Watch What Crappens - #2283 RHOGT RHONY: DissGo

Episode Date: January 6, 2024

Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip RHONY (S04E06) ends its season with a sexy disco party and some good ole fashioned Ramona on Service Worker abuse. Watch with Crappens on Demand here:&nbsp...; and check out our Patreon bonus about online shopping and our holiday breaks.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:27 I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, I have come, Well, hello and welcome to Watchlet Corruptions. The podcast for all that club. We love to talk about on Yale Braves. I'm Ronnie and that's been over there. Hello. Hi. Benini Tunes. Hi. What's going on today? Not much, just, you know, here to send Brailschrip off into the sunset.
Starting point is 00:00:42 What a fun, short fun season, nice little snack of a season, really enjoyed it. What's going on with you? Well, same death, saying all over it, all over it, as Lewandowski. I don't see this show. And just to remind her that people don't change and Ramona has always been a monster,
Starting point is 00:01:06 and she can try to pretend she's not a monster for five minutes, but the show is just gonna remind us people don't change, especially Ramona. So welcome to another Ramona getting canceled moment. I mean, these ladies really do know how to pull out their greatest hits, don't they? The way I'm fucks-a-y Dude, Ramona gets canceled again. Sonya has kind of a nervous breakdown.
Starting point is 00:01:29 It really is just like a warm hug. It really is. Before we get too far into it, just want to say, on Monday, we are going to be announcing all the details for the Golden Crappies. And that will include a sort of a pre-sale that's gonna be happening from Monday to Tuesday. We'll have a code for that for our Patreon listeners. So we want everyone to be able to come to the crappies
Starting point is 00:01:53 this year. We're really excited. We had amazing time last year, despite there being a quote unquote blizzard, which was heavy rain. So we're excited to do it all over again. So be sure to stay tuned. We're going to announce it on our Potomac recap. That's our first recap of the week. So it'll be all there. Please tune in.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Buy tickets. Buy tickets for you. Buy tickets for your family. Buy tickets for your pets. It'll be great. Might your pets, Ben. We'll have a breakdown. If you bring your pets. Well, up there we'll train to the crappies. If there are trained pets, listen, if a pet buys a ticket I love a pet. There you go. Buy a ticket. It can't be fine. If your pet buys a ticket, that's the best pet I ever met.
Starting point is 00:02:35 It's a cute-a-star. All right. So let's move on to girls trips. Shall we be in? We're on the beach. Ladies are on the beach. Our moon is going, where is, no, okay. She's probably looking for guys.
Starting point is 00:02:49 She's probably swimming like sharks, only for men, okay? Cause that's what she does. And we see Lew in the water with a popsicle and remote, she comes back to the beach and the woman is like, are you having a popsicle? And she goes, I am. I'm having a popsicle. And she goes, I am. I'm having a popsicle. And you'll never get where I got it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 A fucking guy, Lewand. We know. Geez. Weasel, Lewand. My god, calm down. Yeah, I'm kind of getting this is getting played out now by Lewand. Well, so here's a, you guys want to hear a funny story.
Starting point is 00:03:21 So I see this really hot guy. Like really hot. Okay, and I was like a shark attack. Okay, so I started swimming close by to him. I'm circling around, seeing if there's a woman close by and the other cabaret stars. And I said, hey, how are you doing? Do you enjoy cabaret?
Starting point is 00:03:35 Cause that's what I do. I sing songs on stages. You like it? Let me tell you something. He was really, like a really handsome. And he was great. a really handsome, and he was great. Like I did some Cooper Gray. So I say, I want a popsicle and then a woman comes over this woman. And so I figured, well, that's his wife. But then he brings a popsicle for himself and his wife and then guess what he did. Girls. And Ramona's
Starting point is 00:04:03 like, well, I don't know, she poops pants. I think I might have just done. Luan, I mean, Ramona paid attention. No, he took the popsicle right out of his wife's hand and he gave it to me. And then we see a clip and Luan is such a fucking liar because no, he did not.
Starting point is 00:04:19 He gave her his own popsicle, not his wife. So that's what she said. She said, oh, I thought she said he took it right out of his wife. No, that's what she said. She said, oh, I thought she said he took it right out of his wife's hand and gave it to me. Because the wife came up with two popsicles and then he said, I'm not gonna have it. So he took the popsicle out of the wife's hand and give it to LeWand instead. Oh, I was like, oh wow, LeWand, really got busted on this trail.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Okay, well, I'm done. I have to take this. I really thought that there was a mystery solved here. And then, Q, like, five minutes of everyone being like, whoa, wow. You know what, she wanted to get popped, but she got a stick, a popsicle on a stick. Wow, Luanne, Luanne really wants to get a popsicle in her.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Wow, she's so horny, horny for popsicles. I'm like, okay. I mean, I barely even remember these ladies, but here's one thing I will never forget. Ramona, I did not get anything, but Luan left with the popsicle that also looks like a penis. Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Listen, I've really enjoyed this girl's trip. I really have. I think the chemistry is so funny, but these episodes don't have to be all supersized. They don't have to be 50 minutes long. And I say that not as a recap or who's annoyed that I've got to write that much more notes. I say that as someone who is watching them
Starting point is 00:05:31 stretch out this content. Like we can make some, let's have a leaner meaner show because the amount of like confessionals they threw in there to sort of prop up these scenes and the way they just teased out at the party at the end is too much. So next season, my humble note, and this is a note that I've had since,
Starting point is 00:05:51 for a few seasons now, my humble note, normal sized episodes, so that way you don't have to make us watch 10 minutes of someone opening a door. Thank you. I'll go even further, Ben, and say, some things just need to be canceled. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We can cancel things, okay? This was one of them. This was one of those where I was like, you know what? It's where you go to have dinner with somebody that you've dated before. You're like, we can just go as friends, but you're like, God, I hope this is more than just friends. But then you have that dinner and you're like, no, it was good we broke up in the first place.
Starting point is 00:06:23 That's kind of how I feel. I would suggest maybe a Christmas special. I'm suggesting, I'm suggesting, put all this next time and do it to our Christmas special. Still love you guys. Yeah, but I mean, that's it. This show made me crack up, the cast made me crack up
Starting point is 00:06:40 and it was really funny. And I love the way that they interact. I loved random moments like Dorenda walking across the living room with Ramona's that like with bathing suit. It's just there's something like so I don't know I can't describe why I like that but it's just I really really connect to it and I think it's really funny and there's these women make something really funny out of just something really stupid stuff, but that being said Like the show kind of peaked after episode four. I think episode four
Starting point is 00:07:11 It kind of like that was it and now like the past episodes I'm like these are super sized and nothing's really been going on So I'm with you Ronnie. Let's do it. Let's just tighten it up. Let's tighten up. Let's not kill the golden goose So well the golden goose is dead. So, first of all, they've killed the golden goose. It has been cut. So, if you're just going to bring out the goose, just bring out out of some appetizer. Serve the goose as an appetizer. So, Luanne, of course, is like, oh, wow, I got a popsicle from the mat. You know that she walks around the Costco like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:47 You know, everywhere she passes with a little tiny cocktail weiner on a little tiny piece of a bun, like, I got this from a man, a hot one, one with a penis. Check out this chocolate almond milk from silk. Yeah, well, I was walking behind this guy. He was a Hawkeye a real hot silver hair, on a rascal scooter, handing them out. And he saw me and said, this is for you, the young lady. I mean, I might just find myself someone to have a happy ending with tonight. I mean, no, I don't
Starting point is 00:08:14 say girls. So then Sonia, who's wasted because she's always wasted. And this is another thing. Sonia, being a tragic figure figure is really more and more tragic the more it happens and it's starting to hurt my feelings. Okay. I think she's funny and fun and everything. I'm at the point now where I'm just sad. Like the last episode which we didn't recap, she was just going on and on on this bullshit lie story
Starting point is 00:08:44 about, she's like, okay everyone, let's play a game where we talk about how we meet our men Well, here's how we I met mine. He showed up in a limousine on piles of money Just no no no just going on and on about this story that everybody knows is a lie Not a bit even made any sense. She doesn't shut up. She's both drunk on drugs and delusional. You can't even tell what it is anymore And it's just made me feel sad. She's both drunk on drugs and delusional. You can't even tell what it is anymore. And it just made me feel sad. She is pretty sad. But I am so she but I like it, but I will say what was nice about this episode is that we got a Noid Sonia and I love one a Noid Sonia comes out because she's very inconsolable and I enjoy that. So she's sitting on the Wands lab bonkers, like Cross-eyed bonkers. And she's like, well, I want a guy that when I'm in the same room as Lulee, he's sucking
Starting point is 00:09:33 his eyes on me. And if I'm the only woman in the room, then you're the only woman, then we'll just make love together just you and me, Lulee. So now it's day six. It's the final day of vacation. People are sleeping and everything. And Kelly and Martine are hugging and Martine's going over the itinerary.
Starting point is 00:09:56 There's gonna be like some sort of like therapy in the water followed by a lunch at a restaurant. There'll be a tarot reading, there'll be a disco party. And you know, Kelly's talking like theot reading, there'll be a disco party, and Kelly's talking like the chef and everything about going to the party, and there's this guy, Manu, who is the sous chef, he's like, oh yeah, I'll be there tonight. And Marchine's like, oh yeah, Manu is on the menu tonight, which I'm really only saying because it's a plot point later.
Starting point is 00:10:20 So then Ramona and Sonia are getting up, and Ramona is like, whoa, Sonia, why is it? When I open my eyes, I feel dizzy. Oh, what? She's doing that thing. She's like crossing her eyes and then she's putting her hand on her face. She's looking over at the distance. You know that she does. Well, why? Dizzy right now. She's like, oh my God, the vertigo again. Wow, we're bringing it back all the old hits. Yeah, remember? Oh, I have Fertico. I'm afraid of hives like this bed.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Fertico is very scary. I get very scared. You know, when you look really young, but you're actually at a different age, there's a lot of rotating that you've got to do. You're spinning around. What age am I? I'm so young, I can be any age.
Starting point is 00:11:02 It's something you're dizzying, you're falling over and you're in bed. Whoa, it's crazy, okay? So then, Duranda is eating breakfast with Martin in the kitchen. He's talking to her while she eats. And he's telling her that tonight they have her disco party, she's like, yeah, yeah, but he knew I'm yanking.
Starting point is 00:11:16 He knew I was yanking, I'm yanking, I'm yanking, I'm yanking, I'm getting a lot of things, guessing, Lionel, what are endings? Naps, heckling, putting clips on bitches, being that well bitch. But when good thing I'm not gonna that invagin' guys. You know what, maybe I'm gonna give myself a jiggle-o. What do you think of that, Martin?
Starting point is 00:11:33 And he's like, oh, why not a gittish jiggle-o? Let me show you a jiggle-o. I have one here. Smanu. Yeah, I thought he was joking, but I think that actually he was real, like, Manu is a jiggle-o, and he's like, yeah, we're expensive. So, Dron he was joking, but I think that actually he was real like menu is a jiggle Oh, and he's like yeah, we're expensive so it's like
Starting point is 00:11:48 I can't believe you have a jiggle in the kitchen. I mean, thank God the other girls didn't know he was a jiggle Oh, there would have been money exchange that's being had that poor guy would have been very tired by Do I think I'm my upper lip because this whole time she's just eating and laughing Do I have that gum my up a lip? it, boys. It's just another day. It paradise. Ooh. Hey, things wise. It's just another day for you and me and...
Starting point is 00:12:38 Line. Zana. So, Martin's like, uh, this is a fight to describe how scene one word madness madness house. So then there's a turtle walking around inside, um, who's very cute. Very turtles. Very, so cute. And Ramona and Sonia are packing. They're trying to pack. Ramona's like, whoa, you know what? I have a situation, okay? Because I'm trying to pack with my silver shoes. Who stole my silver shoe? To cut? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Where my shoes are. Someone's got a payment. And they're like, they're around, they're around, and they look around, and then finally, there's like a whole other section of the closet that they'll put up. She's the only god. Look at all the shoes up.
Starting point is 00:13:20 They're left. One, two, three, four, five. My god, I I lost five shoes. That's crazy, okay, I can't believe I almost did that. Whoa. Hmm. So then they head down to the Vams and they're going to go for their first field trip of the day
Starting point is 00:13:36 and in Ramona's van, she's like, whoa, you know what? I don't think we have a count for tonight, okay? Cause I call a pest growl and pest growl didn't get back to me. Okay, so I don't know how many people are coming. You know, I hope some boys come Look, what are we gonna do with pasquo? So then that's what pasquo calls. She's like, hi pasquo. Hi. Guess what? You're on speaker phone me We ain't Sonya. That's not speaker phone. That's not speaker phone Ramona. Oh, sorry, I was holding up a banana, apologies. So then he's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Ramona, you're talking into a shoe Ramona. It's like, okay, you know what, here you go. Now you're just blowing breath onto the window and writing out letters. Just busy. I'll call him, past guile, it's me, the man. Jesus. All right, here's what we need.
Starting point is 00:14:24 We need man and a lot of them, but none of those 20 some things. We need people who are 30 to Anderson Cooper, Heritage. So get them over here and get them there quickly and no women. All right, I don't want to see a single breast or vagina in my presence. So then they get to the beach.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And so where they're parked, they park on like the side of the beach and then there's just a railing along the beach and the freeway and then stairs down to the beach and Kristen gets out and goes, oh my God, are we going to the beach? She's feeling sore first. No, Kristen, you're going to stand in the middle of the free, go down to the fucking beach, Kristen. So they go down to the beach and they meet this couple and Luma is just passing people like both your bone to emergency france Je parle joy am luma and de la france a france a france a egg egg
Starting point is 00:15:17 Je parle france a Je parle je parle Pascal just just say la langue Oh, bonjour bonjour but to Parley, Pascal, just say Le Lang, Bonjour, Bonjour. That was a president of French club, French right there for everyone. So they meet up with these two instructors who are like the water therapists
Starting point is 00:15:35 and they're talking about like, hello, my name is Brad and this is Nanda, or Greg and Nanda. And like we're gonna talk to you about Jotsu and Sonia's in the background. What's you? It's what's you, it's what's you. I know that what's you. Like, no, it's a... Jonsu, it's different.
Starting point is 00:15:49 No, but what's you? It's mainly what's you. What's you? What's you? It's not you. Jotsu. I did it. Labyrinthor. I've done all of those things.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Shit, Su. Therapy. Love it. New carers. Water therapy is water therapy. You do this, isn't it? Ooh. I mean, it's water therapy. Anyone can do it. He cares. therapies water therapy you do this in it. I mean, it's water therapy. Anyone can do it. He cares. Stupid water therapy.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So here we start to see Sonia unraveling about water. Yeah. No one, no one really ever finds out why this triggers Sonia, but we see Sonia start spinning out of control. And she's telling us, I did did why to therapy. It's like you're in the womb. And she's like, why would I want to be in the womb? Why?
Starting point is 00:16:33 I think she's like a phrase she's gonna have a breakdown or something. I think she is too. Because we see clips of other spirits, like how much Sonia loves spirituality. And we see one where the lady is beating the drum, and then we see the wind chime lady. And we're like, oh my god, Jamie Lee Curtis
Starting point is 00:16:49 has been on so many shows. But then if I recall correctly, Sonya had a pretty bad breakdown in one of those, and I think she's afraid of looking stupid again. Well, remember, I think she had a ball-sword breakdown when they saw a psychic in Salem. I think shit, or Ramona did, Ramona actually. Ramona had actually like one of the
Starting point is 00:17:05 few like really emotionally moving scenes. But yeah, Sonia, I think she's just a probably afraid to have like a full-odd meltdown. I don't know. So they're gonna do two people at a time. So Dharinda and Luan go first and Nanda's like, I invite you to sit down on the line the water and I will hold you like a mother holding a baby. Oh, excuse me, that's Cabaretstar to you. Mother holding a Cabaretstar. Thank you. So during this, like, you know, wait, Sonia, you need this. And she's, oh my God, I've been spiritual.
Starting point is 00:17:41 I used to channel my vibration all the time. But not while we're on a girls trip. I mean, we're here to be, we're here to get other, we're here to get action. Like Ramona would say, where's the hot guys? That's what I want. Where's the hot guys?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah, so there's like watching Lua and Durinda in the water and they're like, oh my, the Kristen's like, oh my god, look at their floatation devices. And Sonya's like, she's like, well, this is good. I mean, it might release, it might release my neck guys. I mean, I slept with an ice pack on night and Kristen goes, well, let's hope that it releases
Starting point is 00:18:12 more than just your neck. And so he's like, was that really necessary? So this is off Sonya. This is, I feel like this is also a breaking point for her. Because Sonya interprets that as being very passive aggressive because Kristen has a tendency to say everything in a passive aggressiveaggressive tone. Although I think Kristen was just trying to be like,
Starting point is 00:18:28 well, let's hope it's more than just that. Hopefully you have a spiritual experience. But because Kristen says things in Sonatti Ways, it sounds like she's actually being like, hopefully it releases a stick from your ass. I thought she was trying to make it a sexual, saying it like Sony would like it. I hope it releases more than your ex, Sonya.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like she does some christen just wants these girls to like her, you know, but Sonya hates christen. I mean, let's not forget, Sonya has spent how many episodes being like, yeah, but here it is on the website, that your husband cheating on you with, you know, all these women. That's true. In the next night.
Starting point is 00:19:03 We're supportive of you, christen. But look here, your husband finally found it, Ashley Madison. Yeah. She hates Kristen. And it's kind of on the nose psychologically, why she would, because Kristen is kind of a sonia. It's like she's a beautiful model. She married this kind of like gross, rich guy, although Josh, I don't know how to
Starting point is 00:19:24 remember Josh just so near Josh Just Sonia said that she was bananas for her toaster. Yes She's also forgets that and The Kristen is still married when Sonia is like literally, you know scraping the bottom of the barrel over here Trying to like sleep on people's couches, and I think she's just really really bothered I've yeah, I feel like Sonia probably has some issues. Like with like, wow, like the Josh clearly was cheating on Kristen and Kristen decided to turn the other way or whatever, do it.
Starting point is 00:19:51 She's like, I want to say in this marriage and that I feel like on some level, Sonia has either no respect or feels jealous of the fact that despite issues, Kristen stayed in this relationship and Sonia is now out on the curb going from couch to couch. Right, and Sonya, you know, other than also being like kind of a model-ish
Starting point is 00:20:12 who ended up with this guy and then got dumped, she got dumped for one of her best friends. I mean, Sonya's replacement was one of her best friends who looks just like her. She's like another really pretty blonde lady. So I think Sonya's replacement was one of her best friends who looks just like or she's like another really pretty blonde lady. So I think Sonya's just like pretty blonde lady die. Yes, point. So, um, yeah, Sonya was like, yeah, I think the word is she says like, wow, Kristen really has passed grass. She gets those digs in. And we see a montage of Kristen making digs
Starting point is 00:20:41 because Kristen is passive aggressive. She really is. That's like her whole thing. So meanwhile, Dorenda's having the best time. She's like, he is amazing. I want to become an amoeba again. I'm in my mother's stomach. I'm a baby. I'm a baby amoeba in a human stomach. It's sort of weird.
Starting point is 00:21:00 But I love your mom. I love your big amoeba. Wow, you can't spell amoeba without mom if you put another em in there actually is that's how you smell spell a mob like I don't have to forget what I was talking about it's time for commercial it's time for a crap and commercial So Sonia and Ramon and Kelly are talking a little later and Sonia is like, Kelly, you look out of your towel. It's from the gift back. See, we cared about your gift back, Kelly. And she's like, um, that's actually not mine, but glad you like that. I'm so, like, they finally understand my love language of giving,
Starting point is 00:21:45 even though it's a towel from the house. So that Ramona's watching, Ramona's watching Lou Ann, being like, you know, swayed in the water or like, I don't know what you would call it. I'm cradled in the water and Ramona starts to do this like fake cry thing which is, you know what? Lou Ann looks like she's in a trance right now and like, you know, I wish, I wish now, I could
Starting point is 00:22:06 do that, but I can't. And I'm jealous. Now I tell you the truth because like, it's just their faces, their expressions. Oh my god. Like, I really was like not getting jealous about not being in the water until right now. It's like watching live art. Like, so tranquil, so spiritual, so moving. And I just would have loved to, even, I wouldn't have even needed a noodle, so spiritual, so moving. And I just would have loved to,
Starting point is 00:22:25 even I wouldn't have even needed a noodle or tie, like, if they're holding me up, it would have been perfect, tie. I mean, look at them lying on the beach, like babies that look really old, even though I still look really young. I mean, sorry, I mean, jealous. Like they just have these expressions, like old people, you know, like I wonder what it's like to have a face
Starting point is 00:22:45 that looks like it's lived. Instead of just a face like a baby's face. I don't know. Yeah, you know what? LeWand is doing what she's doing best. She's on her back with a man's hands all around her and she looks so happy. And you know, the only thing you really can see
Starting point is 00:22:58 are her boobs, which is good. Because the only thing on her body that does never wrinkles, which is different from my experience because my entire body is young and ageless. Okay. I'm doing this again. We're so powerful. I'm so God. My mother loves me. We like to say baby and I just saw myself in the womb. And then I was coming out and it was all dark and then a little bit of circle of light and then it was bigger and the man grabbed me by the foot and grabbed me out of it and spanked me on the ass And I changed her and I said you better watch your eyes bitch. You better watch your eyes
Starting point is 00:23:29 You better back it to fuck her. How you know what he did to my unbillical cord you went clip clip clip so so Sonia's just like gross and so she goes off to pee in the bushes and they're all like Sonia's just like, gross. And so she goes off to pee in the bushes. And they're all like, what is this? So gross. Like she's just so gross.
Starting point is 00:23:49 Just I can't just put a tarp over Sonia. Get this point. She just goes and then she grabs her bathing suit and like pulls it from the side and just like squat. I'm glad it wasn't a poo. Because at this point with Sonia, I really wouldn't be surprised. Well, you know, she claims to be so spiritual,
Starting point is 00:24:05 but I'm beginning to wonder how deep her spirituality really goes. Like, now's when you think about that, Lewand, I mean. So now Sonia and Kristen go, and so Kristen, of course, is like, this radiant supermodel in the, well, she's not a supermodel, but she's a radiant model in the, in the water.
Starting point is 00:24:20 And she's like, doing, she's like posing and she's got these angles and she's just being, like, listening and gorgeous, but like Son like Sonya just keeps on taking in water and like, it's just like juxtaposed to a Sonya's non-grace, like, almost barfing up water and like, blowing water out of her nose while they're trying to work with her. And Sonya's like, I just don't want to feel all my aches and pains. I mean, I mean, if I could just do all this back home, I could stretch, I could do yoga,
Starting point is 00:24:49 I could go light a candle. I mean, no one goes to St. Barz to touch themselves. You got to touch other people. Hey, Rimmel, no, you got to promise, that you're going to come back here and do this. You know what? Well, I wish I could. I wish I could do it right now, but I can't.
Starting point is 00:25:02 I can't, I can't risk my own. Okay, I can't risk well. I'm okay. I can't risk my Got thrown to free parents during this like oh my god Chris and cried but you know I think Chris is with cryover Disney movie, huh? I mean sure a little wooden doll maybe I know the Italian man They can't stop lying and then his nose grows and then he meets a cricket and a fairy before you know what he learns not to lie and becomes a real boy and man. I love you, man. I love that like Dorenda saying, looks like Kristen cried in like this way to be like,
Starting point is 00:25:34 oh look at that, she had a moment, there's like, yeah, but she probably cried at Disney Movies, Stupid Bitch. So then, um, now Kelly goes and, um, and it's really like, you know what I love about Kelly, you know what I mean? All you can see on the boobs, hey, I'm like, that's all we can see of all of you. Just little boobs, this layoffs like boob jaws, just like, it's funny that they're, they keep pointing it out in each other's groups and laughing. So Kelly is like, oh my god, and the water, something happened to me. Like, I felt like sexual. It was like, weird. I was like, oh, and it was like, oh my god, and the water, something happened to me. Like, I felt like sexual.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It was like, weird. I was like, oh, and then it was like, oh, wow. I was like, girls gone wild, although. I was like, so horny. I was like, spin me, Greg, spin me around. Kelly's having the wackiest last episode. And I have to say, I love that for Kelly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:21 She's having a pretty good, non-insane last episode. Yeah. She's like, I had this sexual feeling. There was a big fish that was trying to kiss me. So maybe we'll walk back the non-insane thing a little bit, but... Innocently insane. Innocently insane. Yeah, adorably. You're bringing fun back into insanity again. So then they like do it. Then they're done. So I was like, well, we did that, well, I mean, we've done this, I've done this a thousand times,
Starting point is 00:26:48 like no big deal. And then I was like, why are you so annoyed? You're supposed to be relaxed right now. She's like, well, you know, you're supposed to make me feel special. And she was even listening to me, you know, she didn't make me feel special when I was out there. Yeah, super weird.
Starting point is 00:26:59 And I think we found the only thing in life that doesn't turn Sony on. Because I feel like everyone else is like, that was so sexual and Sony is like gross. So Kelly is talking about how it felt so good and sexual and Sonya's complaining. And they're like, why aren't you so antsy? What's wrong with you, Sonya?
Starting point is 00:27:21 And they're trying to take a selfie. But she's like, I want to, this is a stupid water trying to take a selfie but she's like I want to this is how stupid What is there be? And so And Lou Ann's like she's killing my Zen right now just leave her on her own. Let's go to lunch so they go up to A restaurant. No, I was like hello Trebon is Malikon pizza pie a manual macron
Starting point is 00:27:42 Bonjour color Boone By the way, I have another three why Sonia was acting little ornery Pizza pie. Emmanuel Macron. Bonjour, Carla Boone. By the way, I have another three wife, Sonia, who was acting little ornery. I think that maybe that this is the last day of vacation. She's faced the prospect of going back to her non-clamorous life these days. It's like back, like she's lived the fantasy for a week.
Starting point is 00:27:59 And now it's like, oh, time to go back to reality. Does she have anywhere to even go back? I don't know. Yeah. I'm not even saying that as a bitchy joke. Yeah, no, I think it's like super sad. Yeah, this girl's trip made me like, oh, I feel really bad for her. So,
Starting point is 00:28:14 so there are the rest of the questions. I just didn't have a tampon. And I was like, what, you have your period? Do you have your period? She goes, well, didn't anyone notice? Most what, you're bleeding from your period? You got a period right now. You're bleeding.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Well, that's crazy, okay? A lot of people ask me if I'm on my period, but that's because I look so young, okay? Sometimes people say to me, you know what, little girl? One day you're gonna have something called a period. That's crazy. That's how I'm gonna take a look.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Okay. And they're in this, like, yeah, we little weird periods look like anymore. Maybe, maybe, maybe little appeared, it looked like it ain't going to be... Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, I'm so keen to slap you, period. I'm gonna order lunch, or, day junei, okay, we'll have le pizza, vec truffles,
Starting point is 00:28:57 and calamari, and a salad, the lobster, jifu-dre-o-c, calcashos,, pasta de la tomato, and O.C. All the news have been on French fries, but the fries, Fran says, C'est du play, merci. So now Sonia has this rap thing around her. She's taken all her per close off. This was...
Starting point is 00:29:24 And her ass is hanging out. And now she's got this wrap kind of, you know, she's just like dapting around the restaurant, like showing her ass to everybody. And she's like, from Mona fix it. And Kelly ends up trying to like fix it. By the way, Kelly's an expert at this. She's so good. She like drapes her a beautiful dress. I know. But, um, yeah, Sony is just getting more and more obvious.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Everyone's there. Everybody's kind of embarrassed because all the customers are staring at her. It's like a nice place and she's really like, it's not a cute moment for Sony. It's not a funny thing like, oh my God, Sonya's boob commitment. I almost feel like ever since the cabaret show
Starting point is 00:30:00 where Sonya's like boob's famously came out, she's really leaned into that a lot more. And it's just it's not a slut shaming thing. There's like a sadness to it all. So then they fix her up and everything. And I was like, okay everyone, okay, okay. What wasn't that the most magical thing that we just did? Was the, do we all agree for those of us who could do it? That was the best thing we've done. We've done the entire trip, perhaps the entire time,
Starting point is 00:30:32 the history of us being together. Oh, I'm so sorry, Ramon, you couldn't be part of that. That's such a shame. So they're talking about how comforting it was. And so, and he was like, you know what? I mean, for me, I didn't like see my mom. What I realized though is I had a thing in my head, but then it was in my neck, it wasn't just in my head.
Starting point is 00:30:48 And then she went the other way, and I realized my hip was tight. So, now I realize I just need to do more hip opening. So that's really what that brought me. This is like along the lines of when Orange County went to Miraval in Arizona, and they went to some likeitative session and they were supposed to talk about what they're like thankful for or manifesting and everyone was like peace
Starting point is 00:31:10 or deeper connections with the friends and Kellidott was like, uh, target contract. I want to be in target. Thank you for doing that because I cannot hit anything close to that. That can't, my voice is so down in the dumps right now. I can't hear you guys close to Kelly's voice. So, Kristen's like, well, we're talking about emotionally. Oh, Sonia, that's your body. Did any, I mean, you're just talking about your body.
Starting point is 00:31:35 What happened to you emotionally in the water? Okay? What, you know, talk about that. Just, well, emotionally, I thought I need to be dumb. It's these dumb bitches and go home. I mean, it's been great, mom, but I could really use my key. Okay, you know what?
Starting point is 00:31:49 I have to say something, okay? You were not relaxed, okay? You came back and hyper-moto, okay? She was not very relaxed. Well, I think you just have so much stress in your life and you're just very overwhelmed. And, you know, I just, I just wish there was enough. Atma, what was it called?
Starting point is 00:32:08 Shitsu? Shitsu, Atma. Atma, Atma, Atma, Shab-Shab-Zoo on the island to get us out, get around the tailspin, whatever, I don't give a fuck, I'm horny. So then we see a flashback to three days ago where I guess this is where Chris was like, so what about your townhouse, Sonya,
Starting point is 00:32:25 of which we saw a little bit of earlier. And Sonya is like, I've been trying to sell it since COVID, stupid. But the way I'm like, okay, so what you're trying to say is you live in Virginia right now while the townhouse is rented, right? Just, I'm just living wherever I can live, okay? And it's sad.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And then Duranda's like, yeah, she's just some burdeny, literal burdeny stuff. And I'm like, yeah, she's just some burdening, literal burden yourself. And when I'm like, me too, I'm gonna burden myself too. Ramona, you just pooped on the floor. That's how we're talking about Ramona. Too literal. So when you know it,
Starting point is 00:32:55 I was joking you said, I wish telling you that you did have more of the experience and it wasn't just a massage. No, I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. It was great. Have a great time.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And now it's one of the bassies saying, like, you know, she's like, listen, to Rindus putting salt in the moon, she's basically saying, like, well, I need it more than anyone. Like, oh, you're such a mess. Well, it's just patronizing. True, it is patronizing. But also, things could be patronizing and correct. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So then, Christian changes the subject. She's like, okay, everybody. Oh, okay. So we talk about deal breakers in relationships with men. But what about deal breakers? A relationship with women. And Laman goes dishonesty. And somebody says, nothing checked in.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Not people really being there. And the man says, yeah, if you lie, you're done. And so during this, what about you? Christian, and she goes, loyalty, you know. And somebody's like, oh, God, if you lie, you're done. And so during this, what about you? Kristen and she goes, loyalty, you know. And something's like, oh, God, now she's talking. Carry it out, come on, come on. Are you done yet? Are you done yet?
Starting point is 00:33:54 I'd also like to add another deal breaker for me with female relationships, sleeping with my chef. So, Kristen's like, you know, I remember when I got the show, I had this like close friend for years and she She could not be happy for you. Let me guess. That's very sad. And so he's like, oh my god We didn't even answer our deal breakers and she answers hard. You did answer Yeah, and both answerers and then Duranda asked her. Oh my god, they're triggered. They're all like she is like Possessed at this point.
Starting point is 00:34:25 So the ones I could choose actually on topic. And during this like, okay, you ain't on for like 35 minutes last night. We all sat there when you listened. Yeah, you wanna talk so badly. So you know what, you wanna talk so badly, you have the stage. Kristen, can you wrap it up?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Because Sony has been vying for the dance floor and honestly none of us really even care what you have to say. I don't wanna talk now, I don't wanna talk. I don't want to. Oh my God. So, doing this, okay, what's the deal breaker in friendship? Well, okay, fine.
Starting point is 00:34:52 You know, friends that aren't there for me, friends that judge me for dancing on tables with no underwear, I don't need that. I need a friend that loves me no matter what. I said, protect me, but also check me. Luma is like, so the deal breaker is opportunists. You don't like opportunists, because no, no, no, because they're not really there when you need them.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So then they move on to Kelly. Like, Kelly, what's your message? I'm not what she's saying at all, you know. She's like, she's saying, stop judging me, but I'm sorry, listen, she's saying, stop judging, I don't like judgmental people. I just want to be who I am. Well, guess what?
Starting point is 00:35:20 I'm judgmental. That's who I am. So stop judging me, you fucking asshole. But put on your clothes, we're trying to eat. But she does also say that she doesn't like when people like, you know, are like calling and then when you need them, they they go to Um, and and that was something she said earlier in the season two. That was like one reason why she doesn't reach out to people anymore. So then Kelly, they're like, okay, what about you Kelly? She goes, well You know, I think like, you know, I you know, I think my thing is our opportunists and he's saying, well, I think my thing is our opportunists.
Starting point is 00:35:45 And he's like, well, I already said that. Like, you can say the same thing, so yeah. And she's like, I can say it too. She's, no, I already said it. I already said it. So Kelly's like, I don't know what happened to her in the water, but her water and my water are different. And I thought
Starting point is 00:36:08 Has any sentence ever summed Kelly up better? Yeah My water is different my water is up here her water is down there So I have different water so now they're walking out of the restaurant and there's like a model who's there for some reason That we can't really see and was oh look at him. He's gorgeous. I'd like to come to a party tonight Six sexy ladies, but only one open vagina. And that's mine. Come on through. He's like, I'm from Italy. They're like, wow, we come on, big boy.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So, let's see. Now we are back at the house, and they're prepping for card reading. And Ramona is coming up to stairs with Kelly and she's like, you know what, I'm just like so connected spiritual life right now. It's it. I'm like connected to it. I mean, the space that had the other day, let me taste this.
Starting point is 00:36:57 It's day my mother died. She came to me in her death. It's crazy, right? Ha, ha, ha. Because she liked terms, she was high-mine. Hi, my, my mother, the day she died, she was king to me in her death in my dream. Oh, I'm Arden. How are you?
Starting point is 00:37:14 Good to see you. So then, Kristen is... Drunk. Coming up. And she's drunk out of breath from coming up to stairs. And so, she gets on her back and just starts laughing. And like she's on the ground. And so he's like, oh, it really gets you a refreshing towel.
Starting point is 00:37:29 And Ramona comes out and I'm like, my, my, my underwear, okay. Where's my stuff? Where's my wash? Where is it? And Chris is like Ramona, don't make him do this stuff right now. He's putting a towel on my face.
Starting point is 00:37:39 No, he took my laundry and I need it back. Kai shows you up, but like, you know, the other gal is the one who took it. And by the way, and she's awesome. No, it wears my laundry. I needed back. Kai shows you up, but like, you know, the other gal is the one who took it. And by the way, and she's awesome. You know, it wears my laundry. I need it now. I need to pack it, okay? Seriously, I'm being serious.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Okay, stop that bullshit. Now, you're floating with all the beautiful girls. I get it, but I need to pack my bag. Now. It's like, I'm not flirting. She goes, you are, and then need my stuff now, Martin. Okay, go get it. And he's like, okay, I'll go get it. you are, and they need my stuff now, Martin. Okay, go get it. And he's like, okay, I'll go get it.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So he walks off and she goes, please, now, okay? No, what? I don't wanna leave my stuff. It's it. So he's like, okay. And she's like, please, bring it. And it's like, oh God, Ramona, okay. And this is the grossest part about Ramona is,
Starting point is 00:38:20 I almost prefer when Ramona is just being vile. But this is one of those moments where Ramona is being vile, but she also thinks it's cute and flirtatious. Well, she tries to cover it. I don't think that she thinks it's cute, but I think when she catches herself, she then tries to be flirty, she tries to pivot to be like, no, I'm really nice.
Starting point is 00:38:40 She's like one of those people who is like, is terrible to like, await her, but if they tip really well, they like, oh well, I'm exonerated. I tip really well. So Martin is... Except that she's never tipped really well, except she doesn't... You know she's not. She's just terrible. So Martin is like, she's like, Ramona, it's Martin, is this what you're looking for?
Starting point is 00:39:00 And she goes, no, it's eight p.s. of underwear, okay? Eight p.s. of underwear! And she's like, oh well, you didn't tell me that eight p.s. of underwear, okay? Eight p.s. of underwear. And she's like, oh, you didn't tell me that eight p.s. of underwear and two piece white bikini, okay? Just get it, okay, I've got a pick. Oh my God, so she's losing her mind and she's like, I'm gonna go down to the washroom if that's where you're gonna go down. Okay, so I'm gonna see who, where it is.
Starting point is 00:39:24 So they go down and she's like, oh, open that washer, open it right now. She's like, she passed it. It's on. She passed it, go stop. Stop. It's not how dryers work or what. So she's like, well, you can't open it, it's running.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And she goes, you know what, well, baby, I gave you my two bathing suits. And like, did you give it to somebody else? Come on, this bullshit. And then she starts fake crying. She goes, no, don't take my laundry. If you can't be responsible. And then she like drapes herself on.
Starting point is 00:39:54 I'm like, no, like, why would you do this to me, okay? And he's like, maybe Sonya took it. And she said, she did not take it. Why would she take it? I mean, like if anyone has a reason, it would be so new, you know. And then she says, oh, you know why? And you can clean underwear, baby.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Okay. That is not dirty my underwear, because I have no underwear left. I'm like, what are you, and she's like transitioned into this kind of flirting thing where she's like grabbing at her pant. And he's like, what am I gonna do? I'm gonna clean underwear, and I dirty these underwear.
Starting point is 00:40:23 I'm like, only Ramona would turn, shitting her pants into flirting with fucking Martin. Well, she's also wasted, by the way. And so, Luana is like, hey Sonya, have you seen Ramona? She's dead somewhere? God, we can only dream. And then, of course, it goes, oh, she's downstairs,
Starting point is 00:40:38 something about laundry and the line goes, where is downstairs? It's like, what is, what? There's a downstairs in this place. She's so unaware that it is a whole place, the whole floor where the staffers and production are living. Commissions.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Here comes one right now. So there's a production gear room. So they're walking through it Martin and Ramona are walking through it. She's holding his hand and she said, Oh, hi, hi. Look, that gross Stefania is over there. Is that your name? Victoria? Lou Stamza. I call it Sylvia. I call it Sylvia, but it's Stefania, right? She's like, my name is Joyce. Yeah. Joy, came to write Stefania. Hi, Stefania. Sylvia. Hi. Oh, John came to write just to find you hot. Hi, so find yourself. Yeah, hi Oh, look at this lady right here. She's holding a camera. She's probably a lesbian. Hi, I didn't really meet you But I'm Ramona. Congratulations on your fight. I welcome your rights
Starting point is 00:41:35 Lady looks at the camera like what? The espionage should have a right to marry the espionage but not less being sent the army because there shouldn't be less being sent the army Okay, they are to marry lesbians but not lesbians in the army because there shouldn't be lesbians in the army, okay? They are said okay. It's on it. It's on it, okay? And then there's like some other guy, she goes, and you, you, I've known for years, okay? And he just shrugs and look at the camera like, I don't, I've never met her before. He's like, who is this idiot?
Starting point is 00:41:56 So then she's like, okay, anybody sees my panties? Yeah, if you see my panties, it adds up on, okay? Hopefully tightsticked like I asked. You know what? Hello, I just wanna make an announcement to this room of servants. If you find my bathing suit, just bring it up, don't come into my room
Starting point is 00:42:17 because that's not for servants, just leave it in my drawer, thank you. So then it's time to get tarot cards ready. So all the ladies start gathering at the table and during this just like walking around. See cake. Bathing suit. With dating theory.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah. That might be even serious. Yeah, Ramona. Oh, it's right here. And I put the other one downstairs because he was with my stuff. Okay. I don't know for some reason.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I just loved Durinda walking around with the bathing suit. I guess because I was just like thinking of like other real housewives and I just feel like they just would never even be bothered to hold laundry or clothes if they were walking into an area with the camera. They would make a P.A. deliver it somewhere but Durinda just picks it up and goes, yeah, you're in the way. So, that's my own theory, I don't know if it's true, but that's what I thought of my head and I liked it.
Starting point is 00:43:05 So now, Ramon is like, you know what? I have to say, you know what? Martine. So guess what? Look, he's wearing Durantis bedroom. You know, I didn't mean to make you upset, Martine. You know, I didn't care if I even got them again. You know, because I love you and I'm having the best time and we don't want to leave.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Oh, she's so gross and she's standing like, he's behind her and she's standing with her back to him and like caressing his face. Like she's on the cover of a romance. I was cracking up. Love you, Martin. Didn't mean to hurt you, baby. Okay, it's sick.
Starting point is 00:43:41 She's so transparent. I was guys giving hazard pay. This is rough. She's so transparent. I was guys giving hazard pay. This is rough. I feel like this is where the difference in our life experiences comes through. Like you having been like a waiter and have to deal with people like this all the time.
Starting point is 00:43:55 It's like it's definitely like this repulses you whereas me, I just think this is the funniest thing. It's just so awful that I just crack up. No, she's just gross. So then, um, Louie, I'm psych okay. We need sage everybody. Here we go. Welcome to Tarot. What was I call it? Tarot. All right, everybody. I'm staging. I'm thinking, could you sit down and let the lady do her damage? No, it's the moon is in the sun and the house. Let the sun line.
Starting point is 00:44:32 That was actually the man that was very close to saying the right word. Let the sun line. So the astrologer is like, oh, it's interesting looking at personalities, blah, blah, blah. So she says that Duran does a sexy devil. And then she said, well, Kelly and Kristen, you guys have the same Venus thing or whatever. Are you guys like really good friends? And Chris is like, oh, yeah, we're like, inseparable. Because like inseparable.
Starting point is 00:45:03 So the lady basically sucks. Gone to say this is the worst straw. This is the worst tarot card reader I've ever said. First of all, what kind of tarot card is like, okay, you're a devil in bed. That's not a tarot card. Worse the rest of the cards, get outta here. How much are they paying for you?
Starting point is 00:45:21 It's just terrible. What does she tell anybody? She tells somebody, you're a devil in bed, you guys could be friends, you could, you guys could be best friends or you could be enemies. Yeah. And Ramona, you're very diplomatic. That's where she really lost it. When she said Ramona, diplomacy is one of your big qualities. It's like, okay, you're a fire astrologer. I think it's time to see you start working at the restaurant. No. So then let's see. So everybody of course disagrees.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And then it's, that seems really quick. It's the least dramatic card reading I've ever said. Listen, you're on a TV show. Look everybody up. And we need to repeat a Morocco. I mean, that's when we found out Mario was doing on Ramona way before Ramona found out. Yeah, that's right. Good call. So now they're going to get ready for the party.
Starting point is 00:46:09 So now we have about 15 minutes of them getting dressed and blowing bubbles in the air and getting ready and like, hyping it up. So on your breaks her dress because she puts her head through them. I don't know if it was the armhole or strap or something like that, but she's having a whole issue. And then Durinda's like, this is, Durinda Medley knows how to throw a party. She brings the props. She brings the theme. She brings the lasagna. You better fuck it. Nice. I made it. Nice. I made this nice. So everybody gathers for this party and they're playing with bubble machines
Starting point is 00:46:45 and Kelly's like, I love bubble machines. I mean, I love bubbles and a squirt. Oh, it would be crazy. What if I started squirting and bubbles came out? I would be allowed to. Like, ah, bubbles. You're losing the thread, Kelly. You're losing the thread, Kelly.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So they're having this big disco thing. They're all on disco and then they sit down and the chef is like, and now here we have a soup of coconut milk and local langastines. I was like, this doesn't feel like a disco meal. I don't know what a disco meal is, but this something is wrong here. So it was a random, it's like,
Starting point is 00:47:16 disco, disco. Consub. I also like someone was like, oh my God, Tarrinda, your necklace is so chic. She gets, yes, it says disco. It just was so silly. I mean, it was all fun and silly, but it was like nothing was happening. So then they're sitting around the table eating their coconut soup with corn and Lurena's
Starting point is 00:47:40 like, well, the pirate has tried to call me 9,000 times after I tried to call him 9,000 one times. And they they face time Tomas. And now Tomas in 2023 has an office job and he's like fully he looks like he's in the movie Wall Street. It was so sad. It was such a sad commentary on the trajectory of so many of our lives, wild and young, and then next thing you know, pinched stripes and just trying to make a buck.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Listen, I mean, to me, I guess I'm old enough that I was like, wow, he's not having to fuck ladies for money and St. Bart's anymore, good for him. And you're like, this is the saddest thing I've ever seen. He has to work. Hey, let's play a game. Let's play a game. Let's you hot the highs, the lows, the ha, so Dorenda's low was Kelly. Not starting off on the right foot with Kelly. My low was then getting on to the right foot because I really liked that feud. And then Kelly says, Herlo was also arguing with Zerinda.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And her end is like, but we're gonna forget about that because we're reconcred, we're not gonna get back on track, right Kelly, right? Well, I'll tell you one of my highs. It was when you commented, Kristen, on Sonya's pretty kitty, because I had never heard that term before.
Starting point is 00:49:04 So that was something pretty kitty hilarious, absolutely hilarious, which is why I trademarked it. And it's now mine. Pretty good. How was that your high at the entire, you must have had a terrible time secretly. Kristen's low was getting off on the wrong foot with Kelly, Echka's. I do think it was a miscommunication and I I just I think we understand each other a little bit more. I'm like, no, you guys don't understand each other at all. And Kelly just looks at her like she's crazy and she's like, okay, whatever. So then
Starting point is 00:49:35 um, so he's like, oh my God, my high is me and Ramona. Just taking care of each other the way we do. I need the kinetic of it all. Right Ramona? You know what? I love you so much and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you unless you stole my bathing suit and my underwear. Being with you like this, it's like old times, okay? Like we're reminded of how special we are together. And we're just so good.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And like being in this trip to sing parts, maybe we realize that Sony and I have to like really unusual bond, okay? You know, we really get each other, we really laugh. We could both yell at servants all day long together, okay? And I could be with her all day in the same room and not go anywhere else. We may not see each other for the next year,
Starting point is 00:50:12 but when we see each other, it's gonna be like, yes today, okay? And guess what? When we see each other in a year, Sonia will look a year older and I'll look a year younger, okay, I'm ages. It's like, okay, you know what? You don't even have to call me now, okay? I'll get you. I'll get you, Sonia. Look at me, I'm calling, I'm just like, okay, you know what, you don't even have to call me now, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:25 I get you. I get you so good. Look at me, I'm calling. I'm calling. And Sonia's like, oh wait, okay, well I get that you need me to need you. I get it. Yes, Sonia says, my philosophy is when you see a text, don't answer because then you get a slew of text back.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I'm like, wow, this is someone who has been traumatized by a collector. So that's what that sounds like to me. Right. So then the guests are almost there. And so they're like, oh my god, we've got to go get ready. And the way I'm like, can I finish my tuna? Wow, I never heard the, never heard the syllable tune with the wind. So then, so then people start showing up. Exactly. But all of the reviews of your show suggests that you need tuna. So people show a guy up and there's people coming in and there's like Carol the woman he's your own Latte and there's like a gay guy and there's a holy human trafficking. I mean, this is just like, this is a,
Starting point is 00:51:27 this is a lot of human trafficking happening here. And yeah, Carol's like, hello, welcome home. Wow. So everyone's like parting, they're all like 20, which is hilarious. It's just like Carol just emptied her club and brought them all over here for 20 bucks each, you know? Yeah, there's like lots of disco music playing, there's bubbles.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And then Sonia Ramona are changing upstairs and some is like, no, we're getting late tomorrow. That's the difference. We both know we got a hot date tomorrow night. That's different. They don't know. They start to wait a month. And it's like, do not believe you.
Starting point is 00:52:00 And she's like, yeah, I'm dating so many guys. I've got a 76 year old guy. I've got a sports guy who won't go under red carpet, so I had to give him up. You know my life. Just so many red carpets here, there, everywhere. You know how it is. I mean, then there's a new guy.
Starting point is 00:52:14 He looks like a Viking with a little short beard. I mean, they're just practically lining up. Hopefully one of them has a couch. Uh-oh, and so then she was like, well, you know, she's like, you know what, you know what, you know, yeah, she's talking about this and everyone's, you know what, you know what, those girls can do that can just use their hand instead because they're not getting laid
Starting point is 00:52:33 and so she's like, well, what do you use your hand? Everyone uses a vibrator. You know what, I don't like vibrators, okay? Sorry, sorry, this one time was a little girl, okay? You know what, and I can tell the story because they can back and there's no possible way that the story can end well. So I'll just say, I was going to say, please, don't. So I'm just going to say Geraldine Park Smith's tearful. So, uh, it's like, yeah, you know what? I don't like vibrators because like
Starting point is 00:52:59 vibrators are party favors. Like who needs them? Like the basically party favors now. I'm telling you it's like, oh my god, I've got to affect party favors all like who needs them? Like basically party favors now. So I'm just like, oh my god, I fucked party favors all the time. I lost a Donkey Kong on a vest bar there a couple of months ago. Forgot about that until now. Thanks for the remind. So Dorenda downstairs is like, you know what? Let me tell you one good thing about the disco night.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's gonna bring baby born. Mm. Mm. And we see all these like wacky people dancing. There's a gay really going forward. Going to felt it. Body suits. He puts on the wands shoes at one point, right?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Are those the wands shoes he puts on? I think so, like, he'll be go-go boots or whatever. Yeah. And there's a lot of dancing, lots more dancing, even more dancing. They're talking, you know, Kristen's saying how she loves all the leads, but she thinks it's weird that she had more in common with them 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I mean, that's kind of what 10 years does to people I hate to tell you. And also you did not have anything in common with them 10 years ago, which was kind of the problem. You didn't, you didn't bend either, but it's interesting how memory works, you know. Luans flirting everywhere. People are jumping in the water. Yeah, the man's going around from guy to guy. And then she's like, oh, you know. Lohan's flirting everywhere. People are jumping in the water. Yeah, the man's going around from guy to guy. And then she's like, oh, hello everybody.
Starting point is 00:54:08 This is Manu. And he's like, hello. Oh, thank you. You know what? So what do you have? Are you a brunch menu? Because you know what? I suppose I'd like to have breakfast food at dinner, right?
Starting point is 00:54:18 No, menu, not menu. Oh, one of the ones I'm talking to. She's like, well, to come in English. Manu Ramona. So nice not to have to scan a QR code just to figure out what we want to eat. You know what? People only pretended that COVID was really a thing so that they could have an excuse to start making core codes. They just want to get rid of menus. Okay, you know what, I'm glad and seeing parts. The menus are back, okay? So, um, everyone's like, oh my god, this is so fun. The man knew Asher when she's coming back and she's like, oh, coming, oh February, maybe in
Starting point is 00:54:58 February. So, um, Duranda is squatting in the pool and her makeup is all over her face and she's like, yeah, he and pain. And she's like kind of twerking and the bomb not really sure. She's putting out her chicken cutlets. Kelly is having a best, Kelly's happy just because she like survived a trip where she only looked wild for one part of it. And by one part, I mean the first four days, four out of six episodes.
Starting point is 00:55:27 She just fight with me, scream with me, put me in the water where I'm having gory gassums. I don't care. I'm loving life. Oops, just squirted. So then, then Durinda and Sonia and Ramona are in the interview room and they're just loving their party
Starting point is 00:55:40 and they're just having the best time. And it's nice. And then the moon goes down the night time and it's nice and then the moon goes down. And it's the end. So now they're in their vans and everyone's like, well, that was fun. Everybody wasn't it? And the wind's like, well, she's wearing like her B dazzled train conductor hat or whatever. And it's like, well, I had a party in my room last night.
Starting point is 00:56:03 And you know, like really with it, which is, well, I had a party in my room last night. And you go like, really with you, which is like, well, that was fun. Who was fun? And so they're all thinking, is that the surfer structure? Was it like, I would white seat with the shaky hair? Was it the jiggle-o? And I was like, I don't kiss until, I just kiss and elude, okay?
Starting point is 00:56:17 So I had fun with someone, but I won't tell you who. Hmm. So then we see our rewind as 305 AM. And there is Luan with Manu. Walking, Manu comes to like bring something to Luan and her bungalow. And her hat actually. She like puts her clothes over the little moving camera thing
Starting point is 00:56:40 and then the camera just keeps moving so it can drop the shirt, which is very smart. They really had a, they've really learned how to get past that. And so the shirt drops and we see that Manu comes out of the room naked. And Le Mans like, well, I had no idea. I was going to hook up with Manu at the end of the night. But that's what I call a happy ending. Ha!
Starting point is 00:57:00 Yeah. So she finally got her, finally got her man at the end of it. Oh, and that was it. That was real housewives of New York City real housewives ultimate good True funny stuff funny stuff even if it's her lost gas towards the end there and Yeah, you know, I guess we'll see what happened what they have in store for us who knows if the next one's gonna even air I feel like it's not gonna air think they think they're just gonna move on to a new addition. Thanks, Brandy. I don't know, but Brandy Grambles is saying she's having all these medical issues
Starting point is 00:57:31 and all caused by the stress of being dragged through the mud, and she demands that this episode airs. She's having seasoned airs because she's been accused of sexually assaulting Caroline Manzo. She's having stress from being dragged through the mud by her keeping on going on to Twitter and talking about it. So I mean, I hope I'll say the only reason why I really want to see it is just to see what Alex McCord is like all these years later.
Starting point is 00:57:59 That's the only reason why I care. I don't care about brand you're a Caroline. I just want to see how Alex McRodin interacts. Alright, well maybe we'll get to see it. I have a feeling we will. I think they'll double it out. Maybe. Who knows? Time will tell. Alright everybody, thank you so much for being here. We will talk to you on the next episode. Watch what crap ends with like to think it's premium sponsors.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Ain't no thing like Allison King. Ashley Savoni, she don't take no baloney. Strong in the park with Caitlyn Clark. She's not just a Sheila, she's a Daniela. Itchles. Aaron McNickles, she don't miss no trickles. She's never scary, it's the Green Fairy. Jamie, she has no last name.
Starting point is 00:58:40 Hava Nagila Weber. Know your worth with Jason Kerr. She's the wind beneath our Jennifer Wings. Sip some scotch with Jessica Tratch. She's always sublime, it's Kelly Ryan. Kristen the Piston Anderson. Let's give a Kisarino to Lisa Lino. Megan Berg.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You can't have a burger without the Berg. The Bay Area Betches. Betches. And our super premium sponsors Somebody get us ten C's of Betsy MD. We're taking the gold with Brenda Silva Let's get real with Caitlin O'Neal. Don't get salty with Christine Pepper. Can't have a meal without the Emily sides Nobody holds a candle to Jamie Kendall. She's not harsh. She's Jill Hirsch She's a little bit loony.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Juni, my favorite Merto, Karen McMurdo. We love him madly, it's Kyle Podd, Chadly. Let's go on a bender with Lauren Fender. We want to hang with Liz Lang, the incredible edible Matthewsisters. Give him hell, Miss Noel. She's the Queen Bee, it's Sarah Lemke. Shannon, out of a cannon Anthony. Let's Sarah Lemke, Shannon out of a can in Anthony. Let's take off with Tamela Plane.
Starting point is 00:59:47 She's quite the catch, it's Victoria Couchett. She ain't no shrinking Violet Coochar. We love you guys. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Watcher Crappens Add Free on Amazon Music, download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen Add Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. by completing a short survey at slash survey.

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