Watch What Crappens - #2201 Winter House: Coloradopes

Episode Date: October 25, 2023

The third season premiere of Winter House (S03E01) kicks off with a new batch of sloppy young people.  Cast members from Below Deck, Summer House, Vanderpump Rules, and even Family Karma... come together to open cabinets, unpack clothing, and be pervy.  Fun!Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Watch Your Crappins, a podcast battle that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today is the hilarious and wonderful. And if you're watching a sun camera, color coordinated Mr. Ronnie Karim. How are you? Well, hello, Ben. How are you doing today, honey? I'm doing great. I love that we have this pension
Starting point is 00:00:45 for always wearing the same colors on light to our show. Like, this happens all the time. It's bonkers. I'm like, we're both in this, this dress like my gallon jug today too. Yeah, it's all green. We're all green.
Starting point is 00:00:58 Green, I got a green watch band on. Green. Is this a green bag? Go green. Go green. That's my college mascot. So we are here today to talk about the season for me. Obviously, season three of Winter House.
Starting point is 00:01:11 And Winter House is happening. Let's see some shout outs. I recorded an episode with Kate Casey that's coming out on Saturday. So go listen to that when that comes out. It's basically Ronnie did one very recently. And Kate basically asked both of us, and we have our own episodes just about us, and like how what we do and how we got to where we are, et cetera, it was really, really fun to record, because basically I got to talk about myself for an hour, but you should all
Starting point is 00:01:37 listen to that because Kate's great. We love Kate. She listened to her podcast anyway. She's a real sweetheart. So that I just wanted to give a shout out to Kate for that. And then aside from that, we got our usual stuff. We got Patreon, slash watch or crap. And you can watch this video.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You can watch us in our green shirts over there. We have our weekly bonus episode this week. I guess I talked about myself some more. I talked about my appendix journey. But we talked about the show and everything. It was fun, check that out. And we got to, well, hello this week. That's not one dream plus, so keep an ear out for that.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And then next week, we have crappy hour. Crap hour is back, where we'll be on IG Live at 830 on the East Coast, 530 on the West Coast, and we'll be talking Bravo, whatever, whatever's on our mind, whatever gossip, whatever news, whatever stuff we wanna recap or talking about it there. So follow us at watch what crap ends on Instagram,
Starting point is 00:02:32 so that way you can be part of all the fun. So with that all out of the way, Ronnie, what did you think about the Winterhouse premiere? I actually thought it was hilarious. Really? I was not prepared for that, you know, it It started and I was like, fuck this show. What are they doing? Because you know I'm that kind of person.
Starting point is 00:02:50 During the last winter house, I remember saying, why do I have to watch you same old people try and fuck every time? Like try and convince me that they want to fuck each other. I don't believe it. I don't buy it, change it. And so they change it, which I'm sure was just for me. Yeah, it was. Sure. The entire bravo went into a tailspin just to please me as usual.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And they changed it. And then what do you get for me? I don't want to watch a bunch of maids making out, which is so rude, but you know, it's like below deck. We call that maids on a, maids on a boat. And I was like, I have enough below deck. I don't need to watch people trying to fuck on this show from below deck. I'm already seeing that.
Starting point is 00:03:25 And I stuck to my guns and then halfway through it, I was like, I think I actually bought this show. Wow, it's great. I think it's gonna win a Pulitzer. Well, I mean, that's obvious. It's clearly gonna get a Pulitzer in a Peabody and an Emmy and then I'll scare somehow. I'm jealous, actually, because I didn't really like
Starting point is 00:03:47 this first episode, just didn't work for me. I don't know, it was like, it just felt like activity. I felt like I was just, I was just, yeah, that's the show. But I know Summer House enough, and even Winter House enough to know that sometimes they just have episodes like this. So I'm not writing it off,
Starting point is 00:04:04 but I just felt like I was like, oh, I'm just watching people opening up cabinets and putting things away. And I'm watching people unpack. And I felt like they didn't have a natural cliffhanger. They're like, I guess we'll make Tom Schwartz the cliffhanger. So then that meant they had to tease out every small thing that happened in the house for a full episode. So I just couldn't quite get into it. I was also really upset because honestly, I've been looking so forward to Riley from Below Deck being a winter house, and to see that she's not even part of the core establishing group, and the fact that she's barely
Starting point is 00:04:34 in the trailer, she's not even in the cast photo. I'm like, what are you doing, Bravo? These shows need a villain, or they need someone like Riley to yell at all the fuck boys. Like, why is Riley not in every episode and prominently featured? So that bothered me. Well, I think it's just their new too. It's like your first day at school and these shows are even
Starting point is 00:04:56 more awkward than like let's say a housewife show where everybody's new because at least those, it's like, okay, let's go have dinner somewhere and then get offended at every little thing. You know, they kind of have that set up, whereas these shows, Winter House, is for the quote unquote younger people, and they're supposed to just fuck. Like that is what they're supposed to do. And usually they pretend they're there for vacation
Starting point is 00:05:20 and then the fucking is a side thing that just happens. But in this show, they're like, no, we're here to fight. So they come on and they're immediate like, who are you gonna be? I don't know, who do you want to fight? And it just becomes this conversation of Bravo has picked the pool for you, so it's not that you would want to really
Starting point is 00:05:36 fuck any of these guys. I'm especially speaking for the women here, right? I feel so bad. No one wants to fuck these guys. Okay, Alex is hot, he's got long hair, I get it, but he's still smelly, and by the end of this episode, he's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:05:47 So no one wants to fuck any of these guys, but you have to for work. So it's kind of problematic on that level, just to bring a bunch of people in, and be like, okay, you have to fuck someone. Go, whoever's last gets, you know, shorts. Who would get like, yeah, shorts. I think that like, yeah, I think that, I think there would get like, yeah, shorts.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I think that like, yeah, I think that, I think there's just like a weird energy because none of them seem to know each other. And I guess, you know, when we've seen past winter houses, there are established relationships already in the house that are strong, or even, you know, summer house Martha's Vineyard, which I absolutely loved. That show had like a really strong strong palpable energy of people who know
Starting point is 00:06:26 each other or you have clumps of people who know each other really well and they all sort of like, you know, they mesh and they, they clash, etc. But here I just felt like I was sort of, I was like, is this, is this what, it just felt like I was backstage at Bravo Khan maybe, like all the Bravo stars coming together trying to figure themselves out, like, you know, I'm like, oh, cool, you want figure themselves out, like, you know, I'm like, oh, cool, you wanna go out drinking later, you know? What to me, it felt like a used book event, like a thing where you go to like the used books.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Do you have one of those, like the half price books? So I go there and then like the really cheap stuff is all in a box. And it's like, okay, you know, what are you gonna take out of this box of yeah, used smelly stuff. And then you're like, I do want to read. And you know, like maybe you're going to end up with Moby Dick, you know, and it's not really the dick you wanted, but it's the dick that's the yeah. And I feel like that's just how this whole show is. And I actually feel bad
Starting point is 00:07:20 for everybody on it because what a pool. I feel bad for everyone except for Brian Benny because he's like the lone survivor from Family Karma, which I don't think is getting another season, at least not anytime soon. And so he's like representing Family Karma. He's getting this, the second chance at Bravo, you know, fame. I almost feel like he is, like, he's, like, the, he's volunteered as tribute or something like that. Like this is not the Hunger Games, this is the Thirsty Games. And like he's representing Family Karma.
Starting point is 00:07:50 And like if he does really well on the show, maybe he can get Family Karma another season. So like I'm proud of him for getting this role. But yeah, the whole thing is, I don't know, I mean, I'm not writing it up by any, this is not like my reaction to Roni. I just was like, oh, nothing happened. Well, I think it's also kind of a reminder
Starting point is 00:08:08 because they changed this one up, right? So we're like, oh wow, a new winter house is so new. There's so much new here, but it still went to our house. And at the end of the day, winter house is about people opening cabinets. It is. And then they say, woo a lot. And then they like pull down their pants
Starting point is 00:08:23 and show their butts. And then Kyle pees off the side of a balcony and then everybody is collectively gaslit into thinking that Cory's hot and it happens every season on this show. Yeah. I mean, or the derivatives, you know, and that's just what it is. Nothing happens on this show. I don't know what you were watching before, but I can guarantee you it was 15 pages of notes of literally-
Starting point is 00:08:44 But this called from Room to Room going, Blizz, I'm, it was 15 pages of notes of literally watching. But this felt from room to room going, Blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm pissing off the side of the, I'm pissing off the side of the mound, the mound, blah, blah. This felt even more opening cabinity than usual, though, I guess. I just felt like a lot of that. And I think part of that is because with people from below deck, there are some that I think can translate off of below deck and be like reality stars in
Starting point is 00:09:07 their own on their own like Kate Chastain or Hannah etc. But like others they really flourish because they're in the context of workplace drama. So like personally Alex, I never found it to be that captivating on Blow Deck and I'm surprised they brought him onto this show and I find it to be even less captivating. He's just sort of I'm like, why are we really hanging so much drama off of Alex for this first episode? It wasn't it just wasn't working for me necessarily, but I also know that Winter House is a literal work in progress. Like I know that Bravo, if they're not happy on day two, they're going to take someone out and put someone else in. They'd love to play musical chairs with these cast until something is right. So I guess we'll just sort of see how it goes. Gills we will. So let's get started. Also Kyle and Amanda have now
Starting point is 00:09:55 been moved to like the old lady, old, old couple, old married couple of the groups where they oversee everything because they're like old now quote unquote. And I do think it's really funny that Amanda's like, I'm a mom now. I'm going to wear glasses all the time. And then Kyle's like, and I'm the grandpa Kyle. So I'm going to still have my mullet, my trying to hard for youth mullet. But now I'm going to diet our super weird color and also my eyebrows to make it. Doesn't he look? Does he look like Chuck Norris?
Starting point is 00:10:25 He does, right? There's something somewhere between Chuck Norris and Chuck Woolery. 20 years. Two and two. We'll be back in two and two, guys. Two and two, Chuck. But yeah, there's something with the hair coloring
Starting point is 00:10:39 that really takes that mullet to a 20 year, like a two decades later, a kind of time. Yeah, it's like a lover boy, Texas Ranger, you know? So we're in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Walker, no Walker still works. That's good for old people. That's true. Walker, Walker Hampton's Ranger, just period.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Like I will not have all three words. There must be a hand over the side of my Walker, everybody. I'm pants like, oh not have all three words. There must be an over the side of my walker, everybody. And France, I go, God, grandpa, Kyle and the mallet. They ain't over the side. So they are all headed to Steamboat Springs on March 10th, which is my mom's birthday. So I was offended already. I was like, how dare you do this to my mom's birthday?
Starting point is 00:11:19 But I think it's also a summer bin Laden's birthday, so it also makes sense that this is when they all ship out. So they are all heading there and Kyle and Cory are driving together, so Cory's already like, he's already, I'm already bracing for several weeks, of course, taking his tongue out and be like, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, he just cracks up the like cheers, like this is all cheer like yeah. And he also makes a face like, I know you're not a weed smoker, but to any weed smoker is out there.
Starting point is 00:11:55 He does that thing where it's like, right, where he's kind of like, God is tongue on the top of his lip while he's rolling a joint and like half concentrating on the joint, but also have trying to be entertaining at the party. He's got that whole attitude going, I don't know, I thought we were done with Cory after all his anti-trans shit that has been. No, was that? No one seems to care about that.
Starting point is 00:12:16 He's like, I'm from Summer House. I feel like we've mentioned it so many times and literally no one cares. Like all the time we're like, Cory is on Instagram liking anti-trans memes. And everyone's like, yeah, but he's hot. So I guess that's what people think. So yeah, so here's Cory. And Kyle says this is a classic social experiment. No one knows what's gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's not a classic at all. It's not a classic experiment. You're not recreating a prison at Stanford, okay? Now that I would love to see. Like let's do the Stanford prison experiment with these fools. That would be great television from beginning to end. Actually, that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That's a great idea. I mean, that's a great spin off idea. So you know how they have all these housewives going to prison now. I mean, we had, when we went and go to jail, not prison a great spin off idea. So, you know, they have all these housewives going to prison now. I mean, we had, when we went in, go to jail, not prison, but she got arrested. There's like mugshot. She said she went to jail.
Starting point is 00:13:11 She said, I don't think Erica's under criminal indictment, but, you know, she had a lot of legal stuff going on. Everyone's got all this stuff going on. They should do like a orange is the new black housewives edition where they take housewives from every franchise or whatever and throw them in prison. And just we see who ends up teaming with you and who ends up being like the prison. But he is that, you know, that also we have to have housewives or bravo liberties be
Starting point is 00:13:36 the prison guards. That's the whole point of the stand for prison experiment is that like some people are told their guards and some people are told that they are prisoners. And then the guards go on a full on power trip, and it's a psychological fuckery, and it's perfect for Bravo. Into it. Like, I'm young and into.
Starting point is 00:13:53 I'm so old. I'm going to Bravo context. Like, I'm gonna go tell everybody that I deem try and sell this show for. Like, Paged, Reign. Paged a Sorbo as a prison guard? I mean, I just can't, I have to see that. Just heard like walking around
Starting point is 00:14:05 a little stick like, huh? Well, y'all, she'll be on a rolling bed. She'll be on a I don't I really hate your outfit. Oh, they're making me wear this outfit. It's a prison uniform. Still that he looks like he can find a way to like, why don't you cinch the waist? Still, that'll he looks like he can find a way to like why don't you cinch the waist Just giving notes to prison prisoners Being in prison being in prison is no excuse not to understand accessorizing And she know she knew would be a great prison guard because she would just constantly be crying to like the What do you call the person who's in charge of like the prison again?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Like she'd be like well, I was like trying to do my rounds and then they were like spitting in my hair and I'm like, I'm just like trying to do this for your sake. I'm trying to protect you and like it was fine. I let them spit on me because I like to participate. I just want people to have a good time, but like it's like, well, I'm frustrating to me. Sheena making prison all about her. I was trying to like read a book and everything and all they had left was Moby Deck. And like I'm trying to read about this well. And like, did he have a big deck?
Starting point is 00:15:09 Like what's going on with Moby Deck? And then the door is just, I just hear, the door is open. Like, I almost hurt my hand. I almost hurt my hand. You need to be a corner, corner, corner. Need some kind of warning. Look at us.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, so anyway Bravo, do this. Yeah, so anyway Bravo do this. Okay, so then we see Malia and Katie, they're driving along. Malia and Katie from Below Deck Med I should say, because some people may actually not know these people, by the way, because they're a lot of real housewives people who don't watch Below Deck, which is probably the cynically
Starting point is 00:15:39 why they really are doing this. They're probably trying to get smooth some housewives fans over or below or just Bravo fans over to the Blow Deck space. So Malia and Katie are driving and Katie's like, you know, you came to the scene boat when you and Cole are drawing and Malia's like, yeah, it's a fun town. Obviously skiing hot outdoorsy men. Mm, mm, mm, face me, damn for anything Katie. It's like, all right, okay. And then Kyle's like, well done with steamboat, bro. And Cory's like, winter's officially here, bro.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And he's like, whoop, whoop. He's like, look at that mountain. That's the mountain. And Cory's like, I'm gonna paint it. I'm an artist, bro. I was like, well, you're gonna need a big canvas, bro. It's quite a mountain. No, I'm gonna paint it. Like a an artist, bro. You're gonna need a big canvas, bro. It's quite a mountain. No, I'm gonna paint it. Like a smiley face on the bro, it's my face.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Horace, Horace, bro. I don't happen to be like this. Then we have Danielle. So I love the casting. They're like, you know what, let's go for one of the more forgettable chiefs, and let's go for someone who kind of annoyed most the audience last season has never really been able
Starting point is 00:16:49 to break out as a star on her own. Danielle, so Danielle's driving with Casey, who looks like a video game character, and Danielle is like, we're not in New York anymore, Casey! And Casey's like, I like how it's like ranching communities. Like, great, great. Love this, love this, love this energy. Starting up the, the episode.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I really appreciate it. How they were like, guys, let's have this winter house. Meaning, what if we get a bunch of new people from different shows, but one thing we do have to keep consistent, winter house is a show that features a random blonde that nobody's ever heard. I know. Preferably into crypto. That's the home. That would be great. Like we have our second crypto Lindsay and third random blonde that is not on anything. What is that? I know. And I love
Starting point is 00:17:36 when they show truthfully the way the show opens is like a semi-trailer and they show like it's almost a credit. They're like Kyle from Summerhouse, Amanda from Summerhouse, Kitty from Belodeck, Rally from Belodeck, Captain Sandy from Belodeck, Jason from Winterhouse and Casey. Just like, and Casey. Oh, I was Brian from Winterhouse. How dare you. No, No, brought from family confirmed. No, but I said, I said Jason as in Jason Cameron hot model. I'm losing my mind. Jason of Jason and Lindsay controversy.
Starting point is 00:18:16 What Jason, who's dating Chisel? Oh, oh, right, right. Oh, he's coming. I think so. He's in the class of photo. Everyone's coming on this show. Oh, but will anybody. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:30 He's especially wearing. And what's off? Over the balcony. Oh, so people start arriving. Kyle is like, hey, guys, oh, so Kyle and Corey call Danielle. No, they call Malia and Katie. Okay, that's also taking notes on the show. A million things are happening. So they call the other car. So Kyle's like, hey guys, I'm in the car with one man
Starting point is 00:18:58 and 11 STDs right now. So I told him about you and I told him that you guys are down to sand. Okay, can we let send it go grandpa car? I know. It's 10 years. Okay, and I don't even think sand it was new at that time. What's that said it die? Let it go. K, he's like, I send it. Absolutely, I'm ready to send it.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That is the grocery order for the provisional. So we'll have a bunch of boxes arriving later on today. Is that what you meant by that? No. So we'll have a bunch of boxes arriving later on today. Is that what you meant by that? It's like, uh, no. So they hang up with them and Malia's like, jelly off his voice, is he hot? What happened to Malia? Did she smoke her last night?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah. Someone just Malia talked like that. She turned into Carol from Real Housewives of New York. It's all with Malia. Yeah, her voice is a little husky now. You're right. I forgot about that when I started doing my Malia impersonation, but she is a little husky, little husky.
Starting point is 00:19:47 She's been around the world. She's like, hey, yeah, what's going on? We really like her. I'm a chiefs too. I mean, I'm a debt captain, whatever the fuck she has. Second, 3,000 ton officer with. Malia is also just in case anyone didn't recognize her. That's on purpose because she was one of the most hated women on Bravo.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Well, people, I should say, I don't know if I should specify even the gender. It's like she was one of the most hated people on Bravo after her season of Bullo Deck Med where she wanted her chef, boyfriend to have shared room with her, but then that would have meant that Hannah, the chiefs do, who assigns rooms, would have had to share rooms with her arch nemesis, Bugsie, and didn't want to switch. And so when Malia didn't get her way, she went into Hannah's stuff, took it out of her bag, and took pictures of Hannah's weed pen allegedly, and Xanax to get her fired from the show. So just wanted to let that out there in case people forgot because you know got a NARC on the NARC and Malia came back this time instead of being blonde she came back Brunez
Starting point is 00:20:53 so we'd forget. Well I can tell you this much. I will not. Yeah, I don't hate Malia as much as the internet, but that was fucked that situation. And I was definitely team Hannah all the way. So, but it is a new Malia. Listen, she's a brunette, and I feel like when someone goes through this much drama to look different, you should give them the benefit of the doubt.
Starting point is 00:21:18 She died her hair. And also, it's a lot later now. And so guess what? I was not involved in this. I'm not on these television shows. I'm just some random person with no life. And so I'm going to forgive Millie. Fowl, look at you.
Starting point is 00:21:32 So enjoy that. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap in the... Watch what crapens and winter is crappening of a funniest recap broadcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast, Go Story, about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Ghosts aren't real, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen
Starting point is 00:21:53 in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately, I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent argument of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too, including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman. It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunted my childhood room might just be my wife's great grandmother, who was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story, a podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunted. Follow Go story on the Wondry app wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You can binge all episodes at free right now by joining Wondry Plus. Let's come here, shall we? Malia's, Malia's, her controversy was a long time ago, but not nearly as long ago as when people would say, yeah, buddy, but that doesn't stop Kyle who comes up to the mansion and goes, yeah, buddy. I'm like, thank you. Jersey Shore happened in like two decades ago.
Starting point is 00:22:58 So he's like, hey, holy hammer, old tide. You know who else, which is so cool. You know who else uses a lot of phrases that sound like they've been gone for a long time. Malia. Did you notice? Malia's like whoa epic. Whoa. Narly. She's like are you going steady with someone? Um, by the way, gardeners just showed up. I'm not the fizz. I think mind these, say these, mind these. Sorry, By the way, gardeners just showed up at my
Starting point is 00:23:27 parents house, everyone. So in true crap in fashion, we roll. If you hear some leaf blowing, I apologize. There's nothing I can do about it. And that's how we roll. And you mentioned Kate Chastain earlier, just in passing, which means a leaf blower should be showing up at any moment. Because every time we've talked to Kate on this podcast, either a leaf blower has showed up at our house or her house. So you said it. So I'm waiting for a leaf blower. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:23:51 I just fucked myself. I'm an idiot. The gardener did show up at your house. And guess what they have? Leaf blower. Hi Kate, Justin. We love you, Kate. Wish you were on the show.
Starting point is 00:24:00 So now, yeah, so Corey and with her baby, just bring the baby. I'm sorry, Sullivan. We'll not date bait you Sullivan hates you So, please leave So, yeah, so Kylin uh Corey are walking around. There's like a jacuzzi and then Corey's Oh, we have to we have to Chris in this place And my please don't please don't tell me this means you're about to fuck the kitchen island because I kind of feel like you will Corey also by the way, way, we probably have mentioned this
Starting point is 00:24:26 in the past, but he definitely looks like a gay porn star. Like if you told me, if it was unearthed that he did like gay for pay like 10 years ago, I would not be shocked whatsoever. He is a hundred percent gay porn star style. I would know. I'm not into that. I'm a good person. I'm a holy person. My wife lives. So. God. I'm a dad.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Shut up. So, um, then these two jackasses who are probably way too old to be here anyway. I don't know how cori is. And by the way, I'm old. So it's not like I'm age shaming. I'm just age questioning because I feel like these two are both too old to be walking into a beautiful new house that they do not own at all. I'm poking holes in shitty lover boy and then splirting them everywhere as they, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:30 shotgun them into their mouths. Gross. How dare you. I hope, as usual, I hope the homeowners are watching this and taking notes and charging the VRBO like crazy fuck. Yeah. Also, I firmly believe that if you're going to on anything you can only shock on beer not any sort of Flavor to Celts or or whatever. So that's just I'm putting that out there into the world
Starting point is 00:25:51 So they're there getting a running start on the bar right smell that permeates all of the sets of this show. Yes So of course like steamboat we have arrived and now Katie comes in Katie and Maliaia are coming in and Katie's like, Hone, we're home. And then she eyes Corey and they play sexy music. So she's already kind of hot for Corey, which is a thread that lasts all of three seconds on the show because they never go back to it. What does she like, Corey? Yeah, but I guess it's also maybe if that Malia likes Corey because Malia's like, Corey is definitely good looking,, but he screams fuck boy
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, and Katie and Malia are super close now so they do their diary rooms together together their Confessionals together so they're sitting next to each other and Katie's like well good for me because fuck boys My time and Cory's like where are you from? No, he doesn't say where you from he goes you're from where? More it's like a more annoying version of where you from it's you're from where it's like, where are you from? No, he doesn't say where are you from. He goes, you're from where? More, it's like a more annoying version of where are you from. It's you're from where? It's like you thought I was making a sentence, but it turned out to be a question.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So, Katie goes, take a guess. She's a two-sitory way of saying it. And you, you're from where? Geez, sorry. She's like, oh, these are my favorite game. Okay, take a guess. And he goes, you're the island. And she's like, well, I was like, I, this is my favorite game. Okay, take a guess and he goes You're the Ellen and She's like, I told them already and she's like, oh, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Kyle, remember when you told me where she was from and then the second I saw her as where she was from Somalios like I'm the more again and Corey's like, oh, so you're like a tree hugger Some of you are like, I'm the morgan and Corey's like, oh, so you're like a tree hugger? And she hates him. And he just kind of rolls her eyes. She's like, yeah, I guess. So they start looking at the rooms in the house. They take a little tour. And the producer is asking Mollia and Katie about their relationship and they're laughing.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And Mollia is like, basically, we're like, could could abandon at this point like we're basically in a relationship without the sex at this point. Yeah, Katie goes, but I do like Dick Steel and then they start walking through the house to deciding on rooms which I thought was funny because Katie is like, okay, there's two people can fit in that one, one can fit in this one and he was like, you're chiefs doing it. I like when the chiefs do, it's taking start to kick in like at random times in a house. Right. And, um, Malia ends up taking the weirdest room. It's the one where there's like a bed with us. What do you call those windows that are a bay window? Yeah, bay window. Who wants the bay window? Let's take the best room. I mean, you guys, I know that these
Starting point is 00:28:24 people probably don't watch housewives, because they certainly don't watch each other's show, which I think is really funny. No one knows who anybody is on this show, but they don't watch a housewives. But still, you're on vacation. You're first, you get the best room. Come on. I feel like yacht crew are like, they don't have an instinct to take good rooms. They're so used to like living in bunk beds on top of each other that just to have even a bay window, they're like, look at this luxury.
Starting point is 00:28:48 That's right. She did set up. She did take something with multiple windows. Yeah, instead of maybe that. Instead of a window that is like the size of a, of a, of a beer can. Yeah. Like, oh my God. Look at all this glass. You got to take this room. Yeah. It's like a window or a guy She's just like being a window greedy right now is what it is. She sees something with like five windows making a wall. She's like, fuck yeah, that's mine.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Do you hear the air? By the way, do you hear the air, the leaf blower too? It's insane. It's insane right now, Matt. And it's like literally just, I feel like I'm about to get sucked into that leaf blower. It is so close to my head right now. Yeah, it is really. I'm sorry to get sucked into that leaf blower. It is so close to my head right now. Yeah, it is really.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I'm sorry, everyone. So Danielle, let's see. Danielle and Casey are like giggling as a start coming over. And Danielle's like, oh my, oh, they're the liquor. It's very bitch-sash by the way. We, Danielle and Casey. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:29:42 This bitch-sash here. Oh my God, that would be a minute. That would have been great. Really were here. Just like shitting on everything. Oh, that's right. This bitch says, oh my God, that would be amazing. That would have been great, really, we're here, just like, shitting on everything at the whole time. Why did they not cast KCN Danielle? Why did they not put a bitch-sash podcast in the middle of the show?
Starting point is 00:29:53 That would have been wonderful. Yeah. So, they're laughing, and Danielle is like, um, we normally don't get ourselves crickets. Wow. I think wow, guys, great casting. That's it. Aren't there like a ton of people dying to be on TV?
Starting point is 00:30:09 Who's, who's like, you know what, we're having a more exciting season this season. Called Danielle. Hey. Maybe she can show up in a little cowboy hat. So then they're actually dead. She and Casey are both wearing Kyle Richards cow hats. They're doing the Colorado thing.
Starting point is 00:30:26 So oh, I'm sorry, that's what you're saying. Yes. I mean, you're saying, go ahead. And you're from where? So they asked the clerk like, so like, how's the bar scene here and steamboat springs? And the sky goes, they're reactive. And which to me, I'd be like, I would not go that, but whatever bar he's going to,
Starting point is 00:30:47 that's very active, I'm not gonna go to. So, Dan, yeah, they're not giving me a lot of promise and hope these people that they're talking to you in the liquor store, which I guess they usually aren't in liquor store. No offense to anybody in the liquor store, but we're not the most aspirational people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:01 So then they, Dan, he was like, what about men of the single variety? Are there any? And then they cut to this. The only way I can describe the society, I wrote down scrunchy twig of a woman. I wrote down steamboat springs Cameron Mannheim. She goes, yup, there's man here. Like, wow, That's got three guys for every one girl. I'm like, well, we see how that works out in Charleston. So I'm not sure that's a good thing. Yeah. So then Danielle tells us that-
Starting point is 00:31:33 Oh, I guess it's the other way around. Sorry. They apologize. There's what? In Charleston, it's three girls for every guy. I take it all back. Well, guess what? There's one gay person to zero gay people. I can tell you that much. There's one gay person to zero gay people.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I can tell you that much, okay? There's one gay person, period. Is there even a gay person on this show? Why do they not have gay people on this show? Because it's about fucking. Like who, what a, it always sucks for the gay person. They can't ever fucking anybody. I mean, and then they'll meet one gay person in town
Starting point is 00:32:01 and then they're expected to like do it because they're both gay and that never works out. We know how that goes. Yeah, this just doesn't work. They need to have like a full winter gay winter house or spring house, you know? Something fall house. That's good.
Starting point is 00:32:16 We love a good chunky sweater. Yeah, I think it'd be great. So Danielle's tells us, she's like, well Robert and I broke up five months ago and we were just agreeing on a lot of things but I thought we were unbreakable you know like the way he would just sort of stare at me with anger and disgusts I just thought that was the signs of an unbreakable relationship and right now I'm just trying to run away from heartbreak so I just want this trip to be about putting my my mind towards anything else, anything at all.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Fuck Robert. And conveniently, he's only about an hour away. Great. I know. And, uh, spoiler alert, I mentioned later in the season how I just went to Aspen trying to get him back. I pretended that I was just there and asked him, I was like, oh, Daniel, no, Daniel. And they show clips of Robert.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And he's just with his Garfield eyes just giving her Just such an exhausted like you're in alazon. Yeah, like that look that he has in his eyes like Yeah, now you know this show is not a housewife show and you know it's low It's like bottom of the barrel for Bravo because then we see a Hyundai approaching the house and I'm like Hyundai I Mean I I mean, I know modern Hyundai's are actually quite good. They're getting great reviews, but still this is Bravo. Congrats on your great reviews.
Starting point is 00:33:34 This is Bravo. Okay. This is Bravo. It should be at least a Genesis. That way it's still in the same vertical. Hey, are those nice as Genesis? They are nice. I see those And that's the new thing that dads are like, you know what, let me tell you what a real luxury car is. But Genesis.
Starting point is 00:33:53 Is that the Hyundai? It's a Hyundai fancy car. It's like the fancy honey. Yeah, it's nice. They're nice. I wrote in one once. And they're nice. I, they don't necessarily cause my head to turn when they drive by, but I wouldn't, I wouldn't kick it out of bed. Well, you know us, we're big on head turning cars the both of us, we're real. You know, sports car type people.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Well, you know, when you drive a Kia, you're used to everyone dropping what they're doing and be like, who's that? Who's that man in that car? He's got that sexy key. I like when I pass by in my car and just kids look up, like, mom's here to get us from soccer.
Starting point is 00:34:35 And I'm like, suckers, fuck all of y'all. Okay, so Jordan gets there. She comes in her Hyundai and Jordan is from Martha's vineyard summer house. Summer house Martha's vineyard. So she can't love Jordan a lot for her. I'd love to see her. Jordan. And so she's talking everyone saying hi and she's like someone's bringing in my suit cases right. Okay, that would be great. So they all do that. And Mulya's like, have you ever been here before epic? Eric.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And then Dan Yellen Casey arrived. There's like more hogs and Dan Yellen tells us, if I'm gonna be single this trip, I want to surround myself with females who are going to build me up. That's Jordan, that's Casey, and they're in New York with me all the time. They get it. And Casey's like, yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:35:24 I'm the worst wing woman of all time. Like, you tell me to wing woman you in a bar and like, I'm probably over in the corner, like taking shots with someone I just met. Okay. So Casey really coming in with a bang. Okay. I do wonder why they didn't bring back Jess by the way. That seems like an obvious move considering her history with Cory. I feel like that would have been good, but that's fine. So, Jess, I don't know that Jess would even come back. She had a real rough season.
Starting point is 00:35:53 You know, having a rough season as a reality star is one thing. Having a rough season as a very, probably barely paid five minute long reality star has got a stock. It's like a whole life is just completely shot to shit. And she must have personal say I guarantee. She must have personal standards because I guarantee that Bravo had to have asked her back.
Starting point is 00:36:13 There's just no way with Corey now moving on to Sam that they would not want to put just back in the house. But my guess if I had to guess which I don't but I love to anyway, uh, I will speculate. My guess is her religious parents were like, fuck down. We saw you fucking someone on national television. And we're breaking your kneecaps if you ever do that again. Yeah. And, um, we're going to make you liquidate all of your houses in the metaverse. So your father is not paying another $25,000 for an internet
Starting point is 00:36:46 house. OK. It wasn't even open concept. And it's ridiculous because there was no need to worry about physics. After what we saw you do on television, your four plan is closed from now. And get your ass back home. So Casey and Malia both went to Boulder, which is exciting.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And then Amanda's gonna be coming on Monday, which is even more exciting. And Brian Benny is coming in tonight, which is curious, because I'm like, how is someone from Family Karma? I feel like, again, we always feel like Family Karma, they always feel like big kids, and how are the Family Karma kids gonna hang out
Starting point is 00:37:24 with like these terrible influences? What's gonna happen to Brian Benny? Well, Brian's always been a fuckboy. Yes, you know, I don't know fuckboy, but flirt boy But like so 14-year-old fuckboy energy not like you know mid 30s sad reality star fuckboy energy, you know Yeah, agreed. So then we get some awkward music when the mention of Tom Schwartz is made and Danielle, of course, is going to make this, you know, story line that has zero to do with her all about
Starting point is 00:37:55 her because that's how Danielle rolls. So it just cuts Danielle to Danielle's Danielle acting, which is like, Tom Schwartz, what, what guys? Can't wait to see the guy. Oh, huh, me, upset that not at all, guys, not at all.
Starting point is 00:38:12 So then, yeah, Daniel says, because shorts supposed to come in sand of all, but sand of all had broken like a week earlier. So Jordan, Daniel tells us, I know Tom Schwartz, do his ex-wife, Katie, and she's not feeling great about him in the moment. So Tom, if you're bringing the baggage with sand of all
Starting point is 00:38:30 into the house, my safe haven from all the shit that I'm dealing with, then no. Get out. I'm like, really, is this supposed to be the crux of it? Like Schwartz, who, yes yes he's a douchebag and terrible but he's like side character in the big scandal so she's gonna have like a sympathy angst for the side characters X against the side character like I feel like they're trying so hard to make this like scandal all spread into this house and I'm like I don't don't know, it's not quite enough for me. Well, it was such a huge thing when it happened and it had just happened, right? But to us, it's like, it seems like 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:39:12 It does. I mean, it seems like so long ago, it probably does. I'm like, we're talking about scandival still. You know how when COVID happened, like, first started and the world shut down and everything. And then the housewife started shooting again. And everybody was in a mask and they were talking about COVID constantly.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And then when the world, like the restrictions had lifted or whatever, we were, it took like, you know, the wait time, like, you still have to watch it on the housewives years later. And I was like, wow, that seems like such a long time ago, but it's really not, you know, time capsuling guys, housewives style, Bravo style. It just is, it's like what you said.
Starting point is 00:39:50 It's like Danielle making about her. And I guess we do forget, like Tom Schwartz was really hated at that time too. And continues to be present day as well. But I don't know, there was something about Danielle being like, oh, I'm like, but Danielle, you don't really have any stake in this beyond anything else that we do.
Starting point is 00:40:06 So this feels just, but she's friends with Katie. She's been scatting. Sorry. Sorry to take that away from her. Sorry to erase that. Yeah. So then Jordan, Jordan's like, I'm always in the middle of mess, but this time I'm going to keep it Mr. Clean.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So then Katie's like, what am I living under a rock? I have no idea who Tom Schwartz is. Oh bullshit. I do not believe you. And you are already planning on dating Tom Schwartz. And why am I not surprised? Your last name is like a natural disaster. Katie, of course you're fucking attracted to Tom Schwartz. Well, god damn it. Katie, don't forget her ex was Jack from below deck, man, several seasons ago, Jack from Liverpool. Who was, in fact, a huge mess. He was probably Liverpool's answer to Tom Schwartz.
Starting point is 00:40:51 So this is really her style. Yeah. So, remember that. Brian Benny arrives with Alex from the latest season of Blow Deck sailing. I don't even know Alex's last name. He's just Alex with the long hair. And so they arrive, which is sort of bizarre. and then we hear that Danielle in case you're coasting dinner tonight
Starting point is 00:41:10 I still don't know why this show is like holding on to these strange formats of like someone's got a host the dinner party tonight I'm like just order pizza, but Alex walks in and of course all the girls are like But Alex walks in and of course all the girls are like are like enchanted by his long hair. They're all in love. Yeah, because he has long hair. I mean, it's crazy that that trick still works, but it does.
Starting point is 00:41:35 So, and listen, I'm jealous because I look like a thumb. I look like a human thumb and I have no hair privilege, so. Commissions, here comes one right now. So Brian is like, okay, hey, hey, man, man, man, say your cheer, man. Guys, Alex has the cheers. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Okay, Alex, go ahead, Alex, go ahead. And he's like, uh, to Rattlesnakes and condoms. Two things I don't fuck with. Cheers. And the girls are like, uh, like, I feel like it should have all ended right there. So what we want to, is this what we wanted to? And Katie is like, how's that committee going for you there, brother? He's like, oh, kicks it last week, we're good. And so now we find out about Brian and Alex's love affair.
Starting point is 00:42:29 They've become friends in Miami because Alex looks like literally two miles from Brian's apartment. And that's so much in common, you guys. There are two handsome charming men from Florida. And then it cuts to Alex. And he's like, yeah, we don't really have anything in common but or unique Brand and Brian's like he's always down to do something no matter what and how it's just like He's extremely flaky and Brian's like it's like Batman and Robin, but I'm like Batman because I'm older and how it's like
Starting point is 00:42:59 Yeah, he's adorable This is definitely the energy of when you go to weight to college, sometimes they'll let you know who they'll often let freshmen know who their roommates are. And so then you can like meet your roommate ahead of time. And I feel like this is someone who's like gung ho about like, we're gonna be roommates and we're gonna be best friends. And this is gonna be exciting. And Alex is like the, I don't care, once I get to college, I'm joining a friend, I'm gonna get
Starting point is 00:43:21 wasted and fuck girls. And these two clearly producers were like two weeks producers were like, two weeks ahead of time, hey, you guys are both gonna be on a show you should meet each other, become friends. And Alex is not interested whatsoever. Yeah, Alex is just, have you ever seen a person with a concussion?
Starting point is 00:43:39 And they're like, I'm okay. You're like, you're not okay. You're falling down, they're like, no, I'm okay. And then they're just kind of not focused, like they're looking at you, but you're not okay. You're falling down. They're like, no, I'm okay. And then they're just kind of not focused. Like they're looking at you, but they're not really. Their eyes are just kind of looking over your head. That's Alex. He's like an injury time out at the NFL.
Starting point is 00:43:53 That's what he is. Yes. Like if we had special glasses, we could see the little birds tweeting around his head in a circle like a McCartoon. He just has pre-stars. He's like in advance of the impact. So Kyle's like, hey, so how long have you had the Jesus look?
Starting point is 00:44:13 And then Alex is like, he's like, yeah, I'm like the cover of a Creed cover band. I'm a singer of a Creed cover band at a bar. And then everyone's like, no way, no way. Of course, like no way. Oh, really, bro. And he's like, guys. Yeah, yeah for real. I guess yeah, I don't know if you're fucking with me or not Is this car fucking with me guys? Hey your band is from where? In case I hate and he is fucking with them obviously and Kyle's like hey hate on them all you want
Starting point is 00:44:43 But Cretace 20 songs that the entire bar knows the words too so fuck yeah false two songs two songs max I know both of them what are they seeing well first they have that was a shit and you'll take me yeah yeah and then they also have oh Oh, with the lungs right open. Then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, then, those are the two. Okay. That's it. Maybe I've inside us all, what's this life for?
Starting point is 00:45:13 My own prison. Oh, my God. That lost the known as Winterhouse, my own prison. Should be the prison experiment. My been owns prison. Yeah, I'm looking at them now. They do have long hair, so I'll give them that. Okay, so we, Brian's like, so is everybody here and Kyle's like, no, no, shorts is coming
Starting point is 00:45:33 tomorrow. Like, we were supposed to get both thoms, but then all hell broke loose. And then we cut to Ariana going, I don't give a fuck. I'm a rocker. And then they just have like different shots of Sandeval crying. Dude. Dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Dude. Dude. That's my favorite sand-of-all moment of sand-of-all really just trying to cry but not being able to. He was coming here just like every man does on these shows when they're caught doing something wrong, they try and immediately make themselves the victim. Which we see later in this episode with his buddy Tom Schwartz. But Tom coming into that after being caught having an affair and making it all about like,
Starting point is 00:46:16 and then that didn't work. So he ran to throw himself up against the wall, but it was a wall of windows. So he had to like put his fist against the window pane. I'm like the mid between the windows and just go. And try really hard, which also didn't work. And then he just had to drop the tears and get yelled at classic. Tom said it was beautiful, beautiful. So Kyle's like, as much as I was looking forward to both towards the end of allvol coming to Colorado. Thank fucking God. Sandevol is not here because we do not need that energy right now. Oh, by the way guys, Schwartz is a phenomenal guy.
Starting point is 00:46:53 He's phenomenal, especially if you like someone who just kind of like moaps around and acts like a child and do everything for him. He's phenomenal. Yeah. Unless you need a bartender, then they'll have a nervous breakdown. All right. So Alex is like, yeah, like just let this house be a place of peace, guys, right? My right. Yeah, there's Jesus again.
Starting point is 00:47:16 So now they start, now Brian finds out that everyone's already found a room. So he's like, what the hell? So he goes off with Alex to find a room. So he's like, what the hell? So he goes off with Alex to find a room. Yeah, Brian May as well just have like one of those little caps on that Hezopropelor, you know? So, yeah, so they're looking for rooms, because Cory goes, yeah, I mean, I think, you know, you're, you didn't get anything
Starting point is 00:47:38 because you're up here bullshitting. Like, shut up, Cory. Don't bake fun of our sweet little Brian. I mean, he's a fuck boy, but he's a sweet little Brian. So then they're choosing beds and Alex is telling us his sorted backstory, which is I've shared space so much right now. I have a little brother and two sisters and we always share it small spaces and we were at home schooled and so we spent a lot of time at home.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Then I was sailing yacht, we're tight knit. So the Alex's story is that he's used to spending time on beds that are close to each other and he was educated at home. So things are adding up. Yeah. And then we see a clip of him putting his cup on Captain Glen's head in the middle of the night in the dark. It's all. So then we go to Kyle and Danielle unpacking kitchen stuff. This is Ben's favorite segment, the cabinet opening segment. There's a big job in an opening segment. I love it. It was a huge, other context, but in the context of Winterhouse, I don't love it.
Starting point is 00:48:38 I love opening some cabinets. So, and I don't have any. And I think that's why because I have one of those kitchens that's like shelves instead of cabinets, which I thought, oh, I can get used to that. Guess what? It's bullshit. Turns out it's bullshit. Okay. I always looks insane down there. Um, so I'm jealous of people with cabinets. It's my point. So whenever I see people, that's my porn hub. Cabinet opening. Yeah. I don't watch gay porn, but I do watch cabinets.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Cat, good old cabinet porn. Yeah. So Danielle saying that she was in any masturbation sounds like this. You look like a softie. It's being open and closed like a soft close. A soft close. Where it's like, it's going to slam closed in the last second. It's like, ooh, calm down there. Hey, we're sharing a room. Could you soft, close, her bait?
Starting point is 00:49:30 She does. So Danielle is talking about how she was an Aspen two weeks ago. And she goes, oh, it wasn't my favorite. She saw Robert. Wasn't her favorite. And they have no hopes of getting back together. He kind of squashed out an Aspen. I'm like, you probably was squashing it
Starting point is 00:49:46 for the past several months to be honest. I think he squashed it when he moved to ask him. I think he squashed it when he looked at you with such misery in his eyes over the summer while you're freaking out about Carl Lindsey. Listen, you know, Danielle, like you said earlier, did not have the best season of Winterhouse. We have given Danielle so much shit over the years.
Starting point is 00:50:07 At the end of the day, though, she's a nice person. She's like not a bad person. She's a good person. And like in real life, we would probably like her. But we've given her a lot of shit on the show. And I just have to say, is there no one in her life to tell her, Danielle, no? If someone breaks up with you,
Starting point is 00:50:23 you don't just happen to show up in their city for vacation. That is so cringe and sad. And I want better for you, Danielle. I wish you would want better for yourself because that is, that's sad. Yeah. And she says, well, Robert works in Aspin and I'd be lying if I said I didn't expect to run into him and hopefully get back together again, but he made it clear that it's never going to happen by calling the police and getting
Starting point is 00:50:52 a restraining order. And beyond doing it, beyond going and letting this happen, you know, doing this to yourself, not only that, why are you telling us, you know, there's some things we don't need honesty about. I don't believe you owe the honesty to the audience. Okay, there are some things you should just be like, yeah, fuck that guy. I went to Aspen because fuck him. I was hoping I'd run into him and he could see
Starting point is 00:51:16 how much fucking fat I was having because I don't want to. Yeah, but to be like, I went there, not gonna lie, went there hoping that maybe I would run into him, then we'd get back together. No, don't admit that. Keep your vulnerability to yourself. Nobody really wants it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It's a lie. That's true. Ant Ronnie has speaking the truth right now. It's a bachelor lie where you're like, you didn't show me the vulnerabilities, you have to go home. In real life, you show vulnerability and people cut you off or try and 50, 150. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:45 No, show vulnerability. So, meanwhile, Alex and Jordan are still looking for rooms. And Malia is installing a humidifier. A nice twist on the opening cabinets montage is installing a humidifier. That's what's happening right now. Malia setting that up, which explains her voice sounding like this because she need to humid it. My name is my humidifier.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I got some sinuses. And then Cory picks up a belt. So Cory's in the room. And there's like a sort of like a belt kind of thing hanging like decoration. And he's like, is this your bit? Is this your straddle? We're getting weird tonight. How'd you be, hugger? And then he drops him and walks out. He's like, so you're leaving the chaps here. Excellent. Narlie. Narlie, bro. I'm with that words.
Starting point is 00:52:32 It just drives me nuts. So then Danielle and Casey are trying on first because the theme of their party is first, I guess. So they're getting first and they have first for everybody else. And Casey's like, I look like food and some mistress And you know what if I saw like Vlad's best friends wife at the same party. I wouldn't even wingman that v-ach So I'm not like that. I'd be like yeah, yes I'd be having vodka in the corner with the president of Belarus
Starting point is 00:53:02 so so Katie is making cocktails and everything and they're like, oh, you like bartenders? Like, yes, she's a first two. And then Alex is talking about like, Alex learns that Malian Katie work on boats because somehow he did not learn that. I don't know how.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And he's, he's mentioning that he works on day charters and we was like, yeah, I have my chief mate 3000. I'm like, congrats. We all got that on Amazon Prime Day, okay? I have my chief mate 3000. I'm like congrats. We all got that on Amazon Prime Day, okay. This is my chief mate 3000. I know I had to look that up. I was like, what do you mean? Like that's definitely a good idea.
Starting point is 00:53:31 You didn't plan to, right? Like that's definitely something that helps us chop things, right? Chief mate 3000. We didn't mention that Alex earlier was flirting with Jordan. And it turns out Jordan and Alex have to share a bathroom like they have an adjoining bath or something and he goes, don't worry. I don't use the bad. I only use the bathroom to brush my teeth. I do everything else outside. That is fucking disgusting. Alex really came on here being just nasty because what you're gonna go poop in a hole outside. Gross. And you're gonna like what shower in the snow. Okay, this is a very bad endorsement of homeschooling. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:08 This is not good. So anyway, so Malia has a chief mate 3000 and I was like, my idol. And Brian's like, whoa, you drive like a super yacht. And she's like, yeah, I'm second officer. Whoa. What is your accent? I'm second officer. That's that's I've decided that's that's where the artist has taken me. I'm like an old mafia, old mafia frow. I just can't do
Starting point is 00:54:35 I don't want to talk to this consigley area, you better get in line. I don't know if I'm capable of doing Husky without that sort of accent unfortunately. I don't know if I can do this accent without starting to talk like this. So that's just gonna be Malia's accent. I got my chief mate 3000 what else do you want from me? Just turns it into like, that's gonna be so brand like well chief mate 3000 that's massively attractive by the way. Whoa, massively. And she's like, okay, and Katie's not into it either.
Starting point is 00:55:11 And they just kind of both start laughing at him because this guy has zero game. Yeah. So he's like, so, like he's not getting it. So he goes, so you guys, you're like fully impact. Like, is it because you're like used to that? Cause like, you travel. So you guys like travel around. And like, you unpack a lot and stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:27 So he was like, it's all job. Cause so like, like, what if you were like to date someone who's like a little messy and whose mom curses a lot? She became like, wouldn't happen. It's like, oh, I'm just asking for a friend though. They're like, no, like, do you even know how to do your own laundry? Yeah, it's like, do you know how to do your own laundry? Yeah, it's like do you know how to do your laundry? Then I got you ahead of the game there and we saw in Family Karma him learning how to do laundry
Starting point is 00:55:51 So yeah, he has he's done it at least half once because his mom made him so then he tells us you know I've only been in like two relationships So this is like a you know like a romcom for me, you know, just me. It's the guy who's done laundry before coming into a house, then meeting people and being friend-zoned, you know, it's called Dancing in the Friend Zone. We'll call it. Friend-buck. This, I've never seen someone be so friend-zoned so quickly by an entire group of people. He kind of does it to himself though.
Starting point is 00:56:27 He really does. He's like a good looking guy. I guess he's got a good job. He tells us he has a good job, but yeah, he has just friend zone energy. It's so bad. So yeah. So then Amanda calls and calls like, I miss you. And she goes, I don't.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I mean, I love you, but I just don't feel like I miss you yet. So Kyle's just saying how he knows that like, that he's a lot for a man to handle. So the fact that she's not gonna be here for a few days means that he gets to let his freak flag fly. Which, so it like, this happens, I feel like no matter what, but that's fine. Yeah, yeah, and that gets to let him a freak flag.
Starting point is 00:57:04 Yeah, we know Kyle. We know it's your mole, Kyle. It's the we know, be wacky. And so everybody puts on their first and starts to eat and starts to gather at the table and stuff. And Alex gets there with Fab Yala and he goes, you give big trouble vibes. And she's like, well, you're not wrong. Hold on, the motion detector in the nanny cam I put into Rob's house just went off. He's home. He's home. He's home.
Starting point is 00:57:39 So then Jordan is like sitting next to Alex. I'm in the teddy bear. God, Danielle, don't give away the location of your nanny, Cam, you have no tail. You know. So then Jordan is like, Hey Alex, you got a Bingbong on your nose. So she wipes, she's, I think she stole things that Alex
Starting point is 00:57:59 is not a total skier just yet. So she's being a little 30. And then now Kyle is saying that Casey looks like a Russian oligarch. And then Brian is like, yeah, well then, if you're like a Russian oligarch, let's get married then. I feel like I should settle down before I'm 35. Wouldn't we all agree with that, right? Because that's what our moms all tell us, right?
Starting point is 00:58:17 Hey, guys, don't you all wish our moms were here? Do you want, should we call up our moms? Let's call our moms. So now they're all eating and of course the first thing they need to do, well, Kyle's like, first of all, they say who single. So they start going around the table saying who single, who single, who single, Kyle's married and then Cory's eating and then he starts choking and Kyle's like, well, when you ask questions, you swallow a bone. Looks like you're choking up over there. He's like, who's a ball?
Starting point is 00:58:48 Who's a ball? It was a ball. I was eating you guys. It was a ball. I was hilarious. You know, right now I was eating a rib. I got a ball. I got a ball. So Corey tells everybody that he met a girl this summer in the Hamptons and they've been seeing each other But they haven't put a label on it which is such bullshit you fucking liar It's huge bullshit because it was only what like this I don't remember even I think the summer house reunion Erad I think in May which meant it was probably filmed in April which is about about a few weeks after this
Starting point is 00:59:22 But Sam on that reunion, said something like, oh my god, great story. So, like, ever since the Hamptons, like Cory sends me a photo every single day. And it's like, our photo. And it's like, oh, so great story. I know. We're like, America, sweetheart. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:59:35 I know I'm so annoying with a story right now, but I just like, love it. Something like that. So wait, when did you say the Summer House reunion was filmed? Summer House reunion, I think, Eridon May, which meant it was filmed probably Summer house reunion, I think, Eridan May, which meant it was filmed probably in early April, right? But this, they say happened right after Skandival,
Starting point is 00:59:52 which was March 10th, but a date on it. Well, no, Skandival was the first week of, it was like end of February, right at the beginning of March, this is March 10th, they said they got here in March 10th. So the point is that Sam, a month later, made it sound like they have been going hot and heavy for a few months. Yeah, you like, so I'm not a shocker at all.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Cory's a piece of shit. So he's like, yeah, it's a gray area, you know, so we can stop fun, you know, and I don't know how to say this without sounding like like a douchebag or whatever. You are a douchebag. I can't believe you're doing this on national TV. What a piece of shit this guy. And Katie goes, so you're in a situation ship. I'm like, please, if I have to hear the word situation ship ever again, like literally just throw me under a snow plow and steamboat springs. So he's like, for sure, for sure, for sure, it's a situation. So then Danielle's like, um,
Starting point is 01:00:48 Corey's in a relationship and it's not casual and it's annoying because I love who he's seeing. I'm like, so then why don't you yeah, but all of a sudden now Danielle is not speaking up on behalf of someone for the first time ever. And yeah, why not say I was there and you guys are in a relationship. You fucking liar. Of course, she's not. And so then we see proof that this is not just a casual relationship. And it's Sam taking a selfie like you see her arm extended out.
Starting point is 01:01:13 She's taking a selfie of like biting Cory's tongue. He's like putting his tongue in her mouth and she's like, they're awful. It's very awful. It's so many different ways. So they really are. they really are both awful. So now it's after dinner, Brian has still not unpacked, but guess what, neither has Alex.
Starting point is 01:01:32 So just keeping everyone up to date on that. And then Brian is saying how he's really into Malia and Jordan. And Alex is like, well obviously, Jordan is like the hottest one here. And Brian's like, made the best man win. And I'm like, poor Jordan. Like she literally just got through this bullshit on her season.
Starting point is 01:01:51 And now here it is all over again on this. I understand why she was so pissed off with the guys last season because she probably has to do this all the time. Yeah, I am, by the way, spoiler alert. Neither one of you are the best man. Okay. And they're like, oh yeah, competition, bro. So Brian's like, yeah, you know, Alex night, like have the same type, which is anyone really. My mom, did I say that out loud? So Alex, like Alex tells us, he's like,
Starting point is 01:02:21 so I'm a very sexual person. Like I've always been a big flirt. In high school, I was voted the biggest flirt. By your mom, who are you flirting with? You were home school. Yeah, fucking weird. This dude is fucking weird. He's getting creepier by the day. The sitting outside,
Starting point is 01:02:44 Bachelor, whose mother isn't loved with him. What the fuck? Stop flirting outside, uh, bachelor, whose mother is in love with it. What the fuck? Stop flirting with your family, bro. So then Brian says he wants something serious. He, you know, a wifey for lifey kind of thing. So, um, it just, is he wearing gentle lines eyelashes, by the way, what does Brian's look? He's got like separated eyelash. I'm not really sure what Brian is going for, but it's not doing a muddy favor. I just have less to start. Yeah, I am a little concerned. I feel like there's probably a 70% chance
Starting point is 01:03:12 he's wearing ax body spray. I'm just gonna put that out there. So Alex is following Jordan around the house and Kyle is peeing off the side of the house and everyone's dancing in the kitchen. And Brian is, Brian's taking photos with Jordan and he's like, oh, he's like, hey, hey, why don't you smile, I'm gonna take a photo for my mom.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And so she smiles, it looks beautiful. And then he tries to smile, and it's just like, he's like, adorable, and not smizing at all, doing cute photos. And then Casey goes to bed, as most Russian oligarch wives would I guess, I don't know. This is more of like kind of cabinet energy scene.
Starting point is 01:03:52 This is, so people are parting and dancing on the table because it's went to your house. And in the meantime, Jordan and Alex go to the hot tub because they're like the only people who are down to tub. So they go out there and then Brian tries his luck with Malia. So he's like, whoa, you got to brace it. That's a cool brace it. She goes, oh, thanks. It's like a friendship brace in Miami. Yeah, I'm in Hawaii. I mean, it's like what people give each other for friendships and goes, oh, wow, that's great. You know, you're like an over. You have so many different layers to you. She goes, did you just call me an over? He's like, yeah, you know, like, come on,
Starting point is 01:04:30 like Shrek, like an onion, like Shrek. What? Oh, my. Also, you know what, someone just calm the touches because he's never going to need it. You're never going to get a chance to use that thing. What are these at an ogre with layers? What are the, what are his ogres that, this is not just Shrek, like, is he, I'm just envisioning he's seeing ogres wearing LLB in somewhere in the northeast with like multiple henlies and flannels over it.
Starting point is 01:04:57 What is he talking about? And it's because ogres are like onions. But okay, that's from Shrek. Is that a Shrek thing? Ogres are like onions? Yes. Yes, that's from Shrek. Is that a Shrek thing? Ogres are like onions? Yes. Yes. What does Shrek mean he has layers?
Starting point is 01:05:09 In Shrek, the titular character has ogres are like onions. To explain to Donkey that ogres have layers, just like onions have layers. He then goes on to say, you get it? We both have layers. And this means that ogres like onions are complex and have many different aspects to their personalities Onions are not complex. I just want to put that out there
Starting point is 01:05:29 And honestly, apparently you've never looked at one under a microscope. Well, that's true I got to say but you look at anything under microscopes and get complex now. Let me tell you something else My go to onions have layers monologue is from the 1992 perhaps movie hero starring Gina Davis and Dustin Hoffman and what's his face where Gina Davis is like an anchor woman and she's in the beginning of the movie she's like receiving an award and she brings an onion up onto the stage the podium and she cuts in half she peels it and she's like this is my work and this is the thing I have layers have layers, but there's nothing in the middle.
Starting point is 01:06:05 I have no core and she's crying. That to me is an onion monologue. Wow, that is pretty good. Andy Garcia is the third person I was thinking of. Andy Garcia. Do better Shrek. Yeah. From Ben's ears to Andy Garcia's ears to your mouth.
Starting point is 01:06:20 I was like, let me taste something there. Gina Davis innovated with onion monologues, so I'm gonna need Sh strike to do a little bit better than that, fast little line. So Molly is like, oh my God, who calls, who call, now I'm doing it, who calls an ogre? Who calls a girl an ogre? In the way of flirting, like, to flirt.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Like I'm single, but like I'm not that desperate, sorry. And Brian's like, come on, come on, I'm in as a compliment. You know, Shrek, Donkey, layers, because I know Shrek is. Fucking me. Saying Shrek, Donkey, and onions over and over again is never gonna help.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Any combination of those words, one or all of them, it's not gonna work out. So over in the hot tub, Jordan sitting in one corner, Alex is singing another and he's like, you're smoking beautiful. So and she goes, so what does that mean? And then he just sort of stares at her. And he kind of just starts to like approach slowly across the bathtub. I mean, the hot tub in like truly the most unsettling and creepy way. And you just see him like slowly taking a few steps.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Just really slowly and he's just looking at her like, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. And he gets right up to her face. And then she just turns around. She's like, no, no, no, no. And the music's like, boom. It's like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 01:07:47 And he just sits, he's like there. He doesn't like pull back, okay cool. He just sits there like, this is fucking tortured. He's like bent over her, like standing over, like waiting to see if she's just gonna change her mind. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no. She's like, he's like, maintaining eye contact. She's just looking away.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah. And he just like backs off and goes to his other quarter. Yeah, this guy gross. I think last season on below deck, he was really lucky in a way to like like somebody who like somebody else first or hooked up with somebody else first. So we just got to see him pining. We didn't really get to see what an active creep he can. Well, he also we saw this here. I think we've all seen much like his sisters
Starting point is 01:08:34 have seen that he's an active creep. He's like, you are voted the biggest Florton High School by both of your sisters. Okay. Please stop. Well, also he benefited not just from, like, just pining, but that he shared screen time with Gary. So, like, everyone's gonna look like a smooth and debonair next to Gary. So, now inside their partying and core is like, hey, guys, everyone's snowball, ha! Throwing snowballs and everything,
Starting point is 01:09:01 there's like a fight on the inside and Kyle hurts his knees. So, Jordan is, she's's changing because she's like whatever. And she says like normally I do like a man who has some swag, but Alex is giving corn ball. So I'm loving the energy, but I'm feeling like it just ends there for us. And I just love that Jordan does that.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I love that she just like, hmm, yeah, I can tell pretty quickly, not interested in this guy and it's done as opposed to like on a lot of below decks where like these lifeless relationships just sort of tease out over episodes. She's like, hmm, now this guy's a creep. He's a creep. Not gonna pursue this. Yeah. So, uh, now it's bedtime. And Brian now sees Jordan in the hallway. So she's just had this experience. So then he sees her and he's like, Hey, I just wanted to say it was a pleasure to meet you. And you know what, I'm going to go that way. Do you want to give a quick, she goes, Oh, what a kiss and just yeah, she's like, no, because at first, she's like, yeah, she's like, no.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Cause at first he's like, it's she thinks it's a hug cause she just is like, it's very obvious that I've friend zoned him. He's like my little brother right now. Of course I'm giving a hug but he starts to go in for a kiss and she's like, no, it's too much, yeah, yeah, too much Brian. Yeah, what a fucking weirdo.
Starting point is 01:10:22 And also he's going, you're going that way? Well, I'm going this way. So can I a little, uh, well, uh, oh, it's like, no, because, oh, okay. And she goes, why are you walking that way? Your room is downstairs this way. And he's like, oh, that's okay. That's okay. You go ahead.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Idiot. Like you planned this whole thing. Like if we're going different ways in the hallway, you'll have to kiss me, right? So I've got to stick to it and keep walking the opposite way in the hot, what a fucking weirdo. It's more to fail.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It's more to find. So, yeah, Jordans, like, am I in the matrix? Like, maybe I just have this effect on people. So then everyone goes to bed and Danielle falls off of her bed and then Kyle's missing Amanda He's like kissing her photo and stuff like that and Corey's texting Sam and Anyway, they all go to sleep. So now it's the next day. It's 6.30 in the morning
Starting point is 01:11:17 Malia's waking up and she's someone who wakes up at like 6.30 So she gets up and she starts cleaning and she just says that like, her life is all about having things in order. Like, that's what it's like being on a yacht. So she just likes to clean and she doesn't even care that people don't help because it's her hobby. Yeah, she loves to clean. So she's also going to make breakfast. She's going to do pulled pork and egg sandwiches for people.
Starting point is 01:11:40 She's like, yeah, I've been up for hours. So can I clean anybody's room? Anybody who needs some breakfast? So people start milling in and Brian tries again. It's like a new morning. So he's just going to try and flirt with someone. It's so sad. Do you guys think it's attractive when you just try to bang every single person in there? Like what, what way to, what a way to make everybody feel that special? Yeah. It's just like just like okay tried this one moving on to the next try And this one so we tried with Casey and he's like hey, I'm in tech and she goes oh, yeah, I'm in crypto I'm pretty nerdy. So he goes yeah me too high five high five whoa
Starting point is 01:12:19 Fill each other's hands. She is okay So do you work out a lot because I see that you've got calluses on your hands. It goes, oh my God, is that gross? So I'll cut them off. I'll cut them off immediately. She's like, no, cause you know what? New York men never have that because they're in offices all day.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Like, well, or also there's lots of, cause how do you think those buildings get built? There are people who are doing, there's people who are working with their hands in New York too. I don't know I'm taking the stance. Brian is like, people don't work out in New York, is the craziest thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:12:56 People, how long have you lived in New York? Are you fucking crazy? I know. He's been there for like a six months. He's like, yeah, guys in New York just don't work out. Guys in New York do nothing but workout. Everyone says, oh, LA, everyone's in shape. No, in New York, when it's cold and snowy, no one has anything to do but to go to a gym and stay inside and warm there and workout. So they
Starting point is 01:13:12 all are like super buff. Well, I will say in my 10 years there, I did not have that problem. Okay, but I get what you're saying in theory, but I found plenty to deal and her name was PlayStation. Okay, her name was Lara Croft. I went to a lot of tombs and I found a lot of treasures back in those days. A lot of puzzles. That's fair. Sorry, penis. That's fair.
Starting point is 01:13:35 So then, Brian's like, is that attractive? Is it okay? And she's like, yeah, it's better than baby hands. So then, Schwartz has a tax. He has an update. He's like, um, heading to LAX. I would usually be giddy, but this whole melodrama has quite a hold over me. Oh, I'm a baby. And then he was like, of course, I don't want to see
Starting point is 01:13:56 shorts. What? I mean, I'm not a sand of all, but dude, like, how could you know about this and not even say anything? I cannot wait to yell at him for Katie. Who will completely be my best friend after this? Yeah. Um, so, uh, but then Daniel has this weird hedge where she goes, but then again, I also don't know what it's like to walk in shorts as shoes. I'm like, oh, okay. So you're going to be empathetic then I don't get it. So then, uh, the plan is Alex found, um the plan is Alex found a tubing hill for them all.
Starting point is 01:14:27 They're all gonna go tubing this afternoon. So they're all getting ready. Brian and Case, you're doing a TikTok together of him like in a table, getting right, like they're printing and stuff, and everyone's getting dressed, and then Alex sees Danielle and Jordan, and he goes, oh my god, look at you too.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Cool. Could you be any more perv? Like it's been less than 24 hours. I don't know, Danielle's like, yeah, keep your pants on, buddy. Geez. And he goes, I can't keep it in my snow pants. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:14:57 So now the ladies get in one car and the boys get in another car. And Jordan's like, oh my god, these boys just came in scorching, huh? Like they really came in hot. And Mollie is like, oh my God, these boys just came in scorching huh? Like they really came in hot. And Mollia's like, I mean, are any of us even their type and Jordan says, well, they were both trying to kiss me last night. And we're like, and then in the other car, the guys are trying to divvy up girls. Like, who's going to get wet, chick, bro? Yeah. And Alex is like, yeah, Jordan, Danielle, the short one too, maybe.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And it's like, Lea, I mean, I like her a lot just because she's mean to me and she doesn't entertain me at all. Like, what? Entertainment? Yeah, like, she shoots me down, you know? I really love that. She's like my mom. Guys, should we face down my mom right now? That'd be so fun. Yeah, but also, like, I kind of like of like Casey because like she's dope and like she's got this whole like Dolly Lama, let's drink collagen and do yoga in the morning type of vibe. That's cool. It's the course like smells like she smells like laundry detergent. I'm about that's in her that that's in her tricks.
Starting point is 01:15:58 It's pretty hot. And course like so Alex have you made any seen if it made a move on Jordan yet? And Alex is like not a significant one. and of course, so Alex, have you made any move on Jordan yet? And Alex is like, not a significant one. I'm trying to add to cool. I'm friends like, you already fucked that up already. You went in the hot tub with her. So I guess you forgot that. So Jordan is telling the girls that he tried it.
Starting point is 01:16:20 He tried it in the hot tub and then Brian tried it in the hallway and they're all cracking up. So then, I'll, in fact, for the other car, Alex is in the backseat of the car and he goes, Hey, guys, could you open the sunroof? Because you can see on the sunroof that it's covered in snow. So stupid guy, I was like, sure. And he opens it. And my snows, the snow falls in.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Yeah, stupid. So now they arrive and, of course, like, is it two o'clock? I'm like, oh my God, uh, is it two o'clock? I'm like, oh my god, please, please go face first down this slope. Um, okay, and this is where, we're an hour and a 15 minutes into talking about fucking winterhouse and I start scrolling, because I'm like, why? Why would we do this to ourselves? So there's a lot of inner two being and a lot of woos, because this shows the show built on woos. There's a lot of wooooooooh! And a lot of inner tubing and a lot of woos because this shows the show built on woos So it's a lot of wooooooooh and a lot of um, new kind of faux rock music and they keep changing the music every 20 seconds to convince us that something's happening They're like wait a minute, but now the music's gonna go from this TINNNINININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININININ Don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't don't wow totally different scene guys still a douche bag
Starting point is 01:17:25 Flies down a hill on a team. I know So now it's time for drinks because they're gonna go out tonight and Malia's like She's like she says to Corey. I feel like it gonna be an absolute hazard and Corey is like yeah Yeah, hey, have you guys ever hooked up with the same guy? She says that to Katie and to Malia, but they have different types. So Corey is like, he's like, what's your type? Besides, obviously me, Emily goes intelligent. And they're like, and Corey goes, damn it.
Starting point is 01:17:59 So no, Katie's like, I don't have a talk. I don't want to try. I don't. I'm attracted to talk sick. Emily goes, BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-BEE-B has something they've made Malia likeable to me. Well, all you have to do is put Malia next to Corey and that's all you really needed. So Malia is basically like saying like that Corey looks like he'd be a really good kisser and Katie's like that he, he looks like he'd be good at a lot of things. And Malia says, but he's a douche bag who's in a situation ship and we're like flipping our hair like I'm over here Corey, you know, because we're all here to party and hook up and stuff. So just tell us like, yes, you're on the table. No, you're not. So now Alex tries his hand at Danielle. Okay. So she sits down and he sits way too close to her on the ground. And she's like, whoa, okay, you're awfully close. Okay, you can move a little further back. And he goes, yeah, glad you guys came tubing,
Starting point is 01:19:07 but look at you, she's hot, she does stuff. Yeah, you're intimidating. She's hot, she does stuff. Wow, wow, wow, no been more turned on. You're hot and you do things. Whoa. So, he's like, yeah, you're intimidating to me. I'm not going to lie. If that's how you know, he's a real fuck boy, because it throws me, I'm not going to
Starting point is 01:19:30 lie. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to be intimidated to miss. So Danielle's like, I don't know how I'm into like literally no one's ever said that to me. I'm Danielle from Summer House. I'm not supposed to be intimidating. He's like, oh, you just got this energy like you're a boss ass chick. And she's like, well, not going to argue with that. I have claimed that I have an app that's going to come at some point. So I have applied to have my app approved by Apple. So yeah, I'm a I have a downloaded
Starting point is 01:20:11 Xcode from the app store. So I have reserved a URL on go daddy. Yes. A little bit of a bot's bitch over here So he's like hey, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, you know I love being intimidated. She goes, okay, great Now I appreciate that but maybe you could focus on one girl at a time and he's like, what? What do you mean by that? She goes, don't you remember trying to kiss Jordan? Cause she did, okay. He's like, oh, no, I don't remember that at all.
Starting point is 01:20:33 And Danielle's like, I think that Alex's only turn tone is flirt, just like my only tone is boss bitch, best friend to everyone, stream the loyal. He, my tone is, sorry guys, was running late for the train that I'm here. My tone is so were you saying there's still a chance Robert. So now more tubing more wooing and another wacky song and then Daniel is asking Kyle about Schwartz and he's like, he's on the way. He's on the way because another back at the house.
Starting point is 01:21:07 And sure enough, we hear Tom Schwartz pulling up and then finally we see him. He's trying kind of a red-headed look right now, not working. I will say much better than the blonde that he gets in the future, which is terrifying. But he's like, he's right entering his Lilith Fair area right now, in this episode. And Kyle's like, I just can't imagine being bombarded by every media outlet in the world. And God knows I've tried.
Starting point is 01:21:35 God, what platforms have I not tried to shove Loverboy onto? God, somebody bombard me. So, in Tom's like, whoa, I feel like, oh, oh, gosh. He's literally putting both hands on his head, like he's in a telenovela, like biting his finger, like, oh, God, I'm just so stressed about coming in here. Well, it's like being a side character
Starting point is 01:21:58 and someone else is, oh, God, someone else is drama. You are just now realizing you're the side character. Yeah. Like God, what are you Barney? Like from Fred Flintstone, just like getting a TV for the first time and realizing none of this show is about you. Oh, man, Tom.
Starting point is 01:22:15 He's like, I thought it was called The Rubbles. So, come on, Frank. He's like, yeah, me and Tom actually had this trip together. Like when we had this idea idea when we opened the bar We're always like oh when we're done. We're gonna go to steamboat Colorado And we're gonna snowboard has to be glorious, but um, you know That's not the reality. Oh, I'm sweet Tom Schwartz Look at me just grabbing my head
Starting point is 01:22:43 So that's pretty much the end of that is him like slowly pantomime walking into the house. Like wacky Tom don't hate me guys. But this none of this has any sort of gravitas or any sort of intrigue to it because we've already seen on Vanderpump rules immediate reactions after Scandival. We've already had a reunion. We've already had umteen million things. I'm not tired of Scandal ball. But what I do say is that bring Tom on, like,
Starting point is 01:23:08 and here he is, what's it gonna be like with this person who's in mesh in this scandal that we already went through pretty intensely six months ago. So it's like, it just doesn't feel like it has any weight to me. I'm like, okay, so it's Schwartz. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:23:24 Yeah. Well, guys, then the previews happen and the previews for the season, I felt looked really good, mostly just because it's Brian getting turned down a lot. And then we see that Dan Yell does end up kind of going for Alex, which didn't stay too strong over there, but can't really blame. I mean, Alex is at the very least a good rebound. She's horny. She's had a lot of practice with the sisters. And then Katie, the other thing was Sam coming
Starting point is 01:23:50 into the house. Yeah. And Malia ends up hooking up with what's in his quarry. And so now Sam is pissed. And she's like, and Malia tells her, yeah, well, I mean, he said that you're not, you know, in a relationship, but I'm gonna respect, you know, whatever you've got going on. And Sam's like, but you don't respect it. Do you? You didn't respect it. And of course, does the disappointing thing
Starting point is 01:24:14 of coming for the female in this situation is set of your fucking dick bag of a person that you're dating. Who, by the way, you knew was a complete fucking dick bag. The whole time when you started dating him, but God, it does look good. And then don't forget, Katie and Tom Schwartz, looking up to.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Yes, those two are gonna hook up. So now, does it look good? Yes, will I watch it? Yes, will we recap it? Probably not. There's so much stuff going on on Bravo and it seems like the jury is still out with you Ben. So I don't know that we can promise like full recaps this whole season, but I will definitely be watching it.
Starting point is 01:24:48 I'll watch it where he keeps tabs on it. I honestly was just like, it was fine. I mean, it was not and by fine, I mean, it was boring, but I think that like, we know, we know with these shows, sometimes you need an episode of this sort of junk, and then the next episode's like, Oh my god, it was amazing. So who knows? Who knows what it's gonna be? Who knows what the world keeps up on it? Well everybody, thank you so much for being with us. We will be here Monday. I normally say first and third Monday of the month, but we're not doing that. We're doing every other Monday. So that means crappy hour is this coming Monday?
Starting point is 01:25:24 Yeah, okay guys. Yeah, that's right. Because this coming Monday is actually October 30th, which is I think the fourth Monday. So look at that. Whoa. So yeah, every other Monday. So we are going to be doing that October 30th. We will be a crappy hour. That's our live Instagram show. So check us out there 5 30 PM Pacific time, 8 30 830 Eastern time, and just work here every day. So come back every day. Also this week is Dwell Hello, it's our house centers recap, that's super fun on 1Tree Plus, and if you want these videos, they are all on crap and on demand, slash watch what crap ends, along with our bonus episodes.
Starting point is 01:25:58 Thanks everyone for being here, we'll catch you on the next one. Bye! Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila. She's a Daniella.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Itch-o-s. Erin McNickles, she don't miss No Trick-o-s. She's never scary. It's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less name-y. Havana Gila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch.
Starting point is 01:26:31 She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the burger. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Beaches! Beaches! And our super premium sponsors?
Starting point is 01:26:48 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD! We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva! Let's get real with Caitlyn O'Neil! Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides! Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall! She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Juni, my favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters. Nancy Cicenticisto. Give him hell Miss Noel! She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke!
Starting point is 01:27:28 Shannon out of a cannon Anthony! Let's take off with Tamela Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us
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