Watch What Crappens - #2199 RHONY Part Two: So It’s My Fault?

Episode Date: October 23, 2023

*This episode is available as a video at Crappens On Demand* This is part two of a two part recap. The Real Housewives of New York have their first reunion, and it’s very teary and denim-y.... Enjoy this two parter! For this week’s bonus, Ronnie talked to one of our besties, the amazing and hilarious Ryan Bailey (@sobaditsgood) of the So Bad It’s Good podcast. We talk about the state of Bravo.Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:27 I'm not a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a pro, I'm a, I'm a If you missed part one, go check it out on our feed. Thanks for being here. We love you guys. So then Uba is like, well, off camera, she celebrates her wins, but on the show, people don't see that side of her. And that's all I was saying, which it's not what you were saying. Like, have the guts to say what you were saying before you were not just saying, Oh, yeah, poor Jenna just doesn't celebrate herself enough. What the hell? Did someone have a talk with Uba or what? Like in the arts or break?
Starting point is 00:00:50 I need what you offered at the beginning, okay? I feel like this is when the waiter comes to your table and offers you the special and then you order a special and they're like, we're out of that. You just offered it to me. Yeah, well, Uba said it herself. She doesn't really know how to talk. In a sense that like, she's like, I'm a model.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I take photos and then take the photo of me and then I'm done. But here I have to actually express myself and then I have to keep expressing myself and be consistent. So Uba's just saying that she loves that she's vulnerable. And who is she? Now, are they talking about Erin now? I mean, she are they're talking about Aaron now?
Starting point is 00:01:25 I mean no they're talking about Jenna still and brins like Jenna and brins like oh, yeah She's vol- she's the most vulnerable out of all of us. I mean I have stretch marks I have uneven boobs and I wouldn't show any of that for all the money in the world But you just pop your teeth out your eyelashes out like okay, well And it's like Jenna at the end of the season, you are processing a breakup, but I know there's a new lady in your life. Can you tell us anything about us?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Now that we've established that this is a safe space and you're the most open of us. And she's like, what do you want to know? I'll say this. She is on Chitzgreek. Oh, okay, I'll say it. No, I'm just gonna have some friends. I'm just trying to sum them up from there.
Starting point is 00:02:06 So Andy's like, well, okay, well, how long have you been seeing each other? And she's like, um, while we started seeing each other right when the show was ending, and we've known each other for years, and we're both the same way. And just we ended up always had like a little bit of a crush on her.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And he's like, wow, is anyone better? Is anyone come on? We have a few more comments. We can make this a super sized episode. Come on, everyone, say something. And they've all met her. And Aaron's like, yeah, I've planned dinner for us. And I got so close to the right place this time.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And I'm like, what? You married Aaron about time. Oh, and then, uh, Channis, it's really obsessed. Oh, go ahead. I was going to say, by the way, the thing that people are talking about this week is that Travis Kelsey and Taylor Swift ate at catch in New York City. So everyone's like, oh catch wasn't good enough for you know, brin and sigh, but it was good enough for Travis and Kelsey, which I'm like, I'm in Travis and Taylor,
Starting point is 00:02:59 which I'm like, I want to be like, ha, yeah, this is 10, he was the best, but yes, ha, but then I'm like, I want to be like, ha, yeah, this is 10, he was the best, but yes, ha. But then I'm like, but then that makes Aaron on the pulse. And so I'm like, no, I take it all back. So let's stop with this narrative, people. It's doing more harm than good. So, let's see. So John from Waters says, Aaron, what was your reaction? And Aaron's like, what was that? What was your reaction? what was your reaction? Uh, and Aaron's like, oh, about what was that?
Starting point is 00:03:25 What was your reaction? What was your reaction? But I'm saying, well, oh, about the body talk because Jenna, obviously, oh, Aaron, when she was sick and then Aaron went and used all that shit against her with the other ladies, which was her biggest dick move of the season out of a lot of dick moves. So she's like, well, you know, when we went to Anguela, like, I don't think any of us were aware of like, how insecure she was about her body. Oh, really? Because Eric, he literally told you how insecure she was
Starting point is 00:03:53 when she was sick and bad on pain meds, and then you took that shit and tried to get everyone pissed off at her, you asked her. What, like, you just have to like, a bus boy refilling Jenna's water will be like, wow, that lady has a lot of insecurity. She's really not confident at all. I feel like she's not,
Starting point is 00:04:10 she wouldn't feel comfortable being in a bikini right now. Like everyone, you know, and you can tell, and you just have to talk to her and you would get that. And like, you said she's like, I tried to take her plate, but she's hiding behind that fight kiss over there. Does everyone think it's okay to, I'm sorry, just, you know, do it with me too.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Please don't look at me. Please. Oh my god. I'm gonna get, let me give myself a hernia. I'm not supposed to live heavy things, as I said. I'm not supposed to live heavy things and like strain myself because it could, because I had to surgery down here. I mean, get a hernia, but you're making me laugh so much. I'm literally gonna get a hernia from this fucking podcast. There's nothing heavy here, so don't worry. So parents like, yeah, so like, I mean, she said she wanted to town or whatever, but like, then when I watched it, and I saw how much you like opened up in the confessional lies more lies. So Brinn's like, well, I didn't know until I watched
Starting point is 00:04:58 the confessional, then you were like sharing that whole episode, like you really did open up. So like, you know, before we said you didn't open up, like I'd like to review, I'd like to amend my yelp review on your emotional scene. And like congratulations, you're like traumatized. Like I said, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah, which is, I thought it was like kitschy in like first class, like whatever you're flying in first class, but I feel like really bad about that. And like, I'm gonna say it here, I'm sorry that I said that. And so she gonna say it here, I'm sorry that I said that. And so she's like, yeah, I should have given more backstory because you did give me more backstory. So I should have given more backstory
Starting point is 00:05:33 when I tried to throw you under the bus. And she's like, what you guys don't know is that when I saw it, I reached out to Aaron and I said that was actually really shitty and I'm really bummed. So it's almost like we already had a reunion. So I guess that's what I'm trying to Erin and I said, that was actually really shitty and like I'm really bummed. So, it's almost like we already had our reunion. So, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. Yeah, so now, size does the same. She's like, yeah, watching back, I mean, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Like, we were very hard on her and I think it was like a table that was just like filled with daggers, you know? None of them were edible, which was extremely infuriating. Like, I took one and I threw it at a swan that was in the ocean. I actually hit it. So, you know you know, that was delicious. But it's blood ran down my face that day. I thought, you know, I'm gonna regret being me to Jenna one day and it happened. I'm reading like, um, in use him, then I can go suck my dick. And yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Fuck it. Like you went first class. That was jealous. That's all that's all it is. So he's like, okay Cool Well Yo play from yogurt says I can't believe you were 53 when you went on your first girls weekend Did you not have a group of close girlfriends when you were at college or when you worked at J crew? Did Michelle Obama never invite you to Martha's Vineyard? So and she says that she went to art school so there's definitely about a group of girls there.
Starting point is 00:06:49 And I was like, wow, girls in art school don't like hanging out together. What the hell? What's up? I would love to see like a group of girls from like RISD going like going to Cancun for Spring Break. I would love to see what that looks like. I bet it's amazing. So like, um, ma'am, would you like to check in here at the Marriott?
Starting point is 00:07:09 Do I? It's conceptual. Ma'am, why are you setting up a ribbon in our lobby? That's called art. Ma'am, we're going to have to charge you for all the towels missing from your room. Oh, really? He might want to missing from your room. Oh really? You might want to look at your entrance. It's like a beautiful installation.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, yeah, a towel and a skeleton. So Andy's like, okay, cool. Hey, did Jenna's closet live up to the hype? Come on now. We're gonna do something fun now. Yeah, this closet was great, but she has too many buttons, button downs. Brand, more of a checker is from Chess, kind of a girl, says,
Starting point is 00:07:52 sciat a problem with Jenna promoting her products, but isn't him a full answer? She makes a living doing that very thing. Do you think sciat is being a bit hypocritical here? Why are you asking Brynn that question? What does that have to do with Brynn? And then Brynn's like, no, because size very honest about it. And she works. That's her job. And so when she gets something, she is expected to post about it. So I think that's why she was
Starting point is 00:08:17 getting a little defensive about being given all this free stuff. And Jonas is like, well, but I just want to be clear, these are all like dead like collapse. Like these are all collapse that basically are not in existence anymore. So I wasn't giving you shit to promote it. I was basically giving you shit because it was like goodwill. And I needed this shit out of my house. So I don't want anyone to be offended. Yeah, it's just you can't even buy them anywhere, which makes them both rare and also pass A. So I hope you enjoy.
Starting point is 00:08:45 It's basically like getting roller skates with my name on them. But let's use less, obviously. Yeah. It's like getting a, you know, a swim towel that says, happy about midst of learn, you know, like you weren't there. And it was from a long time ago, but it still has some use. So then Sai, of course, is like, yeah, I shouldn't have done that. Which, you know, is the, that's what the thing is the anthem of this reunion.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And she says she gets so many things gifted to her. And she's never had a friend who just gives her something every single time that they see her. And so she's like, what are you trying to buy me? It's like, but you're like literally for sale at all times. So. to buy me, but you're like literally for sale at all times. So yes, I, because your wonderful personality is something that everyone aspires to purchase. Yeah. Doesn't Jenna have a lot more followers anyway? So Andy's like, so is good friends.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Say it again. And more interesting friends, if Jenna wanted to buy you, she would have made you her goddaughter. Let's be honest, okay Yeah, so Jenna's like that's my love language. I love giving gifts and it was like for me I love my love language is to receive gifts and I'm like ha ha ha Yeah, you still haven't delivered on what you promised on so until you show up on my table with that order of yell it Aaron and Jenna I'm not gonna forgive you Hey
Starting point is 00:10:07 Night all from gives you Z says you called out the double standard Brin for how the rest of the group treated Jenna Aaron forgave her for leaving in the middle of the night jessil gave her a pass for lying about missing her event How did that double standard affect your ability to connect Jenna? Did it make you resentful of her? What the fuck is this question? So just stop with first of all, it's Michael and the, okay, let's not call, let's not give my tall credit where Michael has succeed. I thought, wait, I thought Nytal was helps you get your Z's and Nytil is like the for your itchy scratchy coffee
Starting point is 00:10:47 Puky whatever runny nose You know what I'm talking Mike will will help you and that thing is coming up which means you're probably I'll try Nytal My oh no, oh no, I'm sorry. It's Rooney will help you catch your Z's I'm such a dick. Honestly, I don't apologize for my views, but I do apologize to the people who genuinely like the show who have to listen to me hate
Starting point is 00:11:14 on the thing that they love. And I think that that's a good thing. If you open with it, then as good people can just turn it off if they don't want it. Like, you know what you're getting into? You know what I mean? So basically, is it a double standard how the group treated Jenna?
Starting point is 00:11:29 I am not brain, but I will answer this that, yeah, kind of, because Jenna knows how to play the game and look at this. They all probably came in like, let's get, at least Ubo was like, I'm gonna get Jenna on something today. No one backed her up and they're all severely kissing her ass. Every time a Jenna question comes up, so... Yeah, I would say it's a double standard,
Starting point is 00:11:50 but also Jenna kind of earns it. She really hasn't fucked with anybody. So while I say Jenna doesn't deserve any smoke today, Jenna really doesn't deserve as much applause because she's not really doing that much. She hasn't doing much. I mean, the one thing that I've said that I do like about Jenna is, I don't think that she's f really doing that much. She isn't doing much. I mean, the one thing that I've said that I do like about Jenna is,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I don't think that she's faking a persona. I think Jenna is just being Jenna and I appreciate that. So as opposed to someone like Brynn, you know? So anyway, Brynn was just saying. You know, actually I have to say, I feel like Brynn is like this. I feel like Brynn maybe fakes a I feel like Brim may be fake,
Starting point is 00:12:25 like persona in her real life. Okay, you know what I mean? But I feel like she's just really like that. Even if she's fake in her real life. It's still a crime to me. Shade asks, is it a crime? And I say yes. The song we're about to play.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I think I was resemble him. But I just don't think it was like my connection with Jenna. I just like, you know, it was just more of my anger hatred with Erin with my problem. And I was like, hey, Hey, Trin, I finish. Can I finish right now? That's a strong word, brin.
Starting point is 00:12:58 That's really really So, Hey, Trin, Hey, Trin, Hey, Tr. Hey, Tran. Hey, Tran. Hey, Tran. Hey, Tran. Ah. So she's like, well, not a hatred and just like,
Starting point is 00:13:10 an emosity. No, like, no, you stretch hatred. You, Hey, Tran. Yeah, you see, Tran. She's like, no, okay, then frustration. Cause like, I'm just like, I'm fair. And like, the punishment is not like, fitting the crime. And like, you're letting her off easy with stuff
Starting point is 00:13:26 But then like I just do a little bit and I'm like punished forever. Yeah, but Jenna also didn't do anything So you will just ditch them and went to some other restaurant and lied about it and then bragged about it on social media to make her look like an asshole What did Jenna do? But what are you referring to? Hashtag hatred punished forever? What? So, it was like bring us right. And when you are not as hot as Jenna as you are on brin. And let me tell you something about Jenna. Okay. She is fake. And I mean, that's as like, you know, she's a strong woman. And I just wanted to be stronger. So, brin says, you weren't hard on Jenna. Okay,
Starting point is 00:14:03 but Jenna didn't do anything again. So, there was nothing to be hard on her for. And she's like, yeah, I thought you were kissing Jenna's ass. And Uba goes, yeah, everybody kisses her ass. And Aaron's like, whatever. It's really, it's a captivating reunion. I'm just cracking up because I keep looking to see where these things are leading or have a connect but they don't really.
Starting point is 00:14:28 And then someone says, errant, no one says, uba again, no one says, uba, why do you say she's fake? What what evidence do you have that she's fake or why do you keep making comments like that from the side? They just let it go. What are we doing here? Well, guess what? Nike will from the nighttime snifflings, teasing, coughing, aching, stuffing,
Starting point is 00:14:49 head fever so you can rest, medicine, asks. Jenna, you keep asking Jenna to open up when she would talk about anxiety around showing her skin, and you didn't take it seriously, saw you even went so far as asked Jenna if she turned in her burka. Why be so dismissive about these anxieties?
Starting point is 00:15:08 And so they're like, wow, you know what? You're so brave, Jenna, for sharing this. And just like, yeah, you are so brave, sharing a genetic disorder. I mean, you're so vulnerable. It's not easy. It's not easy. And it was like, yeah, you're going to help a lot of people. You fake bitch. Look, it's like, yeah, you're going to help a lot of people. You fake bitch.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Look, you're being supportive. You're calling her fake. What is going on? Yeah, but you know what? We were, we were hot on you and you know what? The answer you're question. Yes, we were hot and we're, we apologize. I'm sorry. If we had known you're already being hot on yourself, we wouldn't have done it already. We just wanted to make sure you were down in the dumps. That's all. You're already with there. I'll bet. Brian, so we made you cry. Okay. You know, it's like I tell my kids, you think you're crying now? Wait until I give you a reason to cry. So Aaron's like, yeah, this is a sorority and you have to get hazed. And like, he is, I mean, hatred, Hey, hatred, he's a, he's a trade.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Yeah, but you don't get haze by your fellow pledging class. You guys are all the incoming class. You don't, the hazing comes from us. You're getting haze right now. So then Andy was like, Jess, oh, your reaction of utter disgust to Jen is real name, June, it was really something Wow
Starting point is 00:16:27 And I mean it's like do you know anyone named Judith? Chessel. Thank God for just if we did not have jessel she goes what am I? One of my favorite authors is Judith Bloom. I mean, I read it when I was little in Uncle Mitchen's house. But that's Judy Bloma. She's been on my couch. Well, her real name is Judith, I suppose. Is it? Well, I mean, Andy, Judith, Judy, come on. You're mad at me, aren't you? Haven't we all laughed at the comedy of Judith Teneuta RIP?
Starting point is 00:17:06 fruity Judith O'Rudi, do we not all know the song? It's all fun and games! so she's like listen, assuming Judy Bloom is a shortened version, I think my reaction was just more, I've always known Jenna to be Jenna, so Judith to me, I mean I said it in confessional, it's just not this fabulous woman, I mean Judith is a- It's a Judith, it's a big baggy sweater that smells like mothballs, Andy. Can we just- anybody, anybody. So just, you know what Judith is? It's a walking puddle that rats wouldn't even bathe in. That's what Judith is. It's a lower calorie version of a Judy. Who likes Judith? That's what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Oh, oh, hold on, I just found out from Montessori of my children were accepted. Let's see, it's from the admissions counselor. Judith, oh damn it. Judith Francis. My children have been kicked out of school. So he's like, we're gonna leave it on that note. I was like, wow, your big guns were Judith. Great. So he's like, so, Liz, between her modeling career, her hot, hot sauce line and being asked no follow questions, whatever she makes a barb from the side here tonight. Uba is a model who has a hot sauce.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Let's watch. Uba hot. Uba hot. Uba hot. Uba hot coconut milk. So, and he's like, all right, so obviously we want to know right away, what is the status of you, Mr. Connecticut? And they're still going strong.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Everything is good. And they all love them. They've all met him. They all really like him. And it's just that he's private. Because of his work, which is why he's not on camera, why he doesn't want to talk about him. So, nobody wants to talk about their relationship except Abe.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Abe is the only one we get to talk about. Judith won't talk about her relationship, Ubal won't talk about her relationship. So why are you even asking? Like who cares? So someone asks how Uba feels that she's in a youth-obsessed industry, and how has her career changed as she's gotten older? And I don't know, other than modeling in Costa Chippuriani, which seems to be the main sponsor for this show, I've got no answer for you. It hot sauce and chip riani.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I've got. Well, she, um, she treads very closely to a classic Ramona tag line. She goes, but I don't age. I'm just like wine. I get better with age. I was like, very close, very close. Like a wine wine. I just get better with age. I was like, very close, very close. Like a fine one. I just get better with time. With time. Yeah. In this case, it's quite taste.
Starting point is 00:19:51 If you don't like me, quite some taste. In this case, I do believe that Uba is like a fine wine, whereas Ramona is just like, she's just like an aging balsamic in a bad way. She's a balsamic loved out on the counter, not? It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and it's commercial. Watch what crapens and winter is crappening of a funniest recap broadcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast Ghost Story about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Ghost aren't real, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent argument of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too, including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman. It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunted my childhood room might just be my wife's great grandmother, who was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story, a podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunt us.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Follow Go Story on the Wondry app wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes at free right now by joining Wondry+. So, um... Uba says it's a really great time to be a model because there's so much inclusivity, there's every type, there's every skin tone, every age, and then we move back to Jenna and he's like, wow, great segment, so Jenna, but from... Fluss! I nominated the city of Fluss!
Starting point is 00:21:42 I'm even out of color names, that's how. That's how the season is done me in. Okay, don't even have collar days for you guys today. Um, wants to know what advice you've given to Uba and taking Uba to the next level. And Jenna's like, well, we had a conversation and I was like, you know what, don't try and like tone it down. Like you need to just like be you because like Uba's you, you know, and you're Uba. And like, if I want Uba hot sauce, like, I don't want to taste hot sauce, I like want to taste Uba,
Starting point is 00:22:12 you know, so I suggested maybe like putting her arm in tacos or whatever and just like, really letting people taste her, you know what I mean? He has what you do, okay. First of all, you got a cheat of brain hot sauce, okay. You think you're the first person to come up with the hot sauce. Okay, you think you have the first person come up with a hot sauce? Okay, it's called Tabasco. It's called Chalupa. It's called, I mean Chalupa.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Chalupa goes on on Chalupa. But guess what, hot. Gotcha, gotcha, Chalupa. Okay, it could be a sauce too. I'm making Bethany Franklin Chalupa sauce. Okay, also, Tabasco. I mentioned Tabasco. Saracha, Saracha.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Okay, guess what? You're getting lined on a hot sauce department. Okay, the next thing you can do, go to hell. Okay, because I don't wanna to hear about your hot sauce. That's my advice to your business. It's about Tabasco. So Andy's like, we want to talk about your mom. Do you have siblings?
Starting point is 00:22:55 And so she talks about her mom some more and about how her mom was really her anchor. She does have a dad, but they're not very close. And that she learned from a healer that she dates the guys and she's trying to replace the energy she never had growing up. And she's like, you know, and every time they leave me, besides I beat them up. But before that, they say to me, how, how much they've loved me? And everyone's like, starts laughing. And she goes, Oh, yeah, I've slapped every guy I've ever dated. I was like, oh God, Oop is really not, but this movie is not Oop is place.
Starting point is 00:23:31 It's not her greatest moment. Don't say things that might invoke Bronwyn. So then, what's my laugh about physical abuse? Then you're reunion, you know? Physical abuse, physical abuse, Tanner, like H. What a, physical abuse, and, like, hate. Well, slapped in bad order and argument. And she's like, in public.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Oh, have you slapped Mr. Connecticut? On the dick. This way too rich. Yeah, he's way too rich to slap at me. Yeah. And then, brain is, and then he's like, is there a possibility you're ever gonna slap me? She's like, no, but he has the thing.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And the, do you want to be slapped just like a little bit by like Hester Prynne, but like on OnlyPam? That's me. So, um, he's like, well, talk of MOBA's love life created a lot of drama in the group. So, Si, why did you get so angry at brim for asking MOBA about Mr. Connecticut when you broke MOa's dress yourself. Okay, so they're gonna be pissed off at Jenna, the whole season for not sharing her life, but now they're gonna have a fight about who's at fault
Starting point is 00:24:36 for saying the word Connecticut in relation to some stranger at that Uba station. No, more importantly, they're gonna be mad at Jenna, all season for not sharing more of her life, but they're gonna have a fight over who failed to protect Uba's privacy the most. That's what it's like. So, Brinds like, so I was like, that's a great question.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And I think I'm a little hot on Brind because Brind and I were very close, so I trusted you with the secret. And Brinds like, a secret, you shared on camera with Daddy. And she's like, I didn't share it on camera. I just said it on camera. Okay, it was the Connecticut part that she told me not to say anything about Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:25:12 That's the main thing. That was the main part that you said. And I said, don't say anything. Do not say anything about the state of Connecticut. And man, he's like, so you don't want anyone to know that he's in Connecticut? Like you didn't mind if they knew that you were dating someone. And she's like, well, I mind that too.
Starting point is 00:25:28 And here's the thing. I just wanted this to be between me and him. You brought it up on camera, Uba. You set it on camera. You were showing pictures to sign on camera of something that you're dating. How are you going to pretend that you wanted this to only be between you? This doesn't make any sense. And you can't say that you forgot about the camera because you're literally a model and
Starting point is 00:25:46 that's that's like your number one task is the camera. So size like yeah, you know, I definitely spelled the beans because I was hungry and I need to get them out of the can. But that was me and I apologize to be fair. I spelled the beans, but then I picked them off the floor and I ate them because I was starving. Who's going to leave beans on the floor? Not me.
Starting point is 00:26:04 Well, did you tell her that where he lived was a secret? And so I was like, well, she shouldn't have repeated any of it. Hey, David. So, Marin's like, it's like a state. Like, my state is for anyness. He knows states. It's like not like, but like, you never told me
Starting point is 00:26:19 to keep it like a secret. Like, you didn't tell me the whole thing and say like, I keep this one state. I'm residents private, like a private part like a penis I do you tell me that would have kept a secret of course another secret I love a dirty little secret I love dirty little secret that's in my head right now So size like listen I take full accountability for it. Okay everybody But this is totally brims fault because I told her to keep Connecticut a secret
Starting point is 00:26:44 Okay, I'm Aaron knows because you know what, we were all eating. Okay, and it is my fault. Let me just say again, okay, and I was upset that I broke her trust. That's why I took it out on you, brin, okay, because I was really angry at the moment. And I was also drinking a lot, and I wanted to fuck you up in that moment. So I'm really sorry, and I love you, brin. I apologize, you know, we haven't spoken really sorry. And I love you, Bren. I apologize. We haven't spoken since then. And then Bren starts crying. And then Bren says crying.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Really? Because it's been sickle moms. And I apologize to you profusely. And Andy's like, see, you haven't spoken to her since then. All the photo shoots you've been doing for the show and everything. I mean, come on, Bren's like, how could you? I mean, I have to, listen, I mean, come on, I'm breath like, how could you? I mean, I have to, listen, I got, I have to appreciate
Starting point is 00:27:29 Brin for being melodramatic, because I do love that. She's like, she's like, I appreciate you like so much. I like the thing is that like you spent six months doing pressure interviews and the same narrative like, Brin can't be trusted. I like Brin breathes, I got juice. And Brin's like, not a girl's girl. But you go out and maybe they ask you every time about me.
Starting point is 00:27:49 I don't know, but every single interview you just say about me. And she's like, when I convene narrative, when I convene narrative that you were saying my mouth, when I had the flashed week, you were continuing the exact narrative that you had for six months, circle of trust. And that's why we don't talk. And so I was like, well, we're hashing it out here. I see both sides hatred. It was implied that the conversation would stay, but also, but also, but also, and brings like, well, I'm glad you're saying implying because in your
Starting point is 00:28:24 interviews, you said that we were like doing this like sister traveling pants blood sister thing. And then it was like that like wasn't the fucking case. It just like wasn't. I love Brynn relating everything to a blockbuster video. I know. I know. I'm actually on sisterhood of the traveling fans. So Aaron's like, um, like look, like Si and I aren't even great
Starting point is 00:28:46 right now, but like I do have to say that we did look each other in the eye and say we're not going to expose us. Okay, wait. So just a second ago, Aaron, you said it was implied. And now you're saying you specifically all looked each other in the eye. Just lie more. Just please lie more. Who even believes any of the stuff coming out of her mouth? Whatever liar.
Starting point is 00:29:07 This story has more holes in it than a doc after it was attacked by the Mag in theaters this August. This has more holes in it than the film holes. This has more holes in it than that pardon contact where Jody Fosser goes to different universe. Mm-hmm. We're home. So let's see. So they're going on about this. So we never really find out the answer. Did they make a blood pack to not say anything on camera about UBA dating someone in Connecticut?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Okay, guys, you can bring this up on camera. Just please do not say Connecticut. Are we all in agreement here? Everyone hold hands and say, you guys, I'm invoking America Ferrara right now. Everybody look each other in the eyes. Can I mention the Marit Parkway? No, absolutely not the Marit Parkway.
Starting point is 00:30:02 So, um, Brent's like, you know, we were just having a good time. We didn't make any promises. And it's like, uh, uh, we had a circle of trust. And then he says, what was the circle of trust? And just was like, it's where they talk about everyone. And he, that's what that is. That's where they get fucking talk about everyone. Which is exactly what it is. We're just like less talk shit in states between the three of us. And so Aaron's like, you don't do that. And Justin's like, of course I do it.
Starting point is 00:30:27 But I do it to pop it, but his face has many dripping off the side of it and our children are in the street, pissing away the futures by literally pissing in the streets. And Aaron, Justin's like, well, of course I do it too. And Uba says, yeah, and by the way, Aaron, the reason this thing is even brought up is you. And then he goes, oh really?
Starting point is 00:30:44 So it's my fault, it by the way, Aaron, the reason this thing is even brought up is you. And then he goes, oh, really? So it's my fault. It's my fault, then, really? She's like, yeah, this is. And I mean, how's it my fault? And Uba's like, because you went to Tessai and Uba is so mad about David. That's why because you started doing this thing all this thing. Aaron's like, no, I didn't say he's so mad.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Play the tapes back. I never said he's so mad. Yeah, she said she's upset. Yeah, yeah, because I thought you were. Okay. I would say she's upset. But also, this is not the strongest point. Like this is all started because Aaron was like,
Starting point is 00:31:18 Hey, just so you know, aside, like I think Ubud didn't love that question from from David, which in a rare case, Aaron is in the right side on this one, I believe. I think that David's question was obnoxious and Aaron was being like, you should probably tell David not to ask those sorts of questions again. Yeah, Uba's just trying to have something
Starting point is 00:31:37 to pick with Aaron here, obviously, right? So Aaron's like, no, I don't say she's so mad, play the tapes back and Aaron's like, I was trying to be nice. I was trying to do something kind, which, okay, that's overstating that. So, Uber's like, no, no, because doing what you did got us here right now.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And you are the seed. My fault. So it's my fault. My fault. So Andy's like, he's like, well, I'm curious what Jassel thinks, because we put him in the first seat and have barely talked to her all episode long. So let's see, Jassal, what do you think
Starting point is 00:32:07 about the circle of trust given how happy everyone was to be talking about your business? Jassal's like, oh, thank you so much. You know, I'm kind of speechless, honestly. I'm absolutely speechless like my children applying for Montessori School. This is my favorite part. S like us. What do you speak to us about?
Starting point is 00:32:26 I'm just kidding. About the fact that you guys talked about my marriage in such a fucking disgusting way in Psychos. It was sexless, you brought it up. Ha, ha, ha. Like, we didn't talk about your marriage in a disgusting way, we just like mocked it and questioned its authenticity and just like danced on its future grave.
Starting point is 00:32:50 That's all. These two. And she's like, but you insinuated my husband with cheating on me. I did not insinuate that. No, I didn't. No, I had another fucking life from Aaron. So then they pull up a montage.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Not a clip. It's a montage of the amount of times they are just like questioning pop it and Justin. But it's Aaron specifically goes, oh yeah, I mean, first there's the thing about not having sex for over a year and a half. Then there's the thing about Vietnam, like you start adding this to that Literally had a monologue Talking about it. What are you talking about you didn't insinuate that so jessil's like oh did you watch a show Aaron She's like I dead and she goes did you watch with a fucking blinding fold over your face?
Starting point is 00:33:42 No, I didn't because I don't remember where what with Vietnam is that what you're saying? Was it like a hatred blindfold? I don't get it. And Jessica's the fact that you said, my husband doesn't wear wedding ring. I never said that. And Jessica's like, did she say that brin? Did she said that right? I mean, what is this something I'm just remembering from my favorite Judith Bloom novel? Why didn't what was in the third clip of this? This happened on the show, right? And Jussles like, did he say it or not? And Brynn's like, well, you did relay that information to me. And then I told her about it. And she's like, I did not say it in a way like he's not wearing his ring. The intention was completely different. What was the intention? And Jussles,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I said the same thing Jussle did. What is the intention? And Justin, I said the same thing, Justin did. What is the intention of that then? Okay, her husband's going to be at mom. They haven't had sex and he's not wearing his ring. I just meant it like, I love awesome blossoms. It's like a fried onion ring, but it's not in the shape of a ring. What?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Yeah, Justin's like, well, because it was brought up to me on camera. And everyone's like, yeah, well, I wish he didn't do that honestly. And you know how upset I am about the ring thing. And so Brin's like, she's like, I'm out of all the shit that he said. You're only upset that he didn't wear a piece of jewelry. That's the thing that you're most upset about. And so I was like, why are you instigating, Brin?
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like she can speak for herself. And she's like, I can't hear you all the way down there. What? Which is so funny. She like, last place, saving sigh when she's in the middle, see it. I know. I fully respected that move. That's the sort of pettyness I'm here for. And so I was like, you heard me read my lips. Just as like, it's been nice getting third when I'm second. Must be nice getting third when I'm second Brin flips with ape and oh my god all hell breaks loose Oh wow and Aaron's like well the double standard between me and Si is unbelievable I mean you're just looking at me like we both were dicks
Starting point is 00:35:39 So just like I'm making my way down to there. I'm making my way down Which he doesn't really so making my way down to there. I'm making my way down, which she doesn't really. So making my way down, down the couch, gonna say lots of things to side. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da- If I could read just one book it would be from Judith Bloom. Science so far away from me right now it's like the Nicole Kidman film firing away. What's that? Judith Bloom's first screenplay. I'm just getting so confused.
Starting point is 00:36:21 So Andy's like, okay before we on, she's just apologized to you. So where do you go from here, Si? You guys were very close. You guys were very close, remember? And so I think, I mean, we're fine. Like who cares? Like we're fine. I think that's your thing.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You're fine. What are you saying, Brynn? And Brynn's like, honestly, one of the reasons I haven't been wanting to be friends is like, I've just heard that you're saying like a lot of other stuff about me, like what I do for a living, I like, I wake up my money, calling me names, calling me a slut, calling me a whore. So I was like, I never said any of those things, like from who, who did you hear that from? And it was like, well, I'll give you a thousand dollars from Aaron. And so I was like, I never called you, any of those things, I never called you any of those things I never called you any of those things because you just are those things. I don't have to say it
Starting point is 00:37:07 Okay, and I own my own shit at the end of the day And if I called you a slut or you get your money from somewhere, I would have said it And I don't I don't know what you do for a living to be honest. I actually I have no idea I will actually speak for America right now. None of us know what you do It's like I mean you do know what I did for a living. We were friends and I signed your contract on a Bino baby. So I know you know what I do. That was back in 2017. And he brings like, yeah, and I've had like six other jobs since then,
Starting point is 00:37:35 because I actually work a nine to five somewhere someplace. What? Okay. So now is the way it's insulted. You could, yes. Brandon's the one who just said she only works 10 hours a week max. And that's why she's so rich because she doesn't have to, she's created her own thing where she doesn't have to deal with anybody else. And na-la-la-la-la-la.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Never really explaining what she does. And I'm not suggesting she doesn't have a job. But what are she saying? I've never understand what she's saying. Yeah, and so it's like, I don't talk about you, Bryn, I don't talk about you, and Bryn goes, well, I don't talk about you. It says, fine, I have like a thousand friends.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Like someone to cause a circle of friends, starring Chris Adonnell, I don't know. And it was like, come on, you guys can't do this, you have to fix this. Just guys, we have to get back together. Okay. So it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it have to fix this. Just guys, we have to get back together. Okay. So it's, it commercial and Jenna's like, I mean, this arena is so long.
Starting point is 00:38:47 They come back and Jenna's like sitting her legs out and like her boobs are out, I guess, or through the mash or whatever. She's like showing them and just like, by the way, Jenna, sister Jenna friend, I feel so far from you because you want a separate couch which implies I've done a feud, but let what America doesn't know is that we're the bestest of friends.
Starting point is 00:39:07 And I do you do have the best nipples and I cannot blame you for displaying them all the time. What I'm trying to say is you made the absolute best choice now for today. Hazasus de Jenna. Hazaa. Well, we're back with real housewives of New York season 14 reunion. Otherwise no one is James. They're okay now. So between her career her husband and her twin boys Jussel was about as busy as a
Starting point is 00:39:33 Bond me shop when when what's the segment? So we see Jassel, Jassel segment. And he's like, wow, you really put it all out there. And the fans had a lot to say. I wanna start with the obvious, if you will, how's your sex life? Well, I mean, much better Andy. He's stopped asking. I've stopped offering.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's actually been wonderful. The secret to a healthy marriage, I'd say Yes, I just put Jenna's abhorrent Nighty that she gave me or whatever that thing was on a pillow and he just goes out at from time to time And I sit in the corner and do the crossword. I mean we're still busy and you know, we're still trying to obviously find times for ourselves Between berating my mother for not wiping fingerprints off walls But you know how it goes.
Starting point is 00:40:26 It's much better. Well, ladies, um, this one is, uh, so, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, chair from, needs a table, says, I don't know. Hey, you know, it's funny. We really have run out of colors. She wants to know If the wine and jessel showcase was as bad as Aaron said it was and she's like, oh it was terrible Andy It was free. I mean, what are you gonna do? It was free. All right. It was sponsored that was sponsored and Aaron goes Oh, so yours was sponsored to yeah, Aaron. It wasn't her fucking
Starting point is 00:41:02 Aaron goes, oh, so yours was sponsored too. Yeah, Aaron, it wasn't her fucking vow. Brinney will ceremony. It was a PR event. You're focused. Yeah. She's what I didn't put it on my invite. Cindy goes, Andy is like, well, hers was also a business event and not an anniversary.
Starting point is 00:41:22 So that brings up this question. Balanced from ball wants to know the latest with baby number three. Have you been able to convince Povid to have another little beautiful demon? Can I just ask a favor of this show? Can we stay out of Jessel's vagina? That would be great. Okay. Jessel's not inviting everybody into her vagina.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Let's just all stay out of it for a while. You guys are obsessed with what she's putting in it and what's coming out of it. Can the woman just not be good? I don't need it labeled as an entrance or an exit. Leave it alone. How about a caution or a like a fucking line? Do not cross.
Starting point is 00:41:58 Leave her alone. I know the fact that they dwell so much on the fucking popsicle thing. She makes this one comment at a dinner, you know, episodes ago, there's like, oh, I guess, you know, and of course they make that like the ending thing, like popsicles, she's not them doing popsicles,
Starting point is 00:42:14 and then popsicle comes up again, they're like so obsessed popsicle and like literally no one that I've ever seen on Instagram, on Facebook, or any of like the Bravo community, ever's like, oh my god, just on the popsicle. Like, it's not a joke, it's not a thing, no one cares. But they are singularly obsessed with this crap.
Starting point is 00:42:31 And I don't understand why. Yes. So Andy asks her about the, I'm not even gonna justify his question with an answer from her. She's like, whenever, who cares? So he's like, so, what about the school for the kids? Like, are they going to their 35 grand a year school?
Starting point is 00:42:48 And she's like, yeah, it's going well. And he's like, any Siri crew's sightings? Guys, is it a Siri crew's like 30 now? Why are we asking if it's true? Why is everybody pretending Siri is a preschool still? We didn't go to that school, but we did hear that Kevin Hart once walked by
Starting point is 00:43:04 another Montessori school. So I told my kids, get into that school and put we did hear that Kevin Hart once walked by another Montessori school. So I told my kids get into that school and put your face in the window and maybe he'll adopt you. So, um, so Jenny from Craig wants to know, why did the Sharkutri board at the school's open house and press you so much? Are you willing to pay top dollar because it's more about connections than it is in actual education? Yes, Jenny from Craig, very, very deep comment there.
Starting point is 00:43:29 Just so laughed about her kid being able to rub shoulders with Tom Cruise. Of course, it's about the connections. Yeah. I mean, like, what sort of question is that? Like, yes, obviously. And so, just like, well, I just think it's at the tone of the level of attention that they pay. I mean, Pavek was very impressed. He ate everything there. I mean, there wasn't a piece of cheese or a slice of meat left for even, you know, Joan Allen's granddaughter, bless her sweet little heart.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Joan Allen's granddaughter. Not a very smart child, either, like to say. That's a reason story won't come back to school, actually. If you're wondering what Joan Allen's been these days, it's trying to make sure her granddaughter doesn't fall into a pit. And is it coincidence her grand her granddaughter's name is Judith? Is it really? That's kind of makes my point, doesn't it, really? Talk about Judith will never bloom.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Wallflower Judith never going to bloom. Tales of a fourth grade, nothing except in all her life instead. Oh, card, are you there? Great nothing except in all her life instead God are you there? You're not. I'm sure of it because my name is Judith God are you there? It's me failure. Joan Allen's granddaughter To this failure age eight Superfudge also known as the story of Joan Allen's granddaughter's draws. Superfudge also the name of the grade that Judith gets on every test in Montessori school. Blubber. Awesome. I'll just let that one stand there.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Okay, so now the next question is something we talked about on Crapy Hour, which was the rumor that she only came to New York to be on the show. Now this is so odd because this is coming from the host and a producer of the show, right? He's like, one of the creators and a producer of the show. Right? He's like, one of the creators and executive producers of the show. And he's like, so, you know, the rumor is, you moved into New York City for the show, but you still own a home in Dallas.
Starting point is 00:45:54 You calling Tribeca up and coming, made it sound like you don't really know New York. Did you just move for the show? Okay, wow, Goddard. Didn't you cast her? It's not like you guys were struggling to find six people who would do this show. Okay, wow, God, or didn't you cast her? Yeah, like you guys were struggling to find six people who would do this show. It's a fucking popular TV show in the biggest city in America. So she hoodwinked you into putting her on this show by pretending to
Starting point is 00:46:18 live in Dallas. So she's, no, I moved to New York for the opportunity to be on bravo's the real house for his franchise. Yeah, he's like, obviously, Niddy for the show. She's, no, for the opportunity to be closer to my family, for my work, and this show, which happens to film my family and my work in New York City. Listen, I'll just say it. A Peter Sharp opened up on 6th Avenue in Pavets says we got a move there. They've got the best for Laughville. This side of the Mississippi, and I said, fuck it, let just say it. A Peter Sharp opened up on 6th Avenue and Poverty says, we got a move there, they've got the best fillafel, this side of the Mississippi, and I said,
Starting point is 00:46:47 fuck it, let's do it. So he asked how long she's lived in New York, and she's like, well, I lived in New York for almost a decade before we moved to LA, and then Poverty started a company in Dallas, so that was like a landing pad, if you will. So we do still have a home in Dallas, and then we moved back to New York.
Starting point is 00:47:04 There you go, that's how it is. Okay. Just so you know, when I say that the company that Dallas is like a landing pad, the company is an actual landing pad and the idea is that they launch bond me is from Vietnam and they land in Dallas. And then we moved back to New York and he's like, but how long ago? It's just about a year and a half. Okay. So moving to New York a year and a half ago, that seems to be when we were casting the show. Brand, what were you thinking? What are you trying to play?
Starting point is 00:47:35 Gotcha. This is you. You know what? Did this? And you know what? Let me tell you something. Lesson, less, not, less not rake just over the coals because if she got an opportunity to be on real housewives of real of New York That she's like moved to New York like I got for bit like New York City one of the best cities in the entire world She like moves to New York for that when meanwhile the whole reason why Jenna's even on the show It's because she said on an interview that she would love to be on the real housewives And then Andy gave her a call and said are you serious? You really want to be on the real housewives? And she was like yes, so they put her on the real housewives There's no difference, honestly, in my mind.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's like, in terms of like, okay, so she moved here. Jenna literally said, I want to be on this show. What is the difference? I don't know. It is kind of odd that they can't cast in New York. They're like, New York is full of such vibrant, amazing people, but they don't cast it all from New York.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Like they have people moving there. Because the rumor was, and this obviously, I don't know what the truth is. This is just a rumor. But the rumor was that both she and Lizzie Grubman or was that the lady who was Grubman, who was gonna be on this podcast. She was not gonna be on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:48:41 The lady who got fired from the show and said she quit. Oh, Lizzie spets. Spets. Spets. Yes. Yes. I'm Lizzie Grubman is the PR person who crashed into the Hamptons. Really? Love or something. Right? Um, so this is now the guys. I'm sorry. My brain is Lizzie Grubman. Not on Rooney. That's what I don't understand. I know. Get her on. So anyway, the other Lizzie who got fired was supposed to be on the show. And the rumor was that she's from Dallas as well. And that they both came from Dallas. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:49:12 I have no idea. I honestly have no idea. But it's not me the first time. By the way, you cannot tell me this is the first time that this has happened. Like you have, like, didn't Cynthia Bailey essentially, I mean, Cynthia Bailey's whole story line, her first season was they just moved from LA to Atlanta, and like she clearly moved to Atlanta
Starting point is 00:49:31 to be on the show. Like this is what happens all the time. Claudia Jordan, well, Claudia Jordan may have a little bit of that. But like I just, I just found this. Sorry, I'm interrupting you, but only because I finally found a fact. Style spotlight, Dallas-based fashion influencer Lizzie
Starting point is 00:49:45 Svetski. So there you go. There you go. Sorry, I love how they were going to use them on Dallas before that was canceled or what. But I was thinking, I was thinking it'd be great to do in odds and ends, housewives. You know, just get like, there are a lot of really great
Starting point is 00:49:59 housewives that deserve to be on like a better show. So why don't we like, from the weaker franchises, why don't we, we'll take Chanel, Ion, we'll take Jessel, we'll take Cat from DC, which is a deep cut, we'll take Tiffany Moon, there's probably one or two others, we can probably pull together and just make a new real housewives out of them.
Starting point is 00:50:17 How about that? You know, I'm down for whatever, I'm down for whatever, I'm with you. I'm gonna support you on that, because I love it, and I want you to be happy. It's just a fantasy I'm, I'm down for whatever I'm with you. I'm gonna support you on that Because I love it. It's not what you to be happy. It's just a fantasy. I have it It doesn't make any logistical sense. I also just wanted to like bring cat back into the ether From the ether into the present. Yeah, she needs to be back. She was amazing
Starting point is 00:50:40 So then they're all kind of doing this shaming on moving for the show and So then they're all kind of doing this shaming on moving for the show and Brin's like, you know, I'm trying to do the math here, but even if they did move here for the show And I don't personally think that you did even though I know for a fact that you did I think that maybe if it was something like how I've had like with career opportunities We're like, okay, like if I move for love Maybe then I could why not move for work? Like, who cares? Which, I'm gonna angry, you know, I'm actually technically this is a job.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Just like, well, when the twins were born in Los Angeles at the restaurant Sir, where I was working as a applying to be a hostess, I realized I need to be closer to my parents. And I was just like, why don't I move a little closer with as a TV shift for me? It's just odd for me that Ambi is like, wow, I caught her in just moving here just for the show. When he's based all of this advertising on we've found real New Yorkers.
Starting point is 00:51:37 You're right. We're going to show you what the real New York is like. So and he's like, well, why not just move to London? By the way, let's also take some people from ladies of London and put that on Ben's fantasy show. Great. So Andy's like, he's like, you know, and Jessica's TPD, he was well, you know, if we cast the real house, how's it London? Sometimes, you know, people may just throw, throw me softballs. And Justin's like, what? Poffent and I are very nom nomadic we love to move around empty okay well when you
Starting point is 00:52:06 guys heard that pop it and just will finally add sex during their staycation you said you're in your confessional side that you didn't believe her did you think she was lying and she goes you know what this is none of my business okay so I'm just gonna say that I'm gonna say I'm sorry I shouldn't comment on anyone's marriage But my own I mean from the outside looking in it looks like you have no connection like what like I Zero connection at all, but you know what it's not my business to say that and so you know I don't need to justify your relationship Wow, so you're doing great. Whoever you don't see on this was fantastic. Apologize while slipping an iPhone.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah, and everyone's like, but you just did. Comment on it. It's like, yeah, you know, you're right, I did. She was an eye on it. I owned it, I did that. So Jessica's no one deserves to comment on my marriage, especially in a negative way. If they want to comment on par with looking like an idiot,
Starting point is 00:53:01 then yes, they can comment on that. But also, I was talking about postpartum, and you know, you understand that when you have babies, when you have four years of IVF, it's okay, it's normal not to have sex. Totally, which is like why your husband doesn't wear his ring and like, go see Vietnam, you know, I'm not insinuating anything. Hateful. Hateful. Tackling hugs. So Justin's like, it's okay to have these struggles. And so I go say, why are you said sorry? And she's, let me talk. Let me talk. Remember before when I started over at that part of the couch, guess what? I'm at your part of the couch now. It's your
Starting point is 00:53:34 time, Si. And so she's like, you implied my husband was cheating on me because I'm not having sex with him. And there goes, no, I did not. No, I did not. Can we roll the clip again? So it, it opens with Aaron Lai Lai and it ends with Aaron Lai Lai. And so I was like, I never said that. You guys are so full of it. But you know, we still get two hours of talking about it, because that's how we're like, you know what? This reunion really was disappointing. Let's talk about it for nine weeks. I know. Let's let's make it longer than it already felt. Well, still fun to talk about it. Well, I miss my Ben. You know, I've got to I've got to get my Ben time in there. I'm so glad to be back. I'm so bummed. I missed Salt Lake City last week because it was so good. But you did a great job. Don't worry. We'll be back. Everybody, thank you so
Starting point is 00:54:24 much for being with us. We will be back all Everybody, thank you so much for being with us. We will be back all week with Blotzishit. Actually, the Bravo schedule's a little different this week. We've got Real Housewives of Beverly Hills returning. And instead of- There is no such thing this week. We're gonna get the premiere episode of Vinta House and Below Deck Style.
Starting point is 00:54:42 So we will see you later in the week for that. Go listen to our bonus episodes for some trailer tracers for Beverly Hills Potomac, also the episode with Ryan Bailey. And for videos as usual, find those at Crappens on demand at Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela.
Starting point is 00:55:14 Itch-O-L. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickle-ists. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors?
Starting point is 00:55:46 Somebody get us 10ccs of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily signs! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch! She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy C. Centicisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke!
Starting point is 00:56:26 Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coutard! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and add free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen to Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us
Starting point is 00:56:51 about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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