanna get across everything that I've gotten my mom like the way that she neat peeked me.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Yeah, she didn't acknowledge anything. I made a bed, she neat peeked me and she goes, okay, you guys have that conversation. TMI, whoa, what? TMI, you guys have that conversation. I'm barely here. OK. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Just think of me as like one of those little robots from Postmates that delivers your sandwiches. It's just wheeling around, but it's got nothing to say. OK. Good luck in here. So now in the mess, it's Laura, Luca, and Laura, Luca, and somebody else. I don't know. And so it's Haley, Haley's back. I was like, why did I write Haley? Haley was like gone the whole episode.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So she's back. She's like, you don't want to have a good day today? Do we kiss? Do we kick the day in the dick? Did it feel like a tugboat yet? And Laura's like, someone kicked me in the dick today. He doesn't know what Yachting is really like. Lazy, lazy max. So now it's time for a Jack-check-in. And everybody loves the chicken. And the vegan dish is Jambalaya. And so now we get Ajua's vegan-scale judgment.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And she's like, ah, that's a four. And based on the side side that gets a four, based on the way it looks. Yeah. But then based on the way it tastes, she gives it a two. She's like, we did not get the West Indian flavors tonight. I'm like, yeah, well, you're also like in Italy. So, so then, mecha calls me.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Jumbalaya's seafood, right? You bet, I'm sure you could do like a vegan, vegan jambalaya. I don't know, I think that being said, Jack needs to work on his vegan game. Like he, it's not good enough to be like, what's he gonna say? I'm not vegan.
Starting point is 00:51:58 It's like, yeah, but you are a chef on a super yacht. So you should be able to have a few vegan athletes. You're gonna have to know how to do this buddy. So she's like, okay, so just see if you can fry me up some tofu and then season it and and fry it and send some French fries, okay, because I need something greasy at this point. Okay. So that was the order. So then we cut to Jess and Natalia folding wash class and Jess is like, it's crazy. Cause like, I think that Kyle and Tumi feel
Starting point is 00:52:26 how we felt that first chart of when we were doing service. She goes, well, they have it easy. Whatever. So now Tumi tells Jack that the vegan's not happy and that that, you know, the vegan wants fried tofu that's seasoned with french fries. And she goes and she and she wants she just wants something greasy and he's like oh I'm a lot of things but
Starting point is 00:52:48 vegan is not one of them so then you know like that so then he's he cooks the food he cooks this the tofu and he serves it but it's like this sad pale tofu on top of the fries by the way like why do you putting the why are you putting the tofu on top of the fries like the way, like why are you putting the tofu on top of the fries? Like with this vague attempt at a presentation. So of course, Adjuah's like, this is panseered, that's not fried. So, I mean, obviously the disconnect here
Starting point is 00:53:16 is she meant deep fried, which is different, but also like as a chef, I feel like when people call for fried tofu, they mean deep fried. Like I don't know if that's not true. No? No. I've never even had deep fried tofu, they mean deep fried. Like, I don't know if that's not enough. No? No. I've never even had deep fried tofu. I mean, I've had fried tofu.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I have it when it comes, when you order, when you order the tofu dish or whatever, it usually comes where it's like crispy on the outside, but it's not breaded. I mean, probably. Yes, you know what, you're right. I know that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 I don't know that I've ever had a deep a breaded tofu. I like a Japanese restaurant, like you can often get, like, I don't eat a lot of tofu. You know, anyone who's about there banging their steering rails, I'm not a tofu. But like, it's awkward. Like, tempura, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:59 with like a light crisp. I don't know, but also putting it in a pan is frying it. Like you put it in. Exactly. You can pan fry something too. So it's just miscommunication. It was. Again.
Starting point is 00:54:10 Well, I mean, technically, to me should have asked, do you, when you say fried, you mean deep fried, you mean sort of like a, just whatever, this is learning experience for to me, but also it was a fully, yeah, it was just all miscommunication all across. So, Edge was not happy because it does like extremely extremely sad.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Yeah, and she's like, I will not lower my standards, you know? So then Tumey takes it back, she goes, she wants it breaded in fried, and so she's passing Jack. Jack is coming up to check on things, right? So she's passing Jack. They actually call Jack.
Starting point is 00:54:44 They say they'd be wanna talk to the chef. But so she's passing him, and she goes, they wanted it bright and unfried. And so Mecha goes, she wanted the tofu fried, and he says, well, I didn't get told that. And Mecha's like, but to me didn't tell you that, to me, where's to me? And she goes, I said fried tofu.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And Mecha's like, are you setting us up for failure here? And she goes, I said fried. I think Jack just meant I wasn't told you want it deep fried. I don't think he was throwing her under the bus necessarily. Did you? I felt he was.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I was like, wow, because I felt like his answer should have been like, oh, I'm sorry. I interpreted when you said fried. I interpreted it as I didn't really meant deep fried. Well, he like I wouldn't say, but I wouldn't say I was told I was told this. Like that's where I wasn't told that. And then she says they call it to me and she says I said fried tofu. And then to me says I said fried tofu.
Starting point is 00:55:39 And Jack says, I thought you meant fried as in fried and does the frying pan. So I don't know why either way, why I either way, I think they could have followed deck. I think they still could have all overall handled it better. It still felt a little blaming. To me, by the way, also was blaming. To me was not innocent in this too. To me should have said, like, I don't think a server should say, I said this in this situation. I'm so sorry for that miscommunication.
Starting point is 00:56:08 We'll fix that. So either way, just as we were exhausted, Tumey is exhausted by all this. So she's like upset because she felt like she had, you know, like things were improving with Jack, but now Jack was kind of like throwing her under the bus. She says, so it's now the, but the Friday who does make it there, everything is good. And so afterwards,
Starting point is 00:56:31 Tumi sees Natalia in the crew mess and tries to talk with her again. And Tali's like, can we just talk in the morning? And Tumi is like, yeah, sure. But this is where I'm kind of like, as the boss, you should say, no, I don't want this to go into the morning
Starting point is 00:56:46 because we have a full day of service. We need to talk about this now, even though neither of us really want to, like this is exhausting, but we have to discuss this because we have to get on the same page. Yeah, she's letting Natalia draw too many of the lines here, and it's very, very bad.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Because Natalia is doing a control thing, you know? Like we'll talk when I'm waiting to talk, I'm not waiting to talk to you now. I mean, yeah, it's like, to me's the boss, you're gonna talk when to me wants to talk. Yeah, but at the same time, to me's probably like, this girl's gonna fly off the handle, you know, like, and I'm gonna look at the face.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Well, to me's trying to fly off the handle too. So, like, yeah, and I think to me's trying to show that she's compassionate, that she understands Natalia's needs, but Natalia's not gonna respect or even be aware that toumia was giving her space. So now it's morning and Max is doing pull-ups and push-ups while everyone else is working, of course. And Lucas is like, what are you doing, bro?
Starting point is 00:57:37 And he goes, sweating, bro, flexing, ah! Yeah, and so, so then Lucas just sort of like assigning positions for, there's gonna be some docking coming up so there's gonna be people doing different things on the deck with lines and controls and whatever. So Lucas assigning people and Laura's like, Max, have you done ground lines before? And he goes, yeah, yeah, four years on Yachting, I feel like I know exactly how to do that. Because he was like, can I have Laura with me? And he's like, no, we have four people.
Starting point is 00:58:10 So I need, I'm gonna need her. And she's like, but it's just hard with one person. And he's like, yeah, but we have four people. She just keeps looking at Max, like, oh God. Please don't make me do it with Max. So she's like, yeah, I mean, knowing what I've seen the whole charter with Max, I mean, knowing what I've seen the whole charter with Max, I mean, I feel like the boat is a dick and like Max is kicking it.
Starting point is 00:58:32 So Natalia is in the laundry and she's looking at the laundry and she goes, I don't need this shit in my life. Like it's literally your job. Then the pilot comes on board because you know they're in this port. So the little boat comes up and the pilot comes on and he's like so funny that he's just to get more and more colorful every episode. He's like, hello cop! The light chow! Chow, hey you're just in time.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Episode two of Wynne just dropped. You want to watch it? So then we go to Tumi and Talia talking finally in the laundry. So Tumi comes in and she's like, can we have talk? Can we have a talk? I really hate having this conflict and Talia's like, same. And she's like, okay, so one thing I will say about you is you have amazing enthusiasm. And I feel like that's where we're similar.
Starting point is 00:59:21 And maybe that's where we're too similar. You know, maybe that's a problem because I basically have worked with so many chief stews and I've taken the positives from them and I've tried to, you know, meld that into how I want to manage. Yeah, that's all nice and everything, but I wasn't really listening because I came into this with a three-day charter and three stewardesses in the interior and like one being a grainy okay and like you came in you didn't even appreciate the fair I didn't even get to say I didn't even hear thank you or anything no appreciation whatsoever and to me's like I said thank you she's like always more like this is wrong and that's wrong and I said like if you couldn't even look at me in the face
Starting point is 00:59:58 like you couldn't even acknowledge me and even then you like like you couldn't even see me on eye and she's like well okay but at that point I was pissed off, you know, with how you were speaking. Okay, I'm just honest. Oh, yeah, well, you've never given me a fake out from day one. She goes, yeah, but that's weird for you to say because you haven't given me a fair go from day one. And she's, hon, my hello, I'm gonna shove that hon. I mean, I would fire you for hunting again. Exactly. That's what I said.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I said, hello. And she does this thing which spreads out her arms. Like, I could, hello. She's like, I did a very nice hello. And to me's like, you're hello is beautiful. And then the walk through for me just like, but I think you came on here and you wanted to show like your place.
Starting point is 01:00:41 You wanted to put me in my position. And then I was in a tire, she says that. She goes, you came in here and you wanted to show your place, which I'm fine not being cheap, too. And she goes, no, no, no, no, no, you're so far off here. And she goes, please don't walk away again. Whoa, she's not walking away. She didn't even turn around.
Starting point is 01:00:59 And you're the one who's been refusing to have the talk. This girl, fire her. Yeah, I think she's done. I think she should be done. So now, the boat's, meanwhile, the docking is happening upstairs and Haley is with Max and she's like, Hey, Max, you need to pour like a little bit more slack. Come on, I need you over here, Max.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I need you. Come on, Max. Max. And he's just more expanded than me. He's over here, Roger. No, but I need you. We're waiting, Max. God more standard. He's over here. Oh, no, but I need you. We're waiting, man. God knows what this guy's even doing. Can I get that ground line?
Starting point is 01:01:29 Is anyone doing the ground line? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone? And people are pulling ropes or whatever. And he's like, stop, stop. I told you if you just listen to me into controls, it wouldn't be a madhouse bro.
Starting point is 01:01:43 And look at it's like what's going on up there, because Max is working that remote control thing and he's just not doing it where she's telling him to go or whatever. So then we cut back to Natalia and she's like, you didn't give me a fair go. And to me he's like, oh, I did give you a fair go. She's like, no, you haven't.
Starting point is 01:02:00 And Kaya walks ahead of his room and you're like, co-coil of you eating. And then when I come at it's crickets. Well, you treated her like, sit the entire time. Well, go to your cracks. And to me it's like, I never asked him if he's eaten because I know who he already has.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Look at him. So, Nats like, oh, I'm running like a headless chicken. And do you know what my chiefs do? He's taught me not to leave wine bottles, not to sit overnight on the counters. And you're supposed to be my boss. So with that, if you want me to do the day head, I will do the day head.
Starting point is 01:02:29 If you want me to do the cabins, I will do the cabins, and if you want me, I will be anywhere, anywhere you need me to be, I will be there, because I do not want to be a friend. I don't want to be even raised at level, because I think it's all fake bullshit. Yeah, and I'm not your friend, alright, you want me ask keeping great. Oh I don't want a friendship with you. This isn't about being your fucking friend. I'm fucking talking about it don't work. You little like that. Oh my god. Exactly. God Natalia I don't know how many times can you say it in one recap but I mean I think there was a point to be made in the very beginning but but to me has turned it around. I think at this point, I Respect the amount of grace she's giving her at this point because this is fucking crazy. I can't believe this woman is like standing here screaming
Starting point is 01:03:17 I don't want to be your friend who cares. You think anybody wants to be friends with you on this but no, that's why I haven't talked to anybody since the last one Yeah, you are in a you are in employee at this moment So then meanwhile Haley and Max are still there still doing the thing and Max is just like Haley's like pulling this rope and Max is like You know you need to be clear. I was like it's got a one-way here today one-way here today She's like um can you just like shut up a little bit? Like just like a little bit. Why would you just like shut up? And the captain hears them bitching and she's like, oh gosh, first charter with the whole team.
Starting point is 01:03:52 This should be easier and clearly it's not. Don't don't don't we just see clips of everybody bitching at each other. Like these two pairs bitching at each other. Yawning. It's full disaster. It is the disaster. It is the disaster disaster Already a fun season. Yeah, stressful. Well
Starting point is 01:04:11 Great times. Thanks everyone for being here today for a below deck med We got Salt Lake City coming up later this week and we will catch you on the next episode Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Saboney, she don't take no baloney Strong the park with Caitlyn Clark She's not just a Sheila, she's a daniella Itch-o
Starting point is 01:04:38 Sharon McNickalus, she don't miss no trickleus She's never scary, it's the green fairy Jamie, she has no less name. Alva Nagila Weber, know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-lu-ru!
Starting point is 01:05:05 The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neil! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle, it's a Jamie Kendall! She's not harsh, she's Jill Hir sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall.
Starting point is 01:05:25 She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Cicentacisto.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members. We love you guys! at slash survey.

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