Watch What Crappens - #2207 RHONY Part 2: The Hags and the Hags Not

Episode Date: October 30, 2023

The Real Housewives of New York season comes to a conclusion with reunion part 2 (S14E16).  Once again the women hammer Jessel on her privilege before moving on to two different segments.  It all ends with Uba and Erin hashing out their Anguilla drama, and Andy running out of tissues.  This is part 1 of a 2 part recap.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, this is part two of the Rony recap. If you're looking for part one, check the podcast feed out. And now let's just dive right back in from where we left off on the Rony Reunion part two of episode two, season ending, Rony. You know what I'm talking about. Here we go. Okay, so Jettel's like, right now, by the way,
Starting point is 00:00:47 there are so many influencers so pissed off. We are theoretically influencers. So, No more knots. Theoretically, I said theoretically. I hate that. No. Because we have a plan.
Starting point is 00:00:57 So, I'm not saying I want to be an influencer, I'm not saying I'm trying to be. I'm just saying like theoretically, someone could class in my life. My number has ever been like, okay, maybe it's happened two times that it's been other part of our overall advertising deals or something where someone's been like okay Put this on your Instagram, but no one's ever been like oh my god. Ronnie been Tafemakers walk around
Starting point is 00:01:20 Ronnie please try and sell some of these Michael masks. No, please sell some of these Jason masks from horror movies. And I'm like, look, I'm Michael. I'm like, fire doesn't influence her in two seconds. Okay, so Jenna defends the influencers and then Jess was like, well, look,
Starting point is 00:01:40 I want to say something about Si. The one thing I'll say about Si, you're always working Si. Like after today, people are going to want to say something about side. The one thing I'll say about side, you're always working side. Like, after today, people are going to want to dress like a hungry moody C3 PO. And not really know why. People think it's easy, but it's not. It's like, yeah, well, you got to have thick skin. Like, well, that has nothing to do with anything. And I don't think you have thick skin considering how angry you've got about various things. And it's like, well, Brian, you joke on the show that you want to the steel sides, perfect
Starting point is 00:02:08 life. What about it is perfect to you. Do you not remember her trauma back story for the past 35 minutes? And Brian's like, I like brownstones and I like really want brownstone and like, I want to range rubber. And like a second house, like with two kids that like like they were just like dropped out. I got bad. So I guess I don't want her life. I want a range rover and like a second house like with two kids that like like they were just like dropped out like that So I guess I don't want her life. I just want some of the things she's bought and had
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, pretty pretty much really leave it up to friend to have the saluest answer of all time So Si what would you like to emulate here? A bounce down in a range over So It's down in a rain trover. Hahaha. So, uh, Bange, not Mandelker on Twitter says, Si, you overreact when you're hungry. Relax. I can't believe this is the fourth time he brought this up on the reunion.
Starting point is 00:02:54 We are talking about size fake hunger. And we literally already skipped over the part where Si talked about how she looks weights. And so it's hungry every two hours. Like, this is the fourth time this has come up. And it's like, do you think me hungry? Is it that excuse for not being able to control your emotions?
Starting point is 00:03:11 And she's like, she's like, hangry is a thing. Okay, I can't function when I'm hungry. Have you ever seen a Snickers bar commercial with base office me because I'm an influencer? I'm so sorry to tell you all this, but like I sound annoying on the show, I get it. I was such a bitch, I'm sorry. I was just really hungry. She had a lot of the times. What can I say?
Starting point is 00:03:27 Jen was like, you know what? Hanger, just in her defense, Hanger is like really a thing. And anyone who has children really understands, and I wanted to raise my children. You know, if they were hungry, or if he was hungry, I would just, I wouldn't have the the private chef make him something. I mean, well, not Manhattan. I would just send him over Brooklyn and then I'd have him use a hot plate and I'd have him make my son something there just because I wanted my son to understand what it was like to travel, to eat food with your private chef. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:57 So that makes any sense. You know, when I was working in fashion, everyone was hungry and so I would just give them lashes. And so I find that like giving lashes is a really great way to solve the World Hunger Crisis. So please come to my website and buy my lashes. Thank you. You know who is against hunger? A World Hunger, tried to conquer it was Jesus and when Jesus got in trouble, he actually got 30 lashes. So I'm just putting it out there lashes around the eyeball All right cool. Hey, anyone who says Blancs always have more fun clearly have not met Roni's resident redhead, but on the surface while Brin is all fun and flirty like any good collector
Starting point is 00:04:38 knows you can't judge book plans cover, chess and luxury cars and also she horny just try to get all the illusions in. Here's her package. And then she's like, cheers for herself. And Andy's like, well, I know that was hard to watch, Brad. And she's like, well, not, not the Giddynn problem. That was the problem actually. You just never heard. So I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:05:10 He was really hard. Sorry, ladies, Damia. Yes, Steve. So now it's time for the Brynn thing. So she talks about her dad and she getting the call when she was in the home, like homecoming that her dad was dying. So she drove up to Michigan. And she tended for her dad. that her dad was dying, so she drove up to Michigan,
Starting point is 00:05:25 and she tended for her dad, and then for every weekend, she'd go up there, and they like, you know, it was all about her dad, and her dad died, and she had closure, and it's another 45 minutes of the sadness of Brin's backstory. So, which by the way, all this stuff, first of all,
Starting point is 00:05:44 not only was a lot of it on the show, but I feel like a reunion for me is where I want, I'll come to a reunion and I want to hear people rehash what happened on the season, like clarify what happened on the season, clarify the conflict, address the conflict, or like, hey, someone said this in the confessional, like the whole point of a reunion is to say,
Starting point is 00:06:04 hey, looking back at that season, that was fucked up, or I apologize for that. I don't need to come to the reunion to hear the Diane Sawyer, you know, like tell me about your father. You know, this is all, like it is, it's very sad stuff. I'm not afraid of sad stuff, but this is just not what I'm here for. That's my whole issue.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm not here to listen to have a more fleshed out version about Brin's tragic backstory. Save that actually for the show and help her flesh out or character while we're watching the show. So it's more interesting than forcing it in the reunion where I just wanna see people, you know, talk about the season that we just watched. How's why is this supposed to be fun?
Starting point is 00:06:42 The end. And I get that it's modern and they're doing like a modern thing where, you know, in modern times, we are more open with our feelings and what's going on in our traumas and what made us, what hurt us, you know, and what we're getting over. And that's just part of being alive in 2023. And that's fine, but there are also fun people
Starting point is 00:07:01 doing fun things, having fun times, making me laugh. I don't need it to be a Ramona. I don't need it to be the same cast, but I need fun people. This is not fine. Reignants are not there. It needs to be a little bit and needs to be like real life where the trauma part, we all have it. We all share it with each other and our friends, but it's not the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:07:17 It's a little part of it. This is like 80% of this show is just this. Well, it also, it's a space to how little there was to dig deeper on on the actual season that they can't, there's not, they're not enough interpersonal story. How angry she is five times. Yeah. So that's how much there was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Let's not. So Brynn gives her a whole backstory about this. It's, it's nice. It's very nice. It's sad. It's sad. It's so fucking sad, you know, and I'm not taking that away from her, but FF. But FF honestly, but FF. Okay. The real FF of New York. Press the FF. So they talk about her grandma next and then
Starting point is 00:08:02 And then that's that too. And then Andy's talking about how there's a bond between, there's like a trauma bond between sign Bryn, right? And size like, yeah, we were raised different, but I understand the heart. And Bryn's like, yeah, but like, I mean, that's why I was feeling offended, because then you just threw so much attitude at me. And so I was like, yeah, well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:27 I'm one of those people who gets angry. And I just don't want to talk after I'm angry. And look, I've never done therapy before the day. It's therapy, get it? And everyone's like, oh my god, that was so funny. You like literally a maddie, but that was hilarious. All right, Brynn, we got to talk about Gideon and the palpable chemistry between you two. Is there one reason in particular that he's not the one that you just
Starting point is 00:08:51 not like that song from Benny and June, even a fancy version of it? And she's like, well, here's the thing, like, I thought it makes fun of me because of like all the engagements, but like all three of the guys, like like proposed to me while we were broken up. And like my thing is like, why do you have to lose me in order to show in order to know that you want to be with me? Am I, but if you were engaged three times, that means you said, yes, despite the fact that you were broken up.
Starting point is 00:09:15 So what does that say about you? Is it that, what do you think that's about that they did it when she was broken up? Do you think she's like, I want more. And if I'm not getting it, I'm outta here. And then they were like, no, I don't wanna get married. And then she's like, fine, then I'm outta here. And then they're like, but let's get me, no, no, I miss you.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Let's get married. It's all very rom-commy. It's very rom-commy and part of me wonders based off of very little empirical evidence, but based off of sort of the way she acts on the show, that like does Brin just sort of fall for guys, again, to relationships where they do some sort of rom-com roleplay?
Starting point is 00:09:50 Is that what this is all about? Like, people who don't really know how to maybe connect or something, and so that what they do is they go through the motions of what they've seen in movies. I'm not sure. I'm not even saying that. Well, I don't know, but from what we've heard on the show,
Starting point is 00:10:05 she, it's like a Saudi prince, and then it's Gideon, Lady Stevie is Royal Sun. And so it's all, they were all kind of fantasy-type things where they're all loaded and like, I'm learning, you know what I'm really into? Antique of books. It's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You know what I'm really into? It's just like the rich person's sport. So it seems like it is that, into you, antique books. Like, oh, okay. You know what I'm really into at chess? Like the rich person's sport. So it seems like it is that, like maybe trying to build, and listen, I believe in that, you know, if you're trying to build a certain life, you gotta walk the walk, right? So maybe she's doing that.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I don't really know. This is why I wanted more context on Bryn. Cause I actually think Bryn seems like a very smart person. And I think that there is, like, Bryn. Because I actually think Bryn seems like a very smart person. And I think that there is like, Bryn has something. I think there is something about Bryn that's like intriguing. But then we just get all this like surface stuff. Certainly charismatic and gorgeous and charming. I mean, that's for me. Yeah. She's like, we make fun of everybody on these shows, but she's really good. I mean, she's never getting fired from this. No, I don't think she's getting fired.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I think that she just, she has some very annoying tendencies, I think, but so does so many of the housewives. What am I saying? That's like, that's like, so many humans. Yeah, I know. Yeah, it's like I'm always going back and forth because I get so excited. I get like, every time she's like, yeah, daddy,
Starting point is 00:11:24 I'm like, oh my God, Brynn. But then I feel like there's, there's like, as they say, there's a, there's there there. But I want like her to have more contacts and I want to know what, what's going on with these relationships, you know, what I can't even get into this. Well, she's season two, you know, I think she just, we have to remember all the season people who, yeah, I think she'll be great to warm up. I think she she'll she'll she'll see her but she'll see how the season was and she's smart and she's gonna adjust and I think season two
Starting point is 00:11:51 will be a breakout season for her. Yeah, and so Andy's like so. I think there's something romantic about being engaged everybody. Right, right. And she's like, well everyone everyone asked me about Gideon. And it's like, I mean, I don't know. I'm like, building he's amazing.
Starting point is 00:12:09 But I guess he just feels like kind of a hot cousin now. And I was like, oh, it's like, well, are you friends with benefits? Have you ever been out with your cousin? She's like, no. But then she starts saying like that his penis is very proper. And she's like, yeah, it's kind of like a little mascot on it. Like, it's like, no. But then she starts saying that his penis is very proper. And she's like, yeah, it's kind of like a little ascot on it. Like it's like a penis.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Like I don't have penis. It's like, hello. It's like, it looks good. It's like it's fetish at. It looks like it went to the Royal Ghibli. I was like, I don't. That's the thing with her. I never know what she's talking about.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It's like she starts on one thing, but then she just goes to Kukuland. And you're like, okay, well, glad we tried to talk to you. Let's move on. So I know, I think this is still going. Ha said this is from still going. Ha says Jenna. Did you feel like when was being serious
Starting point is 00:12:54 when she flirted with you? Because she didn't flirt with any of the other ladies. Yeah, because they're not lesbian to Andy. That's why she didn't flirt with them. What who's asking this question? Um, no, I did not think she was serious. She was very straight. She acted like every straight girl I know,
Starting point is 00:13:11 who likes to pretend that there was lesbian for anything. So yeah, we can see it right away. Yeah, thanks. Um, Brent's like, I've made that with checks. So I says, yeah, I know your time. So Andy is like, okay, there's been a lot of confusion lately online about your career path. I believe it's flame.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Do you know Noelle from Real Housewives of Orange County? Are you supposed for some British or Garvey? We is, go ahead. And she's like, I'm actually, I'm a social media consultant. So social marketing, advertising marketing, marketing to make plans, making people use marketing plans of marketing markets. I also like to go to the market, farmers market, farmers marketing. I do marketing for farmers markets and also like a really, really into emerging markets too. We only into social marketing. Have you ever heard anybody say hello? How are you that social? I marketed that I'm also friends with like Marcus Jordan who's like sort of sounds like market like Marcus Jordan, but like it's not markets
Starting point is 00:14:11 It's Marcus anyway So brins like so uber's like, you know, then they're like well did you talk to uber and it's like you out talked to uber Uber hot and brin help her and uber took you some of her ideas and but Uba Had and Brin Helper and Uba took you some of her ideas. And then Brin said that she was like, had a communications for a tech startup. She doesn't need to prove anything. And he's like, cool. Hey, Brin, you insisted on the re-thmaking
Starting point is 00:14:33 that you did not use the D word divorce. Okay, you want to talk about that? And Aaron's like, well, for me, D word, like that word is a sensitive word for me. It just is. And at like my anniversary party, I like didn't want to hear jokes about like me getting divorced. Like, that's it. That's why I just didn't want to hear about that. Great. Glad you got that off your chest. So, Brad and Aaron, your friendships have oven downs, but why is your so hot and cold and it's like um
Starting point is 00:15:06 We're just like messing with each other like I think then there's like a mutual respect that we am willing to We just like you know, I was like real though Why are you growing your eyes? Because you're both fake. That's why they both fake. It's not real friendship Like you're not similar when you talk shit and you bring news here like pigeon at least you admit it like at least you You least you admit it, but like Aaron she doesn't admit it. You're not similar at all I'm when I think and like if I say it like her that's how it is Okay, and you don't need a pint in you are and it, Oh, God, is there anywhere I can puke around here?
Starting point is 00:15:47 That's, hey, puke, that's not nice. Like, why can't we have a friendship? Where we respect each other? It was like, it makes me sick. Sank it makes you sick. It does. It makes me sick, especially for Aaron, the way she talks about Britain. You're not saying nice things about Britain. And she's like, listen, sometimes when people get mad, they lash out at each other. Oh, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:16:09 They're absolutely available. I have someone in my chair if anyone would like to try some on. We actually are discouraging people from saying the word lash out, because that implies that there is no more left in stock. So we like to say that she's on or lash out. Lash about, lash to, lash for. Lash on, guards.
Starting point is 00:16:24 We also like lash for. Like we can get lashes for people, but we just try to say we've been lash out. Okay, there's a little memory. I want me to take ownership. Then I'm taking ownership. I've got all right, but like I'm sorry for saying things when I was angry. I'm not a perfect person.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Oh God, the jacks, Vanderpump rules. This is a work in progress. A work in progress defense. The worst defense of all time. I'm not perfect. And the second, and that's the worst defense, followed by, I think we're just like two similar people. We're like just too similar, which is when people say we're just too alike, that is the, I'm just sort of exhausted in fighting. So can we just like kind of both shoulder responsibility move on?
Starting point is 00:17:08 Thanks. Well, it's also the giving somebody a compliment while you're dissing them. Like, I just think we're alike. That's like complimenting saying someone, you're actually like me who's amazing in a lot of ways. Just not the ways that I hate, okay? And I hate you. So please leave.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And it was like, well, listen, sometimes I lose my temper, but I don't think, no she goes, but I still think I'm perfect, which I really liked. That's a good argument to that whole. Like I'm not perfect. Sorry, she goes, well I am. Yeah. Well, folding from chair says, hey, Aaron's feelings seem so easily hurt.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Do you think that Aaron is only sensitive or considerate when it comes to her own feelings? And Bryns like, yes, and Aaron goes, only, which is so Aaron to be like, only. I'm sure feeding whatever, one word for the last set. Just to make sure she keeps it on, she keeps it on long track.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Only. I'm a little sensitive. I'm a cancer. I was like, well, finally she's being the truth. She is a cancer on this cast keeps it on long track. Only. I'm a little sensitive. I'm a cancer. I was like, well, finally she's spying the truth. She is a cancer on this cast. That's so true. So Ube is like, she does care about everyone. She does care.
Starting point is 00:18:13 And everyone goes, I care about you all very, very much. And like the insinuation that I don't, that's gonna make me cry. Hold on, let me try to cry. Is this how you cry? Huh? I fuck up, guys. I'm not perfect. I fuck up. And I'm sorry if I hurt anyone because that's the last thing I want to do. Like,
Starting point is 00:18:32 I don't want to hurt anybody. Tackling hangs. So what's the status of Brinn and Aaron right now? Status. Well, we're linking about money. and right now. Status. Well, we're making a bout money. You know? And Aaron's like, yeah, like here's a status. Like I just like never ever wanna fight again. Cause.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Oh. And so Uba says, yeah, well, I think Abe should convert to Islam and marry both of them. Ha ha ha. Oh, it's like, okay. Wow, wow. I don't know what I should say to that. Hey Hey, Brent, are you taking your boobat? Thank you for the distraction. And Brent's like, we started talking about even islam and such. I just
Starting point is 00:19:14 want to do my boobat. Good luck, I shouldn't get all dead. Oh, you're so, um, Ann B is like, okay, okay. So now it's time for the uba segment. The one argument of the season. We talk about the tropics, weather can turn. Well, it can turn faster than uba. Or something like that. I was like, wow, what?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Wow. Yeah, so we see the thing about the phone, everything. And then Aaron's like crying watching it. She's like watching the stupid fight. And she's like, uh, uh, Karen is even Karen, during the segment about Karen. I can't watch.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I can't watch. You can't watch. It's like the only interesting thing that happened all season. This is the best part of the season. And it's like hiding a phone versus taking sunglasses off someone's head. It is like the least emotional thing that,
Starting point is 00:20:02 like, he didn't cry to anyone's trauma, but now like when it comes to someone took a song glasses off your head, you're like, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, fake crying while she's watching this like she's being victimized all over again is so rich and so hilarious because she's so mad I'm sure that everybody's calling her Karen on the unit but it reminds me of that video where some Karen was in line and I think like Victoria's secret or something and she started fighting with this woman and the woman started filming her and she's trying to push the phone out of the woman's hand and then the woman doesn't stop she keeps filming her and then the girl's like
Starting point is 00:20:48 Oh herself on the ground and just starts rolling around on the ground. Yeah, of course. I mean it's classic This is Aaron watching this segment. She's like She's like, cockling eggs. Oh. So Andy is like immediately on the opposite case. He's like, wow, with all due respect. Your film was gone for like 45 minutes. And Justin was like, no, it wasn't 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:18 He was much longer than that. Let's see, I count time as the amount of minutes between Povit blowing his nose, which seems to be about 35, and I think he blew his nose about four times in my brain. So it was at least two or three hours. And it says, yeah, it was longer than 45. And Eric was, but it wasn't like four hours.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Like it wasn't like me, we were filming and they wrapped. And just as like bottom line, it wasn't 45 minutes. And then he goes, okay, so there's a few hours. Yes. Okay. So there goes Aaron again. This is such, this is why you have to watch Aaron. She lies every answer. And then she's like, well, it wasn't like it was four hours. Oh, okay. It was just a few hours. Yeah. Oh, okay, Aaron. You said 45 minutes. Stop lying about every little thing. It just, you can't believe a thing.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So, I had he's like, well, does anybody in the group think Uber overreacted and Brynn and Jenna both raise their hands and just, just like, I do not actually. And actually, I know how I felt that day because I took a note about it on my phone. It says, Aaron's a bitch. Aaron sucks. I hope Uber drowns in. Proof. I'm going to talk. I'm going to talk. For my job, I travel a lot. Okay. And most of the time, it's the places that have no phone service.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And my family's in a different time zone. And they're sick and tired of waiting for me. So we have a group text and I check in in the morning and I check in at night. And you know what? I have to do this. It it's my business and so she's telling the story about why she has to check in and Jenna's like um you know what like none of us knew that and like it makes total sense and like you can be totally angry but like without the context it just felt like over the top and like considering what happened I'm like yeah I hate that the line of questioning here is about like, Uba, you are crazy. Why were you so crazy?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Does anyone else think that Uba's crazy? Instead of the line of questioning being like, Aaron, when you saw that Uba was freaking out about her phone, why don't you just give it back and just say, sorry, why did you not apologize right away? It's like not from that angle, it's all about like, Uba, why were you such a lunatic? And I didn't like that because I feel like Uba,
Starting point is 00:23:26 yeah, like if it were me, I don't think I would have gone as upset as Uba had, but also Aaron made a did a bad prank. She did a prank wrong. It's her fault. Right. So Aaron's like, can I respond? And do you have a thing you's been really saddened me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Right. So because of first, Uba says, well, look, Jen, I just want to make it clear to you. I didn't react. Okay. I was in the room with Jessel and I was pissed. And that's why I didn't come downstairs and react to it. Okay. She said to go to sleep and I calm down and Karen goes, Aaron goes, can I respond?
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's just no, let me talk. You know, I've given and I gave? She says, no, let me talk. I've given it and I gave you the grace of not saying anything all morning. I didn't come for you and yell at you or do any of this stuff, which is true. All this Uba being angry or whatever, they're quote, they're talking about. This is stuff that she was reacting to jessil. She hadn't showed really anybody else. She was being cold.
Starting point is 00:24:21 She was being cold. She was being cold, Aaron. And that's like, okay, that's not a criminal offense. And she was being cold. She was being cold. She was being cold. Aaron. That's like, okay, that's not a criminal offense. And she was holding back. And what Andy did not do is say in that scene where they were waiting to get into cars or whatever. And Uba says, oh, we're waiting for Aaron. And then Aaron goes, keep your mind out of your mouth.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Like Aaron is the one who flipped out. Right, that's his part. And Andy did not say, Aaron, why did you flip out about that? Why were you flipping out when all she was saying was we're getting into a car? Like I just felt like this was slanted against you, but. Yeah, and well, she says, I've get, listen,
Starting point is 00:24:56 I gave you the grace of not saying anything all morning and I missed breakfast and just so I wouldn't, you know what I mean? I'm like, I missed breakfast to like keep the peace. And then you come down saying, not to mention your name, don't say my name over and over and that made me want to bury you. You know, and I was like, well that's,
Starting point is 00:25:14 so that's the thing. Like she gets to, she gets to worked up over it and then it makes everything her fault. Even though we know everything's not her fault, it's like Brent told her last week, when you react a certain way, it changes the narrative. So then everybody can start blaming you. It's so. But the same, but the thing is this though is that Aaron also reacted and Aaron did not get blamed. That's the thing. Because Aaron went straight into victim mode. Just like a little
Starting point is 00:25:38 kid on the playground, she starts something and then the second somebody says something back. She's like, and she goes, do not grab me, because Uba took her sunglasses and said, do not, you had my fucking phone. Don't look at me from behind those glasses. So she's like, do not grab me. She didn't grab you. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Took her sunglasses. And it's another Aaron. It's another Aaron. Miss. Why? It's another Aaron line. Fudging the truth. She grabbed me.
Starting point is 00:26:01 So then, so then, you know, so Uba was saying she was getting upset because she felt like Aaron was gaslighting her because Ubu had said, like, because Aaron claimed that she had texted Jessel like I have the sunglasses, but then when they looked there was no text about that. And in fact, the only thing that Aaron had texted
Starting point is 00:26:18 were emojis and on the show we saw there was like some sort of like frozen face emoji or something and then an unseen footage we see that she actually sent a devil emoji and then a hmm emoji. Which also is like maybe I would have gone that I'm not sure if I would or not but it's not the same as saying I think it was I think it was obvious but it was obvious to us but Uba did not get it. I don't think it's like I think I might have gotten it. I might have taken in a few different ways. I don't know, but clearly it's not the same as saying I have the phone.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And so well technically, but it was I thought it, I mean, this part I have to disagree with you because it says, do you have my phone? And then it's thinking face thinking face. Do you have my phone frozen face frozen face? Do you have my phone frozen face frozen face do you have my phone so I think it was I think Aaron was obviously teasing that yes she had her phone I mean I think but if you see that's what I'm saying I think is that who was really pissed or she's really concerned about her phone the time
Starting point is 00:27:18 to stop joking is now like she's not getting it right exactly that's what I'm saying I think I would have gotten it but I'm not sure I really don't know because it's like not Like because Aaron is saying on this reunion. I said I have the phone But then we're saying she didn't say that like she always does it. She's like well. No. Well. I may have exaggerated so So basically she didn't say it and so uba had no idea no idea. And then Andy's like, well, she implied it. Some people might get it. Some might not.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I mean, to me, it's awesome. And that's what I have to. He's again, just dismissing Uba. And Aaron's like, well, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. And Uba's saying how she felt gaslit because of it. And, you know, Andy's like, so if she had sent an emoji of her holding a hand up, would you've gotten it? And it was like, no, I would not have gotten it.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's like, well, that one's a pretty clear one. I will say that. But stupid Aaron should have done the hand up emoji. So Andy's like, I mean, look, I think this whole thing, a lot of it is just, Uba just not understanding what's going on. There's like a language barrier. Yeah. And there's also, you know, I mean, I don't know, but there's a lot of stuff for a pair. Obviously, she didn't understand
Starting point is 00:28:28 that you were joking. And it was four hours. And Aaron's not been ever accused of having a sense of humor. She's the most humorous housewife of all time. The point is there were like five or 12 years. There's like been like, there were literally like 12 different opportunities to de-escalate the situation. To if anyone who was paying attention would have realized that like, the Bubba was losing her mind, there just was ways to do it, and Aaron was not doing any of it. So Aaron's like, well, I guess some people just don't speak emoji, and who was like, I don't speak emoji.
Starting point is 00:29:00 She was, okay, well, I know that now. And Andy asks Uba why it upset her so much. And she's like, because she gaslights everyone the whole time. And that's the truth, that's the truth. And I think that that's true too. Aaron causes shit constantly and he goes, what? I never insinuated anything about your marriage.
Starting point is 00:29:16 What? I never said anything about this. What? I only had your phone 45 minutes and then you grabbed me. You know, Uba's got it right on that. And she's the only one getting so frustrated that she fucking just loses it. And I think that everybody else just doesn't wait.
Starting point is 00:29:33 They just let it out as it goes. You know, they express their frustration as they go. And I think Uba just let it, let it build up until she's super pissed. So then Andy is, there's talk about the hot tub scene that happened after and then Andy is like, say, you said it was an ambush, what do you think? Oh, it was totally an ambush on Aaron in the hot tub.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Like the hot tub from hell. I actually felt bad for Aaron. It was like a little bit harsh. I'm like, it was not an ambush. It was Uba confronting Aaron. It was like nothing compared to what you see on literally every other franchise. And to say it's like an ambush is absolutely ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So Aaron gives a decent apology finally, right? So she does, she does actually. When I knew you were upset, I should have come downstairs and brought your phone and I'm sorry I didn't do that. I just wasn't thinking clearly, I was tipsy. Little tips. Thank you for that, Juan.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Sonia, tipsy girl. There was no you for that one, Sonia. Yeah. Yeah. There was no malintent. Malintent? Oh. But, it's in the sister appears. What? Oh, it's a whole episode called Malintent.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Didn't we? Yeah, about Mal. But from my perspective, the ganging up, there was no ganging up on you, because you were riling people up, and she's like, they have their own mind and size, like, yeah, it was an ambush. And so Andy's like, yeah, you know, I think a lot of people on mine were shocked to hear you say, Aaron, that that conflict with Uba was the worst thing
Starting point is 00:30:55 that's ever happened in your life. And she's like, well, I'm sorry that hurt her, but like, I think it's just that I care so much that it felt really bad for me. And then she basically admits it actually wasn't the worst conflict of her life. Classic Aaron. So Andy is like, what did it mean? A difference had Aaron apologized right away. And it was like, just say that you had my phone.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Like I told Jussell, why didn't you, like why didn't you say on the group message? And Andy's like, well, we kind of been through the text text thing you've already. I'm like. Oh, so suddenly Even though we've asked Si five different times what's the deal with the hunger even though we've gone through everyone's drama three different times Suddenly when uba dares to like reiterate something We've already kind of talked about that uba so gonna need you to like keep moving forward I kind of talked about that Uba, so I'm gonna need you to, I keep moving forward. So Uba's like, I told Jessal, why don't you just tell me, and Brynn's like,
Starting point is 00:31:51 well, I mean, also, there's like a fine my iPhone, so, and Uba goes, what? You know why I can't find my phone, and Brynn's, so now she's pissed. I think Brynn, and Brynn's like, oh, I'm not scared of you, I'm not scared of you. She's, don't tell me how to deal with my family. She's, I'm not, I'm telling you, not scared of you. She says, don't tell me how to deal with my family. She says, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I'm telling you, it's the genius bar. It's literally an Apple software. So. Yeah, but by the way, my iPhone is not like, it's under the pillow. It just will say it'll show the dot where you are. It's not gonna help you. It'll beep.
Starting point is 00:32:20 It'll beep. Oh, does it? Where you can go find, yeah, you've never had to use that. I have a free Apple watch just because I lose my phone all the time. But if you go on there and say, find my phone and then it'll make the lost phone on the sound. So it's like, what do you do? And you go find it. And it's usually under a pillow with an M&M wrapper. But then what do you do if you don't have a watch? Like, how do you find your iPhone if the iPhone is your only? You go. you sign into a computer into your iCloud.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Oh God, and you find it. I'm not, yeah. That's already too much for you, but I can already tell. So, uh, Ubisoft, like, it's a pretty, she also lost her phone, like during the hot tub argument again. So she, she really needs to learn how to do it. That being said,
Starting point is 00:32:59 Uba is a phone loser. She is that person who's always losing a phone. So let's not forget that. Like, Uba is not Uber is not fully innocent here. I'm just sort of anti-Aaron at the moment. So, Brynn is, so Brynn's like, yeah, it's called, like just like basic Apple software. And he was like, well, you might be dead in your phone,
Starting point is 00:33:14 says, you're in love with Vancouver, but you're dead at home, and then what are you doing next? Yeah, because I guess Brynn was saying, your family can know where you are because you can have fun. My friends turned on for your family. Maybe she was saying that. I think that's what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:33:28 You know what I mean? Where, like, if your family is worried, so worried about you, the point is, you guys are talking semantics. If any of us lost our phone, we're out of the country, we think we left it at some restaurant in the middle. You know, we don't know how we're gonna get it.
Starting point is 00:33:41 There's a language barrier. Look, what the fuck? It's much scarier. Everything's on the phone. You guys are trying to place semantics with, well, she don't know how we're going to get it. There's a language barrier. Look what the fuck? It's much scarier. Everything's on the phone. You guys are trying to place him antics with, well, she shouldn't be worried because her family can just find her on, find my iPhone. Whatever they're getting at here, the point is you had the woman's phone in a country and that wasn't her own and you didn't give it back for over four hours and then wondered why
Starting point is 00:34:02 she was upset. Come on. And greater context now that I think that was not clear then at that part of the season is that she is secretly dating someone from Connecticut and she's probably thinking, oh shit, this is someone's gonna hack into it. And it's all gonna come out and my relationships can be ruined. Even though actually the guy was revealed this week in the tabloids. So, poofy from Jack, it says,
Starting point is 00:34:25 I can't believe this reunion is still going. Also, the other women have to stop telling Uba had to express herself. She was African, and we are passionate people. Uba and Saiyan Anguella, you both spoke about the angry black women stereotype. How did navigate this when you encounter it? And yeah, he goes, how do you guys, could you guys expand on this? And Sai goes, ah, I'll let it take that one. Yeah, God.
Starting point is 00:34:50 So which was loaded, I felt like, you know, so Uber goes, well, I don't get angry. Ask these women. It's like, you've been throwing barbs all like you've been clearly pissed on Union man. Well, she goes, well, anyone who gets, well, anyone who gets my anger deserves it. And he's like, well, Jenna, you spoke on the show about getting a taste of Ubahat early in the season. Oh, so by the way, they're just moving right past this question. So you talked about Ubah getting a taste of Ubahat
Starting point is 00:35:15 and then she came to your house when she came to your house unaware of the cameras. So they show this clip again, which I do think is crazy that they're like, oh, look at her being Ubahat. And she's just kind of like annoyed. It is funny that Uba is simply annoyed and they do escalate it to like,
Starting point is 00:35:29 she's, Uba Ha, right now. Look at her. She's not. She's seen Pitch. She was Pist the whole reunion, especially this segment. She was Pist. Yeah, but the point is that like,
Starting point is 00:35:42 she was Pist and that's fine. But they made it sort of sound like she was raging, and she wasn't raging, she was just pissed, she was annoyed. That's no, she's been pissed, the whole reunion, like she's been making comments here, like, oh really, well, Jenna, this, and then they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:35:56 and then she doesn't like really, I don't think you've let her expand or asked her follow up questions or whatever, but yeah, she's clearly pissed in this whole review, and I think. So he's like, well, so they move into it. And this is another misunderstanding thing, I think, which so much of this could have just been fixed. You know what I mean? It's one of those reasons. But this is like, why are we fighting over this? So she's pissed because Jenna made that
Starting point is 00:36:20 comment like, Oh, I get Ubah hot. I got a little Ubah hot. I saw another one. She came to my house and didn't know that we were shooting the show. And then we see the clip again of Ubah saying, listen, when you invite me over, you need to tell me there's cameras here because I need to be told. And she's, oh, okay, I'm sorry. And she's like, no, period. Like, I need to be told when there's cameras. And she's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And so that's her big thing that she said, Ubah was hot. Like she got some of that. But then the, no, Ubba doesn't really get that. Well, the issue is that Jenna said, oh, I saw another side of Uba. And Uba does not like this idea that, you know, like she's like, I don't have other sides, like I am who I am.
Starting point is 00:36:58 And so she's such, she's like, I don't have sides. I am the main course. So although it's not clear if she really is saying, I don't have other sides because, you know, like, I'm authentic all the time, or is she actually upset, is Uber upset because she thinks that Jenna's saying that she's like a side course, not a main course.
Starting point is 00:37:15 It's like not totally clear because something has definitely lost in translation between the, like the ESL of it all. So she's like, I was rough. Jenna says I was referencing your hot sauce saying I got a taste of Uber hot and Uber says no, no. And she goes, yeah, I was. I just watched it last night.
Starting point is 00:37:36 And she says, no, you said you had a taste because of how I came to your house. And she said, don't be confused being angry and being assertive. And Brim goes, That wasn't me, a turn-in, which let her, you know what, we've had enough of you. Like, you get to be in every conversation. Can you just let Uber talk? She hasn't talked the whole day.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So she goes, Amore, maybe you don't know how to be loved or stand up for yourself. Oh, my God, that was not good. Oh, I was in favor of it, because it was like finally someone's being employed. So Brin's like, I'm watching your fucking mouth. I'm not afraid of you. You put people in the hospital.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I put them in the funeral home. So don't fuck with me. And she's like, well, I bury them. Yeah, will I drive the horse and bring people there and people put the dirt on the casket? Oh, yeah. Well, guess what? After people leave, I do payroll for all the people at the cemetery.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I creamy people and creamy them. And then I scatter their ashes so far, no one ever finds them again. I do the paperwork for families who need financial assistance for the funeral. So I didn't like that, you know, maybe you don't know how to be loved. I mean, her whole plot line is kind of that. You know what I mean? Like, out. It's like it really hits you where it hurts.
Starting point is 00:39:04 She did. And so, um, I'm like, she did defer. Did Brim just admit? Yeah, I don't. So did Brim just admit to murder, by the way. Um, so, Uba's like, so, um, you know what I do? You know what I do? I bury people. And Brim says, well, I'm half black and half Irish. So don't mess with me. And she goes, oh, half Irish, I'm Somali. Hold on, I had to screenshot this. So I get the quote, correct. I was like, damn, she says, no, that is. She said I'm fucking Somali.
Starting point is 00:39:33 She said something I didn't understand. She says I'm, yeah, that's why I screenshot it. She said, I'm fucking Somali. I will black half back your ass right now. I will black half back. I think she meant to say a half black. I don't know. I wasn't back. I think she meant to say half black, I don't know. I wasn't sure. I think she meant like, I'm gonna.
Starting point is 00:39:48 She basically was like, I'll see, she's like, you say you're half black and half Irish, well I'm all Somalian, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna beat you, I guess. I'll smack you. I'll smack you. So, she's, so, Uba, yeah, so they say that, and I just wrote, huh, and then I rewab it three times trying to hear it
Starting point is 00:40:06 And it just started sounding like a music the more I listened to it over and I was like I still don't get it The right heart for me was when captain sandy showed up said no, it's so funny with Somali I have never dealt with pirates God great story. It got to tell you all about it so Aaron's making like a for everyone's kind of making faces, you know, and, um, Uba's like, don't interfere with my conversation.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And Bryn's like, um, it's not a conversation what's going on right now. She's like, shut up. And so Bryn won't stop. This is not about Bryn, okay? And everybody doesn't need a Bryn standing in to Cape for them. Like Uba can handle her own own and it's nice to see someone Finally going up against Jenna whether they're right or wrong. It's my shut up, Brynn. So Either way ultimately Uba's like angry at Jenna. She says I'm just angry because she said I had a side and John say it's
Starting point is 00:40:59 It's a it's a figure of speech sort of like when people are angry. They what, what's that phrase? They, uh, they lash, they lash about, they lash on. They lash out. They lash on. They lash. They lash on. They lash on. They lash on. And it was like, there is no side and bring us, oh, really?
Starting point is 00:41:16 But side is this one. And it was like, you know what? You guys know, I told you in the very beginning, the Michael from zero to 100, Miss second. And when I'm mad, I'm mad. And didn't I tell you that? And Scyse says you did. And she's like, and now can I have a glass of water?
Starting point is 00:41:31 And Andy goes, okay, well, maybe she's just saying that she saw you mad. And she goes, no, she's saying that she saw a side. And Jenna's like, it's a figure of speech. And she goes, well, maybe it's just a difference with Africa, with the way that we speak and you guys speak. And Brent's like, oh, maybe it's just a difference with Africa, with the way that we speak and you guys speak. And Brynn's like,
Starting point is 00:41:46 Oh, it's not Africa. Brynn goes, can you please, can you just please? She's like, come on now. Brynn's like, how are we bringing like a continent into this? Ah. Super's like, you know, a side is someone who pretends that she never gets mad and today she blows up.
Starting point is 00:42:01 So Jenna goes, I was completely taken off guard and I'm sorry I defended you. I did not mean to say side. I had no intention of offending you. Not my intention. I was caught off guard. I would never do anything to do you or put you in a situation that you weren't happy in
Starting point is 00:42:16 by my lashes. And Ubers like, I was hurt. And like someone I look up to for you to sit in that chair and say like, I'm team Aaron. Like I'm not, I'm not, and I'm not saying to be team Uber. just like, don't choose a team. So now what's, now she's sort of Uber's now moved on to a whole other thing that she's upset about. And Jenna's like, I couldn't see anything. You're right. You're right. Just please stop yelling at me. Please, I, I don't want to be able to do that anymore. Things, I, yes, you're right. Everything you say, yes,
Starting point is 00:42:37 I'll just say yes to. Well, she's generally right. I think what Uber's saying, because she watched the show back. So apparently what she's pissed at is they just watch the show right because before they do the reunions they all get the last four or five episodes right, Nero, and they watch them right before the reunion and that's how the producers get them all riled up basically to come to the reunion to fight because they're all pissed because now they're saying for the first time what people have been saying behind their backs for the past few weeks. people have been saying behind their backs for the past few weeks.
Starting point is 00:43:06 So they do this on purpose to piss everybody off, and it really worked on Dubai, because she came in and she's just not happy, because she really had it pretty easy the whole season until after they stopped getting screeners, because it was after that trip, and that's, or probably during that trip, but it was for episodes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:24 So she's just seeing all this stuff. Jenna's never really said anything to her that would make her think she didn't approve of whatever was going on. And now she's seeing Jenna who has no opinion about anything or anybody the entire season, suddenly having all these opinions about Ubat, like she didn't like Uba snatching the sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:43:42 She didn't, she's team Aaron on that one. So yeah. And Jenna's basically like, you know She didn't, she's team Aaron on that one. You know what I mean? Yeah, and Jenna's basically like, no, I just, I was team Aaron in that moment because I saw she was really distressed and I could see that she was alone. And it was like, yeah, but like, I was distressed. Like, I wanted to cry.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I was, I was one fighting with her. And like, she's the closest one. I'm like closest with Aaron out of everyone. And I'm thinking I'm gonna lose her as a friend. And I'm like, she doesn't like, don't say like you were a team Aaron and Kishu's distress because I was a stress too. And Jess was like, I should have done more.
Starting point is 00:44:12 It's so unfair because Jenna's not around. Jenna's always in her room on her computer, not hanging out with anybody. She didn't know what was going on with the phone because she wasn't there. Then the next day, she didn't know what was going on. And then she drove with Aaron in that golf cart so she didn't really hear anybody else's side and she just keeps picking Aaron's side. I remember saying at the time that Jenna's
Starting point is 00:44:32 reactions were a little off to, we didn't love that either at the time. I blame Louis Buffer being pissed at Jenna, just annoying. Then just like, I should have done more. I was so distracted because my ring cam came off, went off, and I looked at the video, and there were 45 fried chicken sandwiches arriving at my door in New York, and I was very concerned about what Pave was up to.
Starting point is 00:44:56 And Uba is saying, you know, I wanted to cry, and I've stood up for all of you, nobody stood up for me, and I told her to be, I told told I told her that you were wrong about a Brynn and I said to be nice to pavitt to everybody and nobody's helping me and It was like I'm tired of being kind and nice to people and no one has my back. So Aaron does the last Aaron does the oh Housewife I'm gonna stand up and come performatively sit on your lap. I'm gonna hug you, cackling hags.
Starting point is 00:45:26 So it was like, I don't want to fight with you. And I was like, I don't want to fight either. And Rin's like, they don't fight. And then don't fight. Like, why you guys like fighting? And Rin's like, well, she had to get this part out. Like, you know, like I have to work on my delivery work on my delivery. Whoa, I just responded to myself, responded to myself. Oh my God, I'm going to loop with myself. Help me help me. What? What? Oh my God, I can't stop.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Stop. And so Andy's like, yeah, you know, you got reactivated. And I just like to say producers nailed it. Still got it. Oh, man, it's a common occurrence in housewives. So, Uba and Aaron, I hope you come out of this, you know, strong. The challenge is reliving it on the show. and, you know, blah, blah, blah. Aaron, Uba, do you feel complete?
Starting point is 00:46:10 And Aaron's like, you know what? I mean, I moved on during filming. So I was fine. I was totally fine. She was the one who was crazy. So, Aaron's, it was like, it's okay, Andy. You know, we had fun. We went out.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I took her on the subway to go downtown and it's like, okay, so you two are complete, we're done, we did it, we had therapy. Aaron's like, man, I ask all the things that you were talking about, you were talking, like, man. She's saying we got along after this. Why are you still talking? Why are you taking everything out on me?
Starting point is 00:46:41 And it was like because I hadn't seen the confessionals. And Aaron knows that. This is just so fucking Aaron, to be sitting on your lap, pretending that she's like gonna have empathy or whatever, and then being like, why are you mad now? Because she just heard all this shit you guys said.
Starting point is 00:46:57 Why do you think? And he's like, hey, Jenna, looks like you are quivering there a little bit. Is there something in your mind? Just like, yeah, I just, I just wanna sit down with Uba and like Harker and it was like, I adore you. Chef, your own movie. I did actually pitch a movie called Lash Hard.
Starting point is 00:47:17 It's kind of like die hard, but it was like lashes. Anyway, I just, if I had any idea that you were of how much pain you were feeling, I never would have said any of it. And it just felt much lighter than it obviously is lighter, sort of like my lashes on someone's lids. You know what I'm saying? And so, Uba, it's okay, she understands.
Starting point is 00:47:38 I have to point out, Uba's really crying in this part. Getting her water out there like, she's going through emotions. She's like a fakie housewife cry, where it's like, I'm so upset. And then it's dried the next second. Uba's really upset. I don't think that Uba's like,
Starting point is 00:47:54 she's even said in the last reunion, she's not used to really opening her mouth. Like metaphorically, she shows up, she takes photos, but people don't make demands of her personality. And I think that this entire forum, this space, this platform is far into her. And so she's sort of, I think the emotions hit hard and come out. She sort of doesn't know. And I think that's what we see here.
Starting point is 00:48:17 Well, I just, I think one of the biggest things missing, they really concentrated on this last part of the season for Uba, but there was some tire season of fascinating things, and I can't believe that we didn't get the ceiling, the can't beans from the rest of our car. Because that was the segment I was really looking forward to. Yeah, I felt like that was a really important part of the building block in the foundation of this wonderful season. So, Jenna's like, okay, I just want more question. Um, so, uh, I was confused because you said that, um, nobody wanted me on the show and, um, just want to know about that because I'm kind of the one that
Starting point is 00:48:55 they built the season on a little bit like all the publicity and all the buzz they built it on my back. So can you please elaborate on that please? Thank you. Now, here's what's annoying about this section to me. They did not expand on this in the very beginning. And if you remember from last week, what happened was Uba made that comment like, oh really, well, no one wanted you on the show Jenna, like she made some comment.
Starting point is 00:49:18 And then Andy was like, well anyway, but when she made that comment, everybody was like, what? What? We did what? What? We did what? What? And now they've had all this time to go decide how they're going to answer this question in the least offensive way.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And that's just bad. This is just bad producing all around. Now, like all the air has been taken out of this to make the least offensive version of whatever this answer is going to be. And that's a problem. Get a problem with this here. So SiBansley says, no, we were just saying we weren't sure if you'd want to be in the group.
Starting point is 00:49:49 We were not sure if you'd fit in. Like, you're a wild card, you still are a wild card. And I stand by that, and I'm hungry. So Jessel's like, it was an assumption. It was an assumption. Like, for instance, it was an assumption that when I married Poffit, he wouldn't get chicken grease all over our new furniture, but guess what? I assumed wrong when you're making that when you assume you make an ass out of me and Tom Cruise and
Starting point is 00:50:16 Uba's like, okay, I shouldn't have brought it up, you know, and so they all laugh and And he's like, okay, are you okay now Jean smart and And Andy's like, okay, are you okay now? Jean Smart and Jen is like, well, you know, yeah, it's like people make assumptions about you. And it's just like really hard. And that's all. And it was says, well, that's the elephant we had. It's like, okay, you feel like you took a big poop.
Starting point is 00:50:38 We're done with that elephant. Elephant is that over. Done with it. Yeah. So hey, so you feel like you took a big poop? I feel like I had the banana that was most done. So now it's time for some cocktails for the final toast. It's like, ladies, what a truly brilliant season.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I'm so proud of you all. You did it. I'm sure Jenna has an event to get to. But before we go on one last thing, okay? Bunga from Bunga says, a lot of housewives, past and present have called the show a mirror. So since this is all of your first seasons, what do you see in the mirror, Christina Aguilera? And so I was like, well, obviously, I've learned a lot watching myself. You know, I don't listen for one thing.
Starting point is 00:51:28 You know, I think I should open like not only my ears, but my heart. I'm really hungry. So that's another thing. So are we done with this? Wow. That was great and uninteresting. Jenna? I'm still learning.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I'm sorry. Let me finish this email. Let me just finish and send. I'm working very very I have 19 companies. Sorry I was just finishing an email on a committee to fix 30 Rock. So I'm just still learning how to be a girls girl and like they're all hanging out and I don't really hang out. I guess I don't hang out with them. I hang out with just like, well, dear, more influential people. So I can see that like maybe and like I could be like maybe and like a girls group after this.
Starting point is 00:52:13 If they'll happen, I love that Jenna is like, I still don't hang out with these idiots. That is what they're. Please. This was fun watching Jenna. I guess if I don't know what our Richter scale of fun is. I mean, I guess it was entertaining. Listen, I've never seen anybody come in and literally whisper through an entire, entire season of confessionals and still somehow be compelling. She's literally,
Starting point is 00:52:35 is not just this. Yeah, but this. Just not gonna say that entire season. And we're like, well, she's great. She needs to go though. I think they need to, I think I'm officially done with Jenna. I'm not not hating way, I don't hate her, but she's not built for this, bye. Go, do you answer your emails in the car? I would not be upset if she came back for second season because I do feel like Jenna is more authentic than someone like Si or Brinn, but I also admit that a lot of the excitement
Starting point is 00:53:09 around Jenna this season was about like seeing how she'd fit in and what her life is like, etc. And now that we've gotten past that, will there be more to it? So well, here's the only way, if I was a producer, I'd say here's the only way we're going to have Jenna back. If we really fuck with her and stop kissing her ass because I think everybody on the show kisses her ass. I think production kisses her ass and I think messy producers should be exposing her girlfriend. Don't tell Vanity Fair. Vanity Fair will be
Starting point is 00:53:39 like Bravo was actively fucking with Jenna Lions. Bravo was trying to make Jenna Lions drink. They do it trying to make Jenna Lyons drink. They do it with everybody, and that's how these shows work. But I think they, these shows are horrible, you know, that's what they do. Get messy, don't just not get messy because it's her. I mean, come on, I wanna see Jenna,
Starting point is 00:53:58 because you know Jenna can get worked up. I wanna see the other side, and yes, people do have different sides, and I would like to see the other side to Jenna. We're gonna work that. We're gonna get her out of here. I would argue that this show kisses, it does kiss Jenna's ass.
Starting point is 00:54:13 I would argue it kisses a lot of, almost all of their asses, which is why it sort of was lacking excitement for me. I think that the show was probably by the mandate of Bravo came from a POV of like, look at these like awesome women doing awesome things. Like we should all be friends with them. Like let's just like, you just wanna hang out with them, don't you?
Starting point is 00:54:33 And I'm like, no, I don't wanna hang out with them. And I'm like, I don't want, I don't, this is not the vibe I want, but I think that they came with that tone. So it's not just Jenna, it's like, it's a foundational issue for me. So. So Aaron's like, well, I guess I could stop taking things personally and like be more of a pet parrot. Pet parrot shows that she is not learning to fucking thing because she's still holding onto that. And then we get the worst news of all. Jussell has been affected and is now going to change.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And I'm pissed. She goes, well, I think it's been a definite moment of reflection. I think first my marriage and what I've, what I've really learned is that and I need to be, I need to be kind to my husband and more gentle. No, fuck you talking about. That's why we love you.
Starting point is 00:55:20 If you ever start speaking to Povett, like you don't want to murder him at every fight, at every, in any given moment, I don't want you here, I'm a damn, okay? That's the whole reason we love the Jess. I was actually actively disappointed at by the end of the season she was being somewhat warm to Povit. Like the first episode, the first episode of the season
Starting point is 00:55:41 when she was just so mean to him, I was like, oh, thank God for this lady. She's bringing some life into this show. So yeah, I agree, wrong lessons, Jessel. So then Brynn says, when I looked in the mirror, I like enjoyed watching myself and I enjoyed singing and like me and me enjoyed it too. And like, I took a video of myself in the mirror and I was like naked and I stood by a guy and I cocked out party and I was like, my god, look at me with my mirror, nude and mirror.
Starting point is 00:56:10 So then, Uba, oh my god. It's a deep cut. I'm putting up a video to say. I just, so Uba, no I know. I'm not saying like the show just could trim it. It's all over the world. It's all over the world. She can bend it.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Uba says she loves everybody. And then Andy's like, okay, let's have run punches. Don't worry, Jessel. We didn't forget you this time. Hey, and they're Montana. I'm the one with her gun. Montals for Ubo and for Jenna. And Andy's like, this is the most clean-backs
Starting point is 00:56:43 we've ever got to and ever. Yeah, yeah. Wow, never seen so many tears. That means you really showed yourself. I'm like, yes, you showed yourself and board the audience. So, yeah. I don't think anything should win for having the most clean-axe. You know what I mean? Like, that's, I've never heard that as a compliment before.
Starting point is 00:57:02 But, I guess that's, that's where we are now. I think overall, I enjoyed watching the season. It did get a little like, okay, guys, but I enjoyed it for the most part. I hope they fire half to see, half the counts and bring in some absolutely loony tune people. I hope they keep Brynn, Jussle and I know they're going to keep Aaron, no matter what we do. That's okay. I mean, we need a villain. I make a friend of and then give me three news, three news. Yeah, I just keep Jussle figure, Jussle, Brynn, I can't believe I'm saying keep Brynn, but keep keep brand. Uba is a maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Yeah, no, I think that brand there's more there. Uba is a maybe. I don't like Uba as a person, but I think friend of Uba. Uba is a friend of energy. I would like Jenna, but I also see that being a trap. Aaron, I mean, we've had so much,
Starting point is 00:58:01 we've had villains who are just so much better than Aaron, but the show needs a villain. The show, I don't know, Fire the Production, Fire the Production Company, and then we'll talk. Because I think that production, I think for all my complaining, and thank you to everyone who loves this show, who dealt with all my complaining, I know that's really annoying, but I think actually at the end of the day, the biggest fault lies for the production and Bravo's direction in the show, not even as much as you do. You don't complain about the burnt potato.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Or are you complaining about the oven? Give a new oven. I say it's the potato, I say it's the first. You can play it about the chef. That's the first. You don't play the potato for the chef's wrong doing. I'm playing the van the chef. I forgot what I was gonna say,
Starting point is 00:58:41 half-fained to that. I was like, I was like, wow. The minute I said the baked potato, I got hungry. I don't like what was like, wow, the minute I said the baked potato, I got hungry. I don't like what? I don't want the potato. Is it a baked potato? A very good potato.
Starting point is 00:58:50 A very good potato. A very good potato. A very good potato. I do, but that being said, that being said, also for those people who think I'm a total hater, I am a total hater, but I do hold out some hope because my ongoing theory is that for every every Bravo show that had a false start So I'm talking about Salt Lake City last season. I'm talking about the first season of Miami
Starting point is 00:59:15 I'm talking about the first season of Dallas when they come back. Oh my gosh Potomac when they come back when they come back It's amazing now, right, but they have a false dark because they're either started as they're supposed to be a different show, they had to fire a cast member that happened to this show. Lizzie Spetski was on the show and then they fired her and they had to like restart. I think that really does impact
Starting point is 00:59:34 an entire season, the cohesiveness of an entire season. So I do have hope that next season, I am holding space and I'm open to the idea that next season could be. We must be on that much of it. Yeah, but remember Jenny on Salt Lake City was only on for a little bit. But once they have to start over and recast and play catch up while the season goes on,
Starting point is 00:59:54 I think it affects it. But we've seen shows then come back with the next season. They've been absolutely amazing. I'm open to next season being like, eating all of my words and like, wait a second, this is working so well, but I just think that this season to me was a dud. Sorry. Sorry. Well, it is put to bed.
Starting point is 01:00:16 So how do you feel? I've got the best news you've heard all day. This show is put to bed. Much like I was watching the show. Finally, this show is doing for itself but it's been doing to you for any I'm such a hater. I'm so sorry. I'm such a hater. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's like it's literally so unpleasant to listen to.
Starting point is 01:00:40 But I had to be big. I have a little bite. I'm just trying to think, okay, this isn't, this isn't where you come for your sorry's, okay? Um, everybody, no sorry is here, buddy. The only thing sorry is the season. This is your opinion. You're like, I'm so sorry, guys. By the way, I just wanted to say one more thing.
Starting point is 01:00:59 I fucking hate it, just show. But you guys are really not that I didn't offend anybody. You know what the show okay The show got You know your copy die for the entire production sound wait, I will say to be fair I thought the season got better towards the end and then the reunion dragged all the way back down That was a terrible reunion terrible So there yeah, all right. Well, that was great. Thanks. Thanks. I'm sorry, but I'm sorry
Starting point is 01:01:23 I'm sorry guys. I'm so sorry. I sorry. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I wanna be liked. I wanna be still like me, please still like me. Oh, bye everybody, we love you. Thanks for being here. And also, thank you for listening to all these two partners. Thank you. We decided we were just gonna talk as much as we fucking want to
Starting point is 01:01:41 and not edit ourselves down. And it's actually made our job even more fun. It actually is. Yeah, it is right. So I don't know if it's more fun for you, but it's working for us. And guess what? That's not a sorry. It's a thank you. We love you guys and I love you Ben. Thank you for another season. We'll talk to you guys later. Bye. Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Alice and King. Bye! It's the Green Fairy, Jamie. She has no less namey. Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch.
Starting point is 01:02:30 She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Christian the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neill. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides. Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch. She's a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch.
Starting point is 01:03:06 She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly. It's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicento. Give him hell, Miss Noel.
Starting point is 01:03:25 She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey Prime members, you can listen to Watercraft and Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about
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