Watch What Crappens - #2210 RHOSLC Part 2: The Mother Of All Dramas

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

The melodrama comes fast and hard on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City (S04E08) as Monica and her mother hash out their generational trauma over lobster enchiladas. It’s so riveting we forget Mary Cosby calling Whitney a bobblehead and Meredith crying over her brush with death. Another amazing episode.  This is part 2 of a 2 part episode!Get all our video recaps and bonuses at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:26 I have cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cram, cr Hello and welcome to watch our crap ends a podcast about all that crap on Bravo that we just love to talk about and God. Do we really love talking about this show? We actually love talking about it so much. It's another two part episode because we went for so long. Anyway, if you're just tuning into this part and you're like, what the hell, part one is already up. It should be in your feed. So go subscribe to the podcast. That way you don't miss a single episode. But if you didn't, that's okay
Starting point is 00:00:48 too. Just it's there. Just go go listen if you want to or just be wild and jump in right now. Okay, enough for me. Let's get back into the episode. So what need goes. So everyone, Bobby turns 13. And we're doing a birthday party for line her Please come and bring your families and Then her goes and bring your mom Monika yes, bring your mom Monica
Starting point is 00:01:20 So when he's like um and Meredith I want to come, but I have to have this awkward conversation with her, you, you, Angie and her family are going to be there. And um, it makes me felt uncomfortable that you said you wanted to ruin her life and you have heard multiple rumors that could ruin her life. What a transition. So I'm married to this like, like, what? But because I have never said that I would ruin anybody's life, I've just like goddamn it. I brought cream cheese for this.
Starting point is 00:02:08 And Whitney's like, um, look back in the history of our friendships. It's the same thing with Jen, with Lisa, with Mary, with Jehos of fat, with Paul. Whitney, now you're just naming disciples. I forgot what I was talking about. With Big Mac, McDLT, a quarter pounder, with some cheese, a filet fish, a hamburger,
Starting point is 00:02:34 a cheeseburger, a hop, Whitney. So she was like, I'm just saying, as pickles, lettuce, special orders, don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us have it your way Fifty-nifty United States from thirteen original colonies Shout him spout him tell all about him one butt. Wendy Red and yellow and green and brown is scarlet and black and ochre and peach and ruby and olive and violet and fond and chocolate and mo Whitney that's Joseph and the Technicolor dream come with me prancer and dancer and romancer and Mary and Angie on your back she made it back she made it back. She made it back. She made it back everyone. Just have to wait down.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Give me made it back, cool circle. So I'm just saying is your friend, this seems to be your pattern and what you do. Well, I asked my friend, I forgot about this part, Ronnie. As my friend, I want you to understand how you could see my car cranks you to the side of the road and not stop or call me for 48 hours as I freeze the death in a snow bank. Dying with only the thought of my toddler keeping me alive through the cold mrs. If you're my best friend, if you're one of my friends, why is the only
Starting point is 00:04:10 people that understand me? Why is the only person I'm urging them understand that situation Ryan Reynolds? I'm not film where he was buried alive. And Whitney's like, well, I did pass the car that was on the snowbank. Yes. And later I found out it was you. And that's why I texted you because you posted that you were in a fatal accident. Whitney not knowing what fatal means. But I think that when he was saying, like you said, you were in a near fatal accident. And I just saw a car that was like slightly off the road in his snowbank. So I just didn't think that that he was saying, like you said, you were in a near fatal accident and I just saw a car that
Starting point is 00:04:45 was like slightly off the road in his snow bank. So I just didn't think that that was the near fatal accident. So then we see once again, Meredith's post, was fortunately able to maneuver the car into a snow bank as we were headed to crash off the side of a four inch cliff in Utah. And my dear friend and I, whose name I shall not mention because she does not credit it on the show, we're in a car accident that could have been far more horrible
Starting point is 00:05:15 than it was. Hard. Wasn't her friend named Linda or something? It's a far better than that. I was not going to know her. Yeah, we saw her for a second. Yeah. And Whitney, this is my favorite thing that Whitney does of a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:05:27 You know, Whitney's really grown on me over the years. I was just thinking while I watch it, so I was like, thank God for Whitney. I don't know if I was just in a particularly positive place after watching such toxic mother-daughter scenes, but I was like, can you know what, Whitney? I appreciate you. But one of my favorite things she does is when it's like the Whitney Matlock series or Whitney thinks she's figured out some huge piece of information like A detective. So this is her. This is like the end of
Starting point is 00:05:54 Whitlock. Okay. This is Whitney. She's like, wait a minute. Did her life really flash before her eyes? Or did she see an opportunity to throw something out that we can't challenge her about because this big dramatic post it's like she's thinking that people will feel bad for her and then not bring up the fact that she brought up these rumors about Angie and the music's like because she almost died. Hey, you just did it with me. You did it. Congratulations with me. Meredith choking up about this like the snowbang situation is just so amazing. So Whitney's like, well, I want to invite you to the party, but I also want to get to a place
Starting point is 00:06:45 where I can know it's a safe space, safe space. I'll tell you about safe spaces. It's not in a car going off the side of a cliff. What I can tell you is this, Whitney, when I hold on, I'm holding on, I'm holding on with an automatic face. moment of dramatic phase. When I got into that accident and I did see my life flashing before my eyes, I saw four little hands on an lemon and I thought, well, I ever get to touch that lemon again with my family. I'm not sure right now it was horrible. I thought I was going up. I got and but that the my conversation is what it was that day.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Oh, and Tom, Tom, I was in trouble. Truly. And when I can tell you, that's what me. I don't threaten people. I'm not hurting people the way the snowbank hurt me. I'm not inflicting harm or wishing elsewhere to anyone, including Angie.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But if you want to go in there, what a husband. I'm going there with a husband. She does this big dramatic pause, and everybody's staring at her just nodding like, okay, there's another Meredith model log in the books and Whitney's like, okay, thank you. Also, I wanna thank this monologue for perhaps
Starting point is 00:08:20 undoing all the sutures in my appendix right now because I'm laughing so hard and I'm like, I'm like, it's like, it's out there. Wait, wait. So Angie, is that what we go through? Wait, why do you have sutures? Well, for my surgery for the appendix, how did you not hear I had my appendix out?
Starting point is 00:08:37 New up! Vandex! New appendix! You made it. So Angie, now we go Angie at her house. So her dad, Louis comes over. Her doorbell goes off and it's like, Opa, opa.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I mentioned this on a crappy hour. Poor Angie only has 20,000 followers on Instagram. That's not, it's just not, that's not fair. That's not fair for anyone in the real house who has a universe. People got to help her out. So Angie's like she her dad comes over and she's oh dad you look fit as a fiddle and he's like Yeah, okay, fine. Here's some lemons here. Enjoy these so they're gonna go cook together and have a nice
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'm going to put you to work cooking dad. He's like, okay She's like, I love spending time with my dad. I'm Greek. He's my best friend, well, my best Greek friend. He's 86 years old, and he's still teaching me how to do things. He's the first person I call when I wake up. I usually say, Dad, save me. I've been crawling around for five minutes
Starting point is 00:09:44 and I'm still not off my mattress. It's so big, please, save me. I've been crawling around for five minutes. And I'm still not off my mattress. It's so big. Please get a crane. Did you hear reminds me of who I am, which is a Greek person? They came from Greece. They wanted to raise their children in the American way. However, we were Greek. We ate lamb.
Starting point is 00:10:03 We Greek danced and were Greek. We ate lamb, we Greek danced and we're Greek. We're loud in a Greek way. Wow. All the things that you see in Utah, my dad, he was saying we're going to come together through food and cooking is one of his favorite things to do because we are Greek. By the way, did you notice for kitchen, in one area of her kitchen, there's like a big wine refrigerator, and then right next to it, there was like a hot plate.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Did you see that? There was like a hot plate. It was like a two burner grill or something, not grill or like some sort of like little mini stove. And then adjacent to that, she has two giant chalices filled with like skittles or gumballs. It like made no sense whatsoever. The kitchen is Electra. I think that that's probably the only person who actually uses that kitchen
Starting point is 00:10:53 They've got a hot plate for an electric and some candy and that's it because auntie doesn't even know how to open a bottle of wine No As we see in a moment she'd like Craig Connovers that wine So he's like, so, so, Angie, how's, how's Sean, your, your husband's, oh, he's at the salon, the, the Greek salon, and we haven't been on a date or two for a year and a half or two or something like that. So we're never alone together because we have all this, all these children and by children, I mean, just Electra and all of her awards. Her awards are our children too.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And that's what happens right though. You stopped doing romantic things with your husband, right? Can you please verify this for me, Dad, we're Greek. I mean, you just shrugged. He's like, I don't know. But did you and mom ever go on dates when we were younger? And he's like, oh, we had too many kids. Where were we going to go?
Starting point is 00:11:43 She's like, hmm, well, I just wish that we had more time to me and Sean had more, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Sean's coming in. It's a ring motion detector. Hello, Sean. How was things at work? My dad is here. He is Greek.
Starting point is 00:11:58 And Sean's like, oh, hi. Hi, hi. All right. I'm gonna go take a shower now. Hi. Yeah, Angie says, Meredith's still not allowed in the house right? Yes, damn it. It's just so cold in here without the thought of icon Meredith Marks coming over at some
Starting point is 00:12:16 point. Being a wife, my mom died at a young age and I don't really have many memories of my mom and dad together. So being a wife, I didn't have an example of how to navigate different situations. I had to learn everything as I went, which is why I was awkward when we put Electra's pants on her top and her shirt on her bottom
Starting point is 00:12:38 had to learn so many things on the fly. And the dad's like, well listen, here's my advice. You have to be firm. Shoshan, who the top is. Shoshan's like, um, gonna shower. And she's, um, well, I stirred my father so I can serve you to write. And he just pretends he didn't hear her in terms and goes up the stairs. And she's like, uh, take care, guys. Okay. Yeah, he says, take care, guys. And she's like, take care guys. Okay. Yeah, he says take care guys. And she's like, see you in, Ip it. And then she goes,
Starting point is 00:13:06 Dad, do you want some fruit? And then we get a close up of her plate. I was like, come on, that can't be an accident. What does this show? This show is so cruel. We forgot to mention that her dad made his famous Greek lemon Greek Greek. So now there's a snow storm.
Starting point is 00:13:23 You made lemon rice chicken soup. Lemon rice. Famous Greek. The meat is soup. Greek Greek. So now we go to a snow storm. And Whitney is pulling up to a restaurant called Provisions, which just makes me think it below deck.
Starting point is 00:13:37 I'm just imagining you go in there and they're just like the staff is just throwing boxes of groceries around and you just have to duck. And also Real Housewives of New York, because wasn't that the store that you wanted to go to in the Hamptons provision? Wow, I can't prevent it stick with me, but you're right. So that's not crazy. So then Mary's everywhere, provisions, that huge corporation provisions has got something going on with shed media.
Starting point is 00:13:58 Truly. They're on the pin, they're funding something. So Mary shows up, this is the Whitney and Mary scene. And Mary's like, how are you doing? And when he goes surviving this snow storm. And Mary's like, it's a blizzard. And when he's like, thanks for coming out. When he's like, hey babe, you look beautiful babe.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Surviving babe. Thanks for coming out babe. I love that people in Utah is snowing so hard. There's so much snow on the ground. And this restaurant was packed like in Los Angeles. There's like misting and everyone's like hunkered down at home. But in Utah they're like, oh wow five feet of snow are coming in. Let's go to provisions. Yeah, LA is by far the worstiest. But I think it's also an infrastructure thing, you know, because remember when during the crappies when there was a big LA blizzard,
Starting point is 00:14:46 and it was basically just rain, everybody was cancelling, and you know, I mean, it turned out to be such a fun night. But anyway, I kept saying, whatever, our fucking blizzard get over it, everybody is the bunch of bullshit. We were floating down the street. And there were cars floating down the street.
Starting point is 00:15:00 That was insane. Like if there was ever a time to go across country skiing, it was then. So when he says, Mary and I have a little bit of history. It hasn't always been the easiest of friendships mainly because I'm not sure we ever had a friendship, but I 100% know all the different versions of Mary. Let me just see. Little girl. You can go, little girl. I brought you cookies, like when she's all nice, and then we see, I'm not your child.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And Mary's saying, I think, God, you're not. Mary, she's a tough nut to crack. Emphasis on nut and crack. Emphasis on both nuts. I'm not cracker. It's about Mary. I figured it out. So Whitney's like, hi,
Starting point is 00:15:45 Penny. Whitney is like, we missed you at Creek Easter. Mary goes, I didn't miss it. Okay. Mary Pleasant Mary, just Mary, come to spread joy. So Mary is like seven years blessed to our life. And I guess that's her cheers. And Whitney's like, I need it because I'm headed into seven years of teenage years, right babe. Good, look at us, pinky link. They actually have about a millisecond
Starting point is 00:16:15 of pleasant small talk about their kids. They're like, oh, this is going well. And then the waitress comes over with Mary's food and like the broth and Mary's dish spills onto the plate and Mary is horrified. So, does it spill on her? I can't tell if it spilled on her or on the plate. It probably got her a little bit, but Mary of course, you know, she's very proper. And so, the waitress is like, oh my god, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I'll be right back. Just know you did not spill some food on me. And I was cracking up because I even showed an incident replay, but we didn't see anything splash out. So I don't know if it actually hit her. Yeah, it looked like some broth had come out of whatever bowl it was. And we see some broth on like the charger or whatever that's there on the table. But I couldn't tell if it hit me or not, but Mary was. She's like, I'm the leader of a congregation. You do not spill anything on me. And she tells us, why didn't she spill on Whitney?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Just kidding. That's a sign. That's a sign I shouldn't be here tonight. Whitney's laughing. And she's like, Whitney? Okay, Whitney, you better come with it. She's like, what? Come with what?
Starting point is 00:17:22 You better, you better, you better shot. You better shoot your shot. You call the shot. I didn't what? You better, you better, you better shot. You can better shoot your shot. You call the shot. I didn't order shots. No, you called the shot. Better shoot your shot. No, hands up. Oh shoot your shot with me because I don't know what that means. Oh, apologize. Okay, I got caught up in a lot of bullshit talking about you. And I'm sorry. Marry goes, well, you suffered a future, sever it. And when he goes, but Mary, you have to own it too. I'm like, well, yes, Mary was terrible to Whitney,
Starting point is 00:17:55 but don't invite someone to apologize and then be like, now you apologize too. Like you start with yours, get through it, and then you'd be like, by the way, when you set these decks, it's sort of hurt me. So Mary, of course, does not want to hear it. I guess I should say when Like you start with yours, get through it, and then you'd be like, by the way, when you set these texts, it sort of hurt me. So Mary, of course, does not want to hear it. I guess I should say when you're dealing with Mary, that's not how you should do it.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So Mary gets like, well, what do you mean I have to own it? I have to own you, talking about me. She goes, yeah, but you sent me mean text messages that hurt my feelings, and then we get the montage of Mary's text messages again. You think you're better than me? I can tell you're not. I'm better than you. I also know I look younger than you.
Starting point is 00:18:28 I don't need all the fake injections in my face. Like, we look like whatever I never had plastic surgery. Never. I don't need, I don't need it to let like you do. I don't need it like you do. I was dying at Whitney reading all those again. God, I love that moment. It's like a hug. It's like a warm hug. So Mary's
Starting point is 00:18:45 like, you need to crawl up a little girl. Okay? Cause I'm done. And I'm, I'm, I'm not doing this with you. You waited enough for my time. I am leaving Mary. Don't do this. Then she just sits there. I know. And Whitney's like, but did you hear? I brought you here to take accountability. And she's like, I am leaving. You know what I'm not going to do? I'm not going to sit here. I'm not going to let you tell me what I'm leaving. You know what I'm not gonna do? I'm not gonna sit here. I'm not gonna let you tell me what I'm gonna work on. I'm going right this way. And she just sits there. You can be me, but I can't.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Well, you sit there, and you sat there, and you called me and my husband predators. I know, that was awful. I don't like that movie. What Mary goes, I can't believe Whitney is comparing my text messages to calling me a predator and my husband. How is this even a comparison? You can't say anything about someone that's not true and think that's okay.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Someone's gonna backhand you seriously and it might be me. So she's like, Whitney, we are done. Goodbye. I'm gonna take my food, don't. Does anybody get the bring me on? She's like, storm out, but first this is a free mail. I'm gonna take it. She does that thing where she's gonna walk out. She does a Meredith Marks, like,
Starting point is 00:19:49 I'm gonna walk off 10 times, but she doesn't even walk off. She just keeps saying, and I am walking off. She kind of rotates her tour, so I'm gonna have a box here, right? You're gonna bring me a box. I am leaving.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Can I have some more bread here? I'm really low on the bread. Like, do you think they're cutting the cameras? I know. So you even have a conversation, Mary? No, I'm not wasting my time with you. That's what you don't get. Wake up, I'm glad.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I got a lot. I'm glad. As she goes, hey, could you wrap my food up for me? Oh, yeah, enjoy your own oysters. Slurp, slurp it up. Okay, slurp it up. Mary, this is gross. And I don't think this is how you wanna leave it.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh yeah, well you're gonna watch me walk out the door right now. Actually, could you pack this up for me? I don't know why I asked you for a box. You do. Hey, Bobblehead, you worked there. Bobblehead, could you do this for me? I'm not gonna, you already spilled on me. So could you take this to your Bobblehead kitchen
Starting point is 00:20:44 and wrap it up for me? Thanks very much., you already spilled on me. So could you take the steer, Bobblehead, kitchen and wrap it up for me. Thanks very much. And Whitney is like, it is what it is. Mary's always gonna find a reason to be mad at me. Mary's like, I didn't come for this. I didn't come to do this. So basically, Mary finally, after like probably 30 minutes of like rotating as if she's about to get up,
Starting point is 00:21:03 she finally does get up and she leaves Yeah, so then we go to It's jock's mission by. It's Jock and Kooies and A- Yeah, El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El-
Starting point is 00:21:27 El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El-
Starting point is 00:21:33 El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El-
Starting point is 00:21:39 El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- El- That's gonna make me cry. You know, I had a roommate in college who was dressed just like this cake. She said I want to know what it feels like to be cake for a day. So...
Starting point is 00:21:49 It was so creepy. It was Rolly Crepa. So, oh my god, today's the day. We are gonna find out where Jack is gonna spend the next two years of his life. Ugh. So, people show up. You know what? Where he's getting his mesh and call.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And that's a huge down here. It's like a gentleman bail party. But instead, what's a sex? It's that set of being like, what's a sex? It's like, where are your frosty tips going to show up on this map? Where will you be able to buy some cool clothes for mom on this map? So people show up. John Sisters named his share, which I thought was funny, because I just always feel like the name share is kind of glamorous on this map. So people show up. John's sister's name is Cher,
Starting point is 00:22:25 which I thought was funny, because I just always feel like the name Cher is kind of glamorous, because it's either like Cher from Cher, or Cher from Glueless. So like that John just has like a nice, like homely sister name Cher, it's kind of funny to me.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Is it spelled S-H-A-R-E? Because that would work. So much C. Cher. Cher, she's sharing. She's sharing is caring. Is it spelled SHRE? Because that would work. So much to see. Sure. Sure. She's sharing. She's sharing his caring. People would have that in my town.
Starting point is 00:22:50 My parents, my children are named sharing and giving. I go, shut the fuck up. I'm going to keep your car if I see that on the back of your fucking suburban. I would, I would stick children named sharing and giving. I would name my twins Sharon Sharon and Karen that way But like is that Karen no Sharon is Karen Sharon Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen Karen
Starting point is 00:23:11 So and if you were married to me, they could be Sharon and Karen Karen. Oh, yeah So there's also Jack's Bishop is there. He's one of those like cool bishops He's like whoa, man. This is awesome Cool party, man. I'm the bishop. I always feel like it's weird. I've had a lot of girlfriends. They could be the Sharon and Karen, Karen, and her. I'm on Halloween.
Starting point is 00:23:34 They could be the Sharon and Karen, Karen, and her. I'm scared. I'm really trying, really hard to get up the rhyme right now. I'm being failed. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's already too long. I'm not going to shut up. Okay now. I'm being failed. I'm just gonna click and I'm gonna jump right. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's already too long, I'm not gonna shut up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Oh my god, you know what? This is becoming so raw. I'm not a control freak, but I want things to happen my way. Like if I'm gonna, if I'm waiting for my G-Wagon, I wanna make sure to get that G-Wagon with the seats that I want.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And like, I get it on time and deliver to my door. And this, I do not have to control over and I'm no say with Jack Leves. It's a lot. Oh, hey, hold on, cause someone opened the window. Ah! Ah!
Starting point is 00:24:13 I'm okay now. I'm okay. I'd be nervous ordering a G-wagon and Utah, only cause I would be afraid that I would actually get a covered wagon instead by accident. Like, um, a covered wagon. This is what I ordered. This is a brother Gary wagon.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Okay, they're called to do wagons for short. The horse power on this is amazing. How many have we got here? Two horses comes with two horses. One has a bad foot though. Also, uh, this party made me realize why Lisa probably never won on a mission because like if you have to call it be called elder or something, I should like, I'm like not an elder. No way, no way. I pay a lot of money to look at this. I'll be like young and Barlow, but not like elder Barlow.
Starting point is 00:24:54 But I think sister, I think that would be sister. I don't think they're called sister. I think so. I'm listening to Heather Gaze book right now and everyone's called sister. I'm at the part where you don't call people Mr. Mrs. you call them sister, sister, and the children public. And then people are like, why are you calling your sister? That means you're Mormon and you're a freak. And so they would have to like code it to Mr. and Mrs. when they're outside. I do have to say I'm very knowledgeable now guys.
Starting point is 00:25:19 So I study. Listen, I support whatever religion people want to practice or believe in. Like, that's all cool. But what I don't understand is why an ancient year old is called an elder. See there, that's a problem, I think. It's be called young, sir, young, young needs to learn to young cut your bangs. That's what they should be called. Young cut your bang, Barlow.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yeah. What they should be called until they've earned their stripes is little girl, bubbleheads. How about bubbleheads? That's Mary's religion. That's what the missionaries in bobble head, and Mary's religion, bobble heads. So the men are bobble heads and the women are little girl.
Starting point is 00:25:53 So now all the teenagers are like gathered on the surface for the reveal. I've never seen so many like white children in one place on Bravo. And Lisa is like, oh my God, I'm so grateful that you guys are all here. I can't tell any of you apart. So we're the shav'hons. Who knew that Jack was on a mission before us? Which is such a strange question to ask. And of course they all raise their hand. Just like, oh my God, everyone knew the format. She's like trying to be cool about it. And it's like she's failing hard. You know what is so amazing That Jack has found so many friends who look like pinkies with bad haircuts
Starting point is 00:26:33 Under all men Jack and John It's fun to say that sock. So you know what let's get into this Okay, Jack do you want to read it? And he's like, I just wanted to say, thank you to my parents who are like amazing. They're like the best parents I could ever dream of having. Lisa, queen of Sundance and dad, nameless dad. That was good enough. Just keep going. Dear elder Barlow, you are hereby hereby called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You were assigned a labor in Milan. Milan. Paris. It's Paris. Oh my God. I'm going to fashion week. Oh my God. Oh Columbia Bogota North Mission
Starting point is 00:27:32 Oh These are happy to To have an outlet mom. Wow Is it just great is it just retail I love retail When it's Fashion Week in Bogota, never, great. Do they have a film festival? Is that what we're calling Milano? No? Ah. So Lisa, I got to tell you something.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Columbia Bogota, like it's in a bag. Do they sell bags there? Yes or no? I've never heard of this retail, or it? I've never heard of this retail or it. I've never heard of this retail location. She goes, oh my gosh! Like, I cannot believe he's gone to Columbia, but like not the university.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Like, he's probably being held up at good point, probably like at least once or twice a week on his mission that'll probably happen, because like, my friend's on this funny story. So he was just like there, and he was like held up at gunpoint, like literally every week. And so he like tired a few extra dollars,
Starting point is 00:28:28 so maybe he's like, hands it over, be like, okay, cool, let's get the gun, here's some dollars. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm like really excited about this, I guess. Like, I'm really excited. I'm happy, I'm happy. And you know, Lisa is at the height of disturbed
Starting point is 00:28:42 when she starts doing both of her side part things at the same time. She grabs them both at the same time and just starts like petting them out with her hands. She's like internally freaking the fuck out. And then she tells her I said the part and she's like, yeah, that's great. I was expecting Europe or something,
Starting point is 00:29:00 but this is great. She is, her tone of voice is not that different from her reaction to when she found out she had to dress and drag and pump springs. What? But this is my face! You're going to Columbia. My face! She goes, I was expecting Europe or something or like New York, but like... Columbia, right?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah. Columbia. Yeah. She's so unhappy. So then we go to Monica. Now, Monica's in another car now. This is where she's like in the older Lexus or something. So I don't know what's going on. But I get that we have to get to mommy issues or so much stuff to cover there. I really need to get to car issues and what's happening with the car. I'm very invested in car drama. I love car drama. Like, as you're leased up, as someone crashed your other car,
Starting point is 00:29:48 did the other car get stolen? Could you not afford the other car? What's happening? And how did you choose this car? Did you go to the lot? Did you find it online? Did you test drive it? Did you trust people online? Did you run a car facts? I need to know. Do you know where you're going to? In honor of the scene, I am now going to change my backdrop from Dirty Snow to, um, a theater stage. I'm now on a dark theater with spotlights. I wish I had a black turtle neck on because the one I play is about to begin. Here we are. Minarka. Here we are, here we are, Monarcha. Exterior, Monarcha. Monarcha comes in to a well lit restaurant.
Starting point is 00:30:30 I'm meeting someone here at your evening. She's aren't here. Do I like, is it the lady crying at her table? We cut to, cut to Linda crying at a table alone. Pfff. Pfff. Pfff. Pfff.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Pfff. Doing that thing where she's like grabbing both of her eyes. This really means I'm crying. Um, waiter, could I get a straw please? And she's sniff sniffing. I love that waiter. Can I get a straw? So she's really covering her face really going for that Emmy and the mom goes, well that just gave me a headache. So gosh, she starts like rifling through her purse and Monica's just watching her like shaking her head like mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm- resolve their issues and I don't want that to happen to us. I'm sorry to take that. I looked up the movie. First of all, I'm really touched. But I have to know what this means.
Starting point is 00:31:52 I looked it up. I looked it up. It's something called hold on. Let me find it. I did it. It came out in 2023. I have to assume this is what it was. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:01 Now I've got of course I didn't say that. I see far away. Yeah. That's 2023. Far away. And it's on, of course I didn't say bad. I see far away. Yeah, that's what it was. 23 far away. And it's on Netflix. I guess that's why she was a common YouTube, by the way, I want to point out. After inheriting a house on a Croatian island, a woman in barks on a spur of the moment trip that reignites her life and joy and opens a door for, oh gosh, I don't know what it opens a door for. I'm guessing mommy issues. Lobster enchiladas. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I literally googled that. I said, woman with issues with her mom and Croatia.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I just googled the exact dialogue. And they hadn't resolved their issues. And I don't want that to happen. As hold on, let me hold my eyes. I'm very serious Monica. Monica's like, oh man, you want me to feel bad for you? But when I was crying, you didn't give a shit. Don't, that's the sound effect we get. Don't.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Ssh, crying. At Angie's dinner, you made me feel completely alone. You picked everyone else aside, and you were apologizing for me to those people you had just met. And then we see a clip of her going around going, I'm so sorry about this. Hey, can we have some fun? Let's have some fun. Hey boys, you into sports.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I love talking sports. And then you expect me to sit here and feel bad for you. And you're crying right now. And Linda, she swivels her head. And she starts doing the stick, the thing their head, like back and forth. And she starts like doing like rolling her head around and like doing the finger swirl.
Starting point is 00:33:43 And she's like, I'm not asking you to feel bad for me. I'm asking you to have a conversation with me. And my wife don't talk to me like this. I know she just like how did we go from crying to this? From like a various years I watched a movie about someone in Croatia to like, I'm not asking you to feel bad for me. So then Monica's, No, talk to me like this. And I'm not going to talk to you like some weak ass bitch either. I'm like, whoa.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And then she slams the table and the waiter comes over and it looks like one of Jack's friends. I know. So it's a young kid. He's like, evening ladies, welcome to Monarcha. Oh, what can I get you? What can I get you? What can I get you? And they just stare at him like,
Starting point is 00:34:28 can you read the fucking room, dude? And the mom's like, I'll have the lobster enchiladas. I watched a movie about a woman in Croatia and her mother ordered lobster enchiladas. Thank you Monika's like I'll do you then guacamole appetizer? So then Linda's like in her bag now. That's important to announce. Yes We don't necessarily always announce the orders, but it was important in this one
Starting point is 00:34:58 I agree so now Martin Island is in her bag Which is again very one act play when they add likes and so like naturalistic element. She's like in her bag going I got to find some aspirin. Is there aspirin here? I can't find my aspirin Do you have aspirin in your bag And mocha's like no Monica goes So she's like listen This is a Monica's the mom she goes so when you were in Palm Springs You said that Angie was acting like a crazy person and as her friend
Starting point is 00:35:31 You were trying to calm the situation down and pull her aside and that's what I was trying to do for you Now that is how I took it. Yes when I was watching see I was like okay now seeing her go back and apologizing to everyone Yeah, that's that's not great But that is how I saw it at the time as well, right Marcus Girl I didn't get an anti-sfees and a few later like that like you don't know the half of it Nothing, but you instantly took her side and you instantly apologized to for her for how I was acting and I don't understand that I can't comprehend that that must have skipped a couple of generations because I don't have that in me to apologize to someone I never met before for my child.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Now, I have to say Monica, yeah, you did do that too. Angie and Palm Springs, okay? You did. Angie brought you into this group. Then she was left out of a party that you went to like a weekend that you went to. And I get it for TV, you know, but still in the context of what they're doing. You still went to the party without her, and then when you were there, you took everyone else's side against her while they were kind of kicking her out of the group. That is exactly what you did. Yeah, you did. You did. So whatever, okay. So then, yeah, she says what you just said. And she's like, I
Starting point is 00:36:50 apologizing. That must have skipped a gen couple of generations because I don't have any need to apologize to someone. I don't know for my child. And she's like, well, I don't know what to do with this. And she starts picking at her clothes. Yeah. Like she is very steady. It's very sweet. I need busy work now. Exactly. Very uncomfortable and pulling it my sleeves. It's definitely like a one act play festival. Like we're all sitting there watching it. Like actors being very actory. And the aspect of it, the recurring aspirin thing is such a one act play thing because like,
Starting point is 00:37:17 there's always like a motif in a play where someone always goes back to some sort of like random piece of dialogue. So Monica's like, she's like, I know, you tried crying, you tried yelling, and that's what you usually do. Stop that. That was sincere.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Don't be respectful, this was respectful. And Monica's also right. You can tell that her mom, this is like her mom's theatrics. Yeah, I'm, anyone who has a theatrical mother sees it. Like every time there's a problem, it's like, well, first time I'm gonna stop. The second that doesn't work, the tears are gone a problem it's like, well, first time I'm gonna solve. The second that doesn't work, the tears are gone and it's like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And then that doesn't work and it's stage work. Bring on the stage work. So anyone who has a theatrical mother recognizes it and anyone who loves fade done away appreciates the scene. Oh, that's right. So she's like, I'm still your mother. And she's like, I'm not being disrespect all the only person losing it right now is you.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And she goes, do not mock my feelings. Like you did for me, I don't care. I don't care I'm over it. I'm so over it. I know you don't care mother. She's like, let me talk mother fucker. She's almost like, oh my, did you just me talk mother fucker. She's like, I'm not gonna almost laugh. She's like, um, did you just call me a fucker?
Starting point is 00:38:28 It's just, no, I called you a mother fucker. Mother fucker. Mother fucker. And then the waiter, the waiter's like, here's your food. Yeah. Oh, thank God you're having a good time. So then there's awkwardness. Wakamoli loves triticos.
Starting point is 00:38:41 So then there's like, and then the mom goes, ah, well, here's some pretty dessert. She goes, she starts sproaning through the walkimole. That's not your walkimole. She goes, are you gonna eat? Which is like so. Like, I guess she's, are you gonna eat? I don't feel like it right now. We have our issues and we had our, listen, we had our issues in the past.
Starting point is 00:39:01 But we both have to be willing to be vulnerable with each other, especially when they're such a beautiful dessert right here. I've walked away. And when you're ready, we can sit down and figure out, where did this start? Where? I love this. She's what we begin.
Starting point is 00:39:19 I love that she goes straight into bachelor talk. She's like running out like her tricks aren't working. So she's like, let's be vulnerable and being our balls down. Monica's like, you're stupid. And so she says, where did this begin, Monica? And she's like, I'm my child. She goes, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Well, let's, let's start there. God, I haven't asked for it somewhere. It's gotta be asked, but in this bag somewhere, I thought I was throwing things out of her purse. It's like a golf club flying out. She's rummaging. I thought of a big cat. Like throwing things out of our purse was like a golf club flying out under her hand. She just rummaging. And a cat.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And then like, by the way, every melodrama has to have this phrase somewhere in it. I'm not saying you're a bad mother. Which like that sentence right there, like any melodrama has just somewhere, insert it somewhere. That's when you know you have like a top to your melodrama. I'm just saying, I'm not saying any of that
Starting point is 00:40:07 What I'm saying is Easter Angie's was like Reliving my abandonment as a child. I'm telling you you want to get to the root of this You have to hear hard things from me that you don't like to hear I did not Abandon you yes, you did I did not abandon you Yes, you did I was 12 years old and it was so easy for you to leave me with those people and you just go off and leave your life in New York. I mean, my God, this was, this is crazy. So now I'm like, well, what's your side?
Starting point is 00:40:37 Did you, and the mom says, well, I had to start my new job in New York with far more expensive than I thought and I was not prepared for New York. I mean, okay. So basically, she took a job. What was the job? Why did you have to move to New York for the job? I need to know. Did you rent the car in New York? I need to know about the rental car.
Starting point is 00:40:54 I just need to know. There's things missing. How do we move past this? You have trauma. You have trauma. Where's my trauma? Your mother. The way that your mother cheated you and just liked you. I was never there. I passed this. You have trauma. You have trauma. Where's my trauma?
Starting point is 00:41:05 Your mother, the way that your mother cheated you and just liked you, I was never there for you or the band of you and your dad abandoned you, I get it. You went through a lot of abuse. And then just like, I'm over it. I'm over it. I got over it. And this is really fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I really liked this section because she's saying, bullshit, you're not over it because you treat me the same way that your mother treated you. What a mature place to be coming from where you realize that, you know? Because I think with a lot of my issues, it took that. I was like, well, okay, I think as you get older, you start seeing like, it's not just my trauma that I went through. What made them like that to put me through it, you know? And if you ask them, then they start going on their whole cycle too.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And then my Mima would go through her whole cycle of her thing too. And it's like, oh my God, does this ever end? We're just like a cycle of fucking crazy. But that's why I love this scene because they're like going at it. And then all of a sudden, it's like that I had to do this for my, the job in New York. I wasn't prepared. And then it turns out your mother didn't like you either. I'm over it. I don't I don't have trauma.
Starting point is 00:42:08 You do have trauma because your mother never loved you. And you're like, Oh my God, this is just getting so intense and so quickly. It's just it's like, but it's also over the top. Now Monica has a whole big monologue. She's like, I come from a long line of complicated relationships between mothers and daughters. My grandmother never wanted to have a daughter, so she completely just closed off. And it kind of made her wear this relationship with my mom where it like has been completely damaged since the beginning.
Starting point is 00:42:44 She's always struggled with my mother and everything my mom did was a complete disappointment. I was like, oh jeez. Yeah, so she said, she lists like her mom got pregnant. Then her mom became a member of the LDS church and that was disappointing. Then her mother moved out of Boston and that was disappointing.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Her mom never got married and that was disappointing. And so there's all these things that have made their relationship difficult. And so she thinks in turn, like her mom didn't want to get pregnant when she got pregnant either. And so she's had this whole life of resentment towards Monica. And I'm like, geez, that's, that's pretty mature. I mean, it took me a whole long time to get there. I'm impressed. So the mom is like, I'm Monica Darnell. And she's, why are you calling me that?
Starting point is 00:43:28 And she's like, because that is the name I gave you. And she's like, you have not called me that for decades. It's like she's really pissed that she calls her by her original. Well, I'm sorry. I don't know what the fuck your name is. You changed it every fucking week. And that is something that Lisa has come after her for online too and Angie.
Starting point is 00:43:49 They're like, whatever, why don't you change your name again? So I guess that's a monica thing. Some monica is like, or what that's about. I read that it's that, um, is she part Colombian? That's what she is right. Colombian and Portuguese Colombian. And oh my god, Puerto Rican and Portuguese. Is it she. Colombian. Oh my god. No Puerto Rican. And Portuguese.
Starting point is 00:44:06 She can. She can be like a tour guide for a job with me. But I think that in that culture, they use multiple names. I don't know, but I've been curious about that multiple name things for a couple of weeks, but it's interesting that the mom brings it out as a weapon. She brings out her original name to trigger Monica and the Monica's like,
Starting point is 00:44:23 how dare you call me that name? You know I fowler and you know why you call me that because that's how still how you see me that little girl You can still treat like shit and leave me there and leave me there And then you go to your dream job and on your days Why sit in the back of the trunk of the car where you make out with a boy toy? That happened once. Oh that happened once. I'm sorry. I just a boy Oh, that happened once. That happened once. I'm sorry, I just did boy.
Starting point is 00:44:46 She's like, it's not that you kiss someone, it's that you left me in a situation while you were doing it, and you still don't give a fuck, and she goes, I don't. So Monica's like, it's pretty disgusting. I wish I could like say that this like the first time it happened or that it wasn't normal,
Starting point is 00:45:01 but like that was like very on par for my mom. And I got with emotional and mental abuse my entire life. So I think I'm just like completely fucked up. And all I can do is make sure my kids never feel that and break that cycle. I guess if emotional abuse truly, so Linda's like, what am I supposed to do with Monica? What am I supposed to do? I want you to tell me and you have aspirin for God's sake, can you aspirin?
Starting point is 00:45:24 Monica's like, why are you looking to meet for answers as to why you abandoned me? And she goes, you know what? Get over it. All right. What do I get for good? And how about us? Um, you know what? You just yelled at me to get over it. So not today. So then Linda starts like laughing and like rubbing her mouth. It's like sort of this weird moment where she's like, I'm hungry.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I'm hungry. And so it's not like, when you should eat. And then there's like awkward silence as they just like Linda's foreman died. It's like clink clink clink clink. The fork and I scraping across the plate. It's like, oh my God, what am I watching? This is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And then again, so then the mom starts eating very slowly and chewing slowly while she stares right at Monica. Monica's just kind of looking around the restaurant. And the mom's like, well, we're lost. Well, I like to care about is how this is affecting my children now, and this is crossing the line. And she's like, you know, and the shit you're doing to me, you're doing to my children.
Starting point is 00:46:26 And when you take our vehicle and she goes, oh, so now it's my fault. So is it not, I still need to know what happened to this damn vehicle. We need to know the details. So Monica goes, that's exactly what I'm saying. So Linda goes, I can't fix this. I don't have the tools.
Starting point is 00:46:41 We need therapy. There's no other way. I was like, well, actually that's kind of a win that Linda was the one who proposed therapy because I feel like it would actually be harder to get Linda into therapy than it would be for Monica. So I was like, oh, Monica, you just got a freebie right there. This is actually the most impressive part. This was like the biggest turn in the thing because I didn't expect it. So she's like, we need therapy. And then they stare each other down and Monica says, okay, but I do need to get home now.
Starting point is 00:47:09 So I was like, okay, well, that's never happened. I don't think so. I was like, okay, let's go to therapy and fix this. So I liked that. Also, what you can see here is that this is a cycle that these two go through constantly. That's because we've heard about it on the show, but it was since she's been on about their fighting
Starting point is 00:47:27 and the mom cursing her out when she hangs up the phone, it didn't really hang up. And all this shit that they do, and the Monica losing her shit, and we see Monica losing her shit with people a lot too, and like her bratty kind of attitude with people when she's not getting her way in an argument, and just the way that they're constantly fighting
Starting point is 00:47:42 in this really dark, like, secular way. Oh my God. You know, I was very, you know, and I hate the word, but I was very triggered. I was like, oh my God, should I call my mom or never call my mom again? Like, where do I go from here? Maybe I'm like eating popcorn.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I'm like, this is amazing. I'm like, check on my car. It's like, cause my car is still here. Did your mom take your car back? I was blown away. I was blown away by, first of all, it was just very raw. First and foremost, it was very, very raw. But second of all, the emotional arc of it,
Starting point is 00:48:15 the way the fact that actually Monica was remained so composed while her mom was kind of like trying everything, like, you know, crying, being contemplative, guilt trips, calling her a motherfucker, and that Monica was actually able to be like children during that, or quote unquote, relatively chill, was pretty amazing, but also it was those arcs and the way that there were all these reveals
Starting point is 00:48:41 over the course of this small, not small scene, but like relatively short scene, you know scene, eight minutes probably of airtime, they're able to peel back so much so quickly. I was like, this is amazing. I feel like I'm watching amazing TV right here. One, if you think of back to the Greek Easter party, when her mom, when she was finally having problems with her mom at the end,
Starting point is 00:49:02 she was acting the way she is now with her mom, where she stayed calm and just gave her mom that look and let her mom kind of dig her grave. But, and the mom was doing her whole act thing. But before, when Monica was talking to Angie, and Angie was staying very calm with Monica, and Monica was kind of pulling those tricks with Angie. She was moving from the end to the anger.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah, I mean, it's a really interesting thing. I think that's like her. This is you know, like you can see her cycles working out. She doesn't really see that she's being her mom in that situation. But then when it comes to her mom being that way with her, she can be out of that situation and play a different role in it. I mean, it's really was compelling. It's a.
Starting point is 00:49:43 It was compelling. Really. It was compelling. I was like, it was compelling. It was, it was, it was, it was compelling. I was like, well, I was like, I was losing my mind. I was like, I cannot believe what I'm watching right now. So, that's some of the best casting. Also, somebody sent us a message and we'd love recapping these shows obviously and take notes on everything we can, every little bit that we can.
Starting point is 00:50:03 We don't follow as closely the news about everything, you know, like the social media and stuff like that. And so I love when people send us what's going on, and screenshots and stuff. And someone sent us, did you know that the dress that Monica's wearing in her confessional was designed by the same designer that Jen Shaw abused. Remember when Jen Shaw used that designer, Khoa, I think I forgot his name. Yeah, he was on the special, right? He was on the ABC, I suppose, eh? Yes, Kho Johnson, Kho Johnson,
Starting point is 00:50:34 designer Khojo on Instagram. I thought that was so funny. Yeah. It's like, hey, yes. I'm using that designer. Great casting there. Monica is so good. And I'll say Monica's mother, like Linda is as fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Like Linda, the, the tales of Linda's life, like the abuse and the heartache that she went through and the whole story of Monica's dad, like, there's so much. There's so much there. And also he makes you think like, this is not a unique story in America. Like there are tons of these families that have gone through these horrific traumas. And so it was really great to actually be able to see it in front of our eyes, rather than just sort of like the typical like, oh, like my kids, everything's great with my family. It was just, I thought it was riveting.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Well, here's another thing speaking of Linda. So after the episode aired, after the Greek Easter episode aired, of course, it sent people into a tizzy online, right? Because a lot of people do have these kind of relationships with their moms. And so it triggered a lot of people, basically. And so a lot of people were coming after the mom. And on, I think this is Instagram, her name is LD Millionaire. What do you think is, I mom and on and I think this is Instagram. Her name is LD Millionaire. What do you think is? I don't know why I think that's funny. LD Millionaire. So this is the, this is what she said.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Monica begged me to do this reality show with her begged. I have to mask her in here somewhere. I didn't want to do it. She told me all I had to do was cook and speak Portuguese. How did she return the favor? She did me dirty. And meanwhile, I would never compete with my own child, unless it sports. I'm too smart to try and go up against Monica. She'd chew me up and spit me out. And lastly, I never abandoned her. I always put her needs above my own, even in her adulthood. I'm not perfect, but I am a devoted mother and a vovo. God bless us, everyone.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Raw real housewives of Salt Lake City. Now, does anyone want some guacamole for dessert? So, okay, if you didn't abandon her, then what did you do? What is the dropping her off in Pennsylvania and you're going to New York? What happened? Can I meet the next one?
Starting point is 00:52:46 Also, don't talk shit about your daughter on social media. Don't say my daughter would shoot me up and spit me out. Like, I know if you wanted to offend yourself, but what you say is, this is a snapshot. I love my daughter, dearly. She is the light of my life. Like any parent child relationship, there are fights, but that's, but it's, it's the testament to that. Like, I don't know. Like, you don't say, well, yeah, look what she
Starting point is 00:53:11 did to me. And she should me up and spat me out. And this is typical of that bitch. It's like she tricked me. She tricked me into coming to this show. So she could, she could just ruin me, you know, it's like, well, lady, even if she said that, even these fights, this whole dinner, all you really had to say was Monica, I'm so sorry. I love you. Obviously, I hurt you. What can I do?
Starting point is 00:53:32 You know, if you want to make yourself look good, you know? But if you feel like you're so tricked, you're certainly not feeling like that for the first time. I mean, you took, you repossessed her car for fuck's sake. So obviously, you knew there was some kind of a problem, but you just can't help yourself, Landag, you can't help yourself. Her just sniffling at that table when Monica walked in,
Starting point is 00:53:51 I mean, it was Sheff's kiss. The grabbing of the eye. Oh, the aspirin, the ship. And the trying to get things off of her clothes. I didn't call you a fucker. I called you mother fucker. Mother fucker. I mean, it's brilliant.
Starting point is 00:54:06 It's brilliant. All right, well, that brings us to the end of Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Thank you so much everybody for being here. We've also got so many other things coming up this week. We've got Real Housewives of Miami coming up. We've got Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. We still got Southern Charm coming up.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Big week. Thanks to everyone for being there with us for crappy hour. Go check that audio out It's pretty good. It's a good discussion of the vanity fair reckoning article. Yep, and what else we'll be back the around Just answer the crap. We've review. Okay, everyone talk to you next time Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors Ain't no thing like Allison King Ashley Savoni. She don't take no baloney Watch what crap ends would like to think it's premium sponsors. Ain't no thing like Allison King.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Throw him to park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itch-Ollys! Aaron McNickalus, she don't miss No Trick-Ollys. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no less namey. Hava Nagila Weber.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Know your worth with Jason Kerr. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always supplying. It's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a kiss Arino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg. You can't have a burger without the Berg. Ruh-ru-ru.
Starting point is 00:55:20 The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors? Somebody get us 10 C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva. Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper! Can't have a meal without the Emily sides!
Starting point is 00:55:39 Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh, she's Jill Hirsch! She's a little bit loony. Juni, my favorite Murto, Karen McMurto. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang. The incredible edible Matthew sisters, Nancy Cicentacisto.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamla Plane. She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coo-Tar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members.
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