Watch What Crappens - #2204 Southern Charm Part 1: Bad Nudes Travels Fast

Episode Date: October 27, 2023

JT hosts a dinner party in his new event space on Southern Charm (S09E07), and group comes together to have civilized conversation.  Just kidding! They corner Taylor for sending nude pic...s!Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cr Hello and welcome to Watch Our Crappins, a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about. I'm Ben Mandelker and joining me today. It's the one and only Mr. Ronnie Karam. Hi Ronnie, how are you? Well, hello, Ben. How are you? I'm excited. It's the end of our work week.
Starting point is 00:00:40 We're here on Southern Charm Day. I'm just feeling the rush, rush of the week being over. You know, this time a week ago, I was just sitting drugged up in a hospital bed. So I'm feeling especially appreciative to now be sitting caffeinated up, talking about Southern Charm and a chair instead. You're not your life. I'm a hero. You're a lot. That's what this this show is really all about me. And I have to say, I'm really ready to talk
Starting point is 00:01:04 about Southern Charm because I feel like you know You're always very much about signs Ronnie And I felt like I had two signs this morning that said it was time to talk about Southern charm First was this morning when I was having breakfast my father started to sing send in the clowns And then that's a sign that is took that. That is a good sign. Did your mom, did your mom come in and sit on your lap like JT's mom? She quite literally did not do that. That's Austin's new catch phrase.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Quite literally. And then my dad took me to Dunkin' Donuts to get me some cold brew because I don't think I'm not allowed to drive yet. And when we're driving in the car, send in the clowns came on, the radio. What? Yes. Wow. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:53 What's going on in your town? That's just around. No wonder it was on your show. It's just around. Send in the clowns has just come back. Send in the clowns is so hot right now. And the guys send in the clowns as bumping in Katona and there's a third sign But I've not figured out what it is
Starting point is 00:02:10 But I feel like to send in the clowns in the span of 45 minutes That means it's time to talk Southern charm because this is the show. This is the preeminent show of clowns Even more so the winter house. So anyway, real quick, please be, please join us on Monday for crappy hour. That's going to be at 8.30 on the East Coast, 5.30 on the West Coast. That's on Instagram. It's our Instagram live show. We just talk bravo. We talk about like what's going on in the news.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We talk about what we're like excited about. That's where at watch for crap ends, but also follow Ronnie at Ronnie Karam and follow me at band Mandelker. We it's a really really fun show so come join us captain Lee was on our last one which was really cool that he was there for it. And also Patreon we're on Patreon you may not have heard this before. I don't know you may this may be news this may be news but we're on Patreon. Yeah video this is being recorded on video too. So if you want to get first access to the video, go to slash watch
Starting point is 00:03:10 for crap ins and follow the instructions there. So anyway, it is time to send in the clowns. I was actually, well, I was like half- Sandin the clown. I hate that so. I'm sending the clowns. So you send in the clowns. I just, who likes clowns? No.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And then it's, the song is about like two people who are older and they could have been together, but now he's with some young woman and she was with somebody before. They just keep missing each other and now she's like, we've missed our chance. Send in the clowns. No, don't send in the clowns. Are you kidding? Like you're telling me I'm's like, we've missed our chance, send in the clowns. No, don't send in the clowns.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Are you kidding? Like you're telling me, I'm like, we're never gonna fuck after all of these years and now you want me to watch clowns? Like is there anything that kills the mood more than a clown? You can hate that song. Shandong!
Starting point is 00:04:00 The clowns. Oh, well I had the distinct pleasure of going to a side-time concert over the summer and Miss Paddy LaPone saying that song and it was exhilarating. I'm gonna fall my ground back, you will. Garsh. Send in the little Craig Garsh. So I was, so okay, so there were a few things I was really upset that I didn't get to podcast with you about last week. First was I was so excited for you that you had, you didn't need it, but that you got confirmation
Starting point is 00:04:44 on the show of the vet saying that Frenchies make's make that noise because the week before you were like This is what friendship sound like and then last week the vet was like, they sound like this Basically the noise The bed did not I died laughing and then they showed it again this week That was my favorite part of the whole week last week when when Jeff goes, what's a little crack breathing like this? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. No, she's breathing like this. I think I got it.
Starting point is 00:05:10 I was like, I felt like you felt so seen in that moment. And then I was also laughing at JT's mom. I just love JT's mom. She was like, what is this dirt back place you've made? What are you doing with this chair here? Well, I forgot her name, Money. Yeah, Money and Poppies. I loved JT's mom.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I just loved how she just was absolutely disgusted with the work that he had done. But also, I was cracking up because last week I realized that Austin is obsessed with saying the phrase quite literally. There was one scene where he said it like three times in one sentence. He's like, I am quite literally in a place where I'm quite literally very upset at this situation. I forget what he said, but he said it so many times in a row
Starting point is 00:05:54 and then he said it in his confessional. This is Austin's new scene right now. You are quite literally in scene right now. Well, it's funny because Austin and Craig both try to keep up with Shep because Shep is now the elder statesman on the show. And so, you know, Shep uses big words all the time as part of his things like, wow, I can mailbox money. Plus, I have a golden vocabulary. It's priceless. And so Craig and Austin are both trying to sound like they also have a great vocabulary, but neither one of them does. And it's really, really, really. That is like Bimbo talking. That is actually one of my favorite running unspoken themes of this show.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Is that, like, Shep is Old Money, and he has Old Money Education. I think he went to Vanderbilt, went to Good School, he is very educated. Well, he even says overeducated and under employed, I think in the first season. And he, you know, he seems like someone who does read books. He really clearly watches Ken Burns documentaries. And he's a smart person, I think lower. I should say intellectual or maybe I should say educated. But then you see Craig, Craig's always at the parties always trying to come up with some sort of like widestism like he's Oscar Wilde. And it's just so, and awesome too.
Starting point is 00:07:06 And it's so funny watching them do it season after season. Like, wow, this isn't this a funny, isn't this an intriguing turn of fate that we're here at a place with a cocktail, am I right? And you're like, what are you talking? What are you trying to say? You're not in the vicious circle. Dirty Barker. Oh, so it's also what what else is going to say? Oh, the show is also problematic on so many levels. I mean, today we've got the revenge porn episode
Starting point is 00:07:36 where everybody's just freely passing around somebody's news. I don't think is legal. Also, it's the boss of the show passing around the news, which is even worse. Yeah. Again, I call for HR, okay? Please, like, is there no human resources in this town? And then we have the revelation that JT is popular amongst the group because during COVID, he was like, fuck COVID.
Starting point is 00:08:00 And he was just inviting everybody to his small and close space. I know. The bunny probably bought him in downtown Charleston. Oh my god I was I was like, you know, I everyone knows I was mr. Paranoid during quarantine the most I was just I'm like you know I was so angry when people did not wear masks I was angry when people even touch their mask. I was like you're gonna ruin your mask and that's gonna be worse for all of us. But I was cracking up with that. I was like, of course. Of course he had a COVID-speak easy. Of course this, this freaking show.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So anyway, let's get on with it. Previously on Southern China, a bunch of badas gossiped about people and some bitch took a nude photo and sent it to the boss. Everyone here's a whore. I'm not even asking. Martha Stewart, new Martha Stewart, amazing. People here aren't born for going. They just stick it up their ass. Don't know. I'm saying, a bunch of queers and betas. So we get, and you know, there are some parts that I didn't talk about. I only did half a recap while you were gone. A, because you weren't here and I was exhausted. A, because it was the most depressing episode ever because Connor Flowers Olivia's brother passed and it was just sad. I didn't want to make it. It was, but there were other things that happened in that
Starting point is 00:09:20 episode that I just stopped. It's like right when it got to the sad part, I was like, I'm out. My, it's like, I'm fine, it a funeral until they open the casket. And I'm like, ooh, kink, kink. I no longer have any word to put my drink, the fucking out of here. Don't look at me, you're too. I mean, you do.
Starting point is 00:09:38 You do, you just might not ever see your drinking again. Right, but I'm not Alex from VoloDuck, you know, you can't just put it on somebody's head So I'm just out there, but there was really funny stuff that happened like Craig the scene with Craig in his house trying to be like Look at me. I'm Craig. I have a lifestyle brand. I'm going to wear my sewing down South apron Which he totally was wearing a branded apron trying to pretend that he cooks, which was hilarious. He obviously doesn't know what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:10:08 He couldn't open a bottle of wine. Yes, and then it just shows Rod, like, oh my God, you have a gay sitting right there. Well, the thing that cracks me up with Craig is he's got this brand new clean nice house. This is like Craig 4.0, but that front door is already messed up. It's already got like chips in it.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It's like it is, the door is fucked up. It's like you had your shiny new house for negative three months and you already have fucked up the front door. Things like I'm just waiting for the hole in the wall to open up. It's very crazy. Um, and he couldn't open a can of tomatoes either. Like Craig, you can't cook. Please stop trying to sell your sake of aprons. Okay. No, listen pillows. I buy pillows because you're Craig You're you're definitely a nappy kind of a person like you love a nap, but
Starting point is 00:10:56 an apron now Well, isn't it isn't this an ironic situation? We find ourselves in wherein the thing that brings us the most joy is the thing we cannot achieve and stuff. I want to all stand the clouds and the pillows. So while I was watching last week, first of all, it was, I was like, of course, like, like, everything with, when they show that scene, so when they show the watching last week, first of all, it was, I was like, of course, like, everything with, when they showed that scene, so when they showed the scene last week, Vanita and Leva at the restaurant finding out about Olivia's brother,
Starting point is 00:11:34 it was, it was one of those like, reality show moments when you know like, when something real happens and the cameras catch it. And so I was like having chills, but like sometimes in those scenes, you sort of want to like be in those scenes. So I was watching and I was like, oh my god, they're about, you sort of want to be in those scenes. So I was watching, I was like, oh my God, they're about to find out.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Oh my God, I've got chills. Oh my God, oh my God. Then like, Ben, do you want salad with dinner Ben? I was like, my mom just barges in right in the middle of this emotional scene while I was trying to cry. I was like, mom. And then I went back, I gave myself a running start. I was like, okay, man, get into it. And then I was like, mom. And then I went back to, I gave myself a running start.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I was like, okay, man, get into it. And then I was like, no. But I was like about to cry. And then I didn't. But I'll tell you one thing, I almost choked up at this episode. It has seen later on. But we'll get to that. So anyway, we're so off as it.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I'm like, okay, let's not talk about it. You're like, here's where I almost cried. Okay, there's another part. The other one was crying. So I want to talk about what we're going to get to that later. Okay, there's another part that I almost cried that I want to talk about, but we're going to get to that later. Okay, guys. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:12:28 We're about to get to the part I almost cried. I quite literally almost cried. Quite literally. So we open this with, personal, the music people are other people who really hate sadness because they don't know how to deal with it. Okay, so here's the show opening. Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba I Was like it just went it just became it was like sort of mid tempo, but it wasn't like super dramatic I wrote down love this theme song remix It was like
Starting point is 00:13:21 Trixie Glenn Miller Miller, orchestra, Cole, means to really like read the room. You know what I mean? Like read the room. It's a poor girl who just lost her brother. I don't think she needs to like be thought of like somebody throwing her over their head and then under their legs and the swallowing. Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-bRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-RO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-BRO-RO-BRO-BRO-BRO- Newt pictures together. What do you think? It's a little reprieve over here, mother. A little reprieve. And Austin's like, yeah, man, it might be nice to quite literally have a couple of drinks. So I'm quite literal laughs.
Starting point is 00:14:13 So then Shep is with little Craig and he is parked at the dog beach and the only parking space. Or the parking space right next to him is just a huge puddle, which of course Taylor pulls right into. Good for her. My gosh, she's just like so into messiness. You dated Shep for three years and you're just, of course you're fine just pulling into like a huge, you know, vat of mud, you know, this is going to do, just going to do you know good.
Starting point is 00:14:43 You know it. Yeah. And by the way, this is the scene where we gonna do you know good. You know it. Yeah. And by the way, this is the scene where we really could see why Shep and Taylor were never gonna work out because she pulls up an afford. You know, the other day we talked about how like there was a Hyundai on Winterhouse, which was like, come on, this is Bravo.
Starting point is 00:14:56 And now here comes Taylor and afford. And you know, that's just not gonna work with Shep's lifestyle, I'm sorry. So she pulls up and of course, Shep and Craig are standing right on the precipice of the puddle, thinking in classic mailbox money, privilege thinking, well, nothing bad's ever gonna happen to me.
Starting point is 00:15:13 So of course she pulls in and so the puddle swells. And he loses his mind. He's like, Craig, what the heck? She splashed us. What? I can't believe that Craig Says the person going to the dog beach when it's raining. I don't feel for you. So The two little Frenchies meet and Taylor's like that was supposed to be your little sister Craig and she's like wow
Starting point is 00:15:41 Children of divorce am I right? Gosh and then Taylor they're like walking to the beach and Taylor's like Craig you're at Chanka Monca these days and she's like he's lost way according to some where do you stand on this but when people fat shame dogs I feel like we've talked about this is it okay to fat shame a dog or is it not okay? Well they're not shaming the dogs they're shaming you that shame a dog or is it not okay? Well, they're not shaming the dog, they're shaming you. That's the thing that's annoying because you're in charge of the dog, right? The dog can't just go get a snickers.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You have to give him the snickers. And so I feel like a lot of times when people call my dog fat, they're shaming me like I did something to my dog besides feed him, snickers. And I'm like, fuck you. You know, my dog eats the same amount of snickers that everybody else has dog does. Don't judge me. I feel like they're like, you're fat so is your dog. Like, that's how I've always, fuck you. You know, my dog eats the same amount of Snickers that everybody else's dog does. Don't judge me.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I feel like they're like, you're fed so is your dog. Like, that's how I've always felt about it. And I don't really like it. Now that said, I did see a post today on Reddit of this little Weener dog. I don't know what they're called, but I'm not a Dachon, but what are the red ones? It's like a red Weener.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Is it like, and it was like, and it was like, was Milo from Summer House, Martha's been your my least favorite dog ever in Broadway? Yes, it was like that. Milo. Right. Yeah. What the big floppy here is, hang down.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I hate that dog. So I love the dog. I love that dog. So this one was so fat that it went down one step and then it just tipped over and rolled down the steps. And then the mom, I assume it was the mom, had to come like tilt the dog back up so it could walk again.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And you know, in situations like that, I'm like, well, maybe I could drink that dog because I were that owner, because that poor dog can't even walk, poor dog. So I don't know, but I did get mad because Taylor said it and she's wearing these yoga pants and she has a perfect little body. And I'm like, you don't understand the struggle Taylor just shut up with your
Starting point is 00:17:27 funnel parking. She's a funnel partner. So Shep is saying, some would say it's unfair what I want, Garsh, a nice relationship, her relationship, remember with Taylor, you know, not romantic, but I'm inexperienced in this territory. It's uncharted waters. Sort of like the puddle that's Taylor splashed on my boots. You know what? We're gonna take crack to get his nasal passages fixed because he's breathing like this. No, he's not. He's breathing like this. No, he's not, he's breathing like this. Oh my God. Is it possible that little crag just voluntarily
Starting point is 00:18:07 closed his nasal passages? He was like, you know what? I've been living in this house for a while. I think I've finally figured out a solution to improve my quality of life. Let's just close down the nasal passages. It's just not showering enough. So another thing I noticed in this,
Starting point is 00:18:23 this is gonna be a 20 hour recap just because we can. Another thing I noticed, even the dog has a stupid sweater. Taylor's gone. So Taylor's sweater is, you know, the only one we've really made fun of that was terrible was the runny eggs sweater or the scrambled eggs sweater. But she's really got a thing with bad sweaters. And I think she went through a knitting phase where maybe she was like depressed and learned
Starting point is 00:18:47 how to knit, which been there, you know. But she, her sweaters are just not done right. They don't look that cute. And of course in this scene, she's not wearing one, but last week she was wearing like a big chunky one with big blue arms that kind of ballooned out. Yes, she noticed that. Oh, I noticed. And they just happen to show a clip of Taylor, real quick Taylor scenes, whatever it was like Taylor's a slut or whatever, like Madison saying Taylor's a slut or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And then it would cut to Madison lying and then Madison lying in another scene and then Madison crying in another scene. And every one of them, she was in a terrible sweater. And I was like, wow, she was in a terrible sweater. And I was like, wow, that's really a character thing. Like just someone who takes out their depression on the craft of knitting and just doesn't horribly. Isn't it rich?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Are we up here? Send in the turtle neck sweaters. Send. Yeah, a turtle neck sweaters. Yeah, a turtle neck stew, yeah. It's very specific. It's knitting, it's big knitting. It's time for commercial. It's time for a crap and it's come.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Watch what crapens and winter is crappening of a funniest recap broadcast. But if you want something more eerie, try the new podcast Ghost Story about my investigation into a murder suicide in my own family. Ghost aren't real, at least that's what I've always believed. Sure, odd things happen in my childhood bedroom, but ultimately I shrugged it all off. That is, until a couple of years ago, when I discovered that every subsequent argument of that house is convinced they've experienced something inexplicable too. Including the most recent inhabitant who says she was visited at night by the ghost of a faceless woman.
Starting point is 00:20:30 It just so happens that the alleged ghost haunting my childhood room might just be my wife's great grandmother, who was murdered in the house next door by two gunshots to the face. Ghost Story, a podcast about family secrets, overwhelming coincidence, and the things that come back to haunt us. Follow Go Story on the Wondry app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes at free right now by joining Wondry Plus. So, Shep's like, gosh, I went to Olivia's last night and everyone was in pretty good spirits and there was like, you know, there's like, ebbs and flows and stuff like the puddle. And, you know, they have to figure out how to normal, they have to figure out, yes,
Starting point is 00:21:16 I did just a quaint Olivia's wake to a puddle, but they have to figure out how to normalize. Um, yeah, you need to figure out how to fix your relationship with Olivia. Really? You're gonna, you of all people are gonna talk about fixing relationships. And she's like, yeah, I preach the trust of a good friend. And he's like, well, if I were you, I would say, I'm sorry I should have told you. You want to practice on me? Say, I'm sorry, like her, I mean, No, chef. Yeah, say, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I should have said something immediately. I'm her now. You're not apologizing to me. No, chef. Okay, tell her it'll never happen again. And if you'll have me, I'd like to stay around and be your friend and sleep with you occasionally and never ever try to marry you again. Because now I understand you have mailbox money, not storage unit money go ahead say that say that yeah that'll work that'll all work really well i'm sure so trailers like um i'm watching one of my very good friends go through one of the worst moments of her life and i don't feel like i can even be fully be there because she doesn't want me to be and I made her this whole big sweater to put on too and she can't even wear it. It's so sad.
Starting point is 00:22:29 By the way, I just want to say my hat is off to all the people who are knitting and my hat is off to all the people who are sewing because as I feel, look at Ben afraid to get the knitting coalition after it. No, no, because I've been on my sewing journey and I am so bad at it. You know, my last sewing class, I forgot to tell you this, my last sewing class. Like, I'm bad at sewing. I'm bad. I'm quite little on bad, man. The last one jacket you made on Instagram and I thought it was very cute. I'm a class behind. Everyone's done with theirs. So I, okay, here's an example of me sewing. I, I, I, I was so excited, I sewed my sleeve onto my jacket. And then I was like, this is strange.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Why do I have all this extra fabric here? And the teacher comes over and goes, Oh, you sewed your sleeve onto your neckhole. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. so fucking funny. I guess maybe these are shorts now. Practice makes perfect. I love the seam ripper.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So, uh, chef is like, okay, so what's going on? Otherwise, oh wait, hold on one second, I just got a text. Oh my God, it's a picture of Penelope nude. It's her out of the sweater. So, he's like, well, I know this much. Seeing you makes me happy. And you know, we know each other so well. So there's value in that.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Don't you think so? And she's like, yeah, blue skies ahead. Yeah, but she looks really bummed about this. I just say Taylor has a huge storyline this year for having so little charisma. Have you ever seen those snails? Like right now it's raining and I was just taking out the trash and there was a little snail, but it wasn't moving
Starting point is 00:24:35 and I was like, why isn't the snail out? It's raining. Have you ever seen that and you just have to like kind of tip the snail a little to see if it's still inside of there? Cause a lot of times the snails just shrivel up and die in there, or they just leave the shell. And you just want to make sure before you kick it off the thing
Starting point is 00:24:50 if it's still there. And I did that. And I was like, wow, you're like Olivia. You're like Olivia with a decent sweater on. I have to say. I don't have the same concern for snails that you do, I think. If I see a snail, I'm not looking to see if it's alive. I'm just, well, I so rarely see snails, by the way, I'm, I, I don't, it
Starting point is 00:25:11 doesn't rain much over there. That's why. Yeah. I mean, I'm in Texas and it's been raining for like three days. And so the snail to like, it's like the problem of snow. So I'm like, hey, I'm not bad. Still gone. Snow gone. Hey, did you get back to the past for a snail, Khan? snail. Okay. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad.
Starting point is 00:25:27 I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad.
Starting point is 00:25:35 I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not bad. I'm not Exactly. She's not wearing her shell. By the way, anyone with a backstage pass to BravoCon, give me a call. I would love one. That's me. Ronnie. That would be great. Think of me. DM me on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Okay. My last one fell through. Send in the snails. Now, that would be a send in the clown. But if I got a backstage pass. Send in the clown, but if I got a backstage pass. Send him the clown. I'm here! Hey, it's a night of a thousand doorbells. Let's use behind door number 34. Another snail!
Starting point is 00:26:17 Squash, hey snail! There are those new new boobs. Tell me about them. Squash that beef. Oh no. Someone actually squashed that snail. My snail brother's name was beef Andy. So you just kind of declared it more on my brother. Hey, which snails are gonna break up next? Erica Jane. Oh yeah, I think, I think
Starting point is 00:26:46 Beast is gonna break up with the Lyman man, Stanley. Erica, Erica, I felt, yeah, as a snail, I was very upset that you've called us out, right? I did not think that you needed to do that. Well, I'm a show snail and that's what I do. I put on a show for all the snails.
Starting point is 00:27:03 It's called snail con not boring con Now tell me do you think that your husband's nail isn't smirming on my Well, I told him to stay away from the Pringles. They were literally killing they will melt him into a petal of you Hey, did I hear my name? There's me Pringle here Pringle smell is a is there bar? Well, you know that as a snail Pringle, you're supposed to stay away from beer. Okay, let's go over to Patricia's house. Patricia, you don't want to do any, we want to do any more snail roleplay at a fictional snail convention?
Starting point is 00:27:45 Literally out of snail style. That went on. We got a lot of content like that. I'm like a snail that likes. And just like a snail, this recap is going very slowly. I can't believe we don't get to be respect. So weird. Okay, so we got a Patricia. Whitney has a fire going. He, you know, unfortunately, is not burning any new to he was sent. Or he's born his sweaters.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. Or any sweater. We're having a sweater burnin'. So what does he say here? He's like, oh, got a fire going. Yeah, mom, we're gonna get into Mendozae Mother. Do the Bunga Bunga. What?
Starting point is 00:28:35 Is that me? I was confused. It was one of those things where I said, I'll just let Ronnie say what it is. I'm like, Ronnie will... Do you hear it? I heard him say Bunga Bunga. Do the Bunga B like, Ronnie will, I heard him say, Bunga Bunga. Do the Bunga Bunga. I'm gonna look at it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Bunga Bunga. Do the Bunga Bunga Bunga Bunga is a phrase of uncertain origin in various meanings that dates from 1910 and a name of an area in Australia dating from 1852. Oh, I love it. I love it. I love a regional Australian reference. So a Bunga Bunga party originally simply a lighthearted term I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:14 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:22 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. This is for brisk loney. His time in power was marked by various scandals, including infamous sex parties held by the politics. It's going to turn racist soon. I'm telling you this, the more you go into looking to bunga bunga, it's going to be, you're going to find the racist, it's going to be racists. It's Southern charm. I wouldn't be surprised. It's believed that a bunga bunga was first taught to brisk loney by none other than Muah Muammar Al-Gaddafi. The term within the Daufi, by the Italian media. Yeah. Like from Libya?
Starting point is 00:29:47 No, not with a, well, yeah, G-A-D-D-A-F-I. Over time, the term Bunga Bunga Party was used to refer to parties, including orgies, skinny dipping, and strip teas is with the Prime Minister choosing various women to have sexual relations with. Wow, of course, this is what Whitney said. You know, all it takes is a Google. Are you really? Are you going to look a little bit more deeply on these?
Starting point is 00:30:11 Are you saying the origins of Bunga Bunga come from Kadafi? Libya's Kadafi? No, they come from Briskolone's sex parties. The Prime Minister of... Oh, oh, oh. Still. Italy, is that what I said? But you said Kadoffi was in there to make somehow. He taught them to Kadoffi.
Starting point is 00:30:29 So Kadoffi, I think, took them from the first Golanese. For those who were interested who carried on the tradition of the Bunka Bunka party, it did make its way to Libya for those who are concerned. So there you go. So it's not. It's not. Chairman now and Chairman now.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And Carl LaBruany. So. Bunga Bunga parties are still had in Russia until the two days. To this day, you know, it would have been funny if I remember her name, but I can't. So I will just. The student and Angela Merkel. Still Bunga Bunga. Huge Bunga Bunga advocate.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Angela Merkel. Joyce Carol Oates. Wow. You know, if she would if you ever saw a Bunga Bunga fan. Okay. She's not a world leader, but she's a, she's a literary leader. And she Bunga Bunga is like no one else. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:24 So Craig comes in and he knocks and I just need to write that down because I'm very concerned with who knocks and who doesn't. Well, the knocking is actually important in this episode. I mean, the scene you never would think so this was like a this was like a this scene was like a carefully choreographed first where people going in and out of doors, but no one's paying attention to the choreography. Yeah. Yeah, it is. So Craig comes in first and he picks up a cane in the umbrella stand and starts swinging it around like a sword. And then he's like, whoa, is this a flask in the
Starting point is 00:31:58 cane? This is crazy. Hold on, I'm going to try something., where are you trying to open a can of tomatoes with that can? Okay, I'm a lifestyle brand, bro. So. So like Whitney is showing, Whitney is like, yo, that was a flask. So Whitney is like showing how the flask comes out. You take it the handle and there's like a little flask and he's showing them and while that's happening,
Starting point is 00:32:18 Austin just barges in. So, but they're still standing in the floor. So the door just like slams open into Whitney and Craig and Austin goes, oh, oh, like what are you doing? What are you doing? Like you're the one who just barges into the house. Quite literally. You're standing in the way. So rude. He's so rude. He makes me crazy. Like last week he came over whenever they had that party and he's the, you know, after party thing. And he's like, hey, you're gonna order me some dinner. I'm like, oh, you're such a fucking user.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So we just swings open the door and goes to, you know, pour the booze for himself. And then, let's see, now Craig is really pulling the cane out like a sword. And they're like, and then Rodrigo comes in and he's like, what are you guys, he bumps into them all so they're all, they all keep getting bumped into by the door. Cause nobody knocks, it's so fucking rude. So Rod Rigo always looks like he's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:33:14 what, what, like you just told them something really surprising or he was home alone and heard the back door open. He's just like, what? He was, Rod Rigo was at home listening to Intuition by a Jewel. And then they said, Rodrigo, you need to film an episode. He's like, ah, fine. So he just makes his way over to Patricia's. So they're like, what he says, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:33:36 And Whitney's like, good old fashioned, sort of fight mother. And Rodrigo got his classic. Talk about a boy's night. But what, I thought that. I just love that Rodriguez. I was taking it as like a flesh sword. Yeah comment But I just like that Rodrigo Seems to hate them all but he just shows up because they need them for some reason They're like we just need Rodrigo here. We just need someone who expresses the stain for these people
Starting point is 00:34:02 So they gather around for some charcuterie and then when he's like, oh, mom always taught me, whoa, to be good host and you show us how we're doing cocktails on hand for when guests first run after so except for Craig, not for Craig. Remember what he's build one? Remember that mother? Mother.
Starting point is 00:34:19 So he puts the charcuterie down on Randy who's on all four serving as the table for the men. And Craig's like Am I allowed back in this room again after last year remember? Did it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it flashback music remember Yeah, and Craig as we find out later in the episode has really learned about respecting people's property Not at all. He has not learned at all. So we see the clip to Craig is spilling wine on the couch and Patricia going, Craig, do you know how much that
Starting point is 00:34:51 want that couch caught $45,000 Craig more than your community college in Delaware. Where's it? Where is it? Do you pounce more like you point less? That's a that's a Delaware disc because the Deponts are in Delaware and you're pointless crack. So I'm not my best work, but Randy gave me that one. Randy dreamt of that one. He said it would work. He never trusted him.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Hey, Randy, it looks like a knees buck on the shark. Who's going to follow over soon? He's my mom. Please come on. Use a table. You are the table, Randi. Now be quiet. Now be careful, Randi.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Keep your mouth shut or I'm going to show you to a bunch of different Randiies and make a randies centipede. Nobody wants that at this bonga bonga. All right. Last time I checked Camilla Parker bowls did not require a randies centipede at her bonga bonga. So Craig's like wow, the fact that that wine came out of the couch is unbelievable. It's almost like it was wearing a sewing down cell apron or something. So then we see clips of him being in dummy and then Rod just letting himself in as well. Listen.
Starting point is 00:36:18 No, why? Why am I the only person terrified of Patricia? Wait, Rod knocks at the, because doesn't he say, oh, no, he does let himself in because he says this place is so big. I thought you wouldn't hear me knock. Yes, that's, I was like, who does that? Why are the only person terrified of Patricia? I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't just listen in the South.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You don't just walk into someone's home. You'll get shot. We have guns here. I would be afraid for Johnson. Johnson might attack me. He's a, Johnson is a protective dog. So, you know, I love the name Chancel. It's like literally one of my favorite names of all time. It's a good name. Chancel is a strong. I love the name Chancel.
Starting point is 00:36:56 So, uh, then JT, oh, so the one who knocks is JT, because then he's knocking and no one gets him. He's like, hello. Hello, I got a message from Poppy. See, she says, we'll love you. Hello, anyway. So let's see, he was raised right. We can say what we want about JT. He's over dramatic. He probably doesn't belong. I really like JT. You know, I'd like to him at first. Right now, he's just a little bit like when they were showing the clip of him from last week talking to his mommy's like, I just want relationship.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It's not gonna add fires for more some mommy. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, sitting in his weird Airbnb, like sitting up straight and then putting his phone all the way down on the coffee table to sit up straight and do a FaceTime. He's just such an odd practice person. Oh, honey, I know, I know you, I know you want a relationship. Maybe the first relationship you should have is with a sense of style. Okay, what is this brown leather ottoman doing with a purple couch? Here's who you need to date, honey, if you ever want to
Starting point is 00:38:00 chance with a woman. Platforms. Bert Reynolds did it. You know, he's still got laid, making effort. Okay. So, uh, JT comes over. So he comes in and he's like, well, my first time in the castle. And I'm surprised I didn't crack jokes about how everything seems like a castle because he's small. But, uh, he's like, you know, do I think me and Whitney had the same upbringing? I think that he has may have been a little bit more posh than mine, but he didn't have poppy seed and lady bunny. That's for sure. And then Whitney is like, Vio Camine. This German, this is very saying out and have good times. Now what's the thought when you have time? I'm gonna say one thing that doesn't create me
Starting point is 00:38:46 the fuck out this episode, just one. So now they're all like dapping. You know, they're all like, hey, bro hugs. And Austin like wants Charcuterie and Rod is like, oh, I'm like nervous around all this white furniture. And Austin's like, yeah, last year, Craig quite literally spilled all over the couch. Oh, Rod's like, yeah, I wanna be invited literally spilled all over the couch. I was like, yeah, I want to be invited.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I want to have a second season on the show. So I'm going to eat over the table, unlike you pigs. Just to give a little justice to poor JT, he's not really that much shorter than Rod and Rodrigo, because they show them hugging. And we need to all just stop the short shaming on this show. I don't think it's going to be a long-term short joke. It's because they short shame on this show. That's how I'm going to get away with my hypocrisy
Starting point is 00:39:31 on that one. I agree. I think though that JT has short guy energy. He listened, but he's our short king, as they say. He's our little short king. No emphasis did not mean to say little like that that did not make it better I meant to listen you've already pissed off the knitting people so your fact I would be no I said I support the knitting people I said I support the knitting people I support I support the knitting people and I support hate snickers
Starting point is 00:40:02 I fully support the knitting people um Rod and Austin are making small talk known as JT talk. Oh, I can't help myself. I can't help myself. So Austin's like, wow, look at just a couple of glasses. I hang out out of a Shikuru Reborn, right? And then he like, he can't just take a piece of salami. Did you notice how Austin eats a charcoed Reborn? I don't know why I'm so surprised,
Starting point is 00:40:29 but let's pretend this is the piece of salami. He's like, this is where crap is going on. Are you slapping the salami? Why are you turning it over and over and getting your fingerprints all over all of the salami, dude? What the fuck, Austin? What was he doing? He was just, he was just a pig. He was sitting at everything. and getting your fingerprints all over all of the salami, dude. What the fuck, Austin? You're not in.
Starting point is 00:40:45 What was he doing? Wait, he was just a pig. Was he like, I mean, he's sitting at everything. He eats with his mouth open. He's getting his fingers all over everything. Just like, manhandling the salami.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Disgusting. He's like, so, he's like, when he, like, since he's your house right, it's insane right now. Why don't you have a den? This is for like, tea and clumpets, bro. And JT's like, uh, since it's your house right, it's insane right now. Why don't you have a den? This is for like, tea and quimpets, bro.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And JT's like, yeah, hi, where's your mom to nod? I'd love to meet her. And when he's like, oh, she's out for the evening. Uh, she's making Brandy throw water balloons at poor people's houses. And then she's leaving them behind. Oh, it'll be hilarious. And Whitney's like, uh, I heard a mother really likes Jack's
Starting point is 00:41:28 tavern. And Rod says, have you been to bar 167? Huh? Huh? Is somebody coming in? Is that the back door? And Whitney's like, no, I haven't been there yet, but I heard this amazing coming there. Really great. And that's where Rod told Austin that he was trying to hit on his girlfriend. So his old girlfriend. So that's pretty funny told Austin that he was trying to hit on his girlfriend. His old girlfriend. So that's pretty funny. Why does she feel the need to tell him? It's surely got to have better reasoning for why I felt they need to show Taylor's need picture to the entire cast.
Starting point is 00:41:54 So Rod goes, you know, bro, I just think it's a respect thing and you know, it's easier to navigate the waters that way. Like Whitney didn't just date Craig's ex last year. So, um, so then Rod, uh, he's talking to Olivia. He's talked to her a little bit. He's dropped off food and everything, as opposed to Austin, who both talked and dropped food out of his mouth at the same time. And so Rod says, he says that he's flinging food. He's like, I'm house by our house and I'm flung food.
Starting point is 00:42:37 How do I map? I'm not. Austin is a reverse Hansel and Gretel. Just the crumbs. Don't follow the crumbs. He just, no, actually, I guess he isn't. He's, no, he's a full Hansel and Gretel, actually. He is a proper Hansel and Gretel.
Starting point is 00:42:51 He just leaves a trail of crumbs where he goes. It's proper, proper, a proper Hansen G. But he's two fullists alive to ever burn in the oven. So number quite works out. Talk about it. Which is always like, I guess I'm gonna let this one go. Witches keeps unchecking the timer. I'm sorry, I'm just in the weeds pad.
Starting point is 00:43:12 It was like five minutes, witches. Awesome. It's like I'm streaming. I'm streaming in here. Did you cry? So, witch, what happened for you? How was today for you? I felt like your child was a little undercooked.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I'm sorry, I tried to cook in Austin in 30 minutes and they always say it takes two and a half hours. Oh my god, I have a tiny little fly flying around my head. That is so gross. Look here I am calling Austin a sob and I have a tiny fly. Doesn't that mean I'm like have fruit or something around here? Flies maybe. Oh, what could it be? It's called nature. It's called life. It's raining.
Starting point is 00:43:50 No, it's not. It means I'm a filthy human being. I hate those things. Yeah, they're sort of like, there's fruit flies are so unremarkable as flies go. Like at least houseflies are like a full villain. The fruit flies are just there. They're each you can kill them. They just sort of, you know, well, Ronnie, I just saw a full villain. But fruit flies are just there. You can kill them. They just sort of, you know, well, Ronnie, I just saw,
Starting point is 00:44:09 well fruit flies are always brand new, you know, and regular flies are like, I've been around this block honey, mainly tips, like they're full grown, but fruit flies like, oh my God, you just did something to her. There's something dirty in your house. Can't wait to be here. So excited to be here.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So excited. So I just saw something on TikTok and how you can do us. There's a there's a device on TikTok on how to kill fruit flies. So go go into your TikTok and just look around. Well, it's only one. But if you have one, that means there's something dirty in your house and you're filthy human being and you need to go fucking fine. I think it's just talking about southern charm and vokes flies. Yeah, the disgusting thing is this show, okay?
Starting point is 00:44:48 The fruit fly is coming around for the douchebaggery of this show. So JT announces, you know what, I'm not, I'm gonna just end it right there. I was, yeah, I was really trying to segue out of this fly. Say, yeah. We've already had a smell section and now we're into flies. Flies are like, Bunga Bunga party at Ronnie Caram's house. I know you find one fruit fly and you don't take care of it. It's, it's a full on orgy Bunga Bunga.
Starting point is 00:45:12 By the time you fly a little fly Putin is out here getting main off. Fly the time you're done. So, um, anyway, JT is says that he is postponing the launch party of his clubhouse. It was, you know, his Airbnb clubhouse thing. It's got a big party. But because of everything, he's decided to make it a nice dinner instead.
Starting point is 00:45:30 And he says, he's like, I'm not sure how to have a launch party for business where everyone's in mourning. So we pivoted to dinner just to bring everyone together for Olivia. I'm like, I'll tell you how I have a launch party. Well, everyone's in mourning. Be on Bravo. They'll make it. They'll force you to do it. So don't even worry about it. Yeah. So the dress code is like preppy Southern. So we go over to Craig and Austin porn drinks.
Starting point is 00:45:58 They walked away. What are you laughing? It's just funny. It's like, what's the preppy Southern? It's like, the dress code is seasons one through this very second. I don't know. How is this more specific than how you're all dressed right now? So yeah, Austin tells Craig that he did therapy today. And the Olivia stuff brought up a lot of memories with his sister and everything. And Austin says he feels super connected to Olivia and I quite literally just want to be there for her I'm making a snack, Thomas, which I'm cooking myself.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Basically it's really hard, but you know, that's why they call me, the chef's doer. Now, please enjoy this, Thomas. I made it with corn and corn. Can I just put in a blender? That's Thomas, right? That's Thomas.
Starting point is 00:47:01 I'm blended some corn in a blender and we're gonna dip some corn on the cob into it. Brett is a, he's a nascent Ken Todd because he's like, oh yeah, thanks a lot of us. How's your parents? How was it going with their parents being here? I was like, what, Brett, can you speak up a little bit? I can't hear you. What?
Starting point is 00:47:18 Brett. Brett's like, I haven't tried the radish yet. She has, it's pretty good. Yeah, it's a fucking raw radish, okay? What do you mean you haven't tried the radish yet. She has, it's quite a good. Yeah, it's a fucking raw radish, okay? What do you mean you haven't tried it yet? You think this is going to be better or worse than any other raw radish you've ever had?
Starting point is 00:47:32 I wrote in my notes, who's more charismatic, Brett or the radish? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Madison saying, talking about how Brett travels for work. And people are like, how do you deal with a long distance marriage? And she's like, I don't know, how do you deal with your husband traveling for four fucking days? It's like, go to go work. It's easy, it's like it is.
Starting point is 00:47:52 We make it work like everyone else does. Especially, we never want to round us. Eight is. So then Hudson comes in sobbing and he has been attacked. I mean, what kind of beat up are some things? I was so fucking mad. I'm a rabbit kids in this neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:48:08 He was like, God, they were like, you got into some sort of fight. His knees are bloodied and dirty. He has bite marks on him. A parent, I guess, pulled some other kid off. Whoever this fucking rabbit kid is, that bit and beat up our sweet little Hudson, military camp right away multiple bites multiple
Starting point is 00:48:27 military school over the bridge. That's what I'm talking about kid do not do this to our sweet Hudson this poor little kid who's already had to endure Austin in his life. Okay, it's not right. I was my heart was broken for this poor little boy and for Madison too. Like I was like, this is so sad right now. And Madison's like, I hope you did this to you. I'm gonna go buy him back. You the fuck did this to my baby? And he's like, oh, it's okay. And so Brett takes him to clean him up
Starting point is 00:48:57 and Madison's like, you know, being a mother is one of the hardest, but for warden things I've ever done in my life. And sometimes what he feels I feel times I'll hunt right. You know, thankfully he doesn't feel what I feel. And doesn't get triggered and start beating walls when in for somebody accidentally spit something in his face because that to do with that for a very long time. I still try to test.
Starting point is 00:49:20 What's not talking about? She goes, you know, being a parent, it's the only thing that can make me lose control over my emotions. I was like, you want to double check that? That's the only thing. Just, let's go. Let's just fact check that. I've seen this.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Can we just fast forward five minutes in the show for these five big grand? So, Brett goes to talk to him. They clean him up and everything. And, you know, Madison's like fully upset. Like, I always got my heart breaks for parents who have to be in this situation and see their kids come back like be number bullied.
Starting point is 00:49:48 It's like it's so fucked up. It's a weird trigger point for me. I wasn't even bullied that badly, but for some reason I just feel it really hard. So Madison is basically saying how like it's real game changer and it's like nice to have Brett there. It's not just her, it's all, not all on her shoulders. And they make Hudson to surely temple.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And she just walks away with her phone. I'm the queen of hair in this tank, bitch. You're gonna die of split ends. You know she calls someone. You know she, you know she did. You know she did. She's on that phone and she's waiting to dial the phone and she just kind of looks at the camera like,
Starting point is 00:50:23 I better wait. But you know she called like, you will never get a hair spot in this tan again. You stupid bitch. I want to know what Madison did because you know there was it was a scorched earth moment at deservedly so. Yes. Um, they deserve whatever they got that. So it's a rod in Olivia now meet up on it by the beach. And Olivia's like every time I see you're standing by on some beautiful backdrop. It's just like him like.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I'm up here. So, um, they go to a place called Wind Jammer, which I feel like there's some joke in there about Austin, right called Wind Jammer, which I feel like there's some joke in there about Austin, right? Wind Jammer. Oh, I don't know. I can't do that. I'm tired. So no, I'm not really tired. Just of Austin. Just of thinking about Austin, jamming, jamming into things. I don't want to think of anything with jam and Austin in the same sense. Okay. I'm still traumatized by his Salami eating two seconds ago. Salami trying to bait me into a win jam right there. So she's with Rod the chemistry is all the charge with these two And they basically talk about what a dick Austin is. Yes, and she's like well, Austin really stepped up as y'all did honestly
Starting point is 00:51:40 And I don't know if you've been lived in on what's going on with Taylor and Austin but and he's like, yeah, I hear the goalposts keep moving as far as the story goes and she's like, yeah, you know, and and a date rod, could you like refrain from corporate lingo for a second? He's like, yeah, we're really moving the goalposts and we're really just trying to like, we're just trying
Starting point is 00:52:00 to like get like a good cue for romantic moment for the two of us right now. So yeah, notice that waiter we'd like to share a pie chart. That would be great Your best life as per preferably about 30% as per my Earlier email. I totally agree. What's going on with Austin and Taylor? I totally agree what's going on with Austin and Taylor. So she's basically saying, yeah, you know, people are saying like, why are you forgiven Austin and not like, why are you more mad at Taylor than Austin? But I've just expected this from him.
Starting point is 00:52:41 I didn't really expect this from Taylor. I mean, she knits around sweaters. The cut's not as deep. Um, I hate this logic. And I understand this logic, because I think we probably all fall for it. But this is fucked up logic. This is how terrible people advance in the world. And like, when I'm not saying that Taylor is necessarily an angel, but I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:53:04 like, compared to Austin, whatever you think about Taylor, Austin's always gonna be worse. But like this is how someone like Austin gets off the hook and moves forward in life and how someone who's comparatively a better person makes a mistake and then they are, they're fucked over forever. Like, you know, like, this is, like, yes, I know it surprised you more from Taylor, but now you have to say, okay, but Austin is still the worst person here in this situation. Like, men with things with Taylor, create a new normal with Taylor,
Starting point is 00:53:39 but don't let Austin off the hook. Like, I just hate this, that Austin gets off the hook first before Taylor. And I understand it's because Taylor broke. I understand the whole, like he's already a douchebag. And so she's kind of forgiven him already for things from long ago. But I think it's mostly the sibling connection, where they both have a sibling fast away. And he's, I don't know, I think it all transcends all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:00 No, I think that accelerated it for Austin. And I get that with a betrayal from Taylor is a different kind of betrayal. And it's like I fully get the logic. I understand it, and I've probably participated in this logic before, but I'm just saying this logic is really ultimately fucked up. And that like, it allows terrible people
Starting point is 00:54:24 to move on in life and to excel. Yeah, well, this, so does the South. So also that the logic is gonna come up again because we get some level logic later, which is really disturbing, which I think is very similar to what you're talking about. But we'll get to that in five hours when we meet. And if this is an episode of Logic.
Starting point is 00:54:51 But these two, I think it's nice that Rod is so sweet to her and stuff. And she seems to think that he's really sweet too. I don't at first I thought maybe they have chemistry. I don't think so anymore. And I know, look, I know it's not like the sexiest time in life, right? But I don't know. It's giving me kind of like trying for a TV relationship or whatever. So I do like them, but I think it's really because he's not
Starting point is 00:55:19 He's not Austin and he seems actually bright. He does. He actually seems like a bright person He's not Austin and he seems actually bright. He actually seems like a bright person, but he is definitely the person in the romcom who the girl leaves, let's be honest. So yeah, the gold posts are moving, all that stuff. And they're talking about all this, all this stuff. And ultimately, Rod says the thing that we'll for right now probably endear him for the rest of season to me,
Starting point is 00:55:43 which is how he says, Austin's decision-making is all about him and he's always the victim in his eyes and he's always the cause of the problem every time. I'm like, well, guess what? You're now my favorite person in the cast. You just summed it up. You summed it up cleanly succinctly. That's exactly right, and you see it for exactly for what it is. There's no arguments to be had with this Yeah, you are correct Listen, you may not have chemistry, but that doesn't make you a bad person But you are correct on this and that makes you a person on our team So welcome welcome over rod. Hope you like snail jokes. So
Starting point is 00:56:23 We're being fruit as alternatively. We're a big 10 week over to JT's event space. They are trying so hard to make this fucking event space happen. I'm annoyed with the event space, especially knowing that it's covered in germs, because I feel like nobody ever blew lit this place after all these times we're hearing about. You, this place is a garage.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Has everyone noticed that they're actually in a garage that's been revamped? Like this is a garage, like an old-time garage where a horse and carriage go into and then there's this place for a bail of hay. This is not a vent space. This is a garage with a table in it. Well, if you keep saying event space enough,
Starting point is 00:57:01 it's gonna be a come-and-a-vents-face, dammit. So, we're gonna do a show- we're doing show and Charles and I'm totally having an after party in this event. We're not about it. We are not about. We'll be there. Garage bar. I will take a picture on the ugly couch.
Starting point is 00:57:14 Okay. So he's like, I'm going to slide a cooler under the table, ball, keep. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty. Hey, ball, keep. Look, we've got a violin player over here. It's like a mariachi band with sueta. So what do you have to disfuckin mariachi bands? And let me tell you you have some fucking swag. Mariachi bands, you think anyone gets laid more than the dudes in the mariachi
Starting point is 00:57:38 band? I know. I'm going to the wrong El Compresso, babe. Mariachi bands are the swag. Like those beautiful outfits, the hats, the blazers and everything. And you're telling me that's not swag? Compared to someone over there, while doing a showpan on Violin, that's the swag. No, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:57:59 I don't think so. I'm like mad. I'm an El CompoDrey. What did I say? I don't know, because I don't speak Spanish. But what I do know is'm like El Cumpadre. What did I say? I don't know, because I don't speak Spanish, but what I do know is that like, El Cumpadre is that restaurant on sunset. It is, but also by the way,
Starting point is 00:58:12 come on, my apologies. Someone playing a violin and saying, like, oh, it's like a Mary Houchy band with swag. What, like, why is that your go-to reference for a violin? I don't know, nothing made sense, but you know, he's just trying. JT's just trying. So, he really is. I also felt for the violinist.
Starting point is 00:58:31 That's like a tall order to just be like, okay, you're one person with a violin. That dare you say that in a JT scene. I'm like for three hours. How dare you say it's a tall order in a JT scene. I thought we weren't making these jokes anymore. No, I know. It's like Play Violin for three hours for a bunch of idiots. Yeah, I'm he's over there trying his hardest to, you know, it's just like song after song or just
Starting point is 00:58:56 that. Okay, everyone, that is the end of part one of this recap. Part two is coming up very soon in our feed. Thanks everyone for listening to this. We appreciate you all. We will catch you on part 2 of our Southern Charm Recap. Watch what crap ends. Would like to thank its premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniella.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Itch-O-Ls. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss No Trick-O-Ls. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last name-y. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying, it's Kelly Ryan.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Pristin the Pistin Anderson. Let's always supplying its Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kissarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg, you can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches, Betches. And our super premium sponsors. Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily signs. Nobody holds a candle, it's a Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch. She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon, Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She's quite the catch, she's Victoria Couchett.
Starting point is 01:00:46 She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar! We love you guys! Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or, you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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